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- -### Bug Fixes - -* **release:** Update SDKs to use API version 2021-03-30 ([#27](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/27)) ([ba27a36](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/ba27a36f743d07a1cae4fb45f83478adf4d33d79)) - -# [1.0.0](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.4.2...v1.0.0) (2021-03-16) - - -### Performance Improvements - -* **Instance-groups:** Update VPC SDK with API version 2021-03-09 ([#23](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/23)) ([d6dc319](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/d6dc319bb5aa19aff4fd89872198b6e573545110)) - - -### BREAKING CHANGES - -* **Instance-groups:** - Methods for Instance group manager is now producing InstanceGroupManagerIntf instead of InstanceGroupManager - -## [0.4.2](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.4.1...v0.4.2) (2021-03-02) - - -### Bug Fixes - -* **release:** Update SDKs to use API version 2021-02-09 ([#20](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/20)) ([ae348ee](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/ae348ee347f7405fac4ab4574392673a9194f6bd)) - -## [0.4.1](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.4.0...v0.4.1) (2021-01-18) - - -### Bug Fixes - -* **release:** Update SDKs to use API version 2020-01-12 ([#18](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/18)) ([d8c2134](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/d8c21345b1ed032484fbaf57456d4f476423b5fc)) - -# [0.4.0](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.3.1...v0.4.0) (2020-12-17) - - -### Features - -* **enhancement:** Update VPC service with API version 2020-12-15 ([#17](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/17)) ([affcaed](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/affcaed4e8f7e515148cb9aac82755ad2a3ea8ca)) - -## [0.3.1](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1) (2020-11-20) - - -### Bug Fixes - -* **SecurityGroup:** Update both VPC services fixing security group issue. ([#16](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/16)) ([270decd](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/270decd989abd0ed5b9cd101d6c7a2fcb9deecc2)) - -# [0.3.0](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0) (2020-11-20) - - -### Features - -* **SDK:** Update VPC Gen2 and Gen1 services with API version 2020-11-17 ([#15](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/15)) ([6f97a1a](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/6f97a1a643dce6d76f8ada9caecc49d864b656fa)) - -# [0.2.0](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2.0) (2020-10-16) - - -### Features - -* **version update:** Update both services with API version 2020-10-06 ([#14](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/14)) ([179880c](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/179880c4775e0d6e6a9e683546348b34e9f9b785)) - -## [0.1.1](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1) (2020-09-09) - - -### Bug Fixes - -* **NLB:** update NLB feature ([#13](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/13)) ([99d207d](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/99d207dba81fef5214be63864aa7a4b91af82c89)) - -# [0.1.0](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.0.3...v0.1.0) (2020-09-03) - - -### Features - -* **autoscale:** Add autoscale feature and NLB feature ([#12](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/12)) ([0ee5ea1](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/0ee5ea16247a6f94794674d0499c01e78857d6a4)) - -## [0.0.3](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.0.2...v0.0.3) (2020-08-06) - - -### Bug Fixes - -* **version:** Release SDK for API version 2020-07-28 ([#10](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/10)) ([4550ccc](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/4550cccb167443bad8857dc88fc097ad18061734)) - -## [0.0.2](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.0.1...v0.0.2) (2020-07-06) - - -### Bug Fixes - -* **doc:** Minor update to example code in the README ([#9](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/9)) ([f3841fc](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/f3841fcfbffab66d970ec966b558a48180f0651c)) - -## [0.0.1](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/compare/v0.0.0...v0.0.1) (2020-06-19) - - -### Bug Fixes - -* **go-sdk:** adding semantic release versioning ([#4](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/4)) ([1d92ee5](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/1d92ee5d6481c923382628e8dfc9b9de51cc7ddd)) -* **version:** Update version to enable semantic release ([#6](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues/6)) ([2699a61](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/commit/2699a615cd9fad5de60ef442c7512a8744c676a1)) diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md deleted file mode 100644 index 7303c878707..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct - -## Our Pledge - -In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as -contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and -our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body -size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, -level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal -appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. - -## Our Standards - -Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment -include: - -* Using welcoming and inclusive language -* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences -* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism -* Focusing on what is best for the community -* Showing empathy towards other community members - -Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: - -* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or - advances -* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks -* Public or private harassment -* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic - address, without explicit permission -* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a - professional setting - -## Our Responsibilities - -Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable -behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in -response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. - -Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or -reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions -that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or -permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, -threatening, offensive, or harmful. - -## Scope - -This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces -when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of -representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail -address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed -representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be -further defined and clarified by project maintainers. - -## Enforcement - -Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be -reported by contacting the project team at phil_adams@us.ibm.com. All -complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that -is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is -obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. -Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. - -Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good -faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other -members of the project's leadership. - -## Attribution - -This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, -available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html - -[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org - -For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see -https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/CONTRIBUTING.md b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/CONTRIBUTING.md deleted file mode 100644 index fee9f665c19..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -# Questions -If you are having problems using the APIs or have a question about IBM Cloud services, -please ask a question at -[Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=ibm-cloud). - -# Issues -If you encounter an issue with the project, you are welcome to submit a -[bug report](https://github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/issues). -Before that, please search for similar issues. It's possible that someone has already reported the problem. - -# General Information -For general guidance on contributing to this project, please see -[this link](https://github.com/IBM/ibm-cloud-sdk-common/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING_go.md) - diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/LICENSE b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 261eeb9e9f8..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ - Apache License - Version 2.0, January 2004 - http://www.apache.org/licenses/ - - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION - - 1. Definitions. - - "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, - and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. - - "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by - the copyright owner that is granting the License. - - "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all - other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common - control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, - "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the - direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or - otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the - outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. - - "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity - exercising permissions granted by this License. - - "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, - including but not limited to software source code, documentation - source, and configuration files. - - "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical - transformation or translation of a Source form, including but - not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, - and conversions to other media types. - - "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or - Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a - copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work - (an example is provided in the Appendix below). - - "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object - form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the - editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications - represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes - of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain - separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, - the Work and Derivative Works thereof. - - "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including - the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions - to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally - submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner - or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of - the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" - means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent - to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to - communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, - and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the - Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but - excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise - designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." - - "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity - on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and - subsequently incorporated within the Work. - - 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, - publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the - Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. - - 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of - this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, - worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable - (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, - use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, - where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable - by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their - Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) - with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You - institute patent litigation against any entity (including a - cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work - or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct - or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses - granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate - as of the date such litigation is filed. - - 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the - Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without - modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You - meet the following conditions: - - (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or - Derivative Works a copy of this License; and - - (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that You changed the files; and - - (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works - that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and - attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, - excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of - the Derivative Works; and - - (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its - distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must - include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained - within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not - pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one - of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed - as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or - documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, - within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and - wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents - of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and - do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution - notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside - or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided - that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed - as modifying the License. - - You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and - may provide additional or different license terms and conditions - for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or - for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, - reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with - the conditions stated in this License. - - 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, - any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work - by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of - this License, without any additional terms or conditions. - Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify - the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed - with Licensor regarding such Contributions. - - 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade - names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, - except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the - origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. - - 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or - agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each - Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or - implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions - of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A - PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the - appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any - risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. - - 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, - whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, - unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly - negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be - liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, - incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a - result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the - Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, - work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all - other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor - has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - - 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing - the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, - and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, - or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this - License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only - on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf - of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, - defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability - incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason - of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. - - To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following - boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" - replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include - the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate - comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a - file or class name and description of purpose be included on the - same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier - identification within third-party archives. - - Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] - - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - You may obtain a copy of the License at - - http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - limitations under the License. diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/Makefile b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 81fb2e0b5af..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -# Makefile - -all: build lint tidy - -travis-ci: build lint tidy test-unit - -build: - go build ./vpcv1 - -test-unit: - go test `go list ./... | grep vpcv1` -v -tags=unit - -test-integration: - go test `go list ./... | grep vpcv1` -v -tags=integration -skipForMockTesting -testCount - -test-examples: - go test `go list ./... | grep vpcv1` -v -tags=examples - -lint: - golangci-lint --timeout=2m run - -tidy: - go mod tidy diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/README.md b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 495cea1a68d..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk) -[![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0) -![GitHub go.mod Go version](https://img.shields.io/github/go-mod/go-version/IBM/vpc-go-sdk) -[![semantic-release](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg)](https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release) - -# IBM Cloud VPC Go SDK Version 0.16.0 -Go client library to interact with the various [IBM Cloud VPC Services APIs](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs?category=vpc). - -**Note:** Given the current version of all VPC SDKs across supported languages and the current VPC API specification, we retracted the vpc-go-sdk version 1.x to version v0.6.0, which had the same features as v1.0.1. -Consider using v0.16.0 from now on. Refrain from using commands like `go get -u ..` and `go get ..@latest` as you will not get the latest release. - -This SDK uses [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org), and as such there may be backward-incompatible changes for any new `0.y.z` version. -## Table of Contents - - - - -- [Overview](#overview) -- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) -- [Installation](#installation) - + [`go get` command](#go-get-command) - + [Go modules](#go-modules) - + [`dep` dependency manager](#dep-dependency-manager) -- [Using the SDK](#using-the-sdk) -- [Setting up VPC service](#setting-up-vpc-service) -- [Questions](#questions) -- [Issues](#issues) -- [Open source @ IBM](#open-source--ibm) -- [Contributing](#contributing) -- [License](#license) - - - -## Overview - -The IBM Cloud VPC Go SDK allows developers to programmatically interact with the following IBM Cloud services: - -Service Name | Package name ---- | --- -[VPC](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc) | vpcv1 - -## Prerequisites - -[ibm-cloud-onboarding]: https://cloud.ibm.com/registration - -* An [IBM Cloud][ibm-cloud-onboarding] account. -* An IAM API key to allow the SDK to access your account. Create an apikey [here](https://cloud.ibm.com/iam/apikeys). -* Go version 1.12 or above. - -## Installation -There are a few different ways to download and install the VPC Go SDK services for use by your -Go application: - -#### `go get` command -Use this command to download and install the VPC Go SDK service to allow your Go application to -use it: - -``` -go get github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk@v0.14.0 -``` - - -#### Go modules -If your application is using Go modules, you can add a suitable import to your -Go application, like this: - - -```go -import ( - "github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/vpcv1" -) -``` - -Then run `go mod tidy` to download and install the new dependency and update your Go application's -`go.mod` file. - - -#### `dep` dependency manager -If your application is using the `dep` dependency management tool, you can add a dependency -to your `Gopkg.toml` file. Here is an example: - -``` -[[constraint]] - name = "github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/" - version = "0.16.0" -``` - -Then run `dep ensure`. - -## Using the SDK -For general SDK usage information, see the [IBM Cloud SDK Common README](https://github.com/IBM/ibm-cloud-sdk-common/blob/master/README.md) - -## Setting up VPC service - -A quick example to get you up and running with VPC Go SDK service in Dallas (us-south) region. - -For other regions, see [API Endpoints for VPC](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#api-endpoint) and update the `URL` variable accordingly. - - -Refer to the [VPC Release Notes](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-release-notes) to find out latest version release. - -```go -package main - -import ( - "log" - "os" - - "github.com/IBM/go-sdk-core/v4/core" - "github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/vpcv1" -) - -func main() { - apiKey := os.Getenv("IBMCLOUD_API_KEY") - if apiKey == "" { - log.Fatal("No API key set") - } - - // Instantiate the service with an API key based IAM authenticator - vpcService, err := vpcv1.NewVpcV1(&vpcv1.VpcV1Options{ - Authenticator: &core.IamAuthenticator{ - ApiKey: apiKey, - }, - }) - if err != nil { - log.Fatal("Error creating VPC Service.") - } - - // Retrieve the list of regions for your account. - regions, detailedResponse, err := vpcService.ListRegions(&vpcv1.ListRegionsOptions{}) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("Failed to list the regions: %v and the response is: %s", err, detailedResponse) - } - log.Printf("Regions: %#v", regions) - - // Retrieve the list of vpcs for your account. - vpcs, detailedResponse, err := vpcService.ListVpcs(&vpcv1.ListVpcsOptions{}) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("Failed to list vpcs: %v and the response is: %s", err, detailedResponse) - } - log.Printf("VPCs: %#v", vpcs) - - // Create an SSH key - sshKeyOptions := &vpcv1.CreateKeyOptions{ - Name: core.StringPtr("my-ssh-key"), - } - // Setters also exist to set fields are the struct has been created - sshKeyOptions.SetPublicKey("ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDsnrSAe8eBi8mS576Z96UtYgUzDR9Sbw/s1ELxsa1KUK82JQ0Ejmz31N6sHyiT/l5533JgGL6rKamLFziMY2VX2bdyuF5YzyHhmapT+e21kuTatB50UsXzxlYEWpCmFdnd4LhwFn6AycJWOV0k3e0ePpVxgHc+pVfE89322cbmfuppeHxvxc+KSzQNYC59A+A2vhucbuWppyL3EIF4YgLwOr5iDISm1IR0+EEL3yJQIG4M2WKu526anI85QBcIWyFwQXOpdcX2eZRcd6WW2EgAM3fIOaezkm0CFrsz8rQ0MPYZI4BS2CWwg5d4Bj7SU2sjXz62gfQkQGTYWSqhizVb root@localhost") - key, detailedResponse, err := vpcService.CreateKey(sshKeyOptions) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("Failed to create the ssh key: %v and the response is: %s", err, detailedResponse) - } - log.Printf("SSH key: %s created with ID: %s", *key.Name, *key.ID) - - // Delete SSH key - detailedResponse, err = vpcService.DeleteKey(&vpcv1.DeleteKeyOptions{ - ID: key.ID, - }) - if err != nil { - log.Fatalf("Failed to delete the ssh key: %v and the response is: %s", err, detailedResponse) - } - - log.Printf("SSH key: %s deleted with ID: %s", *key.Name, *key.ID) -} -``` - -## Questions - -If you have difficulties using this SDK or you have a question about the IBM Cloud services, -ask a question at -[Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=ibm-cloud). - -## Issues -If you encounter an issue with the project, you are welcome to submit a -[bug report](/issues). -Before you create a new issue, search for similar issues. It's possible that someone has already reported the problem. - -## Open source @ IBM -Find more open source projects on the [IBM Github Page](http://ibm.github.io/). - -## Contributing -See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md). - -## License - -This SDK project is released under the Apache 2.0 license. -The license's full text can be found in [LICENSE](LICENSE). diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common/headers.go b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common/headers.go deleted file mode 100644 index 62651e40c7e..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common/headers.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -package common - -import ( - "fmt" - "runtime" - - "github.com/google/uuid" -) - -const ( - HEADER_NAME_USER_AGENT = "User-Agent" - - SDK_NAME = "vpc-go-sdk" - - X_REQUEST_ID = "X-Request-Id" -) - -// GetSdkHeaders - returns the set of SDK-specific headers to be included in an outgoing request. -// -// This function is invoked by generated service methods (i.e. methods which implement the REST API operations -// defined within the API definition). The purpose of this function is to give the SDK implementor the opportunity -// to provide SDK-specific HTTP headers that will be sent with an outgoing REST API request. -// This function is invoked for each invocation of a generated service method, -// so the set of HTTP headers could be request-specific. -// As an optimization, if your SDK will be returning the same set of HTTP headers for each invocation of this -// function, it is recommended that you initialize the returned map just once (perhaps by using -// lazy initialization) and simply return it each time the function is invoked, instead of building it each time -// as in the example below. -// -// Parameters: -// -// serviceName - the name of the service as defined in the API definition (e.g. "MyService1") -// serviceVersion - the version of the service as defined in the API definition (e.g. "V1") -// operationId - the operationId as defined in the API definition (e.g. getContext) -// -// Returns: -// -// a Map which contains the set of headers to be included in the REST API request -func GetSdkHeaders(serviceName string, serviceVersion string, operationId string) map[string]string { - sdkHeaders := make(map[string]string) - - sdkHeaders[HEADER_NAME_USER_AGENT] = GetUserAgentInfo() - sdkHeaders[X_REQUEST_ID] = GetNewXRequestID() - - return sdkHeaders -} - -var UserAgent string = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s %s", SDK_NAME, Version, GetSystemInfo()) - -func GetUserAgentInfo() string { - return UserAgent -} -func GetNewXRequestID() string { - return uuid.New().String() -} - -var systemInfo = fmt.Sprintf("(arch=%s; os=%s; go.version=%s)", runtime.GOARCH, runtime.GOOS, runtime.Version()) - -func GetSystemInfo() string { - return systemInfo -} diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common/headers_test.go b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common/headers_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index 64f0f82272f..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common/headers_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -package common - -import ( - "strings" - "testing" - - "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" -) - -func TestGetSystemInfo(t *testing.T) { - var sysinfo = GetSystemInfo() - assert.NotNil(t, sysinfo) - assert.True(t, strings.Contains(sysinfo, "arch=")) - assert.True(t, strings.Contains(sysinfo, "os=")) - assert.True(t, strings.Contains(sysinfo, "go.version=")) -} - -func TestGetSdkHeaders(t *testing.T) { - var headers = GetSdkHeaders("myService", "v123", "myOperation") - assert.NotNil(t, headers) - - var foundIt bool - - _, foundIt = headers[HEADER_NAME_USER_AGENT] - assert.True(t, foundIt) - _, foundIt = headers[X_REQUEST_ID] - assert.True(t, foundIt) -} diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common/version.go b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common/version.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3c8b8f12170..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common/version.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -package common - -// Version of the SDK -const Version = "0.44.0" diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/go.mod b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/go.mod deleted file mode 100644 index 524b00d1a26..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/go.mod +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -module github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk - -go 1.16 - -require ( - github.com/IBM/go-sdk-core/v5 v5.14.1 - github.com/go-openapi/strfmt v0.21.5 - github.com/google/uuid v1.1.1 - github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.2 -) - -retract ( - v1.0.2 - v1.0.1 - v1.0.0 -) diff --git a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/go.sum b/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/go.sum deleted file mode 100644 index 41aaa4d0edf..00000000000 --- a/common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/go.sum +++ /dev/null @@ -1,261 +0,0 @@ -github.com/IBM/go-sdk-core/v5 v5.14.1 h1:WR1r0zz+gDW++xzZjF41r9ueY4JyjS2vgZjiYs8lO3c= -github.com/IBM/go-sdk-core/v5 v5.14.1/go.mod h1:MUvIr/1mgGh198ZXL+ByKz9Qs1JoEh80v/96x8jPXNY= -github.com/asaskevich/govalidator v0.0.0-20200907205600-7a23bdc65eef/go.mod 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applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - */ - -/* - * IBM OpenAPI SDK Code Generator Version: 3.85.0-75c38f8f-20240206-210220 - */ - -// Package vpcv1 : Operations and models for the VpcV1 service -package vpcv1 - -import ( - "context" - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "net/http" - "reflect" - "strings" - "time" - - "github.com/IBM/go-sdk-core/v5/core" - common "github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk/common" - "github.com/go-openapi/strfmt" -) - -// VpcV1 : The IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) API can be used to programmatically provision and manage virtual -// server instances, along with subnets, volumes, load balancers, and more. -// -// API Version: 2024-03-20 -type VpcV1 struct { - Service *core.BaseService - - // The infrastructure generation. For the API behavior documented here, specify - // `2`. - generation *int64 - - // The API version, in format `YYYY-MM-DD`. For the API behavior documented here, specify any date between `2023-12-05` - // and `2024-03-20`. - Version *string -} - -// DefaultServiceURL is the default URL to make service requests to. -const DefaultServiceURL = "https://us-south.iaas.cloud.ibm.com/v1" - -// DefaultServiceName is the default key used to find external configuration information. -const DefaultServiceName = "vpc" - -// VpcV1Options : Service options -type VpcV1Options struct { - ServiceName string - URL string - Authenticator core.Authenticator - - // The API version, in format `YYYY-MM-DD`. For the API behavior documented here, specify any date between `2023-12-05` - // and `2024-03-20`. - Version *string -} - -// NewVpcV1UsingExternalConfig : constructs an instance of VpcV1 with passed in options and external configuration. -func NewVpcV1UsingExternalConfig(options *VpcV1Options) (vpc *VpcV1, err error) { - if options.ServiceName == "" { - options.ServiceName = DefaultServiceName - } - - if options.Authenticator == nil { - options.Authenticator, err = core.GetAuthenticatorFromEnvironment(options.ServiceName) - if err != nil { - return - } - } - - vpc, err = NewVpcV1(options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - err = vpc.Service.ConfigureService(options.ServiceName) - if err != nil { - return - } - - if options.URL != "" { - err = vpc.Service.SetServiceURL(options.URL) - } - return -} - -// NewVpcV1 : constructs an instance of VpcV1 with passed in options. -func NewVpcV1(options *VpcV1Options) (service *VpcV1, err error) { - serviceOptions := &core.ServiceOptions{ - URL: DefaultServiceURL, - Authenticator: options.Authenticator, - } - - err = core.ValidateStruct(options, "options") - if err != nil { - return - } - - baseService, err := core.NewBaseService(serviceOptions) - if err != nil { - return - } - - if options.URL != "" { - err = baseService.SetServiceURL(options.URL) - if err != nil { - return - } - } - - if options.Version == nil { - options.Version = core.StringPtr("2024-03-19") - } - - service = &VpcV1{ - Service: baseService, - generation: core.Int64Ptr(2), - Version: options.Version, - } - - return -} - -// GetServiceURLForRegion returns the service URL to be used for the specified region -func GetServiceURLForRegion(region string) (string, error) { - return "", fmt.Errorf("service does not support regional URLs") -} - -// Clone makes a copy of "vpc" suitable for processing requests. -func (vpc *VpcV1) Clone() *VpcV1 { - if core.IsNil(vpc) { - return nil - } - clone := *vpc - clone.Service = vpc.Service.Clone() - return &clone -} - -// SetServiceURL sets the service URL -func (vpc *VpcV1) SetServiceURL(url string) error { - return vpc.Service.SetServiceURL(url) -} - -// GetServiceURL returns the service URL -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetServiceURL() string { - return vpc.Service.GetServiceURL() -} - -// SetDefaultHeaders sets HTTP headers to be sent in every request -func (vpc *VpcV1) SetDefaultHeaders(headers http.Header) { - vpc.Service.SetDefaultHeaders(headers) -} - -// SetEnableGzipCompression sets the service's EnableGzipCompression field -func (vpc *VpcV1) SetEnableGzipCompression(enableGzip bool) { - vpc.Service.SetEnableGzipCompression(enableGzip) -} - -// GetEnableGzipCompression returns the service's EnableGzipCompression field -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetEnableGzipCompression() bool { - return vpc.Service.GetEnableGzipCompression() -} - -// EnableRetries enables automatic retries for requests invoked for this service instance. -// If either parameter is specified as 0, then a default value is used instead. -func (vpc *VpcV1) EnableRetries(maxRetries int, maxRetryInterval time.Duration) { - vpc.Service.EnableRetries(maxRetries, maxRetryInterval) -} - -// DisableRetries disables automatic retries for requests invoked for this service instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DisableRetries() { - vpc.Service.DisableRetries() -} - -// ListVpcs : List all VPCs -// This request lists all VPCs in the region. A VPC is a virtual network that belongs to an account and provides logical -// isolation from other networks. A VPC is made up of resources in one or more zones. VPCs are regional, and each VPC -// can contain resources in multiple zones in a region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVpcs(listVpcsOptions *ListVpcsOptions) (result *VPCCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVpcsWithContext(context.Background(), listVpcsOptions) -} - -// ListVpcsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVpcs method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVpcsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVpcsOptions *ListVpcsOptions) (result *VPCCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVpcsOptions, "listVpcsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVpcsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVpcs") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVpcsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVpcsOptions.Start)) - } - if listVpcsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVpcsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVpcsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listVpcsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listVpcsOptions.ClassicAccess != nil { - builder.AddQuery("classic_access", fmt.Sprint(*listVpcsOptions.ClassicAccess)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPCCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPC : Create a VPC -// This request creates a new VPC from a VPC prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the same way as a -// retrieved VPC, and contains the information necessary to create the new VPC. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPC(createVPCOptions *CreateVPCOptions) (result *VPC, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPCWithContext(context.Background(), createVPCOptions) -} - -// CreateVPCWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPC method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPCOptions *CreateVPCOptions) (result *VPC, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPCOptions, "createVPCOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPCOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPC") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createVPCOptions.AddressPrefixManagement != nil { - body["address_prefix_management"] = createVPCOptions.AddressPrefixManagement - } - if createVPCOptions.ClassicAccess != nil { - body["classic_access"] = createVPCOptions.ClassicAccess - } - if createVPCOptions.Dns != nil { - body["dns"] = createVPCOptions.Dns - } - if createVPCOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createVPCOptions.Name - } - if createVPCOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createVPCOptions.ResourceGroup - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPC) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPC : Delete a VPC -// This request deletes a VPC. This operation cannot be reversed. -// -// For this request to succeed: -// - Instances, subnets, public gateways, and endpoint gateways must not reside in this VPC -// - The VPC must not be providing DNS resolution for any other VPCs -// - If `dns.enable_hub` is `true`, `dns.resolution_binding_count` must be zero -// -// All security groups and network ACLs associated with the VPC are automatically deleted. All flow log collectors with -// `auto_delete` set to `true` targeting the VPC or any resource in the VPC are automatically deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPC(deleteVPCOptions *DeleteVPCOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPCWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPCOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPCWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPC method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPCOptions *DeleteVPCOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPCOptions, "deleteVPCOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPCOptions, "deleteVPCOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteVPCOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPCOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPC") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - if deleteVPCOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteVPCOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPC : Retrieve a VPC -// This request retrieves a single VPC specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPC(getVPCOptions *GetVPCOptions) (result *VPC, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPCWithContext(context.Background(), getVPCOptions) -} - -// GetVPCWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPC method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPCOptions *GetVPCOptions) (result *VPC, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPCOptions, "getVPCOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPCOptions, "getVPCOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getVPCOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPCOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPC") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPC) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPC : Update a VPC -// This request updates a VPC with the information provided in a VPC patch object. The patch object is structured in the -// same way as a retrieved VPC and needs to contain only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPC(updateVPCOptions *UpdateVPCOptions) (result *VPC, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPCWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPCOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPCWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPC method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPCOptions *UpdateVPCOptions) (result *VPC, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPCOptions, "updateVPCOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPCOptions, "updateVPCOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateVPCOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPCOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPC") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateVPCOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateVPCOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPCOptions.VPCPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPC) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetVPCDefaultNetworkACL : Retrieve a VPC's default network ACL -// This request retrieves the default network ACL for the VPC specified by the identifier in the URL. The default -// network ACL is applied to any new subnets in the VPC which do not specify a network ACL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCDefaultNetworkACL(getVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions *GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions) (result *DefaultNetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLWithContext(context.Background(), getVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions) -} - -// GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPCDefaultNetworkACL method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions *GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions) (result *DefaultNetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions, "getVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions, "getVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{id}/default_network_acl`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPCDefaultNetworkACL") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDefaultNetworkACL) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetVPCDefaultRoutingTable : Retrieve a VPC's default routing table -// This request retrieves the default routing table for the VPC specified by the identifier in the URL. The default -// routing table is associated with any subnets in the VPC which have not been explicitly associated with another -// routing table. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCDefaultRoutingTable(getVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions *GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions) (result *DefaultRoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableWithContext(context.Background(), getVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions) -} - -// GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPCDefaultRoutingTable method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions *GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions) (result *DefaultRoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions, "getVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions, "getVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{id}/default_routing_table`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPCDefaultRoutingTable") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDefaultRoutingTable) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroup : Retrieve a VPC's default security group -// This request retrieves the default security group for the VPC specified by the identifier in the URL. Resources -// created in this VPC that allow a security group to be optionally specified will use this security group by default. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroup(getVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions *GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions) (result *DefaultSecurityGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupWithContext(context.Background(), getVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions) -} - -// GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions *GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions) (result *DefaultSecurityGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions, "getVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions, "getVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{id}/default_security_group`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDefaultSecurityGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVPCAddressPrefixes : List all address prefixes for a VPC -// This request lists all address pool prefixes for a VPC. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCAddressPrefixes(listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions) (result *AddressPrefixCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPCAddressPrefixesWithContext(context.Background(), listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions) -} - -// ListVPCAddressPrefixesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPCAddressPrefixes method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCAddressPrefixesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions) (result *AddressPrefixCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions, "listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions, "listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions.VPCID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/address_prefixes`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPCAddressPrefixes") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions.Start)) - } - if listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCAddressPrefixesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalAddressPrefixCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPCAddressPrefix : Create an address prefix for a VPC -// This request creates a new prefix from a prefix prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the same way -// as a retrieved prefix, and contains the information necessary to create the new prefix. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCAddressPrefix(createVPCAddressPrefixOptions *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) (result *AddressPrefix, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPCAddressPrefixWithContext(context.Background(), createVPCAddressPrefixOptions) -} - -// CreateVPCAddressPrefixWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPCAddressPrefix method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCAddressPrefixWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPCAddressPrefixOptions *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) (result *AddressPrefix, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVPCAddressPrefixOptions, "createVPCAddressPrefixOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPCAddressPrefixOptions, "createVPCAddressPrefixOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.VPCID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/address_prefixes`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPCAddressPrefix") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.CIDR != nil { - body["cidr"] = createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.CIDR - } - if createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.Zone != nil { - body["zone"] = createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.Zone - } - if createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.IsDefault != nil { - body["is_default"] = createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.IsDefault - } - if createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createVPCAddressPrefixOptions.Name - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalAddressPrefix) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPCAddressPrefix : Delete an address prefix -// This request deletes a prefix. This operation cannot be reversed. The request will fail if any subnets use addresses -// from this prefix. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCAddressPrefix(deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions *DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPCAddressPrefixWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPCAddressPrefixWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPCAddressPrefix method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCAddressPrefixWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions *DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions, "deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions, "deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions.VPCID, - "id": *deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/address_prefixes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPCAddressPrefix") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPCAddressPrefix : Retrieve an address prefix -// This request retrieves a single prefix specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCAddressPrefix(getVPCAddressPrefixOptions *GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions) (result *AddressPrefix, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPCAddressPrefixWithContext(context.Background(), getVPCAddressPrefixOptions) -} - -// GetVPCAddressPrefixWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPCAddressPrefix method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCAddressPrefixWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPCAddressPrefixOptions *GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions) (result *AddressPrefix, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPCAddressPrefixOptions, "getVPCAddressPrefixOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPCAddressPrefixOptions, "getVPCAddressPrefixOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *getVPCAddressPrefixOptions.VPCID, - "id": *getVPCAddressPrefixOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/address_prefixes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPCAddressPrefixOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPCAddressPrefix") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalAddressPrefix) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPCAddressPrefix : Update an address prefix -// This request updates a prefix with the information in a provided prefix patch. The prefix patch object is structured -// in the same way as a retrieved prefix and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCAddressPrefix(updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) (result *AddressPrefix, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPCAddressPrefixWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPCAddressPrefixWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPCAddressPrefix method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCAddressPrefixWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) (result *AddressPrefix, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions, "updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions, "updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions.VPCID, - "id": *updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/address_prefixes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPCAddressPrefix") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPCAddressPrefixOptions.AddressPrefixPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalAddressPrefix) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVPCDnsResolutionBindings : List all DNS resolution bindings for a VPC -// This request lists all DNS resolution bindings for a VPC. A DNS resolution binding represents an association with -// another VPC for centralizing DNS name resolution. -// -// If the VPC specified by the identifier in the URL is a DNS hub VPC (has `dns.enable_hub` set to `true`) then there is -// one binding for each VPC bound to the hub VPC. The endpoint gateways in the bound VPCs can allow (using -// `allow_dns_resolution_binding`) the hub VPC to centralize resolution of their DNS names. -// -// If the VPC specified by the identifier in the URL is not a DNS hub VPC, then there is at most one binding (to a hub -// VPC). The endpoint gateways in the VPC specified by the identifier in the URL can allow (using -// `allow_dns_resolution_binding`) its hub VPC to centralize resolution of their DNS names. -// -// To make use of centralized DNS resolution, a VPC bound to a DNS hub VPC must delegate DNS resolution to its hub VPC -// by setting `dns.resolver.type` to `delegate`. -// -// The bindings will be sorted by their `created_at` property values, with newest bindings first. Bindings with -// identical `created_at` property values will in turn be sorted by ascending `name` property values. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCDnsResolutionBindings(listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsWithContext(context.Background(), listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) -} - -// ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPCDnsResolutionBindings method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions, "listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions, "listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.VPCID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/dns_resolution_bindings`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPCDnsResolutionBindings") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Sort)) - } - if listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Start)) - } - if listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Name)) - } - if listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.VPCCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.VPCCRN)) - } - if listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.VPCName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.name", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.VPCName)) - } - if listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.AccountID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("account.id", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.AccountID)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPCDnsResolutionBinding : Create a DNS resolution binding -// This request creates a new DNS resolution binding from a DNS resolution binding prototype object. The prototype -// object is structured in the same way as a retrieved DNS resolution binding, and contains the information necessary to -// create the new DNS resolution binding. -// -// For this request to succeed, `dns.enable_hub` must be `false` for the VPC specified by the identifier in the URL, and -// the VPC must not already have a DNS resolution binding. -// -// See [About DNS sharing for VPE gateways](/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-hub-spoke-model) for more information. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCDnsResolutionBinding(createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBinding, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext(context.Background(), createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) -} - -// CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPCDnsResolutionBinding method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBinding, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions, "createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions, "createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.VPCID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/dns_resolution_bindings`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPCDnsResolutionBinding") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.VPC != nil { - body["vpc"] = createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.VPC - } - if createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.Name - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBinding) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBinding : Delete a DNS resolution binding -// This request deletes a DNS resolution binding. This operation cannot be reversed. -// -// For this request to succeed, the VPC specified by the identifier in the URL must not have -// `dns.resolver.type` set to `delegated`. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBinding(deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions *DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBinding, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBinding method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions *DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBinding, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions, "deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions, "deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.VPCID, - "id": *deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/dns_resolution_bindings/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBinding") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBinding) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetVPCDnsResolutionBinding : Retrieve a DNS resolution binding -// This request retrieves a single DNS resolution binding specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCDnsResolutionBinding(getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions *GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBinding, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext(context.Background(), getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) -} - -// GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPCDnsResolutionBinding method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions *GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBinding, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions, "getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions, "getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.VPCID, - "id": *getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/dns_resolution_bindings/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPCDnsResolutionBinding") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBinding) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBinding : Update a DNS resolution binding -// This request updates a DNS resolution binding with the information in a provided DNS resolution binding patch. The -// DNS resolution binding patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved DNS resolution binding and contains -// only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBinding(updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBinding, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBinding method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) (result *VpcdnsResolutionBinding, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions, "updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions, "updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.VPCID, - "id": *updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/dns_resolution_bindings/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBinding") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions.VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBinding) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVPCRoutes : List all routes in a VPC's default routing table -// This request lists all routes in the VPC's default routing table. Each route is zone-specific and directs any packets -// matching its destination CIDR block to a `next_hop` IP address. The most specific route matching a packet's -// destination will be used. If multiple equally-specific routes exist, traffic will be distributed across them. -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCRoutes(listVPCRoutesOptions *ListVPCRoutesOptions) (result *RouteCollectionVPCContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPCRoutesWithContext(context.Background(), listVPCRoutesOptions) -} - -// ListVPCRoutesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPCRoutes method which supports a Context parameter -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPCRoutesOptions *ListVPCRoutesOptions) (result *RouteCollectionVPCContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - core.GetLogger().Warn("A deprecated operation has been invoked: ListVPCRoutes") - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPCRoutesOptions, "listVPCRoutesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPCRoutesOptions, "listVPCRoutesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *listVPCRoutesOptions.VPCID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routes`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPCRoutesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPCRoutes") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPCRoutesOptions.ZoneName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("zone.name", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCRoutesOptions.ZoneName)) - } - if listVPCRoutesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCRoutesOptions.Start)) - } - if listVPCRoutesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCRoutesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPCRoute : Create a route in a VPC's default routing table -// This request creates a new route in the VPC's default routing table. The route prototype object is structured in the -// same way as a retrieved route, and contains the information necessary to create the new route. The request will fail -// if the new route will cause a loop. -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCRoute(createVPCRouteOptions *CreateVPCRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPCRouteWithContext(context.Background(), createVPCRouteOptions) -} - -// CreateVPCRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPCRoute method which supports a Context parameter -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPCRouteOptions *CreateVPCRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - core.GetLogger().Warn("A deprecated operation has been invoked: CreateVPCRoute") - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVPCRouteOptions, "createVPCRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPCRouteOptions, "createVPCRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *createVPCRouteOptions.VPCID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routes`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPCRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPCRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createVPCRouteOptions.Destination != nil { - body["destination"] = createVPCRouteOptions.Destination - } - if createVPCRouteOptions.Zone != nil { - body["zone"] = createVPCRouteOptions.Zone - } - if createVPCRouteOptions.Action != nil { - body["action"] = createVPCRouteOptions.Action - } - if createVPCRouteOptions.Advertise != nil { - body["advertise"] = createVPCRouteOptions.Advertise - } - if createVPCRouteOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createVPCRouteOptions.Name - } - if createVPCRouteOptions.NextHop != nil { - body["next_hop"] = createVPCRouteOptions.NextHop - } - if createVPCRouteOptions.Priority != nil { - body["priority"] = createVPCRouteOptions.Priority - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPCRoute : Delete a VPC route -// This request deletes a route. This operation cannot be reversed. -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCRoute(deleteVPCRouteOptions *DeleteVPCRouteOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPCRouteWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPCRouteOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPCRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPCRoute method which supports a Context parameter -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPCRouteOptions *DeleteVPCRouteOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - core.GetLogger().Warn("A deprecated operation has been invoked: DeleteVPCRoute") - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPCRouteOptions, "deleteVPCRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPCRouteOptions, "deleteVPCRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *deleteVPCRouteOptions.VPCID, - "id": *deleteVPCRouteOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPCRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPCRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPCRoute : Retrieve a VPC route -// This request retrieves a single route specified by the identifier in the URL. -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCRoute(getVPCRouteOptions *GetVPCRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPCRouteWithContext(context.Background(), getVPCRouteOptions) -} - -// GetVPCRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPCRoute method which supports a Context parameter -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPCRouteOptions *GetVPCRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - core.GetLogger().Warn("A deprecated operation has been invoked: GetVPCRoute") - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPCRouteOptions, "getVPCRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPCRouteOptions, "getVPCRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *getVPCRouteOptions.VPCID, - "id": *getVPCRouteOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPCRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPCRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPCRoute : Update a VPC route -// This request updates a route with the information in a provided route patch. The route patch object is structured in -// the same way as a retrieved route and contains only the information to be updated. -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCRoute(updateVPCRouteOptions *UpdateVPCRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPCRouteWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPCRouteOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPCRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPCRoute method which supports a Context parameter -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPCRouteOptions *UpdateVPCRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - core.GetLogger().Warn("A deprecated operation has been invoked: UpdateVPCRoute") - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPCRouteOptions, "updateVPCRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPCRouteOptions, "updateVPCRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *updateVPCRouteOptions.VPCID, - "id": *updateVPCRouteOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPCRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPCRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPCRouteOptions.RoutePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVPCRoutingTables : List all routing tables for a VPC -// This request lists all routing tables for a VPC. Each subnet in a VPC is associated with a routing table, which -// controls delivery of packets sent on that subnet according to the action of the most specific matching route in the -// table. If multiple equally-specific routes exist, traffic will be distributed across them. If no routes match, -// delivery will be controlled by the system's built-in routes. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCRoutingTables(listVPCRoutingTablesOptions *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions) (result *RoutingTableCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPCRoutingTablesWithContext(context.Background(), listVPCRoutingTablesOptions) -} - -// ListVPCRoutingTablesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPCRoutingTables method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCRoutingTablesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPCRoutingTablesOptions *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions) (result *RoutingTableCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPCRoutingTablesOptions, "listVPCRoutingTablesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPCRoutingTablesOptions, "listVPCRoutingTablesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *listVPCRoutingTablesOptions.VPCID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPCRoutingTablesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPCRoutingTables") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPCRoutingTablesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCRoutingTablesOptions.Start)) - } - if listVPCRoutingTablesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCRoutingTablesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVPCRoutingTablesOptions.IsDefault != nil { - builder.AddQuery("is_default", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCRoutingTablesOptions.IsDefault)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoutingTableCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPCRoutingTable : Create a routing table for a VPC -// This request creates a routing table from a routing table prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the -// same way as a retrieved routing table, and contains the information necessary to create the new routing table. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCRoutingTable(createVPCRoutingTableOptions *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPCRoutingTableWithContext(context.Background(), createVPCRoutingTableOptions) -} - -// CreateVPCRoutingTableWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPCRoutingTable method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCRoutingTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPCRoutingTableOptions *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVPCRoutingTableOptions, "createVPCRoutingTableOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPCRoutingTableOptions, "createVPCRoutingTableOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *createVPCRoutingTableOptions.VPCID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPCRoutingTableOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPCRoutingTable") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createVPCRoutingTableOptions.AcceptRoutesFrom != nil { - body["accept_routes_from"] = createVPCRoutingTableOptions.AcceptRoutesFrom - } - if createVPCRoutingTableOptions.AdvertiseRoutesTo != nil { - body["advertise_routes_to"] = createVPCRoutingTableOptions.AdvertiseRoutesTo - } - if createVPCRoutingTableOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createVPCRoutingTableOptions.Name - } - if createVPCRoutingTableOptions.RouteDirectLinkIngress != nil { - body["route_direct_link_ingress"] = createVPCRoutingTableOptions.RouteDirectLinkIngress - } - if createVPCRoutingTableOptions.RouteInternetIngress != nil { - body["route_internet_ingress"] = createVPCRoutingTableOptions.RouteInternetIngress - } - if createVPCRoutingTableOptions.RouteTransitGatewayIngress != nil { - body["route_transit_gateway_ingress"] = createVPCRoutingTableOptions.RouteTransitGatewayIngress - } - if createVPCRoutingTableOptions.RouteVPCZoneIngress != nil { - body["route_vpc_zone_ingress"] = createVPCRoutingTableOptions.RouteVPCZoneIngress - } - if createVPCRoutingTableOptions.Routes != nil { - body["routes"] = createVPCRoutingTableOptions.Routes - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoutingTable) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPCRoutingTable : Delete a VPC routing table -// This request deletes a routing table. A routing table cannot be deleted if it is associated with any subnets in the -// VPC. Additionally, a VPC's default routing table cannot be deleted. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCRoutingTable(deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPCRoutingTableWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPCRoutingTableWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPCRoutingTable method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCRoutingTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions, "deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions, "deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions.VPCID, - "id": *deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPCRoutingTable") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - if deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteVPCRoutingTableOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPCRoutingTable : Retrieve a VPC routing table -// This request retrieves a single routing table specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCRoutingTable(getVPCRoutingTableOptions *GetVPCRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPCRoutingTableWithContext(context.Background(), getVPCRoutingTableOptions) -} - -// GetVPCRoutingTableWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPCRoutingTable method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCRoutingTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPCRoutingTableOptions *GetVPCRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPCRoutingTableOptions, "getVPCRoutingTableOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPCRoutingTableOptions, "getVPCRoutingTableOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *getVPCRoutingTableOptions.VPCID, - "id": *getVPCRoutingTableOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPCRoutingTableOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPCRoutingTable") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoutingTable) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPCRoutingTable : Update a VPC routing table -// This request updates a routing table with the information in a provided routing table patch. The patch object is -// structured in the same way as a retrieved table and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCRoutingTable(updateVPCRoutingTableOptions *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPCRoutingTableWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPCRoutingTableOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPCRoutingTableWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPCRoutingTable method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCRoutingTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPCRoutingTableOptions *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPCRoutingTableOptions, "updateVPCRoutingTableOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPCRoutingTableOptions, "updateVPCRoutingTableOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *updateVPCRoutingTableOptions.VPCID, - "id": *updateVPCRoutingTableOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPCRoutingTableOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPCRoutingTable") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateVPCRoutingTableOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateVPCRoutingTableOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPCRoutingTableOptions.RoutingTablePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoutingTable) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVPCRoutingTableRoutes : List all routes in a VPC routing table -// This request lists all routes in a VPC routing table. If subnets are associated with this routing table, delivery of -// packets sent on a subnet is performed according to the action of the most specific matching route in the table -// (provided the subnet and route are in the same zone). If multiple equally-specific routes exist, the route with the -// highest priority will be used. If two matching routes have the same destination and priority, traffic will be -// distributed between them. If no routes match, delivery will be controlled by the system's built-in routes. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCRoutingTableRoutes(listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions) (result *RouteCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesWithContext(context.Background(), listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions) -} - -// ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPCRoutingTableRoutes method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions) (result *RouteCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions, "listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions, "listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions.VPCID, - "routing_table_id": *listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions.RoutingTableID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables/{routing_table_id}/routes`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPCRoutingTableRoutes") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions.Start)) - } - if listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRouteCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPCRoutingTableRoute : Create a route in a VPC routing table -// This request creates a new VPC route from a VPC route prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the -// same way as a retrieved VPC route and contains the information necessary to create the route. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCRoutingTableRoute(createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext(context.Background(), createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) -} - -// CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPCRoutingTableRoute method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions, "createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions, "createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.VPCID, - "routing_table_id": *createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.RoutingTableID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables/{routing_table_id}/routes`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPCRoutingTableRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Destination != nil { - body["destination"] = createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Destination - } - if createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Zone != nil { - body["zone"] = createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Zone - } - if createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Action != nil { - body["action"] = createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Action - } - if createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Advertise != nil { - body["advertise"] = createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Advertise - } - if createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Name - } - if createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.NextHop != nil { - body["next_hop"] = createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.NextHop - } - if createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Priority != nil { - body["priority"] = createVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Priority - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPCRoutingTableRoute : Delete a VPC routing table route -// This request deletes a VPC route. This operation cannot be reversed. Only VPC routes with an `origin` of `user` are -// allowed to be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCRoutingTableRoute(deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPCRoutingTableRoute method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions, "deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions, "deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.VPCID, - "routing_table_id": *deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.RoutingTableID, - "id": *deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables/{routing_table_id}/routes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPCRoutingTableRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPCRoutingTableRoute : Retrieve a VPC routing table route -// This request retrieves a single VPC route specified by the identifier in the URL path. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCRoutingTableRoute(getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext(context.Background(), getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) -} - -// GetVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPCRoutingTableRoute method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions, "getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions, "getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.VPCID, - "routing_table_id": *getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.RoutingTableID, - "id": *getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables/{routing_table_id}/routes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPCRoutingTableRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPCRoutingTableRoute : Update a VPC routing table route -// This request updates a VPC route with the information provided in a route patch object. The patch object is -// structured in the same way as a retrieved VPC route and needs to contain only the information to be updated. Only VPC -// routes with an `origin` of `user` are allowed to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCRoutingTableRoute(updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPCRoutingTableRoute method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) (result *Route, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions, "updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions, "updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpc_id": *updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.VPCID, - "routing_table_id": *updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.RoutingTableID, - "id": *updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpcs/{vpc_id}/routing_tables/{routing_table_id}/routes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPCRoutingTableRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.RoutePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListSubnets : List all subnets -// This request lists all subnets in the region. Subnets are contiguous ranges of IP addresses specified in CIDR block -// notation. Each subnet is within a particular zone and cannot span multiple zones or regions. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSubnets(listSubnetsOptions *ListSubnetsOptions) (result *SubnetCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListSubnetsWithContext(context.Background(), listSubnetsOptions) -} - -// ListSubnetsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListSubnets method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSubnetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listSubnetsOptions *ListSubnetsOptions) (result *SubnetCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listSubnetsOptions, "listSubnetsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listSubnetsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListSubnets") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listSubnetsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetsOptions.Start)) - } - if listSubnetsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listSubnetsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listSubnetsOptions.ZoneName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("zone.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetsOptions.ZoneName)) - } - if listSubnetsOptions.VPCID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetsOptions.VPCID)) - } - if listSubnetsOptions.VPCCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetsOptions.VPCCRN)) - } - if listSubnetsOptions.VPCName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetsOptions.VPCName)) - } - if listSubnetsOptions.RoutingTableID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("routing_table.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetsOptions.RoutingTableID)) - } - if listSubnetsOptions.RoutingTableName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("routing_table.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetsOptions.RoutingTableName)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSubnetCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateSubnet : Create a subnet -// This request creates a new subnet from a subnet prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the same way -// as a retrieved subnet, and contains the information necessary to create the new subnet. For this request to succeed, -// the prototype's CIDR block must not overlap with an existing subnet in the VPC. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSubnet(createSubnetOptions *CreateSubnetOptions) (result *Subnet, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateSubnetWithContext(context.Background(), createSubnetOptions) -} - -// CreateSubnetWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateSubnet method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSubnetWithContext(ctx context.Context, createSubnetOptions *CreateSubnetOptions) (result *Subnet, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createSubnetOptions, "createSubnetOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createSubnetOptions, "createSubnetOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createSubnetOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateSubnet") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createSubnetOptions.SubnetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSubnet) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteSubnet : Delete a subnet -// This request deletes a subnet. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, the subnet must not be -// referenced by any bare metal server network interfaces, instance network interfaces, virtual network interfaces, VPN -// gateways, or load balancers. A delete operation automatically detaches the subnet from any network ACLs, public -// gateways, or endpoint gateways. All flow log collectors with `auto_delete` set to `true` targeting the subnet or any -// resource in the subnet are automatically deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSubnet(deleteSubnetOptions *DeleteSubnetOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteSubnetWithContext(context.Background(), deleteSubnetOptions) -} - -// DeleteSubnetWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteSubnet method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSubnetWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteSubnetOptions *DeleteSubnetOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteSubnetOptions, "deleteSubnetOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteSubnetOptions, "deleteSubnetOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteSubnetOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteSubnetOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteSubnet") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetSubnet : Retrieve a subnet -// This request retrieves a single subnet specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnet(getSubnetOptions *GetSubnetOptions) (result *Subnet, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSubnetWithContext(context.Background(), getSubnetOptions) -} - -// GetSubnetWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSubnet method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnetWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSubnetOptions *GetSubnetOptions) (result *Subnet, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSubnetOptions, "getSubnetOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSubnetOptions, "getSubnetOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getSubnetOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSubnetOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSubnet") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSubnet) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateSubnet : Update a subnet -// This request updates a subnet with the information in a provided subnet patch. The subnet patch object is structured -// in the same way as a retrieved subnet and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSubnet(updateSubnetOptions *UpdateSubnetOptions) (result *Subnet, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateSubnetWithContext(context.Background(), updateSubnetOptions) -} - -// UpdateSubnetWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateSubnet method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSubnetWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateSubnetOptions *UpdateSubnetOptions) (result *Subnet, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateSubnetOptions, "updateSubnetOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateSubnetOptions, "updateSubnetOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateSubnetOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateSubnetOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateSubnet") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateSubnetOptions.SubnetPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSubnet) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetSubnetNetworkACL : Retrieve a subnet's attached network ACL -// This request retrieves the network ACL attached to the subnet specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnetNetworkACL(getSubnetNetworkACLOptions *GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSubnetNetworkACLWithContext(context.Background(), getSubnetNetworkACLOptions) -} - -// GetSubnetNetworkACLWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSubnetNetworkACL method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnetNetworkACLWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSubnetNetworkACLOptions *GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSubnetNetworkACLOptions, "getSubnetNetworkACLOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSubnetNetworkACLOptions, "getSubnetNetworkACLOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getSubnetNetworkACLOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}/network_acl`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSubnetNetworkACLOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSubnetNetworkACL") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACL) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ReplaceSubnetNetworkACL : Replace the network ACL for a subnet -// This request replaces the existing network ACL for a subnet with the network ACL specified in the request body. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ReplaceSubnetNetworkACL(replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions *ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLWithContext(context.Background(), replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions) -} - -// ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLWithContext is an alternate form of the ReplaceSubnetNetworkACL method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLWithContext(ctx context.Context, replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions *ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions, "replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions, "replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}/network_acl`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ReplaceSubnetNetworkACL") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(replaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions.NetworkACLIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACL) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UnsetSubnetPublicGateway : Detach a public gateway from a subnet -// This request detaches the public gateway from the subnet specified by the subnet identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UnsetSubnetPublicGateway(unsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions *UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), unsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) -} - -// UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the UnsetSubnetPublicGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, unsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions *UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(unsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions, "unsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(unsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions, "unsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *unsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}/public_gateway`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range unsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UnsetSubnetPublicGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetSubnetPublicGateway : Retrieve a subnet's attached public gateway -// This request retrieves the public gateway attached to the subnet specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnetPublicGateway(getSubnetPublicGatewayOptions *GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSubnetPublicGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), getSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) -} - -// GetSubnetPublicGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSubnetPublicGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnetPublicGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSubnetPublicGatewayOptions *GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSubnetPublicGatewayOptions, "getSubnetPublicGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSubnetPublicGatewayOptions, "getSubnetPublicGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getSubnetPublicGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}/public_gateway`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSubnetPublicGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSubnetPublicGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPublicGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// SetSubnetPublicGateway : Attach a public gateway to a subnet -// This request attaches the public gateway, specified in the request body, to the subnet specified by the subnet -// identifier in the URL. The public gateway must have the same VPC and zone as the subnet. -func (vpc *VpcV1) SetSubnetPublicGateway(setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions *SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.SetSubnetPublicGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) -} - -// SetSubnetPublicGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the SetSubnetPublicGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) SetSubnetPublicGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions *SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions, "setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions, "setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}/public_gateway`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "SetSubnetPublicGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(setSubnetPublicGatewayOptions.PublicGatewayIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPublicGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetSubnetRoutingTable : Retrieve a subnet's attached routing table -// This request retrieves the routing table attached to the subnet specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnetRoutingTable(getSubnetRoutingTableOptions *GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSubnetRoutingTableWithContext(context.Background(), getSubnetRoutingTableOptions) -} - -// GetSubnetRoutingTableWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSubnetRoutingTable method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnetRoutingTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSubnetRoutingTableOptions *GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSubnetRoutingTableOptions, "getSubnetRoutingTableOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSubnetRoutingTableOptions, "getSubnetRoutingTableOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getSubnetRoutingTableOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}/routing_table`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSubnetRoutingTableOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSubnetRoutingTable") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoutingTable) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ReplaceSubnetRoutingTable : Replace the routing table for a subnet -// This request replaces the existing routing table for a subnet with the routing table specified in the request body. -// -// For this request to succeed, the routing table `route_direct_link_ingress`, -// `route_internet_ingress`, `route_transit_gateway_ingress`, and `route_vpc_zone_ingress` properties must be `false`. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ReplaceSubnetRoutingTable(replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions *ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableWithContext(context.Background(), replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions) -} - -// ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableWithContext is an alternate form of the ReplaceSubnetRoutingTable method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableWithContext(ctx context.Context, replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions *ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions) (result *RoutingTable, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions, "replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions, "replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{id}/routing_table`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ReplaceSubnetRoutingTable") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(replaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions.RoutingTableIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRoutingTable) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListSubnetReservedIps : List all reserved IPs in a subnet -// This request lists all reserved IPs in a subnet. A reserved IP resource will exist for every address in the subnet -// which is not available for use. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSubnetReservedIps(listSubnetReservedIpsOptions *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListSubnetReservedIpsWithContext(context.Background(), listSubnetReservedIpsOptions) -} - -// ListSubnetReservedIpsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListSubnetReservedIps method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSubnetReservedIpsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listSubnetReservedIpsOptions *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listSubnetReservedIpsOptions, "listSubnetReservedIpsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listSubnetReservedIpsOptions, "listSubnetReservedIpsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "subnet_id": *listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.SubnetID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{subnet_id}/reserved_ips`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListSubnetReservedIps") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.Start)) - } - if listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.Sort)) - } - if listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.TargetID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.TargetID)) - } - if listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.TargetCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.TargetCRN)) - } - if listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.TargetName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.TargetName)) - } - if listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.TargetResourceType != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.resource_type", fmt.Sprint(*listSubnetReservedIpsOptions.TargetResourceType)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIPCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateSubnetReservedIP : Reserve an IP in a subnet -// This request reserves an IP address in a subnet. If the provided prototype object includes an `address`, the address -// must not already be reserved. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSubnetReservedIP(createSubnetReservedIPOptions *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateSubnetReservedIPWithContext(context.Background(), createSubnetReservedIPOptions) -} - -// CreateSubnetReservedIPWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateSubnetReservedIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSubnetReservedIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, createSubnetReservedIPOptions *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createSubnetReservedIPOptions, "createSubnetReservedIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createSubnetReservedIPOptions, "createSubnetReservedIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "subnet_id": *createSubnetReservedIPOptions.SubnetID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{subnet_id}/reserved_ips`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createSubnetReservedIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateSubnetReservedIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createSubnetReservedIPOptions.Address != nil { - body["address"] = createSubnetReservedIPOptions.Address - } - if createSubnetReservedIPOptions.AutoDelete != nil { - body["auto_delete"] = createSubnetReservedIPOptions.AutoDelete - } - if createSubnetReservedIPOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createSubnetReservedIPOptions.Name - } - if createSubnetReservedIPOptions.Target != nil { - body["target"] = createSubnetReservedIPOptions.Target - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteSubnetReservedIP : Delete a reserved IP -// This request releases a reserved IP. This operation cannot be reversed. -// -// For this request to succeed, the reserved IP must not be required by another resource, such as a bare metal server -// network interface, instance network interface or virtual network interface for which it is the primary IP. A -// provider-owned reserved IP is not allowed to be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSubnetReservedIP(deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions *DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteSubnetReservedIPWithContext(context.Background(), deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions) -} - -// DeleteSubnetReservedIPWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteSubnetReservedIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSubnetReservedIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions *DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions, "deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions, "deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "subnet_id": *deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions.SubnetID, - "id": *deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{subnet_id}/reserved_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteSubnetReservedIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteSubnetReservedIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetSubnetReservedIP : Retrieve a reserved IP -// This request retrieves a single reserved IP specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnetReservedIP(getSubnetReservedIPOptions *GetSubnetReservedIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSubnetReservedIPWithContext(context.Background(), getSubnetReservedIPOptions) -} - -// GetSubnetReservedIPWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSubnetReservedIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSubnetReservedIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSubnetReservedIPOptions *GetSubnetReservedIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSubnetReservedIPOptions, "getSubnetReservedIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSubnetReservedIPOptions, "getSubnetReservedIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "subnet_id": *getSubnetReservedIPOptions.SubnetID, - "id": *getSubnetReservedIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{subnet_id}/reserved_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSubnetReservedIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSubnetReservedIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateSubnetReservedIP : Update a reserved IP -// This request updates a reserved IP with the information in a provided reserved IP patch. The reserved IP patch object -// is structured in the same way as a retrieved reserved IP and contains only the information to be updated. -// -// A provider-owned reserved IP is not allowed to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSubnetReservedIP(updateSubnetReservedIPOptions *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateSubnetReservedIPWithContext(context.Background(), updateSubnetReservedIPOptions) -} - -// UpdateSubnetReservedIPWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateSubnetReservedIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSubnetReservedIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateSubnetReservedIPOptions *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateSubnetReservedIPOptions, "updateSubnetReservedIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateSubnetReservedIPOptions, "updateSubnetReservedIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "subnet_id": *updateSubnetReservedIPOptions.SubnetID, - "id": *updateSubnetReservedIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/subnets/{subnet_id}/reserved_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateSubnetReservedIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateSubnetReservedIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateSubnetReservedIPOptions.ReservedIPPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListImages : List all images -// This request lists all images available in the region. An image provides source data for a volume. Images are either -// system-provided, or created from another source, such as importing from Cloud Object Storage. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListImages(listImagesOptions *ListImagesOptions) (result *ImageCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListImagesWithContext(context.Background(), listImagesOptions) -} - -// ListImagesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListImages method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListImagesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listImagesOptions *ListImagesOptions) (result *ImageCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listImagesOptions, "listImagesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listImagesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListImages") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listImagesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listImagesOptions.Start)) - } - if listImagesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listImagesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listImagesOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listImagesOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listImagesOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listImagesOptions.Name)) - } - if listImagesOptions.Status != nil { - builder.AddQuery("status", strings.Join(listImagesOptions.Status, ",")) - } - if listImagesOptions.Visibility != nil { - builder.AddQuery("visibility", fmt.Sprint(*listImagesOptions.Visibility)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalImageCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateImage : Create an image -// This request creates a new image from an image prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the same way -// as a retrieved image, and contains the information necessary to create the new image. If an image is being imported, -// a URL to the image file on object storage must be specified. If an image is being created from an existing volume, -// that volume must be specified. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateImage(createImageOptions *CreateImageOptions) (result *Image, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateImageWithContext(context.Background(), createImageOptions) -} - -// CreateImageWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateImage method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, createImageOptions *CreateImageOptions) (result *Image, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createImageOptions, "createImageOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createImageOptions, "createImageOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createImageOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateImage") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createImageOptions.ImagePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalImage) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteImage : Delete an image -// This request deletes an image. Any active image export jobs will be completed first. This operation cannot be -// reversed. A system-provided image is not allowed to be deleted. Additionally, an image cannot be deleted if it: -// - has a `status` of `deleting` -// - has a `status` of `pending` with a `status_reasons` code of `image_request_in_progress` -// - has `catalog_offering.managed` set to `true`. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteImage(deleteImageOptions *DeleteImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteImageWithContext(context.Background(), deleteImageOptions) -} - -// DeleteImageWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteImage method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteImageOptions *DeleteImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteImageOptions, "deleteImageOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteImageOptions, "deleteImageOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteImageOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteImageOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteImage") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetImage : Retrieve an image -// This request retrieves a single image specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetImage(getImageOptions *GetImageOptions) (result *Image, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetImageWithContext(context.Background(), getImageOptions) -} - -// GetImageWithContext is an alternate form of the GetImage method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, getImageOptions *GetImageOptions) (result *Image, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getImageOptions, "getImageOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getImageOptions, "getImageOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getImageOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getImageOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetImage") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalImage) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateImage : Update an image -// This request updates an image with the information in a provided image patch. The image patch object is structured in -// the same way as a retrieved image and contains only the information to be updated. A system-provided image is not -// allowed to be updated. An image with a `status` of `deleting` cannot be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateImage(updateImageOptions *UpdateImageOptions) (result *Image, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateImageWithContext(context.Background(), updateImageOptions) -} - -// UpdateImageWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateImage method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateImageOptions *UpdateImageOptions) (result *Image, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateImageOptions, "updateImageOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateImageOptions, "updateImageOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateImageOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateImageOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateImage") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateImageOptions.ImagePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalImage) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeprecateImage : Deprecate an image -// This request deprecates an image, resulting in its `status` becoming `deprecated` and -// `deprecation_at` being set to the current date and time. -// -// The image must: -// - have a `status` of `available` -// - have `catalog_offering.managed` set to `false` -// - not have `deprecation_at` set -// -// The image must not have `deprecation_at` set, must have `catalog_offering.managed` set to -// `false`, and must have a `status` of `available`. -// -// A system-provided image is not allowed to be deprecated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeprecateImage(deprecateImageOptions *DeprecateImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeprecateImageWithContext(context.Background(), deprecateImageOptions) -} - -// DeprecateImageWithContext is an alternate form of the DeprecateImage method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeprecateImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, deprecateImageOptions *DeprecateImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deprecateImageOptions, "deprecateImageOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deprecateImageOptions, "deprecateImageOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deprecateImageOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{id}/deprecate`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deprecateImageOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeprecateImage") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ObsoleteImage : Obsolete an image -// This request obsoletes an image, resulting in its `status` becoming `obsolete` and -// `obsolescence_at` being set to the current date and time. -// -// The image must: -// - have a `status` of `available` or `deprecated` -// - have `catalog_offering.managed` set to `false` -// - not have `deprecation_at` set in the future -// - not have `obsolescence_at` set -// -// A system-provided image is not allowed to be obsoleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ObsoleteImage(obsoleteImageOptions *ObsoleteImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ObsoleteImageWithContext(context.Background(), obsoleteImageOptions) -} - -// ObsoleteImageWithContext is an alternate form of the ObsoleteImage method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ObsoleteImageWithContext(ctx context.Context, obsoleteImageOptions *ObsoleteImageOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(obsoleteImageOptions, "obsoleteImageOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(obsoleteImageOptions, "obsoleteImageOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *obsoleteImageOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{id}/obsolete`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range obsoleteImageOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ObsoleteImage") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListImageExportJobs : List all image export jobs -// This request lists all export jobs for an image. Each job tracks the exporting of the image to another location, such -// as a bucket within cloud object storage. -// -// The jobs will be sorted by their `created_at` property values, with newest jobs first. Jobs with identical -// `created_at` property values will in turn be sorted by ascending -// `name` property values. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListImageExportJobs(listImageExportJobsOptions *ListImageExportJobsOptions) (result *ImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListImageExportJobsWithContext(context.Background(), listImageExportJobsOptions) -} - -// ListImageExportJobsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListImageExportJobs method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListImageExportJobsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listImageExportJobsOptions *ListImageExportJobsOptions) (result *ImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listImageExportJobsOptions, "listImageExportJobsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listImageExportJobsOptions, "listImageExportJobsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "image_id": *listImageExportJobsOptions.ImageID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{image_id}/export_jobs`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listImageExportJobsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListImageExportJobs") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listImageExportJobsOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listImageExportJobsOptions.Name)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateImageExportJob : Create an image export job -// This request creates and queues a new export job for the image specified in the URL using the image export job -// prototype object. The image must be owned by the account and be in the `available`, `deprecated`, `obsolete`, or -// `unusable` state. The prototype object is structured in the same way as a retrieved image export job, and contains -// the information necessary to create and queue the new image export job. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateImageExportJob(createImageExportJobOptions *CreateImageExportJobOptions) (result *ImageExportJob, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateImageExportJobWithContext(context.Background(), createImageExportJobOptions) -} - -// CreateImageExportJobWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateImageExportJob method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateImageExportJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, createImageExportJobOptions *CreateImageExportJobOptions) (result *ImageExportJob, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createImageExportJobOptions, "createImageExportJobOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createImageExportJobOptions, "createImageExportJobOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "image_id": *createImageExportJobOptions.ImageID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{image_id}/export_jobs`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createImageExportJobOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateImageExportJob") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createImageExportJobOptions.StorageBucket != nil { - body["storage_bucket"] = createImageExportJobOptions.StorageBucket - } - if createImageExportJobOptions.Format != nil { - body["format"] = createImageExportJobOptions.Format - } - if createImageExportJobOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createImageExportJobOptions.Name - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalImageExportJob) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteImageExportJob : Delete an image export job -// This request deletes an image export job. This operation cannot be reversed. If the job has not completed, the job -// will be canceled, and the incomplete exported image object deleted. If the job has completed, the exported image -// object will not be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteImageExportJob(deleteImageExportJobOptions *DeleteImageExportJobOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteImageExportJobWithContext(context.Background(), deleteImageExportJobOptions) -} - -// DeleteImageExportJobWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteImageExportJob method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteImageExportJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteImageExportJobOptions *DeleteImageExportJobOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteImageExportJobOptions, "deleteImageExportJobOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteImageExportJobOptions, "deleteImageExportJobOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "image_id": *deleteImageExportJobOptions.ImageID, - "id": *deleteImageExportJobOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{image_id}/export_jobs/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteImageExportJobOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteImageExportJob") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetImageExportJob : Retrieve an image export job -// This request retrieves a single image export job specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetImageExportJob(getImageExportJobOptions *GetImageExportJobOptions) (result *ImageExportJob, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetImageExportJobWithContext(context.Background(), getImageExportJobOptions) -} - -// GetImageExportJobWithContext is an alternate form of the GetImageExportJob method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetImageExportJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, getImageExportJobOptions *GetImageExportJobOptions) (result *ImageExportJob, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getImageExportJobOptions, "getImageExportJobOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getImageExportJobOptions, "getImageExportJobOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "image_id": *getImageExportJobOptions.ImageID, - "id": *getImageExportJobOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{image_id}/export_jobs/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getImageExportJobOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetImageExportJob") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalImageExportJob) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateImageExportJob : Update an image export job -// This request updates an image export job with the information in a provided image export job patch. The image export -// job patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved image export job and contains only the information to -// be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateImageExportJob(updateImageExportJobOptions *UpdateImageExportJobOptions) (result *ImageExportJob, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateImageExportJobWithContext(context.Background(), updateImageExportJobOptions) -} - -// UpdateImageExportJobWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateImageExportJob method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateImageExportJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateImageExportJobOptions *UpdateImageExportJobOptions) (result *ImageExportJob, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateImageExportJobOptions, "updateImageExportJobOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateImageExportJobOptions, "updateImageExportJobOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "image_id": *updateImageExportJobOptions.ImageID, - "id": *updateImageExportJobOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/images/{image_id}/export_jobs/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateImageExportJobOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateImageExportJob") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateImageExportJobOptions.ImageExportJobPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalImageExportJob) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListOperatingSystems : List all operating systems -// This request lists all operating systems in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListOperatingSystems(listOperatingSystemsOptions *ListOperatingSystemsOptions) (result *OperatingSystemCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListOperatingSystemsWithContext(context.Background(), listOperatingSystemsOptions) -} - -// ListOperatingSystemsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListOperatingSystems method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListOperatingSystemsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listOperatingSystemsOptions *ListOperatingSystemsOptions) (result *OperatingSystemCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listOperatingSystemsOptions, "listOperatingSystemsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/operating_systems`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listOperatingSystemsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListOperatingSystems") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listOperatingSystemsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listOperatingSystemsOptions.Start)) - } - if listOperatingSystemsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listOperatingSystemsOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalOperatingSystemCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetOperatingSystem : Retrieve an operating system -// This request retrieves a single operating system specified by the name in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetOperatingSystem(getOperatingSystemOptions *GetOperatingSystemOptions) (result *OperatingSystem, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetOperatingSystemWithContext(context.Background(), getOperatingSystemOptions) -} - -// GetOperatingSystemWithContext is an alternate form of the GetOperatingSystem method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetOperatingSystemWithContext(ctx context.Context, getOperatingSystemOptions *GetOperatingSystemOptions) (result *OperatingSystem, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getOperatingSystemOptions, "getOperatingSystemOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getOperatingSystemOptions, "getOperatingSystemOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "name": *getOperatingSystemOptions.Name, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/operating_systems/{name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getOperatingSystemOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetOperatingSystem") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalOperatingSystem) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListKeys : List all keys -// This request lists all keys in the region. A key contains a public SSH key which may be installed on instances when -// they are created. Private keys are not stored. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListKeys(listKeysOptions *ListKeysOptions) (result *KeyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListKeysWithContext(context.Background(), listKeysOptions) -} - -// ListKeysWithContext is an alternate form of the ListKeys method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListKeysWithContext(ctx context.Context, listKeysOptions *ListKeysOptions) (result *KeyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listKeysOptions, "listKeysOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/keys`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listKeysOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListKeys") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listKeysOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listKeysOptions.Start)) - } - if listKeysOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listKeysOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalKeyCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateKey : Create a key -// This request creates a new SSH key from an key prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the same way -// as a retrieved key, and contains the information necessary to create the new key. The public key value must be -// provided. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateKey(createKeyOptions *CreateKeyOptions) (result *Key, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateKeyWithContext(context.Background(), createKeyOptions) -} - -// CreateKeyWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateKey method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateKeyWithContext(ctx context.Context, createKeyOptions *CreateKeyOptions) (result *Key, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createKeyOptions, "createKeyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createKeyOptions, "createKeyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/keys`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createKeyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateKey") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createKeyOptions.PublicKey != nil { - body["public_key"] = createKeyOptions.PublicKey - } - if createKeyOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createKeyOptions.Name - } - if createKeyOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createKeyOptions.ResourceGroup - } - if createKeyOptions.Type != nil { - body["type"] = createKeyOptions.Type - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalKey) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteKey : Delete a key -// This request deletes a key. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteKey(deleteKeyOptions *DeleteKeyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteKeyWithContext(context.Background(), deleteKeyOptions) -} - -// DeleteKeyWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteKey method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteKeyWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteKeyOptions *DeleteKeyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteKeyOptions, "deleteKeyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteKeyOptions, "deleteKeyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteKeyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/keys/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteKeyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteKey") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetKey : Retrieve a key -// This request retrieves a single key specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetKey(getKeyOptions *GetKeyOptions) (result *Key, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetKeyWithContext(context.Background(), getKeyOptions) -} - -// GetKeyWithContext is an alternate form of the GetKey method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetKeyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getKeyOptions *GetKeyOptions) (result *Key, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getKeyOptions, "getKeyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getKeyOptions, "getKeyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getKeyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/keys/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getKeyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetKey") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalKey) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateKey : Update a key -// This request updates a key's name. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateKey(updateKeyOptions *UpdateKeyOptions) (result *Key, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateKeyWithContext(context.Background(), updateKeyOptions) -} - -// UpdateKeyWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateKey method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateKeyWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateKeyOptions *UpdateKeyOptions) (result *Key, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateKeyOptions, "updateKeyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateKeyOptions, "updateKeyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateKeyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/keys/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateKeyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateKey") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateKeyOptions.KeyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalKey) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceProfiles : List all instance profiles -// This request lists provisionable [instance profiles](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) in the -// region. An instance profile specifies the performance characteristics and pricing model for an instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceProfiles(listInstanceProfilesOptions *ListInstanceProfilesOptions) (result *InstanceProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceProfilesWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceProfilesOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceProfilesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceProfiles method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceProfilesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceProfilesOptions *ListInstanceProfilesOptions) (result *InstanceProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceProfilesOptions, "listInstanceProfilesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance/profiles`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceProfilesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceProfiles") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceProfileCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetInstanceProfile : Retrieve an instance profile -// This request retrieves a single instance profile specified by the name in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceProfile(getInstanceProfileOptions *GetInstanceProfileOptions) (result *InstanceProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceProfileWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceProfileOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceProfileWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceProfile method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceProfileWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceProfileOptions *GetInstanceProfileOptions) (result *InstanceProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceProfileOptions, "getInstanceProfileOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceProfileOptions, "getInstanceProfileOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "name": *getInstanceProfileOptions.Name, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance/profiles/{name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceProfileOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceProfile") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceTemplates : List all instance templates -// This request lists all instance templates in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceTemplates(listInstanceTemplatesOptions *ListInstanceTemplatesOptions) (result *InstanceTemplateCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceTemplatesWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceTemplatesOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceTemplatesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceTemplates method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceTemplatesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceTemplatesOptions *ListInstanceTemplatesOptions) (result *InstanceTemplateCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceTemplatesOptions, "listInstanceTemplatesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance/templates`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceTemplatesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceTemplates") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceTemplate : Create an instance template -// This request creates a new instance template. The prototype object is structured in the same way as a retrieved -// instance template, and contains the information necessary to provision a new instance from the template. -// -// If a `source_template` is specified in the prototype object, its contents are copied into the new template prior to -// copying any other properties provided in the prototype object. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceTemplate(createInstanceTemplateOptions *CreateInstanceTemplateOptions) (result InstanceTemplateIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceTemplateWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceTemplateOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceTemplateWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceTemplate method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceTemplateOptions *CreateInstanceTemplateOptions) (result InstanceTemplateIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceTemplateOptions, "createInstanceTemplateOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceTemplateOptions, "createInstanceTemplateOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance/templates`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceTemplateOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceTemplate") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createInstanceTemplateOptions.InstanceTemplatePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceTemplate) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceTemplate : Delete an instance template -// This request deletes the instance template. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceTemplate(deleteInstanceTemplateOptions *DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceTemplateWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceTemplateOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceTemplateWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceTemplate method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceTemplateOptions *DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceTemplateOptions, "deleteInstanceTemplateOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceTemplateOptions, "deleteInstanceTemplateOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteInstanceTemplateOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance/templates/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceTemplateOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceTemplate") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceTemplate : Retrieve an instance template -// This request retrieves a single instance template specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceTemplate(getInstanceTemplateOptions *GetInstanceTemplateOptions) (result InstanceTemplateIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceTemplateWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceTemplateOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceTemplateWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceTemplate method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceTemplateOptions *GetInstanceTemplateOptions) (result InstanceTemplateIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceTemplateOptions, "getInstanceTemplateOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceTemplateOptions, "getInstanceTemplateOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getInstanceTemplateOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance/templates/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceTemplateOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceTemplate") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceTemplate) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceTemplate : Update an instance template -// This request updates an instance template with the information provided in the instance template patch. The instance -// template patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved instance template and contains only the -// information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceTemplate(updateInstanceTemplateOptions *UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions) (result InstanceTemplateIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceTemplateWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceTemplateOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceTemplateWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceTemplate method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceTemplateWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceTemplateOptions *UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions) (result InstanceTemplateIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceTemplateOptions, "updateInstanceTemplateOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceTemplateOptions, "updateInstanceTemplateOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateInstanceTemplateOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance/templates/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceTemplateOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceTemplate") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceTemplateOptions.InstanceTemplatePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceTemplate) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstances : List all instances -// This request lists all instances in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstances(listInstancesOptions *ListInstancesOptions) (result *InstanceCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstancesWithContext(context.Background(), listInstancesOptions) -} - -// ListInstancesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstances method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstancesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstancesOptions *ListInstancesOptions) (result *InstanceCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstancesOptions, "listInstancesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstancesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstances") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listInstancesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.Start)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.Name)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.VPCID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.id", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.VPCID)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.VPCCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.VPCCRN)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.VPCName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.name", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.VPCName)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.DedicatedHostID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("dedicated_host.id", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.DedicatedHostID)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.DedicatedHostCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("dedicated_host.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.DedicatedHostCRN)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.DedicatedHostName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("dedicated_host.name", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.DedicatedHostName)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.PlacementGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("placement_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.PlacementGroupID)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.PlacementGroupCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("placement_group.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.PlacementGroupCRN)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.PlacementGroupName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("placement_group.name", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.PlacementGroupName)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.ReservationID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("reservation.id", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.ReservationID)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.ReservationCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("reservation.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.ReservationCRN)) - } - if listInstancesOptions.ReservationName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("reservation.name", fmt.Sprint(*listInstancesOptions.ReservationName)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstance : Create an instance -// This request provisions a new instance from an instance prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the -// same way as a retrieved instance, and contains the information necessary to provision the new instance. The instance -// is automatically started. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstance(createInstanceOptions *CreateInstanceOptions) (result *Instance, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstance method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceOptions *CreateInstanceOptions) (result *Instance, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceOptions, "createInstanceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceOptions, "createInstanceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstance") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createInstanceOptions.InstancePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstance) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstance : Delete an instance -// This request deletes an instance. This operation cannot be reversed. Any floating IPs associated with instance -// network interfaces are implicitly disassociated. All virtual network interfaces with `auto_delete` set to `true` -// targeting instance network attachments on the instance are automatically deleted. All flow log collectors with -// `auto_delete` set to `true` targeting the instance, the instance network attachments, the instance network -// interfaces, or the automatically deleted virtual network interfaces are automatically deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstance(deleteInstanceOptions *DeleteInstanceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstance method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceOptions *DeleteInstanceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceOptions, "deleteInstanceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceOptions, "deleteInstanceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteInstanceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstance") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - if deleteInstanceOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteInstanceOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstance : Retrieve an instance -// This request retrieves a single instance specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstance(getInstanceOptions *GetInstanceOptions) (result *Instance, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstance method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceOptions *GetInstanceOptions) (result *Instance, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceOptions, "getInstanceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceOptions, "getInstanceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getInstanceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstance") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstance) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstance : Update an instance -// This request updates an instance with the information in a provided instance patch. The instance patch object is -// structured in the same way as a retrieved instance and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstance(updateInstanceOptions *UpdateInstanceOptions) (result *Instance, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstance method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceOptions *UpdateInstanceOptions) (result *Instance, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceOptions, "updateInstanceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceOptions, "updateInstanceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateInstanceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstance") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateInstanceOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateInstanceOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceOptions.InstancePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstance) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetInstanceInitialization : Retrieve initialization configuration for an instance -// This request retrieves configuration used to initialize the instance, such as SSH keys and the Windows administrator -// password. These can subsequently be changed on the instance and therefore may not be current. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceInitialization(getInstanceInitializationOptions *GetInstanceInitializationOptions) (result *InstanceInitialization, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceInitializationWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceInitializationOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceInitializationWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceInitialization method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceInitializationWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceInitializationOptions *GetInstanceInitializationOptions) (result *InstanceInitialization, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceInitializationOptions, "getInstanceInitializationOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceInitializationOptions, "getInstanceInitializationOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getInstanceInitializationOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{id}/initialization`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceInitializationOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceInitialization") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceInitialization) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceAction : Create an instance action -// This request creates a new action which will be queued up to run as soon as any pending or running actions have -// completed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceAction(createInstanceActionOptions *CreateInstanceActionOptions) (result *InstanceAction, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceActionWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceActionOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceActionWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceAction method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceActionOptions *CreateInstanceActionOptions) (result *InstanceAction, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceActionOptions, "createInstanceActionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceActionOptions, "createInstanceActionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *createInstanceActionOptions.InstanceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/actions`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceActionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceAction") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createInstanceActionOptions.Type != nil { - body["type"] = createInstanceActionOptions.Type - } - if createInstanceActionOptions.Force != nil { - body["force"] = createInstanceActionOptions.Force - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceAction) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceConsoleAccessToken : Create a console access token for an instance -// This request creates a new single-use console access token for an instance. All console configuration is provided at -// token create time, and the token is subsequently used in the `access_token` query parameter for the WebSocket -// request. The access token is only valid for a short period of time, and a maximum of one token is valid for a given -// instance at a time. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceConsoleAccessToken(createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions) (result *InstanceConsoleAccessToken, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceConsoleAccessToken method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions) (result *InstanceConsoleAccessToken, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions, "createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions, "createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions.InstanceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/console_access_token`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceConsoleAccessToken") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions.ConsoleType != nil { - body["console_type"] = createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions.ConsoleType - } - if createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions.Force != nil { - body["force"] = createInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions.Force - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceConsoleAccessToken) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceDisks : List all disks on an instance -// This request lists all disks on an instance. A disk is a block device that is locally attached to the instance's -// physical host and is also referred to as instance storage. By default, the listed disks are sorted by their -// `created_at` property values, with the newest disk first. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceDisks(listInstanceDisksOptions *ListInstanceDisksOptions) (result *InstanceDiskCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceDisksWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceDisksOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceDisksWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceDisks method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceDisksWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceDisksOptions *ListInstanceDisksOptions) (result *InstanceDiskCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceDisksOptions, "listInstanceDisksOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceDisksOptions, "listInstanceDisksOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *listInstanceDisksOptions.InstanceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/disks`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceDisksOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceDisks") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceDiskCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetInstanceDisk : Retrieve an instance disk -// This request retrieves a single instance disk specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceDisk(getInstanceDiskOptions *GetInstanceDiskOptions) (result *InstanceDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceDiskWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceDiskOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceDiskWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceDisk method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceDiskWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceDiskOptions *GetInstanceDiskOptions) (result *InstanceDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceDiskOptions, "getInstanceDiskOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceDiskOptions, "getInstanceDiskOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *getInstanceDiskOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *getInstanceDiskOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/disks/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceDiskOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceDisk") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceDisk : Update an instance disk -// This request updates the instance disk with the information in a provided patch. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceDisk(updateInstanceDiskOptions *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions) (result *InstanceDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceDiskWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceDiskOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceDiskWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceDisk method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceDiskWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceDiskOptions *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions) (result *InstanceDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceDiskOptions, "updateInstanceDiskOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceDiskOptions, "updateInstanceDiskOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *updateInstanceDiskOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *updateInstanceDiskOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/disks/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceDiskOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceDisk") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceDiskOptions.InstanceDiskPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkAttachments : List all network attachments on an instance -// This request lists all network attachments on an instance. A network attachment represents a device on the instance -// to which a virtual network interface is attached. -// -// The network attachments will be sorted by their `created_at` property values, with newest network attachments first. -// Network attachments with identical `created_at` property values will in turn be sorted by ascending `name` property -// values. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceNetworkAttachments(listInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions *ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions) (result *InstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceNetworkAttachments method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions *ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions) (result *InstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions, "listInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions, "listInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *listInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions.InstanceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_attachments`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceNetworkAttachments") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceNetworkAttachment : Create a network attachment on an instance -// This request creates a new instance network attachment from an instance network attachment prototype object. The -// prototype object is structured in the same way as a retrieved instance network attachment, and contains the -// information necessary to create the new instance network attachment. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceNetworkAttachment(createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result *InstanceNetworkAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceNetworkAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result *InstanceNetworkAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions, "createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions, "createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.InstanceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_attachments`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceNetworkAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.VirtualNetworkInterface != nil { - body["virtual_network_interface"] = createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.VirtualNetworkInterface - } - if createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.Name - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachment : Delete an instance network attachment -// This request deletes an instance network attachment. This operation cannot be reversed. Any floating IPs associated -// with the instance network attachment are implicitly disassociated. All flow log collectors with `auto_delete` set to -// `true` targeting the instance network attachment are automatically deleted. The primary instance network attachment -// is not allowed to be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachment(deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions *DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions *DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions, "deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions, "deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_attachments/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkAttachment : Retrieve an instance network attachment -// This request retrieves a single instance network attachment specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceNetworkAttachment(getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions *GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result *InstanceNetworkAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceNetworkAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions *GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result *InstanceNetworkAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions, "getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions, "getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_attachments/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceNetworkAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachment : Update an instance network attachment -// This request updates an instance network attachment with the information provided in an instance network interface -// patch object. The instance network attachment patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved instance -// network attachment and needs to contain only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachment(updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result *InstanceNetworkAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result *InstanceNetworkAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions, "updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions, "updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_attachments/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions.InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkInterfaces : List all network interfaces on an instance -// This request lists all network interfaces on an instance. An instance network interface is an abstract representation -// of a network device and attaches an instance to a single subnet. Each network interface on an instance can attach to -// any subnet in the zone, including subnets that are already attached to the instance. Multiple network interfaces on -// the instance may also attach to the same subnet. -// -// If this instance has network attachments, each returned network interface is a [read-only -// representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network -// attachment and its attached virtual network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceNetworkInterfaces(listInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions *ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions) (result *NetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceNetworkInterfaces method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions *ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions) (result *NetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions, "listInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions, "listInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *listInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions.InstanceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceNetworkInterfaces") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceNetworkInterface : Create a network interface on an instance -// This request creates a new instance network interface from an instance network interface prototype object. The -// prototype object is structured in the same way as a retrieved instance network interface, and contains the -// information necessary to create the new instance network interface. Any subnet in the instance's VPC may be -// specified. Addresses on the instance network interface must be within the specified subnet's CIDR blocks. -// -// If this instance has network attachments, each network interface is a [read-only -// representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network -// attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and new network interfaces are not allowed to be created. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceNetworkInterface(createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *NetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *NetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions, "createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions, "createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.InstanceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.Subnet != nil { - body["subnet"] = createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.Subnet - } - if createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.AllowIPSpoofing != nil { - body["allow_ip_spoofing"] = createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.AllowIPSpoofing - } - if createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.Name - } - if createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.PrimaryIP != nil { - body["primary_ip"] = createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.PrimaryIP - } - if createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.SecurityGroups != nil { - body["security_groups"] = createInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.SecurityGroups - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceNetworkInterface : Delete an instance network interface -// This request deletes an instance network interface. This operation cannot be reversed. Any floating IPs associated -// with the instance network interface are implicitly disassociated. All flow log collectors with `auto_delete` set to -// `true` targeting the instance network interface are automatically deleted. The primary instance network interface is -// not allowed to be deleted. -// -// If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only -// representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network -// attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and is not allowed to be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceNetworkInterface(deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions *DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions *DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions, "deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions, "deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkInterface : Retrieve an instance network interface -// This request retrieves a single instance network interface specified by the identifier in the URL. -// -// If this instance has network attachments, the retrieved network interface is a -// [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceNetworkInterface(getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *NetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *NetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions, "getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions, "getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceNetworkInterface : Update an instance network interface -// This request updates an instance network interface with the information provided in an instance network interface -// patch object. The instance network interface patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved instance -// network interface and needs to contain only the information to be updated. -// -// If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only -// representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network -// attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and is not allowed to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceNetworkInterface(updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *NetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *NetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions, "updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions, "updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions.NetworkInterfacePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps : List all floating IPs associated with an instance network interface -// This request lists all floating IPs associated with an instance network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps(listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) (result *FloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) (result *FloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions, "listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions, "listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.InstanceID, - "network_interface_id": *listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/floating_ips`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP : Disassociate a floating IP from an instance network interface -// This request disassociates the specified floating IP from the specified instance network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP(removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.InstanceID, - "network_interface_id": *removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range removeInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP : Retrieve associated floating IP -// This request retrieves a specified floating IP address if it is associated with the instance network interface and -// instance specified in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP(getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.InstanceID, - "network_interface_id": *getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP : Associate a floating IP with an instance network interface -// This request associates the specified floating IP with the specified instance network interface, replacing any -// existing association. -// -// The existing floating IP must: -// - not be required by another resource, such as a public gateway -// - be in the same `zone` as the instance -// -// A request body is not required, and if provided, is ignored. -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP(addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.InstanceID, - "network_interface_id": *addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range addInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIps : List the primary reserved IP for an instance network interface -// This request lists the primary reserved IP for an instance network interface. -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIps(listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIps method which supports a Context parameter -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - core.GetLogger().Warn("A deprecated operation has been invoked: ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIps") - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions, "listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions, "listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.InstanceID, - "network_interface_id": *listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/ips`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIps") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Start)) - } - if listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIP : Retrieve the primary reserved IP -// This request retrieves the primary reserved IP for an instance network interface. -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIP(getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIP method which supports a Context parameter -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - core.GetLogger().Warn("A deprecated operation has been invoked: GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIP") - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.InstanceID, - "network_interface_id": *getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceVolumeAttachments : List all volumes attachments on an instance -// This request lists all volume attachments on an instance. A volume attachment connects a volume to an instance. Each -// instance may have many volume attachments but each volume attachment connects exactly one instance to exactly one -// volume. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceVolumeAttachments(listInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions *ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions) (result *VolumeAttachmentCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceVolumeAttachments method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions *ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions) (result *VolumeAttachmentCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions, "listInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions, "listInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *listInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions.InstanceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/volume_attachments`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceVolumeAttachments") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceVolumeAttachment : Create a volume attachment on an instance -// This request creates a new volume attachment from a volume attachment prototype object, connecting a volume to an -// instance. For this request to succeed, the specified volume must not be busy. The prototype object is structured in -// the same way as a retrieved volume attachment, and contains the information necessary to create the new volume -// attachment. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceVolumeAttachment(createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) (result *VolumeAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceVolumeAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) (result *VolumeAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions, "createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions, "createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.InstanceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/volume_attachments`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceVolumeAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.Volume != nil { - body["volume"] = createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.Volume - } - if createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete != nil { - body["delete_volume_on_instance_delete"] = createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete - } - if createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.Name - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolumeAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachment : Delete a volume attachment -// This request deletes a volume attachment. This operation cannot be reversed, but a new volume attachment may -// subsequently be created for the volume. For this request to succeed, the volume must not be busy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachment(deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions *DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions *DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions, "deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions, "deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/volume_attachments/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceVolumeAttachment : Retrieve a volume attachment -// This request retrieves a single volume attachment specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceVolumeAttachment(getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions *GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) (result *VolumeAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceVolumeAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions *GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) (result *VolumeAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions, "getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions, "getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/volume_attachments/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceVolumeAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolumeAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachment : Update a volume attachment -// This request updates a volume attachment with the information provided in a volume attachment patch object. The -// volume attachment patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved volume attachment and needs to contain -// only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachment(updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) (result *VolumeAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) (result *VolumeAttachment, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions, "updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions, "updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_id": *updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.InstanceID, - "id": *updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instances/{instance_id}/volume_attachments/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions.VolumeAttachmentPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolumeAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceGroups : List all instance groups -// This request lists all instance groups in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroups(listInstanceGroupsOptions *ListInstanceGroupsOptions) (result *InstanceGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceGroupsWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceGroupsOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceGroupsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceGroups method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceGroupsOptions *ListInstanceGroupsOptions) (result *InstanceGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceGroupsOptions, "listInstanceGroupsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceGroupsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceGroups") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listInstanceGroupsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupsOptions.Start)) - } - if listInstanceGroupsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupsOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceGroup : Create an instance group -// This request creates a new instance group. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceGroup(createInstanceGroupOptions *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) (result *InstanceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceGroupWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceGroupOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceGroupOptions *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) (result *InstanceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceGroupOptions, "createInstanceGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceGroupOptions, "createInstanceGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createInstanceGroupOptions.InstanceTemplate != nil { - body["instance_template"] = createInstanceGroupOptions.InstanceTemplate - } - if createInstanceGroupOptions.Subnets != nil { - body["subnets"] = createInstanceGroupOptions.Subnets - } - if createInstanceGroupOptions.ApplicationPort != nil { - body["application_port"] = createInstanceGroupOptions.ApplicationPort - } - if createInstanceGroupOptions.LoadBalancer != nil { - body["load_balancer"] = createInstanceGroupOptions.LoadBalancer - } - if createInstanceGroupOptions.LoadBalancerPool != nil { - body["load_balancer_pool"] = createInstanceGroupOptions.LoadBalancerPool - } - if createInstanceGroupOptions.MembershipCount != nil { - body["membership_count"] = createInstanceGroupOptions.MembershipCount - } - if createInstanceGroupOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createInstanceGroupOptions.Name - } - if createInstanceGroupOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createInstanceGroupOptions.ResourceGroup - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroup : Delete an instance group -// This request deletes an instance group. This operation cannot be reversed. Any instances associated with the group -// will be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroup(deleteInstanceGroupOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceGroupWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceGroupOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceGroupOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceGroupOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceGroupOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteInstanceGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceGroup : Retrieve an instance group -// This request retrieves a single instance group specified by identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroup(getInstanceGroupOptions *GetInstanceGroupOptions) (result *InstanceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceGroupWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceGroupOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceGroupOptions *GetInstanceGroupOptions) (result *InstanceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceGroupOptions, "getInstanceGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceGroupOptions, "getInstanceGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getInstanceGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroup : Update an instance group -// This request updates an instance group with the information provided instance group patch. The instance group patch -// object is structured in the same way as a retrieved instance group and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroup(updateInstanceGroupOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupOptions) (result *InstanceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceGroupWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceGroupOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceGroupOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupOptions) (result *InstanceGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceGroupOptions, "updateInstanceGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceGroupOptions, "updateInstanceGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateInstanceGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceGroupOptions.InstanceGroupPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancer : Delete an instance group load balancer -// This request unbinds the instance group from the load balancer pool, and deletes the load balancer pool members. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancer(deleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *deleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions.InstanceGroupID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/load_balancer`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListInstanceGroupManagers : List all managers for an instance group -// This request lists all managers for an instance group. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroupManagers(listInstanceGroupManagersOptions *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions) (result *InstanceGroupManagerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceGroupManagersWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceGroupManagersOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceGroupManagersWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceGroupManagers method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroupManagersWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceGroupManagersOptions *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions) (result *InstanceGroupManagerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceGroupManagersOptions, "listInstanceGroupManagersOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceGroupManagersOptions, "listInstanceGroupManagersOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *listInstanceGroupManagersOptions.InstanceGroupID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceGroupManagersOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceGroupManagers") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listInstanceGroupManagersOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupManagersOptions.Start)) - } - if listInstanceGroupManagersOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupManagersOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupManager : Create a manager for an instance group -// This request creates a new instance group manager. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceGroupManager(createInstanceGroupManagerOptions *CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceGroupManagerWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceGroupManagerOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupManagerWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceGroupManager method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceGroupManagerWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceGroupManagerOptions *CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceGroupManagerOptions, "createInstanceGroupManagerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceGroupManagerOptions, "createInstanceGroupManagerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *createInstanceGroupManagerOptions.InstanceGroupID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceGroupManagerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceGroupManager") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createInstanceGroupManagerOptions.InstanceGroupManagerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManager) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupManager : Delete an instance group manager -// This request deletes an instance group manager. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupManager(deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceGroupManagerWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupManagerWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceGroupManager method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupManagerWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "id": *deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceGroupManager") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceGroupManager : Retrieve an instance group manager -// This request retrieves a single instance group manager specified by identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroupManager(getInstanceGroupManagerOptions *GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceGroupManagerWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceGroupManagerOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceGroupManagerWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceGroupManager method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroupManagerWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceGroupManagerOptions *GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceGroupManagerOptions, "getInstanceGroupManagerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceGroupManagerOptions, "getInstanceGroupManagerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *getInstanceGroupManagerOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "id": *getInstanceGroupManagerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceGroupManagerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceGroupManager") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManager) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupManager : Update an instance group manager -// This request updates an instance group manager with the information provided instance group manager patch. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroupManager(updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceGroupManagerWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupManagerWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceGroupManager method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroupManagerWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions, "updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions, "updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "id": *updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceGroupManager") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceGroupManagerOptions.InstanceGroupManagerPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManager) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceGroupManagerActions : List all actions for an instance group manager -// This request lists all instance group actions for an instance group manager. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroupManagerActions(listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions) (result *InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceGroupManagerActions method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions) (result *InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions, "listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions, "listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/actions`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceGroupManagerActions") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions.Start)) - } - if listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupManagerAction : Create an instance group manager action -// This request creates a new instance group manager action. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceGroupManagerAction(createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceGroupManagerAction method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions, "createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions, "createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/actions`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceGroupManagerAction") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerAction) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupManagerAction : Delete specified instance group manager action -// This request deletes an instance group manager action. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupManagerAction(deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceGroupManagerAction method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - "id": *deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/actions/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceGroupManagerAction") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceGroupManagerAction : Retrieve specified instance group manager action -// This request retrieves a single instance group manager action specified by identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroupManagerAction(getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceGroupManagerAction method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions, "getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions, "getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - "id": *getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/actions/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceGroupManagerAction") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerAction) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupManagerAction : Update specified instance group manager action -// This request updates an instance group manager action. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroupManagerAction(updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceGroupManagerAction method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions, "updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions, "updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - "id": *updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/actions/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceGroupManagerAction") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions.InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerAction) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListInstanceGroupManagerPolicies : List all policies for an instance group manager -// This request lists all policies for an instance group manager. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroupManagerPolicies(listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions) (result *InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceGroupManagerPolicies method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions) (result *InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions, "listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions, "listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/policies`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceGroupManagerPolicies") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions.Start)) - } - if listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy : Create a policy for an instance group manager -// This request creates a new instance group manager policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy(createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions, "createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions, "createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/policies`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicy : Delete an instance group manager policy -// This request deletes an instance group manager policy. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicy(deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - "id": *deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicy : Retrieve an instance group manager policy -// This request retrieves a single instance group manager policy specified by identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicy(getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions, "getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions, "getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - "id": *getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy : Update an instance group manager policy -// This request updates an instance group manager policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy(updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) (result InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions, "updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions, "updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "instance_group_manager_id": *updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupManagerID, - "id": *updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/managers/{instance_group_manager_id}/policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions.InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupMemberships : Delete all memberships from an instance group -// This request deletes all memberships of an instance group. This operation cannot be reversed. reversed. Any -// memberships that have `delete_instance_on_membership_delete` set to `true` will also have their instances deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupMemberships(deleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceGroupMemberships method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *deleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions.InstanceGroupID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/memberships`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceGroupMemberships") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListInstanceGroupMemberships : List all memberships for an instance group -// This request lists all instance group memberships for an instance group. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroupMemberships(listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) (result *InstanceGroupMembershipCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListInstanceGroupMembershipsWithContext(context.Background(), listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) -} - -// ListInstanceGroupMembershipsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListInstanceGroupMemberships method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListInstanceGroupMembershipsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) (result *InstanceGroupMembershipCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions, "listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions, "listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions.InstanceGroupID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/memberships`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListInstanceGroupMemberships") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions.Start)) - } - if listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupMembership : Delete an instance group membership -// This request deletes a memberships of an instance group. This operation cannot be reversed. reversed. If the -// membership has `delete_instance_on_membership_delete` set to `true`, the instance will also be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupMembership(deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipWithContext(context.Background(), deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteInstanceGroupMembership method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions, "deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "id": *deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/memberships/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteInstanceGroupMembership") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetInstanceGroupMembership : Retrieve an instance group membership -// This request retrieves a single instance group membership specified by identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroupMembership(getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions *GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) (result *InstanceGroupMembership, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetInstanceGroupMembershipWithContext(context.Background(), getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) -} - -// GetInstanceGroupMembershipWithContext is an alternate form of the GetInstanceGroupMembership method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetInstanceGroupMembershipWithContext(ctx context.Context, getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions *GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) (result *InstanceGroupMembership, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions, "getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions, "getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "id": *getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/memberships/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetInstanceGroupMembership") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembership) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupMembership : Update an instance group membership -// This request updates an instance group membership with the information provided instance group membership patch. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroupMembership(updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) (result *InstanceGroupMembership, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipWithContext(context.Background(), updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateInstanceGroupMembership method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) (result *InstanceGroupMembership, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions, "updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions, "updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "instance_group_id": *updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.InstanceGroupID, - "id": *updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/instance_groups/{instance_group_id}/memberships/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateInstanceGroupMembership") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions.InstanceGroupMembershipPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembership) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListReservations : List all reservations -// This request lists all reservations in the region. A reservation provides reserved capacity for a specified profile -// in a specified zone. A reservation can also include a long-term committed use discount. -// -// The reservations will be sorted by their `created_at` property values, with newest reservations first. Reservations -// with identical `created_at` property values will in turn be sorted by ascending `name` property values. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListReservations(listReservationsOptions *ListReservationsOptions) (result *ReservationCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListReservationsWithContext(context.Background(), listReservationsOptions) -} - -// ListReservationsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListReservations method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListReservationsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listReservationsOptions *ListReservationsOptions) (result *ReservationCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listReservationsOptions, "listReservationsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/reservations`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listReservationsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListReservations") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listReservationsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listReservationsOptions.Start)) - } - if listReservationsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listReservationsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listReservationsOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listReservationsOptions.Name)) - } - if listReservationsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listReservationsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listReservationsOptions.ZoneName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("zone.name", fmt.Sprint(*listReservationsOptions.ZoneName)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservationCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateReservation : Create a reservation -// This request creates a new reservation from a reservation prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the -// same way as a retrieved reservation, and contains the information necessary to create the new reservation. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateReservation(createReservationOptions *CreateReservationOptions) (result *Reservation, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateReservationWithContext(context.Background(), createReservationOptions) -} - -// CreateReservationWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateReservation method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateReservationWithContext(ctx context.Context, createReservationOptions *CreateReservationOptions) (result *Reservation, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createReservationOptions, "createReservationOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createReservationOptions, "createReservationOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/reservations`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createReservationOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateReservation") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createReservationOptions.Capacity != nil { - body["capacity"] = createReservationOptions.Capacity - } - if createReservationOptions.CommittedUse != nil { - body["committed_use"] = createReservationOptions.CommittedUse - } - if createReservationOptions.Profile != nil { - body["profile"] = createReservationOptions.Profile - } - if createReservationOptions.Zone != nil { - body["zone"] = createReservationOptions.Zone - } - if createReservationOptions.AffinityPolicy != nil { - body["affinity_policy"] = createReservationOptions.AffinityPolicy - } - if createReservationOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createReservationOptions.Name - } - if createReservationOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createReservationOptions.ResourceGroup - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservation) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteReservation : Delete a reservation -// This request deletes a reservation. This operation cannot be reversed. Reservations with a `status` of `active` are -// not allowed to be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteReservation(deleteReservationOptions *DeleteReservationOptions) (result *Reservation, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteReservationWithContext(context.Background(), deleteReservationOptions) -} - -// DeleteReservationWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteReservation method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteReservationWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteReservationOptions *DeleteReservationOptions) (result *Reservation, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteReservationOptions, "deleteReservationOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteReservationOptions, "deleteReservationOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteReservationOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/reservations/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteReservationOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteReservation") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservation) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetReservation : Retrieve a reservation -// This request retrieves a single reservation specified by identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetReservation(getReservationOptions *GetReservationOptions) (result *Reservation, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetReservationWithContext(context.Background(), getReservationOptions) -} - -// GetReservationWithContext is an alternate form of the GetReservation method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetReservationWithContext(ctx context.Context, getReservationOptions *GetReservationOptions) (result *Reservation, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getReservationOptions, "getReservationOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getReservationOptions, "getReservationOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getReservationOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/reservations/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getReservationOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetReservation") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservation) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateReservation : Update a reservation -// This request updates a reservation with the information provided in a reservation patch object. The patch object is -// structured in the same way as a retrieved reservation and needs to contain only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateReservation(updateReservationOptions *UpdateReservationOptions) (result *Reservation, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateReservationWithContext(context.Background(), updateReservationOptions) -} - -// UpdateReservationWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateReservation method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateReservationWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateReservationOptions *UpdateReservationOptions) (result *Reservation, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateReservationOptions, "updateReservationOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateReservationOptions, "updateReservationOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateReservationOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/reservations/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateReservationOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateReservation") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateReservationOptions.ReservationPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservation) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ActivateReservation : Activate a reservation -// This request activates a reservation. For this request to succeed, the reservation status must be `inactive`. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ActivateReservation(activateReservationOptions *ActivateReservationOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ActivateReservationWithContext(context.Background(), activateReservationOptions) -} - -// ActivateReservationWithContext is an alternate form of the ActivateReservation method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ActivateReservationWithContext(ctx context.Context, activateReservationOptions *ActivateReservationOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(activateReservationOptions, "activateReservationOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(activateReservationOptions, "activateReservationOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *activateReservationOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/reservations/{id}/activate`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range activateReservationOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ActivateReservation") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListDedicatedHostGroups : List all dedicated host groups -// This request lists all dedicated host groups in the region. Host groups are a collection of dedicated hosts for -// placement of instances. Each dedicated host must belong to one and only one group. Host groups do not span zones. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListDedicatedHostGroups(listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) (result *DedicatedHostGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListDedicatedHostGroupsWithContext(context.Background(), listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) -} - -// ListDedicatedHostGroupsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListDedicatedHostGroups method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListDedicatedHostGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) (result *DedicatedHostGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions, "listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_host/groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListDedicatedHostGroups") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.Start)) - } - if listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.ZoneName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("zone.name", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.ZoneName)) - } - if listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostGroupsOptions.Name)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateDedicatedHostGroup : Create a dedicated host group -// This request creates a new dedicated host group. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateDedicatedHostGroup(createDedicatedHostGroupOptions *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) (result *DedicatedHostGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateDedicatedHostGroupWithContext(context.Background(), createDedicatedHostGroupOptions) -} - -// CreateDedicatedHostGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateDedicatedHostGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateDedicatedHostGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, createDedicatedHostGroupOptions *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) (result *DedicatedHostGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createDedicatedHostGroupOptions, "createDedicatedHostGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createDedicatedHostGroupOptions, "createDedicatedHostGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_host/groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateDedicatedHostGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Class != nil { - body["class"] = createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Class - } - if createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Family != nil { - body["family"] = createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Family - } - if createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Zone != nil { - body["zone"] = createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Zone - } - if createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Name - } - if createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createDedicatedHostGroupOptions.ResourceGroup - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteDedicatedHostGroup : Delete a dedicated host group -// This request deletes a dedicated host group. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteDedicatedHostGroup(deleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions *DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteDedicatedHostGroupWithContext(context.Background(), deleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions) -} - -// DeleteDedicatedHostGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteDedicatedHostGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteDedicatedHostGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions *DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions, "deleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions, "deleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_host/groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteDedicatedHostGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetDedicatedHostGroup : Retrieve a dedicated host group -// This request retrieves a single dedicated host group specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetDedicatedHostGroup(getDedicatedHostGroupOptions *GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions) (result *DedicatedHostGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetDedicatedHostGroupWithContext(context.Background(), getDedicatedHostGroupOptions) -} - -// GetDedicatedHostGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the GetDedicatedHostGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetDedicatedHostGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, getDedicatedHostGroupOptions *GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions) (result *DedicatedHostGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getDedicatedHostGroupOptions, "getDedicatedHostGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getDedicatedHostGroupOptions, "getDedicatedHostGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getDedicatedHostGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_host/groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetDedicatedHostGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateDedicatedHostGroup : Update a dedicated host group -// This request updates a dedicated host group with the information in a provided dedicated host group patch. The -// dedicated host group patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved dedicated host group and contains only -// the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateDedicatedHostGroup(updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions *UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) (result *DedicatedHostGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateDedicatedHostGroupWithContext(context.Background(), updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) -} - -// UpdateDedicatedHostGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateDedicatedHostGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateDedicatedHostGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions *UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) (result *DedicatedHostGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions, "updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions, "updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_host/groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateDedicatedHostGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateDedicatedHostGroupOptions.DedicatedHostGroupPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListDedicatedHostProfiles : List all dedicated host profiles -// This request lists provisionable [dedicated host profiles](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-dh-profiles) in -// the region. A dedicated host profile specifies the hardware characteristics for a dedicated host. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListDedicatedHostProfiles(listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions) (result *DedicatedHostProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListDedicatedHostProfilesWithContext(context.Background(), listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions) -} - -// ListDedicatedHostProfilesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListDedicatedHostProfiles method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListDedicatedHostProfilesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions) (result *DedicatedHostProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions, "listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_host/profiles`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListDedicatedHostProfiles") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions.Start)) - } - if listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostProfilesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetDedicatedHostProfile : Retrieve a dedicated host profile -// This request retrieves a single dedicated host profile specified by the name in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetDedicatedHostProfile(getDedicatedHostProfileOptions *GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions) (result *DedicatedHostProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetDedicatedHostProfileWithContext(context.Background(), getDedicatedHostProfileOptions) -} - -// GetDedicatedHostProfileWithContext is an alternate form of the GetDedicatedHostProfile method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetDedicatedHostProfileWithContext(ctx context.Context, getDedicatedHostProfileOptions *GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions) (result *DedicatedHostProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getDedicatedHostProfileOptions, "getDedicatedHostProfileOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getDedicatedHostProfileOptions, "getDedicatedHostProfileOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "name": *getDedicatedHostProfileOptions.Name, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_host/profiles/{name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getDedicatedHostProfileOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetDedicatedHostProfile") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListDedicatedHosts : List all dedicated hosts -// This request lists all dedicated hosts in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListDedicatedHosts(listDedicatedHostsOptions *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) (result *DedicatedHostCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListDedicatedHostsWithContext(context.Background(), listDedicatedHostsOptions) -} - -// ListDedicatedHostsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListDedicatedHosts method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListDedicatedHostsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listDedicatedHostsOptions *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) (result *DedicatedHostCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listDedicatedHostsOptions, "listDedicatedHostsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_hosts`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listDedicatedHostsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListDedicatedHosts") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listDedicatedHostsOptions.DedicatedHostGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("dedicated_host_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostsOptions.DedicatedHostGroupID)) - } - if listDedicatedHostsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostsOptions.Start)) - } - if listDedicatedHostsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listDedicatedHostsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listDedicatedHostsOptions.ZoneName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("zone.name", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostsOptions.ZoneName)) - } - if listDedicatedHostsOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listDedicatedHostsOptions.Name)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateDedicatedHost : Create a dedicated host -// This request creates a new dedicated host. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateDedicatedHost(createDedicatedHostOptions *CreateDedicatedHostOptions) (result *DedicatedHost, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateDedicatedHostWithContext(context.Background(), createDedicatedHostOptions) -} - -// CreateDedicatedHostWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateDedicatedHost method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateDedicatedHostWithContext(ctx context.Context, createDedicatedHostOptions *CreateDedicatedHostOptions) (result *DedicatedHost, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createDedicatedHostOptions, "createDedicatedHostOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createDedicatedHostOptions, "createDedicatedHostOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_hosts`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createDedicatedHostOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateDedicatedHost") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createDedicatedHostOptions.DedicatedHostPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHost) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListDedicatedHostDisks : List all disks on a dedicated host -// This request lists all disks on a dedicated host. A disk is a physical device that is locally attached to the -// compute node. By default, the listed disks are sorted by their -// `created_at` property values, with the newest disk first. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListDedicatedHostDisks(listDedicatedHostDisksOptions *ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions) (result *DedicatedHostDiskCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListDedicatedHostDisksWithContext(context.Background(), listDedicatedHostDisksOptions) -} - -// ListDedicatedHostDisksWithContext is an alternate form of the ListDedicatedHostDisks method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListDedicatedHostDisksWithContext(ctx context.Context, listDedicatedHostDisksOptions *ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions) (result *DedicatedHostDiskCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listDedicatedHostDisksOptions, "listDedicatedHostDisksOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listDedicatedHostDisksOptions, "listDedicatedHostDisksOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "dedicated_host_id": *listDedicatedHostDisksOptions.DedicatedHostID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_hosts/{dedicated_host_id}/disks`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listDedicatedHostDisksOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListDedicatedHostDisks") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostDiskCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetDedicatedHostDisk : Retrieve a dedicated host disk -// This request retrieves a single dedicated host disk specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetDedicatedHostDisk(getDedicatedHostDiskOptions *GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions) (result *DedicatedHostDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetDedicatedHostDiskWithContext(context.Background(), getDedicatedHostDiskOptions) -} - -// GetDedicatedHostDiskWithContext is an alternate form of the GetDedicatedHostDisk method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetDedicatedHostDiskWithContext(ctx context.Context, getDedicatedHostDiskOptions *GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions) (result *DedicatedHostDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getDedicatedHostDiskOptions, "getDedicatedHostDiskOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getDedicatedHostDiskOptions, "getDedicatedHostDiskOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "dedicated_host_id": *getDedicatedHostDiskOptions.DedicatedHostID, - "id": *getDedicatedHostDiskOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_hosts/{dedicated_host_id}/disks/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getDedicatedHostDiskOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetDedicatedHostDisk") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateDedicatedHostDisk : Update a dedicated host disk -// This request updates the dedicated host disk with the information in a provided patch. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateDedicatedHostDisk(updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions) (result *DedicatedHostDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateDedicatedHostDiskWithContext(context.Background(), updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions) -} - -// UpdateDedicatedHostDiskWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateDedicatedHostDisk method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateDedicatedHostDiskWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions) (result *DedicatedHostDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions, "updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions, "updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "dedicated_host_id": *updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions.DedicatedHostID, - "id": *updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_hosts/{dedicated_host_id}/disks/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateDedicatedHostDisk") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateDedicatedHostDiskOptions.DedicatedHostDiskPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHostDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteDedicatedHost : Delete a dedicated host -// This request deletes a dedicated host. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteDedicatedHost(deleteDedicatedHostOptions *DeleteDedicatedHostOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteDedicatedHostWithContext(context.Background(), deleteDedicatedHostOptions) -} - -// DeleteDedicatedHostWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteDedicatedHost method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteDedicatedHostWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteDedicatedHostOptions *DeleteDedicatedHostOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteDedicatedHostOptions, "deleteDedicatedHostOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteDedicatedHostOptions, "deleteDedicatedHostOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteDedicatedHostOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_hosts/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteDedicatedHostOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteDedicatedHost") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetDedicatedHost : Retrieve a dedicated host -// This request retrieves a single dedicated host specified by the identifiers in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetDedicatedHost(getDedicatedHostOptions *GetDedicatedHostOptions) (result *DedicatedHost, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetDedicatedHostWithContext(context.Background(), getDedicatedHostOptions) -} - -// GetDedicatedHostWithContext is an alternate form of the GetDedicatedHost method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetDedicatedHostWithContext(ctx context.Context, getDedicatedHostOptions *GetDedicatedHostOptions) (result *DedicatedHost, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getDedicatedHostOptions, "getDedicatedHostOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getDedicatedHostOptions, "getDedicatedHostOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getDedicatedHostOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_hosts/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getDedicatedHostOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetDedicatedHost") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHost) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateDedicatedHost : Update a dedicated host -// This request updates a dedicated host with the information in a provided dedicated host patch. The dedicated host -// patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved dedicated host and contains only the information to be -// updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateDedicatedHost(updateDedicatedHostOptions *UpdateDedicatedHostOptions) (result *DedicatedHost, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateDedicatedHostWithContext(context.Background(), updateDedicatedHostOptions) -} - -// UpdateDedicatedHostWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateDedicatedHost method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateDedicatedHostWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateDedicatedHostOptions *UpdateDedicatedHostOptions) (result *DedicatedHost, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateDedicatedHostOptions, "updateDedicatedHostOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateDedicatedHostOptions, "updateDedicatedHostOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateDedicatedHostOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/dedicated_hosts/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateDedicatedHostOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateDedicatedHost") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateDedicatedHostOptions.DedicatedHostPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalDedicatedHost) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListPlacementGroups : List all placement groups -// This request lists all placement groups in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListPlacementGroups(listPlacementGroupsOptions *ListPlacementGroupsOptions) (result *PlacementGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListPlacementGroupsWithContext(context.Background(), listPlacementGroupsOptions) -} - -// ListPlacementGroupsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListPlacementGroups method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListPlacementGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listPlacementGroupsOptions *ListPlacementGroupsOptions) (result *PlacementGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listPlacementGroupsOptions, "listPlacementGroupsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/placement_groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listPlacementGroupsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListPlacementGroups") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listPlacementGroupsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listPlacementGroupsOptions.Start)) - } - if listPlacementGroupsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listPlacementGroupsOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPlacementGroupCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreatePlacementGroup : Create a placement group -// This request creates a new placement group. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreatePlacementGroup(createPlacementGroupOptions *CreatePlacementGroupOptions) (result *PlacementGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreatePlacementGroupWithContext(context.Background(), createPlacementGroupOptions) -} - -// CreatePlacementGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the CreatePlacementGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreatePlacementGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, createPlacementGroupOptions *CreatePlacementGroupOptions) (result *PlacementGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createPlacementGroupOptions, "createPlacementGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createPlacementGroupOptions, "createPlacementGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/placement_groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createPlacementGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreatePlacementGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createPlacementGroupOptions.Strategy != nil { - body["strategy"] = createPlacementGroupOptions.Strategy - } - if createPlacementGroupOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createPlacementGroupOptions.Name - } - if createPlacementGroupOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createPlacementGroupOptions.ResourceGroup - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPlacementGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeletePlacementGroup : Delete a placement group -// This request deletes a placement group. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, the placement -// group must not be associated with an instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeletePlacementGroup(deletePlacementGroupOptions *DeletePlacementGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeletePlacementGroupWithContext(context.Background(), deletePlacementGroupOptions) -} - -// DeletePlacementGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the DeletePlacementGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeletePlacementGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, deletePlacementGroupOptions *DeletePlacementGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deletePlacementGroupOptions, "deletePlacementGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deletePlacementGroupOptions, "deletePlacementGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deletePlacementGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/placement_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deletePlacementGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeletePlacementGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetPlacementGroup : Retrieve a placement group -// This request retrieves a single placement group specified by identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetPlacementGroup(getPlacementGroupOptions *GetPlacementGroupOptions) (result *PlacementGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetPlacementGroupWithContext(context.Background(), getPlacementGroupOptions) -} - -// GetPlacementGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the GetPlacementGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetPlacementGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, getPlacementGroupOptions *GetPlacementGroupOptions) (result *PlacementGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getPlacementGroupOptions, "getPlacementGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getPlacementGroupOptions, "getPlacementGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getPlacementGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/placement_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getPlacementGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetPlacementGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPlacementGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdatePlacementGroup : Update a placement group -// This request updates a placement group with the information provided placement group patch. The placement group patch -// object is structured in the same way as a retrieved placement group and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdatePlacementGroup(updatePlacementGroupOptions *UpdatePlacementGroupOptions) (result *PlacementGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdatePlacementGroupWithContext(context.Background(), updatePlacementGroupOptions) -} - -// UpdatePlacementGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdatePlacementGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdatePlacementGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, updatePlacementGroupOptions *UpdatePlacementGroupOptions) (result *PlacementGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updatePlacementGroupOptions, "updatePlacementGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updatePlacementGroupOptions, "updatePlacementGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updatePlacementGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/placement_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updatePlacementGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdatePlacementGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updatePlacementGroupOptions.PlacementGroupPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPlacementGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBareMetalServerProfiles : List all bare metal server profiles -// This request lists all [bare metal server -// profiles](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-bare-metal-servers-profile) available in the region. A bare metal -// server profile specifies the performance characteristics and pricing model for a bare metal server. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerProfiles(listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions) (result *BareMetalServerProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBareMetalServerProfilesWithContext(context.Background(), listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions) -} - -// ListBareMetalServerProfilesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBareMetalServerProfiles method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerProfilesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions) (result *BareMetalServerProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions, "listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_server/profiles`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBareMetalServerProfiles") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions.Start)) - } - if listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServerProfilesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetBareMetalServerProfile : Retrieve a bare metal server profile -// This request retrieves a single bare metal server profile specified by the name in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerProfile(getBareMetalServerProfileOptions *GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions) (result *BareMetalServerProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBareMetalServerProfileWithContext(context.Background(), getBareMetalServerProfileOptions) -} - -// GetBareMetalServerProfileWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBareMetalServerProfile method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerProfileWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBareMetalServerProfileOptions *GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions) (result *BareMetalServerProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBareMetalServerProfileOptions, "getBareMetalServerProfileOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBareMetalServerProfileOptions, "getBareMetalServerProfileOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "name": *getBareMetalServerProfileOptions.Name, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_server/profiles/{name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBareMetalServerProfileOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBareMetalServerProfile") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBareMetalServers : List all bare metal servers -// This request lists all bare metal servers in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServers(listBareMetalServersOptions *ListBareMetalServersOptions) (result *BareMetalServerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBareMetalServersWithContext(context.Background(), listBareMetalServersOptions) -} - -// ListBareMetalServersWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBareMetalServers method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServersWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBareMetalServersOptions *ListBareMetalServersOptions) (result *BareMetalServerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBareMetalServersOptions, "listBareMetalServersOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBareMetalServersOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBareMetalServers") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listBareMetalServersOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServersOptions.Start)) - } - if listBareMetalServersOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServersOptions.Limit)) - } - if listBareMetalServersOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServersOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listBareMetalServersOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServersOptions.Name)) - } - if listBareMetalServersOptions.VPCID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.id", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServersOptions.VPCID)) - } - if listBareMetalServersOptions.VPCCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServersOptions.VPCCRN)) - } - if listBareMetalServersOptions.VPCName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.name", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServersOptions.VPCName)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateBareMetalServer : Create a bare metal server -// This request provisions a new bare metal server from a prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the -// same way as a retrieved bare metal server, and contains the information necessary to provision the new bare metal -// server. The bare metal server is automatically started. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBareMetalServer(createBareMetalServerOptions *CreateBareMetalServerOptions) (result *BareMetalServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateBareMetalServerWithContext(context.Background(), createBareMetalServerOptions) -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateBareMetalServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBareMetalServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, createBareMetalServerOptions *CreateBareMetalServerOptions) (result *BareMetalServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createBareMetalServerOptions, "createBareMetalServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createBareMetalServerOptions, "createBareMetalServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createBareMetalServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateBareMetalServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createBareMetalServerOptions.BareMetalServerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken : Create a console access token for a bare metal server -// This request creates a new single-use console access token for a bare metal server. All console configuration is -// provided at token create time, and the token is subsequently used in the `access_token` query parameter for the -// WebSocket request. The access token is only valid for a short period of time, and a maximum of one token is valid -// for a given bare metal server at a time. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken(createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions) (result *BareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenWithContext(context.Background(), createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions) -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenWithContext(ctx context.Context, createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions) (result *BareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions, "createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions, "createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions.BareMetalServerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/console_access_token`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions.ConsoleType != nil { - body["console_type"] = createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions.ConsoleType - } - if createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions.Force != nil { - body["force"] = createBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions.Force - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBareMetalServerDisks : List all disks on a bare metal server -// This request lists all disks on a bare metal server. A disk is a block device that is locally attached to the -// physical server. By default, the listed disks are sorted by their `created_at` property values, with the newest disk -// first. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerDisks(listBareMetalServerDisksOptions *ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions) (result *BareMetalServerDiskCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBareMetalServerDisksWithContext(context.Background(), listBareMetalServerDisksOptions) -} - -// ListBareMetalServerDisksWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBareMetalServerDisks method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerDisksWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBareMetalServerDisksOptions *ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions) (result *BareMetalServerDiskCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listBareMetalServerDisksOptions, "listBareMetalServerDisksOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBareMetalServerDisksOptions, "listBareMetalServerDisksOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *listBareMetalServerDisksOptions.BareMetalServerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/disks`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBareMetalServerDisksOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBareMetalServerDisks") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerDiskCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetBareMetalServerDisk : Retrieve a bare metal server disk -// This request retrieves a single disk specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerDisk(getBareMetalServerDiskOptions *GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions) (result *BareMetalServerDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBareMetalServerDiskWithContext(context.Background(), getBareMetalServerDiskOptions) -} - -// GetBareMetalServerDiskWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBareMetalServerDisk method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerDiskWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBareMetalServerDiskOptions *GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions) (result *BareMetalServerDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBareMetalServerDiskOptions, "getBareMetalServerDiskOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBareMetalServerDiskOptions, "getBareMetalServerDiskOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *getBareMetalServerDiskOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "id": *getBareMetalServerDiskOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/disks/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBareMetalServerDiskOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBareMetalServerDisk") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerDisk : Update a bare metal server disk -// This request updates the bare metal server disk with the information in a provided patch. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBareMetalServerDisk(updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions) (result *BareMetalServerDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateBareMetalServerDiskWithContext(context.Background(), updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions) -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerDiskWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateBareMetalServerDisk method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBareMetalServerDiskWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions) (result *BareMetalServerDisk, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions, "updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions, "updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "id": *updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/disks/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateBareMetalServerDisk") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateBareMetalServerDiskOptions.BareMetalServerDiskPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachments : List all network attachments on a bare metal server -// This request lists all network attachments on a bare metal server. A bare metal server network attachment is an -// abstract representation of a network device and attaches a bare metal server to a single subnet. Each network -// interface on a bare metal server can attach to any subnet in the zone, including subnets that are already attached to -// the bare metal server. -// -// The network attachments will be sorted by their `created_at` property values, with newest network attachments first. -// Network attachments with identical `created_at` property values will in turn be sorted by ascending `name` property -// values. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachments(listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions) (result *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsWithContext(context.Background(), listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions) -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachments method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions) (result *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions, "listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions, "listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions.BareMetalServerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_attachments`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachments") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions.Start)) - } - if listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment : Create a network attachment on a bare metal server -// This request creates a new bare metal server network attachment from a bare metal server network attachment prototype -// object. The prototype object is structured in the same way as a retrieved bare metal server network attachment, and -// contains the information necessary to create the new bare metal server network attachment. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment(createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions, "createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions, "createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.BareMetalServerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_attachments`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment : Delete a bare metal server network attachment -// This request deletes a bare metal server network attachment. This operation cannot be reversed. Any floating IPs -// associated with the bare metal server network attachment are implicitly disassociated. -// -// The bare metal server's primary network attachment cannot be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment(deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) -} - -// DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions, "deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions, "deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "id": *deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_attachments/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment : Retrieve a bare metal server network attachment -// This request retrieves a single bare metal server network attachment specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment(getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions *GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions *GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions, "getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions, "getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_attachments/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment : Update a bare metal server network attachment -// This request updates a bare metal server network attachment with the information provided in a bare metal server -// network attachment patch object. The bare metal server network attachment patch object is structured in the same way -// as a retrieved bare metal server network attachment and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment(updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext(context.Background(), updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions, "updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions, "updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "id": *updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_attachments/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions.BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaces : List all network interfaces on a bare metal server -// This request lists all network interfaces on a bare metal server. A bare metal server network interface is an -// abstract representation of a network device and attaches a bare metal server to a single subnet. Each network -// interface on a bare metal server can attach to any subnet in the zone, including subnets that are already attached to -// the bare metal server. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, each returned network interface is a [read-only -// representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network -// attachment and its attached virtual network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaces(listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions) (result *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesWithContext(context.Background(), listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions) -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaces method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions) (result *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions, "listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions, "listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions.BareMetalServerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaces") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions.Start)) - } - if listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface : Create a network interface on a bare metal server -// This request creates a new bare metal server network interface from a bare metal server network interface prototype -// object. The prototype object is structured in the same way as a retrieved bare metal server network interface, and -// contains the information necessary to create the new bare metal server network interface. Any subnet in the bare -// metal server's VPC may be specified, even if it is already attached to another bare metal server network interface. -// Addresses on the bare metal server network interface must be within the specified subnet's CIDR blocks. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, each network interface is a [read-only -// representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network -// attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and new network interfaces are not allowed to be created. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface(createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions, "createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions, "createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.BareMetalServerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterface : Delete a bare metal server network interface -// This request deletes a bare metal server network interface. This operation cannot be reversed. Any floating IPs -// associated with the bare metal server network interface are implicitly disassociated. The primary bare metal server -// network interface is not allowed to be deleted. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only -// representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network -// attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and is not allowed to be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterface(deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions, "deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions, "deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "id": *deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterface : Retrieve a bare metal server network interface -// This request retrieves a single bare metal server network interface specified by the identifier in the URL. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, the retrieved network interface is a [read-only -// representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network -// attachment and its attached virtual network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterface(getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions, "getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions, "getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface : Update a bare metal server network interface -// This request updates a bare metal server network interface with the information provided in a bare metal server -// network interface patch object. The bare metal server network interface patch object is structured in the same way as -// a retrieved bare metal server network interface and needs to contain only the information to be updated. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only -// representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network -// attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and is not allowed to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface(updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions, "updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions, "updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "id": *updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions.BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps : List all floating IPs associated with a bare metal server network interface -// This request lists all floating IPs associated with a bare metal server network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps(listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) (result *FloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext(context.Background(), listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) (result *FloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions, "listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions, "listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "network_interface_id": *listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/floating_ips`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP : Disassociate a floating IP from a bare metal server network interface -// This request disassociates the specified floating IP from the specified bare metal server network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP(removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "network_interface_id": *removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range removeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP : Retrieve associated floating IP -// This request retrieves a specified floating IP if it is associated with the bare metal server network interface -// specified in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP(getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "network_interface_id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP : Associate a floating IP with a bare metal server network interface -// This request associates the specified floating IP with the specified bare metal server network interface. If -// `enable_infrastructure_nat` is `false`, this adds the IP to any existing associations. If `enable_infrastructure_nat` -// is `true`, this replaces any existing association. -// -// The existing floating IP must: -// - not be required by another resource, such as a public gateway -// - be in the same `zone` as the bare metal server -// -// A request body is not required, and if provided, is ignored. -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP(addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "network_interface_id": *addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range addBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIps : List the primary reserved IP for a bare metal server network interface -// This request lists the primary reserved IP for a bare metal server network interface. -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIps(listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext(context.Background(), listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIps method which supports a Context parameter -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - core.GetLogger().Warn("A deprecated operation has been invoked: ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIps") - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions, "listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions, "listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "network_interface_id": *listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/ips`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIps") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIP : Retrieve the primary reserved IP -// This request retrieves the primary reserved IP for a bare metal server network interface. -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIP(getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(context.Background(), getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIP method which supports a Context parameter -// Deprecated: this method is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - core.GetLogger().Warn("A deprecated operation has been invoked: GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIP") - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "bare_metal_server_id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.BareMetalServerID, - "network_interface_id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.NetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{bare_metal_server_id}/network_interfaces/{network_interface_id}/ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteBareMetalServer : Delete a bare metal server -// This request deletes a bare metal server. This operation cannot be reversed. Any floating IPs associated with the -// bare metal server network interfaces are implicitly disassociated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBareMetalServer(deleteBareMetalServerOptions *DeleteBareMetalServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteBareMetalServerWithContext(context.Background(), deleteBareMetalServerOptions) -} - -// DeleteBareMetalServerWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteBareMetalServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBareMetalServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteBareMetalServerOptions *DeleteBareMetalServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteBareMetalServerOptions, "deleteBareMetalServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteBareMetalServerOptions, "deleteBareMetalServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteBareMetalServerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteBareMetalServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteBareMetalServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetBareMetalServer : Retrieve a bare metal server -// This request retrieves a single bare metal server specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServer(getBareMetalServerOptions *GetBareMetalServerOptions) (result *BareMetalServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBareMetalServerWithContext(context.Background(), getBareMetalServerOptions) -} - -// GetBareMetalServerWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBareMetalServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBareMetalServerOptions *GetBareMetalServerOptions) (result *BareMetalServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBareMetalServerOptions, "getBareMetalServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBareMetalServerOptions, "getBareMetalServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getBareMetalServerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBareMetalServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBareMetalServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServer : Update a bare metal server -// This request updates a bare metal server with the information in a provided patch. The bare metal server patch object -// is structured in the same way as a retrieved bare metal server and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBareMetalServer(updateBareMetalServerOptions *UpdateBareMetalServerOptions) (result *BareMetalServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateBareMetalServerWithContext(context.Background(), updateBareMetalServerOptions) -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateBareMetalServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBareMetalServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateBareMetalServerOptions *UpdateBareMetalServerOptions) (result *BareMetalServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateBareMetalServerOptions, "updateBareMetalServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateBareMetalServerOptions, "updateBareMetalServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateBareMetalServerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateBareMetalServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateBareMetalServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateBareMetalServerOptions.BareMetalServerPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetBareMetalServerInitialization : Retrieve initialization configuration for a bare metal server -// This request retrieves configuration used to initialize the bare metal server, such as the image used, SSH keys, and -// any configured usernames and passwords. These can subsequently be changed on the server and therefore may not be -// current. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerInitialization(getBareMetalServerInitializationOptions *GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions) (result *BareMetalServerInitialization, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBareMetalServerInitializationWithContext(context.Background(), getBareMetalServerInitializationOptions) -} - -// GetBareMetalServerInitializationWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBareMetalServerInitialization method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBareMetalServerInitializationWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBareMetalServerInitializationOptions *GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions) (result *BareMetalServerInitialization, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBareMetalServerInitializationOptions, "getBareMetalServerInitializationOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBareMetalServerInitializationOptions, "getBareMetalServerInitializationOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getBareMetalServerInitializationOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{id}/initialization`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBareMetalServerInitializationOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBareMetalServerInitialization") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitialization) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// RestartBareMetalServer : Restart a bare metal server -// This request restarts a bare metal server. It will run immediately regardless of the state of the server. -func (vpc *VpcV1) RestartBareMetalServer(restartBareMetalServerOptions *RestartBareMetalServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.RestartBareMetalServerWithContext(context.Background(), restartBareMetalServerOptions) -} - -// RestartBareMetalServerWithContext is an alternate form of the RestartBareMetalServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) RestartBareMetalServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, restartBareMetalServerOptions *RestartBareMetalServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(restartBareMetalServerOptions, "restartBareMetalServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(restartBareMetalServerOptions, "restartBareMetalServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *restartBareMetalServerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{id}/restart`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range restartBareMetalServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "RestartBareMetalServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// StartBareMetalServer : Start a bare metal server -// This request starts a bare metal server. It will run immediately provided the server is stopped. -func (vpc *VpcV1) StartBareMetalServer(startBareMetalServerOptions *StartBareMetalServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.StartBareMetalServerWithContext(context.Background(), startBareMetalServerOptions) -} - -// StartBareMetalServerWithContext is an alternate form of the StartBareMetalServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) StartBareMetalServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, startBareMetalServerOptions *StartBareMetalServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(startBareMetalServerOptions, "startBareMetalServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(startBareMetalServerOptions, "startBareMetalServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *startBareMetalServerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{id}/start`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range startBareMetalServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "StartBareMetalServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// StopBareMetalServer : Stop a bare metal server -// This request stops a bare metal server. It will run immediately provided the server is running. Note: A soft stop may -// not complete as it relies on the operating system to perform the operation. -func (vpc *VpcV1) StopBareMetalServer(stopBareMetalServerOptions *StopBareMetalServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.StopBareMetalServerWithContext(context.Background(), stopBareMetalServerOptions) -} - -// StopBareMetalServerWithContext is an alternate form of the StopBareMetalServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) StopBareMetalServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, stopBareMetalServerOptions *StopBareMetalServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(stopBareMetalServerOptions, "stopBareMetalServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(stopBareMetalServerOptions, "stopBareMetalServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *stopBareMetalServerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/bare_metal_servers/{id}/stop`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range stopBareMetalServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "StopBareMetalServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if stopBareMetalServerOptions.Type != nil { - body["type"] = stopBareMetalServerOptions.Type - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListVolumeProfiles : List all volume profiles -// This request lists all [volume profiles](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) available -// in the region. A volume profile specifies the performance characteristics and pricing model for a volume. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVolumeProfiles(listVolumeProfilesOptions *ListVolumeProfilesOptions) (result *VolumeProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVolumeProfilesWithContext(context.Background(), listVolumeProfilesOptions) -} - -// ListVolumeProfilesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVolumeProfiles method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVolumeProfilesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVolumeProfilesOptions *ListVolumeProfilesOptions) (result *VolumeProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVolumeProfilesOptions, "listVolumeProfilesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/volume/profiles`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVolumeProfilesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVolumeProfiles") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVolumeProfilesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumeProfilesOptions.Start)) - } - if listVolumeProfilesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumeProfilesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolumeProfileCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetVolumeProfile : Retrieve a volume profile -// This request retrieves a single volume profile specified by the name in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVolumeProfile(getVolumeProfileOptions *GetVolumeProfileOptions) (result *VolumeProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVolumeProfileWithContext(context.Background(), getVolumeProfileOptions) -} - -// GetVolumeProfileWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVolumeProfile method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVolumeProfileWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVolumeProfileOptions *GetVolumeProfileOptions) (result *VolumeProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVolumeProfileOptions, "getVolumeProfileOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVolumeProfileOptions, "getVolumeProfileOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "name": *getVolumeProfileOptions.Name, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/volume/profiles/{name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVolumeProfileOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVolumeProfile") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolumeProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVolumes : List all volumes -// This request lists all volumes in the region. Volumes are network-connected block storage devices that may be -// attached to one or more instances in the same region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVolumes(listVolumesOptions *ListVolumesOptions) (result *VolumeCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVolumesWithContext(context.Background(), listVolumesOptions) -} - -// ListVolumesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVolumes method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVolumesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVolumesOptions *ListVolumesOptions) (result *VolumeCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVolumesOptions, "listVolumesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/volumes`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVolumesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVolumes") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVolumesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumesOptions.Start)) - } - if listVolumesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVolumesOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumesOptions.Name)) - } - if listVolumesOptions.AttachmentState != nil { - builder.AddQuery("attachment_state", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumesOptions.AttachmentState)) - } - if listVolumesOptions.Encryption != nil { - builder.AddQuery("encryption", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumesOptions.Encryption)) - } - if listVolumesOptions.OperatingSystemFamily != nil { - builder.AddQuery("operating_system.family", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumesOptions.OperatingSystemFamily)) - } - if listVolumesOptions.OperatingSystemArchitecture != nil { - builder.AddQuery("operating_system.architecture", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumesOptions.OperatingSystemArchitecture)) - } - if listVolumesOptions.ZoneName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("zone.name", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumesOptions.ZoneName)) - } - if listVolumesOptions.Tag != nil { - builder.AddQuery("tag", fmt.Sprint(*listVolumesOptions.Tag)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolumeCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVolume : Create a volume -// This request creates a new volume from a volume prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the same way -// as a retrieved volume, and contains the information necessary to create the new volume. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVolume(createVolumeOptions *CreateVolumeOptions) (result *Volume, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVolumeWithContext(context.Background(), createVolumeOptions) -} - -// CreateVolumeWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVolume method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVolumeWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVolumeOptions *CreateVolumeOptions) (result *Volume, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVolumeOptions, "createVolumeOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVolumeOptions, "createVolumeOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/volumes`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVolumeOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVolume") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createVolumeOptions.VolumePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolume) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVolume : Delete a volume -// This request deletes a volume. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, the volume must not be -// attached to any instances. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVolume(deleteVolumeOptions *DeleteVolumeOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVolumeWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVolumeOptions) -} - -// DeleteVolumeWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVolume method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVolumeWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVolumeOptions *DeleteVolumeOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVolumeOptions, "deleteVolumeOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVolumeOptions, "deleteVolumeOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteVolumeOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/volumes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVolumeOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVolume") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - if deleteVolumeOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteVolumeOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVolume : Retrieve a volume -// This request retrieves a single volume specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVolume(getVolumeOptions *GetVolumeOptions) (result *Volume, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVolumeWithContext(context.Background(), getVolumeOptions) -} - -// GetVolumeWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVolume method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVolumeWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVolumeOptions *GetVolumeOptions) (result *Volume, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVolumeOptions, "getVolumeOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVolumeOptions, "getVolumeOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getVolumeOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/volumes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVolumeOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVolume") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolume) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVolume : Update a volume -// This request updates a volume with the information in a provided volume patch. The volume patch object is structured -// in the same way as a retrieved volume and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVolume(updateVolumeOptions *UpdateVolumeOptions) (result *Volume, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVolumeWithContext(context.Background(), updateVolumeOptions) -} - -// UpdateVolumeWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVolume method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVolumeWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVolumeOptions *UpdateVolumeOptions) (result *Volume, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVolumeOptions, "updateVolumeOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVolumeOptions, "updateVolumeOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateVolumeOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/volumes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVolumeOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVolume") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateVolumeOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateVolumeOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVolumeOptions.VolumePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVolume) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListSnapshotConsistencyGroups : List all snapshot consistency groups -// This request lists all snapshot consistency groups in the region. A snapshot consistency group is a collection of -// individual snapshots taken at the same time. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSnapshotConsistencyGroups(listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsWithContext(context.Background(), listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) -} - -// ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListSnapshotConsistencyGroups method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions, "listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshot_consistency_groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListSnapshotConsistencyGroups") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Start)) - } - if listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Name)) - } - if listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Sort)) - } - if listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.BackupPolicyPlanID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("backup_policy_plan.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.BackupPolicyPlanID)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroup : Create a snapshot consistency group -// This request creates a new snapshot consistency group from a snapshot consistency group object. The prototype object -// is structured in the same way as a retrieved consistency group, and contains the information necessary to provision -// the new snapshot consistency group. