The REST API of IMN system ## Overview The REST APIs provide programmatic access to read and write IMN data. Basically, with this API you will be able to do everything like you were with your browser on ! The main features are: - Register and manage your merchant account - Declare your source marketplace to get your offers - Configure your marketplace api credential - Define the target marketplaces you want to go to, then you will be able to configure: - the pricing setting - the shipping settings - ...and more! ## Things to keep in mind ### API Rate Limits - The IMN REST API is limited to 100 calls/minute. ### Media type The default media type for requests and responses is application/json. Where noted, some operations support other content types. If no additional content type is mentioned for a specific operation, then the media type is application/json. ### Required content type The required and default encoding for the request and responses is UTF8. ### Required date time format All our date time are formatted in ISO 8601 format: 2014-06-24T16:25:00Z. ### Base URL The Base URL of the IMN API Order Management REST API conforms to the following template. All URLs returned by the IMN API are relative to this base URL, and all requests to the REST API must use this base URL template. You can test our API on\\\\ You can contact us on gitter, #IMN/API
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"/": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new IMN\Swagger\Client\Api\MerchantAPIListOfValuesLOVApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$list_name = "list_name_example"; // string | The list of value name your want to get
$accept_language = array("accept_language_example"); // string[] | Indicates that the client accepts the following languages.
$if_none_match = "if_none_match_example"; // string | ETag value to identify the last known version of requested resource.\\ To avoid useless exchange, we recommend you to indicate the ETag you previously got from this operation.\\ If the ETag value does not match the response will be 200 to give you a new content, otherwise the response will be: 304 Not Modified, without any content.\\ For more details go to this link:
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getUserListOfValues($list_name, $accept_language, $if_none_match);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling MerchantAPIListOfValuesLOVApi->getUserListOfValues: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
MerchantAPIListOfValuesLOVApi | getUserListOfValues | GET /merchant/lov/v1/{listName} | Get the list of values related to this list name |
MerchantAPIListOfValuesLOVApi | getUserLovIndex | GET /merchant/lov/v1/ | Get all list names |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesActivationApi | declareSourceMarketplace | POST /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/declareOffersSource | Declare this marketplace as source of the offers |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesActivationApi | disableMarketplace | POST /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/disable | Disable offers publication & order management for this marketplace |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesActivationApi | disableOrderImportation | POST /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/disableOrderImportation | Disable order importation for this marketplace |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesActivationApi | enableMarketplace | POST /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/enable | Enable offers publication & order management for this marketplace |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesActivationApi | reenableOrderImportation | POST /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/reenableOrderImportation | Reenable order importation for this marketplace |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesActivationApi | undeclareSourceMarketplace | POST /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/undeclareOffersSource | Undeclare this marketplace as source of the offers |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesApiCredentialsApi | getMarketplaceApiCredential | GET /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/apiCredential | Get the marketplace API credential |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesApiCredentialsApi | saveMarketplaceApiCredential | PUT /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/apiCredential | Save the marketplace API credential |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesGlobalApi | getMarketplacesIndex | GET /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode} | Get the marketplaces index |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesMarketplaceApi | getMarketplaceIndex | GET /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode} | Get the marketplace index |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesMarketplaceApi | getMarketplaceSubscriptionReporting | GET /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/subscription/reporting | Get the marketplace subscription reporting |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesPricingSettingsApi | getMarketplacePricingSetting | GET /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/pricingSetting | Get the pricing setting for this marketplace |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesPricingSettingsApi | saveMarketplacePricingSetting | PUT /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/pricingSetting | Save the pricing setting for this marketplace |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesShippingSettingsApi | getMarketplaceShippingSettings | GET /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/shippingSettings | Get the shipping settings for this marketplace |
MerchantAPIMarketplacesShippingSettingsApi | saveMarketplaceShippingSettings | PUT /merchant/marketplaces/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/shippingSettings | Save the shipping settings for this marketplace |
MerchantAPIOffersGlobalApi | saveMerchantOfferBatch | POST /merchant/offers/v1/{merchantCode} | Save a batch of merchant offers |
MerchantAccountAPIAccountApi | getMerchantAccountInfo | GET /merchant/account/v1/{merchantCode} | Get merchant account info |
MerchantAccountAPIAccountApi | updateMerchantAcountInfo | PATCH /merchant/account/v1/{merchantCode} | Save merchant account info |
MerchantAccountAPIApiTokenApi | getMerchantApiToken | GET /merchant/account/v1/{merchantCode}/apiToken | Get merchant api token |
MerchantAccountAPIApiTokenApi | resetMerchantApiToken | POST /merchant/account/v1/{merchantCode}/apiToken/reset | Reset merchant api token |
MerchantAccountAPIGlobalApi | checkMerchantCodeAvailability | POST /merchant/account/v1/checkMerchantCodeAvailability | Check if merchant code is available |
MerchantAccountAPIGlobalApi | createMerchantAccount | POST /merchant/account/v1/create | Create the merchant account using the merchant code |
MerchantAccountAPIGlobalApi | getMerchantAccountIndex | GET /merchant/account/v1/ | Get the merchant account index |
MerchantOrdersBatchesApi | acceptOrderList | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/batches/accept | Accept multiple marketplace orders in one operation (max 100 items per call) |
MerchantOrdersBatchesApi | cancelOrderList | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/batches/cancel | Cancel multiple marketplace orders in one operation (max 100 items per call) |
MerchantOrdersBatchesApi | clearMerchantOrderInfoList | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/batches/clearMerchantOrderInfos | Send a batch of operations to clear an Order's merchant information (max 100 items per call) |
MerchantOrdersBatchesApi | refundOrderList | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/batches/refund | Refund multiple marketplace orders in one operation (max 100 items per call) |
MerchantOrdersBatchesApi | refuseOrderList | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/batches/refuse | Refuse multiple marketplace orders in one operation (max 100 items per call) |
MerchantOrdersBatchesApi | setMerchantOrderInfoList | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/batches/setMerchantOrderInfos | Send a batch of operations to set an Order's merchant information (max 100 items per call) |
