diff --git a/hypha/apply/funds/templates/submissions/all.html b/hypha/apply/funds/templates/submissions/all.html
index b1adaadeb6..63a45ae3a9 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/funds/templates/submissions/all.html
+++ b/hypha/apply/funds/templates/submissions/all.html
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
             hx-swap="outerHTML show:top"
-            class="sticky top-0 z-10 mt-3 px-3 py-2 flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between border-x border-t md:gap-5 bg-gray-50 md:text-sm md:font-medium border-gray-200"
+            class="sticky top-0 z-[5] mt-3 px-3 py-2 flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between border-x border-t md:gap-5 bg-gray-50 md:text-sm md:font-medium border-gray-200"
             <span class="hidden md:inline-flex items-center py-1">
diff --git a/hypha/core/navigation.py b/hypha/core/navigation.py
index 7b3382ea09..0b036c5770 100644
--- a/hypha/core/navigation.py
+++ b/hypha/core/navigation.py
@@ -1,56 +1,60 @@
 from django.conf import settings
+from django.urls import reverse_lazy
+from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
 nav_items = [
-        "title": "My Dashboard",
-        "url": "dashboard:dashboard",
+        "title": _("My Dashboard"),
+        "url": reverse_lazy("dashboard:dashboard"),
         "permission_method": "has_dashboard_access",
-        "title": "Submissions",
-        "url": "apply:submissions:overview",  # kind of basic url to figure out active tab
+        "title": _("Submissions"),
+        # kind of basic url to figure out active tab
+        "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:overview"),
         "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_reviewer_required",
         "sub_items": [
-                "title": "All Submissions",
-                "url": "apply:submissions:list",
+                "title": _("All Submissions"),
+                "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:list"),
                 "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_reviewer_required",
-                "title": "Staff Assignments",
-                "url": "apply:submissions:staff_assignments",
+                "title": _("Staff Assignments"),
+                "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:staff_assignments"),
                 "permission_method": "is_apply_staff",
-                "title": "Reviews",
-                "url": "apply:submissions:reviewer_leaderboard",
+                "title": _("Reviews"),
+                "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:reviewer_leaderboard"),
                 "permission_method": "is_apply_staff",
-                "title": "Results",
-                "url": "apply:submissions:result",
+                "title": _("Results"),
+                "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:result"),
                 "permission_method": "is_apply_staff",
-        "title": "Projects",
-        "url": "apply:projects:overview",  # kind of basic url to figure out active tab
+        "title": _("Projects"),
+        # kind of basic url to figure out active tab
+        "url": reverse_lazy("apply:projects:overview"),
         "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_finance_or_contracting",
         "sub_items": [
-                "title": "All Projects",
-                "url": "apply:projects:all",
+                "title": _("All Projects"),
+                "url": reverse_lazy("apply:projects:all"),
                 "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_finance_or_contracting",
-                "title": "Invoices",
-                "url": "apply:projects:invoices",
+                "title": _("Invoices"),
+                "url": reverse_lazy("apply:projects:invoices"),
                 "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_finance",
-                "title": "Reports",
-                "url": "apply:projects:reports:all",
+                "title": _("Reports"),
+                "url": reverse_lazy("apply:projects:reports:all"),
                 "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_finance",
diff --git a/hypha/core/templates/core/navigation/primarynav-apply.html b/hypha/core/templates/core/navigation/primarynav-apply.html
index 03c005f856..176b4e8f11 100644
--- a/hypha/core/templates/core/navigation/primarynav-apply.html
+++ b/hypha/core/templates/core/navigation/primarynav-apply.html
@@ -4,30 +4,62 @@
         <ul class="nav nav--primary" role="menubar">
             {% apply_nav_items request.user as nav_items %}
             {% for item in nav_items %}
-                {% url item.url as target_url%}
-                <li class="nav__item" role="presentation">
+                <li class="nav__item"
+                    role="presentation"
+                    x-data="{open: false}"
+                    x-on:mouseover.away="open = false"
+                >
                     {% if item.sub_items %}
-                        <div class="relative inline-block" x-data="{open: false}">
-                            <a class="nav__link {% if target_url in request.path %}nav__link--active{% endif %}"
-                               href="{% url item.url %}"
+                        <div class="relative inline-block">
+                            <a class="nav__link {% if item.url in request.path %}nav__link--active{% endif %}"
+                               href="{{item.url}}"
                                aria-label="{% trans "Menu Item" %}"
+                               @mouseover="open = true"
                                @click.prevent="open = ! open">
                                 {{ item.title }}
-                                {% heroicon_outline "chevron-down" aria_hidden="true" size=16 stroke_width=3 class="inline align-baseline mr-1" %}
+                                <span :class="open ? '[&>svg]:translate-y-1': ''">
+                                    {% heroicon_outline "chevron-down" aria_hidden="true" size=16 stroke_width=3 class="inline align-baseline mr-1 transition-transform" %}
+                                </span>
-                            <div x-cloak x-trap="open" x-on:keydown.escape="open = false" x-show="open" x-transition @click.outside="open = false" class="absolute block bg-white min-w-max shadow-lg z-1 mt-7 ">
+                            <div
+                                x-cloak
+                                x-trap.noautofocus="open"
+                                x-on:keydown.escape="open = false"
+                                x-show="open"
+                                x-transition:enter="transition ease-out duration-250"
+                                x-transition:enter-start="transform opacity-0 scale-95 -translate-y-3"
+                                x-transition:enter-end="transform opacity-100 scale-100 translate-y-0"
+                                x-transition:leave="transition ease-in duration-75"
+                                x-transition:leave-start="transform opacity-100 scale-100 translate-y-0"
+                                x-transition:leave-end="transform opacity-0 scale-95 -translate-y-3"
+                                {% comment %} x-transition {% endcomment %}
+                                @click.outside="open = false"
+                                class="min-w-48 absolute block bg-white shadow-xl z-20 mt-4 border-y rounded-sm"
+                            >
                                 {% for sub_item in item.sub_items %}
-                                    <a class="text-black px-4 py-3 block font-normal hover:bg-mid-grey focus-visible:ring-2" href="{% url sub_item.url %}">
+                                    <a
+                                        href="{{ sub_item.url }}"
+                                        class="pr-4 py-3 block font-normal hover:bg-slate-100
+                                               focus-visible:outline-dashed outline-1 transition-colors
+                                               {% if sub_item.url == request.path %}
+                                                   border-l-dark-blue bg-slate-100 pl-3 border-l-4 border-r text-dark-blue font-semibold
+                                               {% else %}
+                                                   border-x pl-4 text-black hover:text-dark-blue hover:font-semibold
+                                               {% endif %}"
+                                    >
                                         {{ sub_item.title }}
                                 {% endfor %}
                     {% else %}
-                        <a class="nav__link {% if target_url in request.path %}nav__link--active{% endif %}" href="{{ target_url }}" role="menuitem">
+                        <a class="nav__link {% if item.url in request.path %}nav__link--active{% endif %}"
+                           href="{{ item.url }}"
+                           role="menuitem"
+                        >
                             {{ item.title }}
                     {% endif %}