- KeyRing
- Tongue of Acid +3
- Soft Feet
- Crown of Lies
- Star-Strewn Boots
- "Green" Dragonscale Armor
- Stalker's Gauntlets
- Sundermaul +3
- Cloverleaf
- Uncursed Staff +1
- Backwhacker +2
- Bow of the Banshee +2
- Nimblefinger Gloves
- Screaming Bagpipes
- Bullet of Darkness +3
- Void-Tipped Arrow +3
- Cloak of Minor Arcana
- Element's Fury +2
- Storm Pike +2
- Trollblood Ioun Stone
- Green Dragon Scales
- Shield of Egons +2
- Vexation +2
- Astral Crossbow +2
- Shadowed Spear +2
- The Forest Queen's Benediction
- Jester's Bracers
- The Night's Embrace +3
- Ring of Purity
- Dervish Crescent +2
- Headband of Focus
- Wizzard Hat
- Crimson Dawn +2
- Severance +2
- Martyr's Morningstar +2
- Bolt of Fire +1
- Bolt of Ice +1
- Bullet of Fire +1
- Bullet of Ice +1
- Reed of Echoes
- Guardian Devil
- Echo of the Fiend
- Acid-Etched Dagger +2
- The Suncatcher +2
- Amulet of Whispers
- Amulet of Abnormally Awesome Ankheg Summoning
- Modron Heart
- Chill Axe +2
- Belt of the Cunning Rogue
- Mosela's Cudgel +2
- The Hydra +2
- Sidestep Slippers
- Savage Shortbow +2
- Bracers of the Shuttered Lid
- Bracers of Perseverance
- Flute of the Immaculate Breeze
- Stalwart Scales +2
- Sable Cloak
- Crommus' Capelet
- Festering Spear +1
- Arrow of Antimagic +1
- Dread Hammer +2
- Battle Tankard
- Peacock Cap
- Helm of Equus
- Helm of Unwavering Purpose
- Voghiln's Helm (renamed to Skald's Helm and made usable by others)
- Circlet of the Cynosure (recolored to better match icon and made usable by others)
- Blood Red Ioun Stone
- Raconteur's Regalia
- Purification Stone
- Fine Bearskin
- Daeros' Full Plate +1
- Bloody Bone Plate +2
- Robe of Arcane Aptitude
- Cleric's Vestments
- Solar Aegis +3 (recolored to better match icon and made uable by others)
- Spider Silk
- Firefly +2
- Eadro's Blade +1
- Fractal Blade +3
- Spell Breaker +2
- Aster's Edge +3 (new icon, recolored to better match description, made usable by others)
- Gift of the Demon +1
- Sword of Troll Decapitation +1
- Sword of Ruin +2
- Harold +2
- Blazing Glory +3
- Cloak of the Gargoyle
- Lucky Boots
These items can be imported normally, this component will set the flags that causes them to show up to "on" whether or not you have them from a previous save
- Archer's Eyes
- Robe of Red Flames
- Belt of the Skillful Blade
- Biter +2
- Voidhammer +3/Voidsword +3
- Bard Hat
- Helm of Dumathoin
- Buckler of the Fist +2
- Dragon Blade +3
- Tangled Strings
These items are from Icewind Dale:Enhanced Edition
- Shimmering Sash
- Flaming Fists of Lin Mei
- Sarutobi's Stone Breakers
- Pemby's Wand of Many Missiles
- Wand of Armory
- Wand of Trap Detection
- Vexed Armor (third, fully usable version)
- Clasp of Bron's Cloak
- Kossuth's Blood
- Ogi-Luc's Great Robe
- Poisonous Battle Axe +2
- Boots of the Fox
- Boots of the Forgotten Ones
- Messenger of Sseth
- Cloak of the Winter Wolf
- Cloak of Scintillating Color
- Breath of Auril +3
- Gauntlets of Elven Might
- Demon's Breath +3
- Clear Ioun Stone
- Helm of the Trusted Defender
- Patriot Helm
- Remorhaz Shell Helm
- Kontik's Ring of Wizardry
- Ulcaster Academy Ring
- Ring of Dwarven Bone
- Eidon's Ring of Wizardry
- Ring of Shadows
- Lyre of Progression
- Waukeen's Defender +2
- The Spear of White Ash +3
- Wind of Heaven +4
- Solemn Duty +3 (upgraded from +2)
- Shadowed Boots
- Glimglam's Cloak +1
- Bastard Sword of Greater Phasing +3
- The Salamander's Tongue +3
- The Love of Black Bess +3
- Darkened Glory +2
- The Lucky Scimitar +3 (upgraded from +2)
- Evil Spider Crusher of Doom +3 (upgraded from +2)
- Circlet of the Archmagi
- Ellistrae's Boon
- Bardic Horn of Valhalla
- Scarlet/Blue Ioun Stone
- The Summoner's Staff +3
Conjure Death (Necromancy)
Level: 6 Range: 30 ft. Duration: 8 hours Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell is a more powerful version of the level 5 wizard spell, animate dead. When cast, an undead horror is summoned to serve the caster and will obey <PRO_HISHER> commands, until the enchantment ends or it is utterly destroyed.