MerchantOrdersBatchesApi | shipOrderList | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/batches/ship | Ship multiple marketplace orders in one operation (max 100 items per call) |
MerchantOrdersBatchesApi | shipOrderListWithTrackUrl | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/batches/shipWithTrackingUrl | Ship multiple marketplace orders with tracking url in one operation (max 100 items per call) |
MerchantOrdersGlobalApi | getOrderApiIndex | GET /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode} | Get all actions you can do on the order API |
MerchantOrdersListApi | getOrderListFull | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/list | Get a paginated list of all Orders with all Order and Order Item(s) properties |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | acceptOrder | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId}/accept | Accept your marketplace order |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | cancelOrder | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId}/cancel | Cancel your marketplace order |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | clearMerchantOrderInfo | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId}/clearMerchantOrderInfo | Clear an Order's merchant information |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | getOrder | GET /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId} | Get full Order and Order Item(s) properties |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | getOrderHistory | GET /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId}/history | Get an Order's harvest and change history |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | headOrder | HEAD /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId} | Get the meta information about the order (ETag, Last-Modified) |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | refundOrder | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId}/refund | Refund your marketplace order |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | refuseOrder | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId}/refuse | Refuse your marketplace order |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | setMerchantOrderInfo | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId}/setMerchantOrderInfo | Set an Order's merchant information |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | shipOrder | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId}/ship | Ship your marketplace order |
MerchantOrdersOrderApi | shipOrderWithTrackingUrl | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/{marketplaceCode}/{marketplaceOrderId}/shipWithTrackingUrl | Ship your marketplace order with tracking url |
MerchantOrdersStatisticsApi | getMerchantReportByDay | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/reports/byday | Get the report by day |
MerchantOrdersStatisticsApi | getMerchantReportStatus | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/reports/status | Get the report status |
MerchantOrdersSubscriptionsDRAFTApi | activateSubscription | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/subscriptions/{id}/activate | Activate a subscription to the orders |
MerchantOrdersSubscriptionsDRAFTApi | createSubscription | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/subscriptions | Creates a subscription to the orders |
MerchantOrdersSubscriptionsDRAFTApi | deactivateSubscription | POST /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/subscriptions/{id}/deactivate | Deactivate a subscription to the orders |
MerchantOrdersSubscriptionsDRAFTApi | deleteSubscription | DELETE /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/subscriptions/{id} | Delete a subscription to the orders |
MerchantOrdersSubscriptionsDRAFTApi | getSubscription | GET /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/subscriptions/{id} | Get a subscription to the orders |
MerchantOrdersSubscriptionsDRAFTApi | getSubscriptionList | GET /merchant/orders/v1/{merchantCode}/subscriptions | Get the subscription list |
- AcceptOrderListRequest
- AcceptOrderListRequestItem
- ApiToken
- BatchMerchantMarketplaceOrders
- BatchMerchantOfferChanges
- BatchOrderOperationResponse
- BeezUPChannelCatalogId
- BeezUPChannelId
- BeezUPExecutionId
- BeezUPMarketplaceAccountId