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroup(createSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions *CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext(context.Background(), createSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) -} - -// CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, createSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions *CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions, "createSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions, "createSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshot_consistency_groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroup : Delete a snapshot consistency group -// This request deletes snapshot consistency group. This operation cannot be reversed. If the -// `delete_snapshots_on_delete` property is `true`, all snapshots in the consistency group will also be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroup(deleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions *DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext(context.Background(), deleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) -} - -// DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions *DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions, "deleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions, "deleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshot_consistency_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetSnapshotConsistencyGroup : Retrieve a snapshot consistency group -// This request retrieves a single snapshot consistency group specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSnapshotConsistencyGroup(getSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions *GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext(context.Background(), getSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) -} - -// GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSnapshotConsistencyGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions *GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions, "getSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions, "getSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshot_consistency_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSnapshotConsistencyGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroup : Update a snapshot consistency group -// This request updates a snapshot consistency group with the information in a provided snapshot consistency group -// patch. The snapshot consistency group patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved snapshot consistency -// group and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroup(updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext(context.Background(), updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) -} - -// UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) (result *SnapshotConsistencyGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions, "updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions, "updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshot_consistency_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions.SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteSnapshots : Delete a filtered collection of snapshots -// This request deletes all snapshots created from a specific source volume. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSnapshots(deleteSnapshotsOptions *DeleteSnapshotsOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteSnapshotsWithContext(context.Background(), deleteSnapshotsOptions) -} - -// DeleteSnapshotsWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteSnapshots method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSnapshotsWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteSnapshotsOptions *DeleteSnapshotsOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteSnapshotsOptions, "deleteSnapshotsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteSnapshotsOptions, "deleteSnapshotsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteSnapshotsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteSnapshots") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - builder.AddQuery("source_volume.id", fmt.Sprint(*deleteSnapshotsOptions.SourceVolumeID)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListSnapshots : List all snapshots -// This request lists all snapshots in the region. A snapshot preserves the data of a volume at the time the snapshot is -// created. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSnapshots(listSnapshotsOptions *ListSnapshotsOptions) (result *SnapshotCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListSnapshotsWithContext(context.Background(), listSnapshotsOptions) -} - -// ListSnapshotsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListSnapshots method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSnapshotsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listSnapshotsOptions *ListSnapshotsOptions) (result *SnapshotCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listSnapshotsOptions, "listSnapshotsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listSnapshotsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListSnapshots") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listSnapshotsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.Start)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.Tag != nil { - builder.AddQuery("tag", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.Tag)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.Name)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SourceVolumeID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("source_volume.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SourceVolumeID)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SourceVolumeCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("source_volume.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SourceVolumeCRN)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SourceImageID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("source_image.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SourceImageID)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SourceImageCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("source_image.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SourceImageCRN)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.Sort)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.BackupPolicyPlanID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("backup_policy_plan.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.BackupPolicyPlanID)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.CopiesID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("copies[].id", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.CopiesID)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.CopiesName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("copies[].name", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.CopiesName)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.CopiesCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("copies[].crn", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.CopiesCRN)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.CopiesRemoteRegionName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("copies[].remote.region.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.CopiesRemoteRegionName)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SourceSnapshotID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("source_snapshot.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SourceSnapshotID)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("source_snapshot.remote.region.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SourceVolumeRemoteRegionName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("source_volume.remote.region.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SourceVolumeRemoteRegionName)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SourceImageRemoteRegionName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("source_image.remote.region.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SourceImageRemoteRegionName)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.ClonesZoneName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("clones[].zone.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.ClonesZoneName)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SnapshotConsistencyGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("snapshot_consistency_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SnapshotConsistencyGroupID)) - } - if listSnapshotsOptions.SnapshotConsistencyGroupCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("snapshot_consistency_group.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listSnapshotsOptions.SnapshotConsistencyGroupCRN)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshotCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateSnapshot : Create a snapshot -// This request creates a new snapshot from a snapshot prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the same -// way as a retrieved snapshot, and contains the information necessary to provision the new snapshot. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSnapshot(createSnapshotOptions *CreateSnapshotOptions) (result *Snapshot, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateSnapshotWithContext(context.Background(), createSnapshotOptions) -} - -// CreateSnapshotWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateSnapshot method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSnapshotWithContext(ctx context.Context, createSnapshotOptions *CreateSnapshotOptions) (result *Snapshot, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createSnapshotOptions, "createSnapshotOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createSnapshotOptions, "createSnapshotOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createSnapshotOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateSnapshot") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createSnapshotOptions.SnapshotPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshot) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteSnapshot : Delete a snapshot -// This request deletes a snapshot. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSnapshot(deleteSnapshotOptions *DeleteSnapshotOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteSnapshotWithContext(context.Background(), deleteSnapshotOptions) -} - -// DeleteSnapshotWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteSnapshot method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSnapshotWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteSnapshotOptions *DeleteSnapshotOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteSnapshotOptions, "deleteSnapshotOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteSnapshotOptions, "deleteSnapshotOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteSnapshotOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteSnapshotOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteSnapshot") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - if deleteSnapshotOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteSnapshotOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetSnapshot : Retrieve a snapshot -// This request retrieves a single snapshot specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSnapshot(getSnapshotOptions *GetSnapshotOptions) (result *Snapshot, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSnapshotWithContext(context.Background(), getSnapshotOptions) -} - -// GetSnapshotWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSnapshot method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSnapshotWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSnapshotOptions *GetSnapshotOptions) (result *Snapshot, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSnapshotOptions, "getSnapshotOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSnapshotOptions, "getSnapshotOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getSnapshotOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSnapshotOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSnapshot") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshot) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateSnapshot : Update a snapshot -// This request updates a snapshot with the information in a provided snapshot patch. The snapshot consistency group -// patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved snapshot and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSnapshot(updateSnapshotOptions *UpdateSnapshotOptions) (result *Snapshot, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateSnapshotWithContext(context.Background(), updateSnapshotOptions) -} - -// UpdateSnapshotWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateSnapshot method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSnapshotWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateSnapshotOptions *UpdateSnapshotOptions) (result *Snapshot, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateSnapshotOptions, "updateSnapshotOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateSnapshotOptions, "updateSnapshotOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateSnapshotOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateSnapshotOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateSnapshot") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateSnapshotOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateSnapshotOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateSnapshotOptions.SnapshotPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshot) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListSnapshotClones : List all clones for a snapshot -// This request lists all clones for a snapshot. Use a clone to quickly restore a snapshot within the clone's zone. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSnapshotClones(listSnapshotClonesOptions *ListSnapshotClonesOptions) (result *SnapshotCloneCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListSnapshotClonesWithContext(context.Background(), listSnapshotClonesOptions) -} - -// ListSnapshotClonesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListSnapshotClones method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSnapshotClonesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listSnapshotClonesOptions *ListSnapshotClonesOptions) (result *SnapshotCloneCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listSnapshotClonesOptions, "listSnapshotClonesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listSnapshotClonesOptions, "listSnapshotClonesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *listSnapshotClonesOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots/{id}/clones`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listSnapshotClonesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListSnapshotClones") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshotCloneCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteSnapshotClone : Delete a snapshot clone -// This request deletes a snapshot clone. This operation cannot be reversed, but an equivalent clone may be recreated -// from the snapshot. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSnapshotClone(deleteSnapshotCloneOptions *DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteSnapshotCloneWithContext(context.Background(), deleteSnapshotCloneOptions) -} - -// DeleteSnapshotCloneWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteSnapshotClone method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSnapshotCloneWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteSnapshotCloneOptions *DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteSnapshotCloneOptions, "deleteSnapshotCloneOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteSnapshotCloneOptions, "deleteSnapshotCloneOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteSnapshotCloneOptions.ID, - "zone_name": *deleteSnapshotCloneOptions.ZoneName, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots/{id}/clones/{zone_name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteSnapshotCloneOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteSnapshotClone") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetSnapshotClone : Retrieve a snapshot clone -// This request retrieves a single clone specified by the snapshot identifier and zone name in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSnapshotClone(getSnapshotCloneOptions *GetSnapshotCloneOptions) (result *SnapshotClone, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSnapshotCloneWithContext(context.Background(), getSnapshotCloneOptions) -} - -// GetSnapshotCloneWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSnapshotClone method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSnapshotCloneWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSnapshotCloneOptions *GetSnapshotCloneOptions) (result *SnapshotClone, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSnapshotCloneOptions, "getSnapshotCloneOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSnapshotCloneOptions, "getSnapshotCloneOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getSnapshotCloneOptions.ID, - "zone_name": *getSnapshotCloneOptions.ZoneName, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots/{id}/clones/{zone_name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSnapshotCloneOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSnapshotClone") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshotClone) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateSnapshotClone : Create a clone for a snapshot -// This request creates a new clone for a snapshot in the specified zone. A request body is not required, and if -// provided, is ignored. If the snapshot already has a clone in the zone, it is returned. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSnapshotClone(createSnapshotCloneOptions *CreateSnapshotCloneOptions) (result *SnapshotClone, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateSnapshotCloneWithContext(context.Background(), createSnapshotCloneOptions) -} - -// CreateSnapshotCloneWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateSnapshotClone method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSnapshotCloneWithContext(ctx context.Context, createSnapshotCloneOptions *CreateSnapshotCloneOptions) (result *SnapshotClone, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createSnapshotCloneOptions, "createSnapshotCloneOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createSnapshotCloneOptions, "createSnapshotCloneOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *createSnapshotCloneOptions.ID, - "zone_name": *createSnapshotCloneOptions.ZoneName, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/snapshots/{id}/clones/{zone_name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createSnapshotCloneOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateSnapshotClone") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSnapshotClone) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListShareProfiles : List all file share profiles -// This request lists all [file share profiles](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-file-storage-profiles) -// available in the region. A file share profile specifies the performance characteristics and pricing model for a file -// share. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListShareProfiles(listShareProfilesOptions *ListShareProfilesOptions) (result *ShareProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListShareProfilesWithContext(context.Background(), listShareProfilesOptions) -} - -// ListShareProfilesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListShareProfiles method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListShareProfilesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listShareProfilesOptions *ListShareProfilesOptions) (result *ShareProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listShareProfilesOptions, "listShareProfilesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/share/profiles`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listShareProfilesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListShareProfiles") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listShareProfilesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listShareProfilesOptions.Start)) - } - if listShareProfilesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listShareProfilesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listShareProfilesOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listShareProfilesOptions.Sort)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShareProfileCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetShareProfile : Retrieve a file share profile -// This request retrieves a single file share profile specified by the name in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetShareProfile(getShareProfileOptions *GetShareProfileOptions) (result *ShareProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetShareProfileWithContext(context.Background(), getShareProfileOptions) -} - -// GetShareProfileWithContext is an alternate form of the GetShareProfile method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetShareProfileWithContext(ctx context.Context, getShareProfileOptions *GetShareProfileOptions) (result *ShareProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getShareProfileOptions, "getShareProfileOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getShareProfileOptions, "getShareProfileOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "name": *getShareProfileOptions.Name, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/share/profiles/{name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getShareProfileOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetShareProfile") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShareProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListShares : List all file shares -// This request lists all file shares in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListShares(listSharesOptions *ListSharesOptions) (result *ShareCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListSharesWithContext(context.Background(), listSharesOptions) -} - -// ListSharesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListShares method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSharesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listSharesOptions *ListSharesOptions) (result *ShareCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listSharesOptions, "listSharesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listSharesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListShares") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listSharesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listSharesOptions.Start)) - } - if listSharesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listSharesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listSharesOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSharesOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listSharesOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listSharesOptions.Name)) - } - if listSharesOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listSharesOptions.Sort)) - } - if listSharesOptions.ReplicationRole != nil { - builder.AddQuery("replication_role", fmt.Sprint(*listSharesOptions.ReplicationRole)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShareCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateShare : Create a file share -// This request provisions new file shares from a share prototype object. The new file shares can be a standalone share, -// a replica share, or both a source and replica share. -// -// The prototype object is structured in the same way as a retrieved share, and contains the information necessary to -// provision the new file shares. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateShare(createShareOptions *CreateShareOptions) (result *Share, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateShareWithContext(context.Background(), createShareOptions) -} - -// CreateShareWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateShare method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateShareWithContext(ctx context.Context, createShareOptions *CreateShareOptions) (result *Share, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createShareOptions, "createShareOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createShareOptions, "createShareOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createShareOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateShare") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createShareOptions.SharePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShare) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteShare : Delete a file share -// This request deletes a share. This operation cannot be reversed. A share cannot be deleted if it: -// - has share mount targets -// - has a `lifecycle_state` of `updating` -// - has a replication operation in progress -// -// If the request is accepted, the share `lifecycle_state` will be set to `deleting`. Once deletion processing -// completes, it will no longer be retrievable. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteShare(deleteShareOptions *DeleteShareOptions) (result *Share, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteShareWithContext(context.Background(), deleteShareOptions) -} - -// DeleteShareWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteShare method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteShareWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteShareOptions *DeleteShareOptions) (result *Share, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteShareOptions, "deleteShareOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteShareOptions, "deleteShareOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteShareOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteShareOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteShare") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - if deleteShareOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteShareOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShare) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetShare : Retrieve a file share -// This request retrieves a single file share specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetShare(getShareOptions *GetShareOptions) (result *Share, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetShareWithContext(context.Background(), getShareOptions) -} - -// GetShareWithContext is an alternate form of the GetShare method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetShareWithContext(ctx context.Context, getShareOptions *GetShareOptions) (result *Share, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getShareOptions, "getShareOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getShareOptions, "getShareOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getShareOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getShareOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetShare") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShare) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateShare : Update a file share -// This request updates a share with the information in a provided share patch. The share patch object is structured in -// the same way as a retrieved share and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateShare(updateShareOptions *UpdateShareOptions) (result *Share, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateShareWithContext(context.Background(), updateShareOptions) -} - -// UpdateShareWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateShare method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateShareWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateShareOptions *UpdateShareOptions) (result *Share, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateShareOptions, "updateShareOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateShareOptions, "updateShareOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateShareOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateShareOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateShare") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateShareOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateShareOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateShareOptions.SharePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShare) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// FailoverShare : Failover to replica file share -// This request triggers a failover to the replica file share specified by the identifier in the URL. The failover -// cannot be started if a source share or the replica share has a `lifecycle_state` of `updating`, or has a replication -// operation in progress. -// -// If `fallback_policy` is specified as `split`, and the request is accepted but the failover operation cannot be -// performed, a split will be triggered. -func (vpc *VpcV1) FailoverShare(failoverShareOptions *FailoverShareOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.FailoverShareWithContext(context.Background(), failoverShareOptions) -} - -// FailoverShareWithContext is an alternate form of the FailoverShare method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) FailoverShareWithContext(ctx context.Context, failoverShareOptions *FailoverShareOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(failoverShareOptions, "failoverShareOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(failoverShareOptions, "failoverShareOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "share_id": *failoverShareOptions.ShareID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{share_id}/failover`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range failoverShareOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "FailoverShare") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if failoverShareOptions.FallbackPolicy != nil { - body["fallback_policy"] = failoverShareOptions.FallbackPolicy - } - if failoverShareOptions.Timeout != nil { - body["timeout"] = failoverShareOptions.Timeout - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListShareMountTargets : List all mount targets for a file share -// This request retrieves all share mount targets for a file share. A share mount target is a network endpoint at which -// a file share may be mounted. The file share can be mounted by clients in the same VPC and zone after creating share -// mount targets. -// -// The share mount targets will be sorted by their `created_at` property values, with newest targets first. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListShareMountTargets(listShareMountTargetsOptions *ListShareMountTargetsOptions) (result *ShareMountTargetCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListShareMountTargetsWithContext(context.Background(), listShareMountTargetsOptions) -} - -// ListShareMountTargetsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListShareMountTargets method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListShareMountTargetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listShareMountTargetsOptions *ListShareMountTargetsOptions) (result *ShareMountTargetCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listShareMountTargetsOptions, "listShareMountTargetsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listShareMountTargetsOptions, "listShareMountTargetsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "share_id": *listShareMountTargetsOptions.ShareID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{share_id}/mount_targets`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listShareMountTargetsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListShareMountTargets") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listShareMountTargetsOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listShareMountTargetsOptions.Name)) - } - if listShareMountTargetsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listShareMountTargetsOptions.Start)) - } - if listShareMountTargetsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listShareMountTargetsOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShareMountTargetCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateShareMountTarget : Create a mount target for a file share -// This request creates a new share mount target from a share mount target prototype object. -// -// The prototype object is structured in the same way as a retrieved share mount target, and contains the information -// necessary to provision the new file share mount target. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateShareMountTarget(createShareMountTargetOptions *CreateShareMountTargetOptions) (result *ShareMountTarget, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateShareMountTargetWithContext(context.Background(), createShareMountTargetOptions) -} - -// CreateShareMountTargetWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateShareMountTarget method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateShareMountTargetWithContext(ctx context.Context, createShareMountTargetOptions *CreateShareMountTargetOptions) (result *ShareMountTarget, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createShareMountTargetOptions, "createShareMountTargetOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createShareMountTargetOptions, "createShareMountTargetOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "share_id": *createShareMountTargetOptions.ShareID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{share_id}/mount_targets`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createShareMountTargetOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateShareMountTarget") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createShareMountTargetOptions.ShareMountTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShareMountTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteShareMountTarget : Delete a share mount target -// This request deletes a share mount target. This operation cannot be reversed. -// -// If the request is accepted, the share mount target `lifecycle_state` will be set to -// `deleting`. Once deletion processing completes, it will no longer be retrievable. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteShareMountTarget(deleteShareMountTargetOptions *DeleteShareMountTargetOptions) (result *ShareMountTarget, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteShareMountTargetWithContext(context.Background(), deleteShareMountTargetOptions) -} - -// DeleteShareMountTargetWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteShareMountTarget method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteShareMountTargetWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteShareMountTargetOptions *DeleteShareMountTargetOptions) (result *ShareMountTarget, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteShareMountTargetOptions, "deleteShareMountTargetOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteShareMountTargetOptions, "deleteShareMountTargetOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "share_id": *deleteShareMountTargetOptions.ShareID, - "id": *deleteShareMountTargetOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{share_id}/mount_targets/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteShareMountTargetOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteShareMountTarget") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShareMountTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetShareMountTarget : Retrieve a share mount target -// This request retrieves a single share mount target specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetShareMountTarget(getShareMountTargetOptions *GetShareMountTargetOptions) (result *ShareMountTarget, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetShareMountTargetWithContext(context.Background(), getShareMountTargetOptions) -} - -// GetShareMountTargetWithContext is an alternate form of the GetShareMountTarget method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetShareMountTargetWithContext(ctx context.Context, getShareMountTargetOptions *GetShareMountTargetOptions) (result *ShareMountTarget, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getShareMountTargetOptions, "getShareMountTargetOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getShareMountTargetOptions, "getShareMountTargetOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "share_id": *getShareMountTargetOptions.ShareID, - "id": *getShareMountTargetOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{share_id}/mount_targets/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getShareMountTargetOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetShareMountTarget") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShareMountTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateShareMountTarget : Update a share mount target -// This request updates a share mount target with the information provided in a share mount target patch object. The -// share mount target patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved share mount target and needs to contain -// only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateShareMountTarget(updateShareMountTargetOptions *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions) (result *ShareMountTarget, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateShareMountTargetWithContext(context.Background(), updateShareMountTargetOptions) -} - -// UpdateShareMountTargetWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateShareMountTarget method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateShareMountTargetWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateShareMountTargetOptions *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions) (result *ShareMountTarget, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateShareMountTargetOptions, "updateShareMountTargetOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateShareMountTargetOptions, "updateShareMountTargetOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "share_id": *updateShareMountTargetOptions.ShareID, - "id": *updateShareMountTargetOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{share_id}/mount_targets/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateShareMountTargetOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateShareMountTarget") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateShareMountTargetOptions.ShareMountTargetPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShareMountTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteShareSource : Split the source file share from a replica share -// This request removes the replication relationship between a source share and the replica share specified by the -// identifier in the URL. The replication relationship cannot be removed if a source share or the replica share has a -// `lifecycle_state` of `updating`, or has a replication operation in progress. -// -// This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteShareSource(deleteShareSourceOptions *DeleteShareSourceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteShareSourceWithContext(context.Background(), deleteShareSourceOptions) -} - -// DeleteShareSourceWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteShareSource method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteShareSourceWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteShareSourceOptions *DeleteShareSourceOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteShareSourceOptions, "deleteShareSourceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteShareSourceOptions, "deleteShareSourceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "share_id": *deleteShareSourceOptions.ShareID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{share_id}/source`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteShareSourceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteShareSource") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetShareSource : Retrieve the source file share for a replica file share -// This request retrieves the source file share associated with the replica file share specified by the identifier in -// the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetShareSource(getShareSourceOptions *GetShareSourceOptions) (result *ShareReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetShareSourceWithContext(context.Background(), getShareSourceOptions) -} - -// GetShareSourceWithContext is an alternate form of the GetShareSource method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetShareSourceWithContext(ctx context.Context, getShareSourceOptions *GetShareSourceOptions) (result *ShareReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getShareSourceOptions, "getShareSourceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getShareSourceOptions, "getShareSourceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "share_id": *getShareSourceOptions.ShareID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/shares/{share_id}/source`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getShareSourceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetShareSource") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalShareReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBackupPolicies : List all backup policies -// This request lists all backup policies in the region. Backup policies control which sources are selected for backup -// and include a set of backup policy plans that provide the backup schedules and deletion triggers. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBackupPolicies(listBackupPoliciesOptions *ListBackupPoliciesOptions) (result *BackupPolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBackupPoliciesWithContext(context.Background(), listBackupPoliciesOptions) -} - -// ListBackupPoliciesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBackupPolicies method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBackupPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBackupPoliciesOptions *ListBackupPoliciesOptions) (result *BackupPolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBackupPoliciesOptions, "listBackupPoliciesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBackupPoliciesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBackupPolicies") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listBackupPoliciesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPoliciesOptions.Start)) - } - if listBackupPoliciesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPoliciesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listBackupPoliciesOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPoliciesOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listBackupPoliciesOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPoliciesOptions.Name)) - } - if listBackupPoliciesOptions.Tag != nil { - builder.AddQuery("tag", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPoliciesOptions.Tag)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicyCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateBackupPolicy : Create a backup policy -// This request creates a new backup policy from a backup policy prototype object. The prototype object is structured in -// the same way as a retrieved backup policy, and contains the information necessary to create the new backup policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBackupPolicy(createBackupPolicyOptions *CreateBackupPolicyOptions) (result BackupPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateBackupPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), createBackupPolicyOptions) -} - -// CreateBackupPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateBackupPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBackupPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, createBackupPolicyOptions *CreateBackupPolicyOptions) (result BackupPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createBackupPolicyOptions, "createBackupPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createBackupPolicyOptions, "createBackupPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createBackupPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateBackupPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createBackupPolicyOptions.BackupPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBackupPolicyJobs : List all jobs for a backup policy -// This request retrieves all jobs for a backup policy. A backup job represents the execution of a backup policy plan -// for a resource matching the policy's criteria. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBackupPolicyJobs(listBackupPolicyJobsOptions *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) (result *BackupPolicyJobCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBackupPolicyJobsWithContext(context.Background(), listBackupPolicyJobsOptions) -} - -// ListBackupPolicyJobsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBackupPolicyJobs method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBackupPolicyJobsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBackupPolicyJobsOptions *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) (result *BackupPolicyJobCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listBackupPolicyJobsOptions, "listBackupPolicyJobsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBackupPolicyJobsOptions, "listBackupPolicyJobsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "backup_policy_id": *listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.BackupPolicyID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/jobs`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBackupPolicyJobs") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Status != nil { - builder.AddQuery("status", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Status)) - } - if listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.BackupPolicyPlanID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("backup_policy_plan.id", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.BackupPolicyPlanID)) - } - if listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Start)) - } - if listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Sort)) - } - if listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.SourceID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("source.id", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.SourceID)) - } - if listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.TargetSnapshotsID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target_snapshots[].id", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.TargetSnapshotsID)) - } - if listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.TargetSnapshotsCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target_snapshots[].crn", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPolicyJobsOptions.TargetSnapshotsCRN)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetBackupPolicyJob : Retrieve a backup policy job -// This request retrieves a single backup policy job specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBackupPolicyJob(getBackupPolicyJobOptions *GetBackupPolicyJobOptions) (result *BackupPolicyJob, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBackupPolicyJobWithContext(context.Background(), getBackupPolicyJobOptions) -} - -// GetBackupPolicyJobWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBackupPolicyJob method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBackupPolicyJobWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBackupPolicyJobOptions *GetBackupPolicyJobOptions) (result *BackupPolicyJob, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBackupPolicyJobOptions, "getBackupPolicyJobOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBackupPolicyJobOptions, "getBackupPolicyJobOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "backup_policy_id": *getBackupPolicyJobOptions.BackupPolicyID, - "id": *getBackupPolicyJobOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/jobs/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBackupPolicyJobOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBackupPolicyJob") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicyJob) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListBackupPolicyPlans : List all plans for a backup policy -// This request retrieves all plans for a backup policy. Backup plans provide the backup schedule and deletion triggers. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBackupPolicyPlans(listBackupPolicyPlansOptions *ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlanCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListBackupPolicyPlansWithContext(context.Background(), listBackupPolicyPlansOptions) -} - -// ListBackupPolicyPlansWithContext is an alternate form of the ListBackupPolicyPlans method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListBackupPolicyPlansWithContext(ctx context.Context, listBackupPolicyPlansOptions *ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlanCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listBackupPolicyPlansOptions, "listBackupPolicyPlansOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listBackupPolicyPlansOptions, "listBackupPolicyPlansOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "backup_policy_id": *listBackupPolicyPlansOptions.BackupPolicyID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listBackupPolicyPlansOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListBackupPolicyPlans") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listBackupPolicyPlansOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listBackupPolicyPlansOptions.Name)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateBackupPolicyPlan : Create a plan for a backup policy -// This request creates a new backup policy plan from a backup policy plan prototype object. The prototype object is -// structured in the same way as a retrieved backup policy plan, and contains the information necessary to create the -// new backup policy plan. -// -// Backups created by this plan will use the resource group of the source being backed up. -// -// Backups created by this plan will use the plan's name truncated to 46 characters, followed by a unique 16-character -// suffix. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBackupPolicyPlan(createBackupPolicyPlanOptions *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateBackupPolicyPlanWithContext(context.Background(), createBackupPolicyPlanOptions) -} - -// CreateBackupPolicyPlanWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateBackupPolicyPlan method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateBackupPolicyPlanWithContext(ctx context.Context, createBackupPolicyPlanOptions *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createBackupPolicyPlanOptions, "createBackupPolicyPlanOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createBackupPolicyPlanOptions, "createBackupPolicyPlanOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "backup_policy_id": *createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.BackupPolicyID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateBackupPolicyPlan") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.CronSpec != nil { - body["cron_spec"] = createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.CronSpec - } - if createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.Active != nil { - body["active"] = createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.Active - } - if createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.AttachUserTags != nil { - body["attach_user_tags"] = createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.AttachUserTags - } - if createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.ClonePolicy != nil { - body["clone_policy"] = createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.ClonePolicy - } - if createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.CopyUserTags != nil { - body["copy_user_tags"] = createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.CopyUserTags - } - if createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.DeletionTrigger != nil { - body["deletion_trigger"] = createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.DeletionTrigger - } - if createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.Name - } - if createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.RemoteRegionPolicies != nil { - body["remote_region_policies"] = createBackupPolicyPlanOptions.RemoteRegionPolicies - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteBackupPolicyPlan : Delete a backup policy plan -// This request deletes a backup policy plan. This operation cannot be reversed. Any backups that have been created by -// the plan will remain but will no longer be subject to the plan's deletion trigger. Any running jobs associated with -// the plan will run to completion before the plan is deleted. -// -// If the request is accepted, the backup policy plan `status` will be set to `deleting`. Once deletion processing -// completes, the backup policy plan will no longer be retrievable. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBackupPolicyPlan(deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteBackupPolicyPlanWithContext(context.Background(), deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions) -} - -// DeleteBackupPolicyPlanWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteBackupPolicyPlan method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBackupPolicyPlanWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions, "deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions, "deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "backup_policy_id": *deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions.BackupPolicyID, - "id": *deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteBackupPolicyPlan") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - if deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetBackupPolicyPlan : Retrieve a backup policy plan -// This request retrieves a single backup policy plan specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBackupPolicyPlan(getBackupPolicyPlanOptions *GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBackupPolicyPlanWithContext(context.Background(), getBackupPolicyPlanOptions) -} - -// GetBackupPolicyPlanWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBackupPolicyPlan method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBackupPolicyPlanWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBackupPolicyPlanOptions *GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBackupPolicyPlanOptions, "getBackupPolicyPlanOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBackupPolicyPlanOptions, "getBackupPolicyPlanOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "backup_policy_id": *getBackupPolicyPlanOptions.BackupPolicyID, - "id": *getBackupPolicyPlanOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBackupPolicyPlanOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBackupPolicyPlan") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateBackupPolicyPlan : Update a backup policy plan -// This request updates a backup policy plan with the information in a provided plan patch. The plan patch object is -// structured in the same way as a retrieved backup policy plan and can contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBackupPolicyPlan(updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateBackupPolicyPlanWithContext(context.Background(), updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) -} - -// UpdateBackupPolicyPlanWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateBackupPolicyPlan method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBackupPolicyPlanWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) (result *BackupPolicyPlan, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions, "updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions, "updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "backup_policy_id": *updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions.BackupPolicyID, - "id": *updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{backup_policy_id}/plans/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateBackupPolicyPlan") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateBackupPolicyPlanOptions.BackupPolicyPlanPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteBackupPolicy : Delete a backup policy -// This request deletes a backup policy. This operation cannot be reversed. -// -// If the request is accepted, the backup policy `status` will be set to `deleting`. Once deletion processing completes, -// the backup policy will no longer be retrievable. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBackupPolicy(deleteBackupPolicyOptions *DeleteBackupPolicyOptions) (result BackupPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteBackupPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), deleteBackupPolicyOptions) -} - -// DeleteBackupPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteBackupPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteBackupPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteBackupPolicyOptions *DeleteBackupPolicyOptions) (result BackupPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteBackupPolicyOptions, "deleteBackupPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteBackupPolicyOptions, "deleteBackupPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteBackupPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteBackupPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteBackupPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - if deleteBackupPolicyOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteBackupPolicyOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetBackupPolicy : Retrieve a backup policy -// This request retrieves a single backup policy specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBackupPolicy(getBackupPolicyOptions *GetBackupPolicyOptions) (result BackupPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetBackupPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), getBackupPolicyOptions) -} - -// GetBackupPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the GetBackupPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetBackupPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getBackupPolicyOptions *GetBackupPolicyOptions) (result BackupPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getBackupPolicyOptions, "getBackupPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getBackupPolicyOptions, "getBackupPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getBackupPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getBackupPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetBackupPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateBackupPolicy : Update a backup policy -// This request updates a backup policy with the information in a provided backup policy patch. The backup policy patch -// object is structured in the same way as a retrieved backup policy and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBackupPolicy(updateBackupPolicyOptions *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions) (result BackupPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateBackupPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), updateBackupPolicyOptions) -} - -// UpdateBackupPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateBackupPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateBackupPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateBackupPolicyOptions *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions) (result BackupPolicyIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateBackupPolicyOptions, "updateBackupPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateBackupPolicyOptions, "updateBackupPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateBackupPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/backup_policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateBackupPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateBackupPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateBackupPolicyOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateBackupPolicyOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateBackupPolicyOptions.BackupPolicyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalBackupPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListRegions : List all regions -// This request lists all regions. Each region is a separate geographic area that contains multiple isolated zones. -// Resources can be provisioned into one or more zones in a region. Each zone is isolated, but connected to other zones -// in the same region with low-latency and high-bandwidth links. Regions represent the top-level of fault isolation -// available. Resources deployed within a single region also benefit from the low latency afforded by geographic -// proximity. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListRegions(listRegionsOptions *ListRegionsOptions) (result *RegionCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListRegionsWithContext(context.Background(), listRegionsOptions) -} - -// ListRegionsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListRegions method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListRegionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listRegionsOptions *ListRegionsOptions) (result *RegionCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listRegionsOptions, "listRegionsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/regions`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listRegionsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListRegions") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRegionCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetRegion : Retrieve a region -// This request retrieves a single region specified by the name in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetRegion(getRegionOptions *GetRegionOptions) (result *Region, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetRegionWithContext(context.Background(), getRegionOptions) -} - -// GetRegionWithContext is an alternate form of the GetRegion method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetRegionWithContext(ctx context.Context, getRegionOptions *GetRegionOptions) (result *Region, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getRegionOptions, "getRegionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getRegionOptions, "getRegionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "name": *getRegionOptions.Name, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/regions/{name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getRegionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetRegion") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalRegion) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListRegionZones : List all zones in a region -// This request lists all zones in a region. Zones represent logically-isolated data centers with high-bandwidth and -// low-latency interconnects to other zones in the same region. Faults in a zone do not affect other zones. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListRegionZones(listRegionZonesOptions *ListRegionZonesOptions) (result *ZoneCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListRegionZonesWithContext(context.Background(), listRegionZonesOptions) -} - -// ListRegionZonesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListRegionZones method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListRegionZonesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listRegionZonesOptions *ListRegionZonesOptions) (result *ZoneCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listRegionZonesOptions, "listRegionZonesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listRegionZonesOptions, "listRegionZonesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "region_name": *listRegionZonesOptions.RegionName, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/regions/{region_name}/zones`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listRegionZonesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListRegionZones") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalZoneCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetRegionZone : Retrieve a zone -// This request retrieves a single zone specified by the region and zone names in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetRegionZone(getRegionZoneOptions *GetRegionZoneOptions) (result *Zone, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetRegionZoneWithContext(context.Background(), getRegionZoneOptions) -} - -// GetRegionZoneWithContext is an alternate form of the GetRegionZone method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetRegionZoneWithContext(ctx context.Context, getRegionZoneOptions *GetRegionZoneOptions) (result *Zone, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getRegionZoneOptions, "getRegionZoneOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getRegionZoneOptions, "getRegionZoneOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "region_name": *getRegionZoneOptions.RegionName, - "name": *getRegionZoneOptions.Name, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/regions/{region_name}/zones/{name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getRegionZoneOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetRegionZone") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalZone) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVirtualNetworkInterfaces : List all virtual network interfaces -// This request lists all virtual network interfaces in the region. A virtual network interface is a logical abstraction -// of a virtual network interface in a subnet, and may be attached to a target resource. -// -// The virtual network interfaces will be sorted by their `created_at` property values, with newest virtual network -// interfaces first. Virtual network interfaces with identical -// `created_at` property values will in turn be sorted by ascending `name` property values. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVirtualNetworkInterfaces(listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) (result *VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesWithContext(context.Background(), listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) -} - -// ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVirtualNetworkInterfaces method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) (result *VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions, "listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVirtualNetworkInterfaces") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions.Start)) - } - if listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVirtualNetworkInterface : Create a virtual network interface -// This request creates a new virtual network interface from a virtual network interface prototype object. The prototype -// object is structured in the same way as a retrieved virtual network interface, and contains the information necessary -// to create the new virtual network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVirtualNetworkInterface(createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *VirtualNetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVirtualNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *VirtualNetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions, "createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions, "createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVirtualNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.AllowIPSpoofing != nil { - body["allow_ip_spoofing"] = createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.AllowIPSpoofing - } - if createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.AutoDelete != nil { - body["auto_delete"] = createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.AutoDelete - } - if createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.EnableInfrastructureNat != nil { - body["enable_infrastructure_nat"] = createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.EnableInfrastructureNat - } - if createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.Ips != nil { - body["ips"] = createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.Ips - } - if createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.Name - } - if createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.PrimaryIP != nil { - body["primary_ip"] = createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.PrimaryIP - } - if createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.ResourceGroup - } - if createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.SecurityGroups != nil { - body["security_groups"] = createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.SecurityGroups - } - if createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.Subnet != nil { - body["subnet"] = createVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.Subnet - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfaces : Delete a virtual network interface -// This request deletes a virtual network interface. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, the -// virtual network interface must not be required by another resource, such as the primary network attachment for an -// instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfaces(deleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions *DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) -} - -// DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfaces method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions *DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions, "deleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions, "deleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfaces") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVirtualNetworkInterface : Retrieve a virtual network interface -// This request retrieves a single virtual network interface specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVirtualNetworkInterface(getVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *VirtualNetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), getVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVirtualNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *VirtualNetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions, "getVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions, "getVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVirtualNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVirtualNetworkInterface : Update a virtual network interface -// This request updates a virtual network interface with the information in a provided virtual network interface patch. -// The virtual network interface patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved virtual network interface and -// contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVirtualNetworkInterface(updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions *UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *VirtualNetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceWithContext(context.Background(), updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) -} - -// UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVirtualNetworkInterface method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions *UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) (result *VirtualNetworkInterface, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions, "updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions, "updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVirtualNetworkInterface") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions.VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps : List all floating IPs associated with a virtual network interface -// This request lists all floating IPs associated with a virtual network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps(listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) (result *FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext(context.Background(), listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) -} - -// ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) (result *FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions, "listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions, "listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "virtual_network_interface_id": *listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{virtual_network_interface_id}/floating_ips`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Start)) - } - if listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Sort)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP : Disassociate a floating IP from a virtual network interface -// This request disassociates the specified floating IP from the specified virtual network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP(removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "virtual_network_interface_id": *removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{virtual_network_interface_id}/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range removeNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP : Retrieve associated floating IP -// This request retrieves a specified floating IP if it is associated with the virtual network interface specified in -// the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP(getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIPReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIPReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "virtual_network_interface_id": *getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{virtual_network_interface_id}/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP : Add an association between a floating IP and a virtual network interface -// This request adds an association between the specified floating IP and the specified virtual network interface. -// -// If the virtual network interface has `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true`, no more than one floating IP can be -// associated, and network address translation is performed between the floating IP address and the virtual network -// interface's `primary_ip` address. -// -// If the virtual network interface has `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `false`, packets are passed unchanged to/from -// the virtual network interface. -// -// The floating IP must: -// - be in the same `zone` as the virtual network interface -// - not currently be associated with another resource -// -// The virtual network interface's `target` must not currently be a file share mount target. -// -// A request body is not required, and if provided, is ignored. -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP(addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIPReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions *AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIPReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions, "addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "virtual_network_interface_id": *addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{virtual_network_interface_id}/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range addNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIps : List all reserved IPs bound to a virtual network interface -// This request lists all reserved IPs bound to a virtual network interface. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIps(listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext(context.Background(), listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) -} - -// ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIps method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions, "listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions, "listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "virtual_network_interface_id": *listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{virtual_network_interface_id}/ips`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIps") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Start)) - } - if listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Sort)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP : Unbind a reserved IP from a virtual network interface -// This request unbinds the specified reserved IP from the specified virtual network interface. If the reserved IP has -// `auto_delete` set to `true`, the reserved IP will be deleted. -// -// The reserved IP for the `primary_ip` cannot be unbound. -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP(removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(context.Background(), removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) -} - -// RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext is an alternate form of the RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "virtual_network_interface_id": *removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{virtual_network_interface_id}/ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range removeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP : Retrieve bound reserved IP -// This request retrieves the specified reserved IP address if it is bound to the virtual network interface specified in -// the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP(getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (result *ReservedIPReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(context.Background(), getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) -} - -// GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (result *ReservedIPReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "virtual_network_interface_id": *getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{virtual_network_interface_id}/ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP : Bind a reserved IP to a virtual network interface -// This request binds the specified reserved IP to the specified virtual network interface. -// -// The reserved IP must currently be unbound and in the primary IP's subnet. The virtual network interface's `target` -// must not currently be a file share mount target. -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP(addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (result *ReservedIPReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(context.Background(), addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) -} - -// AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext is an alternate form of the AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions *AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) (result *ReservedIPReference, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions, "addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "virtual_network_interface_id": *addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID, - "id": *addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/virtual_network_interfaces/{virtual_network_interface_id}/ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range addVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListPublicGateways : List all public gateways -// This request lists all public gateways in the region. A public gateway is a virtual network device associated with a -// VPC, which allows access to the Internet. A public gateway resides in a zone and can be connected to subnets in the -// same zone only. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListPublicGateways(listPublicGatewaysOptions *ListPublicGatewaysOptions) (result *PublicGatewayCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListPublicGatewaysWithContext(context.Background(), listPublicGatewaysOptions) -} - -// ListPublicGatewaysWithContext is an alternate form of the ListPublicGateways method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListPublicGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, listPublicGatewaysOptions *ListPublicGatewaysOptions) (result *PublicGatewayCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listPublicGatewaysOptions, "listPublicGatewaysOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/public_gateways`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listPublicGatewaysOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListPublicGateways") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listPublicGatewaysOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listPublicGatewaysOptions.Start)) - } - if listPublicGatewaysOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listPublicGatewaysOptions.Limit)) - } - if listPublicGatewaysOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listPublicGatewaysOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPublicGatewayCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreatePublicGateway : Create a public gateway -// This request creates a new public gateway from a public gateway prototype object. For this to succeed, the VPC must -// not already have a public gateway in the specified zone. -// -// If a floating IP is provided, it must be unbound. If a floating IP is not provided, one will be created and bound to -// the public gateway. Once a public gateway has been created, its floating IP cannot be unbound. A public gateway must -// be explicitly attached to each subnet it will provide connectivity for. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreatePublicGateway(createPublicGatewayOptions *CreatePublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreatePublicGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), createPublicGatewayOptions) -} - -// CreatePublicGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the CreatePublicGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreatePublicGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, createPublicGatewayOptions *CreatePublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createPublicGatewayOptions, "createPublicGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createPublicGatewayOptions, "createPublicGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/public_gateways`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createPublicGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreatePublicGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createPublicGatewayOptions.VPC != nil { - body["vpc"] = createPublicGatewayOptions.VPC - } - if createPublicGatewayOptions.Zone != nil { - body["zone"] = createPublicGatewayOptions.Zone - } - if createPublicGatewayOptions.FloatingIP != nil { - body["floating_ip"] = createPublicGatewayOptions.FloatingIP - } - if createPublicGatewayOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createPublicGatewayOptions.Name - } - if createPublicGatewayOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createPublicGatewayOptions.ResourceGroup - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPublicGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeletePublicGateway : Delete a public gateway -// This request deletes a public gateway. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, the public -// gateway must not be attached to any subnets. The public gateway's floating IP will be automatically unbound. If the -// floating IP was created when the public gateway was created, it will be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeletePublicGateway(deletePublicGatewayOptions *DeletePublicGatewayOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeletePublicGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), deletePublicGatewayOptions) -} - -// DeletePublicGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the DeletePublicGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeletePublicGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, deletePublicGatewayOptions *DeletePublicGatewayOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deletePublicGatewayOptions, "deletePublicGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deletePublicGatewayOptions, "deletePublicGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deletePublicGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/public_gateways/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deletePublicGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeletePublicGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetPublicGateway : Retrieve a public gateway -// This request retrieves a single public gateway specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetPublicGateway(getPublicGatewayOptions *GetPublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetPublicGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), getPublicGatewayOptions) -} - -// GetPublicGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the GetPublicGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetPublicGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, getPublicGatewayOptions *GetPublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getPublicGatewayOptions, "getPublicGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getPublicGatewayOptions, "getPublicGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getPublicGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/public_gateways/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getPublicGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetPublicGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPublicGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdatePublicGateway : Update a public gateway -// This request updates a public gateway's name. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdatePublicGateway(updatePublicGatewayOptions *UpdatePublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdatePublicGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), updatePublicGatewayOptions) -} - -// UpdatePublicGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdatePublicGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdatePublicGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, updatePublicGatewayOptions *UpdatePublicGatewayOptions) (result *PublicGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updatePublicGatewayOptions, "updatePublicGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updatePublicGatewayOptions, "updatePublicGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updatePublicGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/public_gateways/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updatePublicGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdatePublicGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updatePublicGatewayOptions.PublicGatewayPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalPublicGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListFloatingIps : List all floating IPs -// This request lists all floating IPs in the region. Floating IPs allow inbound and outbound traffic from the Internet -// to an instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListFloatingIps(listFloatingIpsOptions *ListFloatingIpsOptions) (result *FloatingIPCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListFloatingIpsWithContext(context.Background(), listFloatingIpsOptions) -} - -// ListFloatingIpsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListFloatingIps method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListFloatingIpsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listFloatingIpsOptions *ListFloatingIpsOptions) (result *FloatingIPCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listFloatingIpsOptions, "listFloatingIpsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/floating_ips`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listFloatingIpsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListFloatingIps") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listFloatingIpsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listFloatingIpsOptions.Start)) - } - if listFloatingIpsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listFloatingIpsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listFloatingIpsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listFloatingIpsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listFloatingIpsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listFloatingIpsOptions.Sort)) - } - if listFloatingIpsOptions.TargetID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.id", fmt.Sprint(*listFloatingIpsOptions.TargetID)) - } - if listFloatingIpsOptions.TargetCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listFloatingIpsOptions.TargetCRN)) - } - if listFloatingIpsOptions.TargetName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.name", fmt.Sprint(*listFloatingIpsOptions.TargetName)) - } - if listFloatingIpsOptions.TargetResourceType != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.resource_type", fmt.Sprint(*listFloatingIpsOptions.TargetResourceType)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIPCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateFloatingIP : Reserve a floating IP -// This request reserves a new floating IP. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateFloatingIP(createFloatingIPOptions *CreateFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), createFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// CreateFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, createFloatingIPOptions *CreateFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createFloatingIPOptions, "createFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createFloatingIPOptions, "createFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/floating_ips`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createFloatingIPOptions.FloatingIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteFloatingIP : Delete a floating IP -// This request disassociates (if associated) and releases a floating IP. This operation cannot be reversed. For this -// request to succeed, the floating IP must not be required by another resource, such as a public gateway. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteFloatingIP(deleteFloatingIPOptions *DeleteFloatingIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), deleteFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// DeleteFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteFloatingIPOptions *DeleteFloatingIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteFloatingIPOptions, "deleteFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteFloatingIPOptions, "deleteFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetFloatingIP : Retrieve a floating IP -// This request retrieves a single floating IP specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetFloatingIP(getFloatingIPOptions *GetFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), getFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// GetFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the GetFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, getFloatingIPOptions *GetFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getFloatingIPOptions, "getFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getFloatingIPOptions, "getFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateFloatingIP : Update a floating IP -// This request updates a floating IP's name and/or target. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateFloatingIP(updateFloatingIPOptions *UpdateFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateFloatingIPWithContext(context.Background(), updateFloatingIPOptions) -} - -// UpdateFloatingIPWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateFloatingIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateFloatingIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateFloatingIPOptions *UpdateFloatingIPOptions) (result *FloatingIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateFloatingIPOptions, "updateFloatingIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateFloatingIPOptions, "updateFloatingIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateFloatingIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/floating_ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateFloatingIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateFloatingIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateFloatingIPOptions.FloatingIPPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListNetworkAcls : List all network ACLs -// This request lists all network ACLs in the region. A network ACL defines a set of packet filtering (5-tuple) rules -// for all traffic in and out of a subnet. Both allow and deny rules can be defined, and rules are stateless such that -// reverse traffic in response to allowed traffic is not automatically permitted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListNetworkAcls(listNetworkAclsOptions *ListNetworkAclsOptions) (result *NetworkACLCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListNetworkAclsWithContext(context.Background(), listNetworkAclsOptions) -} - -// ListNetworkAclsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListNetworkAcls method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListNetworkAclsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listNetworkAclsOptions *ListNetworkAclsOptions) (result *NetworkACLCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listNetworkAclsOptions, "listNetworkAclsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listNetworkAclsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListNetworkAcls") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listNetworkAclsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listNetworkAclsOptions.Start)) - } - if listNetworkAclsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listNetworkAclsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listNetworkAclsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listNetworkAclsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACLCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateNetworkACL : Create a network ACL -// This request creates a new stateless network ACL from a network ACL prototype object. The prototype object is -// structured in the same way as a retrieved network ACL, and contains the information necessary to create the new -// network ACL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateNetworkACL(createNetworkACLOptions *CreateNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateNetworkACLWithContext(context.Background(), createNetworkACLOptions) -} - -// CreateNetworkACLWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateNetworkACL method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateNetworkACLWithContext(ctx context.Context, createNetworkACLOptions *CreateNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createNetworkACLOptions, "createNetworkACLOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createNetworkACLOptions, "createNetworkACLOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createNetworkACLOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateNetworkACL") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createNetworkACLOptions.NetworkACLPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACL) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteNetworkACL : Delete a network ACL -// This request deletes a network ACL. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, the network ACL -// must not be the default network ACL for any VPCs, and the network ACL must not be attached to any subnets. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteNetworkACL(deleteNetworkACLOptions *DeleteNetworkACLOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteNetworkACLWithContext(context.Background(), deleteNetworkACLOptions) -} - -// DeleteNetworkACLWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteNetworkACL method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteNetworkACLWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteNetworkACLOptions *DeleteNetworkACLOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteNetworkACLOptions, "deleteNetworkACLOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteNetworkACLOptions, "deleteNetworkACLOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteNetworkACLOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteNetworkACLOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteNetworkACL") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetNetworkACL : Retrieve a network ACL -// This request retrieves a single network ACL specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetNetworkACL(getNetworkACLOptions *GetNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetNetworkACLWithContext(context.Background(), getNetworkACLOptions) -} - -// GetNetworkACLWithContext is an alternate form of the GetNetworkACL method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetNetworkACLWithContext(ctx context.Context, getNetworkACLOptions *GetNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getNetworkACLOptions, "getNetworkACLOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getNetworkACLOptions, "getNetworkACLOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getNetworkACLOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getNetworkACLOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetNetworkACL") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACL) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateNetworkACL : Update a network ACL -// This request updates a network ACL's name. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateNetworkACL(updateNetworkACLOptions *UpdateNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateNetworkACLWithContext(context.Background(), updateNetworkACLOptions) -} - -// UpdateNetworkACLWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateNetworkACL method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateNetworkACLWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateNetworkACLOptions *UpdateNetworkACLOptions) (result *NetworkACL, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateNetworkACLOptions, "updateNetworkACLOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateNetworkACLOptions, "updateNetworkACLOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateNetworkACLOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateNetworkACLOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateNetworkACL") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateNetworkACLOptions.NetworkACLPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACL) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListNetworkACLRules : List all rules for a network ACL -// This request lists all rules for a network ACL. These rules can allow or deny traffic between a source CIDR block and -// a destination CIDR block over a particular protocol and port range. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListNetworkACLRules(listNetworkACLRulesOptions *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions) (result *NetworkACLRuleCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListNetworkACLRulesWithContext(context.Background(), listNetworkACLRulesOptions) -} - -// ListNetworkACLRulesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListNetworkACLRules method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListNetworkACLRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listNetworkACLRulesOptions *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions) (result *NetworkACLRuleCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listNetworkACLRulesOptions, "listNetworkACLRulesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listNetworkACLRulesOptions, "listNetworkACLRulesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "network_acl_id": *listNetworkACLRulesOptions.NetworkACLID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls/{network_acl_id}/rules`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listNetworkACLRulesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListNetworkACLRules") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listNetworkACLRulesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listNetworkACLRulesOptions.Start)) - } - if listNetworkACLRulesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listNetworkACLRulesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listNetworkACLRulesOptions.Direction != nil { - builder.AddQuery("direction", fmt.Sprint(*listNetworkACLRulesOptions.Direction)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateNetworkACLRule : Create a rule for a network ACL -// This request creates a new rule from a network ACL rule prototype object. The prototype object is structured in the -// same way as a retrieved rule, and contains the information necessary to create the new rule. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateNetworkACLRule(createNetworkACLRuleOptions *CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions) (result NetworkACLRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateNetworkACLRuleWithContext(context.Background(), createNetworkACLRuleOptions) -} - -// CreateNetworkACLRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateNetworkACLRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateNetworkACLRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, createNetworkACLRuleOptions *CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions) (result NetworkACLRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createNetworkACLRuleOptions, "createNetworkACLRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createNetworkACLRuleOptions, "createNetworkACLRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "network_acl_id": *createNetworkACLRuleOptions.NetworkACLID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls/{network_acl_id}/rules`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createNetworkACLRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateNetworkACLRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createNetworkACLRuleOptions.NetworkACLRulePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteNetworkACLRule : Delete a network ACL rule -// This request deletes a rule. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteNetworkACLRule(deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions *DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteNetworkACLRuleWithContext(context.Background(), deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions) -} - -// DeleteNetworkACLRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteNetworkACLRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteNetworkACLRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions *DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions, "deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions, "deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "network_acl_id": *deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions.NetworkACLID, - "id": *deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls/{network_acl_id}/rules/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteNetworkACLRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteNetworkACLRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetNetworkACLRule : Retrieve a network ACL rule -// This request retrieves a single rule specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetNetworkACLRule(getNetworkACLRuleOptions *GetNetworkACLRuleOptions) (result NetworkACLRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetNetworkACLRuleWithContext(context.Background(), getNetworkACLRuleOptions) -} - -// GetNetworkACLRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the GetNetworkACLRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetNetworkACLRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, getNetworkACLRuleOptions *GetNetworkACLRuleOptions) (result NetworkACLRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getNetworkACLRuleOptions, "getNetworkACLRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getNetworkACLRuleOptions, "getNetworkACLRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "network_acl_id": *getNetworkACLRuleOptions.NetworkACLID, - "id": *getNetworkACLRuleOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls/{network_acl_id}/rules/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getNetworkACLRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetNetworkACLRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateNetworkACLRule : Update a network ACL rule -// This request updates a rule with the information in a provided rule patch. The rule patch object contains only the -// information to be updated. The request will fail if the information is not applicable to the rule's protocol. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateNetworkACLRule(updateNetworkACLRuleOptions *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions) (result NetworkACLRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateNetworkACLRuleWithContext(context.Background(), updateNetworkACLRuleOptions) -} - -// UpdateNetworkACLRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateNetworkACLRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateNetworkACLRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateNetworkACLRuleOptions *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions) (result NetworkACLRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateNetworkACLRuleOptions, "updateNetworkACLRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateNetworkACLRuleOptions, "updateNetworkACLRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "network_acl_id": *updateNetworkACLRuleOptions.NetworkACLID, - "id": *updateNetworkACLRuleOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/network_acls/{network_acl_id}/rules/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateNetworkACLRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateNetworkACLRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateNetworkACLRuleOptions.NetworkACLRulePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListSecurityGroups : List all security groups -// This request lists all security groups in the region. Security groups provide a way to apply IP filtering rules to -// instances in the associated VPC. With security groups, all traffic is denied by default, and rules added to security -// groups define which traffic the security group permits. Security group rules are stateful such that reverse traffic -// in response to allowed traffic is automatically permitted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSecurityGroups(listSecurityGroupsOptions *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) (result *SecurityGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListSecurityGroupsWithContext(context.Background(), listSecurityGroupsOptions) -} - -// ListSecurityGroupsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListSecurityGroups method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listSecurityGroupsOptions *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) (result *SecurityGroupCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listSecurityGroupsOptions, "listSecurityGroupsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listSecurityGroupsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListSecurityGroups") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listSecurityGroupsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listSecurityGroupsOptions.Start)) - } - if listSecurityGroupsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listSecurityGroupsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listSecurityGroupsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSecurityGroupsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listSecurityGroupsOptions.VPCID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.id", fmt.Sprint(*listSecurityGroupsOptions.VPCID)) - } - if listSecurityGroupsOptions.VPCCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listSecurityGroupsOptions.VPCCRN)) - } - if listSecurityGroupsOptions.VPCName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.name", fmt.Sprint(*listSecurityGroupsOptions.VPCName)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateSecurityGroup : Create a security group -// This request creates a new security group from a security group prototype object. The prototype object is structured -// in the same way as a retrieved security group, and contains the information necessary to create the new security -// group. If security group rules are included in the prototype object, those rules will be added to the security group. -// Each security group is scoped to one VPC. Only resources in that VPC can be added to the security group. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSecurityGroup(createSecurityGroupOptions *CreateSecurityGroupOptions) (result *SecurityGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateSecurityGroupWithContext(context.Background(), createSecurityGroupOptions) -} - -// CreateSecurityGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateSecurityGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, createSecurityGroupOptions *CreateSecurityGroupOptions) (result *SecurityGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createSecurityGroupOptions, "createSecurityGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createSecurityGroupOptions, "createSecurityGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createSecurityGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateSecurityGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createSecurityGroupOptions.VPC != nil { - body["vpc"] = createSecurityGroupOptions.VPC - } - if createSecurityGroupOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createSecurityGroupOptions.Name - } - if createSecurityGroupOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createSecurityGroupOptions.ResourceGroup - } - if createSecurityGroupOptions.Rules != nil { - body["rules"] = createSecurityGroupOptions.Rules - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteSecurityGroup : Delete a security group -// This request deletes a security group. A security group cannot be deleted if it is referenced by any security group -// targets or rules. Additionally, a VPC's default security group cannot be deleted. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSecurityGroup(deleteSecurityGroupOptions *DeleteSecurityGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteSecurityGroupWithContext(context.Background(), deleteSecurityGroupOptions) -} - -// DeleteSecurityGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteSecurityGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteSecurityGroupOptions *DeleteSecurityGroupOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteSecurityGroupOptions, "deleteSecurityGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteSecurityGroupOptions, "deleteSecurityGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteSecurityGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteSecurityGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteSecurityGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetSecurityGroup : Retrieve a security group -// This request retrieves a single security group specified by the identifier in the URL path. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSecurityGroup(getSecurityGroupOptions *GetSecurityGroupOptions) (result *SecurityGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSecurityGroupWithContext(context.Background(), getSecurityGroupOptions) -} - -// GetSecurityGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSecurityGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSecurityGroupOptions *GetSecurityGroupOptions) (result *SecurityGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSecurityGroupOptions, "getSecurityGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSecurityGroupOptions, "getSecurityGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getSecurityGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSecurityGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSecurityGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateSecurityGroup : Update a security group -// This request updates a security group with the information provided in a security group patch object. The security -// group patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved security group and contains only the information to -// be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSecurityGroup(updateSecurityGroupOptions *UpdateSecurityGroupOptions) (result *SecurityGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateSecurityGroupWithContext(context.Background(), updateSecurityGroupOptions) -} - -// UpdateSecurityGroupWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateSecurityGroup method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSecurityGroupWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateSecurityGroupOptions *UpdateSecurityGroupOptions) (result *SecurityGroup, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateSecurityGroupOptions, "updateSecurityGroupOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateSecurityGroupOptions, "updateSecurityGroupOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateSecurityGroupOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateSecurityGroupOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateSecurityGroup") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateSecurityGroupOptions.SecurityGroupPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListSecurityGroupRules : List all rules in a security group -// This request lists all rules in a security group. These rules define what traffic the security group permits. -// Security group rules are stateful, such that reverse traffic in response to allowed traffic is automatically -// permitted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSecurityGroupRules(listSecurityGroupRulesOptions *ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions) (result *SecurityGroupRuleCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListSecurityGroupRulesWithContext(context.Background(), listSecurityGroupRulesOptions) -} - -// ListSecurityGroupRulesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListSecurityGroupRules method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSecurityGroupRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listSecurityGroupRulesOptions *ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions) (result *SecurityGroupRuleCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listSecurityGroupRulesOptions, "listSecurityGroupRulesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listSecurityGroupRulesOptions, "listSecurityGroupRulesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "security_group_id": *listSecurityGroupRulesOptions.SecurityGroupID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listSecurityGroupRulesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListSecurityGroupRules") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateSecurityGroupRule : Create a rule for a security group -// This request creates a new security group rule from a security group rule prototype object. The prototype object is -// structured in the same way as a retrieved security group rule and contains the information necessary to create the -// rule. As part of creating a new rule in a security group, the rule is applied to all the networking interfaces in the -// security group. Rules specify which IP traffic a security group will allow. Security group rules are stateful, such -// that reverse traffic in response to allowed traffic is automatically permitted. A rule allowing inbound TCP traffic -// on port 80 also allows outbound TCP traffic on port 80 without the need for an additional rule. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSecurityGroupRule(createSecurityGroupRuleOptions *CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) (result SecurityGroupRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateSecurityGroupRuleWithContext(context.Background(), createSecurityGroupRuleOptions) -} - -// CreateSecurityGroupRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateSecurityGroupRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSecurityGroupRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, createSecurityGroupRuleOptions *CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) (result SecurityGroupRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createSecurityGroupRuleOptions, "createSecurityGroupRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createSecurityGroupRuleOptions, "createSecurityGroupRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "security_group_id": *createSecurityGroupRuleOptions.SecurityGroupID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createSecurityGroupRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateSecurityGroupRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createSecurityGroupRuleOptions.SecurityGroupRulePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteSecurityGroupRule : Delete a security group rule -// This request deletes a security group rule. This operation cannot be reversed. Removing a security group rule will -// not end existing connections allowed by that rule. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSecurityGroupRule(deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions *DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteSecurityGroupRuleWithContext(context.Background(), deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions) -} - -// DeleteSecurityGroupRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteSecurityGroupRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSecurityGroupRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions *DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions, "deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions, "deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "security_group_id": *deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions.SecurityGroupID, - "id": *deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteSecurityGroupRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetSecurityGroupRule : Retrieve a security group rule -// This request retrieves a single security group rule specified by the identifier in the URL path. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSecurityGroupRule(getSecurityGroupRuleOptions *GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions) (result SecurityGroupRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSecurityGroupRuleWithContext(context.Background(), getSecurityGroupRuleOptions) -} - -// GetSecurityGroupRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSecurityGroupRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSecurityGroupRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSecurityGroupRuleOptions *GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions) (result SecurityGroupRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSecurityGroupRuleOptions, "getSecurityGroupRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSecurityGroupRuleOptions, "getSecurityGroupRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "security_group_id": *getSecurityGroupRuleOptions.SecurityGroupID, - "id": *getSecurityGroupRuleOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSecurityGroupRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSecurityGroupRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateSecurityGroupRule : Update a security group rule -// This request updates a security group rule with the information in a provided rule patch object. The rule patch -// object contains only the information to be updated. The request will fail if the information is not applicable to the -// rule's protocol. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSecurityGroupRule(updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) (result SecurityGroupRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateSecurityGroupRuleWithContext(context.Background(), updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) -} - -// UpdateSecurityGroupRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateSecurityGroupRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateSecurityGroupRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) (result SecurityGroupRuleIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions, "updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions, "updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "security_group_id": *updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions.SecurityGroupID, - "id": *updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateSecurityGroupRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateSecurityGroupRuleOptions.SecurityGroupRulePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListSecurityGroupTargets : List all targets associated with a security group -// This request lists all targets associated with a security group, to which the rules in the security group are -// applied. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSecurityGroupTargets(listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions) (result *SecurityGroupTargetCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListSecurityGroupTargetsWithContext(context.Background(), listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions) -} - -// ListSecurityGroupTargetsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListSecurityGroupTargets method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListSecurityGroupTargetsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions) (result *SecurityGroupTargetCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions, "listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions, "listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "security_group_id": *listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions.SecurityGroupID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{security_group_id}/targets`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListSecurityGroupTargets") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions.Start)) - } - if listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listSecurityGroupTargetsOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBinding : Remove a target from a security group -// This request removes a target from a security group. For this request to succeed, the target must be attached to at -// least one other security group. The specified target identifier can be: -// -// - A bare metal server network interface identifier -// - A virtual network interface identifier -// - A VPN server identifier -// - A load balancer identifier -// - An endpoint gateway identifier -// - An instance network interface identifier -// -// Security groups are stateful, so any changes to a target's security groups are applied to new connections. Existing -// connections are not affected. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBinding(deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions *DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingWithContext(context.Background(), deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) -} - -// DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBinding method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions *DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions, "deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions, "deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "security_group_id": *deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions.SecurityGroupID, - "id": *deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{security_group_id}/targets/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBinding") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetSecurityGroupTarget : Retrieve a security group target -// This request retrieves a single target specified by the identifier in the URL path. The target must be an existing -// target of the security group. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSecurityGroupTarget(getSecurityGroupTargetOptions *GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions) (result SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetSecurityGroupTargetWithContext(context.Background(), getSecurityGroupTargetOptions) -} - -// GetSecurityGroupTargetWithContext is an alternate form of the GetSecurityGroupTarget method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetSecurityGroupTargetWithContext(ctx context.Context, getSecurityGroupTargetOptions *GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions) (result SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getSecurityGroupTargetOptions, "getSecurityGroupTargetOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getSecurityGroupTargetOptions, "getSecurityGroupTargetOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "security_group_id": *getSecurityGroupTargetOptions.SecurityGroupID, - "id": *getSecurityGroupTargetOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{security_group_id}/targets/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getSecurityGroupTargetOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetSecurityGroupTarget") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateSecurityGroupTargetBinding : Add a target to a security group -// This request adds a resource to an existing security group. The specified target identifier can be: -// -// - A bare metal server network interface identifier -// - A virtual network interface identifier -// - A VPN server identifier -// - A load balancer identifier -// - An endpoint gateway identifier -// - An instance network interface identifier -// -// When a target is added to a security group, the security group rules are applied to the target. A request body is not -// required, and if provided, is ignored. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSecurityGroupTargetBinding(createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions *CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) (result SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingWithContext(context.Background(), createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) -} - -// CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateSecurityGroupTargetBinding method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingWithContext(ctx context.Context, createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions *CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) (result SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions, "createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions, "createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "security_group_id": *createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions.SecurityGroupID, - "id": *createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/security_groups/{security_group_id}/targets/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateSecurityGroupTargetBinding") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListIkePolicies : List all IKE policies -// This request lists all IKE policies in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListIkePolicies(listIkePoliciesOptions *ListIkePoliciesOptions) (result *IkePolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListIkePoliciesWithContext(context.Background(), listIkePoliciesOptions) -} - -// ListIkePoliciesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListIkePolicies method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListIkePoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listIkePoliciesOptions *ListIkePoliciesOptions) (result *IkePolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listIkePoliciesOptions, "listIkePoliciesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ike_policies`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listIkePoliciesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListIkePolicies") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listIkePoliciesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listIkePoliciesOptions.Start)) - } - if listIkePoliciesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listIkePoliciesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalIkePolicyCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateIkePolicy : Create an IKE policy -// This request creates a new IKE policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateIkePolicy(createIkePolicyOptions *CreateIkePolicyOptions) (result *IkePolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateIkePolicyWithContext(context.Background(), createIkePolicyOptions) -} - -// CreateIkePolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateIkePolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateIkePolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, createIkePolicyOptions *CreateIkePolicyOptions) (result *IkePolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createIkePolicyOptions, "createIkePolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createIkePolicyOptions, "createIkePolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ike_policies`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createIkePolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateIkePolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createIkePolicyOptions.AuthenticationAlgorithm != nil { - body["authentication_algorithm"] = createIkePolicyOptions.AuthenticationAlgorithm - } - if createIkePolicyOptions.DhGroup != nil { - body["dh_group"] = createIkePolicyOptions.DhGroup - } - if createIkePolicyOptions.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - body["encryption_algorithm"] = createIkePolicyOptions.EncryptionAlgorithm - } - if createIkePolicyOptions.IkeVersion != nil { - body["ike_version"] = createIkePolicyOptions.IkeVersion - } - if createIkePolicyOptions.KeyLifetime != nil { - body["key_lifetime"] = createIkePolicyOptions.KeyLifetime - } - if createIkePolicyOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createIkePolicyOptions.Name - } - if createIkePolicyOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createIkePolicyOptions.ResourceGroup - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalIkePolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteIkePolicy : Delete an IKE policy -// This request deletes an IKE policy. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, there must not be -// any VPN gateway connections using this policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteIkePolicy(deleteIkePolicyOptions *DeleteIkePolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteIkePolicyWithContext(context.Background(), deleteIkePolicyOptions) -} - -// DeleteIkePolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteIkePolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteIkePolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteIkePolicyOptions *DeleteIkePolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteIkePolicyOptions, "deleteIkePolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteIkePolicyOptions, "deleteIkePolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteIkePolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ike_policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteIkePolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteIkePolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetIkePolicy : Retrieve an IKE policy -// This request retrieves a single IKE policy specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetIkePolicy(getIkePolicyOptions *GetIkePolicyOptions) (result *IkePolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetIkePolicyWithContext(context.Background(), getIkePolicyOptions) -} - -// GetIkePolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the GetIkePolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetIkePolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getIkePolicyOptions *GetIkePolicyOptions) (result *IkePolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getIkePolicyOptions, "getIkePolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getIkePolicyOptions, "getIkePolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getIkePolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ike_policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getIkePolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetIkePolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalIkePolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateIkePolicy : Update an IKE policy -// This request updates the properties of an existing IKE policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateIkePolicy(updateIkePolicyOptions *UpdateIkePolicyOptions) (result *IkePolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateIkePolicyWithContext(context.Background(), updateIkePolicyOptions) -} - -// UpdateIkePolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateIkePolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateIkePolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateIkePolicyOptions *UpdateIkePolicyOptions) (result *IkePolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateIkePolicyOptions, "updateIkePolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateIkePolicyOptions, "updateIkePolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateIkePolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ike_policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateIkePolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateIkePolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateIkePolicyOptions.IkePolicyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalIkePolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListIkePolicyConnections : List all VPN gateway connections that use a specified IKE policy -// This request lists all VPN gateway connections that use a policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListIkePolicyConnections(listIkePolicyConnectionsOptions *ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListIkePolicyConnectionsWithContext(context.Background(), listIkePolicyConnectionsOptions) -} - -// ListIkePolicyConnectionsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListIkePolicyConnections method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListIkePolicyConnectionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listIkePolicyConnectionsOptions *ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listIkePolicyConnectionsOptions, "listIkePolicyConnectionsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listIkePolicyConnectionsOptions, "listIkePolicyConnectionsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *listIkePolicyConnectionsOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ike_policies/{id}/connections`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listIkePolicyConnectionsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListIkePolicyConnections") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListIpsecPolicies : List all IPsec policies -// This request lists all IPsec policies in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListIpsecPolicies(listIpsecPoliciesOptions *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions) (result *IPsecPolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListIpsecPoliciesWithContext(context.Background(), listIpsecPoliciesOptions) -} - -// ListIpsecPoliciesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListIpsecPolicies method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListIpsecPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listIpsecPoliciesOptions *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions) (result *IPsecPolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listIpsecPoliciesOptions, "listIpsecPoliciesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ipsec_policies`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listIpsecPoliciesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListIpsecPolicies") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listIpsecPoliciesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listIpsecPoliciesOptions.Start)) - } - if listIpsecPoliciesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listIpsecPoliciesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalIPsecPolicyCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateIpsecPolicy : Create an IPsec policy -// This request creates a new IPsec policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateIpsecPolicy(createIpsecPolicyOptions *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions) (result *IPsecPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateIpsecPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), createIpsecPolicyOptions) -} - -// CreateIpsecPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateIpsecPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateIpsecPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, createIpsecPolicyOptions *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions) (result *IPsecPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createIpsecPolicyOptions, "createIpsecPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createIpsecPolicyOptions, "createIpsecPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ipsec_policies`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createIpsecPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateIpsecPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createIpsecPolicyOptions.AuthenticationAlgorithm != nil { - body["authentication_algorithm"] = createIpsecPolicyOptions.AuthenticationAlgorithm - } - if createIpsecPolicyOptions.EncryptionAlgorithm != nil { - body["encryption_algorithm"] = createIpsecPolicyOptions.EncryptionAlgorithm - } - if createIpsecPolicyOptions.Pfs != nil { - body["pfs"] = createIpsecPolicyOptions.Pfs - } - if createIpsecPolicyOptions.KeyLifetime != nil { - body["key_lifetime"] = createIpsecPolicyOptions.KeyLifetime - } - if createIpsecPolicyOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createIpsecPolicyOptions.Name - } - if createIpsecPolicyOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createIpsecPolicyOptions.ResourceGroup - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalIPsecPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteIpsecPolicy : Delete an IPsec policy -// This request deletes an IPsec policy. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, there must not -// be any VPN gateway connections using this policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteIpsecPolicy(deleteIpsecPolicyOptions *DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteIpsecPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), deleteIpsecPolicyOptions) -} - -// DeleteIpsecPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteIpsecPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteIpsecPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteIpsecPolicyOptions *DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteIpsecPolicyOptions, "deleteIpsecPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteIpsecPolicyOptions, "deleteIpsecPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteIpsecPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ipsec_policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteIpsecPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteIpsecPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetIpsecPolicy : Retrieve an IPsec policy -// This request retrieves a single IPsec policy specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetIpsecPolicy(getIpsecPolicyOptions *GetIpsecPolicyOptions) (result *IPsecPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetIpsecPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), getIpsecPolicyOptions) -} - -// GetIpsecPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the GetIpsecPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetIpsecPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getIpsecPolicyOptions *GetIpsecPolicyOptions) (result *IPsecPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getIpsecPolicyOptions, "getIpsecPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getIpsecPolicyOptions, "getIpsecPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getIpsecPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ipsec_policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getIpsecPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetIpsecPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalIPsecPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateIpsecPolicy : Update an IPsec policy -// This request updates the properties of an existing IPsec policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateIpsecPolicy(updateIpsecPolicyOptions *UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions) (result *IPsecPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateIpsecPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), updateIpsecPolicyOptions) -} - -// UpdateIpsecPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateIpsecPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateIpsecPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateIpsecPolicyOptions *UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions) (result *IPsecPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateIpsecPolicyOptions, "updateIpsecPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateIpsecPolicyOptions, "updateIpsecPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateIpsecPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ipsec_policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateIpsecPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateIpsecPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateIpsecPolicyOptions.IPsecPolicyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalIPsecPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListIpsecPolicyConnections : List all VPN gateway connections that use a specified IPsec policy -// This request lists all VPN gateway connections that use a policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListIpsecPolicyConnections(listIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions *ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsWithContext(context.Background(), listIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions) -} - -// ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListIpsecPolicyConnections method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions *ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions, "listIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions, "listIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *listIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/ipsec_policies/{id}/connections`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListIpsecPolicyConnections") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVPNGateways : List all VPN gateways -// This request lists all VPN gateways in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNGateways(listVPNGatewaysOptions *ListVPNGatewaysOptions) (result *VPNGatewayCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPNGatewaysWithContext(context.Background(), listVPNGatewaysOptions) -} - -// ListVPNGatewaysWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPNGateways method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPNGatewaysOptions *ListVPNGatewaysOptions) (result *VPNGatewayCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPNGatewaysOptions, "listVPNGatewaysOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPNGatewaysOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPNGateways") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPNGatewaysOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNGatewaysOptions.Start)) - } - if listVPNGatewaysOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNGatewaysOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVPNGatewaysOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNGatewaysOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listVPNGatewaysOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNGatewaysOptions.Sort)) - } - if listVPNGatewaysOptions.Mode != nil { - builder.AddQuery("mode", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNGatewaysOptions.Mode)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPNGateway : Create a VPN gateway -// This request creates a new VPN gateway. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPNGateway(createVPNGatewayOptions *CreateVPNGatewayOptions) (result VPNGatewayIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPNGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), createVPNGatewayOptions) -} - -// CreateVPNGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPNGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPNGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPNGatewayOptions *CreateVPNGatewayOptions) (result VPNGatewayIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVPNGatewayOptions, "createVPNGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPNGatewayOptions, "createVPNGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPNGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPNGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createVPNGatewayOptions.VPNGatewayPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPNGateway : Delete a VPN gateway -// This request deletes a VPN gateway. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, the VPN gateway -// must not have a `status` of `pending`, and there must not be any VPC routes using the VPN gateway's connections as a -// next hop. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNGateway(deleteVPNGatewayOptions *DeleteVPNGatewayOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPNGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPNGatewayOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPNGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPNGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPNGatewayOptions *DeleteVPNGatewayOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPNGatewayOptions, "deleteVPNGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPNGatewayOptions, "deleteVPNGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteVPNGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPNGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPNGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPNGateway : Retrieve a VPN gateway -// This request retrieves a single VPN gateway specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNGateway(getVPNGatewayOptions *GetVPNGatewayOptions) (result VPNGatewayIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPNGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), getVPNGatewayOptions) -} - -// GetVPNGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPNGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPNGatewayOptions *GetVPNGatewayOptions) (result VPNGatewayIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPNGatewayOptions, "getVPNGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPNGatewayOptions, "getVPNGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getVPNGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPNGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPNGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPNGateway : Update a VPN gateway -// This request updates the properties of an existing VPN gateway. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPNGateway(updateVPNGatewayOptions *UpdateVPNGatewayOptions) (result VPNGatewayIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPNGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPNGatewayOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPNGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPNGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPNGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPNGatewayOptions *UpdateVPNGatewayOptions) (result VPNGatewayIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPNGatewayOptions, "updateVPNGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPNGatewayOptions, "updateVPNGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateVPNGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPNGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPNGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPNGatewayOptions.VPNGatewayPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVPNGatewayConnections : List all connections of a VPN gateway -// This request lists all connections of a VPN gateway. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNGatewayConnections(listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions *ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPNGatewayConnectionsWithContext(context.Background(), listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions) -} - -// ListVPNGatewayConnectionsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPNGatewayConnections method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNGatewayConnectionsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions *ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions, "listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions, "listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions.VPNGatewayID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPNGatewayConnections") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions.Status != nil { - builder.AddQuery("status", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions.Status)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPNGatewayConnection : Create a connection for a VPN gateway -// This request creates a new VPN gateway connection. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPNGatewayConnection(createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions *CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) (result VPNGatewayConnectionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext(context.Background(), createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) -} - -// CreateVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPNGatewayConnection method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions *CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) (result VPNGatewayConnectionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions, "createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions, "createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.VPNGatewayID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPNGatewayConnection") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(createVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPNGatewayConnection : Delete a VPN gateway connection -// This request deletes a VPN gateway connection. This operation cannot be reversed. For this request to succeed, there -// must not be VPC routes using this VPN connection as a next hop. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNGatewayConnection(deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions *DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPNGatewayConnection method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions *DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions, "deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions, "deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPNGatewayConnection") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPNGatewayConnection : Retrieve a VPN gateway connection -// This request retrieves a single VPN gateway connection specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNGatewayConnection(getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions *GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) (result VPNGatewayConnectionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext(context.Background(), getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) -} - -// GetVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPNGatewayConnection method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions *GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) (result VPNGatewayConnectionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions, "getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions, "getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPNGatewayConnection") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPNGatewayConnection : Update a VPN gateway connection -// This request updates the properties of an existing VPN gateway connection. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPNGatewayConnection(updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) (result VPNGatewayConnectionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPNGatewayConnection method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) (result VPNGatewayConnectionIntf, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions, "updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions, "updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPNGatewayConnection") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions.VPNGatewayConnectionPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs : List all local CIDRs for a VPN gateway connection -// This request lists all local CIDRs for a VPN gateway connection. -// -// This request is only supported for policy mode VPN gateways. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs(listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions *ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsWithContext(context.Background(), listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions) -} - -// ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions *ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions, "listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions, "listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}/local_cidrs`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR : Remove a local CIDR from a VPN gateway connection -// This request removes a CIDR from a VPN gateway connection. -// -// This request is only supported for policy mode VPN gateways. -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR(removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRWithContext(context.Background(), removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) -} - -// RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRWithContext is an alternate form of the RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRWithContext(ctx context.Context, removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions, "removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions, "removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.ID, - "cidr_prefix": *removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.CIDRPrefix, - "prefix_length": *removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.PrefixLength, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}/local_cidrs/{cidr_prefix}/{prefix_length}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range removeVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR : Check if the specified local CIDR exists on a VPN gateway connection -// This request succeeds if a CIDR exists on the specified VPN gateway connection, and fails otherwise. -// -// This request is only supported for policy mode VPN gateways. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR(checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRWithContext(context.Background(), checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) -} - -// CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRWithContext is an alternate form of the CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRWithContext(ctx context.Context, checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions, "checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions, "checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.ID, - "cidr_prefix": *checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.CIDRPrefix, - "prefix_length": *checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.PrefixLength, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}/local_cidrs/{cidr_prefix}/{prefix_length}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range checkVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR : Set a local CIDR on a VPN gateway connection -// This request adds the specified CIDR to the specified VPN gateway connection. This request succeeds if the specified -// CIDR already exists. A request body is not required, and if provided, is ignored. -// -// This request is only supported for policy mode VPN gateways. -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR(addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRWithContext(context.Background(), addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) -} - -// AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRWithContext is an alternate form of the AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRWithContext(ctx context.Context, addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions, "addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions, "addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.ID, - "cidr_prefix": *addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.CIDRPrefix, - "prefix_length": *addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.PrefixLength, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}/local_cidrs/{cidr_prefix}/{prefix_length}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range addVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs : List all peer CIDRs for a VPN gateway connection -// This request lists all peer CIDRs for a VPN gateway connection. -// -// This request is only supported for policy mode VPN gateways. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs(listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions *ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsWithContext(context.Background(), listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions) -} - -// ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions *ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions) (result *VPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions, "listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions, "listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}/peer_cidrs`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR : Remove a peer CIDR from a VPN gateway connection -// This request removes a CIDR from a VPN gateway connection. -// -// This request is only supported for policy mode VPN gateways. -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR(removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRWithContext(context.Background(), removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) -} - -// RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRWithContext is an alternate form of the RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRWithContext(ctx context.Context, removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions, "removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions, "removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.ID, - "cidr_prefix": *removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.CIDRPrefix, - "prefix_length": *removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.PrefixLength, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}/peer_cidrs/{cidr_prefix}/{prefix_length}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range removeVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR : Check if the specified peer CIDR exists on a VPN gateway connection -// This request succeeds if a CIDR exists on the specified VPN gateway connection, and fails otherwise. -// -// This request is only supported for policy mode VPN gateways. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR(checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRWithContext(context.Background(), checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) -} - -// CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRWithContext is an alternate form of the CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRWithContext(ctx context.Context, checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions, "checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions, "checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.ID, - "cidr_prefix": *checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.CIDRPrefix, - "prefix_length": *checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.PrefixLength, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}/peer_cidrs/{cidr_prefix}/{prefix_length}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range checkVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR : Set a peer CIDR on a VPN gateway connection -// This request adds the specified CIDR to the specified VPN gateway connection. This request succeeds if the specified -// CIDR already exists. A request body is not required, and if provided, is ignored. -// -// This request is only supported for policy mode VPN gateways. -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR(addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRWithContext(context.Background(), addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) -} - -// AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRWithContext is an alternate form of the AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRWithContext(ctx context.Context, addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions, "addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions, "addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_gateway_id": *addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.VPNGatewayID, - "id": *addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.ID, - "cidr_prefix": *addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.CIDRPrefix, - "prefix_length": *addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.PrefixLength, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_gateways/{vpn_gateway_id}/connections/{id}/peer_cidrs/{cidr_prefix}/{prefix_length}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range addVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListVPNServers : List all VPN servers -// This request lists all VPN servers. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNServers(listVPNServersOptions *ListVPNServersOptions) (result *VPNServerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPNServersWithContext(context.Background(), listVPNServersOptions) -} - -// ListVPNServersWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPNServers method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNServersWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPNServersOptions *ListVPNServersOptions) (result *VPNServerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPNServersOptions, "listVPNServersOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPNServersOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPNServers") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPNServersOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServersOptions.Name)) - } - if listVPNServersOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServersOptions.Start)) - } - if listVPNServersOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServersOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVPNServersOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServersOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listVPNServersOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServersOptions.Sort)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServerCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPNServer : Create a VPN server -// This request creates a new VPN server. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPNServer(createVPNServerOptions *CreateVPNServerOptions) (result *VPNServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPNServerWithContext(context.Background(), createVPNServerOptions) -} - -// CreateVPNServerWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPNServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPNServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPNServerOptions *CreateVPNServerOptions) (result *VPNServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVPNServerOptions, "createVPNServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPNServerOptions, "createVPNServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPNServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPNServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createVPNServerOptions.Certificate != nil { - body["certificate"] = createVPNServerOptions.Certificate - } - if createVPNServerOptions.ClientAuthentication != nil { - body["client_authentication"] = createVPNServerOptions.ClientAuthentication - } - if createVPNServerOptions.ClientIPPool != nil { - body["client_ip_pool"] = createVPNServerOptions.ClientIPPool - } - if createVPNServerOptions.Subnets != nil { - body["subnets"] = createVPNServerOptions.Subnets - } - if createVPNServerOptions.ClientDnsServerIps != nil { - body["client_dns_server_ips"] = createVPNServerOptions.ClientDnsServerIps - } - if createVPNServerOptions.ClientIdleTimeout != nil { - body["client_idle_timeout"] = createVPNServerOptions.ClientIdleTimeout - } - if createVPNServerOptions.EnableSplitTunneling != nil { - body["enable_split_tunneling"] = createVPNServerOptions.EnableSplitTunneling - } - if createVPNServerOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createVPNServerOptions.Name - } - if createVPNServerOptions.Port != nil { - body["port"] = createVPNServerOptions.Port - } - if createVPNServerOptions.Protocol != nil { - body["protocol"] = createVPNServerOptions.Protocol - } - if createVPNServerOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createVPNServerOptions.ResourceGroup - } - if createVPNServerOptions.SecurityGroups != nil { - body["security_groups"] = createVPNServerOptions.SecurityGroups - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPNServer : Delete a VPN server -// This request deletes a VPN server. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNServer(deleteVPNServerOptions *DeleteVPNServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPNServerWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPNServerOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPNServerWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPNServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPNServerOptions *DeleteVPNServerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPNServerOptions, "deleteVPNServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPNServerOptions, "deleteVPNServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteVPNServerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPNServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPNServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - if deleteVPNServerOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteVPNServerOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPNServer : Retrieve a VPN server -// This request retrieves a single VPN server specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNServer(getVPNServerOptions *GetVPNServerOptions) (result *VPNServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPNServerWithContext(context.Background(), getVPNServerOptions) -} - -// GetVPNServerWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPNServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPNServerOptions *GetVPNServerOptions) (result *VPNServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPNServerOptions, "getVPNServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPNServerOptions, "getVPNServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getVPNServerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPNServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPNServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPNServer : Update a VPN server -// This request updates the properties of an existing VPN server. Any property changes will cause all connected VPN -// clients are disconnected from this VPN server except for the name change. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPNServer(updateVPNServerOptions *UpdateVPNServerOptions) (result *VPNServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPNServerWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPNServerOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPNServerWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPNServer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPNServerWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPNServerOptions *UpdateVPNServerOptions) (result *VPNServer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPNServerOptions, "updateVPNServerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPNServerOptions, "updateVPNServerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateVPNServerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPNServerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPNServer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateVPNServerOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateVPNServerOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPNServerOptions.VPNServerPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetVPNServerClientConfiguration : Retrieve client configuration -// This request retrieves OpenVPN client configuration on a single VPN server specified by the identifier in the URL. -// This configuration includes directives compatible with OpenVPN releases 2.4 and 2.5. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNServerClientConfiguration(getVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions *GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions) (result *string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPNServerClientConfigurationWithContext(context.Background(), getVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions) -} - -// GetVPNServerClientConfigurationWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPNServerClientConfiguration method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNServerClientConfigurationWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions *GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions) (result *string, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions, "getVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions, "getVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{id}/client_configuration`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPNServerClientConfiguration") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "text/plain") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &result) - - return -} - -// ListVPNServerClients : List all VPN clients for a VPN server -// This request retrieves all connected VPN clients, and any disconnected VPN clients that the VPN server has not yet -// deleted based on its auto-deletion policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNServerClients(listVPNServerClientsOptions *ListVPNServerClientsOptions) (result *VPNServerClientCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPNServerClientsWithContext(context.Background(), listVPNServerClientsOptions) -} - -// ListVPNServerClientsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPNServerClients method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNServerClientsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPNServerClientsOptions *ListVPNServerClientsOptions) (result *VPNServerClientCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPNServerClientsOptions, "listVPNServerClientsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPNServerClientsOptions, "listVPNServerClientsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_server_id": *listVPNServerClientsOptions.VPNServerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{vpn_server_id}/clients`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPNServerClientsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPNServerClients") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPNServerClientsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServerClientsOptions.Start)) - } - if listVPNServerClientsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServerClientsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVPNServerClientsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServerClientsOptions.Sort)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServerClientCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPNServerClient : Delete a VPN client -// This request disconnects and deletes the VPN client from the VPN server. The VPN client may reconnect unless its -// authentication permissions for the configured authentication methods (such as its client certificate) have been -// revoked. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNServerClient(deleteVPNServerClientOptions *DeleteVPNServerClientOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPNServerClientWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPNServerClientOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPNServerClientWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPNServerClient method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNServerClientWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPNServerClientOptions *DeleteVPNServerClientOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPNServerClientOptions, "deleteVPNServerClientOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPNServerClientOptions, "deleteVPNServerClientOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_server_id": *deleteVPNServerClientOptions.VPNServerID, - "id": *deleteVPNServerClientOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{vpn_server_id}/clients/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPNServerClientOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPNServerClient") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPNServerClient : Retrieve a VPN client -// This request retrieves a single VPN client specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNServerClient(getVPNServerClientOptions *GetVPNServerClientOptions) (result *VPNServerClient, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPNServerClientWithContext(context.Background(), getVPNServerClientOptions) -} - -// GetVPNServerClientWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPNServerClient method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNServerClientWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPNServerClientOptions *GetVPNServerClientOptions) (result *VPNServerClient, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPNServerClientOptions, "getVPNServerClientOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPNServerClientOptions, "getVPNServerClientOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_server_id": *getVPNServerClientOptions.VPNServerID, - "id": *getVPNServerClientOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{vpn_server_id}/clients/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPNServerClientOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPNServerClient") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServerClient) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DisconnectVPNClient : Disconnect a VPN client -// This request disconnects the specified VPN client, and deletes the client according to the VPN server's auto-deletion -// policy. The VPN client may reconnect unless its authentication permissions for the configured authentication methods -// (such as its client certificate) have been revoked. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DisconnectVPNClient(disconnectVPNClientOptions *DisconnectVPNClientOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DisconnectVPNClientWithContext(context.Background(), disconnectVPNClientOptions) -} - -// DisconnectVPNClientWithContext is an alternate form of the DisconnectVPNClient method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DisconnectVPNClientWithContext(ctx context.Context, disconnectVPNClientOptions *DisconnectVPNClientOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(disconnectVPNClientOptions, "disconnectVPNClientOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(disconnectVPNClientOptions, "disconnectVPNClientOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_server_id": *disconnectVPNClientOptions.VPNServerID, - "id": *disconnectVPNClientOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{vpn_server_id}/clients/{id}/disconnect`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range disconnectVPNClientOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DisconnectVPNClient") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// ListVPNServerRoutes : List all VPN routes for a VPN server -// This request lists all VPN routes in a VPN server. All VPN routes are provided to the VPN client when the connection -// is established. Packets received from the VPN client will be dropped by the VPN server if there is no VPN route -// matching their specified destinations. All VPN routes must be unique within the VPN server. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNServerRoutes(listVPNServerRoutesOptions *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions) (result *VPNServerRouteCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListVPNServerRoutesWithContext(context.Background(), listVPNServerRoutesOptions) -} - -// ListVPNServerRoutesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListVPNServerRoutes method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListVPNServerRoutesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listVPNServerRoutesOptions *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions) (result *VPNServerRouteCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listVPNServerRoutesOptions, "listVPNServerRoutesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listVPNServerRoutesOptions, "listVPNServerRoutesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_server_id": *listVPNServerRoutesOptions.VPNServerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{vpn_server_id}/routes`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listVPNServerRoutesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListVPNServerRoutes") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listVPNServerRoutesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServerRoutesOptions.Start)) - } - if listVPNServerRoutesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServerRoutesOptions.Limit)) - } - if listVPNServerRoutesOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listVPNServerRoutesOptions.Sort)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServerRouteCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateVPNServerRoute : Create a VPN route for a VPN server -// This request creates a new VPN route in the VPN server. All VPN routes are provided to the VPN client when the -// connection is established. Packets received from the VPN client will be dropped by the VPN server if there is no VPN -// route matching their specified destinations. All VPN routes must be unique within the VPN server. destination of the -// packet. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPNServerRoute(createVPNServerRouteOptions *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions) (result *VPNServerRoute, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateVPNServerRouteWithContext(context.Background(), createVPNServerRouteOptions) -} - -// CreateVPNServerRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateVPNServerRoute method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateVPNServerRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, createVPNServerRouteOptions *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions) (result *VPNServerRoute, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createVPNServerRouteOptions, "createVPNServerRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createVPNServerRouteOptions, "createVPNServerRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_server_id": *createVPNServerRouteOptions.VPNServerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{vpn_server_id}/routes`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createVPNServerRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateVPNServerRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createVPNServerRouteOptions.Destination != nil { - body["destination"] = createVPNServerRouteOptions.Destination - } - if createVPNServerRouteOptions.Action != nil { - body["action"] = createVPNServerRouteOptions.Action - } - if createVPNServerRouteOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createVPNServerRouteOptions.Name - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServerRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteVPNServerRoute : Delete a VPN route -// This request deletes a VPN route. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNServerRoute(deleteVPNServerRouteOptions *DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteVPNServerRouteWithContext(context.Background(), deleteVPNServerRouteOptions) -} - -// DeleteVPNServerRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteVPNServerRoute method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteVPNServerRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteVPNServerRouteOptions *DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteVPNServerRouteOptions, "deleteVPNServerRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteVPNServerRouteOptions, "deleteVPNServerRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_server_id": *deleteVPNServerRouteOptions.VPNServerID, - "id": *deleteVPNServerRouteOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{vpn_server_id}/routes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteVPNServerRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteVPNServerRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetVPNServerRoute : Retrieve a VPN route -// This request retrieves a single VPN route specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNServerRoute(getVPNServerRouteOptions *GetVPNServerRouteOptions) (result *VPNServerRoute, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetVPNServerRouteWithContext(context.Background(), getVPNServerRouteOptions) -} - -// GetVPNServerRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the GetVPNServerRoute method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetVPNServerRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, getVPNServerRouteOptions *GetVPNServerRouteOptions) (result *VPNServerRoute, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getVPNServerRouteOptions, "getVPNServerRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getVPNServerRouteOptions, "getVPNServerRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_server_id": *getVPNServerRouteOptions.VPNServerID, - "id": *getVPNServerRouteOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{vpn_server_id}/routes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getVPNServerRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetVPNServerRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServerRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateVPNServerRoute : Update a VPN route -// This request updates a VPN route with the information in a provided VPN route patch. The VPN route patch object is -// structured in the same way as a retrieved VPN route and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPNServerRoute(updateVPNServerRouteOptions *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions) (result *VPNServerRoute, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateVPNServerRouteWithContext(context.Background(), updateVPNServerRouteOptions) -} - -// UpdateVPNServerRouteWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateVPNServerRoute method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateVPNServerRouteWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateVPNServerRouteOptions *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions) (result *VPNServerRoute, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateVPNServerRouteOptions, "updateVPNServerRouteOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateVPNServerRouteOptions, "updateVPNServerRouteOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "vpn_server_id": *updateVPNServerRouteOptions.VPNServerID, - "id": *updateVPNServerRouteOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/vpn_servers/{vpn_server_id}/routes/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateVPNServerRouteOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateVPNServerRoute") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateVPNServerRouteOptions.VPNServerRoutePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalVPNServerRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListLoadBalancerProfiles : List all load balancer profiles -// This request lists all load balancer profiles available in the region. A load balancer profile specifies the -// performance characteristics and pricing model for a load balancer. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerProfiles(listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions) (result *LoadBalancerProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListLoadBalancerProfilesWithContext(context.Background(), listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions) -} - -// ListLoadBalancerProfilesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListLoadBalancerProfiles method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerProfilesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions) (result *LoadBalancerProfileCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions, "listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancer/profiles`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListLoadBalancerProfiles") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions.Start)) - } - if listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listLoadBalancerProfilesOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetLoadBalancerProfile : Retrieve a load balancer profile -// This request retrieves a load balancer profile specified by the name in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerProfile(getLoadBalancerProfileOptions *GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions) (result *LoadBalancerProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetLoadBalancerProfileWithContext(context.Background(), getLoadBalancerProfileOptions) -} - -// GetLoadBalancerProfileWithContext is an alternate form of the GetLoadBalancerProfile method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerProfileWithContext(ctx context.Context, getLoadBalancerProfileOptions *GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions) (result *LoadBalancerProfile, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getLoadBalancerProfileOptions, "getLoadBalancerProfileOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getLoadBalancerProfileOptions, "getLoadBalancerProfileOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "name": *getLoadBalancerProfileOptions.Name, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancer/profiles/{name}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getLoadBalancerProfileOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetLoadBalancerProfile") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListLoadBalancers : List all load balancers -// This request lists all load balancers in the region. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancers(listLoadBalancersOptions *ListLoadBalancersOptions) (result *LoadBalancerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListLoadBalancersWithContext(context.Background(), listLoadBalancersOptions) -} - -// ListLoadBalancersWithContext is an alternate form of the ListLoadBalancers method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancersWithContext(ctx context.Context, listLoadBalancersOptions *ListLoadBalancersOptions) (result *LoadBalancerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listLoadBalancersOptions, "listLoadBalancersOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listLoadBalancersOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListLoadBalancers") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listLoadBalancersOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listLoadBalancersOptions.Start)) - } - if listLoadBalancersOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listLoadBalancersOptions.Limit)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateLoadBalancer : Create a load balancer -// This request creates and provisions a new load balancer. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancer(createLoadBalancerOptions *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) (result *LoadBalancer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateLoadBalancerWithContext(context.Background(), createLoadBalancerOptions) -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateLoadBalancer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerWithContext(ctx context.Context, createLoadBalancerOptions *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) (result *LoadBalancer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createLoadBalancerOptions, "createLoadBalancerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createLoadBalancerOptions, "createLoadBalancerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createLoadBalancerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateLoadBalancer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createLoadBalancerOptions.IsPublic != nil { - body["is_public"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.IsPublic - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.Subnets != nil { - body["subnets"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.Subnets - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.Dns != nil { - body["dns"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.Dns - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.Listeners != nil { - body["listeners"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.Listeners - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.Logging != nil { - body["logging"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.Logging - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.Name - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.Pools != nil { - body["pools"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.Pools - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.Profile != nil { - body["profile"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.Profile - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.ResourceGroup - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.RouteMode != nil { - body["route_mode"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.RouteMode - } - if createLoadBalancerOptions.SecurityGroups != nil { - body["security_groups"] = createLoadBalancerOptions.SecurityGroups - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancer) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancer : Delete a load balancer -// This request deletes a load balancer. This operation cannot be reversed. A load balancer cannot be deleted if its -// `provisioning_status` is `delete_pending` or it is referenced by a resource. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancer(deleteLoadBalancerOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteLoadBalancerWithContext(context.Background(), deleteLoadBalancerOptions) -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteLoadBalancer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteLoadBalancerOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteLoadBalancerOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteLoadBalancerOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteLoadBalancerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteLoadBalancerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteLoadBalancer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - if deleteLoadBalancerOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*deleteLoadBalancerOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetLoadBalancer : Retrieve a load balancer -// This request retrieves a single load balancer specified by the identifier in the URL path. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancer(getLoadBalancerOptions *GetLoadBalancerOptions) (result *LoadBalancer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetLoadBalancerWithContext(context.Background(), getLoadBalancerOptions) -} - -// GetLoadBalancerWithContext is an alternate form of the GetLoadBalancer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerWithContext(ctx context.Context, getLoadBalancerOptions *GetLoadBalancerOptions) (result *LoadBalancer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getLoadBalancerOptions, "getLoadBalancerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getLoadBalancerOptions, "getLoadBalancerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getLoadBalancerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getLoadBalancerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetLoadBalancer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancer) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancer : Update a load balancer -// This request updates a load balancer with the information in a provided load balancer patch. The load balancer patch -// object is structured in the same way as a retrieved load balancer and contains only the information to be updated. A -// load balancer can only be updated if its `provisioning_status` is `active`. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancer(updateLoadBalancerOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions) (result *LoadBalancer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateLoadBalancerWithContext(context.Background(), updateLoadBalancerOptions) -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateLoadBalancer method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateLoadBalancerOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions) (result *LoadBalancer, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateLoadBalancerOptions, "updateLoadBalancerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateLoadBalancerOptions, "updateLoadBalancerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateLoadBalancerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateLoadBalancerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateLoadBalancer") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - if updateLoadBalancerOptions.IfMatch != nil { - builder.AddHeader("If-Match", fmt.Sprint(*updateLoadBalancerOptions.IfMatch)) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateLoadBalancerOptions.LoadBalancerPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancer) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// GetLoadBalancerStatistics : List all statistics of a load balancer -// This request lists statistics of a load balancer. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerStatistics(getLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions *GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions) (result *LoadBalancerStatistics, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetLoadBalancerStatisticsWithContext(context.Background(), getLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions) -} - -// GetLoadBalancerStatisticsWithContext is an alternate form of the GetLoadBalancerStatistics method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerStatisticsWithContext(ctx context.Context, getLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions *GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions) (result *LoadBalancerStatistics, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions, "getLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions, "getLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{id}/statistics`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetLoadBalancerStatistics") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerStatistics) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListLoadBalancerListeners : List all listeners for a load balancer -// This request lists all listeners for a load balancer. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerListeners(listLoadBalancerListenersOptions *ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListLoadBalancerListenersWithContext(context.Background(), listLoadBalancerListenersOptions) -} - -// ListLoadBalancerListenersWithContext is an alternate form of the ListLoadBalancerListeners method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerListenersWithContext(ctx context.Context, listLoadBalancerListenersOptions *ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listLoadBalancerListenersOptions, "listLoadBalancerListenersOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listLoadBalancerListenersOptions, "listLoadBalancerListenersOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *listLoadBalancerListenersOptions.LoadBalancerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listLoadBalancerListenersOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListLoadBalancerListeners") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerListener : Create a listener for a load balancer -// This request creates a new listener for a load balancer. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerListener(createLoadBalancerListenerOptions *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListener, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateLoadBalancerListenerWithContext(context.Background(), createLoadBalancerListenerOptions) -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerListenerWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateLoadBalancerListener method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerListenerWithContext(ctx context.Context, createLoadBalancerListenerOptions *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListener, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createLoadBalancerListenerOptions, "createLoadBalancerListenerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createLoadBalancerListenerOptions, "createLoadBalancerListenerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.LoadBalancerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateLoadBalancerListener") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Protocol != nil { - body["protocol"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Protocol - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.AcceptProxyProtocol != nil { - body["accept_proxy_protocol"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.AcceptProxyProtocol - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.CertificateInstance != nil { - body["certificate_instance"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.CertificateInstance - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.ConnectionLimit != nil { - body["connection_limit"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.ConnectionLimit - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.DefaultPool != nil { - body["default_pool"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.DefaultPool - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.HTTPSRedirect != nil { - body["https_redirect"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.HTTPSRedirect - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.IdleConnectionTimeout != nil { - body["idle_connection_timeout"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.IdleConnectionTimeout - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Policies != nil { - body["policies"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Policies - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Port != nil { - body["port"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Port - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.PortMax != nil { - body["port_max"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.PortMax - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.PortMin != nil { - body["port_min"] = createLoadBalancerListenerOptions.PortMin - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListener) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerListener : Delete a load balancer listener -// This request deletes a load balancer listener. This operation cannot be reversed. For this operation to succeed, the -// listener must not be the target of another load balancer listener. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerListener(deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteLoadBalancerListenerWithContext(context.Background(), deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions) -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerListenerWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteLoadBalancerListener method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerListenerWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "id": *deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteLoadBalancerListener") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetLoadBalancerListener : Retrieve a load balancer listener -// This request retrieves a single listener specified by the identifier in the URL path. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerListener(getLoadBalancerListenerOptions *GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListener, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetLoadBalancerListenerWithContext(context.Background(), getLoadBalancerListenerOptions) -} - -// GetLoadBalancerListenerWithContext is an alternate form of the GetLoadBalancerListener method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerListenerWithContext(ctx context.Context, getLoadBalancerListenerOptions *GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListener, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getLoadBalancerListenerOptions, "getLoadBalancerListenerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getLoadBalancerListenerOptions, "getLoadBalancerListenerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *getLoadBalancerListenerOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "id": *getLoadBalancerListenerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetLoadBalancerListener") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListener) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerListener : Update a load balancer listener -// This request updates a load balancer listener from a listener patch. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerListener(updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListener, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateLoadBalancerListenerWithContext(context.Background(), updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerListenerWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateLoadBalancerListener method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerListenerWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListener, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions, "updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions, "updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "id": *updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateLoadBalancerListener") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateLoadBalancerListenerOptions.LoadBalancerListenerPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListener) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicies : List all policies for a load balancer listener -// This request lists all policies for a load balancer listener. A policy consists of rules to match against each -// incoming request, and an action to apply to the request if a rule matches. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicies(listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions *ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesWithContext(context.Background(), listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions) -} - -// ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicies method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions *ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions, "listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions, "listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions.ListenerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicies") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy : Create a policy for a load balancer listener -// This request creates a new policy from a load balancer listener policy object. The prototype object is structured in -// the same way as a retrieved policy, and contains the information necessary to create the new policy. For this request -// to succeed, the listener must have a `protocol` of `http` or `https`. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy(createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions, "createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions, "createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.ListenerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Action != nil { - body["action"] = createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Action - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Priority != nil { - body["priority"] = createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Priority - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Name - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Rules != nil { - body["rules"] = createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Rules - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Target != nil { - body["target"] = createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Target - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicy : Delete a load balancer listener policy -// Deletes a policy of the load balancer listener. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicy(deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.ListenerID, - "id": *deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicy : Retrieve a load balancer listener policy -// Retrieve a single policy specified by the identifier in the URL path. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicy(getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) -} - -// GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions, "getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions, "getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.ListenerID, - "id": *getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy : Update a load balancer listener policy -// This request updates a load balancer listener policy with the information in a provided policy patch. The policy -// patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved policy and contains only the information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy(updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext(context.Background(), updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicy, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions, "updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions, "updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.ListenerID, - "id": *updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRules : List all rules of a load balancer listener policy -// This request lists all rules of a load balancer listener policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRules(listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesWithContext(context.Background(), listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions) -} - -// ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesWithContext is an alternate form of the ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRules method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesWithContext(ctx context.Context, listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions, "listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions, "listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions.ListenerID, - "policy_id": *listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions.PolicyID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies/{policy_id}/rules`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRules") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule : Create a rule for a load balancer listener policy -// Creates a new rule for the load balancer listener policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule(createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext(context.Background(), createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions, "createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions, "createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.ListenerID, - "policy_id": *createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.PolicyID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies/{policy_id}/rules`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Condition != nil { - body["condition"] = createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Condition - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Type != nil { - body["type"] = createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Type - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Value != nil { - body["value"] = createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Value - } - if createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Field != nil { - body["field"] = createLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Field - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule : Delete a load balancer listener policy rule -// Deletes a rule from the load balancer listener policy. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule(deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext(context.Background(), deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.ListenerID, - "policy_id": *deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.PolicyID, - "id": *deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies/{policy_id}/rules/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule : Retrieve a load balancer listener policy rule -// Retrieves a single rule specified by the identifier in the URL path. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule(getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext(context.Background(), getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) -} - -// GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions, "getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions, "getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.ListenerID, - "policy_id": *getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.PolicyID, - "id": *getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies/{policy_id}/rules/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule : Update a load balancer listener policy rule -// Updates a rule of the load balancer listener policy. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule(updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext(context.Background(), updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) (result *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions, "updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions, "updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "listener_id": *updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.ListenerID, - "policy_id": *updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.PolicyID, - "id": *updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/listeners/{listener_id}/policies/{policy_id}/rules/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListLoadBalancerPools : List all pools of a load balancer -// This request lists all pools of a load balancer. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerPools(listLoadBalancerPoolsOptions *ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListLoadBalancerPoolsWithContext(context.Background(), listLoadBalancerPoolsOptions) -} - -// ListLoadBalancerPoolsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListLoadBalancerPools method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerPoolsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listLoadBalancerPoolsOptions *ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listLoadBalancerPoolsOptions, "listLoadBalancerPoolsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listLoadBalancerPoolsOptions, "listLoadBalancerPoolsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *listLoadBalancerPoolsOptions.LoadBalancerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listLoadBalancerPoolsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListLoadBalancerPools") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerPool : Create a load balancer pool -// This request creates a new pool from a pool prototype object. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerPool(createLoadBalancerPoolOptions *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPool, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateLoadBalancerPoolWithContext(context.Background(), createLoadBalancerPoolOptions) -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerPoolWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateLoadBalancerPool method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerPoolWithContext(ctx context.Context, createLoadBalancerPoolOptions *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPool, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createLoadBalancerPoolOptions, "createLoadBalancerPoolOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createLoadBalancerPoolOptions, "createLoadBalancerPoolOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.LoadBalancerID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateLoadBalancerPool") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Algorithm != nil { - body["algorithm"] = createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Algorithm - } - if createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.HealthMonitor != nil { - body["health_monitor"] = createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.HealthMonitor - } - if createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Protocol != nil { - body["protocol"] = createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Protocol - } - if createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Members != nil { - body["members"] = createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Members - } - if createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Name - } - if createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.ProxyProtocol != nil { - body["proxy_protocol"] = createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.ProxyProtocol - } - if createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.SessionPersistence != nil { - body["session_persistence"] = createLoadBalancerPoolOptions.SessionPersistence - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPool) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerPool : Delete a load balancer pool -// This request deletes a load balancer pool. This operation cannot be reversed. The pool must not currently be the -// default pool for any listener in the load balancer. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerPool(deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteLoadBalancerPoolWithContext(context.Background(), deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions) -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerPoolWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteLoadBalancerPool method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerPoolWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "id": *deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteLoadBalancerPool") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetLoadBalancerPool : Retrieve a load balancer pool -// This request retrieves a single pool specified by the identifier in the URL path. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerPool(getLoadBalancerPoolOptions *GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPool, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetLoadBalancerPoolWithContext(context.Background(), getLoadBalancerPoolOptions) -} - -// GetLoadBalancerPoolWithContext is an alternate form of the GetLoadBalancerPool method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerPoolWithContext(ctx context.Context, getLoadBalancerPoolOptions *GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPool, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getLoadBalancerPoolOptions, "getLoadBalancerPoolOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getLoadBalancerPoolOptions, "getLoadBalancerPoolOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *getLoadBalancerPoolOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "id": *getLoadBalancerPoolOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetLoadBalancerPool") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPool) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerPool : Update a load balancer pool -// This request updates a load balancer pool from a pool patch. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerPool(updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPool, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateLoadBalancerPoolWithContext(context.Background(), updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerPoolWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateLoadBalancerPool method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerPoolWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPool, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions, "updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions, "updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "id": *updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateLoadBalancerPool") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateLoadBalancerPoolOptions.LoadBalancerPoolPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPool) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListLoadBalancerPoolMembers : List all members of a load balancer pool -// This request lists all members of a load balancer pool. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerPoolMembers(listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions *ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersWithContext(context.Background(), listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) -} - -// ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersWithContext is an alternate form of the ListLoadBalancerPoolMembers method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersWithContext(ctx context.Context, listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions *ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions, "listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions, "listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "pool_id": *listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions.PoolID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools/{pool_id}/members`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListLoadBalancerPoolMembers") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerPoolMember : Create a member in a load balancer pool -// This request creates a new member and adds the member to the pool. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerPoolMember(createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMember, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext(context.Background(), createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateLoadBalancerPoolMember method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext(ctx context.Context, createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMember, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions, "createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions, "createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "pool_id": *createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.PoolID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools/{pool_id}/members`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateLoadBalancerPoolMember") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Port != nil { - body["port"] = createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Port - } - if createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Target != nil { - body["target"] = createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Target - } - if createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Weight != nil { - body["weight"] = createLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Weight - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMember) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembers : Replace load balancer pool members -// This request replaces the existing members of the load balancer pool with new members created from the collection of -// member prototype objects. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembers(replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersWithContext(context.Background(), replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) -} - -// ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersWithContext is an alternate form of the ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembers method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersWithContext(ctx context.Context, replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions, "replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions, "replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "pool_id": *replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions.PoolID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools/{pool_id}/members`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembers") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions.Members != nil { - body["members"] = replaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions.Members - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMember : Delete a load balancer pool member -// This request deletes a member from the pool. This operation cannot be reversed. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMember(deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext(context.Background(), deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMember method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions, "deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "pool_id": *deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.PoolID, - "id": *deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools/{pool_id}/members/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMember") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetLoadBalancerPoolMember : Retrieve a load balancer pool member -// This request retrieves a single member specified by the identifier in the URL path. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerPoolMember(getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMember, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext(context.Background(), getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) -} - -// GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext is an alternate form of the GetLoadBalancerPoolMember method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext(ctx context.Context, getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMember, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions, "getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions, "getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "pool_id": *getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.PoolID, - "id": *getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools/{pool_id}/members/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetLoadBalancerPoolMember") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMember) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMember : Update a load balancer pool member -// This request updates an existing member from a member patch. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMember(updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMember, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext(context.Background(), updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMember method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) (result *LoadBalancerPoolMember, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions, "updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions, "updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "load_balancer_id": *updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.LoadBalancerID, - "pool_id": *updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.PoolID, - "id": *updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/load_balancers/{load_balancer_id}/pools/{pool_id}/members/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMember") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions.LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMember) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListEndpointGateways : List all endpoint gateways -// This request lists all endpoint gateways in the region. An endpoint gateway maps one or more reserved IPs in a VPC to -// a target outside the VPC. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListEndpointGateways(listEndpointGatewaysOptions *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) (result *EndpointGatewayCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListEndpointGatewaysWithContext(context.Background(), listEndpointGatewaysOptions) -} - -// ListEndpointGatewaysWithContext is an alternate form of the ListEndpointGateways method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListEndpointGatewaysWithContext(ctx context.Context, listEndpointGatewaysOptions *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) (result *EndpointGatewayCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listEndpointGatewaysOptions, "listEndpointGatewaysOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/endpoint_gateways`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listEndpointGatewaysOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListEndpointGateways") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listEndpointGatewaysOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewaysOptions.Name)) - } - if listEndpointGatewaysOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewaysOptions.Start)) - } - if listEndpointGatewaysOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewaysOptions.Limit)) - } - if listEndpointGatewaysOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewaysOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listEndpointGatewaysOptions.VPCID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.id", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewaysOptions.VPCID)) - } - if listEndpointGatewaysOptions.VPCCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewaysOptions.VPCCRN)) - } - if listEndpointGatewaysOptions.VPCName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.name", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewaysOptions.VPCName)) - } - if listEndpointGatewaysOptions.AllowDnsResolutionBinding != nil { - builder.AddQuery("allow_dns_resolution_binding", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewaysOptions.AllowDnsResolutionBinding)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateEndpointGateway : Create an endpoint gateway -// This request creates a new endpoint gateway. An endpoint gateway maps one or more reserved IPs in a VPC to a target -// outside the VPC. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateEndpointGateway(createEndpointGatewayOptions *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) (result *EndpointGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateEndpointGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), createEndpointGatewayOptions) -} - -// CreateEndpointGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateEndpointGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateEndpointGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, createEndpointGatewayOptions *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) (result *EndpointGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createEndpointGatewayOptions, "createEndpointGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createEndpointGatewayOptions, "createEndpointGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/endpoint_gateways`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createEndpointGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateEndpointGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createEndpointGatewayOptions.Target != nil { - body["target"] = createEndpointGatewayOptions.Target - } - if createEndpointGatewayOptions.VPC != nil { - body["vpc"] = createEndpointGatewayOptions.VPC - } - if createEndpointGatewayOptions.AllowDnsResolutionBinding != nil { - body["allow_dns_resolution_binding"] = createEndpointGatewayOptions.AllowDnsResolutionBinding - } - if createEndpointGatewayOptions.Ips != nil { - body["ips"] = createEndpointGatewayOptions.Ips - } - if createEndpointGatewayOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createEndpointGatewayOptions.Name - } - if createEndpointGatewayOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createEndpointGatewayOptions.ResourceGroup - } - if createEndpointGatewayOptions.SecurityGroups != nil { - body["security_groups"] = createEndpointGatewayOptions.SecurityGroups - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalEndpointGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListEndpointGatewayIps : List all reserved IPs bound to an endpoint gateway -// This request lists all reserved IPs bound to an endpoint gateway. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListEndpointGatewayIps(listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListEndpointGatewayIpsWithContext(context.Background(), listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions) -} - -// ListEndpointGatewayIpsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListEndpointGatewayIps method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListEndpointGatewayIpsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions) (result *ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions, "listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions, "listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "endpoint_gateway_id": *listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions.EndpointGatewayID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/endpoint_gateways/{endpoint_gateway_id}/ips`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListEndpointGatewayIps") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions.Start)) - } - if listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions.Sort != nil { - builder.AddQuery("sort", fmt.Sprint(*listEndpointGatewayIpsOptions.Sort)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// RemoveEndpointGatewayIP : Unbind a reserved IP from an endpoint gateway -// This request unbinds the specified reserved IP from the specified endpoint gateway. If the reserved IP has -// `auto_delete` set to `true`, the reserved IP will be deleted. -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveEndpointGatewayIP(removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions *RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.RemoveEndpointGatewayIPWithContext(context.Background(), removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions) -} - -// RemoveEndpointGatewayIPWithContext is an alternate form of the RemoveEndpointGatewayIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) RemoveEndpointGatewayIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions *RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions, "removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions, "removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "endpoint_gateway_id": *removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions.EndpointGatewayID, - "id": *removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/endpoint_gateways/{endpoint_gateway_id}/ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range removeEndpointGatewayIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "RemoveEndpointGatewayIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetEndpointGatewayIP : Retrieve a reserved IP bound to an endpoint gateway -// This request retrieves the specified reserved IP address if it is bound to the endpoint gateway specified in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetEndpointGatewayIP(getEndpointGatewayIPOptions *GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetEndpointGatewayIPWithContext(context.Background(), getEndpointGatewayIPOptions) -} - -// GetEndpointGatewayIPWithContext is an alternate form of the GetEndpointGatewayIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetEndpointGatewayIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, getEndpointGatewayIPOptions *GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getEndpointGatewayIPOptions, "getEndpointGatewayIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getEndpointGatewayIPOptions, "getEndpointGatewayIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "endpoint_gateway_id": *getEndpointGatewayIPOptions.EndpointGatewayID, - "id": *getEndpointGatewayIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/endpoint_gateways/{endpoint_gateway_id}/ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getEndpointGatewayIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetEndpointGatewayIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// AddEndpointGatewayIP : Bind a reserved IP to an endpoint gateway -// This request binds the specified reserved IP to the specified endpoint gateway. The reserved IP: -// -// - must currently be unbound, or not required by its target -// - must not be in the same zone as any other reserved IP bound to the endpoint gateway. -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddEndpointGatewayIP(addEndpointGatewayIPOptions *AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.AddEndpointGatewayIPWithContext(context.Background(), addEndpointGatewayIPOptions) -} - -// AddEndpointGatewayIPWithContext is an alternate form of the AddEndpointGatewayIP method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) AddEndpointGatewayIPWithContext(ctx context.Context, addEndpointGatewayIPOptions *AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions) (result *ReservedIP, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(addEndpointGatewayIPOptions, "addEndpointGatewayIPOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(addEndpointGatewayIPOptions, "addEndpointGatewayIPOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "endpoint_gateway_id": *addEndpointGatewayIPOptions.EndpointGatewayID, - "id": *addEndpointGatewayIPOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PUT) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/endpoint_gateways/{endpoint_gateway_id}/ips/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range addEndpointGatewayIPOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "AddEndpointGatewayIP") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteEndpointGateway : Delete an endpoint gateway -// This request deletes an endpoint gateway. This operation cannot be reversed. -// -// Reserved IPs that were bound to the endpoint gateway will be released if their -// `auto_delete` property is set to true. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteEndpointGateway(deleteEndpointGatewayOptions *DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteEndpointGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), deleteEndpointGatewayOptions) -} - -// DeleteEndpointGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteEndpointGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteEndpointGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteEndpointGatewayOptions *DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteEndpointGatewayOptions, "deleteEndpointGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteEndpointGatewayOptions, "deleteEndpointGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteEndpointGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/endpoint_gateways/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteEndpointGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteEndpointGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetEndpointGateway : Retrieve an endpoint gateway -// This request retrieves a single endpoint gateway specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetEndpointGateway(getEndpointGatewayOptions *GetEndpointGatewayOptions) (result *EndpointGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetEndpointGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), getEndpointGatewayOptions) -} - -// GetEndpointGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the GetEndpointGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetEndpointGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, getEndpointGatewayOptions *GetEndpointGatewayOptions) (result *EndpointGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getEndpointGatewayOptions, "getEndpointGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getEndpointGatewayOptions, "getEndpointGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getEndpointGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/endpoint_gateways/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getEndpointGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetEndpointGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalEndpointGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateEndpointGateway : Update an endpoint gateway -// This request updates an endpoint gateway's name. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateEndpointGateway(updateEndpointGatewayOptions *UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions) (result *EndpointGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateEndpointGatewayWithContext(context.Background(), updateEndpointGatewayOptions) -} - -// UpdateEndpointGatewayWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateEndpointGateway method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateEndpointGatewayWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateEndpointGatewayOptions *UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions) (result *EndpointGateway, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateEndpointGatewayOptions, "updateEndpointGatewayOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateEndpointGatewayOptions, "updateEndpointGatewayOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateEndpointGatewayOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/endpoint_gateways/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateEndpointGatewayOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateEndpointGateway") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateEndpointGatewayOptions.EndpointGatewayPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalEndpointGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// ListFlowLogCollectors : List all flow log collectors -// This request lists all flow log collectors in the region. A flow log collector summarizes data sent over the instance -// network interfaces and instance network attachments contained within its target. -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListFlowLogCollectors(listFlowLogCollectorsOptions *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) (result *FlowLogCollectorCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.ListFlowLogCollectorsWithContext(context.Background(), listFlowLogCollectorsOptions) -} - -// ListFlowLogCollectorsWithContext is an alternate form of the ListFlowLogCollectors method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) ListFlowLogCollectorsWithContext(ctx context.Context, listFlowLogCollectorsOptions *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) (result *FlowLogCollectorCollection, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateStruct(listFlowLogCollectorsOptions, "listFlowLogCollectorsOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/flow_log_collectors`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "ListFlowLogCollectors") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - if listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.Start != nil { - builder.AddQuery("start", fmt.Sprint(*listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.Start)) - } - if listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.Limit != nil { - builder.AddQuery("limit", fmt.Sprint(*listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.Limit)) - } - if listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.ResourceGroupID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("resource_group.id", fmt.Sprint(*listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.ResourceGroupID)) - } - if listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.Name != nil { - builder.AddQuery("name", fmt.Sprint(*listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.Name)) - } - if listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.VPCID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.id", fmt.Sprint(*listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.VPCID)) - } - if listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.VPCCRN != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.crn", fmt.Sprint(*listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.VPCCRN)) - } - if listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.VPCName != nil { - builder.AddQuery("vpc.name", fmt.Sprint(*listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.VPCName)) - } - if listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.TargetID != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.id", fmt.Sprint(*listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.TargetID)) - } - if listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.TargetResourceType != nil { - builder.AddQuery("target.resource_type", fmt.Sprint(*listFlowLogCollectorsOptions.TargetResourceType)) - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorCollection) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// CreateFlowLogCollector : Create a flow log collector -// This request creates and starts a new flow log collector from a flow log collector prototype object. The prototype -// object is structured in the same way as a retrieved flow log collector, and contains the information necessary to -// create and start the new flow log collector. -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateFlowLogCollector(createFlowLogCollectorOptions *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions) (result *FlowLogCollector, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.CreateFlowLogCollectorWithContext(context.Background(), createFlowLogCollectorOptions) -} - -// CreateFlowLogCollectorWithContext is an alternate form of the CreateFlowLogCollector method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) CreateFlowLogCollectorWithContext(ctx context.Context, createFlowLogCollectorOptions *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions) (result *FlowLogCollector, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(createFlowLogCollectorOptions, "createFlowLogCollectorOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(createFlowLogCollectorOptions, "createFlowLogCollectorOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.POST) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/flow_log_collectors`, nil) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range createFlowLogCollectorOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "CreateFlowLogCollector") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - body := make(map[string]interface{}) - if createFlowLogCollectorOptions.StorageBucket != nil { - body["storage_bucket"] = createFlowLogCollectorOptions.StorageBucket - } - if createFlowLogCollectorOptions.Target != nil { - body["target"] = createFlowLogCollectorOptions.Target - } - if createFlowLogCollectorOptions.Active != nil { - body["active"] = createFlowLogCollectorOptions.Active - } - if createFlowLogCollectorOptions.Name != nil { - body["name"] = createFlowLogCollectorOptions.Name - } - if createFlowLogCollectorOptions.ResourceGroup != nil { - body["resource_group"] = createFlowLogCollectorOptions.ResourceGroup - } - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(body) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFlowLogCollector) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// DeleteFlowLogCollector : Delete a flow log collector -// This request stops and deletes a flow log collector. This operation cannot be reversed. -// -// Collected flow logs remain available within the flow log collector's Cloud Object Storage bucket. -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteFlowLogCollector(deleteFlowLogCollectorOptions *DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.DeleteFlowLogCollectorWithContext(context.Background(), deleteFlowLogCollectorOptions) -} - -// DeleteFlowLogCollectorWithContext is an alternate form of the DeleteFlowLogCollector method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) DeleteFlowLogCollectorWithContext(ctx context.Context, deleteFlowLogCollectorOptions *DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions) (response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(deleteFlowLogCollectorOptions, "deleteFlowLogCollectorOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(deleteFlowLogCollectorOptions, "deleteFlowLogCollectorOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *deleteFlowLogCollectorOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.DELETE) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/flow_log_collectors/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range deleteFlowLogCollectorOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "DeleteFlowLogCollector") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, nil) - - return -} - -// GetFlowLogCollector : Retrieve a flow log collector -// This request retrieves a single flow log collector specified by the identifier in the URL. -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetFlowLogCollector(getFlowLogCollectorOptions *GetFlowLogCollectorOptions) (result *FlowLogCollector, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.GetFlowLogCollectorWithContext(context.Background(), getFlowLogCollectorOptions) -} - -// GetFlowLogCollectorWithContext is an alternate form of the GetFlowLogCollector method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) GetFlowLogCollectorWithContext(ctx context.Context, getFlowLogCollectorOptions *GetFlowLogCollectorOptions) (result *FlowLogCollector, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(getFlowLogCollectorOptions, "getFlowLogCollectorOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(getFlowLogCollectorOptions, "getFlowLogCollectorOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *getFlowLogCollectorOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.GET) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/flow_log_collectors/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range getFlowLogCollectorOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "GetFlowLogCollector") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFlowLogCollector) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// UpdateFlowLogCollector : Update a flow log collector -// This request updates a flow log collector with the information in a provided flow log collector patch. The flow log -// collector patch object is structured in the same way as a retrieved flow log collector and contains only the -// information to be updated. -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateFlowLogCollector(updateFlowLogCollectorOptions *UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions) (result *FlowLogCollector, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - return vpc.UpdateFlowLogCollectorWithContext(context.Background(), updateFlowLogCollectorOptions) -} - -// UpdateFlowLogCollectorWithContext is an alternate form of the UpdateFlowLogCollector method which supports a Context parameter -func (vpc *VpcV1) UpdateFlowLogCollectorWithContext(ctx context.Context, updateFlowLogCollectorOptions *UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions) (result *FlowLogCollector, response *core.DetailedResponse, err error) { - err = core.ValidateNotNil(updateFlowLogCollectorOptions, "updateFlowLogCollectorOptions cannot be nil") - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(updateFlowLogCollectorOptions, "updateFlowLogCollectorOptions") - if err != nil { - return - } - - pathParamsMap := map[string]string{ - "id": *updateFlowLogCollectorOptions.ID, - } - - builder := core.NewRequestBuilder(core.PATCH) - builder = builder.WithContext(ctx) - builder.EnableGzipCompression = vpc.GetEnableGzipCompression() - _, err = builder.ResolveRequestURL(vpc.Service.Options.URL, `/flow_log_collectors/{id}`, pathParamsMap) - if err != nil { - return - } - - for headerName, headerValue := range updateFlowLogCollectorOptions.Headers { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - - sdkHeaders := common.GetSdkHeaders("vpc", "V1", "UpdateFlowLogCollector") - for headerName, headerValue := range sdkHeaders { - builder.AddHeader(headerName, headerValue) - } - builder.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json") - builder.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/merge-patch+json") - - builder.AddQuery("version", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.Version)) - builder.AddQuery("generation", fmt.Sprint(*vpc.generation)) - - _, err = builder.SetBodyContentJSON(updateFlowLogCollectorOptions.FlowLogCollectorPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - - request, err := builder.Build() - if err != nil { - return - } - - var rawResponse map[string]json.RawMessage - response, err = vpc.Service.Request(request, &rawResponse) - if err != nil { - return - } - if rawResponse != nil { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(rawResponse, "", &result, UnmarshalFlowLogCollector) - if err != nil { - return - } - response.Result = result - } - - return -} - -// AccountReference : AccountReference struct -type AccountReference struct { - // The unique identifier for this account. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the AccountReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - AccountReferenceResourceTypeAccountConst = "account" -) - -// UnmarshalAccountReference unmarshals an instance of AccountReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalAccountReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(AccountReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ActivateReservationOptions : The ActivateReservation options. -type ActivateReservationOptions struct { - // The reservation identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewActivateReservationOptions : Instantiate ActivateReservationOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewActivateReservationOptions(id string) *ActivateReservationOptions { - return &ActivateReservationOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *ActivateReservationOptions) SetID(id string) *ActivateReservationOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ActivateReservationOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ActivateReservationOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : The AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP options. -type AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewAddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewAddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions(bareMetalServerID string, networkInterfaceID string, id string) *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - return &AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AddBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions : The AddEndpointGatewayIP options. -type AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions struct { - // The endpoint gateway identifier. - EndpointGatewayID *string `json:"endpoint_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewAddEndpointGatewayIPOptions : Instantiate AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewAddEndpointGatewayIPOptions(endpointGatewayID string, id string) *AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - return &AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions{ - EndpointGatewayID: core.StringPtr(endpointGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetEndpointGatewayID : Allow user to set EndpointGatewayID -func (_options *AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions) SetEndpointGatewayID(endpointGatewayID string) *AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - _options.EndpointGatewayID = core.StringPtr(endpointGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions) SetID(id string) *AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AddEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : The AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP options. -type AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewAddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewAddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions(instanceID string, networkInterfaceID string, id string) *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - return &AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AddInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : The AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP options. -type AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"virtual_network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewAddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewAddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string, id string) *AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - return &AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions{ - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AddNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : The AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP options. -type AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"virtual_network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewAddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : Instantiate AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewAddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string, id string) *AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - return &AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions{ - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetID(id string) *AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AddVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions : The AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR options. -type AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The address prefix part of the CIDR. - CIDRPrefix *string `json:"cidr_prefix" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix length part of the CIDR. - PrefixLength *string `json:"prefix_length" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewAddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions : Instantiate AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions -func (*VpcV1) NewAddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string, cidrPrefix string, prefixLength string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - return &AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - CIDRPrefix: core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix), - PrefixLength: core.StringPtr(prefixLength), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetID(id string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetCIDRPrefix : Allow user to set CIDRPrefix -func (_options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetCIDRPrefix(cidrPrefix string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.CIDRPrefix = core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix) - return _options -} - -// SetPrefixLength : Allow user to set PrefixLength -func (_options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetPrefixLength(prefixLength string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.PrefixLength = core.StringPtr(prefixLength) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions : The AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR options. -type AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The address prefix part of the CIDR. - CIDRPrefix *string `json:"cidr_prefix" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix length part of the CIDR. - PrefixLength *string `json:"prefix_length" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewAddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions : Instantiate AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions -func (*VpcV1) NewAddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string, cidrPrefix string, prefixLength string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - return &AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - CIDRPrefix: core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix), - PrefixLength: core.StringPtr(prefixLength), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetID(id string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetCIDRPrefix : Allow user to set CIDRPrefix -func (_options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetCIDRPrefix(cidrPrefix string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.CIDRPrefix = core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix) - return _options -} - -// SetPrefixLength : Allow user to set PrefixLength -func (_options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetPrefixLength(prefixLength string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.PrefixLength = core.StringPtr(prefixLength) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *AddVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// AddressPrefix : AddressPrefix struct -type AddressPrefix struct { - // The CIDR block for this prefix. - CIDR *string `json:"cidr" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the prefix was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether subnets exist with addresses from this prefix. - HasSubnets *bool `json:"has_subnets" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this address prefix. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this address prefix. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this is the default prefix for this zone in this VPC. If a default prefix was automatically - // created when the VPC was created, the prefix is automatically named using a hyphenated list of randomly-selected - // words, but may be changed. - IsDefault *bool `json:"is_default" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this address prefix. The name must not be used by another address prefix for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this address prefix resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalAddressPrefix unmarshals an instance of AddressPrefix from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalAddressPrefix(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(AddressPrefix) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cidr", &obj.CIDR) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "has_subnets", &obj.HasSubnets) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "is_default", &obj.IsDefault) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AddressPrefixCollection : AddressPrefixCollection struct -type AddressPrefixCollection struct { - // Collection of address prefixes. - AddressPrefixes []AddressPrefix `json:"address_prefixes" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *AddressPrefixCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *AddressPrefixCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalAddressPrefixCollection unmarshals an instance of AddressPrefixCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalAddressPrefixCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(AddressPrefixCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "address_prefixes", &obj.AddressPrefixes, UnmarshalAddressPrefix) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalAddressPrefixCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalAddressPrefixCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *AddressPrefixCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// AddressPrefixCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type AddressPrefixCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalAddressPrefixCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of AddressPrefixCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalAddressPrefixCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(AddressPrefixCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AddressPrefixCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type AddressPrefixCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalAddressPrefixCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of AddressPrefixCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalAddressPrefixCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(AddressPrefixCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AddressPrefixPatch : AddressPrefixPatch struct -type AddressPrefixPatch struct { - // Indicates whether this is the default prefix for this zone in this VPC. Updating to true makes this prefix the - // default prefix for this zone in this VPC, provided the VPC currently has no default address prefix for this zone. - // Updating to false removes the default prefix for this zone in this VPC. - IsDefault *bool `json:"is_default,omitempty"` - - // The name for this address prefix. The name must not be used by another address prefix for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalAddressPrefixPatch unmarshals an instance of AddressPrefixPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalAddressPrefixPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(AddressPrefixPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "is_default", &obj.IsDefault) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the AddressPrefixPatch -func (addressPrefixPatch *AddressPrefixPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(addressPrefixPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// BackupPolicy : BackupPolicy struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance -// - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume -type BackupPolicy struct { - // The date and time that the backup policy was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this backup policy. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current `health_state` (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []BackupPolicyHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this backup policy. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this backup policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the most recent job for this backup policy completed. - // - // If absent, no job has yet completed for this backup policy. - LastJobCompletedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_job_completed_at,omitempty"` - - // The lifecycle state of the backup policy. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type this backup policy applies to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag - // will be subject to the backup policy. - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - MatchResourceType *string `json:"match_resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The user tags this backup policy applies to. Resources that have both a matching user tag and a matching type will - // be subject to the backup policy. - MatchUserTags []string `json:"match_user_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this backup policy. The name is unique across all backup policies in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The plans for the backup policy. - Plans []BackupPolicyPlanReference `json:"plans" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this backup policy. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The scope for this backup policy. - Scope BackupPolicyScopeIntf `json:"scope" validate:"required"` - - // The included content for backups created using this policy: - // - `boot_volume`: Include the instance's boot volume. - // - `data_volumes`: Include the instance's data volumes. - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - IncludedContent []string `json:"included_content,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicy.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - BackupPolicyHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - BackupPolicyHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - BackupPolicyHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - BackupPolicyHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicy.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the backup policy. -const ( - BackupPolicyLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - BackupPolicyLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - BackupPolicyLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - BackupPolicyLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - BackupPolicyLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - BackupPolicyLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - BackupPolicyLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicy.MatchResourceType property. -// The resource type this backup policy applies to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag -// will be subject to the backup policy. -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceConst = "instance" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeConst = "volume" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicy.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyResourceTypeBackupPolicyConst = "backup_policy" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicy.IncludedContent property. -// An item to include. -const ( - BackupPolicyIncludedContentBootVolumeConst = "boot_volume" - BackupPolicyIncludedContentDataVolumesConst = "data_volumes" -) - -func (*BackupPolicy) isaBackupPolicy() bool { - return true -} - -type BackupPolicyIntf interface { - isaBackupPolicy() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicy unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicy from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicy) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalBackupPolicyHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "last_job_completed_at", &obj.LastJobCompletedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_resource_type", &obj.MatchResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_user_tags", &obj.MatchUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "plans", &obj.Plans, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "scope", &obj.Scope, UnmarshalBackupPolicyScope) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "included_content", &obj.IncludedContent) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyCollection : BackupPolicyCollection struct -type BackupPolicyCollection struct { - // Collection of backup policies. - BackupPolicies []BackupPolicyIntf `json:"backup_policies" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *BackupPolicyCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *BackupPolicyCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyCollection unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "backup_policies", &obj.BackupPolicies, UnmarshalBackupPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalBackupPolicyCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalBackupPolicyCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *BackupPolicyCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// BackupPolicyCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type BackupPolicyCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type BackupPolicyCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyHealthReason : BackupPolicyHealthReason struct -type BackupPolicyHealthReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this health state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this health state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyHealthReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. -const ( - BackupPolicyHealthReasonCodeMissingServiceAuthorizationPoliciesConst = "missing_service_authorization_policies" -) - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyHealthReason unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyHealthReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyHealthReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyHealthReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyJob : BackupPolicyJob struct -type BackupPolicyJob struct { - // Indicates whether this backup policy job will be automatically deleted after it completes. At present, this is - // always `true`, but may be modifiable in the future. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete" validate:"required"` - - // If `auto_delete` is `true`, the days after completion that this backup policy job will be deleted. This value may be - // modifiable in the future. - AutoDeleteAfter *int64 `json:"auto_delete_after" validate:"required"` - - // The backup policy plan operated this backup policy job (may be - // [deleted](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#deleted-resources)). - BackupPolicyPlan *BackupPolicyPlanReference `json:"backup_policy_plan" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the backup policy job was completed. - // - // If absent, the backup policy job has not yet completed. - CompletedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"completed_at,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the backup policy job was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this backup policy job. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this backup policy job. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The type of backup policy job. - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy job on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - JobType *string `json:"job_type" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The source this backup was created from (may be - // [deleted](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#deleted-resources)). - Source BackupPolicyJobSourceIntf `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the backup policy job. - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy job on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current status (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []BackupPolicyJobStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The snapshots operated on by this backup policy job (may be - // [deleted](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#deleted-resources)). - TargetSnapshots []SnapshotReference `json:"target_snapshots" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyJob.JobType property. -// The type of backup policy job. -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy job on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BackupPolicyJobJobTypeCreationConst = "creation" - BackupPolicyJobJobTypeDeletionConst = "deletion" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyJob.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyJobResourceTypeBackupPolicyJobConst = "backup_policy_job" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyJob.Status property. -// The status of the backup policy job. -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy job on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BackupPolicyJobStatusFailedConst = "failed" - BackupPolicyJobStatusRunningConst = "running" - BackupPolicyJobStatusSucceededConst = "succeeded" -) - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyJob unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyJob from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyJob(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyJob) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete_after", &obj.AutoDeleteAfter) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "backup_policy_plan", &obj.BackupPolicyPlan, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "completed_at", &obj.CompletedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "job_type", &obj.JobType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source", &obj.Source, UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobSource) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target_snapshots", &obj.TargetSnapshots, UnmarshalSnapshotReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyJobCollection : BackupPolicyJobCollection struct -type BackupPolicyJobCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *BackupPolicyJobCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of backup policy jobs. - Jobs []BackupPolicyJob `json:"jobs" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *BackupPolicyJobCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobCollection unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyJobCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyJobCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "jobs", &obj.Jobs, UnmarshalBackupPolicyJob) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *BackupPolicyJobCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// BackupPolicyJobCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type BackupPolicyJobCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyJobCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyJobCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyJobCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type BackupPolicyJobCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyJobCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyJobCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyJobSource : The source this backup was created from (may be -// [deleted](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#deleted-resources)). -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference -// - BackupPolicyJobSourceInstanceReference -type BackupPolicyJobSource struct { - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VolumeReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name is unique across all volumes in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *VolumeRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyJobSource.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyJobSourceResourceTypeVolumeConst = "volume" -) - -func (*BackupPolicyJobSource) isaBackupPolicyJobSource() bool { - return true -} - -type BackupPolicyJobSourceIntf interface { - isaBackupPolicyJobSource() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobSource unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyJobSource from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobSource(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyJobSource) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVolumeReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalVolumeRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyJobStatusReason : BackupPolicyJobStatusReason struct -type BackupPolicyJobStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason: - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - `snapshot_pending`: Cannot delete backup (snapshot) in the `pending` lifecycle state - // - `snapshot_volume_limit`: The snapshot limit for the source volume has been reached - // - `source_volume_busy`: The source volume has `busy` set (after multiple retries). - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the status reason. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyJobStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason: -// - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) -// - `snapshot_pending`: Cannot delete backup (snapshot) in the `pending` lifecycle state -// - `snapshot_volume_limit`: The snapshot limit for the source volume has been reached -// - `source_volume_busy`: The source volume has `busy` set (after multiple retries). -const ( - BackupPolicyJobStatusReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" - BackupPolicyJobStatusReasonCodeSnapshotPendingConst = "snapshot_pending" - BackupPolicyJobStatusReasonCodeSnapshotVolumeLimitConst = "snapshot_volume_limit" - BackupPolicyJobStatusReasonCodeSourceVolumeBusyConst = "source_volume_busy" -) - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobStatusReason unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyJobStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyJobStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPatch : BackupPolicyPatch struct -type BackupPolicyPatch struct { - // The included content for backups created using this policy: - // - `boot_volume`: Include the instance's boot volume. - // - `data_volumes`: Include the instance's data volumes. - IncludedContent []string `json:"included_content,omitempty"` - - // The user tags this backup policy will apply to (replacing any existing tags). Resources that have both a matching - // user tag and a matching type will be subject to the backup policy. - MatchUserTags []string `json:"match_user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The name for this backup policy. The name must not be used by another backup policy in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyPatch.IncludedContent property. -// An item to include. -const ( - BackupPolicyPatchIncludedContentBootVolumeConst = "boot_volume" - BackupPolicyPatchIncludedContentDataVolumesConst = "data_volumes" -) - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPatch unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "included_content", &obj.IncludedContent) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_user_tags", &obj.MatchUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the BackupPolicyPatch -func (backupPolicyPatch *BackupPolicyPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(backupPolicyPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlan : BackupPolicyPlan struct -type BackupPolicyPlan struct { - // Indicates whether the plan is active. - Active *bool `json:"active" validate:"required"` - - // The user tags to attach to backups (snapshots) created by this plan. - AttachUserTags []string `json:"attach_user_tags" validate:"required"` - - ClonePolicy *BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicy `json:"clone_policy" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether to copy the source's user tags to the created backups (snapshots). - CopyUserTags *bool `json:"copy_user_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the backup policy plan was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The cron specification for the backup schedule. The backup policy jobs - // (which create and delete backups for this plan) will not start until this time, and may start for up to 90 minutes - // after this time. - // - // All backup schedules for plans in the same policy must be at least an hour apart. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec" validate:"required"` - - DeletionTrigger *BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTrigger `json:"deletion_trigger" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this backup policy plan. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this backup policy plan. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of this backup policy plan. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this backup policy plan. The name is unique across all plans in the backup policy. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The policies for additional backups in remote regions. - RemoteRegionPolicies []BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicy `json:"remote_region_policies" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyPlan.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of this backup policy plan. -const ( - BackupPolicyPlanLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - BackupPolicyPlanLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - BackupPolicyPlanLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - BackupPolicyPlanLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - BackupPolicyPlanLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - BackupPolicyPlanLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - BackupPolicyPlanLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyPlan.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyPlanResourceTypeBackupPolicyPlanConst = "backup_policy_plan" -) - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlan unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlan from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlan(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlan) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active", &obj.Active) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "attach_user_tags", &obj.AttachUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "clone_policy", &obj.ClonePolicy, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "copy_user_tags", &obj.CopyUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deletion_trigger", &obj.DeletionTrigger, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanDeletionTrigger) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote_region_policies", &obj.RemoteRegionPolicies, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicy : BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicy struct -type BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicy struct { - // The maximum number of recent snapshots (per source) that will keep clones. - MaxSnapshots *int64 `json:"max_snapshots" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this backup policy plan will create snapshot clones in. - Zones []ZoneReference `json:"zones" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicy unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicy from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicy) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_snapshots", &obj.MaxSnapshots) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zones", &obj.Zones, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPatch : BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPatch struct -type BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPatch struct { - // The maximum number of recent snapshots (per source) that will keep clones. - MaxSnapshots *int64 `json:"max_snapshots,omitempty"` - - // The zones this backup policy plan will create snapshot clones in. Updating this value does not change the clones for - // snapshots that have already been created by this plan. - Zones []ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zones,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPatch unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_snapshots", &obj.MaxSnapshots) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zones", &obj.Zones, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype : BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype struct -type BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype struct { - // The maximum number of recent snapshots (per source) that will keep clones. - MaxSnapshots *int64 `json:"max_snapshots,omitempty"` - - // The zone this backup policy plan will create snapshot clones in. - Zones []ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zones" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype : Instantiate BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype(zones []ZoneIdentityIntf) (_model *BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype{ - Zones: zones, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_snapshots", &obj.MaxSnapshots) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zones", &obj.Zones, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanCollection : BackupPolicyPlanCollection struct -type BackupPolicyPlanCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *BackupPolicyPlanCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *BackupPolicyPlanCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of backup policy plans. - Plans []BackupPolicyPlan `json:"plans" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanCollection unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "plans", &obj.Plans, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type BackupPolicyPlanCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type BackupPolicyPlanCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTrigger : BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTrigger struct -type BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTrigger struct { - // The maximum number of days to keep each backup after creation. - DeleteAfter *int64 `json:"delete_after" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of recent backups to keep. If absent, there is no maximum. - DeleteOverCount *int64 `json:"delete_over_count,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanDeletionTrigger unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTrigger from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanDeletionTrigger(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTrigger) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_after", &obj.DeleteAfter) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_over_count", &obj.DeleteOverCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPatch : BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPatch struct -type BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPatch struct { - // The maximum number of days to keep each backup after creation. - DeleteAfter *int64 `json:"delete_after,omitempty"` - - // The maximum number of recent backups to keep. Specify `null` to remove any existing maximum. - DeleteOverCount *int64 `json:"delete_over_count,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPatch unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_after", &obj.DeleteAfter) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_over_count", &obj.DeleteOverCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype : BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype struct -type BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype struct { - // The maximum number of days to keep each backup after creation. - DeleteAfter *int64 `json:"delete_after,omitempty"` - - // The maximum number of recent backups to keep. If unspecified, there will be no maximum. - DeleteOverCount *int64 `json:"delete_over_count,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_after", &obj.DeleteAfter) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_over_count", &obj.DeleteOverCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanPatch : BackupPolicyPlanPatch struct -type BackupPolicyPlanPatch struct { - // Indicates whether the plan is active. - Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` - - // The user tags to attach to backups (snapshots) created by this plan. Updating this value does not change the user - // tags for backups that have already been created by this plan. - AttachUserTags []string `json:"attach_user_tags,omitempty"` - - ClonePolicy *BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPatch `json:"clone_policy,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether to copy the source's user tags to the created backups (snapshots). - CopyUserTags *bool `json:"copy_user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for the backup schedule. The backup policy jobs - // (which create and delete backups for this plan) will not start until this time, and may start for up to 90 minutes - // after this time. - // - // All backup schedules for plans in the same policy must be at least an hour apart. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` - - DeletionTrigger *BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPatch `json:"deletion_trigger,omitempty"` - - // The name for this backup policy plan. The name must not be used by another plan for the backup policy. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The policies for additional backups in remote regions (replacing any existing policies). - RemoteRegionPolicies []BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype `json:"remote_region_policies,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanPatch unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active", &obj.Active) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "attach_user_tags", &obj.AttachUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "clone_policy", &obj.ClonePolicy, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "copy_user_tags", &obj.CopyUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deletion_trigger", &obj.DeletionTrigger, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote_region_policies", &obj.RemoteRegionPolicies, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the BackupPolicyPlanPatch -func (backupPolicyPlanPatch *BackupPolicyPlanPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(backupPolicyPlanPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanPrototype : BackupPolicyPlanPrototype struct -type BackupPolicyPlanPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether the plan is active. - Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` - - // User tags to attach to each backup (snapshot) created by this plan. If unspecified, no user tags will be attached. - AttachUserTags []string `json:"attach_user_tags,omitempty"` - - ClonePolicy *BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype `json:"clone_policy,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether to copy the source's user tags to the created backups (snapshots). - CopyUserTags *bool `json:"copy_user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for the backup schedule. The backup policy jobs - // (which create and delete backups for this plan) will not start until this time, and may start for up to 90 minutes - // after this time. - // - // All backup schedules for plans in the same policy must be at least an hour apart. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec" validate:"required"` - - DeletionTrigger *BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype `json:"deletion_trigger,omitempty"` - - // The name for this backup policy plan. The name must not be used by another plan for the backup policy. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The policies for additional backups in remote regions. - RemoteRegionPolicies []BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype `json:"remote_region_policies,omitempty"` -} - -// NewBackupPolicyPlanPrototype : Instantiate BackupPolicyPlanPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBackupPolicyPlanPrototype(cronSpec string) (_model *BackupPolicyPlanPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BackupPolicyPlanPrototype{ - CronSpec: core.StringPtr(cronSpec), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanPrototype unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active", &obj.Active) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "attach_user_tags", &obj.AttachUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "clone_policy", &obj.ClonePolicy, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "copy_user_tags", &obj.CopyUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deletion_trigger", &obj.DeletionTrigger, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote_region_policies", &obj.RemoteRegionPolicies, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanReference : BackupPolicyPlanReference struct -type BackupPolicyPlanReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *BackupPolicyPlanReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this backup policy plan. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this backup policy plan. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this backup policy plan. The name is unique across all plans in the backup policy. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *BackupPolicyPlanRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyPlanReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyPlanReferenceResourceTypeBackupPolicyPlanConst = "backup_policy_plan" -) - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReference unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type BackupPolicyPlanReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanRemote : If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference is remote and therefore may not -// be directly retrievable. -type BackupPolicyPlanRemote struct { - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // region, and identifies the native region. - Region *RegionReference `json:"region,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemote unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicy : BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicy struct -type BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicy struct { - // The region this backup policy plan will create backups in. - DeleteOverCount *int64 `json:"delete_over_count" validate:"required"` - - // The root key used to rewrap the data encryption key for the backup (snapshot). - EncryptionKey *EncryptionKeyReference `json:"encryption_key" validate:"required"` - - // The region this backup policy plan will create backups in. - Region *RegionReference `json:"region" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicy unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicy from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicy) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_over_count", &obj.DeleteOverCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype : BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype struct -type BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype struct { - // The region this backup policy plan will create backups in. - DeleteOverCount *int64 `json:"delete_over_count,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to rewrap the data encryption key for the backup (snapshot). - // - // If unspecified, the source's `encryption_key` will be used. - // The specified key may be in a different account, subject to IAM policies. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The region this backup policy plan will create backups in. - Region RegionIdentityIntf `json:"region" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype : Instantiate BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype(region RegionIdentityIntf) (_model *BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype{ - Region: region, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_over_count", &obj.DeleteOverCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPrototype : BackupPolicyPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype -// - BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype -type BackupPolicyPrototype struct { - // The resource type this backup policy will apply to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag - // will be subject to the backup policy. - MatchResourceType *string `json:"match_resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The user tags this backup policy will apply to. Resources that have both a matching user tag and a matching type - // will be subject to the backup policy. - MatchUserTags []string `json:"match_user_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this backup policy. The name must not be used by another backup policy in the region. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The prototype objects for backup plans to be created for this backup policy. - Plans []BackupPolicyPlanPrototype `json:"plans,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The scope to use for this backup policy. - // - // If unspecified, the policy will be scoped to the account. - Scope BackupPolicyScopePrototypeIntf `json:"scope,omitempty"` - - // The included content for backups created using this policy: - // - `boot_volume`: Include the instance's boot volume. - // - `data_volumes`: Include the instance's data volumes. - IncludedContent []string `json:"included_content,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyPrototype.MatchResourceType property. -// The resource type this backup policy will apply to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag -// will be subject to the backup policy. -const ( - BackupPolicyPrototypeMatchResourceTypeInstanceConst = "instance" - BackupPolicyPrototypeMatchResourceTypeVolumeConst = "volume" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyPrototype.IncludedContent property. -// An item to include. -const ( - BackupPolicyPrototypeIncludedContentBootVolumeConst = "boot_volume" - BackupPolicyPrototypeIncludedContentDataVolumesConst = "data_volumes" -) - -func (*BackupPolicyPrototype) isaBackupPolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type BackupPolicyPrototypeIntf interface { - isaBackupPolicyPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPrototype unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_resource_type", &obj.MatchResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_user_tags", &obj.MatchUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "plans", &obj.Plans, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "scope", &obj.Scope, UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "included_content", &obj.IncludedContent) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyScope : The scope for this backup policy. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference -// - BackupPolicyScopeAccountReference -type BackupPolicyScope struct { - // The CRN for this enterprise. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this enterprise. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyScope.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyScopeResourceTypeEnterpriseConst = "enterprise" -) - -func (*BackupPolicyScope) isaBackupPolicyScope() bool { - return true -} - -type BackupPolicyScopeIntf interface { - isaBackupPolicyScope() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyScope unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyScope from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyScope(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyScope) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyScopePrototype : The scope to use for this backup policy. -// -// If unspecified, the policy will be scoped to the account. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity -type BackupPolicyScopePrototype struct { - // The CRN for this enterprise. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*BackupPolicyScopePrototype) isaBackupPolicyScopePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type BackupPolicyScopePrototypeIntf interface { - isaBackupPolicyScopePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopePrototype unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyScopePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyScopePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServer : BareMetalServer struct -type BareMetalServer struct { - // The total bandwidth (in megabits per second) shared across the bare metal server network attachments or bare metal - // server network interfaces. - Bandwidth *int64 `json:"bandwidth" validate:"required"` - - // The possible resource types for this property are expected to expand in the future. - BootTarget BareMetalServerBootTargetIntf `json:"boot_target" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server CPU configuration. - Cpu *BareMetalServerCpu `json:"cpu" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the bare metal server was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this bare metal server. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The disks for this bare metal server, including any disks that are associated with the - // `boot_target`. - Disks []BareMetalServerDisk `json:"disks" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether secure boot is enabled. If enabled, the image must support secure boot or the server will fail to - // boot. - EnableSecureBoot *bool `json:"enable_secure_boot" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current `lifecycle_state` (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - LifecycleReasons []BareMetalServerLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the bare metal server. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of memory, truncated to whole gibibytes. - Memory *int64 `json:"memory" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server. The name is unique across all bare metal servers in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The network attachments for this bare metal server, including the primary network attachment. - NetworkAttachments []BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The network interfaces for this bare metal server, including the primary network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, each network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference `json:"network_interfaces" validate:"required"` - - // The primary network attachment for this bare metal server. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The primary network interface for this bare metal server. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this primary network interface is - // a [read-only - // representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) - // of the primary network attachment and its attached virtual network interface. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-bare-metal-servers-profile) - // for this bare metal server. - Profile *BareMetalServerProfileReference `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this bare metal server. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the bare metal server. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current status (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []BareMetalServerStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - TrustedPlatformModule *BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule `json:"trusted_platform_module" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this bare metal server resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this bare metal server resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServer.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the bare metal server. -const ( - BareMetalServerLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - BareMetalServerLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - BareMetalServerLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - BareMetalServerLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - BareMetalServerLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - BareMetalServerLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - BareMetalServerLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServer.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerResourceTypeBareMetalServerConst = "bare_metal_server" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServer.Status property. -// The status of the bare metal server. -const ( - BareMetalServerStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - BareMetalServerStatusFailedConst = "failed" - BareMetalServerStatusMaintenanceConst = "maintenance" - BareMetalServerStatusPendingConst = "pending" - BareMetalServerStatusRestartingConst = "restarting" - BareMetalServerStatusRunningConst = "running" - BareMetalServerStatusStartingConst = "starting" - BareMetalServerStatusStoppedConst = "stopped" - BareMetalServerStatusStoppingConst = "stopping" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServer unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServer from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServer(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServer) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "bandwidth", &obj.Bandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_target", &obj.BootTarget, UnmarshalBareMetalServerBootTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "cpu", &obj.Cpu, UnmarshalBareMetalServerCpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "disks", &obj.Disks, UnmarshalBareMetalServerDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_secure_boot", &obj.EnableSecureBoot) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalBareMetalServerLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "memory", &obj.Memory) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalBareMetalServerStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "trusted_platform_module", &obj.TrustedPlatformModule, UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerBootTarget : The possible resource types for this property are expected to expand in the future. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference -type BareMetalServerBootTarget struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *BareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server disk. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server disk. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this bare metal server disk. The name is unique across all disks on the bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerBootTarget.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerBootTargetResourceTypeBareMetalServerDiskConst = "bare_metal_server_disk" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerBootTarget) isaBareMetalServerBootTarget() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerBootTargetIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerBootTarget() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerBootTarget unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerBootTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerBootTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerBootTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalBareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerCpu : The bare metal server CPU configuration. -type BareMetalServerCpu struct { - // The CPU architecture. - Architecture *string `json:"architecture" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of cores. - CoreCount *int64 `json:"core_count" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of CPU sockets. - SocketCount *int64 `json:"socket_count" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of hardware threads per core. - ThreadsPerCore *int64 `json:"threads_per_core" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerCpu unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerCpu from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerCpu(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerCpu) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "architecture", &obj.Architecture) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "core_count", &obj.CoreCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "socket_count", &obj.SocketCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "threads_per_core", &obj.ThreadsPerCore) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerCollection : BareMetalServerCollection struct -type BareMetalServerCollection struct { - // Collection of bare metal servers. - BareMetalServers []BareMetalServer `json:"bare_metal_servers" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *BareMetalServerCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *BareMetalServerCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerCollection unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "bare_metal_servers", &obj.BareMetalServers, UnmarshalBareMetalServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalBareMetalServerCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalBareMetalServerCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *BareMetalServerCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// BareMetalServerCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type BareMetalServerCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type BareMetalServerCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken : The bare metal server console access token information. -type BareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken struct { - // A URL safe single-use token used to access the console WebSocket. - AccessToken *string `json:"access_token" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server console type for which this token may be used. - ConsoleType *string `json:"console_type" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the access token was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the access token will expire. - ExpiresAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"expires_at" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether to disconnect an existing serial console session as the serial console cannot be shared. This has - // no effect on VNC consoles. - Force *bool `json:"force" validate:"required"` - - // The URL to access this bare metal server console. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken.ConsoleType property. -// The bare metal server console type for which this token may be used. -const ( - BareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenConsoleTypeSerialConst = "serial" - BareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenConsoleTypeVncConst = "vnc" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "access_token", &obj.AccessToken) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "console_type", &obj.ConsoleType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "expires_at", &obj.ExpiresAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "force", &obj.Force) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerDisk : BareMetalServerDisk struct -type BareMetalServerDisk struct { - // The date and time that the disk was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server disk. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server disk. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The disk interface used for attaching the disk. - // - // - `fcp`: Attached using Fiber Channel Protocol - // - `sata`: Attached using Serial Advanced Technology Attachment - // - `nvme`: Attached using Non-Volatile Memory Express - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server disk. The name is unique across all disks on the bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The size of the disk in GB (gigabytes). - Size *int64 `json:"size" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerDisk.InterfaceType property. -// The disk interface used for attaching the disk. -// -// - `fcp`: Attached using Fiber Channel Protocol -// - `sata`: Attached using Serial Advanced Technology Attachment -// - `nvme`: Attached using Non-Volatile Memory Express -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BareMetalServerDiskInterfaceTypeFcpConst = "fcp" - BareMetalServerDiskInterfaceTypeNvmeConst = "nvme" - BareMetalServerDiskInterfaceTypeSataConst = "sata" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerDisk.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerDiskResourceTypeBareMetalServerDiskConst = "bare_metal_server_disk" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerDisk unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerDisk from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerDisk(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerDisk) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "size", &obj.Size) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerDiskCollection : BareMetalServerDiskCollection struct -type BareMetalServerDiskCollection struct { - // Collection of the bare metal server's disks. - Disks []BareMetalServerDisk `json:"disks" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerDiskCollection unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerDiskCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerDiskCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerDiskCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "disks", &obj.Disks, UnmarshalBareMetalServerDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerDiskPatch : BareMetalServerDiskPatch struct -type BareMetalServerDiskPatch struct { - // The name for this bare metal server disk. The name must not be used by another disk on the bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerDiskPatch unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerDiskPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerDiskPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerDiskPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the BareMetalServerDiskPatch -func (bareMetalServerDiskPatch *BareMetalServerDiskPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(bareMetalServerDiskPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// BareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type BareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerInitialization : BareMetalServerInitialization struct -type BareMetalServerInitialization struct { - // The image the bare metal server was provisioned from. - Image *ImageReference `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys used at initialization. - Keys []KeyReference `json:"keys" validate:"required"` - - // The user accounts that are created at initialization. There can be multiple account types distinguished by the - // `resource_type` property. - UserAccounts []BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountIntf `json:"user_accounts" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitialization unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerInitialization from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitialization(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerInitialization) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "user_accounts", &obj.UserAccounts, UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype : BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype struct -type BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype struct { - // The image to be used when provisioning the bare metal server. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys to install on the bare metal server. Keys will be made available to the bare metal server as - // cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as SSH authorized keys for the - // administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, at least one key must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt the administrator - // password. Keys are optional for other images, but if no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless - // the specified image provides another means of access. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys" validate:"required"` - - // User data to be made available when initializing the bare metal server. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` -} - -// NewBareMetalServerInitializationPrototype : Instantiate BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerInitializationPrototype(image ImageIdentityIntf, keys []KeyIdentityIntf) (_model *BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype{ - Image: image, - Keys: keys, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount : BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount -type BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount struct { - // The password at initialization, encrypted using `encryption_key`, and returned base64-encoded. - EncryptedPassword *[]byte `json:"encrypted_password,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH key used to encrypt the password. - EncryptionKey *KeyReference `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` - - // The username for the account created at initialization. - Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountResourceTypeHostUserAccountConst = "host_user_account" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount) isaBareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encrypted_password", &obj.EncryptedPassword) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalKeyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "username", &obj.Username) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerLifecycleReason : BareMetalServerLifecycleReason struct -type BareMetalServerLifecycleReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this lifecycle state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this lifecycle state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerLifecycleReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. -const ( - BareMetalServerLifecycleReasonCodeResourceSuspendedByProviderConst = "resource_suspended_by_provider" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerLifecycleReason unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerLifecycleReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerLifecycleReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerLifecycleReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci -// - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment struct { - // The date and time that the bare metal server network attachment was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The network attachment's interface type: - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI attachment - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its - // array of `allowed_vlans`. - // - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the bare metal server network attachment. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. The name is unique across all network attachments for the - // bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The port speed for this bare metal server network attachment in Mbps. - PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP address of the virtual network interface for the bare metal server - // network attachment. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The subnet of the virtual network interface for the bare metal server network - // attachment. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network attachment type. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The virtual network interface for this bare metal server network attachment. - VirtualNetworkInterface *VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs allowed for `vlan` attachments using this PCI attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // Indicates if the data path for the network attachment can float to another bare metal server. Can only be `true` for - // network attachments with an `interface_type` of `vlan`. - // - // If `true`, and the network detects traffic for this data path on another bare metal server in the resource group, - // the network attachment will be automatically deleted from this bare metal server and a new network attachment with - // the same `id`, `name` and `vlan` will be created on the other bare metal server. The virtual network interface for - // this network attachment will be automatically be attached to the new network attachment. - // - // For the data path to float, the other bare metal server must be in the same - // `resource_group`, and must have a network attachment with `interface_type` of `pci` with `allowed_vlans` including - // this network attachment's `vlan`. - AllowToFloat *bool `json:"allow_to_float,omitempty"` - - // The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID that must be used for all traffic on this attachment. - Vlan *int64 `json:"vlan,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment.InterfaceType property. -// The network attachment's interface type: -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI attachment -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its -// array of `allowed_vlans`. -// - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentInterfaceTypeVlanConst = "vlan" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the bare metal server network attachment. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentResourceTypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentConst = "bare_metal_server_network_attachment" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment.Type property. -// The bare metal server network attachment type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentTypePrimaryConst = "primary" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentTypeSecondaryConst = "secondary" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_speed", &obj.PortSpeed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_to_float", &obj.AllowToFloat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "vlan", &obj.Vlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection struct -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of bare metal server network attachments. - NetworkAttachments []BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf `json:"network_attachments" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch struct -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch struct { - // The VLAN IDs to allow for `vlan` attachments using this PCI attachment, replacing any existing VLAN IDs. The - // specified values must include IDs for all `vlan` attachments currently using this PCI attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network attachment. The name must not be used by another network attachment for the bare metal - // server. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch -func (bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype -// - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype struct { - // The network attachment's interface type: - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI attachment - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x` - // - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its - // array of `allowed_vlans`. - // - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. Names must be unique within the bare metal server the - // network attachment resides in. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // A virtual network interface for the bare metal server network attachment. This can be - // specified using an existing virtual network interface, or a prototype object for a new - // virtual network interface. - // - // If an existing virtual network interface is specified, it must not be the target of a flow - // log collector. - VirtualNetworkInterface BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs to allow for `vlan` attachments using this PCI attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // Indicates if the data path for the network attachment can float to another bare metal server. Can only be `true` for - // network attachments with an `interface_type` of `vlan`. - // - // If `true`, and the network detects traffic for this data path on another bare metal server in the resource group, - // the network attachment will be automatically deleted from this bare metal server and a new network attachment with - // the same `id`, `name` and `vlan` will be created on the other bare metal server. The virtual network interface for - // this network attachment will be automatically be attached to the new network attachment. - // - // For the data path to float, the other bare metal server must be in the same - // `resource_group`, and must have a network attachment with `interface_type` of `pci` with `allowed_vlans` including - // this network attachment's `vlan`. - AllowToFloat *bool `json:"allow_to_float,omitempty"` - - // The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID that must be used for all traffic on this attachment. - Vlan *int64 `json:"vlan,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype.InterfaceType property. -// The network attachment's interface type: -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI attachment -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x` -// - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its -// array of `allowed_vlans`. -// - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeInterfaceTypeVlanConst = "vlan" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_to_float", &obj.AllowToFloat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "vlan", &obj.Vlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface : A virtual network interface for the bare metal server network attachment. This can be specified using an existing -// virtual network interface, or a prototype object for a new virtual network interface. -// -// If an existing virtual network interface is specified, it must not be the target of a flow log collector. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentContext -// - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. If `false`, source IP spoofing is prevented on - // this interface. If `true`, source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this virtual network interface will be automatically deleted when - // `target` is deleted. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the virtual network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - Can only be attached to a `target` with a `resource_type` of - // `bare_metal_server_network_attachment`. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // Additional IP addresses to bind to the virtual network interface. Each item may be either a reserved IP identity, or - // a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a new reserved IP. All IP addresses must be in the - // primary IP's subnet. - // - // If reserved IP identities are provided, the specified reserved IPs must be unbound. - // - // If reserved IP prototype objects with addresses are provided, the addresses must be available on the virtual network - // interface's subnet. For any prototype objects that do not specify an address, an available address on the subnet - // will be automatically selected and reserved. - Ips []VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"ips,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name must not be used by another virtual network interface in the - // VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. Names beginning with `ibm-` are - // reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the virtual network interface. May be either a - // reserved IP identity, or a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a - // new reserved IP. - // - // If a reserved IP identity is provided, the specified reserved IP must be unbound. - // - // If a reserved IP prototype object with an address is provided, the address must be - // available on the virtual network interface's subnet. If no address is specified, - // an available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the - // bare metal server's resource group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the default security group of the VPC - // for the subnet is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. Required if `primary_ip` does not specify a reserved IP - // identity. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference struct -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. The name is unique across all network attachments for the - // bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP address of the virtual network interface for the bare metal server - // network attachment. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The subnet of the virtual network interface for the bare metal server network - // attachment. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceResourceTypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentConst = "bare_metal_server_network_attachment" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterface : BareMetalServerNetworkInterface struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket -// - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci -// - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterface struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the bare metal server network interface was created. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface was created as a [read-only - // representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) when its corresponding - // network attachment was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat" validate:"required"` - - // The floating IPs associated with this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the floating IPs are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - FloatingIps []FloatingIPReference `json:"floating_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The interface type: - // - `hipersocket`: a virtual device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity - // within a `s390x` based system - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI interface - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its - // array of `allowed_vlans`. - // - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Has its own security groups and does not inherit those of the PCI device through - // which traffic flows. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the interface type is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The MAC address of this bare metal server network interface. If the MAC address has not yet been selected, the value - // will be an empty string. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the MAC address is that of the - // attached virtual network interface. - MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the name matches its corresponding - // network attachment. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network interface port speed in Mbps. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the port speed is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The security groups targeting this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the security groups are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupReference `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from - // them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network interface type. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs allowed for `vlan` interfaces using this PCI interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the VLAN IDs match the - // `allow_vlans` of the corresponding network attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // Indicates if the data path for the network interface can float to another bare metal server. Can only be `true` for - // network interfaces with an `interface_type` of `vlan`. - // - // If `true`, and the network detects traffic for this data path on another bare metal server in the resource group, - // the network interface will be automatically deleted from this bare metal server and a new network interface with the - // same `id`, `name` and `vlan` will be created on the other bare metal server. - // - // For the data path to float, the other bare metal server must be in the same - // `resource_group`, and must have a network interface with `interface_type` of `pci` with `allowed_vlans` including - // this network interface's `vlan`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the value of this property matches - // that of the `allow_to_float` property of the corresponding network attachment. - AllowInterfaceToFloat *bool `json:"allow_interface_to_float,omitempty"` - - // The VLAN ID used in the IEEE 802.1Q tag present in all traffic on this interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the VLAN ID matches the `vlan` of - // the corresponding network attachment. - Vlan *int64 `json:"vlan,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterface.InterfaceType property. -// The interface type: -// - `hipersocket`: a virtual device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity -// within a `s390x` based system -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI interface -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its -// array of `allowed_vlans`. -// - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Has its own security groups and does not inherit those of the PCI device through -// which traffic flows. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a -// [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the interface type is that of the -// corresponding network attachment. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceInterfaceTypeHipersocketConst = "hipersocket" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceInterfaceTypeVlanConst = "vlan" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterface.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterface.Status property. -// The status of the bare metal server network interface. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from -// them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceStatusAvailableConst = "available" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceStatusFailedConst = "failed" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceStatusPendingConst = "pending" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterface.Type property. -// The bare metal server network interface type. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a -// [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its -// corresponding network attachment. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceTypePrimaryConst = "primary" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceTypeSecondaryConst = "secondary" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkInterface) isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterface() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'interface_type': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'interface_type' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "hipersocket" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket) - } else if discValue == "pci" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci) - } else if discValue == "vlan" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'interface_type': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection : BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection struct -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of bare metal server network interfaces. - NetworkInterfaces []BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf `json:"network_interfaces" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch : BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch struct -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // The VLAN IDs to allow for `vlan` interfaces using this PCI interface, replacing any existing VLAN IDs. The specified - // values must include IDs for all `vlan` interfaces currently using this PCI interface. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the - // bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch -func (bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype : BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype -// - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype -// - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // The interface type: - // - `hipersocket`: a virtual device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity - // within a `s390x` based system - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `amd64` - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI interface - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x` - // - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its - // array of `allowed_vlans`. - // - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Has its own security groups and does not inherit those of the PCI device through - // which traffic flows. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the - // bare metal server. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the bare metal server network interface. This can be - // specified using an existing reserved IP, or a prototype object for a new reserved IP. - // - // If an existing reserved IP or a prototype object with an address is specified, it must - // be available on the bare metal server network interface's subnet. Otherwise, an - // available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this bare metal server network interface. If unspecified, the VPC's default security - // group is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs to allow for `vlan` interfaces using this PCI interface. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // Indicates if the data path for the network interface can float to another bare metal server. Can only be `true` for - // network interfaces with an `interface_type` of `vlan`. - // - // If `true`, and the network detects traffic for this data path on another bare metal server in the resource group, - // the network interface will be automatically deleted from this bare metal server and a new network interface with the - // same `id`, `name` and `vlan` will be created on the other bare metal server. - // - // For the data path to float, the other bare metal server must be in the same - // `resource_group`, and must have a network interface with `interface_type` of `pci` with `allowed_vlans` including - // this network interface's `vlan`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the value of this property matches - // that of the `allow_to_float` property of the corresponding network attachment. - AllowInterfaceToFloat *bool `json:"allow_interface_to_float,omitempty"` - - // The VLAN ID used in the IEEE 802.1Q tag present in all traffic on this interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the VLAN ID matches the `vlan` of - // the corresponding network attachment. - Vlan *int64 `json:"vlan,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype.InterfaceType property. -// The interface type: -// - `hipersocket`: a virtual device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity -// within a `s390x` based system -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `amd64` -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI interface -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x` -// - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its -// array of `allowed_vlans`. -// - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Has its own security groups and does not inherit those of the PCI device through -// which traffic flows. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeInterfaceTypeHipersocketConst = "hipersocket" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeInterfaceTypeVlanConst = "vlan" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype) isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'interface_type': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'interface_type' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "hipersocket" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype) - } else if discValue == "pci" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype) - } else if discValue == "vlan" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'interface_type': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerPatch : BareMetalServerPatch struct -type BareMetalServerPatch struct { - // Indicates whether secure boot is enabled. If enabled, the image must support secure boot or the bare metal server - // will fail to boot. - // - // For `enable_secure_boot` to be changed, the bare metal server `status` must be - // `stopped`. - EnableSecureBoot *bool `json:"enable_secure_boot,omitempty"` - - // The name for this bare metal server. The name must not be used by another bare metal server in the region. Changing - // the name will not affect the system hostname. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - TrustedPlatformModule *BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch `json:"trusted_platform_module,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerPatch unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_secure_boot", &obj.EnableSecureBoot) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "trusted_platform_module", &obj.TrustedPlatformModule, UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the BareMetalServerPatch -func (bareMetalServerPatch *BareMetalServerPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(bareMetalServerPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype : BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype -type BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype struct { - // The network attachment's interface type: - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI attachment - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type,omitempty"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. Names must be unique within the bare metal server the - // network attachment resides in. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // A virtual network interface for the bare metal server network attachment. This can be - // specified using an existing virtual network interface, or a prototype object for a new - // virtual network interface. - // - // If an existing virtual network interface is specified, it must not be the target of a flow - // log collector. - VirtualNetworkInterface BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs to allow for `vlan` attachments using this PCI attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype.InterfaceType property. -// The network attachment's interface type: -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI attachment -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. -const ( - BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype) isaBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype : BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype struct -type BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // The VLAN IDs allowed for `vlan` interfaces using this PCI interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the VLAN IDs match the - // `allow_vlans` of the corresponding network attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // The interface type: - // - `hipersocket`: a virtual device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity - // within a `s390x` based system. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `amd64` - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI interface - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type,omitempty"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the - // bare metal server. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the bare metal server network interface. This can be - // specified using an existing reserved IP, or a prototype object for a new reserved IP. - // - // If an existing reserved IP or a prototype object with an address is specified, it must - // be available on the bare metal server network interface's subnet. Otherwise, an - // available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this bare metal server network interface. If unspecified, the VPC's default security - // group is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype.InterfaceType property. -// The interface type: -// - `hipersocket`: a virtual device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity -// within a `s390x` based system. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `amd64` -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI interface -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. -const ( - BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototypeInterfaceTypeHipersocketConst = "hipersocket" - BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototypeInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" -) - -// NewBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype : Instantiate BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf) (_model *BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype{ - Subnet: subnet, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfile : BareMetalServerProfile struct -type BareMetalServerProfile struct { - Bandwidth BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthIntf `json:"bandwidth" validate:"required"` - - // The console type configuration for a bare metal server with this profile. - ConsoleTypes *BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes `json:"console_types" validate:"required"` - - CpuArchitecture *BareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture `json:"cpu_architecture" validate:"required"` - - CpuCoreCount BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountIntf `json:"cpu_core_count" validate:"required"` - - CpuSocketCount BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountIntf `json:"cpu_socket_count" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of the bare metal server profile's disks. - Disks []BareMetalServerProfileDisk `json:"disks" validate:"required"` - - // The product family this bare metal server profile belongs to. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - Memory BareMetalServerProfileMemoryIntf `json:"memory" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - NetworkAttachmentCount BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountIntf `json:"network_attachment_count" validate:"required"` - - NetworkInterfaceCount BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountIntf `json:"network_interface_count" validate:"required"` - - OsArchitecture *BareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture `json:"os_architecture" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The supported trusted platform module modes for this bare metal server profile. - SupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes *BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes `json:"supported_trusted_platform_module_modes" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this profile supports virtual network interfaces. - VirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported *BareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported `json:"virtual_network_interfaces_supported" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfile.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileResourceTypeBareMetalServerProfileConst = "bare_metal_server_profile" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfile unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfile) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "bandwidth", &obj.Bandwidth, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "console_types", &obj.ConsoleTypes, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "cpu_architecture", &obj.CpuArchitecture, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "cpu_core_count", &obj.CpuCoreCount, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "cpu_socket_count", &obj.CpuSocketCount, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "disks", &obj.Disks, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "family", &obj.Family) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "memory", &obj.Memory, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemory) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachment_count", &obj.NetworkAttachmentCount, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interface_count", &obj.NetworkInterfaceCount, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "os_architecture", &obj.OsArchitecture, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "supported_trusted_platform_module_modes", &obj.SupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interfaces_supported", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth : BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixed -// - BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRange -// - BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnum -// - BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependent -type BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth) isaBareMetalServerProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerProfileBandwidth() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidth unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidth(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture : BareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture struct -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture struct { - // The default CPU architecture for a bare metal server with this profile. - Default *string `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The CPU architecture for a bare metal server with this profile. - Value *string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitectureTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuArchitecture) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount : BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixed -// - BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRange -// - BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnum -// - BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependent -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount : BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixed -// - BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRange -// - BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnum -// - BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependent -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCollection : BareMetalServerProfileCollection struct -type BareMetalServerProfileCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *BareMetalServerProfileCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *BareMetalServerProfileCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of bare metal server profiles. - Profiles []BareMetalServerProfile `json:"profiles" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCollection unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profiles", &obj.Profiles, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *BareMetalServerProfileCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type BareMetalServerProfileCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type BareMetalServerProfileCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes : The console type configuration for a bare metal server with this profile. -type BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The console types for a bare metal server with this profile. - Values []string `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypesTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes.Values property. -// A console type. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypesValuesSerialConst = "serial" - BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypesValuesVncConst = "vnc" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileConsoleTypes) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDisk : Disks provided by this profile. -type BareMetalServerProfileDisk struct { - Quantity BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityIntf `json:"quantity" validate:"required"` - - Size BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeIntf `json:"size" validate:"required"` - - SupportedInterfaceTypes *BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces `json:"supported_interface_types" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDisk unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDisk from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDisk(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDisk) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "quantity", &obj.Quantity, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "size", &obj.Size, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSize) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "supported_interface_types", &obj.SupportedInterfaceTypes, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity : BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixed -// - BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRange -// - BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnum -// - BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependent -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize : BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixed -// - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRange -// - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnum -// - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependent -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskSize() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSize unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSize(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces : BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces struct -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces struct { - // The disk interface used for attaching the disk. - // - // - `fcp`: Attached using Fiber Channel Protocol - // - `sata`: Attached using Serial Advanced Technology Attachment - // - `nvme`: Attached using Non-Volatile Memory Express - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Default *string `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The supported disk interfaces used for attaching the disk. - Values []string `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces.Default property. -// The disk interface used for attaching the disk. -// -// - `fcp`: Attached using Fiber Channel Protocol -// - `sata`: Attached using Serial Advanced Technology Attachment -// - `nvme`: Attached using Non-Volatile Memory Express -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesDefaultFcpConst = "fcp" - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesDefaultNvmeConst = "nvme" - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesDefaultSataConst = "sata" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces.Values property. -// The disk interface used for attaching the disk. -// -// - `fcp`: Attached using Fiber Channel Protocol -// - `sata`: Attached using Serial Advanced Technology Attachment -// - `nvme`: Attached using Non-Volatile Memory Express -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesValuesFcpConst = "fcp" - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesValuesNvmeConst = "nvme" - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesValuesSataConst = "sata" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileIdentity : Identifies a bare metal server profile by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName -// - BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref -type BareMetalServerProfileIdentity struct { - // The name for this bare metal server profile. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server profile. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileIdentity) isaBareMetalServerProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerProfileIdentityIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerProfileIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileIdentity unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileMemory : BareMetalServerProfileMemory struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixed -// - BareMetalServerProfileMemoryRange -// - BareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnum -// - BareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependent -type BareMetalServerProfileMemory struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileMemory.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileMemoryTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileMemory) isaBareMetalServerProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerProfileMemoryIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerProfileMemory() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemory unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileMemory from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemory(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileMemory) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount : BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange -// - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent -type BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount) isaBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount : BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange -// - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent -type BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount) isaBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture : BareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture struct -type BareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture struct { - // The default OS architecture for a bare metal server with this profile. - Default *string `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The supported OS architecture(s) for a bare metal server with this profile. - Values []string `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileOsArchitectureTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileOsArchitecture) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileReference : BareMetalServerProfileReference struct -type BareMetalServerProfileReference struct { - // The URL for this bare metal server profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileReferenceResourceTypeBareMetalServerProfileConst = "bare_metal_server_profile" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileReference unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes : The supported trusted platform module modes for this bare metal server profile. -type BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The supported trusted platform module modes. - Values []string `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModesTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes.Values property. -// The trusted platform module (TPM) mode: -// - `disabled`: No TPM functionality -// - `tpm_2`: TPM 2.0 -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModesValuesDisabledConst = "disabled" - BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModesValuesTpm2Const = "tpm_2" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileSupportedTrustedPlatformModuleModes) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported : Indicates whether this profile supports virtual network interfaces. -type BareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *bool `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupportedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileVirtualNetworkInterfacesSupported) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerPrototype : BareMetalServerPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment -// - BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface -type BareMetalServerPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether secure boot is enabled. If enabled, the image must support secure boot or the server will fail to - // boot. - EnableSecureBoot *bool `json:"enable_secure_boot,omitempty"` - - Initialization *BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype `json:"initialization" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server. The name must not be used by another bare metal server in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-bare-metal-servers-profile) - // to use for this bare metal server. - Profile BareMetalServerProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - TrustedPlatformModule *BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype `json:"trusted_platform_module,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this bare metal server will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets that the network attachments or - // network interfaces of the bare metal server are attached to. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The zone this bare metal server will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the bare metal server. - NetworkAttachments []BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the bare metal server. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional bare metal server network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary bare metal server network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*BareMetalServerPrototype) isaBareMetalServerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerPrototypeIntf interface { - isaBareMetalServerPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_secure_boot", &obj.EnableSecureBoot) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "initialization", &obj.Initialization, UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "trusted_platform_module", &obj.TrustedPlatformModule, UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerStatusReason : BareMetalServerStatusReason struct -type BareMetalServerStatusReason struct { - // The status reason code: - // - `cannot_start`: Failed to start due to an internal error - // - `cannot_start_capacity`: Insufficient capacity within the selected zone - // - `cannot_start_compute`: An error occurred while allocating compute resources - // - `cannot_start_ip_address`: An error occurred while allocating an IP address - // - `cannot_start_network`: An error occurred while allocating network resources. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the status reason. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerStatusReason.Code property. -// The status reason code: -// - `cannot_start`: Failed to start due to an internal error -// - `cannot_start_capacity`: Insufficient capacity within the selected zone -// - `cannot_start_compute`: An error occurred while allocating compute resources -// - `cannot_start_ip_address`: An error occurred while allocating an IP address -// - `cannot_start_network`: An error occurred while allocating network resources. -const ( - BareMetalServerStatusReasonCodeCannotStartConst = "cannot_start" - BareMetalServerStatusReasonCodeCannotStartCapacityConst = "cannot_start_capacity" - BareMetalServerStatusReasonCodeCannotStartComputeConst = "cannot_start_compute" - BareMetalServerStatusReasonCodeCannotStartIPAddressConst = "cannot_start_ip_address" - BareMetalServerStatusReasonCodeCannotStartNetworkConst = "cannot_start_network" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerStatusReason unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule : BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule struct -type BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule struct { - // Indicates whether the trusted platform module is enabled. - Enabled *bool `json:"enabled" validate:"required"` - - // The trusted platform module (TPM) mode: - // - `disabled`: No TPM functionality - // - `tpm_2`: TPM 2.0 - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Mode *string `json:"mode" validate:"required"` - - // The supported trusted platform module modes. - SupportedModes []string `json:"supported_modes" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule.Mode property. -// The trusted platform module (TPM) mode: -// - `disabled`: No TPM functionality -// - `tpm_2`: TPM 2.0 -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModuleModeDisabledConst = "disabled" - BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModuleModeTpm2Const = "tpm_2" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule.SupportedModes property. -// The trusted platform module (TPM) mode: -// - `disabled`: No TPM functionality -// - `tpm_2`: TPM 2.0 -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModuleSupportedModesDisabledConst = "disabled" - BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModuleSupportedModesTpm2Const = "tpm_2" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModule) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enabled", &obj.Enabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "supported_modes", &obj.SupportedModes) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch : BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch struct -type BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch struct { - // The trusted platform module mode to use. The specified value must be listed in the bare metal server's - // `supported_modes`. - // - // For the trusted platform module mode to be changed, the bare metal server `status` must be `stopped`. - Mode *string `json:"mode,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch.Mode property. -// The trusted platform module mode to use. The specified value must be listed in the bare metal server's -// `supported_modes`. -// -// For the trusted platform module mode to be changed, the bare metal server `status` must be `stopped`. -const ( - BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatchModeDisabledConst = "disabled" - BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatchModeTpm2Const = "tpm_2" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype : BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype struct -type BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype struct { - // The trusted platform module mode to use. The specified value must be listed in the bare metal server profile's - // `supported_trusted_platform_module_modes`. - Mode *string `json:"mode,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype.Mode property. -// The trusted platform module mode to use. The specified value must be listed in the bare metal server profile's -// `supported_trusted_platform_module_modes`. -const ( - BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototypeModeDisabledConst = "disabled" - BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototypeModeTpm2Const = "tpm_2" -) - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CatalogOfferingIdentity : Identifies a [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering by a unique -// property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN -type CatalogOfferingIdentity struct { - // The CRN for this - // [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*CatalogOfferingIdentity) isaCatalogOfferingIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type CatalogOfferingIdentityIntf interface { - isaCatalogOfferingIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalCatalogOfferingIdentity unmarshals an instance of CatalogOfferingIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCatalogOfferingIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CatalogOfferingIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CatalogOfferingVersionIdentity : Identifies a version of a -// [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN -type CatalogOfferingVersionIdentity struct { - // The CRN for this version of a - // [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*CatalogOfferingVersionIdentity) isaCatalogOfferingVersionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityIntf interface { - isaCatalogOfferingVersionIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionIdentity unmarshals an instance of CatalogOfferingVersionIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CatalogOfferingVersionIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CatalogOfferingVersionReference : CatalogOfferingVersionReference struct -type CatalogOfferingVersionReference struct { - // The CRN for this version of a - // [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionReference unmarshals an instance of CatalogOfferingVersionReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CatalogOfferingVersionReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CertificateInstanceIdentity : Identifies a certificate instance by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN -type CertificateInstanceIdentity struct { - // The CRN for this certificate instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*CertificateInstanceIdentity) isaCertificateInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf interface { - isaCertificateInstanceIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalCertificateInstanceIdentity unmarshals an instance of CertificateInstanceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCertificateInstanceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CertificateInstanceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CertificateInstanceReference : CertificateInstanceReference struct -type CertificateInstanceReference struct { - // The CRN for this certificate instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalCertificateInstanceReference unmarshals an instance of CertificateInstanceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCertificateInstanceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CertificateInstanceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions : The CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR options. -type CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The address prefix part of the CIDR. - CIDRPrefix *string `json:"cidr_prefix" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix length part of the CIDR. - PrefixLength *string `json:"prefix_length" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions : Instantiate CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string, cidrPrefix string, prefixLength string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - return &CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - CIDRPrefix: core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix), - PrefixLength: core.StringPtr(prefixLength), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetID(id string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetCIDRPrefix : Allow user to set CIDRPrefix -func (_options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetCIDRPrefix(cidrPrefix string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.CIDRPrefix = core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix) - return _options -} - -// SetPrefixLength : Allow user to set PrefixLength -func (_options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetPrefixLength(prefixLength string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.PrefixLength = core.StringPtr(prefixLength) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions : The CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR options. -type CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The address prefix part of the CIDR. - CIDRPrefix *string `json:"cidr_prefix" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix length part of the CIDR. - PrefixLength *string `json:"prefix_length" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions : Instantiate CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string, cidrPrefix string, prefixLength string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - return &CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - CIDRPrefix: core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix), - PrefixLength: core.StringPtr(prefixLength), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetID(id string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetCIDRPrefix : Allow user to set CIDRPrefix -func (_options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetCIDRPrefix(cidrPrefix string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.CIDRPrefix = core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix) - return _options -} - -// SetPrefixLength : Allow user to set PrefixLength -func (_options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetPrefixLength(prefixLength string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.PrefixLength = core.StringPtr(prefixLength) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CheckVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity : Identifies a Cloud Object Storage bucket by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName -// - CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN -type CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name of this Cloud Object Storage bucket. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The CRN of this Cloud Object Storage bucket. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity) isaCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityIntf interface { - isaCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity unmarshals an instance of CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CloudObjectStorageBucketReference : CloudObjectStorageBucketReference struct -type CloudObjectStorageBucketReference struct { - // The CRN of this Cloud Object Storage bucket. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name of this Cloud Object Storage bucket. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageBucketReference unmarshals an instance of CloudObjectStorageBucketReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageBucketReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CloudObjectStorageBucketReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CloudObjectStorageObjectReference : CloudObjectStorageObjectReference struct -type CloudObjectStorageObjectReference struct { - // The name of this Cloud Object Storage object. Names are unique within a Cloud Object Storage bucket. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageObjectReference unmarshals an instance of CloudObjectStorageObjectReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageObjectReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CloudObjectStorageObjectReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CreateBackupPolicyOptions : The CreateBackupPolicy options. -type CreateBackupPolicyOptions struct { - // The backup policy prototype object. - BackupPolicyPrototype BackupPolicyPrototypeIntf `json:"BackupPolicyPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateBackupPolicyOptions : Instantiate CreateBackupPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateBackupPolicyOptions(backupPolicyPrototype BackupPolicyPrototypeIntf) *CreateBackupPolicyOptions { - return &CreateBackupPolicyOptions{ - BackupPolicyPrototype: backupPolicyPrototype, - } -} - -// SetBackupPolicyPrototype : Allow user to set BackupPolicyPrototype -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyOptions) SetBackupPolicyPrototype(backupPolicyPrototype BackupPolicyPrototypeIntf) *CreateBackupPolicyOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyPrototype = backupPolicyPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateBackupPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateBackupPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions : The CreateBackupPolicyPlan options. -type CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - BackupPolicyID *string `json:"backup_policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The cron specification for the backup schedule. The backup policy jobs - // (which create and delete backups for this plan) will not start until this time, and may start for up to 90 minutes - // after this time. - // - // All backup schedules for plans in the same policy must be at least an hour apart. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether the plan is active. - Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` - - // User tags to attach to each backup (snapshot) created by this plan. If unspecified, no user tags will be attached. - AttachUserTags []string `json:"attach_user_tags,omitempty"` - - ClonePolicy *BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype `json:"clone_policy,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether to copy the source's user tags to the created backups (snapshots). - CopyUserTags *bool `json:"copy_user_tags,omitempty"` - - DeletionTrigger *BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype `json:"deletion_trigger,omitempty"` - - // The name for this backup policy plan. The name must not be used by another plan for the backup policy. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The policies for additional backups in remote regions. - RemoteRegionPolicies []BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype `json:"remote_region_policies,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions : Instantiate CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions(backupPolicyID string, cronSpec string) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - return &CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions{ - BackupPolicyID: core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID), - CronSpec: core.StringPtr(cronSpec), - } -} - -// SetBackupPolicyID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyID -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetBackupPolicyID(backupPolicyID string) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID) - return _options -} - -// SetCronSpec : Allow user to set CronSpec -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetCronSpec(cronSpec string) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.CronSpec = core.StringPtr(cronSpec) - return _options -} - -// SetActive : Allow user to set Active -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetActive(active bool) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.Active = core.BoolPtr(active) - return _options -} - -// SetAttachUserTags : Allow user to set AttachUserTags -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetAttachUserTags(attachUserTags []string) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.AttachUserTags = attachUserTags - return _options -} - -// SetClonePolicy : Allow user to set ClonePolicy -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetClonePolicy(clonePolicy *BackupPolicyPlanClonePolicyPrototype) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.ClonePolicy = clonePolicy - return _options -} - -// SetCopyUserTags : Allow user to set CopyUserTags -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetCopyUserTags(copyUserTags bool) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.CopyUserTags = core.BoolPtr(copyUserTags) - return _options -} - -// SetDeletionTrigger : Allow user to set DeletionTrigger -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetDeletionTrigger(deletionTrigger *BackupPolicyPlanDeletionTriggerPrototype) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.DeletionTrigger = deletionTrigger - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetRemoteRegionPolicies : Allow user to set RemoteRegionPolicies -func (_options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetRemoteRegionPolicies(remoteRegionPolicies []BackupPolicyPlanRemoteRegionPolicyPrototype) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.RemoteRegionPolicies = remoteRegionPolicies - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions : The CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessToken options. -type CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server console type for which this token may be used - // - // Must be `serial` for bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. - ConsoleType *string `json:"console_type" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether to disconnect an existing serial console session as the serial console cannot be shared. This has - // no effect on VNC consoles. - Force *bool `json:"force,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions.ConsoleType property. -// The bare metal server console type for which this token may be used -// -// Must be `serial` for bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. -const ( - CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptionsConsoleTypeSerialConst = "serial" - CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptionsConsoleTypeVncConst = "vnc" -) - -// NewCreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions : Instantiate CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions(bareMetalServerID string, consoleType string) *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - return &CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - ConsoleType: core.StringPtr(consoleType), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetConsoleType : Allow user to set ConsoleType -func (_options *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions) SetConsoleType(consoleType string) *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - _options.ConsoleType = core.StringPtr(consoleType) - return _options -} - -// SetForce : Allow user to set Force -func (_options *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions) SetForce(force bool) *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - _options.Force = core.BoolPtr(force) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateBareMetalServerConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions : The CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment options. -type CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network attachment prototype object. - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf `json:"BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions : Instantiate CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions(bareMetalServerID string, bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf) *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - return &CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype: bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype, - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype : Allow user to set BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype -func (_options *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype(bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf) *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype = bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions : The CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface options. -type CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface prototype object. - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf `json:"BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions(bareMetalServerID string, bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf) *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype: bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype, - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype : Allow user to set BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype -func (_options *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype(bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf) *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype = bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateBareMetalServerOptions : The CreateBareMetalServer options. -type CreateBareMetalServerOptions struct { - // The bare metal server prototype object. - BareMetalServerPrototype BareMetalServerPrototypeIntf `json:"BareMetalServerPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateBareMetalServerOptions : Instantiate CreateBareMetalServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateBareMetalServerOptions(bareMetalServerPrototype BareMetalServerPrototypeIntf) *CreateBareMetalServerOptions { - return &CreateBareMetalServerOptions{ - BareMetalServerPrototype: bareMetalServerPrototype, - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerPrototype : Allow user to set BareMetalServerPrototype -func (_options *CreateBareMetalServerOptions) SetBareMetalServerPrototype(bareMetalServerPrototype BareMetalServerPrototypeIntf) *CreateBareMetalServerOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerPrototype = bareMetalServerPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateBareMetalServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateBareMetalServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions : The CreateDedicatedHostGroup options. -type CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions struct { - // The dedicated host profile class for hosts in this group. - Class *string `json:"class" validate:"required"` - - // The dedicated host profile family for hosts in this group. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this dedicated host group will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this dedicated host group. The name must not be used by another dedicated host group in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions.Family property. -// The dedicated host profile family for hosts in this group. -const ( - CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptionsFamilyBalancedConst = "balanced" - CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptionsFamilyComputeConst = "compute" - CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptionsFamilyMemoryConst = "memory" -) - -// NewCreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions : Instantiate CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions(class string, family string, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - return &CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions{ - Class: core.StringPtr(class), - Family: core.StringPtr(family), - Zone: zone, - } -} - -// SetClass : Allow user to set Class -func (_options *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetClass(class string) *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - _options.Class = core.StringPtr(class) - return _options -} - -// SetFamily : Allow user to set Family -func (_options *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetFamily(family string) *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - _options.Family = core.StringPtr(family) - return _options -} - -// SetZone : Allow user to set Zone -func (_options *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetZone(zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - _options.Zone = zone - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateDedicatedHostOptions : The CreateDedicatedHost options. -type CreateDedicatedHostOptions struct { - // The dedicated host prototype object. - DedicatedHostPrototype DedicatedHostPrototypeIntf `json:"DedicatedHostPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateDedicatedHostOptions : Instantiate CreateDedicatedHostOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateDedicatedHostOptions(dedicatedHostPrototype DedicatedHostPrototypeIntf) *CreateDedicatedHostOptions { - return &CreateDedicatedHostOptions{ - DedicatedHostPrototype: dedicatedHostPrototype, - } -} - -// SetDedicatedHostPrototype : Allow user to set DedicatedHostPrototype -func (_options *CreateDedicatedHostOptions) SetDedicatedHostPrototype(dedicatedHostPrototype DedicatedHostPrototypeIntf) *CreateDedicatedHostOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostPrototype = dedicatedHostPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateDedicatedHostOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateDedicatedHostOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateEndpointGatewayOptions : The CreateEndpointGateway options. -type CreateEndpointGatewayOptions struct { - // The target to use for this endpoint gateway. Must not already be the target of another - // endpoint gateway in the VPC. - Target EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this endpoint gateway will reside in. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether to allow DNS resolution for this endpoint gateway when the VPC this endpoint gateway resides in - // has a DNS resolution binding to a VPC with `dns.enable_hub` set to `true`. - // - // Must be `true` if the VPC this endpoint gateway resides in has `dns.enable_hub` set to - // `true`. - AllowDnsResolutionBinding *bool `json:"allow_dns_resolution_binding,omitempty"` - - // The reserved IPs to bind to this endpoint gateway. At most one reserved IP per zone is allowed. - Ips []EndpointGatewayReservedIPIntf `json:"ips,omitempty"` - - // The name for this endpoint gateway. The name must not be used by another endpoint gateway in the VPC. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this endpoint gateway. If unspecified, the VPC's default security group is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateEndpointGatewayOptions : Instantiate CreateEndpointGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateEndpointGatewayOptions(target EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeIntf, vpc VPCIdentityIntf) *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions { - return &CreateEndpointGatewayOptions{ - Target: target, - VPC: vpc, - } -} - -// SetTarget : Allow user to set Target -func (_options *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetTarget(target EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeIntf) *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.Target = target - return _options -} - -// SetVPC : Allow user to set VPC -func (_options *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetVPC(vpc VPCIdentityIntf) *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.VPC = vpc - return _options -} - -// SetAllowDnsResolutionBinding : Allow user to set AllowDnsResolutionBinding -func (_options *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetAllowDnsResolutionBinding(allowDnsResolutionBinding bool) *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.AllowDnsResolutionBinding = core.BoolPtr(allowDnsResolutionBinding) - return _options -} - -// SetIps : Allow user to set Ips -func (_options *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetIps(ips []EndpointGatewayReservedIPIntf) *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.Ips = ips - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetSecurityGroups : Allow user to set SecurityGroups -func (_options *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetSecurityGroups(securityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.SecurityGroups = securityGroups - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateEndpointGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateFloatingIPOptions : The CreateFloatingIP options. -type CreateFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The floating IP prototype object. - FloatingIPPrototype FloatingIPPrototypeIntf `json:"FloatingIPPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate CreateFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateFloatingIPOptions(floatingIPPrototype FloatingIPPrototypeIntf) *CreateFloatingIPOptions { - return &CreateFloatingIPOptions{ - FloatingIPPrototype: floatingIPPrototype, - } -} - -// SetFloatingIPPrototype : Allow user to set FloatingIPPrototype -func (_options *CreateFloatingIPOptions) SetFloatingIPPrototype(floatingIPPrototype FloatingIPPrototypeIntf) *CreateFloatingIPOptions { - _options.FloatingIPPrototype = floatingIPPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions : The CreateFlowLogCollector options. -type CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions struct { - // The Cloud Object Storage bucket where the collected flows will be logged. - // The bucket must exist and an IAM service authorization must grant - // `IBM Cloud Flow Logs` resources of `VPC Infrastructure Services` writer - // access to the bucket. For more information, see [Creating a flow log - // collector](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-ordering-flow-log-collector). - StorageBucket LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityIntf `json:"storage_bucket" validate:"required"` - - // The target this collector will collect flow logs for. - // - // If the target is an instance, subnet, or VPC, flow logs will not be collected for any - // instance network attachments, virtual network interfaces or instance network interfaces - // within the target that are themselves the target of a more specific flow log collector. - // - // The target must not be a virtual network interface that is attached to a bare metal server - // network attachment or to a file share mount target. - Target FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this collector will be active upon creation. - Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` - - // The name for this flow log collector. The name must not be used by another flow log collector in the VPC. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateFlowLogCollectorOptions : Instantiate CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateFlowLogCollectorOptions(storageBucket LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityIntf, target FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf) *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - return &CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions{ - StorageBucket: storageBucket, - Target: target, - } -} - -// SetStorageBucket : Allow user to set StorageBucket -func (_options *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetStorageBucket(storageBucket LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityIntf) *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - _options.StorageBucket = storageBucket - return _options -} - -// SetTarget : Allow user to set Target -func (_options *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetTarget(target FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf) *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - _options.Target = target - return _options -} - -// SetActive : Allow user to set Active -func (_options *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetActive(active bool) *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - _options.Active = core.BoolPtr(active) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateIkePolicyOptions : The CreateIkePolicy options. -type CreateIkePolicyOptions struct { - // The authentication algorithm. - AuthenticationAlgorithm *string `json:"authentication_algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The Diffie-Hellman group. - DhGroup *int64 `json:"dh_group" validate:"required"` - - // The encryption algorithm. - EncryptionAlgorithm *string `json:"encryption_algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The IKE protocol version. - IkeVersion *int64 `json:"ike_version" validate:"required"` - - // The key lifetime in seconds. - KeyLifetime *int64 `json:"key_lifetime,omitempty"` - - // The name for this IKE policy. The name must not be used by another IKE policies in the region. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateIkePolicyOptions.AuthenticationAlgorithm property. -// The authentication algorithm. -const ( - CreateIkePolicyOptionsAuthenticationAlgorithmSha256Const = "sha256" - CreateIkePolicyOptionsAuthenticationAlgorithmSha384Const = "sha384" - CreateIkePolicyOptionsAuthenticationAlgorithmSha512Const = "sha512" -) - -// Constants associated with the CreateIkePolicyOptions.EncryptionAlgorithm property. -// The encryption algorithm. -const ( - CreateIkePolicyOptionsEncryptionAlgorithmAes128Const = "aes128" - CreateIkePolicyOptionsEncryptionAlgorithmAes192Const = "aes192" - CreateIkePolicyOptionsEncryptionAlgorithmAes256Const = "aes256" -) - -// NewCreateIkePolicyOptions : Instantiate CreateIkePolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateIkePolicyOptions(authenticationAlgorithm string, dhGroup int64, encryptionAlgorithm string, ikeVersion int64) *CreateIkePolicyOptions { - return &CreateIkePolicyOptions{ - AuthenticationAlgorithm: core.StringPtr(authenticationAlgorithm), - DhGroup: core.Int64Ptr(dhGroup), - EncryptionAlgorithm: core.StringPtr(encryptionAlgorithm), - IkeVersion: core.Int64Ptr(ikeVersion), - } -} - -// SetAuthenticationAlgorithm : Allow user to set AuthenticationAlgorithm -func (_options *CreateIkePolicyOptions) SetAuthenticationAlgorithm(authenticationAlgorithm string) *CreateIkePolicyOptions { - _options.AuthenticationAlgorithm = core.StringPtr(authenticationAlgorithm) - return _options -} - -// SetDhGroup : Allow user to set DhGroup -func (_options *CreateIkePolicyOptions) SetDhGroup(dhGroup int64) *CreateIkePolicyOptions { - _options.DhGroup = core.Int64Ptr(dhGroup) - return _options -} - -// SetEncryptionAlgorithm : Allow user to set EncryptionAlgorithm -func (_options *CreateIkePolicyOptions) SetEncryptionAlgorithm(encryptionAlgorithm string) *CreateIkePolicyOptions { - _options.EncryptionAlgorithm = core.StringPtr(encryptionAlgorithm) - return _options -} - -// SetIkeVersion : Allow user to set IkeVersion -func (_options *CreateIkePolicyOptions) SetIkeVersion(ikeVersion int64) *CreateIkePolicyOptions { - _options.IkeVersion = core.Int64Ptr(ikeVersion) - return _options -} - -// SetKeyLifetime : Allow user to set KeyLifetime -func (_options *CreateIkePolicyOptions) SetKeyLifetime(keyLifetime int64) *CreateIkePolicyOptions { - _options.KeyLifetime = core.Int64Ptr(keyLifetime) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateIkePolicyOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateIkePolicyOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateIkePolicyOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateIkePolicyOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateIkePolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateIkePolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateImageExportJobOptions : The CreateImageExportJob options. -type CreateImageExportJobOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ImageID *string `json:"image_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The Cloud Object Storage bucket to export the image to. The bucket must exist and an IAM - // service authorization must grant `Image Service for VPC` of - // `VPC Infrastructure Services` writer access to the bucket. - StorageBucket CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityIntf `json:"storage_bucket" validate:"required"` - - // The format to use for the exported image. If the image is encrypted, only `qcow2` is supported. - Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` - - // The name for this image export job. The name must not be used by another export job for the image. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words prefixed with the first 16 characters of the parent - // image name. - // - // The exported image object name in Cloud Object Storage (`storage_object.name` in the response) will be based on this - // name. The object name will be unique within the bucket. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateImageExportJobOptions.Format property. -// The format to use for the exported image. If the image is encrypted, only `qcow2` is supported. -const ( - CreateImageExportJobOptionsFormatQcow2Const = "qcow2" - CreateImageExportJobOptionsFormatVhdConst = "vhd" -) - -// NewCreateImageExportJobOptions : Instantiate CreateImageExportJobOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateImageExportJobOptions(imageID string, storageBucket CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityIntf) *CreateImageExportJobOptions { - return &CreateImageExportJobOptions{ - ImageID: core.StringPtr(imageID), - StorageBucket: storageBucket, - } -} - -// SetImageID : Allow user to set ImageID -func (_options *CreateImageExportJobOptions) SetImageID(imageID string) *CreateImageExportJobOptions { - _options.ImageID = core.StringPtr(imageID) - return _options -} - -// SetStorageBucket : Allow user to set StorageBucket -func (_options *CreateImageExportJobOptions) SetStorageBucket(storageBucket CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityIntf) *CreateImageExportJobOptions { - _options.StorageBucket = storageBucket - return _options -} - -// SetFormat : Allow user to set Format -func (_options *CreateImageExportJobOptions) SetFormat(format string) *CreateImageExportJobOptions { - _options.Format = core.StringPtr(format) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateImageExportJobOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateImageExportJobOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateImageExportJobOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateImageExportJobOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateImageOptions : The CreateImage options. -type CreateImageOptions struct { - // The image prototype object. - ImagePrototype ImagePrototypeIntf `json:"ImagePrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateImageOptions : Instantiate CreateImageOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateImageOptions(imagePrototype ImagePrototypeIntf) *CreateImageOptions { - return &CreateImageOptions{ - ImagePrototype: imagePrototype, - } -} - -// SetImagePrototype : Allow user to set ImagePrototype -func (_options *CreateImageOptions) SetImagePrototype(imagePrototype ImagePrototypeIntf) *CreateImageOptions { - _options.ImagePrototype = imagePrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateImageOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceActionOptions : The CreateInstanceAction options. -type CreateInstanceActionOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The type of action. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // If set to true, the action will be forced immediately, and all queued actions deleted. Ignored for the start action. - Force *bool `json:"force,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateInstanceActionOptions.Type property. -// The type of action. -const ( - CreateInstanceActionOptionsTypeRebootConst = "reboot" - CreateInstanceActionOptionsTypeStartConst = "start" - CreateInstanceActionOptionsTypeStopConst = "stop" -) - -// NewCreateInstanceActionOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceActionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceActionOptions(instanceID string, typeVar string) *CreateInstanceActionOptions { - return &CreateInstanceActionOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - Type: core.StringPtr(typeVar), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *CreateInstanceActionOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *CreateInstanceActionOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetType : Allow user to set Type -func (_options *CreateInstanceActionOptions) SetType(typeVar string) *CreateInstanceActionOptions { - _options.Type = core.StringPtr(typeVar) - return _options -} - -// SetForce : Allow user to set Force -func (_options *CreateInstanceActionOptions) SetForce(force bool) *CreateInstanceActionOptions { - _options.Force = core.BoolPtr(force) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceActionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceActionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions : The CreateInstanceConsoleAccessToken options. -type CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance console type for which this token may be used. - ConsoleType *string `json:"console_type" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether to disconnect an existing serial console session as the serial console cannot be shared. This has - // no effect on VNC consoles. - Force *bool `json:"force,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions.ConsoleType property. -// The instance console type for which this token may be used. -const ( - CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptionsConsoleTypeSerialConst = "serial" - CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptionsConsoleTypeVncConst = "vnc" -) - -// NewCreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions(instanceID string, consoleType string) *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - return &CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ConsoleType: core.StringPtr(consoleType), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetConsoleType : Allow user to set ConsoleType -func (_options *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions) SetConsoleType(consoleType string) *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - _options.ConsoleType = core.StringPtr(consoleType) - return _options -} - -// SetForce : Allow user to set Force -func (_options *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions) SetForce(force bool) *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - _options.Force = core.BoolPtr(force) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceConsoleAccessTokenOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions : The CreateInstanceGroupManagerAction options. -type CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager action prototype object. - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeIntf `json:"InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string, instanceGroupManagerActionPrototype InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - return &CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype: instanceGroupManagerActionPrototype, - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype(instanceGroupManagerActionPrototype InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype = instanceGroupManagerActionPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions : The CreateInstanceGroupManager options. -type CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager prototype object. - InstanceGroupManagerPrototype InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeIntf `json:"InstanceGroupManagerPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerPrototype InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - return &CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerPrototype: instanceGroupManagerPrototype, - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerPrototype : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerPrototype -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerPrototype(instanceGroupManagerPrototype InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerPrototype = instanceGroupManagerPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions : The CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy options. -type CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager policy prototype object. - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeIntf `json:"InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string, instanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - return &CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype: instanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype, - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype(instanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype = instanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceGroupOptions : The CreateInstanceGroup options. -type CreateInstanceGroupOptions struct { - // Instance template to use when creating new instances. - // - // Instance groups are not compatible with instance templates that specify `true` for - // `default_trusted_profile.auto_link`. - InstanceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf `json:"instance_template" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets to use when creating new instances. - Subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` - - // The port to use for new load balancer pool members created by this instance group. The load balancer pool member - // will receive load balancer traffic on this port, unless the load balancer listener is using a port range. (Traffic - // received on a listener using a port range will be sent to members using the same port the listener received it on.) - // - // This port will also be used for health checks unless the port property of - // `health_monitor` property is specified. - // - // This property must be specified if and only if `load_balancer_pool` has been specified. - ApplicationPort *int64 `json:"application_port,omitempty"` - - // The load balancer associated with the specified load balancer pool. - // Required if `load_balancer_pool` is specified. The load balancer must have - // `instance_groups_supported` set to `true`. - LoadBalancer LoadBalancerIdentityIntf `json:"load_balancer,omitempty"` - - // If specified, this instance group will manage the load balancer pool. A pool member - // will be created for each instance created by this group. The specified load - // balancer pool must not be used by another instance group in the VPC. - // - // If specified, `load_balancer` and `application_port` must also be specified. - LoadBalancerPool LoadBalancerPoolIdentityIntf `json:"load_balancer_pool,omitempty"` - - // The number of instances in the instance group. - MembershipCount *int64 `json:"membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance group. The name must not be used by another instance group in the region. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateInstanceGroupOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceGroupOptions(instanceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf, subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - return &CreateInstanceGroupOptions{ - InstanceTemplate: instanceTemplate, - Subnets: subnets, - } -} - -// SetInstanceTemplate : Allow user to set InstanceTemplate -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) SetInstanceTemplate(instanceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.InstanceTemplate = instanceTemplate - return _options -} - -// SetSubnets : Allow user to set Subnets -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) SetSubnets(subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.Subnets = subnets - return _options -} - -// SetApplicationPort : Allow user to set ApplicationPort -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) SetApplicationPort(applicationPort int64) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.ApplicationPort = core.Int64Ptr(applicationPort) - return _options -} - -// SetLoadBalancer : Allow user to set LoadBalancer -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) SetLoadBalancer(loadBalancer LoadBalancerIdentityIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.LoadBalancer = loadBalancer - return _options -} - -// SetLoadBalancerPool : Allow user to set LoadBalancerPool -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) SetLoadBalancerPool(loadBalancerPool LoadBalancerPoolIdentityIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerPool = loadBalancerPool - return _options -} - -// SetMembershipCount : Allow user to set MembershipCount -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) SetMembershipCount(membershipCount int64) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.MembershipCount = core.Int64Ptr(membershipCount) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions : The CreateInstanceNetworkAttachment options. -type CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A virtual network interface for the instance network attachment. This can be specified - // using an existing virtual network interface, or a prototype object for a new virtual - // network interface. - // - // If an existing virtual network interface is specified, `enable_infrastructure_nat` must be - // `true`. - VirtualNetworkInterface InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network attachment. Names must be unique within the instance the network attachment resides in. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions(instanceID string, virtualNetworkInterface InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf) *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - return &CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - VirtualNetworkInterface: virtualNetworkInterface, - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterface : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterface -func (_options *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterface(virtualNetworkInterface InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf) *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterface = virtualNetworkInterface - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions : The CreateInstanceNetworkInterface options. -type CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // The name for the instance network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the virtual - // server instance. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the instance network interface. This can be - // specified using an existing reserved IP, or a prototype object for a new reserved IP. - // - // If an existing reserved IP or a prototype object with an address is specified, it must - // be available on the instance network interface's subnet. Otherwise, an - // available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this instance network interface. If unspecified, the VPC's default security group is - // used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions(instanceID string, subnet SubnetIdentityIntf) *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - Subnet: subnet, - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetSubnet : Allow user to set Subnet -func (_options *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetSubnet(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf) *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.Subnet = subnet - return _options -} - -// SetAllowIPSpoofing : Allow user to set AllowIPSpoofing -func (_options *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetAllowIPSpoofing(allowIPSpoofing bool) *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.AllowIPSpoofing = core.BoolPtr(allowIPSpoofing) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetPrimaryIP : Allow user to set PrimaryIP -func (_options *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetPrimaryIP(primaryIP NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.PrimaryIP = primaryIP - return _options -} - -// SetSecurityGroups : Allow user to set SecurityGroups -func (_options *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetSecurityGroups(securityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.SecurityGroups = securityGroups - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceOptions : The CreateInstance options. -type CreateInstanceOptions struct { - // The instance prototype object. - InstancePrototype InstancePrototypeIntf `json:"InstancePrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateInstanceOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceOptions(instancePrototype InstancePrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceOptions { - return &CreateInstanceOptions{ - InstancePrototype: instancePrototype, - } -} - -// SetInstancePrototype : Allow user to set InstancePrototype -func (_options *CreateInstanceOptions) SetInstancePrototype(instancePrototype InstancePrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceOptions { - _options.InstancePrototype = instancePrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceTemplateOptions : The CreateInstanceTemplate options. -type CreateInstanceTemplateOptions struct { - // The instance template prototype object. - InstanceTemplatePrototype InstanceTemplatePrototypeIntf `json:"InstanceTemplatePrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateInstanceTemplateOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceTemplateOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceTemplateOptions(instanceTemplatePrototype InstanceTemplatePrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceTemplateOptions { - return &CreateInstanceTemplateOptions{ - InstanceTemplatePrototype: instanceTemplatePrototype, - } -} - -// SetInstanceTemplatePrototype : Allow user to set InstanceTemplatePrototype -func (_options *CreateInstanceTemplateOptions) SetInstanceTemplatePrototype(instanceTemplatePrototype InstanceTemplatePrototypeIntf) *CreateInstanceTemplateOptions { - _options.InstanceTemplatePrototype = instanceTemplatePrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceTemplateOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceTemplateOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions : The CreateInstanceVolumeAttachment options. -type CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // An existing volume to attach to the instance, or a prototype object for a new volume. - Volume VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeIntf `json:"volume" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether deleting the instance will also delete the attached volume. - DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete *bool `json:"delete_volume_on_instance_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume attachment. The name must not be used by another volume attachment on the instance. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions : Instantiate CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions(instanceID string, volume VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeIntf) *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - return &CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - Volume: volume, - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetVolume : Allow user to set Volume -func (_options *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetVolume(volume VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeIntf) *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.Volume = volume - return _options -} - -// SetDeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete : Allow user to set DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete -func (_options *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetDeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete(deleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete bool) *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete = core.BoolPtr(deleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateIpsecPolicyOptions : The CreateIpsecPolicy options. -type CreateIpsecPolicyOptions struct { - // The authentication algorithm - // - // Must be `disabled` if and only if the `encryption_algorithm` is - // `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or `aes256gcm16`. - AuthenticationAlgorithm *string `json:"authentication_algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The encryption algorithm - // - // The `authentication_algorithm` must be `disabled` if and only if - // `encryption_algorithm` is `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or - // `aes256gcm16`. - EncryptionAlgorithm *string `json:"encryption_algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // Perfect Forward Secrecy. - Pfs *string `json:"pfs" validate:"required"` - - // The key lifetime in seconds. - KeyLifetime *int64 `json:"key_lifetime,omitempty"` - - // The name for this IPsec policy. The name must not be used by another IPsec policies in the region. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateIpsecPolicyOptions.AuthenticationAlgorithm property. -// The authentication algorithm -// -// Must be `disabled` if and only if the `encryption_algorithm` is -// `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or `aes256gcm16`. -const ( - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsAuthenticationAlgorithmDisabledConst = "disabled" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsAuthenticationAlgorithmSha256Const = "sha256" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsAuthenticationAlgorithmSha384Const = "sha384" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsAuthenticationAlgorithmSha512Const = "sha512" -) - -// Constants associated with the CreateIpsecPolicyOptions.EncryptionAlgorithm property. -// The encryption algorithm -// -// The `authentication_algorithm` must be `disabled` if and only if -// `encryption_algorithm` is `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or -// `aes256gcm16`. -const ( - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsEncryptionAlgorithmAes128Const = "aes128" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsEncryptionAlgorithmAes128gcm16Const = "aes128gcm16" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsEncryptionAlgorithmAes192Const = "aes192" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsEncryptionAlgorithmAes192gcm16Const = "aes192gcm16" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsEncryptionAlgorithmAes256Const = "aes256" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsEncryptionAlgorithmAes256gcm16Const = "aes256gcm16" -) - -// Constants associated with the CreateIpsecPolicyOptions.Pfs property. -// Perfect Forward Secrecy. -const ( - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsDisabledConst = "disabled" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup14Const = "group_14" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup15Const = "group_15" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup16Const = "group_16" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup17Const = "group_17" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup18Const = "group_18" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup19Const = "group_19" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup20Const = "group_20" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup21Const = "group_21" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup22Const = "group_22" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup23Const = "group_23" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup24Const = "group_24" - CreateIpsecPolicyOptionsPfsGroup31Const = "group_31" -) - -// NewCreateIpsecPolicyOptions : Instantiate CreateIpsecPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateIpsecPolicyOptions(authenticationAlgorithm string, encryptionAlgorithm string, pfs string) *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions { - return &CreateIpsecPolicyOptions{ - AuthenticationAlgorithm: core.StringPtr(authenticationAlgorithm), - EncryptionAlgorithm: core.StringPtr(encryptionAlgorithm), - Pfs: core.StringPtr(pfs), - } -} - -// SetAuthenticationAlgorithm : Allow user to set AuthenticationAlgorithm -func (_options *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetAuthenticationAlgorithm(authenticationAlgorithm string) *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.AuthenticationAlgorithm = core.StringPtr(authenticationAlgorithm) - return _options -} - -// SetEncryptionAlgorithm : Allow user to set EncryptionAlgorithm -func (_options *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetEncryptionAlgorithm(encryptionAlgorithm string) *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.EncryptionAlgorithm = core.StringPtr(encryptionAlgorithm) - return _options -} - -// SetPfs : Allow user to set Pfs -func (_options *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetPfs(pfs string) *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.Pfs = core.StringPtr(pfs) - return _options -} - -// SetKeyLifetime : Allow user to set KeyLifetime -func (_options *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetKeyLifetime(keyLifetime int64) *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.KeyLifetime = core.Int64Ptr(keyLifetime) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateIpsecPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateKeyOptions : The CreateKey options. -type CreateKeyOptions struct { - // A unique public SSH key to import, in OpenSSH format (consisting of three space-separated fields: the algorithm - // name, base64-encoded key, and a comment). The algorithm and comment fields may be omitted, as only the key field is - // imported. - // - // Keys of type `rsa` may be 2048 or 4096 bits in length, however 4096 is recommended. Keys of type `ed25519` are 256 - // bits in length. - PublicKey *string `json:"public_key" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this key. The name must not be used by another key in the region. If unspecified, the name will be a - // hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The crypto-system used by this key. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateKeyOptions.Type property. -// The crypto-system used by this key. -const ( - CreateKeyOptionsTypeEd25519Const = "ed25519" - CreateKeyOptionsTypeRsaConst = "rsa" -) - -// NewCreateKeyOptions : Instantiate CreateKeyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateKeyOptions(publicKey string) *CreateKeyOptions { - return &CreateKeyOptions{ - PublicKey: core.StringPtr(publicKey), - } -} - -// SetPublicKey : Allow user to set PublicKey -func (_options *CreateKeyOptions) SetPublicKey(publicKey string) *CreateKeyOptions { - _options.PublicKey = core.StringPtr(publicKey) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateKeyOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateKeyOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateKeyOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateKeyOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetType : Allow user to set Type -func (_options *CreateKeyOptions) SetType(typeVar string) *CreateKeyOptions { - _options.Type = core.StringPtr(typeVar) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateKeyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateKeyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions : The CreateLoadBalancerListener options. -type CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener protocol. Each listener in the load balancer must have a unique `port` and `protocol` combination. - // - // Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the - // `application` family support `tcp`, `http` and - // `https`. - // - // Additional restrictions: - // - If `default_pool` is set, the pool's protocol must match, or be compatible with - // the listener's protocol. At present, the compatible protocols are `http` and - // `https`. - // - If `https_redirect` is set, the protocol must be `http`. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // If set to `true`, this listener will accept and forward PROXY protocol information. Supported by load balancers in - // the `application` family (otherwise always `false`). Additional restrictions: - // - If this listener has `https_redirect` specified, its `accept_proxy_protocol` value must - // match the `accept_proxy_protocol` value of the `https_redirect` listener. - // - If this listener is the target of another listener's `https_redirect`, its - // `accept_proxy_protocol` value must match that listener's `accept_proxy_protocol` value. - AcceptProxyProtocol *bool `json:"accept_proxy_protocol,omitempty"` - - // The certificate instance to use for SSL termination. The listener must have a - // `protocol` of `https`. - CertificateInstance CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf `json:"certificate_instance,omitempty"` - - // The connection limit of the listener. - ConnectionLimit *int64 `json:"connection_limit,omitempty"` - - // The default pool for this listener. If specified, the pool must: - // - Belong to this load balancer. - // - Have the same `protocol` as this listener, or have a compatible protocol. - // At present, the compatible protocols are `http` and `https`. - // - Not already be the `default_pool` for another listener. - // - // If unspecified, this listener will be created with no default pool, but one may be - // subsequently set. - DefaultPool LoadBalancerPoolIdentityIntf `json:"default_pool,omitempty"` - - // The target listener that requests will be redirected to. This listener must have a - // `protocol` of `http`, and the target listener must have a `protocol` of `https`. - HTTPSRedirect *LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype `json:"https_redirect,omitempty"` - - // The idle connection timeout of the listener in seconds. Supported for load balancers in the `application` family. - IdleConnectionTimeout *int64 `json:"idle_connection_timeout,omitempty"` - - // The policy prototype objects for this listener. The load balancer must be in the - // `application` family. - Policies []LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype `json:"policies,omitempty"` - - // The listener port number, or the inclusive lower bound of the port range. Each listener in the load balancer must - // have a unique `port` and `protocol` combination. - // - // Not supported for load balancers operating with route mode enabled. - Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of the range of ports used by this listener. Must not be less than `port_min`. - // - // At present, only load balancers operating with route mode enabled, and public load balancers in the `network` family - // support different values for `port_min` and - // `port_max`. When route mode is enabled, the value `65535` must be specified. - // - // The specified port range must not overlap with port ranges used by other listeners for this load balancer using the - // same protocol. - PortMax *int64 `json:"port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of the range of ports used by this listener. Must not be greater than `port_max`. - // - // At present, only load balancers operating with route mode enabled, and public load balancers in the `network` family - // support different values for `port_min` and - // `port_max`. When route mode is enabled, the value `1` must be specified. - // - // The specified port range must not overlap with port ranges used by other listeners for this load balancer using the - // same protocol. - PortMin *int64 `json:"port_min,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions.Protocol property. -// The listener protocol. Each listener in the load balancer must have a unique `port` and `protocol` combination. -// -// Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the -// `application` family support `tcp`, `http` and -// `https`. -// -// Additional restrictions: -// - If `default_pool` is set, the pool's protocol must match, or be compatible with -// the listener's protocol. At present, the compatible protocols are `http` and -// `https`. -// - If `https_redirect` is set, the protocol must be `http`. -const ( - CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptionsProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptionsProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptionsProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptionsProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// NewCreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions : Instantiate CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions(loadBalancerID string, protocol string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - return &CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetProtocol : Allow user to set Protocol -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetProtocol(protocol string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.Protocol = core.StringPtr(protocol) - return _options -} - -// SetAcceptProxyProtocol : Allow user to set AcceptProxyProtocol -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetAcceptProxyProtocol(acceptProxyProtocol bool) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.AcceptProxyProtocol = core.BoolPtr(acceptProxyProtocol) - return _options -} - -// SetCertificateInstance : Allow user to set CertificateInstance -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetCertificateInstance(certificateInstance CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.CertificateInstance = certificateInstance - return _options -} - -// SetConnectionLimit : Allow user to set ConnectionLimit -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetConnectionLimit(connectionLimit int64) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.ConnectionLimit = core.Int64Ptr(connectionLimit) - return _options -} - -// SetDefaultPool : Allow user to set DefaultPool -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetDefaultPool(defaultPool LoadBalancerPoolIdentityIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.DefaultPool = defaultPool - return _options -} - -// SetHTTPSRedirect : Allow user to set HTTPSRedirect -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetHTTPSRedirect(httpsRedirect *LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.HTTPSRedirect = httpsRedirect - return _options -} - -// SetIdleConnectionTimeout : Allow user to set IdleConnectionTimeout -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetIdleConnectionTimeout(idleConnectionTimeout int64) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.IdleConnectionTimeout = core.Int64Ptr(idleConnectionTimeout) - return _options -} - -// SetPolicies : Allow user to set Policies -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetPolicies(policies []LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.Policies = policies - return _options -} - -// SetPort : Allow user to set Port -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetPort(port int64) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.Port = core.Int64Ptr(port) - return _options -} - -// SetPortMax : Allow user to set PortMax -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetPortMax(portMax int64) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.PortMax = core.Int64Ptr(portMax) - return _options -} - -// SetPortMin : Allow user to set PortMin -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetPortMin(portMin int64) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.PortMin = core.Int64Ptr(portMin) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions : The CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy options. -type CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The policy action. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the policy on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // Priority of the policy. The priority is unique across all policies for this load balancer listener. Lower value - // indicates higher priority. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this policy. The name must not be used by another policy for the load balancer listener. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The rule prototype objects for this policy. - Rules []LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype `json:"rules,omitempty"` - - // - If `action` is `forward`, specify a `LoadBalancerPoolIdentity`. - // - If `action` is `redirect`, specify a `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype`. - // - If `action` is `https_redirect`, specify a - // `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyHTTPSRedirectPrototype`. - Target LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions.Action property. -// The policy action. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the policy on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptionsActionForwardConst = "forward" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptionsActionHTTPSRedirectConst = "https_redirect" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptionsActionRedirectConst = "redirect" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptionsActionRejectConst = "reject" -) - -// NewCreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions : Instantiate CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string, action string, priority int64) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - return &CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - Action: core.StringPtr(action), - Priority: core.Int64Ptr(priority), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetAction : Allow user to set Action -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetAction(action string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.Action = core.StringPtr(action) - return _options -} - -// SetPriority : Allow user to set Priority -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetPriority(priority int64) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.Priority = core.Int64Ptr(priority) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetRules : Allow user to set Rules -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetRules(rules []LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.Rules = rules - return _options -} - -// SetTarget : Allow user to set Target -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetTarget(target LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.Target = target - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions : The CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule options. -type CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The policy identifier. - PolicyID *string `json:"policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The condition of the rule. - Condition *string `json:"condition" validate:"required"` - - // The type of the rule. - // - // Body rules are applied to form-encoded request bodies using the `UTF-8` character set. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // Value to be matched for rule condition. - // - // If the rule type is `query` and the rule condition is not `matches_regex`, the value must be percent-encoded. - Value *string `json:"value" validate:"required"` - - // The field. This is applicable to `header`, `query`, and `body` rule types. - // - // If the rule type is `header`, this property is required. - // - // If the rule type is `query`, this is optional. If specified and the rule condition is not - // `matches_regex`, the value must be percent-encoded. - // - // If the rule type is `body`, this is optional. - Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Condition property. -// The condition of the rule. -const ( - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptionsConditionContainsConst = "contains" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptionsConditionEqualsConst = "equals" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptionsConditionMatchesRegexConst = "matches_regex" -) - -// Constants associated with the CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions.Type property. -// The type of the rule. -// -// Body rules are applied to form-encoded request bodies using the `UTF-8` character set. -const ( - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptionsTypeBodyConst = "body" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptionsTypeHeaderConst = "header" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptionsTypeHostnameConst = "hostname" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptionsTypePathConst = "path" - CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptionsTypeQueryConst = "query" -) - -// NewCreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions : Instantiate CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string, policyID string, condition string, typeVar string, value string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - return &CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - PolicyID: core.StringPtr(policyID), - Condition: core.StringPtr(condition), - Type: core.StringPtr(typeVar), - Value: core.StringPtr(value), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPolicyID : Allow user to set PolicyID -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetPolicyID(policyID string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.PolicyID = core.StringPtr(policyID) - return _options -} - -// SetCondition : Allow user to set Condition -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetCondition(condition string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.Condition = core.StringPtr(condition) - return _options -} - -// SetType : Allow user to set Type -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetType(typeVar string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.Type = core.StringPtr(typeVar) - return _options -} - -// SetValue : Allow user to set Value -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetValue(value string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.Value = core.StringPtr(value) - return _options -} - -// SetField : Allow user to set Field -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetField(field string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.Field = core.StringPtr(field) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerOptions : The CreateLoadBalancer options. -type CreateLoadBalancerOptions struct { - // Indicates whether this load balancer is public. - // - // At present, if route mode is enabled, the load balancer must not be public. - IsPublic *bool `json:"is_public" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets to provision this load balancer in. The subnets must be in the same VPC. The load balancer's - // availability will depend on the availability of the zones that the subnets reside in. - // - // Load balancers in the `network` family allow only one subnet to be specified. - Subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` - - // The DNS configuration for this load balancer. - // - // If unspecified, DNS `A` records for this load balancer's `hostname` property will be added - // to the public DNS zone `lb.appdomain.cloud`. Otherwise, those DNS `A` records will be - // added to the specified `zone`. - Dns *LoadBalancerDnsPrototype `json:"dns,omitempty"` - - // The listeners of this load balancer. - Listeners []LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext `json:"listeners,omitempty"` - - // The logging configuration to use for this load balancer. See [VPC Datapath - // Logging](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-datapath-logging) on the logging - // format, fields and permitted values. If unspecified, `datapath.active` will be `false`. - // - // To activate logging, the load balancer profile must support the specified logging type. - Logging *LoadBalancerLoggingPrototype `json:"logging,omitempty"` - - // The name for this load balancer. The name must not be used by another load balancer in the VPC. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The pools of this load balancer. - Pools []LoadBalancerPoolPrototype `json:"pools,omitempty"` - - // The profile to use for this load balancer. - // - // If unspecified, `application` will be used. - Profile LoadBalancerProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether route mode is enabled for this load balancer. - // - // At present, public load balancers are not supported with route mode enabled. - RouteMode *bool `json:"route_mode,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this load balancer. If unspecified, the VPC's default security group is used. - // - // The load balancer profile must support security groups. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateLoadBalancerOptions : Instantiate CreateLoadBalancerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateLoadBalancerOptions(isPublic bool, subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - return &CreateLoadBalancerOptions{ - IsPublic: core.BoolPtr(isPublic), - Subnets: subnets, - } -} - -// SetIsPublic : Allow user to set IsPublic -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetIsPublic(isPublic bool) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.IsPublic = core.BoolPtr(isPublic) - return _options -} - -// SetSubnets : Allow user to set Subnets -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetSubnets(subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.Subnets = subnets - return _options -} - -// SetDns : Allow user to set Dns -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetDns(dns *LoadBalancerDnsPrototype) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.Dns = dns - return _options -} - -// SetListeners : Allow user to set Listeners -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetListeners(listeners []LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.Listeners = listeners - return _options -} - -// SetLogging : Allow user to set Logging -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetLogging(logging *LoadBalancerLoggingPrototype) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.Logging = logging - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetPools : Allow user to set Pools -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetPools(pools []LoadBalancerPoolPrototype) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.Pools = pools - return _options -} - -// SetProfile : Allow user to set Profile -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetProfile(profile LoadBalancerProfileIdentityIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.Profile = profile - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetRouteMode : Allow user to set RouteMode -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetRouteMode(routeMode bool) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.RouteMode = core.BoolPtr(routeMode) - return _options -} - -// SetSecurityGroups : Allow user to set SecurityGroups -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetSecurityGroups(securityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.SecurityGroups = securityGroups - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateLoadBalancerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateLoadBalancerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions : The CreateLoadBalancerPoolMember options. -type CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The pool identifier. - PoolID *string `json:"pool_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The port the member will receive load balancer traffic on. Applies only to load balancer traffic received on a - // listener with a single port. (If the traffic is received on a listener with a port range, the member will receive - // the traffic on the same port the listener received it on.) - // - // This port will also be used for health checks unless the `port` property of - // `health_monitor` property is specified. - // - // The port must be unique across all members for all pools associated with this pool's listener. - Port *int64 `json:"port" validate:"required"` - - // The pool member target. Load balancers in the `network` family support virtual server - // instances. Load balancers in the `application` family support IP addresses. If the load - // balancer has route mode enabled, the member must be in a zone the load balancer has a - // subnet in. - Target LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target" validate:"required"` - - // Weight of the server member. Applicable only if the pool algorithm is - // `weighted_round_robin`. - Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions : Instantiate CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions(loadBalancerID string, poolID string, port int64, target LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - return &CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - PoolID: core.StringPtr(poolID), - Port: core.Int64Ptr(port), - Target: target, - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPoolID : Allow user to set PoolID -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetPoolID(poolID string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.PoolID = core.StringPtr(poolID) - return _options -} - -// SetPort : Allow user to set Port -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetPort(port int64) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.Port = core.Int64Ptr(port) - return _options -} - -// SetTarget : Allow user to set Target -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetTarget(target LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIntf) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.Target = target - return _options -} - -// SetWeight : Allow user to set Weight -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetWeight(weight int64) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.Weight = core.Int64Ptr(weight) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions : The CreateLoadBalancerPool options. -type CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The load balancing algorithm. - Algorithm *string `json:"algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The health monitor of this pool. - HealthMonitor *LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype `json:"health_monitor" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol used for this load balancer pool. Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if - // `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the - // `application` family support `tcp`, `http`, and `https`. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The members for this load balancer pool. For load balancers in the `network` family, the same `port` and `target` - // tuple cannot be shared by a pool member of any other load balancer in the same VPC. - Members []LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype `json:"members,omitempty"` - - // The name for this load balancer pool. The name must not be used by another pool for the load balancer. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The PROXY protocol setting for this pool: - // - `v1`: Enabled with version 1 (human-readable header format) - // - `v2`: Enabled with version 2 (binary header format) - // - `disabled`: Disabled - // - // Supported by load balancers in the `application` family (otherwise always `disabled`). - ProxyProtocol *string `json:"proxy_protocol,omitempty"` - - // The session persistence of this pool. If unspecified, session persistence will be - // disabled, and traffic will be distributed across backend server members of the - // pool. - SessionPersistence *LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype `json:"session_persistence,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Algorithm property. -// The load balancing algorithm. -const ( - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsAlgorithmLeastConnectionsConst = "least_connections" - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsAlgorithmRoundRobinConst = "round_robin" - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsAlgorithmWeightedRoundRobinConst = "weighted_round_robin" -) - -// Constants associated with the CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions.Protocol property. -// The protocol used for this load balancer pool. Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if -// `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the -// `application` family support `tcp`, `http`, and `https`. -const ( - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// Constants associated with the CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions.ProxyProtocol property. -// The PROXY protocol setting for this pool: -// - `v1`: Enabled with version 1 (human-readable header format) -// - `v2`: Enabled with version 2 (binary header format) -// - `disabled`: Disabled -// -// Supported by load balancers in the `application` family (otherwise always `disabled`). -const ( - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsProxyProtocolDisabledConst = "disabled" - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsProxyProtocolV1Const = "v1" - CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptionsProxyProtocolV2Const = "v2" -) - -// NewCreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions : Instantiate CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions(loadBalancerID string, algorithm string, healthMonitor *LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype, protocol string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - return &CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - Algorithm: core.StringPtr(algorithm), - HealthMonitor: healthMonitor, - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetAlgorithm : Allow user to set Algorithm -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetAlgorithm(algorithm string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.Algorithm = core.StringPtr(algorithm) - return _options -} - -// SetHealthMonitor : Allow user to set HealthMonitor -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetHealthMonitor(healthMonitor *LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.HealthMonitor = healthMonitor - return _options -} - -// SetProtocol : Allow user to set Protocol -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetProtocol(protocol string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.Protocol = core.StringPtr(protocol) - return _options -} - -// SetMembers : Allow user to set Members -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetMembers(members []LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.Members = members - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetProxyProtocol : Allow user to set ProxyProtocol -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetProxyProtocol(proxyProtocol string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.ProxyProtocol = core.StringPtr(proxyProtocol) - return _options -} - -// SetSessionPersistence : Allow user to set SessionPersistence -func (_options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetSessionPersistence(sessionPersistence *LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.SessionPersistence = sessionPersistence - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateNetworkACLOptions : The CreateNetworkACL options. -type CreateNetworkACLOptions struct { - // The network ACL prototype object. - NetworkACLPrototype NetworkACLPrototypeIntf `json:"NetworkACLPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateNetworkACLOptions : Instantiate CreateNetworkACLOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateNetworkACLOptions(networkACLPrototype NetworkACLPrototypeIntf) *CreateNetworkACLOptions { - return &CreateNetworkACLOptions{ - NetworkACLPrototype: networkACLPrototype, - } -} - -// SetNetworkACLPrototype : Allow user to set NetworkACLPrototype -func (_options *CreateNetworkACLOptions) SetNetworkACLPrototype(networkACLPrototype NetworkACLPrototypeIntf) *CreateNetworkACLOptions { - _options.NetworkACLPrototype = networkACLPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateNetworkACLOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateNetworkACLOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions : The CreateNetworkACLRule options. -type CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions struct { - // The network ACL identifier. - NetworkACLID *string `json:"network_acl_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The network ACL rule prototype object. - NetworkACLRulePrototype NetworkACLRulePrototypeIntf `json:"NetworkACLRulePrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateNetworkACLRuleOptions : Instantiate CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateNetworkACLRuleOptions(networkACLID string, networkACLRulePrototype NetworkACLRulePrototypeIntf) *CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions { - return &CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions{ - NetworkACLID: core.StringPtr(networkACLID), - NetworkACLRulePrototype: networkACLRulePrototype, - } -} - -// SetNetworkACLID : Allow user to set NetworkACLID -func (_options *CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetNetworkACLID(networkACLID string) *CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions { - _options.NetworkACLID = core.StringPtr(networkACLID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkACLRulePrototype : Allow user to set NetworkACLRulePrototype -func (_options *CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetNetworkACLRulePrototype(networkACLRulePrototype NetworkACLRulePrototypeIntf) *CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions { - _options.NetworkACLRulePrototype = networkACLRulePrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateNetworkACLRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreatePlacementGroupOptions : The CreatePlacementGroup options. -type CreatePlacementGroupOptions struct { - // The strategy for this placement group - // - `host_spread`: place on different compute hosts - // - `power_spread`: place on compute hosts that use different power sources - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the placement group on which the - // unexpected strategy was encountered. - Strategy *string `json:"strategy" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this placement group. The name must not be used by another placement group in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreatePlacementGroupOptions.Strategy property. -// The strategy for this placement group -// - `host_spread`: place on different compute hosts -// - `power_spread`: place on compute hosts that use different power sources -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the placement group on which the -// unexpected strategy was encountered. -const ( - CreatePlacementGroupOptionsStrategyHostSpreadConst = "host_spread" - CreatePlacementGroupOptionsStrategyPowerSpreadConst = "power_spread" -) - -// NewCreatePlacementGroupOptions : Instantiate CreatePlacementGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreatePlacementGroupOptions(strategy string) *CreatePlacementGroupOptions { - return &CreatePlacementGroupOptions{ - Strategy: core.StringPtr(strategy), - } -} - -// SetStrategy : Allow user to set Strategy -func (_options *CreatePlacementGroupOptions) SetStrategy(strategy string) *CreatePlacementGroupOptions { - _options.Strategy = core.StringPtr(strategy) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreatePlacementGroupOptions) SetName(name string) *CreatePlacementGroupOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreatePlacementGroupOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreatePlacementGroupOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreatePlacementGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreatePlacementGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreatePublicGatewayOptions : The CreatePublicGateway options. -type CreatePublicGatewayOptions struct { - // The VPC this public gateway will reside in. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this public gateway will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - FloatingIP PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeIntf `json:"floating_ip,omitempty"` - - // The name for this public gateway. The name must not be used by another public gateway in the VPC. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreatePublicGatewayOptions : Instantiate CreatePublicGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreatePublicGatewayOptions(vpc VPCIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreatePublicGatewayOptions { - return &CreatePublicGatewayOptions{ - VPC: vpc, - Zone: zone, - } -} - -// SetVPC : Allow user to set VPC -func (_options *CreatePublicGatewayOptions) SetVPC(vpc VPCIdentityIntf) *CreatePublicGatewayOptions { - _options.VPC = vpc - return _options -} - -// SetZone : Allow user to set Zone -func (_options *CreatePublicGatewayOptions) SetZone(zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreatePublicGatewayOptions { - _options.Zone = zone - return _options -} - -// SetFloatingIP : Allow user to set FloatingIP -func (_options *CreatePublicGatewayOptions) SetFloatingIP(floatingIP PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeIntf) *CreatePublicGatewayOptions { - _options.FloatingIP = floatingIP - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreatePublicGatewayOptions) SetName(name string) *CreatePublicGatewayOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreatePublicGatewayOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreatePublicGatewayOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreatePublicGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreatePublicGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateReservationOptions : The CreateReservation options. -type CreateReservationOptions struct { - // The capacity reservation configuration to use. - Capacity *ReservationCapacityPrototype `json:"capacity" validate:"required"` - - // The committed use configuration to use for this reservation. - CommittedUse *ReservationCommittedUsePrototype `json:"committed_use" validate:"required"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this - // reservation. - Profile *ReservationProfilePrototype `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The zone to use for this reservation. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The affinity policy to use for this reservation: - // - `restricted`: The reservation must be manually requested. - AffinityPolicy *string `json:"affinity_policy,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reservation. The name must not be used by another reservation in the region. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateReservationOptions.AffinityPolicy property. -// The affinity policy to use for this reservation: -// - `restricted`: The reservation must be manually requested. -const ( - CreateReservationOptionsAffinityPolicyRestrictedConst = "restricted" -) - -// NewCreateReservationOptions : Instantiate CreateReservationOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateReservationOptions(capacity *ReservationCapacityPrototype, committedUse *ReservationCommittedUsePrototype, profile *ReservationProfilePrototype, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateReservationOptions { - return &CreateReservationOptions{ - Capacity: capacity, - CommittedUse: committedUse, - Profile: profile, - Zone: zone, - } -} - -// SetCapacity : Allow user to set Capacity -func (_options *CreateReservationOptions) SetCapacity(capacity *ReservationCapacityPrototype) *CreateReservationOptions { - _options.Capacity = capacity - return _options -} - -// SetCommittedUse : Allow user to set CommittedUse -func (_options *CreateReservationOptions) SetCommittedUse(committedUse *ReservationCommittedUsePrototype) *CreateReservationOptions { - _options.CommittedUse = committedUse - return _options -} - -// SetProfile : Allow user to set Profile -func (_options *CreateReservationOptions) SetProfile(profile *ReservationProfilePrototype) *CreateReservationOptions { - _options.Profile = profile - return _options -} - -// SetZone : Allow user to set Zone -func (_options *CreateReservationOptions) SetZone(zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateReservationOptions { - _options.Zone = zone - return _options -} - -// SetAffinityPolicy : Allow user to set AffinityPolicy -func (_options *CreateReservationOptions) SetAffinityPolicy(affinityPolicy string) *CreateReservationOptions { - _options.AffinityPolicy = core.StringPtr(affinityPolicy) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateReservationOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateReservationOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateReservationOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateReservationOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateReservationOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateReservationOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateSecurityGroupOptions : The CreateSecurityGroup options. -type CreateSecurityGroupOptions struct { - // The VPC this security group will reside in. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this security group. The name must not be used by another security group for the VPC. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The prototype objects for rules to be created for this security group. If unspecified, no rules will be created, - // resulting in all traffic being denied. - Rules []SecurityGroupRulePrototypeIntf `json:"rules,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateSecurityGroupOptions : Instantiate CreateSecurityGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateSecurityGroupOptions(vpc VPCIdentityIntf) *CreateSecurityGroupOptions { - return &CreateSecurityGroupOptions{ - VPC: vpc, - } -} - -// SetVPC : Allow user to set VPC -func (_options *CreateSecurityGroupOptions) SetVPC(vpc VPCIdentityIntf) *CreateSecurityGroupOptions { - _options.VPC = vpc - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateSecurityGroupOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateSecurityGroupOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateSecurityGroupOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateSecurityGroupOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetRules : Allow user to set Rules -func (_options *CreateSecurityGroupOptions) SetRules(rules []SecurityGroupRulePrototypeIntf) *CreateSecurityGroupOptions { - _options.Rules = rules - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateSecurityGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateSecurityGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions : The CreateSecurityGroupRule options. -type CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - SecurityGroupID *string `json:"security_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The properties of the security group rule to be created. - SecurityGroupRulePrototype SecurityGroupRulePrototypeIntf `json:"SecurityGroupRulePrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions : Instantiate CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions(securityGroupID string, securityGroupRulePrototype SecurityGroupRulePrototypeIntf) *CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - return &CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions{ - SecurityGroupID: core.StringPtr(securityGroupID), - SecurityGroupRulePrototype: securityGroupRulePrototype, - } -} - -// SetSecurityGroupID : Allow user to set SecurityGroupID -func (_options *CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetSecurityGroupID(securityGroupID string) *CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupID = core.StringPtr(securityGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetSecurityGroupRulePrototype : Allow user to set SecurityGroupRulePrototype -func (_options *CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetSecurityGroupRulePrototype(securityGroupRulePrototype SecurityGroupRulePrototypeIntf) *CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupRulePrototype = securityGroupRulePrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions : The CreateSecurityGroupTargetBinding options. -type CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - SecurityGroupID *string `json:"security_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The security group target identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions : Instantiate CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions(securityGroupID string, id string) *CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions { - return &CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions{ - SecurityGroupID: core.StringPtr(securityGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetSecurityGroupID : Allow user to set SecurityGroupID -func (_options *CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) SetSecurityGroupID(securityGroupID string) *CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupID = core.StringPtr(securityGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) SetID(id string) *CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateShareMountTargetOptions : The CreateShareMountTarget options. -type CreateShareMountTargetOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ShareID *string `json:"share_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The share mount target prototype object. - ShareMountTargetPrototype ShareMountTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"ShareMountTargetPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateShareMountTargetOptions : Instantiate CreateShareMountTargetOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateShareMountTargetOptions(shareID string, shareMountTargetPrototype ShareMountTargetPrototypeIntf) *CreateShareMountTargetOptions { - return &CreateShareMountTargetOptions{ - ShareID: core.StringPtr(shareID), - ShareMountTargetPrototype: shareMountTargetPrototype, - } -} - -// SetShareID : Allow user to set ShareID -func (_options *CreateShareMountTargetOptions) SetShareID(shareID string) *CreateShareMountTargetOptions { - _options.ShareID = core.StringPtr(shareID) - return _options -} - -// SetShareMountTargetPrototype : Allow user to set ShareMountTargetPrototype -func (_options *CreateShareMountTargetOptions) SetShareMountTargetPrototype(shareMountTargetPrototype ShareMountTargetPrototypeIntf) *CreateShareMountTargetOptions { - _options.ShareMountTargetPrototype = shareMountTargetPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateShareMountTargetOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateShareMountTargetOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateShareOptions : The CreateShare options. -type CreateShareOptions struct { - // The file share prototype object. - SharePrototype SharePrototypeIntf `json:"SharePrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateShareOptions : Instantiate CreateShareOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateShareOptions(sharePrototype SharePrototypeIntf) *CreateShareOptions { - return &CreateShareOptions{ - SharePrototype: sharePrototype, - } -} - -// SetSharePrototype : Allow user to set SharePrototype -func (_options *CreateShareOptions) SetSharePrototype(sharePrototype SharePrototypeIntf) *CreateShareOptions { - _options.SharePrototype = sharePrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateShareOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateShareOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateSnapshotCloneOptions : The CreateSnapshotClone options. -type CreateSnapshotCloneOptions struct { - // The snapshot identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The zone name. - ZoneName *string `json:"zone_name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateSnapshotCloneOptions : Instantiate CreateSnapshotCloneOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateSnapshotCloneOptions(id string, zoneName string) *CreateSnapshotCloneOptions { - return &CreateSnapshotCloneOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - ZoneName: core.StringPtr(zoneName), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *CreateSnapshotCloneOptions) SetID(id string) *CreateSnapshotCloneOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetZoneName : Allow user to set ZoneName -func (_options *CreateSnapshotCloneOptions) SetZoneName(zoneName string) *CreateSnapshotCloneOptions { - _options.ZoneName = core.StringPtr(zoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateSnapshotCloneOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateSnapshotCloneOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions : The CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroup options. -type CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions struct { - // The snapshot consistency group prototype object. - SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeIntf `json:"SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions : Instantiate CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions(snapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeIntf) *CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - return &CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions{ - SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype: snapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype, - } -} - -// SetSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype : Allow user to set SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype -func (_options *CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype(snapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeIntf) *CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - _options.SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype = snapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateSnapshotOptions : The CreateSnapshot options. -type CreateSnapshotOptions struct { - // The snapshot prototype object. - SnapshotPrototype SnapshotPrototypeIntf `json:"SnapshotPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateSnapshotOptions : Instantiate CreateSnapshotOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateSnapshotOptions(snapshotPrototype SnapshotPrototypeIntf) *CreateSnapshotOptions { - return &CreateSnapshotOptions{ - SnapshotPrototype: snapshotPrototype, - } -} - -// SetSnapshotPrototype : Allow user to set SnapshotPrototype -func (_options *CreateSnapshotOptions) SetSnapshotPrototype(snapshotPrototype SnapshotPrototypeIntf) *CreateSnapshotOptions { - _options.SnapshotPrototype = snapshotPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateSnapshotOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateSnapshotOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateSubnetOptions : The CreateSubnet options. -type CreateSubnetOptions struct { - // The subnet prototype object. - SubnetPrototype SubnetPrototypeIntf `json:"SubnetPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateSubnetOptions : Instantiate CreateSubnetOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateSubnetOptions(subnetPrototype SubnetPrototypeIntf) *CreateSubnetOptions { - return &CreateSubnetOptions{ - SubnetPrototype: subnetPrototype, - } -} - -// SetSubnetPrototype : Allow user to set SubnetPrototype -func (_options *CreateSubnetOptions) SetSubnetPrototype(subnetPrototype SubnetPrototypeIntf) *CreateSubnetOptions { - _options.SubnetPrototype = subnetPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateSubnetOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateSubnetOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions : The CreateSubnetReservedIP options. -type CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - SubnetID *string `json:"subnet_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The IP address to reserve, which must not already be reserved on the subnet. - // - // If unspecified, an available address on the subnet will automatically be selected. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. Must be `false` if the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated - // list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The target to bind this reserved IP to. The target must be in the same VPC. - // - // The following targets are supported: - // - An endpoint gateway not already bound to a reserved IP in the subnet's zone. - // - A virtual network interface. - // - // If unspecified, the reserved IP will be created unbound. - Target ReservedIPTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateSubnetReservedIPOptions : Instantiate CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateSubnetReservedIPOptions(subnetID string) *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - return &CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions{ - SubnetID: core.StringPtr(subnetID), - } -} - -// SetSubnetID : Allow user to set SubnetID -func (_options *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetSubnetID(subnetID string) *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.SubnetID = core.StringPtr(subnetID) - return _options -} - -// SetAddress : Allow user to set Address -func (_options *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetAddress(address string) *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.Address = core.StringPtr(address) - return _options -} - -// SetAutoDelete : Allow user to set AutoDelete -func (_options *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetAutoDelete(autoDelete bool) *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.AutoDelete = core.BoolPtr(autoDelete) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetTarget : Allow user to set Target -func (_options *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetTarget(target ReservedIPTargetPrototypeIntf) *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.Target = target - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions : The CreateVirtualNetworkInterface options. -type CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. If `false`, source IP spoofing is prevented on - // this interface. If `true`, source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this virtual network interface will be automatically deleted when - // `target` is deleted. Must be `false` if the virtual network interface is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the virtual network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - Can only be attached to a `target` with a `resource_type` of - // `bare_metal_server_network_attachment`. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // Additional IP addresses to bind to the virtual network interface. Each item may be either a reserved IP identity, or - // a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a new reserved IP. All IP addresses must be in the - // primary IP's subnet. - // - // If reserved IP identities are provided, the specified reserved IPs must be unbound. - // - // If reserved IP prototype objects with addresses are provided, the addresses must be available on the virtual network - // interface's subnet. For any prototype objects that do not specify an address, an available address on the subnet - // will be automatically selected and reserved. - Ips []VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"ips,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name must not be used by another virtual network interface in the - // VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. Names beginning with `ibm-` are - // reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the virtual network interface. May be either a - // reserved IP identity, or a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a - // new reserved IP. - // - // If a reserved IP identity is provided, the specified reserved IP must be unbound. - // - // If a reserved IP prototype object with an address is provided, the address must be - // available on the virtual network interface's subnet. If no address is specified, - // an available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the default security group of the VPC - // for the subnet is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. Required if `primary_ip` does not specify a reserved IP - // identity. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions() *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions{} -} - -// SetAllowIPSpoofing : Allow user to set AllowIPSpoofing -func (_options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetAllowIPSpoofing(allowIPSpoofing bool) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.AllowIPSpoofing = core.BoolPtr(allowIPSpoofing) - return _options -} - -// SetAutoDelete : Allow user to set AutoDelete -func (_options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetAutoDelete(autoDelete bool) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.AutoDelete = core.BoolPtr(autoDelete) - return _options -} - -// SetEnableInfrastructureNat : Allow user to set EnableInfrastructureNat -func (_options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetEnableInfrastructureNat(enableInfrastructureNat bool) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.EnableInfrastructureNat = core.BoolPtr(enableInfrastructureNat) - return _options -} - -// SetIps : Allow user to set Ips -func (_options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetIps(ips []VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.Ips = ips - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetPrimaryIP : Allow user to set PrimaryIP -func (_options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetPrimaryIP(primaryIP VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.PrimaryIP = primaryIP - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetSecurityGroups : Allow user to set SecurityGroups -func (_options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetSecurityGroups(securityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.SecurityGroups = securityGroups - return _options -} - -// SetSubnet : Allow user to set Subnet -func (_options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetSubnet(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.Subnet = subnet - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVolumeOptions : The CreateVolume options. -type CreateVolumeOptions struct { - // The volume prototype object. - VolumePrototype VolumePrototypeIntf `json:"VolumePrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateVolumeOptions : Instantiate CreateVolumeOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVolumeOptions(volumePrototype VolumePrototypeIntf) *CreateVolumeOptions { - return &CreateVolumeOptions{ - VolumePrototype: volumePrototype, - } -} - -// SetVolumePrototype : Allow user to set VolumePrototype -func (_options *CreateVolumeOptions) SetVolumePrototype(volumePrototype VolumePrototypeIntf) *CreateVolumeOptions { - _options.VolumePrototype = volumePrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVolumeOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVolumeOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions : The CreateVPCAddressPrefix options. -type CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The IPv4 range of the address prefix, expressed in CIDR format. The range must not overlap with any existing address - // prefixes in the VPC or any of the following reserved address ranges: - // - // - `` (IPv4 loopback addresses) - // - `` (IBM services) - // - `` (Cloud Service Endpoints) - // - `` (IPv4 link-local addresses) - // - `` (IPv4 multicast addresses) - // - // The prefix length of the address prefix's CIDR must be between `/9` (8,388,608 addresses) and `/29` (8 addresses). - CIDR *string `json:"cidr" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this address prefix will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this will be the default address prefix for this zone in this VPC. If `true`, the VPC must not - // have a default address prefix for this zone. - IsDefault *bool `json:"is_default,omitempty"` - - // The name for this address prefix. The name must not be used by another address prefix for the VPC. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions : Instantiate CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions(vpcID string, cidr string, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - return &CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - CIDR: core.StringPtr(cidr), - Zone: zone, - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetCIDR : Allow user to set CIDR -func (_options *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetCIDR(cidr string) *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.CIDR = core.StringPtr(cidr) - return _options -} - -// SetZone : Allow user to set Zone -func (_options *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetZone(zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.Zone = zone - return _options -} - -// SetIsDefault : Allow user to set IsDefault -func (_options *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetIsDefault(isDefault bool) *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.IsDefault = core.BoolPtr(isDefault) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions : The CreateVPCDnsResolutionBinding options. -type CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Another VPC to bind this VPC to for DNS resolution. The VPC must have - // `dns.enable_hub` set to `true`, and may be in a different account (subject to - // IAM policies). - // - // Additionally, the VPC specified in the URL (this VPC) must have `dns.enable_hub` - // set to `false` and a `dns.resolution_binding_count` of zero. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this DNS resolution binding. The name must not be used by another DNS resolution binding for the VPC. - // If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions : Instantiate CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions(vpcID string, vpc VPCIdentityIntf) *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - return &CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - VPC: vpc, - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPC : Allow user to set VPC -func (_options *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetVPC(vpc VPCIdentityIntf) *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.VPC = vpc - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPCOptions : The CreateVPC options. -type CreateVPCOptions struct { - // Indicates whether a [default address prefix](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-configuring-address-prefixes) - // will be automatically created for each zone in this VPC. If `manual`, this VPC will be created with no default - // address prefixes. - // - // Since address prefixes are managed identically regardless of whether they were automatically created, the value is - // not preserved as a VPC property. - AddressPrefixManagement *string `json:"address_prefix_management,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this VPC will be connected to Classic Infrastructure. If true, this VPC's resources will have - // private network connectivity to the account's Classic Infrastructure resources. Only one VPC, per region, may be - // connected in this way. This value is set at creation and subsequently immutable. - ClassicAccess *bool `json:"classic_access,omitempty"` - - // The DNS configuration for this VPC. - // - // If unspecified, the system will assign DNS servers capable of resolving hosts and endpoint - // gateways within this VPC, and hosts on the internet. - Dns *VpcdnsPrototype `json:"dns,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPC. The name must not be used by another VPC in the region. If unspecified, the name will be a - // hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateVPCOptions.AddressPrefixManagement property. -// Indicates whether a [default address prefix](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-configuring-address-prefixes) -// will be automatically created for each zone in this VPC. If `manual`, this VPC will be created with no default -// address prefixes. -// -// Since address prefixes are managed identically regardless of whether they were automatically created, the value is -// not preserved as a VPC property. -const ( - CreateVPCOptionsAddressPrefixManagementAutoConst = "auto" - CreateVPCOptionsAddressPrefixManagementManualConst = "manual" -) - -// NewCreateVPCOptions : Instantiate CreateVPCOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPCOptions() *CreateVPCOptions { - return &CreateVPCOptions{} -} - -// SetAddressPrefixManagement : Allow user to set AddressPrefixManagement -func (_options *CreateVPCOptions) SetAddressPrefixManagement(addressPrefixManagement string) *CreateVPCOptions { - _options.AddressPrefixManagement = core.StringPtr(addressPrefixManagement) - return _options -} - -// SetClassicAccess : Allow user to set ClassicAccess -func (_options *CreateVPCOptions) SetClassicAccess(classicAccess bool) *CreateVPCOptions { - _options.ClassicAccess = core.BoolPtr(classicAccess) - return _options -} - -// SetDns : Allow user to set Dns -func (_options *CreateVPCOptions) SetDns(dns *VpcdnsPrototype) *CreateVPCOptions { - _options.Dns = dns - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateVPCOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateVPCOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateVPCOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateVPCOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPCOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPCOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPCRouteOptions : The CreateVPCRoute options. -type CreateVPCRouteOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The destination CIDR of the route. The host identifier in the CIDR must be zero. - // - // At most two routes per `zone` in a table can have the same `destination` and - // `priority`, and only if both routes have an `action` of `deliver` and the `next_hop` is an IP address. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The zone to apply the route to. - // - // If subnets are attached to the route's routing table, egress traffic from those - // subnets in this zone will be subject to this route. If this route's routing table - // has any of `route_direct_link_ingress`, `route_internet_ingress`, - // `route_transit_gateway_ingress` or `route_vpc_zone_ingress` set to`true`, traffic - // from those ingress sources arriving in this zone will be subject to this route. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The action to perform with a packet matching the route: - // - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes - // - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes - // - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` - // - `drop`: drop the packet. - Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this route will be advertised to the ingress sources specified by the `advertise_routes_to` - // routing table property. - // - // All routes in a routing table with the same `destination` and `zone` must have the same - // `advertise` value. - Advertise *bool `json:"advertise,omitempty"` - - // The name for this route. The name must not be used by another route in the routing table. Names starting with `ibm-` - // are reserved for system-provided routes, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of - // randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // If `action` is `deliver`, the next hop that packets will be delivered to. For other - // `action` values, it must be omitted or specified as ``. - // - // At most two routes per `zone` in a table can have the same `destination` and `priority`, - // and only when each route has an `action` of `deliver` and `next_hop` is an IP address. - NextHop RoutePrototypeNextHopIntf `json:"next_hop,omitempty"` - - // The priority of this route. Smaller values have higher priority. - // - // If a routing table contains multiple routes with the same `zone` and `destination`, the route with the highest - // priority (smallest value) is selected. If two routes have the same `destination` and `priority`, traffic is - // distributed between them. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateVPCRouteOptions.Action property. -// The action to perform with a packet matching the route: -// - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes -// - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes -// - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` -// - `drop`: drop the packet. -const ( - CreateVPCRouteOptionsActionDelegateConst = "delegate" - CreateVPCRouteOptionsActionDelegateVPCConst = "delegate_vpc" - CreateVPCRouteOptionsActionDeliverConst = "deliver" - CreateVPCRouteOptionsActionDropConst = "drop" -) - -// NewCreateVPCRouteOptions : Instantiate CreateVPCRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPCRouteOptions(vpcID string, destination string, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - return &CreateVPCRouteOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - Zone: zone, - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *CreateVPCRouteOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetDestination : Allow user to set Destination -func (_options *CreateVPCRouteOptions) SetDestination(destination string) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.Destination = core.StringPtr(destination) - return _options -} - -// SetZone : Allow user to set Zone -func (_options *CreateVPCRouteOptions) SetZone(zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.Zone = zone - return _options -} - -// SetAction : Allow user to set Action -func (_options *CreateVPCRouteOptions) SetAction(action string) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.Action = core.StringPtr(action) - return _options -} - -// SetAdvertise : Allow user to set Advertise -func (_options *CreateVPCRouteOptions) SetAdvertise(advertise bool) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.Advertise = core.BoolPtr(advertise) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateVPCRouteOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetNextHop : Allow user to set NextHop -func (_options *CreateVPCRouteOptions) SetNextHop(nextHop RoutePrototypeNextHopIntf) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.NextHop = nextHop - return _options -} - -// SetPriority : Allow user to set Priority -func (_options *CreateVPCRouteOptions) SetPriority(priority int64) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.Priority = core.Int64Ptr(priority) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPCRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPCRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions : The CreateVPCRoutingTable options. -type CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The filters specifying the resources that may create routes in this routing table. - // - // At present, only the `resource_type` filter is permitted, and only the `vpn_server` value is supported, but filter - // support is expected to expand in the future. - AcceptRoutesFrom []ResourceFilter `json:"accept_routes_from,omitempty"` - - // The ingress sources to advertise routes to. Routes in the table with `advertise` enabled will be advertised to these - // sources. - AdvertiseRoutesTo []string `json:"advertise_routes_to,omitempty"` - - // The name for this routing table. The name must not be used by another routing table in the VPC. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // If set to `true`, this routing table will be used to route traffic that originates from [Direct - // Link](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dl) to this VPC. The VPC must not already have a routing table with this property - // set to `true`. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - // - // If [Classic Access](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-setting-up-access-to-classic-infrastructure) is enabled - // for this VPC, and this property is set to `true`, its incoming traffic will also be routed according to this routing - // table. - RouteDirectLinkIngress *bool `json:"route_direct_link_ingress,omitempty"` - - // If set to `true`, this routing table will be used to route traffic that originates from the internet. For this to - // succeed, the VPC must not already have a routing table with this property set to `true`. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with two exceptions: - // - Traffic destined for IP addresses associated with public gateways will not be - // subject to routes in this routing table. - // - Routes with an `action` of `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is - // an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is able to accept traffic. - // Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteInternetIngress *bool `json:"route_internet_ingress,omitempty"` - - // If set to `true`, this routing table will be used to route traffic that originates from [Transit - // Gateway](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/transit-gateway) to this VPC. The VPC must not already have a routing table with - // this property set to `true`. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteTransitGatewayIngress *bool `json:"route_transit_gateway_ingress,omitempty"` - - // If set to `true`, this routing table will be used to route traffic that originates from subnets in other zones in - // this VPC. The VPC must not already have a routing table with this property set to `true`. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteVPCZoneIngress *bool `json:"route_vpc_zone_ingress,omitempty"` - - // The prototype objects for routes to create for this routing table. If unspecified, the routing table will be created - // with no routes. - Routes []RoutePrototype `json:"routes,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions.AdvertiseRoutesTo property. -// An ingress source that routes can be advertised to: -// -// - `direct_link` (requires `route_direct_link_ingress` be set to `true`) -// - `transit_gateway` (requires `route_transit_gateway_ingress` be set to `true`). -const ( - CreateVPCRoutingTableOptionsAdvertiseRoutesToDirectLinkConst = "direct_link" - CreateVPCRoutingTableOptionsAdvertiseRoutesToTransitGatewayConst = "transit_gateway" -) - -// NewCreateVPCRoutingTableOptions : Instantiate CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPCRoutingTableOptions(vpcID string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - return &CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetAcceptRoutesFrom : Allow user to set AcceptRoutesFrom -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetAcceptRoutesFrom(acceptRoutesFrom []ResourceFilter) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.AcceptRoutesFrom = acceptRoutesFrom - return _options -} - -// SetAdvertiseRoutesTo : Allow user to set AdvertiseRoutesTo -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetAdvertiseRoutesTo(advertiseRoutesTo []string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.AdvertiseRoutesTo = advertiseRoutesTo - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetRouteDirectLinkIngress : Allow user to set RouteDirectLinkIngress -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetRouteDirectLinkIngress(routeDirectLinkIngress bool) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.RouteDirectLinkIngress = core.BoolPtr(routeDirectLinkIngress) - return _options -} - -// SetRouteInternetIngress : Allow user to set RouteInternetIngress -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetRouteInternetIngress(routeInternetIngress bool) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.RouteInternetIngress = core.BoolPtr(routeInternetIngress) - return _options -} - -// SetRouteTransitGatewayIngress : Allow user to set RouteTransitGatewayIngress -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetRouteTransitGatewayIngress(routeTransitGatewayIngress bool) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.RouteTransitGatewayIngress = core.BoolPtr(routeTransitGatewayIngress) - return _options -} - -// SetRouteVPCZoneIngress : Allow user to set RouteVPCZoneIngress -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetRouteVPCZoneIngress(routeVPCZoneIngress bool) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.RouteVPCZoneIngress = core.BoolPtr(routeVPCZoneIngress) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutes : Allow user to set Routes -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetRoutes(routes []RoutePrototype) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.Routes = routes - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions : The CreateVPCRoutingTableRoute options. -type CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table identifier. - RoutingTableID *string `json:"routing_table_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The destination CIDR of the route. The host identifier in the CIDR must be zero. - // - // At most two routes per `zone` in a table can have the same `destination` and - // `priority`, and only if both routes have an `action` of `deliver` and the `next_hop` is an IP address. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The zone to apply the route to. - // - // If subnets are attached to the route's routing table, egress traffic from those - // subnets in this zone will be subject to this route. If this route's routing table - // has any of `route_direct_link_ingress`, `route_internet_ingress`, - // `route_transit_gateway_ingress` or `route_vpc_zone_ingress` set to`true`, traffic - // from those ingress sources arriving in this zone will be subject to this route. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The action to perform with a packet matching the route: - // - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes - // - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes - // - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` - // - `drop`: drop the packet. - Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this route will be advertised to the ingress sources specified by the `advertise_routes_to` - // routing table property. - // - // All routes in a routing table with the same `destination` and `zone` must have the same - // `advertise` value. - Advertise *bool `json:"advertise,omitempty"` - - // The name for this route. The name must not be used by another route in the routing table. Names starting with `ibm-` - // are reserved for system-provided routes, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of - // randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // If `action` is `deliver`, the next hop that packets will be delivered to. For other - // `action` values, it must be omitted or specified as ``. - // - // At most two routes per `zone` in a table can have the same `destination` and `priority`, - // and only when each route has an `action` of `deliver` and `next_hop` is an IP address. - NextHop RoutePrototypeNextHopIntf `json:"next_hop,omitempty"` - - // The priority of this route. Smaller values have higher priority. - // - // If a routing table contains multiple routes with the same `zone` and `destination`, the route with the highest - // priority (smallest value) is selected. If two routes have the same `destination` and `priority`, traffic is - // distributed between them. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions.Action property. -// The action to perform with a packet matching the route: -// - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes -// - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes -// - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` -// - `drop`: drop the packet. -const ( - CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptionsActionDelegateConst = "delegate" - CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptionsActionDelegateVPCConst = "delegate_vpc" - CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptionsActionDeliverConst = "deliver" - CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptionsActionDropConst = "drop" -) - -// NewCreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions : Instantiate CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions(vpcID string, routingTableID string, destination string, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - return &CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - RoutingTableID: core.StringPtr(routingTableID), - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - Zone: zone, - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutingTableID : Allow user to set RoutingTableID -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetRoutingTableID(routingTableID string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.RoutingTableID = core.StringPtr(routingTableID) - return _options -} - -// SetDestination : Allow user to set Destination -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetDestination(destination string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.Destination = core.StringPtr(destination) - return _options -} - -// SetZone : Allow user to set Zone -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetZone(zone ZoneIdentityIntf) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.Zone = zone - return _options -} - -// SetAction : Allow user to set Action -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetAction(action string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.Action = core.StringPtr(action) - return _options -} - -// SetAdvertise : Allow user to set Advertise -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetAdvertise(advertise bool) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.Advertise = core.BoolPtr(advertise) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetNextHop : Allow user to set NextHop -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetNextHop(nextHop RoutePrototypeNextHopIntf) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.NextHop = nextHop - return _options -} - -// SetPriority : Allow user to set Priority -func (_options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetPriority(priority int64) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.Priority = core.Int64Ptr(priority) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions : The CreateVPNGatewayConnection options. -type CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection prototype object. - VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeIntf `json:"VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions : Instantiate CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions(vpnGatewayID string, vpnGatewayConnectionPrototype VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeIntf) *CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - return &CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype: vpnGatewayConnectionPrototype, - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPNGatewayConnectionPrototype : Allow user to set VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype -func (_options *CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetVPNGatewayConnectionPrototype(vpnGatewayConnectionPrototype VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeIntf) *CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype = vpnGatewayConnectionPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPNGatewayOptions : The CreateVPNGateway options. -type CreateVPNGatewayOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway prototype object. - VPNGatewayPrototype VPNGatewayPrototypeIntf `json:"VPNGatewayPrototype" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewCreateVPNGatewayOptions : Instantiate CreateVPNGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPNGatewayOptions(vpnGatewayPrototype VPNGatewayPrototypeIntf) *CreateVPNGatewayOptions { - return &CreateVPNGatewayOptions{ - VPNGatewayPrototype: vpnGatewayPrototype, - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayPrototype : Allow user to set VPNGatewayPrototype -func (_options *CreateVPNGatewayOptions) SetVPNGatewayPrototype(vpnGatewayPrototype VPNGatewayPrototypeIntf) *CreateVPNGatewayOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayPrototype = vpnGatewayPrototype - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPNGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPNGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPNServerOptions : The CreateVPNServer options. -type CreateVPNServerOptions struct { - // The certificate instance for this VPN server. - Certificate CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf `json:"certificate" validate:"required"` - - // The methods used to authenticate VPN clients to this VPN server. VPN clients must authenticate against all specified - // methods. - ClientAuthentication []VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeIntf `json:"client_authentication" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN client IPv4 address pool, expressed in CIDR format. The request must not overlap with any existing address - // prefixes in the VPC or any of the following reserved address ranges: - // - `` (IPv4 loopback addresses) - // - `` (IBM services) - // - `` (Cloud Service Endpoints) - // - `` (IPv4 link-local addresses) - // - `` (IPv4 multicast addresses) - // - // The prefix length of the client IP address pool's CIDR must be between - // `/9` (8,388,608 addresses) and `/22` (1024 addresses). A CIDR block that contains twice the number of IP addresses - // that are required to enable the maximum number of concurrent connections is recommended. - ClientIPPool *string `json:"client_ip_pool" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets to provision this VPN server in. Use subnets in different zones for high availability. - Subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` - - // The DNS server addresses that will be provided to VPN clients connected to this VPN server. - ClientDnsServerIps []IP `json:"client_dns_server_ips,omitempty"` - - // The seconds a VPN client can be idle before this VPN server will disconnect it. Specify `0` to prevent the server - // from disconnecting idle clients. - ClientIdleTimeout *int64 `json:"client_idle_timeout,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether the split tunneling is enabled on this VPN server. - EnableSplitTunneling *bool `json:"enable_split_tunneling,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPN server. The name must not be used by another VPN server in the VPC. If unspecified, the name - // will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The port number to use for this VPN server. - Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` - - // The transport protocol to use for this VPN server. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this VPN server. If unspecified, the VPC's default security group is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateVPNServerOptions.Protocol property. -// The transport protocol to use for this VPN server. -const ( - CreateVPNServerOptionsProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - CreateVPNServerOptionsProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// NewCreateVPNServerOptions : Instantiate CreateVPNServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPNServerOptions(certificate CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf, clientAuthentication []VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeIntf, clientIPPool string, subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - return &CreateVPNServerOptions{ - Certificate: certificate, - ClientAuthentication: clientAuthentication, - ClientIPPool: core.StringPtr(clientIPPool), - Subnets: subnets, - } -} - -// SetCertificate : Allow user to set Certificate -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetCertificate(certificate CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.Certificate = certificate - return _options -} - -// SetClientAuthentication : Allow user to set ClientAuthentication -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetClientAuthentication(clientAuthentication []VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeIntf) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.ClientAuthentication = clientAuthentication - return _options -} - -// SetClientIPPool : Allow user to set ClientIPPool -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetClientIPPool(clientIPPool string) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.ClientIPPool = core.StringPtr(clientIPPool) - return _options -} - -// SetSubnets : Allow user to set Subnets -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetSubnets(subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.Subnets = subnets - return _options -} - -// SetClientDnsServerIps : Allow user to set ClientDnsServerIps -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetClientDnsServerIps(clientDnsServerIps []IP) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.ClientDnsServerIps = clientDnsServerIps - return _options -} - -// SetClientIdleTimeout : Allow user to set ClientIdleTimeout -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetClientIdleTimeout(clientIdleTimeout int64) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.ClientIdleTimeout = core.Int64Ptr(clientIdleTimeout) - return _options -} - -// SetEnableSplitTunneling : Allow user to set EnableSplitTunneling -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetEnableSplitTunneling(enableSplitTunneling bool) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.EnableSplitTunneling = core.BoolPtr(enableSplitTunneling) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetPort : Allow user to set Port -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetPort(port int64) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.Port = core.Int64Ptr(port) - return _options -} - -// SetProtocol : Allow user to set Protocol -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetProtocol(protocol string) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.Protocol = core.StringPtr(protocol) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroup : Allow user to set ResourceGroup -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetResourceGroup(resourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.ResourceGroup = resourceGroup - return _options -} - -// SetSecurityGroups : Allow user to set SecurityGroups -func (_options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetSecurityGroups(securityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - _options.SecurityGroups = securityGroups - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPNServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPNServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// CreateVPNServerRouteOptions : The CreateVPNServerRoute options. -type CreateVPNServerRouteOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - VPNServerID *string `json:"vpn_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The destination to use for this VPN route in the VPN server. Must be unique within the VPN server. If an incoming - // packet does not match any destination, it will be dropped. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The action to perform with a packet matching the VPN route: - // - `translate`: translate the source IP address to one of the private IP addresses of the VPN server, then deliver - // the packet to target. - // - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the target. - // - `drop`: drop the packet - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the VPN route on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPN server route. The name must not be used by another route for the VPN server. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the CreateVPNServerRouteOptions.Action property. -// The action to perform with a packet matching the VPN route: -// - `translate`: translate the source IP address to one of the private IP addresses of the VPN server, then deliver the -// packet to target. -// - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the target. -// - `drop`: drop the packet -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the VPN route on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - CreateVPNServerRouteOptionsActionDeliverConst = "deliver" - CreateVPNServerRouteOptionsActionDropConst = "drop" - CreateVPNServerRouteOptionsActionTranslateConst = "translate" -) - -// NewCreateVPNServerRouteOptions : Instantiate CreateVPNServerRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewCreateVPNServerRouteOptions(vpnServerID string, destination string) *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions { - return &CreateVPNServerRouteOptions{ - VPNServerID: core.StringPtr(vpnServerID), - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - } -} - -// SetVPNServerID : Allow user to set VPNServerID -func (_options *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions) SetVPNServerID(vpnServerID string) *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.VPNServerID = core.StringPtr(vpnServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetDestination : Allow user to set Destination -func (_options *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions) SetDestination(destination string) *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.Destination = core.StringPtr(destination) - return _options -} - -// SetAction : Allow user to set Action -func (_options *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions) SetAction(action string) *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.Action = core.StringPtr(action) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions) SetName(name string) *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *CreateVPNServerRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DnsInstanceIdentity : Identifies a DNS instance by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN -type DnsInstanceIdentity struct { - // The CRN for this DNS instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*DnsInstanceIdentity) isaDnsInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type DnsInstanceIdentityIntf interface { - isaDnsInstanceIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalDnsInstanceIdentity unmarshals an instance of DnsInstanceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDnsInstanceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DnsInstanceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DnsInstanceReference : DnsInstanceReference struct -type DnsInstanceReference struct { - // The CRN for this DNS instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDnsInstanceReference unmarshals an instance of DnsInstanceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDnsInstanceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DnsInstanceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DnsServer : A DNS server. -type DnsServer struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` - - // If present, DHCP configuration for this zone will have this DNS server listed first. - ZoneAffinity *ZoneReference `json:"zone_affinity,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalDnsServer unmarshals an instance of DnsServer from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDnsServer(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DnsServer) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone_affinity", &obj.ZoneAffinity, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DnsServerPrototype : DnsServerPrototype struct -type DnsServerPrototype struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` - - // DHCP configuration for the specified zone will have this DNS server listed first. - ZoneAffinity ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone_affinity,omitempty"` -} - -// NewDnsServerPrototype : Instantiate DnsServerPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDnsServerPrototype(address string) (_model *DnsServerPrototype, err error) { - _model = &DnsServerPrototype{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalDnsServerPrototype unmarshals an instance of DnsServerPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDnsServerPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DnsServerPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone_affinity", &obj.ZoneAffinity, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DnsZoneIdentity : Identifies a DNS zone by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - DnsZoneIdentityByID -type DnsZoneIdentity struct { - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` -} - -func (*DnsZoneIdentity) isaDnsZoneIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type DnsZoneIdentityIntf interface { - isaDnsZoneIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalDnsZoneIdentity unmarshals an instance of DnsZoneIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDnsZoneIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DnsZoneIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DnsZoneReference : DnsZoneReference struct -type DnsZoneReference struct { - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDnsZoneReference unmarshals an instance of DnsZoneReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDnsZoneReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DnsZoneReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHost : DedicatedHost struct -type DedicatedHost struct { - // The amount of memory in gibibytes that is currently available for instances. - AvailableMemory *int64 `json:"available_memory" validate:"required"` - - // The available VCPU for the dedicated host. - AvailableVcpu *Vcpu `json:"available_vcpu" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the dedicated host was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this dedicated host. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of the dedicated host's disks. - Disks []DedicatedHostDisk `json:"disks" validate:"required"` - - // The dedicated host group this dedicated host is in. - Group *DedicatedHostGroupReference `json:"group" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // If set to true, instances can be placed on this dedicated host. - InstancePlacementEnabled *bool `json:"instance_placement_enabled" validate:"required"` - - // The instances that are allocated to this dedicated host. - Instances []InstanceReference `json:"instances" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the dedicated host. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The total amount of memory in gibibytes for this host. - Memory *int64 `json:"memory" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this dedicated host. The name is unique across all dedicated hosts in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The dedicated host NUMA configuration. - Numa *DedicatedHostNuma `json:"numa" validate:"required"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-dh-profiles) for this - // dedicated host. - Profile *DedicatedHostProfileReference `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this dedicated host is available for instance creation. - Provisionable *bool `json:"provisionable" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this dedicated host. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of sockets for this host. - SocketCount *int64 `json:"socket_count" validate:"required"` - - // The administrative state of the dedicated host. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the dedicated host on which - // the unexpected property value was encountered. - State *string `json:"state" validate:"required"` - - // The instance profiles usable by instances placed on this dedicated host. - SupportedInstanceProfiles []InstanceProfileReference `json:"supported_instance_profiles" validate:"required"` - - // The total VCPU of the dedicated host. - Vcpu *Vcpu `json:"vcpu" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this dedicated host resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHost.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the dedicated host. -const ( - DedicatedHostLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - DedicatedHostLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - DedicatedHostLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - DedicatedHostLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - DedicatedHostLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - DedicatedHostLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - DedicatedHostLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHost.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - DedicatedHostResourceTypeDedicatedHostConst = "dedicated_host" -) - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHost.State property. -// The administrative state of the dedicated host. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the dedicated host on which -// the unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - DedicatedHostStateAvailableConst = "available" - DedicatedHostStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - DedicatedHostStateMigratingConst = "migrating" - DedicatedHostStateUnavailableConst = "unavailable" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHost unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHost from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHost(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHost) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "available_memory", &obj.AvailableMemory) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "available_vcpu", &obj.AvailableVcpu, UnmarshalVcpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "disks", &obj.Disks, UnmarshalDedicatedHostDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "instance_placement_enabled", &obj.InstancePlacementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instances", &obj.Instances, UnmarshalInstanceReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "memory", &obj.Memory) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "numa", &obj.Numa, UnmarshalDedicatedHostNuma) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provisionable", &obj.Provisionable) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "socket_count", &obj.SocketCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "state", &obj.State) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "supported_instance_profiles", &obj.SupportedInstanceProfiles, UnmarshalInstanceProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vcpu", &obj.Vcpu, UnmarshalVcpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostCollection : DedicatedHostCollection struct -type DedicatedHostCollection struct { - // Collection of dedicated hosts. - DedicatedHosts []DedicatedHost `json:"dedicated_hosts" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *DedicatedHostCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *DedicatedHostCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostCollection unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dedicated_hosts", &obj.DedicatedHosts, UnmarshalDedicatedHost) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalDedicatedHostCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalDedicatedHostCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *DedicatedHostCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// DedicatedHostCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type DedicatedHostCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type DedicatedHostCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostDisk : DedicatedHostDisk struct -type DedicatedHostDisk struct { - // The remaining space left for instance placement in GB (gigabytes). - Available *int64 `json:"available" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the disk was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this disk. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this disk. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // Instance disks that are on this dedicated host disk. - InstanceDisks []InstanceDiskReference `json:"instance_disks" validate:"required"` - - // The disk interface used for attaching the disk - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of this dedicated host disk. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state,omitempty"` - - // The name for this dedicated host disk. The name is unique across all disks on the dedicated host. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this dedicated host disk is available for instance disk creation. - Provisionable *bool `json:"provisionable" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The size of the disk in GB (gigabytes). - Size *int64 `json:"size" validate:"required"` - - // The instance disk interfaces supported for this dedicated host disk. - SupportedInstanceInterfaceTypes []string `json:"supported_instance_interface_types" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostDisk.InterfaceType property. -// The disk interface used for attaching the disk -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - DedicatedHostDiskInterfaceTypeNvmeConst = "nvme" -) - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostDisk.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of this dedicated host disk. -const ( - DedicatedHostDiskLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - DedicatedHostDiskLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - DedicatedHostDiskLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - DedicatedHostDiskLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - DedicatedHostDiskLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - DedicatedHostDiskLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - DedicatedHostDiskLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostDisk.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - DedicatedHostDiskResourceTypeDedicatedHostDiskConst = "dedicated_host_disk" -) - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostDisk.SupportedInstanceInterfaceTypes property. -// The disk interface used for attaching the disk. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - DedicatedHostDiskSupportedInstanceInterfaceTypesNvmeConst = "nvme" - DedicatedHostDiskSupportedInstanceInterfaceTypesVirtioBlkConst = "virtio_blk" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostDisk unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostDisk from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostDisk(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostDisk) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "available", &obj.Available) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance_disks", &obj.InstanceDisks, UnmarshalInstanceDiskReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provisionable", &obj.Provisionable) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "size", &obj.Size) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "supported_instance_interface_types", &obj.SupportedInstanceInterfaceTypes) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostDiskCollection : DedicatedHostDiskCollection struct -type DedicatedHostDiskCollection struct { - // Collection of the dedicated host's disks. - Disks []DedicatedHostDisk `json:"disks" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostDiskCollection unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostDiskCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostDiskCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostDiskCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "disks", &obj.Disks, UnmarshalDedicatedHostDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostDiskPatch : DedicatedHostDiskPatch struct -type DedicatedHostDiskPatch struct { - // The name for this dedicated host disk. The name must not be used by another disk on the dedicated host. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostDiskPatch unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostDiskPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostDiskPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostDiskPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the DedicatedHostDiskPatch -func (dedicatedHostDiskPatch *DedicatedHostDiskPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(dedicatedHostDiskPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroup : DedicatedHostGroup struct -type DedicatedHostGroup struct { - // The dedicated host profile class for hosts in this group. - Class *string `json:"class" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the dedicated host group was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The dedicated hosts that are in this dedicated host group. - DedicatedHosts []DedicatedHostReference `json:"dedicated_hosts" validate:"required"` - - // The dedicated host profile family for hosts in this group. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this dedicated host group. The name is unique across all dedicated host groups in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this dedicated host group. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The instance profiles usable by instances placed on this dedicated host group. - SupportedInstanceProfiles []InstanceProfileReference `json:"supported_instance_profiles" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this dedicated host group resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostGroup.Family property. -// The dedicated host profile family for hosts in this group. -const ( - DedicatedHostGroupFamilyBalancedConst = "balanced" - DedicatedHostGroupFamilyComputeConst = "compute" - DedicatedHostGroupFamilyMemoryConst = "memory" -) - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostGroup.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - DedicatedHostGroupResourceTypeDedicatedHostGroupConst = "dedicated_host_group" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroup unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "class", &obj.Class) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dedicated_hosts", &obj.DedicatedHosts, UnmarshalDedicatedHostReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "family", &obj.Family) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "supported_instance_profiles", &obj.SupportedInstanceProfiles, UnmarshalInstanceProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupCollection : DedicatedHostGroupCollection struct -type DedicatedHostGroupCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *DedicatedHostGroupCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of dedicated host groups. - Groups []DedicatedHostGroup `json:"groups" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *DedicatedHostGroupCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupCollection unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "groups", &obj.Groups, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *DedicatedHostGroupCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type DedicatedHostGroupCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type DedicatedHostGroupCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupIdentity : Identifies a dedicated host group by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID -// - DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN -// - DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref -type DedicatedHostGroupIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*DedicatedHostGroupIdentity) isaDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type DedicatedHostGroupIdentityIntf interface { - isaDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentity unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupPatch : DedicatedHostGroupPatch struct -type DedicatedHostGroupPatch struct { - // The name for this dedicated host group. The name must not be used by another dedicated host group in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupPatch unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the DedicatedHostGroupPatch -func (dedicatedHostGroupPatch *DedicatedHostGroupPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(dedicatedHostGroupPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupPrototypeDedicatedHostByZoneContext : DedicatedHostGroupPrototypeDedicatedHostByZoneContext struct -type DedicatedHostGroupPrototypeDedicatedHostByZoneContext struct { - // The name for this dedicated host group. The name must not be used by another dedicated host group in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the host's resource group is used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupPrototypeDedicatedHostByZoneContext unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupPrototypeDedicatedHostByZoneContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupPrototypeDedicatedHostByZoneContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupPrototypeDedicatedHostByZoneContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupReference : DedicatedHostGroupReference struct -type DedicatedHostGroupReference struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *DedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this dedicated host group. The name is unique across all dedicated host groups in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostGroupReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - DedicatedHostGroupReferenceResourceTypeDedicatedHostGroupConst = "dedicated_host_group" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupReference unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type DedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostNuma : The dedicated host NUMA configuration. -type DedicatedHostNuma struct { - // The total number of NUMA nodes for this dedicated host. - Count *int64 `json:"count" validate:"required"` - - // The NUMA nodes for this dedicated host. - Nodes []DedicatedHostNumaNode `json:"nodes" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostNuma unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostNuma from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostNuma(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostNuma) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "count", &obj.Count) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "nodes", &obj.Nodes, UnmarshalDedicatedHostNumaNode) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostNumaNode : The dedicated host NUMA node configuration. -type DedicatedHostNumaNode struct { - // The available VCPU for this NUMA node. - AvailableVcpu *int64 `json:"available_vcpu" validate:"required"` - - // The total VCPU capacity for this NUMA node. - Vcpu *int64 `json:"vcpu" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostNumaNode unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostNumaNode from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostNumaNode(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostNumaNode) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "available_vcpu", &obj.AvailableVcpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "vcpu", &obj.Vcpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostPatch : DedicatedHostPatch struct -type DedicatedHostPatch struct { - // If set to true, instances can be placed on this dedicated host. - InstancePlacementEnabled *bool `json:"instance_placement_enabled,omitempty"` - - // The name for this dedicated host. The name must not be used by another dedicated host in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostPatch unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "instance_placement_enabled", &obj.InstancePlacementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the DedicatedHostPatch -func (dedicatedHostPatch *DedicatedHostPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(dedicatedHostPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfile : DedicatedHostProfile struct -type DedicatedHostProfile struct { - // The product class this dedicated host profile belongs to. - Class *string `json:"class" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of the dedicated host profile's disks. - Disks []DedicatedHostProfileDisk `json:"disks" validate:"required"` - - // The product family this dedicated host profile belongs to - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - Memory DedicatedHostProfileMemoryIntf `json:"memory" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this dedicated host profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - SocketCount DedicatedHostProfileSocketIntf `json:"socket_count" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the dedicated host profile: - // - `previous`: This dedicated host profile is an older revision, but remains provisionable - // and usable. - // - `current`: This profile is the latest revision. - // - // Note that revisions are indicated by the generation of a dedicated host profile. Refer to the [profile naming - // conventions] - // (https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-dh-profiles&interface=ui#profiles-naming-rule) for information on how - // generations are defined within a dedicated host profile. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the profile on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The instance profiles usable by instances placed on dedicated hosts with this profile. - SupportedInstanceProfiles []InstanceProfileReference `json:"supported_instance_profiles" validate:"required"` - - VcpuArchitecture *DedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture `json:"vcpu_architecture" validate:"required"` - - VcpuCount DedicatedHostProfileVcpuIntf `json:"vcpu_count" validate:"required"` - - VcpuManufacturer *DedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer `json:"vcpu_manufacturer" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfile.Family property. -// The product family this dedicated host profile belongs to -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileFamilyBalancedConst = "balanced" - DedicatedHostProfileFamilyComputeConst = "compute" - DedicatedHostProfileFamilyMemoryConst = "memory" -) - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfile.Status property. -// The status of the dedicated host profile: -// - `previous`: This dedicated host profile is an older revision, but remains provisionable -// and usable. -// - `current`: This profile is the latest revision. -// -// Note that revisions are indicated by the generation of a dedicated host profile. Refer to the [profile naming -// conventions] -// (https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-dh-profiles&interface=ui#profiles-naming-rule) for information on how -// generations are defined within a dedicated host profile. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the profile on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileStatusCurrentConst = "current" - DedicatedHostProfileStatusPreviousConst = "previous" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfile unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfile) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "class", &obj.Class) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "disks", &obj.Disks, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "family", &obj.Family) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "memory", &obj.Memory, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemory) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "socket_count", &obj.SocketCount, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocket) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "supported_instance_profiles", &obj.SupportedInstanceProfiles, UnmarshalInstanceProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vcpu_architecture", &obj.VcpuArchitecture, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vcpu_count", &obj.VcpuCount, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vcpu_manufacturer", &obj.VcpuManufacturer, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileCollection : DedicatedHostProfileCollection struct -type DedicatedHostProfileCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *DedicatedHostProfileCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *DedicatedHostProfileCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of dedicated host profiles. - Profiles []DedicatedHostProfile `json:"profiles" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileCollection unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profiles", &obj.Profiles, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *DedicatedHostProfileCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type DedicatedHostProfileCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type DedicatedHostProfileCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileDisk : Disks provided by this profile. -type DedicatedHostProfileDisk struct { - InterfaceType *DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The number of disks of this type for a dedicated host with this profile. - Quantity *DedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantity `json:"quantity" validate:"required"` - - // The size of the disk in GB (gigabytes). - Size *DedicatedHostProfileDiskSize `json:"size" validate:"required"` - - SupportedInstanceInterfaceTypes *DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces `json:"supported_instance_interface_types" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDisk unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileDisk from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDisk(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileDisk) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "quantity", &obj.Quantity, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "size", &obj.Size, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskSize) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "supported_instance_interface_types", &obj.SupportedInstanceInterfaceTypes, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface : DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface struct -type DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The interface of the disk for a dedicated host with this profile - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Value *string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterfaceTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface.Value property. -// The interface of the disk for a dedicated host with this profile -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterfaceValueNvmeConst = "nvme" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileDiskInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantity : The number of disks of this type for a dedicated host with this profile. -type DedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantity struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantity.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantityTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantity unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileDiskQuantity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileDiskSize : The size of the disk in GB (gigabytes). -type DedicatedHostProfileDiskSize struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The size of the disk in GB (gigabytes). - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileDiskSize.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileDiskSizeTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskSize unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileDiskSize from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskSize(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileDiskSize) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces : DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces struct -type DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The instance disk interfaces supported for a dedicated host with this profile. - Value []string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces.Value property. -// The disk interface used for attaching the disk. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesValueNvmeConst = "nvme" - DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesValueVirtioBlkConst = "virtio_blk" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileIdentity : Identifies a dedicated host profile by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName -// - DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref -type DedicatedHostProfileIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name for this dedicated host profile. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host profile. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileIdentity) isaDedicatedHostProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type DedicatedHostProfileIdentityIntf interface { - isaDedicatedHostProfileIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileIdentity unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileMemory : DedicatedHostProfileMemory struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - DedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixed -// - DedicatedHostProfileMemoryRange -// - DedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnum -// - DedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependent -type DedicatedHostProfileMemory struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileMemory.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileMemoryTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileMemory) isaDedicatedHostProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -type DedicatedHostProfileMemoryIntf interface { - isaDedicatedHostProfileMemory() bool -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemory unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileMemory from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemory(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileMemory) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileReference : DedicatedHostProfileReference struct -type DedicatedHostProfileReference struct { - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this dedicated host profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileReference unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileSocket : DedicatedHostProfileSocket struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - DedicatedHostProfileSocketFixed -// - DedicatedHostProfileSocketRange -// - DedicatedHostProfileSocketEnum -// - DedicatedHostProfileSocketDependent -type DedicatedHostProfileSocket struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileSocket.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileSocketTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileSocket) isaDedicatedHostProfileSocket() bool { - return true -} - -type DedicatedHostProfileSocketIntf interface { - isaDedicatedHostProfileSocket() bool -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocket unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileSocket from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocket(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileSocket) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileVcpu : DedicatedHostProfileVcpu struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixed -// - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuRange -// - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnum -// - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependent -type DedicatedHostProfileVcpu struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileVcpu.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileVcpu) isaDedicatedHostProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -type DedicatedHostProfileVcpuIntf interface { - isaDedicatedHostProfileVcpu() bool -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpu unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileVcpu from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpu(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileVcpu) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture : DedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture struct -type DedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The VCPU architecture for a dedicated host with this profile. - Value *string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitectureTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileVcpuArchitecture) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer : DedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer struct -type DedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The VCPU manufacturer for a dedicated host with this profile. - Value *string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturerTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileVcpuManufacturer) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostPrototype : DedicatedHostPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup -// - DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone -type DedicatedHostPrototype struct { - // If set to true, instances can be placed on this dedicated host. - InstancePlacementEnabled *bool `json:"instance_placement_enabled,omitempty"` - - // The name for this dedicated host. The name must not be used by another dedicated host in the region. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-dh-profiles) to use for this - // dedicated host. - Profile DedicatedHostProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The dedicated host group for this dedicated host. - Group DedicatedHostGroupIdentityIntf `json:"group,omitempty"` - - // The zone this dedicated host will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` -} - -func (*DedicatedHostPrototype) isaDedicatedHostPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type DedicatedHostPrototypeIntf interface { - isaDedicatedHostPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostPrototype unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "instance_placement_enabled", &obj.InstancePlacementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostReference : DedicatedHostReference struct -type DedicatedHostReference struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *DedicatedHostReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this dedicated host. The name is unique across all dedicated hosts in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - DedicatedHostReferenceResourceTypeDedicatedHostConst = "dedicated_host" -) - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostReference unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalDedicatedHostReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type DedicatedHostReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DefaultNetworkACL : DefaultNetworkACL struct -type DefaultNetworkACL struct { - // The date and time that the network ACL was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this network ACL. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name of the default network ACL created for a VPC. The name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words - // at creation, but may be changed. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for the default network ACL for a VPC. Set to the VPC's - // resource group at creation. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The ordered rules for the default network ACL for a VPC. Defaults to two rules which allow all inbound and outbound - // traffic, respectively. Rules for the default network ACL may be changed, added, or removed. - Rules []NetworkACLRuleItemIntf `json:"rules" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets to which this network ACL is attached. - Subnets []SubnetReference `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this network ACL resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDefaultNetworkACL unmarshals an instance of DefaultNetworkACL from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDefaultNetworkACL(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DefaultNetworkACL) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DefaultRoutingTable : DefaultRoutingTable struct -type DefaultRoutingTable struct { - // The filters specifying the resources that may create routes in this routing table. - // - // At present, only the `resource_type` filter is permitted, and only the `vpn_server` value is supported, but filter - // support is expected to expand in the future. - AcceptRoutesFrom []ResourceFilter `json:"accept_routes_from" validate:"required"` - - // The ingress sources to advertise routes to. Routes in the table with `advertise` enabled will be advertised to these - // sources. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - AdvertiseRoutesTo []string `json:"advertise_routes_to" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this routing table was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this routing table. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this routing table. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this is the default routing table for this VPC. - IsDefault *bool `json:"is_default" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the routing table. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name of the default routing table created for this VPC. The name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected - // words at creation, but may be changed. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from - // [Direct Link](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dl) to this VPC. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteDirectLinkIngress *bool `json:"route_direct_link_ingress" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from the internet. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with two exceptions: - // - Traffic destined for IP addresses associated with public gateways will not be - // subject to routes in this routing table. - // - Routes with an `action` of `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is - // an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is able to accept traffic. - // Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteInternetIngress *bool `json:"route_internet_ingress" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from from [Transit - // Gateway](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/transit-gateway) to this VPC. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteTransitGatewayIngress *bool `json:"route_transit_gateway_ingress" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from subnets in other zones in this - // VPC. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteVPCZoneIngress *bool `json:"route_vpc_zone_ingress" validate:"required"` - - // The routes for the default routing table for this VPC. The table is created with no routes, but routes may be added, - // changed, or removed with a subsequent request. - Routes []RouteReference `json:"routes" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets to which this routing table is attached. - Subnets []SubnetReference `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DefaultRoutingTable.AdvertiseRoutesTo property. -// An ingress source that routes can be advertised to: -// -// - `direct_link` (requires `route_direct_link_ingress` be set to `true`) -// - `transit_gateway` (requires `route_transit_gateway_ingress` be set to `true`). -const ( - DefaultRoutingTableAdvertiseRoutesToDirectLinkConst = "direct_link" - DefaultRoutingTableAdvertiseRoutesToTransitGatewayConst = "transit_gateway" -) - -// Constants associated with the DefaultRoutingTable.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the routing table. -const ( - DefaultRoutingTableLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - DefaultRoutingTableLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - DefaultRoutingTableLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - DefaultRoutingTableLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - DefaultRoutingTableLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - DefaultRoutingTableLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - DefaultRoutingTableLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the DefaultRoutingTable.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - DefaultRoutingTableResourceTypeRoutingTableConst = "routing_table" -) - -// UnmarshalDefaultRoutingTable unmarshals an instance of DefaultRoutingTable from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDefaultRoutingTable(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DefaultRoutingTable) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "accept_routes_from", &obj.AcceptRoutesFrom, UnmarshalResourceFilter) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "advertise_routes_to", &obj.AdvertiseRoutesTo) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "is_default", &obj.IsDefault) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_direct_link_ingress", &obj.RouteDirectLinkIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_internet_ingress", &obj.RouteInternetIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_transit_gateway_ingress", &obj.RouteTransitGatewayIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_vpc_zone_ingress", &obj.RouteVPCZoneIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routes", &obj.Routes, UnmarshalRouteReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DefaultSecurityGroup : DefaultSecurityGroup struct -type DefaultSecurityGroup struct { - // The date and time that this security group was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for the default security group for a VPC. The name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words at - // creation, but may changed. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this security group. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The rules for the default security group for a VPC. Defaults to allowing all outbound traffic, and allowing all - // inbound traffic from other interfaces in the VPC's default security group. Rules for the default security group may - // be changed, added or removed. - Rules []SecurityGroupRuleIntf `json:"rules" validate:"required"` - - // The targets for this security group. - Targets []SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf `json:"targets" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this security group resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalDefaultSecurityGroup unmarshals an instance of DefaultSecurityGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDefaultSecurityGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DefaultSecurityGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "targets", &obj.Targets, UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DeleteBackupPolicyOptions : The DeleteBackupPolicy options. -type DeleteBackupPolicyOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteBackupPolicyOptions : Instantiate DeleteBackupPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteBackupPolicyOptions(id string) *DeleteBackupPolicyOptions { - return &DeleteBackupPolicyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteBackupPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteBackupPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteBackupPolicyOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteBackupPolicyOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteBackupPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteBackupPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions : The DeleteBackupPolicyPlan options. -type DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - BackupPolicyID *string `json:"backup_policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The backup policy plan identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions : Instantiate DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions(backupPolicyID string, id string) *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - return &DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions{ - BackupPolicyID: core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBackupPolicyID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyID -func (_options *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetBackupPolicyID(backupPolicyID string) *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions : The DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment options. -type DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network attachment identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions : Instantiate DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions(bareMetalServerID string, id string) *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - return &DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions : The DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterface options. -type DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions(bareMetalServerID string, id string) *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteBareMetalServerOptions : The DeleteBareMetalServer options. -type DeleteBareMetalServerOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteBareMetalServerOptions : Instantiate DeleteBareMetalServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteBareMetalServerOptions(id string) *DeleteBareMetalServerOptions { - return &DeleteBareMetalServerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteBareMetalServerOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteBareMetalServerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteBareMetalServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteBareMetalServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions : The DeleteDedicatedHostGroup options. -type DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions struct { - // The dedicated host group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions : Instantiate DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions(id string) *DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - return &DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteDedicatedHostOptions : The DeleteDedicatedHost options. -type DeleteDedicatedHostOptions struct { - // The dedicated host identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteDedicatedHostOptions : Instantiate DeleteDedicatedHostOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteDedicatedHostOptions(id string) *DeleteDedicatedHostOptions { - return &DeleteDedicatedHostOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteDedicatedHostOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteDedicatedHostOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteDedicatedHostOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteDedicatedHostOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions : The DeleteEndpointGateway options. -type DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions struct { - // The endpoint gateway identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteEndpointGatewayOptions : Instantiate DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteEndpointGatewayOptions(id string) *DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions { - return &DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteEndpointGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteFloatingIPOptions : The DeleteFloatingIP options. -type DeleteFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate DeleteFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteFloatingIPOptions(id string) *DeleteFloatingIPOptions { - return &DeleteFloatingIPOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions : The DeleteFlowLogCollector options. -type DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions struct { - // The flow log collector identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions : Instantiate DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions(id string) *DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions { - return &DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteFlowLogCollectorOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteIkePolicyOptions : The DeleteIkePolicy options. -type DeleteIkePolicyOptions struct { - // The IKE policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteIkePolicyOptions : Instantiate DeleteIkePolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteIkePolicyOptions(id string) *DeleteIkePolicyOptions { - return &DeleteIkePolicyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteIkePolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteIkePolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteIkePolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteIkePolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteImageExportJobOptions : The DeleteImageExportJob options. -type DeleteImageExportJobOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ImageID *string `json:"image_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The image export job identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteImageExportJobOptions : Instantiate DeleteImageExportJobOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteImageExportJobOptions(imageID string, id string) *DeleteImageExportJobOptions { - return &DeleteImageExportJobOptions{ - ImageID: core.StringPtr(imageID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetImageID : Allow user to set ImageID -func (_options *DeleteImageExportJobOptions) SetImageID(imageID string) *DeleteImageExportJobOptions { - _options.ImageID = core.StringPtr(imageID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteImageExportJobOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteImageExportJobOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteImageExportJobOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteImageExportJobOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteImageOptions : The DeleteImage options. -type DeleteImageOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteImageOptions : Instantiate DeleteImageOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteImageOptions(id string) *DeleteImageOptions { - return &DeleteImageOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteImageOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteImageOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteImageOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions : The DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancer options. -type DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions(instanceGroupID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceGroupLoadBalancerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions : The DeleteInstanceGroupManagerAction options. -type DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager action identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string, id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions : The DeleteInstanceGroupManager options. -type DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions(instanceGroupID string, id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions : The DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicy options. -type DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string, id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions : The DeleteInstanceGroupMembership options. -type DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group membership identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions(instanceGroupID string, id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions : The DeleteInstanceGroupMemberships options. -type DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions(instanceGroupID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceGroupOptions : The DeleteInstanceGroup options. -type DeleteInstanceGroupOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceGroupOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceGroupOptions(id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions : The DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachment options. -type DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network attachment identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions(instanceID string, id string) *DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions : The DeleteInstanceNetworkInterface options. -type DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions(instanceID string, id string) *DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceOptions : The DeleteInstance options. -type DeleteInstanceOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceOptions(id string) *DeleteInstanceOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteInstanceOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteInstanceOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions : The DeleteInstanceTemplate options. -type DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions struct { - // The instance template identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceTemplateOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceTemplateOptions(id string) *DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceTemplateOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions : The DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachment options. -type DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The volume attachment identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions : Instantiate DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions(instanceID string, id string) *DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - return &DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions : The DeleteIpsecPolicy options. -type DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions struct { - // The IPsec policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteIpsecPolicyOptions : Instantiate DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteIpsecPolicyOptions(id string) *DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions { - return &DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteIpsecPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteKeyOptions : The DeleteKey options. -type DeleteKeyOptions struct { - // The key identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteKeyOptions : Instantiate DeleteKeyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteKeyOptions(id string) *DeleteKeyOptions { - return &DeleteKeyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteKeyOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteKeyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteKeyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteKeyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions : The DeleteLoadBalancerListener options. -type DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions : Instantiate DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions(loadBalancerID string, id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - return &DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions : The DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicy options. -type DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions : Instantiate DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string, id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - return &DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions : The DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule options. -type DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The policy identifier. - PolicyID *string `json:"policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The rule identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions : Instantiate DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string, policyID string, id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - return &DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - PolicyID: core.StringPtr(policyID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPolicyID : Allow user to set PolicyID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetPolicyID(policyID string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.PolicyID = core.StringPtr(policyID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerOptions : The DeleteLoadBalancer options. -type DeleteLoadBalancerOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteLoadBalancerOptions : Instantiate DeleteLoadBalancerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteLoadBalancerOptions(id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerOptions { - return &DeleteLoadBalancerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteLoadBalancerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteLoadBalancerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions : The DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMember options. -type DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The pool identifier. - PoolID *string `json:"pool_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The member identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions : Instantiate DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions(loadBalancerID string, poolID string, id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - return &DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - PoolID: core.StringPtr(poolID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPoolID : Allow user to set PoolID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetPoolID(poolID string) *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.PoolID = core.StringPtr(poolID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions : The DeleteLoadBalancerPool options. -type DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The pool identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions : Instantiate DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions(loadBalancerID string, id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - return &DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteNetworkACLOptions : The DeleteNetworkACL options. -type DeleteNetworkACLOptions struct { - // The network ACL identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteNetworkACLOptions : Instantiate DeleteNetworkACLOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteNetworkACLOptions(id string) *DeleteNetworkACLOptions { - return &DeleteNetworkACLOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteNetworkACLOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteNetworkACLOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteNetworkACLOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteNetworkACLOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions : The DeleteNetworkACLRule options. -type DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions struct { - // The network ACL identifier. - NetworkACLID *string `json:"network_acl_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The rule identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions : Instantiate DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions(networkACLID string, id string) *DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions { - return &DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions{ - NetworkACLID: core.StringPtr(networkACLID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetNetworkACLID : Allow user to set NetworkACLID -func (_options *DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetNetworkACLID(networkACLID string) *DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions { - _options.NetworkACLID = core.StringPtr(networkACLID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteNetworkACLRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeletePlacementGroupOptions : The DeletePlacementGroup options. -type DeletePlacementGroupOptions struct { - // The placement group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeletePlacementGroupOptions : Instantiate DeletePlacementGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeletePlacementGroupOptions(id string) *DeletePlacementGroupOptions { - return &DeletePlacementGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeletePlacementGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *DeletePlacementGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeletePlacementGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeletePlacementGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeletePublicGatewayOptions : The DeletePublicGateway options. -type DeletePublicGatewayOptions struct { - // The public gateway identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeletePublicGatewayOptions : Instantiate DeletePublicGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeletePublicGatewayOptions(id string) *DeletePublicGatewayOptions { - return &DeletePublicGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeletePublicGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *DeletePublicGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeletePublicGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeletePublicGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteReservationOptions : The DeleteReservation options. -type DeleteReservationOptions struct { - // The reservation identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteReservationOptions : Instantiate DeleteReservationOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteReservationOptions(id string) *DeleteReservationOptions { - return &DeleteReservationOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteReservationOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteReservationOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteReservationOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteReservationOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteSecurityGroupOptions : The DeleteSecurityGroup options. -type DeleteSecurityGroupOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteSecurityGroupOptions : Instantiate DeleteSecurityGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteSecurityGroupOptions(id string) *DeleteSecurityGroupOptions { - return &DeleteSecurityGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteSecurityGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteSecurityGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteSecurityGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteSecurityGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions : The DeleteSecurityGroupRule options. -type DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - SecurityGroupID *string `json:"security_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The rule identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions : Instantiate DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions(securityGroupID string, id string) *DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - return &DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions{ - SecurityGroupID: core.StringPtr(securityGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetSecurityGroupID : Allow user to set SecurityGroupID -func (_options *DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetSecurityGroupID(securityGroupID string) *DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupID = core.StringPtr(securityGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions : The DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBinding options. -type DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - SecurityGroupID *string `json:"security_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The security group target identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions : Instantiate DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions(securityGroupID string, id string) *DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions { - return &DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions{ - SecurityGroupID: core.StringPtr(securityGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetSecurityGroupID : Allow user to set SecurityGroupID -func (_options *DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) SetSecurityGroupID(securityGroupID string) *DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupID = core.StringPtr(securityGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteSecurityGroupTargetBindingOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteShareMountTargetOptions : The DeleteShareMountTarget options. -type DeleteShareMountTargetOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ShareID *string `json:"share_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The share mount target identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteShareMountTargetOptions : Instantiate DeleteShareMountTargetOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteShareMountTargetOptions(shareID string, id string) *DeleteShareMountTargetOptions { - return &DeleteShareMountTargetOptions{ - ShareID: core.StringPtr(shareID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetShareID : Allow user to set ShareID -func (_options *DeleteShareMountTargetOptions) SetShareID(shareID string) *DeleteShareMountTargetOptions { - _options.ShareID = core.StringPtr(shareID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteShareMountTargetOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteShareMountTargetOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteShareMountTargetOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteShareMountTargetOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteShareOptions : The DeleteShare options. -type DeleteShareOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteShareOptions : Instantiate DeleteShareOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteShareOptions(id string) *DeleteShareOptions { - return &DeleteShareOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteShareOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteShareOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteShareOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteShareOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteShareOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteShareOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteShareSourceOptions : The DeleteShareSource options. -type DeleteShareSourceOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ShareID *string `json:"share_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteShareSourceOptions : Instantiate DeleteShareSourceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteShareSourceOptions(shareID string) *DeleteShareSourceOptions { - return &DeleteShareSourceOptions{ - ShareID: core.StringPtr(shareID), - } -} - -// SetShareID : Allow user to set ShareID -func (_options *DeleteShareSourceOptions) SetShareID(shareID string) *DeleteShareSourceOptions { - _options.ShareID = core.StringPtr(shareID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteShareSourceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteShareSourceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions : The DeleteSnapshotClone options. -type DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions struct { - // The snapshot identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The zone name. - ZoneName *string `json:"zone_name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteSnapshotCloneOptions : Instantiate DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteSnapshotCloneOptions(id string, zoneName string) *DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions { - return &DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - ZoneName: core.StringPtr(zoneName), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetZoneName : Allow user to set ZoneName -func (_options *DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions) SetZoneName(zoneName string) *DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions { - _options.ZoneName = core.StringPtr(zoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteSnapshotCloneOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions : The DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroup options. -type DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions struct { - // The snapshot consistency group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions : Instantiate DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions(id string) *DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - return &DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteSnapshotOptions : The DeleteSnapshot options. -type DeleteSnapshotOptions struct { - // The snapshot identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteSnapshotOptions : Instantiate DeleteSnapshotOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteSnapshotOptions(id string) *DeleteSnapshotOptions { - return &DeleteSnapshotOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteSnapshotOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteSnapshotOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteSnapshotOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteSnapshotOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteSnapshotOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteSnapshotOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteSnapshotsOptions : The DeleteSnapshots options. -type DeleteSnapshotsOptions struct { - // Filters the collection to resources with a `source_volume.id` property matching the specified identifier. - SourceVolumeID *string `json:"source_volume.id" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteSnapshotsOptions : Instantiate DeleteSnapshotsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteSnapshotsOptions(sourceVolumeID string) *DeleteSnapshotsOptions { - return &DeleteSnapshotsOptions{ - SourceVolumeID: core.StringPtr(sourceVolumeID), - } -} - -// SetSourceVolumeID : Allow user to set SourceVolumeID -func (_options *DeleteSnapshotsOptions) SetSourceVolumeID(sourceVolumeID string) *DeleteSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SourceVolumeID = core.StringPtr(sourceVolumeID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteSnapshotsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteSnapshotsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteSubnetOptions : The DeleteSubnet options. -type DeleteSubnetOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteSubnetOptions : Instantiate DeleteSubnetOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteSubnetOptions(id string) *DeleteSubnetOptions { - return &DeleteSubnetOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteSubnetOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteSubnetOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteSubnetOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteSubnetOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions : The DeleteSubnetReservedIP options. -type DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - SubnetID *string `json:"subnet_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions : Instantiate DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions(subnetID string, id string) *DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions { - return &DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions{ - SubnetID: core.StringPtr(subnetID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetSubnetID : Allow user to set SubnetID -func (_options *DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetSubnetID(subnetID string) *DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.SubnetID = core.StringPtr(subnetID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteSubnetReservedIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions : The DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfaces options. -type DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions : Instantiate DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions(id string) *DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions { - return &DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVolumeOptions : The DeleteVolume options. -type DeleteVolumeOptions struct { - // The volume identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVolumeOptions : Instantiate DeleteVolumeOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVolumeOptions(id string) *DeleteVolumeOptions { - return &DeleteVolumeOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVolumeOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVolumeOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteVolumeOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteVolumeOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVolumeOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVolumeOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions : The DeleteVPCAddressPrefix options. -type DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions(vpcID string, id string) *DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - return &DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions : The DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBinding options. -type DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The DNS resolution binding identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions(vpcID string, id string) *DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - return &DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPCOptions : The DeleteVPC options. -type DeleteVPCOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPCOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPCOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPCOptions(id string) *DeleteVPCOptions { - return &DeleteVPCOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPCOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPCOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteVPCOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteVPCOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPCOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPCOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPCRouteOptions : The DeleteVPCRoute options. -type DeleteVPCRouteOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The route identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPCRouteOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPCRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPCRouteOptions(vpcID string, id string) *DeleteVPCRouteOptions { - return &DeleteVPCRouteOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *DeleteVPCRouteOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *DeleteVPCRouteOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPCRouteOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPCRouteOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPCRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPCRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions : The DeleteVPCRoutingTable options. -type DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions(vpcID string, id string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions { - return &DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions : The DeleteVPCRoutingTableRoute options. -type DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table identifier. - RoutingTableID *string `json:"routing_table_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPC routing table route identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions(vpcID string, routingTableID string, id string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - return &DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - RoutingTableID: core.StringPtr(routingTableID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutingTableID : Allow user to set RoutingTableID -func (_options *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetRoutingTableID(routingTableID string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.RoutingTableID = core.StringPtr(routingTableID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions : The DeleteVPNGatewayConnection options. -type DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string) *DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - return &DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPNGatewayOptions : The DeleteVPNGateway options. -type DeleteVPNGatewayOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPNGatewayOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPNGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPNGatewayOptions(id string) *DeleteVPNGatewayOptions { - return &DeleteVPNGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPNGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPNGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPNGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPNGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPNServerClientOptions : The DeleteVPNServerClient options. -type DeleteVPNServerClientOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - VPNServerID *string `json:"vpn_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN client identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPNServerClientOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPNServerClientOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPNServerClientOptions(vpnServerID string, id string) *DeleteVPNServerClientOptions { - return &DeleteVPNServerClientOptions{ - VPNServerID: core.StringPtr(vpnServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPNServerID : Allow user to set VPNServerID -func (_options *DeleteVPNServerClientOptions) SetVPNServerID(vpnServerID string) *DeleteVPNServerClientOptions { - _options.VPNServerID = core.StringPtr(vpnServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPNServerClientOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPNServerClientOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPNServerClientOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPNServerClientOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPNServerOptions : The DeleteVPNServer options. -type DeleteVPNServerOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPNServerOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPNServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPNServerOptions(id string) *DeleteVPNServerOptions { - return &DeleteVPNServerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPNServerOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPNServerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *DeleteVPNServerOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *DeleteVPNServerOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPNServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPNServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions : The DeleteVPNServerRoute options. -type DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - VPNServerID *string `json:"vpn_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN route identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeleteVPNServerRouteOptions : Instantiate DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeleteVPNServerRouteOptions(vpnServerID string, id string) *DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions { - return &DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions{ - VPNServerID: core.StringPtr(vpnServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPNServerID : Allow user to set VPNServerID -func (_options *DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions) SetVPNServerID(vpnServerID string) *DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.VPNServerID = core.StringPtr(vpnServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions) SetID(id string) *DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeleteVPNServerRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DeprecateImageOptions : The DeprecateImage options. -type DeprecateImageOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDeprecateImageOptions : Instantiate DeprecateImageOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDeprecateImageOptions(id string) *DeprecateImageOptions { - return &DeprecateImageOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DeprecateImageOptions) SetID(id string) *DeprecateImageOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DeprecateImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DeprecateImageOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// DisconnectVPNClientOptions : The DisconnectVPNClient options. -type DisconnectVPNClientOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - VPNServerID *string `json:"vpn_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN client identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewDisconnectVPNClientOptions : Instantiate DisconnectVPNClientOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewDisconnectVPNClientOptions(vpnServerID string, id string) *DisconnectVPNClientOptions { - return &DisconnectVPNClientOptions{ - VPNServerID: core.StringPtr(vpnServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPNServerID : Allow user to set VPNServerID -func (_options *DisconnectVPNClientOptions) SetVPNServerID(vpnServerID string) *DisconnectVPNClientOptions { - _options.VPNServerID = core.StringPtr(vpnServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *DisconnectVPNClientOptions) SetID(id string) *DisconnectVPNClientOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *DisconnectVPNClientOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *DisconnectVPNClientOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// EncryptionKeyIdentity : Identifies an encryption key by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN -type EncryptionKeyIdentity struct { - // The CRN of the [Key Protect Root - // Key](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/key-protect?topic=key-protect-getting-started-tutorial) or [Hyper Protect Crypto - // Services Root Key](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/hs-crypto?topic=hs-crypto-get-started) for this resource. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*EncryptionKeyIdentity) isaEncryptionKeyIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf interface { - isaEncryptionKeyIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity unmarshals an instance of EncryptionKeyIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EncryptionKeyIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EncryptionKeyReference : EncryptionKeyReference struct -type EncryptionKeyReference struct { - // The CRN of the [Key Protect Root - // Key](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/key-protect?topic=key-protect-getting-started-tutorial) or [Hyper Protect Crypto - // Services Root Key](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/hs-crypto?topic=hs-crypto-get-started) for this resource. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalEncryptionKeyReference unmarshals an instance of EncryptionKeyReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEncryptionKeyReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EncryptionKeyReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGateway : EndpointGateway struct -type EndpointGateway struct { - // Indicates whether to allow DNS resolution for this endpoint gateway when the VPC this endpoint gateway resides in - // has a DNS resolution binding to a VPC with `dns.enable_hub` set to `true`. - AllowDnsResolutionBinding *bool `json:"allow_dns_resolution_binding" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the endpoint gateway was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this endpoint gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this endpoint gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this endpoint gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The reserved IPs bound to this endpoint gateway. - Ips []ReservedIPReference `json:"ips" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current `lifecycle_state` (if any): - // - `dns_resolution_binding_pending`: the DNS resolution binding is being set up. - LifecycleReasons []EndpointGatewayLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the endpoint gateway. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this endpoint gateway. The name is unique across all endpoint gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this endpoint gateway. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The security groups targeting this endpoint gateway. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupReference `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The fully qualified domain name for the target service. - // Deprecated: this field is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. - ServiceEndpoint *string `json:"service_endpoint,omitempty"` - - // The fully qualified domain names for the target service. - ServiceEndpoints []string `json:"service_endpoints" validate:"required"` - - // The target for this endpoint gateway. - Target EndpointGatewayTargetIntf `json:"target" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this endpoint gateway resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGateway.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - EndpointGatewayHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - EndpointGatewayHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - EndpointGatewayHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - EndpointGatewayHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGateway.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the endpoint gateway. -const ( - EndpointGatewayLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - EndpointGatewayLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - EndpointGatewayLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - EndpointGatewayLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - EndpointGatewayLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - EndpointGatewayLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - EndpointGatewayLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGateway.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - EndpointGatewayResourceTypeEndpointGatewayConst = "endpoint_gateway" -) - -// UnmarshalEndpointGateway unmarshals an instance of EndpointGateway from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGateway(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGateway) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_dns_resolution_binding", &obj.AllowDnsResolutionBinding) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "service_endpoint", &obj.ServiceEndpoint) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "service_endpoints", &obj.ServiceEndpoints) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayCollection : EndpointGatewayCollection struct -type EndpointGatewayCollection struct { - // Collection of endpoint gateways. - EndpointGateways []EndpointGateway `json:"endpoint_gateways" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *EndpointGatewayCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *EndpointGatewayCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayCollection unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "endpoint_gateways", &obj.EndpointGateways, UnmarshalEndpointGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *EndpointGatewayCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// EndpointGatewayCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type EndpointGatewayCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type EndpointGatewayCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayLifecycleReason : EndpointGatewayLifecycleReason struct -type EndpointGatewayLifecycleReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this lifecycle state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this lifecycle state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayLifecycleReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. -const ( - EndpointGatewayLifecycleReasonCodeDnsResolutionBindingPendingConst = "dns_resolution_binding_pending" - EndpointGatewayLifecycleReasonCodeResourceSuspendedByProviderConst = "resource_suspended_by_provider" -) - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayLifecycleReason unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayLifecycleReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayLifecycleReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayLifecycleReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayPatch : EndpointGatewayPatch struct -type EndpointGatewayPatch struct { - // Indicates whether to allow DNS resolution for this endpoint gateway when the VPC this endpoint gateway resides in - // has a DNS resolution binding to a VPC with `dns.enable_hub` set to `true`. - // - // Must be `true` if the VPC this endpoint gateway resides in has `dns.enable_hub` set to - // `true`. - AllowDnsResolutionBinding *bool `json:"allow_dns_resolution_binding,omitempty"` - - // The name for this endpoint gateway. The name must not be used by another endpoint gateway in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayPatch unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_dns_resolution_binding", &obj.AllowDnsResolutionBinding) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the EndpointGatewayPatch -func (endpointGatewayPatch *EndpointGatewayPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(endpointGatewayPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type EndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayReferenceRemote : EndpointGatewayReferenceRemote struct -type EndpointGatewayReferenceRemote struct { - // The CRN for this endpoint gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this endpoint gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this endpoint gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this endpoint gateway. The name is unique across all endpoint gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *EndpointGatewayRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayReferenceRemote.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - EndpointGatewayReferenceRemoteResourceTypeEndpointGatewayConst = "endpoint_gateway" -) - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReferenceRemote unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayReferenceRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReferenceRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayReferenceRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayRemote : If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference is remote and therefore may not -// be directly retrievable. -type EndpointGatewayRemote struct { - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // account, and identifies the owning account. - Account *AccountReference `json:"account,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // region, and identifies the native region. - Region *RegionReference `json:"region,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayRemote unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "account", &obj.Account, UnmarshalAccountReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayReservedIP : A reserved IP to bind to the endpoint gateway. This can be specified using an existing reserved IP, or a prototype -// object for a new reserved IP. The reserved IP will be bound to the endpoint gateway to function as a virtual private -// endpoint for the service. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity -// - EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext -type EndpointGatewayReservedIP struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The IP address to reserve, which must not already be reserved on the subnet. - // - // If unspecified, an available address on the subnet will automatically be selected. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated - // list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The subnet in which to create this reserved IP. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet,omitempty"` -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayReservedIP) isaEndpointGatewayReservedIP() bool { - return true -} - -type EndpointGatewayReservedIPIntf interface { - isaEndpointGatewayReservedIP() bool -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIP unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayReservedIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayReservedIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayTarget : The target for this endpoint gateway. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - EndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference -// - EndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReference -type EndpointGatewayTarget struct { - // The CRN for this provider cloud service, or the CRN for the user's instance of a provider cloud service. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The type of target. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` - - // The name of a provider infrastructure service. Must be: - // - `ibm-ntp-server`: An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server provided by IBM. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayTarget.ResourceType property. -// The type of target. -const ( - EndpointGatewayTargetResourceTypeProviderCloudServiceConst = "provider_cloud_service" -) - -func (*EndpointGatewayTarget) isaEndpointGatewayTarget() bool { - return true -} - -type EndpointGatewayTargetIntf interface { - isaEndpointGatewayTarget() bool -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTarget unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayTargetPrototype : The target to use for this endpoint gateway. Must not already be the target of another endpoint gateway in the VPC. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity -// - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity -type EndpointGatewayTargetPrototype struct { - // The type of target for this endpoint gateway. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this provider cloud service, or the CRN for the user's instance of a provider cloud service. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The name of a provider infrastructure service. Must be: - // - `ibm-ntp-server`: An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server provided by IBM. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayTargetPrototype.ResourceType property. -// The type of target for this endpoint gateway. -const ( - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeResourceTypeProviderCloudServiceConst = "provider_cloud_service" - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeResourceTypeProviderInfrastructureServiceConst = "provider_infrastructure_service" -) - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetPrototype) isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeIntf interface { - isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototype unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayTargetPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'resource_type': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'resource_type' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "provider_cloud_service" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity) - } else if discValue == "provider_infrastructure_service" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'resource_type': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// FailoverShareOptions : The FailoverShare options. -type FailoverShareOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ShareID *string `json:"share_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The action to take if the failover request is accepted but cannot be performed or times out: - // - `fail`: Fail the operation, resulting in the replication relationship being unchanged. - // - `split`: Split the replica from its source, resulting in two individual read-write - // file shares. Because the final sync was not completed, the replica may be - // out-of-date. This occurs in disaster recovery scenarios where the source is known to - // be unreachable. - FallbackPolicy *string `json:"fallback_policy,omitempty"` - - // The failover timeout in seconds. - // - // If the timeout is reached, the `fallback_policy` will be triggered. - Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the FailoverShareOptions.FallbackPolicy property. -// The action to take if the failover request is accepted but cannot be performed or times out: -// - `fail`: Fail the operation, resulting in the replication relationship being unchanged. -// - `split`: Split the replica from its source, resulting in two individual read-write -// file shares. Because the final sync was not completed, the replica may be -// out-of-date. This occurs in disaster recovery scenarios where the source is known to -// be unreachable. -const ( - FailoverShareOptionsFallbackPolicyFailConst = "fail" - FailoverShareOptionsFallbackPolicySplitConst = "split" -) - -// NewFailoverShareOptions : Instantiate FailoverShareOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewFailoverShareOptions(shareID string) *FailoverShareOptions { - return &FailoverShareOptions{ - ShareID: core.StringPtr(shareID), - } -} - -// SetShareID : Allow user to set ShareID -func (_options *FailoverShareOptions) SetShareID(shareID string) *FailoverShareOptions { - _options.ShareID = core.StringPtr(shareID) - return _options -} - -// SetFallbackPolicy : Allow user to set FallbackPolicy -func (_options *FailoverShareOptions) SetFallbackPolicy(fallbackPolicy string) *FailoverShareOptions { - _options.FallbackPolicy = core.StringPtr(fallbackPolicy) - return _options -} - -// SetTimeout : Allow user to set Timeout -func (_options *FailoverShareOptions) SetTimeout(timeout int64) *FailoverShareOptions { - _options.Timeout = core.Int64Ptr(timeout) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *FailoverShareOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *FailoverShareOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// FloatingIP : FloatingIP struct -type FloatingIP struct { - // The globally unique IP address. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the floating IP was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this floating IP. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this floating IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this floating IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this floating IP. The name is unique across all floating IPs in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this floating IP. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the floating IP. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The target of this floating IP. - Target FloatingIPTargetIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` - - // The zone this floating IP resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FloatingIP.Status property. -// The status of the floating IP. -const ( - FloatingIPStatusAvailableConst = "available" - FloatingIPStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - FloatingIPStatusFailedConst = "failed" - FloatingIPStatusPendingConst = "pending" -) - -// UnmarshalFloatingIP unmarshals an instance of FloatingIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalFloatingIPTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPCollection : FloatingIPCollection struct -type FloatingIPCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *FloatingIPCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of floating IPs. - FloatingIps []FloatingIP `json:"floating_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *FloatingIPCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPCollection unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "floating_ips", &obj.FloatingIps, UnmarshalFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *FloatingIPCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// FloatingIPCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type FloatingIPCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type FloatingIPCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext : FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext struct -type FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of floating IPs bound to the virtual network interface specified by the identifier in the URL. - FloatingIps []FloatingIPReference `json:"floating_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "floating_ips", &obj.FloatingIps, UnmarshalFloatingIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPPatch : FloatingIPPatch struct -type FloatingIPPatch struct { - // The name for this floating IP. The name must not be used by another floating IP in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The target resource to bind this floating IP to, replacing any existing binding. - // The floating IP must not be required by another resource, such as a public gateway. - // - // The target resource must not already have a floating IP bound to it if the target - // resource is: - // - // - an instance network interface - // - a bare metal server network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` - // - a virtual network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing binding. - Target FloatingIPTargetPatchIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPPatch unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the FloatingIPPatch -func (floatingIPPatch *FloatingIPPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(floatingIPPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// FloatingIPPrototype : FloatingIPPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone -// - FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget -type FloatingIPPrototype struct { - // The name for this floating IP. The name must not be used by another floating IP in the region. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The zone this floating IP will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` - - // The target resource to bind this floating IP to. - // - // The target resource must not already have a floating IP bound to it if the target - // resource is: - // - // - an instance network interface - // - a bare metal server network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` - // - a virtual network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true`. - Target FloatingIPTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FloatingIPPrototype) isaFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPPrototypeIntf interface { - isaFloatingIPPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPPrototype unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPReference : FloatingIPReference struct -type FloatingIPReference struct { - // The globally unique IP address. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this floating IP. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *FloatingIPReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this floating IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this floating IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this floating IP. The name is unique across all floating IPs in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPReference unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalFloatingIPReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type FloatingIPReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTarget : The target of this floating IP. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference -// - FloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference -// - FloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference -// - FloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference -type FloatingIPTarget struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance network interface. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this public gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FloatingIPTarget.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FloatingIPTargetResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*FloatingIPTarget) isaFloatingIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPTargetIntf interface { - isaFloatingIPTarget() bool -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTarget unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatch : The target resource to bind this floating IP to, replacing any existing binding. The floating IP must not be required -// by another resource, such as a public gateway. -// -// The target resource must not already have a floating IP bound to it if the target resource is: -// -// - an instance network interface -// - a bare metal server network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` -// - a virtual network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` -// -// Specify `null` to remove an existing binding. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPatch struct { - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatch) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPTargetPatchIntf interface { - isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatch unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototype : The target resource to bind this floating IP to. -// -// The target resource must not already have a floating IP bound to it if the target resource is: -// -// - an instance network interface -// - a bare metal server network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` -// - a virtual network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true`. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototype) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeIntf interface { - isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototype unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection : FloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection struct -type FloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection struct { - // Collection of floating IPs. - FloatingIps []FloatingIP `json:"floating_ips" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPUnpaginatedCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "floating_ips", &obj.FloatingIps, UnmarshalFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollector : FlowLogCollector struct -type FlowLogCollector struct { - // Indicates whether this collector is active. - Active *bool `json:"active" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this flow log collector will be automatically deleted when `target` is deleted. At present, this - // is always `true`, but may be modifiable in the future. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the flow log collector was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this flow log collector. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this flow log collector. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this flow log collector. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the flow log collector. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this flow log collector. The name is unique across all flow log collectors in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this flow log collector. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The Cloud Object Storage bucket where the collected flows are logged. For more - // information, see [Viewing flow log - // objects](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-fl-analyze). - StorageBucket *LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketReference `json:"storage_bucket" validate:"required"` - - // The target this collector is collecting flow logs for. - // - // - If the target is an instance network attachment, flow logs will be collected - // for that instance network attachment. - // - If the target is an instance network interface, flow logs will be collected - // for that instance network interface. - // - If the target is a virtual network interface, flow logs will be collected for the - // virtual network interface's `target` resource if the resource is an instance network - // attachment, unless the target resource is itself the target of a flow log collector. - // - If the target is a virtual server instance, flow logs will be collected - // for all network attachments or network interfaces on that instance. - // - If the target is a subnet, flow logs will be collected - // for all instance network interfaces and virtual network interfaces - // attached to that subnet. - // - If the target is a VPC, flow logs will be collected for all instance network - // interfaces and virtual network interfaces attached to all subnets within that VPC. - // - // If the target is an instance, subnet, or VPC, flow logs will not be collected - // for any instance network attachments or instance network interfaces within the target - // that are themselves the target of a more specific flow log collector. - Target FlowLogCollectorTargetIntf `json:"target" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this flow log collector resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FlowLogCollector.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the flow log collector. -const ( - FlowLogCollectorLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - FlowLogCollectorLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - FlowLogCollectorLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - FlowLogCollectorLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - FlowLogCollectorLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - FlowLogCollectorLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - FlowLogCollectorLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollector unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollector from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollector(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollector) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active", &obj.Active) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "storage_bucket", &obj.StorageBucket, UnmarshalLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorCollection : FlowLogCollectorCollection struct -type FlowLogCollectorCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *FlowLogCollectorCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of flow log collectors. - FlowLogCollectors []FlowLogCollector `json:"flow_log_collectors" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *FlowLogCollectorCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorCollection unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "flow_log_collectors", &obj.FlowLogCollectors, UnmarshalFlowLogCollector) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *FlowLogCollectorCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// FlowLogCollectorCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type FlowLogCollectorCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type FlowLogCollectorCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorPatch : FlowLogCollectorPatch struct -type FlowLogCollectorPatch struct { - // Indicates whether this collector is active. Updating to false deactivates the collector and updating to true - // activates the collector. - Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` - - // The name for this flow log collector. The name must not be used by another flow log collector in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorPatch unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active", &obj.Active) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the FlowLogCollectorPatch -func (flowLogCollectorPatch *FlowLogCollectorPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(flowLogCollectorPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTarget : The target this collector is collecting flow logs for. -// -// - If the target is an instance network attachment, flow logs will be collected -// for that instance network attachment. -// - If the target is an instance network interface, flow logs will be collected -// for that instance network interface. -// - If the target is a virtual network interface, flow logs will be collected for the -// virtual network interface's `target` resource if the resource is an instance network -// attachment, unless the target resource is itself the target of a flow log collector. -// - If the target is a virtual server instance, flow logs will be collected -// for all network attachments or network interfaces on that instance. -// - If the target is a subnet, flow logs will be collected -// for all instance network interfaces and virtual network interfaces -// attached to that subnet. -// - If the target is a VPC, flow logs will be collected for all instance network -// interfaces and virtual network interfaces attached to all subnets within that VPC. -// -// If the target is an instance, subnet, or VPC, flow logs will not be collected for any instance network attachments or -// instance network interfaces within the target that are themselves the target of a more specific flow log collector. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceReference -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext -type FlowLogCollectorTarget struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance network interface. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address of the virtual network interface for the instance network - // attachment. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The subnet of the virtual network interface for the instance network attachment. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FlowLogCollectorTarget.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FlowLogCollectorTargetResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTarget) isaFlowLogCollectorTarget() bool { - return true -} - -type FlowLogCollectorTargetIntf interface { - isaFlowLogCollectorTarget() bool -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTarget unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype : The target this collector will collect flow logs for. -// -// If the target is an instance, subnet, or VPC, flow logs will not be collected for any instance network attachments, -// virtual network interfaces or instance network interfaces within the target that are themselves the target of a more -// specific flow log collector. -// -// The target must not be a virtual network interface that is attached to a bare metal server network attachment or to a -// file share mount target. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf interface { - isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// GenericResourceReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type GenericResourceReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalGenericResourceReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of GenericResourceReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalGenericResourceReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(GenericResourceReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// GetBackupPolicyJobOptions : The GetBackupPolicyJob options. -type GetBackupPolicyJobOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - BackupPolicyID *string `json:"backup_policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The backup policy job identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBackupPolicyJobOptions : Instantiate GetBackupPolicyJobOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBackupPolicyJobOptions(backupPolicyID string, id string) *GetBackupPolicyJobOptions { - return &GetBackupPolicyJobOptions{ - BackupPolicyID: core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBackupPolicyID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyID -func (_options *GetBackupPolicyJobOptions) SetBackupPolicyID(backupPolicyID string) *GetBackupPolicyJobOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBackupPolicyJobOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBackupPolicyJobOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBackupPolicyJobOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBackupPolicyJobOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBackupPolicyOptions : The GetBackupPolicy options. -type GetBackupPolicyOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBackupPolicyOptions : Instantiate GetBackupPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBackupPolicyOptions(id string) *GetBackupPolicyOptions { - return &GetBackupPolicyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBackupPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBackupPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBackupPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBackupPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions : The GetBackupPolicyPlan options. -type GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - BackupPolicyID *string `json:"backup_policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The backup policy plan identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBackupPolicyPlanOptions : Instantiate GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBackupPolicyPlanOptions(backupPolicyID string, id string) *GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - return &GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions{ - BackupPolicyID: core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBackupPolicyID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyID -func (_options *GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetBackupPolicyID(backupPolicyID string) *GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions : The GetBareMetalServerDisk options. -type GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server disk identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBareMetalServerDiskOptions : Instantiate GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBareMetalServerDiskOptions(bareMetalServerID string, id string) *GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions { - return &GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBareMetalServerDiskOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions : The GetBareMetalServerInitialization options. -type GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions : Instantiate GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions(id string) *GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions { - return &GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBareMetalServerInitializationOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions : The GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment options. -type GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network attachment identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions : Instantiate GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions(bareMetalServerID string, id string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - return &GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : The GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP options. -type GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions(bareMetalServerID string, networkInterfaceID string, id string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - return &GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : The GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIP options. -type GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : Instantiate GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions(bareMetalServerID string, networkInterfaceID string, id string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - return &GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions : The GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterface options. -type GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions(bareMetalServerID string, id string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBareMetalServerOptions : The GetBareMetalServer options. -type GetBareMetalServerOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBareMetalServerOptions : Instantiate GetBareMetalServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBareMetalServerOptions(id string) *GetBareMetalServerOptions { - return &GetBareMetalServerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerOptions) SetID(id string) *GetBareMetalServerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBareMetalServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBareMetalServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions : The GetBareMetalServerProfile options. -type GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions struct { - // The bare metal server profile name. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetBareMetalServerProfileOptions : Instantiate GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetBareMetalServerProfileOptions(name string) *GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions { - return &GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions) SetName(name string) *GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetBareMetalServerProfileOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions : The GetDedicatedHostDisk options. -type GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions struct { - // The dedicated host identifier. - DedicatedHostID *string `json:"dedicated_host_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The dedicated host disk identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetDedicatedHostDiskOptions : Instantiate GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetDedicatedHostDiskOptions(dedicatedHostID string, id string) *GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions { - return &GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions{ - DedicatedHostID: core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetDedicatedHostID : Allow user to set DedicatedHostID -func (_options *GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions) SetDedicatedHostID(dedicatedHostID string) *GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostID = core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions) SetID(id string) *GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetDedicatedHostDiskOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions : The GetDedicatedHostGroup options. -type GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions struct { - // The dedicated host group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetDedicatedHostGroupOptions : Instantiate GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetDedicatedHostGroupOptions(id string) *GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - return &GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetDedicatedHostOptions : The GetDedicatedHost options. -type GetDedicatedHostOptions struct { - // The dedicated host identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetDedicatedHostOptions : Instantiate GetDedicatedHostOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetDedicatedHostOptions(id string) *GetDedicatedHostOptions { - return &GetDedicatedHostOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetDedicatedHostOptions) SetID(id string) *GetDedicatedHostOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetDedicatedHostOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetDedicatedHostOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions : The GetDedicatedHostProfile options. -type GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions struct { - // The dedicated host profile name. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetDedicatedHostProfileOptions : Instantiate GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetDedicatedHostProfileOptions(name string) *GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions { - return &GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions) SetName(name string) *GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetDedicatedHostProfileOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions : The GetEndpointGatewayIP options. -type GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions struct { - // The endpoint gateway identifier. - EndpointGatewayID *string `json:"endpoint_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetEndpointGatewayIPOptions : Instantiate GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetEndpointGatewayIPOptions(endpointGatewayID string, id string) *GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - return &GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions{ - EndpointGatewayID: core.StringPtr(endpointGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetEndpointGatewayID : Allow user to set EndpointGatewayID -func (_options *GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions) SetEndpointGatewayID(endpointGatewayID string) *GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - _options.EndpointGatewayID = core.StringPtr(endpointGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions) SetID(id string) *GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetEndpointGatewayOptions : The GetEndpointGateway options. -type GetEndpointGatewayOptions struct { - // The endpoint gateway identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetEndpointGatewayOptions : Instantiate GetEndpointGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetEndpointGatewayOptions(id string) *GetEndpointGatewayOptions { - return &GetEndpointGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetEndpointGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *GetEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetEndpointGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetEndpointGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetFloatingIPOptions : The GetFloatingIP options. -type GetFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate GetFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetFloatingIPOptions(id string) *GetFloatingIPOptions { - return &GetFloatingIPOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *GetFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetFlowLogCollectorOptions : The GetFlowLogCollector options. -type GetFlowLogCollectorOptions struct { - // The flow log collector identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetFlowLogCollectorOptions : Instantiate GetFlowLogCollectorOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetFlowLogCollectorOptions(id string) *GetFlowLogCollectorOptions { - return &GetFlowLogCollectorOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetID(id string) *GetFlowLogCollectorOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetFlowLogCollectorOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetIkePolicyOptions : The GetIkePolicy options. -type GetIkePolicyOptions struct { - // The IKE policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetIkePolicyOptions : Instantiate GetIkePolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetIkePolicyOptions(id string) *GetIkePolicyOptions { - return &GetIkePolicyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetIkePolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *GetIkePolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetIkePolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetIkePolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetImageExportJobOptions : The GetImageExportJob options. -type GetImageExportJobOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ImageID *string `json:"image_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The image export job identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetImageExportJobOptions : Instantiate GetImageExportJobOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetImageExportJobOptions(imageID string, id string) *GetImageExportJobOptions { - return &GetImageExportJobOptions{ - ImageID: core.StringPtr(imageID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetImageID : Allow user to set ImageID -func (_options *GetImageExportJobOptions) SetImageID(imageID string) *GetImageExportJobOptions { - _options.ImageID = core.StringPtr(imageID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetImageExportJobOptions) SetID(id string) *GetImageExportJobOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetImageExportJobOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetImageExportJobOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetImageOptions : The GetImage options. -type GetImageOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetImageOptions : Instantiate GetImageOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetImageOptions(id string) *GetImageOptions { - return &GetImageOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetImageOptions) SetID(id string) *GetImageOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetImageOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceDiskOptions : The GetInstanceDisk options. -type GetInstanceDiskOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance disk identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceDiskOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceDiskOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceDiskOptions(instanceID string, id string) *GetInstanceDiskOptions { - return &GetInstanceDiskOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *GetInstanceDiskOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *GetInstanceDiskOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceDiskOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceDiskOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceDiskOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceDiskOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions : The GetInstanceGroupManagerAction options. -type GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager action identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string, id string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - return &GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions : The GetInstanceGroupManager options. -type GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceGroupManagerOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceGroupManagerOptions(instanceGroupID string, id string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - return &GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions : The GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicy options. -type GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string, id string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - return &GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions : The GetInstanceGroupMembership options. -type GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group membership identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions(instanceGroupID string, id string) *GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - return &GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceGroupOptions : The GetInstanceGroup options. -type GetInstanceGroupOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceGroupOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceGroupOptions(id string) *GetInstanceGroupOptions { - return &GetInstanceGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceInitializationOptions : The GetInstanceInitialization options. -type GetInstanceInitializationOptions struct { - // The instance identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceInitializationOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceInitializationOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceInitializationOptions(id string) *GetInstanceInitializationOptions { - return &GetInstanceInitializationOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceInitializationOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceInitializationOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceInitializationOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceInitializationOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions : The GetInstanceNetworkAttachment options. -type GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network attachment identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions(instanceID string, id string) *GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - return &GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : The GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP options. -type GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions(instanceID string, networkInterfaceID string, id string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - return &GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : The GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIP options. -type GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions(instanceID string, networkInterfaceID string, id string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - return &GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions : The GetInstanceNetworkInterface options. -type GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions(instanceID string, id string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceOptions : The GetInstance options. -type GetInstanceOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceOptions(id string) *GetInstanceOptions { - return &GetInstanceOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceProfileOptions : The GetInstanceProfile options. -type GetInstanceProfileOptions struct { - // The instance profile name. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceProfileOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceProfileOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceProfileOptions(name string) *GetInstanceProfileOptions { - return &GetInstanceProfileOptions{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *GetInstanceProfileOptions) SetName(name string) *GetInstanceProfileOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceProfileOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceProfileOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceTemplateOptions : The GetInstanceTemplate options. -type GetInstanceTemplateOptions struct { - // The instance template identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceTemplateOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceTemplateOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceTemplateOptions(id string) *GetInstanceTemplateOptions { - return &GetInstanceTemplateOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceTemplateOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceTemplateOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceTemplateOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceTemplateOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions : The GetInstanceVolumeAttachment options. -type GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The volume attachment identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions : Instantiate GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions(instanceID string, id string) *GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - return &GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetID(id string) *GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetIpsecPolicyOptions : The GetIpsecPolicy options. -type GetIpsecPolicyOptions struct { - // The IPsec policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetIpsecPolicyOptions : Instantiate GetIpsecPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetIpsecPolicyOptions(id string) *GetIpsecPolicyOptions { - return &GetIpsecPolicyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetIpsecPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *GetIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetIpsecPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetIpsecPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetKeyOptions : The GetKey options. -type GetKeyOptions struct { - // The key identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetKeyOptions : Instantiate GetKeyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetKeyOptions(id string) *GetKeyOptions { - return &GetKeyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetKeyOptions) SetID(id string) *GetKeyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetKeyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetKeyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions : The GetLoadBalancerListener options. -type GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetLoadBalancerListenerOptions : Instantiate GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetLoadBalancerListenerOptions(loadBalancerID string, id string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - return &GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetID(id string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions : The GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicy options. -type GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions : Instantiate GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string, id string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - return &GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions : The GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule options. -type GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The policy identifier. - PolicyID *string `json:"policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The rule identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions : Instantiate GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string, policyID string, id string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - return &GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - PolicyID: core.StringPtr(policyID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPolicyID : Allow user to set PolicyID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetPolicyID(policyID string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.PolicyID = core.StringPtr(policyID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetID(id string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetLoadBalancerOptions : The GetLoadBalancer options. -type GetLoadBalancerOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetLoadBalancerOptions : Instantiate GetLoadBalancerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetLoadBalancerOptions(id string) *GetLoadBalancerOptions { - return &GetLoadBalancerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerOptions) SetID(id string) *GetLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetLoadBalancerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetLoadBalancerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions : The GetLoadBalancerPoolMember options. -type GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The pool identifier. - PoolID *string `json:"pool_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The member identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions : Instantiate GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions(loadBalancerID string, poolID string, id string) *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - return &GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - PoolID: core.StringPtr(poolID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPoolID : Allow user to set PoolID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetPoolID(poolID string) *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.PoolID = core.StringPtr(poolID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetID(id string) *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions : The GetLoadBalancerPool options. -type GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The pool identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetLoadBalancerPoolOptions : Instantiate GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetLoadBalancerPoolOptions(loadBalancerID string, id string) *GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - return &GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetID(id string) *GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions : The GetLoadBalancerProfile options. -type GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions struct { - // The load balancer profile name. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetLoadBalancerProfileOptions : Instantiate GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetLoadBalancerProfileOptions(name string) *GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions { - return &GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions) SetName(name string) *GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetLoadBalancerProfileOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions : The GetLoadBalancerStatistics options. -type GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions : Instantiate GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions(id string) *GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions { - return &GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions) SetID(id string) *GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetLoadBalancerStatisticsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetNetworkACLOptions : The GetNetworkACL options. -type GetNetworkACLOptions struct { - // The network ACL identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetNetworkACLOptions : Instantiate GetNetworkACLOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetNetworkACLOptions(id string) *GetNetworkACLOptions { - return &GetNetworkACLOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetNetworkACLOptions) SetID(id string) *GetNetworkACLOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetNetworkACLOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetNetworkACLOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetNetworkACLRuleOptions : The GetNetworkACLRule options. -type GetNetworkACLRuleOptions struct { - // The network ACL identifier. - NetworkACLID *string `json:"network_acl_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The rule identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetNetworkACLRuleOptions : Instantiate GetNetworkACLRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetNetworkACLRuleOptions(networkACLID string, id string) *GetNetworkACLRuleOptions { - return &GetNetworkACLRuleOptions{ - NetworkACLID: core.StringPtr(networkACLID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetNetworkACLID : Allow user to set NetworkACLID -func (_options *GetNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetNetworkACLID(networkACLID string) *GetNetworkACLRuleOptions { - _options.NetworkACLID = core.StringPtr(networkACLID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetID(id string) *GetNetworkACLRuleOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetNetworkACLRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : The GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP options. -type GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"virtual_network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string, id string) *GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - return &GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions{ - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetOperatingSystemOptions : The GetOperatingSystem options. -type GetOperatingSystemOptions struct { - // The operating system name. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetOperatingSystemOptions : Instantiate GetOperatingSystemOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetOperatingSystemOptions(name string) *GetOperatingSystemOptions { - return &GetOperatingSystemOptions{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *GetOperatingSystemOptions) SetName(name string) *GetOperatingSystemOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetOperatingSystemOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetOperatingSystemOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetPlacementGroupOptions : The GetPlacementGroup options. -type GetPlacementGroupOptions struct { - // The placement group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetPlacementGroupOptions : Instantiate GetPlacementGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetPlacementGroupOptions(id string) *GetPlacementGroupOptions { - return &GetPlacementGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetPlacementGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *GetPlacementGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetPlacementGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetPlacementGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetPublicGatewayOptions : The GetPublicGateway options. -type GetPublicGatewayOptions struct { - // The public gateway identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetPublicGatewayOptions : Instantiate GetPublicGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetPublicGatewayOptions(id string) *GetPublicGatewayOptions { - return &GetPublicGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetPublicGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *GetPublicGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetPublicGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetPublicGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetRegionOptions : The GetRegion options. -type GetRegionOptions struct { - // The region name. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetRegionOptions : Instantiate GetRegionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetRegionOptions(name string) *GetRegionOptions { - return &GetRegionOptions{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *GetRegionOptions) SetName(name string) *GetRegionOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetRegionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetRegionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetRegionZoneOptions : The GetRegionZone options. -type GetRegionZoneOptions struct { - // The region name. - RegionName *string `json:"region_name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The zone name. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetRegionZoneOptions : Instantiate GetRegionZoneOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetRegionZoneOptions(regionName string, name string) *GetRegionZoneOptions { - return &GetRegionZoneOptions{ - RegionName: core.StringPtr(regionName), - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } -} - -// SetRegionName : Allow user to set RegionName -func (_options *GetRegionZoneOptions) SetRegionName(regionName string) *GetRegionZoneOptions { - _options.RegionName = core.StringPtr(regionName) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *GetRegionZoneOptions) SetName(name string) *GetRegionZoneOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetRegionZoneOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetRegionZoneOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetReservationOptions : The GetReservation options. -type GetReservationOptions struct { - // The reservation identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetReservationOptions : Instantiate GetReservationOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetReservationOptions(id string) *GetReservationOptions { - return &GetReservationOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetReservationOptions) SetID(id string) *GetReservationOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetReservationOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetReservationOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSecurityGroupOptions : The GetSecurityGroup options. -type GetSecurityGroupOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSecurityGroupOptions : Instantiate GetSecurityGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSecurityGroupOptions(id string) *GetSecurityGroupOptions { - return &GetSecurityGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSecurityGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSecurityGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSecurityGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSecurityGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions : The GetSecurityGroupRule options. -type GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - SecurityGroupID *string `json:"security_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The rule identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSecurityGroupRuleOptions : Instantiate GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSecurityGroupRuleOptions(securityGroupID string, id string) *GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - return &GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions{ - SecurityGroupID: core.StringPtr(securityGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetSecurityGroupID : Allow user to set SecurityGroupID -func (_options *GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetSecurityGroupID(securityGroupID string) *GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupID = core.StringPtr(securityGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions : The GetSecurityGroupTarget options. -type GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - SecurityGroupID *string `json:"security_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The security group target identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSecurityGroupTargetOptions : Instantiate GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSecurityGroupTargetOptions(securityGroupID string, id string) *GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions { - return &GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions{ - SecurityGroupID: core.StringPtr(securityGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetSecurityGroupID : Allow user to set SecurityGroupID -func (_options *GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions) SetSecurityGroupID(securityGroupID string) *GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupID = core.StringPtr(securityGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSecurityGroupTargetOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetShareMountTargetOptions : The GetShareMountTarget options. -type GetShareMountTargetOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ShareID *string `json:"share_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The share mount target identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetShareMountTargetOptions : Instantiate GetShareMountTargetOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetShareMountTargetOptions(shareID string, id string) *GetShareMountTargetOptions { - return &GetShareMountTargetOptions{ - ShareID: core.StringPtr(shareID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetShareID : Allow user to set ShareID -func (_options *GetShareMountTargetOptions) SetShareID(shareID string) *GetShareMountTargetOptions { - _options.ShareID = core.StringPtr(shareID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetShareMountTargetOptions) SetID(id string) *GetShareMountTargetOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetShareMountTargetOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetShareMountTargetOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetShareOptions : The GetShare options. -type GetShareOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetShareOptions : Instantiate GetShareOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetShareOptions(id string) *GetShareOptions { - return &GetShareOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetShareOptions) SetID(id string) *GetShareOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetShareOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetShareOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetShareProfileOptions : The GetShareProfile options. -type GetShareProfileOptions struct { - // The file share profile name. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetShareProfileOptions : Instantiate GetShareProfileOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetShareProfileOptions(name string) *GetShareProfileOptions { - return &GetShareProfileOptions{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *GetShareProfileOptions) SetName(name string) *GetShareProfileOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetShareProfileOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetShareProfileOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetShareSourceOptions : The GetShareSource options. -type GetShareSourceOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ShareID *string `json:"share_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetShareSourceOptions : Instantiate GetShareSourceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetShareSourceOptions(shareID string) *GetShareSourceOptions { - return &GetShareSourceOptions{ - ShareID: core.StringPtr(shareID), - } -} - -// SetShareID : Allow user to set ShareID -func (_options *GetShareSourceOptions) SetShareID(shareID string) *GetShareSourceOptions { - _options.ShareID = core.StringPtr(shareID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetShareSourceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetShareSourceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSnapshotCloneOptions : The GetSnapshotClone options. -type GetSnapshotCloneOptions struct { - // The snapshot identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The zone name. - ZoneName *string `json:"zone_name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSnapshotCloneOptions : Instantiate GetSnapshotCloneOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSnapshotCloneOptions(id string, zoneName string) *GetSnapshotCloneOptions { - return &GetSnapshotCloneOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - ZoneName: core.StringPtr(zoneName), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSnapshotCloneOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSnapshotCloneOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetZoneName : Allow user to set ZoneName -func (_options *GetSnapshotCloneOptions) SetZoneName(zoneName string) *GetSnapshotCloneOptions { - _options.ZoneName = core.StringPtr(zoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSnapshotCloneOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSnapshotCloneOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions : The GetSnapshotConsistencyGroup options. -type GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions struct { - // The snapshot consistency group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions : Instantiate GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions(id string) *GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - return &GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSnapshotOptions : The GetSnapshot options. -type GetSnapshotOptions struct { - // The snapshot identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSnapshotOptions : Instantiate GetSnapshotOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSnapshotOptions(id string) *GetSnapshotOptions { - return &GetSnapshotOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSnapshotOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSnapshotOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSnapshotOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSnapshotOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions : The GetSubnetNetworkACL options. -type GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSubnetNetworkACLOptions : Instantiate GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSubnetNetworkACLOptions(id string) *GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions { - return &GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSubnetNetworkACLOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSubnetOptions : The GetSubnet options. -type GetSubnetOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSubnetOptions : Instantiate GetSubnetOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSubnetOptions(id string) *GetSubnetOptions { - return &GetSubnetOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSubnetOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSubnetOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSubnetOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSubnetOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions : The GetSubnetPublicGateway options. -type GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions : Instantiate GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions(id string) *GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - return &GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSubnetReservedIPOptions : The GetSubnetReservedIP options. -type GetSubnetReservedIPOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - SubnetID *string `json:"subnet_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSubnetReservedIPOptions : Instantiate GetSubnetReservedIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSubnetReservedIPOptions(subnetID string, id string) *GetSubnetReservedIPOptions { - return &GetSubnetReservedIPOptions{ - SubnetID: core.StringPtr(subnetID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetSubnetID : Allow user to set SubnetID -func (_options *GetSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetSubnetID(subnetID string) *GetSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.SubnetID = core.StringPtr(subnetID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSubnetReservedIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions : The GetSubnetRoutingTable options. -type GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetSubnetRoutingTableOptions : Instantiate GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetSubnetRoutingTableOptions(id string) *GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions { - return &GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions) SetID(id string) *GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetSubnetRoutingTableOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : The GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP options. -type GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"virtual_network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : Instantiate GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string, id string) *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - return &GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions{ - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions : The GetVirtualNetworkInterface options. -type GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions(id string) *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVolumeOptions : The GetVolume options. -type GetVolumeOptions struct { - // The volume identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVolumeOptions : Instantiate GetVolumeOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVolumeOptions(id string) *GetVolumeOptions { - return &GetVolumeOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVolumeOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVolumeOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVolumeOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVolumeOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVolumeProfileOptions : The GetVolumeProfile options. -type GetVolumeProfileOptions struct { - // The volume profile name. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVolumeProfileOptions : Instantiate GetVolumeProfileOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVolumeProfileOptions(name string) *GetVolumeProfileOptions { - return &GetVolumeProfileOptions{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *GetVolumeProfileOptions) SetName(name string) *GetVolumeProfileOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVolumeProfileOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVolumeProfileOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions : The GetVPCAddressPrefix options. -type GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPCAddressPrefixOptions : Instantiate GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPCAddressPrefixOptions(vpcID string, id string) *GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - return &GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions : The GetVPCDefaultNetworkACL options. -type GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions : Instantiate GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions(id string) *GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions { - return &GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPCDefaultNetworkACLOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions : The GetVPCDefaultRoutingTable options. -type GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions : Instantiate GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions(id string) *GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions { - return &GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPCDefaultRoutingTableOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions : The GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroup options. -type GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions : Instantiate GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions(id string) *GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions { - return &GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPCDefaultSecurityGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions : The GetVPCDnsResolutionBinding options. -type GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The DNS resolution binding identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions : Instantiate GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions(vpcID string, id string) *GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - return &GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPCOptions : The GetVPC options. -type GetVPCOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPCOptions : Instantiate GetVPCOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPCOptions(id string) *GetVPCOptions { - return &GetVPCOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPCOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPCOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPCOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPCOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPCRouteOptions : The GetVPCRoute options. -type GetVPCRouteOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The route identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPCRouteOptions : Instantiate GetVPCRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPCRouteOptions(vpcID string, id string) *GetVPCRouteOptions { - return &GetVPCRouteOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *GetVPCRouteOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *GetVPCRouteOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPCRouteOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPCRouteOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPCRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPCRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPCRoutingTableOptions : The GetVPCRoutingTable options. -type GetVPCRoutingTableOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPCRoutingTableOptions : Instantiate GetVPCRoutingTableOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPCRoutingTableOptions(vpcID string, id string) *GetVPCRoutingTableOptions { - return &GetVPCRoutingTableOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *GetVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *GetVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPCRoutingTableOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions : The GetVPCRoutingTableRoute options. -type GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table identifier. - RoutingTableID *string `json:"routing_table_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPC routing table route identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions : Instantiate GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions(vpcID string, routingTableID string, id string) *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - return &GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - RoutingTableID: core.StringPtr(routingTableID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutingTableID : Allow user to set RoutingTableID -func (_options *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetRoutingTableID(routingTableID string) *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.RoutingTableID = core.StringPtr(routingTableID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions : The GetVPNGatewayConnection options. -type GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions : Instantiate GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string) *GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - return &GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPNGatewayOptions : The GetVPNGateway options. -type GetVPNGatewayOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPNGatewayOptions : Instantiate GetVPNGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPNGatewayOptions(id string) *GetVPNGatewayOptions { - return &GetVPNGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPNGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPNGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPNGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPNGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions : The GetVPNServerClientConfiguration options. -type GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions : Instantiate GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions(id string) *GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions { - return &GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPNServerClientConfigurationOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPNServerClientOptions : The GetVPNServerClient options. -type GetVPNServerClientOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - VPNServerID *string `json:"vpn_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN client identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPNServerClientOptions : Instantiate GetVPNServerClientOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPNServerClientOptions(vpnServerID string, id string) *GetVPNServerClientOptions { - return &GetVPNServerClientOptions{ - VPNServerID: core.StringPtr(vpnServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPNServerID : Allow user to set VPNServerID -func (_options *GetVPNServerClientOptions) SetVPNServerID(vpnServerID string) *GetVPNServerClientOptions { - _options.VPNServerID = core.StringPtr(vpnServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPNServerClientOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPNServerClientOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPNServerClientOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPNServerClientOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPNServerOptions : The GetVPNServer options. -type GetVPNServerOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPNServerOptions : Instantiate GetVPNServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPNServerOptions(id string) *GetVPNServerOptions { - return &GetVPNServerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPNServerOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPNServerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPNServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPNServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// GetVPNServerRouteOptions : The GetVPNServerRoute options. -type GetVPNServerRouteOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - VPNServerID *string `json:"vpn_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN route identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewGetVPNServerRouteOptions : Instantiate GetVPNServerRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewGetVPNServerRouteOptions(vpnServerID string, id string) *GetVPNServerRouteOptions { - return &GetVPNServerRouteOptions{ - VPNServerID: core.StringPtr(vpnServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPNServerID : Allow user to set VPNServerID -func (_options *GetVPNServerRouteOptions) SetVPNServerID(vpnServerID string) *GetVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.VPNServerID = core.StringPtr(vpnServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *GetVPNServerRouteOptions) SetID(id string) *GetVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *GetVPNServerRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *GetVPNServerRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// IkePolicy : IkePolicy struct -type IkePolicy struct { - // The authentication algorithm - // - // The `md5` and `sha1` algorithms have been deprecated. - AuthenticationAlgorithm *string `json:"authentication_algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN gateway connections that use this IKE policy. - Connections []VPNGatewayConnectionReference `json:"connections" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this IKE policy was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The Diffie-Hellman group - // - // Groups `2` and `5` have been deprecated. - DhGroup *int64 `json:"dh_group" validate:"required"` - - // The encryption algorithm - // - // The `triple_des` algorithm has been deprecated. - EncryptionAlgorithm *string `json:"encryption_algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The IKE policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this IKE policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IKE protocol version. - IkeVersion *int64 `json:"ike_version" validate:"required"` - - // The key lifetime in seconds. - KeyLifetime *int64 `json:"key_lifetime" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this IKE policy. The name is unique across all IKE policies in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The IKE negotiation mode. Only `main` is supported. - NegotiationMode *string `json:"negotiation_mode" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this IKE policy. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the IkePolicy.AuthenticationAlgorithm property. -// The authentication algorithm -// -// The `md5` and `sha1` algorithms have been deprecated. -const ( - IkePolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmMd5Const = "md5" - IkePolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmSha1Const = "sha1" - IkePolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmSha256Const = "sha256" - IkePolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmSha384Const = "sha384" - IkePolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmSha512Const = "sha512" -) - -// Constants associated with the IkePolicy.EncryptionAlgorithm property. -// The encryption algorithm -// -// The `triple_des` algorithm has been deprecated. -const ( - IkePolicyEncryptionAlgorithmAes128Const = "aes128" - IkePolicyEncryptionAlgorithmAes192Const = "aes192" - IkePolicyEncryptionAlgorithmAes256Const = "aes256" - IkePolicyEncryptionAlgorithmTripleDesConst = "triple_des" -) - -// Constants associated with the IkePolicy.NegotiationMode property. -// The IKE negotiation mode. Only `main` is supported. -const ( - IkePolicyNegotiationModeMainConst = "main" -) - -// Constants associated with the IkePolicy.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - IkePolicyResourceTypeIkePolicyConst = "ike_policy" -) - -// UnmarshalIkePolicy unmarshals an instance of IkePolicy from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIkePolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IkePolicy) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "authentication_algorithm", &obj.AuthenticationAlgorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "connections", &obj.Connections, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "dh_group", &obj.DhGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encryption_algorithm", &obj.EncryptionAlgorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ike_version", &obj.IkeVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "key_lifetime", &obj.KeyLifetime) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "negotiation_mode", &obj.NegotiationMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IkePolicyCollection : IkePolicyCollection struct -type IkePolicyCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *IkePolicyCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of IKE policies. - IkePolicies []IkePolicy `json:"ike_policies" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *IkePolicyCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalIkePolicyCollection unmarshals an instance of IkePolicyCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIkePolicyCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IkePolicyCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalIkePolicyCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ike_policies", &obj.IkePolicies, UnmarshalIkePolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalIkePolicyCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *IkePolicyCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// IkePolicyPatch : IkePolicyPatch struct -type IkePolicyPatch struct { - // The authentication algorithm. - AuthenticationAlgorithm *string `json:"authentication_algorithm,omitempty"` - - // The Diffie-Hellman group. - DhGroup *int64 `json:"dh_group,omitempty"` - - // The encryption algorithm. - EncryptionAlgorithm *string `json:"encryption_algorithm,omitempty"` - - // The IKE protocol version. - IkeVersion *int64 `json:"ike_version,omitempty"` - - // The key lifetime in seconds. - KeyLifetime *int64 `json:"key_lifetime,omitempty"` - - // The name for this IKE policy. The name must not be used by another IKE policy in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the IkePolicyPatch.AuthenticationAlgorithm property. -// The authentication algorithm. -const ( - IkePolicyPatchAuthenticationAlgorithmSha256Const = "sha256" - IkePolicyPatchAuthenticationAlgorithmSha384Const = "sha384" - IkePolicyPatchAuthenticationAlgorithmSha512Const = "sha512" -) - -// Constants associated with the IkePolicyPatch.EncryptionAlgorithm property. -// The encryption algorithm. -const ( - IkePolicyPatchEncryptionAlgorithmAes128Const = "aes128" - IkePolicyPatchEncryptionAlgorithmAes192Const = "aes192" - IkePolicyPatchEncryptionAlgorithmAes256Const = "aes256" -) - -// UnmarshalIkePolicyPatch unmarshals an instance of IkePolicyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIkePolicyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IkePolicyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "authentication_algorithm", &obj.AuthenticationAlgorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "dh_group", &obj.DhGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encryption_algorithm", &obj.EncryptionAlgorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ike_version", &obj.IkeVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "key_lifetime", &obj.KeyLifetime) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the IkePolicyPatch -func (ikePolicyPatch *IkePolicyPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(ikePolicyPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// IkePolicyReference : IkePolicyReference struct -type IkePolicyReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *IkePolicyReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The IKE policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this IKE policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this IKE policy. The name is unique across all IKE policies in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the IkePolicyReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - IkePolicyReferenceResourceTypeIkePolicyConst = "ike_policy" -) - -// UnmarshalIkePolicyReference unmarshals an instance of IkePolicyReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIkePolicyReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IkePolicyReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalIkePolicyReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IP : IP struct -type IP struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewIP : Instantiate IP (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewIP(address string) (_model *IP, err error) { - _model = &IP{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalIP unmarshals an instance of IP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IPsecPolicy : IPsecPolicy struct -type IPsecPolicy struct { - // The authentication algorithm - // - // The `md5` and `sha1` algorithms have been deprecated - // - // Must be `disabled` if and only if the `encryption_algorithm` is - // `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or `aes256gcm16`. - AuthenticationAlgorithm *string `json:"authentication_algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN gateway connections that use this IPsec policy. - Connections []VPNGatewayConnectionReference `json:"connections" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this IPsec policy was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The encapsulation mode used. Only `tunnel` is supported. - EncapsulationMode *string `json:"encapsulation_mode" validate:"required"` - - // The encryption algorithm - // - // The `triple_des` algorithm has been deprecated - // - // The `authentication_algorithm` must be `disabled` if and only if - // `encryption_algorithm` is `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or - // `aes256gcm16`. - EncryptionAlgorithm *string `json:"encryption_algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The IPsec policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this IPsec policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The key lifetime in seconds. - KeyLifetime *int64 `json:"key_lifetime" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this IPsec policy. The name is unique across all IPsec policies in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // Perfect Forward Secrecy - // - // Groups `group_2` and `group_5` have been deprecated. - Pfs *string `json:"pfs" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this IPsec policy. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The transform protocol used. Only `esp` is supported. - TransformProtocol *string `json:"transform_protocol" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicy.AuthenticationAlgorithm property. -// The authentication algorithm -// -// # The `md5` and `sha1` algorithms have been deprecated -// -// Must be `disabled` if and only if the `encryption_algorithm` is -// `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or `aes256gcm16`. -const ( - IPsecPolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmDisabledConst = "disabled" - IPsecPolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmMd5Const = "md5" - IPsecPolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmSha1Const = "sha1" - IPsecPolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmSha256Const = "sha256" - IPsecPolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmSha384Const = "sha384" - IPsecPolicyAuthenticationAlgorithmSha512Const = "sha512" -) - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicy.EncapsulationMode property. -// The encapsulation mode used. Only `tunnel` is supported. -const ( - IPsecPolicyEncapsulationModeTunnelConst = "tunnel" -) - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicy.EncryptionAlgorithm property. -// The encryption algorithm -// -// The `triple_des` algorithm has been deprecated -// -// The `authentication_algorithm` must be `disabled` if and only if -// `encryption_algorithm` is `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or -// `aes256gcm16`. -const ( - IPsecPolicyEncryptionAlgorithmAes128Const = "aes128" - IPsecPolicyEncryptionAlgorithmAes128gcm16Const = "aes128gcm16" - IPsecPolicyEncryptionAlgorithmAes192Const = "aes192" - IPsecPolicyEncryptionAlgorithmAes192gcm16Const = "aes192gcm16" - IPsecPolicyEncryptionAlgorithmAes256Const = "aes256" - IPsecPolicyEncryptionAlgorithmAes256gcm16Const = "aes256gcm16" - IPsecPolicyEncryptionAlgorithmTripleDesConst = "triple_des" -) - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicy.Pfs property. -// Perfect Forward Secrecy -// -// Groups `group_2` and `group_5` have been deprecated. -const ( - IPsecPolicyPfsDisabledConst = "disabled" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup14Const = "group_14" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup15Const = "group_15" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup16Const = "group_16" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup17Const = "group_17" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup18Const = "group_18" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup19Const = "group_19" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup2Const = "group_2" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup20Const = "group_20" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup21Const = "group_21" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup22Const = "group_22" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup23Const = "group_23" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup24Const = "group_24" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup31Const = "group_31" - IPsecPolicyPfsGroup5Const = "group_5" -) - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicy.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - IPsecPolicyResourceTypeIpsecPolicyConst = "ipsec_policy" -) - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicy.TransformProtocol property. -// The transform protocol used. Only `esp` is supported. -const ( - IPsecPolicyTransformProtocolEspConst = "esp" -) - -// UnmarshalIPsecPolicy unmarshals an instance of IPsecPolicy from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIPsecPolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IPsecPolicy) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "authentication_algorithm", &obj.AuthenticationAlgorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "connections", &obj.Connections, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encapsulation_mode", &obj.EncapsulationMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encryption_algorithm", &obj.EncryptionAlgorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "key_lifetime", &obj.KeyLifetime) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "pfs", &obj.Pfs) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "transform_protocol", &obj.TransformProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IPsecPolicyCollection : IPsecPolicyCollection struct -type IPsecPolicyCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *IPsecPolicyCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of IPsec policies. - IpsecPolicies []IPsecPolicy `json:"ipsec_policies" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *IPsecPolicyCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalIPsecPolicyCollection unmarshals an instance of IPsecPolicyCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIPsecPolicyCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IPsecPolicyCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalIPsecPolicyCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ipsec_policies", &obj.IpsecPolicies, UnmarshalIPsecPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalIPsecPolicyCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *IPsecPolicyCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// IPsecPolicyCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type IPsecPolicyCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalIPsecPolicyCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of IPsecPolicyCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIPsecPolicyCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IPsecPolicyCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IPsecPolicyCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type IPsecPolicyCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalIPsecPolicyCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of IPsecPolicyCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIPsecPolicyCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IPsecPolicyCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IPsecPolicyPatch : IPsecPolicyPatch struct -type IPsecPolicyPatch struct { - // The authentication algorithm - // - // Must be `disabled` if and only if the `encryption_algorithm` is - // `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or `aes256gcm16`. - AuthenticationAlgorithm *string `json:"authentication_algorithm,omitempty"` - - // The encryption algorithm - // - // The `authentication_algorithm` must be `disabled` if and only if - // `encryption_algorithm` is `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or - // `aes256gcm16`. - EncryptionAlgorithm *string `json:"encryption_algorithm,omitempty"` - - // The key lifetime in seconds. - KeyLifetime *int64 `json:"key_lifetime,omitempty"` - - // The name for this IPsec policy. The name must not be used by another IPsec policy in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Perfect Forward Secrecy. - Pfs *string `json:"pfs,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicyPatch.AuthenticationAlgorithm property. -// The authentication algorithm -// -// Must be `disabled` if and only if the `encryption_algorithm` is -// `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or `aes256gcm16`. -const ( - IPsecPolicyPatchAuthenticationAlgorithmDisabledConst = "disabled" - IPsecPolicyPatchAuthenticationAlgorithmSha256Const = "sha256" - IPsecPolicyPatchAuthenticationAlgorithmSha384Const = "sha384" - IPsecPolicyPatchAuthenticationAlgorithmSha512Const = "sha512" -) - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicyPatch.EncryptionAlgorithm property. -// The encryption algorithm -// -// The `authentication_algorithm` must be `disabled` if and only if -// `encryption_algorithm` is `aes128gcm16`, `aes192gcm16`, or -// `aes256gcm16`. -const ( - IPsecPolicyPatchEncryptionAlgorithmAes128Const = "aes128" - IPsecPolicyPatchEncryptionAlgorithmAes128gcm16Const = "aes128gcm16" - IPsecPolicyPatchEncryptionAlgorithmAes192Const = "aes192" - IPsecPolicyPatchEncryptionAlgorithmAes192gcm16Const = "aes192gcm16" - IPsecPolicyPatchEncryptionAlgorithmAes256Const = "aes256" - IPsecPolicyPatchEncryptionAlgorithmAes256gcm16Const = "aes256gcm16" -) - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicyPatch.Pfs property. -// Perfect Forward Secrecy. -const ( - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsDisabledConst = "disabled" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup14Const = "group_14" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup15Const = "group_15" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup16Const = "group_16" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup17Const = "group_17" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup18Const = "group_18" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup19Const = "group_19" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup20Const = "group_20" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup21Const = "group_21" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup22Const = "group_22" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup23Const = "group_23" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup24Const = "group_24" - IPsecPolicyPatchPfsGroup31Const = "group_31" -) - -// UnmarshalIPsecPolicyPatch unmarshals an instance of IPsecPolicyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIPsecPolicyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IPsecPolicyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "authentication_algorithm", &obj.AuthenticationAlgorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encryption_algorithm", &obj.EncryptionAlgorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "key_lifetime", &obj.KeyLifetime) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "pfs", &obj.Pfs) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the IPsecPolicyPatch -func (iPsecPolicyPatch *IPsecPolicyPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(iPsecPolicyPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// IPsecPolicyReference : IPsecPolicyReference struct -type IPsecPolicyReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *IPsecPolicyReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The IPsec policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this IPsec policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this IPsec policy. The name is unique across all IPsec policies in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the IPsecPolicyReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - IPsecPolicyReferenceResourceTypeIpsecPolicyConst = "ipsec_policy" -) - -// UnmarshalIPsecPolicyReference unmarshals an instance of IPsecPolicyReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIPsecPolicyReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IPsecPolicyReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalIPsecPolicyReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IPsecPolicyReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type IPsecPolicyReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalIPsecPolicyReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of IPsecPolicyReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIPsecPolicyReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IPsecPolicyReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IkePolicyCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type IkePolicyCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalIkePolicyCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of IkePolicyCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIkePolicyCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IkePolicyCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IkePolicyCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type IkePolicyCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalIkePolicyCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of IkePolicyCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIkePolicyCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IkePolicyCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// IkePolicyReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type IkePolicyReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalIkePolicyReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of IkePolicyReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalIkePolicyReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(IkePolicyReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Image : Image struct -type Image struct { - CatalogOffering *ImageCatalogOffering `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the image was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this image. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The deprecation date and time (UTC) for this image. - // - // If absent, no deprecation date and time has been set. - DeprecationAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"deprecation_at,omitempty"` - - // The type of encryption used on the image. - Encryption *string `json:"encryption" validate:"required"` - - // The key that will be used to encrypt volumes created from this image (unless an - // alternate `encryption_key` is specified at volume creation). - // - // This property will be present for images with an `encryption` type of `user_managed`. - EncryptionKey *EncryptionKeyReference `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // Details for the stored image file. - File *ImageFile `json:"file" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this image. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this image. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum size (in gigabytes) of a volume onto which this image may be provisioned. - // - // This property may be absent if the image has a `status` of `pending` or `failed`. - MinimumProvisionedSize *int64 `json:"minimum_provisioned_size,omitempty"` - - // The name for this image. The name is unique across all images in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The obsolescence date and time (UTC) for this image. - // - // If absent, no obsolescence date and time has been set. - ObsolescenceAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"obsolescence_at,omitempty"` - - // The operating system included in this image. - OperatingSystem *OperatingSystem `json:"operating_system,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this image. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The volume used to create this image (this may be - // [deleted](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#deleted-resources)). - // If absent, this image was not created from a volume. - SourceVolume *VolumeReference `json:"source_volume,omitempty"` - - // The status of this image - // - available: image can be used (provisionable) - // - deleting: image is being deleted, and can no longer be used to provision new - // resources - // - deprecated: image is administratively slated to become `obsolete` - // - failed: image is corrupt or did not pass validation - // - obsolete: image administratively set to not be used for new resources - // - pending: image is being imported and is not yet `available` - // - unusable: image cannot be used (see `status_reasons[]` for possible remediation) - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the image on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current status (if any): - // - `encrypted_data_key_invalid`: image cannot be decrypted with the specified - // `encryption_key` - // - `encryption_key_deleted`: image unusable because its `encryption_key` was deleted - // - `encryption_key_disabled`: image unusable until its `encryption_key` is re-enabled - // - `image_data_corrupted`: image data is corrupt, or is not in the specified format - // - `image_provisioned_size_unsupported`: image requires a boot volume size greater - // than the maximum supported value - // - `image_request_in_progress`: image operation is in progress (such as an import from - // Cloud Object Storage) - // - `image_request_queued`: image request has been accepted but the requested - // operation has not started - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []ImageStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The visibility of this image. - // - `private`: Visible only to this account - // - `public`: Visible to all accounts. - Visibility *string `json:"visibility" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Image.Encryption property. -// The type of encryption used on the image. -const ( - ImageEncryptionNoneConst = "none" - ImageEncryptionUserManagedConst = "user_managed" -) - -// Constants associated with the Image.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ImageResourceTypeImageConst = "image" -) - -// Constants associated with the Image.Status property. -// The status of this image -// - available: image can be used (provisionable) -// - deleting: image is being deleted, and can no longer be used to provision new -// resources -// - deprecated: image is administratively slated to become `obsolete` -// - failed: image is corrupt or did not pass validation -// - obsolete: image administratively set to not be used for new resources -// - pending: image is being imported and is not yet `available` -// - unusable: image cannot be used (see `status_reasons[]` for possible remediation) -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the image on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - ImageStatusAvailableConst = "available" - ImageStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - ImageStatusDeprecatedConst = "deprecated" - ImageStatusFailedConst = "failed" - ImageStatusObsoleteConst = "obsolete" - ImageStatusPendingConst = "pending" - ImageStatusUnusableConst = "unusable" -) - -// Constants associated with the Image.Visibility property. -// The visibility of this image. -// - `private`: Visible only to this account -// - `public`: Visible to all accounts. -const ( - ImageVisibilityPrivateConst = "private" - ImageVisibilityPublicConst = "public" -) - -// UnmarshalImage unmarshals an instance of Image from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImage(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Image) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalImageCatalogOffering) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "deprecation_at", &obj.DeprecationAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encryption", &obj.Encryption) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "file", &obj.File, UnmarshalImageFile) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "minimum_provisioned_size", &obj.MinimumProvisionedSize) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "obsolescence_at", &obj.ObsolescenceAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "operating_system", &obj.OperatingSystem, UnmarshalOperatingSystem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_volume", &obj.SourceVolume, UnmarshalVolumeReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalImageStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "visibility", &obj.Visibility) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageCatalogOffering : ImageCatalogOffering struct -type ImageCatalogOffering struct { - // Indicates whether this image is managed as part of a - // [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering. If an image is managed, - // accounts in the same - // [enterprise](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-what-is-enterprise) with access to that catalog can - // specify the image's catalog offering version CRN to provision virtual server instances using the image. - Managed *bool `json:"managed" validate:"required"` - - // The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) - // offering version associated with this image. - // - // If absent, this image is not associated with a cloud catalog offering. - Version *CatalogOfferingVersionReference `json:"version,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageCatalogOffering unmarshals an instance of ImageCatalogOffering from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageCatalogOffering(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageCatalogOffering) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "managed", &obj.Managed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "version", &obj.Version, UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageCollection : ImageCollection struct -type ImageCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ImageCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of images. - Images []Image `json:"images" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ImageCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageCollection unmarshals an instance of ImageCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalImageCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "images", &obj.Images, UnmarshalImage) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalImageCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *ImageCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// ImageCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ImageCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of ImageCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ImageCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of ImageCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageExportJob : ImageExportJob struct -type ImageExportJob struct { - // The date and time that the image export job was completed. - // - // If absent, the export job has not yet completed. - CompletedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"completed_at,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the image export job was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // A base64-encoded, encrypted representation of the key that was used to encrypt the data for the exported image. This - // key can be unwrapped with the image's `encryption_key` root key using either Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto - // Services. - // - // If absent, the export job is for an unencrypted image. - EncryptedDataKey *[]byte `json:"encrypted_data_key,omitempty"` - - // The format of the exported image. - Format *string `json:"format" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this image export job. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this image export job. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this image export job. The name must not be used by another export job for the image. Changing the name - // will not affect the exported image name, - // `storage_object.name`, or `storage_href` values. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The type of resource referenced. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the image export job started running. - // - // If absent, the export job has not yet started. - StartedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"started_at,omitempty"` - - // The status of this image export job: - // - `deleting`: Export job is being deleted - // - `failed`: Export job could not be completed successfully - // - `queued`: Export job is queued - // - `running`: Export job is in progress - // - `succeeded`: Export job was completed successfully - // - // The exported image object is automatically deleted for `failed` jobs. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current status (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []ImageExportJobStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The Cloud Object Storage bucket of the exported image object. - StorageBucket *CloudObjectStorageBucketReference `json:"storage_bucket" validate:"required"` - - // The Cloud Object Storage location of the exported image object. The object at this location will not exist until the - // job completes successfully. The exported image object is not managed by the IBM VPC service, and may be removed or - // replaced with a different object by any user or service with IAM authorization to the storage bucket. - StorageHref *string `json:"storage_href" validate:"required"` - - // The Cloud Object Storage object for the exported image. This object will not exist until - // the job completes successfully. The exported image object is not managed by the IBM VPC - // service, and may be removed or replaced with a different object by any user or service - // with IAM authorization to the storage bucket. - StorageObject *CloudObjectStorageObjectReference `json:"storage_object" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ImageExportJob.Format property. -// The format of the exported image. -const ( - ImageExportJobFormatQcow2Const = "qcow2" - ImageExportJobFormatVhdConst = "vhd" -) - -// Constants associated with the ImageExportJob.ResourceType property. -// The type of resource referenced. -const ( - ImageExportJobResourceTypeImageExportJobConst = "image_export_job" -) - -// Constants associated with the ImageExportJob.Status property. -// The status of this image export job: -// - `deleting`: Export job is being deleted -// - `failed`: Export job could not be completed successfully -// - `queued`: Export job is queued -// - `running`: Export job is in progress -// - `succeeded`: Export job was completed successfully -// -// The exported image object is automatically deleted for `failed` jobs. -const ( - ImageExportJobStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - ImageExportJobStatusFailedConst = "failed" - ImageExportJobStatusQueuedConst = "queued" - ImageExportJobStatusRunningConst = "running" - ImageExportJobStatusSucceededConst = "succeeded" -) - -// UnmarshalImageExportJob unmarshals an instance of ImageExportJob from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageExportJob(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageExportJob) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "completed_at", &obj.CompletedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encrypted_data_key", &obj.EncryptedDataKey) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "format", &obj.Format) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "started_at", &obj.StartedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalImageExportJobStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "storage_bucket", &obj.StorageBucket, UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageBucketReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "storage_href", &obj.StorageHref) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "storage_object", &obj.StorageObject, UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageObjectReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageExportJobPatch : ImageExportJobPatch struct -type ImageExportJobPatch struct { - // The name for this image export job. The name must not be used by another export job for the image. Changing the name - // will not affect the exported image name, - // `storage_object.name`, or `storage_href` values. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageExportJobPatch unmarshals an instance of ImageExportJobPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageExportJobPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageExportJobPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the ImageExportJobPatch -func (imageExportJobPatch *ImageExportJobPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(imageExportJobPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// ImageExportJobStatusReason : ImageExportJobStatusReason struct -type ImageExportJobStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the status reason. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ImageExportJobStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. -const ( - ImageExportJobStatusReasonCodeCannotAccessStorageBucketConst = "cannot_access_storage_bucket" - ImageExportJobStatusReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" -) - -// UnmarshalImageExportJobStatusReason unmarshals an instance of ImageExportJobStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageExportJobStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageExportJobStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection : ImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection struct -type ImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection struct { - // Collection of image export jobs. - ExportJobs []ImageExportJob `json:"export_jobs" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection unmarshals an instance of ImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageExportJobUnpaginatedCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "export_jobs", &obj.ExportJobs, UnmarshalImageExportJob) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageFile : ImageFile struct -type ImageFile struct { - // Checksums for this image file. - // - // This property may be absent if the associated image has a `status` of `pending` or - // `failed`. - Checksums *ImageFileChecksums `json:"checksums,omitempty"` - - // The size of the stored image file rounded up to the next gigabyte. - // - // This property may be absent if the associated image has a `status` of `pending` or - // `failed`. - Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageFile unmarshals an instance of ImageFile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageFile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageFile) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "checksums", &obj.Checksums, UnmarshalImageFileChecksums) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "size", &obj.Size) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageFileChecksums : ImageFileChecksums struct -type ImageFileChecksums struct { - // The SHA256 fingerprint of the image file. - Sha256 *string `json:"sha256,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageFileChecksums unmarshals an instance of ImageFileChecksums from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageFileChecksums(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageFileChecksums) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "sha256", &obj.Sha256) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageFilePrototype : ImageFilePrototype struct -type ImageFilePrototype struct { - // The Cloud Object Storage location of the image file. - // - // The image file format is specified by the file's extension, which must be either - // `qcow2` or `vhd`. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewImageFilePrototype : Instantiate ImageFilePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewImageFilePrototype(href string) (_model *ImageFilePrototype, err error) { - _model = &ImageFilePrototype{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalImageFilePrototype unmarshals an instance of ImageFilePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageFilePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageFilePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageIdentity : Identifies an image by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ImageIdentityByID -// - ImageIdentityByCRN -// - ImageIdentityByHref -type ImageIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this image. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this image. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this image. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ImageIdentity) isaImageIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type ImageIdentityIntf interface { - isaImageIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalImageIdentity unmarshals an instance of ImageIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImagePatch : ImagePatch struct -type ImagePatch struct { - // The deprecation date and time to set for this image. - // - // This cannot be set if the image has a `status` of `failed` or `deleting`, or if - // `catalog_offering.managed` is `true`. - // - // The date and time must not be in the past, and must be earlier than `obsolescence_at` - // (if `obsolescence_at` is set). Additionally, if the image status is currently - // `deprecated`, the value cannot be changed (but may be removed). - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing deprecation date and time. If the image status is currently `deprecated`, it - // will become `available`. - // - // If the deprecation date and time is reached while the image has a status of `pending`, the image's status will - // transition to `deprecated` upon its successful creation (or - // `obsolete` if the obsolescence date and time was also reached). - DeprecationAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"deprecation_at,omitempty"` - - // The name for this image. The name must not be used by another image in the region. Names starting with `ibm-` are - // reserved for system-provided images, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The obsolescence date and time to set for this image. - // - // This cannot be set if the image has a `status` of `failed` or `deleting`, or if - // `catalog_offering.managed` is `true`. - // - // The date and time must not be in the past, and must be later than `deprecation_at` (if - // `deprecation_at` is set). Additionally, if the image status is currently `obsolete`, the value cannot be changed - // (but may be removed). - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing obsolescence date and time. If the image status is currently `obsolete`, it - // will become `deprecated` if `deprecation_at` is in the past. Otherwise, it will become `available`. - // - // If the obsolescence date and time is reached while the image has a status of `pending`, the image's status will - // transition to `obsolete` upon its successful creation. - ObsolescenceAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"obsolescence_at,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalImagePatch unmarshals an instance of ImagePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImagePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImagePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "deprecation_at", &obj.DeprecationAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "obsolescence_at", &obj.ObsolescenceAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the ImagePatch -func (imagePatch *ImagePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(imagePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// ImagePrototype : ImagePrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ImagePrototypeImageByFile -// - ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume -type ImagePrototype struct { - // The deprecation date and time to set for this image. - // - // The date and time must not be in the past, and must be earlier than `obsolescence_at` - // (if `obsolescence_at` is set). - // - // If unspecified, no deprecation date and time will be set. - // - // If the deprecation date and time is reached while the image has a status of `pending`, the image's status will - // transition to `deprecated` upon its successful creation (or - // `obsolete` if the obsolescence date and time was also reached). - DeprecationAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"deprecation_at,omitempty"` - - // The name for this image. The name must not be used by another image in the region. Names starting with `ibm-` are - // reserved for system-provided images, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of - // randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The obsolescence date and time to set for this image. - // - // The date and time must not be in the past, and must be later than `deprecation_at` (if - // `deprecation_at` is set). - // - // If unspecified, no obsolescence date and time will be set. - // - // If the obsolescence date and time is reached while the image has a status of - // `pending`, the image's status will transition to `obsolete` upon its successful creation. - ObsolescenceAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"obsolescence_at,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // A base64-encoded, encrypted representation of the key that was used to encrypt the data for this image. - // - // That representation is created by wrapping the key's value with the `encryption_key` root key (which must also be - // specified), using either [Key Protect](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/key-protect?topic=key-protect-wrap-keys) or the - // [Hyper Protect Crypto Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/services/hs-crypto?topic=hs-crypto-wrap-keys). - // - // If unspecified, the imported image is treated as unencrypted. - EncryptedDataKey *string `json:"encrypted_data_key,omitempty"` - - // The root key that was used to wrap the data key (which is ultimately represented as - // `encrypted_data_key`). Additionally, the root key will be used to encrypt volumes - // created from this image (unless an alternate `encryption_key` is specified at volume - // creation). - // - // If unspecified, the imported image is treated as unencrypted. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The file from which to create the image. - File *ImageFilePrototype `json:"file,omitempty"` - - // The [supported operating - // system](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#list-operating-systems) included in this - // image. - OperatingSystem OperatingSystemIdentityIntf `json:"operating_system,omitempty"` - - // The volume from which to create the image. The specified volume must: - // - Have an `operating_system`, which will be used to populate this image's - // operating system information. - // - Not be `active` or `busy`. - // - // During image creation, the specified volume may briefly become `busy`. - SourceVolume VolumeIdentityIntf `json:"source_volume,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ImagePrototype) isaImagePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type ImagePrototypeIntf interface { - isaImagePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalImagePrototype unmarshals an instance of ImagePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImagePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImagePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "deprecation_at", &obj.DeprecationAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "obsolescence_at", &obj.ObsolescenceAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encrypted_data_key", &obj.EncryptedDataKey) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "file", &obj.File, UnmarshalImageFilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "operating_system", &obj.OperatingSystem, UnmarshalOperatingSystemIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_volume", &obj.SourceVolume, UnmarshalVolumeIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageReference : ImageReference struct -type ImageReference struct { - // The CRN for this image. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *ImageReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this image. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this image. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this image. The name is unique across all images in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *ImageRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ImageReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ImageReferenceResourceTypeImageConst = "image" -) - -// UnmarshalImageReference unmarshals an instance of ImageReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalImageReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalImageRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type ImageReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of ImageReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageRemote : If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference is remote and therefore may not -// be directly retrievable. -type ImageRemote struct { - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // account, and identifies the owning account. - Account *AccountReference `json:"account,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // region, and identifies the native region. - Region *RegionReference `json:"region,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalImageRemote unmarshals an instance of ImageRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "account", &obj.Account, UnmarshalAccountReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageStatusReason : ImageStatusReason struct -type ImageStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the status reason. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ImageStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. -const ( - ImageStatusReasonCodeEncryptedDataKeyInvalidConst = "encrypted_data_key_invalid" - ImageStatusReasonCodeEncryptionKeyDeletedConst = "encryption_key_deleted" - ImageStatusReasonCodeEncryptionKeyDisabledConst = "encryption_key_disabled" - ImageStatusReasonCodeImageDataCorruptedConst = "image_data_corrupted" - ImageStatusReasonCodeImageProvisionedSizeUnsupportedConst = "image_provisioned_size_unsupported" - ImageStatusReasonCodeImageRequestInProgressConst = "image_request_in_progress" - ImageStatusReasonCodeImageRequestQueuedConst = "image_request_queued" -) - -// UnmarshalImageStatusReason unmarshals an instance of ImageStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Instance : Instance struct -type Instance struct { - // The availability policy for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicy `json:"availability_policy" validate:"required"` - - // The total bandwidth (in megabits per second) shared across the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces and storage volumes of the virtual server instance. - Bandwidth *int64 `json:"bandwidth" validate:"required"` - - // Boot volume attachment. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this virtual server instance was provisioned from a - // [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user). - CatalogOffering *InstanceCatalogOffering `json:"catalog_offering,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the virtual server instance was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the dedicated host this virtual server instance has been placed on. - DedicatedHost *DedicatedHostReference `json:"dedicated_host,omitempty"` - - // The instance disks for this virtual server instance. - Disks []InstanceDisk `json:"disks" validate:"required"` - - // The virtual server instance GPU configuration. - Gpu *InstanceGpu `json:"gpu,omitempty"` - - // The reasons for the current instance `health_state` (if any): - // - `reservation_capacity_unavailable`: The reservation affinity pool has no - // available capacity. - // - `reservation_deleted`: The reservation affinity pool has a deleted reservation. - // - `reservation_expired`: The reservation affinity pool has an expired reservation. - // - `reservation_failed`: The reservation affinity pool has a failed reservation. - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []InstanceHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The image the virtual server instance was provisioned from. - Image *ImageReference `json:"image,omitempty"` - - // The reasons for the current `lifecycle_state` (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - LifecycleReasons []InstanceLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the virtual server instance. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of memory, truncated to whole gibibytes. - Memory *int64 `json:"memory" validate:"required"` - - // The metadata service configuration. - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataService `json:"metadata_service" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name is unique across all virtual server instances in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The network attachments for this virtual server instance, including the primary network attachment. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentReference `json:"network_attachments" validate:"required"` - - // The network interfaces for this instance, including the primary network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, each network interface is a [read-only - // representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its corresponding network - // attachment and its attached virtual network interface. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference `json:"network_interfaces" validate:"required"` - - // The number of NUMA nodes this virtual server instance is provisioned on. - // - // This property will be absent if the instance's `status` is not `running`. - NumaCount *int64 `json:"numa_count,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions for the virtual server instance. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment for this virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentReference `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The primary network interface for this virtual server instance. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this primary network interface is a - // [read-only - // representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) - // of the primary network attachment and its attached virtual network interface. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) for this virtual - // server instance. - Profile *InstanceProfileReference `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The reservation used by this virtual server instance. - // - // If absent, no reservation is in use. - Reservation *ReservationReference `json:"reservation,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinity `json:"reservation_affinity" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this instance. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether the state of the virtual server instance permits a start request. - Startable *bool `json:"startable" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the virtual server instance. - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the instance on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current status (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []InstanceStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance network attachments or instance - // network interfaces. - TotalNetworkBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_network_bandwidth" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth" validate:"required"` - - // The virtual server instance VCPU configuration. - Vcpu *InstanceVcpu `json:"vcpu" validate:"required"` - - // The volume attachments for this virtual server instance, including the boot volume attachment. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext `json:"volume_attachments" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Instance.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - InstanceHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - InstanceHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - InstanceHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - InstanceHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the Instance.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the virtual server instance. -const ( - InstanceLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - InstanceLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - InstanceLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - InstanceLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - InstanceLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - InstanceLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the Instance.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceResourceTypeInstanceConst = "instance" -) - -// Constants associated with the Instance.Status property. -// The status of the virtual server instance. -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the instance on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - InstanceStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - InstanceStatusFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceStatusPendingConst = "pending" - InstanceStatusRestartingConst = "restarting" - InstanceStatusRunningConst = "running" - InstanceStatusStartingConst = "starting" - InstanceStatusStoppedConst = "stopped" - InstanceStatusStoppingConst = "stopping" -) - -// UnmarshalInstance unmarshals an instance of Instance from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstance(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Instance) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "bandwidth", &obj.Bandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOffering) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dedicated_host", &obj.DedicatedHost, UnmarshalDedicatedHostReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "disks", &obj.Disks, UnmarshalInstanceDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "gpu", &obj.Gpu, UnmarshalInstanceGpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalInstanceHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalInstanceLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "memory", &obj.Memory) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataService) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "numa_count", &obj.NumaCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation", &obj.Reservation, UnmarshalReservationReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "startable", &obj.Startable) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalInstanceStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_network_bandwidth", &obj.TotalNetworkBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vcpu", &obj.Vcpu, UnmarshalInstanceVcpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceAction : InstanceAction struct -type InstanceAction struct { - // The date and time that the action was completed. - // Deprecated: this field is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. - CompletedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"completed_at,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the action was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // If set to true, the action will be forced immediately, and all queued actions deleted. Ignored for the start action. - Force *bool `json:"force,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance action. - // Deprecated: this field is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The identifier for this instance action. - // Deprecated: this field is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the action was started. - // Deprecated: this field is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. - StartedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"started_at,omitempty"` - - // The current status of this action. - // Deprecated: this field is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The type of action. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceAction.Status property. -// The current status of this action. -const ( - InstanceActionStatusCompletedConst = "completed" - InstanceActionStatusFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceActionStatusPendingConst = "pending" - InstanceActionStatusRunningConst = "running" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceAction.Type property. -// The type of action. -const ( - InstanceActionTypeRebootConst = "reboot" - InstanceActionTypeStartConst = "start" - InstanceActionTypeStopConst = "stop" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceAction unmarshals an instance of InstanceAction from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceAction(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceAction) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "completed_at", &obj.CompletedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "force", &obj.Force) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "started_at", &obj.StartedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceAvailabilityPolicy : InstanceAvailabilityPolicy struct -type InstanceAvailabilityPolicy struct { - // The action to perform if the compute host experiences a failure. - // - `restart`: Automatically restart the virtual server instance after host failure - // - `stop`: Leave the virtual server instance stopped after host failure - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the instance on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - HostFailure *string `json:"host_failure" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceAvailabilityPolicy.HostFailure property. -// The action to perform if the compute host experiences a failure. -// - `restart`: Automatically restart the virtual server instance after host failure -// - `stop`: Leave the virtual server instance stopped after host failure -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the instance on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - InstanceAvailabilityPolicyHostFailureRestartConst = "restart" - InstanceAvailabilityPolicyHostFailureStopConst = "stop" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicy unmarshals an instance of InstanceAvailabilityPolicy from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceAvailabilityPolicy) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "host_failure", &obj.HostFailure) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch : InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch struct -type InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch struct { - // The action to perform if the compute host experiences a failure. - // - `restart`: Automatically restart the virtual server instance after host failure - // - `stop`: Leave the virtual server instance stopped after host failure. - HostFailure *string `json:"host_failure,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch.HostFailure property. -// The action to perform if the compute host experiences a failure. -// - `restart`: Automatically restart the virtual server instance after host failure -// - `stop`: Leave the virtual server instance stopped after host failure. -const ( - InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatchHostFailureRestartConst = "restart" - InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatchHostFailureStopConst = "stop" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "host_failure", &obj.HostFailure) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype : InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype struct -type InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype struct { - // The action to perform if the compute host experiences a failure. - // - `restart`: Automatically restart the virtual server instance after host failure - // - `stop`: Leave the virtual server instance stopped after host failure. - HostFailure *string `json:"host_failure,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype.HostFailure property. -// The action to perform if the compute host experiences a failure. -// - `restart`: Automatically restart the virtual server instance after host failure -// - `stop`: Leave the virtual server instance stopped after host failure. -const ( - InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototypeHostFailureRestartConst = "restart" - InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototypeHostFailureStopConst = "stop" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "host_failure", &obj.HostFailure) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceCatalogOffering : InstanceCatalogOffering struct -type InstanceCatalogOffering struct { - // The catalog offering version this virtual server instance was provisioned from. - // - // The catalog offering version is not managed by the IBM VPC service, and may no longer - // exist, or may refer to a different image CRN than the `image.crn` for this virtual - // server instance. However, all images associated with a catalog offering version will - // have the same checksum, and therefore will have the same data. - Version *CatalogOfferingVersionReference `json:"version" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOffering unmarshals an instance of InstanceCatalogOffering from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOffering(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceCatalogOffering) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "version", &obj.Version, UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype : The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering or offering version to use -// when provisioning this virtual server instance. -// -// If an offering is specified, the latest version of that offering will be used. -// -// The specified offering or offering version may be in a different account in the same -// [enterprise](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-what-is-enterprise), subject to IAM policies. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering -// - InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion -type InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype struct { - // Identifies a [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) - // offering by a unique property. - Offering CatalogOfferingIdentityIntf `json:"offering,omitempty"` - - // Identifies a version of a - // [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering by a - // unique property. - Version CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityIntf `json:"version,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) isaInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf interface { - isaInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "offering", &obj.Offering, UnmarshalCatalogOfferingIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "version", &obj.Version, UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceCollection : InstanceCollection struct -type InstanceCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *InstanceCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of virtual server instances. - Instances []Instance `json:"instances" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *InstanceCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalInstanceCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instances", &obj.Instances, UnmarshalInstance) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalInstanceCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *InstanceCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// InstanceCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type InstanceCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of InstanceCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type InstanceCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of InstanceCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceConsoleAccessToken : The instance console access token information. -type InstanceConsoleAccessToken struct { - // A URL safe single-use token used to access the console WebSocket. - AccessToken *string `json:"access_token" validate:"required"` - - // The instance console type for which this token may be used. - ConsoleType *string `json:"console_type" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the access token was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the access token will expire. - ExpiresAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"expires_at" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether to disconnect an existing serial console session as the serial console cannot be shared. This has - // no effect on VNC consoles. - Force *bool `json:"force" validate:"required"` - - // The URL to access this instance console. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceConsoleAccessToken.ConsoleType property. -// The instance console type for which this token may be used. -const ( - InstanceConsoleAccessTokenConsoleTypeSerialConst = "serial" - InstanceConsoleAccessTokenConsoleTypeVncConst = "vnc" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceConsoleAccessToken unmarshals an instance of InstanceConsoleAccessToken from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceConsoleAccessToken(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceConsoleAccessToken) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "access_token", &obj.AccessToken) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "console_type", &obj.ConsoleType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "expires_at", &obj.ExpiresAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "force", &obj.Force) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype : InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype struct -type InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype struct { - // If set to `true`, the system will create a link to the specified `target` trusted profile during instance creation. - // Regardless of whether a link is created by the system or manually using the IAM Identity service, it will be - // automatically deleted when the instance is deleted. - AutoLink *bool `json:"auto_link,omitempty"` - - // The default IAM trusted profile to use for this virtual server instance. - Target TrustedProfileIdentityIntf `json:"target" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype : Instantiate InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype(target TrustedProfileIdentityIntf) (_model *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype, err error) { - _model = &InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype{ - Target: target, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_link", &obj.AutoLink) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalTrustedProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceDisk : InstanceDisk struct -type InstanceDisk struct { - // The date and time that the disk was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance disk. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance disk. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The disk interface used for attaching the disk. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance disk. The name is unique across all disks on the instance. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The size of the disk in GB (gigabytes). - Size *int64 `json:"size" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceDisk.InterfaceType property. -// The disk interface used for attaching the disk. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - InstanceDiskInterfaceTypeNvmeConst = "nvme" - InstanceDiskInterfaceTypeVirtioBlkConst = "virtio_blk" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceDisk.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceDiskResourceTypeInstanceDiskConst = "instance_disk" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceDisk unmarshals an instance of InstanceDisk from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceDisk(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceDisk) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "size", &obj.Size) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceDiskCollection : InstanceDiskCollection struct -type InstanceDiskCollection struct { - // Collection of the instance's disks. - Disks []InstanceDisk `json:"disks" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceDiskCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceDiskCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceDiskCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceDiskCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "disks", &obj.Disks, UnmarshalInstanceDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceDiskPatch : InstanceDiskPatch struct -type InstanceDiskPatch struct { - // The name for this instance disk. The name must not be used by another disk on the instance. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceDiskPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceDiskPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceDiskPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceDiskPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the InstanceDiskPatch -func (instanceDiskPatch *InstanceDiskPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(instanceDiskPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// InstanceDiskReference : InstanceDiskReference struct -type InstanceDiskReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceDiskReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance disk. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance disk. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance disk. The name is unique across all disks on the instance. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceDiskReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceDiskReferenceResourceTypeInstanceDiskConst = "instance_disk" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceDiskReference unmarshals an instance of InstanceDiskReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceDiskReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceDiskReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceDiskReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceDiskReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type InstanceDiskReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceDiskReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of InstanceDiskReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceDiskReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceDiskReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGpu : The virtual server instance GPU configuration. -type InstanceGpu struct { - // The number of GPUs assigned to the instance. - Count *int64 `json:"count" validate:"required"` - - // The GPU manufacturer. - Manufacturer *string `json:"manufacturer" validate:"required"` - - // The overall amount of GPU memory in GiB (gibibytes). - Memory *int64 `json:"memory" validate:"required"` - - // The GPU model. - Model *string `json:"model" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGpu unmarshals an instance of InstanceGpu from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGpu(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGpu) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "count", &obj.Count) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "manufacturer", &obj.Manufacturer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "memory", &obj.Memory) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "model", &obj.Model) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroup : InstanceGroup struct -type InstanceGroup struct { - // The port used for new load balancer pool members created by this instance group. - // - // This property will be present if and only if `load_balancer_pool` is present. - ApplicationPort *int64 `json:"application_port,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance group was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The template used to create new instances for this group. - InstanceTemplate *InstanceTemplateReference `json:"instance_template" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current `lifecycle_state` (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - LifecycleReasons []InstanceGroupLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the instance group. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the load balancer pool this instance group manages. A pool member will - // be created for each instance created by this group. - LoadBalancerPool *LoadBalancerPoolReference `json:"load_balancer_pool,omitempty"` - - // The managers for the instance group. - Managers []InstanceGroupManagerReference `json:"managers" validate:"required"` - - // The number of instances in the instance group. - MembershipCount *int64 `json:"membership_count" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group. The name is unique across all instance groups in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the instance group - // - `deleting`: Group is being deleted - // - `healthy`: Group has `membership_count` instances - // - `scaling`: Instances in the group are being created or deleted to reach - // `membership_count` - // - `unhealthy`: Group is unable to reach `membership_count` instances. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets to use when creating new instances. - Subnets []SubnetReference `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC the instance group resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroup.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the instance group. -const ( - InstanceGroupLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - InstanceGroupLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceGroupLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - InstanceGroupLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - InstanceGroupLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - InstanceGroupLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - InstanceGroupLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroup.Status property. -// The status of the instance group -// - `deleting`: Group is being deleted -// - `healthy`: Group has `membership_count` instances -// - `scaling`: Instances in the group are being created or deleted to reach -// `membership_count` -// - `unhealthy`: Group is unable to reach `membership_count` instances. -const ( - InstanceGroupStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - InstanceGroupStatusHealthyConst = "healthy" - InstanceGroupStatusScalingConst = "scaling" - InstanceGroupStatusUnhealthyConst = "unhealthy" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroup unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "application_port", &obj.ApplicationPort) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance_template", &obj.InstanceTemplate, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalInstanceGroupLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "load_balancer_pool", &obj.LoadBalancerPool, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "managers", &obj.Managers, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "membership_count", &obj.MembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupCollection : InstanceGroupCollection struct -type InstanceGroupCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *InstanceGroupCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of instance groups. - InstanceGroups []InstanceGroup `json:"instance_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *InstanceGroupCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalInstanceGroupCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance_groups", &obj.InstanceGroups, UnmarshalInstanceGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalInstanceGroupCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *InstanceGroupCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// InstanceGroupCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type InstanceGroupCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type InstanceGroupCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupLifecycleReason : InstanceGroupLifecycleReason struct -type InstanceGroupLifecycleReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this lifecycle state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this lifecycle state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupLifecycleReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. -const ( - InstanceGroupLifecycleReasonCodeResourceSuspendedByProviderConst = "resource_suspended_by_provider" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupLifecycleReason unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupLifecycleReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupLifecycleReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupLifecycleReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManager : InstanceGroupManager struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerAutoScale -// - InstanceGroupManagerScheduled -type InstanceGroupManager struct { - // The date and time that the instance group manager was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this manager will control the instance group. - ManagementEnabled *bool `json:"management_enabled" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name is unique across all managers for the instance group. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The time window in seconds to aggregate metrics prior to evaluation. - AggregationWindow *int64 `json:"aggregation_window,omitempty"` - - // The duration of time in seconds to pause further scale actions after scaling has taken place. - Cooldown *int64 `json:"cooldown,omitempty"` - - // The type of instance group manager. - ManagerType *string `json:"manager_type,omitempty"` - - // The maximum number of members in a managed instance group. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The minimum number of members in a managed instance group. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The policies of the instance group manager. - Policies []InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference `json:"policies,omitempty"` - - // The actions of the instance group manager. - Actions []InstanceGroupManagerActionReference `json:"actions,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManager.ManagerType property. -// The type of instance group manager. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerManagerTypeAutoscaleConst = "autoscale" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManager) isaInstanceGroupManager() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerIntf interface { - isaInstanceGroupManager() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManager unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManager from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManager(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManager) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "management_enabled", &obj.ManagementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "aggregation_window", &obj.AggregationWindow) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cooldown", &obj.Cooldown) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "manager_type", &obj.ManagerType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "policies", &obj.Policies, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "actions", &obj.Actions, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerAction : InstanceGroupManagerAction struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction -type InstanceGroupManagerAction struct { - // Indicates whether this scheduled action will be automatically deleted after it has completed and - // `auto_delete_timeout` hours have passed. At present, this is always - // `true`, but may be modifiable in the future. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete" validate:"required"` - - // If `auto_delete` is `true`, and this scheduled action has finished, the hours after which it will be automatically - // deleted. If the value is `0`, the action will be deleted once it has finished. This value may be modifiable in the - // future. - AutoDeleteTimeout *int64 `json:"auto_delete_timeout" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager action was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager action. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager action. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name is unique across all actions for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the instance group action - // - `active`: Action is ready to be run - // - `completed`: Action was completed successfully - // - `failed`: Action could not be completed successfully - // - `incompatible`: Action parameters are not compatible with the group or manager - // - `omitted`: Action was not applied because this action's manager was disabled. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager action was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The type of action for the instance group. - ActionType *string `json:"action_type,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action was last applied. If absent, the action has never been applied. - LastAppliedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_applied_at,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will next run. If absent, the system is currently calculating the next run - // time. - NextRunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"next_run_at,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup `json:"group,omitempty"` - - Manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerIntf `json:"manager,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerAction.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionResourceTypeInstanceGroupManagerActionConst = "instance_group_manager_action" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerAction.Status property. -// The status of the instance group action -// - `active`: Action is ready to be run -// - `completed`: Action was completed successfully -// - `failed`: Action could not be completed successfully -// - `incompatible`: Action parameters are not compatible with the group or manager -// - `omitted`: Action was not applied because this action's manager was disabled. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionStatusActiveConst = "active" - InstanceGroupManagerActionStatusCompletedConst = "completed" - InstanceGroupManagerActionStatusFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceGroupManagerActionStatusIncompatibleConst = "incompatible" - InstanceGroupManagerActionStatusOmittedConst = "omitted" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerAction.ActionType property. -// The type of action for the instance group. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionActionTypeScheduledConst = "scheduled" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerAction) isaInstanceGroupManagerAction() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf interface { - isaInstanceGroupManagerAction() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerAction unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerAction from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerAction(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerAction) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete_timeout", &obj.AutoDeleteTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action_type", &obj.ActionType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "last_applied_at", &obj.LastAppliedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "next_run_at", &obj.NextRunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionGroupPatch : InstanceGroupManagerActionGroupPatch struct -type InstanceGroupManagerActionGroupPatch struct { - // The desired number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MembershipCount *int64 `json:"membership_count,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionGroupPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionGroupPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionGroupPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionGroupPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "membership_count", &obj.MembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionManagerPatch : InstanceGroupManagerActionManagerPatch struct -type InstanceGroupManagerActionManagerPatch struct { - // The desired maximum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The desired minimum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionManagerPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionManagerPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionManagerPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionManagerPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch : InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch struct -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch struct { - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerActionGroupPatch `json:"group,omitempty"` - - Manager *InstanceGroupManagerActionManagerPatch `json:"manager,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name must not be used by another action for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will run. - RunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"run_at,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionGroupPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionManagerPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "run_at", &obj.RunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch -func (instanceGroupManagerActionPatch *InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(instanceGroupManagerActionPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype : InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype struct { - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name must not be used by another action for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will run. - RunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"run_at,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype `json:"group,omitempty"` - - Manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf `json:"manager,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeIntf interface { - isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "run_at", &obj.RunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionReference : InstanceGroupManagerActionReference struct -type InstanceGroupManagerActionReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceGroupManagerActionReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager action. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager action. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name is unique across all actions for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionReferenceResourceTypeInstanceGroupManagerActionConst = "instance_group_manager_action" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionReference unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type InstanceGroupManagerActionReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection : InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection struct -type InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection struct { - // Collection of instance group manager actions. - Actions []InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf `json:"actions" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "actions", &obj.Actions, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerAction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionsCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerCollection : InstanceGroupManagerCollection struct -type InstanceGroupManagerCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *InstanceGroupManagerCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of instance group managers. - Managers []InstanceGroupManagerIntf `json:"managers" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *InstanceGroupManagerCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "managers", &obj.Managers, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManager) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *InstanceGroupManagerCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type InstanceGroupManagerCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type InstanceGroupManagerCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPatch : InstanceGroupManagerPatch struct -type InstanceGroupManagerPatch struct { - // The time window in seconds to aggregate metrics prior to evaluation. - AggregationWindow *int64 `json:"aggregation_window,omitempty"` - - // The duration of time in seconds to pause further scale actions after scaling has taken place. - Cooldown *int64 `json:"cooldown,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this manager will control the instance group. - ManagementEnabled *bool `json:"management_enabled,omitempty"` - - // The maximum number of members in a managed instance group. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The minimum number of members in a managed instance group. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name must not be used by another manager for the instance group. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "aggregation_window", &obj.AggregationWindow) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cooldown", &obj.Cooldown) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "management_enabled", &obj.ManagementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the InstanceGroupManagerPatch -func (instanceGroupManagerPatch *InstanceGroupManagerPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(instanceGroupManagerPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicy : InstanceGroupManagerPolicy struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicy struct { - // The date and time that the instance group manager policy was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager policy. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager policy. The name is unique across all policies for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager policy was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The type of metric to be evaluated. - MetricType *string `json:"metric_type,omitempty"` - - // The metric value to be evaluated. - MetricValue *int64 `json:"metric_value,omitempty"` - - // The type of policy for the instance group. - PolicyType *string `json:"policy_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPolicy.MetricType property. -// The type of metric to be evaluated. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyMetricTypeCpuConst = "cpu" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyMetricTypeMemoryConst = "memory" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyMetricTypeNetworkInConst = "network_in" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyMetricTypeNetworkOutConst = "network_out" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPolicy.PolicyType property. -// The type of policy for the instance group. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPolicyTypeTargetConst = "target" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerPolicy) isaInstanceGroupManagerPolicy() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf interface { - isaInstanceGroupManagerPolicy() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicy unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicy from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicy) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_type", &obj.MetricType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_value", &obj.MetricValue) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "policy_type", &obj.PolicyType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection : InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection struct -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of instance group manager policies. - Policies []InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf `json:"policies" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "policies", &obj.Policies, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicyCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch : InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch struct -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch struct { - // The type of metric to be evaluated. - MetricType *string `json:"metric_type,omitempty"` - - // The metric value to be evaluated. - MetricValue *int64 `json:"metric_value,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance group manager policy. The name must not be used by another policy for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch.MetricType property. -// The type of metric to be evaluated. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatchMetricTypeCpuConst = "cpu" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatchMetricTypeMemoryConst = "memory" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatchMetricTypeNetworkInConst = "network_in" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatchMetricTypeNetworkOutConst = "network_out" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_type", &obj.MetricType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_value", &obj.MetricValue) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch -func (instanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch *InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(instanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype : InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype struct { - // The name for this instance group manager policy. The name must not be used by another policy for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The type of metric to be evaluated. - MetricType *string `json:"metric_type,omitempty"` - - // The metric value to be evaluated. - MetricValue *int64 `json:"metric_value,omitempty"` - - // The type of policy for the instance group. - PolicyType *string `json:"policy_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype.MetricType property. -// The type of metric to be evaluated. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeMetricTypeCpuConst = "cpu" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeMetricTypeMemoryConst = "memory" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeMetricTypeNetworkInConst = "network_in" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeMetricTypeNetworkOutConst = "network_out" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype.PolicyType property. -// The type of policy for the instance group. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypePolicyTypeTargetConst = "target" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeIntf interface { - isaInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_type", &obj.MetricType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_value", &obj.MetricValue) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "policy_type", &obj.PolicyType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference : InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference struct -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager policy. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager policy. The name is unique across all policies for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPrototype : InstanceGroupManagerPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype -// - InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether this manager will control the instance group. - ManagementEnabled *bool `json:"management_enabled,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name must not be used by another manager for the instance group. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The time window in seconds to aggregate metrics prior to evaluation. - AggregationWindow *int64 `json:"aggregation_window,omitempty"` - - // The duration of time in seconds to pause further scale actions after scaling has taken place. - Cooldown *int64 `json:"cooldown,omitempty"` - - // The type of instance group manager. - ManagerType *string `json:"manager_type,omitempty"` - - // The maximum number of members in a managed instance group. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The minimum number of members in a managed instance group. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPrototype.ManagerType property. -// The type of instance group manager. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeManagerTypeAutoscaleConst = "autoscale" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerPrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeIntf interface { - isaInstanceGroupManagerPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "management_enabled", &obj.ManagementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "aggregation_window", &obj.AggregationWindow) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cooldown", &obj.Cooldown) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "manager_type", &obj.ManagerType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerReference : InstanceGroupManagerReference struct -type InstanceGroupManagerReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name is unique across all managers for the instance group. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerReference unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type InstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup : InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup struct -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup struct { - // The desired number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MembershipCount *int64 `json:"membership_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "membership_count", &obj.MembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype : InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype struct -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype struct { - // The desired number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MembershipCount *int64 `json:"membership_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype(membershipCount int64) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype{ - MembershipCount: core.Int64Ptr(membershipCount), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "membership_count", &obj.MembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager : InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerAutoScale -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name is unique across all managers for the instance group. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The desired maximum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The desired minimum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager) isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerIntf interface { - isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype : InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype struct { - // The desired maximum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The desired minimum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf interface { - isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupMembership : InstanceGroupMembership struct -type InstanceGroupMembership struct { - // The date and time that the instance group manager policy was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // If set to true, when deleting the membership the instance will also be deleted. - DeleteInstanceOnMembershipDelete *bool `json:"delete_instance_on_membership_delete" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group membership. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group membership. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - Instance *InstanceReference `json:"instance" validate:"required"` - - InstanceTemplate *InstanceTemplateReference `json:"instance_template" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group membership. The name is unique across all memberships for the instance group. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - PoolMember *LoadBalancerPoolMemberReference `json:"pool_member,omitempty"` - - // The status of the instance group membership - // - `deleting`: Membership is deleting dependent resources - // - `failed`: Membership was unable to maintain dependent resources - // - `healthy`: Membership is active and serving in the group - // - `pending`: Membership is waiting for dependent resources - // - `unhealthy`: Membership has unhealthy dependent resources. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group membership was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupMembership.Status property. -// The status of the instance group membership -// - `deleting`: Membership is deleting dependent resources -// - `failed`: Membership was unable to maintain dependent resources -// - `healthy`: Membership is active and serving in the group -// - `pending`: Membership is waiting for dependent resources -// - `unhealthy`: Membership has unhealthy dependent resources. -const ( - InstanceGroupMembershipStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - InstanceGroupMembershipStatusFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceGroupMembershipStatusHealthyConst = "healthy" - InstanceGroupMembershipStatusPendingConst = "pending" - InstanceGroupMembershipStatusUnhealthyConst = "unhealthy" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembership unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupMembership from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembership(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupMembership) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_instance_on_membership_delete", &obj.DeleteInstanceOnMembershipDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance", &obj.Instance, UnmarshalInstanceReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance_template", &obj.InstanceTemplate, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "pool_member", &obj.PoolMember, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupMembershipCollection : InstanceGroupMembershipCollection struct -type InstanceGroupMembershipCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of instance group memberships. - Memberships []InstanceGroupMembership `json:"memberships" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupMembershipCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupMembershipCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "memberships", &obj.Memberships, UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembership) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *InstanceGroupMembershipCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupMembershipCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupMembershipPatch : InstanceGroupMembershipPatch struct -type InstanceGroupMembershipPatch struct { - // The name for this instance group membership. The name must not be used by another membership for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupMembershipPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupMembershipPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupMembershipPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the InstanceGroupMembershipPatch -func (instanceGroupMembershipPatch *InstanceGroupMembershipPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(instanceGroupMembershipPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// InstanceGroupPatch : To add or update load balancer specification for an instance group the `membership_count` must first be set to 0. -type InstanceGroupPatch struct { - // The port to use for new load balancer pool members created by this instance group. - // - // This property must be set if and only if `load_balancer_pool` has been set. - ApplicationPort *int64 `json:"application_port,omitempty"` - - // Instance template to use when creating new instances. - // - // Instance groups are not compatible with instance templates that specify `true` for - // `default_trusted_profile.auto_link`. - InstanceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf `json:"instance_template,omitempty"` - - // The load balancer associated with `load_balancer_pool`. - // The load balancer must have `instance_groups_supported` set to `true`. - // - // This property must be set if and only if `load_balancer_pool` has been set. - LoadBalancer LoadBalancerIdentityIntf `json:"load_balancer,omitempty"` - - // If specified, this instance group will manage the load balancer pool. A pool member - // will be created for each instance created by this group. The specified load - // balancer pool must not be used by another instance group in the VPC. - // - // If set, `load_balancer` and `application_port` must also be set. - LoadBalancerPool LoadBalancerPoolIdentityIntf `json:"load_balancer_pool,omitempty"` - - // The number of instances in the instance group. - MembershipCount *int64 `json:"membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance group. The name must not be used by another instance group in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The subnets to use when creating new instances. - Subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnets,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "application_port", &obj.ApplicationPort) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance_template", &obj.InstanceTemplate, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "load_balancer", &obj.LoadBalancer, UnmarshalLoadBalancerIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "load_balancer_pool", &obj.LoadBalancerPool, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "membership_count", &obj.MembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the InstanceGroupPatch -func (instanceGroupPatch *InstanceGroupPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(instanceGroupPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// InstanceGroupReference : InstanceGroupReference struct -type InstanceGroupReference struct { - // The CRN for this instance group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceGroupReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group. The name is unique across all instance groups in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupReference unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceGroupReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type InstanceGroupReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceHealthReason : InstanceHealthReason struct -type InstanceHealthReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this health state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this health state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceHealthReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. -const ( - InstanceHealthReasonCodeReservationCapacityUnavailableConst = "reservation_capacity_unavailable" - InstanceHealthReasonCodeReservationDeletedConst = "reservation_deleted" - InstanceHealthReasonCodeReservationExpiredConst = "reservation_expired" - InstanceHealthReasonCodeReservationFailedConst = "reservation_failed" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceHealthReason unmarshals an instance of InstanceHealthReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceHealthReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceHealthReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceInitialization : InstanceInitialization struct -type InstanceInitialization struct { - // The default trusted profile configuration specified at virtual server instance - // creation. If absent, no default trusted profile was specified. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceInitializationDefaultTrustedProfile `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys used at instance initialization. - Keys []KeyReference `json:"keys" validate:"required"` - - Password *InstanceInitializationPassword `json:"password,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceInitialization unmarshals an instance of InstanceInitialization from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceInitialization(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceInitialization) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceInitializationDefaultTrustedProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "password", &obj.Password, UnmarshalInstanceInitializationPassword) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceInitializationDefaultTrustedProfile : InstanceInitializationDefaultTrustedProfile struct -type InstanceInitializationDefaultTrustedProfile struct { - // If set to `true`, the system created a link to the specified `target` trusted profile during instance creation. - // Regardless of whether a link was created by the system or manually using the IAM Identity service, it will be - // automatically deleted when the instance is deleted. - AutoLink *bool `json:"auto_link" validate:"required"` - - // The default IAM trusted profile to use for this virtual server instance. - Target *TrustedProfileReference `json:"target" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceInitializationDefaultTrustedProfile unmarshals an instance of InstanceInitializationDefaultTrustedProfile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceInitializationDefaultTrustedProfile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceInitializationDefaultTrustedProfile) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_link", &obj.AutoLink) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalTrustedProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceInitializationPassword : InstanceInitializationPassword struct -type InstanceInitializationPassword struct { - // The administrator password at initialization, encrypted using `encryption_key`, and returned base64-encoded. - EncryptedPassword *[]byte `json:"encrypted_password" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH key used to encrypt the administrator password. - EncryptionKey *KeyIdentityByFingerprint `json:"encryption_key" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceInitializationPassword unmarshals an instance of InstanceInitializationPassword from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceInitializationPassword(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceInitializationPassword) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encrypted_password", &obj.EncryptedPassword) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalKeyIdentityByFingerprint) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceLifecycleReason : InstanceLifecycleReason struct -type InstanceLifecycleReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this lifecycle state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this lifecycle state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceLifecycleReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. -const ( - InstanceLifecycleReasonCodeResourceSuspendedByProviderConst = "resource_suspended_by_provider" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceLifecycleReason unmarshals an instance of InstanceLifecycleReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceLifecycleReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceLifecycleReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceMetadataService : The metadata service configuration. -type InstanceMetadataService struct { - // Indicates whether the metadata service endpoint is available to the virtual server instance. - Enabled *bool `json:"enabled" validate:"required"` - - // The communication protocol to use for the metadata service endpoint. Applies only when the metadata service is - // enabled. - // - `http`: HTTP protocol (unencrypted) - // - `https`: HTTP Secure protocol. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The hop limit (IP time to live) for IP response packets from the metadata service. Applies only when the metadata - // service is enabled. - ResponseHopLimit *int64 `json:"response_hop_limit" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceMetadataService.Protocol property. -// The communication protocol to use for the metadata service endpoint. Applies only when the metadata service is -// enabled. -// - `http`: HTTP protocol (unencrypted) -// - `https`: HTTP Secure protocol. -const ( - InstanceMetadataServiceProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - InstanceMetadataServiceProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceMetadataService unmarshals an instance of InstanceMetadataService from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceMetadataService(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceMetadataService) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enabled", &obj.Enabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "response_hop_limit", &obj.ResponseHopLimit) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceMetadataServicePatch : The metadata service configuration. -type InstanceMetadataServicePatch struct { - // Indicates whether the metadata service endpoint will be available to the virtual server instance. - Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` - - // The communication protocol to use for the metadata service endpoint. Applies only when the metadata service is - // enabled. - // - `http`: HTTP protocol (unencrypted) - // - `https`: HTTP Secure protocol. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` - - // The hop limit (IP time to live) for IP response packets from the metadata service. Applies only when the metadata - // service is enabled. - ResponseHopLimit *int64 `json:"response_hop_limit,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceMetadataServicePatch.Protocol property. -// The communication protocol to use for the metadata service endpoint. Applies only when the metadata service is -// enabled. -// - `http`: HTTP protocol (unencrypted) -// - `https`: HTTP Secure protocol. -const ( - InstanceMetadataServicePatchProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - InstanceMetadataServicePatchProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceMetadataServicePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceMetadataServicePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enabled", &obj.Enabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "response_hop_limit", &obj.ResponseHopLimit) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceMetadataServicePrototype : The metadata service configuration. -type InstanceMetadataServicePrototype struct { - // Indicates whether the metadata service endpoint will be available to the virtual server instance. - Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` - - // The communication protocol to use for the metadata service endpoint. Applies only when the metadata service is - // enabled. - // - `http`: HTTP protocol (unencrypted) - // - `https`: HTTP Secure protocol. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` - - // The hop limit (IP time to live) for IP response packets from the metadata service. Applies only when the metadata - // service is enabled. - ResponseHopLimit *int64 `json:"response_hop_limit,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceMetadataServicePrototype.Protocol property. -// The communication protocol to use for the metadata service endpoint. Applies only when the metadata service is -// enabled. -// - `http`: HTTP protocol (unencrypted) -// - `https`: HTTP Secure protocol. -const ( - InstanceMetadataServicePrototypeProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - InstanceMetadataServicePrototypeProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceMetadataServicePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enabled", &obj.Enabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "response_hop_limit", &obj.ResponseHopLimit) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachment : InstanceNetworkAttachment struct -type InstanceNetworkAttachment struct { - // The date and time that the instance network attachment was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the instance network attachment. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network attachment. The name is unique across all network attachments for the instance. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The port speed for this instance network attachment in Mbps. - PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP address of the virtual network interface for the instance network - // attachment. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The subnet of the virtual network interface for the instance network attachment. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The instance network attachment type. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The virtual network interface for this instance network attachment. - VirtualNetworkInterface *VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceNetworkAttachment.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the instance network attachment. -const ( - InstanceNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - InstanceNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - InstanceNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - InstanceNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - InstanceNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - InstanceNetworkAttachmentLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceNetworkAttachment.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceNetworkAttachmentResourceTypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentConst = "instance_network_attachment" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceNetworkAttachment.Type property. -// The instance network attachment type. -const ( - InstanceNetworkAttachmentTypePrimaryConst = "primary" - InstanceNetworkAttachmentTypeSecondaryConst = "secondary" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_speed", &obj.PortSpeed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection : InstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection struct -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection struct { - // Collection of instance network attachments. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachment `json:"network_attachments" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch : InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch struct -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch struct { - // The name for this network attachment. The name must not be used by another network attachment for the instance. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch -func (instanceNetworkAttachmentPatch *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(instanceNetworkAttachmentPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype : InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype struct -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype struct { - // The name for this network attachment. Names must be unique within the instance the network attachment resides in. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // A virtual network interface for the instance network attachment. This can be specified - // using an existing virtual network interface, or a prototype object for a new virtual - // network interface. - // - // If an existing virtual network interface is specified, `enable_infrastructure_nat` must be - // `true`. - VirtualNetworkInterface InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype : Instantiate InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype(virtualNetworkInterface InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf) (_model *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype, err error) { - _model = &InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype{ - VirtualNetworkInterface: virtualNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface : A virtual network interface for the instance network attachment. This can be specified using an existing virtual -// network interface, or a prototype object for a new virtual network interface. -// -// If an existing virtual network interface is specified, `enable_infrastructure_nat` must be -// `true`. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentContext -// - InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. If `false`, source IP spoofing is prevented on - // this interface. If `true`, source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this virtual network interface will be automatically deleted when - // `target` is deleted. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the virtual network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - Can only be attached to a `target` with a `resource_type` of - // `bare_metal_server_network_attachment`. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // Additional IP addresses to bind to the virtual network interface. Each item may be either a reserved IP identity, or - // a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a new reserved IP. All IP addresses must be in the - // primary IP's subnet. - // - // If reserved IP identities are provided, the specified reserved IPs must be unbound. - // - // If reserved IP prototype objects with addresses are provided, the addresses must be available on the virtual network - // interface's subnet. For any prototype objects that do not specify an address, an available address on the subnet - // will be automatically selected and reserved. - Ips []VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"ips,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name must not be used by another virtual network interface in the - // VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. Names beginning with `ibm-` are - // reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the virtual network interface. May be either a - // reserved IP identity, or a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a - // new reserved IP. - // - // If a reserved IP identity is provided, the specified reserved IP must be unbound. - // - // If a reserved IP prototype object with an address is provided, the address must be - // available on the virtual network interface's subnet. If no address is specified, - // an available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the - // virtual server instance's resource group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the default security group of the VPC - // for the subnet is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. Required if `primary_ip` does not specify a reserved IP - // identity. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf interface { - isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentReference : InstanceNetworkAttachmentReference struct -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network attachment. The name is unique across all network attachments for the instance. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP address of the virtual network interface for the instance network - // attachment. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The subnet of the virtual network interface for the instance network attachment. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceNetworkAttachmentReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceResourceTypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentConst = "instance_network_attachment" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePatch : InstancePatch struct -type InstancePatch struct { - // The availability policy for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The metadata service configuration. - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePatch `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. Changing the name will not affect the system hostname. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. For the placement - // restrictions to be changed, the instance `status` must be `stopping` or `stopped`. - // - // If set, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPatchIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The profile to use for this virtual server instance. For the profile to be changed, - // the instance `status` must be `stopping` or `stopped`. In addition, the requested - // profile must: - // - Have matching instance disk support. Any disks associated with the current profile - // will be deleted, and any disks associated with the requested profile will be - // created. - // - Be compatible with any `placement_target` constraints. For example, if the - // instance is placed on a dedicated host, the requested profile `family` must be - // the same as the dedicated host `family`. - // - Have the same `vcpu.architecture`. - // - Support the number of network attachments or network interfaces the instance - // currently has. - Profile InstancePatchProfileIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPatch `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePatch unmarshals an instance of InstancePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstancePatchProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the InstancePatch -func (instancePatch *InstancePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(instancePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// InstancePatchProfile : The profile to use for this virtual server instance. For the profile to be changed, the instance `status` must be -// `stopping` or `stopped`. In addition, the requested profile must: -// - Have matching instance disk support. Any disks associated with the current profile -// will be deleted, and any disks associated with the requested profile will be -// created. -// - Be compatible with any `placement_target` constraints. For example, if the -// instance is placed on a dedicated host, the requested profile `family` must be -// the same as the dedicated host `family`. -// - Have the same `vcpu.architecture`. -// - Support the number of network attachments or network interfaces the instance -// currently has. -// -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName -// - InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref -type InstancePatchProfile struct { - // The globally unique name for this virtual server instance profile. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance profile. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePatchProfile) isaInstancePatchProfile() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePatchProfileIntf interface { - isaInstancePatchProfile() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePatchProfile unmarshals an instance of InstancePatchProfile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePatchProfile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePatchProfile) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTarget : InstancePlacementTarget struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference -// - InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference -// - InstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference -type InstancePlacementTarget struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *DedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this dedicated host group. The name is unique across all dedicated host groups in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstancePlacementTarget.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstancePlacementTargetResourceTypeDedicatedHostGroupConst = "dedicated_host_group" -) - -func (*InstancePlacementTarget) isaInstancePlacementTarget() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePlacementTargetIntf interface { - isaInstancePlacementTarget() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTarget unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPatch : InstancePlacementTargetPatch struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity -// - InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPatch struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this dedicated host. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatch) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchIntf interface { - isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatch unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototype : InstancePlacementTargetPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this dedicated host. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototype) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf interface { - isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfile : InstanceProfile struct -type InstanceProfile struct { - Bandwidth InstanceProfileBandwidthIntf `json:"bandwidth" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of the instance profile's disks. - Disks []InstanceProfileDisk `json:"disks" validate:"required"` - - // The product family this virtual server instance profile belongs to. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - GpuCount InstanceProfileGpuIntf `json:"gpu_count,omitempty"` - - GpuManufacturer *InstanceProfileGpuManufacturer `json:"gpu_manufacturer,omitempty"` - - GpuMemory InstanceProfileGpuMemoryIntf `json:"gpu_memory,omitempty"` - - GpuModel *InstanceProfileGpuModel `json:"gpu_model,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - Memory InstanceProfileMemoryIntf `json:"memory" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this virtual server instance profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - NetworkAttachmentCount InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountIntf `json:"network_attachment_count" validate:"required"` - - NetworkInterfaceCount InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountIntf `json:"network_interface_count" validate:"required"` - - NumaCount InstanceProfileNumaCountIntf `json:"numa_count,omitempty"` - - OsArchitecture *InstanceProfileOsArchitecture `json:"os_architecture" validate:"required"` - - PortSpeed InstanceProfilePortSpeedIntf `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - ReservationTerms *InstanceProfileReservationTerms `json:"reservation_terms" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the instance profile: - // - `previous`: This instance profile is an older revision, but remains provisionable and - // usable. - // - `current`: This profile is the latest revision. - // - // Note that revisions are indicated by the generation of an instance profile. Refer to the - // [profile naming conventions] - // (https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles&interface=ui#profiles-naming-rule) for information on how - // generations are defined within an instance profile. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the profile on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - TotalVolumeBandwidth InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthIntf `json:"total_volume_bandwidth" validate:"required"` - - VcpuArchitecture *InstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture `json:"vcpu_architecture" validate:"required"` - - VcpuCount InstanceProfileVcpuIntf `json:"vcpu_count" validate:"required"` - - VcpuManufacturer *InstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer `json:"vcpu_manufacturer" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfile.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceProfileResourceTypeInstanceProfileConst = "instance_profile" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfile.Status property. -// The status of the instance profile: -// - `previous`: This instance profile is an older revision, but remains provisionable and -// usable. -// - `current`: This profile is the latest revision. -// -// Note that revisions are indicated by the generation of an instance profile. Refer to the -// [profile naming conventions] -// (https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles&interface=ui#profiles-naming-rule) for information on how -// generations are defined within an instance profile. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the profile on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - InstanceProfileStatusCurrentConst = "current" - InstanceProfileStatusPreviousConst = "previous" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfile unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfile) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "bandwidth", &obj.Bandwidth, UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "disks", &obj.Disks, UnmarshalInstanceProfileDisk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "family", &obj.Family) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "gpu_count", &obj.GpuCount, UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "gpu_manufacturer", &obj.GpuManufacturer, UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuManufacturer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "gpu_memory", &obj.GpuMemory, UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemory) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "gpu_model", &obj.GpuModel, UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuModel) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "memory", &obj.Memory, UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemory) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachment_count", &obj.NetworkAttachmentCount, UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interface_count", &obj.NetworkInterfaceCount, UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "numa_count", &obj.NumaCount, UnmarshalInstanceProfileNumaCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "os_architecture", &obj.OsArchitecture, UnmarshalInstanceProfileOsArchitecture) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "port_speed", &obj.PortSpeed, UnmarshalInstanceProfilePortSpeed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_terms", &obj.ReservationTerms, UnmarshalInstanceProfileReservationTerms) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth, UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vcpu_architecture", &obj.VcpuArchitecture, UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vcpu_count", &obj.VcpuCount, UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpu) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vcpu_manufacturer", &obj.VcpuManufacturer, UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileBandwidth : InstanceProfileBandwidth struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileBandwidthFixed -// - InstanceProfileBandwidthRange -// - InstanceProfileBandwidthEnum -// - InstanceProfileBandwidthDependent -type InstanceProfileBandwidth struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileBandwidth.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileBandwidthTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileBandwidth) isaInstanceProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileBandwidthIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileBandwidth() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidth unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileBandwidth from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidth(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileBandwidth) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileCollection : InstanceProfileCollection struct -type InstanceProfileCollection struct { - // Collection of virtual server instance profiles. - Profiles []InstanceProfile `json:"profiles" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profiles", &obj.Profiles, UnmarshalInstanceProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDisk : Disks provided by this profile. -type InstanceProfileDisk struct { - Quantity InstanceProfileDiskQuantityIntf `json:"quantity" validate:"required"` - - Size InstanceProfileDiskSizeIntf `json:"size" validate:"required"` - - SupportedInterfaceTypes *InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces `json:"supported_interface_types" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDisk unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDisk from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDisk(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDisk) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "quantity", &obj.Quantity, UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "size", &obj.Size, UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSize) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "supported_interface_types", &obj.SupportedInterfaceTypes, UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskQuantity : InstanceProfileDiskQuantity struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixed -// - InstanceProfileDiskQuantityRange -// - InstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnum -// - InstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependent -type InstanceProfileDiskQuantity struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskQuantity.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskQuantityTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskQuantity) isaInstanceProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileDiskQuantityIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileDiskQuantity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantity unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskQuantity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskQuantity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskSize : InstanceProfileDiskSize struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileDiskSizeFixed -// - InstanceProfileDiskSizeRange -// - InstanceProfileDiskSizeEnum -// - InstanceProfileDiskSizeDependent -type InstanceProfileDiskSize struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskSize.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskSizeTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskSize) isaInstanceProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileDiskSizeIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileDiskSize() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSize unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskSize from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSize(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskSize) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces : InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces struct -type InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces struct { - // The disk interface used for attaching the disk. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Default *string `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The supported disk interfaces used for attaching the disk. - Values []string `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces.Default property. -// The disk interface used for attaching the disk. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesDefaultNvmeConst = "nvme" - InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesDefaultVirtioBlkConst = "virtio_blk" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces.Values property. -// The disk interface used for attaching the disk. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesValuesNvmeConst = "nvme" - InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfacesValuesVirtioBlkConst = "virtio_blk" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskSupportedInterfaces) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpu : InstanceProfileGpu struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileGpuFixed -// - InstanceProfileGpuRange -// - InstanceProfileGpuEnum -// - InstanceProfileGpuDependent -type InstanceProfileGpu struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpu.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpu) isaInstanceProfileGpu() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileGpuIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileGpu() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpu unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpu from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpu(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpu) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuManufacturer : InstanceProfileGpuManufacturer struct -type InstanceProfileGpuManufacturer struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The possible GPU manufacturer(s) for an instance with this profile. - Values []string `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuManufacturer.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuManufacturerTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuManufacturer unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuManufacturer from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuManufacturer(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuManufacturer) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuMemory : InstanceProfileGpuMemory struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixed -// - InstanceProfileGpuMemoryRange -// - InstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnum -// - InstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependent -type InstanceProfileGpuMemory struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuMemory.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuMemoryTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpuMemory) isaInstanceProfileGpuMemory() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileGpuMemoryIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileGpuMemory() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemory unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuMemory from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemory(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuMemory) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuModel : InstanceProfileGpuModel struct -type InstanceProfileGpuModel struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The possible GPU model(s) for an instance with this profile. - Values []string `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuModel.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuModelTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuModel unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuModel from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuModel(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuModel) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileIdentity : Identifies an instance profile by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileIdentityByName -// - InstanceProfileIdentityByHref -type InstanceProfileIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name for this virtual server instance profile. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance profile. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceProfileIdentity) isaInstanceProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileIdentityIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileMemory : InstanceProfileMemory struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileMemoryFixed -// - InstanceProfileMemoryRange -// - InstanceProfileMemoryEnum -// - InstanceProfileMemoryDependent -type InstanceProfileMemory struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileMemory.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileMemoryTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileMemory) isaInstanceProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileMemoryIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileMemory() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemory unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileMemory from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemory(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileMemory) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileNumaCount : InstanceProfileNumaCount struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileNumaCountFixed -// - InstanceProfileNumaCountDependent -type InstanceProfileNumaCount struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileNumaCount.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileNumaCountTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileNumaCount) isaInstanceProfileNumaCount() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileNumaCountIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileNumaCount() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileNumaCount unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileNumaCount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileNumaCount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileNumaCount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount : InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange -// - InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent -type InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount) isaInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount : InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange -// - InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent -type InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount) isaInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileOsArchitecture : InstanceProfileOsArchitecture struct -type InstanceProfileOsArchitecture struct { - // The default OS architecture for an instance with this profile. - Default *string `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The supported OS architecture(s) for an instance with this profile. - Values []string `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileOsArchitecture.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileOsArchitectureTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileOsArchitecture unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileOsArchitecture from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileOsArchitecture(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileOsArchitecture) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfilePortSpeed : InstanceProfilePortSpeed struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfilePortSpeedFixed -// - InstanceProfilePortSpeedDependent -type InstanceProfilePortSpeed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfilePortSpeed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfilePortSpeedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfilePortSpeed) isaInstanceProfilePortSpeed() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfilePortSpeedIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfilePortSpeed() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfilePortSpeed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfilePortSpeed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfilePortSpeed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfilePortSpeed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileReference : InstanceProfileReference struct -type InstanceProfileReference struct { - // The URL for this virtual server instance profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this virtual server instance profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceProfileReferenceResourceTypeInstanceProfileConst = "instance_profile" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileReference unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileReservationTerms : InstanceProfileReservationTerms struct -type InstanceProfileReservationTerms struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The supported committed use terms for a reservation using this profile. - Values []string `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileReservationTerms.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileReservationTermsTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileReservationTerms.Values property. -const ( - InstanceProfileReservationTermsValuesOneYearConst = "one_year" - InstanceProfileReservationTermsValuesThreeYearConst = "three_year" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileReservationTerms unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileReservationTerms from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileReservationTerms(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileReservationTerms) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVcpu : InstanceProfileVcpu struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileVcpuFixed -// - InstanceProfileVcpuRange -// - InstanceProfileVcpuEnum -// - InstanceProfileVcpuDependent -type InstanceProfileVcpu struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVcpu.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVcpuTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVcpu) isaInstanceProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileVcpuIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileVcpu() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpu unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVcpu from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpu(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVcpu) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture : InstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture struct -type InstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture struct { - // The default VCPU architecture for an instance with this profile. - Default *string `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The VCPU architecture for an instance with this profile. - Value *string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVcpuArchitectureTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVcpuArchitecture) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer : InstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer struct -type InstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer struct { - // The default VCPU manufacturer for an instance with this profile. - Default *string `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The VCPU manufacturer for an instance with this profile. - Value *string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVcpuManufacturerTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVcpuManufacturer) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth : InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixed -// - InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRange -// - InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnum -// - InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependent -type InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth) isaInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthIntf interface { - isaInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototype : InstancePrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceByImage -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate -type InstancePrototype struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not - // subsequently managed. Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) - // property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - // The metadata service configuration. - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this - // virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change - // in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network - // attachments or instance network interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image,omitempty"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` - - // The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering - // or offering version to use when provisioning this virtual server instance. - // - // If an offering is specified, the latest version of that offering will be used. - // - // The specified offering or offering version may be in a different account in the same - // [enterprise](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-what-is-enterprise), subject - // to IAM policies. - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering,omitempty"` - - // The template to create this virtual server instance from. - SourceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf `json:"source_template,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePrototype) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePrototypeIntf interface { - isaInstancePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototype unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_template", &obj.SourceTemplate, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceReference : InstanceReference struct -type InstanceReference struct { - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name is unique across all virtual server instances in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceReference unmarshals an instance of InstanceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type InstanceReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of InstanceReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceReservationAffinity : InstanceReservationAffinity struct -type InstanceReservationAffinity struct { - // The reservation affinity policy to use for this virtual server instance: - // - `disabled`: Reservations will not be used - // - `manual`: Reservations in `pool` are available for use. - Policy *string `json:"policy" validate:"required"` - - // The pool of reservations available for use by this virtual server instance. - Pool []ReservationReference `json:"pool" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceReservationAffinity.Policy property. -// The reservation affinity policy to use for this virtual server instance: -// - `disabled`: Reservations will not be used -// - `manual`: Reservations in `pool` are available for use. -const ( - InstanceReservationAffinityPolicyDisabledConst = "disabled" - InstanceReservationAffinityPolicyManualConst = "manual" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinity unmarshals an instance of InstanceReservationAffinity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceReservationAffinity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "policy", &obj.Policy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "pool", &obj.Pool, UnmarshalReservationReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceReservationAffinityPatch : InstanceReservationAffinityPatch struct -type InstanceReservationAffinityPatch struct { - // The reservation affinity policy to use for this virtual server instance: - // - `disabled`: Reservations will not be used - // - `manual`: Reservations in `pool` are available for use. - Policy *string `json:"policy,omitempty"` - - // The pool of reservations available for use by this virtual server instance, replacing the existing pool of - // reservations. - // - // Specified reservations must have a `status` of `active`, and have the same `profile` and - // `zone` as this virtual server instance. - // - // If `policy` is `manual`, a pool must be specified with at least one reservation. If - // `policy` is `disabled` and a pool is specified, it must be empty. - Pool []ReservationIdentityIntf `json:"pool,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceReservationAffinityPatch.Policy property. -// The reservation affinity policy to use for this virtual server instance: -// - `disabled`: Reservations will not be used -// - `manual`: Reservations in `pool` are available for use. -const ( - InstanceReservationAffinityPatchPolicyDisabledConst = "disabled" - InstanceReservationAffinityPatchPolicyManualConst = "manual" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceReservationAffinityPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceReservationAffinityPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "policy", &obj.Policy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "pool", &obj.Pool, UnmarshalReservationIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype : InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype struct -type InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype struct { - // The reservation affinity policy to use for this virtual server instance: - // - `disabled`: Reservations will not be used - // - `manual`: Reservations in `pool` will be available for use - // - // The policy will default to `manual` if `pool` is not empty, and `disabled` otherwise. - Policy *string `json:"policy,omitempty"` - - // The pool of reservations available for use by this virtual server instance. - // - // Specified reservations must have a `status` of `active`, and have the same `profile` and - // `zone` as this virtual server instance. - // - // If `policy` is `manual`, a pool must be specified with at least one reservation. If - // `policy` is `disabled` and a pool is specified, it must be empty. - Pool []ReservationIdentityIntf `json:"pool,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype.Policy property. -// The reservation affinity policy to use for this virtual server instance: -// - `disabled`: Reservations will not be used -// - `manual`: Reservations in `pool` will be available for use -// -// The policy will default to `manual` if `pool` is not empty, and `disabled` otherwise. -const ( - InstanceReservationAffinityPrototypePolicyDisabledConst = "disabled" - InstanceReservationAffinityPrototypePolicyManualConst = "manual" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "policy", &obj.Policy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "pool", &obj.Pool, UnmarshalReservationIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceStatusReason : InstanceStatusReason struct -type InstanceStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the status reason. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. -const ( - InstanceStatusReasonCodeCannotStartConst = "cannot_start" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeCannotStartCapacityConst = "cannot_start_capacity" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeCannotStartComputeConst = "cannot_start_compute" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeCannotStartIPAddressConst = "cannot_start_ip_address" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeCannotStartNetworkConst = "cannot_start_network" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeCannotStartPlacementGroupConst = "cannot_start_placement_group" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeCannotStartReservationCapacityConst = "cannot_start_reservation_capacity" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeCannotStartReservationExpiredConst = "cannot_start_reservation_expired" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeCannotStartStorageConst = "cannot_start_storage" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeEncryptionKeyDeletedConst = "encryption_key_deleted" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeStoppedByHostFailureConst = "stopped_by_host_failure" - InstanceStatusReasonCodeStoppedForImageCreationConst = "stopped_for_image_creation" -) - -// UnmarshalInstanceStatusReason unmarshals an instance of InstanceStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplate : InstanceTemplate struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext -// - InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext -// - InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext -type InstanceTemplate struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not - // subsequently managed. Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) - // property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - // The metadata service configuration. - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this - // virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change - // in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network - // attachments or instance network interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image,omitempty"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` - - // The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering - // or offering version to use when provisioning this virtual server instance. - // - // If an offering is specified, the latest version of that offering will be used. - // - // The specified offering or offering version may be in a different account in the same - // [enterprise](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-what-is-enterprise), subject - // to IAM policies. - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplate) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceTemplateIntf interface { - isaInstanceTemplate() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplate unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplate from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplate(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplate) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateCollection : InstanceTemplateCollection struct -type InstanceTemplateCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *InstanceTemplateCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *InstanceTemplateCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of instance templates. - Templates []InstanceTemplateIntf `json:"templates" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateCollection unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "templates", &obj.Templates, UnmarshalInstanceTemplate) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type InstanceTemplateCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type InstanceTemplateCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateIdentity : Identifies an instance template by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceTemplateIdentityByID -// - InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref -// - InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN -type InstanceTemplateIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateIdentity) isaInstanceTemplateIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf interface { - isaInstanceTemplateIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentity unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePatch : InstanceTemplatePatch struct -type InstanceTemplatePatch struct { - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePatch unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the InstanceTemplatePatch -func (instanceTemplatePatch *InstanceTemplatePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(instanceTemplatePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototype : InstanceTemplatePrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering -type InstanceTemplatePrototype struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not - // subsequently managed. Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) - // property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - // The metadata service configuration. - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this - // virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change - // in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network - // attachments or instance network interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image,omitempty"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` - - // The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) - // offering version to use when provisioning this virtual server instance. - // If an offering is specified, the latest version of that offering will be used. - // - // The specified offering or offering version may be in a different account, subject to - // IAM policies. - // - // If specified, `image` must not be specified, and `source_template` must not have - // `image` specified. - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering,omitempty"` - - // The template to create this virtual server instance from. - SourceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf `json:"source_template,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototype) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeIntf interface { - isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_template", &obj.SourceTemplate, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateReference : InstanceTemplateReference struct -type InstanceTemplateReference struct { - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceTemplateReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateReference unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type InstanceTemplateReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceVcpu : The virtual server instance VCPU configuration. -type InstanceVcpu struct { - // The VCPU architecture. - Architecture *string `json:"architecture" validate:"required"` - - // The number of VCPUs assigned. - Count *int64 `json:"count" validate:"required"` - - // The VCPU manufacturer. - Manufacturer *string `json:"manufacturer" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceVcpu unmarshals an instance of InstanceVcpu from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceVcpu(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceVcpu) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "architecture", &obj.Architecture) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "count", &obj.Count) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "manufacturer", &obj.Manufacturer) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Key : Key struct -type Key struct { - // The date and time that the key was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this key. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The fingerprint for this key. The value is returned base64-encoded and prefixed with the hash algorithm (always - // `SHA256`). - Fingerprint *string `json:"fingerprint" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this key. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this key. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The length of this key (in bits). - Length *int64 `json:"length" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this key. The name must not be used by another key in the region. If unspecified, the name will be a - // hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH key, consisting of two space-separated fields: the algorithm name, and the base64-encoded key. - PublicKey *string `json:"public_key" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this key. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The crypto-system used by this key. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Key.Type property. -// The crypto-system used by this key. -const ( - KeyTypeEd25519Const = "ed25519" - KeyTypeRsaConst = "rsa" -) - -// UnmarshalKey unmarshals an instance of Key from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKey(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Key) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "fingerprint", &obj.Fingerprint) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "length", &obj.Length) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "public_key", &obj.PublicKey) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// KeyCollection : KeyCollection struct -type KeyCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *KeyCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of keys. - Keys []Key `json:"keys" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *KeyCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalKeyCollection unmarshals an instance of KeyCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalKeyCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKey) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalKeyCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *KeyCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// KeyCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type KeyCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalKeyCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of KeyCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// KeyCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type KeyCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalKeyCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of KeyCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// KeyIdentity : Identifies a key by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - KeyIdentityByID -// - KeyIdentityByCRN -// - KeyIdentityByHref -// - KeyIdentityByFingerprint -type KeyIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this key. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this key. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this key. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The fingerprint for this key. The value is returned base64-encoded and prefixed with the hash algorithm (always - // `SHA256`). - Fingerprint *string `json:"fingerprint,omitempty"` -} - -func (*KeyIdentity) isaKeyIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type KeyIdentityIntf interface { - isaKeyIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalKeyIdentity unmarshals an instance of KeyIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "fingerprint", &obj.Fingerprint) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// KeyPatch : KeyPatch struct -type KeyPatch struct { - // The name for this key. The name must not be used by another key in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalKeyPatch unmarshals an instance of KeyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the KeyPatch -func (keyPatch *KeyPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(keyPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// KeyReference : KeyReference struct -type KeyReference struct { - // The CRN for this key. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *KeyReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The fingerprint for this key. The value is returned base64-encoded and prefixed with the hash algorithm (always - // `SHA256`). - Fingerprint *string `json:"fingerprint" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this key. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this key. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this key. The name is unique across all keys in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalKeyReference unmarshals an instance of KeyReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalKeyReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "fingerprint", &obj.Fingerprint) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// KeyReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type KeyReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalKeyReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of KeyReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity : Identifies a Cloud Object Storage bucket by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName -type LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name of this Cloud Object Storage bucket. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity) isaLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityIntf interface { - isaLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity unmarshals an instance of LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketReference : LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketReference struct -type LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketReference struct { - // The globally unique name of this Cloud Object Storage bucket. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketReference unmarshals an instance of LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ListBackupPoliciesOptions : The ListBackupPolicies options. -type ListBackupPoliciesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with an item in the `tags` property matching the exact specified tag. - Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListBackupPoliciesOptions : Instantiate ListBackupPoliciesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBackupPoliciesOptions() *ListBackupPoliciesOptions { - return &ListBackupPoliciesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListBackupPoliciesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListBackupPoliciesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListBackupPoliciesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListBackupPoliciesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListBackupPoliciesOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListBackupPoliciesOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListBackupPoliciesOptions) SetName(name string) *ListBackupPoliciesOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetTag : Allow user to set Tag -func (_options *ListBackupPoliciesOptions) SetTag(tag string) *ListBackupPoliciesOptions { - _options.Tag = core.StringPtr(tag) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBackupPoliciesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBackupPoliciesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions : The ListBackupPolicyJobs options. -type ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - BackupPolicyID *string `json:"backup_policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Filters the collection to backup policy jobs with a `status` property matching the specified value. - Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to backup policy jobs with a `backup_policy_plan.id` property matching the specified - // identifier. - BackupPolicyPlanID *string `json:"backup_policy_plan.id,omitempty"` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to backup policy jobs with a `source.id` property matching the specified identifier. - SourceID *string `json:"source.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to backup policy jobs with an item in the `target_snapshots` property with an `id` property - // matching the specified identifier. - TargetSnapshotsID *string `json:"target_snapshots[].id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to backup policy jobs with an item in the `target_snapshots` property with a `crn` property - // matching the specified CRN. - TargetSnapshotsCRN *string `json:"target_snapshots[].crn,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Status property. -// Filters the collection to backup policy jobs with a `status` property matching the specified value. -const ( - ListBackupPolicyJobsOptionsStatusFailedConst = "failed" - ListBackupPolicyJobsOptionsStatusRunningConst = "running" - ListBackupPolicyJobsOptionsStatusSucceededConst = "succeeded" -) - -// Constants associated with the ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListBackupPolicyJobsOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListBackupPolicyJobsOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListBackupPolicyJobsOptions : Instantiate ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBackupPolicyJobsOptions(backupPolicyID string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - return &ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions{ - BackupPolicyID: core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID), - } -} - -// SetBackupPolicyID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyID -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetBackupPolicyID(backupPolicyID string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID) - return _options -} - -// SetStatus : Allow user to set Status -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetStatus(status string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - _options.Status = core.StringPtr(status) - return _options -} - -// SetBackupPolicyPlanID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyPlanID -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetBackupPolicyPlanID(backupPolicyPlanID string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyPlanID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyPlanID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetSourceID : Allow user to set SourceID -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetSourceID(sourceID string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - _options.SourceID = core.StringPtr(sourceID) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetSnapshotsID : Allow user to set TargetSnapshotsID -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetTargetSnapshotsID(targetSnapshotsID string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - _options.TargetSnapshotsID = core.StringPtr(targetSnapshotsID) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetSnapshotsCRN : Allow user to set TargetSnapshotsCRN -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetTargetSnapshotsCRN(targetSnapshotsCRN string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - _options.TargetSnapshotsCRN = core.StringPtr(targetSnapshotsCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions : The ListBackupPolicyPlans options. -type ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - BackupPolicyID *string `json:"backup_policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListBackupPolicyPlansOptions : Instantiate ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBackupPolicyPlansOptions(backupPolicyID string) *ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions { - return &ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions{ - BackupPolicyID: core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID), - } -} - -// SetBackupPolicyID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyID -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions) SetBackupPolicyID(backupPolicyID string) *ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions) SetName(name string) *ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBackupPolicyPlansOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions : The ListBareMetalServerDisks options. -type ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListBareMetalServerDisksOptions : Instantiate ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBareMetalServerDisksOptions(bareMetalServerID string) *ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions { - return &ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBareMetalServerDisksOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions : The ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachments options. -type ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions : Instantiate ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions(bareMetalServerID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions { - return &ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions : The ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps options. -type ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions : Instantiate ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions(bareMetalServerID string, networkInterfaceID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - return &ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions : The ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIps options. -type ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions : Instantiate ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions(bareMetalServerID string, networkInterfaceID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - return &ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions : The ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaces options. -type ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions : Instantiate ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions(bareMetalServerID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions { - return &ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions : The ListBareMetalServerProfiles options. -type ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions : Instantiate ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions() *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions { - return &ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListBareMetalServersOptions : The ListBareMetalServers options. -type ListBareMetalServersOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.id` property matching the specified identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - VPCCRN *string `json:"vpc.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.name` property matching the exact specified name. - VPCName *string `json:"vpc.name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListBareMetalServersOptions : Instantiate ListBareMetalServersOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListBareMetalServersOptions() *ListBareMetalServersOptions { - return &ListBareMetalServersOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListBareMetalServersOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListBareMetalServersOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListBareMetalServersOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListBareMetalServersOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListBareMetalServersOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListBareMetalServersOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListBareMetalServersOptions) SetName(name string) *ListBareMetalServersOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListBareMetalServersOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListBareMetalServersOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCCRN : Allow user to set VPCCRN -func (_options *ListBareMetalServersOptions) SetVPCCRN(vpcCRN string) *ListBareMetalServersOptions { - _options.VPCCRN = core.StringPtr(vpcCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCName : Allow user to set VPCName -func (_options *ListBareMetalServersOptions) SetVPCName(vpcName string) *ListBareMetalServersOptions { - _options.VPCName = core.StringPtr(vpcName) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListBareMetalServersOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListBareMetalServersOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions : The ListDedicatedHostDisks options. -type ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions struct { - // The dedicated host identifier. - DedicatedHostID *string `json:"dedicated_host_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListDedicatedHostDisksOptions : Instantiate ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListDedicatedHostDisksOptions(dedicatedHostID string) *ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions { - return &ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions{ - DedicatedHostID: core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostID), - } -} - -// SetDedicatedHostID : Allow user to set DedicatedHostID -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions) SetDedicatedHostID(dedicatedHostID string) *ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostID = core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListDedicatedHostDisksOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions : The ListDedicatedHostGroups options. -type ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `zone.name` property matching the exact specified name. - ZoneName *string `json:"zone.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions : Instantiate ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions() *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions { - return &ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetZoneName : Allow user to set ZoneName -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) SetZoneName(zoneName string) *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions { - _options.ZoneName = core.StringPtr(zoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) SetName(name string) *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions : The ListDedicatedHostProfiles options. -type ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions : Instantiate ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions() *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions { - return &ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListDedicatedHostsOptions : The ListDedicatedHosts options. -type ListDedicatedHostsOptions struct { - // Filters the collection to dedicated hosts with a `group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - DedicatedHostGroupID *string `json:"dedicated_host_group.id,omitempty"` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `zone.name` property matching the exact specified name. - ZoneName *string `json:"zone.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListDedicatedHostsOptions : Instantiate ListDedicatedHostsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListDedicatedHostsOptions() *ListDedicatedHostsOptions { - return &ListDedicatedHostsOptions{} -} - -// SetDedicatedHostGroupID : Allow user to set DedicatedHostGroupID -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) SetDedicatedHostGroupID(dedicatedHostGroupID string) *ListDedicatedHostsOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostGroupID = core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListDedicatedHostsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListDedicatedHostsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListDedicatedHostsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetZoneName : Allow user to set ZoneName -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) SetZoneName(zoneName string) *ListDedicatedHostsOptions { - _options.ZoneName = core.StringPtr(zoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) SetName(name string) *ListDedicatedHostsOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListDedicatedHostsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions : The ListEndpointGatewayIps options. -type ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions struct { - // The endpoint gateway identifier. - EndpointGatewayID *string `json:"endpoint_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptionsSortAddressConst = "address" - ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions : Instantiate ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions(endpointGatewayID string) *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions { - return &ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions{ - EndpointGatewayID: core.StringPtr(endpointGatewayID), - } -} - -// SetEndpointGatewayID : Allow user to set EndpointGatewayID -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions) SetEndpointGatewayID(endpointGatewayID string) *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions { - _options.EndpointGatewayID = core.StringPtr(endpointGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListEndpointGatewaysOptions : The ListEndpointGateways options. -type ListEndpointGatewaysOptions struct { - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.id` property matching the specified identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - VPCCRN *string `json:"vpc.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.name` property matching the exact specified name. - VPCName *string `json:"vpc.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to endpoint gateways with an `allow_dns_resolution_binding` property matching the specified - // value. - AllowDnsResolutionBinding *bool `json:"allow_dns_resolution_binding,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListEndpointGatewaysOptions : Instantiate ListEndpointGatewaysOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListEndpointGatewaysOptions() *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - return &ListEndpointGatewaysOptions{} -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) SetName(name string) *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCCRN : Allow user to set VPCCRN -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) SetVPCCRN(vpcCRN string) *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - _options.VPCCRN = core.StringPtr(vpcCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCName : Allow user to set VPCName -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) SetVPCName(vpcName string) *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - _options.VPCName = core.StringPtr(vpcName) - return _options -} - -// SetAllowDnsResolutionBinding : Allow user to set AllowDnsResolutionBinding -func (_options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) SetAllowDnsResolutionBinding(allowDnsResolutionBinding bool) *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - _options.AllowDnsResolutionBinding = core.BoolPtr(allowDnsResolutionBinding) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListFloatingIpsOptions : The ListFloatingIps options. -type ListFloatingIpsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.id` property matching the specified identifier. - TargetID *string `json:"target.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - TargetCRN *string `json:"target.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.name` property matching the exact specified name. - TargetName *string `json:"target.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.resource_type` property matching the specified value. - TargetResourceType *string `json:"target.resource_type,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListFloatingIpsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListFloatingIpsOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListFloatingIpsOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListFloatingIpsOptions : Instantiate ListFloatingIpsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListFloatingIpsOptions() *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - return &ListFloatingIpsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetID : Allow user to set TargetID -func (_options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) SetTargetID(targetID string) *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.TargetID = core.StringPtr(targetID) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetCRN : Allow user to set TargetCRN -func (_options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) SetTargetCRN(targetCRN string) *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.TargetCRN = core.StringPtr(targetCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetName : Allow user to set TargetName -func (_options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) SetTargetName(targetName string) *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.TargetName = core.StringPtr(targetName) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetResourceType : Allow user to set TargetResourceType -func (_options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) SetTargetResourceType(targetResourceType string) *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.TargetResourceType = core.StringPtr(targetResourceType) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListFloatingIpsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions : The ListFlowLogCollectors options. -type ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.id` property matching the specified identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - VPCCRN *string `json:"vpc.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.name` property matching the exact specified name. - VPCName *string `json:"vpc.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.id` property matching the specified identifier. - TargetID *string `json:"target.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.resource_type` property matching the specified value. - TargetResourceType *string `json:"target.resource_type,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListFlowLogCollectorsOptions : Instantiate ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListFlowLogCollectorsOptions() *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - return &ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetName(name string) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCCRN : Allow user to set VPCCRN -func (_options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetVPCCRN(vpcCRN string) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - _options.VPCCRN = core.StringPtr(vpcCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCName : Allow user to set VPCName -func (_options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetVPCName(vpcName string) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - _options.VPCName = core.StringPtr(vpcName) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetID : Allow user to set TargetID -func (_options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetTargetID(targetID string) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - _options.TargetID = core.StringPtr(targetID) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetResourceType : Allow user to set TargetResourceType -func (_options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetTargetResourceType(targetResourceType string) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - _options.TargetResourceType = core.StringPtr(targetResourceType) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListIkePoliciesOptions : The ListIkePolicies options. -type ListIkePoliciesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListIkePoliciesOptions : Instantiate ListIkePoliciesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListIkePoliciesOptions() *ListIkePoliciesOptions { - return &ListIkePoliciesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListIkePoliciesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListIkePoliciesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListIkePoliciesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListIkePoliciesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListIkePoliciesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListIkePoliciesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions : The ListIkePolicyConnections options. -type ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions struct { - // The IKE policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions : Instantiate ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions(id string) *ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions { - return &ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions) SetID(id string) *ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListIkePolicyConnectionsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListImageExportJobsOptions : The ListImageExportJobs options. -type ListImageExportJobsOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ImageID *string `json:"image_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListImageExportJobsOptions : Instantiate ListImageExportJobsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListImageExportJobsOptions(imageID string) *ListImageExportJobsOptions { - return &ListImageExportJobsOptions{ - ImageID: core.StringPtr(imageID), - } -} - -// SetImageID : Allow user to set ImageID -func (_options *ListImageExportJobsOptions) SetImageID(imageID string) *ListImageExportJobsOptions { - _options.ImageID = core.StringPtr(imageID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListImageExportJobsOptions) SetName(name string) *ListImageExportJobsOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListImageExportJobsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListImageExportJobsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListImagesOptions : The ListImages options. -type ListImagesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to images with a `status` property matching one of the specified comma-separated values. - Status []string `json:"status,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to images with a `visibility` property matching the specified value. - Visibility *string `json:"visibility,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListImagesOptions.Status property. -const ( - ListImagesOptionsStatusAvailableConst = "available" - ListImagesOptionsStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - ListImagesOptionsStatusDeprecatedConst = "deprecated" - ListImagesOptionsStatusFailedConst = "failed" - ListImagesOptionsStatusObsoleteConst = "obsolete" - ListImagesOptionsStatusPendingConst = "pending" - ListImagesOptionsStatusUnusableConst = "unusable" -) - -// Constants associated with the ListImagesOptions.Visibility property. -// Filters the collection to images with a `visibility` property matching the specified value. -const ( - ListImagesOptionsVisibilityPrivateConst = "private" - ListImagesOptionsVisibilityPublicConst = "public" -) - -// NewListImagesOptions : Instantiate ListImagesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListImagesOptions() *ListImagesOptions { - return &ListImagesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListImagesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListImagesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListImagesOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetName(name string) *ListImagesOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetStatus : Allow user to set Status -func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetStatus(status []string) *ListImagesOptions { - _options.Status = status - return _options -} - -// SetVisibility : Allow user to set Visibility -func (_options *ListImagesOptions) SetVisibility(visibility string) *ListImagesOptions { - _options.Visibility = core.StringPtr(visibility) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListImagesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListImagesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceDisksOptions : The ListInstanceDisks options. -type ListInstanceDisksOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceDisksOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceDisksOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceDisksOptions(instanceID string) *ListInstanceDisksOptions { - return &ListInstanceDisksOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *ListInstanceDisksOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *ListInstanceDisksOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceDisksOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceDisksOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions : The ListInstanceGroupManagerActions options. -type ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions { - return &ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions : The ListInstanceGroupManagerPolicies options. -type ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions { - return &ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions : The ListInstanceGroupManagers options. -type ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceGroupManagersOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceGroupManagersOptions(instanceGroupID string) *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions { - return &ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions : The ListInstanceGroupMemberships options. -type ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions(instanceGroupID string) *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions { - return &ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceGroupsOptions : The ListInstanceGroups options. -type ListInstanceGroupsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceGroupsOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceGroupsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceGroupsOptions() *ListInstanceGroupsOptions { - return &ListInstanceGroupsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListInstanceGroupsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListInstanceGroupsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListInstanceGroupsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceGroupsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceGroupsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions : The ListInstanceNetworkAttachments options. -type ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions(instanceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions { - return &ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceNetworkAttachmentsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions : The ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps options. -type ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions(instanceID string, networkInterfaceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - return &ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions : The ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIps options. -type ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions(instanceID string, networkInterfaceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - return &ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions : The ListInstanceNetworkInterfaces options. -type ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions(instanceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions { - return &ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceNetworkInterfacesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceProfilesOptions : The ListInstanceProfiles options. -type ListInstanceProfilesOptions struct { - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceProfilesOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceProfilesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceProfilesOptions() *ListInstanceProfilesOptions { - return &ListInstanceProfilesOptions{} -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceProfilesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceProfilesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceTemplatesOptions : The ListInstanceTemplates options. -type ListInstanceTemplatesOptions struct { - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceTemplatesOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceTemplatesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceTemplatesOptions() *ListInstanceTemplatesOptions { - return &ListInstanceTemplatesOptions{} -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceTemplatesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceTemplatesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions : The ListInstanceVolumeAttachments options. -type ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions : Instantiate ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions(instanceID string) *ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions { - return &ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstanceVolumeAttachmentsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListInstancesOptions : The ListInstances options. -type ListInstancesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.id` property matching the specified identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - VPCCRN *string `json:"vpc.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.name` property matching the exact specified name. - VPCName *string `json:"vpc.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to instances with a `dedicated_host.id` property matching the specified identifier. - DedicatedHostID *string `json:"dedicated_host.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to instances with a `dedicated_host.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - DedicatedHostCRN *string `json:"dedicated_host.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to instances with a `dedicated_host.name` property matching the exact specified name. - DedicatedHostName *string `json:"dedicated_host.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to instances with a `placement_target.id` property matching the specified placement group - // identifier. - PlacementGroupID *string `json:"placement_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to instances with a `placement_target.crn` property matching the specified placement group - // CRN. - PlacementGroupCRN *string `json:"placement_group.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to instances with a `placement_target.name` property matching the exact specified placement - // group name. - PlacementGroupName *string `json:"placement_group.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to instances with a `reservation.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ReservationID *string `json:"reservation.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to instances with a `reservation.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - ReservationCRN *string `json:"reservation.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `reservation.name` property matching the exact specified name. - ReservationName *string `json:"reservation.name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListInstancesOptions : Instantiate ListInstancesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListInstancesOptions() *ListInstancesOptions { - return &ListInstancesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetName(name string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCCRN : Allow user to set VPCCRN -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetVPCCRN(vpcCRN string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.VPCCRN = core.StringPtr(vpcCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCName : Allow user to set VPCName -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetVPCName(vpcName string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.VPCName = core.StringPtr(vpcName) - return _options -} - -// SetDedicatedHostID : Allow user to set DedicatedHostID -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetDedicatedHostID(dedicatedHostID string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostID = core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostID) - return _options -} - -// SetDedicatedHostCRN : Allow user to set DedicatedHostCRN -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetDedicatedHostCRN(dedicatedHostCRN string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostCRN = core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetDedicatedHostName : Allow user to set DedicatedHostName -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetDedicatedHostName(dedicatedHostName string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostName = core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostName) - return _options -} - -// SetPlacementGroupID : Allow user to set PlacementGroupID -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetPlacementGroupID(placementGroupID string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.PlacementGroupID = core.StringPtr(placementGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetPlacementGroupCRN : Allow user to set PlacementGroupCRN -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetPlacementGroupCRN(placementGroupCRN string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.PlacementGroupCRN = core.StringPtr(placementGroupCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetPlacementGroupName : Allow user to set PlacementGroupName -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetPlacementGroupName(placementGroupName string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.PlacementGroupName = core.StringPtr(placementGroupName) - return _options -} - -// SetReservationID : Allow user to set ReservationID -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetReservationID(reservationID string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.ReservationID = core.StringPtr(reservationID) - return _options -} - -// SetReservationCRN : Allow user to set ReservationCRN -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetReservationCRN(reservationCRN string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.ReservationCRN = core.StringPtr(reservationCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetReservationName : Allow user to set ReservationName -func (_options *ListInstancesOptions) SetReservationName(reservationName string) *ListInstancesOptions { - _options.ReservationName = core.StringPtr(reservationName) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListInstancesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListInstancesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListIpsecPoliciesOptions : The ListIpsecPolicies options. -type ListIpsecPoliciesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListIpsecPoliciesOptions : Instantiate ListIpsecPoliciesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListIpsecPoliciesOptions() *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions { - return &ListIpsecPoliciesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions : The ListIpsecPolicyConnections options. -type ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions struct { - // The IPsec policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions : Instantiate ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions(id string) *ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions { - return &ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions) SetID(id string) *ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListIpsecPolicyConnectionsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListKeysOptions : The ListKeys options. -type ListKeysOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListKeysOptions : Instantiate ListKeysOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListKeysOptions() *ListKeysOptions { - return &ListKeysOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListKeysOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListKeysOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListKeysOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListKeysOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListKeysOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListKeysOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions : The ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicies options. -type ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions : Instantiate ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string) *ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions { - return &ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListLoadBalancerListenerPoliciesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions : The ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRules options. -type ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The policy identifier. - PolicyID *string `json:"policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions : Instantiate ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string, policyID string) *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions { - return &ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - PolicyID: core.StringPtr(policyID), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPolicyID : Allow user to set PolicyID -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions) SetPolicyID(policyID string) *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions { - _options.PolicyID = core.StringPtr(policyID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions : The ListLoadBalancerListeners options. -type ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListLoadBalancerListenersOptions : Instantiate ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListLoadBalancerListenersOptions(loadBalancerID string) *ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions { - return &ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListLoadBalancerListenersOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions : The ListLoadBalancerPoolMembers options. -type ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The pool identifier. - PoolID *string `json:"pool_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions : Instantiate ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions(loadBalancerID string, poolID string) *ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions { - return &ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - PoolID: core.StringPtr(poolID), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPoolID : Allow user to set PoolID -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) SetPoolID(poolID string) *ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions { - _options.PoolID = core.StringPtr(poolID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions : The ListLoadBalancerPools options. -type ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions : Instantiate ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions(loadBalancerID string) *ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions { - return &ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListLoadBalancerPoolsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions : The ListLoadBalancerProfiles options. -type ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions : Instantiate ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions() *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions { - return &ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListLoadBalancersOptions : The ListLoadBalancers options. -type ListLoadBalancersOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListLoadBalancersOptions : Instantiate ListLoadBalancersOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListLoadBalancersOptions() *ListLoadBalancersOptions { - return &ListLoadBalancersOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListLoadBalancersOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListLoadBalancersOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListLoadBalancersOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListLoadBalancersOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListLoadBalancersOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListLoadBalancersOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListNetworkACLRulesOptions : The ListNetworkACLRules options. -type ListNetworkACLRulesOptions struct { - // The network ACL identifier. - NetworkACLID *string `json:"network_acl_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to rules with a `direction` property matching the specified value. - Direction *string `json:"direction,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListNetworkACLRulesOptions.Direction property. -// Filters the collection to rules with a `direction` property matching the specified value. -const ( - ListNetworkACLRulesOptionsDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - ListNetworkACLRulesOptionsDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// NewListNetworkACLRulesOptions : Instantiate ListNetworkACLRulesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListNetworkACLRulesOptions(networkACLID string) *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions { - return &ListNetworkACLRulesOptions{ - NetworkACLID: core.StringPtr(networkACLID), - } -} - -// SetNetworkACLID : Allow user to set NetworkACLID -func (_options *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions) SetNetworkACLID(networkACLID string) *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions { - _options.NetworkACLID = core.StringPtr(networkACLID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetDirection : Allow user to set Direction -func (_options *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions) SetDirection(direction string) *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions { - _options.Direction = core.StringPtr(direction) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListNetworkAclsOptions : The ListNetworkAcls options. -type ListNetworkAclsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListNetworkAclsOptions : Instantiate ListNetworkAclsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListNetworkAclsOptions() *ListNetworkAclsOptions { - return &ListNetworkAclsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListNetworkAclsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListNetworkAclsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListNetworkAclsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListNetworkAclsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListNetworkAclsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListNetworkAclsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListNetworkAclsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListNetworkAclsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions : The ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps options. -type ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"virtual_network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value - // `-name` sorts the collection by the `name` property in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` - // property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value -// `-name` sorts the collection by the `name` property in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` -// property in ascending order. -const ( - ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptionsSortAddressConst = "address" - ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions : Instantiate ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - return &ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions{ - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID), - } -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListOperatingSystemsOptions : The ListOperatingSystems options. -type ListOperatingSystemsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListOperatingSystemsOptions : Instantiate ListOperatingSystemsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListOperatingSystemsOptions() *ListOperatingSystemsOptions { - return &ListOperatingSystemsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListOperatingSystemsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListOperatingSystemsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListOperatingSystemsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListOperatingSystemsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListOperatingSystemsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListOperatingSystemsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListPlacementGroupsOptions : The ListPlacementGroups options. -type ListPlacementGroupsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListPlacementGroupsOptions : Instantiate ListPlacementGroupsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListPlacementGroupsOptions() *ListPlacementGroupsOptions { - return &ListPlacementGroupsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListPlacementGroupsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListPlacementGroupsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListPlacementGroupsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListPlacementGroupsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListPlacementGroupsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListPlacementGroupsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListPublicGatewaysOptions : The ListPublicGateways options. -type ListPublicGatewaysOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListPublicGatewaysOptions : Instantiate ListPublicGatewaysOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListPublicGatewaysOptions() *ListPublicGatewaysOptions { - return &ListPublicGatewaysOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListPublicGatewaysOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListPublicGatewaysOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListPublicGatewaysOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListPublicGatewaysOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListPublicGatewaysOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListPublicGatewaysOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListPublicGatewaysOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListPublicGatewaysOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListRegionZonesOptions : The ListRegionZones options. -type ListRegionZonesOptions struct { - // The region name. - RegionName *string `json:"region_name" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListRegionZonesOptions : Instantiate ListRegionZonesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListRegionZonesOptions(regionName string) *ListRegionZonesOptions { - return &ListRegionZonesOptions{ - RegionName: core.StringPtr(regionName), - } -} - -// SetRegionName : Allow user to set RegionName -func (_options *ListRegionZonesOptions) SetRegionName(regionName string) *ListRegionZonesOptions { - _options.RegionName = core.StringPtr(regionName) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListRegionZonesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListRegionZonesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListRegionsOptions : The ListRegions options. -type ListRegionsOptions struct { - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListRegionsOptions : Instantiate ListRegionsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListRegionsOptions() *ListRegionsOptions { - return &ListRegionsOptions{} -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListRegionsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListRegionsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListReservationsOptions : The ListReservations options. -type ListReservationsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `zone.name` property matching the exact specified name. - ZoneName *string `json:"zone.name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListReservationsOptions : Instantiate ListReservationsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListReservationsOptions() *ListReservationsOptions { - return &ListReservationsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListReservationsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListReservationsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListReservationsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListReservationsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListReservationsOptions) SetName(name string) *ListReservationsOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListReservationsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListReservationsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetZoneName : Allow user to set ZoneName -func (_options *ListReservationsOptions) SetZoneName(zoneName string) *ListReservationsOptions { - _options.ZoneName = core.StringPtr(zoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListReservationsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListReservationsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions : The ListSecurityGroupRules options. -type ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - SecurityGroupID *string `json:"security_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListSecurityGroupRulesOptions : Instantiate ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListSecurityGroupRulesOptions(securityGroupID string) *ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions { - return &ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions{ - SecurityGroupID: core.StringPtr(securityGroupID), - } -} - -// SetSecurityGroupID : Allow user to set SecurityGroupID -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions) SetSecurityGroupID(securityGroupID string) *ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupID = core.StringPtr(securityGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListSecurityGroupRulesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions : The ListSecurityGroupTargets options. -type ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - SecurityGroupID *string `json:"security_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions : Instantiate ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions(securityGroupID string) *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions { - return &ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions{ - SecurityGroupID: core.StringPtr(securityGroupID), - } -} - -// SetSecurityGroupID : Allow user to set SecurityGroupID -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions) SetSecurityGroupID(securityGroupID string) *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupID = core.StringPtr(securityGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListSecurityGroupsOptions : The ListSecurityGroups options. -type ListSecurityGroupsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.id` property matching the specified identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - VPCCRN *string `json:"vpc.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.name` property matching the exact specified name. - VPCName *string `json:"vpc.name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListSecurityGroupsOptions : Instantiate ListSecurityGroupsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListSecurityGroupsOptions() *ListSecurityGroupsOptions { - return &ListSecurityGroupsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListSecurityGroupsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListSecurityGroupsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListSecurityGroupsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListSecurityGroupsOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCCRN : Allow user to set VPCCRN -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) SetVPCCRN(vpcCRN string) *ListSecurityGroupsOptions { - _options.VPCCRN = core.StringPtr(vpcCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCName : Allow user to set VPCName -func (_options *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) SetVPCName(vpcName string) *ListSecurityGroupsOptions { - _options.VPCName = core.StringPtr(vpcName) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListSecurityGroupsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListShareMountTargetsOptions : The ListShareMountTargets options. -type ListShareMountTargetsOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ShareID *string `json:"share_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListShareMountTargetsOptions : Instantiate ListShareMountTargetsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListShareMountTargetsOptions(shareID string) *ListShareMountTargetsOptions { - return &ListShareMountTargetsOptions{ - ShareID: core.StringPtr(shareID), - } -} - -// SetShareID : Allow user to set ShareID -func (_options *ListShareMountTargetsOptions) SetShareID(shareID string) *ListShareMountTargetsOptions { - _options.ShareID = core.StringPtr(shareID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListShareMountTargetsOptions) SetName(name string) *ListShareMountTargetsOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListShareMountTargetsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListShareMountTargetsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListShareMountTargetsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListShareMountTargetsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListShareMountTargetsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListShareMountTargetsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListShareProfilesOptions : The ListShareProfiles options. -type ListShareProfilesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListShareProfilesOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListShareProfilesOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListShareProfilesOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListShareProfilesOptions : Instantiate ListShareProfilesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListShareProfilesOptions() *ListShareProfilesOptions { - return &ListShareProfilesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListShareProfilesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListShareProfilesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListShareProfilesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListShareProfilesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListShareProfilesOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListShareProfilesOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListShareProfilesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListShareProfilesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListSharesOptions : The ListShares options. -type ListSharesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to file shares with a `replication_role` property matching the specified value. - ReplicationRole *string `json:"replication_role,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListSharesOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListSharesOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListSharesOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// Constants associated with the ListSharesOptions.ReplicationRole property. -// Filters the collection to file shares with a `replication_role` property matching the specified value. -const ( - ListSharesOptionsReplicationRoleNoneConst = "none" - ListSharesOptionsReplicationRoleReplicaConst = "replica" - ListSharesOptionsReplicationRoleSourceConst = "source" -) - -// NewListSharesOptions : Instantiate ListSharesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListSharesOptions() *ListSharesOptions { - return &ListSharesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListSharesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListSharesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListSharesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListSharesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListSharesOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListSharesOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListSharesOptions) SetName(name string) *ListSharesOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListSharesOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListSharesOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetReplicationRole : Allow user to set ReplicationRole -func (_options *ListSharesOptions) SetReplicationRole(replicationRole string) *ListSharesOptions { - _options.ReplicationRole = core.StringPtr(replicationRole) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListSharesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListSharesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListSnapshotClonesOptions : The ListSnapshotClones options. -type ListSnapshotClonesOptions struct { - // The snapshot identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListSnapshotClonesOptions : Instantiate ListSnapshotClonesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListSnapshotClonesOptions(id string) *ListSnapshotClonesOptions { - return &ListSnapshotClonesOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *ListSnapshotClonesOptions) SetID(id string) *ListSnapshotClonesOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListSnapshotClonesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListSnapshotClonesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions : The ListSnapshotConsistencyGroups options. -type ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to backup policy jobs with a `backup_policy_plan.id` property matching the specified - // identifier. - BackupPolicyPlanID *string `json:"backup_policy_plan.id,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions : Instantiate ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions() *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions { - return &ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) SetName(name string) *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetBackupPolicyPlanID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyPlanID -func (_options *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) SetBackupPolicyPlanID(backupPolicyPlanID string) *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyPlanID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyPlanID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListSnapshotsOptions : The ListSnapshots options. -type ListSnapshotsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with an item in the `tags` property matching the exact specified tag. - Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `source_volume.id` property matching the specified identifier. - SourceVolumeID *string `json:"source_volume.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `source_volume.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - SourceVolumeCRN *string `json:"source_volume.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `source_image.id` property matching the specified identifier. - // - // This parameter also supports the values `null` and `not:null` which filter the collection to resources which have no - // source image or any existent source image, respectively. - SourceImageID *string `json:"source_image.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `source_image.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - // - // This parameter also supports the values `null` and `not:null` which filter the collection to resources which have no - // source image or any existent source image, respectively. - SourceImageCRN *string `json:"source_image.crn,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to backup policy jobs with a `backup_policy_plan.id` property matching the specified - // identifier. - BackupPolicyPlanID *string `json:"backup_policy_plan.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `copies` property with an `id` property matching the - // specified identifier. - CopiesID *string `json:"copies[].id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `copies` property with a `name` property matching the exact - // specified name. - CopiesName *string `json:"copies[].name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `copies` property with an `id` property matching the - // specified CRN. - CopiesCRN *string `json:"copies[].crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `copies` property with a - // `remote.region.name` property matching the exact specified name. - CopiesRemoteRegionName *string `json:"copies[].remote.region.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `source_snapshot.id` property matching the specified identifier. - SourceSnapshotID *string `json:"source_snapshot.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `source_snapshot.remote.region.name` property matching the exact - // specified name. - SourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName *string `json:"source_snapshot.remote.region.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `source_volume.remote.region.name` property matching the exact specified - // name. - SourceVolumeRemoteRegionName *string `json:"source_volume.remote.region.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `source_image.remote.region.name` property matching the exact specified - // name. - SourceImageRemoteRegionName *string `json:"source_image.remote.region.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `clones` property with a `zone.name` property matching the - // exact specified name. - ClonesZoneName *string `json:"clones[].zone.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `snapshot_consistency_group.id` property matching the specified - // identifier. - SnapshotConsistencyGroupID *string `json:"snapshot_consistency_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `snapshot_consistency_group.crn` property matching the specified - // identifier. - SnapshotConsistencyGroupCRN *string `json:"snapshot_consistency_group.crn,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListSnapshotsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListSnapshotsOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListSnapshotsOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListSnapshotsOptions : Instantiate ListSnapshotsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListSnapshotsOptions() *ListSnapshotsOptions { - return &ListSnapshotsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetTag : Allow user to set Tag -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetTag(tag string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.Tag = core.StringPtr(tag) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetName(name string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetSourceVolumeID : Allow user to set SourceVolumeID -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSourceVolumeID(sourceVolumeID string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SourceVolumeID = core.StringPtr(sourceVolumeID) - return _options -} - -// SetSourceVolumeCRN : Allow user to set SourceVolumeCRN -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSourceVolumeCRN(sourceVolumeCRN string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SourceVolumeCRN = core.StringPtr(sourceVolumeCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetSourceImageID : Allow user to set SourceImageID -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSourceImageID(sourceImageID string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SourceImageID = core.StringPtr(sourceImageID) - return _options -} - -// SetSourceImageCRN : Allow user to set SourceImageCRN -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSourceImageCRN(sourceImageCRN string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SourceImageCRN = core.StringPtr(sourceImageCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetBackupPolicyPlanID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyPlanID -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetBackupPolicyPlanID(backupPolicyPlanID string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyPlanID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyPlanID) - return _options -} - -// SetCopiesID : Allow user to set CopiesID -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetCopiesID(copiesID string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.CopiesID = core.StringPtr(copiesID) - return _options -} - -// SetCopiesName : Allow user to set CopiesName -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetCopiesName(copiesName string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.CopiesName = core.StringPtr(copiesName) - return _options -} - -// SetCopiesCRN : Allow user to set CopiesCRN -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetCopiesCRN(copiesCRN string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.CopiesCRN = core.StringPtr(copiesCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetCopiesRemoteRegionName : Allow user to set CopiesRemoteRegionName -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetCopiesRemoteRegionName(copiesRemoteRegionName string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.CopiesRemoteRegionName = core.StringPtr(copiesRemoteRegionName) - return _options -} - -// SetSourceSnapshotID : Allow user to set SourceSnapshotID -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSourceSnapshotID(sourceSnapshotID string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SourceSnapshotID = core.StringPtr(sourceSnapshotID) - return _options -} - -// SetSourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName : Allow user to set SourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName(sourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName = core.StringPtr(sourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName) - return _options -} - -// SetSourceVolumeRemoteRegionName : Allow user to set SourceVolumeRemoteRegionName -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSourceVolumeRemoteRegionName(sourceVolumeRemoteRegionName string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SourceVolumeRemoteRegionName = core.StringPtr(sourceVolumeRemoteRegionName) - return _options -} - -// SetSourceImageRemoteRegionName : Allow user to set SourceImageRemoteRegionName -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSourceImageRemoteRegionName(sourceImageRemoteRegionName string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SourceImageRemoteRegionName = core.StringPtr(sourceImageRemoteRegionName) - return _options -} - -// SetClonesZoneName : Allow user to set ClonesZoneName -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetClonesZoneName(clonesZoneName string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.ClonesZoneName = core.StringPtr(clonesZoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetSnapshotConsistencyGroupID : Allow user to set SnapshotConsistencyGroupID -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSnapshotConsistencyGroupID(snapshotConsistencyGroupID string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SnapshotConsistencyGroupID = core.StringPtr(snapshotConsistencyGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetSnapshotConsistencyGroupCRN : Allow user to set SnapshotConsistencyGroupCRN -func (_options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetSnapshotConsistencyGroupCRN(snapshotConsistencyGroupCRN string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - _options.SnapshotConsistencyGroupCRN = core.StringPtr(snapshotConsistencyGroupCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListSnapshotsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListSnapshotsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions : The ListSubnetReservedIps options. -type ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - SubnetID *string `json:"subnet_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.id` property matching the specified identifier. - TargetID *string `json:"target.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - TargetCRN *string `json:"target.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.name` property matching the exact specified name. - TargetName *string `json:"target.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `target.resource_type` property matching the specified value. - TargetResourceType *string `json:"target.resource_type,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListSubnetReservedIpsOptionsSortAddressConst = "address" - ListSubnetReservedIpsOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListSubnetReservedIpsOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListSubnetReservedIpsOptions : Instantiate ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListSubnetReservedIpsOptions(subnetID string) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - return &ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions{ - SubnetID: core.StringPtr(subnetID), - } -} - -// SetSubnetID : Allow user to set SubnetID -func (_options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) SetSubnetID(subnetID string) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - _options.SubnetID = core.StringPtr(subnetID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetID : Allow user to set TargetID -func (_options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) SetTargetID(targetID string) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - _options.TargetID = core.StringPtr(targetID) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetCRN : Allow user to set TargetCRN -func (_options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) SetTargetCRN(targetCRN string) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - _options.TargetCRN = core.StringPtr(targetCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetName : Allow user to set TargetName -func (_options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) SetTargetName(targetName string) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - _options.TargetName = core.StringPtr(targetName) - return _options -} - -// SetTargetResourceType : Allow user to set TargetResourceType -func (_options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) SetTargetResourceType(targetResourceType string) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - _options.TargetResourceType = core.StringPtr(targetResourceType) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListSubnetsOptions : The ListSubnets options. -type ListSubnetsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `zone.name` property matching the exact specified name. - ZoneName *string `json:"zone.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.id` property matching the specified identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - VPCCRN *string `json:"vpc.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.name` property matching the exact specified name. - VPCName *string `json:"vpc.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to subnets with a `routing_table.id` property matching the specified identifier. - RoutingTableID *string `json:"routing_table.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to subnets with a `routing_table.name` property matching the exact specified name. - RoutingTableName *string `json:"routing_table.name,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListSubnetsOptions : Instantiate ListSubnetsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListSubnetsOptions() *ListSubnetsOptions { - return &ListSubnetsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListSubnetsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListSubnetsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListSubnetsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetZoneName : Allow user to set ZoneName -func (_options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetZoneName(zoneName string) *ListSubnetsOptions { - _options.ZoneName = core.StringPtr(zoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListSubnetsOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCCRN : Allow user to set VPCCRN -func (_options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetVPCCRN(vpcCRN string) *ListSubnetsOptions { - _options.VPCCRN = core.StringPtr(vpcCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCName : Allow user to set VPCName -func (_options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetVPCName(vpcName string) *ListSubnetsOptions { - _options.VPCName = core.StringPtr(vpcName) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutingTableID : Allow user to set RoutingTableID -func (_options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetRoutingTableID(routingTableID string) *ListSubnetsOptions { - _options.RoutingTableID = core.StringPtr(routingTableID) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutingTableName : Allow user to set RoutingTableName -func (_options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetRoutingTableName(routingTableName string) *ListSubnetsOptions { - _options.RoutingTableName = core.StringPtr(routingTableName) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListSubnetsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListSubnetsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions : The ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIps options. -type ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"virtual_network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value - // `-name` sorts the collection by the `name` property in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` - // property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value -// `-name` sorts the collection by the `name` property in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` -// property in ascending order. -const ( - ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptionsSortAddressConst = "address" - ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions : Instantiate ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - return &ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions{ - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID), - } -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions : The ListVirtualNetworkInterfaces options. -type ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions : Instantiate ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions() *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions { - return &ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVolumeProfilesOptions : The ListVolumeProfiles options. -type ListVolumeProfilesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListVolumeProfilesOptions : Instantiate ListVolumeProfilesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVolumeProfilesOptions() *ListVolumeProfilesOptions { - return &ListVolumeProfilesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVolumeProfilesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVolumeProfilesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVolumeProfilesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVolumeProfilesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVolumeProfilesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVolumeProfilesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVolumesOptions : The ListVolumes options. -type ListVolumesOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to volumes with an `attachment_state` property matching the specified value. - AttachmentState *string `json:"attachment_state,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with an `encryption` property matching the specified value. - Encryption *string `json:"encryption,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with an `operating_system.family` property matching the specified operating - // system family. - // - // This parameter also supports the values `null` and `not:null` which filter the collection to resources which have no - // operating system or any operating system, respectively. - OperatingSystemFamily *string `json:"operating_system.family,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with an `operating_system.architecture` property matching the specified - // operating system architecture. - // - // This parameter also supports the values `null` and `not:null` which filter the collection to resources which have no - // operating system or any operating system, respectively. - OperatingSystemArchitecture *string `json:"operating_system.architecture,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `zone.name` property matching the exact specified name. - ZoneName *string `json:"zone.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with an item in the `tags` property matching the exact specified tag. - Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListVolumesOptions.AttachmentState property. -// Filters the collection to volumes with an `attachment_state` property matching the specified value. -const ( - ListVolumesOptionsAttachmentStateAttachedConst = "attached" - ListVolumesOptionsAttachmentStateUnattachedConst = "unattached" - ListVolumesOptionsAttachmentStateUnusableConst = "unusable" -) - -// Constants associated with the ListVolumesOptions.Encryption property. -// Filters the collection to resources with an `encryption` property matching the specified value. -const ( - ListVolumesOptionsEncryptionProviderManagedConst = "provider_managed" - ListVolumesOptionsEncryptionUserManagedConst = "user_managed" -) - -// NewListVolumesOptions : Instantiate ListVolumesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVolumesOptions() *ListVolumesOptions { - return &ListVolumesOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVolumesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVolumesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVolumesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVolumesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListVolumesOptions) SetName(name string) *ListVolumesOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetAttachmentState : Allow user to set AttachmentState -func (_options *ListVolumesOptions) SetAttachmentState(attachmentState string) *ListVolumesOptions { - _options.AttachmentState = core.StringPtr(attachmentState) - return _options -} - -// SetEncryption : Allow user to set Encryption -func (_options *ListVolumesOptions) SetEncryption(encryption string) *ListVolumesOptions { - _options.Encryption = core.StringPtr(encryption) - return _options -} - -// SetOperatingSystemFamily : Allow user to set OperatingSystemFamily -func (_options *ListVolumesOptions) SetOperatingSystemFamily(operatingSystemFamily string) *ListVolumesOptions { - _options.OperatingSystemFamily = core.StringPtr(operatingSystemFamily) - return _options -} - -// SetOperatingSystemArchitecture : Allow user to set OperatingSystemArchitecture -func (_options *ListVolumesOptions) SetOperatingSystemArchitecture(operatingSystemArchitecture string) *ListVolumesOptions { - _options.OperatingSystemArchitecture = core.StringPtr(operatingSystemArchitecture) - return _options -} - -// SetZoneName : Allow user to set ZoneName -func (_options *ListVolumesOptions) SetZoneName(zoneName string) *ListVolumesOptions { - _options.ZoneName = core.StringPtr(zoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetTag : Allow user to set Tag -func (_options *ListVolumesOptions) SetTag(tag string) *ListVolumesOptions { - _options.Tag = core.StringPtr(tag) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVolumesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVolumesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions : The ListVPCAddressPrefixes options. -type ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions : Instantiate ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions(vpcID string) *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions { - return &ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions : The ListVPCDnsResolutionBindings options. -type ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.crn` property matching the specified CRN. - VPCCRN *string `json:"vpc.crn,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.name` property matching the exact specified name. - VPCName *string `json:"vpc.name,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `vpc.remote.account.id` property matching the specified account - // identifier. - AccountID *string `json:"account.id,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions : Instantiate ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions(vpcID string) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - return &ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) SetName(name string) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCCRN : Allow user to set VPCCRN -func (_options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) SetVPCCRN(vpcCRN string) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - _options.VPCCRN = core.StringPtr(vpcCRN) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCName : Allow user to set VPCName -func (_options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) SetVPCName(vpcName string) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - _options.VPCName = core.StringPtr(vpcName) - return _options -} - -// SetAccountID : Allow user to set AccountID -func (_options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) SetAccountID(accountID string) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - _options.AccountID = core.StringPtr(accountID) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPCRoutesOptions : The ListVPCRoutes options. -type ListVPCRoutesOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `zone.name` property matching the exact specified name. - ZoneName *string `json:"zone.name,omitempty"` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListVPCRoutesOptions : Instantiate ListVPCRoutesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPCRoutesOptions(vpcID string) *ListVPCRoutesOptions { - return &ListVPCRoutesOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListVPCRoutesOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListVPCRoutesOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetZoneName : Allow user to set ZoneName -func (_options *ListVPCRoutesOptions) SetZoneName(zoneName string) *ListVPCRoutesOptions { - _options.ZoneName = core.StringPtr(zoneName) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVPCRoutesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVPCRoutesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVPCRoutesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVPCRoutesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPCRoutesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPCRoutesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions : The ListVPCRoutingTableRoutes options. -type ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table identifier. - RoutingTableID *string `json:"routing_table_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions : Instantiate ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions(vpcID string, routingTableID string) *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions { - return &ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - RoutingTableID: core.StringPtr(routingTableID), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutingTableID : Allow user to set RoutingTableID -func (_options *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions) SetRoutingTableID(routingTableID string) *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions { - _options.RoutingTableID = core.StringPtr(routingTableID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions : The ListVPCRoutingTables options. -type ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to routing tables with an `is_default` property matching the specified value. - IsDefault *bool `json:"is_default,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListVPCRoutingTablesOptions : Instantiate ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPCRoutingTablesOptions(vpcID string) *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions { - return &ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetIsDefault : Allow user to set IsDefault -func (_options *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions) SetIsDefault(isDefault bool) *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions { - _options.IsDefault = core.BoolPtr(isDefault) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVpcsOptions : The ListVpcs options. -type ListVpcsOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to VPCs with a `classic_access` property matching the specified value. - ClassicAccess *bool `json:"classic_access,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListVpcsOptions : Instantiate ListVpcsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVpcsOptions() *ListVpcsOptions { - return &ListVpcsOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVpcsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVpcsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVpcsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVpcsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListVpcsOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListVpcsOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetClassicAccess : Allow user to set ClassicAccess -func (_options *ListVpcsOptions) SetClassicAccess(classicAccess bool) *ListVpcsOptions { - _options.ClassicAccess = core.BoolPtr(classicAccess) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVpcsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVpcsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions : The ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs options. -type ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions : Instantiate ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions { - return &ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions) SetID(id string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions : The ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs options. -type ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions : Instantiate ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions { - return &ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions) SetID(id string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions : The ListVPNGatewayConnections options. -type ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Filters the collection to VPN gateway connections with a `status` property matching the specified value. - Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions.Status property. -// Filters the collection to VPN gateway connections with a `status` property matching the specified value. -const ( - ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptionsStatusDownConst = "down" - ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptionsStatusUpConst = "up" -) - -// NewListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions : Instantiate ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions(vpnGatewayID string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions { - return &ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetStatus : Allow user to set Status -func (_options *ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions) SetStatus(status string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions { - _options.Status = core.StringPtr(status) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPNGatewayConnectionsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPNGatewaysOptions : The ListVPNGateways options. -type ListVPNGatewaysOptions struct { - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to VPN gateways with a `mode` property matching the specified value. - Mode *string `json:"mode,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListVPNGatewaysOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListVPNGatewaysOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListVPNGatewaysOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// Constants associated with the ListVPNGatewaysOptions.Mode property. -// Filters the collection to VPN gateways with a `mode` property matching the specified value. -const ( - ListVPNGatewaysOptionsModePolicyConst = "policy" - ListVPNGatewaysOptionsModeRouteConst = "route" -) - -// NewListVPNGatewaysOptions : Instantiate ListVPNGatewaysOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPNGatewaysOptions() *ListVPNGatewaysOptions { - return &ListVPNGatewaysOptions{} -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVPNGatewaysOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVPNGatewaysOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVPNGatewaysOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVPNGatewaysOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListVPNGatewaysOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListVPNGatewaysOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListVPNGatewaysOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListVPNGatewaysOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetMode : Allow user to set Mode -func (_options *ListVPNGatewaysOptions) SetMode(mode string) *ListVPNGatewaysOptions { - _options.Mode = core.StringPtr(mode) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPNGatewaysOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPNGatewaysOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPNServerClientsOptions : The ListVPNServerClients options. -type ListVPNServerClientsOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - VPNServerID *string `json:"vpn_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListVPNServerClientsOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order. -const ( - ListVPNServerClientsOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" -) - -// NewListVPNServerClientsOptions : Instantiate ListVPNServerClientsOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPNServerClientsOptions(vpnServerID string) *ListVPNServerClientsOptions { - return &ListVPNServerClientsOptions{ - VPNServerID: core.StringPtr(vpnServerID), - } -} - -// SetVPNServerID : Allow user to set VPNServerID -func (_options *ListVPNServerClientsOptions) SetVPNServerID(vpnServerID string) *ListVPNServerClientsOptions { - _options.VPNServerID = core.StringPtr(vpnServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVPNServerClientsOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVPNServerClientsOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVPNServerClientsOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVPNServerClientsOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListVPNServerClientsOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListVPNServerClientsOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPNServerClientsOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPNServerClientsOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPNServerRoutesOptions : The ListVPNServerRoutes options. -type ListVPNServerRoutesOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - VPNServerID *string `json:"vpn_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListVPNServerRoutesOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListVPNServerRoutesOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListVPNServerRoutesOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListVPNServerRoutesOptions : Instantiate ListVPNServerRoutesOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPNServerRoutesOptions(vpnServerID string) *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions { - return &ListVPNServerRoutesOptions{ - VPNServerID: core.StringPtr(vpnServerID), - } -} - -// SetVPNServerID : Allow user to set VPNServerID -func (_options *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions) SetVPNServerID(vpnServerID string) *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions { - _options.VPNServerID = core.StringPtr(vpnServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ListVPNServersOptions : The ListVPNServers options. -type ListVPNServersOptions struct { - // Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on. - Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` - - // The number of resources to return on a page. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit,omitempty"` - - // Filters the collection to resources with a `resource_group.id` property matching the specified identifier. - ResourceGroupID *string `json:"resource_group.id,omitempty"` - - // Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name - // to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property - // in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. - Sort *string `json:"sort,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the ListVPNServersOptions.Sort property. -// Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name -// to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property -// in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order. -const ( - ListVPNServersOptionsSortCreatedAtConst = "created_at" - ListVPNServersOptionsSortNameConst = "name" -) - -// NewListVPNServersOptions : Instantiate ListVPNServersOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewListVPNServersOptions() *ListVPNServersOptions { - return &ListVPNServersOptions{} -} - -// SetName : Allow user to set Name -func (_options *ListVPNServersOptions) SetName(name string) *ListVPNServersOptions { - _options.Name = core.StringPtr(name) - return _options -} - -// SetStart : Allow user to set Start -func (_options *ListVPNServersOptions) SetStart(start string) *ListVPNServersOptions { - _options.Start = core.StringPtr(start) - return _options -} - -// SetLimit : Allow user to set Limit -func (_options *ListVPNServersOptions) SetLimit(limit int64) *ListVPNServersOptions { - _options.Limit = core.Int64Ptr(limit) - return _options -} - -// SetResourceGroupID : Allow user to set ResourceGroupID -func (_options *ListVPNServersOptions) SetResourceGroupID(resourceGroupID string) *ListVPNServersOptions { - _options.ResourceGroupID = core.StringPtr(resourceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetSort : Allow user to set Sort -func (_options *ListVPNServersOptions) SetSort(sort string) *ListVPNServersOptions { - _options.Sort = core.StringPtr(sort) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ListVPNServersOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ListVPNServersOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// LoadBalancer : LoadBalancer struct -type LoadBalancer struct { - // The date and time that this load balancer was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The load balancer's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The DNS configuration for this load balancer. - // - // If absent, DNS `A` records for this load balancer's `hostname` property will be added to - // the public DNS zone `lb.appdomain.cloud`. - Dns *LoadBalancerDns `json:"dns,omitempty"` - - // Fully qualified domain name assigned to this load balancer. - Hostname *string `json:"hostname" validate:"required"` - - // The load balancer's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this load balancer supports instance groups. - InstanceGroupsSupported *bool `json:"instance_groups_supported" validate:"required"` - - // The type of this load balancer, public or private. - IsPublic *bool `json:"is_public" validate:"required"` - - // The listeners of this load balancer. - Listeners []LoadBalancerListenerReference `json:"listeners" validate:"required"` - - // The logging configuration for this load balancer. - Logging *LoadBalancerLogging `json:"logging" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this load balancer. The name is unique across all load balancers in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The operating status of this load balancer. - OperatingStatus *string `json:"operating_status" validate:"required"` - - // The pools of this load balancer. - Pools []LoadBalancerPoolReference `json:"pools" validate:"required"` - - // The private IP addresses assigned to this load balancer. - PrivateIps []LoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem `json:"private_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The profile for this load balancer. - Profile *LoadBalancerProfileReference `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The provisioning status of this load balancer: - // - // - `active`: The load balancer is running. - // - `create_pending`: The load balancer is being created. - // - `delete_pending`: The load balancer is being deleted. - // - `maintenance_pending`: The load balancer is unavailable due to an internal - // error (contact IBM support). - // - `migrate_pending`: The load balancer is migrating to the requested configuration. - // Performance may be degraded. - // - `update_pending`: The load balancer is being updated - // to the requested configuration. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When - // processing this property, check for and log unknown values. Optionally halt - // processing and surface the error, or bypass the load balancer on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - ProvisioningStatus *string `json:"provisioning_status" validate:"required"` - - // The public IP addresses assigned to this load balancer. - // - // Applicable only for public load balancers. - PublicIps []IP `json:"public_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this load balancer. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether route mode is enabled for this load balancer. - // - // At present, public load balancers are not supported with route mode enabled. - RouteMode *bool `json:"route_mode" validate:"required"` - - // The security groups targeting this load balancer. - // - // If empty, all inbound and outbound traffic is allowed. - // - // Applicable only for load balancers that support security groups. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupReference `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this load balancer supports security groups. - SecurityGroupsSupported *bool `json:"security_groups_supported" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets this load balancer is provisioned in. The load balancer's availability depends on the availability of - // the zones that the subnets reside in. - // - // All subnets will be in the same VPC. - Subnets []SubnetReference `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this load balancer supports UDP. - UDPSupported *bool `json:"udp_supported" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancer.OperatingStatus property. -// The operating status of this load balancer. -const ( - LoadBalancerOperatingStatusOfflineConst = "offline" - LoadBalancerOperatingStatusOnlineConst = "online" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancer.ProvisioningStatus property. -// The provisioning status of this load balancer: -// -// - `active`: The load balancer is running. -// -// - `create_pending`: The load balancer is being created. -// -// - `delete_pending`: The load balancer is being deleted. -// -// - `maintenance_pending`: The load balancer is unavailable due to an internal -// error (contact IBM support). -// -// - `migrate_pending`: The load balancer is migrating to the requested configuration. -// Performance may be degraded. -// -// - `update_pending`: The load balancer is being updated -// to the requested configuration. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When -// processing this property, check for and log unknown values. Optionally halt -// processing and surface the error, or bypass the load balancer on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerProvisioningStatusActiveConst = "active" - LoadBalancerProvisioningStatusCreatePendingConst = "create_pending" - LoadBalancerProvisioningStatusDeletePendingConst = "delete_pending" - LoadBalancerProvisioningStatusFailedConst = "failed" - LoadBalancerProvisioningStatusMaintenancePendingConst = "maintenance_pending" - LoadBalancerProvisioningStatusMigratePendingConst = "migrate_pending" - LoadBalancerProvisioningStatusUpdatePendingConst = "update_pending" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancer.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - LoadBalancerResourceTypeLoadBalancerConst = "load_balancer" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancer unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancer from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancer(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancer) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dns", &obj.Dns, UnmarshalLoadBalancerDns) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "hostname", &obj.Hostname) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "instance_groups_supported", &obj.InstanceGroupsSupported) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "is_public", &obj.IsPublic) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listeners", &obj.Listeners, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "logging", &obj.Logging, UnmarshalLoadBalancerLogging) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "operating_status", &obj.OperatingStatus) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "pools", &obj.Pools, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "private_ips", &obj.PrivateIps, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provisioning_status", &obj.ProvisioningStatus) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "public_ips", &obj.PublicIps, UnmarshalIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_mode", &obj.RouteMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "security_groups_supported", &obj.SecurityGroupsSupported) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "udp_supported", &obj.UDPSupported) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerCollection : LoadBalancerCollection struct -type LoadBalancerCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *LoadBalancerCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of load balancers. - LoadBalancers []LoadBalancer `json:"load_balancers" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *LoadBalancerCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerCollection unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalLoadBalancerCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "load_balancers", &obj.LoadBalancers, UnmarshalLoadBalancer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalLoadBalancerCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *LoadBalancerCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// LoadBalancerCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type LoadBalancerCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type LoadBalancerCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerDns : The DNS configuration for this load balancer. -// -// If absent, DNS `A` records for this load balancer's `hostname` property will be added to the public DNS zone -// `lb.appdomain.cloud`. -type LoadBalancerDns struct { - // The DNS instance associated with this load balancer. - Instance *DnsInstanceReference `json:"instance" validate:"required"` - - // The DNS zone associated with this load balancer. - Zone *DnsZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerDns unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerDns from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerDns(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerDns) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance", &obj.Instance, UnmarshalDnsInstanceReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalDnsZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerDnsPatch : The DNS configuration for this load balancer. -// -// Specify `null` to remove the existing DNS configuration, which will remove all DNS `A` records for this load balancer -// that had been added to `zone`, and add equivalent `A` records to the public DNS zone `lb.appdomain.cloud`. -type LoadBalancerDnsPatch struct { - // The DNS instance to associate with this load balancer. - // - // The specified instance may be in a different region or account, subject to IAM - // policies. - Instance DnsInstanceIdentityIntf `json:"instance,omitempty"` - - // The DNS zone to associate with this load balancer. - // - // The specified zone may be in a different region or account, subject to IAM policies. - Zone DnsZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerDnsPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerDnsPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerDnsPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerDnsPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance", &obj.Instance, UnmarshalDnsInstanceIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalDnsZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerDnsPrototype : The DNS configuration for this load balancer. -// -// If unspecified, DNS `A` records for this load balancer's `hostname` property will be added to the public DNS zone -// `lb.appdomain.cloud`. Otherwise, those DNS `A` records will be added to the specified `zone`. -type LoadBalancerDnsPrototype struct { - // The DNS instance to associate with this load balancer. - // - // The specified instance may be in a different region or account, subject to IAM - // policies. - Instance DnsInstanceIdentityIntf `json:"instance" validate:"required"` - - // The DNS zone to associate with this load balancer. - // - // The specified zone may be in a different region or account, subject to IAM policies. - Zone DnsZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerDnsPrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerDnsPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerDnsPrototype(instance DnsInstanceIdentityIntf, zone DnsZoneIdentityIntf) (_model *LoadBalancerDnsPrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerDnsPrototype{ - Instance: instance, - Zone: zone, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerDnsPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerDnsPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerDnsPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerDnsPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance", &obj.Instance, UnmarshalDnsInstanceIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalDnsZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerIdentity : Identifies a load balancer by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerIdentityByID -// - LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN -// - LoadBalancerIdentityByHref -type LoadBalancerIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The load balancer's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The load balancer's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerIdentity) isaLoadBalancerIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerIdentityIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerIdentity unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListener : LoadBalancerListener struct -type LoadBalancerListener struct { - // If set to `true`, this listener will accept and forward PROXY protocol information. Supported by load balancers in - // the `application` family (otherwise always `false`). Additional restrictions: - // - If this listener has `https_redirect` specified, its `accept_proxy_protocol` value must - // match the `accept_proxy_protocol` value of the `https_redirect` listener. - // - If this listener is the target of another listener's `https_redirect`, its - // `accept_proxy_protocol` value must match that listener's `accept_proxy_protocol` value. - AcceptProxyProtocol *bool `json:"accept_proxy_protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The certificate instance used for SSL termination. - // - // If absent, this listener is not using a certificate instance. - CertificateInstance *CertificateInstanceReference `json:"certificate_instance,omitempty"` - - // The connection limit of the listener. - ConnectionLimit *int64 `json:"connection_limit" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this listener was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The default pool for this listener. If absent, this listener has no default pool. - DefaultPool *LoadBalancerPoolReference `json:"default_pool,omitempty"` - - // The listener's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the target listener that requests are redirected to. - HTTPSRedirect *LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect `json:"https_redirect,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer listener. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The idle connection timeout of the listener in seconds. This property will be present for load balancers in the - // `application` family. - IdleConnectionTimeout *int64 `json:"idle_connection_timeout,omitempty"` - - // The policies for this listener. - Policies []LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReference `json:"policies,omitempty"` - - // The listener port number, or the inclusive lower bound of the port range. - Port *int64 `json:"port" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of the range of ports used by this listener. - // - // At present, only load balancers in the `network` family support more than one port per listener. - PortMax *int64 `json:"port_max" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of the range of ports used by this listener. - // - // At present, only load balancers in the `network` family support more than one port per listener. - PortMin *int64 `json:"port_min" validate:"required"` - - // The listener protocol. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the listener on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The provisioning status of this listener - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the listener on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - ProvisioningStatus *string `json:"provisioning_status" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListener.Protocol property. -// The listener protocol. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the listener on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - LoadBalancerListenerProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" - LoadBalancerListenerProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - LoadBalancerListenerProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListener.ProvisioningStatus property. -// The provisioning status of this listener -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the listener on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerProvisioningStatusActiveConst = "active" - LoadBalancerListenerProvisioningStatusCreatePendingConst = "create_pending" - LoadBalancerListenerProvisioningStatusDeletePendingConst = "delete_pending" - LoadBalancerListenerProvisioningStatusFailedConst = "failed" - LoadBalancerListenerProvisioningStatusUpdatePendingConst = "update_pending" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListener unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListener from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListener(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListener) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "accept_proxy_protocol", &obj.AcceptProxyProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "certificate_instance", &obj.CertificateInstance, UnmarshalCertificateInstanceReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "connection_limit", &obj.ConnectionLimit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_pool", &obj.DefaultPool, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "https_redirect", &obj.HTTPSRedirect, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "idle_connection_timeout", &obj.IdleConnectionTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "policies", &obj.Policies, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_max", &obj.PortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_min", &obj.PortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provisioning_status", &obj.ProvisioningStatus) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerCollection : LoadBalancerListenerCollection struct -type LoadBalancerListenerCollection struct { - // Collection of listeners. - Listeners []LoadBalancerListener `json:"listeners" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerCollection unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listeners", &obj.Listeners, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListener) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect : LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect struct -type LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect struct { - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code" validate:"required"` - - Listener *LoadBalancerListenerReference `json:"listener" validate:"required"` - - // The redirect relative target URI. - URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listener", &obj.Listener, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uri", &obj.URI) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch : LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch struct -type LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch struct { - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code,omitempty"` - - // Identifies a load balancer listener by a unique property. - Listener LoadBalancerListenerIdentityIntf `json:"listener,omitempty"` - - // The redirect relative target URI. - URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listener", &obj.Listener, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uri", &obj.URI) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype : LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype struct -type LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype struct { - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code" validate:"required"` - - // Identifies a load balancer listener by a unique property. - Listener LoadBalancerListenerIdentityIntf `json:"listener" validate:"required"` - - // The redirect relative target URI. - URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype(httpStatusCode int64, listener LoadBalancerListenerIdentityIntf) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype{ - HTTPStatusCode: core.Int64Ptr(httpStatusCode), - Listener: listener, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listener", &obj.Listener, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uri", &obj.URI) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerIdentity : Identifies a load balancer listener by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID -// - LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref -type LoadBalancerListenerIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer listener. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The listener's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerIdentity) isaLoadBalancerListenerIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerListenerIdentityIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerListenerIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentity unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPatch : LoadBalancerListenerPatch struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPatch struct { - // If set to `true`, this listener will accept and forward PROXY protocol information. Supported by load balancers in - // the `application` family (otherwise always `false`). Additional restrictions: - // - If this listener has `https_redirect` specified, its `accept_proxy_protocol` value must - // match the `accept_proxy_protocol` value of the `https_redirect` listener. - // - If this listener is the target of another listener's `https_redirect`, its - // `accept_proxy_protocol` value must match that listener's `accept_proxy_protocol` value. - AcceptProxyProtocol *bool `json:"accept_proxy_protocol,omitempty"` - - // The certificate instance to use for SSL termination. The listener must have a - // `protocol` of `https`. - CertificateInstance CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf `json:"certificate_instance,omitempty"` - - // The connection limit of the listener. - ConnectionLimit *int64 `json:"connection_limit,omitempty"` - - // The default pool for this listener. The specified pool must: - // - // - Belong to this load balancer - // - Have the same `protocol` as this listener, or have a compatible protocol. - // At present, the compatible protocols are `http` and `https`. - // - Not already be the `default_pool` for another listener - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing default pool. - DefaultPool LoadBalancerPoolIdentityIntf `json:"default_pool,omitempty"` - - // The target listener that requests will be redirected to. This listener must have a - // `protocol` of `http`, and the target listener must have a `protocol` of `https`. - // - // Specify `null` to remove any existing https redirect. - HTTPSRedirect *LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch `json:"https_redirect,omitempty"` - - // The idle connection timeout of the listener in seconds. Supported for load balancers in the `application` family. - IdleConnectionTimeout *int64 `json:"idle_connection_timeout,omitempty"` - - // The listener port number, or the inclusive lower bound of the port range. Each listener in the load balancer must - // have a unique `port` and `protocol` combination. - // - // Not supported for load balancers operating with route mode enabled. - Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of the range of ports used by this listener. Must not be less than `port_min`. - // - // At present, only load balancers operating with route mode enabled, and public load balancers in the `network` family - // support different values for `port_min` and - // `port_max`. When route mode is enabled, the value `65535` must be specified. - // - // The specified port range must not overlap with port ranges used by other listeners for this load balancer using the - // same protocol. - PortMax *int64 `json:"port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of the range of ports used by this listener. Must not be greater than `port_max`. - // - // At present, only load balancers operating with route mode enabled, and public load balancers in the `network` family - // support different values for `port_min` and - // `port_max`. When route mode is enabled, the value `1` must be specified. - // - // The specified port range must not overlap with port ranges used by other listeners for this load balancer using the - // same protocol. - PortMin *int64 `json:"port_min,omitempty"` - - // The listener protocol. Each listener in the load balancer must have a unique `port` and `protocol` combination. - // - // Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the - // `application` family support `tcp`, `http` and - // `https`. - // - // Additional restrictions: - // - If `default_pool` is set, the protocol cannot be changed. - // - If `https_redirect` is set, the protocol must be `http`. - // - If another listener's `https_redirect` targets this listener, the protocol must be - // `https`. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPatch.Protocol property. -// The listener protocol. Each listener in the load balancer must have a unique `port` and `protocol` combination. -// -// Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the -// `application` family support `tcp`, `http` and -// `https`. -// -// Additional restrictions: -// - If `default_pool` is set, the protocol cannot be changed. -// - If `https_redirect` is set, the protocol must be `http`. -// - If another listener's `https_redirect` targets this listener, the protocol must be -// `https`. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPatchProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - LoadBalancerListenerPatchProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" - LoadBalancerListenerPatchProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - LoadBalancerListenerPatchProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "accept_proxy_protocol", &obj.AcceptProxyProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "certificate_instance", &obj.CertificateInstance, UnmarshalCertificateInstanceIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "connection_limit", &obj.ConnectionLimit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_pool", &obj.DefaultPool, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "https_redirect", &obj.HTTPSRedirect, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "idle_connection_timeout", &obj.IdleConnectionTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_max", &obj.PortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_min", &obj.PortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the LoadBalancerListenerPatch -func (loadBalancerListenerPatch *LoadBalancerListenerPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(loadBalancerListenerPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicy : LoadBalancerListenerPolicy struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicy struct { - // The policy action. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the policy on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this policy was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The listener policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The policy's unique identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this load balancer listener policy. The name is unique across all policies for the load balancer - // listener. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // Priority of the policy. The priority is unique across all policies for this load balancer listener. Lower value - // indicates higher priority. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority" validate:"required"` - - // The provisioning status of this policy - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the policy on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - ProvisioningStatus *string `json:"provisioning_status" validate:"required"` - - // The rules for this policy. - Rules []LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReference `json:"rules" validate:"required"` - - // - If `action` is `forward`, the response is a `LoadBalancerPoolReference` - // - If `action` is `redirect`, the response is a `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL` - // - If `action` is `https_redirect`, the response is a `LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect`. - Target LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicy.Action property. -// The policy action. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the policy on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyActionForwardConst = "forward" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyActionHTTPSRedirectConst = "https_redirect" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyActionRedirectConst = "redirect" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyActionRejectConst = "reject" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicy.ProvisioningStatus property. -// The provisioning status of this policy -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the policy on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyProvisioningStatusActiveConst = "active" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyProvisioningStatusCreatePendingConst = "create_pending" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyProvisioningStatusDeletePendingConst = "delete_pending" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyProvisioningStatusFailedConst = "failed" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyProvisioningStatusUpdatePendingConst = "update_pending" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicy unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicy from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicy) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "priority", &obj.Priority) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provisioning_status", &obj.ProvisioningStatus) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection struct { - // Collection of policies. - Policies []LoadBalancerListenerPolicy `json:"policies" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "policies", &obj.Policies, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch struct { - // The name for this policy. The name must not be used by another policy for the load balancer listener. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Priority of the policy. The priority is unique across all policies for this load balancer listener. Lower value - // indicates higher priority. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority,omitempty"` - - // - If `action` is `forward`, specify a `LoadBalancerPoolIdentity`. - // - If `action` is `redirect`, specify a `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch`. - // - If `action` is `https_redirect`, specify a - // `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyHTTPSRedirectPatch`. - Target LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "priority", &obj.Priority) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch -func (loadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(loadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype struct { - // The policy action. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the policy on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this policy. The name must not be used by another policy for the load balancer listener. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Priority of the policy. The priority is unique across all policies for this load balancer listener. Lower value - // indicates higher priority. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority" validate:"required"` - - // The rule prototype objects for this policy. - Rules []LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype `json:"rules,omitempty"` - - // - If `action` is `forward`, specify a `LoadBalancerPoolIdentity`. - // - If `action` is `redirect`, specify a `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype`. - // - If `action` is `https_redirect`, specify a - // `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyHTTPSRedirectPrototype`. - Target LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype.Action property. -// The policy action. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the policy on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototypeActionForwardConst = "forward" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototypeActionHTTPSRedirectConst = "https_redirect" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototypeActionRedirectConst = "redirect" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototypeActionRejectConst = "reject" -) - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype(action string, priority int64) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype{ - Action: core.StringPtr(action), - Priority: core.Int64Ptr(priority), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "priority", &obj.Priority) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReference : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReference struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The listener policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The policy's unique identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this load balancer listener policy. The name is unique across all policies for the load balancer - // listener. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyReference unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule struct { - // The condition of the rule. - Condition *string `json:"condition" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this rule was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The field. This is applicable to `header`, `query`, and `body` rule types. - // - // If the rule type is `header`, this property is required. - // - // If the rule type is `query`, this is optional. If specified and the rule condition is not - // `matches_regex`, the value must be percent-encoded. - // - // If the rule type is `body`, this is optional. - Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` - - // The rule's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The rule's unique identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The provisioning status of this rule - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the rule on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - ProvisioningStatus *string `json:"provisioning_status" validate:"required"` - - // The type of the rule. - // - // Body rules are applied to form-encoded request bodies using the `UTF-8` character set. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // Value to be matched for rule condition. - // - // If the rule type is `query` and the rule condition is not `matches_regex`, the value must be percent-encoded. - Value *string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule.Condition property. -// The condition of the rule. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleConditionContainsConst = "contains" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleConditionEqualsConst = "equals" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleConditionMatchesRegexConst = "matches_regex" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule.ProvisioningStatus property. -// The provisioning status of this rule -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the rule on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleProvisioningStatusActiveConst = "active" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleProvisioningStatusCreatePendingConst = "create_pending" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleProvisioningStatusDeletePendingConst = "delete_pending" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleProvisioningStatusFailedConst = "failed" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleProvisioningStatusUpdatePendingConst = "update_pending" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule.Type property. -// The type of the rule. -// -// Body rules are applied to form-encoded request bodies using the `UTF-8` character set. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleTypeBodyConst = "body" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleTypeHeaderConst = "header" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleTypeHostnameConst = "hostname" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleTypePathConst = "path" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleTypeQueryConst = "query" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "condition", &obj.Condition) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "field", &obj.Field) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provisioning_status", &obj.ProvisioningStatus) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection struct { - // Collection of rules. - Rules []LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule `json:"rules" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch struct { - // The condition of the rule. - Condition *string `json:"condition,omitempty"` - - // The field. This is applicable to `header`, `query`, and `body` rule types. - // - // If the rule type is `header`, this property is required. - // - // If the rule type is `query`, this is optional. If specified and the rule condition is not - // `matches_regex`, the value must be percent-encoded. - // - // If the rule type is `body`, this is optional. - Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` - - // The type of the rule. - // - // Body rules are applied to form-encoded request bodies using the `UTF-8` character set. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // Value to be matched for rule condition. - // - // If the rule type is `query` and the rule condition is not `matches_regex`, the value must be percent-encoded. - Value *string `json:"value,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch.Condition property. -// The condition of the rule. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatchConditionContainsConst = "contains" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatchConditionEqualsConst = "equals" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatchConditionMatchesRegexConst = "matches_regex" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch.Type property. -// The type of the rule. -// -// Body rules are applied to form-encoded request bodies using the `UTF-8` character set. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatchTypeBodyConst = "body" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatchTypeHeaderConst = "header" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatchTypeHostnameConst = "hostname" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatchTypePathConst = "path" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatchTypeQueryConst = "query" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "condition", &obj.Condition) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "field", &obj.Field) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch -func (loadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(loadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype struct { - // The condition of the rule. - Condition *string `json:"condition" validate:"required"` - - // The field. This is applicable to `header`, `query`, and `body` rule types. - // - // If the rule type is `header`, this property is required. - // - // If the rule type is `query`, this is optional. If specified and the rule condition is not - // `matches_regex`, the value must be percent-encoded. - // - // If the rule type is `body`, this is optional. - Field *string `json:"field,omitempty"` - - // The type of the rule. - // - // Body rules are applied to form-encoded request bodies using the `UTF-8` character set. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // Value to be matched for rule condition. - // - // If the rule type is `query` and the rule condition is not `matches_regex`, the value must be percent-encoded. - Value *string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype.Condition property. -// The condition of the rule. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototypeConditionContainsConst = "contains" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototypeConditionEqualsConst = "equals" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototypeConditionMatchesRegexConst = "matches_regex" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype.Type property. -// The type of the rule. -// -// Body rules are applied to form-encoded request bodies using the `UTF-8` character set. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototypeTypeBodyConst = "body" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototypeTypeHeaderConst = "header" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototypeTypeHostnameConst = "hostname" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototypeTypePathConst = "path" - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototypeTypeQueryConst = "query" -) - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype(condition string, typeVar string, value string) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype{ - Condition: core.StringPtr(condition), - Type: core.StringPtr(typeVar), - Value: core.StringPtr(value), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "condition", &obj.Condition) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "field", &obj.Field) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReference : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReference struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The rule's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The rule's unique identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReference unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget : - If `action` is `forward`, the response is a `LoadBalancerPoolReference` -// - If `action` is `redirect`, the response is a `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL` -// - If `action` is `https_redirect`, the response is a `LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect`. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerPoolReference -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *LoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this load balancer pool. The name is unique across all pools for the load balancer. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code,omitempty"` - - // The redirect target URL. - URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` - - Listener *LoadBalancerListenerReference `json:"listener,omitempty"` - - // The redirect relative target URI. - URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "url", &obj.URL) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listener", &obj.Listener, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uri", &obj.URI) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch : - If `action` is `forward`, specify a `LoadBalancerPoolIdentity`. -// - If `action` is `redirect`, specify a `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch`. -// - If `action` is `https_redirect`, specify a -// `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyHTTPSRedirectPatch`. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code,omitempty"` - - // The redirect target URL. - URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` - - // Identifies a load balancer listener by a unique property. - Listener LoadBalancerListenerIdentityIntf `json:"listener,omitempty"` - - // The redirect relative target URI. - URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "url", &obj.URL) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listener", &obj.Listener, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uri", &obj.URI) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype : - If `action` is `forward`, specify a `LoadBalancerPoolIdentity`. -// - If `action` is `redirect`, specify a `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype`. -// - If `action` is `https_redirect`, specify a -// `LoadBalancerListenerPolicyHTTPSRedirectPrototype`. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code,omitempty"` - - // The redirect target URL. - URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` - - // Identifies a load balancer listener by a unique property. - Listener LoadBalancerListenerIdentityIntf `json:"listener,omitempty"` - - // The redirect relative target URI. - URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "url", &obj.URL) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listener", &obj.Listener, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uri", &obj.URI) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext : LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext struct -type LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext struct { - // If set to `true`, this listener will accept and forward PROXY protocol information. Supported by load balancers in - // the `application` family (otherwise always `false`). Additional restrictions: - // - If this listener has `https_redirect` specified, its `accept_proxy_protocol` value must - // match the `accept_proxy_protocol` value of the `https_redirect` listener. - // - If this listener is the target of another listener's `https_redirect`, its - // `accept_proxy_protocol` value must match that listener's `accept_proxy_protocol` value. - AcceptProxyProtocol *bool `json:"accept_proxy_protocol,omitempty"` - - // The certificate instance to use for SSL termination. The listener must have a - // `protocol` of `https`. - CertificateInstance CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf `json:"certificate_instance,omitempty"` - - // The connection limit of the listener. - ConnectionLimit *int64 `json:"connection_limit,omitempty"` - - // The default pool for this listener. If specified, the pool must: - // - Belong to this load balancer. - // - Have the same `protocol` as this listener, or have a compatible protocol. - // At present, the compatible protocols are `http` and `https`. - // - Not already be the `default_pool` for another listener. - // - // If unspecified, this listener will be created with no default pool, but one may be - // subsequently set. - DefaultPool *LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName `json:"default_pool,omitempty"` - - // The target listener that requests will be redirected to. This listener must have a - // `protocol` of `http`, and the target listener must have a `protocol` of `https`. - HTTPSRedirect *LoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype `json:"https_redirect,omitempty"` - - // The idle connection timeout of the listener in seconds. Supported for load balancers in the `application` family. - IdleConnectionTimeout *int64 `json:"idle_connection_timeout,omitempty"` - - // The listener port number, or the inclusive lower bound of the port range. Each listener in the load balancer must - // have a unique `port` and `protocol` combination. - // - // Not supported for load balancers operating with route mode enabled. - Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of the range of ports used by this listener. Must not be less than `port_min`. - // - // At present, only load balancers operating with route mode enabled, and public load balancers in the `network` family - // support different values for `port_min` and - // `port_max`. When route mode is enabled, the value `65535` must be specified. - // - // The specified port range must not overlap with port ranges used by other listeners for this load balancer using the - // same protocol. - PortMax *int64 `json:"port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of the range of ports used by this listener. Must not be greater than `port_max`. - // - // At present, only load balancers operating with route mode enabled, and public load balancers in the `network` family - // support different values for `port_min` and - // `port_max`. When route mode is enabled, the value `1` must be specified. - // - // The specified port range must not overlap with port ranges used by other listeners for this load balancer using the - // same protocol. - PortMin *int64 `json:"port_min,omitempty"` - - // The listener protocol. Each listener in the load balancer must have a unique `port` and `protocol` combination. - // - // Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the - // `application` family support `tcp`, `http` and - // `https`. - // - // Additional restrictions: - // - If `default_pool` is set, the pool's protocol must match, or be compatible with - // the listener's protocol. At present, the compatible protocols are `http` and - // `https`. - // - If `https_redirect` is set, the protocol must be `http`. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext.Protocol property. -// The listener protocol. Each listener in the load balancer must have a unique `port` and `protocol` combination. -// -// Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the -// `application` family support `tcp`, `http` and -// `https`. -// -// Additional restrictions: -// - If `default_pool` is set, the pool's protocol must match, or be compatible with -// the listener's protocol. At present, the compatible protocols are `http` and -// `https`. -// - If `https_redirect` is set, the protocol must be `http`. -const ( - LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContextProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContextProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" - LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContextProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContextProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext(protocol string) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext{ - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPrototypeLoadBalancerContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "accept_proxy_protocol", &obj.AcceptProxyProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "certificate_instance", &obj.CertificateInstance, UnmarshalCertificateInstanceIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "connection_limit", &obj.ConnectionLimit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_pool", &obj.DefaultPool, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "https_redirect", &obj.HTTPSRedirect, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "idle_connection_timeout", &obj.IdleConnectionTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_max", &obj.PortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_min", &obj.PortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerReference : LoadBalancerListenerReference struct -type LoadBalancerListenerReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *LoadBalancerListenerReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The listener's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer listener. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerReference unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type LoadBalancerListenerReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerLogging : LoadBalancerLogging struct -type LoadBalancerLogging struct { - // The datapath logging configuration for this load balancer. - Datapath *LoadBalancerLoggingDatapath `json:"datapath" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerLogging unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerLogging from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerLogging(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerLogging) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "datapath", &obj.Datapath, UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingDatapath) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerLoggingDatapath : The datapath logging configuration for this load balancer. -type LoadBalancerLoggingDatapath struct { - // Indicates whether datapath logging is active for this load balancer. - Active *bool `json:"active" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingDatapath unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerLoggingDatapath from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingDatapath(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerLoggingDatapath) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active", &obj.Active) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPatch : The datapath logging configuration for this load balancer. -type LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPatch struct { - // Indicates whether datapath logging will be active for this load balancer. - Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active", &obj.Active) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPrototype : The datapath logging configuration for this load balancer. -type LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether datapath logging will be active for this load balancer. - Active *bool `json:"active,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active", &obj.Active) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerLoggingPatch : LoadBalancerLoggingPatch struct -type LoadBalancerLoggingPatch struct { - // The datapath logging configuration for this load balancer. - Datapath *LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPatch `json:"datapath,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerLoggingPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerLoggingPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "datapath", &obj.Datapath, UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerLoggingPrototype : LoadBalancerLoggingPrototype struct -type LoadBalancerLoggingPrototype struct { - // The datapath logging configuration for this load balancer. - Datapath *LoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPrototype `json:"datapath,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerLoggingPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerLoggingPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "datapath", &obj.Datapath, UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingDatapathPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPatch : LoadBalancerPatch struct -type LoadBalancerPatch struct { - // The DNS configuration for this load balancer. - // - // Specify `null` to remove the existing DNS configuration, which will remove all DNS `A` - // records for this load balancer that had been added to `zone`, and add equivalent `A` - // records to the public DNS zone `lb.appdomain.cloud`. - Dns *LoadBalancerDnsPatch `json:"dns,omitempty"` - - // The logging configuration to use for this load balancer. - // - // To activate logging, the load balancer profile must support the specified logging type. - Logging *LoadBalancerLoggingPatch `json:"logging,omitempty"` - - // The name for this load balancer. The name must not be used by another load balancer in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The subnets to provision this load balancer in. The load balancer's availability will depend on the availability of - // the zones that the subnets reside in. - // - // The specified subnets must be in the same VPC as the existing subnets, and will completely replace the existing - // subnets. - // - // The load balancer must be in the `application` family. - Subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnets,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dns", &obj.Dns, UnmarshalLoadBalancerDnsPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "logging", &obj.Logging, UnmarshalLoadBalancerLoggingPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the LoadBalancerPatch -func (loadBalancerPatch *LoadBalancerPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(loadBalancerPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPool : LoadBalancerPool struct -type LoadBalancerPool struct { - // The load balancing algorithm. - Algorithm *string `json:"algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this pool was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The health monitor of this pool. - HealthMonitor *LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor `json:"health_monitor" validate:"required"` - - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The instance group that is managing this pool. - InstanceGroup *InstanceGroupReference `json:"instance_group,omitempty"` - - // The backend server members of the pool. - Members []LoadBalancerPoolMemberReference `json:"members,omitempty"` - - // The name for this load balancer pool. The name is unique across all pools for the load balancer. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol for this load balancer pool. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the pool on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The provisioning status of this pool - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the pool on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - ProvisioningStatus *string `json:"provisioning_status" validate:"required"` - - // The PROXY protocol setting for this pool: - // - `v1`: Enabled with version 1 (human-readable header format) - // - `v2`: Enabled with version 2 (binary header format) - // - `disabled`: Disabled - // - // Supported by load balancers in the `application` family (otherwise always `disabled`). - ProxyProtocol *string `json:"proxy_protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The session persistence of this pool. - SessionPersistence *LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence `json:"session_persistence,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPool.Algorithm property. -// The load balancing algorithm. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolAlgorithmLeastConnectionsConst = "least_connections" - LoadBalancerPoolAlgorithmRoundRobinConst = "round_robin" - LoadBalancerPoolAlgorithmWeightedRoundRobinConst = "weighted_round_robin" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPool.Protocol property. -// The protocol for this load balancer pool. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the pool on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - LoadBalancerPoolProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" - LoadBalancerPoolProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - LoadBalancerPoolProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPool.ProvisioningStatus property. -// The provisioning status of this pool -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the pool on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolProvisioningStatusActiveConst = "active" - LoadBalancerPoolProvisioningStatusCreatePendingConst = "create_pending" - LoadBalancerPoolProvisioningStatusDeletePendingConst = "delete_pending" - LoadBalancerPoolProvisioningStatusFailedConst = "failed" - LoadBalancerPoolProvisioningStatusUpdatePendingConst = "update_pending" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPool.ProxyProtocol property. -// The PROXY protocol setting for this pool: -// - `v1`: Enabled with version 1 (human-readable header format) -// - `v2`: Enabled with version 2 (binary header format) -// - `disabled`: Disabled -// -// Supported by load balancers in the `application` family (otherwise always `disabled`). -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolProxyProtocolDisabledConst = "disabled" - LoadBalancerPoolProxyProtocolV1Const = "v1" - LoadBalancerPoolProxyProtocolV2Const = "v2" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPool unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPool from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPool(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPool) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "algorithm", &obj.Algorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_monitor", &obj.HealthMonitor, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance_group", &obj.InstanceGroup, UnmarshalInstanceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "members", &obj.Members, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provisioning_status", &obj.ProvisioningStatus) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "proxy_protocol", &obj.ProxyProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "session_persistence", &obj.SessionPersistence, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolCollection : LoadBalancerPoolCollection struct -type LoadBalancerPoolCollection struct { - // Collection of pools. - Pools []LoadBalancerPool `json:"pools" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolCollection unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "pools", &obj.Pools, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPool) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor : LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor struct -type LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor struct { - // The seconds to wait between health checks. - Delay *int64 `json:"delay" validate:"required"` - - // The health check max retries. - MaxRetries *int64 `json:"max_retries" validate:"required"` - - // The health check port. - // - // If present, this overrides the pool member port values. - Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` - - // The seconds to wait for a response to a health check. - Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol type to use for health checks. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the health monitor on which - // the unexpected property value was encountered. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The health check URL path. Applicable when `type` is `http` or `https`. - // - // Must be in the format of an [origin-form request target](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.3.1). - URLPath *string `json:"url_path,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor.Type property. -// The protocol type to use for health checks. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the health monitor on which -// the unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorTypeHTTPConst = "http" - LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorTypeHTTPSConst = "https" - LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorTypeTCPConst = "tcp" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitor) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delay", &obj.Delay) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_retries", &obj.MaxRetries) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "timeout", &obj.Timeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "url_path", &obj.URLPath) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch : LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch struct -type LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch struct { - // The seconds to wait between health checks. Must be greater than `timeout`. - Delay *int64 `json:"delay" validate:"required"` - - // The health check max retries. - MaxRetries *int64 `json:"max_retries" validate:"required"` - - // The health check port. - // - // If set, this overrides the pool member port values. - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing health check port. - Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` - - // The seconds to wait for a response to a health check. Must be less than `delay`. - Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol type to use for health checks. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The health check URL path. Applicable when `type` is `http` or `https`. - // - // Must be in the format of an [origin-form request target](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.3.1). - URLPath *string `json:"url_path,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch.Type property. -// The protocol type to use for health checks. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatchTypeHTTPConst = "http" - LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatchTypeHTTPSConst = "https" - LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatchTypeTCPConst = "tcp" -) - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch(delay int64, maxRetries int64, timeout int64, typeVar string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch{ - Delay: core.Int64Ptr(delay), - MaxRetries: core.Int64Ptr(maxRetries), - Timeout: core.Int64Ptr(timeout), - Type: core.StringPtr(typeVar), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delay", &obj.Delay) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_retries", &obj.MaxRetries) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "timeout", &obj.Timeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "url_path", &obj.URLPath) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype : LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype struct -type LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype struct { - // The seconds to wait between health checks. Must be greater than `timeout`. - Delay *int64 `json:"delay" validate:"required"` - - // The health check max retries. - MaxRetries *int64 `json:"max_retries" validate:"required"` - - // The health check port. - // - // If specified, this overrides the pool member port values. - Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` - - // The seconds to wait for a response to a health check. Must be less than `delay`. - Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol type to use for health checks. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The health check URL path. Applicable when `type` is `http` or `https`. - // - // Must be in the format of an [origin-form request target](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-5.3.1). - URLPath *string `json:"url_path,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype.Type property. -// The protocol type to use for health checks. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototypeTypeHTTPConst = "http" - LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototypeTypeHTTPSConst = "https" - LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototypeTypeTCPConst = "tcp" -) - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype(delay int64, maxRetries int64, timeout int64, typeVar string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype{ - Delay: core.Int64Ptr(delay), - MaxRetries: core.Int64Ptr(maxRetries), - Timeout: core.Int64Ptr(timeout), - Type: core.StringPtr(typeVar), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delay", &obj.Delay) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_retries", &obj.MaxRetries) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "timeout", &obj.Timeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "url_path", &obj.URLPath) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolIdentity : Identifies a load balancer pool by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID -// - LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref -type LoadBalancerPoolIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolIdentity) isaLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerPoolIdentityIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentity unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName : LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName struct -type LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName struct { - // The name for this load balancer pool. The name is unique across all pools for the load balancer. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName(name string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMember : LoadBalancerPoolMember struct -type LoadBalancerPoolMember struct { - // The date and time that this member was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // Health of the server member in the pool. - Health *string `json:"health" validate:"required"` - - // The member's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool member. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The port the member will receive load balancer traffic on. Applies only to load balancer traffic received on a - // listener with a single port. (If the traffic is received on a listener with a port range, the member will receive - // the traffic on the same port the listener received it on.) - // - // This port will also be used for health checks unless the `port` property of - // `health_monitor` property is specified. - Port *int64 `json:"port" validate:"required"` - - // The provisioning status of this member - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the pool member on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - ProvisioningStatus *string `json:"provisioning_status" validate:"required"` - - // The pool member target. Load balancers in the `network` family support virtual server - // instances. Load balancers in the `application` family support IP addresses. If the load - // balancer has route mode enabled, the member must be in a zone the load balancer has a - // subnet in. - Target LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIntf `json:"target" validate:"required"` - - // Weight of the server member. Applicable only if the pool algorithm is - // `weighted_round_robin`. - Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolMember.Health property. -// Health of the server member in the pool. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolMemberHealthFaultedConst = "faulted" - LoadBalancerPoolMemberHealthOkConst = "ok" - LoadBalancerPoolMemberHealthUnknownConst = "unknown" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolMember.ProvisioningStatus property. -// The provisioning status of this member -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the pool member on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolMemberProvisioningStatusActiveConst = "active" - LoadBalancerPoolMemberProvisioningStatusCreatePendingConst = "create_pending" - LoadBalancerPoolMemberProvisioningStatusDeletePendingConst = "delete_pending" - LoadBalancerPoolMemberProvisioningStatusFailedConst = "failed" - LoadBalancerPoolMemberProvisioningStatusUpdatePendingConst = "update_pending" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMember unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMember from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMember(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMember) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health", &obj.Health) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provisioning_status", &obj.ProvisioningStatus) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "weight", &obj.Weight) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection : LoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection struct -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection struct { - // Collection of members. - Members []LoadBalancerPoolMember `json:"members" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "members", &obj.Members, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMember) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch : LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch struct -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch struct { - // The port the member will receive load balancer traffic on. Applies only to load balancer traffic received on a - // listener with a single port. (If the traffic is received on a listener with a port range, the member will receive - // the traffic on the same port the listener received it on.) - // - // This port will also be used for health checks unless the `port` property of - // `health_monitor` property is specified. - // - // The port must be unique across all members for all pools associated with this pool's listener. - Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` - - // The pool member target. Load balancers in the `network` family support virtual server - // instances. Load balancers in the `application` family support IP addresses. If the load - // balancer has route mode enabled, the member must be in a zone the load balancer has a - // subnet in. - Target LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` - - // Weight of the server member. Applicable only if the pool algorithm is - // `weighted_round_robin`. - Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "weight", &obj.Weight) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch -func (loadBalancerPoolMemberPatch *LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(loadBalancerPoolMemberPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype : LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype struct -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype struct { - // The port the member will receive load balancer traffic on. Applies only to load balancer traffic received on a - // listener with a single port. (If the traffic is received on a listener with a port range, the member will receive - // the traffic on the same port the listener received it on.) - // - // This port will also be used for health checks unless the `port` property of - // `health_monitor` property is specified. - // - // The port must be unique across all members for all pools associated with this pool's listener. - Port *int64 `json:"port" validate:"required"` - - // The pool member target. Load balancers in the `network` family support virtual server - // instances. Load balancers in the `application` family support IP addresses. If the load - // balancer has route mode enabled, the member must be in a zone the load balancer has a - // subnet in. - Target LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target" validate:"required"` - - // Weight of the server member. Applicable only if the pool algorithm is - // `weighted_round_robin`. - Weight *int64 `json:"weight,omitempty"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype(port int64, target LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIntf) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype{ - Port: core.Int64Ptr(port), - Target: target, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "weight", &obj.Weight) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberReference : LoadBalancerPoolMemberReference struct -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *LoadBalancerPoolMemberReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The member's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool member. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberReference unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget : The pool member target. Load balancers in the `network` family support virtual server instances. Load balancers in -// the `application` family support IP addresses. If the load balancer has route mode enabled, the member must be in a -// zone the load balancer has a subnet in. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetInstanceReference -// - LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIP -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget struct { - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name is unique across all virtual server instances in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype : The pool member target. Load balancers in the `network` family support virtual server instances. Load balancers in -// the `application` family support IP addresses. If the load balancer has route mode enabled, the member must be in a -// zone the load balancer has a subnet in. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity -// - LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolPatch : LoadBalancerPoolPatch struct -type LoadBalancerPoolPatch struct { - // The load balancing algorithm. - Algorithm *string `json:"algorithm,omitempty"` - - // The health monitor of this pool. - HealthMonitor *LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch `json:"health_monitor,omitempty"` - - // The name for this load balancer pool. The name must not be used by another pool for the load balancer. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The protocol for this load balancer pool. - // - // Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the - // `application` family support `tcp`, `http` and - // `https`. - // - // If this pool is associated with a load balancer listener, the specified protocol must match, or be compatible with - // the listener's protocol. At present, the compatible protocols are `http` and `https`. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` - - // The PROXY protocol setting for this pool: - // - `v1`: Enabled with version 1 (human-readable header format) - // - `v2`: Enabled with version 2 (binary header format) - // - `disabled`: Disabled - // - // Supported by load balancers in the `application` family (otherwise always `disabled`). - ProxyProtocol *string `json:"proxy_protocol,omitempty"` - - // The session persistence of this pool. - SessionPersistence *LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatch `json:"session_persistence,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolPatch.Algorithm property. -// The load balancing algorithm. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolPatchAlgorithmLeastConnectionsConst = "least_connections" - LoadBalancerPoolPatchAlgorithmRoundRobinConst = "round_robin" - LoadBalancerPoolPatchAlgorithmWeightedRoundRobinConst = "weighted_round_robin" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolPatch.Protocol property. -// The protocol for this load balancer pool. -// -// Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the -// `application` family support `tcp`, `http` and -// `https`. -// -// If this pool is associated with a load balancer listener, the specified protocol must match, or be compatible with -// the listener's protocol. At present, the compatible protocols are `http` and `https`. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolPatchProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - LoadBalancerPoolPatchProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" - LoadBalancerPoolPatchProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - LoadBalancerPoolPatchProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolPatch.ProxyProtocol property. -// The PROXY protocol setting for this pool: -// - `v1`: Enabled with version 1 (human-readable header format) -// - `v2`: Enabled with version 2 (binary header format) -// - `disabled`: Disabled -// -// Supported by load balancers in the `application` family (otherwise always `disabled`). -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolPatchProxyProtocolDisabledConst = "disabled" - LoadBalancerPoolPatchProxyProtocolV1Const = "v1" - LoadBalancerPoolPatchProxyProtocolV2Const = "v2" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "algorithm", &obj.Algorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_monitor", &obj.HealthMonitor, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "proxy_protocol", &obj.ProxyProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "session_persistence", &obj.SessionPersistence, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the LoadBalancerPoolPatch -func (loadBalancerPoolPatch *LoadBalancerPoolPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(loadBalancerPoolPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolPrototype : LoadBalancerPoolPrototype struct -type LoadBalancerPoolPrototype struct { - // The load balancing algorithm. - Algorithm *string `json:"algorithm" validate:"required"` - - // The health monitor of this pool. - HealthMonitor *LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype `json:"health_monitor" validate:"required"` - - // The members for this load balancer pool. For load balancers in the `network` family, the same `port` and `target` - // tuple cannot be shared by a pool member of any other load balancer in the same VPC. - Members []LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype `json:"members,omitempty"` - - // The name for this load balancer pool. The name must not be used by another pool for the load balancer. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The protocol used for this load balancer pool. Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if - // `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the - // `application` family support `tcp`, `http`, and `https`. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The PROXY protocol setting for this pool: - // - `v1`: Enabled with version 1 (human-readable header format) - // - `v2`: Enabled with version 2 (binary header format) - // - `disabled`: Disabled - // - // Supported by load balancers in the `application` family (otherwise always `disabled`). - ProxyProtocol *string `json:"proxy_protocol,omitempty"` - - // The session persistence of this pool. If unspecified, session persistence will be - // disabled, and traffic will be distributed across backend server members of the - // pool. - SessionPersistence *LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype `json:"session_persistence,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolPrototype.Algorithm property. -// The load balancing algorithm. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeAlgorithmLeastConnectionsConst = "least_connections" - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeAlgorithmRoundRobinConst = "round_robin" - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeAlgorithmWeightedRoundRobinConst = "weighted_round_robin" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolPrototype.Protocol property. -// The protocol used for this load balancer pool. Load balancers in the `network` family support `tcp` and `udp` (if -// `udp_supported` is `true`). Load balancers in the -// `application` family support `tcp`, `http`, and `https`. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeProtocolHTTPConst = "http" - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeProtocolHTTPSConst = "https" - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolPrototype.ProxyProtocol property. -// The PROXY protocol setting for this pool: -// - `v1`: Enabled with version 1 (human-readable header format) -// - `v2`: Enabled with version 2 (binary header format) -// - `disabled`: Disabled -// -// Supported by load balancers in the `application` family (otherwise always `disabled`). -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeProxyProtocolDisabledConst = "disabled" - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeProxyProtocolV1Const = "v1" - LoadBalancerPoolPrototypeProxyProtocolV2Const = "v2" -) - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolPrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolPrototype(algorithm string, healthMonitor *LoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype, protocol string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolPrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolPrototype{ - Algorithm: core.StringPtr(algorithm), - HealthMonitor: healthMonitor, - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "algorithm", &obj.Algorithm) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_monitor", &obj.HealthMonitor, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolHealthMonitorPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "members", &obj.Members, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "proxy_protocol", &obj.ProxyProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "session_persistence", &obj.SessionPersistence, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolReference : LoadBalancerPoolReference struct -type LoadBalancerPoolReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *LoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this load balancer pool. The name is unique across all pools for the load balancer. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReference unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type LoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence : LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence struct -type LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence struct { - // The session persistence cookie name. Applicable only for type `app_cookie`. Names starting with `IBM` are not - // allowed. - CookieName *string `json:"cookie_name,omitempty"` - - // The session persistence type. The `http_cookie` and `app_cookie` types are applicable only to the `http` and `https` - // protocols. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the pool on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence.Type property. -// The session persistence type. The `http_cookie` and `app_cookie` types are applicable only to the `http` and `https` -// protocols. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the pool on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistenceTypeAppCookieConst = "app_cookie" - LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistenceTypeHTTPCookieConst = "http_cookie" - LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistenceTypeSourceIPConst = "source_ip" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistence) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cookie_name", &obj.CookieName) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatch : The session persistence configuration. Specify `null` to remove any existing session persistence configuration. -type LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatch struct { - // The session persistence cookie name. Applicable only for type `app_cookie`. Names starting with `IBM` are not - // allowed. - CookieName *string `json:"cookie_name,omitempty"` - - // The session persistence type. The `http_cookie` and `app_cookie` types are applicable only to the `http` and `https` - // protocols. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatch.Type property. -// The session persistence type. The `http_cookie` and `app_cookie` types are applicable only to the `http` and `https` -// protocols. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatchTypeAppCookieConst = "app_cookie" - LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatchTypeHTTPCookieConst = "http_cookie" - LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatchTypeSourceIPConst = "source_ip" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cookie_name", &obj.CookieName) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype : LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype struct -type LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype struct { - // The session persistence cookie name. Applicable only for type `app_cookie`. Names starting with `IBM` are not - // allowed. - CookieName *string `json:"cookie_name,omitempty"` - - // The session persistence type. The `http_cookie` and `app_cookie` types are applicable only to the `http` and `https` - // protocols. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype.Type property. -// The session persistence type. The `http_cookie` and `app_cookie` types are applicable only to the `http` and `https` -// protocols. -const ( - LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototypeTypeAppCookieConst = "app_cookie" - LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototypeTypeHTTPCookieConst = "http_cookie" - LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototypeTypeSourceIPConst = "source_ip" -) - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype(typeVar string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype{ - Type: core.StringPtr(typeVar), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolSessionPersistencePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cookie_name", &obj.CookieName) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem : LoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem struct -type LoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem struct { - // The IP address. - // - // If the address has not yet been selected, the value will be ``. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *ReservedIPReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name is unique across all reserved IPs in a subnet. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - LoadBalancerPrivateIpsItemResourceTypeSubnetReservedIPConst = "subnet_reserved_ip" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPrivateIpsItem) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalReservedIPReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfile : LoadBalancerProfile struct -type LoadBalancerProfile struct { - // The product family this load balancer profile belongs to. - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the load balancer profile on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this load balancer profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - InstanceGroupsSupported LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedIntf `json:"instance_groups_supported" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates which logging type(s) are supported for a load balancer with this profile. - LoggingSupported *LoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupported `json:"logging_supported" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this load balancer profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - RouteModeSupported LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedIntf `json:"route_mode_supported" validate:"required"` - - SecurityGroupsSupported LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedIntf `json:"security_groups_supported" validate:"required"` - - UDPSupported LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedIntf `json:"udp_supported" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfile.Family property. -// The product family this load balancer profile belongs to. -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the load balancer profile on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileFamilyApplicationConst = "application" - LoadBalancerProfileFamilyNetworkConst = "network" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfile unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfile) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "family", &obj.Family) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance_groups_supported", &obj.InstanceGroupsSupported, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "logging_supported", &obj.LoggingSupported, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupported) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "route_mode_supported", &obj.RouteModeSupported, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups_supported", &obj.SecurityGroupsSupported, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "udp_supported", &obj.UDPSupported, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileCollection : LoadBalancerProfileCollection struct -type LoadBalancerProfileCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *LoadBalancerProfileCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *LoadBalancerProfileCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of load balancer profiles. - Profiles []LoadBalancerProfile `json:"profiles" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileCollection unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profiles", &obj.Profiles, UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *LoadBalancerProfileCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type LoadBalancerProfileCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type LoadBalancerProfileCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileIdentity : Identifies a load balancer profile by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName -// - LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref -type LoadBalancerProfileIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name for this load balancer profile. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this load balancer profile. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileIdentity) isaLoadBalancerProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerProfileIdentityIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerProfileIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileIdentity unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported : LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixed -// - LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependent -type LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *bool `json:"value,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported) isaLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupported : Indicates which logging type(s) are supported for a load balancer with this profile. -type LoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupported struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The supported logging type(s) for a load balancer with this profile. - Value []string `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupported.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupportedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupported unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupported from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupported(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileLoggingSupported) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileReference : LoadBalancerProfileReference struct -type LoadBalancerProfileReference struct { - // The product family this load balancer profile belongs to. - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the load balancer profile on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this load balancer profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this load balancer profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileReference.Family property. -// The product family this load balancer profile belongs to. -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the load balancer profile on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileReferenceFamilyApplicationConst = "application" - LoadBalancerProfileReferenceFamilyNetworkConst = "network" -) - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileReference unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "family", &obj.Family) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported : LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixed -// - LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependent -type LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *bool `json:"value,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported) isaLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported : LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixed -// - LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependent -type LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *bool `json:"value,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported) isaLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported : LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixed -// - LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependent -type LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *bool `json:"value,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported) isaLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedIntf interface { - isaLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported() bool -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type LoadBalancerReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerStatistics : LoadBalancerStatistics struct -type LoadBalancerStatistics struct { - // Number of active connections of this load balancer. - ActiveConnections *int64 `json:"active_connections" validate:"required"` - - // Current connection rate (connections per second) of this load balancer. - ConnectionRate *float32 `json:"connection_rate" validate:"required"` - - // Total number of data processed (bytes) of this load balancer within current calendar month. - DataProcessedThisMonth *int64 `json:"data_processed_this_month" validate:"required"` - - // Current throughput (Mbps) of this load balancer. - Throughput *float32 `json:"throughput" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerStatistics unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerStatistics from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerStatistics(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerStatistics) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active_connections", &obj.ActiveConnections) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "connection_rate", &obj.ConnectionRate) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "data_processed_this_month", &obj.DataProcessedThisMonth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "throughput", &obj.Throughput) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACL : NetworkACL struct -type NetworkACL struct { - // The date and time that the network ACL was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this network ACL. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL. The name is unique across all network ACLs for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this network ACL. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The ordered rules for this network ACL. If no rules exist, all traffic will be denied. - Rules []NetworkACLRuleItemIntf `json:"rules" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets to which this network ACL is attached. - Subnets []SubnetReference `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this network ACL resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACL unmarshals an instance of NetworkACL from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACL(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACL) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLCollection : NetworkACLCollection struct -type NetworkACLCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *NetworkACLCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of network ACLs. - NetworkAcls []NetworkACL `json:"network_acls" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *NetworkACLCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLCollection unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalNetworkACLCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_acls", &obj.NetworkAcls, UnmarshalNetworkACL) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalNetworkACLCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *NetworkACLCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// NetworkACLCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type NetworkACLCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type NetworkACLCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLIdentity : Identifies a network ACL by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkACLIdentityByID -// - NetworkACLIdentityByCRN -// - NetworkACLIdentityByHref -type NetworkACLIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this network ACL. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this network ACL. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this network ACL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*NetworkACLIdentity) isaNetworkACLIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkACLIdentityIntf interface { - isaNetworkACLIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentity unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLPatch : NetworkACLPatch struct -type NetworkACLPatch struct { - // The name for this network ACL. The name must not be used by another network ACL for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLPatch unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the NetworkACLPatch -func (networkACLPatch *NetworkACLPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(networkACLPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// NetworkACLPrototype : NetworkACLPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules -// - NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL -type NetworkACLPrototype struct { - // The name for this network ACL. The name must not be used by another network ACL for the VPC. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this network ACL will reside in. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The prototype objects for rules to create along with this network ACL. If unspecified, no rules will be created, - // resulting in all traffic being denied. - Rules []NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextIntf `json:"rules,omitempty"` - - // Network ACL to copy rules from. - SourceNetworkACL NetworkACLIdentityIntf `json:"source_network_acl,omitempty"` -} - -func (*NetworkACLPrototype) isaNetworkACLPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkACLPrototypeIntf interface { - isaNetworkACLPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLPrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_network_acl", &obj.SourceNetworkACL, UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLReference : NetworkACLReference struct -type NetworkACLReference struct { - // The CRN for this network ACL. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkACLReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this network ACL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL. The name is unique across all network ACLs for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLReference unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkACLReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type NetworkACLReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRule : NetworkACLRule struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp -// - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp -// - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll -type NetworkACLRule struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The rule that this rule is immediately before. If absent, this is the last rule. - Before *NetworkACLRuleReference `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the rule was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name is unique across all rules for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMax *int64 `json:"destination_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMin *int64 `json:"destination_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMax *int64 `json:"source_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMin *int64 `json:"source_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to match. - // - // If absent, all codes are matched. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to match. - // - // If absent, all types are matched. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRule.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRuleActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRule.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRuleDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRule.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRule.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleProtocolAllConst = "all" - NetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" - NetworkACLRuleProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - NetworkACLRuleProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRule) isaNetworkACLRule() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkACLRuleIntf interface { - isaNetworkACLRule() bool -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRule unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRule from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRule(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'protocol': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'protocol' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "all" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll) - } else if discValue == "icmp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp) - } else if discValue == "tcp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp) - } else if discValue == "udp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'protocol': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleBeforePatch : The rule to move this rule immediately before. -// -// Specify `null` to move this rule after all existing rules. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID -// - NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref -type NetworkACLRuleBeforePatch struct { - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*NetworkACLRuleBeforePatch) isaNetworkACLRuleBeforePatch() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchIntf interface { - isaNetworkACLRuleBeforePatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePatch unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleBeforePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleBeforePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype : The rule to insert this rule immediately before. -// -// If unspecified, this rule will be inserted after all existing rules. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID -// - NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref -type NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype) isaNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeIntf interface { - isaNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleCollection : NetworkACLRuleCollection struct -type NetworkACLRuleCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *NetworkACLRuleCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *NetworkACLRuleCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Ordered collection of network ACL rules. - Rules []NetworkACLRuleItemIntf `json:"rules" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleCollection unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *NetworkACLRuleCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// NetworkACLRuleCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type NetworkACLRuleCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type NetworkACLRuleCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleItem : NetworkACLRuleItem struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp -// - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp -// - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll -type NetworkACLRuleItem struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The rule that this rule is immediately before. In a rule collection, this always - // refers to the next item in the collection. If absent, this is the last rule. - Before *NetworkACLRuleReference `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the rule was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name is unique across all rules for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMax *int64 `json:"destination_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMin *int64 `json:"destination_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMax *int64 `json:"source_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMin *int64 `json:"source_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to match. - // - // If absent, all codes are matched. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to match. - // - // If absent, all types are matched. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItem.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRuleItemActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItem.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRuleItemDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItem.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItem.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemProtocolAllConst = "all" - NetworkACLRuleItemProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" - NetworkACLRuleItemProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - NetworkACLRuleItemProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRuleItem) isaNetworkACLRuleItem() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkACLRuleItemIntf interface { - isaNetworkACLRuleItem() bool -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItem unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleItem from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItem(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'protocol': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'protocol' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "all" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll) - } else if discValue == "icmp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp) - } else if discValue == "tcp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp) - } else if discValue == "udp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'protocol': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// NetworkACLRulePatch : NetworkACLRulePatch struct -type NetworkACLRulePatch struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` - - // The rule to move this rule immediately before. - // - // Specify `null` to move this rule after all existing rules. - Before NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchIntf `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to match. If set, `type` must also be set. - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing ICMP traffic code. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMax *int64 `json:"destination_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMin *int64 `json:"destination_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name must not be used by another rule for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMax *int64 `json:"source_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMin *int64 `json:"source_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to match. - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing ICMP traffic type value. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePatch.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePatchActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRulePatchActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePatch.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePatchDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRulePatchDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePatch.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePatchProtocolAllConst = "all" - NetworkACLRulePatchProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" - NetworkACLRulePatchProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - NetworkACLRulePatchProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePatch unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRulePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRulePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_max", &obj.DestinationPortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_min", &obj.DestinationPortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_max", &obj.SourcePortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_min", &obj.SourcePortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the NetworkACLRulePatch -func (networkACLRulePatch *NetworkACLRulePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(networkACLRulePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// NetworkACLRulePrototype : NetworkACLRulePrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype -// - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype -// - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype -type NetworkACLRulePrototype struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The rule to insert this rule immediately before. - // - // If unspecified, this rule will be inserted after all existing rules. - Before NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeIntf `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name must not be used by another rule for the network ACL. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMax *int64 `json:"destination_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMin *int64 `json:"destination_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMax *int64 `json:"source_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMin *int64 `json:"source_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to match. - // - // If specified, `type` must also be specified. If unspecified, all codes are matched. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to match. - // - // If unspecified, all types are matched. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototype.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototype.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototype.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototype.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeProtocolAllConst = "all" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRulePrototype) isaNetworkACLRulePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkACLRulePrototypeIntf interface { - isaNetworkACLRulePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRulePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'protocol': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'protocol' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "all" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype) - } else if discValue == "icmp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype) - } else if discValue == "tcp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype) - } else if discValue == "udp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'protocol': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext : NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype -// - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype -// - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype -type NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name must not be used by another rule for the network ACL. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMax *int64 `json:"destination_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMin *int64 `json:"destination_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMax *int64 `json:"source_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMin *int64 `json:"source_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to match. - // - // If specified, `type` must also be specified. If unspecified, all codes are matched. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to match. - // - // If unspecified, all types are matched. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextProtocolAllConst = "all" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext) isaNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextIntf interface { - isaNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext() bool -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'protocol': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'protocol' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "all" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype) - } else if discValue == "icmp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype) - } else if discValue == "tcp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype) - } else if discValue == "udp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'protocol': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleReference : NetworkACLRuleReference struct -type NetworkACLRuleReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkACLRuleReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name is unique across all rules for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReference unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type NetworkACLRuleReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterface : NetworkInterface struct -type NetworkInterface struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance network interface was created. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface was created as a [read-only - // representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) when its corresponding - // network attachment was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The floating IPs associated with this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the floating IPs are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - FloatingIps []FloatingIPReference `json:"floating_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the name matches its corresponding - // network attachment. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The instance network interface port speed in Mbps. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the port speed is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The security groups targeting this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the security groups are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupReference `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its corresponding - // network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from - // them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The instance network interface type. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkInterface.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - NetworkInterfaceResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkInterface.Status property. -// The status of the instance network interface. -// -// If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its corresponding -// network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from -// them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). -const ( - NetworkInterfaceStatusAvailableConst = "available" - NetworkInterfaceStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - NetworkInterfaceStatusFailedConst = "failed" - NetworkInterfaceStatusPendingConst = "pending" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkInterface.Type property. -// The instance network interface type. -// -// If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a -// [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its -// corresponding network attachment. -const ( - NetworkInterfaceTypePrimaryConst = "primary" - NetworkInterfaceTypeSecondaryConst = "secondary" -) - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "floating_ips", &obj.FloatingIps, UnmarshalFloatingIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_speed", &obj.PortSpeed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference : NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference struct -type NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReferenceResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceBareMetalServerContextReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceIPPrototype : NetworkInterfaceIPPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity -// - NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeNetworkInterfaceContext -type NetworkInterfaceIPPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The IP address to reserve, which must not already be reserved on the subnet. - // - // If unspecified, an available address on the subnet will automatically be selected. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated - // list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -func (*NetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf interface { - isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceIPPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference : NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference struct -type NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network interface. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReferenceResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceInstanceContextReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfacePatch : NetworkInterfacePatch struct -type NetworkInterfacePatch struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // The name for the instance network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the virtual - // server instance. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePatch unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfacePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfacePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the NetworkInterfacePatch -func (networkInterfacePatch *NetworkInterfacePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(networkInterfacePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// NetworkInterfacePrototype : NetworkInterfacePrototype struct -type NetworkInterfacePrototype struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // The name for the instance network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the virtual - // server instance. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the instance network interface. This can be - // specified using an existing reserved IP, or a prototype object for a new reserved IP. - // - // If an existing reserved IP or a prototype object with an address is specified, it must - // be available on the instance network interface's subnet. Otherwise, an - // available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this instance network interface. If unspecified, the VPC's default security group is - // used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkInterfacePrototype : Instantiate NetworkInterfacePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkInterfacePrototype(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf) (_model *NetworkInterfacePrototype, err error) { - _model = &NetworkInterfacePrototype{ - Subnet: subnet, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfacePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfacePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type NetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type NetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection : NetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection struct -type NetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection struct { - // Collection of instance network interfaces. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterface `json:"network_interfaces" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceUnpaginatedCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ObsoleteImageOptions : The ObsoleteImage options. -type ObsoleteImageOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewObsoleteImageOptions : Instantiate ObsoleteImageOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewObsoleteImageOptions(id string) *ObsoleteImageOptions { - return &ObsoleteImageOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *ObsoleteImageOptions) SetID(id string) *ObsoleteImageOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ObsoleteImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ObsoleteImageOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// OperatingSystem : OperatingSystem struct -type OperatingSystem struct { - // The operating system architecture. - Architecture *string `json:"architecture" validate:"required"` - - // Images with this operating system can only be used on dedicated hosts or dedicated host groups. - DedicatedHostOnly *bool `json:"dedicated_host_only" validate:"required"` - - // A unique, display-friendly name for the operating system. - DisplayName *string `json:"display_name" validate:"required"` - - // The software family for this operating system. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this operating system. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this operating system. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The vendor of the operating system. - Vendor *string `json:"vendor" validate:"required"` - - // The major release version of this operating system. - Version *string `json:"version" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalOperatingSystem unmarshals an instance of OperatingSystem from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalOperatingSystem(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(OperatingSystem) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "architecture", &obj.Architecture) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "dedicated_host_only", &obj.DedicatedHostOnly) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "display_name", &obj.DisplayName) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "family", &obj.Family) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "vendor", &obj.Vendor) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "version", &obj.Version) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// OperatingSystemCollection : OperatingSystemCollection struct -type OperatingSystemCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *OperatingSystemCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *OperatingSystemCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of operating systems. - OperatingSystems []OperatingSystem `json:"operating_systems" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalOperatingSystemCollection unmarshals an instance of OperatingSystemCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalOperatingSystemCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(OperatingSystemCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalOperatingSystemCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalOperatingSystemCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "operating_systems", &obj.OperatingSystems, UnmarshalOperatingSystem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *OperatingSystemCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// OperatingSystemCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type OperatingSystemCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalOperatingSystemCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of OperatingSystemCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalOperatingSystemCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(OperatingSystemCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// OperatingSystemCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type OperatingSystemCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalOperatingSystemCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of OperatingSystemCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalOperatingSystemCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(OperatingSystemCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// OperatingSystemIdentity : Identifies an operating system by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - OperatingSystemIdentityByName -// - OperatingSystemIdentityByHref -type OperatingSystemIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name for this operating system. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this operating system. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*OperatingSystemIdentity) isaOperatingSystemIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type OperatingSystemIdentityIntf interface { - isaOperatingSystemIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalOperatingSystemIdentity unmarshals an instance of OperatingSystemIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalOperatingSystemIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(OperatingSystemIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PlacementGroup : PlacementGroup struct -type PlacementGroup struct { - // The date and time that the placement group was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this placement group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this placement group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this placement group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the placement group. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this placement group. The name is unique across all placement groups in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this placement group. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The strategy for this placement group - // - `host_spread`: place on different compute hosts - // - `power_spread`: place on compute hosts that use different power sources - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the placement group on which the - // unexpected strategy was encountered. - Strategy *string `json:"strategy" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the PlacementGroup.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the placement group. -const ( - PlacementGroupLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - PlacementGroupLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - PlacementGroupLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - PlacementGroupLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - PlacementGroupLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - PlacementGroupLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - PlacementGroupLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the PlacementGroup.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - PlacementGroupResourceTypePlacementGroupConst = "placement_group" -) - -// Constants associated with the PlacementGroup.Strategy property. -// The strategy for this placement group -// - `host_spread`: place on different compute hosts -// - `power_spread`: place on compute hosts that use different power sources -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the placement group on which the -// unexpected strategy was encountered. -const ( - PlacementGroupStrategyHostSpreadConst = "host_spread" - PlacementGroupStrategyPowerSpreadConst = "power_spread" -) - -// UnmarshalPlacementGroup unmarshals an instance of PlacementGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPlacementGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PlacementGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "strategy", &obj.Strategy) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PlacementGroupCollection : PlacementGroupCollection struct -type PlacementGroupCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *PlacementGroupCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *PlacementGroupCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of placement groups. - PlacementGroups []PlacementGroup `json:"placement_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalPlacementGroupCollection unmarshals an instance of PlacementGroupCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPlacementGroupCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PlacementGroupCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalPlacementGroupCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalPlacementGroupCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_groups", &obj.PlacementGroups, UnmarshalPlacementGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *PlacementGroupCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// PlacementGroupCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type PlacementGroupCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalPlacementGroupCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of PlacementGroupCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPlacementGroupCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PlacementGroupCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PlacementGroupCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type PlacementGroupCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalPlacementGroupCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of PlacementGroupCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPlacementGroupCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PlacementGroupCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PlacementGroupPatch : PlacementGroupPatch struct -type PlacementGroupPatch struct { - // The name for this placement group. The name must not be used by another placement group in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalPlacementGroupPatch unmarshals an instance of PlacementGroupPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPlacementGroupPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PlacementGroupPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the PlacementGroupPatch -func (placementGroupPatch *PlacementGroupPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(placementGroupPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// PlacementGroupReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type PlacementGroupReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalPlacementGroupReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of PlacementGroupReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPlacementGroupReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PlacementGroupReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGateway : PublicGateway struct -type PublicGateway struct { - // The date and time that the public gateway was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this public gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The floating IP bound to this public gateway. - FloatingIP *PublicGatewayFloatingIP `json:"floating_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this public gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this public gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this public gateway. The name is unique across all public gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this public gateway. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of this public gateway. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this public gateway resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this public gateway resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the PublicGateway.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - PublicGatewayResourceTypePublicGatewayConst = "public_gateway" -) - -// Constants associated with the PublicGateway.Status property. -// The status of this public gateway. -const ( - PublicGatewayStatusAvailableConst = "available" - PublicGatewayStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - PublicGatewayStatusFailedConst = "failed" - PublicGatewayStatusPendingConst = "pending" -) - -// UnmarshalPublicGateway unmarshals an instance of PublicGateway from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGateway(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGateway) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "floating_ip", &obj.FloatingIP, UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayCollection : PublicGatewayCollection struct -type PublicGatewayCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *PublicGatewayCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *PublicGatewayCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of public gateways. - PublicGateways []PublicGateway `json:"public_gateways" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayCollection unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalPublicGatewayCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalPublicGatewayCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "public_gateways", &obj.PublicGateways, UnmarshalPublicGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *PublicGatewayCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// PublicGatewayCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type PublicGatewayCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type PublicGatewayCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayFloatingIP : The floating IP bound to this public gateway. -type PublicGatewayFloatingIP struct { - // The globally unique IP address. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this floating IP. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *FloatingIPReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this floating IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this floating IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this floating IP. The name is unique across all floating IPs in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIP unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayFloatingIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayFloatingIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalFloatingIPReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype : PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity -// - PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPPrototypeTargetContext -type PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this floating IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this floating IP. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this floating IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The globally unique IP address. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // The name for this floating IP. The name must not be used by another floating IP in the region. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeIntf interface { - isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayIdentity : Identifies a public gateway by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID -// - PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN -// - PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref -type PublicGatewayIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this public gateway. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this public gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this public gateway. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*PublicGatewayIdentity) isaPublicGatewayIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type PublicGatewayIdentityIntf interface { - isaPublicGatewayIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentity unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayPatch : PublicGatewayPatch struct -type PublicGatewayPatch struct { - // The name for this public gateway. The name must not be used by another public gateway in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayPatch unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the PublicGatewayPatch -func (publicGatewayPatch *PublicGatewayPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(publicGatewayPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// PublicGatewayReference : PublicGatewayReference struct -type PublicGatewayReference struct { - // The CRN for this public gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *PublicGatewayReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this public gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this public gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this public gateway. The name is unique across all public gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the PublicGatewayReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - PublicGatewayReferenceResourceTypePublicGatewayConst = "public_gateway" -) - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayReference unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalPublicGatewayReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type PublicGatewayReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Region : Region struct -type Region struct { - // The API endpoint for this region. - Endpoint *string `json:"endpoint" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this region. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The availability status of this region. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Region.Status property. -// The availability status of this region. -const ( - RegionStatusAvailableConst = "available" - RegionStatusUnavailableConst = "unavailable" -) - -// UnmarshalRegion unmarshals an instance of Region from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRegion(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Region) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "endpoint", &obj.Endpoint) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RegionCollection : RegionCollection struct -type RegionCollection struct { - // Collection of regions. - Regions []Region `json:"regions" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRegionCollection unmarshals an instance of RegionCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRegionCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RegionCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "regions", &obj.Regions, UnmarshalRegion) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RegionIdentity : Identifies a region by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RegionIdentityByName -// - RegionIdentityByHref -type RegionIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name for this region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this region. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*RegionIdentity) isaRegionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type RegionIdentityIntf interface { - isaRegionIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalRegionIdentity unmarshals an instance of RegionIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRegionIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RegionIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RegionReference : RegionReference struct -type RegionReference struct { - // The URL for this region. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRegionReference unmarshals an instance of RegionReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRegionReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RegionReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : The RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP options. -type RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewRemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewRemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions(bareMetalServerID string, networkInterfaceID string, id string) *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - return &RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RemoveBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions : The RemoveEndpointGatewayIP options. -type RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions struct { - // The endpoint gateway identifier. - EndpointGatewayID *string `json:"endpoint_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewRemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions : Instantiate RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewRemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions(endpointGatewayID string, id string) *RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - return &RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions{ - EndpointGatewayID: core.StringPtr(endpointGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetEndpointGatewayID : Allow user to set EndpointGatewayID -func (_options *RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions) SetEndpointGatewayID(endpointGatewayID string) *RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - _options.EndpointGatewayID = core.StringPtr(endpointGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions) SetID(id string) *RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RemoveEndpointGatewayIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : The RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP options. -type RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface identifier. - NetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewRemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewRemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions(instanceID string, networkInterfaceID string, id string) *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - return &RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - NetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set NetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetNetworkInterfaceID(networkInterfaceID string) *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(networkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RemoveInstanceNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : The RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIP options. -type RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"virtual_network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewRemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewRemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string, id string) *RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - return &RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions{ - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RemoveNetworkInterfaceFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : The RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIP options. -type RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID *string `json:"virtual_network_interface_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewRemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions : Instantiate RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewRemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string, id string) *RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - return &RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions{ - VirtualNetworkInterfaceID: core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterfaceID -func (_options *RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterfaceID(virtualNetworkInterfaceID string) *RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterfaceID = core.StringPtr(virtualNetworkInterfaceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetID(id string) *RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RemoveVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions : The RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDR options. -type RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The address prefix part of the CIDR. - CIDRPrefix *string `json:"cidr_prefix" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix length part of the CIDR. - PrefixLength *string `json:"prefix_length" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewRemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions : Instantiate RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions -func (*VpcV1) NewRemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string, cidrPrefix string, prefixLength string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - return &RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - CIDRPrefix: core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix), - PrefixLength: core.StringPtr(prefixLength), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetID(id string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetCIDRPrefix : Allow user to set CIDRPrefix -func (_options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetCIDRPrefix(cidrPrefix string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.CIDRPrefix = core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix) - return _options -} - -// SetPrefixLength : Allow user to set PrefixLength -func (_options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetPrefixLength(prefixLength string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - _options.PrefixLength = core.StringPtr(prefixLength) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDROptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions : The RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDR options. -type RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The address prefix part of the CIDR. - CIDRPrefix *string `json:"cidr_prefix" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix length part of the CIDR. - PrefixLength *string `json:"prefix_length" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewRemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions : Instantiate RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions -func (*VpcV1) NewRemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string, cidrPrefix string, prefixLength string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - return &RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - CIDRPrefix: core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix), - PrefixLength: core.StringPtr(prefixLength), - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetID(id string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetCIDRPrefix : Allow user to set CIDRPrefix -func (_options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetCIDRPrefix(cidrPrefix string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.CIDRPrefix = core.StringPtr(cidrPrefix) - return _options -} - -// SetPrefixLength : Allow user to set PrefixLength -func (_options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetPrefixLength(prefixLength string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - _options.PrefixLength = core.StringPtr(prefixLength) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RemoveVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDROptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions : The ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembers options. -type ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The pool identifier. - PoolID *string `json:"pool_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The member prototype objects for this pool. - Members []LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype `json:"members" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions : Instantiate ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions(loadBalancerID string, poolID string, members []LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype) *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions { - return &ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - PoolID: core.StringPtr(poolID), - Members: members, - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPoolID : Allow user to set PoolID -func (_options *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) SetPoolID(poolID string) *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions { - _options.PoolID = core.StringPtr(poolID) - return _options -} - -// SetMembers : Allow user to set Members -func (_options *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) SetMembers(members []LoadBalancerPoolMemberPrototype) *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions { - _options.Members = members - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ReplaceLoadBalancerPoolMembersOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions : The ReplaceSubnetNetworkACL options. -type ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The network ACL identity. - NetworkACLIdentity NetworkACLIdentityIntf `json:"NetworkACLIdentity" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions : Instantiate ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions(id string, networkACLIdentity NetworkACLIdentityIntf) *ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions { - return &ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - NetworkACLIdentity: networkACLIdentity, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions) SetID(id string) *ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkACLIdentity : Allow user to set NetworkACLIdentity -func (_options *ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions) SetNetworkACLIdentity(networkACLIdentity NetworkACLIdentityIntf) *ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions { - _options.NetworkACLIdentity = networkACLIdentity - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ReplaceSubnetNetworkACLOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions : The ReplaceSubnetRoutingTable options. -type ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table identity. - RoutingTableIdentity RoutingTableIdentityIntf `json:"RoutingTableIdentity" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions : Instantiate ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions(id string, routingTableIdentity RoutingTableIdentityIntf) *ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions { - return &ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - RoutingTableIdentity: routingTableIdentity, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions) SetID(id string) *ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutingTableIdentity : Allow user to set RoutingTableIdentity -func (_options *ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions) SetRoutingTableIdentity(routingTableIdentity RoutingTableIdentityIntf) *ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions { - _options.RoutingTableIdentity = routingTableIdentity - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *ReplaceSubnetRoutingTableOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// Reservation : Reservation struct -type Reservation struct { - // The affinity policy to use for this reservation: - // - `restricted`: The reservation must be manually requested - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - AffinityPolicy *string `json:"affinity_policy" validate:"required"` - - // The capacity configuration for this reservation - // - // If absent, this reservation has no assigned capacity. - Capacity *ReservationCapacity `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The committed use configuration for this reservation. - // - // If absent, this reservation has no commitment for use. - CommittedUse *ReservationCommittedUse `json:"committed_use,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the reservation was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this reservation. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this reservation. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this reservation. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of this reservation. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this reservation. The name is unique across all reservations in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) for this reservation. - Profile *ReservationProfile `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this reservation. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the reservation. - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current status (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []ReservationStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The zone for this reservation. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Reservation.AffinityPolicy property. -// The affinity policy to use for this reservation: -// - `restricted`: The reservation must be manually requested -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - ReservationAffinityPolicyRestrictedConst = "restricted" -) - -// Constants associated with the Reservation.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of this reservation. -const ( - ReservationLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - ReservationLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - ReservationLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - ReservationLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - ReservationLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - ReservationLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - ReservationLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the Reservation.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservationResourceTypeReservationConst = "reservation" -) - -// Constants associated with the Reservation.Status property. -// The status of the reservation. -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - ReservationStatusActivatingConst = "activating" - ReservationStatusActiveConst = "active" - ReservationStatusDeactivatingConst = "deactivating" - ReservationStatusExpiredConst = "expired" - ReservationStatusFailedConst = "failed" - ReservationStatusInactiveConst = "inactive" -) - -// UnmarshalReservation unmarshals an instance of Reservation from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservation(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Reservation) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "affinity_policy", &obj.AffinityPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity, UnmarshalReservationCapacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "committed_use", &obj.CommittedUse, UnmarshalReservationCommittedUse) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalReservationProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalReservationStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationCapacity : The capacity configuration for this reservation -// -// If absent, this reservation has no assigned capacity. -type ReservationCapacity struct { - // The amount allocated to this capacity reservation. - Allocated *int64 `json:"allocated" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of this capacity reservation available for new attachments. - Available *int64 `json:"available" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the capacity reservation: - // - `allocating`: The capacity reservation is being allocated for use - // - `allocated`: The total capacity of the reservation has been allocated for use - // - `degraded`: The capacity reservation has been allocated for use, but some of the - // capacity is not available. - // See https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-capacity-status for more information. - // - `unallocated`: The capacity reservation is not allocated for use - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The total amount of this capacity reservation. - Total *int64 `json:"total" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of this capacity reservation used by existing attachments. - Used *int64 `json:"used" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservationCapacity.Status property. -// The status of the capacity reservation: -// - `allocating`: The capacity reservation is being allocated for use -// - `allocated`: The total capacity of the reservation has been allocated for use -// - `degraded`: The capacity reservation has been allocated for use, but some of the -// capacity is not available. -// See https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-capacity-status for more information. -// - `unallocated`: The capacity reservation is not allocated for use -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - ReservationCapacityStatusAllocatedConst = "allocated" - ReservationCapacityStatusAllocatingConst = "allocating" - ReservationCapacityStatusDegradedConst = "degraded" - ReservationCapacityStatusUnallocatedConst = "unallocated" -) - -// UnmarshalReservationCapacity unmarshals an instance of ReservationCapacity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationCapacity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationCapacity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allocated", &obj.Allocated) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "available", &obj.Available) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total", &obj.Total) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "used", &obj.Used) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationCapacityPatch : The capacity reservation configuration to use. -// -// The configuration can only be changed for reservations with a `status` of `inactive`. -type ReservationCapacityPatch struct { - // The total amount to use for this capacity reservation. - Total *int64 `json:"total,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservationCapacityPatch unmarshals an instance of ReservationCapacityPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationCapacityPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationCapacityPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total", &obj.Total) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationCapacityPrototype : The capacity reservation configuration to use. -type ReservationCapacityPrototype struct { - // The total amount to use for this capacity reservation. - Total *int64 `json:"total" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservationCapacityPrototype : Instantiate ReservationCapacityPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservationCapacityPrototype(total int64) (_model *ReservationCapacityPrototype, err error) { - _model = &ReservationCapacityPrototype{ - Total: core.Int64Ptr(total), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalReservationCapacityPrototype unmarshals an instance of ReservationCapacityPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationCapacityPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationCapacityPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total", &obj.Total) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationCollection : ReservationCollection struct -type ReservationCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ReservationCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ReservationCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of reservations. - Reservations []Reservation `json:"reservations" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservationCollection unmarshals an instance of ReservationCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalReservationCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalReservationCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservations", &obj.Reservations, UnmarshalReservation) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *ReservationCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// ReservationCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ReservationCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservationCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of ReservationCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ReservationCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservationCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of ReservationCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationCommittedUse : The committed use reservation configuration. -type ReservationCommittedUse struct { - // The expiration date and time for this committed use reservation. - ExpirationAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"expiration_at" validate:"required"` - - // The policy to apply when the committed use term expires: - // - `release`: Release any available capacity and let the reservation expire. - // - `renew`: Renew for another term, provided the term remains listed in the - // `reservation_terms` for the profile. Otherwise, let the reservation expire. - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - ExpirationPolicy *string `json:"expiration_policy" validate:"required"` - - // The term for this committed use reservation: - // - `one_year`: 1 year - // - `three_year`: 3 years - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - Term *string `json:"term" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservationCommittedUse.ExpirationPolicy property. -// The policy to apply when the committed use term expires: -// - `release`: Release any available capacity and let the reservation expire. -// - `renew`: Renew for another term, provided the term remains listed in the -// `reservation_terms` for the profile. Otherwise, let the reservation expire. -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - ReservationCommittedUseExpirationPolicyReleaseConst = "release" - ReservationCommittedUseExpirationPolicyRenewConst = "renew" -) - -// UnmarshalReservationCommittedUse unmarshals an instance of ReservationCommittedUse from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationCommittedUse(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationCommittedUse) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "expiration_at", &obj.ExpirationAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "expiration_policy", &obj.ExpirationPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "term", &obj.Term) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationCommittedUsePatch : ReservationCommittedUsePatch struct -type ReservationCommittedUsePatch struct { - // The policy to apply when the committed use term expires: - // - `release`: Release any available capacity and let the reservation expire. - // - `renew`: Renew for another term, provided the term remains listed in the - // `reservation_terms` for the profile. Otherwise, let the reservation expire. - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - ExpirationPolicy *string `json:"expiration_policy,omitempty"` - - // The term for this committed use reservation: - // - `one_year`: 1 year - // - `three_year`: 3 years - // - // The specified value must be listed in the `reservation_terms` in the profile for this reservation. The term can only - // be changed for a reservation with a `status` of - // `inactive`. - Term *string `json:"term,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservationCommittedUsePatch.ExpirationPolicy property. -// The policy to apply when the committed use term expires: -// - `release`: Release any available capacity and let the reservation expire. -// - `renew`: Renew for another term, provided the term remains listed in the -// `reservation_terms` for the profile. Otherwise, let the reservation expire. -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - ReservationCommittedUsePatchExpirationPolicyReleaseConst = "release" - ReservationCommittedUsePatchExpirationPolicyRenewConst = "renew" -) - -// UnmarshalReservationCommittedUsePatch unmarshals an instance of ReservationCommittedUsePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationCommittedUsePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationCommittedUsePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "expiration_policy", &obj.ExpirationPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "term", &obj.Term) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationCommittedUsePrototype : ReservationCommittedUsePrototype struct -type ReservationCommittedUsePrototype struct { - // The policy to apply when the committed use term expires: - // - `release`: Release any available capacity and let the reservation expire. - // - `renew`: Renew for another term, provided the term remains listed in the - // `reservation_terms` for the profile. Otherwise, let the reservation expire. - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - ExpirationPolicy *string `json:"expiration_policy,omitempty"` - - // The term for this committed use reservation: - // - `one_year`: 1 year - // - `three_year`: 3 years - // - // The specified value must be listed in the `reservation_terms` in the profile for this reservation. - Term *string `json:"term" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservationCommittedUsePrototype.ExpirationPolicy property. -// The policy to apply when the committed use term expires: -// - `release`: Release any available capacity and let the reservation expire. -// - `renew`: Renew for another term, provided the term remains listed in the -// `reservation_terms` for the profile. Otherwise, let the reservation expire. -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - ReservationCommittedUsePrototypeExpirationPolicyReleaseConst = "release" - ReservationCommittedUsePrototypeExpirationPolicyRenewConst = "renew" -) - -// NewReservationCommittedUsePrototype : Instantiate ReservationCommittedUsePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservationCommittedUsePrototype(term string) (_model *ReservationCommittedUsePrototype, err error) { - _model = &ReservationCommittedUsePrototype{ - Term: core.StringPtr(term), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalReservationCommittedUsePrototype unmarshals an instance of ReservationCommittedUsePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationCommittedUsePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationCommittedUsePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "expiration_policy", &obj.ExpirationPolicy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "term", &obj.Term) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationIdentity : Identifies a reservation by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ReservationIdentityByID -// - ReservationIdentityByCRN -// - ReservationIdentityByHref -type ReservationIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this reservation. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this reservation. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reservation. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ReservationIdentity) isaReservationIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type ReservationIdentityIntf interface { - isaReservationIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalReservationIdentity unmarshals an instance of ReservationIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationPatch : ReservationPatch struct -type ReservationPatch struct { - // The capacity reservation configuration to use. - // - // The configuration can only be changed for reservations with a `status` of `inactive`. - Capacity *ReservationCapacityPatch `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The committed use configuration to use for this reservation. - CommittedUse *ReservationCommittedUsePatch `json:"committed_use,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reservation. The name must not be used by another reservation in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this - // reservation. - // - // The profile can only be changed for a reservation with a `status` of `inactive`. - Profile *ReservationProfilePatch `json:"profile,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservationPatch unmarshals an instance of ReservationPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity, UnmarshalReservationCapacityPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "committed_use", &obj.CommittedUse, UnmarshalReservationCommittedUsePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalReservationProfilePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the ReservationPatch -func (reservationPatch *ReservationPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(reservationPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// ReservationProfile : The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) for this reservation. -type ReservationProfile struct { - // The URL for this virtual server instance profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this virtual server instance profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservationProfile.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservationProfileResourceTypeInstanceProfileConst = "instance_profile" -) - -// UnmarshalReservationProfile unmarshals an instance of ReservationProfile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationProfile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationProfile) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationProfilePatch : The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this reservation. -// -// The profile can only be changed for a reservation with a `status` of `inactive`. -type ReservationProfilePatch struct { - // The globally unique name of the profile. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource type of the profile. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservationProfilePatch.ResourceType property. -// The resource type of the profile. -const ( - ReservationProfilePatchResourceTypeInstanceProfileConst = "instance_profile" -) - -// UnmarshalReservationProfilePatch unmarshals an instance of ReservationProfilePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationProfilePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationProfilePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationProfilePrototype : The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this reservation. -type ReservationProfilePrototype struct { - // The globally unique name of the profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type of the profile. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservationProfilePrototype.ResourceType property. -// The resource type of the profile. -const ( - ReservationProfilePrototypeResourceTypeInstanceProfileConst = "instance_profile" -) - -// NewReservationProfilePrototype : Instantiate ReservationProfilePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservationProfilePrototype(name string, resourceType string) (_model *ReservationProfilePrototype, err error) { - _model = &ReservationProfilePrototype{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - ResourceType: core.StringPtr(resourceType), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalReservationProfilePrototype unmarshals an instance of ReservationProfilePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationProfilePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationProfilePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationReference : ReservationReference struct -type ReservationReference struct { - // The CRN for this reservation. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *ReservationReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reservation. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this reservation. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this reservation. The name is unique across all reservations in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservationReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservationReferenceResourceTypeReservationConst = "reservation" -) - -// UnmarshalReservationReference unmarshals an instance of ReservationReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalReservationReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type ReservationReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservationReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of ReservationReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationStatusReason : ReservationStatusReason struct -type ReservationStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the status reason. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservationStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. -const ( - ReservationStatusReasonCodeCannotActivateNoCapacityAvailableConst = "cannot_activate_no_capacity_available" - ReservationStatusReasonCodeCannotRenewUnsupportedProfileTermConst = "cannot_renew_unsupported_profile_term" -) - -// UnmarshalReservationStatusReason unmarshals an instance of ReservationStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIP : ReservedIP struct -type ReservedIP struct { - // The IP address. - // - // If the address has not yet been selected, the value will be ``. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the reserved IP was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the reserved IP. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name is unique across all reserved IPs in a subnet. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The owner of the reserved IP. - Owner *string `json:"owner" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The target this reserved IP is bound to. - // - // If absent, this reserved IP is provider-owned or unbound. - Target ReservedIPTargetIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIP.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the reserved IP. -const ( - ReservedIPLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - ReservedIPLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - ReservedIPLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - ReservedIPLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - ReservedIPLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - ReservedIPLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - ReservedIPLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIP.Owner property. -// The owner of the reserved IP. -const ( - ReservedIPOwnerProviderConst = "provider" - ReservedIPOwnerUserConst = "user" -) - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIP.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPResourceTypeSubnetReservedIPConst = "subnet_reserved_ip" -) - -// UnmarshalReservedIP unmarshals an instance of ReservedIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "owner", &obj.Owner) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalReservedIPTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollection : ReservedIPCollection struct -type ReservedIPCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ReservedIPCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ReservedIPCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of reserved IPs in this subnet. - ReservedIps []ReservedIP `json:"reserved_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollection unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reserved_ips", &obj.ReservedIps, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *ReservedIPCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext : ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext struct -type ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of reserved IPs bound to a bare metal server network interface. - Ips []ReservedIP `json:"ips" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextFirst unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextNext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceContextNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext : ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext struct -type ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of reserved IPs bound to an endpoint gateway. - Ips []ReservedIP `json:"ips" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContext) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextFirst unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextNext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionEndpointGatewayContextNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ReservedIPCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext : ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext struct -type ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of reserved IPs bound to an instance network interface. - Ips []ReservedIP `json:"ips" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalReservedIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContext) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextFirst unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextNext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionInstanceNetworkInterfaceContextNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ReservedIPCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext : ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext struct -type ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of reserved IPs bound to the virtual network interface specified by the identifier in the URL. - Ips []ReservedIPReference `json:"ips" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPCollectionVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPPatch : ReservedIPPatch struct -type ReservedIPPatch struct { - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. Must be `false` if the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPPatch unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the ReservedIPPatch -func (reservedIPPatch *ReservedIPPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(reservedIPPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// ReservedIPReference : ReservedIPReference struct -type ReservedIPReference struct { - // The IP address. - // - // If the address has not yet been selected, the value will be ``. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *ReservedIPReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name is unique across all reserved IPs in a subnet. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPReferenceResourceTypeSubnetReservedIPConst = "subnet_reserved_ip" -) - -// UnmarshalReservedIPReference unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalReservedIPReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type ReservedIPReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTarget : The target this reserved IP is bound to. -// -// If absent, this reserved IP is provider-owned or unbound. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference -// - ReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext -// - ReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext -// - ReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext -// - ReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference -// - ReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference -// - ReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference -// - ReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReference -type ReservedIPTarget struct { - // The CRN for this endpoint gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *EndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this endpoint gateway. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this endpoint gateway. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this endpoint gateway. The name is unique across all endpoint gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPTarget.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPTargetResourceTypeEndpointGatewayConst = "endpoint_gateway" -) - -func (*ReservedIPTarget) isaReservedIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -type ReservedIPTargetIntf interface { - isaReservedIPTarget() bool -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTarget unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetPrototype : The target to bind this reserved IP to. The target must be in the same VPC. -// -// The following targets are supported: -// - An endpoint gateway not already bound to a reserved IP in the subnet's zone. -// - A virtual network interface. -// -// If unspecified, the reserved IP will be created unbound. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity -// - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type ReservedIPTargetPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this endpoint gateway. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this endpoint gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this endpoint gateway. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototype) isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeIntf interface { - isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototype unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ResourceFilter : Identifies one or more resources according to the specified filter property. -type ResourceFilter struct { - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalResourceFilter unmarshals an instance of ResourceFilter from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalResourceFilter(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ResourceFilter) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ResourceGroupIdentity : The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource -// group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ResourceGroupIdentityByID -type ResourceGroupIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this resource group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ResourceGroupIdentity) isaResourceGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type ResourceGroupIdentityIntf interface { - isaResourceGroupIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity unmarshals an instance of ResourceGroupIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ResourceGroupIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ResourceGroupReference : ResourceGroupReference struct -type ResourceGroupReference struct { - // The URL for this resource group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this resource group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this resource group. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalResourceGroupReference unmarshals an instance of ResourceGroupReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalResourceGroupReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ResourceGroupReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RestartBareMetalServerOptions : The RestartBareMetalServer options. -type RestartBareMetalServerOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewRestartBareMetalServerOptions : Instantiate RestartBareMetalServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewRestartBareMetalServerOptions(id string) *RestartBareMetalServerOptions { - return &RestartBareMetalServerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *RestartBareMetalServerOptions) SetID(id string) *RestartBareMetalServerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *RestartBareMetalServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *RestartBareMetalServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// Route : Route struct -type Route struct { - // The action to perform with a packet matching the route: - // - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes - // - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes - // - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` - // - `drop`: drop the packet. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this route will be advertised to the ingress sources specified by the `advertise_routes_to` - // routing table property. - Advertise *bool `json:"advertise" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the route was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the resource that created the route. Routes with this property present cannot - // be directly deleted. All routes with an `origin` of `service` will have this property set, - // and future `origin` values may also have this property set. - Creator RouteCreatorIntf `json:"creator,omitempty"` - - // The destination CIDR of the route. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this route. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this route. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the route. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this route. The name is unique across all routes in the routing table. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If `action` is `deliver`, the next hop that packets will be delivered to. For - // other `action` values, its `address` will be ``. - NextHop RouteNextHopIntf `json:"next_hop" validate:"required"` - - // The origin of this route: - // - `service`: route was directly created by a service - // - `user`: route was directly created by a user - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the route on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Origin *string `json:"origin,omitempty"` - - // The priority of this route. Smaller values have higher priority. - // - // If a routing table contains multiple routes with the same `zone` and `destination`, the route with the highest - // priority (smallest value) is selected. If two routes have the same `destination` and `priority`, traffic is - // distributed between them. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority" validate:"required"` - - // The zone the route applies to. - // - // If subnets are attached to the route's routing table, egress traffic from those - // subnets in this zone will be subject to this route. If this route's routing table - // has any of `route_direct_link_ingress`, `route_internet_ingress`, - // `route_transit_gateway_ingress` or `route_vpc_zone_ingress` set to`true`, traffic - // from those ingress sources arriving in this zone will be subject to this route. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Route.Action property. -// The action to perform with a packet matching the route: -// - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes -// - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes -// - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` -// - `drop`: drop the packet. -const ( - RouteActionDelegateConst = "delegate" - RouteActionDelegateVPCConst = "delegate_vpc" - RouteActionDeliverConst = "deliver" - RouteActionDropConst = "drop" -) - -// Constants associated with the Route.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the route. -const ( - RouteLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - RouteLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - RouteLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - RouteLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - RouteLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - RouteLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - RouteLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the Route.Origin property. -// The origin of this route: -// - `service`: route was directly created by a service -// - `user`: route was directly created by a user -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the route on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - RouteOriginServiceConst = "service" - RouteOriginUserConst = "user" -) - -// UnmarshalRoute unmarshals an instance of Route from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoute(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Route) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "advertise", &obj.Advertise) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "creator", &obj.Creator, UnmarshalRouteCreator) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next_hop", &obj.NextHop, UnmarshalRouteNextHop) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "origin", &obj.Origin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "priority", &obj.Priority) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteCollection : RouteCollection struct -type RouteCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *RouteCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *RouteCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of routes. - Routes []Route `json:"routes" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRouteCollection unmarshals an instance of RouteCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalRouteCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalRouteCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routes", &obj.Routes, UnmarshalRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *RouteCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// RouteCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type RouteCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRouteCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of RouteCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type RouteCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRouteCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of RouteCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteCollectionVPCContext : RouteCollectionVPCContext struct -type RouteCollectionVPCContext struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *RouteCollectionVPCContextFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *RouteCollectionVPCContextNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of routes. - Routes []RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem `json:"routes" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContext unmarshals an instance of RouteCollectionVPCContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCollectionVPCContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContextFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContextNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routes", &obj.Routes, UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *RouteCollectionVPCContext) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// RouteCollectionVPCContextFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type RouteCollectionVPCContextFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContextFirst unmarshals an instance of RouteCollectionVPCContextFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContextFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCollectionVPCContextFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteCollectionVPCContextNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type RouteCollectionVPCContextNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContextNext unmarshals an instance of RouteCollectionVPCContextNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContextNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCollectionVPCContextNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem : RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem struct -type RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem struct { - // The action to perform with a packet matching the route: - // - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes - // - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes - // - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` - // - `drop`: drop the packet. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this route will be advertised to the ingress sources specified by the `advertise_routes_to` - // routing table property. - Advertise *bool `json:"advertise" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the route was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the resource that created the route. Routes with this property present cannot - // be directly deleted. All routes with an `origin` of `service` will have this property set, - // and future `origin` values may also have this property set. - Creator RouteCreatorIntf `json:"creator,omitempty"` - - // The destination CIDR of the route. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this route. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this route. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the route. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this route. The name is unique across all routes in the routing table. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If `action` is `deliver`, the next hop that packets will be delivered to. For - // other `action` values, its `address` will be ``. - NextHop RouteNextHopIntf `json:"next_hop" validate:"required"` - - // The origin of this route: - // - `service`: route was directly created by a service - // - `user`: route was directly created by a user - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the route on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Origin *string `json:"origin,omitempty"` - - // The priority of this route. Smaller values have higher priority. - // - // If a routing table contains multiple routes with the same `zone` and `destination`, the route with the highest - // priority (smallest value) is selected. If two routes have the same `destination` and `priority`, traffic is - // distributed between them. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority" validate:"required"` - - // The zone the route applies to. - // - // If subnets are attached to the route's routing table, egress traffic from those - // subnets in this zone will be subject to this route. If this route's routing table - // has any of `route_direct_link_ingress`, `route_internet_ingress`, - // `route_transit_gateway_ingress` or `route_vpc_zone_ingress` set to`true`, traffic - // from those ingress sources arriving in this zone will be subject to this route. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem.Action property. -// The action to perform with a packet matching the route: -// - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes -// - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes -// - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` -// - `drop`: drop the packet. -const ( - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemActionDelegateConst = "delegate" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemActionDelegateVPCConst = "delegate_vpc" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemActionDeliverConst = "deliver" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemActionDropConst = "drop" -) - -// Constants associated with the RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the route. -const ( - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem.Origin property. -// The origin of this route: -// - `service`: route was directly created by a service -// - `user`: route was directly created by a user -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the route on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemOriginServiceConst = "service" - RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItemOriginUserConst = "user" -) - -// UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem unmarshals an instance of RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "advertise", &obj.Advertise) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "creator", &obj.Creator, UnmarshalRouteCreator) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next_hop", &obj.NextHop, UnmarshalRouteNextHop) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "origin", &obj.Origin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "priority", &obj.Priority) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteCreator : If present, the resource that created the route. Routes with this property present cannot be directly deleted. All -// routes with an `origin` of `service` will have this property set, and future `origin` values may also have this -// property set. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference -// - RouteCreatorVPNServerReference -type RouteCreator struct { - // The VPN gateway's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPNGatewayReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The VPN gateway's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name is unique across all VPN gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RouteCreator.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - RouteCreatorResourceTypeVPNGatewayConst = "vpn_gateway" -) - -func (*RouteCreator) isaRouteCreator() bool { - return true -} - -type RouteCreatorIntf interface { - isaRouteCreator() bool -} - -// UnmarshalRouteCreator unmarshals an instance of RouteCreator from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCreator(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCreator) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPNGatewayReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHop : RouteNextHop struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RouteNextHopIP -// - RouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference -type RouteNextHop struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name is unique across all connections for the VPN gateway. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RouteNextHop.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - RouteNextHopResourceTypeVPNGatewayConnectionConst = "vpn_gateway_connection" -) - -func (*RouteNextHop) isaRouteNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -type RouteNextHopIntf interface { - isaRouteNextHop() bool -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHop unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHop from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHop(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHop) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHopPatch : If `action` is `deliver`, the next hop that packets will be delivered to. For other -// `action` values, specify `` or remove it by specifying `null`. -// -// At most two routes per `zone` in a table can have the same `destination` and `priority`, and only when each route has -// an `action` of `deliver` and `next_hop` is an IP address. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP -// - RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity -type RouteNextHopPatch struct { - // The sentinel IP address (``). - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatch) isaRouteNextHopPatch() bool { - return true -} - -type RouteNextHopPatchIntf interface { - isaRouteNextHopPatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatch unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHopPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHopPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutePatch : RoutePatch struct -type RoutePatch struct { - // Indicates whether this route will be advertised to the ingress sources specified by the `advertise_routes_to` - // routing table property. - // - // Since all routes in a routing table with the same `destination` and `zone` must have the same `advertise` value, - // this property can only be changed for routes with a unique - // `destination` and `zone` in the routing table. For more information, see [Advertising - // routes](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-about-custom-routes#rt-advertising-routes). - Advertise *bool `json:"advertise,omitempty"` - - // The name for this route. The name must not be used by another route in the routing table. Names starting with `ibm-` - // are reserved for system-provided routes, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // If `action` is `deliver`, the next hop that packets will be delivered to. For other - // `action` values, specify `` or remove it by specifying `null`. - // - // At most two routes per `zone` in a table can have the same `destination` and `priority`, - // and only when each route has an `action` of `deliver` and `next_hop` is an IP address. - NextHop RouteNextHopPatchIntf `json:"next_hop,omitempty"` - - // The priority of this route. Smaller values have higher priority. - // - // If a routing table contains multiple routes with the same `zone` and `destination`, the route with the highest - // priority (smallest value) is selected. If two routes have the same `destination` and `priority`, traffic is - // distributed between them. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalRoutePatch unmarshals an instance of RoutePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "advertise", &obj.Advertise) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next_hop", &obj.NextHop, UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "priority", &obj.Priority) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the RoutePatch -func (routePatch *RoutePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(routePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// RoutePrototype : RoutePrototype struct -type RoutePrototype struct { - // The action to perform with a packet matching the route: - // - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes - // - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes - // - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` - // - `drop`: drop the packet. - Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this route will be advertised to the ingress sources specified by the `advertise_routes_to` - // routing table property. - // - // All routes in a routing table with the same `destination` and `zone` must have the same - // `advertise` value. - Advertise *bool `json:"advertise,omitempty"` - - // The destination CIDR of the route. The host identifier in the CIDR must be zero. - // - // At most two routes per `zone` in a table can have the same `destination` and - // `priority`, and only if both routes have an `action` of `deliver` and the `next_hop` is an IP address. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this route. The name must not be used by another route in the routing table. Names starting with `ibm-` - // are reserved for system-provided routes, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of - // randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // If `action` is `deliver`, the next hop that packets will be delivered to. For other - // `action` values, it must be omitted or specified as ``. - // - // At most two routes per `zone` in a table can have the same `destination` and `priority`, - // and only when each route has an `action` of `deliver` and `next_hop` is an IP address. - NextHop RoutePrototypeNextHopIntf `json:"next_hop,omitempty"` - - // The priority of this route. Smaller values have higher priority. - // - // If a routing table contains multiple routes with the same `zone` and `destination`, the route with the highest - // priority (smallest value) is selected. If two routes have the same `destination` and `priority`, traffic is - // distributed between them. - Priority *int64 `json:"priority,omitempty"` - - // The zone to apply the route to. - // - // If subnets are attached to the route's routing table, egress traffic from those - // subnets in this zone will be subject to this route. If this route's routing table - // has any of `route_direct_link_ingress`, `route_internet_ingress`, - // `route_transit_gateway_ingress` or `route_vpc_zone_ingress` set to`true`, traffic - // from those ingress sources arriving in this zone will be subject to this route. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RoutePrototype.Action property. -// The action to perform with a packet matching the route: -// - `delegate`: delegate to system-provided routes -// - `delegate_vpc`: delegate to system-provided routes, ignoring Internet-bound routes -// - `deliver`: deliver the packet to the specified `next_hop` -// - `drop`: drop the packet. -const ( - RoutePrototypeActionDelegateConst = "delegate" - RoutePrototypeActionDelegateVPCConst = "delegate_vpc" - RoutePrototypeActionDeliverConst = "deliver" - RoutePrototypeActionDropConst = "drop" -) - -// NewRoutePrototype : Instantiate RoutePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRoutePrototype(destination string, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) (_model *RoutePrototype, err error) { - _model = &RoutePrototype{ - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - Zone: zone, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalRoutePrototype unmarshals an instance of RoutePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "advertise", &obj.Advertise) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next_hop", &obj.NextHop, UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHop) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "priority", &obj.Priority) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutePrototypeNextHop : If `action` is `deliver`, the next hop that packets will be delivered to. For other -// `action` values, it must be omitted or specified as ``. -// -// At most two routes per `zone` in a table can have the same `destination` and `priority`, and only when each route has -// an `action` of `deliver` and `next_hop` is an IP address. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP -// - RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity -type RoutePrototypeNextHop struct { - // The sentinel IP address (``). - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHop) isaRoutePrototypeNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -type RoutePrototypeNextHopIntf interface { - isaRoutePrototypeNextHop() bool -} - -// UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHop unmarshals an instance of RoutePrototypeNextHop from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHop(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutePrototypeNextHop) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteReference : RouteReference struct -type RouteReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *RouteReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this route. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this route. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this route. The name is unique across all routes in the routing table. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRouteReference unmarshals an instance of RouteReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalRouteReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type RouteReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRouteReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of RouteReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutingTable : RoutingTable struct -type RoutingTable struct { - // The filters specifying the resources that may create routes in this routing table. - // - // At present, only the `resource_type` filter is permitted, and only the `vpn_server` value is supported, but filter - // support is expected to expand in the future. - AcceptRoutesFrom []ResourceFilter `json:"accept_routes_from" validate:"required"` - - // The ingress sources to advertise routes to. Routes in the table with `advertise` enabled will be advertised to these - // sources. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - AdvertiseRoutesTo []string `json:"advertise_routes_to" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this routing table was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this routing table. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this routing table. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this is the default routing table for this VPC. - IsDefault *bool `json:"is_default" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the routing table. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this routing table. The name is unique across all routing tables for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from - // [Direct Link](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dl) to this VPC. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteDirectLinkIngress *bool `json:"route_direct_link_ingress" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from the internet. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with two exceptions: - // - Traffic destined for IP addresses associated with public gateways will not be - // subject to routes in this routing table. - // - Routes with an `action` of `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is - // an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is able to accept traffic. - // Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteInternetIngress *bool `json:"route_internet_ingress" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from from [Transit - // Gateway](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/transit-gateway) to this VPC. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteTransitGatewayIngress *bool `json:"route_transit_gateway_ingress" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from subnets in other zones in this - // VPC. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteVPCZoneIngress *bool `json:"route_vpc_zone_ingress" validate:"required"` - - // The routes for this routing table. - Routes []RouteReference `json:"routes" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets to which this routing table is attached. - Subnets []SubnetReference `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RoutingTable.AdvertiseRoutesTo property. -// An ingress source that routes can be advertised to: -// -// - `direct_link` (requires `route_direct_link_ingress` be set to `true`) -// - `transit_gateway` (requires `route_transit_gateway_ingress` be set to `true`). -const ( - RoutingTableAdvertiseRoutesToDirectLinkConst = "direct_link" - RoutingTableAdvertiseRoutesToTransitGatewayConst = "transit_gateway" -) - -// Constants associated with the RoutingTable.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the routing table. -const ( - RoutingTableLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - RoutingTableLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - RoutingTableLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - RoutingTableLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - RoutingTableLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - RoutingTableLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - RoutingTableLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the RoutingTable.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - RoutingTableResourceTypeRoutingTableConst = "routing_table" -) - -// UnmarshalRoutingTable unmarshals an instance of RoutingTable from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTable(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTable) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "accept_routes_from", &obj.AcceptRoutesFrom, UnmarshalResourceFilter) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "advertise_routes_to", &obj.AdvertiseRoutesTo) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "is_default", &obj.IsDefault) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_direct_link_ingress", &obj.RouteDirectLinkIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_internet_ingress", &obj.RouteInternetIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_transit_gateway_ingress", &obj.RouteTransitGatewayIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_vpc_zone_ingress", &obj.RouteVPCZoneIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routes", &obj.Routes, UnmarshalRouteReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutingTableCollection : RoutingTableCollection struct -type RoutingTableCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *RoutingTableCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *RoutingTableCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of routing tables. - RoutingTables []RoutingTable `json:"routing_tables" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRoutingTableCollection unmarshals an instance of RoutingTableCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTableCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTableCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalRoutingTableCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalRoutingTableCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routing_tables", &obj.RoutingTables, UnmarshalRoutingTable) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *RoutingTableCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// RoutingTableCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type RoutingTableCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRoutingTableCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of RoutingTableCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTableCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTableCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutingTableCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type RoutingTableCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRoutingTableCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of RoutingTableCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTableCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTableCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutingTableIdentity : Identifies a routing table by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RoutingTableIdentityByID -// - RoutingTableIdentityByHref -type RoutingTableIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this routing table. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this routing table. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*RoutingTableIdentity) isaRoutingTableIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type RoutingTableIdentityIntf interface { - isaRoutingTableIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentity unmarshals an instance of RoutingTableIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTableIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutingTablePatch : RoutingTablePatch struct -type RoutingTablePatch struct { - // The filters specifying the resources that may create routes in this routing table - // (replacing any existing filters). All routes created by resources that match a given filter will be removed when an - // existing filter is removed. Therefore, if an empty array is specified, all filters will be removed, resulting in all - // routes not directly created by the user being removed. - // - // At present, only the `resource_type` filter is permitted, and only the `vpn_server` value is supported, but filter - // support is expected to expand in the future. - AcceptRoutesFrom []ResourceFilter `json:"accept_routes_from,omitempty"` - - // The ingress sources to advertise routes to, replacing any existing sources to advertise to. Routes in the table with - // `advertise` enabled will be advertised to these sources. - AdvertiseRoutesTo []string `json:"advertise_routes_to,omitempty"` - - // The name for this routing table. The name must not be used by another routing table in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from - // [Direct Link](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dl/) to this VPC. Updating to `true` selects this routing table, provided - // no other routing table in the VPC already has this property set to `true`, and no subnets are attached to this - // routing table. Updating to - // `false` deselects this routing table, provided `direct_link` is absent from - // `advertise_routes_to`. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteDirectLinkIngress *bool `json:"route_direct_link_ingress,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from the internet. Updating to `true` - // selects this routing table, provided no other routing table in the VPC already has this property set to `true`. - // Updating to `false` deselects this routing table. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with two exceptions: - // - Traffic destined for IP addresses associated with public gateways will not be subject - // to routes in this routing table. - // - Routes with an `action` of `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an - // IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is able to accept traffic. - // Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteInternetIngress *bool `json:"route_internet_ingress,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from - // [Transit Gateway](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/transit-gateway) to this VPC. Updating to - // `true` selects this routing table, provided no other routing table in the VPC already has this property set to - // `true`, and no subnets are attached to this routing table. Updating to `false` deselects this routing table, - // provided `transit_gateway` is absent from `advertise_routes_to`. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - // - // If [Classic Access](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-setting-up-access-to-classic-infrastructure) is enabled - // for this VPC, and this property is set to `true`, its incoming traffic will also be routed according to this routing - // table. - RouteTransitGatewayIngress *bool `json:"route_transit_gateway_ingress,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this routing table is used to route traffic that originates from subnets in other zones in this - // VPC. Updating to `true` selects this routing table, provided no other routing table in the VPC already has this - // property set to `true`, and no subnets are attached to this routing table. Updating to `false` deselects this - // routing table. - // - // Incoming traffic will be routed according to the routing table with one exception: routes with an `action` of - // `deliver` are treated as `drop` unless the `next_hop` is an IP address in a subnet in the route's `zone` that is - // able to accept traffic. Therefore, if an incoming packet matches a route with a `next_hop` of a VPN gateway - // connection, the packet will be dropped. - RouteVPCZoneIngress *bool `json:"route_vpc_zone_ingress,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RoutingTablePatch.AdvertiseRoutesTo property. -// An ingress source that routes can be advertised to: -// -// - `direct_link` (requires `route_direct_link_ingress` be set to `true`) -// - `transit_gateway` (requires `route_transit_gateway_ingress` be set to `true`). -const ( - RoutingTablePatchAdvertiseRoutesToDirectLinkConst = "direct_link" - RoutingTablePatchAdvertiseRoutesToTransitGatewayConst = "transit_gateway" -) - -// UnmarshalRoutingTablePatch unmarshals an instance of RoutingTablePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTablePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTablePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "accept_routes_from", &obj.AcceptRoutesFrom, UnmarshalResourceFilter) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "advertise_routes_to", &obj.AdvertiseRoutesTo) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_direct_link_ingress", &obj.RouteDirectLinkIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_internet_ingress", &obj.RouteInternetIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_transit_gateway_ingress", &obj.RouteTransitGatewayIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "route_vpc_zone_ingress", &obj.RouteVPCZoneIngress) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the RoutingTablePatch -func (routingTablePatch *RoutingTablePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(routingTablePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// RoutingTableReference : RoutingTableReference struct -type RoutingTableReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *RoutingTableReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this routing table. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this routing table. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this routing table. The name is unique across all routing tables for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RoutingTableReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - RoutingTableReferenceResourceTypeRoutingTableConst = "routing_table" -) - -// UnmarshalRoutingTableReference unmarshals an instance of RoutingTableReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTableReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTableReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalRoutingTableReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutingTableReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type RoutingTableReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalRoutingTableReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of RoutingTableReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTableReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTableReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroup : SecurityGroup struct -type SecurityGroup struct { - // The date and time that this security group was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this security group. The name is unique across all security groups for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this security group. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The rules for this security group. If no rules exist, all traffic will be denied. - Rules []SecurityGroupRuleIntf `json:"rules" validate:"required"` - - // The targets for this security group. - Targets []SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf `json:"targets" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this security group resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroup unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "targets", &obj.Targets, UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupCollection : SecurityGroupCollection struct -type SecurityGroupCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *SecurityGroupCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *SecurityGroupCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of security groups. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroup `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupCollection unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalSecurityGroupCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalSecurityGroupCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *SecurityGroupCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// SecurityGroupCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type SecurityGroupCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type SecurityGroupCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupIdentity : Identifies a security group by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SecurityGroupIdentityByID -// - SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN -// - SecurityGroupIdentityByHref -type SecurityGroupIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SecurityGroupIdentity) isaSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type SecurityGroupIdentityIntf interface { - isaSecurityGroupIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupPatch : SecurityGroupPatch struct -type SecurityGroupPatch struct { - // The name for this security group. The name must not be used by another security group for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupPatch unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the SecurityGroupPatch -func (securityGroupPatch *SecurityGroupPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(securityGroupPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// SecurityGroupReference : SecurityGroupReference struct -type SecurityGroupReference struct { - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *SecurityGroupReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this security group. The name is unique across all security groups for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type SecurityGroupReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRule : SecurityGroupRule struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll -// - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp -// - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp -type SecurityGroupRule struct { - // The direction of traffic to enforce. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this security group rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they - // are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses - // (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The remote IP addresses or security groups from which this rule allows traffic (or to - // which, for outbound rules). A CIDR block of `` allows traffic from any source - // (or to any destination, for outbound rules). - Remote SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIntf `json:"remote" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to allow. If absent, all codes are allowed. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to allow. If absent, all types are allowed. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - PortMax *int64 `json:"port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - PortMin *int64 `json:"port_min,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRule.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - SecurityGroupRuleDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRule.IPVersion property. -// The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they -// are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses -// (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRule.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleProtocolAllConst = "all" - SecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" - SecurityGroupRuleProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - SecurityGroupRuleProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupRule) isaSecurityGroupRule() bool { - return true -} - -type SecurityGroupRuleIntf interface { - isaSecurityGroupRule() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRule unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRule from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRule(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'protocol': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'protocol' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "all" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll) - } else if discValue == "icmp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp) - } else if discValue == "tcp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp) - } else if discValue == "udp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'protocol': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleCollection : Collection of rules in a security group. -type SecurityGroupRuleCollection struct { - // Array of rules. - Rules []SecurityGroupRuleIntf `json:"rules" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleCollection unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRule) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRulePatch : SecurityGroupRulePatch struct -type SecurityGroupRulePatch struct { - // The ICMP traffic code to allow. If set, `type` must also be set. - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing ICMP traffic code. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The direction of traffic to enforce. - Direction *string `json:"direction,omitempty"` - - // The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they - // are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses - // (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of the protocol destination port range. If set, `port_min` must also be set, and must not - // be larger. - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing upper bound. - PortMax *int64 `json:"port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of the protocol destination port range. If set, `port_max` must also be set, and must not - // be smaller. - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing lower bound. - PortMin *int64 `json:"port_min,omitempty"` - - // The remote IP addresses or security groups from which this rule will allow traffic (or to - // which, for outbound rules). Can be specified as an IP address, a CIDR block, or a - // security group. A CIDR block of `` will allow traffic from any source (or to - // any destination, for outbound rules). - Remote SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIntf `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to allow. - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing ICMP traffic type value. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePatch.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePatchDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - SecurityGroupRulePatchDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePatch.IPVersion property. -// The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they -// are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses -// (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePatchIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePatch unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRulePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRulePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_max", &obj.PortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_min", &obj.PortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the SecurityGroupRulePatch -func (securityGroupRulePatch *SecurityGroupRulePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(securityGroupRulePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRulePrototype : SecurityGroupRulePrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll -// - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp -// - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp -type SecurityGroupRulePrototype struct { - // The direction of traffic to enforce. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they - // are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses - // (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The remote IP addresses or security groups from which this rule will allow traffic (or to - // which, for outbound rules). Can be specified as an IP address, a CIDR block, or a - // security group within the VPC. - // - // If unspecified, a CIDR block of `` will be used to allow traffic from any source - // (or to any destination, for outbound rules). - Remote SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIntf `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to allow. - // - // If specified, `type` must also be specified. If unspecified, all codes are allowed. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to allow. - // - // If unspecified, all types are allowed. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - // - // If specified, `port_min` must also be specified, and must not be larger. If unspecified, - // `port_min` must also be unspecified, allowing traffic on all destination ports. - PortMax *int64 `json:"port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range - // - // If specified, `port_max` must also be specified, and must not be smaller. If unspecified, `port_max` must also be - // unspecified, allowing traffic on all destination ports. - PortMin *int64 `json:"port_min,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototype.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototype.IPVersion property. -// The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they -// are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses -// (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototype.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeProtocolAllConst = "all" - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupRulePrototype) isaSecurityGroupRulePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type SecurityGroupRulePrototypeIntf interface { - isaSecurityGroupRulePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototype unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRulePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'protocol': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'protocol' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "all" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll) - } else if discValue == "icmp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp) - } else if discValue == "tcp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp) - } else if discValue == "udp" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'protocol': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemote : The remote IP addresses or security groups from which this rule allows traffic (or to which, for outbound rules). A -// CIDR block of `` allows traffic from any source -// (or to any destination, for outbound rules). -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIP -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemoteCIDR -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemoteSecurityGroupReference -type SecurityGroupRuleRemote struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // The CIDR block. This property may add support for IPv6 CIDR blocks in the future. When processing a value in this - // property, verify that the CIDR block is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt - // processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected CIDR block format was encountered. - CIDRBlock *string `json:"cidr_block,omitempty"` - - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *SecurityGroupReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this security group. The name is unique across all security groups for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemote) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemote() bool { - return true -} - -type SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIntf interface { - isaSecurityGroupRuleRemote() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemote unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cidr_block", &obj.CIDRBlock) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch : The remote IP addresses or security groups from which this rule will allow traffic (or to which, for outbound rules). -// Can be specified as an IP address, a CIDR block, or a security group. A CIDR block of `` will allow traffic -// from any source (or to any destination, for outbound rules). -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // The CIDR block. This property may add support for IPv6 CIDR blocks in the future. When processing a value in this - // property, verify that the CIDR block is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt - // processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected CIDR block format was encountered. - CIDRBlock *string `json:"cidr_block,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch() bool { - return true -} - -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIntf interface { - isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cidr_block", &obj.CIDRBlock) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype : The remote IP addresses or security groups from which this rule will allow traffic (or to which, for outbound rules). -// Can be specified as an IP address, a CIDR block, or a security group within the VPC. -// -// If unspecified, a CIDR block of `` will be used to allow traffic from any source -// (or to any destination, for outbound rules). -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // The CIDR block. This property may add support for IPv6 CIDR blocks in the future. When processing a value in this - // property, verify that the CIDR block is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt - // processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected CIDR block format was encountered. - CIDRBlock *string `json:"cidr_block,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIntf interface { - isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cidr_block", &obj.CIDRBlock) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetCollection : SecurityGroupTargetCollection struct -type SecurityGroupTargetCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *SecurityGroupTargetCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *SecurityGroupTargetCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of targets for this security group. - Targets []SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf `json:"targets" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetCollection unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "targets", &obj.Targets, UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *SecurityGroupTargetCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type SecurityGroupTargetCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type SecurityGroupTargetCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetReference : The resource types that can be security group targets are expected to expand in the future. When iterating over -// security group targets, do not assume that every target resource will be from a known set of resource types. -// Optionally halt processing and surface an error, or bypass resources of unrecognized types. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext -// - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext -// - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference -// - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference -// - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference -// - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference -type SecurityGroupTargetReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance network interface. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` - - // The load balancer's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP for this virtual network interface. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupTargetReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupTargetReference) isaSecurityGroupTargetReference() bool { - return true -} - -type SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf interface { - isaSecurityGroupTargetReference() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReference unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions : The SetSubnetPublicGateway options. -type SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The public gateway identity. - PublicGatewayIdentity PublicGatewayIdentityIntf `json:"PublicGatewayIdentity" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewSetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions : Instantiate SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewSetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions(id string, publicGatewayIdentity PublicGatewayIdentityIntf) *SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - return &SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - PublicGatewayIdentity: publicGatewayIdentity, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetPublicGatewayIdentity : Allow user to set PublicGatewayIdentity -func (_options *SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) SetPublicGatewayIdentity(publicGatewayIdentity PublicGatewayIdentityIntf) *SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - _options.PublicGatewayIdentity = publicGatewayIdentity - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *SetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// Share : Share struct -type Share struct { - // The access control mode for the share: - // - // - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a mount - // target control access to the mount target. - // - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. - // - // The enumerated access control mode values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, - // check for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which - // the unexpected access control mode was encountered. - AccessControlMode *string `json:"access_control_mode" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the file share is created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this file share. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The type of encryption used for this file share. - Encryption *string `json:"encryption" validate:"required"` - - // The key used to encrypt this file share. - // - // This property will be present if `encryption` is `user_managed`. - EncryptionKey *EncryptionKeyReference `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this file share. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this file share. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum input/output operations per second (IOPS) for the file share. In addition, each client accessing the - // share will be restricted to 48,000 IOPS. - // - // The maximum IOPS for a share may increase in the future. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops" validate:"required"` - - // The latest job associated with this file share. - // - // This property will be absent if no jobs have been created for this file share. - LatestJob *ShareJob `json:"latest_job,omitempty"` - - // Information about the latest synchronization for this file share. - // - // This property will be present when the `replication_role` is `replica` and at least - // one replication sync has been completed. - LatestSync *ShareLatestSync `json:"latest_sync,omitempty"` - - // The lifecycle state of the file share. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The mount targets for the file share. - MountTargets []ShareMountTargetReference `json:"mount_targets" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this share. The name is unique across all shares in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-file-storage-profiles) for - // this file share. - Profile *ShareProfileReference `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The replica file share for this source file share. - // - // This property will be present when the `replication_role` is `source`. - ReplicaShare *ShareReference `json:"replica_share,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for the file share replication schedule. - // - // This property will be present when the `replication_role` is `replica`. - ReplicationCronSpec *string `json:"replication_cron_spec,omitempty"` - - // The replication role of the file share. - // - // * `none`: This share is not participating in replication. - // * `replica`: This share is a replication target. - // * `source`: This share is a replication source. - ReplicationRole *string `json:"replication_role" validate:"required"` - - // The replication status of the file share. - // - // * `active`: This share is actively participating in replication, and the replica's data is up-to-date with the - // replication schedule. - // * `degraded`: This is share is participating in replication, but the replica's data has fallen behind the - // replication schedule. - // * `failover_pending`: This share is performing a replication failover. - // * `initializing`: This share is initializing replication. - // * `none`: This share is not participating in replication. - // * `split_pending`: This share is performing a replication split. - ReplicationStatus *string `json:"replication_status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current replication status (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - ReplicationStatusReasons []ShareReplicationStatusReason `json:"replication_status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this file share. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The size of the file share rounded up to the next gigabyte. - // - // The maximum size for a share may increase in the future. - Size *int64 `json:"size" validate:"required"` - - // The source file share for this replica file share. - // - // This property will be present when the `replication_role` is `replica`. - SourceShare *ShareReference `json:"source_share,omitempty"` - - // Tags for this resource. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this file share will reside in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Share.AccessControlMode property. -// The access control mode for the share: -// -// - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a mount -// target control access to the mount target. -// - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. -// -// The enumerated access control mode values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, -// check for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which -// the unexpected access control mode was encountered. -const ( - ShareAccessControlModeSecurityGroupConst = "security_group" - ShareAccessControlModeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -// Constants associated with the Share.Encryption property. -// The type of encryption used for this file share. -const ( - ShareEncryptionProviderManagedConst = "provider_managed" - ShareEncryptionUserManagedConst = "user_managed" -) - -// Constants associated with the Share.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the file share. -const ( - ShareLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - ShareLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - ShareLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - ShareLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - ShareLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - ShareLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - ShareLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the Share.ReplicationRole property. -// The replication role of the file share. -// -// * `none`: This share is not participating in replication. -// * `replica`: This share is a replication target. -// * `source`: This share is a replication source. -const ( - ShareReplicationRoleNoneConst = "none" - ShareReplicationRoleReplicaConst = "replica" - ShareReplicationRoleSourceConst = "source" -) - -// Constants associated with the Share.ReplicationStatus property. -// The replication status of the file share. -// -// * `active`: This share is actively participating in replication, and the replica's data is up-to-date with the -// replication schedule. -// * `degraded`: This is share is participating in replication, but the replica's data has fallen behind the replication -// schedule. -// * `failover_pending`: This share is performing a replication failover. -// * `initializing`: This share is initializing replication. -// * `none`: This share is not participating in replication. -// * `split_pending`: This share is performing a replication split. -const ( - ShareReplicationStatusActiveConst = "active" - ShareReplicationStatusDegradedConst = "degraded" - ShareReplicationStatusFailoverPendingConst = "failover_pending" - ShareReplicationStatusInitializingConst = "initializing" - ShareReplicationStatusNoneConst = "none" - ShareReplicationStatusSplitPendingConst = "split_pending" -) - -// Constants associated with the Share.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ShareResourceTypeShareConst = "share" -) - -// UnmarshalShare unmarshals an instance of Share from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShare(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Share) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "access_control_mode", &obj.AccessControlMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encryption", &obj.Encryption) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "latest_job", &obj.LatestJob, UnmarshalShareJob) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "latest_sync", &obj.LatestSync, UnmarshalShareLatestSync) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "mount_targets", &obj.MountTargets, UnmarshalShareMountTargetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalShareProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "replica_share", &obj.ReplicaShare, UnmarshalShareReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "replication_cron_spec", &obj.ReplicationCronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "replication_role", &obj.ReplicationRole) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "replication_status", &obj.ReplicationStatus) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "replication_status_reasons", &obj.ReplicationStatusReasons, UnmarshalShareReplicationStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "size", &obj.Size) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_share", &obj.SourceShare, UnmarshalShareReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareCollection : ShareCollection struct -type ShareCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ShareCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ShareCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of file shares. - Shares []Share `json:"shares" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareCollection unmarshals an instance of ShareCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalShareCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalShareCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "shares", &obj.Shares, UnmarshalShare) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *ShareCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// ShareCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ShareCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of ShareCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ShareCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of ShareCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareIdentity : Identifies a file share by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ShareIdentityByID -// - ShareIdentityByCRN -// - ShareIdentityByHref -type ShareIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this file share. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this file share. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this file share. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ShareIdentity) isaShareIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type ShareIdentityIntf interface { - isaShareIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalShareIdentity unmarshals an instance of ShareIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareInitialOwner : ShareInitialOwner struct -type ShareInitialOwner struct { - // The initial group identifier for the file share. - Gid *int64 `json:"gid,omitempty"` - - // The initial user identifier for the file share. - Uid *int64 `json:"uid,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareInitialOwner unmarshals an instance of ShareInitialOwner from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareInitialOwner(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareInitialOwner) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "gid", &obj.Gid) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uid", &obj.Uid) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareJob : ShareJob struct -type ShareJob struct { - // The status of the file share job. - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the file share job on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - // - // * `cancelled`: This job has been cancelled. - // * `failed`: This job has failed. - // * `queued`: This job is queued. - // * `running`: This job is running. - // * `succeeded`: This job completed successfully. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the file share job status (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []ShareJobStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The type of the file share job. - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the file share job on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - // - // * `replication_failover`: This is a share replication failover job. - // * `replication_init`: This is a share replication is initialization job. - // * `replication_split`: This is a share replication split job. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareJob.Status property. -// The status of the file share job. -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the file share job on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -// -// * `cancelled`: This job has been cancelled. -// * `failed`: This job has failed. -// * `queued`: This job is queued. -// * `running`: This job is running. -// * `succeeded`: This job completed successfully. -const ( - ShareJobStatusCancelledConst = "cancelled" - ShareJobStatusFailedConst = "failed" - ShareJobStatusQueuedConst = "queued" - ShareJobStatusRunningConst = "running" - ShareJobStatusSucceededConst = "succeeded" -) - -// Constants associated with the ShareJob.Type property. -// The type of the file share job. -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the file share job on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -// -// * `replication_failover`: This is a share replication failover job. -// * `replication_init`: This is a share replication is initialization job. -// * `replication_split`: This is a share replication split job. -const ( - ShareJobTypeReplicationFailoverConst = "replication_failover" - ShareJobTypeReplicationInitConst = "replication_init" - ShareJobTypeReplicationSplitConst = "replication_split" -) - -// UnmarshalShareJob unmarshals an instance of ShareJob from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareJob(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareJob) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalShareJobStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareJobStatusReason : ShareJobStatusReason struct -type ShareJobStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the status reason. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareJobStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. -const ( - ShareJobStatusReasonCodeCannotInitializeReplicationConst = "cannot_initialize_replication" - ShareJobStatusReasonCodeCannotReachReplicaShareConst = "cannot_reach_replica_share" - ShareJobStatusReasonCodeCannotReachSourceShareConst = "cannot_reach_source_share" -) - -// UnmarshalShareJobStatusReason unmarshals an instance of ShareJobStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareJobStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareJobStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareLatestSync : Information about the latest synchronization for this file share. -// -// This property will be present when the `replication_role` is `replica` and at least one replication sync has been -// completed. -type ShareLatestSync struct { - // The completed date and time of last synchronization between the replica share and its source. - CompletedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"completed_at" validate:"required"` - - // The data transferred (in bytes) in the last synchronization between the replica and its source. - DataTransferred *int64 `json:"data_transferred" validate:"required"` - - // The start date and time of last synchronization between the replica share and its source. - StartedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"started_at" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareLatestSync unmarshals an instance of ShareLatestSync from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareLatestSync(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareLatestSync) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "completed_at", &obj.CompletedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "data_transferred", &obj.DataTransferred) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "started_at", &obj.StartedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTarget : ShareMountTarget struct -type ShareMountTarget struct { - // The access control mode for the share: - // - // - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a mount - // target control access to the mount target. - // - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. - // - // The enumerated access control mode values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, - // check for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which - // the unexpected access control mode was encountered. - AccessControlMode *string `json:"access_control_mode" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the share mount target was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this share mount target. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this share mount target. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the mount target. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The mount path for the share. The server component of the mount path may be either an IP address or a fully - // qualified domain name. - // - // This property will be absent if the `lifecycle_state` of the mount target is - // 'pending', `failed`, or `deleting`. - // - // If the share's `access_control_mode` is: - // - // - `security_group`: The IP address used in the mount path is the `primary_ip` - // address of the virtual network interface for this share mount target. - // - `vpc`: The fully-qualified domain name used in the mount path is an address that - // resolves to the share mount target. - MountPath *string `json:"mount_path,omitempty"` - - // The name for this share mount target. The name is unique across all mount targets for the file share. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP address of the virtual network interface for the share mount target. - // - // Absent if `access_control_mode` is `vpc`. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The subnet of the virtual network interface for the share mount target. - // - // Absent if `access_control_mode` is `vpc`. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet,omitempty"` - - // The transit encryption mode for this share mount target: - // - `none`: Not encrypted in transit - // - `user_managed`: Encrypted in transit using an instance identity certificate - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - TransitEncryption *string `json:"transit_encryption" validate:"required"` - - // The virtual network interface for this file share mount target. - // - // This property will be present when the `access_control_mode` is `security_group`. - VirtualNetworkInterface *VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext `json:"virtual_network_interface,omitempty"` - - // If `access_control_mode` is: - // - // - `security_group`: The VPC for the virtual network interface for this share mount - // target - // - `vpc`: The VPC in which clients can mount the file share using this share - // mount target. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareMountTarget.AccessControlMode property. -// The access control mode for the share: -// -// - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a mount -// target control access to the mount target. -// - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. -// -// The enumerated access control mode values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, -// check for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which -// the unexpected access control mode was encountered. -const ( - ShareMountTargetAccessControlModeSecurityGroupConst = "security_group" - ShareMountTargetAccessControlModeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -// Constants associated with the ShareMountTarget.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the mount target. -const ( - ShareMountTargetLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - ShareMountTargetLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - ShareMountTargetLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - ShareMountTargetLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - ShareMountTargetLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - ShareMountTargetLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - ShareMountTargetLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the ShareMountTarget.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ShareMountTargetResourceTypeShareMountTargetConst = "share_mount_target" -) - -// Constants associated with the ShareMountTarget.TransitEncryption property. -// The transit encryption mode for this share mount target: -// - `none`: Not encrypted in transit -// - `user_managed`: Encrypted in transit using an instance identity certificate -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - ShareMountTargetTransitEncryptionNoneConst = "none" - ShareMountTargetTransitEncryptionUserManagedConst = "user_managed" -) - -// UnmarshalShareMountTarget unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "access_control_mode", &obj.AccessControlMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mount_path", &obj.MountPath) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "transit_encryption", &obj.TransitEncryption) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetCollection : ShareMountTargetCollection struct -type ShareMountTargetCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ShareMountTargetCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of share mount targets. - MountTargets []ShareMountTarget `json:"mount_targets" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ShareMountTargetCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetCollection unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalShareMountTargetCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "mount_targets", &obj.MountTargets, UnmarshalShareMountTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalShareMountTargetCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *ShareMountTargetCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// ShareMountTargetCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ShareMountTargetCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ShareMountTargetCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetPatch : ShareMountTargetPatch struct -type ShareMountTargetPatch struct { - // The name for this share mount target. The name must not be used by another mount target for the file share. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetPatch unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the ShareMountTargetPatch -func (shareMountTargetPatch *ShareMountTargetPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(shareMountTargetPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetPrototype : ShareMountTargetPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup -// - ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC -type ShareMountTargetPrototype struct { - // The name for this share mount target. The name must not be used by another mount target for the file share. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The transit encryption mode to use for this share mount target: - // - `none`: Not encrypted in transit. - // - `user_managed`: Encrypted in transit using an instance identity certificate. The - // `access_control_mode` for the share must be `security_group`. - TransitEncryption *string `json:"transit_encryption,omitempty"` - - VirtualNetworkInterface ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf `json:"virtual_network_interface,omitempty"` - - // Identifies a VPC by a unique property. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareMountTargetPrototype.TransitEncryption property. -// The transit encryption mode to use for this share mount target: -// - `none`: Not encrypted in transit. -// - `user_managed`: Encrypted in transit using an instance identity certificate. The -// `access_control_mode` for the share must be `security_group`. -const ( - ShareMountTargetPrototypeTransitEncryptionNoneConst = "none" - ShareMountTargetPrototypeTransitEncryptionUserManagedConst = "user_managed" -) - -func (*ShareMountTargetPrototype) isaShareMountTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type ShareMountTargetPrototypeIntf interface { - isaShareMountTargetPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototype unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "transit_encryption", &obj.TransitEncryption) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetReference : ShareMountTargetReference struct -type ShareMountTargetReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *ShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this share mount target. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this share mount target. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this share mount target. The name is unique across all mount targets for the file share. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareMountTargetReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ShareMountTargetReferenceResourceTypeShareMountTargetConst = "share_mount_target" -) - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetReference unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type ShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype : ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeShareMountTargetContext -// - ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. If `false`, source IP spoofing is prevented on - // this interface. If `true`, source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this virtual network interface will be automatically deleted when - // `target` is deleted. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the virtual network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - Can only be attached to a `target` with a `resource_type` of - // `bare_metal_server_network_attachment`. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // Additional IP addresses to bind to the virtual network interface. Each item may be either a reserved IP identity, or - // a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a new reserved IP. All IP addresses must be in the - // primary IP's subnet. - // - // If reserved IP identities are provided, the specified reserved IPs must be unbound. - // - // If reserved IP prototype objects with addresses are provided, the addresses must be available on the virtual network - // interface's subnet. For any prototype objects that do not specify an address, an available address on the subnet - // will be automatically selected and reserved. - Ips []VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"ips,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name must not be used by another virtual network interface in the - // VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. Names beginning with `ibm-` are - // reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the virtual network interface. May be either a - // reserved IP identity, or a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a - // new reserved IP. - // - // If a reserved IP identity is provided, the specified reserved IP must be unbound. - // - // If a reserved IP prototype object with an address is provided, the address must be - // available on the virtual network interface's subnet. If no address is specified, - // an available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the - // share's resource group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the default security group of the VPC - // for the subnet is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. Required if `primary_ip` does not specify a reserved IP - // identity. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf interface { - isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SharePatch : SharePatch struct -type SharePatch struct { - // The access control mode for the share: - // - // - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a - // mount target control access to the mount target. - // - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. - // - // For this property to be changed, the share must have no mount targets and - // `replication_role` must be `none`. - AccessControlMode *string `json:"access_control_mode,omitempty"` - - // The maximum input/output operations per second (IOPS) for the file share. The value must be in the range supported - // by the share's size. - // - // For this property to be changed, the share `lifecycle_state` must be `stable` and - // `replication_role` must not be `replica`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this share. The name must not be used by another share in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The profile to use for this file share. - // - // The requested profile must be in the same `family`. - Profile ShareProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for the file share replication schedule. - // - // Replication of a share can be scheduled to occur at most once per hour. - // - // For this property to be changed, the share `replication_role` must be `replica`. - ReplicationCronSpec *string `json:"replication_cron_spec,omitempty"` - - // The size of the file share rounded up to the next gigabyte. The value must not be less than the share's current - // size, and must not exceed the maximum supported by the share's profile and IOPS. - // - // For this property to be changed, the share `lifecycle_state` must be `stable` and - // `replication_role` must not be `replica`. - Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` - - // Tags for this resource. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SharePatch.AccessControlMode property. -// The access control mode for the share: -// -// - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a -// mount target control access to the mount target. -// - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. -// -// For this property to be changed, the share must have no mount targets and -// `replication_role` must be `none`. -const ( - SharePatchAccessControlModeSecurityGroupConst = "security_group" - SharePatchAccessControlModeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -// UnmarshalSharePatch unmarshals an instance of SharePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSharePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SharePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "access_control_mode", &obj.AccessControlMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalShareProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "replication_cron_spec", &obj.ReplicationCronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "size", &obj.Size) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the SharePatch -func (sharePatch *SharePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(sharePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// ShareProfile : ShareProfile struct -type ShareProfile struct { - // The permitted capacity range (in gigabytes) for a share with this profile. - Capacity ShareProfileCapacityIntf `json:"capacity" validate:"required"` - - // The product family this share profile belongs to. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this share profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted IOPS range for a share with this profile. - Iops ShareProfileIopsIntf `json:"iops" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this share profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfile.Family property. -// The product family this share profile belongs to. -const ( - ShareProfileFamilyDefinedPerformanceConst = "defined_performance" -) - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfile.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ShareProfileResourceTypeShareProfileConst = "share_profile" -) - -// UnmarshalShareProfile unmarshals an instance of ShareProfile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfile) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity, UnmarshalShareProfileCapacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "family", &obj.Family) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "iops", &obj.Iops, UnmarshalShareProfileIops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileCapacity : ShareProfileCapacity struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ShareProfileCapacityFixed -// - ShareProfileCapacityRange -// - ShareProfileCapacityEnum -// - ShareProfileCapacityDependentRange -type ShareProfileCapacity struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileCapacity.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileCapacityTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*ShareProfileCapacity) isaShareProfileCapacity() bool { - return true -} - -type ShareProfileCapacityIntf interface { - isaShareProfileCapacity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileCapacity unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileCapacity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileCapacity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileCapacity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileCollection : ShareProfileCollection struct -type ShareProfileCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *ShareProfileCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *ShareProfileCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of share profiles. - Profiles []ShareProfile `json:"profiles" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileCollection unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalShareProfileCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalShareProfileCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profiles", &obj.Profiles, UnmarshalShareProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *ShareProfileCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// ShareProfileCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type ShareProfileCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type ShareProfileCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileIops : ShareProfileIops struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ShareProfileIopsFixed -// - ShareProfileIopsRange -// - ShareProfileIopsEnum -// - ShareProfileIopsDependentRange -type ShareProfileIops struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value,omitempty"` - - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default,omitempty"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step,omitempty"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileIops.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileIopsTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*ShareProfileIops) isaShareProfileIops() bool { - return true -} - -type ShareProfileIopsIntf interface { - isaShareProfileIops() bool -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileIops unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileIops from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileIops(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileIops) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileIdentity : Identifies a share profile by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ShareProfileIdentityByName -// - ShareProfileIdentityByHref -type ShareProfileIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name for this share profile. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this share profile. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ShareProfileIdentity) isaShareProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type ShareProfileIdentityIntf interface { - isaShareProfileIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileIdentity unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileReference : ShareProfileReference struct -type ShareProfileReference struct { - // The URL for this share profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this share profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ShareProfileReferenceResourceTypeShareProfileConst = "share_profile" -) - -// UnmarshalShareProfileReference unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SharePrototype : SharePrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SharePrototypeShareBySize -// - SharePrototypeShareBySourceShare -type SharePrototype struct { - // The maximum input/output operations per second (IOPS) for the file share. The share must be in the - // `defined_performance` profile family, and the value must be in the range supported by the share's specified size. - // - // In addition, each client accessing the share will be restricted to 48,000 IOPS. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The mount targets for the file share. Each mount target must be in a unique VPC. - MountTargets []ShareMountTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"mount_targets,omitempty"` - - // The name for this share. The name must not be used by another share in the region. If unspecified, the name will be - // a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-file-storage-profiles) to use - // for this file share. The profile must support the share's specified IOPS and size. - Profile ShareProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // Configuration for a replica file share to create and associate with this file share. If - // unspecified, a replica may be subsequently added by creating a new file share with a - // `source_share` referencing this file share. - ReplicaShare *SharePrototypeShareContext `json:"replica_share,omitempty"` - - // Tags for this resource. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The zone this file share will reside in. - // - // For a replica share, this must be a different zone in the same region as the - // source share. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The access control mode for the share: - // - // - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a - // mount target control access to the mount target. Mount targets for this share - // require a virtual network interface. - // - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. - // Mount targets for this share require a VPC. - AccessControlMode *string `json:"access_control_mode,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the share. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the share will be `provider_managed`. - // - // The specified key may be in a different account, subject to IAM policies. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The owner assigned to the file share at creation. Subsequent changes to the owner - // must be performed by a client that has mounted the file share. - InitialOwner *ShareInitialOwner `json:"initial_owner,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The size of the file share rounded up to the next gigabyte. - // - // The maximum size for a share may increase in the future. - Size *int64 `json:"size,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for the file share replication schedule. - // - // Replication of a share can be scheduled to occur at most once per hour. - ReplicationCronSpec *string `json:"replication_cron_spec,omitempty"` - - // The source file share for this replica file share. The specified file share must not - // already have a replica, and must not be a replica. If source file share is specified - // by CRN, it may be in an [associated partner - // region](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-file-storage-replication). - SourceShare ShareIdentityIntf `json:"source_share,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SharePrototype.AccessControlMode property. -// The access control mode for the share: -// -// - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a -// mount target control access to the mount target. Mount targets for this share -// require a virtual network interface. -// - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. -// Mount targets for this share require a VPC. -const ( - SharePrototypeAccessControlModeSecurityGroupConst = "security_group" - SharePrototypeAccessControlModeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -func (*SharePrototype) isaSharePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type SharePrototypeIntf interface { - isaSharePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSharePrototype unmarshals an instance of SharePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSharePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SharePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "mount_targets", &obj.MountTargets, UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalShareProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "replica_share", &obj.ReplicaShare, UnmarshalSharePrototypeShareContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "access_control_mode", &obj.AccessControlMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "initial_owner", &obj.InitialOwner, UnmarshalShareInitialOwner) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "size", &obj.Size) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "replication_cron_spec", &obj.ReplicationCronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_share", &obj.SourceShare, UnmarshalShareIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SharePrototypeShareContext : Configuration for a replica file share to create and associate with this file share. If unspecified, a replica may be -// subsequently added by creating a new file share with a -// `source_share` referencing this file share. -type SharePrototypeShareContext struct { - // The maximum input/output operations per second (IOPS) for the file share. The share must be in the - // `defined_performance` profile family, and the value must be in the range supported by the share's specified size. - // - // In addition, each client accessing the share will be restricted to 48,000 IOPS. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The mount targets for this replica file share. Each mount target must be in a unique VPC. - // - // A replica's mount targets must be mounted read-only. - MountTargets []ShareMountTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"mount_targets,omitempty"` - - // The name for this share. The name must not be used by another share in the region. If unspecified, the name will be - // a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-file-storage-profiles) to use - // for this file share. The profile must support the share's specified IOPS and size. - Profile ShareProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The cron specification for the file share replication schedule. - // - // Replication of a share can be scheduled to occur at most once per hour. - ReplicationCronSpec *string `json:"replication_cron_spec" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the resource group from - // the source share will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Tags for this resource. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The zone this replica file share will reside in. - // - // Must be a different zone in the same region as the source share. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSharePrototypeShareContext : Instantiate SharePrototypeShareContext (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSharePrototypeShareContext(profile ShareProfileIdentityIntf, replicationCronSpec string, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) (_model *SharePrototypeShareContext, err error) { - _model = &SharePrototypeShareContext{ - Profile: profile, - ReplicationCronSpec: core.StringPtr(replicationCronSpec), - Zone: zone, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalSharePrototypeShareContext unmarshals an instance of SharePrototypeShareContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSharePrototypeShareContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SharePrototypeShareContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "mount_targets", &obj.MountTargets, UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalShareProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "replication_cron_spec", &obj.ReplicationCronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareReference : ShareReference struct -type ShareReference struct { - // The CRN for this file share. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *ShareReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this file share. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this file share. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this share. The name is unique across all shares in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *ShareRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ShareReferenceResourceTypeShareConst = "share" -) - -// UnmarshalShareReference unmarshals an instance of ShareReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalShareReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalShareRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type ShareReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of ShareReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareRemote : If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference is remote and therefore may not -// be directly retrievable. -type ShareRemote struct { - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // region, and identifies the native region. - Region *RegionReference `json:"region,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalShareRemote unmarshals an instance of ShareRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareReplicationStatusReason : ShareReplicationStatusReason struct -type ShareReplicationStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the status reason. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareReplicationStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. -const ( - ShareReplicationStatusReasonCodeCannotInitializeReplicationConst = "cannot_initialize_replication" - ShareReplicationStatusReasonCodeCannotReachReplicaShareConst = "cannot_reach_replica_share" - ShareReplicationStatusReasonCodeCannotReachSourceShareConst = "cannot_reach_source_share" -) - -// UnmarshalShareReplicationStatusReason unmarshals an instance of ShareReplicationStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareReplicationStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareReplicationStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Snapshot : Snapshot struct -type Snapshot struct { - // If present, the backup policy plan which created this snapshot. - BackupPolicyPlan *BackupPolicyPlanReference `json:"backup_policy_plan,omitempty"` - - // Indicates if a boot volume attachment can be created with a volume created from this snapshot. - Bootable *bool `json:"bootable" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time the data capture for this snapshot was completed. - // - // If absent, this snapshot's data has not yet been captured. Additionally, this property may be absent for snapshots - // created before 1 January 2022. - CapturedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"captured_at,omitempty"` - - // Clones for this snapshot. - Clones []SnapshotClone `json:"clones" validate:"required"` - - // The copies of this snapshot. - Copies []SnapshotCopiesItem `json:"copies" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this snapshot was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN of this snapshot. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this snapshot can be deleted. This value will always be `true`. - // Deprecated: this field is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. - Deletable *bool `json:"deletable" validate:"required"` - - // The type of encryption used on the source volume. - Encryption *string `json:"encryption" validate:"required"` - - // The root key used to wrap the data encryption key for the source volume. - // - // This property will be present for volumes with an `encryption` type of - // `user_managed`. - EncryptionKey *EncryptionKeyReference `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this snapshot. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this snapshot. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of this snapshot. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum capacity of a volume created from this snapshot. When a snapshot is created, this will be set to the - // capacity of the `source_volume`. - MinimumCapacity *int64 `json:"minimum_capacity" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this snapshot. The name is unique across all snapshots in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The operating system included in this snapshot. - OperatingSystem *OperatingSystem `json:"operating_system,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this snapshot. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The [service tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) prefixed with `is.snapshot:` associated with - // this snapshot. - ServiceTags []string `json:"service_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The size of this snapshot rounded up to the next gigabyte. - Size *int64 `json:"size" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the snapshot consistency group which created this snapshot. - SnapshotConsistencyGroup *SnapshotConsistencyGroupReference `json:"snapshot_consistency_group,omitempty"` - - // If present, the image from which the data on this snapshot was most directly - // provisioned. - SourceImage *ImageReference `json:"source_image,omitempty"` - - // If present, the source snapshot this snapshot was created from. - SourceSnapshot *SnapshotSourceSnapshot `json:"source_snapshot,omitempty"` - - // The source volume this snapshot was created from (may be - // [deleted](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#deleted-resources)). - SourceVolume *VolumeReference `json:"source_volume" validate:"required"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this snapshot. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Snapshot.Encryption property. -// The type of encryption used on the source volume. -const ( - SnapshotEncryptionProviderManagedConst = "provider_managed" - SnapshotEncryptionUserManagedConst = "user_managed" -) - -// Constants associated with the Snapshot.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of this snapshot. -const ( - SnapshotLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - SnapshotLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - SnapshotLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - SnapshotLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - SnapshotLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - SnapshotLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - SnapshotLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the Snapshot.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SnapshotResourceTypeSnapshotConst = "snapshot" -) - -// UnmarshalSnapshot unmarshals an instance of Snapshot from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshot(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Snapshot) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "backup_policy_plan", &obj.BackupPolicyPlan, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "bootable", &obj.Bootable) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "captured_at", &obj.CapturedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "clones", &obj.Clones, UnmarshalSnapshotClone) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "copies", &obj.Copies, UnmarshalSnapshotCopiesItem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "deletable", &obj.Deletable) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encryption", &obj.Encryption) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "minimum_capacity", &obj.MinimumCapacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "operating_system", &obj.OperatingSystem, UnmarshalOperatingSystem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "service_tags", &obj.ServiceTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "size", &obj.Size) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "snapshot_consistency_group", &obj.SnapshotConsistencyGroup, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_image", &obj.SourceImage, UnmarshalImageReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotSourceSnapshot) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_volume", &obj.SourceVolume, UnmarshalVolumeReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotClone : SnapshotClone struct -type SnapshotClone struct { - // Indicates whether this snapshot clone is available for use. - Available *bool `json:"available" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this snapshot clone was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this snapshot clone resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotClone unmarshals an instance of SnapshotClone from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotClone(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotClone) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "available", &obj.Available) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotCloneCollection : SnapshotCloneCollection struct -type SnapshotCloneCollection struct { - // Collection of snapshot clones. - Clones []SnapshotClone `json:"clones" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotCloneCollection unmarshals an instance of SnapshotCloneCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotCloneCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotCloneCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "clones", &obj.Clones, UnmarshalSnapshotClone) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotClonePrototype : SnapshotClonePrototype struct -type SnapshotClonePrototype struct { - // The zone this snapshot clone will reside in. Must be in the same region as the - // snapshot. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSnapshotClonePrototype : Instantiate SnapshotClonePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSnapshotClonePrototype(zone ZoneIdentityIntf) (_model *SnapshotClonePrototype, err error) { - _model = &SnapshotClonePrototype{ - Zone: zone, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotClonePrototype unmarshals an instance of SnapshotClonePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotClonePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotClonePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotCollection : SnapshotCollection struct -type SnapshotCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *SnapshotCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *SnapshotCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of snapshots. - Snapshots []Snapshot `json:"snapshots" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotCollection unmarshals an instance of SnapshotCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalSnapshotCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalSnapshotCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "snapshots", &obj.Snapshots, UnmarshalSnapshot) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *SnapshotCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// SnapshotCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type SnapshotCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of SnapshotCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type SnapshotCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of SnapshotCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroup : SnapshotConsistencyGroup struct -type SnapshotConsistencyGroup struct { - // If present, the backup policy plan which created this snapshot consistency group. - BackupPolicyPlan *BackupPolicyPlanReference `json:"backup_policy_plan,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that this snapshot consistency group was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN of this snapshot consistency group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether deleting the snapshot consistency group will also delete the snapshots in the group. - DeleteSnapshotsOnDelete *bool `json:"delete_snapshots_on_delete" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this snapshot consistency group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this snapshot consistency group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of this snapshot consistency group. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this snapshot consistency group. The name is unique across all snapshot consistency groups in the - // region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this snapshot consistency group. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The [service tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this snapshot consistency - // group. Each tag is prefixed with - // [is.instance:](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-snapshots-vpc-faqs). - ServiceTags []string `json:"service_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The member snapshots that are data-consistent with respect to captured time. (may be - // [deleted](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#deleted-resources)). - Snapshots []SnapshotReference `json:"snapshots" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SnapshotConsistencyGroup.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of this snapshot consistency group. -const ( - SnapshotConsistencyGroupLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - SnapshotConsistencyGroupLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - SnapshotConsistencyGroupLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - SnapshotConsistencyGroupLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - SnapshotConsistencyGroupLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - SnapshotConsistencyGroupLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - SnapshotConsistencyGroupLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the SnapshotConsistencyGroup.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SnapshotConsistencyGroupResourceTypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupConst = "snapshot_consistency_group" -) - -// UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroup unmarshals an instance of SnapshotConsistencyGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotConsistencyGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "backup_policy_plan", &obj.BackupPolicyPlan, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_snapshots_on_delete", &obj.DeleteSnapshotsOnDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "service_tags", &obj.ServiceTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "snapshots", &obj.Snapshots, UnmarshalSnapshotReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection : SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection struct -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of snapshot consistency groups. - SnapshotConsistencyGroups []SnapshotConsistencyGroup `json:"snapshot_consistency_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection unmarshals an instance of SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "snapshot_consistency_groups", &obj.SnapshotConsistencyGroups, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotConsistencyGroupCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch : SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch struct -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch struct { - // Indicates whether deleting the snapshot consistency group will also delete the snapshots in the group. - DeleteSnapshotsOnDelete *bool `json:"delete_snapshots_on_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this snapshot consistency group. The name must not be used by another snapshot consistency groups in - // the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch unmarshals an instance of SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_snapshots_on_delete", &obj.DeleteSnapshotsOnDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch -func (snapshotConsistencyGroupPatch *SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(snapshotConsistencyGroupPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype : SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether deleting the snapshot consistency group will also delete the snapshots in the group. - DeleteSnapshotsOnDelete *bool `json:"delete_snapshots_on_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this snapshot consistency group. The name must be unique across all snapshot consistency groups in the - // region. - // - // If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The data-consistent member snapshots to create. All snapshots must specify a - // `source_volume` attached to the same virtual server instance. - Snapshots []SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext `json:"snapshots,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype) isaSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeIntf interface { - isaSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype unmarshals an instance of SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_snapshots_on_delete", &obj.DeleteSnapshotsOnDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "snapshots", &obj.Snapshots, UnmarshalSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroupReference : SnapshotConsistencyGroupReference struct -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupReference struct { - // The CRN of this snapshot consistency group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *SnapshotConsistencyGroupReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this snapshot consistency group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this snapshot consistency group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this snapshot consistency group. The name is unique across all snapshot consistency groups in the - // region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SnapshotConsistencyGroupReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SnapshotConsistencyGroupReferenceResourceTypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupConst = "snapshot_consistency_group" -) - -// UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupReference unmarshals an instance of SnapshotConsistencyGroupReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotConsistencyGroupReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroupReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of SnapshotConsistencyGroupReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotConsistencyGroupReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotCopiesItem : SnapshotCopiesItem struct -type SnapshotCopiesItem struct { - // The CRN for the copied snapshot. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *SnapshotReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for the copied snapshot. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for the copied snapshot. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for the copied snapshot. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *SnapshotRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SnapshotCopiesItem.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SnapshotCopiesItemResourceTypeSnapshotConst = "snapshot" -) - -// UnmarshalSnapshotCopiesItem unmarshals an instance of SnapshotCopiesItem from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotCopiesItem(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotCopiesItem) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalSnapshotReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSnapshotRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotIdentity : Identifies a snapshot by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SnapshotIdentityByID -// - SnapshotIdentityByCRN -// - SnapshotIdentityByHref -type SnapshotIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this snapshot. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN of this snapshot. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this snapshot. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SnapshotIdentity) isaSnapshotIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type SnapshotIdentityIntf interface { - isaSnapshotIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotIdentity unmarshals an instance of SnapshotIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotPatch : SnapshotPatch struct -type SnapshotPatch struct { - // The name for this snapshot. The name must not be used by another snapshot in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this snapshot. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotPatch unmarshals an instance of SnapshotPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the SnapshotPatch -func (snapshotPatch *SnapshotPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(snapshotPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// SnapshotPrototype : SnapshotPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume -// - SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot -type SnapshotPrototype struct { - // Clones to create for this snapshot. - Clones []SnapshotClonePrototype `json:"clones,omitempty"` - - // The name for this snapshot. The name must not be used by another snapshot in the region. If unspecified, the name - // will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this snapshot. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The volume to create this snapshot from. - SourceVolume VolumeIdentityIntf `json:"source_volume,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for this snapshot. - // - // A key must be specified if and only if the source snapshot has an `encryption` type of - // `user_managed`. To maximize snapshot availability and sharing of snapshot data, specify - // a key in the same region as the new snapshot, and use the same encryption key for all - // snapshots using the same source volume. - // - // The specified key may be in a different account, subject to IAM policies. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The source snapshot (in another region) to create this snapshot from. - // The specified snapshot must not already be the source of another snapshot in this - // region. - SourceSnapshot *SnapshotIdentityByCRN `json:"source_snapshot,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SnapshotPrototype) isaSnapshotPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type SnapshotPrototypeIntf interface { - isaSnapshotPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotPrototype unmarshals an instance of SnapshotPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "clones", &obj.Clones, UnmarshalSnapshotClonePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_volume", &obj.SourceVolume, UnmarshalVolumeIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotIdentityByCRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext : SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext struct -type SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext struct { - // The name for this snapshot. The name must not be used by another snapshot in the region. If unspecified, the name - // will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The volume to create this snapshot from. - SourceVolume VolumeIdentityIntf `json:"source_volume" validate:"required"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this snapshot. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` -} - -// NewSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext : Instantiate SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext(sourceVolume VolumeIdentityIntf) (_model *SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext, err error) { - _model = &SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext{ - SourceVolume: sourceVolume, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext unmarshals an instance of SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_volume", &obj.SourceVolume, UnmarshalVolumeIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotReference : SnapshotReference struct -type SnapshotReference struct { - // The CRN of this snapshot. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *SnapshotReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this snapshot. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this snapshot. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this snapshot. The name is unique across all snapshots in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *SnapshotRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SnapshotReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SnapshotReferenceResourceTypeSnapshotConst = "snapshot" -) - -// UnmarshalSnapshotReference unmarshals an instance of SnapshotReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalSnapshotReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSnapshotRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type SnapshotReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of SnapshotReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotRemote : If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference is remote and therefore may not -// be directly retrievable. -type SnapshotRemote struct { - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // region, and identifies the native region. - Region *RegionReference `json:"region,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotRemote unmarshals an instance of SnapshotRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotSourceSnapshot : If present, the source snapshot this snapshot was created from. -type SnapshotSourceSnapshot struct { - // The CRN of the source snapshot. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *SnapshotReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for the source snapshot. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for the source snapshot. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for the source snapshot. The name is unique across all snapshots in the source snapshot's native region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *SnapshotRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SnapshotSourceSnapshot.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SnapshotSourceSnapshotResourceTypeSnapshotConst = "snapshot" -) - -// UnmarshalSnapshotSourceSnapshot unmarshals an instance of SnapshotSourceSnapshot from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotSourceSnapshot(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotSourceSnapshot) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalSnapshotReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSnapshotRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// StartBareMetalServerOptions : The StartBareMetalServer options. -type StartBareMetalServerOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewStartBareMetalServerOptions : Instantiate StartBareMetalServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewStartBareMetalServerOptions(id string) *StartBareMetalServerOptions { - return &StartBareMetalServerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *StartBareMetalServerOptions) SetID(id string) *StartBareMetalServerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *StartBareMetalServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *StartBareMetalServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// StopBareMetalServerOptions : The StopBareMetalServer options. -type StopBareMetalServerOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The type of stop operation: - // - `soft`: signal running operating system to quiesce and shutdown cleanly - // - `hard`: immediately stop the server. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// Constants associated with the StopBareMetalServerOptions.Type property. -// The type of stop operation: -// - `soft`: signal running operating system to quiesce and shutdown cleanly -// - `hard`: immediately stop the server. -const ( - StopBareMetalServerOptionsTypeHardConst = "hard" - StopBareMetalServerOptionsTypeSoftConst = "soft" -) - -// NewStopBareMetalServerOptions : Instantiate StopBareMetalServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewStopBareMetalServerOptions(id string, typeVar string) *StopBareMetalServerOptions { - return &StopBareMetalServerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - Type: core.StringPtr(typeVar), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *StopBareMetalServerOptions) SetID(id string) *StopBareMetalServerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetType : Allow user to set Type -func (_options *StopBareMetalServerOptions) SetType(typeVar string) *StopBareMetalServerOptions { - _options.Type = core.StringPtr(typeVar) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *StopBareMetalServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *StopBareMetalServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// Subnet : Subnet struct -type Subnet struct { - // The number of IPv4 addresses in this subnet that are not in-use, and have not been reserved by the user or the - // provider. - AvailableIpv4AddressCount *int64 `json:"available_ipv4_address_count" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the subnet was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this subnet. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this subnet. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this subnet. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version(s) supported by this subnet. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The IPv4 range of the subnet, expressed in CIDR format. - Ipv4CIDRBlock *string `json:"ipv4_cidr_block" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this subnet. The name is unique across all subnets in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The network ACL for this subnet. - NetworkACL *NetworkACLReference `json:"network_acl" validate:"required"` - - // The public gateway to use for internet-bound traffic for this subnet. - PublicGateway *PublicGatewayReference `json:"public_gateway,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this subnet. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The routing table for this subnet. - RoutingTable *RoutingTableReference `json:"routing_table" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the subnet. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of IPv4 addresses in this subnet. - // - // Note: This is calculated as 2(32 - prefix length). For example, the prefix length `/24` gives:
- // 2(32 - 24) = 28 = 256 addresses. - TotalIpv4AddressCount *int64 `json:"total_ipv4_address_count" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this subnet resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this subnet resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Subnet.IPVersion property. -// The IP version(s) supported by this subnet. -const ( - SubnetIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the Subnet.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SubnetResourceTypeSubnetConst = "subnet" -) - -// Constants associated with the Subnet.Status property. -// The status of the subnet. -const ( - SubnetStatusAvailableConst = "available" - SubnetStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - SubnetStatusFailedConst = "failed" - SubnetStatusPendingConst = "pending" -) - -// UnmarshalSubnet unmarshals an instance of Subnet from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnet(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Subnet) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "available_ipv4_address_count", &obj.AvailableIpv4AddressCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ipv4_cidr_block", &obj.Ipv4CIDRBlock) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_acl", &obj.NetworkACL, UnmarshalNetworkACLReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "public_gateway", &obj.PublicGateway, UnmarshalPublicGatewayReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routing_table", &obj.RoutingTable, UnmarshalRoutingTableReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_ipv4_address_count", &obj.TotalIpv4AddressCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetCollection : SubnetCollection struct -type SubnetCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *SubnetCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *SubnetCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of subnets. - Subnets []Subnet `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetCollection unmarshals an instance of SubnetCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalSubnetCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalSubnetCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnet) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *SubnetCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// SubnetCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type SubnetCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of SubnetCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type SubnetCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of SubnetCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetIdentity : Identifies a subnet by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SubnetIdentityByID -// - SubnetIdentityByCRN -// - SubnetIdentityByHref -type SubnetIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this subnet. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this subnet. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this subnet. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SubnetIdentity) isaSubnetIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type SubnetIdentityIntf interface { - isaSubnetIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetIdentity unmarshals an instance of SubnetIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetPatch : SubnetPatch struct -type SubnetPatch struct { - // The name for this subnet. The name must not be used by another subnet in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The network ACL to use for this subnet. - NetworkACL NetworkACLIdentityIntf `json:"network_acl,omitempty"` - - // The public gateway to use for internet-bound traffic for this subnet. - PublicGateway SubnetPublicGatewayPatchIntf `json:"public_gateway,omitempty"` - - // The routing table to use for this subnet. The routing table properties - // `route_direct_link_ingress`, `route_internet_ingress`, - // `route_transit_gateway_ingress`, and `route_vpc_zone_ingress` must be `false`. - RoutingTable RoutingTableIdentityIntf `json:"routing_table,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetPatch unmarshals an instance of SubnetPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_acl", &obj.NetworkACL, UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "public_gateway", &obj.PublicGateway, UnmarshalSubnetPublicGatewayPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routing_table", &obj.RoutingTable, UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the SubnetPatch -func (subnetPatch *SubnetPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(subnetPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// SubnetPrototype : SubnetPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount -// - SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR -type SubnetPrototype struct { - // The IP version(s) to support for this subnet. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this subnet. The name must not be used by another subnet in the VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a - // hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The network ACL to use for this subnet. - NetworkACL NetworkACLIdentityIntf `json:"network_acl,omitempty"` - - // The public gateway to use for internet-bound traffic for this subnet. If - // unspecified, the subnet will not be attached to a public gateway. - PublicGateway PublicGatewayIdentityIntf `json:"public_gateway,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The routing table to use for this subnet. If unspecified, the default routing table - // for the VPC is used. The routing table properties `route_direct_link_ingress`, - // `route_internet_ingress`, `route_transit_gateway_ingress`, and - // `route_vpc_zone_ingress` must be `false`. - RoutingTable RoutingTableIdentityIntf `json:"routing_table,omitempty"` - - // The VPC the subnet will reside in. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of IPv4 addresses required. Must be a power of 2. The VPC must have a default address prefix in the - // specified zone, and that prefix must have a free CIDR range with at least this number of addresses. - TotalIpv4AddressCount *int64 `json:"total_ipv4_address_count,omitempty"` - - // The zone this subnet will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` - - // The IPv4 range of the subnet, expressed in CIDR format. The prefix length of the subnet's CIDR must be between `/9` - // (8,388,608 addresses) and `/29` (8 addresses). The IPv4 range of the subnet's CIDR must fall within an existing - // address prefix in the VPC and must not overlap with any existing subnet. The subnet will be created in the zone of - // the address prefix that contains the IPv4 CIDR. If zone is specified, it must match the zone of the address prefix - // that contains the subnet's IPv4 CIDR. - Ipv4CIDRBlock *string `json:"ipv4_cidr_block,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SubnetPrototype.IPVersion property. -// The IP version(s) to support for this subnet. -const ( - SubnetPrototypeIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -func (*SubnetPrototype) isaSubnetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type SubnetPrototypeIntf interface { - isaSubnetPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetPrototype unmarshals an instance of SubnetPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_acl", &obj.NetworkACL, UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "public_gateway", &obj.PublicGateway, UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routing_table", &obj.RoutingTable, UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_ipv4_address_count", &obj.TotalIpv4AddressCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ipv4_cidr_block", &obj.Ipv4CIDRBlock) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetPublicGatewayPatch : The public gateway to use for internet-bound traffic for this subnet. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID -// - SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN -// - SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref -type SubnetPublicGatewayPatch struct { - // The unique identifier for this public gateway. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this public gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this public gateway. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SubnetPublicGatewayPatch) isaSubnetPublicGatewayPatch() bool { - return true -} - -type SubnetPublicGatewayPatchIntf interface { - isaSubnetPublicGatewayPatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetPublicGatewayPatch unmarshals an instance of SubnetPublicGatewayPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetPublicGatewayPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetPublicGatewayPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetReference : SubnetReference struct -type SubnetReference struct { - // The CRN for this subnet. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *SubnetReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this subnet. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this subnet. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this subnet. The name is unique across all subnets in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SubnetReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SubnetReferenceResourceTypeSubnetConst = "subnet" -) - -// UnmarshalSubnetReference unmarshals an instance of SubnetReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalSubnetReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type SubnetReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of SubnetReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// TrustedProfileIdentity : Identifies a trusted profile by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID -// - TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN -type TrustedProfileIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this trusted profile. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this trusted profile. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*TrustedProfileIdentity) isaTrustedProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type TrustedProfileIdentityIntf interface { - isaTrustedProfileIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalTrustedProfileIdentity unmarshals an instance of TrustedProfileIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalTrustedProfileIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(TrustedProfileIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// TrustedProfileReference : TrustedProfileReference struct -type TrustedProfileReference struct { - // The CRN for this trusted profile. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this trusted profile. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the TrustedProfileReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - TrustedProfileReferenceResourceTypeTrustedProfileConst = "trusted_profile" -) - -// UnmarshalTrustedProfileReference unmarshals an instance of TrustedProfileReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalTrustedProfileReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(TrustedProfileReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions : The UnsetSubnetPublicGateway options. -type UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions : Instantiate UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions(id string) *UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - return &UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UnsetSubnetPublicGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateBackupPolicyOptions : The UpdateBackupPolicy options. -type UpdateBackupPolicyOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The backup policy patch. - BackupPolicyPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"BackupPolicy_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateBackupPolicyOptions : Instantiate UpdateBackupPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateBackupPolicyOptions(id string, backupPolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions { - return &UpdateBackupPolicyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - BackupPolicyPatch: backupPolicyPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetBackupPolicyPatch : Allow user to set BackupPolicyPatch -func (_options *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions) SetBackupPolicyPatch(backupPolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyPatch = backupPolicyPatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateBackupPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions : The UpdateBackupPolicyPlan options. -type UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions struct { - // The backup policy identifier. - BackupPolicyID *string `json:"backup_policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The backup policy plan identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The backup policy plan patch. - BackupPolicyPlanPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"BackupPolicyPlan_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions : Instantiate UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions(backupPolicyID string, id string, backupPolicyPlanPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - return &UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions{ - BackupPolicyID: core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - BackupPolicyPlanPatch: backupPolicyPlanPatch, - } -} - -// SetBackupPolicyID : Allow user to set BackupPolicyID -func (_options *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetBackupPolicyID(backupPolicyID string) *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyID = core.StringPtr(backupPolicyID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetBackupPolicyPlanPatch : Allow user to set BackupPolicyPlanPatch -func (_options *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetBackupPolicyPlanPatch(backupPolicyPlanPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.BackupPolicyPlanPatch = backupPolicyPlanPatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateBackupPolicyPlanOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions : The UpdateBareMetalServerDisk options. -type UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server disk identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server disk patch. - BareMetalServerDiskPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"BareMetalServerDisk_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions : Instantiate UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions(bareMetalServerID string, id string, bareMetalServerDiskPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions { - return &UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - BareMetalServerDiskPatch: bareMetalServerDiskPatch, - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetBareMetalServerDiskPatch : Allow user to set BareMetalServerDiskPatch -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions) SetBareMetalServerDiskPatch(bareMetalServerDiskPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerDiskPatch = bareMetalServerDiskPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateBareMetalServerDiskOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions : The UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment options. -type UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network attachment identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network attachment patch. - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions : Instantiate UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions(bareMetalServerID string, id string, bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - return &UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch: bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch, - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch : Allow user to set BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch(bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch = bareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions : The UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterface options. -type UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - BareMetalServerID *string `json:"bare_metal_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server network interface patch. - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"BareMetalServerNetworkInterface_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions(bareMetalServerID string, id string, bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - BareMetalServerID: core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch: bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch, - } -} - -// SetBareMetalServerID : Allow user to set BareMetalServerID -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetBareMetalServerID(bareMetalServerID string) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerID = core.StringPtr(bareMetalServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch : Allow user to set BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch(bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch = bareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateBareMetalServerOptions : The UpdateBareMetalServer options. -type UpdateBareMetalServerOptions struct { - // The bare metal server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The bare metal server patch. - BareMetalServerPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"BareMetalServer_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateBareMetalServerOptions : Instantiate UpdateBareMetalServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateBareMetalServerOptions(id string, bareMetalServerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBareMetalServerOptions { - return &UpdateBareMetalServerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - BareMetalServerPatch: bareMetalServerPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateBareMetalServerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetBareMetalServerPatch : Allow user to set BareMetalServerPatch -func (_options *UpdateBareMetalServerOptions) SetBareMetalServerPatch(bareMetalServerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateBareMetalServerOptions { - _options.BareMetalServerPatch = bareMetalServerPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateBareMetalServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateBareMetalServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions : The UpdateDedicatedHostDisk options. -type UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions struct { - // The dedicated host identifier. - DedicatedHostID *string `json:"dedicated_host_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The dedicated host disk identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The dedicated host disk patch. - DedicatedHostDiskPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"DedicatedHostDisk_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions : Instantiate UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions(dedicatedHostID string, id string, dedicatedHostDiskPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions { - return &UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions{ - DedicatedHostID: core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - DedicatedHostDiskPatch: dedicatedHostDiskPatch, - } -} - -// SetDedicatedHostID : Allow user to set DedicatedHostID -func (_options *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions) SetDedicatedHostID(dedicatedHostID string) *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostID = core.StringPtr(dedicatedHostID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetDedicatedHostDiskPatch : Allow user to set DedicatedHostDiskPatch -func (_options *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions) SetDedicatedHostDiskPatch(dedicatedHostDiskPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostDiskPatch = dedicatedHostDiskPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateDedicatedHostDiskOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions : The UpdateDedicatedHostGroup options. -type UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions struct { - // The dedicated host group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The dedicated host group patch. - DedicatedHostGroupPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"DedicatedHostGroup_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions : Instantiate UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions(id string, dedicatedHostGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - return &UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - DedicatedHostGroupPatch: dedicatedHostGroupPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetDedicatedHostGroupPatch : Allow user to set DedicatedHostGroupPatch -func (_options *UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetDedicatedHostGroupPatch(dedicatedHostGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostGroupPatch = dedicatedHostGroupPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateDedicatedHostGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateDedicatedHostOptions : The UpdateDedicatedHost options. -type UpdateDedicatedHostOptions struct { - // The dedicated host identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The dedicated host patch. - DedicatedHostPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"DedicatedHost_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateDedicatedHostOptions : Instantiate UpdateDedicatedHostOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateDedicatedHostOptions(id string, dedicatedHostPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateDedicatedHostOptions { - return &UpdateDedicatedHostOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - DedicatedHostPatch: dedicatedHostPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateDedicatedHostOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateDedicatedHostOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetDedicatedHostPatch : Allow user to set DedicatedHostPatch -func (_options *UpdateDedicatedHostOptions) SetDedicatedHostPatch(dedicatedHostPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateDedicatedHostOptions { - _options.DedicatedHostPatch = dedicatedHostPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateDedicatedHostOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateDedicatedHostOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions : The UpdateEndpointGateway options. -type UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions struct { - // The endpoint gateway identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The endpoint gateway patch. - EndpointGatewayPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"EndpointGateway_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateEndpointGatewayOptions : Instantiate UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateEndpointGatewayOptions(id string, endpointGatewayPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions { - return &UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - EndpointGatewayPatch: endpointGatewayPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetEndpointGatewayPatch : Allow user to set EndpointGatewayPatch -func (_options *UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetEndpointGatewayPatch(endpointGatewayPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions { - _options.EndpointGatewayPatch = endpointGatewayPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateEndpointGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateFloatingIPOptions : The UpdateFloatingIP options. -type UpdateFloatingIPOptions struct { - // The floating IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The floating IP patch. - FloatingIPPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"FloatingIP_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateFloatingIPOptions : Instantiate UpdateFloatingIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateFloatingIPOptions(id string, floatingIPPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateFloatingIPOptions { - return &UpdateFloatingIPOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - FloatingIPPatch: floatingIPPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateFloatingIPOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateFloatingIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetFloatingIPPatch : Allow user to set FloatingIPPatch -func (_options *UpdateFloatingIPOptions) SetFloatingIPPatch(floatingIPPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateFloatingIPOptions { - _options.FloatingIPPatch = floatingIPPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateFloatingIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateFloatingIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions : The UpdateFlowLogCollector options. -type UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions struct { - // The flow log collector identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The flow log collector patch. - FlowLogCollectorPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"FlowLogCollector_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions : Instantiate UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions(id string, flowLogCollectorPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - return &UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - FlowLogCollectorPatch: flowLogCollectorPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetFlowLogCollectorPatch : Allow user to set FlowLogCollectorPatch -func (_options *UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetFlowLogCollectorPatch(flowLogCollectorPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - _options.FlowLogCollectorPatch = flowLogCollectorPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateFlowLogCollectorOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateIkePolicyOptions : The UpdateIkePolicy options. -type UpdateIkePolicyOptions struct { - // The IKE policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The IKE policy patch. - IkePolicyPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"IkePolicy_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateIkePolicyOptions : Instantiate UpdateIkePolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateIkePolicyOptions(id string, ikePolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateIkePolicyOptions { - return &UpdateIkePolicyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - IkePolicyPatch: ikePolicyPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateIkePolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateIkePolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIkePolicyPatch : Allow user to set IkePolicyPatch -func (_options *UpdateIkePolicyOptions) SetIkePolicyPatch(ikePolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateIkePolicyOptions { - _options.IkePolicyPatch = ikePolicyPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateIkePolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateIkePolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateImageExportJobOptions : The UpdateImageExportJob options. -type UpdateImageExportJobOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ImageID *string `json:"image_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The image export job identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The image export job patch. - ImageExportJobPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"ImageExportJob_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateImageExportJobOptions : Instantiate UpdateImageExportJobOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateImageExportJobOptions(imageID string, id string, imageExportJobPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateImageExportJobOptions { - return &UpdateImageExportJobOptions{ - ImageID: core.StringPtr(imageID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - ImageExportJobPatch: imageExportJobPatch, - } -} - -// SetImageID : Allow user to set ImageID -func (_options *UpdateImageExportJobOptions) SetImageID(imageID string) *UpdateImageExportJobOptions { - _options.ImageID = core.StringPtr(imageID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateImageExportJobOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateImageExportJobOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetImageExportJobPatch : Allow user to set ImageExportJobPatch -func (_options *UpdateImageExportJobOptions) SetImageExportJobPatch(imageExportJobPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateImageExportJobOptions { - _options.ImageExportJobPatch = imageExportJobPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateImageExportJobOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateImageExportJobOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateImageOptions : The UpdateImage options. -type UpdateImageOptions struct { - // The image identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The image patch. - ImagePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Image_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateImageOptions : Instantiate UpdateImageOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateImageOptions(id string, imagePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateImageOptions { - return &UpdateImageOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - ImagePatch: imagePatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateImageOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateImageOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetImagePatch : Allow user to set ImagePatch -func (_options *UpdateImageOptions) SetImagePatch(imagePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateImageOptions { - _options.ImagePatch = imagePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateImageOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateImageOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceDiskOptions : The UpdateInstanceDisk options. -type UpdateInstanceDiskOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance disk identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance disk patch. - InstanceDiskPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"InstanceDisk_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceDiskOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceDiskOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceDiskOptions(instanceID string, id string, instanceDiskPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceDiskOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - InstanceDiskPatch: instanceDiskPatch, - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceDiskPatch : Allow user to set InstanceDiskPatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions) SetInstanceDiskPatch(instanceDiskPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions { - _options.InstanceDiskPatch = instanceDiskPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceDiskOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions : The UpdateInstanceGroupManagerAction options. -type UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager action identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager action patch. - InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"InstanceGroupManagerAction_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string, id string, instanceGroupManagerActionPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch: instanceGroupManagerActionPatch, - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerActionPatch : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerActionPatch(instanceGroupManagerActionPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerActionPatch = instanceGroupManagerActionPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerActionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions : The UpdateInstanceGroupManager options. -type UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager patch. - InstanceGroupManagerPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"InstanceGroupManager_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions(instanceGroupID string, id string, instanceGroupManagerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - InstanceGroupManagerPatch: instanceGroupManagerPatch, - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerPatch : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerPatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerPatch(instanceGroupManagerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerPatch = instanceGroupManagerPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions : The UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicy options. -type UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager identifier. - InstanceGroupManagerID *string `json:"instance_group_manager_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group manager policy patch. - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"InstanceGroupManagerPolicy_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions(instanceGroupID string, instanceGroupManagerID string, id string, instanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - InstanceGroupManagerID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch: instanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch, - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerID(instanceGroupManagerID string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupManagerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch : Allow user to set InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch(instanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch = instanceGroupManagerPolicyPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceGroupManagerPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions : The UpdateInstanceGroupMembership options. -type UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - InstanceGroupID *string `json:"instance_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group membership identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group membership patch. - InstanceGroupMembershipPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"InstanceGroupMembership_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions(instanceGroupID string, id string, instanceGroupMembershipPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions{ - InstanceGroupID: core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - InstanceGroupMembershipPatch: instanceGroupMembershipPatch, - } -} - -// SetInstanceGroupID : Allow user to set InstanceGroupID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetInstanceGroupID(instanceGroupID string) *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupID = core.StringPtr(instanceGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupMembershipPatch : Allow user to set InstanceGroupMembershipPatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetInstanceGroupMembershipPatch(instanceGroupMembershipPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupMembershipPatch = instanceGroupMembershipPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceGroupMembershipOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceGroupOptions : The UpdateInstanceGroup options. -type UpdateInstanceGroupOptions struct { - // The instance group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance group patch. - InstanceGroupPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"InstanceGroup_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceGroupOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceGroupOptions(id string, instanceGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - InstanceGroupPatch: instanceGroupPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceGroupPatch : Allow user to set InstanceGroupPatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceGroupOptions) SetInstanceGroupPatch(instanceGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceGroupOptions { - _options.InstanceGroupPatch = instanceGroupPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions : The UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachment options. -type UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network attachment identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network attachment patch. - InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"InstanceNetworkAttachment_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions(instanceID string, id string, instanceNetworkAttachmentPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch: instanceNetworkAttachmentPatch, - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch : Allow user to set InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetInstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch(instanceNetworkAttachmentPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - _options.InstanceNetworkAttachmentPatch = instanceNetworkAttachmentPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceNetworkAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions : The UpdateInstanceNetworkInterface options. -type UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance network interface patch. - NetworkInterfacePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"NetworkInterface_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions(instanceID string, id string, networkInterfacePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - NetworkInterfacePatch: networkInterfacePatch, - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkInterfacePatch : Allow user to set NetworkInterfacePatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetNetworkInterfacePatch(networkInterfacePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.NetworkInterfacePatch = networkInterfacePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceOptions : The UpdateInstance options. -type UpdateInstanceOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance patch. - InstancePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Instance_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceOptions(id string, instancePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - InstancePatch: instancePatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetInstancePatch : Allow user to set InstancePatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceOptions) SetInstancePatch(instancePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceOptions { - _options.InstancePatch = instancePatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateInstanceOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions : The UpdateInstanceTemplate options. -type UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions struct { - // The instance template identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The instance template patch. - InstanceTemplatePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"InstanceTemplate_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceTemplateOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceTemplateOptions(id string, instanceTemplatePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - InstanceTemplatePatch: instanceTemplatePatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetInstanceTemplatePatch : Allow user to set InstanceTemplatePatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions) SetInstanceTemplatePatch(instanceTemplatePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions { - _options.InstanceTemplatePatch = instanceTemplatePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceTemplateOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions : The UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachment options. -type UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions struct { - // The virtual server instance identifier. - InstanceID *string `json:"instance_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The volume attachment identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The volume attachment patch. - VolumeAttachmentPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"VolumeAttachment_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions : Instantiate UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions(instanceID string, id string, volumeAttachmentPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - return &UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions{ - InstanceID: core.StringPtr(instanceID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - VolumeAttachmentPatch: volumeAttachmentPatch, - } -} - -// SetInstanceID : Allow user to set InstanceID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetInstanceID(instanceID string) *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.InstanceID = core.StringPtr(instanceID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetVolumeAttachmentPatch : Allow user to set VolumeAttachmentPatch -func (_options *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetVolumeAttachmentPatch(volumeAttachmentPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - _options.VolumeAttachmentPatch = volumeAttachmentPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateInstanceVolumeAttachmentOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions : The UpdateIpsecPolicy options. -type UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions struct { - // The IPsec policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The IPsec policy patch. - IPsecPolicyPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"IPsecPolicy_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateIpsecPolicyOptions : Instantiate UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateIpsecPolicyOptions(id string, iPsecPolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions { - return &UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - IPsecPolicyPatch: iPsecPolicyPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetIPsecPolicyPatch : Allow user to set IPsecPolicyPatch -func (_options *UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetIPsecPolicyPatch(iPsecPolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions { - _options.IPsecPolicyPatch = iPsecPolicyPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateIpsecPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateKeyOptions : The UpdateKey options. -type UpdateKeyOptions struct { - // The key identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The key patch. - KeyPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Key_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateKeyOptions : Instantiate UpdateKeyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateKeyOptions(id string, keyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateKeyOptions { - return &UpdateKeyOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - KeyPatch: keyPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateKeyOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateKeyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetKeyPatch : Allow user to set KeyPatch -func (_options *UpdateKeyOptions) SetKeyPatch(keyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateKeyOptions { - _options.KeyPatch = keyPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateKeyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateKeyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions : The UpdateLoadBalancerListener options. -type UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The load balancer listener patch. - LoadBalancerListenerPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"LoadBalancerListener_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions : Instantiate UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions(loadBalancerID string, id string, loadBalancerListenerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - return &UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - LoadBalancerListenerPatch: loadBalancerListenerPatch, - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetLoadBalancerListenerPatch : Allow user to set LoadBalancerListenerPatch -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetLoadBalancerListenerPatch(loadBalancerListenerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerListenerPatch = loadBalancerListenerPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions : The UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicy options. -type UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The policy identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener policy patch. - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"LoadBalancerListenerPolicy_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions : Instantiate UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string, id string, loadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - return &UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch: loadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch, - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch : Allow user to set LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch(loadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch = loadBalancerListenerPolicyPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions : The UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule options. -type UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener identifier. - ListenerID *string `json:"listener_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The policy identifier. - PolicyID *string `json:"policy_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The rule identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The listener policy rule patch. - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRule_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions : Instantiate UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions(loadBalancerID string, listenerID string, policyID string, id string, loadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - return &UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ListenerID: core.StringPtr(listenerID), - PolicyID: core.StringPtr(policyID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch: loadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch, - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetListenerID : Allow user to set ListenerID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetListenerID(listenerID string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.ListenerID = core.StringPtr(listenerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPolicyID : Allow user to set PolicyID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetPolicyID(policyID string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.PolicyID = core.StringPtr(policyID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch : Allow user to set LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch(loadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch = loadBalancerListenerPolicyRulePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerOptions : The UpdateLoadBalancer options. -type UpdateLoadBalancerOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The load balancer patch. - LoadBalancerPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"LoadBalancer_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateLoadBalancerOptions : Instantiate UpdateLoadBalancerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateLoadBalancerOptions(id string, loadBalancerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions { - return &UpdateLoadBalancerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - LoadBalancerPatch: loadBalancerPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetLoadBalancerPatch : Allow user to set LoadBalancerPatch -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions) SetLoadBalancerPatch(loadBalancerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerPatch = loadBalancerPatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateLoadBalancerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions : The UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMember options. -type UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The pool identifier. - PoolID *string `json:"pool_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The member identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The load balancer pool member patch. - LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"LoadBalancerPoolMember_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions : Instantiate UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions(loadBalancerID string, poolID string, id string, loadBalancerPoolMemberPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - return &UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - PoolID: core.StringPtr(poolID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch: loadBalancerPoolMemberPatch, - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetPoolID : Allow user to set PoolID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetPoolID(poolID string) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.PoolID = core.StringPtr(poolID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetLoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch : Allow user to set LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetLoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch(loadBalancerPoolMemberPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerPoolMemberPatch = loadBalancerPoolMemberPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolMemberOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions : The UpdateLoadBalancerPool options. -type UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions struct { - // The load balancer identifier. - LoadBalancerID *string `json:"load_balancer_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The pool identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The load balancer pool patch. - LoadBalancerPoolPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"LoadBalancerPool_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions : Instantiate UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions(loadBalancerID string, id string, loadBalancerPoolPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - return &UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions{ - LoadBalancerID: core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - LoadBalancerPoolPatch: loadBalancerPoolPatch, - } -} - -// SetLoadBalancerID : Allow user to set LoadBalancerID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetLoadBalancerID(loadBalancerID string) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerID = core.StringPtr(loadBalancerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetLoadBalancerPoolPatch : Allow user to set LoadBalancerPoolPatch -func (_options *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetLoadBalancerPoolPatch(loadBalancerPoolPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - _options.LoadBalancerPoolPatch = loadBalancerPoolPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateLoadBalancerPoolOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateNetworkACLOptions : The UpdateNetworkACL options. -type UpdateNetworkACLOptions struct { - // The network ACL identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The network ACL patch. - NetworkACLPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"NetworkACL_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateNetworkACLOptions : Instantiate UpdateNetworkACLOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateNetworkACLOptions(id string, networkACLPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateNetworkACLOptions { - return &UpdateNetworkACLOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - NetworkACLPatch: networkACLPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateNetworkACLOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateNetworkACLOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkACLPatch : Allow user to set NetworkACLPatch -func (_options *UpdateNetworkACLOptions) SetNetworkACLPatch(networkACLPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateNetworkACLOptions { - _options.NetworkACLPatch = networkACLPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateNetworkACLOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateNetworkACLOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions : The UpdateNetworkACLRule options. -type UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions struct { - // The network ACL identifier. - NetworkACLID *string `json:"network_acl_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The rule identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The network ACL rule patch. - NetworkACLRulePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"NetworkACLRule_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions : Instantiate UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions(networkACLID string, id string, networkACLRulePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions { - return &UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions{ - NetworkACLID: core.StringPtr(networkACLID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - NetworkACLRulePatch: networkACLRulePatch, - } -} - -// SetNetworkACLID : Allow user to set NetworkACLID -func (_options *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetNetworkACLID(networkACLID string) *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions { - _options.NetworkACLID = core.StringPtr(networkACLID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetNetworkACLRulePatch : Allow user to set NetworkACLRulePatch -func (_options *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetNetworkACLRulePatch(networkACLRulePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions { - _options.NetworkACLRulePatch = networkACLRulePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateNetworkACLRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdatePlacementGroupOptions : The UpdatePlacementGroup options. -type UpdatePlacementGroupOptions struct { - // The placement group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The placement group patch. - PlacementGroupPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"PlacementGroup_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdatePlacementGroupOptions : Instantiate UpdatePlacementGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdatePlacementGroupOptions(id string, placementGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdatePlacementGroupOptions { - return &UpdatePlacementGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - PlacementGroupPatch: placementGroupPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdatePlacementGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdatePlacementGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetPlacementGroupPatch : Allow user to set PlacementGroupPatch -func (_options *UpdatePlacementGroupOptions) SetPlacementGroupPatch(placementGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdatePlacementGroupOptions { - _options.PlacementGroupPatch = placementGroupPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdatePlacementGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdatePlacementGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdatePublicGatewayOptions : The UpdatePublicGateway options. -type UpdatePublicGatewayOptions struct { - // The public gateway identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The public gateway patch. - PublicGatewayPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"PublicGateway_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdatePublicGatewayOptions : Instantiate UpdatePublicGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdatePublicGatewayOptions(id string, publicGatewayPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdatePublicGatewayOptions { - return &UpdatePublicGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - PublicGatewayPatch: publicGatewayPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdatePublicGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdatePublicGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetPublicGatewayPatch : Allow user to set PublicGatewayPatch -func (_options *UpdatePublicGatewayOptions) SetPublicGatewayPatch(publicGatewayPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdatePublicGatewayOptions { - _options.PublicGatewayPatch = publicGatewayPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdatePublicGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdatePublicGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateReservationOptions : The UpdateReservation options. -type UpdateReservationOptions struct { - // The reservation identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reservation patch. - ReservationPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Reservation_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateReservationOptions : Instantiate UpdateReservationOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateReservationOptions(id string, reservationPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateReservationOptions { - return &UpdateReservationOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - ReservationPatch: reservationPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateReservationOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateReservationOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetReservationPatch : Allow user to set ReservationPatch -func (_options *UpdateReservationOptions) SetReservationPatch(reservationPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateReservationOptions { - _options.ReservationPatch = reservationPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateReservationOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateReservationOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateSecurityGroupOptions : The UpdateSecurityGroup options. -type UpdateSecurityGroupOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The security group patch. - SecurityGroupPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"SecurityGroup_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateSecurityGroupOptions : Instantiate UpdateSecurityGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateSecurityGroupOptions(id string, securityGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSecurityGroupOptions { - return &UpdateSecurityGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - SecurityGroupPatch: securityGroupPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateSecurityGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateSecurityGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetSecurityGroupPatch : Allow user to set SecurityGroupPatch -func (_options *UpdateSecurityGroupOptions) SetSecurityGroupPatch(securityGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSecurityGroupOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupPatch = securityGroupPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateSecurityGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateSecurityGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions : The UpdateSecurityGroupRule options. -type UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions struct { - // The security group identifier. - SecurityGroupID *string `json:"security_group_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The rule identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The security group rule patch. - SecurityGroupRulePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"SecurityGroupRule_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions : Instantiate UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions(securityGroupID string, id string, securityGroupRulePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - return &UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions{ - SecurityGroupID: core.StringPtr(securityGroupID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - SecurityGroupRulePatch: securityGroupRulePatch, - } -} - -// SetSecurityGroupID : Allow user to set SecurityGroupID -func (_options *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetSecurityGroupID(securityGroupID string) *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupID = core.StringPtr(securityGroupID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetSecurityGroupRulePatch : Allow user to set SecurityGroupRulePatch -func (_options *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetSecurityGroupRulePatch(securityGroupRulePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - _options.SecurityGroupRulePatch = securityGroupRulePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateSecurityGroupRuleOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateShareMountTargetOptions : The UpdateShareMountTarget options. -type UpdateShareMountTargetOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ShareID *string `json:"share_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The share mount target identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The share mount target patch. - ShareMountTargetPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"ShareMountTarget_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateShareMountTargetOptions : Instantiate UpdateShareMountTargetOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateShareMountTargetOptions(shareID string, id string, shareMountTargetPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions { - return &UpdateShareMountTargetOptions{ - ShareID: core.StringPtr(shareID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - ShareMountTargetPatch: shareMountTargetPatch, - } -} - -// SetShareID : Allow user to set ShareID -func (_options *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions) SetShareID(shareID string) *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions { - _options.ShareID = core.StringPtr(shareID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetShareMountTargetPatch : Allow user to set ShareMountTargetPatch -func (_options *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions) SetShareMountTargetPatch(shareMountTargetPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions { - _options.ShareMountTargetPatch = shareMountTargetPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateShareMountTargetOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateShareOptions : The UpdateShare options. -type UpdateShareOptions struct { - // The file share identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The file share patch. - SharePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Share_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateShareOptions : Instantiate UpdateShareOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateShareOptions(id string, sharePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateShareOptions { - return &UpdateShareOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - SharePatch: sharePatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateShareOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateShareOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetSharePatch : Allow user to set SharePatch -func (_options *UpdateShareOptions) SetSharePatch(sharePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateShareOptions { - _options.SharePatch = sharePatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateShareOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateShareOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateShareOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateShareOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions : The UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroup options. -type UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions struct { - // The snapshot consistency group identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The snapshot consistency group patch. - SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"SnapshotConsistencyGroup_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions : Instantiate UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions(id string, snapshotConsistencyGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - return &UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch: snapshotConsistencyGroupPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetSnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch : Allow user to set SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch -func (_options *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetSnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch(snapshotConsistencyGroupPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - _options.SnapshotConsistencyGroupPatch = snapshotConsistencyGroupPatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateSnapshotConsistencyGroupOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateSnapshotOptions : The UpdateSnapshot options. -type UpdateSnapshotOptions struct { - // The snapshot identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The snapshot patch. - SnapshotPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Snapshot_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateSnapshotOptions : Instantiate UpdateSnapshotOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateSnapshotOptions(id string, snapshotPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSnapshotOptions { - return &UpdateSnapshotOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - SnapshotPatch: snapshotPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateSnapshotOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateSnapshotOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetSnapshotPatch : Allow user to set SnapshotPatch -func (_options *UpdateSnapshotOptions) SetSnapshotPatch(snapshotPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSnapshotOptions { - _options.SnapshotPatch = snapshotPatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateSnapshotOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateSnapshotOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateSnapshotOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateSnapshotOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateSubnetOptions : The UpdateSubnet options. -type UpdateSubnetOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The subnet patch. - SubnetPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Subnet_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateSubnetOptions : Instantiate UpdateSubnetOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateSubnetOptions(id string, subnetPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSubnetOptions { - return &UpdateSubnetOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - SubnetPatch: subnetPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateSubnetOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateSubnetOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetSubnetPatch : Allow user to set SubnetPatch -func (_options *UpdateSubnetOptions) SetSubnetPatch(subnetPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSubnetOptions { - _options.SubnetPatch = subnetPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateSubnetOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateSubnetOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions : The UpdateSubnetReservedIP options. -type UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions struct { - // The subnet identifier. - SubnetID *string `json:"subnet_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The reserved IP patch. - ReservedIPPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"ReservedIP_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions : Instantiate UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions(subnetID string, id string, reservedIPPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - return &UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions{ - SubnetID: core.StringPtr(subnetID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - ReservedIPPatch: reservedIPPatch, - } -} - -// SetSubnetID : Allow user to set SubnetID -func (_options *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetSubnetID(subnetID string) *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.SubnetID = core.StringPtr(subnetID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetReservedIPPatch : Allow user to set ReservedIPPatch -func (_options *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetReservedIPPatch(reservedIPPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - _options.ReservedIPPatch = reservedIPPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateSubnetReservedIPOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions : The UpdateVirtualNetworkInterface options. -type UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions struct { - // The virtual network interface identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The virtual network interface patch. - VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"VirtualNetworkInterface_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions : Instantiate UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions(id string, virtualNetworkInterfacePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - return &UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch: virtualNetworkInterfacePatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetVirtualNetworkInterfacePatch : Allow user to set VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch -func (_options *UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetVirtualNetworkInterfacePatch(virtualNetworkInterfacePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - _options.VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch = virtualNetworkInterfacePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVirtualNetworkInterfaceOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVolumeOptions : The UpdateVolume options. -type UpdateVolumeOptions struct { - // The volume identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The volume patch. - VolumePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Volume_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVolumeOptions : Instantiate UpdateVolumeOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVolumeOptions(id string, volumePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVolumeOptions { - return &UpdateVolumeOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - VolumePatch: volumePatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVolumeOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVolumeOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetVolumePatch : Allow user to set VolumePatch -func (_options *UpdateVolumeOptions) SetVolumePatch(volumePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVolumeOptions { - _options.VolumePatch = volumePatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateVolumeOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateVolumeOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVolumeOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVolumeOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions : The UpdateVPCAddressPrefix options. -type UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The prefix patch. - AddressPrefixPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"AddressPrefix_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions(vpcID string, id string, addressPrefixPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - return &UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - AddressPrefixPatch: addressPrefixPatch, - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetAddressPrefixPatch : Allow user to set AddressPrefixPatch -func (_options *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetAddressPrefixPatch(addressPrefixPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - _options.AddressPrefixPatch = addressPrefixPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPCAddressPrefixOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions : The UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBinding options. -type UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The DNS resolution binding identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The DNS resolution binding patch. - VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"VpcdnsResolutionBinding_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions(vpcID string, id string, vpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - return &UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch: vpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch, - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetVpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch : Allow user to set VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch -func (_options *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetVpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch(vpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - _options.VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch = vpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPCDnsResolutionBindingOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPCOptions : The UpdateVPC options. -type UpdateVPCOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPC patch. - VPCPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"VPC_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPCOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPCOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPCOptions(id string, vpcPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCOptions { - return &UpdateVPCOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - VPCPatch: vpcPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPCOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPCOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetVPCPatch : Allow user to set VPCPatch -func (_options *UpdateVPCOptions) SetVPCPatch(vpcPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCOptions { - _options.VPCPatch = vpcPatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateVPCOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateVPCOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPCOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPCOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPCRouteOptions : The UpdateVPCRoute options. -type UpdateVPCRouteOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The route identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The route patch. - RoutePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Route_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPCRouteOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPCRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPCRouteOptions(vpcID string, id string, routePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCRouteOptions { - return &UpdateVPCRouteOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - RoutePatch: routePatch, - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *UpdateVPCRouteOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *UpdateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPCRouteOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutePatch : Allow user to set RoutePatch -func (_options *UpdateVPCRouteOptions) SetRoutePatch(routePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCRouteOptions { - _options.RoutePatch = routePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPCRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPCRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions : The UpdateVPCRoutingTable options. -type UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table patch. - RoutingTablePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"RoutingTable_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions(vpcID string, id string, routingTablePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - return &UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - RoutingTablePatch: routingTablePatch, - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutingTablePatch : Allow user to set RoutingTablePatch -func (_options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetRoutingTablePatch(routingTablePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.RoutingTablePatch = routingTablePatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions : The UpdateVPCRoutingTableRoute options. -type UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions struct { - // The VPC identifier. - VPCID *string `json:"vpc_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The routing table identifier. - RoutingTableID *string `json:"routing_table_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPC routing table route identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPC route patch. - RoutePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"Route_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions(vpcID string, routingTableID string, id string, routePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - return &UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions{ - VPCID: core.StringPtr(vpcID), - RoutingTableID: core.StringPtr(routingTableID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - RoutePatch: routePatch, - } -} - -// SetVPCID : Allow user to set VPCID -func (_options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetVPCID(vpcID string) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.VPCID = core.StringPtr(vpcID) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutingTableID : Allow user to set RoutingTableID -func (_options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetRoutingTableID(routingTableID string) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.RoutingTableID = core.StringPtr(routingTableID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetRoutePatch : Allow user to set RoutePatch -func (_options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetRoutePatch(routePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - _options.RoutePatch = routePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPCRoutingTableRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions : The UpdateVPNGatewayConnection options. -type UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - VPNGatewayID *string `json:"vpn_gateway_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway connection patch. - VPNGatewayConnectionPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"VPNGatewayConnection_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions(vpnGatewayID string, id string, vpnGatewayConnectionPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - return &UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions{ - VPNGatewayID: core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - VPNGatewayConnectionPatch: vpnGatewayConnectionPatch, - } -} - -// SetVPNGatewayID : Allow user to set VPNGatewayID -func (_options *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetVPNGatewayID(vpnGatewayID string) *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayID = core.StringPtr(vpnGatewayID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetVPNGatewayConnectionPatch : Allow user to set VPNGatewayConnectionPatch -func (_options *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetVPNGatewayConnectionPatch(vpnGatewayConnectionPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayConnectionPatch = vpnGatewayConnectionPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPNGatewayConnectionOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPNGatewayOptions : The UpdateVPNGateway options. -type UpdateVPNGatewayOptions struct { - // The VPN gateway identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN gateway patch. - VPNGatewayPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"VPNGateway_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPNGatewayOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPNGatewayOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPNGatewayOptions(id string, vpnGatewayPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPNGatewayOptions { - return &UpdateVPNGatewayOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - VPNGatewayPatch: vpnGatewayPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPNGatewayOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPNGatewayOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetVPNGatewayPatch : Allow user to set VPNGatewayPatch -func (_options *UpdateVPNGatewayOptions) SetVPNGatewayPatch(vpnGatewayPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPNGatewayOptions { - _options.VPNGatewayPatch = vpnGatewayPatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPNGatewayOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPNGatewayOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPNServerOptions : The UpdateVPNServer options. -type UpdateVPNServerOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN server patch. - VPNServerPatch map[string]interface{} `json:"VPNServer_patch" validate:"required"` - - // If present, the request will fail if the specified ETag value does not match the resource's current ETag value. - // Required if the request body includes an array. - IfMatch *string `json:"If-Match,omitempty"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPNServerOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPNServerOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPNServerOptions(id string, vpnServerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPNServerOptions { - return &UpdateVPNServerOptions{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - VPNServerPatch: vpnServerPatch, - } -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPNServerOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPNServerOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetVPNServerPatch : Allow user to set VPNServerPatch -func (_options *UpdateVPNServerOptions) SetVPNServerPatch(vpnServerPatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPNServerOptions { - _options.VPNServerPatch = vpnServerPatch - return _options -} - -// SetIfMatch : Allow user to set IfMatch -func (_options *UpdateVPNServerOptions) SetIfMatch(ifMatch string) *UpdateVPNServerOptions { - _options.IfMatch = core.StringPtr(ifMatch) - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPNServerOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPNServerOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions : The UpdateVPNServerRoute options. -type UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions struct { - // The VPN server identifier. - VPNServerID *string `json:"vpn_server_id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN route identifier. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required,ne="` - - // The VPN route patch. - VPNServerRoutePatch map[string]interface{} `json:"VPNServerRoute_patch" validate:"required"` - - // Allows users to set headers on API requests - Headers map[string]string -} - -// NewUpdateVPNServerRouteOptions : Instantiate UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions -func (*VpcV1) NewUpdateVPNServerRouteOptions(vpnServerID string, id string, vpnServerRoutePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions { - return &UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions{ - VPNServerID: core.StringPtr(vpnServerID), - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - VPNServerRoutePatch: vpnServerRoutePatch, - } -} - -// SetVPNServerID : Allow user to set VPNServerID -func (_options *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions) SetVPNServerID(vpnServerID string) *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.VPNServerID = core.StringPtr(vpnServerID) - return _options -} - -// SetID : Allow user to set ID -func (_options *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions) SetID(id string) *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.ID = core.StringPtr(id) - return _options -} - -// SetVPNServerRoutePatch : Allow user to set VPNServerRoutePatch -func (_options *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions) SetVPNServerRoutePatch(vpnServerRoutePatch map[string]interface{}) *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions { - _options.VPNServerRoutePatch = vpnServerRoutePatch - return _options -} - -// SetHeaders : Allow user to set Headers -func (options *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions) SetHeaders(param map[string]string) *UpdateVPNServerRouteOptions { - options.Headers = param - return options -} - -// Vcpu : The VCPU configuration. -type Vcpu struct { - // The VCPU architecture. - Architecture *string `json:"architecture" validate:"required"` - - // The number of VCPUs assigned. - Count *int64 `json:"count" validate:"required"` - - // The VCPU manufacturer. - Manufacturer *string `json:"manufacturer" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVcpu unmarshals an instance of Vcpu from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVcpu(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Vcpu) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "architecture", &obj.Architecture) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "count", &obj.Count) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "manufacturer", &obj.Manufacturer) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPC : VPC struct -type VPC struct { - // Indicates whether this VPC is connected to Classic Infrastructure. If true, this VPC's resources have private - // network connectivity to the account's Classic Infrastructure resources. Only one VPC, per region, may be connected - // in this way. This value is set at creation and subsequently immutable. - ClassicAccess *bool `json:"classic_access" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the VPC was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The CSE ([Cloud Service Endpoint](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/resources?topic=resources-service-endpoints)) source IP - // addresses for the VPC. The VPC will have one CSE source IP address per zone. - CseSourceIps []VpccseSourceIP `json:"cse_source_ips,omitempty"` - - // The default network ACL to use for subnets created in this VPC. - DefaultNetworkACL *NetworkACLReference `json:"default_network_acl" validate:"required"` - - // The default routing table to use for subnets created in this VPC. - DefaultRoutingTable *RoutingTableReference `json:"default_routing_table" validate:"required"` - - // The default security group for this VPC. Resources created in this VPC that allow - // a security group to be optionally specified will use this security group by - // default. - DefaultSecurityGroup *SecurityGroupReference `json:"default_security_group" validate:"required"` - - // The DNS configuration for this VPC. - Dns *Vpcdns `json:"dns" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current `health_state` (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []VPCHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPC. The name is unique across all VPCs in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this VPC. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of this VPC. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPC.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - VPCHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - VPCHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - VPCHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - VPCHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPC.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPCResourceTypeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPC.Status property. -// The status of this VPC. -const ( - VPCStatusAvailableConst = "available" - VPCStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - VPCStatusFailedConst = "failed" - VPCStatusPendingConst = "pending" -) - -// UnmarshalVPC unmarshals an instance of VPC from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPC(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPC) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "classic_access", &obj.ClassicAccess) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "cse_source_ips", &obj.CseSourceIps, UnmarshalVpccseSourceIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_network_acl", &obj.DefaultNetworkACL, UnmarshalNetworkACLReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_routing_table", &obj.DefaultRoutingTable, UnmarshalRoutingTableReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_security_group", &obj.DefaultSecurityGroup, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dns", &obj.Dns, UnmarshalVpcdns) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalVPCHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpccseSourceIP : VpccseSourceIP struct -type VpccseSourceIP struct { - // The cloud service endpoint source IP address for this zone. - IP *IP `json:"ip" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this cloud service endpoint source IP resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVpccseSourceIP unmarshals an instance of VpccseSourceIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpccseSourceIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpccseSourceIP) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ip", &obj.IP, UnmarshalIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCCollection : VPCCollection struct -type VPCCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *VPCCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *VPCCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of VPCs. - Vpcs []VPC `json:"vpcs" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPCCollection unmarshals an instance of VPCCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalVPCCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalVPCCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpcs", &obj.Vpcs, UnmarshalVPC) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *VPCCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// VPCCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type VPCCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPCCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of VPCCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type VPCCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPCCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of VPCCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Vpcdns : The DNS configuration for this VPC. -type Vpcdns struct { - // Indicates whether this VPC is enabled as a DNS name resolution hub. - EnableHub *bool `json:"enable_hub" validate:"required"` - - // The number of DNS resolution bindings for this VPC. - ResolutionBindingCount *int64 `json:"resolution_binding_count" validate:"required"` - - // The DNS resolver configuration for the VPC. - Resolver VpcdnsResolverIntf `json:"resolver" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdns unmarshals an instance of Vpcdns from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdns(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Vpcdns) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_hub", &obj.EnableHub) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resolution_binding_count", &obj.ResolutionBindingCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resolver", &obj.Resolver, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolver) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsPatch : The DNS configuration for this VPC. -type VpcdnsPatch struct { - // Indicates whether this VPC is enabled as a DNS name resolution hub. - // - // Updating the value to `true` requires `allow_dns_resolution_binding` to be `true` for all endpoint gateways residing - // in this VPC. - // - // Changing the value requires `dns.resolution_binding_count` to be zero. - EnableHub *bool `json:"enable_hub,omitempty"` - - Resolver *VpcdnsResolverPatch `json:"resolver,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsPatch unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_hub", &obj.EnableHub) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resolver", &obj.Resolver, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsPrototype : The DNS configuration for this VPC. -// -// If unspecified, the system will assign DNS servers capable of resolving hosts and endpoint gateways within this VPC, -// and hosts on the internet. -type VpcdnsPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether this VPC is enabled as a DNS name resolution hub. - EnableHub *bool `json:"enable_hub,omitempty"` - - Resolver VpcdnsResolverPrototypeIntf `json:"resolver,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsPrototype unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_hub", &obj.EnableHub) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resolver", &obj.Resolver, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolutionBinding : VpcdnsResolutionBinding struct -type VpcdnsResolutionBinding struct { - // The date and time that the DNS resolution binding was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The endpoint gateways that have `allow_dns_resolution_binding` set to `true` and reside in the VPC that has - // `dns.enable_hub` set to `false`. - // - // The endpoint gateways may be remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - EndpointGateways []EndpointGatewayReferenceRemote `json:"endpoint_gateways" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current `health_state` (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this DNS resolution binding. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this DNS resolution binding. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the DNS resolution binding. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this DNS resolution binding. The name is unique across all DNS resolution bindings for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC bound to for DNS resolution. - // - // The VPC may be remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - VPC *VPCReferenceRemote `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolutionBinding.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolutionBinding.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the DNS resolution binding. -const ( - VpcdnsResolutionBindingLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolutionBinding.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VpcdnsResolutionBindingResourceTypeVPCDnsResolutionBindingConst = "vpc_dns_resolution_binding" -) - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBinding unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolutionBinding from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBinding(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolutionBinding) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "endpoint_gateways", &obj.EndpointGateways, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReferenceRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReferenceRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection : VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection struct -type VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection struct { - // Collection of DNS resolution bindings for this VPC. - DnsResolutionBindings []VpcdnsResolutionBinding `json:"dns_resolution_bindings" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dns_resolution_bindings", &obj.DnsResolutionBindings, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBinding) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason : VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason struct -type VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this health state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this health state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. -const ( - VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReasonCodeDisconnectedFromBoundVPCConst = "disconnected_from_bound_vpc" - VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" -) - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolutionBindingHealthReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch : VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch struct -type VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch struct { - // The name for this DNS resolution binding. The name must not be used by another DNS resolution binding for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch -func (vpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch *VpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(vpcdnsResolutionBindingPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolver : VpcdnsResolver struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VpcdnsResolverTypeDelegated -// - VpcdnsResolverTypeManual -// - VpcdnsResolverTypeSystem -type VpcdnsResolver struct { - // The DNS servers for this VPC. The servers are populated: - // - // - by the system when `dns.resolver.type` is `system` - // - using the DNS servers in `dns.resolver.vpc` when `dns.resolver.type` is `delegated` - // - using `dns.resolver.manual_servers` when the `dns.resolver.type` is `manual`. - Servers []DnsServer `json:"servers" validate:"required"` - - // The type of the DNS resolver used for the VPC. - // - // - `delegated`: DNS server addresses are provided by the DNS resolver of the VPC - // specified in `dns.resolver.vpc`. - // - `manual`: DNS server addresses are specified in `dns.resolver.manual_servers`. - // - `system`: DNS server addresses are provided by the system. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC whose DNS resolver provides the DNS server addresses for this VPC. - // - // The VPC may be remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - VPC *VPCReferenceDnsResolverContext `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The manually specified DNS servers for this VPC. - // - // If the DNS servers have `zone_affinity`, the DHCP [Domain Name Server - // Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for a zone will list the DNS server with the - // affinity for that zone first, followed by the unique DNS servers from other zones. - // - // If the DNS servers do not have `zone_affinity`, the DHCP [Domain Name Server - // Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for each zone will list all the manual DNS - // servers in the order specified. - ManualServers []DnsServer `json:"manual_servers,omitempty"` - - // The configuration of the system DNS resolver for this VPC. - // - // - `custom_resolver`: A custom DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. - // - // - `private_resolver`: A private DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. Applicable when - // the VPC has either or both of the following: - // - // - at least one endpoint gateway residing in it - // - a [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) private zone configured for it - // - // - `default`: The provider default DNS resolvers are configured for this VPC. - // - // This system DNS resolver configuration is used when the VPC has: - // - // - no custom DNS resolver configured for it, and - // - no endpoint gateways residing in it, and - // - no [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) private zone configured for it. - Configuration *string `json:"configuration,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolver.Type property. -// The type of the DNS resolver used for the VPC. -// -// - `delegated`: DNS server addresses are provided by the DNS resolver of the VPC -// specified in `dns.resolver.vpc`. -// - `manual`: DNS server addresses are specified in `dns.resolver.manual_servers`. -// - `system`: DNS server addresses are provided by the system. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverTypeDelegatedConst = "delegated" - VpcdnsResolverTypeManualConst = "manual" - VpcdnsResolverTypeSystemConst = "system" -) - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolver.Configuration property. -// The configuration of the system DNS resolver for this VPC. -// -// - `custom_resolver`: A custom DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. -// -// - `private_resolver`: A private DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. Applicable when -// the VPC has either or both of the following: -// -// - at least one endpoint gateway residing in it -// -// - a [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) private zone configured for it -// -// - `default`: The provider default DNS resolvers are configured for this VPC. -// -// This system DNS resolver configuration is used when the VPC has: -// -// - no custom DNS resolver configured for it, and -// - no endpoint gateways residing in it, and -// - no [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) private zone configured for it. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverConfigurationCustomResolverConst = "custom_resolver" - VpcdnsResolverConfigurationDefaultConst = "default" - VpcdnsResolverConfigurationPrivateResolverConst = "private_resolver" -) - -func (*VpcdnsResolver) isaVpcdnsResolver() bool { - return true -} - -type VpcdnsResolverIntf interface { - isaVpcdnsResolver() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolver unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolver from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolver(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolver) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "servers", &obj.Servers, UnmarshalDnsServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReferenceDnsResolverContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manual_servers", &obj.ManualServers, UnmarshalDnsServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "configuration", &obj.Configuration) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverPatch : VpcdnsResolverPatch struct -type VpcdnsResolverPatch struct { - // The DNS servers to use for this VPC, replacing any existing servers. All the DNS servers must either: - // - // - have a unique `zone_affinity`, or - // - not have a `zone_affinity`. - // - // If `zone_affinity` is specified, exactly one DNS server must be specified for each zone in the region. The DHCP - // [Domain Name Server Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for a zone will list this DNS - // server first, followed by unique DNS servers from other zones if available. - // - // If `zone_affinity` is not specified, the DHCP [Domain Name Server - // Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for each zone will list all the manual DNS - // servers in the order specified. - // - // `dns.resolver.manual_servers` must be set if and only if `dns.resolver.type` is `manual`. - ManualServers []DnsServerPrototype `json:"manual_servers,omitempty"` - - // The type of the DNS resolver to use. - // - // - `delegated`: DNS server addresses will be provided by the resolver for the VPC - // specified in `dns.resolver.vpc`. Requires `dns.enable_hub` to be - // `false`. - // - `manual`: DNS server addresses are specified in `dns.resolver.manual_servers`. - // - `system`: DNS server addresses will be provided by the system and depend on the - // configuration. - // - // Updating from `manual` requires `dns.resolver.manual_servers` to be specified as - // `null`. - // - // Updating to `manual` requires `dns.resolver.manual_servers` to be specified and not empty. - // - // Updating from `delegated` requires `dns.resolver.vpc` to be specified as `null`. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The VPC to provide DNS server addresses for this VPC. The specified VPC must be configured - // with a [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) custom resolver and must be in - // one of this VPC's DNS resolution bindings. - // - // Specify `null` to remove an existing VPC. - // - // This property must be set if and only if `dns.resolver.type` is `delegated`. - VPC VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolverPatch.Type property. -// The type of the DNS resolver to use. -// -// - `delegated`: DNS server addresses will be provided by the resolver for the VPC -// specified in `dns.resolver.vpc`. Requires `dns.enable_hub` to be -// `false`. -// - `manual`: DNS server addresses are specified in `dns.resolver.manual_servers`. -// - `system`: DNS server addresses will be provided by the system and depend on the -// configuration. -// -// Updating from `manual` requires `dns.resolver.manual_servers` to be specified as -// `null`. -// -// Updating to `manual` requires `dns.resolver.manual_servers` to be specified and not empty. -// -// Updating from `delegated` requires `dns.resolver.vpc` to be specified as `null`. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverPatchTypeDelegatedConst = "delegated" - VpcdnsResolverPatchTypeManualConst = "manual" - VpcdnsResolverPatchTypeSystemConst = "system" -) - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPatch unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manual_servers", &obj.ManualServers, UnmarshalDnsServerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverVPCPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverPrototype : VpcdnsResolverPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype -// - VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototype -type VpcdnsResolverPrototype struct { - // The type of the DNS resolver to use. - // - // - `manual`: DNS server addresses are specified in `dns.resolver.manual_servers`. - // - `system`: DNS server addresses will be provided by the system and depend on the - // configuration. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` - - // The DNS servers to use for this VPC. All the DNS servers must either: - // - // - have a unique `zone_affinity`, or - // - not have a `zone_affinity`. - // - // If `zone_affinity` is specified, exactly one DNS server must be specified for each zone in the region. The DHCP - // [Domain Name Server Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for a zone will list this DNS - // server first, followed by unique DNS servers from other zones if available. - // - // If `zone_affinity` is not specified, the DHCP [Domain Name Server - // Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for each zone will list all the manual DNS - // servers in the order specified. - ManualServers []DnsServerPrototype `json:"manual_servers,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolverPrototype.Type property. -// The type of the DNS resolver to use. -// -// - `manual`: DNS server addresses are specified in `dns.resolver.manual_servers`. -// - `system`: DNS server addresses will be provided by the system and depend on the -// configuration. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverPrototypeTypeManualConst = "manual" - VpcdnsResolverPrototypeTypeSystemConst = "system" -) - -func (*VpcdnsResolverPrototype) isaVpcdnsResolverPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type VpcdnsResolverPrototypeIntf interface { - isaVpcdnsResolverPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPrototype unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manual_servers", &obj.ManualServers, UnmarshalDnsServerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverVPCPatch : The VPC to provide DNS server addresses for this VPC. The specified VPC must be configured with a [DNS -// Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) custom resolver and must be in one of this VPC's DNS resolution -// bindings. -// -// Specify `null` to remove an existing VPC. -// -// This property must be set if and only if `dns.resolver.type` is `delegated`. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID -// - VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN -// - VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref -type VpcdnsResolverVPCPatch struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VpcdnsResolverVPCPatch) isaVpcdnsResolverVPCPatch() bool { - return true -} - -type VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchIntf interface { - isaVpcdnsResolverVPCPatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverVPCPatch unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverVPCPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverVPCPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverVPCPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCHealthReason : VPCHealthReason struct -type VPCHealthReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this health state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this health state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPCHealthReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. -const ( - VPCHealthReasonCodeDnsResolutionBindingFailedConst = "dns_resolution_binding_failed" - VPCHealthReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" -) - -// UnmarshalVPCHealthReason unmarshals an instance of VPCHealthReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCHealthReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCHealthReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCIdentity : Identifies a VPC by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPCIdentityByID -// - VPCIdentityByCRN -// - VPCIdentityByHref -type VPCIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VPCIdentity) isaVPCIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type VPCIdentityIntf interface { - isaVPCIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPCIdentity unmarshals an instance of VPCIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCPatch : VPCPatch struct -type VPCPatch struct { - // The DNS configuration for this VPC. - Dns *VpcdnsPatch `json:"dns,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPC. The name must not be used by another VPC in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPCPatch unmarshals an instance of VPCPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dns", &obj.Dns, UnmarshalVpcdnsPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the VPCPatch -func (vpcPatch *VPCPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(vpcPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// VPCReference : VPCReference struct -type VPCReference struct { - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPCReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPC. The name is unique across all VPCs in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPCReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPCReferenceResourceTypeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -// UnmarshalVPCReference unmarshals an instance of VPCReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPCReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCReferenceDnsResolverContext : A VPC whose DNS resolver is delegated to provide DNS servers for this VPC. -// -// The VPC may be remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. -type VPCReferenceDnsResolverContext struct { - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPCReferenceDnsResolverContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPC. The name is unique across all VPCs in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *VPCRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPCReferenceDnsResolverContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPCReferenceDnsResolverContextResourceTypeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -// UnmarshalVPCReferenceDnsResolverContext unmarshals an instance of VPCReferenceDnsResolverContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCReferenceDnsResolverContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCReferenceDnsResolverContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPCReferenceDnsResolverContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalVPCRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VPCReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPCReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of VPCReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCReferenceDnsResolverContextDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VPCReferenceDnsResolverContextDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPCReferenceDnsResolverContextDeleted unmarshals an instance of VPCReferenceDnsResolverContextDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCReferenceDnsResolverContextDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCReferenceDnsResolverContextDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCReferenceRemote : VPCReferenceRemote struct -type VPCReferenceRemote struct { - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPC. The name is unique across all VPCs in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *VPCRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPCReferenceRemote.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPCReferenceRemoteResourceTypeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -// UnmarshalVPCReferenceRemote unmarshals an instance of VPCReferenceRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCReferenceRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCReferenceRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalVPCRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCRemote : If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference is remote and therefore may not -// be directly retrievable. -type VPCRemote struct { - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // account, and identifies the owning account. - Account *AccountReference `json:"account,omitempty"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // region, and identifies the native region. - Region *RegionReference `json:"region,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPCRemote unmarshals an instance of VPCRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "account", &obj.Account, UnmarshalAccountReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGateway : VPNGateway struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNGatewayRouteMode -// - VPNGatewayPolicyMode -type VPNGateway struct { - // Connections for this VPN gateway. - Connections []VPNGatewayConnectionReference `json:"connections" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this VPN gateway was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN gateway's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway health_state (if any): - // - `cannot_create_vpc_route`: VPN cannot create route (check for conflict) - // - `cannot_reserve_ip_address`: IP address exhaustion (release addresses on the VPN's - // subnet) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []VPNGatewayHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN gateway's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway lifecycle_state (if any): - // - `resource_suspended_by_provider`: The resource has been suspended (contact IBM - // support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - LifecycleReasons []VPNGatewayLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the VPN gateway. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of VPN gateway members. - Members []VPNGatewayMember `json:"members" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name is unique across all VPN gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this VPN gateway. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this VPN gateway resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // Route mode VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGateway.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - VPNGatewayHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - VPNGatewayHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - VPNGatewayHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - VPNGatewayHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGateway.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - VPNGatewayLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - VPNGatewayLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - VPNGatewayLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - VPNGatewayLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - VPNGatewayLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - VPNGatewayLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGateway.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNGatewayResourceTypeVPNGatewayConst = "vpn_gateway" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGateway.Mode property. -// Route mode VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayModeRouteConst = "route" -) - -func (*VPNGateway) isaVPNGateway() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNGatewayIntf interface { - isaVPNGateway() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGateway unmarshals an instance of VPNGateway from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGateway(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGateway) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "connections", &obj.Connections, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "members", &obj.Members, UnmarshalVPNGatewayMember) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayCollection : VPNGatewayCollection struct -type VPNGatewayCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *VPNGatewayCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *VPNGatewayCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of VPN gateways. - VPNGateways []VPNGatewayIntf `json:"vpn_gateways" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayCollection unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalVPNGatewayCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalVPNGatewayCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpn_gateways", &obj.VPNGateways, UnmarshalVPNGateway) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *VPNGatewayCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// VPNGatewayCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type VPNGatewayCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type VPNGatewayCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnection : VPNGatewayConnection struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode -// - VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode -type VPNGatewayConnection struct { - // If set to false, the VPN gateway connection is shut down. - AdminStateUp *bool `json:"admin_state_up" validate:"required"` - - // The authentication mode. Only `psk` is currently supported. - AuthenticationMode *string `json:"authentication_mode" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this VPN gateway connection was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The Dead Peer Detection settings. - DeadPeerDetection *VPNGatewayConnectionDpd `json:"dead_peer_detection" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IKE policy. If absent, [auto-negotiation is - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ike-auto-negotiation-phase-1). - IkePolicy *IkePolicyReference `json:"ike_policy,omitempty"` - - // The IPsec policy. If absent, [auto-negotiation is - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ipsec-auto-negotiation-phase-2). - IpsecPolicy *IPsecPolicyReference `json:"ipsec_policy,omitempty"` - - // The mode of the VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name is unique across all connections for the VPN gateway. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The IP address of the peer VPN gateway. - PeerAddress *string `json:"peer_address" validate:"required"` - - // The pre-shared key. - Psk *string `json:"psk" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of a VPN gateway connection. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway connection status (if any): - // - `cannot_authenticate_connection`: Failed to authenticate a connection because of - // mismatched IKE ID and PSK (check IKE ID and PSK in peer VPN configuration) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - `ike_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IKE crypto suites was acceptable (check - // the IKE policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `ike_v1_id_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Invalid IKE ID or mismatched local CIDRs and - // remote CIDRs in IKE V1 (check the IKE ID or the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V1 configuration) - // - `ike_v2_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Mismatched local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V2 (check the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE V2 configuration) - // - `ipsec_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IPsec crypto suites was acceptable - // (check the IPsec policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `peer_not_responding`: No response from peer (check network ACL configuration, peer - // availability, and on-premise firewall configuration) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. - RoutingProtocol *string `json:"routing_protocol,omitempty"` - - // The VPN tunnel configuration for this VPN gateway connection (in static route mode). - Tunnels []VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel `json:"tunnels,omitempty"` - - // The local CIDRs for this resource. - LocalCIDRs []string `json:"local_cidrs,omitempty"` - - // The peer CIDRs for this resource. - PeerCIDRs []string `json:"peer_cidrs,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnection.AuthenticationMode property. -// The authentication mode. Only `psk` is currently supported. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionAuthenticationModePskConst = "psk" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnection.Mode property. -// The mode of the VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionModePolicyConst = "policy" - VPNGatewayConnectionModeRouteConst = "route" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnection.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionResourceTypeVPNGatewayConnectionConst = "vpn_gateway_connection" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnection.Status property. -// The status of a VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionStatusDownConst = "down" - VPNGatewayConnectionStatusUpConst = "up" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnection.RoutingProtocol property. -// Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRoutingProtocolNoneConst = "none" -) - -func (*VPNGatewayConnection) isaVPNGatewayConnection() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNGatewayConnectionIntf interface { - isaVPNGatewayConnection() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnection unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'mode': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'mode' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "policy" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode) - } else if discValue == "route" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'mode': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionCollection : Collection of VPN gateway connections in a VPN gateway. -type VPNGatewayConnectionCollection struct { - // Array of VPN gateway connections. - Connections []VPNGatewayConnectionIntf `json:"connections" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionCollection unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "connections", &obj.Connections, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnection) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionDpd : The Dead Peer Detection settings. -type VPNGatewayConnectionDpd struct { - // Dead Peer Detection actions. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // Dead Peer Detection interval in seconds. - Interval *int64 `json:"interval" validate:"required"` - - // Dead Peer Detection timeout in seconds. Must be at least the interval. - Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionDpd.Action property. -// Dead Peer Detection actions. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdActionClearConst = "clear" - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdActionHoldConst = "hold" - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdActionNoneConst = "none" - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdActionRestartConst = "restart" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpd unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionDpd from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpd(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionDpd) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interval", &obj.Interval) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "timeout", &obj.Timeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatch : The Dead Peer Detection settings. -type VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatch struct { - // Dead Peer Detection actions. - Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` - - // Dead Peer Detection interval in seconds. - Interval *int64 `json:"interval,omitempty"` - - // Dead Peer Detection timeout in seconds. Must be at least the interval. - Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatch.Action property. -// Dead Peer Detection actions. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatchActionClearConst = "clear" - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatchActionHoldConst = "hold" - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatchActionNoneConst = "none" - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatchActionRestartConst = "restart" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatch unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interval", &obj.Interval) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "timeout", &obj.Timeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype : The Dead Peer Detection settings. -type VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype struct { - // Dead Peer Detection actions. - Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` - - // Dead Peer Detection interval in seconds. - Interval *int64 `json:"interval,omitempty"` - - // Dead Peer Detection timeout in seconds. Must be at least the interval. - Timeout *int64 `json:"timeout,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype.Action property. -// Dead Peer Detection actions. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototypeActionClearConst = "clear" - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototypeActionHoldConst = "hold" - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototypeActionNoneConst = "none" - VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototypeActionRestartConst = "restart" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interval", &obj.Interval) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "timeout", &obj.Timeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch : The IKE policy to use. Specify `null` to remove any existing policy, [resulting in -// auto-negotiation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ike-auto-negotiation-phase-1). -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID -// - VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref -type VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch struct { - // The unique identifier for this IKE policy. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The IKE policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIntf interface { - isaVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype : The IKE policy to use. If unspecified, [auto-negotiation will be -// used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ike-auto-negotiation-phase-1). -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID -// - VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref -type VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this IKE policy. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The IKE policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIntf interface { - isaVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch : The IPsec policy to use. Specify `null` to remove any existing policy, [resulting in -// auto-negotiation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ipsec-auto-negotiation-phase-2). -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID -// - VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref -type VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch struct { - // The unique identifier for this IPsec policy. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The IPsec policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIntf interface { - isaVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype : The IPsec policy to use. If unspecified, [auto-negotiation will be -// used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ipsec-auto-negotiation-phase-2). -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID -// - VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref -type VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this IPsec policy. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The IPsec policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIntf interface { - isaVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs : VPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs struct -type VPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs struct { - // The local CIDRs for this resource. - LocalCIDRs []string `json:"local_cidrs" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionLocalCIDRs) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "local_cidrs", &obj.LocalCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionPatch : VPNGatewayConnectionPatch struct -type VPNGatewayConnectionPatch struct { - // If set to false, the VPN gateway connection is shut down. - AdminStateUp *bool `json:"admin_state_up,omitempty"` - - // The Dead Peer Detection settings. - DeadPeerDetection *VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatch `json:"dead_peer_detection,omitempty"` - - // The IKE policy to use. Specify `null` to remove any existing policy, [resulting in - // auto-negotiation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ike-auto-negotiation-phase-1). - IkePolicy VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIntf `json:"ike_policy,omitempty"` - - // The IPsec policy to use. Specify `null` to remove any existing policy, [resulting in - // auto-negotiation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ipsec-auto-negotiation-phase-2). - IpsecPolicy VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIntf `json:"ipsec_policy,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name must not be used by another connection for the VPN gateway. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The IP address of the peer VPN gateway. - PeerAddress *string `json:"peer_address,omitempty"` - - // The pre-shared key. - Psk *string `json:"psk,omitempty"` - - // Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. - RoutingProtocol *string `json:"routing_protocol,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionPatch.RoutingProtocol property. -// Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionPatchRoutingProtocolNoneConst = "none" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPatch unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "admin_state_up", &obj.AdminStateUp) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dead_peer_detection", &obj.DeadPeerDetection, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpdPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ike_policy", &obj.IkePolicy, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ipsec_policy", &obj.IpsecPolicy, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_address", &obj.PeerAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "psk", &obj.Psk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "routing_protocol", &obj.RoutingProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the VPNGatewayConnectionPatch -func (vpnGatewayConnectionPatch *VPNGatewayConnectionPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(vpnGatewayConnectionPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs : VPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs struct -type VPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs struct { - // The peer CIDRs for this resource. - PeerCIDRs []string `json:"peer_cidrs" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionPeerCIDRs) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_cidrs", &obj.PeerCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype : VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype -// - VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype -type VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype struct { - // If set to false, the VPN gateway connection is shut down. - AdminStateUp *bool `json:"admin_state_up,omitempty"` - - // The Dead Peer Detection settings. - DeadPeerDetection *VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype `json:"dead_peer_detection,omitempty"` - - // The IKE policy to use. If unspecified, [auto-negotiation will be - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ike-auto-negotiation-phase-1). - IkePolicy VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIntf `json:"ike_policy,omitempty"` - - // The IPsec policy to use. If unspecified, [auto-negotiation will be - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ipsec-auto-negotiation-phase-2). - IpsecPolicy VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIntf `json:"ipsec_policy,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name must not be used by another connection for the VPN gateway. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The IP address of the peer VPN gateway. - PeerAddress *string `json:"peer_address" validate:"required"` - - // The pre-shared key. - Psk *string `json:"psk" validate:"required"` - - // Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. - RoutingProtocol *string `json:"routing_protocol,omitempty"` - - // The local CIDRs for this resource. - LocalCIDRs []string `json:"local_cidrs,omitempty"` - - // The peer CIDRs for this resource. - PeerCIDRs []string `json:"peer_cidrs,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype.RoutingProtocol property. -// Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeRoutingProtocolNoneConst = "none" -) - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype) isaVPNGatewayConnectionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeIntf interface { - isaVPNGatewayConnectionPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "admin_state_up", &obj.AdminStateUp) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dead_peer_detection", &obj.DeadPeerDetection, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ike_policy", &obj.IkePolicy, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ipsec_policy", &obj.IpsecPolicy, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_address", &obj.PeerAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "psk", &obj.Psk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "routing_protocol", &obj.RoutingProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "local_cidrs", &obj.LocalCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_cidrs", &obj.PeerCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionReference : VPNGatewayConnectionReference struct -type VPNGatewayConnectionReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name is unique across all connections for the VPN gateway. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionReferenceResourceTypeVPNGatewayConnectionConst = "vpn_gateway_connection" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReference unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel : VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel struct -type VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel struct { - // The IP address of the VPN gateway member in which the tunnel resides. - PublicIP *IP `json:"public_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the VPN Tunnel. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway connection tunnels status (if any): - // - `cannot_authenticate_connection`: Failed to authenticate a connection because of - // mismatched IKE ID and PSK (check IKE ID and PSK in peer VPN configuration) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - `ike_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IKE crypto suites was acceptable (check - // the IKE policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `ike_v1_id_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Invalid IKE ID or mismatched local CIDRs and - // remote CIDRs in IKE V1 (check the IKE ID or the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V1 configuration) - // - `ike_v2_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Mismatched local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V2 (check the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE V2 configuration) - // - `ipsec_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IPsec crypto suites was acceptable - // (check the IPsec policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `peer_not_responding`: No response from peer (check network ACL configuration, peer - // availability, and on-premise firewall configuration) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel.Status property. -// The status of the VPN Tunnel. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnelStatusDownConst = "down" - VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnelStatusUpConst = "up" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "public_ip", &obj.PublicIP, UnmarshalIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason : VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason struct -type VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this VPN gateway connection's status. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReasonCodeCannotAuthenticateConnectionConst = "cannot_authenticate_connection" - VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReasonCodeIkePolicyMismatchConst = "ike_policy_mismatch" - VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReasonCodeIkeV1IDLocalRemoteCIDRMismatchConst = "ike_v1_id_local_remote_cidr_mismatch" - VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReasonCodeIkeV2LocalRemoteCIDRMismatchConst = "ike_v2_local_remote_cidr_mismatch" - VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" - VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReasonCodeIpsecPolicyMismatchConst = "ipsec_policy_mismatch" - VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReasonCodePeerNotRespondingConst = "peer_not_responding" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason : VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason struct -type VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this VPN gateway connection tunnel's status. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReasonCodeCannotAuthenticateConnectionConst = "cannot_authenticate_connection" - VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReasonCodeIkePolicyMismatchConst = "ike_policy_mismatch" - VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReasonCodeIkeV1IDLocalRemoteCIDRMismatchConst = "ike_v1_id_local_remote_cidr_mismatch" - VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReasonCodeIkeV2LocalRemoteCIDRMismatchConst = "ike_v2_local_remote_cidr_mismatch" - VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" - VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReasonCodeIpsecPolicyMismatchConst = "ipsec_policy_mismatch" - VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReasonCodePeerNotRespondingConst = "peer_not_responding" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionTunnelStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayHealthReason : VPNGatewayHealthReason struct -type VPNGatewayHealthReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this health state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this health state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayHealthReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. -const ( - VPNGatewayHealthReasonCodeCannotCreateVPCRouteConst = "cannot_create_vpc_route" - VPNGatewayHealthReasonCodeCannotReserveIPAddressConst = "cannot_reserve_ip_address" - VPNGatewayHealthReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayHealthReason unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayHealthReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayHealthReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayHealthReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayLifecycleReason : VPNGatewayLifecycleReason struct -type VPNGatewayLifecycleReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this lifecycle state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this lifecycle state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayLifecycleReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. -const ( - VPNGatewayLifecycleReasonCodeResourceSuspendedByProviderConst = "resource_suspended_by_provider" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayLifecycleReason unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayLifecycleReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayLifecycleReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayLifecycleReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayMember : VPNGatewayMember struct -type VPNGatewayMember struct { - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway member health_state (if any): - // - `cannot_reserve_ip_address`: IP address exhaustion (release addresses on the VPN's - // subnet) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []VPNGatewayMemberHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway member lifecycle_state (if any): - // - `resource_suspended_by_provider`: The resource has been suspended (contact IBM - // support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - LifecycleReasons []VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the VPN gateway member. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The reserved IP address assigned to the VPN gateway member. - // - // This property will be present only when the VPN gateway status is `available`. - PrivateIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"private_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The public IP address assigned to the VPN gateway member. - PublicIP *IP `json:"public_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The high availability role assigned to the VPN gateway member. - Role *string `json:"role" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayMember.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - VPNGatewayMemberHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - VPNGatewayMemberHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - VPNGatewayMemberHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - VPNGatewayMemberHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayMember.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the VPN gateway member. -const ( - VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayMember.Role property. -// The high availability role assigned to the VPN gateway member. -const ( - VPNGatewayMemberRoleActiveConst = "active" - VPNGatewayMemberRoleStandbyConst = "standby" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayMember unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayMember from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayMember(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayMember) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayMemberHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "private_ip", &obj.PrivateIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "public_ip", &obj.PublicIP, UnmarshalIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "role", &obj.Role) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayMemberHealthReason : VPNGatewayMemberHealthReason struct -type VPNGatewayMemberHealthReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this health state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this health state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayMemberHealthReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. -const ( - VPNGatewayMemberHealthReasonCodeCannotReserveIPAddressConst = "cannot_reserve_ip_address" - VPNGatewayMemberHealthReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayMemberHealthReason unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayMemberHealthReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayMemberHealthReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayMemberHealthReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason : VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason struct -type VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this lifecycle state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this lifecycle state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. -const ( - VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReasonCodeResourceSuspendedByProviderConst = "resource_suspended_by_provider" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayMemberLifecycleReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayPatch : VPNGatewayPatch struct -type VPNGatewayPatch struct { - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name must not be used by another VPN gateway in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayPatch unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the VPNGatewayPatch -func (vpnGatewayPatch *VPNGatewayPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(vpnGatewayPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// VPNGatewayPrototype : VPNGatewayPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype -// - VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype -type VPNGatewayPrototype struct { - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name must not be used by another VPN gateway in the VPC. If unspecified, the name - // will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // Identifies a subnet by a unique property. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // Route mode VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayPrototype.Mode property. -// Route mode VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayPrototypeModeRouteConst = "route" -) - -func (*VPNGatewayPrototype) isaVPNGatewayPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNGatewayPrototypeIntf interface { - isaVPNGatewayPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayPrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VPNGatewayReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServer : VPNServer struct -type VPNServer struct { - // The certificate instance for this VPN server. - Certificate *CertificateInstanceReference `json:"certificate" validate:"required"` - - // The methods used to authenticate VPN clients to this VPN server. VPN clients must authenticate against all specified - // methods. - ClientAuthentication []VPNServerAuthenticationIntf `json:"client_authentication" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether disconnected VPN clients will be automatically deleted after - // `client_auto_delete_timeout` hours have passed. At present, this is always `true`, but may be modifiable in the - // future. - ClientAutoDelete *bool `json:"client_auto_delete" validate:"required"` - - // If `client_auto_delete` is `true`, the hours after which disconnected VPN clients will be automatically deleted. If - // the value is `0`, disconnected VPN clients will be deleted immediately. This value may be modifiable in the future. - ClientAutoDeleteTimeout *int64 `json:"client_auto_delete_timeout" validate:"required"` - - // The DNS server addresses that will be provided to VPN clients that are connected to this VPN server. - ClientDnsServerIps []IP `json:"client_dns_server_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The seconds a VPN client can be idle before this VPN server will disconnect it. If `0`, the server will not - // disconnect idle clients. - ClientIdleTimeout *int64 `json:"client_idle_timeout" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN client IPv4 address pool, expressed in CIDR format. - ClientIPPool *string `json:"client_ip_pool" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the VPN server was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this VPN server. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether the split tunneling is enabled on this VPN server. - EnableSplitTunneling *bool `json:"enable_split_tunneling" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN server health_state (if any): - // - `cannot_access_client_certificate`: VPN server's client certificate is inaccessible - // (verify certificate exists and that IAM policies grant `VPN server for VPC` access - // to `Secrets Manager`) - // - `cannot_access_server_certificate`: VPN server's server certificate is inaccessible - // (verify certificate exists and that IAM policies grant `VPN server for VPC` access - // to `Secrets Manager`) - // - `cannot_create_vpc_route`: VPN cannot create route (check for conflict) - // - `cannot_reserve_ip_address`: IP address exhaustion (release addresses on the VPN's - // subnet) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []VPNServerHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // Fully qualified domain name assigned to this VPN server. - Hostname *string `json:"hostname" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this VPN server. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN server. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN server lifecycle_state (if any): - // - `resource_suspended_by_provider`: The resource has been suspended (contact IBM - // support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - LifecycleReasons []VPNServerLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the VPN server. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN server. The name is unique across all VPN servers in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The port number used by this VPN server. - Port *int64 `json:"port" validate:"required"` - - // The reserved IPs bound to this VPN server. - PrivateIps []ReservedIPReference `json:"private_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The transport protocol used by this VPN server. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this VPN server. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The security groups targeting this VPN server. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupReference `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The subnets this VPN server is provisioned in. - Subnets []SubnetReference `json:"subnets" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this VPN server resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServer.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - VPNServerHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - VPNServerHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - VPNServerHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - VPNServerHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNServer.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the VPN server. -const ( - VPNServerLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - VPNServerLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - VPNServerLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - VPNServerLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - VPNServerLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - VPNServerLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - VPNServerLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNServer.Protocol property. -// The transport protocol used by this VPN server. -const ( - VPNServerProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - VPNServerProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNServer.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNServerResourceTypeVPNServerConst = "vpn_server" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNServer unmarshals an instance of VPNServer from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServer(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServer) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "certificate", &obj.Certificate, UnmarshalCertificateInstanceReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "client_authentication", &obj.ClientAuthentication, UnmarshalVPNServerAuthentication) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "client_auto_delete", &obj.ClientAutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "client_auto_delete_timeout", &obj.ClientAutoDeleteTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "client_dns_server_ips", &obj.ClientDnsServerIps, UnmarshalIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "client_idle_timeout", &obj.ClientIdleTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "client_ip_pool", &obj.ClientIPPool) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_split_tunneling", &obj.EnableSplitTunneling) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalVPNServerHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "hostname", &obj.Hostname) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalVPNServerLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "private_ips", &obj.PrivateIps, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerAuthentication : An authentication method for this VPN server. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNServerAuthenticationByUsername -// - VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate -type VPNServerAuthentication struct { - // The type of authentication. - Method *string `json:"method" validate:"required"` - - // The type of identity provider to be used by VPN client. - IdentityProvider VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderIntf `json:"identity_provider,omitempty"` - - // The certificate instance used for the VPN client certificate authority (CA). - ClientCa *CertificateInstanceReference `json:"client_ca,omitempty"` - - // The certificate revocation list contents, encoded in PEM format. - Crl *string `json:"crl,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerAuthentication.Method property. -// The type of authentication. -const ( - VPNServerAuthenticationMethodCertificateConst = "certificate" - VPNServerAuthenticationMethodUsernameConst = "username" -) - -func (*VPNServerAuthentication) isaVPNServerAuthentication() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNServerAuthenticationIntf interface { - isaVPNServerAuthentication() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerAuthentication unmarshals an instance of VPNServerAuthentication from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerAuthentication(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerAuthentication) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "method", &obj.Method) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "identity_provider", &obj.IdentityProvider, UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "client_ca", &obj.ClientCa, UnmarshalCertificateInstanceReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crl", &obj.Crl) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider : The type of identity provider to be used by VPN client. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam -type VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider struct { - // The type of identity provider to be used by the VPN client. - // - `iam`: IBM identity and access management - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the route on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - ProviderType *string `json:"provider_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider.ProviderType property. -// The type of identity provider to be used by the VPN client. -// - `iam`: IBM identity and access management -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the route on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderProviderTypeIamConst = "iam" -) - -func (*VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider) isaVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderIntf interface { - isaVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider unmarshals an instance of VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provider_type", &obj.ProviderType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerAuthenticationPrototype : An authentication method for this VPN server. