/* * xkb.c - keyboard layout control functions * * Copyright © 2015 Aleksey Fedotov <lexa@cfotr.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * */ /** * @module awesome */ #include "xkb.h" #include "globalconf.h" #include "xwindow.h" #include "objects/client.h" #include "common/atoms.h" #include <xcb/xkb.h> #include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h> #include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon-x11.h> /** * Switch keyboard layout. * * @staticfct xkb_set_layout_group * @tparam integer num Keyboard layout number, integer from 0 to 3 * @noreturn */ int luaA_xkb_set_layout_group(lua_State *L) { unsigned group = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1); if (!globalconf.have_xkb) { luaA_warn(L, "XKB not supported"); return 0; } xcb_xkb_latch_lock_state (globalconf.connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD, 0, 0, true, group, 0, 0, 0); return 0; } /** * Get current layout number. * * @staticfct xkb_get_layout_group * @treturn integer num Current layout number, integer from 0 to 3. */ int luaA_xkb_get_layout_group(lua_State *L) { if (!globalconf.have_xkb) { luaA_warn(L, "XKB not supported"); return 0; } xcb_xkb_get_state_cookie_t state_c; state_c = xcb_xkb_get_state_unchecked (globalconf.connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD); xcb_xkb_get_state_reply_t* state_r; state_r = xcb_xkb_get_state_reply (globalconf.connection, state_c, NULL); if (!state_r) { free(state_r); return 0; } lua_pushinteger(L, state_r->group); free(state_r); return 1; } /** * Get layout short names. * * @staticfct xkb_get_group_names * @treturn string A string describing the current layout settings, * e.g.: 'pc+us+de:2+inet(evdev)+group(alt_shift_toggle)+ctrl(nocaps)' */ int luaA_xkb_get_group_names(lua_State *L) { if (!globalconf.have_xkb) { luaA_warn(L, "XKB not supported"); return 0; } xcb_xkb_get_names_cookie_t name_c; name_c = xcb_xkb_get_names_unchecked (globalconf.connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD, XCB_XKB_NAME_DETAIL_SYMBOLS); xcb_xkb_get_names_reply_t* name_r; name_r = xcb_xkb_get_names_reply (globalconf.connection, name_c, NULL); if (!name_r) { luaA_warn(L, "Failed to get xkb symbols name"); return 0; } xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list_t name_list; void *buffer = xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list(name_r); xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list_unpack ( buffer, name_r->nTypes, name_r->indicators, name_r->virtualMods, name_r->groupNames, name_r->nKeys, name_r->nKeyAliases, name_r->nRadioGroups, name_r->which, &name_list); xcb_get_atom_name_cookie_t atom_name_c; atom_name_c = xcb_get_atom_name_unchecked(globalconf.connection, name_list.symbolsName); xcb_get_atom_name_reply_t *atom_name_r; atom_name_r = xcb_get_atom_name_reply(globalconf.connection, atom_name_c, NULL); if (!atom_name_r) { luaA_warn(L, "Failed to get atom symbols name"); free(name_r); return 0; } const char *name = xcb_get_atom_name_name(atom_name_r); size_t name_len = xcb_get_atom_name_name_length(atom_name_r); lua_pushlstring(L, name, name_len); free(atom_name_r); free(name_r); return 1; } static bool fill_rmlvo_from_root(struct xkb_rule_names *xkb_names) { xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop_reply = xcb_get_property_reply(globalconf.connection, xcb_get_property_unchecked(globalconf.connection, false, globalconf.screen->root, _XKB_RULES_NAMES, XCB_GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, UINT_MAX), NULL); if (!prop_reply) return false; if (prop_reply->value_len == 0) { p_delete(&prop_reply); return false; } const char *walk = (const char *) xcb_get_property_value(prop_reply); unsigned int remaining = xcb_get_property_value_length(prop_reply); for (int i = 0; i < 5 && remaining > 0; i++) { const int len = strnlen(walk, remaining); switch (i) { case 0: xkb_names->rules = strndup(walk, len); break; case 1: xkb_names->model = strndup(walk, len); break; case 2: xkb_names->layout = strndup(walk, len); break; case 3: xkb_names->variant = strndup(walk, len); break; case 4: xkb_names->options = strndup(walk, len); break; } remaining -= len + 1; walk = &walk[len + 1]; } p_delete(&prop_reply); return true; } /** Fill globalconf.xkb_state based on connection and context */ static void xkb_fill_state(void) { xcb_connection_t *conn = globalconf.connection; int32_t device_id = -1; if (globalconf.have_xkb) { device_id = xkb_x11_get_core_keyboard_device_id(conn); if (device_id == -1) warn("Failed while getting XKB device id"); } if (device_id != -1) { struct xkb_keymap *xkb_keymap = xkb_x11_keymap_new_from_device( globalconf.xkb_ctx, conn, device_id, XKB_KEYMAP_COMPILE_NO_FLAGS); if (!xkb_keymap) fatal("Failed while getting XKB keymap from device"); globalconf.xkb_state = xkb_x11_state_new_from_device(xkb_keymap, conn, device_id); if (!globalconf.xkb_state) fatal("Failed while getting XKB state from device"); /* xkb_keymap is no longer referenced directly; decreasing refcount */ xkb_keymap_unref(xkb_keymap); } else { struct xkb_rule_names names = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; if (!fill_rmlvo_from_root(&names)) warn("Could not get _XKB_RULES_NAMES from root window, falling back to defaults."); struct xkb_keymap *xkb_keymap = xkb_keymap_new_from_names(globalconf.xkb_ctx, &names, 0); globalconf.xkb_state = xkb_state_new(xkb_keymap); if (!globalconf.xkb_state) fatal("Failed while creating XKB state"); /* xkb_keymap is no longer referenced directly; decreasing refcount */ xkb_keymap_unref(xkb_keymap); p_delete(&names.rules); p_delete(&names.model); p_delete(&names.layout); p_delete(&names.variant); p_delete(&names.options); } } /** Loads xkb context, state and keymap to globalconf. * These variables should be freed by xkb_free_keymap() afterwards */ static void xkb_init_keymap(void) { globalconf.xkb_ctx = xkb_context_new(XKB_CONTEXT_NO_FLAGS); if (!globalconf.xkb_ctx) fatal("Failed while getting XKB context"); xkb_fill_state(); } /** Frees xkb context, state and keymap from globalconf. * This should be used when these variables will not be used anymore */ static void xkb_free_keymap(void) { xkb_state_unref(globalconf.xkb_state); xkb_context_unref(globalconf.xkb_ctx); } /** Rereads the state of keyboard from X. * This call should be used after receiving NewKeyboardNotify or MapNotify, * as written in http://xkbcommon.org/doc/current/group__x11.html */ static void xkb_reload_keymap(void) { assert(globalconf.have_xkb); xkb_state_unref(globalconf.xkb_state); xkb_fill_state(); /* Free and then allocate the key symbols */ xcb_key_symbols_free(globalconf.keysyms); globalconf.keysyms = xcb_key_symbols_alloc(globalconf.connection); /* Regrab key bindings on the root window */ xcb_screen_t *s = globalconf.screen; xwindow_grabkeys(s->root, &globalconf.keys); /* Regrab key bindings on clients */ foreach(_c, globalconf.clients) { client_t *c = *_c; xwindow_grabkeys(c->window, &c->keys); if (c->nofocus_window) xwindow_grabkeys(c->nofocus_window, &c->keys); } } static gboolean xkb_refresh(gpointer unused) { lua_State *L = globalconf_get_lua_State(); globalconf.xkb_update_pending = false; if (globalconf.xkb_reload_keymap) xkb_reload_keymap(); if (globalconf.xkb_map_changed) signal_object_emit(L, &global_signals, "xkb::map_changed", 0); if (globalconf.xkb_group_changed) signal_object_emit(L, &global_signals, "xkb::group_changed", 0); globalconf.xkb_reload_keymap = false; globalconf.xkb_map_changed = false; globalconf.xkb_group_changed = false; return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void xkb_schedule_refresh(void) { if (globalconf.xkb_update_pending) return; globalconf.xkb_update_pending = true; g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_LOW, xkb_refresh, NULL, NULL); } /** The xkb notify event handler. * \param event The event. */ void event_handle_xkb_notify(xcb_generic_event_t* event) { assert(globalconf.have_xkb); /* The pad0 field of xcb_generic_event_t contains the event sub-type, * unfortunately xkb doesn't provide a usable struct for getting this in a * nicer way*/ switch (event->pad0) { case XCB_XKB_NEW_KEYBOARD_NOTIFY: { xcb_xkb_new_keyboard_notify_event_t *new_keyboard_event = (void*)event; globalconf.xkb_reload_keymap = true; if (new_keyboard_event->changed & XCB_XKB_NKN_DETAIL_KEYCODES) globalconf.xkb_map_changed = true; xkb_schedule_refresh(); break; } case XCB_XKB_MAP_NOTIFY: { globalconf.xkb_reload_keymap = true; globalconf.xkb_map_changed = true; xkb_schedule_refresh(); break; } case XCB_XKB_STATE_NOTIFY: { xcb_xkb_state_notify_event_t *state_notify_event = (void*)event; xkb_state_update_mask(globalconf.xkb_state, state_notify_event->baseMods, state_notify_event->latchedMods, state_notify_event->lockedMods, state_notify_event->baseGroup, state_notify_event->latchedGroup, state_notify_event->lockedGroup); if (state_notify_event->changed & XCB_XKB_STATE_PART_GROUP_STATE) { globalconf.xkb_group_changed = true; xkb_schedule_refresh(); } break; } } } /** Initialize XKB support * This call allocates resources, that should be freed by calling xkb_free() */ void xkb_init(void) { globalconf.xkb_update_pending = false; globalconf.xkb_reload_keymap = false; globalconf.xkb_map_changed = false; globalconf.xkb_group_changed = false; int success_xkb = xkb_x11_setup_xkb_extension(globalconf.connection, XKB_X11_MIN_MAJOR_XKB_VERSION, XKB_X11_MIN_MINOR_XKB_VERSION, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); globalconf.have_xkb = success_xkb; if (!success_xkb) { warn("XKB not found or not supported"); xkb_init_keymap(); return; } uint16_t map = XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_STATE_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_MAP_NOTIFY | XCB_XKB_EVENT_TYPE_NEW_KEYBOARD_NOTIFY; // // These maps are provided to allow key remapping, // that could be used in awesome // uint16_t map_parts = XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_TYPES | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_SYMS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_MODIFIER_MAP | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_EXPLICIT_COMPONENTS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_ACTIONS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_KEY_BEHAVIORS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_VIRTUAL_MODS | XCB_XKB_MAP_PART_VIRTUAL_MOD_MAP; /* Enable detectable auto-repeat, but ignore failures */ xcb_discard_reply(globalconf.connection, xcb_xkb_per_client_flags(globalconf.connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD, XCB_XKB_PER_CLIENT_FLAG_DETECTABLE_AUTO_REPEAT, XCB_XKB_PER_CLIENT_FLAG_DETECTABLE_AUTO_REPEAT, 0, 0, 0) .sequence); xcb_xkb_select_events(globalconf.connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD, map, 0, map, map_parts, map_parts, 0); /* load keymap to use when resolving keypresses */ xkb_init_keymap(); } /** Frees resources allocated by xkb_init() */ void xkb_free(void) { if (globalconf.have_xkb) // unsubscribe from all events xcb_xkb_select_events(globalconf.connection, XCB_XKB_ID_USE_CORE_KBD, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); xkb_free_keymap(); } // vim: filetype=c:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80