- BeezUPMarketplaceAccountIdentifier
- BeezUPMarketplaceTechnicalCode
- BeezUPOrderId
- BeezUPOrderIdentifier
- CancelOrderListRequest
- CancelOrderListRequestItem
- CancelOrderRequest
- CancellationReason
- CarrierCode
- CarrierName
- CauseId
- ChangeOrderReporting
- ClearMerchantOrderInfoListRequest
- ClearMerchantOrderInfoListRequestItem
- ClearOrderMerchantInfo
- ConfigureOrderMerchantInfo
- CorrelationId
- CountryIsoCodeAlpha3
- CreateMerchant
- CreateMerchantAccountRequest
- CreateSubscriptionRequest
- CredentialNotConfiguredException
- CultureName
- CurrencyCode
- DeliveryLeadTime
- DeliveryMethod
- DeliverySpecification
- DependencyProjectionException
- DocUrl
- DuplicateMerchantMarketplaceOfferOperationException
- DuplicateMerchantOfferOperationException
- EcommerceSoftwareName
- ErrorCode
- ErrorResponseMessage
- ErrorSummary
- EventType
- ExceptionDetail
- ExternalMerchantMarketplaceSubscriptionsRequested
- FirstName
- FulfilledBy
- Gtin
- HealthCheck
- HealthCheckStatus
- Href
- HttpMethod
- HttpUrl
- ImnOrderStatus
- InfoSummaries
- InfoSummary
- InvalidMarketplaceCodeException
- InvalidMarketplaceCredentialException
- InvalidMerchantCodeException
- InvalidOperationOnDeclaredMerchantOffersSourceMarketplaceException
- InventoryLevel
- ItemCondition
- LOVLink2
- LOVLink3
- LastName
- Link2
- Link3
- LinkParameter2
- LinkParameter2Types
- LinkParameter3
- LinkParameter3Types
- LinkParameterProperty3
- ListOfValueItem
- MarketplaceApiCredential
- MarketplaceApiIntegrationStatus
- MarketplaceCode
- MarketplaceCodeNotFoundException
- MarketplaceCredentialStatus
- MarketplaceDeliverySetting
- MarketplaceDeliverySettingList
- MarketplaceIndex
- MarketplaceIndexLinks
- MarketplaceInfo
- MarketplaceMerchantCode
- MarketplaceOfferPublicationStatus
- MarketplaceOrderId
- MarketplaceOrderStatus
- MarketplacePreparationRuleType
- MarketplacePreparationSetting
- MarketplacePricingRuleOperationType
- MarketplacePricingRuleType
- MarketplacePricingRuleUnit
- MarketplacePricingSetting
- MarketplacePricingValue
- MarketplaceShippingChargeRuleType
- MarketplaceShippingSettings
- MarketplaceShippingSettingsStatus
- MarketplaceStatus
- MarketplaceSubscriptionMessage
- MarketplaceSubscriptionMessageSenderType
- MarketplaceSubscriptionReporting
- MarketplaceSubscriptionStatus
- MarketplacesIndex
- MarketplacesIndexLinks
- MerchantAccountIndex
- MerchantAccountIndexLinks
- MerchantAccountInfo
- MerchantAccountInfoLinks
- MerchantAcountInfoUpdated
- MerchantCode
- MerchantCodeAlreadyUsedException
- MerchantCodeNotFoundException
- MerchantCompanyName
- MerchantCreated
- MerchantECommerceSoftwareVersion
- MerchantEvent
- MerchantEventPushed
- MerchantEvents
- MerchantMarketplaceBase
- MerchantMarketplaceSubscriptionRefusalReason
- MerchantOfferIdentifier
- MerchantOfferList
- MerchantOfferNoneImportationReason
- MerchantOfferNoneImportationReasonCode
- MerchantOfferPushQueueReminded
- MerchantOrderId
- MessageBase
- MessageId
- MinPrice
- NotOfferSourceMarketplaceException
- OffersPublicationStatus
- OffersSourceStatus
- OperationId
- OperationSourceType
- OrderApiIndex
- OrderApiIndexLinks
- OrderBillingInfo
- OrderChangeCommandBase
- OrderChangeCompleted
- OrderChangeEventBase
- OrderChangeType
- OrderChangeUserName
- OrderDateSearchType
- OrderEtag
- OrderExceptionsBase
- OrderGeneralInfo
- OrderHistory
- OrderIMNInfo
- OrderIdentifier
- OrderIndex
- OrderItem
- OrderItems
- OrderLinks
- OrderListFull
- OrderListFullLinks
- OrderListRequestWithoutPagination
- OrderManagementDisabledException
- OrderMarketplaceInfo
- OrderMerchantInfo
- OrderMerchantInfoCleared
- OrderMerchantInfoConfigured
- OrderOperationResponse
- OrderPricingInfo
- OrderProcessing
- OrderShippingInfo
- OrderTransitionLinks
- PageNumber
- PageSize
- PaginationRequestParameters
- PaginationResult
- PaginationResultLinks
- ParameterIn
- ParameterType
- PartnerHttpException
- PartnerInvalidResponse
- Person
- PostalAddress
- Price
- PriceCurrency
- PriceSpecification
- ProcessingStatus
- ProductBasicInfo
- ProductFilterOperatorName
- ProductId
- RefundOrderListRequest
- RefundOrderListRequestItem
- RefundOrderRequest
- RefundReason
- RefuseOrderListRequest
- RefuseOrderListRequestItem
- ReportByDay
- ReportByDayByMarketplace
