diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 346b0bf..04a9b43 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -49,11 +49,9 @@ If you want to use the extension in your own project follow these steps. 1) Copy `example\addons` to your own projects root directory. -2) In Godot's project setting add `addons\tilt-five\TiltFiveManager` into the `Autoload` tab. +2) From `addons\tilt-five\scenes` load the `t5-scene` and run. -3) From `addons\tilt-five\scenes` load the `t5-scene` or `TiltFiveRig` scenes and run. - -4) From here you should be able to follow documentation for usage of Godot's AR/VR system. +3) From here you should be able to follow documentation for usage of Godot's AR/VR system. ## Dependencies diff --git a/example/addons/tilt-five/scenes/Main.gd b/example/addons/tilt-five/scenes/Main.gd index 6f5265b..54f751b 100644 --- a/example/addons/tilt-five/scenes/Main.gd +++ b/example/addons/tilt-five/scenes/Main.gd @@ -1,15 +1,23 @@ extends Spatial - -# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): + # Starts looking for available + # Tilt Five glasses to use + # It will signal glasses_available + # when they are found if $T5Manager.start_service(): print("Service started") - func _on_T5Manager_glasses_available(): + # This will reserve the first pair of + # glasses it can for use. It will signal + # glasses_reserved when done $T5Manager.reserve_glasses() func _on_T5Manager_glasses_reserved(success): + # The result of calling reserve_glasses() + # If successful then the glasses may be + # rendered to by setting the viewport + # arvr flag if success: get_viewport().arvr = true