We believe that humanity learning how to build safe AI is more important than humanity not shooting each other with nukes.
We believe that humanity learning to align AI has the potential to help humanity align society.
We believe that humanity landing safe AGI has the potential to cure cancer, solve climate change, feed the world, and let us explore the stars.
We believe that entrepreneurs and software engineers will be at the helm of AI deployments around the world.
We are a company of entrepreneurs and software engineers who are a part of the story of helping humanity deploy AI safely.
We build custom AI software solutions for you and your company, founded upon the current state of the art in safe AI, appropriate to your use case.
We equip and support entrepreneurs and software engineers, of both today and the future, with the skills and tools required to build their own companies. Sending them onwards and upwards building their products on top of the current state of the art in safe AI.