type : "stepper motor"
model : "Wantai 57BYGH420-2"
nema : ""
bodyDiameter : 56.4
length = all : 77
body : 57.6
bodyOnly : 56
frontCylinder: 1.6
backCylinder : 0
shaft : 19.4
backShaft : 0
frontFlange : 4.8
backFlange : 0
shaft = diameter: 6.35
length : 19.4
backShaft = diameter: 6.35
length : 0
bolt = diameter: 5
length : 10
distance: 47.14
panelHole : 8.35
frontCylinder= diameter: 38.1
length : 1.6
backCylinder = diameter: 0
length : 0
taper = overall: 2.82
body : 1
profile1 = StepperMotorProfile( nemaModel="NEMA17" );
PartAndPanel() {
StepperMotor( profile1 );
StepperMotorPanelHoles( profile1 );
// custom size
// https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13656 ==> Wantai 57BYGH420-2
// https://www.openimpulse.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/wpsc/downloadables/57BYGH420-Stepper-Motor-Datasheet.pdf
profile2 = StepperMotorProfile(
model = "Wantai 57BYGH420-2",
bodyDiameter = 56.4,
bodyLength = 56,
shaftDiameter = 6.35,
shaftLength = 21-1.6,
boltDiameter = 5,
boltLength = 10,
boltDistance = 47.14,
frontCylinder = [ 38.1, 1.6 ], // diameter, height
flangeThickness = [ 4.8, 0 ], // upper, lower
bodyTaper = 1 );
translate( [100,0,0] )
PartAndPanel() {
StepperMotor( profile2 );
StepperMotorPanelHoles( profile2, enlargeBolt=3 );
kvEchoAligned( profile2 );
// with gear, bolts on gear
profile3 = StepperMotorProfile(
nemaModel = "NEMA23",
boltDistance = 20,
frontCylinder = [40,20]
translate( [200,0,0] )
PartAndPanel() {
StepperMotor( profile3 );
StepperMotorPanelHoles( profile3 );
// with gear, bolts on body, back cylinder and shaft
// bigger panel hole
profile4 = StepperMotorProfile(
nemaModel = "NEMA23",
boltDiameter = 8,
boltLength = 25+8, // go below frontCylinderLength
boltDistance = 38,
frontCylinder = [40,25],
backCylinder = [40,20],
panelHoleDiameter = 40+2, // larger than frontCylinderDiameter
backShaftLength = 20 );
translate( [300,0,0] ) {
// position to upper flange
translate( [0,0, kvGet(profile4,"length.frontCylinder")] )
StepperMotor( profile4 );
translate( [0,-100,0] ) PanelOnly()
StepperMotorPanelHoles( profile4 );
// position to lower shaft
translate( [400,0,0] ) {
translate( [0,0,kvGet(profile3,"length.body")] )
StepperMotor( profile3 );
// position to bottom of body, excluding lower cylinder
translate( [500,0,0] ) {
translate( [0,0,kvGet(profile4,"length.body")-kvGet(profile4,"length.backCylinder")] )
StepperMotor( profile4 );
module PartAndPanel() {
translate( [0,-100,0] )
PanelOnly() children(1);
module PanelOnly() {
linear_extrude( 3 )
difference() {
square( [60,60], center=true );