This changelog track changes to the qoqo project starting at version v0.5.0
- Updated the user documentation.
- Updated the readme in the
for qoqo and roqoqo.
- Removed
from the qoqo pyproject.toml, as it is a default install.
- Bugfix for release of 1.19.0.
- Updated to struqture 2.0.0-alpha.11.
- Updated to pyo3 0.23, except the IntoPy and ToPyObject deprecation warnings.
- Updated the noise models to output struqture 2.0 or 1.0 based on installed struqture-py version.
- Updated badges in top-level readme.
- Added qoqo/.cargo/config file with aarch64 and x86_64 targets for macos.
- Switched serialisation of the NoiseModels to struqture 1.0.
- Updated dependencies which were out of date.
- Updated github actions to latest versions.
- Fixed new clippy warnings.
- Fixed documentation building by hardcoding the paths.
- Updated minimum supported Rust version from 1.70 to 1.76.
- Updated minimum supported Python version from 3.8 to 3.9.
- Updated to struqture 1.11.1.
- Updated to qoqo-calculator 1.4.
- Added the documentation from qoqo_examples.
- Added
operation. - Updated to pyo3 0.22, thereby adding support for python 3.13.
- Fixed
unitary matrices.
- Updated nalgebra to 0.33.1, jsonschema to 0.23. Removed unnecessary dependencies.
- Added
- Fixed release bug.
- Fixed sphinx documentation and compatibility test 1.14.
- Renamed the readme in roqoqo.
- Added support for noise model operator input from struqture 2.x. Output remains in struqture 1.x.
- Pinned clap version to use rust 1.70 (clap,clap_builder and clap_derive 4.4, clap_lex 0.6.0).
- Updated to rust 1.70.
- Updated to jsonschema 0.20.
- Added list of available gates names.
- Fixed package category.
- Added
- Added the doc_generator feature to qoqo that will create .pyi used for python IDE hints during cargo build.
- Change version mismatch error message to be clearer.
interface casting errors when handling arrays/matrices- Dependencies issues caused by Pyo3 0.21 support release
- Unstable feature
adding new operations: GateDefinition and CallDefinedGate.
- Added the
method to the SingleQubitOverrotationDescription noise model.
- Updated to pyo3 0.21.
- Fix typo in name of RoqoqoBackendError::AuthenticationError
- Added the DecoherenceOnIdle noise model
- Feature
adding new analog operations:ApplyConstantPauliHamiltonian
- Added
- Added
noise model - Updated cargo (including updating mio from v0.8.10 to v0.8.11)
- Unstable feature
adding new spin-boson operations: QuantumRabi, LongitudinalCoupling, JaynesCummings - Added three new operations to
: SingleExcitationLoad, SingleExcitationStore, CZQubitResonator
- Error message in
- Unstable feature
macros have been moved to their own feature instead of incorporating the feature gate into the macros.
- Unstable feature
implementing a Trait for returning chains in a device with an environment of qubits, where an environment are qubits that are not part of the chain but connected to at least one qubit in the chain.
- Updated to pyo3 0.20.
- Added
operation. - Added EchoCrossResonance gate.
- Added PhaseDisplacement gate.
- Fixed missing
gate from operations module
- Renamed unstable ErrorOnGate NoiseModel to DecoherenceOnGate
- Fixed the factors of the depolarising rate of ContinuousDecoherenceModel by dividing by 2 (now equivalent to GenericDevice)
- Added
gate - NoiseModels are now a stable feature
- Added the json_schema feature info to the NoiseModels (unstable)
- Fixed serialisation of unstable error-on-gate noise model to json
- Added support for JsonSchema.
- Added first bosonic operations traits in
- Fixed wrong minimum required roqoqo version when serializing circuits with some operations from versions 1.3, 1.4. and 1.5.
- pyo3 updated to 0.19
operation for a Circuit that is controlled by a single qubit.
- Added non-exhaustive attribute to enums where it was obmitted by mistake
- Fixed semver violation in Device trait
- Added GPi and GPi2 gates
- Measurement inputs can now be passed properly in Python interface (previously, there were serialisation functions missing)
- Devices are no longer serialized with wrong roqoqo version number
- Added Three-qubit gates support
- Added ControlledRotateX, ControlledRotateXY, ControlledControlledPauliZ, ControlledControlledPhaseShift, Toffoli to qoqo
- Added device function to return all gate names
- Added unstable QoqoDevice feature. Prototype for future qoqo devices without stability guarantees.
- Wrong angle in circuit decomposition of MultiQubitZZ and MultiQubitMS
- Updated to pyo3 0.18.1
- Updated to pyo3 0.18, qoqo_calculator 1.1.1 and nalgebra 0.32
- Modified the downcast method for measurements passed to the QuantumProgram in qoqo
- Added to_bincode and from_bincode methods to all measurements in qoqo
- Removed references to
outside of tests
- Activated circuitdag feature by default
- Modified serialization roqoqo version to use lowest compatible version
- Relaxed compatability check for Python arguments to allow backward compatability
- Added CircuitDag documentation
- Added PhaseShiftedControlledPhase to qoqo
- Updated dependencies
- Updated nalgebra to 0.31
- Fixed nalgebra version to 0.30
- Added 1.0.0 compatibility tests
- Added rich comparison for Python interface of Measurements
- Added PragmaLoop
- Allowed creating PragmaSetStateVector from float or integer numpy arrays.
- Added
to set bit in a (readout) bit register to a value. - Added
functionality to return which classical register variables are involved in an operation - Added
direct acyclical graph representation ofCircuit
- Fixed superoperator construction for general noise pragma
- Updated dependencies
now adds remapped qubits that are not previously in the qubit_mapping of the gate.
