==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements... TF_ACC=1 go test $(go list ./... |grep -v 'vendor') -v -run=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic -timeout 700m ? github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm [no test files] ? github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/acctest [no test files] testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/conns (cached) [no tests to run] ? github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/flex [no test files] ? github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/provider [no test files] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/apigateway (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/appconfiguration (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/appid (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/atracker (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/catalogmanagement (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/cdtektonpipeline (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/cdtoolchain (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/cis (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/classicinfrastructure (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/cloudant (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/cloudfoundry (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/cloudshell (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/codeengine (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/contextbasedrestrictions (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/cos (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/database (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/directlink (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/dnsservices (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/enterprise (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/eventnotification (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/eventstreams (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/functions (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/globaltagging (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/hpcs (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/iamaccessgroup (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/iamidentity (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/iampolicy (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/kms (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly === RUN TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:03.044Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting TestCase: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:03.044Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Calling TestCase PreCheck: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic Configuring SoftLayer Session with API key Configuring IBM Cloud Session with API key [INFO] Configured Region: us-south [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:04Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:05Z] Elapsed: 438ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:05 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:05Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:05Z] Elapsed: 452ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:05 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. 2024-02-09T09:53:05.836Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Called TestCase PreCheck: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:09.265Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Found Terraform CLI: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform 2024-02-09T09:53:10.892Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T09:53:10.892Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T09:53:10.892Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:10.893Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T09:53:10.922Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform 2024-02-09T09:53:10.922Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting TestSteps: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:10.922Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting TestStep: test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T09:53:10.922Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform 2024-02-09T09:53:10.922Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T09:53:10.922Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T09:53:10.923Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform 2024-02-09T09:53:11.034Z [WARN] sdk.helper_schema: Previously configured provider being re-configured. This can cause issues in concurrent testing if the configurations are not equal.: tf_req_id=702bd5fd-f7fd-b241-3d87-efa31682eea6 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm tf_rpc=Configure Configuring SoftLayer Session with API key Configuring IBM Cloud Session with API key [INFO] Configured Region: us-south [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:12Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:13Z] Elapsed: 446ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:13 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:13Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:13Z] Elapsed: 438ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:13 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. 2024-02-09T09:53:13.476Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T09:53:13.477Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Running Terraform CLI plan and apply: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T09:53:13.477Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:13.477Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T09:53:13.477Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T09:53:13.477Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T09:53:13.610Z [WARN] sdk.helper_schema: Previously configured provider being re-configured. This can cause issues in concurrent testing if the configurations are not equal.: tf_req_id=8bd9f610-5993-e861-7f5d-382cc3fe5e86 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm tf_rpc=Configure Configuring SoftLayer Session with API key Configuring IBM Cloud Session with API key [INFO] Configured Region: us-south [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:13Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:14Z] Elapsed: 448ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:14 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:14Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:14Z] Elapsed: 444ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:14 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. 2024-02-09T09:53:14.887Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:14.888Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T09:53:14.888Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:14.888Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:14.888Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform 2024-02-09T09:53:14.987Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T09:53:14.988Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:14.988Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T09:53:14.988Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T09:53:14.988Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T09:53:15.095Z [WARN] sdk.helper_schema: Previously configured provider being re-configured. This can cause issues in concurrent testing if the configurations are not equal.: tf_req_id=e58fbac1-bc97-2d7e-d8b0-d67c9f4d8281 tf_rpc=Configure tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm Configuring SoftLayer Session with API key Configuring IBM Cloud Session with API key [INFO] Configured Region: us-south [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:15Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:15Z] Elapsed: 441ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:15 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:15Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:16Z] Elapsed: 444ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:16 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] setting computed for "tags" from ComputedKeys [DEBUG] setting computed for "worker_pools" from ComputedKeys [DEBUG] setting computed for "workers_info" from ComputedKeys [DEBUG] setting computed for "labels" from ComputedKeys [DEBUG] setting computed for "albs" from ComputedKeys [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:16Z] POST /global/v1/clusters HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: {"GatewayEnabled":false,"dataCenter":"dal10","isolation":"public","machineType":"m3c.4x32","name":"tf-cluster-18","privateVlan":"1900403","publicVlan":"1900401","workerNum":1,"noSubnet":false,"diskEncryption":true,"privateSeviceEndpoint":false,"publicServiceEndpoint":false,"disableAutoUpdate":false,"defaultWorkerPoolName":"","podSubnet":"","serviceSubnet":"","defaultWorkerPoolEntitlement":""} [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:22Z] Elapsed: 6632ms HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Length: 340 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:23 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:23 GMT Iks-Trace-Id: 4464c7be8cc955622ffe05af51b67c98 Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=383 Server-Timing: origin; dur=5876 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707472396764_1490884972_7749385_625923_3307_43_66_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 9147429e-9513-4d63-a2ba-c21857a2980f X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-api-77b8d57684-g2rt9 X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: 54ad50d8-aa55-4b71-b848-ad3a972129ba X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block {"id":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0","non_critical_errors":{"incidentID":"54ad50d8-aa55-4b71-b848-ad3a972129ba,54ad50d8-aa55-4b71-b848-ad3a972129ba","items":[{"code":"Ed9e5","description":"An IAM service ID for the cluster could not be created.","type":"Admin","recoveryCLI":"Try again later by running 'ibmcloud ks cluster pull-secret apply'."}]}} [DEBUG] Waiting for state to become: [Ready] [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:33Z] GET /global/v2/getCluster?v1-compatible&cluster=cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0 HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:33Z] Elapsed: 746ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 1425 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:33 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:33 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=80 Server-Timing: origin; dur=553 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707472413147_1490884972_7751768_63328_9337_43_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 65ef11db-ef6d-4551-a70e-6398e2e2d505 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-global-api-7f444f545d-kf2kf X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: d61a59f1-165e-427a-9dd1-f09249d93b22 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block {"location":"dal10","dataCenter":"dal10","multiAzCapable":false,"vlans":null,"worker_vlans":null,"workerZones":["dal10"],"id":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0","name":"tf-cluster-18","region":"us-south","resourceGroup":"0be5ad401ae913d8ff665d92681939f5","resourceGroupName":"Default","serverURL":"","state":"deploying","status":"","createdDate":"2024-02-09T09:53:22+0000","modifiedDate":"2024-02-09T09:53:22+0000","workerCount":1,"isPaid":true,"masterKubeVersion":"1.28.6_1542","targetVersion":"1.28.6_1542","ingressHostname":"","ingressSecretName":"","ingressStatus":"","ingressMessage":"","logOrg":"","logOrgName":"","logSpace":"","logSpaceName":"","apiUser":"1186049_conttest@us.ibm.com","monitoringURL":"","addons":null,"versionEOS":"","disableAutoUpdate":false,"etcdPort":"","masterStatus":"Deploy requested.","masterStatusModifiedDate":"2024-02-09T09:53:24+0000","masterHealth":"","masterState":"","keyProtectEnabled":false,"pullSecretApplied":false,"crn":"crn:v1:staging:public:containers-kubernetes:us-south:a/43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0:cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0::","privateServiceEndpointEnabled":true,"privateServiceEndpointURL":"","publicServiceEndpointEnabled":true,"publicServiceEndpointURL":"","podSubnet":"","podSubnets":"","serviceSubnet":"","type":"kubernetes","imageSecurityEnabled":false,"vpcNativeRoutingEnabled":false,"ignitionServerURL":"","oauthServerURL":"","konnectivityServerURL":""} [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T09:53:43Z] GET /global/v2/getCluster?v1-compatible&cluster=cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0 HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T09:53:44Z] Elapsed: 953ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 1425 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:44 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 09:53:44 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=211 Server-Timing: origin; dur=677 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707472423897_1490884972_7755607_88796_6769_50_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 0b1cf9c2-b8de-4e01-97b8-df0d2de5ad9f X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-global-api-7f444f545d-s6scf X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: 22728958-68ad-4edc-8dbf-d6347dce48d6 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block {"location":"dal10","dataCenter":"dal10","multiAzCapable":false,"vlans":null,"worker_vlans":null,"workerZones":["dal10"],"id":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0","name":"tf-cluster-18","region":"us-south","resourceGroup":"0be5ad401ae913d8ff665d92681939f5","resourceGroupName":"Default","serverURL":"","state":"deploying","status":"","createdDate":"2024-02-09T09:53:22+0000","modifiedDate":"2024-02-09T09:53:22+0000","workerCount":1,"isPaid":true,"masterKubeVersion":"1.28.6_1542","targetVersion":"1.28.6_1542","ingressHostname":"","ingressSecretName":"","ingressStatus":"","ingressMessage":"","logOrg":"","logOrgName":"","logSpace":"","logSpaceName":"","apiUser":"1186049_conttest@us.ibm.com","monitoringURL":"","addons":null,"versionEOS":"","disableAutoUpdate":false,"etcdPort":"","masterStatus":"Deploy 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2024-02-09T10:12:47.718Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T10:12:47.719Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:47.719Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:47.719Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:47.720Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:47.868Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T10:12:47.868Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Running Terraform CLI plan to check for perpetual differences: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T10:12:47.868Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:47.868Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform 2024-02-09T10:12:47.868Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:47.869Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:47.975Z [WARN] sdk.helper_schema: Previously configured provider being re-configured. This can cause issues in concurrent testing if the configurations are not equal.: tf_req_id=28ff9d13-def9-8d86-46d5-c59ec3189ac8 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm tf_rpc=Configure Configuring SoftLayer Session with API key Configuring IBM Cloud Session with API key [INFO] Configured Region: us-south [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:49Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:12:49Z] Elapsed: 472ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:49 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:49Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:12:49Z] Elapsed: 465ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:49 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. 2024-02-09T10:12:50.008Z [WARN] sdk.proto: Response contains warning diagnostic: tf_rpc=ValidateDataSourceConfig diagnostic_attribute="AttributeName(\"cluster_name_id\")" diagnostic_detail="use name instead" diagnostic_summary="Argument is deprecated" tf_proto_version=5.4 tf_req_id=e662c0e2-15d4-a5e4-0423-dd1fbe06b3a9 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm diagnostic_severity=WARNING tf_data_source_type=ibm_container_cluster [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:50Z] GET /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0?showResources=true HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:12:51Z] Elapsed: 1146ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2589 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:51 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:51 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=175 Server-Timing: origin; dur=760 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473570161_1490884916_624470119_93525_9307_64_65_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: c4c4a837-6101-4dfe-b7df-45f7409a2393 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-global-api-7f444f545d-s6scf X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: c8e0b505-f728-476e-b39f-4b699625b059 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block {"location":"Dallas","dataCenter":"dal10","multiAzCapable":true,"vlans":[{"id":"1900403","subnets":[{"id":"2517560","ips":["","","","",""],"is_public":false,"is_byoip":false,"cidr":""}],"zone":"dal10","region":"us-south"},{"id":"1900401","subnets":[{"id":"2556452","ips":["","","","",""],"is_public":true,"is_byoip":false,"cidr":""}],"zone":"dal10","region":"us-south"}],"worker_vlans":[{"id":"1900403","type":"private","properties":{"name":"","note":"","primary_router":"","vlan_number":"","vlan_type":"","location":"","local_disk_storage_capability":"","san_storage_capability":""}},{"id":"1900401","type":"public","properties":{"name":"","note":"","primary_router":"","vlan_number":"","vlan_type":"","location":"","local_disk_storage_capability":"","san_storage_capability":""}}],"workerZones":["dal10"],"id":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0","name":"tf-cluster-18","region":"us-south","resourceGroup":"0be5ad401ae913d8ff665d92681939f5","resourceGroupName":"Default","serverURL":"https://c105.containers.test.cloud.ibm.com:32030","state":"normal","status":"All Workers Normal","createdDate":"2024-02-09T09:53:56+0000","modifiedDate":"2024-02-09T09:53:56+0000","workerCount":1,"isPaid":true,"masterKubeVersion":"1.28.6_1542","targetVersion":"1.28.6_1542","ingressHostname":"","ingressSecretName":"tf-cluster-18-15b0bf3714b2d9d344c3b8647edb7860-0000","ingressStatus":"healthy","ingressMessage":"All Ingress components are healthy.","logOrg":"","logOrgName":"","logSpace":"","logSpaceName":"","apiUser":"1186049_conttest@us.ibm.com","monitoringURL":"","addons":[],"versionEOS":"","disableAutoUpdate":false,"etcdPort":"","masterStatus":"Ready","masterStatusModifiedDate":"2024-02-09T10:03:20+0000","masterHealth":"normal","masterState":"deployed","keyProtectEnabled":false,"pullSecretApplied":false,"crn":"crn:v1:staging:public:containers-kubernetes:us-south:a/43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0:cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0::","privateServiceEndpointEnabled":true,"privateServiceEndpointURL":"https://c105.private.containers.test.cloud.ibm.com:32030","publicServiceEndpointEnabled":true,"publicServiceEndpointURL":"https://c105.containers.test.cloud.ibm.com:32030","podSubnet":"","podSubnets":"","serviceSubnet":"","type":"kubernetes","imageSecurityEnabled":false,"vpcNativeRoutingEnabled":false,"ignitionServerURL":"","oauthServerURL":"","konnectivityServerURL":"https://c105.private.containers.test.cloud.ibm.com:30713"} [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:51Z] GET /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0/workers HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:12:52Z] Elapsed: 1216ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 606 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:52 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:52 GMT Iks-Trace-Id: 158749227a21fc9d1c94c17142e8ad52 Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=233 Server-Timing: origin; dur=925 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473571236_1490884916_624470454_115881_7195_62_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 00180030-0b8f-4458-9ca1-84c96130159d X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-api-77b8d57684-66sxn X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: 800cd460-ffd1-4223-9521-eaeea6191d29 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block [{"privateVlan":"1900403","publicVlan":"1900401","privateIP":"","publicIP":"","machineType":"m3c.4x32.encrypted","location":"dal10","id":"test-cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0-tfcluster18-default-00000193","state":"normal","status":"Ready","statusDate":"2024-02-09T10:07:00+0000","statusDetails":"","errorMessage":"","errorMessageDate":"","isolation":"public","kubeVersion":"1.28.6_1543","targetVersion":"1.28.6_1543","reasonForDelete":"","versionEOS":"","masterVersionEOS":"","trustedStatus":"unsupported","poolid":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0-57af13a","poolName":"default","pendingOperation":""}] [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:52Z] GET /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0/services HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:12:54Z] Elapsed: 1683ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:54 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:54 GMT Iks-Trace-Id: 2610762a0a15dd8c747e739777ff6e42 Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=84 Server-Timing: origin; dur=1490 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473572451_1490884916_624470858_157360_5884_60_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 90b0218e-7221-44b3-8458-85d7607fdcfe X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-api-77b8d57684-jqnfk X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: e604e349-cc95-964e-9c59-ece3aa061aa2 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block [] [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:54Z] GET /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0/workerpools HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:12:54Z] Elapsed: 855ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 433 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:54 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:54 GMT Iks-Trace-Id: 2c7fe1c56475b368325bb1a040e542de Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=81 Server-Timing: origin; dur=717 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473574136_1490884916_624471371_79781_6530_65_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 31daca4c-d359-4495-9545-c11a13df3368 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-api-77b8d57684-g2rt9 X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: cddf0efe-9b21-41ed-9db4-655eac4b0c6f X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block [{"name":"default","sizePerZone":1,"machineType":"m3c.4x32.encrypted","isolation":"public","labels":{"ibm-cloud.kubernetes.io/worker-pool-id":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0-57af13a"},"id":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0-57af13a","region":"us-south","state":"active","reasonForDelete":"","operatingSystem":"UBUNTU_20_64","isBalanced":true,"autoscaleEnabled":false,"zones":[{"privateVlan":"1900403","publicVlan":"1900401","id":"dal10","workerCount":1}]}] [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:54Z] GET /global/v1/alb/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0 HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:12:55Z] Elapsed: 923ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 190 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:55 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:55 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=82 Server-Timing: origin; dur=778 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473574993_1490884916_624471655_85929_6402_63_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 580c0518-3732-4538-80fb-1e754023b6ae X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-alb-api-84464bc48c-gqrrl X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: 05a65045-35c3-4ede-b2de-9cdd21c709b0 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block {"id":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0","region":"us-south","dataCenter":"dal10","isPaid":true,"ingressHostname":"","ingressSecretName":"tf-cluster-18-15b0bf3714b2d9d344c3b8647edb7860-0000","alb":null} [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:55Z] GET /global/v1/logging/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0/clusterkeyowner HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:12:58Z] Elapsed: 3053ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 76 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive 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2024-02-09T10:12:58.930Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T10:12:58.930Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T10:12:58.930Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:58.930Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:58.931Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:59.044Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic 2024-02-09T10:12:59.046Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:59.046Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:59.046Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T10:12:59.048Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:12:59.159Z [WARN] sdk.helper_schema: Previously configured provider being re-configured. This can cause issues in concurrent testing if the configurations are not equal.: tf_req_id=e965f6a0-7390-cb8d-bd2a-f3438b995c85 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm tf_rpc=Configure Configuring SoftLayer