From 9ee393ca141c07df5ce796c0dbf0f25b4ab201a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Saurabh Kumar <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 13:57:09 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Remove "people" app

- Updates migrations to delete tables
- update sandbox-db with removed tables

Depends on #3716
 .../people/management/commands/    |   0
 .../management/commands/     | 317 ------------------ |  88 +++++
 hypha/public/people/                 | 278 +--------------
 .../people/admin/js/update_person_title.js    |  25 --
 .../people/includes/person_listing.html       |  18 -
 .../templates/people/person_index_page.html   |  44 ---
 .../people/templates/people/person_page.html  |  59 ----
 hypha/public/people/          |  10 -
 9 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 749 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 hypha/public/people/management/commands/
 delete mode 100644 hypha/public/people/management/commands/
 create mode 100644 hypha/public/people/migrations/
 delete mode 100644 hypha/public/people/static/people/admin/js/update_person_title.js
 delete mode 100644 hypha/public/people/templates/people/includes/person_listing.html
 delete mode 100644 hypha/public/people/templates/people/person_index_page.html
 delete mode 100644 hypha/public/people/templates/people/person_page.html
 delete mode 100644 hypha/public/people/

diff --git a/hypha/public/people/management/commands/ b/hypha/public/people/management/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/hypha/public/people/management/commands/ b/hypha/public/people/management/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index 781430151c..0000000000
--- a/hypha/public/people/management/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-import argparse
-import itertools
-import json
-import mimetypes
-from datetime import datetime, timezone
-from io import BytesIO
-from urllib.parse import urlsplit
-import bleach
-import requests
-from django.core.files.images import ImageFile
-from import BaseCommand
-from django.db import transaction
-from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
-from PIL import Image
-from wagtail.admin.rich_text.converters.editor_html import EditorHTMLConverter
-from wagtail.images import get_image_model
-from wagtail.models import Page
-from wagtail.rich_text import RichText
-from hypha.apply.categories.categories_seed import CATEGORIES
-from hypha.apply.categories.models import Category, Option
-from hypha.public.people.models import (
-    Funding,
-    FundReviewers,
-    PersonContactInfomation,
-    PersonIndexPage,
-    PersonPage,
-    PersonPagePersonType,
-    PersonType,
-    SocialMediaProfile,
-WagtailImage = get_image_model()
-    ".jpg",
-    ".jpeg",
-    ".png",
-    ".gif",
-def valid_url_extension(url, extension_list=VALID_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS):
-    return any(url.endswith(e) for e in extension_list)
-def valid_url_mimetype(url, mimetype_list=VALID_IMAGE_MIMETYPES):
-    mimetype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(url)
-    if mimetype:
-        return any(mimetype.startswith(m) for m in mimetype_list)
-    else:
-        return False
-class Command(BaseCommand):
-    help = "Person migration script. Requires a source JSON file."
-    data = []
-    terms = {}
-    whitelister = EditorHTMLConverter().whitelister
-    def add_arguments(self, parser):
-        parser.add_argument(
-            "source", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="Migration source JSON file"
-        )
-    @transaction.atomic
-    def handle(self, *args, **options):
-        # Prepare the list of categories.
-        for item in CATEGORIES:
-            category, _ = Category.objects.get_or_create(name=item["category"])
-            option, _ = Option.objects.get_or_create(
-                value=item["name"], category=category
-            )
-            self.terms[item["tid"]] = option
-        self.parent_page = PersonIndexPage.objects.first()
-        if not self.parent_page:
-            raise PersonIndexPage.DoesNotExist(
-                "Project Index Page must exist to import projects"
-            )
-        self.types = {
-            "team": PersonType.objects.get_or_create(title="Team")[0],
-            "council": PersonType.objects.get_or_create(title="Advisory Council")[0],
-            "fellow": PersonType.objects.get_or_create(title="Fellow")[0],
-        }
-        self.funds = {
-            "3625": Page.objects.get(title="Internet Freedom Fund"),
-            "3654": Page.objects.get(title="Rapid Response Fund"),
-            "3905": Page.objects.get(title="Core Infrastructure Fund"),
-            "7791": Page.objects.get(title="Community Lab"),
-            "3618": Page.objects.get(title="Information Controls Fellowship"),
-            "3613": None,
-            "3681": Page.objects.get(title="Digital Integrity Fellowship"),
-        }
-        self.review_funds = {
-            "393": Page.objects.get(title="Internet Freedom Fund"),
-            "389": Page.objects.get(title="Rapid Response Fund"),
-            "391": Page.objects.get(title="Core Infrastructure Fund"),
-            "NOT_USED": Page.objects.get(title="Community Lab"),
-            "394": Page.objects.get(title="Information Controls Fellowship"),
-            "390": Page.objects.get(title="Digital Integrity Fellowship"),
-        }
-        with options["source"] as json_data:
-   = json.load(json_data)
-            counter = 0
-            for id in
-                self.process(id)
-                counter += 1
-            self.stdout.write(f"Imported {counter} submissions.")
