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130 lines (104 loc) · 4.47 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (104 loc) · 4.47 KB


  • Put a number before most commands and it will execute them multiple times. For example 20p pastes the buffer 20 times.

Close / Exit

ZZ - :wq! ZQ - :q!

Moving around


f + character - move at next "character" F + charcater - move at previous "character" t + character - move to next "character" T + charcater - move to previous "character" gj - move down a visual line if the line visually takes up more than one line gk - move up a visual line if the line visually takes up more than one line J - join lines together and add space gJ - join lines without adding a space (equivalent of :join!) < - indent in modifier > - indent out modifier g< - indent in modifier and keep selection g> - indent out modifier and keep selection = - format modifier


gg - beginning of document G - end of document <C-d - move down half a screen <C-u - move up half a screen zz - places line in the middle the page H - place cursor at the beginning of the screen M - place cursor at the middle of the screen L - place cursor at the end of the screen

Deleting & changing

D - delete to end of line C - delete to end of line and go in -INSERT- dd - delete line cc - clear line and go in -INSERT- ciw - delete word go in -INSERT- diw - delete word regardles of where you are dt[letter] - delete to letter

Selecting & copying & pasting

v - select characters V - select lines vap - select current paragraph vi + character - select string between chracters: (), [], ``, <>, {} va + character - select string between (and including) chracters: (), [], ``, <>, {} <C-V> - enter visual block, allows selecting columns of text <C-V> + o - move the other corner of --VISUAL BLOCK-- yy - yank/copy whole line yip - yank in paragraph <C-r>= - expression register, enter thing to get calculated and it will insert the result, :h float-functions and :h float-list for all functions you can use in it :put = - expression register on new line


:%s/old/new/g - replace text (string-old -> string-new) everywhere /string - go to "string" forward in text ?string - go to "string" backwards in text . - repeat previous sequence :earlier 1m - go back to the state the file was 1 minute ago :later 1m - go to the state the file was 1 minute ahead :read !command - paste the output of a terminal command :read !ls - paste all the files in a directory g?? - rot13 encode current line q: - view command history

Buffers, Windows, Tabs, Splits

:bn - buffer next :bp - buffer previous <C-w>s - horizontal split <C-w>v - vertical split :sp file - split window horizontally and open file :vsp file - split window vertically and open file :only - close all windows except the current one


:%s/oldText/newText - basic substitution g& - rerun last substitution on all lines


Before using

  1. Rebind CAPS to ESC:
    • On Windows:
      • Install MS PowerToys
      • Keyboard Manager
      • Replace CAPS with ESC
  2. Speed up key repeat:
    • On Windows:
      • Keyboard properties
      • Repeat delay: short
      • Repeat rate: fast

General Tips

  • Use words instead of remembering characters
    • ci( - change in parenthesis
    • di( - delete in parenthesis
    • ci" - change in next quotes on line
  • Make a box with CTRL+V and r, use . too
  • :%s/\s\+$//e remove leading whitespace
    • The colon enters command mode
    • The s is short for the substitute command
    • The percent sign specifies that the entire file should be affected (not just the current line).
    • the first two forward slashes delimit the search pattern
    • \s stands for a whitespace character, and the escaped plus sign (+) indicates that one or more spaces should be matched, preceding a line end (the dollar sign)
    • the last two slashes delimit the replacement string. Here, it is blank, so it replaces trailing whitespace with nothing.
    • The e flag suppresses an error message if no matches are found.
  • :g/^$/d remove empty lines
  • dd:[number]put move current line to a specific line
  • map <leader>p yi":!command <C-r>" & disown<CR><CR> Open files in quotes in file, if they're in the same directory

Books in vim

ggg?G - select whole file and encrypt so you don't get spoiled, do again to decrypt