- ReportByDayRequest
- ReportByDayResponse
- ReportStatusByMarketplace
- SetMerchantOrderInfoListRequest
- SetMerchantOrderInfoListRequestItem
- SetMerchantOrderInfoRequest
- ShipOrderListRequest
- ShipOrderListRequestItem
- ShipOrderRequest
- ShipOrderWithTrackingUrlListRequest
- ShipOrderWithTrackingUrlListRequestItem
- ShipOrderWithTrackingUrlRequest
- Sku
- Sort
- Subscription
- SubscriptionApplicationName
- SubscriptionApplicationVersion
- SubscriptionId
- SubscriptionName
- SubscriptionNotAcceptedException
- SubscriptionStatus
- SuccessSummary
- TelephoneNumber
- TrackingNumber
- TrackingUrl
- TransportTime
- UpdateMerchantAccountRequest
- UpdateMerchantAcountInfo
- UserErrorMessage
- UserErrorMessageArguments
- UserId
- UserListOfValuesResponse
- UserListOfValuesResponseLinks
- UserLovIndex
- UserLovIndexLinks
- UserLovLinks
- ValidFrom
- ValidThrough
- ValidationPattern
- WarningSummary
- AcceptMerchantMarketplaceSubscription
- AcceptOrder
- BeezUPMerchantOfferIdentifier
- BeezUPOrderChangeExecution
- BlockMerchantMarketplaceSubscription
- CancelOrder
- ConfigureMarketplaceMerchantCode
- ConfigureMarketplacePricingSetting
- ConfigureMarketplaceShippingSettings
- ConfigureMerchantMarketplaceCredential
- DeclareMerchantOffersSourceMarketplace
- DisableMarketplaceShippingDeliverySettings
- DisableMerchantMarketplace
- DisableMerchantMarketplaceOrderImportation
- DuplicateOrderOperationException
- EnableMerchantMarketplace
- EventBase
- LinksAcceptOrderLink
- LinksCancelOrderLink
- LinksCheckMerchantCodeAvailabilityLink
- LinksClearMerchantOrderInfoLink
- LinksClearMerchantOrderInfoListLink
- LinksCreateMerchantAccountLink
- LinksDisableMarketplaceLink
- LinksDisableOrderImportationLink
- LinksEnableMarketplaceLink
- LinksExternalMarketplaceSubscriptionFormLink
- LinksGetMarketplaceApiCredentialLink
- LinksGetMarketplacePricingSettingLink
- LinksGetMarketplaceShippingSettingsLink
- LinksGetMarketplaceSubscriptionReportingLink
- LinksGetMerchantAccountInfoLink
- LinksGetMerchantApiTokenLink
- LinksGetOrderApiIndexLink
- LinksGetOrderHistoryLink
- LinksGetOrderLink
- LinksGetOrderListFullLink
- LinksGetUserListOfValuesLink
- LinksGetUserLovIndexLink
- LinksReenableOrderImportationLink
- LinksRefundOrderLink
- LinksRefuseOrderLink
- LinksResetMerchantApiTokenLink
- LinksSetMerchantOrderInfoLink
- LinksSetMerchantOrderInfoListLink
- LinksShipOrderLink
- LinksShipOrderWithTrackingUrlLink
- LinksUpdateMerchantAcountInfoLink
- MarketplaceApiInfo
- MarketplaceMerchantCodeConfigured
- MerchantMarketplaceCredentialConfigured
- MerchantMarketplaceEventBase
- MerchantMarketplaceOfferImportationDisabled
- MerchantMarketplaceOfferImportationEnabled
- MerchantMarketplaceOfferPublicationDisabled
- MerchantMarketplaceOfferPublicationEnabled
- MerchantMarketplaceOrderImportationDisabled
- MerchantMarketplaceOrderImportationEnabled
- MerchantMarketplacePricingSettingConfigured
- MerchantMarketplaceShippingDeliverySettingConfigured
- MerchantMarketplaceShippingDeliverySettingDeleted
- MerchantMarketplaceShippingDeliverySettingDisabled
- MerchantMarketplaceShippingDeliverySettingEnabled
- MerchantMarketplaceShippingPreparationSettingConfigured
- MerchantMarketplaceSubscriptionAccepted
- MerchantMarketplaceSubscriptionBlocked
- MerchantMarketplaceSubscriptionRefused
- MerchantMarketplaceSubscriptionRequested
- MerchantOffer
- MerchantOfferDeleted
- MerchantOfferNotImported
- MerchantOffersSourceMarketplaceDeclared
- MerchantOffersSourceMarketplaceUndeclared
- OrderAccepted
- OrderCancelled
- OrderChangeAlreadyInProgressException
- OrderChangeInvalidException
- OrderChangeNotFoundException
- OrderCustomer
- OrderInfo
- OrderInvalidEtagException
- OrderListRequest
- OrderNotFoundException
- OrderReceived
- OrderRefunded
- OrderRefused
- OrderShipped
- OrderShippedWithTrackingUrl
- ReenableMarketplaceShippingDeliverySettings
- ReenableMerchantMarketplaceOrderImportation
- RefundOrder
- RefuseMerchantMarketplaceSubscription
- RefuseOrder
- ShipOrder
- ShipOrderWithTrackingUrl
- UndeclareMerchantOffersSourceMarketplace
- BeezUPMerchantOffer
- BeezUPOrderChangeExecutionSummary
- MerchantOfferEventBase
- MerchantOfferReceived
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
- Location: HTTP header