-    def process(self, id):
-        node =[id]
-        print(node["title"].encode("utf8"))
-        try:
-            person = PersonPage.objects.get(drupal_id=node["nid"])
-        except PersonPage.DoesNotExist:
-            person = PersonPage(drupal_id=node["nid"])
-        # TODO timezone?
-        person.submit_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(node["created"]), timezone.utc)
-        *first_name, last_name = node["title"].split()
-        person.first_name = " ".join(first_name)
-        person.last_name = last_name
-        person.title = node["title"]
-        person.job_title = self.get_field(node, "field_team_title")
- = bool(int(node["field_team_status"]["value"]))
-        person.person_types.clear()
-        for person_type in self.ensure_iterable(node["field_team_type"]):
-            person.person_types.add(
-                PersonPagePersonType(
-                    person_type=self.types[person_type["value"]],
-                )
-            )
-        image_url_base = ""
-        try:
-            uri = node["field_team_photo"]["uri"]
-        except TypeError:
-            # There was no image
-            pass
-        else:
-            parts = urlsplit(uri)
-            image_url = image_url_base + parts.netloc + parts.path
-   = self.wagtail_image_obj_from_url(
-                image_url, node["field_team_photo"]["fid"]
-            )
-        cleaned_body = self.whitelister.clean(self.get_field(node, "body"))
-        # Use the first sentence of the body as an intro
-        very_clean_body = bleach.clean(cleaned_body, strip=True)
-        very_clean_body = very_clean_body.replace(".\n", ". ")
-        parts = very_clean_body.split(". ")
-        introduction = ""
-        while len(introduction) < 20:
-            try:
-                introduction += parts.pop(0)
-                introduction += ". "
-            except IndexError:
-                break
-        introduction = introduction.strip()
-        person.introduction = introduction
-        body_without_intro = cleaned_body.replace(introduction, "").strip()
-        person.biography = [("paragraph", RichText(body_without_intro))]
-        person.social_media_profile.clear()
-        if self.get_field(node, "field_team_twitter"):
-            person.social_media_profile.add(
-                SocialMediaProfile(
-                    service="twitter",
-                    username=self.get_field(node, "field_team_twitter"),
-                )
-            )
-        person.contact_details.clear()
-        for contact in ["im", "otr", "irc", "pgp", "phone"]:
-            if self.get_field(node, f"field_team_{contact}"):
-                person.contact_details.add(
-                    PersonContactInfomation(
-                        contact_method=contact,
-                        contact_detail=self.get_field(node, f"field_team_{contact}"),
-                    )
-                )
-        person.funds_reviewed.clear()
-        for reviewer in self.ensure_iterable(node["field_team_review_panel"]):
-            person.funds_reviewed.add(
-                FundReviewers(
-                    page=self.review_funds[reviewer["tid"]],
-                )
-            )
-        # Funding
-        person.funding.clear()
-        years = self.ensure_iterable(node["field_project_funding_year"])
-        amounts = self.ensure_iterable(node["field_project_funding_amount"])
-        durations = self.ensure_iterable(node["field_project_term_time"])
-        funds = self.ensure_iterable(node["field_project_funding_request"])
-        for year, amount, duration, fund in itertools.zip_longest(
-            years, amounts, durations, funds
-        ):
-            try:
-                fund = self.funds[fund["target_id"]]
-            except TypeError:
-                fund = None
-            try:
-                duration = duration["value"]
-            except TypeError:
-                duration = 0
-            try:
-                amount = amount["value"]
-            except TypeError:
-                # This is an error, don't give funding
-                continue
-            person.funding.add(
-                Funding(
-                    value=amount,
-                    year=year["value"],
-                    duration=duration,
-                    source=fund,
-                )
-            )
-        try:
-            if not person.get_parent():
-                self.parent_page.add_child(instance=person)
-            person.save_revision().publish()
-            self.stdout.write(
-                f"Processed \"{node['title'].encode('utf8')}\" ({node['nid']})"
-            )
-        except IntegrityError:
-            self.stdout.write(
-                f"*** Skipped \"{node['title']}\" ({node['nid']}) due to IntegrityError"
-            )
-            pass
-    def ensure_iterable(self, value):
-        if isinstance(value, dict):
-            value = [value]
-        return value
-    def get_field(self, node, field):
-        try:
-            return node[field]["safe_value"]
-        except TypeError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            return node[field]["value"]
-        except TypeError:
-            return ""
-    def get_referenced_term(self, tid):
-        try:
-            return self.terms[tid]
-        except KeyError:
-            return None
-    def nl2br(self, value):
-        return value.replace("\r\n", "<br>\n")
-    @staticmethod
-    def wagtail_image_obj_from_url(url, drupal_id=None):
-        """
-        Get the image from the Nesta site if it doesn't already exist.