1st – 14th: 1d2 of 7 HD burning skeletons weilding a +1 melee or ranged weapon and +1 shield or buckler, 8 HD putrid zombies, 7 HD charged wights, or 9 HD drowned-in-bloods.
15th – 17th: a 9 HD burning skeleton weilding a +2 melee or ranged weapon and +2 shield or buckler, 10 HD putrid zombies, 9 HD charged wights, or 11 HD drowned-in-bloods.
18th and up: an 11 HD burning skeleton weilding a +3 melee or ranged weapon and +3 shield or buckler, 12 HD putrid zombies, 11 HD charged wights, or 13 HD drowned-in-bloods.
The conjured undead can follow the caster, remain in an area and attack any creature entering the place, etc. It remains animated until it is destroyed in combat, 8 hours pass, or it is turned. This spell cannot be dispelled.~
Thunder Thrust (Evocation)
Level: 6 Range: 80 ft. Duration: Instant Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 7-ft. radius Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell draws forth a massive bolt of electrical energy from the plane of air into the prime, striking the caster's target and nearby foes with a surge of eletricity. Each bolt causes 12d8 points of electrical damage, plus an additional 1d8 points per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 21d8. Any creatures within a 7 foot radius are also caught in the blast and take 4d8 of electrical damage, plus 1d8 per two levels up to a maximum of 8d8. The force of the blast knocks affected targets back and unconscious for one round. Creatures may make a reflex save to evade the blast, or successfully Save vs. Spell to halve the damage.
Trollkiller's Fireball (Evocation)
Level: 4 Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Instant Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: 1/2
Trollkiller's Fireball is a more powerful version of the level 3 wizard spell, Fireball. It's namesake, Durlag Trollkiller, commissioned an exiled elven mage of considerable skill to create this spell for use in eradicating trolls from his homeland. Much to his delight, the creation of the spell was successful and put to great use during his troll-cleansing campaign. In the years following, as Durlag's madness took hold of him, he kept all of his most prized possessions, including this spell, under lock, key, and devious trap inside his tower. How it came to be in your possession is a mystery. When cast, a raging ball of flame flies forth from the caster's hand, striking the target point and exploding in a horrific display of hellfire, doing 1d6 points of damage for each level of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 16d6) to targets caught in the blast. The searing heat is so intense that it can ignite clothing, armor, and even flesh, causing an additional 1d4 fire damage per round and sending the afflicted into a state of panic until they successfully roll a Save vs. Spell to extinguish the flames. Those who roll successful a Save vs. Spell manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, taking only half damage from the inital blast, and evade the ongoing fire damage and panic. All saving throws must be made at -2.
Corrosion (Conjuration)
Level: Range: 40 ft. Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: Special
This spell conjures forth a thick, acrid, corrosive smog that immediately begins to dissolve the armor and flesh of any creature unfortunate enough to be caught in it. Creatures caught in the area of effect will take 1d10 of acid damage per round that they remain in the caustic fog, and must roll a Saving Throw vs. Spells at a -4 penalty or suffer reduction to their resistances against all forms of physical damage 15% for three rounds. These effects increase with the caster's level, up to a maximum of 1d10+5 acid damage and 20% reduction of physical damage resistance at level 17.
Dancing Lights (Alteration)
Level: 1 Range: Sight Duration: 2 rds./level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates up to four glowing spheres of light (such as evidenced by will-o-wisps) or one faintly glowing, vaguely humanoid shape, somewhat similar to a fire elemental. The dancing lights move randomly without concentration upon such movement by the wizard. Although the lights cause no physical harm, they can distract enemies until either their duration expires or dispersed by weapon or magic.
Darkness, 15' Radius (Alteration)
Level: 2 Range: 30 ft. Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 8-ft. radius Saving Throw: None
This spell causes total, impenetrable darkness. Neither normal nor magical light works in the area of effect. All vision (including infravision) is severely limited; anyone hostile caught in the area of effect is for all practical purposes blinded as per the 1st-level wizard spell. Creatures that leave the area covered by darkness will have their vision restored after 1 round.
Infernal Bone Shield (Necromancy)
Level: 5 Sphere: Guardian, Creation Range: 0 Duration: 3 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 3-ft. radius Saving Throw: None
This spell conjures forth a barrier of floating fell skeleton and demon bones that spin rapidly around the caster. Anyone entering the path of the bones takes 1d6 crushing damage and 1d6 fire damage per round.
