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This doc explains how to setup a development environment so you can get started contributing to Knative Eventing. Also take a look at:

Getting started

  1. Create and checkout a repo fork
  2. Install a channel implementation

Once you meet these requirements, you can start the eventing-controller.

ℹ️ If you intend to use event sinks based on Knative Services as described in some of our examples, consider installing Knative Serving. A few Knative Sandbox projects also have a dependency on Serving.

Before submitting a PR, see also contribution guidelines.


You must have ko installed.

Create a cluster and a repo

  1. Set up a kubernetes cluster
    • Follow an install guide up through "Creating a Kubernetes Cluster"
    • You do not need to install Istio or Knative using the instructions in the guide. Simply create the cluster and come back here.
    • If you did install Istio/Knative following those instructions, that's fine too, you'll just redeploy over them, below.
  2. Set up a Linux Container repository for pushing images. You can use any container image registry by adjusting the authentication methods and repository paths mentioned in the sections below.

ℹ️ You'll need to be authenticated with your KO_DOCKER_REPO before pushing images. Run gcloud auth configure-docker if you are using Google Container Registry or docker login if you are using Docker Hub.

Setup your environment

To start your environment you'll need to set these environment variables (we recommend adding them to your .bashrc):

  1. GOPATH: If you don't have one, simply pick a directory and add export GOPATH=...
  2. $GOPATH/bin on PATH: This is so that tooling installed via go get will work properly.
  3. KO_DOCKER_REPO: The docker repository to which developer images should be pushed (e.g.[gcloud-project]).

ℹ️ If you are using Docker Hub to store your images, your KO_DOCKER_REPO variable should have the format<username>. Currently, Docker Hub doesn't let you create subdirs under your username (e.g. <username>/knative).

.bashrc example:

export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export PATH="${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin"
export KO_DOCKER_REPO=''

Checkout your fork

The Go tools require that you clone the repository to the src/ directory in your GOPATH.

To check out this repository:

  1. Create your own fork of this repo
  2. Clone it to your machine:
mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/
cd ${GOPATH}/src/
git clone [email protected]:${YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME}/eventing.git
cd eventing
git remote add upstream
git remote set-url --push upstream no_push

Adding the upstream remote sets you up nicely for regularly syncing your fork.

Once you reach this point you are ready to do a full build and deploy as follows.

Starting Eventing Controller

Once you've setup your development environment, stand up Knative Eventing with:

ko apply -f config/

You can see things running with:

$ kubectl -n knative-eventing get pods
NAME                                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
eventing-controller-59f7969778-4dt7l   1/1       Running   0          2h

You can access the Eventing Controller's logs with:

kubectl -n knative-eventing logs $(kubectl -n knative-eventing get pods -l app=eventing-controller -o name)

Install Channels

Install the In-Memory-Channel since this is the default channel.

ko apply -f config/channels/in-memory-channel/

Depending on your needs you might want to install other channel implementations.

Install Broker

Install the MT Channel Broker or any of the other Brokers available inside the config/brokers/ directory.

ko apply -f config/brokers/mt-channel-broker/

Depending on your needs you might want to install other Broker implementations.

(Optional) Install Sugar controller

If you are running full set of e2e tests, you will need to install the sugar controller.

ko apply -f config/sugar/


As you make changes to the code-base, there are two special cases to be aware of:

These are both idempotent, and we expect that running these at HEAD to have no diffs.

Once the codegen and dependency information is correct, redeploying the controller is simply:

ko apply -f config/controller.yaml

Or you can clean it up completely and start again.


Running tests as you make changes to the code-base is pretty simple. See the test docs.


Please check contribution guidelines.

Clean up

You can delete Knative Eventing with:

ko delete -f config/


To access Telemetry see:

Packet sniffing

While debugging an Eventing component, it could be useful to perform packet sniffing on a container to analyze the traffic.

Note: this debugging method should not be used in production.

In order to do packet sniffing, you need:

After you installed all these tools, change the base image ko uses to build Eventing component images changing the .ko.yaml. You need an image that has the tar tool installed, for example:


Now redeploy with ko the component you want to sniff as explained in the above paragraphs.

When the container is running, run:

kubectl sniff <POD_NAME> -n knative-eventing -o out.dump

Changing <POD_NAME> with the pod name of the component you wish to test, for example imc-dispatcher-85797b44c8-gllnx. This command will dump the tcpdump output with all the sniffed packets to out.dump. Then, you can open this file with Wireshark using:

wireshark out.dump

If you run kubectl sniff without the output file name, it will open directly Wireshark:

kubectl sniff <POD_NAME> -n knative-eventing