-        """
-        if drupal_id is not None and drupal_id:
-            try:
-                return WagtailImage.objects.get(drupal_id=drupal_id)
-            except WagtailImage.DoesNotExist:
-                pass
-        if url and valid_url_extension(url) and valid_url_mimetype(url):
-            r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
-            if r.status_code ==
-                img_buffer = BytesIO(r.content)
-                img_filename = url.rsplit("/", 1)[1]
-                # Test downloaded file is valid image file
-                try:
-                    pil_image =
-                    pil_image.verify()
-                except Exception as e:
-                    print(f"Invalid image {url}: {e}")
-                else:
-                    img = WagtailImage.objects.create(
-                        title=img_filename,
-                        file=ImageFile(img_buffer, name=img_filename),
-                        drupal_id=drupal_id,
-                    )
-                    return img
-        return None
diff --git a/hypha/public/people/migrations/ b/hypha/public/people/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a1d985f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hypha/public/people/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.9 on 2024-01-10 08:24
+from django.db import migrations
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ("people", "0016_remove_personindexpage_social_image_and_more"),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="fundreviewers",
+            name="page",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="fundreviewers",
+            name="reviewer",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personcontactinfomation",
+            name="page",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personindexpage",
+            name="header_image",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personindexpage",
+            name="listing_image",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personindexpage",
+            name="page_ptr",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personpage",
+            name="header_image",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personpage",
+            name="listing_image",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personpage",
+            name="page_ptr",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personpage",
+            name="photo",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personpagepersontype",
+            name="page",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="personpagepersontype",
+            name="person_type",
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name="socialmediaprofile",
+            name="person_page",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="Funding",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="FundReviewers",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="PersonContactInfomation",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="PersonIndexPage",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="PersonPage",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="PersonPagePersonType",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="PersonType",
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name="SocialMediaProfile",
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/hypha/public/people/ b/hypha/public/people/
index 5a800da655..984ab8ff7f 100644
--- a/hypha/public/people/
+++ b/hypha/public/people/
@@ -1,276 +1,2 @@
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
-from django.core.paginator import EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger, Paginator
-from django.db import models
-from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
-from modelcluster.fields import ParentalKey
-from pagedown.widgets import PagedownWidget
-from wagtail.admin.panels import (
-    FieldPanel,
-    FieldRowPanel,
-    InlinePanel,
-    MultiFieldPanel,
-    PageChooserPanel,
-from wagtail.fields import StreamField
-from wagtail.models import Orderable, PageManager
-from wagtail.query import PageQuerySet
-from import index
-from hypha.public.utils.blocks import StoryBlock
-from hypha.public.utils.models import BaseFunding, BasePage, FundingMixin, RelatedPage
-class SocialMediaProfile(models.Model):
-    person_page = ParentalKey("PersonPage", related_name="social_media_profile")
-    site_titles = (
-        ("twitter", "Twitter"),
-        ("linkedin", "LinkedIn"),
-    )
-    site_urls = (
-        ("twitter", ""),
-        ("linkedin", ""),
-    )
-    service = models.CharField(max_length=200, choices=site_titles)
-    username = models.CharField(max_length=255)
-    @property
-    def profile_url(self):
-        return dict(self.site_urls)[self.service] + self.username
-    def clean(self):
-        if self.service == "twitter" and self.username.startswith("@"):