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype -// - VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype -type VPNServerAuthenticationPrototype struct { - // The type of authentication. - Method *string `json:"method" validate:"required"` - - // The type of identity provider to be used by VPN client. - IdentityProvider VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderIntf `json:"identity_provider,omitempty"` - - // The certificate instance to use for the VPN client certificate authority (CA). - ClientCa CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf `json:"client_ca,omitempty"` - - // The certificate revocation list contents, encoded in PEM format. - Crl *string `json:"crl,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerAuthenticationPrototype.Method property. -// The type of authentication. -const ( - VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeMethodCertificateConst = "certificate" - VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeMethodUsernameConst = "username" -) - -func (*VPNServerAuthenticationPrototype) isaVPNServerAuthenticationPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeIntf interface { - isaVPNServerAuthenticationPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationPrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNServerAuthenticationPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - // Retrieve discriminator value to determine correct "subclass". - var discValue string - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "method", &discValue) - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling discriminator property 'method': %s", err.Error()) - return - } - if discValue == "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("required discriminator property 'method' not found in JSON object") - return - } - if discValue == "certificate" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype) - } else if discValue == "username" { - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "", result, UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype) - } else { - err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized value for discriminator property 'method': %s", discValue) - } - return -} - -// VPNServerClient : VPNServerClient struct -type VPNServerClient struct { - // The IP address assigned to this VPN client from `client_ip_pool`. - ClientIP *IP `json:"client_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The common name of client certificate that the VPN client provided when connecting to the server. - // - // This property will be present only when the `certificate` client authentication method is enabled on the VPN server. - CommonName *string `json:"common_name,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the VPN client was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the VPN client was disconnected. - // - // This property will be present only when the client `status` is `disconnected`. - DisconnectedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"disconnected_at,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPN client. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN client. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The remote IP address of this VPN client. - RemoteIP *IP `json:"remote_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The remote port of this VPN client. - RemotePort *int64 `json:"remote_port" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the VPN client: - // - `connected`: the VPN client is `connected` to this VPN server. - // - `disconnected`: the VPN client is `disconnected` from this VPN server. - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the VPN client on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The username that this VPN client provided when connecting to the VPN server. - // - // This property will be present only when the `username` client authentication method is enabled on the VPN server. - Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerClient.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNServerClientResourceTypeVPNServerClientConst = "vpn_server_client" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerClient.Status property. -// The status of the VPN client: -// - `connected`: the VPN client is `connected` to this VPN server. -// - `disconnected`: the VPN client is `disconnected` from this VPN server. -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the VPN client on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - VPNServerClientStatusConnectedConst = "connected" - VPNServerClientStatusDisconnectedConst = "disconnected" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNServerClient unmarshals an instance of VPNServerClient from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerClient(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerClient) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "client_ip", &obj.ClientIP, UnmarshalIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "common_name", &obj.CommonName) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "disconnected_at", &obj.DisconnectedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote_ip", &obj.RemoteIP, UnmarshalIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "remote_port", &obj.RemotePort) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "username", &obj.Username) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerClientCollection : VPNServerClientCollection struct -type VPNServerClientCollection struct { - // Collection of VPN clients. - Clients []VPNServerClient `json:"clients" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *VPNServerClientCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *VPNServerClientCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerClientCollection unmarshals an instance of VPNServerClientCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerClientCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerClientCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "clients", &obj.Clients, UnmarshalVPNServerClient) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalVPNServerClientCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalVPNServerClientCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *VPNServerClientCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// VPNServerClientCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type VPNServerClientCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerClientCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of VPNServerClientCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerClientCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerClientCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerClientCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type VPNServerClientCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerClientCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of VPNServerClientCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerClientCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerClientCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerCollection : VPNServerCollection struct -type VPNServerCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *VPNServerCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *VPNServerCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of VPN servers. - VPNServers []VPNServer `json:"vpn_servers" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerCollection unmarshals an instance of VPNServerCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalVPNServerCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalVPNServerCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpn_servers", &obj.VPNServers, UnmarshalVPNServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *VPNServerCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// VPNServerCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type VPNServerCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of VPNServerCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type VPNServerCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of VPNServerCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerHealthReason : VPNServerHealthReason struct -type VPNServerHealthReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this health state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this health state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerHealthReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. -const ( - VPNServerHealthReasonCodeCannotAccessClientCertificateConst = "cannot_access_client_certificate" - VPNServerHealthReasonCodeCannotAccessServerCertificateConst = "cannot_access_server_certificate" - VPNServerHealthReasonCodeCannotCreateVPCRouteConst = "cannot_create_vpc_route" - VPNServerHealthReasonCodeCannotReserveIPAddressConst = "cannot_reserve_ip_address" - VPNServerHealthReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNServerHealthReason unmarshals an instance of VPNServerHealthReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerHealthReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerHealthReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerLifecycleReason : VPNServerLifecycleReason struct -type VPNServerLifecycleReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this lifecycle state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this lifecycle state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerLifecycleReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. -const ( - VPNServerLifecycleReasonCodeResourceSuspendedByProviderConst = "resource_suspended_by_provider" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNServerLifecycleReason unmarshals an instance of VPNServerLifecycleReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerLifecycleReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerLifecycleReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerPatch : VPNServerPatch struct -type VPNServerPatch struct { - // The certificate instance for this VPN server. - Certificate CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf `json:"certificate,omitempty"` - - // The authentication methods to use to authenticate VPN client on this VPN server - // (replacing any existing methods). - ClientAuthentication []VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeIntf `json:"client_authentication,omitempty"` - - // The DNS server addresses that will be provided to VPN clients connected to this VPN server (replacing any existing - // addresses). - ClientDnsServerIps []IP `json:"client_dns_server_ips,omitempty"` - - // The seconds a VPN client can be idle before this VPN server will disconnect it. If `0`, the server will not - // disconnect idle clients. - ClientIdleTimeout *int64 `json:"client_idle_timeout,omitempty"` - - // The VPN client IPv4 address pool, expressed in CIDR format. The request must not overlap with any existing address - // prefixes in the VPC or any of the following reserved address ranges: - // - `` (IPv4 loopback addresses) - // - `` (IBM services) - // - `` (Cloud Service Endpoints) - // - `` (IPv4 link-local addresses) - // - `` (IPv4 multicast addresses) - // - // The prefix length of the client IP address pool's CIDR must be between - // `/9` (8,388,608 addresses) and `/22` (1024 addresses). A CIDR block that contains twice the number of IP addresses - // that are required to enable the maximum number of concurrent connections is recommended. - ClientIPPool *string `json:"client_ip_pool,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether the split tunneling is enabled on this VPN server. - EnableSplitTunneling *bool `json:"enable_split_tunneling,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPN server. The name must not be used by another VPN server in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The port number used by this VPN server. - Port *int64 `json:"port,omitempty"` - - // The transport protocol used by this VPN server. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` - - // The subnets to provision this VPN server in (replacing the existing subnets). - Subnets []SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnets,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerPatch.Protocol property. -// The transport protocol used by this VPN server. -const ( - VPNServerPatchProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - VPNServerPatchProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNServerPatch unmarshals an instance of VPNServerPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "certificate", &obj.Certificate, UnmarshalCertificateInstanceIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "client_authentication", &obj.ClientAuthentication, UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "client_dns_server_ips", &obj.ClientDnsServerIps, UnmarshalIP) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "client_idle_timeout", &obj.ClientIdleTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "client_ip_pool", &obj.ClientIPPool) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_split_tunneling", &obj.EnableSplitTunneling) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port", &obj.Port) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnets", &obj.Subnets, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the VPNServerPatch -func (vpnServerPatch *VPNServerPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(vpnServerPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// VPNServerReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VPNServerReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of VPNServerReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerRoute : VPNServerRoute struct -type VPNServerRoute struct { - // The action to perform with a packet matching the VPN route: - // - `translate`: translate the source IP address to one of the private IP addresses of the VPN server. - // - `deliver`: deliver the packet into the VPC. - // - `drop`: drop the packet - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the VPN route on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the VPN route was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The destination for this VPN route in the VPN server. If an incoming packet does not match any destination, it will - // be dropped. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN server route health_state (if any): - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []VPNServerRouteHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this VPN route. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN route. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN server route lifecycle_state (if any): - // - `resource_suspended_by_provider`: The resource has been suspended (contact IBM - // support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - LifecycleReasons []VPNServerRouteLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the VPN route. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN route. The name is unique across all routes for a VPN server. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerRoute.Action property. -// The action to perform with a packet matching the VPN route: -// - `translate`: translate the source IP address to one of the private IP addresses of the VPN server. -// - `deliver`: deliver the packet into the VPC. -// - `drop`: drop the packet -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the VPN route on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - VPNServerRouteActionDeliverConst = "deliver" - VPNServerRouteActionDropConst = "drop" - VPNServerRouteActionTranslateConst = "translate" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerRoute.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - VPNServerRouteHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - VPNServerRouteHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - VPNServerRouteHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - VPNServerRouteHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerRoute.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the VPN route. -const ( - VPNServerRouteLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - VPNServerRouteLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - VPNServerRouteLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - VPNServerRouteLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - VPNServerRouteLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - VPNServerRouteLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - VPNServerRouteLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerRoute.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNServerRouteResourceTypeVPNServerRouteConst = "vpn_server_route" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNServerRoute unmarshals an instance of VPNServerRoute from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerRoute(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerRoute) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalVPNServerRouteHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalVPNServerRouteLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerRouteCollection : VPNServerRouteCollection struct -type VPNServerRouteCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *VPNServerRouteCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *VPNServerRouteCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of VPN routes. - Routes []VPNServerRoute `json:"routes" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerRouteCollection unmarshals an instance of VPNServerRouteCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerRouteCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerRouteCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalVPNServerRouteCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalVPNServerRouteCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routes", &obj.Routes, UnmarshalVPNServerRoute) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *VPNServerRouteCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// VPNServerRouteCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type VPNServerRouteCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerRouteCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of VPNServerRouteCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerRouteCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerRouteCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerRouteCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type VPNServerRouteCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerRouteCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of VPNServerRouteCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerRouteCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerRouteCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerRouteHealthReason : VPNServerRouteHealthReason struct -type VPNServerRouteHealthReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this health state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this health state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerRouteHealthReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. -const ( - VPNServerRouteHealthReasonCodeInternalErrorConst = "internal_error" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNServerRouteHealthReason unmarshals an instance of VPNServerRouteHealthReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerRouteHealthReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerRouteHealthReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerRouteLifecycleReason : VPNServerRouteLifecycleReason struct -type VPNServerRouteLifecycleReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this lifecycle state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this lifecycle state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerRouteLifecycleReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this lifecycle state. -const ( - VPNServerRouteLifecycleReasonCodeResourceSuspendedByProviderConst = "resource_suspended_by_provider" -) - -// UnmarshalVPNServerRouteLifecycleReason unmarshals an instance of VPNServerRouteLifecycleReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerRouteLifecycleReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerRouteLifecycleReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerRoutePatch : VPNServerRoutePatch struct -type VPNServerRoutePatch struct { - // The name for this VPN server route. The name must not be used by another route for the VPN server. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerRoutePatch unmarshals an instance of VPNServerRoutePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerRoutePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerRoutePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the VPNServerRoutePatch -func (vpnServerRoutePatch *VPNServerRoutePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(vpnServerRoutePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterface : VirtualNetworkInterface struct -type VirtualNetworkInterface struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. If `false`, source IP spoofing is prevented on - // this interface. If `true`, source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this virtual network interface will be automatically deleted when - // `target` is deleted. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the virtual network interface was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the virtual network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - Can only be attached to a `target` with a `resource_type` of - // `bare_metal_server_network_attachment`. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The reserved IPs bound to this virtual network interface. - // - // May be empty when `lifecycle_state` is `pending`. - Ips []ReservedIPReference `json:"ips" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the virtual network interface. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The MAC address of the virtual network interface. May be absent if `lifecycle_state` is `pending`. - MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name is unique across all virtual network interfaces in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The reserved IP for this virtual network interface. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this virtual network interface. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The security groups for this virtual network interface. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupReference `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The target of this virtual network interface. - // - // If absent, this virtual network interface is not attached to a target. - Target VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetIntf `json:"target,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual network interface resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual network interface resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VirtualNetworkInterface.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the virtual network interface. -const ( - VirtualNetworkInterfaceLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - VirtualNetworkInterfaceLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - VirtualNetworkInterfaceLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - VirtualNetworkInterfaceLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - VirtualNetworkInterfaceLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - VirtualNetworkInterfaceLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - VirtualNetworkInterfaceLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the VirtualNetworkInterface.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VirtualNetworkInterfaceResourceTypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceConst = "virtual_network_interface" -) - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mac_address", &obj.MacAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection : VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection struct -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of virtual network interfaces. - VirtualNetworkInterfaces []VirtualNetworkInterface `json:"virtual_network_interfaces" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interfaces", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype : VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext -// - VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The IP address to reserve, which must not already be reserved on the subnet. - // - // If unspecified, an available address on the subnet will automatically be selected. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated - // list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf interface { - isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch : VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch struct -type VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. - // - // Must be `false` if `target` is a file share mount target. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this virtual network interface will be automatically deleted when - // `target` is deleted. Must be `false` if the virtual network interface is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the virtual network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - Can only be attached to a `target` with a `resource_type` of - // `bare_metal_server_network_attachment`. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name must not be used by another virtual network interface in the - // region. Names beginning with `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePatch unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch -func (virtualNetworkInterfacePatch *VirtualNetworkInterfacePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(virtualNetworkInterfacePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype : VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext -// - VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext -type VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The IP address to reserve, which must not already be reserved on the subnet. - // - // If unspecified, an available address on the subnet will automatically be selected. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated - // list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype) isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf interface { - isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext : VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext struct -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name is unique across all virtual network interfaces in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContextResourceTypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceConst = "virtual_network_interface" -) - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget : A virtual network interface target. -// -// The resource types that can be virtual network interface targets are expected to expand in the future. When iterating -// over virtual network interface targets, do not assume that every target resource will be from a known set of resource -// types. Optionally halt processing and surface an error, or bypass resources of unrecognized types. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference -// - VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext -// - VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *ShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this share mount target. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this share mount target. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The name for this share mount target. The name is unique across all mount targets for the file share. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetResourceTypeShareMountTargetConst = "share_mount_target" -) - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget() bool { - return true -} - -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetIntf interface { - isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Volume : Volume struct -type Volume struct { - // Indicates whether a running virtual server instance has an attachment to this volume. - Active *bool `json:"active" validate:"required"` - - // The attachment state of the volume - // - `unattached`: Not attached to any virtual server instances - // - `attached`: Attached to a virtual server instance (even if the instance is stopped) - // - `unusable`: Not able to be attached to any virtual server instances. - AttachmentState *string `json:"attachment_state" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum bandwidth (in megabits per second) for the volume. - Bandwidth *int64 `json:"bandwidth" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this volume is performing an operation that must be serialized. This must be `false` to perform an - // operation that is specified to require serialization. - Busy *bool `json:"busy" validate:"required"` - - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). The specified minimum and maximum capacity values for creating or - // updating volumes may expand in the future. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the volume was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The type of encryption used on the volume. - Encryption *string `json:"encryption" validate:"required"` - - // The root key used to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // This property will be present for volumes with an `encryption` type of - // `user_managed`. - EncryptionKey *EncryptionKeyReference `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The reasons for the current `health_state` (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []VolumeHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) for this volume. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this volume. The name is unique across all volumes in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The operating system associated with this volume. If absent, this volume was not - // created from an image, or the image did not include an operating system. - OperatingSystem *OperatingSystem `json:"operating_system,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) for - // this volume. - Profile *VolumeProfileReference `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this volume. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The image from which this volume was created (this may be - // [deleted](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#deleted-resources)). - // If absent, this volume was not created from an image. - SourceImage *ImageReference `json:"source_image,omitempty"` - - // The snapshot from which this volume was cloned. - SourceSnapshot *SnapshotReference `json:"source_snapshot,omitempty"` - - // The status of the volume. - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the volume on which the unexpected - // property value was encountered. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current status (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []VolumeStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The volume attachments for this volume. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext `json:"volume_attachments" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this volume resides in. - Zone *ZoneReference `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Volume.AttachmentState property. -// The attachment state of the volume -// - `unattached`: Not attached to any virtual server instances -// - `attached`: Attached to a virtual server instance (even if the instance is stopped) -// - `unusable`: Not able to be attached to any virtual server instances. -const ( - VolumeAttachmentStateAttachedConst = "attached" - VolumeAttachmentStateUnattachedConst = "unattached" - VolumeAttachmentStateUnusableConst = "unusable" -) - -// Constants associated with the Volume.Encryption property. -// The type of encryption used on the volume. -const ( - VolumeEncryptionProviderManagedConst = "provider_managed" - VolumeEncryptionUserManagedConst = "user_managed" -) - -// Constants associated with the Volume.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - VolumeHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - VolumeHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - VolumeHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - VolumeHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the Volume.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VolumeResourceTypeVolumeConst = "volume" -) - -// Constants associated with the Volume.Status property. -// The status of the volume. -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the volume on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - VolumeStatusAvailableConst = "available" - VolumeStatusFailedConst = "failed" - VolumeStatusPendingConst = "pending" - VolumeStatusPendingDeletionConst = "pending_deletion" - VolumeStatusUnusableConst = "unusable" - VolumeStatusUpdatingConst = "updating" -) - -// UnmarshalVolume unmarshals an instance of Volume from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolume(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Volume) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "active", &obj.Active) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "attachment_state", &obj.AttachmentState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "bandwidth", &obj.Bandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "busy", &obj.Busy) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encryption", &obj.Encryption) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalVolumeHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "operating_system", &obj.OperatingSystem, UnmarshalOperatingSystem) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_image", &obj.SourceImage, UnmarshalImageReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalVolumeStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachment : VolumeAttachment struct -type VolumeAttachment struct { - // The maximum bandwidth (in megabits per second) for the volume when attached to this instance. This may be lower than - // the volume bandwidth depending on the configuration of the instance. - Bandwidth *int64 `json:"bandwidth" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the volume was attached. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether deleting the instance will also delete the attached volume. - DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete *bool `json:"delete_volume_on_instance_delete" validate:"required"` - - // Information about how the volume is exposed to the instance operating system. - // - // This property may be absent if the volume attachment's `status` is not `attached`. - Device *VolumeAttachmentDevice `json:"device,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this volume attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this volume attachment. The name is unique across all volume attachments on the instance. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The status of this volume attachment. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The type of volume attachment. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The attached volume. - // - // This property will be absent if the volume has not yet been provisioned. - Volume *VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext `json:"volume,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VolumeAttachment.Status property. -// The status of this volume attachment. -const ( - VolumeAttachmentStatusAttachedConst = "attached" - VolumeAttachmentStatusAttachingConst = "attaching" - VolumeAttachmentStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - VolumeAttachmentStatusDetachingConst = "detaching" -) - -// Constants associated with the VolumeAttachment.Type property. -// The type of volume attachment. -const ( - VolumeAttachmentTypeBootConst = "boot" - VolumeAttachmentTypeDataConst = "data" -) - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachment unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "bandwidth", &obj.Bandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_volume_on_instance_delete", &obj.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "device", &obj.Device, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentDevice) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume", &obj.Volume, UnmarshalVolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentCollection : VolumeAttachmentCollection struct -type VolumeAttachmentCollection struct { - // Collection of volume attachments. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachment `json:"volume_attachments" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentCollection unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachment) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentDevice : VolumeAttachmentDevice struct -type VolumeAttachmentDevice struct { - // A unique identifier for the device which is exposed to the instance operating system. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentDevice unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentDevice from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentDevice(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentDevice) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPatch : VolumeAttachmentPatch struct -type VolumeAttachmentPatch struct { - // Indicates whether deleting the instance will also delete the attached volume. - DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete *bool `json:"delete_volume_on_instance_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume attachment. The name must not be used by another volume attachment on the instance. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPatch unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_volume_on_instance_delete", &obj.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the VolumeAttachmentPatch -func (volumeAttachmentPatch *VolumeAttachmentPatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(volumeAttachmentPatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototype : VolumeAttachmentPrototype struct -type VolumeAttachmentPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether deleting the instance will also delete the attached volume. - DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete *bool `json:"delete_volume_on_instance_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume attachment. The name must not be used by another volume attachment on the instance. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // An existing volume to attach to the instance, or a prototype object for a new volume. - Volume VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeIntf `json:"volume" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeAttachmentPrototype : Instantiate VolumeAttachmentPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeAttachmentPrototype(volume VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeIntf) (_model *VolumeAttachmentPrototype, err error) { - _model = &VolumeAttachmentPrototype{ - Volume: volume, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_volume_on_instance_delete", &obj.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume", &obj.Volume, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext : VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext struct -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext struct { - // Indicates whether deleting the instance will also delete the attached volume. - DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete *bool `json:"delete_volume_on_instance_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume attachment. The name must not be used by another volume attachment on the instance. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // A prototype object for a new volume. - Volume *VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"volume" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext : Instantiate VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext(volume *VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext) (_model *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext, err error) { - _model = &VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext{ - Volume: volume, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_volume_on_instance_delete", &obj.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume", &obj.Volume, UnmarshalVolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext : VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext struct -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext struct { - // Indicates whether deleting the instance will also delete the attached volume. - DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete *bool `json:"delete_volume_on_instance_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume attachment. The name must not be used by another volume attachment on the instance. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // A prototype object for a new volume from a snapshot. - Volume *VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"volume" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext : Instantiate VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext(volume *VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) (_model *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext, err error) { - _model = &VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext{ - Volume: volume, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_volume_on_instance_delete", &obj.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume", &obj.Volume, UnmarshalVolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext : VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext struct -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext struct { - // Indicates whether deleting the instance will also delete the attached volume. - DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete *bool `json:"delete_volume_on_instance_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume attachment. The name must not be used by another volume attachment on the instance. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // An existing volume to attach. - Volume VolumeIdentityIntf `json:"volume" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext : Instantiate VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext(volume VolumeIdentityIntf) (_model *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext, err error) { - _model = &VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext{ - Volume: volume, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_volume_on_instance_delete", &obj.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume", &obj.Volume, UnmarshalVolumeIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume : An existing volume to attach to the instance, or a prototype object for a new volume. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity -// - VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume struct { - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. If unspecified, the name will - // be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) to - // use for this volume. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use for this volume. If unspecified, the instance's resource - // group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). The specified minimum and maximum capacity values for creating or - // updating volumes may expand in the future. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the volume will be `provider_managed`. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The snapshot from which to clone the volume. - SourceSnapshot SnapshotIdentityIntf `json:"source_snapshot,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume() bool { - return true -} - -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeIntf interface { - isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext : VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext struct -type VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // Information about how the volume is exposed to the instance operating system. - // - // This property may be absent if the volume attachment's `status` is not `attached`. - Device *VolumeAttachmentDevice `json:"device,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this volume attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this volume attachment. The name is unique across all volume attachments on the instance. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The attached volume. - // - // This property will be absent if the volume has not yet been provisioned. - Volume *VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext `json:"volume,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "device", &obj.Device, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentDevice) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume", &obj.Volume, UnmarshalVolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContextDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContextDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContextDeleted unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContextDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContextDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentReferenceInstanceContextDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext : VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext struct -type VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext struct { - // Indicates whether deleting the instance will also delete the attached volume. - DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete *bool `json:"delete_volume_on_instance_delete" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // Information about how the volume is exposed to the instance operating system. - // - // This property may be absent if the volume attachment's `status` is not `attached`. - Device *VolumeAttachmentDevice `json:"device,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this volume attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The attached instance. - Instance *InstanceReference `json:"instance" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this volume attachment. The name is unique across all volume attachments on the instance. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The type of volume attachment. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext.Type property. -// The type of volume attachment. -const ( - VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextTypeBootConst = "boot" - VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextTypeDataConst = "data" -) - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_volume_on_instance_delete", &obj.DeleteVolumeOnInstanceDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "device", &obj.Device, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentDevice) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "instance", &obj.Instance, UnmarshalInstanceReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextDeleted unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentReferenceVolumeContextDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeCollection : VolumeCollection struct -type VolumeCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *VolumeCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *VolumeCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of volumes. - Volumes []Volume `json:"volumes" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeCollection unmarshals an instance of VolumeCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalVolumeCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalVolumeCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volumes", &obj.Volumes, UnmarshalVolume) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *VolumeCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// VolumeCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type VolumeCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of VolumeCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type VolumeCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of VolumeCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeHealthReason : VolumeHealthReason struct -type VolumeHealthReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the reason for this health state. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about the reason for this health state. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VolumeHealthReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the reason for this health state. -const ( - VolumeHealthReasonCodeInitializingFromSnapshotConst = "initializing_from_snapshot" -) - -// UnmarshalVolumeHealthReason unmarshals an instance of VolumeHealthReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeHealthReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeHealthReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeIdentity : Identifies a volume by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VolumeIdentityByID -// - VolumeIdentityByCRN -// - VolumeIdentityByHref -type VolumeIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VolumeIdentity) isaVolumeIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type VolumeIdentityIntf interface { - isaVolumeIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeIdentity unmarshals an instance of VolumeIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumePatch : VolumePatch struct -type VolumePatch struct { - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). The volume must be attached to a running virtual server instance, - // and the specified value must not be less than the current capacity. Additionally, if the volume is attached as a - // boot volume, the maximum value is 250 gigabytes. - // - // The minimum and maximum capacity limits for creating or updating volumes may expand in the future. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. The volume must be attached as a data volume to a running virtual server instance. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The profile to use for this volume. The requested profile must be in the same - // `family` as the current profile. The volume must be attached as a data volume to - // a running virtual server instance, and must have a `capacity` within the range - // supported by the specified profile. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumePatch unmarshals an instance of VolumePatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumePatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumePatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// AsPatch returns a generic map representation of the VolumePatch -func (volumePatch *VolumePatch) AsPatch() (_patch map[string]interface{}, err error) { - var jsonData []byte - jsonData, err = json.Marshal(volumePatch) - if err == nil { - err = json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &_patch) - } - return -} - -// VolumeProfile : VolumeProfile struct -type VolumeProfile struct { - // The product family this volume profile belongs to. - // - // The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the volume profile on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - Family *string `json:"family" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this volume profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this volume profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VolumeProfile.Family property. -// The product family this volume profile belongs to. -// -// The enumerated values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the volume profile on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - VolumeProfileFamilyCustomConst = "custom" - VolumeProfileFamilyTieredConst = "tiered" -) - -// UnmarshalVolumeProfile unmarshals an instance of VolumeProfile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeProfile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeProfile) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "family", &obj.Family) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeProfileCollection : VolumeProfileCollection struct -type VolumeProfileCollection struct { - // A link to the first page of resources. - First *VolumeProfileCollectionFirst `json:"first" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of resources that can be returned by the request. - Limit *int64 `json:"limit" validate:"required"` - - // A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages - // except the last page. - Next *VolumeProfileCollectionNext `json:"next,omitempty"` - - // Collection of volume profiles. - Profiles []VolumeProfile `json:"profiles" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of resources across all pages. - TotalCount *int64 `json:"total_count" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeProfileCollection unmarshals an instance of VolumeProfileCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeProfileCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeProfileCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "first", &obj.First, UnmarshalVolumeProfileCollectionFirst) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "limit", &obj.Limit) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "next", &obj.Next, UnmarshalVolumeProfileCollectionNext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profiles", &obj.Profiles, UnmarshalVolumeProfile) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_count", &obj.TotalCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Retrieve the value to be passed to a request to access the next page of results -func (resp *VolumeProfileCollection) GetNextStart() (*string, error) { - if core.IsNil(resp.Next) { - return nil, nil - } - start, err := core.GetQueryParam(resp.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil || start == nil { - return nil, err - } - return start, nil -} - -// VolumeProfileCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type VolumeProfileCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeProfileCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of VolumeProfileCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeProfileCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeProfileCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeProfileCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type VolumeProfileCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeProfileCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of VolumeProfileCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeProfileCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeProfileCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeProfileIdentity : Identifies a volume profile by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VolumeProfileIdentityByName -// - VolumeProfileIdentityByHref -type VolumeProfileIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name for this volume profile. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume profile. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VolumeProfileIdentity) isaVolumeProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type VolumeProfileIdentityIntf interface { - isaVolumeProfileIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity unmarshals an instance of VolumeProfileIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeProfileIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeProfileReference : VolumeProfileReference struct -type VolumeProfileReference struct { - // The URL for this volume profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this volume profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeProfileReference unmarshals an instance of VolumeProfileReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeProfileReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeProfileReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumePrototype : VolumePrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity -// - VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot -type VolumePrototype struct { - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. If unspecified, the name will - // be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) to - // use for this volume. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The zone this volume will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). The specified minimum and maximum capacity values for creating or - // updating volumes may expand in the future. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the volume will be `provider_managed`. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The snapshot from which to clone the volume. - SourceSnapshot SnapshotIdentityIntf `json:"source_snapshot,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VolumePrototype) isaVolumePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type VolumePrototypeIntf interface { - isaVolumePrototype() bool -} - -// UnmarshalVolumePrototype unmarshals an instance of VolumePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext : VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext struct -type VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext struct { - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). Must be at least the image's - // `minimum_provisioned_size`. The maximum value may increase in the future. - // - // If unspecified, the capacity will be the image's `minimum_provisioned_size`. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the volume will be `provider_managed`. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. If unspecified, the name will - // be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) to - // use for this volume. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use for this volume. If unspecified, the instance's resource - // group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` -} - -// NewVolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext : Instantiate VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext(profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf) (_model *VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext, err error) { - _model = &VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext{ - Profile: profile, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalVolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext unmarshals an instance of VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumePrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext : VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext struct -type VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext struct { - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). Must be at least the snapshot's - // `minimum_capacity`. The maximum value may increase in the future. - // - // If unspecified, the capacity will be the source snapshot's `minimum_capacity`. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the volume will be `provider_managed`. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. If unspecified, the name will - // be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) to - // use for this volume. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use for this volume. If unspecified, the instance's resource - // group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The snapshot from which to clone the volume. - SourceSnapshot SnapshotIdentityIntf `json:"source_snapshot" validate:"required"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` -} - -// NewVolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext : Instantiate VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext(profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf, sourceSnapshot SnapshotIdentityIntf) (_model *VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext, err error) { - _model = &VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext{ - Profile: profile, - SourceSnapshot: sourceSnapshot, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -// UnmarshalVolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext unmarshals an instance of VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeReference : VolumeReference struct -type VolumeReference struct { - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VolumeReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this volume. The name is unique across all volumes in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *VolumeRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VolumeReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VolumeReferenceResourceTypeVolumeConst = "volume" -) - -// UnmarshalVolumeReference unmarshals an instance of VolumeReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVolumeReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalVolumeRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeReferenceDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VolumeReferenceDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeReferenceDeleted unmarshals an instance of VolumeReferenceDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeReferenceDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeReferenceDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext : VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext struct -type VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext struct { - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this volume. The name is unique across all volumes in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContextResourceTypeVolumeConst = "volume" -) - -// UnmarshalVolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext unmarshals an instance of VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContextDeleted : If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides some supplementary -// information. -type VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContextDeleted struct { - // Link to documentation about deleted resources. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContextDeleted unmarshals an instance of VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContextDeleted from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContextDeleted(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeReferenceVolumeAttachmentContextDeleted) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeRemote : If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference is remote and therefore may not -// be directly retrievable. -type VolumeRemote struct { - // If present, this property indicates that the referenced resource is remote to this - // region, and identifies the native region. - Region *RegionReference `json:"region,omitempty"` -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeRemote unmarshals an instance of VolumeRemote from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeRemote(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeRemote) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeStatusReason : VolumeStatusReason struct -type VolumeStatusReason struct { - // A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. - Code *string `json:"code" validate:"required"` - - // An explanation of the status reason. - Message *string `json:"message" validate:"required"` - - // Link to documentation about this status reason. - MoreInfo *string `json:"more_info,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VolumeStatusReason.Code property. -// A snake case string succinctly identifying the status reason. -const ( - VolumeStatusReasonCodeEncryptionKeyDeletedConst = "encryption_key_deleted" -) - -// UnmarshalVolumeStatusReason unmarshals an instance of VolumeStatusReason from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeStatusReason(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeStatusReason) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "message", &obj.Message) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "more_info", &obj.MoreInfo) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionFirst : A link to the first page of resources. -type VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionFirst struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionFirst unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionFirst from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionFirst(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionFirst) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionNext : A link to the next page of resources. This property is present for all pages except the last page. -type VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionNext struct { - // The URL for a page of resources. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionNext unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionNext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionNext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolutionBindingCollectionNext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// Zone : Zone struct -type Zone struct { - // The URL for this zone. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this zone. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The region this zone resides in. - Region *RegionReference `json:"region" validate:"required"` - - // The availability status of this zone. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the Zone.Status property. -// The availability status of this zone. -const ( - ZoneStatusAvailableConst = "available" - ZoneStatusImpairedConst = "impaired" - ZoneStatusUnavailableConst = "unavailable" -) - -// UnmarshalZone unmarshals an instance of Zone from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalZone(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(Zone) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "region", &obj.Region, UnmarshalRegionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ZoneCollection : ZoneCollection struct -type ZoneCollection struct { - // Collection of zones. - Zones []Zone `json:"zones" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalZoneCollection unmarshals an instance of ZoneCollection from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalZoneCollection(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ZoneCollection) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zones", &obj.Zones, UnmarshalZone) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ZoneIdentity : Identifies a zone by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ZoneIdentityByName -// - ZoneIdentityByHref -type ZoneIdentity struct { - // The globally unique name for this zone. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this zone. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ZoneIdentity) isaZoneIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type ZoneIdentityIntf interface { - isaZoneIdentity() bool -} - -// UnmarshalZoneIdentity unmarshals an instance of ZoneIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalZoneIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ZoneIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ZoneReference : ZoneReference struct -type ZoneReference struct { - // The URL for this zone. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The globally unique name for this zone. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// UnmarshalZoneReference unmarshals an instance of ZoneReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalZoneReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ZoneReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyJobSourceInstanceReference : BackupPolicyJobSourceInstanceReference struct -// This model "extends" BackupPolicyJobSource -type BackupPolicyJobSourceInstanceReference struct { - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name is unique across all virtual server instances in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*BackupPolicyJobSourceInstanceReference) isaBackupPolicyJobSource() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobSourceInstanceReference unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyJobSourceInstanceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobSourceInstanceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyJobSourceInstanceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference : BackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference struct -// This model "extends" BackupPolicyJobSource -type BackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference struct { - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VolumeReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this volume. The name is unique across all volumes in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates that the resource associated with this reference - // is remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - Remote *VolumeRemote `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReferenceResourceTypeVolumeConst = "volume" -) - -func (*BackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference) isaBackupPolicyJobSource() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyJobSourceVolumeReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVolumeReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalVolumeRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance : BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance struct -// This model "extends" BackupPolicy -type BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance struct { - // The date and time that the backup policy was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this backup policy. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current `health_state` (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []BackupPolicyHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this backup policy. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this backup policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the most recent job for this backup policy completed. - // - // If absent, no job has yet completed for this backup policy. - LastJobCompletedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_job_completed_at,omitempty"` - - // The lifecycle state of the backup policy. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The user tags this backup policy applies to. Resources that have both a matching user tag and a matching type will - // be subject to the backup policy. - MatchUserTags []string `json:"match_user_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this backup policy. The name is unique across all backup policies in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The plans for the backup policy. - Plans []BackupPolicyPlanReference `json:"plans" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this backup policy. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - Scope BackupPolicyScopeIntf `json:"scope" validate:"required"` - - // The included content for backups created using this policy: - // - `boot_volume`: Include the instance's boot volume. - // - `data_volumes`: Include the instance's data volumes. - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - IncludedContent []string `json:"included_content" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type this backup policy applies to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag - // will be subject to the backup policy. - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - MatchResourceType *string `json:"match_resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the backup policy. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceResourceTypeBackupPolicyConst = "backup_policy" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance.IncludedContent property. -// An item to include. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceIncludedContentBootVolumeConst = "boot_volume" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceIncludedContentDataVolumesConst = "data_volumes" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance.MatchResourceType property. -// The resource type this backup policy applies to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag -// will be subject to the backup policy. -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstanceMatchResourceTypeInstanceConst = "instance" -) - -func (*BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance) isaBackupPolicy() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstance) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalBackupPolicyHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "last_job_completed_at", &obj.LastJobCompletedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_user_tags", &obj.MatchUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "plans", &obj.Plans, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "scope", &obj.Scope, UnmarshalBackupPolicyScope) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "included_content", &obj.IncludedContent) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_resource_type", &obj.MatchResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume : BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume struct -// This model "extends" BackupPolicy -type BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume struct { - // The date and time that the backup policy was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this backup policy. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current `health_state` (if any). - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []BackupPolicyHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this backup policy. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this backup policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the most recent job for this backup policy completed. - // - // If absent, no job has yet completed for this backup policy. - LastJobCompletedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_job_completed_at,omitempty"` - - // The lifecycle state of the backup policy. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The user tags this backup policy applies to. Resources that have both a matching user tag and a matching type will - // be subject to the backup policy. - MatchUserTags []string `json:"match_user_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this backup policy. The name is unique across all backup policies in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The plans for the backup policy. - Plans []BackupPolicyPlanReference `json:"plans" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this backup policy. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - Scope BackupPolicyScopeIntf `json:"scope" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type this backup policy applies to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag - // will be subject to the backup policy. - // - // The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log - // unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - MatchResourceType *string `json:"match_resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the backup policy. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeResourceTypeBackupPolicyConst = "backup_policy" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume.MatchResourceType property. -// The resource type this backup policy applies to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag -// will be subject to the backup policy. -// -// The enumerated values for this property may expand in the future. When processing this property, check for and log -// unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the backup policy on which the unexpected -// property value was encountered. -const ( - BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumeMatchResourceTypeVolumeConst = "volume" -) - -func (*BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume) isaBackupPolicy() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolume) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalBackupPolicyHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "last_job_completed_at", &obj.LastJobCompletedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_user_tags", &obj.MatchUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "plans", &obj.Plans, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "scope", &obj.Scope, UnmarshalBackupPolicyScope) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_resource_type", &obj.MatchResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype : BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype struct -// This model "extends" BackupPolicyPrototype -type BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype struct { - // The user tags this backup policy will apply to. Resources that have both a matching user tag and a matching type - // will be subject to the backup policy. - MatchUserTags []string `json:"match_user_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this backup policy. The name must not be used by another backup policy in the region. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The prototype objects for backup plans to be created for this backup policy. - Plans []BackupPolicyPlanPrototype `json:"plans,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - Scope BackupPolicyScopePrototypeIntf `json:"scope,omitempty"` - - // The included content for backups created using this policy: - // - `boot_volume`: Include the instance's boot volume. - // - `data_volumes`: Include the instance's data volumes. - IncludedContent []string `json:"included_content,omitempty"` - - // The resource type this backup policy will apply to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag - // will be subject to the backup policy. - MatchResourceType *string `json:"match_resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype.IncludedContent property. -// An item to include. -const ( - BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototypeIncludedContentBootVolumeConst = "boot_volume" - BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototypeIncludedContentDataVolumesConst = "data_volumes" -) - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype.MatchResourceType property. -// The resource type this backup policy will apply to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag -// will be subject to the backup policy. -const ( - BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototypeMatchResourceTypeInstanceConst = "instance" -) - -// NewBackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype : Instantiate BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype(matchUserTags []string, matchResourceType string) (_model *BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype, err error) { - _model = &BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype{ - MatchUserTags: matchUserTags, - MatchResourceType: core.StringPtr(matchResourceType), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype) isaBackupPolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeInstancePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_user_tags", &obj.MatchUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "plans", &obj.Plans, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "scope", &obj.Scope, UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "included_content", &obj.IncludedContent) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_resource_type", &obj.MatchResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype : BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype struct -// This model "extends" BackupPolicyPrototype -type BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype struct { - // The user tags this backup policy will apply to. Resources that have both a matching user tag and a matching type - // will be subject to the backup policy. - MatchUserTags []string `json:"match_user_tags" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this backup policy. The name must not be used by another backup policy in the region. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The prototype objects for backup plans to be created for this backup policy. - Plans []BackupPolicyPlanPrototype `json:"plans,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - Scope BackupPolicyScopePrototypeIntf `json:"scope,omitempty"` - - // The resource type this backup policy will apply to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag - // will be subject to the backup policy. - MatchResourceType *string `json:"match_resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype.MatchResourceType property. -// The resource type this backup policy will apply to. Resources that have both a matching type and a matching user tag -// will be subject to the backup policy. -const ( - BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototypeMatchResourceTypeVolumeConst = "volume" -) - -// NewBackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype : Instantiate BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype(matchUserTags []string, matchResourceType string) (_model *BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype, err error) { - _model = &BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype{ - MatchUserTags: matchUserTags, - MatchResourceType: core.StringPtr(matchResourceType), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype) isaBackupPolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyPrototypeBackupPolicyMatchResourceTypeVolumePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_user_tags", &obj.MatchUserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "plans", &obj.Plans, UnmarshalBackupPolicyPlanPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "scope", &obj.Scope, UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "match_resource_type", &obj.MatchResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity : Identifies an enterprise by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN -// This model "extends" BackupPolicyScopePrototype -type BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity struct { - // The CRN for this enterprise. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity) isaBackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityIntf interface { - BackupPolicyScopePrototypeIntf - isaBackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity() bool -} - -func (*BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity) isaBackupPolicyScopePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyScopeAccountReference : BackupPolicyScopeAccountReference struct -// This model "extends" BackupPolicyScope -type BackupPolicyScopeAccountReference struct { - // The unique identifier for this account. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyScopeAccountReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyScopeAccountReferenceResourceTypeAccountConst = "account" -) - -func (*BackupPolicyScopeAccountReference) isaBackupPolicyScope() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopeAccountReference unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyScopeAccountReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopeAccountReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyScopeAccountReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference : BackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference struct -// This model "extends" BackupPolicyScope -type BackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference struct { - // The CRN for this enterprise. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this enterprise. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReferenceResourceTypeEnterpriseConst = "enterprise" -) - -func (*BackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference) isaBackupPolicyScope() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyScopeEnterpriseReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference : BareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerBootTarget -type BareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *BareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server disk. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server disk. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server disk. The name is unique across all disks on the bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReferenceResourceTypeBareMetalServerDiskConst = "bare_metal_server_disk" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference) isaBareMetalServerBootTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerBootTargetBareMetalServerDiskReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalBareMetalServerDiskReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount : BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount -type BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount struct { - // The password at initialization, encrypted using `encryption_key`, and returned base64-encoded. - EncryptedPassword *[]byte `json:"encrypted_password" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH key used to encrypt the password. - EncryptionKey *KeyReference `json:"encryption_key" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The username for the account created at initialization. - Username *string `json:"username" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccountResourceTypeHostUserAccountConst = "host_user_account" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount) isaBareMetalServerInitializationUserAccount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerInitializationUserAccountBareMetalServerInitializationHostUserAccount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encrypted_password", &obj.EncryptedPassword) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalKeyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "username", &obj.Username) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci struct { - // The date and time that the bare metal server network attachment was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the bare metal server network attachment. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. The name is unique across all network attachments for the - // bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The port speed for this bare metal server network attachment in Mbps. - PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP address of the virtual network interface for the bare metal server network attachment. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The subnet of the virtual network interface for the bare metal server network attachment. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network attachment type. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The virtual network interface for this bare metal server network attachment. - VirtualNetworkInterface *VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs allowed for `vlan` attachments using this PCI attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans" validate:"required"` - - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI attachment - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the bare metal server network attachment. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciResourceTypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentConst = "bare_metal_server_network_attachment" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci.Type property. -// The bare metal server network attachment type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciTypePrimaryConst = "primary" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciTypeSecondaryConst = "secondary" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci.InterfaceType property. -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI attachment -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPci) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_speed", &obj.PortSpeed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkAttachment -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan struct { - // The date and time that the bare metal server network attachment was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the bare metal server network attachment. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. The name is unique across all network attachments for the - // bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The port speed for this bare metal server network attachment in Mbps. - PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP address of the virtual network interface for the bare metal server network attachment. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The subnet of the virtual network interface for the bare metal server network attachment. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network attachment type. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The virtual network interface for this bare metal server network attachment. - VirtualNetworkInterface *VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates if the data path for the network attachment can float to another bare metal server. Can only be `true` for - // network attachments with an `interface_type` of `vlan`. - // - // If `true`, and the network detects traffic for this data path on another bare metal server in the resource group, - // the network attachment will be automatically deleted from this bare metal server and a new network attachment with - // the same `id`, `name` and `vlan` will be created on the other bare metal server. The virtual network interface for - // this network attachment will be automatically be attached to the new network attachment. - // - // For the data path to float, the other bare metal server must be in the same - // `resource_group`, and must have a network attachment with `interface_type` of `pci` with `allowed_vlans` including - // this network attachment's `vlan`. - AllowToFloat *bool `json:"allow_to_float" validate:"required"` - - // - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its array - // of `allowed_vlans`. - // - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID that must be used for all traffic on this attachment. - Vlan *int64 `json:"vlan" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the bare metal server network attachment. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanResourceTypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentConst = "bare_metal_server_network_attachment" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan.Type property. -// The bare metal server network attachment type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanTypePrimaryConst = "primary" - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanTypeSecondaryConst = "secondary" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan.InterfaceType property. -// - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its array -// of `allowed_vlans`. -// - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanInterfaceTypeVlanConst = "vlan" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachment() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlan) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_speed", &obj.PortSpeed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_to_float", &obj.AllowToFloat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "vlan", &obj.Vlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies a virtual network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf - isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentContext : The virtual network interface for this target. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentContext struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. If `false`, source IP spoofing is prevented on - // this interface. If `true`, source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this virtual network interface will be automatically deleted when - // `target` is deleted. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the virtual network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - Can only be attached to a `target` with a `resource_type` of - // `bare_metal_server_network_attachment`. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // Additional IP addresses to bind to the virtual network interface. Each item may be either a reserved IP identity, or - // a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a new reserved IP. All IP addresses must be in the - // primary IP's subnet. - // - // If reserved IP identities are provided, the specified reserved IPs must be unbound. - // - // If reserved IP prototype objects with addresses are provided, the addresses must be available on the virtual network - // interface's subnet. For any prototype objects that do not specify an address, an available address on the subnet - // will be automatically selected and reserved. - Ips []VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"ips,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name must not be used by another virtual network interface in the - // VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. Names beginning with `ibm-` are - // reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the virtual network interface. May be either a - // reserved IP identity, or a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a - // new reserved IP. - // - // If a reserved IP identity is provided, the specified reserved IP must be unbound. - // - // If a reserved IP prototype object with an address is provided, the address must be - // available on the virtual network interface's subnet. If no address is specified, - // an available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the - // bare metal server's resource group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the default security group of the VPC - // for the subnet is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. Required if `primary_ip` does not specify a reserved IP - // identity. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet,omitempty"` -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentContext) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentContext unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype struct { - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. Names must be unique within the bare metal server the - // network attachment resides in. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - VirtualNetworkInterface BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs to allow for `vlan` attachments using this PCI attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI attachment - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype.InterfaceType property. -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI attachment -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototypeInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" -) - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype : Instantiate BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype(virtualNetworkInterface BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf, interfaceType string) (_model *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype{ - VirtualNetworkInterface: virtualNetworkInterface, - InterfaceType: core.StringPtr(interfaceType), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype struct { - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. Names must be unique within the bare metal server the - // network attachment resides in. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - VirtualNetworkInterface BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates if the data path for the network attachment can float to another bare metal server. Can only be `true` for - // network attachments with an `interface_type` of `vlan`. - // - // If `true`, and the network detects traffic for this data path on another bare metal server in the resource group, - // the network attachment will be automatically deleted from this bare metal server and a new network attachment with - // the same `id`, `name` and `vlan` will be created on the other bare metal server. The virtual network interface for - // this network attachment will be automatically be attached to the new network attachment. - // - // For the data path to float, the other bare metal server must be in the same - // `resource_group`, and must have a network attachment with `interface_type` of `pci` with `allowed_vlans` including - // this network attachment's `vlan`. - AllowToFloat *bool `json:"allow_to_float,omitempty"` - - // - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its array - // of `allowed_vlans`. - // - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID that must be used for all traffic on this attachment. - Vlan *int64 `json:"vlan" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype.InterfaceType property. -// - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its array -// of `allowed_vlans`. -// - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototypeInterfaceTypeVlanConst = "vlan" -) - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype : Instantiate BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype(virtualNetworkInterface BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf, interfaceType string, vlan int64) (_model *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype{ - VirtualNetworkInterface: virtualNetworkInterface, - InterfaceType: core.StringPtr(interfaceType), - Vlan: core.Int64Ptr(vlan), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentByVlanPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_to_float", &obj.AllowToFloat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "vlan", &obj.Vlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket : BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkInterface -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the bare metal server network interface was created. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface was created as a [read-only - // representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) when its corresponding - // network attachment was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat" validate:"required"` - - // The floating IPs associated with this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the floating IPs are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - FloatingIps []FloatingIPReference `json:"floating_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The MAC address of this bare metal server network interface. If the MAC address has not yet been selected, the value - // will be an empty string. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the MAC address is that of the - // attached virtual network interface. - MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the name matches its corresponding - // network attachment. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network interface port speed in Mbps. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the port speed is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The security groups targeting this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the security groups are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupReference `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from - // them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network interface type. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // - `hipersocket`: a virtual network device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity - // within a `s390x` based system. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket.Status property. -// The status of the bare metal server network interface. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from -// them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketStatusAvailableConst = "available" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketStatusFailedConst = "failed" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketStatusPendingConst = "pending" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket.Type property. -// The bare metal server network interface type. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a -// [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its -// corresponding network attachment. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketTypePrimaryConst = "primary" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketTypeSecondaryConst = "secondary" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket.InterfaceType property. -// - `hipersocket`: a virtual network device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity -// within a `s390x` based system. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketInterfaceTypeHipersocketConst = "hipersocket" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket) isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "floating_ips", &obj.FloatingIps, UnmarshalFloatingIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mac_address", &obj.MacAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_speed", &obj.PortSpeed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci : BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkInterface -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the bare metal server network interface was created. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface was created as a [read-only - // representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) when its corresponding - // network attachment was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat" validate:"required"` - - // The floating IPs associated with this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the floating IPs are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - FloatingIps []FloatingIPReference `json:"floating_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The MAC address of this bare metal server network interface. If the MAC address has not yet been selected, the value - // will be an empty string. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the MAC address is that of the - // attached virtual network interface. - MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the name matches its corresponding - // network attachment. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network interface port speed in Mbps. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the port speed is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The security groups targeting this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the security groups are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupReference `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from - // them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network interface type. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs allowed for `vlan` interfaces using this PCI interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the VLAN IDs match the - // `allow_vlans` of the corresponding network attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans" validate:"required"` - - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI interface - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci.Status property. -// The status of the bare metal server network interface. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from -// them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciStatusAvailableConst = "available" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciStatusFailedConst = "failed" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciStatusPendingConst = "pending" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci.Type property. -// The bare metal server network interface type. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a -// [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its -// corresponding network attachment. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciTypePrimaryConst = "primary" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciTypeSecondaryConst = "secondary" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci.InterfaceType property. -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI interface -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci) isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPci) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "floating_ips", &obj.FloatingIps, UnmarshalFloatingIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mac_address", &obj.MacAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_speed", &obj.PortSpeed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan : BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkInterface -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the bare metal server network interface was created. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface was created as a [read-only - // representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) when its corresponding - // network attachment was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat" validate:"required"` - - // The floating IPs associated with this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the floating IPs are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - FloatingIps []FloatingIPReference `json:"floating_ips" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The MAC address of this bare metal server network interface. If the MAC address has not yet been selected, the value - // will be an empty string. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the MAC address is that of the - // attached virtual network interface. - MacAddress *string `json:"mac_address" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the name matches its corresponding - // network attachment. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network interface port speed in Mbps. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the port speed is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - PortSpeed *int64 `json:"port_speed" validate:"required"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The security groups targeting this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the security groups are associated - // with the attached virtual network interface. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupReference `json:"security_groups" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from - // them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The bare metal server network interface type. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates if the data path for the network interface can float to another bare metal server. Can only be `true` for - // network interfaces with an `interface_type` of `vlan`. - // - // If `true`, and the network detects traffic for this data path on another bare metal server in the resource group, - // the network interface will be automatically deleted from this bare metal server and a new network interface with the - // same `id`, `name` and `vlan` will be created on the other bare metal server. - // - // For the data path to float, the other bare metal server must be in the same - // `resource_group`, and must have a network interface with `interface_type` of `pci` with `allowed_vlans` including - // this network interface's `vlan`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the value of this property matches - // that of the `allow_to_float` property of the corresponding network attachment. - AllowInterfaceToFloat *bool `json:"allow_interface_to_float" validate:"required"` - - // - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its array - // of `allowed_vlans`. - // - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Has its own security groups and does not inherit those of the PCI device through - // which traffic flows. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN ID used in the IEEE 802.1Q tag present in all traffic on this interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the VLAN ID matches the `vlan` of - // the corresponding network attachment. - Vlan *int64 `json:"vlan" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan.Status property. -// The status of the bare metal server network interface. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from -// them](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients). -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanStatusAvailableConst = "available" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanStatusDeletingConst = "deleting" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanStatusFailedConst = "failed" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanStatusPendingConst = "pending" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan.Type property. -// The bare metal server network interface type. -// -// If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a -// [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its -// corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its -// corresponding network attachment. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanTypePrimaryConst = "primary" - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanTypeSecondaryConst = "secondary" -) - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan.InterfaceType property. -// - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its array -// of `allowed_vlans`. -// - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Has its own security groups and does not inherit those of the PCI device through -// which traffic flows. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanInterfaceTypeVlanConst = "vlan" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan) isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlan) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "floating_ips", &obj.FloatingIps, UnmarshalFloatingIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mac_address", &obj.MacAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_speed", &obj.PortSpeed) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_interface_to_float", &obj.AllowInterfaceToFloat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "vlan", &obj.Vlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype : BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the - // bare metal server. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the bare metal server network interface. This can be specified using an existing - // reserved IP, or a prototype object for a new reserved IP. - // - // If an existing reserved IP or a prototype object with an address is specified, it must be available on the bare - // metal server network interface's subnet. Otherwise, an available address on the subnet will be automatically - // selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this bare metal server network interface. If unspecified, the VPC's default security - // group is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // - `hipersocket`: a virtual network device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity - // within a `s390x` based system. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `amd64`. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype.InterfaceType property. -// - `hipersocket`: a virtual network device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity -// within a `s390x` based system. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `amd64`. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototypeInterfaceTypeHipersocketConst = "hipersocket" -) - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype : Instantiate BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf, interfaceType string) (_model *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype{ - Subnet: subnet, - InterfaceType: core.StringPtr(interfaceType), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype) isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocketPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype : BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the - // bare metal server. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the bare metal server network interface. This can be specified using an existing - // reserved IP, or a prototype object for a new reserved IP. - // - // If an existing reserved IP or a prototype object with an address is specified, it must be available on the bare - // metal server network interface's subnet. Otherwise, an available address on the subnet will be automatically - // selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this bare metal server network interface. If unspecified, the VPC's default security - // group is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs to allow for `vlan` interfaces using this PCI interface. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI interface - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype.InterfaceType property. -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI interface -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototypeInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" -) - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype : Instantiate BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf, interfaceType string) (_model *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype{ - Subnet: subnet, - InterfaceType: core.StringPtr(interfaceType), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype) isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPciPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype : BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on - // the attached virtual network interface. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the - // bare metal server. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the bare metal server network interface. This can be specified using an existing - // reserved IP, or a prototype object for a new reserved IP. - // - // If an existing reserved IP or a prototype object with an address is specified, it must be available on the bare - // metal server network interface's subnet. Otherwise, an available address on the subnet will be automatically - // selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this bare metal server network interface. If unspecified, the VPC's default security - // group is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates if the data path for the network interface can float to another bare metal server. Can only be `true` for - // network interfaces with an `interface_type` of `vlan`. - // - // If `true`, and the network detects traffic for this data path on another bare metal server in the resource group, - // the network interface will be automatically deleted from this bare metal server and a new network interface with the - // same `id`, `name` and `vlan` will be created on the other bare metal server. - // - // For the data path to float, the other bare metal server must be in the same - // `resource_group`, and must have a network interface with `interface_type` of `pci` with `allowed_vlans` including - // this network interface's `vlan`. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the value of this property matches - // that of the `allow_to_float` property of the corresponding network attachment. - AllowInterfaceToFloat *bool `json:"allow_interface_to_float,omitempty"` - - // - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its array - // of `allowed_vlans`. - // - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Has its own security groups and does not inherit those of the PCI device through - // which traffic flows. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN ID used in the IEEE 802.1Q tag present in all traffic on this interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the VLAN ID matches the `vlan` of - // the corresponding network attachment. - Vlan *int64 `json:"vlan" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype.InterfaceType property. -// - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its array -// of `allowed_vlans`. -// - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Has its own security groups and does not inherit those of the PCI device through -// which traffic flows. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. -const ( - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototypeInterfaceTypeVlanConst = "vlan" -) - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype : Instantiate BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf, interfaceType string, vlan int64) (_model *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype{ - Subnet: subnet, - InterfaceType: core.StringPtr(interfaceType), - Vlan: core.Int64Ptr(vlan), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype) isaBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVlanPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_interface_to_float", &obj.AllowInterfaceToFloat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "vlan", &obj.Vlan) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype : BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype -type BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype struct { - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. Names must be unique within the bare metal server the - // network attachment resides in. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - VirtualNetworkInterface BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` - - // The VLAN IDs to allow for `vlan` attachments using this PCI attachment. - AllowedVlans []int64 `json:"allowed_vlans,omitempty"` - - // - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal - // server is stopped - // - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted - // to use the PCI attachment - // - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - // - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. - InterfaceType *string `json:"interface_type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype.InterfaceType property. -// - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal -// server is stopped -// - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted -// to use the PCI attachment -// - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. -// - Not supported on bare metal servers with a `cpu.architecture` of `s390x`. -const ( - BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototypeInterfaceTypePciConst = "pci" -) - -// NewBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype : Instantiate BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype(virtualNetworkInterface BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf) (_model *BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype{ - VirtualNetworkInterface: virtualNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype) isaBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentByPciPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allowed_vlans", &obj.AllowedVlans) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "interface_type", &obj.InterfaceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependent : The total bandwidth shared across the bare metal server network attachments or bare metal server network interfaces -// of a bare metal server with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth -type BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependent) isaBareMetalServerProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependent unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnum : The permitted total bandwidth values (in megabits per second) shared across the bare metal server network attachments -// or bare metal server network interfaces of a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth -type BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnum) isaBareMetalServerProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnum unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixed : The total bandwidth (in megabits per second) shared across the bare metal server network attachments or bare metal -// server network interfaces of a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth -type BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixed) isaBareMetalServerProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixed unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRange : The permitted total bandwidth range (in megabits per second) shared across the network attachments or network -// interfaces of a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileBandwidth -type BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRange) isaBareMetalServerProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRange unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileBandwidthRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependent : The CPU core count for a bare metal server with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependent) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependent unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnum : The permitted values for CPU cores for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnum) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnum unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixed : The CPU core count for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixed) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixed unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRange : The permitted range for the number of CPU cores for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRange) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRange unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuCoreCountRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependent : The CPU socket count for a bare metal server with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependent) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependent unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnum : The permitted values for CPU sockets for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnum) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnum unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixed : The number of CPU sockets for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixed) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixed unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRange : The permitted range for the number of CPU sockets for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount -type BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRange) isaBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRange unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileCpuSocketCountRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependent : The number of disks of this configuration for a bare metal server with this profile depends on its bare metal server -// configuration. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependent) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependent unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnum : The permitted the number of disks of this configuration for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnum) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnum unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixed : The number of disks of this configuration for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixed) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixed unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRange : The permitted range for the number of disks of this configuration for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRange) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRange unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskQuantityRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependent : The disk size in GB (gigabytes) of this configuration for a bare metal server with this profile depends on its bare -// metal server configuration. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependent) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependent unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnum : The permitted disk size in GB (gigabytes) of this configuration for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnum) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnum unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixed : The size of the disk in GB (gigabytes). -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixed) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixed unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRange : The permitted range for the disk size of this configuration in GB (gigabytes) for a bare metal server with this -// profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileDiskSize -type BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRange) isaBareMetalServerProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRange unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileDiskSizeRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref : BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileIdentity -type BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this bare metal server profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref : Instantiate BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref) isaBareMetalServerProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName : BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileIdentity -type BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName struct { - // The name for this bare metal server profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName : Instantiate BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName(name string) (_model *BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName) isaBareMetalServerProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependent : The memory value for a bare metal server with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileMemory -type BareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependent) isaBareMetalServerProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependent unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileMemoryDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnum : The permitted memory values (in gibibytes) for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileMemory -type BareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnum) isaBareMetalServerProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnum unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileMemoryEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixed : The memory (in gibibytes) for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileMemory -type BareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixed) isaBareMetalServerProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixed unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileMemoryFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileMemoryRange : The permitted memory range (in gibibytes) for a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileMemory -type BareMetalServerProfileMemoryRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileMemoryRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileMemoryRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileMemoryRange) isaBareMetalServerProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemoryRange unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileMemoryRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileMemoryRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileMemoryRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent : The number of network attachments supported on a bare metal server with this profile is dependent on its -// configuration. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount -type BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent) isaBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange : The number of network attachments supported on a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount -type BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange) isaBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent : The number of bare metal server network interfaces supported on a bare metal server with this profile is dependent on -// its configuration. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount -type BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent) isaBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange : The number of bare metal server network interfaces supported on a bare metal server with this profile. -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount -type BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange) isaBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment : BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerPrototype -type BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment struct { - // Indicates whether secure boot is enabled. If enabled, the image must support secure boot or the server will fail to - // boot. - EnableSecureBoot *bool `json:"enable_secure_boot,omitempty"` - - Initialization *BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype `json:"initialization" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server. The name must not be used by another bare metal server in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-bare-metal-servers-profile) to use for this bare metal - // server. - Profile BareMetalServerProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - TrustedPlatformModule *BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype `json:"trusted_platform_module,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this bare metal server will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets that the network attachments or network interfaces of the bare - // metal server are attached to. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The zone this bare metal server will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the bare metal server. - NetworkAttachments []BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the bare metal server. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment : Instantiate BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment(initialization *BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype, profile BareMetalServerProfileIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkAttachment BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototypeIntf) (_model *BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment{ - Initialization: initialization, - Profile: profile, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkAttachment: primaryNetworkAttachment, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment) isaBareMetalServerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_secure_boot", &obj.EnableSecureBoot) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "initialization", &obj.Initialization, UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "trusted_platform_module", &obj.TrustedPlatformModule, UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface : BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerPrototype -type BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface struct { - // Indicates whether secure boot is enabled. If enabled, the image must support secure boot or the server will fail to - // boot. - EnableSecureBoot *bool `json:"enable_secure_boot,omitempty"` - - Initialization *BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype `json:"initialization" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server. The name must not be used by another bare metal server in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-bare-metal-servers-profile) to use for this bare metal - // server. - Profile BareMetalServerProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - TrustedPlatformModule *BareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype `json:"trusted_platform_module,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this bare metal server will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets that the network attachments or network interfaces of the bare - // metal server are attached to. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The zone this bare metal server will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional bare metal server network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary bare metal server network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface : Instantiate BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface(initialization *BareMetalServerInitializationPrototype, profile BareMetalServerProfileIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkInterface *BareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype) (_model *BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface{ - Initialization: initialization, - Profile: profile, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkInterface: primaryNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface) isaBareMetalServerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerPrototypeBareMetalServerByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_secure_boot", &obj.EnableSecureBoot) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "initialization", &obj.Initialization, UnmarshalBareMetalServerInitializationPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalBareMetalServerProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "trusted_platform_module", &obj.TrustedPlatformModule, UnmarshalBareMetalServerTrustedPlatformModulePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalBareMetalServerPrimaryNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN : CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN struct -// This model "extends" CatalogOfferingIdentity -type CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this - // [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewCatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN : Instantiate CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewCatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN(crn string) (_model *CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN, err error) { - _model = &CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN) isaCatalogOfferingIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalCatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN unmarshals an instance of CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CatalogOfferingIdentityCatalogOfferingByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN : CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN struct -// This model "extends" CatalogOfferingVersionIdentity -type CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this version of a - // [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewCatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN : Instantiate CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewCatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN(crn string) (_model *CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN, err error) { - _model = &CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN) isaCatalogOfferingVersionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN unmarshals an instance of CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityCatalogOfferingVersionByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN : CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" CertificateInstanceIdentity -type CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this certificate instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewCertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewCertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN) isaCertificateInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalCertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CertificateInstanceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN : CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity -type CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN of this Cloud Object Storage bucket. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN : Instantiate CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN) isaCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName : CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity -type CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name of this Cloud Object Storage bucket. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName : Instantiate CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName(name string) (_model *CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName) isaCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(CloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN : DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" DnsInstanceIdentity -type DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this DNS instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewDnsInstanceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDnsInstanceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN) isaDnsInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDnsInstanceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDnsInstanceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DnsInstanceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DnsZoneIdentityByID : DnsZoneIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" DnsZoneIdentity -type DnsZoneIdentityByID struct { - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewDnsZoneIdentityByID : Instantiate DnsZoneIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDnsZoneIdentityByID(id string) (_model *DnsZoneIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &DnsZoneIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*DnsZoneIdentityByID) isaDnsZoneIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDnsZoneIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of DnsZoneIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDnsZoneIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DnsZoneIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN : DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN : Instantiate DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN) isaDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref : DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref : Instantiate DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref) isaDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID : DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID : Instantiate DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID(id string) (_model *DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID) isaDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref : DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileIdentity -type DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this dedicated host profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewDedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref : Instantiate DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref) isaDedicatedHostProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName : DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileIdentity -type DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name for this dedicated host profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewDedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName : Instantiate DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName(name string) (_model *DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName) isaDedicatedHostProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependent : The memory value for a dedicated host with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileMemory -type DedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependent) isaDedicatedHostProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependent unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileMemoryDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnum : The permitted memory values (in gibibytes) for a dedicated host with this profile. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileMemory -type DedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnum) isaDedicatedHostProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnum unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileMemoryEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixed : The memory (in gibibytes) for a dedicated host with this profile. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileMemory -type DedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixed) isaDedicatedHostProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixed unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileMemoryFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileMemoryRange : The permitted memory range (in gibibytes) for a dedicated host with this profile. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileMemory -type DedicatedHostProfileMemoryRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileMemoryRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileMemoryRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileMemoryRange) isaDedicatedHostProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemoryRange unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileMemoryRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileMemoryRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileMemoryRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileSocketDependent : The CPU socket count for a dedicated host with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileSocket -type DedicatedHostProfileSocketDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileSocketDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileSocketDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileSocketDependent) isaDedicatedHostProfileSocket() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocketDependent unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileSocketDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocketDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileSocketDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileSocketEnum : The permitted values for CPU socket count for a dedicated host with this profile. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileSocket -type DedicatedHostProfileSocketEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileSocketEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileSocketEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileSocketEnum) isaDedicatedHostProfileSocket() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocketEnum unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileSocketEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocketEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileSocketEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileSocketFixed : The CPU socket count for a dedicated host with this profile. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileSocket -type DedicatedHostProfileSocketFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileSocketFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileSocketFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileSocketFixed) isaDedicatedHostProfileSocket() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocketFixed unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileSocketFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocketFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileSocketFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileSocketRange : The permitted range for CPU socket count for a dedicated host with this profile. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileSocket -type DedicatedHostProfileSocketRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileSocketRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileSocketRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileSocketRange) isaDedicatedHostProfileSocket() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocketRange unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileSocketRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileSocketRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileSocketRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependent : The VCPU count for a dedicated host with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileVcpu -type DedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependent) isaDedicatedHostProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependent unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileVcpuDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnum : The permitted values for VCPU count for a dedicated host with this profile. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileVcpu -type DedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnum) isaDedicatedHostProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnum unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileVcpuEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixed : The VCPU count for a dedicated host with this profile. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileVcpu -type DedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixed) isaDedicatedHostProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixed unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileVcpuFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostProfileVcpuRange : The permitted range for VCPU count for a dedicated host with this profile. -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostProfileVcpu -type DedicatedHostProfileVcpuRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the DedicatedHostProfileVcpuRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - DedicatedHostProfileVcpuRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*DedicatedHostProfileVcpuRange) isaDedicatedHostProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuRange unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostProfileVcpuRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileVcpuRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostProfileVcpuRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup : DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup struct -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostPrototype -type DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup struct { - // If set to true, instances can be placed on this dedicated host. - InstancePlacementEnabled *bool `json:"instance_placement_enabled,omitempty"` - - // The name for this dedicated host. The name must not be used by another dedicated host in the region. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-dh-profiles) to use for this dedicated host. - Profile DedicatedHostProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The dedicated host group for this dedicated host. - Group DedicatedHostGroupIdentityIntf `json:"group" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewDedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup : Instantiate DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup(profile DedicatedHostProfileIdentityIntf, group DedicatedHostGroupIdentityIntf) (_model *DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup, err error) { - _model = &DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup{ - Profile: profile, - Group: group, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup) isaDedicatedHostPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "instance_placement_enabled", &obj.InstancePlacementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone : DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone struct -// This model "extends" DedicatedHostPrototype -type DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone struct { - // If set to true, instances can be placed on this dedicated host. - InstancePlacementEnabled *bool `json:"instance_placement_enabled,omitempty"` - - // The name for this dedicated host. The name must not be used by another dedicated host in the region. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-dh-profiles) to use for this dedicated host. - Profile DedicatedHostProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - Group *DedicatedHostGroupPrototypeDedicatedHostByZoneContext `json:"group,omitempty"` - - // The zone this dedicated host will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewDedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone : Instantiate DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone(profile DedicatedHostProfileIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) (_model *DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone, err error) { - _model = &DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone{ - Profile: profile, - Zone: zone, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone) isaDedicatedHostPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalDedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone unmarshals an instance of DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalDedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(DedicatedHostPrototypeDedicatedHostByZone) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "instance_placement_enabled", &obj.InstancePlacementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalDedicatedHostProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupPrototypeDedicatedHostByZoneContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN : EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" EncryptionKeyIdentity -type EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN of the [Key Protect Root - // Key](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/key-protect?topic=key-protect-getting-started-tutorial) or [Hyper Protect Crypto - // Services Root Key](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/hs-crypto?topic=hs-crypto-get-started) for this resource. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewEncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN : Instantiate EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewEncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN) isaEncryptionKeyIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EncryptionKeyIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity : Identifies a reserved IP by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID -// - EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayReservedIP -type EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity) isaEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityIntf interface { - EndpointGatewayReservedIPIntf - isaEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity() bool -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity) isaEndpointGatewayReservedIP() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext : EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext struct -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayReservedIP -type EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext struct { - // The IP address to reserve, which must not already be reserved on the subnet. - // - // If unspecified, an available address on the subnet will automatically be selected. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated - // list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The subnet in which to create this reserved IP. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext : Instantiate EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf) (_model *EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext, err error) { - _model = &EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext{ - Subnet: subnet, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext) isaEndpointGatewayReservedIP() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPPrototypeTargetContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity : EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayTargetPrototype -type EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity struct { - // The type of target for this endpoint gateway. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this provider cloud service, or the CRN for the user's instance of a provider cloud service. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity.ResourceType property. -// The type of target for this endpoint gateway. -const ( - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityResourceTypeProviderCloudServiceConst = "provider_cloud_service" - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityResourceTypeProviderInfrastructureServiceConst = "provider_infrastructure_service" -) - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity) isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityIntf interface { - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeIntf - isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity) isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity : EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayTargetPrototype -type EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity struct { - // The type of target for this endpoint gateway. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The name of a provider infrastructure service. Must be: - // - `ibm-ntp-server`: An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server provided by IBM. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity.ResourceType property. -// The type of target for this endpoint gateway. -const ( - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityResourceTypeProviderCloudServiceConst = "provider_cloud_service" - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityResourceTypeProviderInfrastructureServiceConst = "provider_infrastructure_service" -) - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity) isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityIntf interface { - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeIntf - isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity) isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference : EndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference struct -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayTarget -type EndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference struct { - // The CRN for this provider cloud service, or the CRN for the user's instance of a provider cloud service. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The type of target. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference.ResourceType property. -// The type of target. -const ( - EndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReferenceResourceTypeProviderCloudServiceConst = "provider_cloud_service" -) - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference) isaEndpointGatewayTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayTargetProviderCloudServiceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReference : The name of this provider infrastructure service. -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayTarget -type EndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReference struct { - // The name of a provider infrastructure service. Must be: - // - `ibm-ntp-server`: An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server provided by IBM. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The type of target. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReference.ResourceType property. -// The type of target. -const ( - EndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReferenceResourceTypeProviderInfrastructureServiceConst = "provider_infrastructure_service" -) - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReference) isaEndpointGatewayTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReference unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayTargetProviderInfrastructureServiceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget : FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPPrototype -type FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget struct { - // The name for this floating IP. The name must not be used by another floating IP in the region. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The target resource to bind this floating IP to. - // - // The target resource must not already have a floating IP bound to it if the target - // resource is: - // - // - an instance network interface - // - a bare metal server network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` - // - a virtual network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true`. - Target FloatingIPTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"target" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget : Instantiate FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget(target FloatingIPTargetPrototypeIntf) (_model *FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget{ - Target: target, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget) isaFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "target", &obj.Target, UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone : FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPPrototype -type FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone struct { - // The name for this floating IP. The name must not be used by another floating IP in the region. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The zone this floating IP will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone : Instantiate FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone(zone ZoneIdentityIntf) (_model *FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone{ - Zone: zone, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone) isaFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPByZone) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies a bare metal server network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatch -type FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - FloatingIPTargetPatchIntf - isaFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies an instance network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatch -type FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - FloatingIPTargetPatchIntf - isaFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies a virtual network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// - FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatch -type FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - FloatingIPTargetPatchIntf - isaFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies a bare metal server network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototype -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeIntf - isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies an instance network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototype -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeIntf - isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies a virtual network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototype -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - FloatingIPTargetPrototypeIntf - isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference : FloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTarget -type FloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*FloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference) isaFloatingIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference : FloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTarget -type FloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network interface. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*FloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference) isaFloatingIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference : FloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTarget -type FloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference struct { - // The CRN for this public gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *PublicGatewayReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this public gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this public gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this public gateway. The name is unique across all public gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReferenceResourceTypePublicGatewayConst = "public_gateway" -) - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference) isaFloatingIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPublicGatewayReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalPublicGatewayReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference : FloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTarget -type FloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name is unique across all virtual network interfaces in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP for this virtual network interface. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceResourceTypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceConst = "virtual_network_interface" -) - -func (*FloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference) isaFloatingIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity : Identifies a virtual server instance by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityIntf interface { - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf - isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity : Identifies an instance network attachment by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityIntf interface { - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf - isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies an instance network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf - isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity : Identifies a subnet by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this subnet. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this subnet. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this subnet. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentityIntf interface { - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf - isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity : Identifies a VPC by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityIntf interface { - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf - isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies a virtual network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeIntf - isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference : FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTarget -type FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network attachment. The name is unique across all network attachments for the instance. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP address of the virtual network interface for the instance network - // attachment. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The subnet of the virtual network interface for the instance network attachment. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceResourceTypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentConst = "instance_network_attachment" -) - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference) isaFlowLogCollectorTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceReference : FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceReference struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTarget -type FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceReference struct { - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name is unique across all virtual server instances in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceReference) isaFlowLogCollectorTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceReference unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetInstanceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext : FlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTarget -type FlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network interface. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) isaFlowLogCollectorTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference : FlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTarget -type FlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference struct { - // The CRN for this subnet. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *SubnetReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this subnet. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this subnet. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this subnet. The name is unique across all subnets in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReferenceResourceTypeSubnetConst = "subnet" -) - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference) isaFlowLogCollectorTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetSubnetReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalSubnetReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference : FlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTarget -type FlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference struct { - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPCReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPC. The name is unique across all VPCs in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReferenceResourceTypeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference) isaFlowLogCollectorTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetVPCReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPCReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext : FlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTarget -type FlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name is unique across all virtual network interfaces in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the FlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - FlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContextResourceTypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceConst = "virtual_network_interface" -) - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext) isaFlowLogCollectorTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceAttachmentContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageIdentityByCRN : ImageIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" ImageIdentity -type ImageIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this image. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewImageIdentityByCRN : Instantiate ImageIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewImageIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *ImageIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &ImageIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ImageIdentityByCRN) isaImageIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalImageIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of ImageIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageIdentityByHref : ImageIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" ImageIdentity -type ImageIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this image. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewImageIdentityByHref : Instantiate ImageIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewImageIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *ImageIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &ImageIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ImageIdentityByHref) isaImageIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalImageIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of ImageIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImageIdentityByID : ImageIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" ImageIdentity -type ImageIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this image. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewImageIdentityByID : Instantiate ImageIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewImageIdentityByID(id string) (_model *ImageIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &ImageIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ImageIdentityByID) isaImageIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalImageIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of ImageIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImageIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImageIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImagePrototypeImageByFile : ImagePrototypeImageByFile struct -// This model "extends" ImagePrototype -type ImagePrototypeImageByFile struct { - // The deprecation date and time to set for this image. - // - // The date and time must not be in the past, and must be earlier than `obsolescence_at` - // (if `obsolescence_at` is set). - // - // If unspecified, no deprecation date and time will be set. - // - // If the deprecation date and time is reached while the image has a status of `pending`, the image's status will - // transition to `deprecated` upon its successful creation (or - // `obsolete` if the obsolescence date and time was also reached). - DeprecationAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"deprecation_at,omitempty"` - - // The name for this image. The name must not be used by another image in the region. Names starting with `ibm-` are - // reserved for system-provided images, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of - // randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The obsolescence date and time to set for this image. - // - // The date and time must not be in the past, and must be later than `deprecation_at` (if - // `deprecation_at` is set). - // - // If unspecified, no obsolescence date and time will be set. - // - // If the obsolescence date and time is reached while the image has a status of - // `pending`, the image's status will transition to `obsolete` upon its successful creation. - ObsolescenceAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"obsolescence_at,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // A base64-encoded, encrypted representation of the key that was used to encrypt the data for this image. - // - // That representation is created by wrapping the key's value with the `encryption_key` root key (which must also be - // specified), using either [Key Protect](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/key-protect?topic=key-protect-wrap-keys) or the - // [Hyper Protect Crypto Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/services/hs-crypto?topic=hs-crypto-wrap-keys). - // - // If unspecified, the imported image is treated as unencrypted. - EncryptedDataKey *string `json:"encrypted_data_key,omitempty"` - - // The root key that was used to wrap the data key (which is ultimately represented as - // `encrypted_data_key`). Additionally, the root key will be used to encrypt volumes - // created from this image (unless an alternate `encryption_key` is specified at volume - // creation). - // - // If unspecified, the imported image is treated as unencrypted. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The file from which to create the image. - File *ImageFilePrototype `json:"file" validate:"required"` - - // The [supported operating - // system](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#list-operating-systems) included in this - // image. - OperatingSystem OperatingSystemIdentityIntf `json:"operating_system" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewImagePrototypeImageByFile : Instantiate ImagePrototypeImageByFile (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewImagePrototypeImageByFile(file *ImageFilePrototype, operatingSystem OperatingSystemIdentityIntf) (_model *ImagePrototypeImageByFile, err error) { - _model = &ImagePrototypeImageByFile{ - File: file, - OperatingSystem: operatingSystem, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ImagePrototypeImageByFile) isaImagePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalImagePrototypeImageByFile unmarshals an instance of ImagePrototypeImageByFile from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImagePrototypeImageByFile(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImagePrototypeImageByFile) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "deprecation_at", &obj.DeprecationAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "obsolescence_at", &obj.ObsolescenceAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "encrypted_data_key", &obj.EncryptedDataKey) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "file", &obj.File, UnmarshalImageFilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "operating_system", &obj.OperatingSystem, UnmarshalOperatingSystemIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume : ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume struct -// This model "extends" ImagePrototype -type ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume struct { - // The deprecation date and time to set for this image. - // - // The date and time must not be in the past, and must be earlier than `obsolescence_at` - // (if `obsolescence_at` is set). - // - // If unspecified, no deprecation date and time will be set. - // - // If the deprecation date and time is reached while the image has a status of `pending`, the image's status will - // transition to `deprecated` upon its successful creation (or - // `obsolete` if the obsolescence date and time was also reached). - DeprecationAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"deprecation_at,omitempty"` - - // The name for this image. The name must not be used by another image in the region. Names starting with `ibm-` are - // reserved for system-provided images, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of - // randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The obsolescence date and time to set for this image. - // - // The date and time must not be in the past, and must be later than `deprecation_at` (if - // `deprecation_at` is set). - // - // If unspecified, no obsolescence date and time will be set. - // - // If the obsolescence date and time is reached while the image has a status of - // `pending`, the image's status will transition to `obsolete` upon its successful creation. - ObsolescenceAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"obsolescence_at,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The root key used to wrap the system-generated data encryption key for the image. - // - // If unspecified, the root key from `source_volume` will be used. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The volume from which to create the image. The specified volume must: - // - Have an `operating_system`, which will be used to populate this image's - // operating system information. - // - Not be `active` or `busy`. - // - // During image creation, the specified volume may briefly become `busy`. - SourceVolume VolumeIdentityIntf `json:"source_volume" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume : Instantiate ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume(sourceVolume VolumeIdentityIntf) (_model *ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume, err error) { - _model = &ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume{ - SourceVolume: sourceVolume, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume) isaImagePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume unmarshals an instance of ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ImagePrototypeImageBySourceVolume) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "deprecation_at", &obj.DeprecationAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "obsolescence_at", &obj.ObsolescenceAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_volume", &obj.SourceVolume, UnmarshalVolumeIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering : InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering struct -// This model "extends" InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype -type InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering struct { - // Identifies a [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) - // offering by a unique property. - Offering CatalogOfferingIdentityIntf `json:"offering" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering : Instantiate InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering(offering CatalogOfferingIdentityIntf) (_model *InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering, err error) { - _model = &InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering{ - Offering: offering, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering) isaInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering unmarshals an instance of InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByOffering) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "offering", &obj.Offering, UnmarshalCatalogOfferingIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion : InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion struct -// This model "extends" InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype -type InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion struct { - // Identifies a version of a - // [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering by a - // unique property. - Version CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityIntf `json:"version" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion : Instantiate InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion(version CatalogOfferingVersionIdentityIntf) (_model *InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion, err error) { - _model = &InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion{ - Version: version, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion) isaInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion unmarshals an instance of InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeCatalogOfferingByVersion) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "version", &obj.Version, UnmarshalCatalogOfferingVersionIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype : InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype struct { - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name must not be used by another action for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will run. - RunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"run_at,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype `json:"group,omitempty"` - - Manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf `json:"manager,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeIntf interface { - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeIntf - isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype() bool -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "run_at", &obj.RunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction : InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerAction -type InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction struct { - // Indicates whether this scheduled action will be automatically deleted after it has completed and - // `auto_delete_timeout` hours have passed. At present, this is always - // `true`, but may be modifiable in the future. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete" validate:"required"` - - // If `auto_delete` is `true`, and this scheduled action has finished, the hours after which it will be automatically - // deleted. If the value is `0`, the action will be deleted once it has finished. This value may be modifiable in the - // future. - AutoDeleteTimeout *int64 `json:"auto_delete_timeout" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager action was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager action. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager action. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name is unique across all actions for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the instance group action - // - `active`: Action is ready to be run - // - `completed`: Action was completed successfully - // - `failed`: Action could not be completed successfully - // - `incompatible`: Action parameters are not compatible with the group or manager - // - `omitted`: Action was not applied because this action's manager was disabled. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager action was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The type of action for the instance group. - ActionType *string `json:"action_type" validate:"required"` - - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action was last applied. If absent, the action has never been applied. - LastAppliedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_applied_at,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will next run. If absent, the system is currently calculating the next run - // time. - NextRunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"next_run_at,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup `json:"group,omitempty"` - - Manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerIntf `json:"manager,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionResourceTypeInstanceGroupManagerActionConst = "instance_group_manager_action" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction.Status property. -// The status of the instance group action -// - `active`: Action is ready to be run -// - `completed`: Action was completed successfully -// - `failed`: Action could not be completed successfully -// - `incompatible`: Action parameters are not compatible with the group or manager -// - `omitted`: Action was not applied because this action's manager was disabled. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionStatusActiveConst = "active" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionStatusCompletedConst = "completed" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionStatusFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionStatusIncompatibleConst = "incompatible" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionStatusOmittedConst = "omitted" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction.ActionType property. -// The type of action for the instance group. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionActionTypeScheduledConst = "scheduled" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionIntf interface { - InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf - isaInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction() bool -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction) isaInstanceGroupManagerAction() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete_timeout", &obj.AutoDeleteTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action_type", &obj.ActionType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "last_applied_at", &obj.LastAppliedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "next_run_at", &obj.NextRunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerAutoScale : InstanceGroupManagerAutoScale struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManager -type InstanceGroupManagerAutoScale struct { - // The date and time that the instance group manager was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this manager will control the instance group. - ManagementEnabled *bool `json:"management_enabled" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name is unique across all managers for the instance group. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The time window in seconds to aggregate metrics prior to evaluation. - AggregationWindow *int64 `json:"aggregation_window" validate:"required"` - - // The duration of time in seconds to pause further scale actions after scaling has taken place. - Cooldown *int64 `json:"cooldown" validate:"required"` - - // The type of instance group manager. - ManagerType *string `json:"manager_type" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of members in a managed instance group. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum number of members in a managed instance group. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count" validate:"required"` - - // The policies of the instance group manager. - Policies []InstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference `json:"policies" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerAutoScale.ManagerType property. -// The type of instance group manager. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerAutoScaleManagerTypeAutoscaleConst = "autoscale" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerAutoScale) isaInstanceGroupManager() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerAutoScale unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerAutoScale from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerAutoScale(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerAutoScale) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "management_enabled", &obj.ManagementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "aggregation_window", &obj.AggregationWindow) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cooldown", &obj.Cooldown) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "manager_type", &obj.ManagerType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "policies", &obj.Policies, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype : InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype struct { - // The name for this instance group manager policy. The name must not be used by another policy for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The type of metric to be evaluated. - MetricType *string `json:"metric_type" validate:"required"` - - // The metric value to be evaluated. - MetricValue *int64 `json:"metric_value" validate:"required"` - - // The type of policy for the instance group. - PolicyType *string `json:"policy_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype.MetricType property. -// The type of metric to be evaluated. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototypeMetricTypeCpuConst = "cpu" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototypeMetricTypeMemoryConst = "memory" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototypeMetricTypeNetworkInConst = "network_in" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototypeMetricTypeNetworkOutConst = "network_out" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype.PolicyType property. -// The type of policy for the instance group. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototypePolicyTypeTargetConst = "target" -) - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype(metricType string, metricValue int64, policyType string) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype{ - MetricType: core.StringPtr(metricType), - MetricValue: core.Int64Ptr(metricValue), - PolicyType: core.StringPtr(policyType), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicyPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_type", &obj.MetricType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_value", &obj.MetricValue) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "policy_type", &obj.PolicyType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy : InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerPolicy -type InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy struct { - // The date and time that the instance group manager policy was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager policy. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager policy. The name is unique across all policies for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager policy was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The type of metric to be evaluated. - MetricType *string `json:"metric_type" validate:"required"` - - // The metric value to be evaluated. - MetricValue *int64 `json:"metric_value" validate:"required"` - - // The type of policy for the instance group. - PolicyType *string `json:"policy_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy.MetricType property. -// The type of metric to be evaluated. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyMetricTypeCpuConst = "cpu" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyMetricTypeMemoryConst = "memory" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyMetricTypeNetworkInConst = "network_in" - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyMetricTypeNetworkOutConst = "network_out" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy.PolicyType property. -// The type of policy for the instance group. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicyPolicyTypeTargetConst = "target" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy) isaInstanceGroupManagerPolicy() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPolicyInstanceGroupManagerTargetPolicy) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_type", &obj.MetricType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "metric_value", &obj.MetricValue) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "policy_type", &obj.PolicyType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype : InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype struct { - // Indicates whether this manager will control the instance group. - ManagementEnabled *bool `json:"management_enabled,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name must not be used by another manager for the instance group. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The time window in seconds to aggregate metrics prior to evaluation. - AggregationWindow *int64 `json:"aggregation_window,omitempty"` - - // The duration of time in seconds to pause further scale actions after scaling has taken place. - Cooldown *int64 `json:"cooldown,omitempty"` - - // The type of instance group manager. - ManagerType *string `json:"manager_type" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum number of members in a managed instance group. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum number of members in a managed instance group. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype.ManagerType property. -// The type of instance group manager. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototypeManagerTypeAutoscaleConst = "autoscale" -) - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype(managerType string, maxMembershipCount int64) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype{ - ManagerType: core.StringPtr(managerType), - MaxMembershipCount: core.Int64Ptr(maxMembershipCount), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerAutoScalePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "management_enabled", &obj.ManagementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "aggregation_window", &obj.AggregationWindow) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cooldown", &obj.Cooldown) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "manager_type", &obj.ManagerType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype : InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype struct { - // Indicates whether this manager will control the instance group. - ManagementEnabled *bool `json:"management_enabled,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name must not be used by another manager for the instance group. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The type of instance group manager. - ManagerType *string `json:"manager_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype.ManagerType property. -// The type of instance group manager. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototypeManagerTypeScheduledConst = "scheduled" -) - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype(managerType string) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype{ - ManagerType: core.StringPtr(managerType), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerPrototypeInstanceGroupManagerScheduledPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "management_enabled", &obj.ManagementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "manager_type", &obj.ManagerType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerScheduled : InstanceGroupManagerScheduled struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManager -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduled struct { - // The date and time that the instance group manager was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // Indicates whether this manager will control the instance group. - ManagementEnabled *bool `json:"management_enabled" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name is unique across all managers for the instance group. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The actions of the instance group manager. - Actions []InstanceGroupManagerActionReference `json:"actions" validate:"required"` - - // The type of instance group manager. - ManagerType *string `json:"manager_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerScheduled.ManagerType property. -// The type of instance group manager. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerScheduledManagerTypeScheduledConst = "scheduled" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduled) isaInstanceGroupManager() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduled unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerScheduled from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduled(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerScheduled) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "management_enabled", &obj.ManagementEnabled) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "actions", &obj.Actions, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "manager_type", &obj.ManagerType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerAutoScale : InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerAutoScale struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerAutoScale struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager. The name is unique across all managers for the instance group. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The desired maximum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The desired minimum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerAutoScale) isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerAutoScale unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerAutoScale from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerAutoScale(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerAutoScale) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype : The auto scale manager to update, and one or more properties to be updated. Either `id` or `href` must be specified, -// in addition to at least one of `min_membership_count` and -// `max_membership_count`. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID -// - InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype struct { - // The desired maximum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The desired minimum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeIntf interface { - InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf - isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype() bool -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype) isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies a virtual network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// - InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN -// This model "extends" InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIntf - isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentContext : The virtual network interface for this target. -// This model "extends" InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentContext struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. If `false`, source IP spoofing is prevented on - // this interface. If `true`, source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this virtual network interface will be automatically deleted when - // `target` is deleted. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the virtual network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - Can only be attached to a `target` with a `resource_type` of - // `bare_metal_server_network_attachment`. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // Additional IP addresses to bind to the virtual network interface. Each item may be either a reserved IP identity, or - // a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a new reserved IP. All IP addresses must be in the - // primary IP's subnet. - // - // If reserved IP identities are provided, the specified reserved IPs must be unbound. - // - // If reserved IP prototype objects with addresses are provided, the addresses must be available on the virtual network - // interface's subnet. For any prototype objects that do not specify an address, an available address on the subnet - // will be automatically selected and reserved. - Ips []VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"ips,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name must not be used by another virtual network interface in the - // VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. Names beginning with `ibm-` are - // reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the virtual network interface. May be either a - // reserved IP identity, or a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a - // new reserved IP. - // - // If a reserved IP identity is provided, the specified reserved IP must be unbound. - // - // If a reserved IP prototype object with an address is provided, the address must be - // available on the virtual network interface's subnet. If no address is specified, - // an available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the - // virtual server instance's resource group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the default security group of the VPC - // for the subnet is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. Required if `primary_ip` does not specify a reserved IP - // identity. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentContext) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentContext unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref : InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstancePatchProfile -type InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual server instance profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref : Instantiate InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref) isaInstancePatchProfile() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName : InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" InstancePatchProfile -type InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name for this virtual server instance profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName : Instantiate InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName(name string) (_model *InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName) isaInstancePatchProfile() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePatchProfileInstanceProfileIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity : Identifies a dedicated host group by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID -// - InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN -// - InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPatch -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityIntf interface { - InstancePlacementTargetPatchIntf - isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity : Identifies a dedicated host by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID -// - InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN -// - InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPatch -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this dedicated host. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityIntf interface { - InstancePlacementTargetPatchIntf - isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity() bool -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity : Identifies a dedicated host group by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototype -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityIntf interface { - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf - isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity : Identifies a dedicated host by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototype -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this dedicated host. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityIntf interface { - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf - isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity() bool -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity : Identifies a placement group by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN -// - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototype -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this placement group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this placement group. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this placement group. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityIntf interface { - InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf - isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity() bool -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference : InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTarget -type InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *DedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this dedicated host group. The name is unique across all dedicated host groups in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReferenceResourceTypeDedicatedHostGroupConst = "dedicated_host_group" -) - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference) isaInstancePlacementTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostGroupReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalDedicatedHostGroupReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference : InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTarget -type InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *DedicatedHostReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this dedicated host. The name is unique across all dedicated hosts in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReferenceResourceTypeDedicatedHostConst = "dedicated_host" -) - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference) isaInstancePlacementTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetDedicatedHostReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalDedicatedHostReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference : InstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTarget -type InstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference struct { - // The CRN for this placement group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *PlacementGroupReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this placement group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this placement group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this placement group. The name is unique across all placement groups in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReferenceResourceTypePlacementGroupConst = "placement_group" -) - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference) isaInstancePlacementTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPlacementGroupReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalPlacementGroupReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileBandwidthDependent : The total bandwidth shared across the network attachments or network interfaces and storage volumes of an instance -// with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileBandwidth -type InstanceProfileBandwidthDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileBandwidthDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileBandwidthDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileBandwidthDependent) isaInstanceProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidthDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileBandwidthDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidthDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileBandwidthDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileBandwidthEnum : The permitted total bandwidth values (in megabits per second) shared across the network attachments or network -// interfaces and storage volumes of an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileBandwidth -type InstanceProfileBandwidthEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileBandwidthEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileBandwidthEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileBandwidthEnum) isaInstanceProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidthEnum unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileBandwidthEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidthEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileBandwidthEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileBandwidthFixed : The total bandwidth (in megabits per second) shared across the network attachments or network interfaces and storage -// volumes of an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileBandwidth -type InstanceProfileBandwidthFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileBandwidthFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileBandwidthFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileBandwidthFixed) isaInstanceProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidthFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileBandwidthFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidthFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileBandwidthFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileBandwidthRange : The permitted total bandwidth range (in megabits per second) shared across the network attachments or network -// interfaces and storage volumes of an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileBandwidth -type InstanceProfileBandwidthRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileBandwidthRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileBandwidthRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileBandwidthRange) isaInstanceProfileBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidthRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileBandwidthRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileBandwidthRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileBandwidthRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependent : The number of disks of this configuration for an instance with this profile depends on its instance configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileDiskQuantity -type InstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependent) isaInstanceProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskQuantityDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnum : The permitted the number of disks of this configuration for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileDiskQuantity -type InstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnum) isaInstanceProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnum unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskQuantityEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixed : The number of disks of this configuration for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileDiskQuantity -type InstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixed) isaInstanceProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskQuantityFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskQuantityRange : The permitted range for the number of disks of this configuration for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileDiskQuantity -type InstanceProfileDiskQuantityRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskQuantityRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskQuantityRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskQuantityRange) isaInstanceProfileDiskQuantity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantityRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskQuantityRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskQuantityRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskQuantityRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskSizeDependent : The disk size in GB (gigabytes) of this configuration for an instance with this profile depends on its instance -// configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileDiskSize -type InstanceProfileDiskSizeDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskSizeDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskSizeDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskSizeDependent) isaInstanceProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSizeDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskSizeDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSizeDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskSizeDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskSizeEnum : The permitted disk size in GB (gigabytes) of this configuration for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileDiskSize -type InstanceProfileDiskSizeEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskSizeEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskSizeEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskSizeEnum) isaInstanceProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSizeEnum unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskSizeEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSizeEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskSizeEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskSizeFixed : The size of the disk in GB (gigabytes). -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileDiskSize -type InstanceProfileDiskSizeFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskSizeFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskSizeFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskSizeFixed) isaInstanceProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSizeFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskSizeFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSizeFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskSizeFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileDiskSizeRange : The permitted range for the disk size of this configuration in GB (gigabytes) for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileDiskSize -type InstanceProfileDiskSizeRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileDiskSizeRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileDiskSizeRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileDiskSizeRange) isaInstanceProfileDiskSize() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSizeRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileDiskSizeRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileDiskSizeRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileDiskSizeRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuDependent : The GPU count for an instance with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileGpu -type InstanceProfileGpuDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpuDependent) isaInstanceProfileGpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuEnum : The permitted GPU count values for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileGpu -type InstanceProfileGpuEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpuEnum) isaInstanceProfileGpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuEnum unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuFixed : The GPU count for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileGpu -type InstanceProfileGpuFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpuFixed) isaInstanceProfileGpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependent : The overall GPU memory value for an instance with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileGpuMemory -type InstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependent) isaInstanceProfileGpuMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuMemoryDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnum : The permitted overall GPU memory values in GiB (gibibytes) for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileGpuMemory -type InstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnum) isaInstanceProfileGpuMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnum unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuMemoryEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixed : The overall GPU memory in GiB (gibibytes) for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileGpuMemory -type InstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixed) isaInstanceProfileGpuMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuMemoryFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuMemoryRange : The permitted overall GPU memory range in GiB (gibibytes) for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileGpuMemory -type InstanceProfileGpuMemoryRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuMemoryRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuMemoryRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpuMemoryRange) isaInstanceProfileGpuMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemoryRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuMemoryRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuMemoryRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuMemoryRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileGpuRange : The permitted GPU count range for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileGpu -type InstanceProfileGpuRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileGpuRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileGpuRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileGpuRange) isaInstanceProfileGpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileGpuRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileGpuRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileGpuRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileIdentityByHref : InstanceProfileIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileIdentity -type InstanceProfileIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual server instance profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceProfileIdentityByHref : Instantiate InstanceProfileIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceProfileIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *InstanceProfileIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstanceProfileIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceProfileIdentityByHref) isaInstanceProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileIdentityByName : InstanceProfileIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileIdentity -type InstanceProfileIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name for this virtual server instance profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceProfileIdentityByName : Instantiate InstanceProfileIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceProfileIdentityByName(name string) (_model *InstanceProfileIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &InstanceProfileIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceProfileIdentityByName) isaInstanceProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileMemoryDependent : The memory value for an instance with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileMemory -type InstanceProfileMemoryDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileMemoryDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileMemoryDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileMemoryDependent) isaInstanceProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemoryDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileMemoryDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemoryDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileMemoryDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileMemoryEnum : The permitted memory values (in gibibytes) for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileMemory -type InstanceProfileMemoryEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileMemoryEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileMemoryEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileMemoryEnum) isaInstanceProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemoryEnum unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileMemoryEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemoryEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileMemoryEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileMemoryFixed : The memory (in gibibytes) for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileMemory -type InstanceProfileMemoryFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileMemoryFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileMemoryFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileMemoryFixed) isaInstanceProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemoryFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileMemoryFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemoryFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileMemoryFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileMemoryRange : The permitted memory range (in gibibytes) for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileMemory -type InstanceProfileMemoryRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileMemoryRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileMemoryRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileMemoryRange) isaInstanceProfileMemory() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemoryRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileMemoryRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileMemoryRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileMemoryRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileNumaCountDependent : The total number of NUMA nodes for an instance with this profile depends on its configuration and the capacity -// constraints within the zone. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileNumaCount -type InstanceProfileNumaCountDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileNumaCountDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileNumaCountDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileNumaCountDependent) isaInstanceProfileNumaCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileNumaCountDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileNumaCountDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileNumaCountDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileNumaCountDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileNumaCountFixed : The total number of NUMA nodes for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileNumaCount -type InstanceProfileNumaCountFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileNumaCountFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileNumaCountFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileNumaCountFixed) isaInstanceProfileNumaCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileNumaCountFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileNumaCountFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileNumaCountFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileNumaCountFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent : The number of network attachments supported on an instance with this profile is dependent on its configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount -type InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent) isaInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange : The number of network attachments supported on an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount -type InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange) isaInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileNetworkAttachmentCountRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent : The number of network interfaces supported on an instance with this profile is dependent on its configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount -type InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent) isaInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange : The number of network interfaces supported on an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount -type InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max,omitempty"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min,omitempty"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange) isaInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCount() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileNetworkInterfaceCountRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfilePortSpeedDependent : The port speed of each network interface of an instance with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfilePortSpeed -type InstanceProfilePortSpeedDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfilePortSpeedDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfilePortSpeedDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfilePortSpeedDependent) isaInstanceProfilePortSpeed() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfilePortSpeedDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfilePortSpeedDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfilePortSpeedDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfilePortSpeedDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfilePortSpeedFixed : The maximum speed (in megabits per second) of each network interface of an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfilePortSpeed -type InstanceProfilePortSpeedFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfilePortSpeedFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfilePortSpeedFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfilePortSpeedFixed) isaInstanceProfilePortSpeed() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfilePortSpeedFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfilePortSpeedFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfilePortSpeedFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfilePortSpeedFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVcpuDependent : The VCPU count for an instance with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileVcpu -type InstanceProfileVcpuDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVcpuDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVcpuDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVcpuDependent) isaInstanceProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVcpuDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVcpuDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVcpuEnum : The permitted values for VCPU count for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileVcpu -type InstanceProfileVcpuEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVcpuEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVcpuEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVcpuEnum) isaInstanceProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuEnum unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVcpuEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVcpuEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVcpuFixed : The VCPU count for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileVcpu -type InstanceProfileVcpuFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVcpuFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVcpuFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVcpuFixed) isaInstanceProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVcpuFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVcpuFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVcpuRange : The permitted range for VCPU count for an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileVcpu -type InstanceProfileVcpuRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVcpuRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVcpuRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVcpuRange) isaInstanceProfileVcpu() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVcpuRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVcpuRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVcpuRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependent : The storage bandwidth shared across the storage volumes of an instance with this profile depends on its -// configuration. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth -type InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependent) isaInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependent unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnum : The permitted storage bandwidth values (in megabits per second) shared across the storage volumes of an instance with -// this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth -type InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnum) isaInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnum unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixed : The storage bandwidth (in megabits per second) shared across the storage volumes of an instance with this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth -type InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixed) isaInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixed unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRange : The permitted storage bandwidth range (in megabits per second) shared across the storage volumes of an instance with -// this profile. -// This model "extends" InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth -type InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRange) isaInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidth() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRange unmarshals an instance of InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceProfileVolumeBandwidthRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering : Create an instance by using a catalog offering. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstancePrototype -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering - // or offering version to use when provisioning this virtual server instance. - // - // If an offering is specified, the latest version of that offering will be used. - // - // The specified offering or offering version may be in a different account in the same - // [enterprise](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-what-is-enterprise), subject - // to IAM policies. - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingIntf interface { - InstancePrototypeIntf - isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering() bool -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceByImage : Create an instance by using an image. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstancePrototype -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByImage struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByImage) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByImage() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageIntf interface { - InstancePrototypeIntf - isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByImage() bool -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByImage) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByImage unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceByImage from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByImage(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceByImage) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot : Create an instance by using a snapshot. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstancePrototype -type InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotIntf interface { - InstancePrototypeIntf - isaInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot() bool -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate : Create an instance by using an instance template. -// -// The `primary_network_attachment` and `network_attachments` properties may only be specified if -// `primary_network_attachment` is specified in the source template. -// -// The `primary_network_interface` and `network_interfaces` properties may only be specified if -// `primary_network_interface` is specified in the source template. -// This model "extends" InstancePrototype -type InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) - // offering version to use when provisioning this virtual server instance. - // If an offering is specified, the latest version of that offering will be used. - // - // The specified offering or offering version may be in a different account, subject to - // IAM policies. - // - // If specified, `image` must not be specified, and `source_template` must not have - // `image` specified. - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image,omitempty"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` - - // The template to create this virtual server instance from. - SourceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf `json:"source_template" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` -} - -// NewInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate : Instantiate InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate(sourceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf) (_model *InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate, err error) { - _model = &InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate{ - SourceTemplate: sourceTemplate, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceTemplate) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_template", &obj.SourceTemplate, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume : Create an instance by using a boot volume. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstancePrototype -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume() bool { - return true -} - -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeIntf interface { - InstancePrototypeIntf - isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume() bool -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN : InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplateIdentity -type InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN : Instantiate InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN) isaInstanceTemplateIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref : InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplateIdentity -type InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplateIdentityByHref : Instantiate InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplateIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref) isaInstanceTemplateIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateIdentityByID : InstanceTemplateIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplateIdentity -type InstanceTemplateIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplateIdentityByID : Instantiate InstanceTemplateIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplateIdentityByID(id string) (_model *InstanceTemplateIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplateIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateIdentityByID) isaInstanceTemplateIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering : Create an instance template that creates instances by using a catalog offering. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototype -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering - // or offering version to use when provisioning this virtual server instance. - // - // If an offering is specified, the latest version of that offering will be used. - // - // The specified offering or offering version may be in a different account in the same - // [enterprise](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-what-is-enterprise), subject - // to IAM policies. - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering) isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingIntf interface { - InstanceTemplatePrototypeIntf - isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering() bool -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage : Create an instance template that creates instances by using an image. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototype -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage) isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageIntf interface { - InstanceTemplatePrototypeIntf - isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage() bool -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot : Create an instance template that creates instances by using a snapshot. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototype -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot) isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotIntf interface { - InstanceTemplatePrototypeIntf - isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot() bool -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate : Create an instance template from an existing source instance template. -// -// The `primary_network_attachment` and `network_attachments` properties may only be specified if -// `primary_network_attachment` is specified in the source template. -// -// The `primary_network_interface` and `network_interfaces` properties may only be specified if -// `primary_network_interface` is specified in the source template. -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototype -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) - // offering version to use when provisioning this virtual server instance. - // If an offering is specified, the latest version of that offering will be used. - // - // The specified offering or offering version may be in a different account, subject to - // IAM policies. - // - // If specified, `image` must not be specified, and `source_template` must not have - // `image` specified. - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image,omitempty"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` - - // The template to create this virtual server instance from. - SourceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf `json:"source_template" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate : Instantiate InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate(sourceTemplate InstanceTemplateIdentityIntf) (_model *InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate{ - SourceTemplate: sourceTemplate, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceTemplate) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_template", &obj.SourceTemplate, UnmarshalInstanceTemplateIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext : Create an instance by using a catalog offering. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplate -type InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The [catalog](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-restrict-by-user) offering - // or offering version to use when provisioning this virtual server instance. - // - // If an offering is specified, the latest version of that offering will be used. - // - // The specified offering or offering version may be in a different account in the same - // [enterprise](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-what-is-enterprise), subject - // to IAM policies. - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext) isaInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextIntf interface { - InstanceTemplateIntf - isaInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext() bool -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext : Create an instance by using an image. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplate -type InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext) isaInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextIntf interface { - InstanceTemplateIntf - isaInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext() bool -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext : Create an instance by using a snapshot. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment -// - InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplate -type InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext) isaInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextIntf interface { - InstanceTemplateIntf - isaInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext() bool -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// KeyIdentityByCRN : KeyIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" KeyIdentity -type KeyIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this key. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewKeyIdentityByCRN : Instantiate KeyIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewKeyIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *KeyIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &KeyIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*KeyIdentityByCRN) isaKeyIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalKeyIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of KeyIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// KeyIdentityByFingerprint : KeyIdentityByFingerprint struct -// This model "extends" KeyIdentity -type KeyIdentityByFingerprint struct { - // The fingerprint for this key. The value is returned base64-encoded and prefixed with the hash algorithm (always - // `SHA256`). - Fingerprint *string `json:"fingerprint" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewKeyIdentityByFingerprint : Instantiate KeyIdentityByFingerprint (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewKeyIdentityByFingerprint(fingerprint string) (_model *KeyIdentityByFingerprint, err error) { - _model = &KeyIdentityByFingerprint{ - Fingerprint: core.StringPtr(fingerprint), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*KeyIdentityByFingerprint) isaKeyIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalKeyIdentityByFingerprint unmarshals an instance of KeyIdentityByFingerprint from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyIdentityByFingerprint(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyIdentityByFingerprint) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "fingerprint", &obj.Fingerprint) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// KeyIdentityByHref : KeyIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" KeyIdentity -type KeyIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this key. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewKeyIdentityByHref : Instantiate KeyIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewKeyIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *KeyIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &KeyIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*KeyIdentityByHref) isaKeyIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalKeyIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of KeyIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// KeyIdentityByID : KeyIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" KeyIdentity -type KeyIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this key. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewKeyIdentityByID : Instantiate KeyIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewKeyIdentityByID(id string) (_model *KeyIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &KeyIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*KeyIdentityByID) isaKeyIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalKeyIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of KeyIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalKeyIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(KeyIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName : LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity -type LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name of this Cloud Object Storage bucket. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName : Instantiate LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName(name string) (_model *LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName) isaLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LegacyCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityCloudObjectStorageBucketIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN : LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerIdentity -type LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN struct { - // The load balancer's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerIdentityByCRN : Instantiate LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN) isaLoadBalancerIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerIdentityByHref : LoadBalancerIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerIdentity -type LoadBalancerIdentityByHref struct { - // The load balancer's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerIdentityByHref : Instantiate LoadBalancerIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *LoadBalancerIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerIdentityByID : LoadBalancerIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerIdentity -type LoadBalancerIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerIdentityByID : Instantiate LoadBalancerIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerIdentityByID(id string) (_model *LoadBalancerIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerIdentityByID) isaLoadBalancerIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref : LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerIdentity -type LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref struct { - // The listener's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerListenerIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID : LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerIdentity -type LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer listener. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID(id string) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID) isaLoadBalancerListenerIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch struct { - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code,omitempty"` - - // Identifies a load balancer listener by a unique property. - Listener LoadBalancerListenerIdentityIntf `json:"listener,omitempty"` - - // The redirect relative target URI. - URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listener", &obj.Listener, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uri", &obj.URI) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch struct { - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code,omitempty"` - - // The redirect target URL. - URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPatch) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "url", &obj.URL) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity : Identifies a load balancer pool by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityIntf interface { - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchIntf - isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype struct { - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code" validate:"required"` - - // Identifies a load balancer listener by a unique property. - Listener LoadBalancerListenerIdentityIntf `json:"listener" validate:"required"` - - // The redirect relative target URI. - URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype(httpStatusCode int64, listener LoadBalancerListenerIdentityIntf) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype{ - HTTPStatusCode: core.Int64Ptr(httpStatusCode), - Listener: listener, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirectPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listener", &obj.Listener, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uri", &obj.URI) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype struct { - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code" validate:"required"` - - // The redirect target URL. - URL *string `json:"url" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype(httpStatusCode int64, url string) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype{ - HTTPStatusCode: core.Int64Ptr(httpStatusCode), - URL: core.StringPtr(url), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURLPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "url", &obj.URL) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity : Identifies a load balancer pool by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID -// - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityIntf interface { - LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeIntf - isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect struct { - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code" validate:"required"` - - Listener *LoadBalancerListenerReference `json:"listener" validate:"required"` - - // The redirect relative target URI. - URI *string `json:"uri,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerHTTPSRedirect) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "listener", &obj.Listener, UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "uri", &obj.URI) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL struct { - // The HTTP status code for this redirect. - HTTPStatusCode *int64 `json:"http_status_code" validate:"required"` - - // The redirect target URL. - URL *string `json:"url" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerListenerPolicyRedirectURL) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "http_status_code", &obj.HTTPStatusCode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "url", &obj.URL) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerPoolReference : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerPoolReference struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerPoolReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *LoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this load balancer pool. The name is unique across all pools for the load balancer. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerPoolReference) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerPoolReference unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerPoolReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerPoolReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetLoadBalancerPoolReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref : LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerPoolIdentity -type LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref struct { - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID : LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerPoolIdentity -type LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID(id string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID) isaLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP : LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP(address string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity : Identifies a virtual server instance by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID -// - LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN -// - LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityIntf interface { - LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeIntf - isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIP : LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIP struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIP struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIP) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIP unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetInstanceReference : LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetInstanceReference struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetInstanceReference struct { - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *InstanceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name is unique across all virtual server instances in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetInstanceReference) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetInstanceReference unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetInstanceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetInstanceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetInstanceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalInstanceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref : LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileIdentity -type LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this load balancer profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref : Instantiate LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName : LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileIdentity -type LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name for this load balancer profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName : Instantiate LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName(name string) (_model *LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName) isaLoadBalancerProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependent : The instance groups support for a load balancer with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported -type LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependent) isaLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependent unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixed : The instance groups support for a load balancer with this profile. -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported -type LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *bool `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixed) isaLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupported() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixed unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileInstanceGroupsSupportedFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependent : The route mode support for a load balancer with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported -type LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependent) isaLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependent unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixed : The route mode support for a load balancer with this profile. -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported -type LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *bool `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixed) isaLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupported() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixed unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileRouteModeSupportedFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependent : The security group support for a load balancer with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported -type LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependent) isaLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependent unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixed : The security group support for a load balancer with this profile. -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported -type LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *bool `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixed) isaLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupported() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixed unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileSecurityGroupsSupportedFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependent : The UDP support for a load balancer with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported -type LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependent struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependent.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependentTypeDependentConst = "dependent" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependent) isaLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependent unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependent from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependent(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedDependent) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixed : The UDP support for a load balancer with this profile. -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported -type LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *bool `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixed) isaLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupported() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixed unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerProfileUDPSupportedFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLIdentityByCRN : NetworkACLIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLIdentity -type NetworkACLIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this network ACL. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkACLIdentityByCRN : Instantiate NetworkACLIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *NetworkACLIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLIdentityByCRN) isaNetworkACLIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLIdentityByHref : NetworkACLIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLIdentity -type NetworkACLIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this network ACL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkACLIdentityByHref : Instantiate NetworkACLIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *NetworkACLIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLIdentityByHref) isaNetworkACLIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLIdentityByID : NetworkACLIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLIdentity -type NetworkACLIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this network ACL. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkACLIdentityByID : Instantiate NetworkACLIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLIdentityByID(id string) (_model *NetworkACLIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLIdentityByID) isaNetworkACLIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules : NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLPrototype -type NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules struct { - // The name for this network ACL. The name must not be used by another network ACL for the VPC. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this network ACL will reside in. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The prototype objects for rules to create along with this network ACL. If unspecified, no rules will be created, - // resulting in all traffic being denied. - Rules []NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextIntf `json:"rules,omitempty"` -} - -// NewNetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules : Instantiate NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules(vpc VPCIdentityIntf) (_model *NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules{ - VPC: vpc, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules) isaNetworkACLPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLByRules) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "rules", &obj.Rules, UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL : NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLPrototype -type NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL struct { - // The name for this network ACL. The name must not be used by another network ACL for the VPC. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this network ACL will reside in. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // Network ACL to copy rules from. - SourceNetworkACL NetworkACLIdentityIntf `json:"source_network_acl" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL : Instantiate NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL(vpc VPCIdentityIntf, sourceNetworkACL NetworkACLIdentityIntf) (_model *NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL{ - VPC: vpc, - SourceNetworkACL: sourceNetworkACL, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL) isaNetworkACLPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLPrototypeNetworkACLBySourceNetworkACL) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_network_acl", &obj.SourceNetworkACL, UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref : NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRuleBeforePatch -type NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref : Instantiate NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref) isaNetworkACLRuleBeforePatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID : NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRuleBeforePatch -type NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID : Instantiate NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID(id string) (_model *NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID) isaNetworkACLRuleBeforePatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleBeforePatchNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref : NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype -type NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref : Instantiate NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref) isaNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID : NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype -type NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID : Instantiate NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID(id string) (_model *NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID) isaNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeNetworkACLRuleIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll : NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRuleItem -type NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The rule that this rule is immediately before. In a rule collection, this always refers to the next item in the - // collection. If absent, this is the last rule. - Before *NetworkACLRuleReference `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the rule was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name is unique across all rules for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllProtocolAllConst = "all" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll) isaNetworkACLRuleItem() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp : NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRuleItem -type NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The rule that this rule is immediately before. In a rule collection, this always refers to the next item in the - // collection. If absent, this is the last rule. - Before *NetworkACLRuleReference `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the rule was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name is unique across all rules for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to match. - // - // If absent, all codes are matched. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to match. - // - // If absent, all types are matched. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp) isaNetworkACLRuleItem() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp : NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRuleItem -type NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The rule that this rule is immediately before. In a rule collection, this always refers to the next item in the - // collection. If absent, this is the last rule. - Before *NetworkACLRuleReference `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the rule was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name is unique across all rules for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMax *int64 `json:"destination_port_max" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMin *int64 `json:"destination_port_min" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMax *int64 `json:"source_port_max" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMin *int64 `json:"source_port_min" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp) isaNetworkACLRuleItem() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleItemNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_max", &obj.DestinationPortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_min", &obj.DestinationPortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_max", &obj.SourcePortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_min", &obj.SourcePortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype : NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext -type NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name must not be used by another rule for the network ACL. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeProtocolAllConst = "all" -) - -// NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype : Instantiate NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype(action string, destination string, direction string, source string, protocol string) (_model *NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype{ - Action: core.StringPtr(action), - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - Direction: core.StringPtr(direction), - Source: core.StringPtr(source), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype) isaNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype : NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext -type NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name must not be used by another rule for the network ACL. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to match. - // - // If specified, `type` must also be specified. If unspecified, all codes are matched. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to match. - // - // If unspecified, all types are matched. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" -) - -// NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype : Instantiate NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype(action string, destination string, direction string, source string, protocol string) (_model *NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype{ - Action: core.StringPtr(action), - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - Direction: core.StringPtr(direction), - Source: core.StringPtr(source), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype) isaNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype : NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext -type NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name must not be used by another rule for the network ACL. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMax *int64 `json:"destination_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMin *int64 `json:"destination_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMax *int64 `json:"source_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMin *int64 `json:"source_port_min,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype : Instantiate NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype(action string, destination string, direction string, source string, protocol string) (_model *NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype{ - Action: core.StringPtr(action), - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - Direction: core.StringPtr(direction), - Source: core.StringPtr(source), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype) isaNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContext() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLContextNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_max", &obj.DestinationPortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_min", &obj.DestinationPortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_max", &obj.SourcePortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_min", &obj.SourcePortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype : NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRulePrototype -type NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - Before NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeIntf `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name must not be used by another rule for the network ACL. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototypeProtocolAllConst = "all" -) - -// NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype : Instantiate NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype(action string, destination string, direction string, source string, protocol string) (_model *NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype{ - Action: core.StringPtr(action), - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - Direction: core.StringPtr(direction), - Source: core.StringPtr(source), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype) isaNetworkACLRulePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype : NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRulePrototype -type NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - Before NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeIntf `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name must not be used by another rule for the network ACL. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to match. - // - // If specified, `type` must also be specified. If unspecified, all codes are matched. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to match. - // - // If unspecified, all types are matched. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototypeProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" -) - -// NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype : Instantiate NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype(action string, destination string, direction string, source string, protocol string) (_model *NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype{ - Action: core.StringPtr(action), - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - Direction: core.StringPtr(direction), - Source: core.StringPtr(source), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype) isaNetworkACLRulePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype : NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRulePrototype -type NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - Before NetworkACLRuleBeforePrototypeIntf `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name must not be used by another rule for the network ACL. If unspecified, - // the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMax *int64 `json:"destination_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMin *int64 `json:"destination_port_min,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMax *int64 `json:"source_port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMin *int64 `json:"source_port_min,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototypeProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype : Instantiate NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype(action string, destination string, direction string, source string, protocol string) (_model *NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype, err error) { - _model = &NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype{ - Action: core.StringPtr(action), - Destination: core.StringPtr(destination), - Direction: core.StringPtr(direction), - Source: core.StringPtr(source), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype) isaNetworkACLRulePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRulePrototypeNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleBeforePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_max", &obj.DestinationPortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_min", &obj.DestinationPortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_max", &obj.SourcePortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_min", &obj.SourcePortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll : NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRule -type NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The rule that this rule is immediately before. If absent, this is the last rule. - Before *NetworkACLRuleReference `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the rule was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name is unique across all rules for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAllProtocolAllConst = "all" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll) isaNetworkACLRule() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolAll) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp : NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRule -type NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The rule that this rule is immediately before. If absent, this is the last rule. - Before *NetworkACLRuleReference `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the rule was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name is unique across all rules for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to match. - // - // If absent, all codes are matched. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to match. - // - // If absent, all types are matched. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmpProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp) isaNetworkACLRule() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolIcmp) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp : NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp struct -// This model "extends" NetworkACLRule -type NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp struct { - // The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. - Action *string `json:"action" validate:"required"` - - // The rule that this rule is immediately before. If absent, this is the last rule. - Before *NetworkACLRuleReference `json:"before,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the rule was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The destination IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all destination addresses. - Destination *string `json:"destination" validate:"required"` - - // The direction of traffic to match. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this network ACL rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this network ACL rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version for this rule. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this network ACL rule. The name is unique across all rules for the network ACL. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The source IP address or CIDR block to match. The CIDR block `` matches all source addresses. - Source *string `json:"source" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMax *int64 `json:"destination_port_max" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - DestinationPortMin *int64 `json:"destination_port_min" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMax *int64 `json:"source_port_max" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP source port range. - SourcePortMin *int64 `json:"source_port_min" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp.Action property. -// The action to perform for a packet matching the rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpActionAllowConst = "allow" - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpActionDenyConst = "deny" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to match. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp.IPVersion property. -// The IP version for this rule. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudpProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -func (*NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp) isaNetworkACLRule() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp unmarshals an instance of NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkACLRuleNetworkACLRuleProtocolTcpudp) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action", &obj.Action) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "before", &obj.Before, UnmarshalNetworkACLRuleReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination", &obj.Destination) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source", &obj.Source) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_max", &obj.DestinationPortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "destination_port_min", &obj.DestinationPortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_max", &obj.SourcePortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "source_port_min", &obj.SourcePortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity : Identifies a reserved IP by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID -// - NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" NetworkInterfaceIPPrototype -type NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity) isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityIntf interface { - NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf - isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity() bool -} - -func (*NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity) isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeNetworkInterfaceContext : NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeNetworkInterfaceContext struct -// This model "extends" NetworkInterfaceIPPrototype -type NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeNetworkInterfaceContext struct { - // The IP address to reserve, which must not already be reserved on the subnet. - // - // If unspecified, an available address on the subnet will automatically be selected. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated - // list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -func (*NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeNetworkInterfaceContext) isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeNetworkInterfaceContext unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeNetworkInterfaceContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeNetworkInterfaceContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeNetworkInterfaceContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// OperatingSystemIdentityByHref : OperatingSystemIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" OperatingSystemIdentity -type OperatingSystemIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this operating system. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewOperatingSystemIdentityByHref : Instantiate OperatingSystemIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewOperatingSystemIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *OperatingSystemIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &OperatingSystemIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*OperatingSystemIdentityByHref) isaOperatingSystemIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalOperatingSystemIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of OperatingSystemIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalOperatingSystemIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(OperatingSystemIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// OperatingSystemIdentityByName : OperatingSystemIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" OperatingSystemIdentity -type OperatingSystemIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name for this operating system. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewOperatingSystemIdentityByName : Instantiate OperatingSystemIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewOperatingSystemIdentityByName(name string) (_model *OperatingSystemIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &OperatingSystemIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*OperatingSystemIdentityByName) isaOperatingSystemIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalOperatingSystemIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of OperatingSystemIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalOperatingSystemIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(OperatingSystemIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity : Identifies a floating IP by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID -// - PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN -// - PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref -// - PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress -// This model "extends" PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype -type PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this floating IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this floating IP. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this floating IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The globally unique IP address. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityIntf interface { - PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeIntf - isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity() bool -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPPrototypeTargetContext : PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPPrototypeTargetContext struct -// This model "extends" PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype -type PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPPrototypeTargetContext struct { - // The name for this floating IP. The name must not be used by another floating IP in the region. If unspecified, the - // name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPPrototypeTargetContext) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPPrototypeTargetContext unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPPrototypeTargetContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPPrototypeTargetContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPPrototypeTargetContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN : PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" PublicGatewayIdentity -type PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this public gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN : Instantiate PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN) isaPublicGatewayIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref : PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" PublicGatewayIdentity -type PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this public gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref : Instantiate PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref) isaPublicGatewayIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID : PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" PublicGatewayIdentity -type PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this public gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID : Instantiate PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID(id string) (_model *PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID) isaPublicGatewayIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayIdentityPublicGatewayIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RegionIdentityByHref : RegionIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" RegionIdentity -type RegionIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this region. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRegionIdentityByHref : Instantiate RegionIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRegionIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *RegionIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &RegionIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RegionIdentityByHref) isaRegionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRegionIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of RegionIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRegionIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RegionIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RegionIdentityByName : RegionIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" RegionIdentity -type RegionIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name for this region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRegionIdentityByName : Instantiate RegionIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRegionIdentityByName(name string) (_model *RegionIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &RegionIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RegionIdentityByName) isaRegionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRegionIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of RegionIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRegionIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RegionIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationIdentityByCRN : ReservationIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" ReservationIdentity -type ReservationIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this reservation. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservationIdentityByCRN : Instantiate ReservationIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservationIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *ReservationIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &ReservationIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ReservationIdentityByCRN) isaReservationIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservationIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of ReservationIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationIdentityByHref : ReservationIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" ReservationIdentity -type ReservationIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this reservation. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservationIdentityByHref : Instantiate ReservationIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservationIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *ReservationIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &ReservationIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ReservationIdentityByHref) isaReservationIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservationIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of ReservationIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservationIdentityByID : ReservationIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" ReservationIdentity -type ReservationIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this reservation. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservationIdentityByID : Instantiate ReservationIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservationIdentityByID(id string) (_model *ReservationIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &ReservationIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ReservationIdentityByID) isaReservationIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservationIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of ReservationIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservationIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservationIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity : ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID -// - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN -// - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTargetPrototype -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this endpoint gateway. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this endpoint gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this endpoint gateway. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity) isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityIntf interface { - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeIntf - isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity() bool -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity) isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies a virtual network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTargetPrototype -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - ReservedIPTargetPrototypeIntf - isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext : ReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTarget -type ReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*ReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) isaReservedIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference : ReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTarget -type ReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference struct { - // The CRN for this endpoint gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *EndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this endpoint gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this endpoint gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this endpoint gateway. The name is unique across all endpoint gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReferenceResourceTypeEndpointGatewayConst = "endpoint_gateway" -) - -func (*ReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference) isaReservedIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetEndpointGatewayReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReference : Identifying information for a resource that is not native to the VPC API. -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTarget -type ReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReference struct { - // The CRN for the resource. