Google Cloud PHP v0.70.0
google/cloud-bigquery v1.2.4
google/cloud-bigquerydatatransfer v0.6.1
google/cloud-bigtable v0.5.1
google/cloud-container v0.5.1
gogle/cloud-core v1.20.7
Output the stacktrace as well when catching exceptions in the Google\Cloud\Core\Batch::send()
method (#1140 )
google/cloud-dataproc v0.5.1
google/cloud-debugger v0.12.1
Use php_uname('n')
instead of gethostname()
in Google\Cloud\Debugger\Daemon::defaultDescription()
(#1087 )
google/cloud-dialogflow v0.3.1
google/cloud-dlp v0.11.0
Regenerate the client with the new proto file (#1138 )
google/cloud-error-reporting v0.11.1
google/cloud-firestore v0.11.2
google/cloud-iot v0.3.1
google/cloud-kms v0.1.0
google/cloud-language v0.15.1
google/cloud-logging v1.12.3
google/cloud-monitoring v0.11.1
google/cloud-oslogin v0.6.0
Added the client for API V1 (#1127 )
google/cloud-pubsub v1.4.0
Added Google\Cloud\PubSub\V1\PublisherGrpcClient::ListTopicSnapshots()
(#1126 )
Added accessors for labels to Google\Cloud\PubSub\V1\CreateSnapshotRequest
class (#1126 )
Docs update (#1126 )
google/cloud-redis v0.3.1
google/cloud-spanner v1.6.1
google/cloud-speech v0.15.1
google/cloud-tasks v0.1.0
google/cloud-trace v0.10.1
google/cloud-translate v1.2.3
Fixed the package name in the README (#1135 )
google/cloud-videointelligence v1.0.2
google/cloud-vision v0.14.2
You can’t perform that action at this time.