-            self.username = self.username[1:]
-class PersonType(models.Model):
-    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.title
-class PersonPagePersonType(models.Model):
-    page = ParentalKey("PersonPage", related_name="person_types")
-    person_type = models.ForeignKey(
-        "PersonType",
-        related_name="+",
-        on_delete=models.PROTECT,
-    )
-    panels = [FieldPanel("person_type")]
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.person_type.title
-class FundingQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
-    def people(self):
-        return (
-            PersonPage.objects.filter(id__in=self.values_list("page__id"))
-            .live()
-            .active()
-            .public()
-        )
-class Funding(BaseFunding):
-    page = ParentalKey("PersonPage", related_name="funding")
-    objects = FundingQuerySet.as_manager()
-class PersonContactInfomation(Orderable):
-    methods = (
-        ("irc", "IRC"),
-        ("im", "IM/Jabber/XMPP"),
-        ("phone", "Phone"),
-        ("pgp", "PGP fingerprint"),
-        ("otr", "OTR fingerprint"),
-    )
-    page = ParentalKey("PersonPage", related_name="contact_details")
-    contact_method = models.CharField(max_length=255, choices=methods, blank=True)
-    other_method = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Other"))
-    contact_detail = models.CharField(max_length=255)
-    panels = [
-        FieldRowPanel(
-            [
-                FieldPanel("contact_method"),
-                FieldPanel("other_method"),
-            ]
-        ),
-        FieldPanel("contact_detail"),
-    ]
-    @property
-    def method_display(self):
-        return self.other_method or self.get_contact_method_display()
-    def clean(self):
-        if not (self.contact_method or self.other_method):
-            raise ValidationError(
-                {
-                    "contact_method": "Please select or type at least one contact method.",
-                    "other_method": "",
-                }
-            )
-        if self.contact_method and self.other_method:
-            raise ValidationError(
-                {
-                    "contact_method": "Please only select or type one contact method.",
-                    "other_method": "",
-                }
-            )
-class ReviewerQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
-    def people(self):
-        return (
-            PersonPage.objects.filter(id__in=self.values_list("reviewer__id"))
-            .live()
-            .active()
-            .public()
-        )
-class FundReviewers(RelatedPage):
-    page = models.ForeignKey(
-        "wagtailcore.Page",
-        null=True,
-        blank=True,
-        on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
-        related_name="reviewers",
-    )
-    reviewer = ParentalKey("PersonPage", related_name="funds_reviewed")
-    objects = ReviewerQuerySet.as_manager()
-    panels = [
-        PageChooserPanel("page", "public_funds.FundPage"),
-    ]
-class PersonQuerySet(PageQuerySet):
-    def active(self):
-        return self.filter(active=True)
-class PersonPage(FundingMixin, BasePage):
-    subpage_types = []
-    parent_page_types = ["PersonIndexPage"]
-    drupal_id = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True, editable=False)
-    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
-    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
-    photo = models.ForeignKey(
-        "images.CustomImage",
-        null=True,
-        blank=True,
-        related_name="+",
-        on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
-    )
-    active = models.BooleanField(default=True)
-    job_title = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
-    introduction = models.TextField(blank=True)
-    website = models.URLField(blank=True, max_length=255)
-    biography = StreamField(StoryBlock(), blank=True, use_json_field=True)
-    email = models.EmailField(blank=True)
-    objects = PageManager.from_queryset(PersonQuerySet)()
-    search_fields = BasePage.search_fields + [
-        index.SearchField("introduction"),
-        index.SearchField("biography"),
-    ]
-    content_panels = (
-        BasePage.content_panels
-        + [
-            MultiFieldPanel(
-                [
-                    FieldPanel("first_name"),
-                    FieldPanel("last_name"),
-                ],
-                heading=_("Name"),
-            ),
-            FieldPanel("active"),
-            FieldPanel("photo"),
-            FieldPanel("job_title"),
-            InlinePanel("social_media_profile", label=_("Social accounts")),
-            FieldPanel("website"),
-            MultiFieldPanel(
-                [
-                    FieldPanel("email"),
-                    InlinePanel("contact_details", label=_("Other Contact Methods")),
-                ],
-                heading=_("Contact information"),
-            ),
