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Concurrency and networking

Howard Guo edited this page Jan 18, 2014 · 19 revisions

High level picture: ACID?

Similar to many other popular NoSQL solutions, tiedot does not provide ACID transactions. However, atomic operations are possible within the scope of a single document.

Buffer synchronization ("durability") is entirely automated when tiedot runs HTTP services, however embedded tiedot instance must manually invoke buffer synchronization APIs.

Concurrency of IO operations

tiedot collection is partitioned into number of chunks; partitions function independent of each other, hence IO operations can be carried out concurrently on many partitions at once, governed by RWMutex.

Secondary indexes are also partitioned - there are as many collection partitions as there are sec.index partitions. Governed by RWMutex, secondary index reads/updates can be carried out concurrently on many partitions.

Concurrency of HTTP API endpoints.

While most HTTP endpoints support concurrency, there is a small number of operations which must "stop the world" to ensure safe operation - these operations block all other HTTP endpoints until completed:

  • Create/rename/drop/scrub/repartition collection
  • Create/remove index
  • Dump/flush database

Governed by a RWMutex, "stop the world" operations put write lock and all non-blocking operations put read lock on it.

HTTP service

tiedot HTTP service is powered by HTTP server in standard Golang library net/http.

The HTTP service:

  • Serves only one database instance
  • Listens on all network interfaces
  • Listens on the port specified by user via CLI parameter
  • Unconditionally processes all incoming requests
  • Scalability is affected by GOMAXPROCS

See API reference and embedded usage for documentation HTTP service usage.

Once tiedot enters HTTP service mode, it keeps running in foreground until:

  • /shutdown endpoint is called (gracefully shutdown)
  • Process is stopped/interrupted/killed (not good!)
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