Session with API key Configuring IBM Cloud Session with API key [INFO] Configured Region: us-south [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:59Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:12:59Z] Elapsed: 464ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:12:59 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:12:59Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:00Z] Elapsed: 455ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:00 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:00Z] GET /global/v2/getCluster?v1-compatible&cluster=cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0 HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: 0be5ad401ae913d8ff665d92681939f5 X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:01Z] Elapsed: 781ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 1743 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:01 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:01 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; 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script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:14 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:14 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=81 Server-Timing: origin; dur=1832 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473593022_1490884972_8164130_191266_6215_50_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 2cde6d35-adda-40da-b529-aa67f82bce0e X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-global-api-7f444f545d-4t9f8 X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: 6dd1432a-ac42-478a-a9df-5101dc01cb92 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block {"id":"IBMid-6650009OWB","name":"Jake Zielny","email":"Jake.Zielny@ibm.com"} 2024-02-09T10:13:14.933Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T10:13:14.933Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:14.933Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T10:13:14.933Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T10:13:14.934Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:15.082Z [WARN] sdk.helper_schema: Previously configured provider being re-configured. This can cause issues in concurrent testing if the configurations are not equal.: tf_req_id=efb4ce84-c47c-9847-1569-b19a47fdc1bf tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm tf_rpc=Configure Configuring SoftLayer Session with API key Configuring IBM Cloud Session with API key [INFO] Configured Region: us-south [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:15Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:15Z] Elapsed: 452ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:15 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:15Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:16Z] Elapsed: 452ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:16 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. 2024-02-09T10:13:16.409Z [WARN] sdk.proto: Response contains warning diagnostic: tf_rpc=ValidateDataSourceConfig tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm tf_proto_version=5.4 diagnostic_detail="use name instead" diagnostic_severity=WARNING tf_data_source_type=ibm_container_cluster tf_req_id=e6c50df7-2ac3-26ea-0dd0-7c0781f981a1 diagnostic_summary="Argument is deprecated" diagnostic_attribute="AttributeName(\"cluster_name_id\")" [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:16Z] GET /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0?showResources=true HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:17Z] Elapsed: 954ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2589 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:17 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:17 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=81 Server-Timing: origin; dur=670 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473596528_1490884972_8165015_75020_6597_42_51_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: b0f977e3-5288-43ec-a860-59ae0df8e4b6 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-global-api-7f444f545d-mbml8 X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: a4a86ca0-3e11-46aa-bbc7-1b9fa7ecc4c9 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block {"location":"Dallas","dataCenter":"dal10","multiAzCapable":true,"vlans":[{"id":"1900403","subnets":[{"id":"2517560","ips":["","","","",""],"is_public":false,"is_byoip":false,"cidr":""}],"zone":"dal10","region":"us-south"},{"id":"1900401","subnets":[{"id":"2556452","ips":["","","","",""],"is_public":true,"is_byoip":false,"cidr":""}],"zone":"dal10","region":"us-south"}],"worker_vlans":[{"id":"1900403","type":"private","properties":{"name":"","note":"","primary_router":"","vlan_number":"","vlan_type":"","location":"","local_disk_storage_capability":"","san_storage_capability":""}},{"id":"1900401","type":"public","properties":{"name":"","note":"","primary_router":"","vlan_number":"","vlan_type":"","location":"","local_disk_storage_capability":"","san_storage_capability":""}}],"workerZones":["dal10"],"id":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0","name":"tf-cluster-18","region":"us-south","resourceGroup":"0be5ad401ae913d8ff665d92681939f5","resourceGroupName":"Default","serverURL":"https://c105.containers.test.cloud.ibm.com:32030","state":"normal","status":"All 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REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:17Z] GET /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0/workers HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:18Z] Elapsed: 1018ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 606 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:18 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:18 GMT Iks-Trace-Id: 7c8bdadd406675fa57f9025f303fdb66 Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=79 Server-Timing: origin; dur=868 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473597443_1490884972_8165147_94703_5728_49_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: e8d9ae94-e059-441c-8fd2-8e657ce26041 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-api-77b8d57684-jqnfk X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: cc1f5511-5f5a-4af4-82ac-5a75f62e9dbe X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block [{"privateVlan":"1900403","publicVlan":"1900401","privateIP":"","publicIP":"","machineType":"m3c.4x32.encrypted","location":"dal10","id":"test-cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0-tfcluster18-default-00000193","state":"normal","status":"Ready","statusDate":"2024-02-09T10:07:00+0000","statusDetails":"","errorMessage":"","errorMessageDate":"","isolation":"public","kubeVersion":"1.28.6_1543","targetVersion":"1.28.6_1543","reasonForDelete":"","versionEOS":"","masterVersionEOS":"","trustedStatus":"unsupported","poolid":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0-57af13a","poolName":"default","pendingOperation":""}] [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:18Z] GET /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0/services HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:20Z] Elapsed: 1637ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:19 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:19 GMT Iks-Trace-Id: 2347c9b1ee0ac72d4a24922584353f77 Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=82 Server-Timing: origin; dur=1443 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473598461_1490884972_8165320_152443_6075_51_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 4faf7d6b-c5cf-41c4-8d0b-8ba2757af2ae X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-api-77b8d57684-tv58t X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: 6711c588-848c-4460-95f4-68cc403dbf45 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block [] [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:20Z] GET /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0/workerpools HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:20Z] Elapsed: 716ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 433 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:20 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:20 GMT Iks-Trace-Id: 59e0e82bf05149152941cfae522e3a3c Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=81 Server-Timing: origin; dur=559 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473600100_1490884972_8165671_63975_7023_58_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: d79e985e-08bd-4f52-8262-c4b403fc4f37 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-api-77b8d57684-66sxn X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: 13feaaa6-a58e-4ab8-a636-162ea4496b95 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block 