-            InlinePanel("person_types", label=_("Person types")),
-            FieldPanel("introduction"),
-            FieldPanel("biography"),
-            InlinePanel("funds_reviewed", label=_("Funds Reviewed")),
-        ]
-        + FundingMixin.content_panels
-    )
-class PersonIndexPage(BasePage):
-    subpage_types = ["PersonPage"]
-    parent_page_types = ["standardpages.IndexPage"]
-    introduction = models.TextField(blank=True)
-    content_panels = BasePage.content_panels + [
-        FieldPanel("introduction", widget=PagedownWidget()),
-    ]
-    search_fields = BasePage.search_fields + [
-        index.SearchField("introduction"),
-    ]
-    def get_context(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
-        people = (
-            .public()
-            .descendant_of(self)
-            .order_by(
-                "title",
-            )
-            .select_related(
-                "photo",
-            )
-            .prefetch_related(
-                "person_types__person_type",
-            )
-        )
-        if request.GET.get("person_type") and request.GET.get("person_type").isdigit():
-            people = people.filter(
-                person_types__person_type=request.GET.get("person_type")
-            )
-        if not request.GET.get("include_inactive") == "true":
-            people = people.filter(active=True)
-        page_number = request.GET.get("page")
-        paginator = Paginator(people, settings.DEFAULT_PER_PAGE)
-        try:
-            people =
-        except PageNotAnInteger:
-            people =
-        except EmptyPage:
-            people =
-        context = super().get_context(request, *args, **kwargs)
-        context.update(
-            people=people,
-            # Only show person types that have been used
-            person_types=PersonPagePersonType.objects.all()
-            .values_list("person_type__pk", "person_type__title")
-            .distinct(),
-        )
-        return context
+# @TODO: This file kept to generate delete migrations, this file should be removed, while removing the app from
+# INSTALLED_APPS and removing the migrations folder.
diff --git a/hypha/public/people/static/people/admin/js/update_person_title.js b/hypha/public/people/static/people/admin/js/update_person_title.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c956d262c6..0000000000
--- a/hypha/public/people/static/people/admin/js/update_person_title.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-$(document).ready(function () {
-    var $lastNameInput = $("#id_last_name");
-    var $firstNameInput = $("#id_first_name");
-    var $titleInput = $("#id_title");
-    var $slugInput = $("#id_slug");
-    $firstNameInput.on("input", function () {
-        joinFirstNameLastName();
-    });
-    $lastNameInput.on("input", function () {
-        joinFirstNameLastName();
-    });
-    function joinFirstNameLastName() {
-        var firstName = $firstNameInput.val();
-        var lastName = $lastNameInput.val();
-        var title = firstName + " " + lastName;
-        $"previous-val", $slugInput.val());
-        $"previous-val", $titleInput.val());
-        $titleInput.val(title);
-        $titleInput.blur(); // Trigger slug update
-    }
diff --git a/hypha/public/people/templates/people/includes/person_listing.html b/hypha/public/people/templates/people/includes/person_listing.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a6ce2e7be..0000000000
--- a/hypha/public/people/templates/people/includes/person_listing.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-{% load wagtailcore_tags wagtailimages_tags %}
-<a class="listing {{ class }}" href="{% pageurl person %}">
-    <div class="listing__image listing__image--default">
-        {% if %}
-            {% image fill-180x180 %}
-        {% else %}
-            <svg><use xlink:href="#logo-mobile-no-text"></use></svg>
-        {% endif %}
-    </div>
-    {% for type in person.person_types.all %}
-        <h6 class="listing__category">{{ type }}</h6>
-    {% endfor %}
-    <h4 class="listing__title">{{ person.first_name }} {{ person.last_name }}</h4>
-    {% if person.listing_summary or person.introduction %}
-        <h6 class="listing__teaser">{{ person.listing_summary|default:person.introduction|truncatechars:235 }}</h6>
-    {% endif %}
diff --git a/hypha/public/people/templates/people/person_index_page.html b/hypha/public/people/templates/people/person_index_page.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b4ce4bd591..0000000000
--- a/hypha/public/people/templates/people/person_index_page.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "base.html" %}
-{% load wagtailcore_tags markdown_tags bleach_tags %}
-{% block body_class %}light-grey-bg{% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
-    <div class="wrapper wrapper--small wrapper--inner-space-medium">
-        {% if page.introduction %}
-            <h4 class="heading heading--listings-introduction">{{ page.introduction|markdown|bleach }}</h4>
