Releases: Helium314/SCEE
StreetComplete_modified 42.0
New modifications since last version:
- allow editing all tags
- show surface tag for smoothness quest
- increase contrast for hint text
- add quest settings to fixme quest for ignoring certain
StreetComplete_modified 42.0-beta1
New modifications since last version:
- external quests (not much use, similar to showing personal notes)
- osmose quests (show osmose issues as quests)
- allow disabling note quest
- allow hiding notes created by specific users
- add force resurvey capability
StreetComplete_modified 40.1
New release with updated SC version.
No new modifications.
StreetComplete_modified 40.0
New release with updated SC version.
No new modifications except for addition of requery sqlite libary, which is ca 20% faster than on-phone library for Android 9/10
StreetComplete_modified 38.1
If you are upgrading from a previous version, be sure to disable aerial background imagery. In this version, it's not working any more and will crash on start.
StreetComplete_modified 34.0 beta1
StreetComplete containing modifications in
SC_mod 33.1.1
Small update with optional volume button zoom and a level quest for POIs in malls added (uses level
tag, so 0 is ground level)
SC_mod 33.1
This is StreetComplete v33.1 with some mods:
- POI display for some types (sometimes not displaying existing POIs)
- contact quests (website and telephone)
- disable auto-download if auto-upload is disabled (because sometimes auto-download is annoying and loads uninteresting areas)
- adjusted dark theme for higher contrast
- button to temporarily reverse quest order (find "hidden" quests without hiding or adjusting quest order)
- gpx notes (find them in internal storage/Android/data/de.westnordost.streetcomplete.mod/files, images are not implemented)
- profiles for quest visibility and order (somewhat buggy, adjust profiles and reset each to default before using)
- move 'none' answer in cycleway answers to more convenient position
This version is intended for testing, and might not receive any updates.
SC31 POI 'quest' version
This version adds the ability to show several types of POIs. Touching a POI shows some information (i.e. what it is)
Some problems:
- the quests simply re-use existing images, and don't have good titles. Each quest adds one color of POI
- not all POIs are displayed. You should check or adjust which elements are displayed (and which are not!) to avoid creating notes for existent but not displayed POIs
- be careful near the edges of downloaded areas, often some POIs are shown and some are not. These edges are easy to miss when zoomed in, and they are not sharp (POIs mapped as areas can be shown outside the downloaded area)
- when clicking on some POIs, the app simply crashes (e.g. sport=table_tennis without leisure=pitch)
GPX Notes test version
This allows choosing between OSM notes and GPX when creating a note. OSM will behave like usual; GPX will not remove the involved quest (if any) and add the note to the file notes.gpx in /Android/data/de.westnordost.streetcomplete/files
The file is immediately written when creating a note, without any further checks. So there is a chance of crashing if the file can't be written (never happened to me).
Images are completely ignored, better don't try using them when creating a GPX note (I didn't check, and they might just be stored inside some SC folder for all eternity).