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RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:21Z] Elapsed: 822ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 190 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:21 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:21 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=87 Server-Timing: origin; dur=686 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473600817_1490884972_8165990_77282_6400_59_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 284260f1-6b9b-4e3d-bca6-b86c2fb99d19 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-alb-api-84464bc48c-fr69l X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: dc46cafb-8967-4a4a-a25c-f3b9ade4d6f7 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block {"id":"cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0","region":"us-south","dataCenter":"dal10","isPaid":true,"ingressHostname":"","ingressSecretName":"tf-cluster-18-15b0bf3714b2d9d344c3b8647edb7860-0000","alb":null} [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:21Z] GET /global/v1/logging/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0/clusterkeyowner HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:24Z] Elapsed: 3047ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 76 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:24 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:24 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=MISS Server-Timing: edge; dur=83 Server-Timing: origin; dur=2915 Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473601642_1490884972_8166277_299777_6200_56_0_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 4acb6273-0214-4681-a3a9-3c03614cb396 X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-global-api-7f444f545d-tmbl9 X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: b0a17c73-94bd-407b-a14b-1f7c4308c35f X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block {"id":"IBMid-6650009OWB","name":"Jake Zielny","email":"Jake.Zielny@ibm.com"} 2024-02-09T10:13:24.647Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T10:13:24.648Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:24.648Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:24.648Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:24.648Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform 2024-02-09T10:13:24.762Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T10:13:24.763Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Finished TestStep: test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T10:13:24.763Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform 2024-02-09T10:13:24.763Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T10:13:24.763Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:24.763Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:24.864Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform 2024-02-09T10:13:24.864Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Creating sdkv2 provider instance: test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 2024-02-09T10:13:24.864Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Created sdkv2 provider instance: test_step_number=1 test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:24.864Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Starting sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:24.865Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Started sdkv2 provider instance server: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm 2024-02-09T10:13:24.972Z [WARN] sdk.helper_schema: Previously configured provider being re-configured. This can cause issues in concurrent testing if the configurations are not equal.: tf_req_id=4da51a59-118a-e9b9-0830-9d8f4790c687 tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm tf_rpc=Configure Configuring SoftLayer Session with API key Configuring IBM Cloud Session with API key [INFO] Configured Region: us-south [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:25Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:25Z] Elapsed: 445ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:25 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:25Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:26Z] Elapsed: 461ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:26 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. 2024-02-09T10:13:26.501Z [WARN] sdk.helper_schema: Previously configured provider being re-configured. This can cause issues in concurrent testing if the configurations are not equal.: tf_req_id=e6252f37-e010-afe8-4f45-03aa43640a5a tf_provider_addr=registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/ibm tf_rpc=Configure Configuring SoftLayer Session with API key Configuring IBM Cloud Session with API key [INFO] Configured Region: us-south [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:26Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:27Z] Elapsed: 470ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:27 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:27Z] POST /UAALoginServerWAR/oauth/token HTTP/1.1 Host: login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 grant_type=password&password=[PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]&scope=&username=apikey [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:27Z] Elapsed: 452ms HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Length: 79 Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:27 GMT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff 404 Not Found: Requested route ('login.stage1.ng.bluemix.net') does not exist. [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:13:27Z] DELETE /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0?deleteResources=false HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: 0be5ad401ae913d8ff665d92681939f5 X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:13:29Z] Elapsed: 1677ms HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' Content-Type: Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:29 GMT Expires: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 10:13:29 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server-Timing: ak_p; desc="1707473608017_1490884972_8168837_144728_6241_42_53_-";dur=1 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Carrier: stage-dal10-carrier103 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff X-Correlation-Id: 9b7e6b5d-37ec-43a8-906c-52aaa4e8a0eb X-Frame-Options: DENY X-Hostname: armada-global-api-7f444f545d-nlgct X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: master-only X-Region: us-south X-Request-Id: 59907247-2a85-40ef-8352-aa5e05a400c6 X-Xss-Protection: 1; mode=block [DEBUG] Waiting for state to become: [deleted] [DEBUG] REQUEST: [2024-02-09T10:14:29Z] GET /global/v1/clusters/cn2vc4m202jfuj8hqgv0?showResources=true HTTP/1.1 Host: containers.test.cloud.ibm.com Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: Bluemix-go SDK 0.1 / darwin X-Auth-Refresh-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Auth-Resource-Account: 43c2cf73620ae552587a136bd0d6d6a0 X-Auth-Resource-Group: 0be5ad401ae913d8ff665d92681939f5 X-Auth-Resource-Org: X-Auth-Resource-Space: X-Auth-Uaa-Token: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN] X-Original-User-Agent: terraform-provider-ibm/1.60.0 X-Region: [DEBUG] RESPONSE: [2024-02-09T10:14:30Z] Elapsed: 776ms HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 2131 Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store Connection: keep-alive Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'; 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If applicable, make sure that you target the correct account and resource group.","type":"General","recoveryCLI":"To list the clusters you have access to, run 'ibmcloud ks cluster ls'. To list the resource groups that you have access to, run 'ibmcloud resource groups'. To target the resource group, run 'ibmcloud target -g \u003cresource_group\u003e'."