
# CoolChat

CoolChat is a chat application inspired by Discord, built with the ASP.NET framework and SolidJS for the frontend.

<!-- ## Quick Setup & Run

Run this in Git Bash:

chmod +x run && ./run
``` -->

## Setup

A secret signing key is required for authentication, type some random characters
and store it in a user-secret:

dotnet user-secrets init --project CoolChat.Server.ASPNET
dotnet user-secrets set "SecretSigningKey" "{your signing key}" --project CoolChat.Server.ASPNET

You must also run the migrations, to do this first install efcore tools:

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 8.0.0

Then update the database:

dotnet ef database update --project CoolChat.Server.ASPNET

## Running

To start the ASP.NET backend, simply run

dotnet run --project ./CoolChat.Server.ASPNET --launch-profile http

To start the frontend, run `npm install` and `npm run dev` in the `CoolChat.Client.Solid` directory