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *GenericResourceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReferenceResourceTypeCloudResourceConst = "cloud_resource" -) - -func (*ReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReference) isaReservedIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReference unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetGenericResourceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalGenericResourceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference : ReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTarget -type ReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference struct { - // The load balancer's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *LoadBalancerReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The load balancer's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this load balancer. The name is unique across all load balancers in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReferenceResourceTypeLoadBalancerConst = "load_balancer" -) - -func (*ReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference) isaReservedIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetLoadBalancerReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalLoadBalancerReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext : ReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTarget -type ReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network interface. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*ReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) isaReservedIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference : ReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTarget -type ReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference struct { - // The VPN gateway's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPNGatewayReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The VPN gateway's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name is unique across all VPN gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReferenceResourceTypeVPNGatewayConst = "vpn_gateway" -) - -func (*ReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference) isaReservedIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetVPNGatewayReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPNGatewayReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference : ReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTarget -type ReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference struct { - // The CRN for this VPN server. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPNServerReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPN server. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN server. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN server. The name is unique across all VPN servers in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPTargetVPNServerReferenceResourceTypeVPNServerConst = "vpn_server" -) - -func (*ReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference) isaReservedIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetVPNServerReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPNServerReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext : ReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTarget -type ReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name is unique across all virtual network interfaces in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - ReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContextResourceTypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceConst = "virtual_network_interface" -) - -func (*ReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext) isaReservedIPTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceReservedIPTargetContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ResourceGroupIdentityByID : ResourceGroupIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" ResourceGroupIdentity -type ResourceGroupIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this resource group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewResourceGroupIdentityByID : Instantiate ResourceGroupIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewResourceGroupIdentityByID(id string) (_model *ResourceGroupIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &ResourceGroupIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ResourceGroupIdentityByID) isaResourceGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of ResourceGroupIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ResourceGroupIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference : RouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference struct -// This model "extends" RouteCreator -type RouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference struct { - // The VPN gateway's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPNGatewayReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The VPN gateway's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name is unique across all VPN gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - RouteCreatorVPNGatewayReferenceResourceTypeVPNGatewayConst = "vpn_gateway" -) - -func (*RouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference) isaRouteCreator() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference unmarshals an instance of RouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCreatorVPNGatewayReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPNGatewayReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteCreatorVPNServerReference : RouteCreatorVPNServerReference struct -// This model "extends" RouteCreator -type RouteCreatorVPNServerReference struct { - // The CRN for this VPN server. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPNServerReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPN server. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN server. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN server. The name is unique across all VPN servers in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RouteCreatorVPNServerReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - RouteCreatorVPNServerReferenceResourceTypeVPNServerConst = "vpn_server" -) - -func (*RouteCreatorVPNServerReference) isaRouteCreator() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteCreatorVPNServerReference unmarshals an instance of RouteCreatorVPNServerReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteCreatorVPNServerReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteCreatorVPNServerReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPNServerReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHopIP : RouteNextHopIP struct -// This model "extends" RouteNextHop -type RouteNextHopIP struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*RouteNextHopIP) isaRouteNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHopIP unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHopIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHopIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHopIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP : RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP -// - RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP -// This model "extends" RouteNextHopPatch -type RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP struct { - // The sentinel IP address (``). - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP) isaRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP() bool { - return true -} - -type RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPIntf interface { - RouteNextHopPatchIntf - isaRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP() bool -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP) isaRouteNextHopPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity : Identifies a VPN gateway connection by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID -// - RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" RouteNextHopPatch -type RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity) isaRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityIntf interface { - RouteNextHopPatchIntf - isaRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity() bool -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity) isaRouteNextHopPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference : RouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference struct -// This model "extends" RouteNextHop -type RouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name is unique across all connections for the VPN gateway. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the RouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - RouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReferenceResourceTypeVPNGatewayConnectionConst = "vpn_gateway_connection" -) - -func (*RouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference) isaRouteNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHopVPNGatewayConnectionReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP : RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP -// - RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP -// This model "extends" RoutePrototypeNextHop -type RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP struct { - // The sentinel IP address (``). - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP) isaRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP() bool { - return true -} - -type RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPIntf interface { - RoutePrototypeNextHopIntf - isaRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP() bool -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP) isaRoutePrototypeNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP unmarshals an instance of RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity : Identifies a VPN gateway connection by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID -// - RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" RoutePrototypeNextHop -type RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity) isaRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityIntf interface { - RoutePrototypeNextHopIntf - isaRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity() bool -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity) isaRoutePrototypeNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity unmarshals an instance of RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutingTableIdentityByHref : RoutingTableIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" RoutingTableIdentity -type RoutingTableIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this routing table. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRoutingTableIdentityByHref : Instantiate RoutingTableIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRoutingTableIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *RoutingTableIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &RoutingTableIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RoutingTableIdentityByHref) isaRoutingTableIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of RoutingTableIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTableIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutingTableIdentityByID : RoutingTableIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" RoutingTableIdentity -type RoutingTableIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this routing table. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRoutingTableIdentityByID : Instantiate RoutingTableIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRoutingTableIdentityByID(id string) (_model *RoutingTableIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &RoutingTableIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RoutingTableIdentityByID) isaRoutingTableIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of RoutingTableIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutingTableIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN : SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN struct { - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupIdentityByCRN : Instantiate SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN) isaSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupIdentityByHref : SecurityGroupIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupIdentityByHref struct { - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupIdentityByHref : Instantiate SecurityGroupIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *SecurityGroupIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupIdentityByHref) isaSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupIdentityByID : SecurityGroupIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupIdentityByID : Instantiate SecurityGroupIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupIdentityByID(id string) (_model *SecurityGroupIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupIdentityByID) isaSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll : A rule allowing traffic for all supported protocols. -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRulePrototype -type SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll struct { - // The direction of traffic to enforce. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they - // are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses - // (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The remote IP addresses or security groups from which this rule will allow traffic (or to - // which, for outbound rules). Can be specified as an IP address, a CIDR block, or a - // security group within the VPC. - // - // If unspecified, a CIDR block of `` will be used to allow traffic from any source - // (or to any destination, for outbound rules). - Remote SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIntf `json:"remote,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAllDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAllDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll.IPVersion property. -// The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they -// are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses -// (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAllIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAllProtocolAllConst = "all" -) - -// NewSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll : Instantiate SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll(direction string, protocol string) (_model *SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll{ - Direction: core.StringPtr(direction), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll) isaSecurityGroupRulePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp : A rule specifying the ICMP traffic to allow. -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRulePrototype -type SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp struct { - // The ICMP traffic code to allow. - // - // If specified, `type` must also be specified. If unspecified, all codes are allowed. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The direction of traffic to enforce. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they - // are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses - // (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The remote IP addresses or security groups from which this rule will allow traffic (or to - // which, for outbound rules). Can be specified as an IP address, a CIDR block, or a - // security group within the VPC. - // - // If unspecified, a CIDR block of `` will be used to allow traffic from any source - // (or to any destination, for outbound rules). - Remote SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIntf `json:"remote,omitempty"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to allow. - // - // If unspecified, all types are allowed. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmpDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmpDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp.IPVersion property. -// The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they -// are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses -// (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmpIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmpProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" -) - -// NewSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp : Instantiate SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp(direction string, protocol string) (_model *SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp{ - Direction: core.StringPtr(direction), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp) isaSecurityGroupRulePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp : A rule specifying the TCP or UDP traffic to allow. -// -// Either both `port_min` and `port_max` will be present, or neither. When neither is present, all destination ports are -// allowed for the protocol. When both have the same value, that single destination port is allowed. -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRulePrototype -type SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp struct { - // The direction of traffic to enforce. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they - // are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses - // (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - // - // If specified, `port_min` must also be specified, and must not be larger. If unspecified, - // `port_min` must also be unspecified, allowing traffic on all destination ports. - PortMax *int64 `json:"port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range - // - // If specified, `port_max` must also be specified, and must not be smaller. If unspecified, `port_max` must also be - // unspecified, allowing traffic on all destination ports. - PortMin *int64 `json:"port_min,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The remote IP addresses or security groups from which this rule will allow traffic (or to - // which, for outbound rules). Can be specified as an IP address, a CIDR block, or a - // security group within the VPC. - // - // If unspecified, a CIDR block of `` will be used to allow traffic from any source - // (or to any destination, for outbound rules). - Remote SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIntf `json:"remote,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp.IPVersion property. -// The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they -// are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses -// (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -// NewSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp : Instantiate SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp(direction string, protocol string) (_model *SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp{ - Direction: core.StringPtr(direction), - Protocol: core.StringPtr(protocol), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp) isaSecurityGroupRulePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRulePrototypeSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_max", &obj.PortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_min", &obj.PortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR struct { - // The CIDR block. This property may add support for IPv6 CIDR blocks in the future. When processing a value in this - // property, verify that the CIDR block is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt - // processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected CIDR block format was encountered. - CIDRBlock *string `json:"cidr_block" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR(cidrBlock string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR{ - CIDRBlock: core.StringPtr(cidrBlock), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchCIDR) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cidr_block", &obj.CIDRBlock) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP(address string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity : Identifies a security group by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentityIntf interface { - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchIntf - isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity() bool -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR struct { - // The CIDR block. This property may add support for IPv6 CIDR blocks in the future. When processing a value in this - // property, verify that the CIDR block is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt - // processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected CIDR block format was encountered. - CIDRBlock *string `json:"cidr_block" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR(cidrBlock string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR{ - CIDRBlock: core.StringPtr(cidrBlock), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeCIDR) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cidr_block", &obj.CIDRBlock) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP(address string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity : Identifies a security group by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN -// - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentityIntf interface { - SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeIntf - isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity() bool -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemoteCIDR : SecurityGroupRuleRemoteCIDR struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemote -type SecurityGroupRuleRemoteCIDR struct { - // The CIDR block. This property may add support for IPv6 CIDR blocks in the future. When processing a value in this - // property, verify that the CIDR block is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt - // processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected CIDR block format was encountered. - CIDRBlock *string `json:"cidr_block" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemoteCIDR) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemote() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemoteCIDR unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemoteCIDR from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemoteCIDR(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemoteCIDR) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cidr_block", &obj.CIDRBlock) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIP : SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIP struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemote -type SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIP struct { - // The IP address. - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIP) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemote() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemoteIP unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemoteIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemoteSecurityGroupReference : SecurityGroupRuleRemoteSecurityGroupReference struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemote -type SecurityGroupRuleRemoteSecurityGroupReference struct { - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *SecurityGroupReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this security group. The name is unique across all security groups for the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemoteSecurityGroupReference) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemote() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemoteSecurityGroupReference unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemoteSecurityGroupReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemoteSecurityGroupReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemoteSecurityGroupReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalSecurityGroupReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll : A rule allowing traffic for all supported protocols. -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRule -type SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll struct { - // The direction of traffic to enforce. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this security group rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they - // are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses - // (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - Remote SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIntf `json:"remote" validate:"required"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAllDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAllDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll.IPVersion property. -// The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they -// are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses -// (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAllIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAllProtocolAllConst = "all" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll) isaSecurityGroupRule() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolAll) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp : A rule specifying the ICMP traffic to allow. -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRule -type SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp struct { - // The direction of traffic to enforce. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this security group rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they - // are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses - // (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - Remote SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIntf `json:"remote" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic code to allow. If absent, all codes are allowed. - Code *int64 `json:"code,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The ICMP traffic type to allow. If absent, all types are allowed. - Type *int64 `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmpDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmpDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp.IPVersion property. -// The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they -// are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses -// (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmpIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmpProtocolIcmpConst = "icmp" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp) isaSecurityGroupRule() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolIcmp) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "code", &obj.Code) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp : A rule specifying the TCP or UDP traffic to allow. -// -// Either both `port_min` and `port_max` will be present, or neither. When neither is present, all destination ports are -// allowed for the protocol. When both have the same value, that single destination port is allowed. -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRule -type SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp struct { - // The direction of traffic to enforce. - Direction *string `json:"direction" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this security group rule. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this security group rule. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they - // are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses - // (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version" validate:"required"` - - Remote SecurityGroupRuleRemoteIntf `json:"remote" validate:"required"` - - // The inclusive upper bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - PortMax *int64 `json:"port_max,omitempty"` - - // The inclusive lower bound of TCP/UDP destination port range. - PortMin *int64 `json:"port_min,omitempty"` - - // The protocol to enforce. - Protocol *string `json:"protocol" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp.Direction property. -// The direction of traffic to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpDirectionInboundConst = "inbound" - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpDirectionOutboundConst = "outbound" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp.IPVersion property. -// The IP version to enforce. The format of `remote.address` or `remote.cidr_block` must match this property, if they -// are used. Alternatively, if `remote` references a security group, then this rule only applies to IP addresses -// (network interfaces) in that group matching this IP version. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp.Protocol property. -// The protocol to enforce. -const ( - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpProtocolTCPConst = "tcp" - SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudpProtocolUDPConst = "udp" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp) isaSecurityGroupRule() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleSecurityGroupRuleProtocolTcpudp) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "direction", &obj.Direction) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "remote", &obj.Remote, UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemote) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_max", &obj.PortMax) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "port_min", &obj.PortMin) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "protocol", &obj.Protocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext : SecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupTargetReference -type SecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network interface. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) isaSecurityGroupTargetReference() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetReferenceBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference : SecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupTargetReference -type SecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference struct { - // The CRN for this endpoint gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *EndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this endpoint gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this endpoint gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this endpoint gateway. The name is unique across all endpoint gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReferenceResourceTypeEndpointGatewayConst = "endpoint_gateway" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference) isaSecurityGroupTargetReference() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetReferenceEndpointGatewayReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference : SecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupTargetReference -type SecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference struct { - // The load balancer's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *LoadBalancerReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The load balancer's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this load balancer. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this load balancer. The name is unique across all load balancers in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReferenceResourceTypeLoadBalancerConst = "load_balancer" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference) isaSecurityGroupTargetReference() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetReferenceLoadBalancerReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalLoadBalancerReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext : SecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupTargetReference -type SecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *NetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network interface. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextResourceTypeNetworkInterfaceConst = "network_interface" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) isaSecurityGroupTargetReference() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetReferenceNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContext) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceReferenceTargetContextDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference : SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupTargetReference -type SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference struct { - // The CRN for this VPN server. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VPNServerReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this VPN server. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN server. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN server. The name is unique across all VPN servers in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReferenceResourceTypeVPNServerConst = "vpn_server" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference) isaSecurityGroupTargetReference() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVPNServerReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVPNServerReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference : SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupTargetReference -type SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *VirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name is unique across all virtual network interfaces in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The primary IP for this virtual network interface. - PrimaryIP *ReservedIPReference `json:"primary_ip" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The associated subnet. - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceResourceTypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceConst = "virtual_network_interface" -) - -func (*SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference) isaSecurityGroupTargetReference() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupTargetReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceReference) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalReservedIPReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareIdentityByCRN : ShareIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" ShareIdentity -type ShareIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this file share. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewShareIdentityByCRN : Instantiate ShareIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *ShareIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &ShareIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareIdentityByCRN) isaShareIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of ShareIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareIdentityByHref : ShareIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" ShareIdentity -type ShareIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this file share. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewShareIdentityByHref : Instantiate ShareIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *ShareIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &ShareIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareIdentityByHref) isaShareIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of ShareIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareIdentityByID : ShareIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" ShareIdentity -type ShareIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this file share. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewShareIdentityByID : Instantiate ShareIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareIdentityByID(id string) (_model *ShareIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &ShareIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareIdentityByID) isaShareIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of ShareIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup : The virtual network interface for this share mount target. The virtual network interface must: -// -// - be in the same `zone` as the share -// - have `allow_ip_spoofing` set to `false` -// - have `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` -// - not be in the same VPC as an existing mount target for this share -// - not have `ips` other than the `primary_ip` address -// -// If an existing virtual network interface is specified, it must not have a floating IP bound to it, and it must not be -// the target of a flow log collector. -// -// Required if the share's `access_control_mode` is `security_group`. -// This model "extends" ShareMountTargetPrototype -type ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup struct { - // The name for this share mount target. The name must not be used by another mount target for the file share. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The transit encryption mode to use for this share mount target: - // - `none`: Not encrypted in transit. - // - `user_managed`: Encrypted in transit using an instance identity certificate. The - // `access_control_mode` for the share must be `security_group`. - TransitEncryption *string `json:"transit_encryption,omitempty"` - - VirtualNetworkInterface ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf `json:"virtual_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup.TransitEncryption property. -// The transit encryption mode to use for this share mount target: -// - `none`: Not encrypted in transit. -// - `user_managed`: Encrypted in transit using an instance identity certificate. The -// `access_control_mode` for the share must be `security_group`. -const ( - ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroupTransitEncryptionNoneConst = "none" - ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroupTransitEncryptionUserManagedConst = "user_managed" -) - -// NewShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup : Instantiate ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup(virtualNetworkInterface ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf) (_model *ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup, err error) { - _model = &ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup{ - VirtualNetworkInterface: virtualNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup) isaShareMountTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeSecurityGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "transit_encryption", &obj.TransitEncryption) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "virtual_network_interface", &obj.VirtualNetworkInterface, UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC : The VPC in which clients can mount the file share using this mount target. The VPC must not be used by another mount -// target for this share. -// -// Required if the share's `access_control_mode` is `vpc`. -// This model "extends" ShareMountTargetPrototype -type ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC struct { - // The name for this share mount target. The name must not be used by another mount target for the file share. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The transit encryption mode to use for this share mount target: - // - `none`: Not encrypted in transit. - // - `user_managed`: Encrypted in transit using an instance identity certificate. The - // `access_control_mode` for the share must be `security_group`. - TransitEncryption *string `json:"transit_encryption,omitempty"` - - // Identifies a VPC by a unique property. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC.TransitEncryption property. -// The transit encryption mode to use for this share mount target: -// - `none`: Not encrypted in transit. -// - `user_managed`: Encrypted in transit using an instance identity certificate. The -// `access_control_mode` for the share must be `security_group`. -const ( - ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPCTransitEncryptionNoneConst = "none" - ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPCTransitEncryptionUserManagedConst = "user_managed" -) - -// NewShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC : Instantiate ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC(vpc VPCIdentityIntf) (_model *ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC, err error) { - _model = &ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC{ - VPC: vpc, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC) isaShareMountTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetPrototypeShareMountTargetByAccessControlModeVPC) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "transit_encryption", &obj.TransitEncryption) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity : Identifies a virtual network interface by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID -// - ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref -// - ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN -// This model "extends" ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype -type ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityIntf interface { - ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeIntf - isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeShareMountTargetContext : The virtual network interface for this target. -// This model "extends" ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype -type ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeShareMountTargetContext struct { - // Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. If `false`, source IP spoofing is prevented on - // this interface. If `true`, source IP spoofing is allowed on this interface. - AllowIPSpoofing *bool `json:"allow_ip_spoofing,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this virtual network interface will be automatically deleted when - // `target` is deleted. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // If `true`: - // - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - // - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. - // - // If `false`: - // - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the virtual network interface, - // allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - // - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - // - Can only be attached to a `target` with a `resource_type` of - // `bare_metal_server_network_attachment`. - EnableInfrastructureNat *bool `json:"enable_infrastructure_nat,omitempty"` - - // Additional IP addresses to bind to the virtual network interface. Each item may be either a reserved IP identity, or - // a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a new reserved IP. All IP addresses must be in the - // primary IP's subnet. - // - // If reserved IP identities are provided, the specified reserved IPs must be unbound. - // - // If reserved IP prototype objects with addresses are provided, the addresses must be available on the virtual network - // interface's subnet. For any prototype objects that do not specify an address, an available address on the subnet - // will be automatically selected and reserved. - Ips []VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf `json:"ips,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual network interface. The name must not be used by another virtual network interface in the - // VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. Names beginning with `ibm-` are - // reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The primary IP address to bind to the virtual network interface. May be either a - // reserved IP identity, or a reserved IP prototype object which will be used to create a - // new reserved IP. - // - // If a reserved IP identity is provided, the specified reserved IP must be unbound. - // - // If a reserved IP prototype object with an address is provided, the address must be - // available on the virtual network interface's subnet. If no address is specified, - // an available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved. - PrimaryIP VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf `json:"primary_ip,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the - // share's resource group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The security groups to use for this virtual network interface. If unspecified, the default security group of the VPC - // for the subnet is used. - SecurityGroups []SecurityGroupIdentityIntf `json:"security_groups,omitempty"` - - // The associated subnet. Required if `primary_ip` does not specify a reserved IP - // identity. - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet,omitempty"` -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeShareMountTargetContext) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeShareMountTargetContext unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeShareMountTargetContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeShareMountTargetContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeShareMountTargetContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "allow_ip_spoofing", &obj.AllowIPSpoofing) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "enable_infrastructure_nat", &obj.EnableInfrastructureNat) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ips", &obj.Ips, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_ip", &obj.PrimaryIP, UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "security_groups", &obj.SecurityGroups, UnmarshalSecurityGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileCapacityDependentRange : The permitted total capacity (in gigabytes) of a share with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" ShareProfileCapacity -type ShareProfileCapacityDependentRange struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileCapacityDependentRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileCapacityDependentRangeTypeDependentConst = "dependent" - ShareProfileCapacityDependentRangeTypeDependentRangeConst = "dependent_range" -) - -func (*ShareProfileCapacityDependentRange) isaShareProfileCapacity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileCapacityDependentRange unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileCapacityDependentRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileCapacityDependentRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileCapacityDependentRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileCapacityEnum : The permitted total capacities (in gigabytes) of a share with this profile. -// This model "extends" ShareProfileCapacity -type ShareProfileCapacityEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileCapacityEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileCapacityEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*ShareProfileCapacityEnum) isaShareProfileCapacity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileCapacityEnum unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileCapacityEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileCapacityEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileCapacityEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileCapacityFixed : The permitted total capacity (in gigabytes) of a share with this profile is fixed. -// This model "extends" ShareProfileCapacity -type ShareProfileCapacityFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileCapacityFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileCapacityFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*ShareProfileCapacityFixed) isaShareProfileCapacity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileCapacityFixed unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileCapacityFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileCapacityFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileCapacityFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileCapacityRange : The permitted total capacity range (in gigabytes) of a share with this profile. -// This model "extends" ShareProfileCapacity -type ShareProfileCapacityRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileCapacityRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileCapacityRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*ShareProfileCapacityRange) isaShareProfileCapacity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileCapacityRange unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileCapacityRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileCapacityRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileCapacityRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileIopsDependentRange : The permitted IOPS range of a share with this profile depends on its configuration. -// This model "extends" ShareProfileIops -type ShareProfileIopsDependentRange struct { - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileIopsDependentRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileIopsDependentRangeTypeDependentConst = "dependent" - ShareProfileIopsDependentRangeTypeDependentRangeConst = "dependent_range" -) - -func (*ShareProfileIopsDependentRange) isaShareProfileIops() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileIopsDependentRange unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileIopsDependentRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileIopsDependentRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileIopsDependentRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileIopsEnum : The permitted IOPS values of a share with this profile. -// This model "extends" ShareProfileIops -type ShareProfileIopsEnum struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The permitted values for this profile field. - Values []int64 `json:"values" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileIopsEnum.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileIopsEnumTypeEnumConst = "enum" -) - -func (*ShareProfileIopsEnum) isaShareProfileIops() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileIopsEnum unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileIopsEnum from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileIopsEnum(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileIopsEnum) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "values", &obj.Values) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileIopsFixed : The permitted IOPS of a share with this profile is fixed. -// This model "extends" ShareProfileIops -type ShareProfileIopsFixed struct { - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The value for this profile field. - Value *int64 `json:"value" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileIopsFixed.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileIopsFixedTypeFixedConst = "fixed" -) - -func (*ShareProfileIopsFixed) isaShareProfileIops() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileIopsFixed unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileIopsFixed from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileIopsFixed(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileIopsFixed) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "value", &obj.Value) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileIopsRange : The permitted IOPS range of a share with this profile. -// This model "extends" ShareProfileIops -type ShareProfileIopsRange struct { - // The default value for this profile field. - Default *int64 `json:"default" validate:"required"` - - // The maximum value for this profile field. - Max *int64 `json:"max" validate:"required"` - - // The minimum value for this profile field. - Min *int64 `json:"min" validate:"required"` - - // The increment step value for this profile field. - Step *int64 `json:"step" validate:"required"` - - // The type for this profile field. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the ShareProfileIopsRange.Type property. -// The type for this profile field. -const ( - ShareProfileIopsRangeTypeRangeConst = "range" -) - -func (*ShareProfileIopsRange) isaShareProfileIops() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileIopsRange unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileIopsRange from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileIopsRange(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileIopsRange) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "default", &obj.Default) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max", &obj.Max) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min", &obj.Min) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "step", &obj.Step) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileIdentityByHref : ShareProfileIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" ShareProfileIdentity -type ShareProfileIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this share profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewShareProfileIdentityByHref : Instantiate ShareProfileIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareProfileIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *ShareProfileIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &ShareProfileIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareProfileIdentityByHref) isaShareProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareProfileIdentityByName : ShareProfileIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" ShareProfileIdentity -type ShareProfileIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name for this share profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewShareProfileIdentityByName : Instantiate ShareProfileIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareProfileIdentityByName(name string) (_model *ShareProfileIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &ShareProfileIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareProfileIdentityByName) isaShareProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareProfileIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of ShareProfileIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareProfileIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareProfileIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SharePrototypeShareBySize : Create a file share by size. -// This model "extends" SharePrototype -type SharePrototypeShareBySize struct { - // The maximum input/output operations per second (IOPS) for the file share. The share must be in the - // `defined_performance` profile family, and the value must be in the range supported by the share's specified size. - // - // In addition, each client accessing the share will be restricted to 48,000 IOPS. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The mount targets for the file share. Each mount target must be in a unique VPC. - MountTargets []ShareMountTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"mount_targets,omitempty"` - - // The name for this share. The name must not be used by another share in the region. If unspecified, the name will be - // a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-file-storage-profiles) to use for this file share. The - // profile must support the share's specified IOPS and size. - Profile ShareProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - ReplicaShare *SharePrototypeShareContext `json:"replica_share,omitempty"` - - // Tags for this resource. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The zone this file share will reside in. - // - // For a replica share, this must be a different zone in the same region as the source share. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The access control mode for the share: - // - // - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a - // mount target control access to the mount target. Mount targets for this share - // require a virtual network interface. - // - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. - // Mount targets for this share require a VPC. - AccessControlMode *string `json:"access_control_mode,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the share. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the share will be `provider_managed`. - // - // The specified key may be in a different account, subject to IAM policies. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The owner assigned to the file share at creation. Subsequent changes to the owner - // must be performed by a client that has mounted the file share. - InitialOwner *ShareInitialOwner `json:"initial_owner,omitempty"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the account's [default resource - // group](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/resource-manager#introduction) will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The size of the file share rounded up to the next gigabyte. - // - // The maximum size for a share may increase in the future. - Size *int64 `json:"size" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SharePrototypeShareBySize.AccessControlMode property. -// The access control mode for the share: -// -// - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a -// mount target control access to the mount target. Mount targets for this share -// require a virtual network interface. -// - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. -// Mount targets for this share require a VPC. -const ( - SharePrototypeShareBySizeAccessControlModeSecurityGroupConst = "security_group" - SharePrototypeShareBySizeAccessControlModeVPCConst = "vpc" -) - -// NewSharePrototypeShareBySize : Instantiate SharePrototypeShareBySize (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSharePrototypeShareBySize(profile ShareProfileIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, size int64) (_model *SharePrototypeShareBySize, err error) { - _model = &SharePrototypeShareBySize{ - Profile: profile, - Zone: zone, - Size: core.Int64Ptr(size), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SharePrototypeShareBySize) isaSharePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSharePrototypeShareBySize unmarshals an instance of SharePrototypeShareBySize from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSharePrototypeShareBySize(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SharePrototypeShareBySize) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "mount_targets", &obj.MountTargets, UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalShareProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "replica_share", &obj.ReplicaShare, UnmarshalSharePrototypeShareContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "access_control_mode", &obj.AccessControlMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "initial_owner", &obj.InitialOwner, UnmarshalShareInitialOwner) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "size", &obj.Size) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SharePrototypeShareBySourceShare : Create a replica file share for an existing file share. The values for `initial_owner`, -// `access_control_mode`, `encryption_key` and `size` will be inherited from `source_share`. -// This model "extends" SharePrototype -type SharePrototypeShareBySourceShare struct { - // The maximum input/output operations per second (IOPS) for the file share. The share must be in the - // `defined_performance` profile family, and the value must be in the range supported by the share's specified size. - // - // In addition, each client accessing the share will be restricted to 48,000 IOPS. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The mount targets for the file share. Each mount target must be in a unique VPC. - MountTargets []ShareMountTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"mount_targets,omitempty"` - - // The name for this share. The name must not be used by another share in the region. If unspecified, the name will be - // a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-file-storage-profiles) to use for this file share. The - // profile must support the share's specified IOPS and size. - Profile ShareProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - ReplicaShare *SharePrototypeShareContext `json:"replica_share,omitempty"` - - // Tags for this resource. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The zone this file share will reside in. - // - // For a replica share, this must be a different zone in the same region as the source share. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the share. - // - // This property must be specified if the `source_share` is in a different region and has - // an `encryption` type of `user_managed`, and must not be specified otherwise (its value - // will be inherited from `source_share`). - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for the file share replication schedule. - // - // Replication of a share can be scheduled to occur at most once per hour. - ReplicationCronSpec *string `json:"replication_cron_spec" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use. If unspecified, the resource group from - // the source share will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The source file share for this replica file share. The specified file share must not - // already have a replica, and must not be a replica. If source file share is specified - // by CRN, it may be in an [associated partner - // region](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-file-storage-replication). - SourceShare ShareIdentityIntf `json:"source_share" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSharePrototypeShareBySourceShare : Instantiate SharePrototypeShareBySourceShare (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSharePrototypeShareBySourceShare(profile ShareProfileIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, replicationCronSpec string, sourceShare ShareIdentityIntf) (_model *SharePrototypeShareBySourceShare, err error) { - _model = &SharePrototypeShareBySourceShare{ - Profile: profile, - Zone: zone, - ReplicationCronSpec: core.StringPtr(replicationCronSpec), - SourceShare: sourceShare, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SharePrototypeShareBySourceShare) isaSharePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSharePrototypeShareBySourceShare unmarshals an instance of SharePrototypeShareBySourceShare from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSharePrototypeShareBySourceShare(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SharePrototypeShareBySourceShare) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "mount_targets", &obj.MountTargets, UnmarshalShareMountTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalShareProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "replica_share", &obj.ReplicaShare, UnmarshalSharePrototypeShareContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "replication_cron_spec", &obj.ReplicationCronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_share", &obj.SourceShare, UnmarshalShareIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots : SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots struct -// This model "extends" SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots struct { - // Indicates whether deleting the snapshot consistency group will also delete the snapshots in the group. - DeleteSnapshotsOnDelete *bool `json:"delete_snapshots_on_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this snapshot consistency group. The name must be unique across all snapshot consistency groups in the - // region. - // - // If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The data-consistent member snapshots to create. All snapshots must specify a - // `source_volume` attached to the same virtual server instance. - Snapshots []SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext `json:"snapshots" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots : Instantiate SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots(snapshots []SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext) (_model *SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots, err error) { - _model = &SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots{ - Snapshots: snapshots, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots) isaSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots unmarshals an instance of SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotConsistencyGroupPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupBySnapshots) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "delete_snapshots_on_delete", &obj.DeleteSnapshotsOnDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "snapshots", &obj.Snapshots, UnmarshalSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotConsistencyGroupContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotIdentityByCRN : SnapshotIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" SnapshotIdentity -type SnapshotIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN of this snapshot. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSnapshotIdentityByCRN : Instantiate SnapshotIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSnapshotIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *SnapshotIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &SnapshotIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SnapshotIdentityByCRN) isaSnapshotIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of SnapshotIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotIdentityByHref : SnapshotIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" SnapshotIdentity -type SnapshotIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this snapshot. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSnapshotIdentityByHref : Instantiate SnapshotIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSnapshotIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *SnapshotIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &SnapshotIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SnapshotIdentityByHref) isaSnapshotIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of SnapshotIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotIdentityByID : SnapshotIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" SnapshotIdentity -type SnapshotIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this snapshot. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSnapshotIdentityByID : Instantiate SnapshotIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSnapshotIdentityByID(id string) (_model *SnapshotIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &SnapshotIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SnapshotIdentityByID) isaSnapshotIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of SnapshotIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot : SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot struct -// This model "extends" SnapshotPrototype -type SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot struct { - // Clones to create for this snapshot. - Clones []SnapshotClonePrototype `json:"clones,omitempty"` - - // The name for this snapshot. The name must not be used by another snapshot in the region. If unspecified, the name - // will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this snapshot. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for this snapshot. - // - // A key must be specified if and only if the source snapshot has an `encryption` type of - // `user_managed`. To maximize snapshot availability and sharing of snapshot data, specify - // a key in the same region as the new snapshot, and use the same encryption key for all - // snapshots using the same source volume. - // - // The specified key may be in a different account, subject to IAM policies. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The source snapshot (in another region) to create this snapshot from. - // The specified snapshot must not already be the source of another snapshot in this - // region. - SourceSnapshot *SnapshotIdentityByCRN `json:"source_snapshot" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot : Instantiate SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot(sourceSnapshot *SnapshotIdentityByCRN) (_model *SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot, err error) { - _model = &SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot{ - SourceSnapshot: sourceSnapshot, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot) isaSnapshotPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot unmarshals an instance of SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceSnapshot) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "clones", &obj.Clones, UnmarshalSnapshotClonePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotIdentityByCRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume : SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume struct -// This model "extends" SnapshotPrototype -type SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume struct { - // Clones to create for this snapshot. - Clones []SnapshotClonePrototype `json:"clones,omitempty"` - - // The name for this snapshot. The name must not be used by another snapshot in the region. If unspecified, the name - // will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this snapshot. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The volume to create this snapshot from. - SourceVolume VolumeIdentityIntf `json:"source_volume" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume : Instantiate SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume(sourceVolume VolumeIdentityIntf) (_model *SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume, err error) { - _model = &SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume{ - SourceVolume: sourceVolume, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume) isaSnapshotPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume unmarshals an instance of SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SnapshotPrototypeSnapshotBySourceVolume) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "clones", &obj.Clones, UnmarshalSnapshotClonePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_volume", &obj.SourceVolume, UnmarshalVolumeIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetIdentityByCRN : SubnetIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" SubnetIdentity -type SubnetIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this subnet. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSubnetIdentityByCRN : Instantiate SubnetIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSubnetIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *SubnetIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &SubnetIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SubnetIdentityByCRN) isaSubnetIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of SubnetIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetIdentityByHref : SubnetIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" SubnetIdentity -type SubnetIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this subnet. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSubnetIdentityByHref : Instantiate SubnetIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSubnetIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *SubnetIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &SubnetIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SubnetIdentityByHref) isaSubnetIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of SubnetIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetIdentityByID : SubnetIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" SubnetIdentity -type SubnetIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this subnet. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSubnetIdentityByID : Instantiate SubnetIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSubnetIdentityByID(id string) (_model *SubnetIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &SubnetIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SubnetIdentityByID) isaSubnetIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of SubnetIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR : SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR struct -// This model "extends" SubnetPrototype -type SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR struct { - // The IP version(s) to support for this subnet. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this subnet. The name must not be used by another subnet in the VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a - // hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The network ACL to use for this subnet. - NetworkACL NetworkACLIdentityIntf `json:"network_acl,omitempty"` - - // The public gateway to use for internet-bound traffic for this subnet. If unspecified, the subnet will not be - // attached to a public gateway. - PublicGateway PublicGatewayIdentityIntf `json:"public_gateway,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The routing table to use for this subnet. If unspecified, the default routing table for the VPC is used. The routing - // table properties `route_direct_link_ingress`, - // `route_internet_ingress`, `route_transit_gateway_ingress`, and - // `route_vpc_zone_ingress` must be `false`. - RoutingTable RoutingTableIdentityIntf `json:"routing_table,omitempty"` - - // The VPC the subnet will reside in. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The IPv4 range of the subnet, expressed in CIDR format. The prefix length of the subnet's CIDR must be between `/9` - // (8,388,608 addresses) and `/29` (8 addresses). The IPv4 range of the subnet's CIDR must fall within an existing - // address prefix in the VPC and must not overlap with any existing subnet. The subnet will be created in the zone of - // the address prefix that contains the IPv4 CIDR. If zone is specified, it must match the zone of the address prefix - // that contains the subnet's IPv4 CIDR. - Ipv4CIDRBlock *string `json:"ipv4_cidr_block" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this subnet will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR.IPVersion property. -// The IP version(s) to support for this subnet. -const ( - SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDRIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// NewSubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR : Instantiate SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR(vpc VPCIdentityIntf, ipv4CIDRBlock string) (_model *SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR, err error) { - _model = &SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR{ - VPC: vpc, - Ipv4CIDRBlock: core.StringPtr(ipv4CIDRBlock), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR) isaSubnetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR unmarshals an instance of SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetPrototypeSubnetByCIDR) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_acl", &obj.NetworkACL, UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "public_gateway", &obj.PublicGateway, UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routing_table", &obj.RoutingTable, UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ipv4_cidr_block", &obj.Ipv4CIDRBlock) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount : SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount struct -// This model "extends" SubnetPrototype -type SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount struct { - // The IP version(s) to support for this subnet. - IPVersion *string `json:"ip_version,omitempty"` - - // The name for this subnet. The name must not be used by another subnet in the VPC. If unspecified, the name will be a - // hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The network ACL to use for this subnet. - NetworkACL NetworkACLIdentityIntf `json:"network_acl,omitempty"` - - // The public gateway to use for internet-bound traffic for this subnet. If unspecified, the subnet will not be - // attached to a public gateway. - PublicGateway PublicGatewayIdentityIntf `json:"public_gateway,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The routing table to use for this subnet. If unspecified, the default routing table for the VPC is used. The routing - // table properties `route_direct_link_ingress`, - // `route_internet_ingress`, `route_transit_gateway_ingress`, and - // `route_vpc_zone_ingress` must be `false`. - RoutingTable RoutingTableIdentityIntf `json:"routing_table,omitempty"` - - // The VPC the subnet will reside in. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // The total number of IPv4 addresses required. Must be a power of 2. The VPC must have a default address prefix in the - // specified zone, and that prefix must have a free CIDR range with at least this number of addresses. - TotalIpv4AddressCount *int64 `json:"total_ipv4_address_count" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this subnet will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount.IPVersion property. -// The IP version(s) to support for this subnet. -const ( - SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCountIPVersionIpv4Const = "ipv4" -) - -// NewSubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount : Instantiate SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount(vpc VPCIdentityIntf, totalIpv4AddressCount int64, zone ZoneIdentityIntf) (_model *SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount, err error) { - _model = &SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount{ - VPC: vpc, - TotalIpv4AddressCount: core.Int64Ptr(totalIpv4AddressCount), - Zone: zone, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount) isaSubnetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount unmarshals an instance of SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetPrototypeSubnetByTotalCount) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "ip_version", &obj.IPVersion) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_acl", &obj.NetworkACL, UnmarshalNetworkACLIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "public_gateway", &obj.PublicGateway, UnmarshalPublicGatewayIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "routing_table", &obj.RoutingTable, UnmarshalRoutingTableIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_ipv4_address_count", &obj.TotalIpv4AddressCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN : SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" SubnetPublicGatewayPatch -type SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this public gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN : Instantiate SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN) isaSubnetPublicGatewayPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref : SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" SubnetPublicGatewayPatch -type SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this public gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref : Instantiate SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref) isaSubnetPublicGatewayPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID : SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" SubnetPublicGatewayPatch -type SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this public gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID : Instantiate SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID(id string) (_model *SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID) isaSubnetPublicGatewayPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SubnetPublicGatewayPatchPublicGatewayIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN : TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN struct -// This model "extends" TrustedProfileIdentity -type TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this trusted profile. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewTrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN : Instantiate TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewTrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN(crn string) (_model *TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN, err error) { - _model = &TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN) isaTrustedProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalTrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN unmarshals an instance of TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalTrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID : TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID struct -// This model "extends" TrustedProfileIdentity -type TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this trusted profile. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewTrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID : Instantiate TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewTrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID(id string) (_model *TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID, err error) { - _model = &TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID) isaTrustedProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalTrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID unmarshals an instance of TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalTrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(TrustedProfileIdentityTrustedProfileByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype : Manually specify the DNS server addresses for this VPC. -// This model "extends" VpcdnsResolverPrototype -type VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype struct { - // The DNS servers to use for this VPC. All the DNS servers must either: - // - // - have a unique `zone_affinity`, or - // - not have a `zone_affinity`. - // - // If `zone_affinity` is specified, exactly one DNS server must be specified for each zone in the region. The DHCP - // [Domain Name Server Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for a zone will list this DNS - // server first, followed by unique DNS servers from other zones if available. - // - // If `zone_affinity` is not specified, the DHCP [Domain Name Server - // Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for each zone will list all the manual DNS - // servers in the order specified. - ManualServers []DnsServerPrototype `json:"manual_servers" validate:"required"` - - // The type of the DNS resolver to use. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype.Type property. -// The type of the DNS resolver to use. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototypeTypeManualConst = "manual" -) - -// NewVpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype : Instantiate VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype(manualServers []DnsServerPrototype, typeVar string) (_model *VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype, err error) { - _model = &VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype{ - ManualServers: manualServers, - Type: core.StringPtr(typeVar), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype) isaVpcdnsResolverPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeManualPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manual_servers", &obj.ManualServers, UnmarshalDnsServerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototype : The system will provide DNS server addresses for this VPC. The system-provided DNS server addresses depend on whether -// any endpoint gateways reside in the VPC, and whether a -// [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) instance is configured for the VPC. -// This model "extends" VpcdnsResolverPrototype -type VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototype struct { - // The type of the DNS resolver to use. - Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototype.Type property. -// The type of the DNS resolver to use. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototypeTypeSystemConst = "system" -) - -func (*VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototype) isaVpcdnsResolverPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototype unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverPrototypeVpcdnsResolverTypeSystemPrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverTypeDelegated : The DNS server addresses are delegated to the DNS resolver of another VPC. -// This model "extends" VpcdnsResolver -type VpcdnsResolverTypeDelegated struct { - // The DNS servers for this VPC. The servers are populated: - // - // - by the system when `dns.resolver.type` is `system` - // - using the DNS servers in `dns.resolver.vpc` when `dns.resolver.type` is `delegated` - // - using `dns.resolver.manual_servers` when the `dns.resolver.type` is `manual`. - Servers []DnsServer `json:"servers" validate:"required"` - - // The type of the DNS resolver used for the VPC. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC whose DNS resolver provides the DNS server addresses for this VPC. - // - // The VPC may be remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable. - VPC *VPCReferenceDnsResolverContext `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolverTypeDelegated.Type property. -// The type of the DNS resolver used for the VPC. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverTypeDelegatedTypeDelegatedConst = "delegated" -) - -func (*VpcdnsResolverTypeDelegated) isaVpcdnsResolver() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverTypeDelegated unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverTypeDelegated from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverTypeDelegated(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverTypeDelegated) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "servers", &obj.Servers, UnmarshalDnsServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReferenceDnsResolverContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverTypeManual : The DNS server addresses are manually specified. -// This model "extends" VpcdnsResolver -type VpcdnsResolverTypeManual struct { - // The DNS servers for this VPC. The servers are populated: - // - // - by the system when `dns.resolver.type` is `system` - // - using the DNS servers in `dns.resolver.vpc` when `dns.resolver.type` is `delegated` - // - using `dns.resolver.manual_servers` when the `dns.resolver.type` is `manual`. - Servers []DnsServer `json:"servers" validate:"required"` - - // The manually specified DNS servers for this VPC. - // - // If the DNS servers have `zone_affinity`, the DHCP [Domain Name Server - // Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for a zone will list the DNS server with the - // affinity for that zone first, followed by the unique DNS servers from other zones. - // - // If the DNS servers do not have `zone_affinity`, the DHCP [Domain Name Server - // Option](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132#section-3.8) for each zone will list all the manual DNS - // servers in the order specified. - ManualServers []DnsServer `json:"manual_servers" validate:"required"` - - // The type of the DNS resolver used for the VPC. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolverTypeManual.Type property. -// The type of the DNS resolver used for the VPC. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverTypeManualTypeManualConst = "manual" -) - -func (*VpcdnsResolverTypeManual) isaVpcdnsResolver() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverTypeManual unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverTypeManual from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverTypeManual(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverTypeManual) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "servers", &obj.Servers, UnmarshalDnsServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manual_servers", &obj.ManualServers, UnmarshalDnsServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverTypeSystem : The DNS server addresses are provided by the system and depend on the configuration. -// This model "extends" VpcdnsResolver -type VpcdnsResolverTypeSystem struct { - // The DNS servers for this VPC. The servers are populated: - // - // - by the system when `dns.resolver.type` is `system` - // - using the DNS servers in `dns.resolver.vpc` when `dns.resolver.type` is `delegated` - // - using `dns.resolver.manual_servers` when the `dns.resolver.type` is `manual`. - Servers []DnsServer `json:"servers" validate:"required"` - - // The configuration of the system DNS resolver for this VPC. - // - // - `custom_resolver`: A custom DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. - // - // - `private_resolver`: A private DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. Applicable when - // the VPC has either or both of the following: - // - // - at least one endpoint gateway residing in it - // - a [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) private zone configured for it - // - // - `default`: The provider default DNS resolvers are configured for this VPC. - // - // This system DNS resolver configuration is used when the VPC has: - // - // - no custom DNS resolver configured for it, and - // - no endpoint gateways residing in it, and - // - no [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) private zone configured for it. - Configuration *string `json:"configuration" validate:"required"` - - // The type of the DNS resolver used for the VPC. - Type *string `json:"type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolverTypeSystem.Configuration property. -// The configuration of the system DNS resolver for this VPC. -// -// - `custom_resolver`: A custom DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. -// -// - `private_resolver`: A private DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. Applicable when -// the VPC has either or both of the following: -// -// - at least one endpoint gateway residing in it -// -// - a [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) private zone configured for it -// -// - `default`: The provider default DNS resolvers are configured for this VPC. -// -// This system DNS resolver configuration is used when the VPC has: -// -// - no custom DNS resolver configured for it, and -// - no endpoint gateways residing in it, and -// - no [DNS Services](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/dns-svcs) private zone configured for it. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverTypeSystemConfigurationCustomResolverConst = "custom_resolver" - VpcdnsResolverTypeSystemConfigurationDefaultConst = "default" - VpcdnsResolverTypeSystemConfigurationPrivateResolverConst = "private_resolver" -) - -// Constants associated with the VpcdnsResolverTypeSystem.Type property. -// The type of the DNS resolver used for the VPC. -const ( - VpcdnsResolverTypeSystemTypeSystemConst = "system" -) - -func (*VpcdnsResolverTypeSystem) isaVpcdnsResolver() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverTypeSystem unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverTypeSystem from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverTypeSystem(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverTypeSystem) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "servers", &obj.Servers, UnmarshalDnsServer) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "configuration", &obj.Configuration) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "type", &obj.Type) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN : VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" VpcdnsResolverVPCPatch -type VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN : Instantiate VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN) isaVpcdnsResolverVPCPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref : VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" VpcdnsResolverVPCPatch -type VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref : Instantiate VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref) isaVpcdnsResolverVPCPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID : VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" VpcdnsResolverVPCPatch -type VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID : Instantiate VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID(id string) (_model *VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID) isaVpcdnsResolverVPCPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VpcdnsResolverVPCPatchVPCIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCIdentityByCRN : VPCIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" VPCIdentity -type VPCIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPCIdentityByCRN : Instantiate VPCIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPCIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *VPCIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &VPCIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPCIdentityByCRN) isaVPCIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPCIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of VPCIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCIdentityByHref : VPCIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" VPCIdentity -type VPCIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPCIdentityByHref : Instantiate VPCIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPCIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *VPCIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &VPCIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPCIdentityByHref) isaVPCIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPCIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of VPCIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPCIdentityByID : VPCIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" VPCIdentity -type VPCIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPCIdentityByID : Instantiate VPCIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPCIdentityByID(id string) (_model *VPCIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &VPCIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPCIdentityByID) isaVPCIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPCIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of VPCIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPCIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPCIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref : VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch -type VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref struct { - // The IKE policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID : VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch -type VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this IKE policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID(id string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPatchIkePolicyIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref : VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype -type VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref struct { - // The IKE policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID : VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype -type VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this IKE policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID(id string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIkePolicyIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref : VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch -type VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref struct { - // The IPsec policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID : VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch -type VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this IPsec policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID(id string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPatchIPsecPolicyIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref : VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype -type VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref struct { - // The IPsec policy's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID : VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype -type VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this IPsec policy. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID(id string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID) isaVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIPsecPolicyIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode : VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnection -type VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode struct { - // If set to false, the VPN gateway connection is shut down. - AdminStateUp *bool `json:"admin_state_up" validate:"required"` - - // The authentication mode. Only `psk` is currently supported. - AuthenticationMode *string `json:"authentication_mode" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this VPN gateway connection was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - DeadPeerDetection *VPNGatewayConnectionDpd `json:"dead_peer_detection" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IKE policy. If absent, [auto-negotiation is - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ike-auto-negotiation-phase-1). - IkePolicy *IkePolicyReference `json:"ike_policy,omitempty"` - - // The IPsec policy. If absent, [auto-negotiation is - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ipsec-auto-negotiation-phase-2). - IpsecPolicy *IPsecPolicyReference `json:"ipsec_policy,omitempty"` - - // The mode of the VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name is unique across all connections for the VPN gateway. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The IP address of the peer VPN gateway. - PeerAddress *string `json:"peer_address" validate:"required"` - - // The pre-shared key. - Psk *string `json:"psk" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of a VPN gateway connection. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway connection status (if any): - // - `cannot_authenticate_connection`: Failed to authenticate a connection because of - // mismatched IKE ID and PSK (check IKE ID and PSK in peer VPN configuration) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - `ike_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IKE crypto suites was acceptable (check - // the IKE policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `ike_v1_id_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Invalid IKE ID or mismatched local CIDRs and - // remote CIDRs in IKE V1 (check the IKE ID or the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V1 configuration) - // - `ike_v2_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Mismatched local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V2 (check the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE V2 configuration) - // - `ipsec_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IPsec crypto suites was acceptable - // (check the IPsec policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `peer_not_responding`: No response from peer (check network ACL configuration, peer - // availability, and on-premise firewall configuration) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The local CIDRs for this resource. - LocalCIDRs []string `json:"local_cidrs" validate:"required"` - - // The peer CIDRs for this resource. - PeerCIDRs []string `json:"peer_cidrs" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode.AuthenticationMode property. -// The authentication mode. Only `psk` is currently supported. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModeAuthenticationModePskConst = "psk" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode.Mode property. -// The mode of the VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModeModePolicyConst = "policy" - VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModeModeRouteConst = "route" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModeResourceTypeVPNGatewayConnectionConst = "vpn_gateway_connection" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode.Status property. -// The status of a VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModeStatusDownConst = "down" - VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModeStatusUpConst = "up" -) - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode) isaVPNGatewayConnection() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionPolicyMode) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "admin_state_up", &obj.AdminStateUp) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "authentication_mode", &obj.AuthenticationMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dead_peer_detection", &obj.DeadPeerDetection, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpd) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ike_policy", &obj.IkePolicy, UnmarshalIkePolicyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ipsec_policy", &obj.IpsecPolicy, UnmarshalIPsecPolicyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_address", &obj.PeerAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "psk", &obj.Psk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "local_cidrs", &obj.LocalCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_cidrs", &obj.PeerCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype : VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype -type VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype struct { - // If set to false, the VPN gateway connection is shut down. - AdminStateUp *bool `json:"admin_state_up,omitempty"` - - DeadPeerDetection *VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype `json:"dead_peer_detection,omitempty"` - - IkePolicy VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIntf `json:"ike_policy,omitempty"` - - IpsecPolicy VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIntf `json:"ipsec_policy,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name must not be used by another connection for the VPN gateway. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The IP address of the peer VPN gateway. - PeerAddress *string `json:"peer_address" validate:"required"` - - // The pre-shared key. - Psk *string `json:"psk" validate:"required"` - - // The local CIDRs for this resource. - LocalCIDRs []string `json:"local_cidrs" validate:"required"` - - // The peer CIDRs for this resource. - PeerCIDRs []string `json:"peer_cidrs" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype(peerAddress string, psk string, localCIDRs []string, peerCIDRs []string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype{ - PeerAddress: core.StringPtr(peerAddress), - Psk: core.StringPtr(psk), - LocalCIDRs: localCIDRs, - PeerCIDRs: peerCIDRs, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype) isaVPNGatewayConnectionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionPolicyModePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "admin_state_up", &obj.AdminStateUp) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dead_peer_detection", &obj.DeadPeerDetection, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ike_policy", &obj.IkePolicy, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ipsec_policy", &obj.IpsecPolicy, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_address", &obj.PeerAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "psk", &obj.Psk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "local_cidrs", &obj.LocalCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_cidrs", &obj.PeerCIDRs) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype : VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionPrototype -type VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype struct { - // If set to false, the VPN gateway connection is shut down. - AdminStateUp *bool `json:"admin_state_up,omitempty"` - - DeadPeerDetection *VPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype `json:"dead_peer_detection,omitempty"` - - IkePolicy VPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototypeIntf `json:"ike_policy,omitempty"` - - IpsecPolicy VPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototypeIntf `json:"ipsec_policy,omitempty"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name must not be used by another connection for the VPN gateway. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The IP address of the peer VPN gateway. - PeerAddress *string `json:"peer_address" validate:"required"` - - // The pre-shared key. - Psk *string `json:"psk" validate:"required"` - - // Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. - RoutingProtocol *string `json:"routing_protocol,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype.RoutingProtocol property. -// Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototypeRoutingProtocolNoneConst = "none" -) - -// NewVPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype : Instantiate VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype(peerAddress string, psk string) (_model *VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype{ - PeerAddress: core.StringPtr(peerAddress), - Psk: core.StringPtr(psk), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype) isaVPNGatewayConnectionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "admin_state_up", &obj.AdminStateUp) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dead_peer_detection", &obj.DeadPeerDetection, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpdPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ike_policy", &obj.IkePolicy, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIkePolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ipsec_policy", &obj.IpsecPolicy, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionIPsecPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_address", &obj.PeerAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "psk", &obj.Psk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "routing_protocol", &obj.RoutingProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode : VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnection -type VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode struct { - // If set to false, the VPN gateway connection is shut down. - AdminStateUp *bool `json:"admin_state_up" validate:"required"` - - // The authentication mode. Only `psk` is currently supported. - AuthenticationMode *string `json:"authentication_mode" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this VPN gateway connection was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - DeadPeerDetection *VPNGatewayConnectionDpd `json:"dead_peer_detection" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IKE policy. If absent, [auto-negotiation is - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ike-auto-negotiation-phase-1). - IkePolicy *IkePolicyReference `json:"ike_policy,omitempty"` - - // The IPsec policy. If absent, [auto-negotiation is - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ipsec-auto-negotiation-phase-2). - IpsecPolicy *IPsecPolicyReference `json:"ipsec_policy,omitempty"` - - // The mode of the VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name is unique across all connections for the VPN gateway. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The IP address of the peer VPN gateway. - PeerAddress *string `json:"peer_address" validate:"required"` - - // The pre-shared key. - Psk *string `json:"psk" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of a VPN gateway connection. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway connection status (if any): - // - `cannot_authenticate_connection`: Failed to authenticate a connection because of - // mismatched IKE ID and PSK (check IKE ID and PSK in peer VPN configuration) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - `ike_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IKE crypto suites was acceptable (check - // the IKE policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `ike_v1_id_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Invalid IKE ID or mismatched local CIDRs and - // remote CIDRs in IKE V1 (check the IKE ID or the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V1 configuration) - // - `ike_v2_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Mismatched local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V2 (check the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE V2 configuration) - // - `ipsec_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IPsec crypto suites was acceptable - // (check the IPsec policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `peer_not_responding`: No response from peer (check network ACL configuration, peer - // availability, and on-premise firewall configuration) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. - RoutingProtocol *string `json:"routing_protocol,omitempty"` - - // The VPN tunnel configuration for this VPN gateway connection (in static route mode). - Tunnels []VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel `json:"tunnels,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode.AuthenticationMode property. -// The authentication mode. Only `psk` is currently supported. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeAuthenticationModePskConst = "psk" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode.Mode property. -// The mode of the VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeModePolicyConst = "policy" - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeModeRouteConst = "route" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeResourceTypeVPNGatewayConnectionConst = "vpn_gateway_connection" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode.Status property. -// The status of a VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeStatusDownConst = "down" - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeStatusUpConst = "up" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode.RoutingProtocol property. -// Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeRoutingProtocolNoneConst = "none" -) - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode) isaVPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode() bool { - return true -} - -type VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeIntf interface { - VPNGatewayConnectionIntf - isaVPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode() bool -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode) isaVPNGatewayConnection() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "admin_state_up", &obj.AdminStateUp) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "authentication_mode", &obj.AuthenticationMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dead_peer_detection", &obj.DeadPeerDetection, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpd) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ike_policy", &obj.IkePolicy, UnmarshalIkePolicyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ipsec_policy", &obj.IpsecPolicy, UnmarshalIPsecPolicyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_address", &obj.PeerAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "psk", &obj.Psk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "routing_protocol", &obj.RoutingProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "tunnels", &obj.Tunnels, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayPolicyMode : VPNGatewayPolicyMode struct -// This model "extends" VPNGateway -type VPNGatewayPolicyMode struct { - // Connections for this VPN gateway. - Connections []VPNGatewayConnectionReference `json:"connections" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this VPN gateway was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN gateway's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway health_state (if any): - // - `cannot_create_vpc_route`: VPN cannot create route (check for conflict) - // - `cannot_reserve_ip_address`: IP address exhaustion (release addresses on the VPN's - // subnet) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []VPNGatewayHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN gateway's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway lifecycle_state (if any): - // - `resource_suspended_by_provider`: The resource has been suspended (contact IBM - // support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - LifecycleReasons []VPNGatewayLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the VPN gateway. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of VPN gateway members. - Members []VPNGatewayMember `json:"members" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name is unique across all VPN gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this VPN gateway. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this VPN gateway resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // Policy mode VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayPolicyMode.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - VPNGatewayPolicyModeHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - VPNGatewayPolicyModeHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - VPNGatewayPolicyModeHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - VPNGatewayPolicyModeHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayPolicyMode.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayPolicyModeLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - VPNGatewayPolicyModeLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - VPNGatewayPolicyModeLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - VPNGatewayPolicyModeLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - VPNGatewayPolicyModeLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - VPNGatewayPolicyModeLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - VPNGatewayPolicyModeLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayPolicyMode.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNGatewayPolicyModeResourceTypeVPNGatewayConst = "vpn_gateway" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayPolicyMode.Mode property. -// Policy mode VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayPolicyModeModePolicyConst = "policy" -) - -func (*VPNGatewayPolicyMode) isaVPNGateway() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayPolicyMode unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayPolicyMode from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayPolicyMode(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayPolicyMode) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "connections", &obj.Connections, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "members", &obj.Members, UnmarshalVPNGatewayMember) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype : VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayPrototype -type VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype struct { - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name must not be used by another VPN gateway in the VPC. If unspecified, the name - // will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // Policy mode VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype.Mode property. -// Policy mode VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototypeModePolicyConst = "policy" -) - -// NewVPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype : Instantiate VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf) (_model *VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype{ - Subnet: subnet, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype) isaVPNGatewayPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayPolicyModePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype : VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayPrototype -type VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype struct { - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name must not be used by another VPN gateway in the VPC. If unspecified, the name - // will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - Subnet SubnetIdentityIntf `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // Route mode VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype.Mode property. -// Route mode VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototypeModeRouteConst = "route" -) - -// NewVPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype : Instantiate VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype(subnet SubnetIdentityIntf) (_model *VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype, err error) { - _model = &VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype{ - Subnet: subnet, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype) isaVPNGatewayPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayPrototypeVPNGatewayRouteModePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayRouteMode : VPNGatewayRouteMode struct -// This model "extends" VPNGateway -type VPNGatewayRouteMode struct { - // Connections for this VPN gateway. - Connections []VPNGatewayConnectionReference `json:"connections" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this VPN gateway was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN gateway's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway health_state (if any): - // - `cannot_create_vpc_route`: VPN cannot create route (check for conflict) - // - `cannot_reserve_ip_address`: IP address exhaustion (release addresses on the VPN's - // subnet) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - HealthReasons []VPNGatewayHealthReason `json:"health_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The health of this resource. - // - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected - // - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity - // - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated - // - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a - // lifecycle state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also - // have this state. - HealthState *string `json:"health_state" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN gateway's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway lifecycle_state (if any): - // - `resource_suspended_by_provider`: The resource has been suspended (contact IBM - // support) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - LifecycleReasons []VPNGatewayLifecycleReason `json:"lifecycle_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // The lifecycle state of the VPN gateway. - LifecycleState *string `json:"lifecycle_state" validate:"required"` - - // Collection of VPN gateway members. - Members []VPNGatewayMember `json:"members" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway. The name is unique across all VPN gateways in the VPC. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group for this VPN gateway. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - Subnet *SubnetReference `json:"subnet" validate:"required"` - - // The VPC this VPN gateway resides in. - VPC *VPCReference `json:"vpc" validate:"required"` - - // Route mode VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayRouteMode.HealthState property. -// The health of this resource. -// - `ok`: No abnormal behavior detected -// - `degraded`: Experiencing compromised performance, capacity, or connectivity -// - `faulted`: Completely unreachable, inoperative, or otherwise entirely incapacitated -// - `inapplicable`: The health state does not apply because of the current lifecycle state. A resource with a lifecycle -// state of `failed` or `deleting` will have a health state of `inapplicable`. A `pending` resource may also have this -// state. -const ( - VPNGatewayRouteModeHealthStateDegradedConst = "degraded" - VPNGatewayRouteModeHealthStateFaultedConst = "faulted" - VPNGatewayRouteModeHealthStateInapplicableConst = "inapplicable" - VPNGatewayRouteModeHealthStateOkConst = "ok" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayRouteMode.LifecycleState property. -// The lifecycle state of the VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayRouteModeLifecycleStateDeletingConst = "deleting" - VPNGatewayRouteModeLifecycleStateFailedConst = "failed" - VPNGatewayRouteModeLifecycleStatePendingConst = "pending" - VPNGatewayRouteModeLifecycleStateStableConst = "stable" - VPNGatewayRouteModeLifecycleStateSuspendedConst = "suspended" - VPNGatewayRouteModeLifecycleStateUpdatingConst = "updating" - VPNGatewayRouteModeLifecycleStateWaitingConst = "waiting" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayRouteMode.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNGatewayRouteModeResourceTypeVPNGatewayConst = "vpn_gateway" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayRouteMode.Mode property. -// Route mode VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayRouteModeModeRouteConst = "route" -) - -func (*VPNGatewayRouteMode) isaVPNGateway() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayRouteMode unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayRouteMode from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayRouteMode(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayRouteMode) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "connections", &obj.Connections, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "health_reasons", &obj.HealthReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayHealthReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "health_state", &obj.HealthState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "lifecycle_reasons", &obj.LifecycleReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayLifecycleReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "lifecycle_state", &obj.LifecycleState) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "members", &obj.Members, UnmarshalVPNGatewayMember) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "subnet", &obj.Subnet, UnmarshalSubnetReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate : VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate struct -// This model "extends" VPNServerAuthentication -type VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate struct { - // The type of authentication. - Method *string `json:"method" validate:"required"` - - // The certificate instance used for the VPN client certificate authority (CA). - ClientCa *CertificateInstanceReference `json:"client_ca" validate:"required"` - - // The certificate revocation list contents, encoded in PEM format. - Crl *string `json:"crl,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate.Method property. -// The type of authentication. -const ( - VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificateMethodCertificateConst = "certificate" - VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificateMethodUsernameConst = "username" -) - -func (*VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate) isaVPNServerAuthentication() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate unmarshals an instance of VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerAuthenticationByCertificate) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "method", &obj.Method) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "client_ca", &obj.ClientCa, UnmarshalCertificateInstanceReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crl", &obj.Crl) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerAuthenticationByUsername : VPNServerAuthenticationByUsername struct -// This model "extends" VPNServerAuthentication -type VPNServerAuthenticationByUsername struct { - // The type of authentication. - Method *string `json:"method" validate:"required"` - - // The type of identity provider to be used by VPN client. - IdentityProvider VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderIntf `json:"identity_provider" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerAuthenticationByUsername.Method property. -// The type of authentication. -const ( - VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameMethodCertificateConst = "certificate" - VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameMethodUsernameConst = "username" -) - -func (*VPNServerAuthenticationByUsername) isaVPNServerAuthentication() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByUsername unmarshals an instance of VPNServerAuthenticationByUsername from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByUsername(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerAuthenticationByUsername) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "method", &obj.Method) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "identity_provider", &obj.IdentityProvider, UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam : VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam struct -// This model "extends" VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider -type VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam struct { - // The type of identity provider to be used by the VPN client. - // - `iam`: IBM identity and access management - // - // The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the route on which the - // unexpected property value was encountered. - ProviderType *string `json:"provider_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam.ProviderType property. -// The type of identity provider to be used by the VPN client. -// - `iam`: IBM identity and access management -// -// The enumerated values for this property are expected to expand in the future. When processing this property, check -// for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the route on which the -// unexpected property value was encountered. -const ( - VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIamProviderTypeIamConst = "iam" -) - -// NewVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam : Instantiate VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam(providerType string) (_model *VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam, err error) { - _model = &VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam{ - ProviderType: core.StringPtr(providerType), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam) isaVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam unmarshals an instance of VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderByIam) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "provider_type", &obj.ProviderType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype : VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype struct -// This model "extends" VPNServerAuthenticationPrototype -type VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype struct { - // The type of authentication. - Method *string `json:"method" validate:"required"` - - // The certificate instance to use for the VPN client certificate authority (CA). - ClientCa CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf `json:"client_ca" validate:"required"` - - // The certificate revocation list contents, encoded in PEM format. - Crl *string `json:"crl,omitempty"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype.Method property. -// The type of authentication. -const ( - VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototypeMethodCertificateConst = "certificate" - VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototypeMethodUsernameConst = "username" -) - -// NewVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype : Instantiate VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype(method string, clientCa CertificateInstanceIdentityIntf) (_model *VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype, err error) { - _model = &VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype{ - Method: core.StringPtr(method), - ClientCa: clientCa, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype) isaVPNServerAuthenticationPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByCertificatePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "method", &obj.Method) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "client_ca", &obj.ClientCa, UnmarshalCertificateInstanceIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crl", &obj.Crl) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype : VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype struct -// This model "extends" VPNServerAuthenticationPrototype -type VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype struct { - // The type of authentication. - Method *string `json:"method" validate:"required"` - - // The type of identity provider to be used by VPN client. - IdentityProvider VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderIntf `json:"identity_provider" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype.Method property. -// The type of authentication. -const ( - VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototypeMethodCertificateConst = "certificate" - VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototypeMethodUsernameConst = "username" -) - -// NewVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype : Instantiate VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype(method string, identityProvider VPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProviderIntf) (_model *VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype, err error) { - _model = &VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype{ - Method: core.StringPtr(method), - IdentityProvider: identityProvider, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype) isaVPNServerAuthenticationPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype unmarshals an instance of VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNServerAuthenticationPrototypeVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernamePrototype) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "method", &obj.Method) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "identity_provider", &obj.IdentityProvider, UnmarshalVPNServerAuthenticationByUsernameIDProvider) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext : Identifies a reserved IP by a unique property. The reserved IP must be currently unbound and in the primary IP's -// subnet. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID -// - VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext() bool { - return true -} - -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextIntf interface { - VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeIntf - isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext() bool -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext : The prototype for a new reserved IP. Must be in the primary IP's subnet. -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext struct { - // The IP address to reserve, which must not already be reserved on the subnet. - // - // If unspecified, an available address on the subnet will automatically be selected. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated - // list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext : Identifies a reserved IP by a unique property. Required if `subnet` is not specified. The reserved IP must be -// currently unbound. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID -// - VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype -type VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext) isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext() bool { - return true -} - -type VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextIntf interface { - VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeIntf - isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext() bool -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext) isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext : The prototype for a new reserved IP. Requires `subnet` to be specified. -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype -type VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext struct { - // The IP address to reserve, which must not already be reserved on the subnet. - // - // If unspecified, an available address on the subnet will automatically be selected. - Address *string `json:"address,omitempty"` - - // Indicates whether this reserved IP member will be automatically deleted when either - // `target` is deleted, or the reserved IP is unbound. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete,omitempty"` - - // The name for this reserved IP. The name must not be used by another reserved IP in the subnet. Names starting with - // `ibm-` are reserved for provider-owned resources, and are not allowed. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated - // list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext) isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext : VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext struct -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext struct { - // The URL for this bare metal server network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this bare metal server network attachment. The name is unique across all network attachments for the - // bare metal server. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextResourceTypeBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentConst = "bare_metal_server_network_attachment" -) - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext : VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext struct -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext struct { - // The URL for this instance network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance network attachment. The name is unique across all network attachments for the instance. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContextResourceTypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentConst = "instance_network_attachment" -) - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetInstanceNetworkAttachmentReferenceVirtualNetworkInterfaceContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference : VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference struct -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference struct { - // If present, this property indicates the referenced resource has been deleted, and provides - // some supplementary information. - Deleted *ShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted `json:"deleted,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this share mount target. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this share mount target. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this share mount target. The name is unique across all mount targets for the file share. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReferenceResourceTypeShareMountTargetConst = "share_mount_target" -) - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceTarget() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceTargetShareMountTargetReference) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "deleted", &obj.Deleted, UnmarshalShareMountTargetReferenceDeleted) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity : Identifies a volume by a unique property. -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID -// - VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN -// - VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref -// This model "extends" VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity struct { - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` - - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityIntf interface { - VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeIntf - isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity() bool -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext : VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity -// - VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot -// This model "extends" VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext struct { - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. If unspecified, the name will - // be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) to - // use for this volume. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use for this volume. If unspecified, the instance's resource - // group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). The specified minimum and maximum capacity values for creating or - // updating volumes may expand in the future. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the volume will be `provider_managed`. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The snapshot from which to clone the volume. - SourceSnapshot SnapshotIdentityIntf `json:"source_snapshot,omitempty"` -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext() bool { - return true -} - -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextIntf interface { - VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeIntf - isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext() bool -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeIdentityByCRN : VolumeIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" VolumeIdentity -type VolumeIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeIdentityByCRN : Instantiate VolumeIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *VolumeIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &VolumeIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeIdentityByCRN) isaVolumeIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of VolumeIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeIdentityByHref : VolumeIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" VolumeIdentity -type VolumeIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeIdentityByHref : Instantiate VolumeIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *VolumeIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &VolumeIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeIdentityByHref) isaVolumeIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of VolumeIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeIdentityByID : VolumeIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" VolumeIdentity -type VolumeIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeIdentityByID : Instantiate VolumeIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeIdentityByID(id string) (_model *VolumeIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &VolumeIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeIdentityByID) isaVolumeIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of VolumeIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeProfileIdentityByHref : VolumeProfileIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" VolumeProfileIdentity -type VolumeProfileIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this volume profile. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeProfileIdentityByHref : Instantiate VolumeProfileIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeProfileIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *VolumeProfileIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &VolumeProfileIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeProfileIdentityByHref) isaVolumeProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of VolumeProfileIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeProfileIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeProfileIdentityByName : VolumeProfileIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" VolumeProfileIdentity -type VolumeProfileIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name for this volume profile. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeProfileIdentityByName : Instantiate VolumeProfileIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeProfileIdentityByName(name string) (_model *VolumeProfileIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &VolumeProfileIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeProfileIdentityByName) isaVolumeProfileIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of VolumeProfileIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeProfileIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity : VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity struct -// This model "extends" VolumePrototype -type VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity struct { - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. If unspecified, the name will - // be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) to use for this volume. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The zone this volume will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). The specified minimum and maximum capacity values for creating or - // updating volumes may expand in the future. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity" validate:"required"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the volume will be `provider_managed`. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` -} - -// NewVolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity : Instantiate VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity(profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, capacity int64) (_model *VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity, err error) { - _model = &VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity{ - Profile: profile, - Zone: zone, - Capacity: core.Int64Ptr(capacity), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity) isaVolumePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity unmarshals an instance of VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumePrototypeVolumeByCapacity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot : VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot struct -// This model "extends" VolumePrototype -type VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot struct { - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. If unspecified, the name will - // be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) to use for this volume. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The zone this volume will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). Must be at least the snapshot's - // `minimum_capacity`. The maximum value may increase in the future. - // - // If unspecified, the capacity will be the source snapshot's `minimum_capacity`. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the volume will be `provider_managed`. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The snapshot from which to clone the volume. - SourceSnapshot SnapshotIdentityIntf `json:"source_snapshot" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot : Instantiate VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot(profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, sourceSnapshot SnapshotIdentityIntf) (_model *VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot, err error) { - _model = &VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot{ - Profile: profile, - Zone: zone, - SourceSnapshot: sourceSnapshot, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot) isaVolumePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot unmarshals an instance of VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumePrototypeVolumeBySourceSnapshot) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ZoneIdentityByHref : ZoneIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" ZoneIdentity -type ZoneIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this zone. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewZoneIdentityByHref : Instantiate ZoneIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewZoneIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *ZoneIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &ZoneIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ZoneIdentityByHref) isaZoneIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalZoneIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of ZoneIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalZoneIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ZoneIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ZoneIdentityByName : ZoneIdentityByName struct -// This model "extends" ZoneIdentity -type ZoneIdentityByName struct { - // The globally unique name for this zone. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewZoneIdentityByName : Instantiate ZoneIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewZoneIdentityByName(name string) (_model *ZoneIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &ZoneIdentityByName{ - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ZoneIdentityByName) isaZoneIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalZoneIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of ZoneIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalZoneIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ZoneIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN : BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity -type BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this enterprise. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN : Instantiate BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN) isaBackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN) isaBackupPolicyScopePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BackupPolicyScopePrototypeEnterpriseIdentityEnterpriseIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref : EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity -type EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref : Instantiate EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref) isaEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref) isaEndpointGatewayReservedIP() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID : EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity -type EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID : Instantiate EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID(id string) (_model *EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID) isaEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID) isaEndpointGatewayReservedIP() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayReservedIPReservedIPIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN : EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity -type EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The type of target for this endpoint gateway. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this provider cloud service, or the CRN for the user's instance of a provider cloud service. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN.ResourceType property. -// The type of target for this endpoint gateway. -const ( - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRNResourceTypeProviderCloudServiceConst = "provider_cloud_service" - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRNResourceTypeProviderInfrastructureServiceConst = "provider_infrastructure_service" -) - -// NewEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN(resourceType string, crn string) (_model *EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN{ - ResourceType: core.StringPtr(resourceType), - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN) isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN) isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderCloudServiceIdentityProviderCloudServiceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName : The name of this provider infrastructure service. -// This model "extends" EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity -type EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName struct { - // The type of target for this endpoint gateway. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The name of a provider infrastructure service. Must be: - // - `ibm-ntp-server`: An NTP (Network Time Protocol) server provided by IBM. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName.ResourceType property. -// The type of target for this endpoint gateway. -const ( - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByNameResourceTypeProviderCloudServiceConst = "provider_cloud_service" - EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByNameResourceTypeProviderInfrastructureServiceConst = "provider_infrastructure_service" -) - -// NewEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName : Instantiate EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName(resourceType string, name string) (_model *EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName, err error) { - _model = &EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName{ - ResourceType: core.StringPtr(resourceType), - Name: core.StringPtr(name), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName) isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName) isaEndpointGatewayTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName unmarshals an instance of EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalEndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(EndpointGatewayTargetPrototypeProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityProviderInfrastructureServiceIdentityByName) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. - // - // If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFloatingIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FloatingIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this instance network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityInstanceNetworkAttachmentIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this instance network interface. - // - // If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a - // [read-only representation](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-vni-about#vni-old-api-clients) of its - // corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the - // corresponding network attachment. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeNetworkInterfaceIdentityNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this subnet. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this subnet. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this subnet. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeSubnetIdentitySubnetIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this VPC. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this VPC. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPC. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVPCIdentityVPCIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalFlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(FlowLogCollectorTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec : InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec struct { - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name must not be used by another action for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype `json:"group,omitempty"` - - Manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf `json:"manager,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecIntf interface { - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeIntf - isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec() bool -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt : InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt struct -// Models which "extend" this model: -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup -// - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt struct { - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name must not be used by another action for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will run. - RunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"run_at,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype `json:"group,omitempty"` - - Manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf `json:"manager,omitempty"` -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt() bool { - return true -} - -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtIntf interface { - InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeIntf - isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt() bool -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "run_at", &obj.RunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget : InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction -type InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget struct { - // Indicates whether this scheduled action will be automatically deleted after it has completed and - // `auto_delete_timeout` hours have passed. At present, this is always - // `true`, but may be modifiable in the future. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete" validate:"required"` - - // If `auto_delete` is `true`, and this scheduled action has finished, the hours after which it will be automatically - // deleted. If the value is `0`, the action will be deleted once it has finished. This value may be modifiable in the - // future. - AutoDeleteTimeout *int64 `json:"auto_delete_timeout" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager action was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager action. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager action. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name is unique across all actions for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the instance group action - // - `active`: Action is ready to be run - // - `completed`: Action was completed successfully - // - `failed`: Action could not be completed successfully - // - `incompatible`: Action parameters are not compatible with the group or manager - // - `omitted`: Action was not applied because this action's manager was disabled. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager action was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The type of action for the instance group. - ActionType *string `json:"action_type" validate:"required"` - - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action was last applied. If absent, the action has never been applied. - LastAppliedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_applied_at,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will next run. If absent, the system is currently calculating the next run - // time. - NextRunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"next_run_at,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup `json:"group" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTargetResourceTypeInstanceGroupManagerActionConst = "instance_group_manager_action" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget.Status property. -// The status of the instance group action -// - `active`: Action is ready to be run -// - `completed`: Action was completed successfully -// - `failed`: Action could not be completed successfully -// - `incompatible`: Action parameters are not compatible with the group or manager -// - `omitted`: Action was not applied because this action's manager was disabled. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTargetStatusActiveConst = "active" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTargetStatusCompletedConst = "completed" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTargetStatusFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTargetStatusIncompatibleConst = "incompatible" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTargetStatusOmittedConst = "omitted" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget.ActionType property. -// The type of action for the instance group. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTargetActionTypeScheduledConst = "scheduled" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget) isaInstanceGroupManagerAction() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionGroupTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete_timeout", &obj.AutoDeleteTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action_type", &obj.ActionType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "last_applied_at", &obj.LastAppliedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "next_run_at", &obj.NextRunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroup) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget : InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction -type InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget struct { - // Indicates whether this scheduled action will be automatically deleted after it has completed and - // `auto_delete_timeout` hours have passed. At present, this is always - // `true`, but may be modifiable in the future. - AutoDelete *bool `json:"auto_delete" validate:"required"` - - // If `auto_delete` is `true`, and this scheduled action has finished, the hours after which it will be automatically - // deleted. If the value is `0`, the action will be deleted once it has finished. This value may be modifiable in the - // future. - AutoDeleteTimeout *int64 `json:"auto_delete_timeout" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager action was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager action. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager action. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name is unique across all actions for the instance group - // manager. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of the instance group action - // - `active`: Action is ready to be run - // - `completed`: Action was completed successfully - // - `failed`: Action could not be completed successfully - // - `incompatible`: Action parameters are not compatible with the group or manager - // - `omitted`: Action was not applied because this action's manager was disabled. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that the instance group manager action was updated. - UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updated_at" validate:"required"` - - // The type of action for the instance group. - ActionType *string `json:"action_type" validate:"required"` - - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action was last applied. If absent, the action has never been applied. - LastAppliedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"last_applied_at,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will next run. If absent, the system is currently calculating the next run - // time. - NextRunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"next_run_at,omitempty"` - - Manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerIntf `json:"manager" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTargetResourceTypeInstanceGroupManagerActionConst = "instance_group_manager_action" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget.Status property. -// The status of the instance group action -// - `active`: Action is ready to be run -// - `completed`: Action was completed successfully -// - `failed`: Action could not be completed successfully -// - `incompatible`: Action parameters are not compatible with the group or manager -// - `omitted`: Action was not applied because this action's manager was disabled. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTargetStatusActiveConst = "active" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTargetStatusCompletedConst = "completed" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTargetStatusFailedConst = "failed" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTargetStatusIncompatibleConst = "incompatible" - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTargetStatusOmittedConst = "omitted" -) - -// Constants associated with the InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget.ActionType property. -// The type of action for the instance group. -const ( - InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTargetActionTypeScheduledConst = "scheduled" -) - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledAction() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget) isaInstanceGroupManagerAction() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionScheduledActionManagerTarget) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete", &obj.AutoDelete) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "auto_delete_timeout", &obj.AutoDeleteTimeout) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "updated_at", &obj.UpdatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "action_type", &obj.ActionType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "last_applied_at", &obj.LastAppliedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "next_run_at", &obj.NextRunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManager) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref : InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref struct { - // The desired maximum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The desired minimum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance group manager. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref(href string) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref) isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref) isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID : InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype -type InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID struct { - // The desired maximum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MaxMembershipCount *int64 `json:"max_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The desired minimum number of instance group members at the scheduled time. - MinMembershipCount *int64 `json:"min_membership_count,omitempty"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance group manager. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID(id string) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID) isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID) isaInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeAutoScalePrototypeByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "max_membership_count", &obj.MaxMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "min_membership_count", &obj.MinMembershipCount) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterface() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN : InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref : InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID : InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID(id string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN : InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref : InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID : InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID(id string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPatchDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN : InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref : InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this dedicated host group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID : InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID(id string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostGroupIdentityDedicatedHostGroupIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN : InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this dedicated host. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref : InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this dedicated host. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID : InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this dedicated host. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID(id string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeDedicatedHostIdentityDedicatedHostIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN : InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this placement group. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref : InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this placement group. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID : InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity -type InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this placement group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID : Instantiate InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID(id string) (_model *InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID) isaInstancePlacementTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePlacementTargetPrototypePlacementGroupIdentityPlacementGroupIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment : Instantiate InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment(catalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) (_model *InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment, err error) { - _model = &InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment{ - CatalogOffering: catalogOffering, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkAttachment: primaryNetworkAttachment, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface : Instantiate InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface(catalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype) (_model *InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface, err error) { - _model = &InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface{ - CatalogOffering: catalogOffering, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkInterface: primaryNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOffering() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstancePrototypeInstanceByImage -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment : Instantiate InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment(image ImageIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) (_model *InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment, err error) { - _model = &InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment{ - Image: image, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkAttachment: primaryNetworkAttachment, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByImage() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstancePrototypeInstanceByImage -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface : Instantiate InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface(image ImageIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype) (_model *InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface, err error) { - _model = &InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface{ - Image: image, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkInterface: primaryNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByImage() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceByImageInstanceByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot -type InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment : Instantiate InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment(bootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) (_model *InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment, err error) { - _model = &InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment{ - BootVolumeAttachment: bootVolumeAttachment, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkAttachment: primaryNetworkAttachment, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot -type InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface : Instantiate InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface(bootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype) (_model *InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface, err error) { - _model = &InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface{ - BootVolumeAttachment: bootVolumeAttachment, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkInterface: primaryNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshot() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment : Instantiate InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment(bootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) (_model *InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment, err error) { - _model = &InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment{ - BootVolumeAttachment: bootVolumeAttachment, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkAttachment: primaryNetworkAttachment, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume -type InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the - // region. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - // - // The system hostname will be based on this name. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface : Instantiate InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface(bootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype) (_model *InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface, err error) { - _model = &InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface{ - BootVolumeAttachment: bootVolumeAttachment, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkInterface: primaryNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolume() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstancePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstancePrototypeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByVolumeInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByVolumeContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment : Instantiate InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment(catalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) (_model *InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment{ - CatalogOffering: catalogOffering, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkAttachment: primaryNetworkAttachment, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface : Instantiate InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface(catalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype) (_model *InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface{ - CatalogOffering: catalogOffering, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkInterface: primaryNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOffering() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateByCatalogOfferingInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment : Instantiate InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment(image ImageIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) (_model *InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment{ - Image: image, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkAttachment: primaryNetworkAttachment, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface : Instantiate InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface(image ImageIdentityIntf, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype) (_model *InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface{ - Image: image, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkInterface: primaryNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImage() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceTemplateByImageInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment : Instantiate InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment(bootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) (_model *InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment{ - BootVolumeAttachment: bootVolumeAttachment, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkAttachment: primaryNetworkAttachment, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot -type InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name must not be used by another instance template in the region. If - // unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface : Instantiate InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface(bootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext, zone ZoneIdentityIntf, primaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype) (_model *InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface, err error) { - _model = &InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface{ - BootVolumeAttachment: bootVolumeAttachment, - Zone: zone, - PrimaryNetworkInterface: primaryNetworkInterface, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshot() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplatePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplatePrototypeInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateBySourceSnapshotInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext -type InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext -type InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - CatalogOffering InstanceCatalogOfferingPrototypeIntf `json:"catalog_offering" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByCatalogOfferingInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "catalog_offering", &obj.CatalogOffering, UnmarshalInstanceCatalogOfferingPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext -type InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext -type InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The image to use when provisioning the virtual server instance. - Image ImageIdentityIntf `json:"image" validate:"required"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByImageInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceByImageContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "image", &obj.Image, UnmarshalImageIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment : InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext -type InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkAttachment) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface : InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface struct -// This model "extends" InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext -type InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface struct { - // The availability policy to use for this virtual server instance. - AvailabilityPolicy *InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype `json:"availability_policy,omitempty"` - - // The date and time that the instance template was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - // The CRN for this instance template. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` - - // The default trusted profile configuration to use for this virtual server instance - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - DefaultTrustedProfile *InstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype `json:"default_trusted_profile,omitempty"` - - // The URL for this instance template. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this instance template. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The public SSH keys for the administrative user of the virtual server instance. Keys will be made available to the - // virtual server instance as cloud-init vendor data. For cloud-init enabled images, these keys will also be added as - // SSH authorized keys for the administrative user. - // - // For Windows images, the keys of type `rsa` must be specified, and one will be selected to encrypt [the administrator - // password](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization). Keys are optional for other images, but if - // no keys are specified, the instance will be inaccessible unless the specified image provides another means of - // access. - // - // This property's value is used when provisioning the virtual server instance, but not subsequently managed. - // Accordingly, it is reflected as an [instance - // initialization](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/vpc#get-instance-initialization) property. - Keys []KeyIdentityIntf `json:"keys,omitempty"` - - MetadataService *InstanceMetadataServicePrototype `json:"metadata_service,omitempty"` - - // The name for this instance template. The name is unique across all instance templates in the region. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. - // - // If specified, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`. - PlacementTarget InstancePlacementTargetPrototypeIntf `json:"placement_target,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-profiles) to use for this virtual server instance. - // - // If unspecified, `bx2-2x8` will be used, but this default value is expected to change in the future. - Profile InstanceProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile,omitempty"` - - ReservationAffinity *InstanceReservationAffinityPrototype `json:"reservation_affinity,omitempty"` - - // The resource group for this instance template. - ResourceGroup *ResourceGroupReference `json:"resource_group" validate:"required"` - - // The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in - // this value will result in a corresponding decrease to - // `total_network_bandwidth`. - TotalVolumeBandwidth *int64 `json:"total_volume_bandwidth,omitempty"` - - // [User data](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-user-data) to make available when setting up the virtual server - // instance. - UserData *string `json:"user_data,omitempty"` - - // The additional volume attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - VolumeAttachments []VolumeAttachmentPrototype `json:"volume_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The VPC this virtual server instance will reside in. - // - // If specified, it must match the VPC for the subnets of the instance network attachments or instance network - // interfaces. - VPC VPCIdentityIntf `json:"vpc,omitempty"` - - // The boot volume attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - BootVolumeAttachment *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext `json:"boot_volume_attachment" validate:"required"` - - // The additional network attachments to create for the virtual server instance. - NetworkAttachments []InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"network_attachments,omitempty"` - - // The primary network attachment to create for the virtual server instance. - PrimaryNetworkAttachment *InstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype `json:"primary_network_attachment,omitempty"` - - // The zone this virtual server instance will reside in. - Zone ZoneIdentityIntf `json:"zone" validate:"required"` - - // The additional instance network interfaces to create. - NetworkInterfaces []NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"network_interfaces,omitempty"` - - // The primary instance network interface to create. - PrimaryNetworkInterface *NetworkInterfacePrototype `json:"primary_network_interface" validate:"required"` -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface) isaInstanceTemplate() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface unmarshals an instance of InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceTemplateInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceBySourceSnapshotInstanceTemplateContextInstanceByNetworkInterface) - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "availability_policy", &obj.AvailabilityPolicy, UnmarshalInstanceAvailabilityPolicyPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "default_trusted_profile", &obj.DefaultTrustedProfile, UnmarshalInstanceDefaultTrustedProfilePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "keys", &obj.Keys, UnmarshalKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "metadata_service", &obj.MetadataService, UnmarshalInstanceMetadataServicePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "placement_target", &obj.PlacementTarget, UnmarshalInstancePlacementTargetPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalInstanceProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "reservation_affinity", &obj.ReservationAffinity, UnmarshalInstanceReservationAffinityPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "total_volume_bandwidth", &obj.TotalVolumeBandwidth) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_data", &obj.UserData) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "volume_attachments", &obj.VolumeAttachments, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "vpc", &obj.VPC, UnmarshalVPCIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "boot_volume_attachment", &obj.BootVolumeAttachment, UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeInstanceBySourceSnapshotContext) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_attachments", &obj.NetworkAttachments, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_attachment", &obj.PrimaryNetworkAttachment, UnmarshalInstanceNetworkAttachmentPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "zone", &obj.Zone, UnmarshalZoneIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "network_interfaces", &obj.NetworkInterfaces, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "primary_network_interface", &obj.PrimaryNetworkInterface, UnmarshalNetworkInterfacePrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref struct { - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID(id string) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPatchLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref struct { - // The pool's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID : LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity -type LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this load balancer pool. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID : Instantiate LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID(id string) (_model *LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID) isaLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerListenerPolicyTargetPrototypeLoadBalancerPoolIdentityLoadBalancerPoolIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN : LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this virtual server instance. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref : LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual server instance. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID : LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity -type LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual server instance. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID : Instantiate LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID) isaLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalLoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(LoadBalancerPoolMemberTargetPrototypeInstanceIdentityInstanceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref : NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity -type NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref : Instantiate NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref) isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref) isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID : NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity -type NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID : Instantiate NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID(id string) (_model *NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID) isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID) isaNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(NetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress : PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress struct -// This model "extends" PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity -type PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress struct { - // The globally unique IP address. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress : Instantiate PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress(address string) (_model *PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress, err error) { - _model = &PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByAddress) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN : PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity -type PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this floating IP. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN : Instantiate PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref : PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity -type PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this floating IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref : Instantiate PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID : PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity -type PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this floating IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID : Instantiate PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID(id string) (_model *PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID) isaPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalPublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(PublicGatewayFloatingIPPrototypeFloatingIPIdentityFloatingIPIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN : ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this endpoint gateway. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN : Instantiate ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN) isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN) isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref : ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this endpoint gateway. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref : Instantiate ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref) isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref) isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID : ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this endpoint gateway. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID : Instantiate ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID(id string) (_model *ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID) isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID) isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetPrototypeEndpointGatewayIdentityEndpointGatewayIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaReservedIPTargetPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ReservedIPTargetPrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP : RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP struct -// This model "extends" RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP -type RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP struct { - // The sentinel IP address (``). - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP : Instantiate RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP(address string) (_model *RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP, err error) { - _model = &RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP) isaRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP() bool { - return true -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP) isaRouteNextHopPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP : RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP struct -// This model "extends" RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP -type RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP struct { - // A unicast IP address, which must not be any of the following values: - // - // - `` (the sentinel IP address) - // - `` to `` (multicast IP addresses) - // - `` (the broadcast IP address) - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP : Instantiate RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP(address string) (_model *RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP, err error) { - _model = &RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP) isaRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIP() bool { - return true -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP) isaRouteNextHopPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHopPatchRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref : RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity -type RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref struct { - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref : Instantiate RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref) isaRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref) isaRouteNextHopPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID : RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity -type RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID : Instantiate RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID(id string) (_model *RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID) isaRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID) isaRouteNextHopPatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RouteNextHopPatchVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP : RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP struct -// This model "extends" RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP -type RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP struct { - // The sentinel IP address (``). - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP : Instantiate RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP(address string) (_model *RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP, err error) { - _model = &RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP) isaRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP() bool { - return true -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP) isaRoutePrototypeNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP unmarshals an instance of RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPSentinelIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP : RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP struct -// This model "extends" RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP -type RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP struct { - // A unicast IP address, which must not be any of the following values: - // - // - `` (the sentinel IP address) - // - `` to `` (multicast IP addresses) - // - `` (the broadcast IP address) - // - // This property may add support for IPv6 addresses in the future. When processing a value in this property, verify - // that the address is in an expected format. If it is not, log an error. Optionally halt processing and surface the - // error, or bypass the resource on which the unexpected IP address format was encountered. - Address *string `json:"address" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP : Instantiate RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP(address string) (_model *RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP, err error) { - _model = &RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP{ - Address: core.StringPtr(address), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP) isaRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIP() bool { - return true -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP) isaRoutePrototypeNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP unmarshals an instance of RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopPrototypeRouteNextHopIPRouteNextHopIPUnicastIP) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "address", &obj.Address) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref : RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity -type RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref struct { - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref : Instantiate RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref) isaRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref) isaRoutePrototypeNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID : RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity -type RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID : Instantiate RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID(id string) (_model *RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID) isaRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID) isaRoutePrototypeNextHop() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalRoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(RoutePrototypeNextHopRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityRouteNextHopPrototypeVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityVPNGatewayConnectionIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN struct { - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref struct { - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID(id string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatch() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePatchSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN struct { - // The security group's CRN. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref struct { - // The security group's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID : SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity -type SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this security group. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID : Instantiate SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID(id string) (_model *SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID) isaSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalSecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(SecurityGroupRuleRemotePrototypeSecurityGroupIdentitySecurityGroupIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this virtual network interface. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN : Instantiate ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this virtual network interface. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref : Instantiate ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity -type ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this virtual network interface. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID : Instantiate ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(id string) (_model *ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) isaShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(ShareMountTargetVirtualNetworkInterfacePrototypeVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode : VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode struct -// This model "extends" VPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode -type VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode struct { - // If set to false, the VPN gateway connection is shut down. - AdminStateUp *bool `json:"admin_state_up" validate:"required"` - - // The authentication mode. Only `psk` is currently supported. - AuthenticationMode *string `json:"authentication_mode" validate:"required"` - - // The date and time that this VPN gateway connection was created. - CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"created_at" validate:"required"` - - DeadPeerDetection *VPNGatewayConnectionDpd `json:"dead_peer_detection" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN connection's canonical URL. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` - - // The unique identifier for this VPN gateway connection. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` - - // The IKE policy. If absent, [auto-negotiation is - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ike-auto-negotiation-phase-1). - IkePolicy *IkePolicyReference `json:"ike_policy,omitempty"` - - // The IPsec policy. If absent, [auto-negotiation is - // used](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-using-vpn&interface=ui#ipsec-auto-negotiation-phase-2). - IpsecPolicy *IPsecPolicyReference `json:"ipsec_policy,omitempty"` - - // The mode of the VPN gateway. - Mode *string `json:"mode" validate:"required"` - - // The name for this VPN gateway connection. The name is unique across all connections for the VPN gateway. - Name *string `json:"name" validate:"required"` - - // The IP address of the peer VPN gateway. - PeerAddress *string `json:"peer_address" validate:"required"` - - // The pre-shared key. - Psk *string `json:"psk" validate:"required"` - - // The resource type. - ResourceType *string `json:"resource_type" validate:"required"` - - // The status of a VPN gateway connection. - Status *string `json:"status" validate:"required"` - - // The reasons for the current VPN gateway connection status (if any): - // - `cannot_authenticate_connection`: Failed to authenticate a connection because of - // mismatched IKE ID and PSK (check IKE ID and PSK in peer VPN configuration) - // - `internal_error`: Internal error (contact IBM support) - // - `ike_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IKE crypto suites was acceptable (check - // the IKE policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `ike_v1_id_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Invalid IKE ID or mismatched local CIDRs and - // remote CIDRs in IKE V1 (check the IKE ID or the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V1 configuration) - // - `ike_v2_local_remote_cidr_mismatch`: Mismatched local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE - // V2 (check the local CIDRs and remote CIDRs in IKE V2 configuration) - // - `ipsec_policy_mismatch`: None of the proposed IPsec crypto suites was acceptable - // (check the IPsec policies on both sides of the VPN) - // - `peer_not_responding`: No response from peer (check network ACL configuration, peer - // availability, and on-premise firewall configuration) - // - // The enumerated reason code values for this property will expand in the future. When processing this property, check - // for and log unknown values. Optionally halt processing and surface the error, or bypass the resource on which the - // unexpected reason code was encountered. - StatusReasons []VPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason `json:"status_reasons" validate:"required"` - - // Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. - RoutingProtocol *string `json:"routing_protocol" validate:"required"` - - // The VPN tunnel configuration for this VPN gateway connection (in static route mode). - Tunnels []VPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel `json:"tunnels" validate:"required"` -} - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode.AuthenticationMode property. -// The authentication mode. Only `psk` is currently supported. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeAuthenticationModePskConst = "psk" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode.Mode property. -// The mode of the VPN gateway. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeModePolicyConst = "policy" - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeModeRouteConst = "route" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode.ResourceType property. -// The resource type. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeResourceTypeVPNGatewayConnectionConst = "vpn_gateway_connection" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode.Status property. -// The status of a VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeStatusDownConst = "down" - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeStatusUpConst = "up" -) - -// Constants associated with the VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode.RoutingProtocol property. -// Routing protocols are disabled for this VPN gateway connection. -const ( - VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeRoutingProtocolNoneConst = "none" -) - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode) isaVPNGatewayConnectionRouteMode() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode) isaVPNGatewayConnection() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode unmarshals an instance of VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VPNGatewayConnectionRouteModeVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteMode) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "admin_state_up", &obj.AdminStateUp) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "authentication_mode", &obj.AuthenticationMode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "created_at", &obj.CreatedAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "dead_peer_detection", &obj.DeadPeerDetection, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionDpd) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ike_policy", &obj.IkePolicy, UnmarshalIkePolicyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "ipsec_policy", &obj.IpsecPolicy, UnmarshalIPsecPolicyReference) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "mode", &obj.Mode) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "peer_address", &obj.PeerAddress) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "psk", &obj.Psk) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "resource_type", &obj.ResourceType) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "status", &obj.Status) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "status_reasons", &obj.StatusReasons, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionStatusReason) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "routing_protocol", &obj.RoutingProtocol) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "tunnels", &obj.Tunnels, UnmarshalVPNGatewayConnectionStaticRouteModeTunnel) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref : VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref struct -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref struct { - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref : Instantiate VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref(href string) (_model *VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref, err error) { - _model = &VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID : VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID struct -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID : Instantiate VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID(id string) (_model *VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID, err error) { - _model = &VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID) isaVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfaceIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfaceIPsContextByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref : VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref struct -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext -type VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref struct { - // The URL for this reserved IP. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref : Instantiate VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref(href string) (_model *VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref, err error) { - _model = &VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref) isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref) isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID : VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID struct -// This model "extends" VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext -type VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this reserved IP. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID : Instantiate VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID(id string) (_model *VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID, err error) { - _model = &VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID) isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID) isaVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID unmarshals an instance of VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPPrototypeReservedIPIdentityVirtualNetworkInterfacePrimaryIPContextByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN : VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN struct -// This model "extends" VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN struct { - // The CRN for this volume. - CRN *string `json:"crn" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN : Instantiate VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN(crn string) (_model *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN, err error) { - _model = &VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN{ - CRN: core.StringPtr(crn), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByCRN) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "crn", &obj.CRN) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref : VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref struct -// This model "extends" VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref struct { - // The URL for this volume. - Href *string `json:"href" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref : Instantiate VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref(href string) (_model *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref, err error) { - _model = &VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref{ - Href: core.StringPtr(href), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByHref) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "href", &obj.Href) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID : VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID struct -// This model "extends" VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID struct { - // The unique identifier for this volume. - ID *string `json:"id" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID : Instantiate VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID(id string) (_model *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID, err error) { - _model = &VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID{ - ID: core.StringPtr(id), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentity() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumeIdentityVolumeIdentityByID) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "id", &obj.ID) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity : VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity struct -// This model "extends" VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity struct { - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. If unspecified, the name will - // be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) to use for this volume. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use for this volume. If unspecified, the instance's resource group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). The specified minimum and maximum capacity values for creating or - // updating volumes may expand in the future. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity" validate:"required"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the volume will be `provider_managed`. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` -} - -// NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity : Instantiate VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity(profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf, capacity int64) (_model *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity, err error) { - _model = &VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity{ - Profile: profile, - Capacity: core.Int64Ptr(capacity), - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeByCapacity) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot : VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot struct -// This model "extends" VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext -type VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot struct { - // The maximum I/O operations per second (IOPS) to use for this volume. Applicable only to volumes using a profile - // `family` of `custom`. - Iops *int64 `json:"iops,omitempty"` - - // The name for this volume. The name must not be used by another volume in the region. If unspecified, the name will - // be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The [profile](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/vpc?topic=vpc-block-storage-profiles) to use for this volume. - Profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf `json:"profile" validate:"required"` - - // The resource group to use for this volume. If unspecified, the instance's resource group will be used. - ResourceGroup ResourceGroupIdentityIntf `json:"resource_group,omitempty"` - - // The [user tags](https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/tagging#types-of-tags) associated with this volume. - UserTags []string `json:"user_tags,omitempty"` - - // The capacity to use for the volume (in gigabytes). Must be at least the snapshot's - // `minimum_capacity`. The maximum value may increase in the future. - // - // If unspecified, the capacity will be the source snapshot's `minimum_capacity`. - Capacity *int64 `json:"capacity,omitempty"` - - // The root key to use to wrap the data encryption key for the volume. - // - // If unspecified, the `encryption` type for the volume will be `provider_managed`. - EncryptionKey EncryptionKeyIdentityIntf `json:"encryption_key,omitempty"` - - // The snapshot from which to clone the volume. - SourceSnapshot SnapshotIdentityIntf `json:"source_snapshot" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot : Instantiate VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot(profile VolumeProfileIdentityIntf, sourceSnapshot SnapshotIdentityIntf) (_model *VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot, err error) { - _model = &VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot{ - Profile: profile, - SourceSnapshot: sourceSnapshot, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContext() bool { - return true -} - -func (*VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot) isaVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolume() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot unmarshals an instance of VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalVolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(VolumeAttachmentPrototypeVolumeVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumePrototypeInstanceContextVolumeBySourceSnapshot) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "iops", &obj.Iops) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "profile", &obj.Profile, UnmarshalVolumeProfileIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "resource_group", &obj.ResourceGroup, UnmarshalResourceGroupIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "user_tags", &obj.UserTags) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "capacity", &obj.Capacity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "encryption_key", &obj.EncryptionKey, UnmarshalEncryptionKeyIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "source_snapshot", &obj.SourceSnapshot, UnmarshalSnapshotIdentity) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup : InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup struct { - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name must not be used by another action for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype `json:"group" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup(group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup{ - Group: group, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager : InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager struct { - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name must not be used by another action for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The cron specification for a recurring scheduled action. Actions can be applied a maximum of one time within a 5 min - // period. - CronSpec *string `json:"cron_spec,omitempty"` - - Manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf `json:"manager" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager(manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager{ - Manager: manager, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpec() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByCronSpecByManager) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "cron_spec", &obj.CronSpec) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup : InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup struct { - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name must not be used by another action for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will run. - RunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"run_at,omitempty"` - - Group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype `json:"group" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup(group *InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup{ - Group: group, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByGroup) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "run_at", &obj.RunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "group", &obj.Group, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionGroupPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager : InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager struct -// This model "extends" InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt -type InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager struct { - // The name for this instance group manager action. The name must not be used by another action for the instance group - // manager. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words. - Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` - - // The date and time the scheduled action will run. - RunAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"run_at,omitempty"` - - Manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf `json:"manager" validate:"required"` -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager : Instantiate InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager (Generic Model Constructor) -func (*VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager(manager InstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototypeIntf) (_model *InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager, err error) { - _model = &InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager{ - Manager: manager, - } - err = core.ValidateStruct(_model, "required parameters") - return -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAt() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -func (*InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager) isaInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototype() bool { - return true -} - -// UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager unmarshals an instance of InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager from the specified map of raw messages. -func UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager(m map[string]json.RawMessage, result interface{}) (err error) { - obj := new(InstanceGroupManagerActionPrototypeScheduledActionPrototypeByRunAtByManager) - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "name", &obj.Name) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalPrimitive(m, "run_at", &obj.RunAt) - if err != nil { - return - } - err = core.UnmarshalModel(m, "manager", &obj.Manager, UnmarshalInstanceGroupManagerScheduledActionManagerPrototype) - if err != nil { - return - } - reflect.ValueOf(result).Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(obj)) - return -} - -// VpcsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVpcs" method. -type VpcsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVpcsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVpcsPager returns a new VpcsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVpcsPager(options *ListVpcsOptions) (pager *VpcsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVpcsOptions = *options - pager = &VpcsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VpcsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VpcsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []VPC, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVpcsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Vpcs - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VpcsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []VPC, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []VPC - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VpcsPager) GetNext() (page []VPC, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VpcsPager) GetAll() (allItems []VPC, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VPCAddressPrefixesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVPCAddressPrefixes" method. -type VPCAddressPrefixesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVPCAddressPrefixesPager returns a new VPCAddressPrefixesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVPCAddressPrefixesPager(options *ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions) (pager *VPCAddressPrefixesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVPCAddressPrefixesOptions = *options - pager = &VPCAddressPrefixesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VPCAddressPrefixesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VPCAddressPrefixesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []AddressPrefix, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVPCAddressPrefixesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.AddressPrefixes - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VPCAddressPrefixesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []AddressPrefix, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []AddressPrefix - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCAddressPrefixesPager) GetNext() (page []AddressPrefix, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCAddressPrefixesPager) GetAll() (allItems []AddressPrefix, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVPCDnsResolutionBindings" method. -type VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager returns a new VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager(options *ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions) (pager *VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsOptions = *options - pager = &VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []VpcdnsResolutionBinding, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVPCDnsResolutionBindingsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.DnsResolutionBindings - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []VpcdnsResolutionBinding, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []VpcdnsResolutionBinding - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager) GetNext() (page []VpcdnsResolutionBinding, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCDnsResolutionBindingsPager) GetAll() (allItems []VpcdnsResolutionBinding, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VPCRoutesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVPCRoutes" method. -type VPCRoutesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVPCRoutesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVPCRoutesPager returns a new VPCRoutesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVPCRoutesPager(options *ListVPCRoutesOptions) (pager *VPCRoutesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVPCRoutesOptions = *options - pager = &VPCRoutesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VPCRoutesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VPCRoutesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVPCRoutesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Routes - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VPCRoutesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCRoutesPager) GetNext() (page []RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCRoutesPager) GetAll() (allItems []RouteCollectionVPCContextRoutesItem, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VPCRoutingTablesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVPCRoutingTables" method. -type VPCRoutingTablesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVPCRoutingTablesPager returns a new VPCRoutingTablesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVPCRoutingTablesPager(options *ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions) (pager *VPCRoutingTablesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVPCRoutingTablesOptions = *options - pager = &VPCRoutingTablesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTablesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTablesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []RoutingTable, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVPCRoutingTablesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.RoutingTables - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTablesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []RoutingTable, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []RoutingTable - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTablesPager) GetNext() (page []RoutingTable, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTablesPager) GetAll() (allItems []RoutingTable, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVPCRoutingTableRoutes" method. -type VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVPCRoutingTableRoutesPager returns a new VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVPCRoutingTableRoutesPager(options *ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions) (pager *VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesOptions = *options - pager = &VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []Route, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVPCRoutingTableRoutesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Routes - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []Route, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []Route - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager) GetNext() (page []Route, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPCRoutingTableRoutesPager) GetAll() (allItems []Route, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// SubnetsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListSubnets" method. -type SubnetsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListSubnetsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewSubnetsPager returns a new SubnetsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewSubnetsPager(options *ListSubnetsOptions) (pager *SubnetsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListSubnetsOptions = *options - pager = &SubnetsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *SubnetsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *SubnetsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []Subnet, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListSubnetsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Subnets - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *SubnetsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []Subnet, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []Subnet - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SubnetsPager) GetNext() (page []Subnet, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SubnetsPager) GetAll() (allItems []Subnet, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// SubnetReservedIpsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListSubnetReservedIps" method. -type SubnetReservedIpsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewSubnetReservedIpsPager returns a new SubnetReservedIpsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewSubnetReservedIpsPager(options *ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions) (pager *SubnetReservedIpsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListSubnetReservedIpsOptions = *options - pager = &SubnetReservedIpsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *SubnetReservedIpsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *SubnetReservedIpsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []ReservedIP, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListSubnetReservedIpsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.ReservedIps - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *SubnetReservedIpsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []ReservedIP, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []ReservedIP - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SubnetReservedIpsPager) GetNext() (page []ReservedIP, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SubnetReservedIpsPager) GetAll() (allItems []ReservedIP, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// ImagesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListImages" method. -type ImagesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListImagesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewImagesPager returns a new ImagesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewImagesPager(options *ListImagesOptions) (pager *ImagesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListImagesOptions = *options - pager = &ImagesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *ImagesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *ImagesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []Image, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListImagesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Images - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *ImagesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []Image, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []Image - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *ImagesPager) GetNext() (page []Image, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *ImagesPager) GetAll() (allItems []Image, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// OperatingSystemsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListOperatingSystems" method. -type OperatingSystemsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListOperatingSystemsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewOperatingSystemsPager returns a new OperatingSystemsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewOperatingSystemsPager(options *ListOperatingSystemsOptions) (pager *OperatingSystemsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListOperatingSystemsOptions = *options - pager = &OperatingSystemsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *OperatingSystemsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *OperatingSystemsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []OperatingSystem, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListOperatingSystemsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.OperatingSystems - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *OperatingSystemsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []OperatingSystem, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []OperatingSystem - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *OperatingSystemsPager) GetNext() (page []OperatingSystem, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *OperatingSystemsPager) GetAll() (allItems []OperatingSystem, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// KeysPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListKeys" method. -type KeysPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListKeysOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewKeysPager returns a new KeysPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewKeysPager(options *ListKeysOptions) (pager *KeysPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListKeysOptions = *options - pager = &KeysPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *KeysPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *KeysPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []Key, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListKeysWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Keys - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *KeysPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []Key, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []Key - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *KeysPager) GetNext() (page []Key, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *KeysPager) GetAll() (allItems []Key, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// InstancesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListInstances" method. -type InstancesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListInstancesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewInstancesPager returns a new InstancesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewInstancesPager(options *ListInstancesOptions) (pager *InstancesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListInstancesOptions = *options - pager = &InstancesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *InstancesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *InstancesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []Instance, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListInstancesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Instances - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *InstancesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []Instance, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []Instance - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstancesPager) GetNext() (page []Instance, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstancesPager) GetAll() (allItems []Instance, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIps" method. -type InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager returns a new InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager(options *ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) (pager *InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions = *options - pager = &InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []ReservedIP, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListInstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Ips - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []ReservedIP, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []ReservedIP - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) GetNext() (page []ReservedIP, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) GetAll() (allItems []ReservedIP, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// InstanceGroupsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListInstanceGroups" method. -type InstanceGroupsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListInstanceGroupsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewInstanceGroupsPager returns a new InstanceGroupsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupsPager(options *ListInstanceGroupsOptions) (pager *InstanceGroupsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListInstanceGroupsOptions = *options - pager = &InstanceGroupsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *InstanceGroupsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []InstanceGroup, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListInstanceGroupsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.InstanceGroups - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []InstanceGroup, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []InstanceGroup - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupsPager) GetNext() (page []InstanceGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupsPager) GetAll() (allItems []InstanceGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// InstanceGroupManagersPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListInstanceGroupManagers" method. -type InstanceGroupManagersPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagersPager returns a new InstanceGroupManagersPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagersPager(options *ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions) (pager *InstanceGroupManagersPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListInstanceGroupManagersOptions = *options - pager = &InstanceGroupManagersPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagersPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagersPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []InstanceGroupManagerIntf, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListInstanceGroupManagersWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Managers - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagersPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []InstanceGroupManagerIntf, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []InstanceGroupManagerIntf - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagersPager) GetNext() (page []InstanceGroupManagerIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagersPager) GetAll() (allItems []InstanceGroupManagerIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListInstanceGroupManagerActions" method. -type InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerActionsPager returns a new InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerActionsPager(options *ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions) (pager *InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsOptions = *options - pager = &InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListInstanceGroupManagerActionsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Actions - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager) GetNext() (page []InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerActionsPager) GetAll() (allItems []InstanceGroupManagerActionIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListInstanceGroupManagerPolicies" method. -type InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager returns a new InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager(options *ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions) (pager *InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesOptions = *options - pager = &InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListInstanceGroupManagerPoliciesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Policies - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager) GetNext() (page []InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupManagerPoliciesPager) GetAll() (allItems []InstanceGroupManagerPolicyIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// InstanceGroupMembershipsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListInstanceGroupMemberships" method. -type InstanceGroupMembershipsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewInstanceGroupMembershipsPager returns a new InstanceGroupMembershipsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewInstanceGroupMembershipsPager(options *ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions) (pager *InstanceGroupMembershipsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListInstanceGroupMembershipsOptions = *options - pager = &InstanceGroupMembershipsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupMembershipsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *InstanceGroupMembershipsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []InstanceGroupMembership, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListInstanceGroupMembershipsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Memberships - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *InstanceGroupMembershipsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []InstanceGroupMembership, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []InstanceGroupMembership - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupMembershipsPager) GetNext() (page []InstanceGroupMembership, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *InstanceGroupMembershipsPager) GetAll() (allItems []InstanceGroupMembership, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// ReservationsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListReservations" method. -type ReservationsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListReservationsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewReservationsPager returns a new ReservationsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewReservationsPager(options *ListReservationsOptions) (pager *ReservationsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListReservationsOptions = *options - pager = &ReservationsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *ReservationsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *ReservationsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []Reservation, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListReservationsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Reservations - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *ReservationsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []Reservation, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []Reservation - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *ReservationsPager) GetNext() (page []Reservation, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *ReservationsPager) GetAll() (allItems []Reservation, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// DedicatedHostGroupsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListDedicatedHostGroups" method. -type DedicatedHostGroupsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewDedicatedHostGroupsPager returns a new DedicatedHostGroupsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostGroupsPager(options *ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions) (pager *DedicatedHostGroupsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListDedicatedHostGroupsOptions = *options - pager = &DedicatedHostGroupsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *DedicatedHostGroupsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *DedicatedHostGroupsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []DedicatedHostGroup, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListDedicatedHostGroupsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Groups - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *DedicatedHostGroupsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []DedicatedHostGroup, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []DedicatedHostGroup - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *DedicatedHostGroupsPager) GetNext() (page []DedicatedHostGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *DedicatedHostGroupsPager) GetAll() (allItems []DedicatedHostGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// DedicatedHostProfilesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListDedicatedHostProfiles" method. -type DedicatedHostProfilesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewDedicatedHostProfilesPager returns a new DedicatedHostProfilesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostProfilesPager(options *ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions) (pager *DedicatedHostProfilesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListDedicatedHostProfilesOptions = *options - pager = &DedicatedHostProfilesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *DedicatedHostProfilesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *DedicatedHostProfilesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []DedicatedHostProfile, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListDedicatedHostProfilesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Profiles - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *DedicatedHostProfilesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []DedicatedHostProfile, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []DedicatedHostProfile - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *DedicatedHostProfilesPager) GetNext() (page []DedicatedHostProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *DedicatedHostProfilesPager) GetAll() (allItems []DedicatedHostProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// DedicatedHostsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListDedicatedHosts" method. -type DedicatedHostsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListDedicatedHostsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewDedicatedHostsPager returns a new DedicatedHostsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewDedicatedHostsPager(options *ListDedicatedHostsOptions) (pager *DedicatedHostsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListDedicatedHostsOptions = *options - pager = &DedicatedHostsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *DedicatedHostsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *DedicatedHostsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []DedicatedHost, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListDedicatedHostsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.DedicatedHosts - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *DedicatedHostsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []DedicatedHost, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []DedicatedHost - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *DedicatedHostsPager) GetNext() (page []DedicatedHost, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *DedicatedHostsPager) GetAll() (allItems []DedicatedHost, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// PlacementGroupsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListPlacementGroups" method. -type PlacementGroupsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListPlacementGroupsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewPlacementGroupsPager returns a new PlacementGroupsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewPlacementGroupsPager(options *ListPlacementGroupsOptions) (pager *PlacementGroupsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListPlacementGroupsOptions = *options - pager = &PlacementGroupsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *PlacementGroupsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *PlacementGroupsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []PlacementGroup, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListPlacementGroupsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.PlacementGroups - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *PlacementGroupsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []PlacementGroup, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []PlacementGroup - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *PlacementGroupsPager) GetNext() (page []PlacementGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *PlacementGroupsPager) GetAll() (allItems []PlacementGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// BareMetalServerProfilesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListBareMetalServerProfiles" method. -type BareMetalServerProfilesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewBareMetalServerProfilesPager returns a new BareMetalServerProfilesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerProfilesPager(options *ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions) (pager *BareMetalServerProfilesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListBareMetalServerProfilesOptions = *options - pager = &BareMetalServerProfilesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *BareMetalServerProfilesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *BareMetalServerProfilesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []BareMetalServerProfile, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListBareMetalServerProfilesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Profiles - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *BareMetalServerProfilesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []BareMetalServerProfile, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []BareMetalServerProfile - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BareMetalServerProfilesPager) GetNext() (page []BareMetalServerProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BareMetalServerProfilesPager) GetAll() (allItems []BareMetalServerProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// BareMetalServersPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListBareMetalServers" method. -type BareMetalServersPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListBareMetalServersOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewBareMetalServersPager returns a new BareMetalServersPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewBareMetalServersPager(options *ListBareMetalServersOptions) (pager *BareMetalServersPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListBareMetalServersOptions = *options - pager = &BareMetalServersPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *BareMetalServersPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *BareMetalServersPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []BareMetalServer, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListBareMetalServersWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.BareMetalServers - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *BareMetalServersPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []BareMetalServer, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []BareMetalServer - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BareMetalServersPager) GetNext() (page []BareMetalServer, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BareMetalServersPager) GetAll() (allItems []BareMetalServer, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachments" method. -type BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager returns a new BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager(options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions) (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsOptions = *options - pager = &BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListBareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.NetworkAttachments - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager) GetNext() (page []BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentsPager) GetAll() (allItems []BareMetalServerNetworkAttachmentIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaces" method. -type BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager returns a new BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager(options *ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions) (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesOptions = *options - pager = &BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListBareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.NetworkInterfaces - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager) GetNext() (page []BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacesPager) GetAll() (allItems []BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VolumeProfilesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVolumeProfiles" method. -type VolumeProfilesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVolumeProfilesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVolumeProfilesPager returns a new VolumeProfilesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVolumeProfilesPager(options *ListVolumeProfilesOptions) (pager *VolumeProfilesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVolumeProfilesOptions = *options - pager = &VolumeProfilesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VolumeProfilesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VolumeProfilesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []VolumeProfile, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVolumeProfilesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Profiles - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VolumeProfilesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []VolumeProfile, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []VolumeProfile - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VolumeProfilesPager) GetNext() (page []VolumeProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VolumeProfilesPager) GetAll() (allItems []VolumeProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VolumesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVolumes" method. -type VolumesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVolumesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVolumesPager returns a new VolumesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVolumesPager(options *ListVolumesOptions) (pager *VolumesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVolumesOptions = *options - pager = &VolumesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VolumesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VolumesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []Volume, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVolumesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Volumes - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VolumesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []Volume, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []Volume - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VolumesPager) GetNext() (page []Volume, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VolumesPager) GetAll() (allItems []Volume, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListSnapshotConsistencyGroups" method. -type SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewSnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager returns a new SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewSnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager(options *ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions) (pager *SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsOptions = *options - pager = &SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []SnapshotConsistencyGroup, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListSnapshotConsistencyGroupsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.SnapshotConsistencyGroups - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []SnapshotConsistencyGroup, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []SnapshotConsistencyGroup - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager) GetNext() (page []SnapshotConsistencyGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SnapshotConsistencyGroupsPager) GetAll() (allItems []SnapshotConsistencyGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// SnapshotsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListSnapshots" method. -type SnapshotsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListSnapshotsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewSnapshotsPager returns a new SnapshotsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewSnapshotsPager(options *ListSnapshotsOptions) (pager *SnapshotsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListSnapshotsOptions = *options - pager = &SnapshotsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *SnapshotsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *SnapshotsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []Snapshot, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListSnapshotsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Snapshots - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *SnapshotsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []Snapshot, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []Snapshot - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SnapshotsPager) GetNext() (page []Snapshot, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SnapshotsPager) GetAll() (allItems []Snapshot, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// ShareProfilesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListShareProfiles" method. -type ShareProfilesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListShareProfilesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewShareProfilesPager returns a new ShareProfilesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewShareProfilesPager(options *ListShareProfilesOptions) (pager *ShareProfilesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListShareProfilesOptions = *options - pager = &ShareProfilesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *ShareProfilesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *ShareProfilesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []ShareProfile, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListShareProfilesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Profiles - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *ShareProfilesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []ShareProfile, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []ShareProfile - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *ShareProfilesPager) GetNext() (page []ShareProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *ShareProfilesPager) GetAll() (allItems []ShareProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// SharesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListShares" method. -type SharesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListSharesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewSharesPager returns a new SharesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewSharesPager(options *ListSharesOptions) (pager *SharesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListSharesOptions = *options - pager = &SharesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *SharesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *SharesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []Share, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListSharesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Shares - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *SharesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []Share, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []Share - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SharesPager) GetNext() (page []Share, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SharesPager) GetAll() (allItems []Share, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// ShareMountTargetsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListShareMountTargets" method. -type ShareMountTargetsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListShareMountTargetsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewShareMountTargetsPager returns a new ShareMountTargetsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewShareMountTargetsPager(options *ListShareMountTargetsOptions) (pager *ShareMountTargetsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListShareMountTargetsOptions = *options - pager = &ShareMountTargetsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *ShareMountTargetsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *ShareMountTargetsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []ShareMountTarget, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListShareMountTargetsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.MountTargets - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *ShareMountTargetsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []ShareMountTarget, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []ShareMountTarget - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *ShareMountTargetsPager) GetNext() (page []ShareMountTarget, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *ShareMountTargetsPager) GetAll() (allItems []ShareMountTarget, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// BackupPoliciesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListBackupPolicies" method. -type BackupPoliciesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListBackupPoliciesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewBackupPoliciesPager returns a new BackupPoliciesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewBackupPoliciesPager(options *ListBackupPoliciesOptions) (pager *BackupPoliciesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListBackupPoliciesOptions = *options - pager = &BackupPoliciesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *BackupPoliciesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *BackupPoliciesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []BackupPolicyIntf, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListBackupPoliciesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.BackupPolicies - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *BackupPoliciesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []BackupPolicyIntf, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []BackupPolicyIntf - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BackupPoliciesPager) GetNext() (page []BackupPolicyIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BackupPoliciesPager) GetAll() (allItems []BackupPolicyIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// BackupPolicyJobsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListBackupPolicyJobs" method. -type BackupPolicyJobsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewBackupPolicyJobsPager returns a new BackupPolicyJobsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewBackupPolicyJobsPager(options *ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions) (pager *BackupPolicyJobsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListBackupPolicyJobsOptions = *options - pager = &BackupPolicyJobsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *BackupPolicyJobsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *BackupPolicyJobsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []BackupPolicyJob, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListBackupPolicyJobsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Jobs - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *BackupPolicyJobsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []BackupPolicyJob, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []BackupPolicyJob - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BackupPolicyJobsPager) GetNext() (page []BackupPolicyJob, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *BackupPolicyJobsPager) GetAll() (allItems []BackupPolicyJob, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVirtualNetworkInterfaces" method. -type VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVirtualNetworkInterfacesPager returns a new VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVirtualNetworkInterfacesPager(options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions) (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesOptions = *options - pager = &VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []VirtualNetworkInterface, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVirtualNetworkInterfacesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.VirtualNetworkInterfaces - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []VirtualNetworkInterface, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []VirtualNetworkInterface - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager) GetNext() (page []VirtualNetworkInterface, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfacesPager) GetAll() (allItems []VirtualNetworkInterface, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIps" method. -type NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager returns a new NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager(options *ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions) (pager *NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsOptions = *options - pager = &NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []FloatingIPReference, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListNetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.FloatingIps - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []FloatingIPReference, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []FloatingIPReference - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager) GetNext() (page []FloatingIPReference, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *NetworkInterfaceFloatingIpsPager) GetAll() (allItems []FloatingIPReference, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIps" method. -type VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager returns a new VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager(options *ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions) (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsOptions = *options - pager = &VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []ReservedIPReference, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Ips - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []ReservedIPReference, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []ReservedIPReference - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) GetNext() (page []ReservedIPReference, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VirtualNetworkInterfaceIpsPager) GetAll() (allItems []ReservedIPReference, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// PublicGatewaysPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListPublicGateways" method. -type PublicGatewaysPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListPublicGatewaysOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewPublicGatewaysPager returns a new PublicGatewaysPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewPublicGatewaysPager(options *ListPublicGatewaysOptions) (pager *PublicGatewaysPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListPublicGatewaysOptions = *options - pager = &PublicGatewaysPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *PublicGatewaysPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *PublicGatewaysPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []PublicGateway, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListPublicGatewaysWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.PublicGateways - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *PublicGatewaysPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []PublicGateway, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []PublicGateway - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *PublicGatewaysPager) GetNext() (page []PublicGateway, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *PublicGatewaysPager) GetAll() (allItems []PublicGateway, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// FloatingIpsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListFloatingIps" method. -type FloatingIpsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListFloatingIpsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewFloatingIpsPager returns a new FloatingIpsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewFloatingIpsPager(options *ListFloatingIpsOptions) (pager *FloatingIpsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListFloatingIpsOptions = *options - pager = &FloatingIpsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *FloatingIpsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *FloatingIpsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []FloatingIP, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListFloatingIpsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.FloatingIps - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *FloatingIpsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []FloatingIP, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []FloatingIP - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *FloatingIpsPager) GetNext() (page []FloatingIP, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *FloatingIpsPager) GetAll() (allItems []FloatingIP, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// NetworkAclsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListNetworkAcls" method. -type NetworkAclsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListNetworkAclsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewNetworkAclsPager returns a new NetworkAclsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewNetworkAclsPager(options *ListNetworkAclsOptions) (pager *NetworkAclsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListNetworkAclsOptions = *options - pager = &NetworkAclsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *NetworkAclsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *NetworkAclsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []NetworkACL, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListNetworkAclsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.NetworkAcls - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *NetworkAclsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []NetworkACL, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []NetworkACL - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *NetworkAclsPager) GetNext() (page []NetworkACL, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *NetworkAclsPager) GetAll() (allItems []NetworkACL, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// NetworkACLRulesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListNetworkACLRules" method. -type NetworkACLRulesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewNetworkACLRulesPager returns a new NetworkACLRulesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewNetworkACLRulesPager(options *ListNetworkACLRulesOptions) (pager *NetworkACLRulesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListNetworkACLRulesOptions = *options - pager = &NetworkACLRulesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *NetworkACLRulesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *NetworkACLRulesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []NetworkACLRuleItemIntf, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListNetworkACLRulesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Rules - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *NetworkACLRulesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []NetworkACLRuleItemIntf, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []NetworkACLRuleItemIntf - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *NetworkACLRulesPager) GetNext() (page []NetworkACLRuleItemIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *NetworkACLRulesPager) GetAll() (allItems []NetworkACLRuleItemIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// SecurityGroupsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListSecurityGroups" method. -type SecurityGroupsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListSecurityGroupsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewSecurityGroupsPager returns a new SecurityGroupsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupsPager(options *ListSecurityGroupsOptions) (pager *SecurityGroupsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListSecurityGroupsOptions = *options - pager = &SecurityGroupsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *SecurityGroupsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *SecurityGroupsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []SecurityGroup, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListSecurityGroupsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.SecurityGroups - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *SecurityGroupsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []SecurityGroup, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []SecurityGroup - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SecurityGroupsPager) GetNext() (page []SecurityGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SecurityGroupsPager) GetAll() (allItems []SecurityGroup, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// SecurityGroupTargetsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListSecurityGroupTargets" method. -type SecurityGroupTargetsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewSecurityGroupTargetsPager returns a new SecurityGroupTargetsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewSecurityGroupTargetsPager(options *ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions) (pager *SecurityGroupTargetsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListSecurityGroupTargetsOptions = *options - pager = &SecurityGroupTargetsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *SecurityGroupTargetsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *SecurityGroupTargetsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListSecurityGroupTargetsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Targets - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *SecurityGroupTargetsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SecurityGroupTargetsPager) GetNext() (page []SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *SecurityGroupTargetsPager) GetAll() (allItems []SecurityGroupTargetReferenceIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// IkePoliciesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListIkePolicies" method. -type IkePoliciesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListIkePoliciesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewIkePoliciesPager returns a new IkePoliciesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewIkePoliciesPager(options *ListIkePoliciesOptions) (pager *IkePoliciesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListIkePoliciesOptions = *options - pager = &IkePoliciesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *IkePoliciesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *IkePoliciesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []IkePolicy, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListIkePoliciesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.IkePolicies - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *IkePoliciesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []IkePolicy, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []IkePolicy - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *IkePoliciesPager) GetNext() (page []IkePolicy, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *IkePoliciesPager) GetAll() (allItems []IkePolicy, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// IpsecPoliciesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListIpsecPolicies" method. -type IpsecPoliciesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewIpsecPoliciesPager returns a new IpsecPoliciesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewIpsecPoliciesPager(options *ListIpsecPoliciesOptions) (pager *IpsecPoliciesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListIpsecPoliciesOptions = *options - pager = &IpsecPoliciesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *IpsecPoliciesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *IpsecPoliciesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []IPsecPolicy, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListIpsecPoliciesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.IpsecPolicies - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *IpsecPoliciesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []IPsecPolicy, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []IPsecPolicy - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *IpsecPoliciesPager) GetNext() (page []IPsecPolicy, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *IpsecPoliciesPager) GetAll() (allItems []IPsecPolicy, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VPNGatewaysPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVPNGateways" method. -type VPNGatewaysPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVPNGatewaysOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVPNGatewaysPager returns a new VPNGatewaysPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVPNGatewaysPager(options *ListVPNGatewaysOptions) (pager *VPNGatewaysPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVPNGatewaysOptions = *options - pager = &VPNGatewaysPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VPNGatewaysPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VPNGatewaysPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []VPNGatewayIntf, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVPNGatewaysWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.VPNGateways - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VPNGatewaysPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []VPNGatewayIntf, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []VPNGatewayIntf - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPNGatewaysPager) GetNext() (page []VPNGatewayIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPNGatewaysPager) GetAll() (allItems []VPNGatewayIntf, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VPNServersPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVPNServers" method. -type VPNServersPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVPNServersOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVPNServersPager returns a new VPNServersPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVPNServersPager(options *ListVPNServersOptions) (pager *VPNServersPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVPNServersOptions = *options - pager = &VPNServersPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VPNServersPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VPNServersPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []VPNServer, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVPNServersWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.VPNServers - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VPNServersPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []VPNServer, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []VPNServer - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPNServersPager) GetNext() (page []VPNServer, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPNServersPager) GetAll() (allItems []VPNServer, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VPNServerClientsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVPNServerClients" method. -type VPNServerClientsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVPNServerClientsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVPNServerClientsPager returns a new VPNServerClientsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVPNServerClientsPager(options *ListVPNServerClientsOptions) (pager *VPNServerClientsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVPNServerClientsOptions = *options - pager = &VPNServerClientsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VPNServerClientsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VPNServerClientsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []VPNServerClient, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVPNServerClientsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Clients - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VPNServerClientsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []VPNServerClient, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []VPNServerClient - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPNServerClientsPager) GetNext() (page []VPNServerClient, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPNServerClientsPager) GetAll() (allItems []VPNServerClient, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// VPNServerRoutesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListVPNServerRoutes" method. -type VPNServerRoutesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewVPNServerRoutesPager returns a new VPNServerRoutesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewVPNServerRoutesPager(options *ListVPNServerRoutesOptions) (pager *VPNServerRoutesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListVPNServerRoutesOptions = *options - pager = &VPNServerRoutesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *VPNServerRoutesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *VPNServerRoutesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []VPNServerRoute, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListVPNServerRoutesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Routes - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *VPNServerRoutesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []VPNServerRoute, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []VPNServerRoute - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPNServerRoutesPager) GetNext() (page []VPNServerRoute, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *VPNServerRoutesPager) GetAll() (allItems []VPNServerRoute, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// LoadBalancerProfilesPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListLoadBalancerProfiles" method. -type LoadBalancerProfilesPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewLoadBalancerProfilesPager returns a new LoadBalancerProfilesPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewLoadBalancerProfilesPager(options *ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions) (pager *LoadBalancerProfilesPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListLoadBalancerProfilesOptions = *options - pager = &LoadBalancerProfilesPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *LoadBalancerProfilesPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *LoadBalancerProfilesPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []LoadBalancerProfile, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListLoadBalancerProfilesWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Profiles - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *LoadBalancerProfilesPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []LoadBalancerProfile, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []LoadBalancerProfile - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *LoadBalancerProfilesPager) GetNext() (page []LoadBalancerProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *LoadBalancerProfilesPager) GetAll() (allItems []LoadBalancerProfile, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// LoadBalancersPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListLoadBalancers" method. -type LoadBalancersPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListLoadBalancersOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewLoadBalancersPager returns a new LoadBalancersPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewLoadBalancersPager(options *ListLoadBalancersOptions) (pager *LoadBalancersPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListLoadBalancersOptions = *options - pager = &LoadBalancersPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *LoadBalancersPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *LoadBalancersPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []LoadBalancer, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListLoadBalancersWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.LoadBalancers - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *LoadBalancersPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []LoadBalancer, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []LoadBalancer - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *LoadBalancersPager) GetNext() (page []LoadBalancer, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *LoadBalancersPager) GetAll() (allItems []LoadBalancer, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// EndpointGatewaysPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListEndpointGateways" method. -type EndpointGatewaysPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewEndpointGatewaysPager returns a new EndpointGatewaysPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewEndpointGatewaysPager(options *ListEndpointGatewaysOptions) (pager *EndpointGatewaysPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListEndpointGatewaysOptions = *options - pager = &EndpointGatewaysPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *EndpointGatewaysPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *EndpointGatewaysPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []EndpointGateway, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListEndpointGatewaysWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.EndpointGateways - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *EndpointGatewaysPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []EndpointGateway, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []EndpointGateway - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *EndpointGatewaysPager) GetNext() (page []EndpointGateway, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *EndpointGatewaysPager) GetAll() (allItems []EndpointGateway, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// EndpointGatewayIpsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListEndpointGatewayIps" method. -type EndpointGatewayIpsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewEndpointGatewayIpsPager returns a new EndpointGatewayIpsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewEndpointGatewayIpsPager(options *ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions) (pager *EndpointGatewayIpsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListEndpointGatewayIpsOptions = *options - pager = &EndpointGatewayIpsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *EndpointGatewayIpsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *EndpointGatewayIpsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []ReservedIP, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListEndpointGatewayIpsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.Ips - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *EndpointGatewayIpsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []ReservedIP, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []ReservedIP - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *EndpointGatewayIpsPager) GetNext() (page []ReservedIP, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *EndpointGatewayIpsPager) GetAll() (allItems []ReservedIP, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// FlowLogCollectorsPager can be used to simplify the use of the "ListFlowLogCollectors" method. -type FlowLogCollectorsPager struct { - hasNext bool - options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions - client *VpcV1 - pageContext struct { - next *string - } -} - -// NewFlowLogCollectorsPager returns a new FlowLogCollectorsPager instance. -func (vpc *VpcV1) NewFlowLogCollectorsPager(options *ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions) (pager *FlowLogCollectorsPager, err error) { - if options.Start != nil && *options.Start != "" { - err = fmt.Errorf("the 'options.Start' field should not be set") - return - } - - var optionsCopy ListFlowLogCollectorsOptions = *options - pager = &FlowLogCollectorsPager{ - hasNext: true, - options: &optionsCopy, - client: vpc, - } - return -} - -// HasNext returns true if there are potentially more results to be retrieved. -func (pager *FlowLogCollectorsPager) HasNext() bool { - return pager.hasNext -} - -// GetNextWithContext returns the next page of results using the specified Context. -func (pager *FlowLogCollectorsPager) GetNextWithContext(ctx context.Context) (page []FlowLogCollector, err error) { - if !pager.HasNext() { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("no more results available") - } - - pager.options.Start = pager.pageContext.next - - result, _, err := pager.client.ListFlowLogCollectorsWithContext(ctx, pager.options) - if err != nil { - return - } - - var next *string - if result.Next != nil { - var start *string - start, err = core.GetQueryParam(result.Next.Href, "start") - if err != nil { - err = fmt.Errorf("error retrieving 'start' query parameter from URL '%s': %s", *result.Next.Href, err.Error()) - return - } - next = start - } - pager.pageContext.next = next - pager.hasNext = (pager.pageContext.next != nil) - page = result.FlowLogCollectors - - return -} - -// GetAllWithContext returns all results by invoking GetNextWithContext() repeatedly -// until all pages of results have been retrieved. -func (pager *FlowLogCollectorsPager) GetAllWithContext(ctx context.Context) (allItems []FlowLogCollector, err error) { - for pager.HasNext() { - var nextPage []FlowLogCollector - nextPage, err = pager.GetNextWithContext(ctx) - if err != nil { - return - } - allItems = append(allItems, nextPage...) - } - return -} - -// GetNext invokes GetNextWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *FlowLogCollectorsPager) GetNext() (page []FlowLogCollector, err error) { - return pager.GetNextWithContext(context.Background()) -} - -// GetAll invokes GetAllWithContext() using context.Background() as the Context parameter. -func (pager *FlowLogCollectorsPager) GetAll() (allItems []FlowLogCollector, err error) { - return pager.GetAllWithContext(context.Background()) -} diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 7e624174056..291d5b0e1df 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ require ( github.com/IBM/schematics-go-sdk v0.2.3 github.com/IBM/secrets-manager-go-sdk/v2 v2.0.4 github.com/IBM/vpc-beta-go-sdk v0.6.0 - github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk v0.49.0 + github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk v0.49.1 github.com/ScaleFT/sshkeys v0.0.0-20200327173127-6142f742bca5 github.com/akamai/AkamaiOPEN-edgegrid-golang v1.2.2 github.com/akamai/AkamaiOPEN-edgegrid-golang/v5 v5.0.0 @@ -238,8 +238,6 @@ replace github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible => github.com/golang-jwt // add sdk changes. replace github.com/portworx/sched-ops v0.0.0-20200831185134-3e8010dc7056 => github.com/portworx/sched-ops v0.20.4-openstorage-rc3 // required by rook v1.7 -replace github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk v0.49.0 => ./common/github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk - exclude ( github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage v0.20.4-openstorage-rc2 k8s.io/client-go v11.0.1-0.20190409021438-1a26190bd76a+incompatible diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index 00f4841e0b0..41c0e859946 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ github.com/IBM/secrets-manager-go-sdk/v2 v2.0.4 h1:xa9e+POVqaXxXHXkSMCOVAbKdUNEu github.com/IBM/secrets-manager-go-sdk/v2 v2.0.4/go.mod h1:5gq8D8uWOIbqOm1uztay6lpOysgJaxxEsaVZLWGWb40= github.com/IBM/vpc-beta-go-sdk v0.6.0 h1:wfM3AcW3zOM3xsRtZ+EA6+sESlGUjQ6Yf4n5QQyz4uc= github.com/IBM/vpc-beta-go-sdk v0.6.0/go.mod h1:fzHDAQIqH/5yJmYsKodKHLcqxMDT+yfH6vZjdiw8CQA= -github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk v0.49.0 h1:D7z1n+y8o3Iu6hpZx9ahkUnOqvKb1Cb+FfYsw/cjXIo= -github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk v0.49.0/go.mod h1:iBg9UJY1y/XpkweyP6YH7G6guzKPV8BYDoBMTdPupH4= +github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk v0.49.1 h1:VIkZ8iJMBHqBulUXcPtN0ifxsa0xwlBtaLslU2V9HsY= +github.com/IBM/vpc-go-sdk v0.49.1/go.mod h1:iBg9UJY1y/XpkweyP6YH7G6guzKPV8BYDoBMTdPupH4= github.com/Jeffail/gabs v1.1.1 h1:V0uzR08Hj22EX8+8QMhyI9sX2hwRu+/RJhJUmnwda/E= github.com/Jeffail/gabs v1.1.1/go.mod h1:6xMvQMK4k33lb7GUUpaAPh6nKMmemQeg5d4gn7/bOXc= github.com/Logicalis/asn1 v0.0.0-20190312173541-d60463189a56 h1:vuquMR410psHNax14XKNWa0Ae/kYgWJcXi0IFuX60N0=