} 2024-02-09T10:17:32.059Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Stopping providers: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic test_terraform_path=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest-terraform1987805819/terraform test_working_directory=/var/folders/9b/vk2w320d4lgc3x147f_ql8k00000gn/T/plugintest3205162831 test_step_number=1 2024-02-09T10:17:32.065Z [DEBUG] sdk.helper_resource: Finished TestCase: test_name=TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic --- PASS: TestAccIBMContainerClusterDataSource_basic (728.76s) PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/kubernetes 731.089s ? github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/kubernetes/utils/softwaredefinedstorage [no test files] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/metricsrouter (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/mqcloud (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/power (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/project (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/pushnotification (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/registry (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/resourcecontroller (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/resourcemanager (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/satellite (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/scc (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/schematics (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/secretsmanager (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/transitgateway (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/usagereports (cached) [no tests to run] [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PROJECTS_CONFIG_APIKEY for testing IBM Projects Config resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TENANT_ID for testing AppID resources, AppID tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_APPID_TEST_USER_EMAIL for testing AppID user resources, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ORG for testing ibm_org resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SPACE for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID1 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_ID2 for testing ibm_space resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMUSER for testing ibm_iam_user_policy resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAMACCOUNTID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_SERVICE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_TRUSTED_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_iam_trusted_profile_identity resource Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DATACENTER for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'par01' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'b3c.4x16' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_UPDATE_CERT_CRN for testing ibm_container_alb_cert or ibm_container_ingress_secret_tls resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SECRET_CRN_2 for testing ibm_container_ingress_secret_opaque resource else it is set to default value [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_INGRESS_INSTANCE_SECRET_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_ingress_instance resource. Some tests for that resource will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_REGION for testing ibm_container resources else it is set to default value 'eu-de' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_INSTANCE with a VALID CIS Instance NAME for testing ibm_cis resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_STATIC with the Domain name registered with the CIS instance on test/staging. Domain must be predefined in CIS to avoid CIS billing costs due to domain delete/create [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_DOMAIN_TEST with a VALID Domain name for testing the one time create and delete of a domain in CIS. Note each create/delete will trigger a monthly billing instance. Only to be run in staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CIS_RESOURCE_GROUP with the resource group for the CIS Instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_CRN with a VALID COS instance CRN for testing ibm_cos_* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_Bucket_CRN with a VALID BUCKET CRN for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_BUCKET_NAME with a VALID BUCKET Name for testing ibm_cos_bucket* resources [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_COS_NAME with a VALID COS instance name for testing resources with cos deps [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_TRUSTED_MACHINE_TYPE for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value 'mb1c.16x64' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_BM_EXTENDED_HW_TESTING to true/false for testing ibm_compute_bare_metal resource else it is set to default value 'false' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393319' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_VLAN_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '2393321' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.18.14' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_KUBE_UPDATE_VERSION for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1.19.6' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1636107' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_cluster resource else it is set to default value '1165645' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_DATACENTER for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value 'tok02' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '123456' [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_IPSEC_CUSTOMER_PEER_IP for testing ibm_ipsec_vpn resource else it is set to default value '' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_DATACENTER for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value 'dal13' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LBAAS_SUBNETID for testing ibm_lbaas resource else it is set to default value '2144241' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_LB_LISTENER_CERTIFICATE_INSTANCE for testing ibm_is_lb_listener resource for https redirect else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:cloudcerts:us-south:a/2d1bace7b46e4815a81e52c6ffeba5cf:af925157-b125-4db2-b642-adacb8b9c7f5:certificate:c81627a1bf6f766379cc4b98fd2a44ed' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOSTNAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-dedicatedhost' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_DEDICATED_HOST_ID for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value '30301' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value 'ams03' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538975' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2538967' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PRIVATE_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388377' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_ZONE_UPDATE_PUBLIC_VLAN for testing ibm_container_worker_pool_zone_attachment resource else it is set to default value '2388375' [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_WORKER_POOL_SECONDARY_STORAGE for testing secondary_storage attachment to IKS workerpools [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_compute_vm_instance resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_REGION for testing ibm_is_region datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-1' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_2 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ZONE_3 for testing ibm_is_zone datasource else it is set to default value 'us-south-3' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_subnet else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_CIDR_2 for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa.pub' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_PATH for testing ibm_is_instance datasource else it is set to default value './test-fixtures/.ssh/pkcs8_rsa' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing with different resource group id else it is set to default value 'c01d34dff4364763476834c990398zz8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance, ibm_is_floating_ip else it is set to default value 'r006-907911a7-0ffe-467e-8821-3cc9a0d82a39' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_WIN_IMAGE for testing ibm_is_instance data source else it is set to default value 'r006-d2e0d0e9-0a4f-4c45-afd7-cab787030776' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_COS_BUCKET_CRN for testing ibm_is_image_export_job else it is set to default value 'bucket-27200-lwx4cfvcue' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'instance-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_JOB_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_job datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BACKUP_POLICY_ID for testing ibm_is_backup_policy_jobs datasource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_REMOTE_CP_BAAS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_CRN for testing remote_copies_policy with Baas plans, else it is set to default value, 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:kms:us-south:a/dffc98a0f1f0f95f6613b3b752286b87:e4a29d1a-2ef0-42a6-8fd2-350deb1c647e:key:5437653b-c4b1-447f-9646-b2a2a4cd6179' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-2x4' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value '30222bb5-1c6d-3834-8d78-ae6348cf8z61' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_KMS_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_kms_key resource else it is set to default value 'tfp-test-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE_UPDATE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'cx2-4x8' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_BARE_METAL_SERVER_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'bx2-metal-192x768' [INFO] Set the environment variable IsBareMetalServerImage for testing ibm_is_bare_metal_server resource else it is set to default value 'r006-2d1f36b0-df65-4570-82eb-df7ae5f778b1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:82df2e3c-53a5-43c6-89ce-dcf78be18668::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_INSTANCE_CRN1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:staging:public:dns-svcs:global:a/efe5afc483594adaa8325e2b4d1290df:599ae4aa-c554-4a88-8bb2-b199b9a3c046::' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'dd501d1d-490b-4bb4-a05d-a31954a1c59e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DNS_ZONE_ID_1 for testing ibm_is_lb resource else it is set to default value 'b1def78d-51b3-4ea5-a746-1b64c992fcab' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_NAME for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tf-dhost-01' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value '0717-9104e7b5-77ad-44ad-9eaa-091e6b6efce1' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-host-152x608' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_CLASS for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_DEDICATED_HOST_GROUP_FAMILY for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'balanced' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_INSTANCE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'bx2d-16x64' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_SHARE_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_instance resource else it is set to default value 'tier-3iops' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VOLUME_PROFILE for testing ibm_is_volume_profile else it is set to default value 'general-purpose' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_INTERFACE for testing ibm_is_virtual_network_interface else it is set to default value 'c93dc4c6-e85a-4da2-9ea6-f24576256122' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_UNATTACHED_BOOT_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_VSI_DATA_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_is_image else it is set to default value 'r006-1cbe9f0a-7101-4d25-ae72-2a2d725e530e' [INFO] Set the environment variable SL_ROUTE_NEXTHOP else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable ISSnapshotCRN for ibm_is_snapshot resource else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:ca-tor:a/xxxxxxxx::snapshot:xxxx-xxxxc-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_DEPLOYMENT_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251::' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_BACKUP_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:5042afe1-72c2-4231-89cc-c949e5d56251:backup:0d862fdb-4faa-42e5-aecb-5057f4d399c3' [INFO] Set the environment variable ICD_DB_TASK_ID for testing ibm_cloud_databases else it is set to default value 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:databases-for-redis:au-syd:a/40ddc34a953a8c02f10987b59085b60e:367b0a22-05bb-41e3-a1ed-ded1ff0889e5:task:882013a6-2751-4df7-a77a-98d258638704' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value '7200-03-03' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_IMAGE for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'Linux-RHEL-SAP-8-2' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'images-public-bucket' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_FILE_NAME for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'rhel.ova.gz' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'images-bucket-access-key' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_SECRET_KEY' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_IMAGE_BUCKET_REGION for testing ibm_pi_image_export resource else it is set to default value 'us-east' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_KEY_NAME for testing ibm_pi_key_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_NETWORK_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_network_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_flash_copy_mappings resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_REPLICATION_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBARDING_SOURCE_CRN for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_AUXILIARY_VOLUME_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_volume_group resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_group_storage_details data source else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_VOLUME_ONBOARDING_ID for testing ibm_pi_volume_onboarding resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUDINSTANCE_ID for testing ibm_pi_image resource else it is set to default value 'd16705bd-7f1a-48c9-9e0e-1c17b71e7331' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_PVM_INSTANCE_ID for testing Pi_instance_name resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_DHCP_ID for testing ibm_pi_dhcp resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CLOUD_CONNECTION_NAME for testing ibm_pi_cloud_connection resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_SAP_PROFILE_ID for testing ibm_pi_sap_profile resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_PLACEMENT_GROUP_NAME for testing ibm_pi_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-placement-group' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SPP_PLACEMENT_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_spp_placement_group resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-spp-placement-group' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_POOL for testing ibm_pi_storage_pool_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_STORAGE_TYPE for testing ibm_pi_storage_type_capacity else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_STORAGE_IMAGE_PATH for testing Pi_capture_storage_image_path resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_access_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [INFO] Set the environment variable PI_CAPTURE_CLOUD_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY for testing Pi_capture_cloud_storage_secret_key resource else it is set to default value 'terraform-test-power' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_SHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_ID for testing ibm_pi_shared_processor_pool resource else it is set to default value 'tf-pi-shared-processor-pool' [WARN] Set the environment variable PI_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_pi_workspace resource else it is set to default value '' [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_WORKSPACE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_TEMPLATE_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_ACTION_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_JOB_ID for testing schematics resources else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_URL for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SCHEMATICS_REPO_BRANCH for testing schematics resources else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IS_DELEGATED_VPC with a VALID created vpc name for testing ibm_is_vpc data source on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_COS_URL_ENCRYPTED with a VALID COS Image SQL URL for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [WARN] Set the environment variable IMAGE_OPERATING_SYSTEM with a VALID Operating system for testing ibm_is_image resources on staging/test [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_NAME for testing data source ibm_is_image else it is set to default value `ibm-ubuntu-18-04-1-minimal-amd64-2` [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTED_DATA_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_IMAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY for testing resource ibm_is_image else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_FUNCTION_NAMESPACE for testing ibm_function_package, ibm_function_action, ibm_function_rule, ibm_function_trigger resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable HPCS_INSTANCE_ID for testing data_source_ibm_kms_key_test else it is set to default value [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_ID for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_INSTANCE_REGION for testing Secrets Manager's tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing Event Notifications for Secrets Manager tests else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_EN_INSTANCE_CRN for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests else tests will assume that IAM Credentials engine is already configured and fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SERVICE_ID or SECRETS_MANAGER_IAM_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_GROUP for testing IAM Credentials secret's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_ENVIRONMENT for testing public certificate's tests, else it is set to default value ('production'). For public certificate's tests, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_LETS_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_COMMON_NAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_VALIDATE_MANUAL_DNS_CIS_ZONE_ID for testing validate manual dns' test, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CERTIFICATE_CIS_CRN for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_USERNAME for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_PUBLIC_CLASSIC_INFRASTRUCTURE_PASSWORD for testing public certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_IMPORTED_CERTIFICATE_PATH_TO_CERTIFICATE for testing imported certificate's tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SERVICE_CREDENTIALS_COS_CRN for testing service credentials' tests, else tests fail if not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_TYPE for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secrets_test, else it is set to default value. For data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test, tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable SECRETS_MANAGER_SECRET_ID for testing data_source_ibm_secrets_manager_secret_test else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_API_KEY for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_ACCOUNT_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_CROSS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_TG_POWER_VS_NETWORK_ID for testing ibm_tg_connection resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable ACCOUNT_TO_BE_IMPORTED for testing import enterprise account resource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_BUCKET_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_LOCATION_UPDATE for testing update operation on billing snapshot configuration API [INFO] Set the environment variable COS_REPORTS_FOLDER for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_FROM for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_DATE_TO for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [INFO] Set the environment variable SNAPSHOT_MONTH for testing CRUD operations on billing snapshot configuration APIs [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN1 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key1 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN1 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key1 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ADMIN2 with a VALID HPCS Admin Key2 Path [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_REALM_NAME with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile claim rule [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_IAM_IKS_SA with a VALID realm name for iam trusted profile link [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_TOKEN2 with a VALID token for HPCS Admin Key2 [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_HPCS_ROOTKEY_CRN with a VALID CRN for a root key created in the HPCS instance [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLOUD_SHELL_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm-cloud-shell resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_create tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_SUBNET_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_VPC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID for testing ibm_container_vpc_alb_create resources, ibm_container_vpc_alb_creates tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_CLUSTER_NAME for ibm_container_nlb_dns resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_LOCATION_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable SATELLITE_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_cos_bucket satellite location resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_INSTANCE_ID with a VALID SCC INSTANCE ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_API_ENDPOINT with a VALID SCC API ENDPOINT [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_REPORT_ID with a VALID SCC REPORT ID [WARN] Set the environment variable IBMCLOUD_SCC_PROVIDER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES with a VALID SCC PROVIDER TYPE ATTRIBUTE [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CONTAINER_DEDICATEDHOST_POOL_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource to test dedicated host functionality [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CRK_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_KMS_ACCOUNT_ID for ibm_container_vpc_cluster resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_CLUSTER_ID for ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_APPCONFIG_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_KEYPROTECT_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SECRETSMANAGER_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_CHANNEL_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_TEAM_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SLACK_WEBHOOK for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_PROJECT_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_JIRA_API_TOKEN for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_ACCESS_KEY for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_SAUCELABS_USERNAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_BITBUCKET_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITHUB_CONSOLIDATED_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_GITLAB_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_HOSTED_GIT_REPO_URL for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CD_EVENTNOTIFICATIONS_INSTANCE_NAME for testing CD resources, CD tests will fail if this is not set [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CERTIFICATE_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IS_CLIENT_CA_CRN for testing ibm_is_vpn_server resource [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_AccountID_REPL for setting up authorization policy to enable replication feature resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [WARN] Set the environment variable COS_API_KEY for testing COS targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable INGESTION_KEY for testing Logdna targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IES_API_KEY for testing Event streams targets, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable ENTERPRISE_CRN for testing enterprise backup policy, the tests will fail if this is not set [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_GROUP_ID with the resource group for Code Engine [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_PROJECT_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a Code Engine project instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the ID of a IBM Cloud service instance, e.g. for COS [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_RESOURCE_KEY_ID with the ID of a resource key to access a service instance [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_DOMAIN_MAPPING_NAME with the name of a domain mapping [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_CERT with the TLS certificate in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_CODE_ENGINE_TLS_KEY with a TLS key in base64 format [WARN] Set the environment variable IBM_SATELLITE_SSH_PUB_KEY with a ssh public key or ibm_satellite_* tests may fail [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_INSTANCE_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_QUEUEMANAGER_ID for ibm_mqcloud_queue_manager resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_KS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_keystore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly [INFO] Set the environment variable IBM_MQCLOUD_TS_CERT_PATH for ibm_mqcloud_truststore_certificate resource or datasource else tests will fail if this is not set correctly testing: warning: no tests to run PASS ok github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/service/vpc (cached) [no tests to run] ? github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/ibm/validate [no test files] ? github.com/IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm/version [no test files]