Fell Rage (Alteration)
Level: 5 Sphere: Combat Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 2 turns Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell works only on player characters or allied creatures. When cast, fell, demonic energies are channeled into the target causing them to go berserk, attacking the nearest creature until that creature is dead, then moving on to the next target. While under the effects of Fell Rage, the target is immune to charm, sleep, fear, hold, stunning, confusion, emotion, symbol spells, and related effects. In addition, the target gains +1 to hit, +1 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity, +1 to Constitution, +10 to maximum Hit Points, +2 to <PRO_HISHER> movement rate, 5% Physical Damage Resistance, 30% Fire Resistance, and 1d2 Damage(Acid) to all physical attacks. The spell has several disadvantages, however: The Hit Points of the target are masked for the duration of the spell, and at the end of the spell's duration, the target becomes fatigued and <PRO_HISHER> Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are reduced by 3 for 2 turns. Fell Rage cannot be cast by or affect creatures of good alignment.~
Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball (Evocation)
Level: 7 Range: 40 ft. Duration: Instant Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: 1/2
Ko'Dezza was an eccentric half-drow mage who lived before the time of troubles. She attempted to create new spells by modifying and enhancing existing spells. While her experiements met with failure more often than not, this spell was on her more successful efforts. For all intents and purposes, this spell functions very similar to the level 3 spell, Fireball, except that two or more fireballs are launched simultaneously, and hone in on a targetted creature with unerring accuracy. When this spell is cast, two fireballs are launched at a target, and upon impact, explode in a horrific display of flames, doing 6d6 damage to the target and all creatures within a 15 foot radius of the impact. For every two levels of the caster, damage is increased by 1d6 up to a maximum of 10d6 at level 22, and for every four levels an additional fireball is launched, up to a maximum of four at level 22. Thus, a level 22 wizard can fire four fireballs each doing 10d6 fire damage at level 22. As with the level 3 spell, fireball, creatures who make a Saving Throw per fireball may reduce their damage taken from it by half. Creatures weak against fire would do well to steer clear of a mage with this spell in <PRO_HISHER> repetoire.
Ko'Dezza's Slime Golem (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 5 Range: 120 ft. Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Ko'Dezza, an eccentric half-drow mage who lived around 1260DR, attempted to create new spells by experimenting with modifying and combining components of existing spells. More often than not, her attempts met with unmitigated disater, but this spell was one of her more successful ventures. Upon casting this spell, the wizard summons forth several slime creatures that pool and coagulate into one monstrous, gelatinous golem. This golem possesses all the strengths of a slime monster, being very resistant to most physical attacks. However, it also shares the weaknesses of these creatures and is quite vulnerable to fire and acid attacks. The summoned golem will obey the commands of it's summoner for for rounds, plus one additional round per level of the caster, or until it is destroyed. There is a 10% chance when casting this spell that two slime golems will be summoned instead of one.~
Cataclysm (Alteration)
Level: 8 Sphere: Elemental (Earth, Fire) Range: 360 ft. Duration: 3 tremors Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, the very earth shakes and is torn asunder sending gouts of flame up from the cracks. The cataclysm affects all creatures in its area of effect, occuring in three waves:
1st: All creatures affected take 3d6 points of crushing damage, and 3d6 points of fire damage. Affected creatures are also knocked to the ground, panicked, or go berserk for four rounds. A successful Saving Throw vs. Spell with a -6 penalty halves the damage and negates the adverse effects. 2nd: All creatures affected take 1d9 points of crushing damage, and 1d9 points of fire damage. A successful Saving Throw vs. Spell with a -2 penalty halves the damage. 3rd: All creatures affected take 1d6 points of crushing damage, and 1d6 points of fire damage. A successful Saving Throw vs. Spell halves the damage.