-        {% endif %}
-        <form class="form" method="GET">
-            <div class="form__group form__group--checkbox">
-                <div class="form__select form__select--narrow form__select--inline">
-                    <select name="person_type">
-                        <option value="">All</option>
-                        {% for person_type in person_types %}
-                            <option value="{{ person_type.0 }}" {% if request.GET.person_type == person_type.0|slugify %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ person_type.1 }}</option>
-                        {% endfor %}
-                    </select>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="form__group form__group--checkbox">
-                <label for="inactive" class="form__question form__question--boolean_field checkbox_input">Include Inactive</label>
-                <div class="form__item">
-                    <input type="checkbox" id="inactive" name="include_inactive" value="true" {% if request.GET.include_inactive %} checked {% endif %}>
-                    <label for="inactive"></label>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-            <button class="link link--button link--button__stretch" type="submit">Filter</button>
-        </form>
-        <div class="wrapper wrapper--listings">
-            {% if people.paginator.count %}
-                {% for person in people %}
-                    {% include "people/includes/person_listing.html" with person=person %}
-                {% endfor %}
-                {% include "includes/pagination.html" with paginator_page=people %}
-            {% else %}
-            {# no results #}
-            {% endif %}
-        </div>
-    </div>
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/hypha/public/people/templates/people/person_page.html b/hypha/public/people/templates/people/person_page.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 02fe3ce112..0000000000
--- a/hypha/public/people/templates/people/person_page.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "base.html" %}
-{% load wagtailcore_tags wagtailimages_tags %}
-{% block content %}
-    <section class="wrapper wrapper--small wrapper--inner-space-large wrapper--sidebar">
-        <div class="wrapper--sidebar--inner">
-            {% for person_type in page.person_types.all %}
-                <h5 class="heading heading--no-margin">{{ person_type }}</h5>
-            {% endfor %}
-            {% if page.job_title %}
-                <h4 class="heading">{{ page.job_title }}</h4>
-            {% endif %}
-            {% if %}
-                {% image fill-210x235 class="image image--headshot-mobile" %}
-            {% endif %}
-            {% if page.introduction %}
-                <h4 class="heading heading--person-introduction">{{ page.introduction }}</h4>
-            {% endif %}
-            {% include_block page.biography %}
-            {% if %}
-                <p class="list list--contact"><span>Website:</span> <a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a></p>
-            {% endif %}
-            {% if %}
-                <p class="list list--contact"><span>Email:</span> <a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a></p>
-            {% endif %}
-            {% with contact_details=page.contact_details.all %}
-                {% if contact_details %}
-                    {% for contact in contact_details %}
-                        <p class="list list--contact"><span>{{ contact.method_display }}:</span> {{ contact.contact_detail }}</p>
-                    {% endfor %}
-                {% endif %}
-            {% endwith %}
-            {% include "utils/includes/funding.html" with class="wrapper--top-outer-space-small" %}
-        </div>
-        <div>
-            {% if %}
-                {% image fill-210x235 class="image image--headshot-desktop" %}
-            {% endif %}
-            {% if page.social_media_profile.all %}
-                <h5>Follow {{ page.first_name }}</h5>
-                {% for item in page.social_media_profile.all %}
-                    <a aria-label="Social media link" href="{{ item.profile_url }}">
-                        <svg class="icon icon--social-share icon--{{item.service}}-share"><use xlink:href="#{{item.service}}"></use></svg>
-                    </a>
-                {% endfor %}
-            {% endif %}
-        </div>
-    </section>
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/hypha/public/people/ b/hypha/public/people/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2726ec34dd..0000000000
--- a/hypha/public/people/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-from django.templatetags.static import static
-from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
-from wagtail import hooks
-def editor_js():
-    return mark_safe(
-        '<script src="%s"></script>' % static("people/admin/js/update_person_title.js")
-    )