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A carousel component is used to browse or navigate through a collection of slides - galleries of images, cards, on-boarding tutorials or page-based interfaces. It can be used as a separate full screen element or inside another component. A walkthrough of how to get started can be found here

API Summary igx-carousel

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier of the component. If not provided it will be automatically generated.
loop boolean Should the carousel wrap back to the first slide after it reaches the last. Defaults to true.
pause boolean Should the carousel stop playing on user interaction. Defaults to true.
interval number The amount of time in milliseconds between slides transition.
navigation boolean Controls should the carousel render the left/right navigation buttons. Defaults to true.
indicators boolean Controls should the carousel render the indicators. Defaults to true.
vertical boolean Controls should the carousel be rendered in vertical alignment. Defaults to false.
keyboardSupport boolean Controls should the keyboard navigation should be supported. Defaults to false.
gesturesSupport boolean Controls should the gestures should be supported. Defaults to true.
maximumIndicatorsCount number The number of visible indicators. Defaults to 10.
indicatorsOrientation CarouselIndicatorsOrientation Controls the orientation of the indicators. Defaults to end.
animationType CarouselAnimationType Controls what animation should be played when slides are changing. Defaults to slide.
total number The number of slides the carousel currently has.
current number The index of the slide currently showing.
isPlaying boolean Returns whether the carousel is paused/playing.
isDestroyed boolean If the carousel is destroyed (ngOnDestroy was called)
slideChanged event Emitted on slide change
slideAdded event Emitted when a slide is being added to the carousel
slideRemoved event Emitted whe a slide is being removed from the carousel
carouselPaused event Emitted when the carousel is pausing.
carouselPlaying event Emitted when the carousel starts/resumes playing.
play() void Emits carouselPlaying event and starts the transition between slides.
stop() void Emits carouselPaused event and stops the transition between slides.
prev() void Switches to the previous slide. Emits slideChanged event.
next() void Switches to the next slide. Emits slideChanged event.
add(slide: IgxSlide) void Adds a slide to the carousel. Emits slideAdded event.
remove(slide: IgxSlide) void Removes an existing slide from the carousel. Emits slideRemoved event.
get(index: Number) IgxSlide or void Returns the slide with the given index or null.
select(slide: IgxSlide, direction: Direction) void Selects the slide and the direction to transition to. Emits slideChanged event.

Keyboard navigation

Keyboard navigation will be enabled when the IgxCarousel component is focused and keyboardSupport property is set to true:

  • Arrow keys will navigate through the slides.
  • Home will focus the first slide inside the carousel view.
  • End will focus the last slide inside the carousel view.


The IgxCarousel supports templating indicators and navigation buttons

Defining item template:

<igx-carousel #carousel>
    <ng-template igxCarouselIndicator let-slide>
        <igx-icon *ngIf="">brightness_7</igx-icon>
        <igx-icon *ngIf="!">brightness_5</igx-icon>

Defining next button template:

<igx-carousel #carousel>
    <ng-template igxCarouselNextButton let-disabled>
        <button type="button" igxButton="fab" igxRipple="white" [disabled]="disabled">

Defining previous button template:

<igx-carousel #carousel>
    <ng-template igxCarouselPrevButton let-disabled>
        <button type="button" igxButton="fab" igxRipple="white" [disabled]="disabled">

API Summary igx-slide

Name Type Description
index number The index of the slide inside the carousel.
direction Direction The direction in which the slide should transition. Possibly values are NONE, NEXT, PREV
active boolean Whether the current slide is active, i.e. the one being currently displayed by the carousel.


<igx-carousel [interval]="interval" [pause]="shouldPause" [loop]="shouldLoop">
    <igx-slide *ngFor="let slide of slides;" [active]="">
        <img [src]="slide.image">