- Optional
feature including:- AsyncEvaluatingBackend trait for backends that implement async evaluation (especially designed for Backends interfacing a Web-API)
- Measurements async evaluating the Future of a register measurement returned from a backend.
- Device trait added in roqoqo.
- Added unit tests for serialization of PragmaRepeatedMeasurement operations in a Circuit.
- Make qubit_remapping more lenient only remapping values found in a HashMap skipping remapping for qubits not found in HashMap instead of returning an error.
- Updated to qoqo_calculator 1.0
- Removed DoUnitary class from qoqo since functionality replaced by QuantumProgram.
- Fixing errors in git pushes
- Failed dependency resolution in roqoqo/Cargo.toml
- qoqo can now be built using a source distribution
- Semver-style version checking for Circuit serialization. In beta mode (0.y.z) minor version must match (y_library == y_data) in release mode (x.y.z) major version must match (x_library == x_data) and minor version of library must exceed minor version of data (y_library >= y_data).
from schemars for roqoqo data structures.- Unit tests to validate
added for Circuit, QuantumProgram and measurements. roqoqo-test
extended by two new functions for stochastic gate tests:construct_random_circuit
.- A conversion function
has been implemented for the OperateSingleQubitGate trait. - The multiplication function
added to the python interface, i.e. qoqo, for Single Qubit Gates. - New devices implemented in roqoqo and in qoqo: AllToAllDevice, GenericDevice, GenericChain (only next-neighbour qubits are connected) and GenericGrid (a 2D grid device).
- New rotation gate
RotateXY(theta, phi)
added to the set of single qubit gates.
- The multiplication function
for single qubit gates has been updated so that the result is always normalized. qoqo/examples
has been moved to the new github repositoryqoqo_examples
which also includes qoqo examples in Rust now.- Dependencies have been updated to
qoqo_calculator = v0.7
andpyo3 = v0.16
. Qoqo python interface has been migrated from #[pyproto] to #[pymethods]. Mutable qoqo_calculator:Calculator has been changed to unmutable where possible after the upgrade to qoqo_calculator version v0.7. - BasisRotation and CheatedBasisRotation measurements renamed to PauliZProduct and CheatedPauliZProduct measurement to reflect that this is the measurement of the PauliProduct in the z-basis.
- BasisRotation and CheatedBasisRotation measurements renamed to PauliZProduct and CheatedPauliZProduct measurement to reflect that this is the measurement of the PauliProduct in the z-basis.
- Bug in running register measurements from a qoqo QuantumProgram (
- Increased tolerance for unitary violation when construction unitary matrix for SingleQubitGate from
. - Semver-style version checking for Circuit serialization. In beta mode (0.y.z) minor version must match (y_library == y_data) in release mode (x.y.z) major version must match (x_library == x_data) and minor version of library must exceed minor version of data (y_library >= y_data).
- Removed support for deprecated Python 3.6
- Methon
to return measurement input from measurments in qoqo - Method
to return the type of measurement in qoqo
- Bug in the probability function of the PragmaDamping gate
- MultiQubitZZ gate. Rotation under a multi-qubit product of Pauli Z operators.
function in Device trait. Used to create a simple graph-library-agnostic representation of the connectivity graph of a device.
- Updated to pyo3 v0.15.0
- QuantumProgram: A representation of a quantum program that accepts a list of free classical float parameters, runs measurements on a backend and returns expectation values or the classical register output of the quantum circuits. QuantumProgram is intended as the main interface between classical software and roqoqo quantum programs.
In the Device Trait the
function changed the signature fromfn change_device(&mut self, operation: &[u8]) -> Result<(), RoqoqoBackendError>;
fn change_device(&mut self, hqslang: &str, operation: &[u8]) -> Result<(), RoqoqoBackendError>
including the
name of the operation that changes the device.
- Bug in
and missingwrapped_operation
functions in qoqo PragmaChangeDeviceWrapper
- PramgaChangeDevice: A pragma operation acting as a wrapper around device specific Pragmas that can change the device topology.
- change_device interface to Device trait allowing for the modification of Devices by Pragmas
- Update to rust 2021 edition
- Fix constructing enum MultiQubitGateOperation for all operations implementing OperateMultiQubitGate
- Fixed calculation of superoperator for damping
- Fixed function signatures in Device trait to uniformly return values instead of references and take references for qubits
- Unittest for the superoperator method of the PragmaGeneralNoise
- NegativeEigenvalue RoqoqoError for matrices that are not positive semi-definite
- Device trait: A minimal trait for quantum computing devices used with roqoqo
now has a variantGenericError
for additional backend error types
- Rarely used qubit mapping is now the last argument in PragmaRepeatedMeasurement
- PragmaGeneralNoise uses sigma^+ sigma^- and sigma^z as a basis to for Lindblad decoherence rates to avoid using complex rates. Rate and operators parameters of PragmaGeneralNoise have been combined in single parameter rates.
- alpha_i function for Tgate
- Bugfix measurement selection in stochastic_gate_test
- Fixed versioning scheme to use the same version number across the project.
- Updated pyo3 dependency to v0.14.1, numpy to v0.14, num-complex to v0.4 and ndarray to v0.15
- Removed sprs dependency to allow update of other dependencies
- Wrong Python Class name of ClassicalRegister measurement (was "Cheated")
- PhaseShiftedControlledZ gate in roqoqo
- QoqoBackendError to use in the python interface of rust based backends