diff --git a/functions/http/index.js b/functions/http/index.js
index 090f871116..bab3df85b5 100644
--- a/functions/http/index.js
+++ b/functions/http/index.js
@@ -15,26 +15,6 @@
 'use strict';
-// [START functions_http_helloworld]
- * Responds to any HTTP request that can provide a "message" field in the body.
- *
- * @param {Object} req ExpressJS object containing the received HTTP request.
- * @param {Object} res ExpressJS object containing the HTTP response to send.
- */
-exports.helloWorld = (req, res) => {
-  if (req.body.message === undefined) {
-    // This is an error case, as "message" is required
-    res.status(400).send('No message defined!');
-  } else {
-    // Everything is ok - call request-terminating method to signal function
-    // completion. (Otherwise, the function may continue to run until timeout.)
-    console.log(req.body.message);
-    res.status(200).end();
-  }
-// [END functions_http_helloworld]
 // [START functions_http_content]
  * Responds to an HTTP request using data from the request body parsed according
diff --git a/functions/http/test/index.test.js b/functions/http/test/index.test.js
index b80fab2c94..263d85ac2a 100644
--- a/functions/http/test/index.test.js
+++ b/functions/http/test/index.test.js
@@ -57,32 +57,6 @@ function getMocks () {
-test.serial(`http:helloworld: should error with no message`, (t) => {
-  const mocks = getMocks();
-  const httpSample = getSample();
-  mocks.req.body = {};
-  httpSample.sample.helloWorld(mocks.req, mocks.res);
-  t.true(mocks.res.status.calledOnce);
-  t.is(mocks.res.status.firstCall.args[0], 400);
-  t.true(mocks.res.send.calledOnce);
-  t.is(mocks.res.send.firstCall.args[0], `No message defined!`);
-test.serial(`http:helloworld: should log message`, (t) => {
-  const mocks = getMocks();
-  const httpSample = getSample();
-  mocks.req.body = {
-    message: `hi`
-  };
-  httpSample.sample.helloWorld(mocks.req, mocks.res);
-  t.true(mocks.res.status.calledOnce);
-  t.is(mocks.res.status.firstCall.args[0], 200);
-  t.true(mocks.res.end.calledOnce);
-  t.true(console.log.calledWith(`hi`));
 test.serial(`http:helloHttp: should handle GET`, (t) => {
   const mocks = getMocks();
   const httpSample = getSample();