Spades is a Neural Style Transfer (NST) project that applies artistic styles to images using deep learning. The project leverages a pre-trained VGG19 model to extract content and style features, blending them to create visually stunning artwork.
- Uses VGG19 for feature extraction
- Transfers artistic styles from one image to another
- Supports high-resolution image processing
- Can be extended into a web-based application using Flask
- Python (Primary language)
- TensorFlow / PyTorch (Deep learning framework)
- OpenCV (Image processing)
- Matplotlib (Visualization)
- Flask (Optional - for a web UI)
Ensure you have Python installed, then install dependencies:
pip install tensorflow torch torchvision opencv-python numpy matplotlib flask
│── # Runs the NST process
│── # Core NST logic
│── # Helper functions
│── models/ # Pre-trained VGG19
│── images/ # Input and output images
│── static/ # (For Flask) Stores processed images
│── templates/ # (For Flask) HTML files for UI
Run the script to apply style transfer:
- Implement optimization for style blending
- Add a Flask web interface
- Allow real-time NST with video processing
This project is open-source under the MIT License.