func dfs(s string, blocks int, path string, result []string) []string {
// If input string is greater than 12, no possible solution
if len(s) > 12 {
return result
// If the current string has more than 4 blocks of digits, invalid so return
if blocks > 4 {
return result
// If no more string is left to parse and there are 4 blocks in the IP, append to result
if blocks == 4 && len(s) == 0 {
result = append(result, path[:len(path)-1])
return result
// Try t create IPs block wise
// Block width can be 1-3 [0-255]
for i := 1; i < 4; i++ {
// Avoid index out of range issues
if i > len(s) {
// Get integer value of block
num, err := strconv.Atoi(s[:i])
if err != nil {
return result
// Make sure block is either 0 or a number less than 256 but does not start with 0
if string(s[:i]) == "0" || (string(s[0]) != "0" && num < 256) {
// Recursively call to see if further blocks can fit valid IP
// valid IP is stored as path, remaining string is parsed to fit IP
result = dfs(s[i:], blocks+1, path+string(s[:i])+".", result)
return result
func restoreIpAddresses(s string) []string {
result := []string{}
result = dfs(s, 0, "", result)
return result
- To generate IPs, Try to generate block by block.
- Iterate through block sizes of 1-3, strip block from original string and add block to path.
- Ensure block has number between 0-255 and does not have trailing 0s.
- Recursively recreate blocks on new stripped string, while string is not empty.
- If string is empty and a valid path is found (4 blocks) append to results list.