This spell will affect both friend and foe alike, so great care must be taken in its use. Finally, earth and fire elementals are angered by the careless sundering and there is a small chance that casting this spell will cause one to appear and attack the party.~
Maelstrom (Conjuration)
Level: 8 Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 5 rounds Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 17-ft. radius Saving Throw: None
Upon casting of this spell, the wizard conjures forth a fierce storm of high winds, driven rain, and lightning. Creatures caught in the storm are battered by the wind and rain, severely restricting their movement and fighting ability. Affected creatures suffer a penalty of 4 to their THACO and Armor Class for one round, 3d3 Hit Points of slashing damage per round, and a 50% chance of being struck by lightning for 4d6 Hit Points of electrical damage. There is also a 20% chance that non giant-sized creatures will lose their footing and be pulled towards the center of the maelstrom or knocked down for one round. There is no Saving Throw allowed to avoid any of the effects of this spell.~
Deleterious Nimbus (Evocation)
Level: 8 Range: 40 ft. Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a more powerful version of the level 5 mage spell, Cloudkill. When cast, it creates plumes of venemous gas of such toxicity as to immediately sear the flesh of creatures it comes in contact with, entering their bloodstream. So deadly is this poison as to instantly slay creatures of 8 or fewer Hit Dice, and creatures with 9 or 10 Hit Dice must roll a Saving Throw vs. Poison at -8 for each round they remain in the area of effect, lest they be slain instantly as well. Those above 10th level (or 10 Hit Dice) must leave the cloud immediately or suffer 1d12 + 1 Hit Points of poison damage per level per round that they remain in the affected area, up to a maximum of 1d12 + 15 Hit Points at level 30. While remaining in the area of effect, there is a 25% chance per round that creatures will also be systemically poisoned, suffering an additional 2 Hit Points of poison damage per second for 2 rounds, unless they make a Saving Throw vs. poison at -8. This affliction will persist even after leaving the area of effect.~
Ko'Dezza's Caustic Shell (Conjuration)
Level: 3 Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
Ko'Dezza, a half-drow mage who lived in an age past had a natural talent for magic, and attempted to eke out a living by experimenting on existing spells to create new spells and sold scrolls of her creations across the breadth of Faerûn. This spell in particular was a great success, though it came at the cost of three fingers on her left hand. When cast, the spell conjures forth a mass of living slime that encapsulates the caster in a protective bubble. The slime-shell is highly corrosive, and thwarts acidic and physical attacks. The caster's resistance to acid is increased by 50% for the duration of the spell, and attackers in melee range who successfully strike <PRO_HIMHER> through the shell are checmically burned by it, causing 1d6+2 Hit Points of acid damage, and suffering a penalty of 1 to their THACO score for one round unless a successfull Save vs. Spell at -2 is made.~
Antipode (Evocation)
Level: 6 Range: 40 ft. Duration: Instant Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: 1/2
When this spell is invoked, the wizard selects a target, carefully calculating it's range, and from each hand a bolt is launched, one of fire, the other, ice. The missiles home in on their target with unerring accuracy and collide, resulting in a horrific explosion sending molten shrapnel and frozen shards flying outward in a 15-ft. radius, doing 6d6 Hit Points of fire damage, and 6d6 Hit Points of cold damage to the target and any creatures caught in the area of effect. This spell increases in strength with the casters level, doing an additional 2d6 Hit Dice each for every four levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 12d6 each at level 24. Creatures failing their Saving Throws each suffer full damage from the blast. Those who roll successful Saving Throws are nimble enough to dodge or take cover at the last moment, only taking half of the damage.~
Flame Vortice (Conjuration)
Level: 6 Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Special Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, the wizard opens a portal to the plane of fire in the sky above the battlefield, and pulls down a vortex of intense flames and super-heated air. The swirling mass of fire touches down to the earth, then moves about unpredictably, scorching any creatures in it's path. The caster is immune to <PRO_HISHER> own spell, but <PRO_HISHER> companions are not, and must be wary. If a creature is caught in the path of the burning vortex, it takes 8d8 fire damage, increasing by one point of damage per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 8d8+12. Creatures may make a Saving Throw vs. Breath to halve the damage, but they must do so with a -6 penalty. There is a 10% chance that affected creatures will be instantly incinerated to death, with no Saving Throw allowed. A maximum of 6 creatures can be affected, after which the vortex will dissipate back into the fire plane. Creatures immune to fire are not affected by this spell.~
Ko'Dezza's Frozen Death (Evocation)
Level: 9 Range: 40 ft. Duration: Instant Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: none
The first scroll containing this spell was discovered when a group of adventurers happened across a blasted hovel deep within the spine of the world. Under the remains lay a small laboratory that had appearently suffered a major magical mishap. The scroll was firmly in the grasp of a necrotic, yet seemingly permanently frozen half-drowish hand. It would be Ko'Dezza's final work, and her doom as well. When cast, the wizard channels a massive amount of dark energy from the heart of the shadow plane into a singular point on the battlefield until it reaches critical mass, then explodes violently outward in all directions, ripping through any creatures in it's path, causing 7d10 Hit Points of cold damage and 7d10 Hit Points of magic damage. There is a small chance that a creature hit by this dark energy will unwittingly become a conduit for a shadow elemental to enter the prime, resulting in their evisceration upon it's arrival. The enraged elemental will attack the nearest creature, both friend and foe alike, until it is utterly destroyed. There is no Saving Throw allowed for any of the effects of this spell. Undead creatures are immune to the effects of this spell.~
Hoar of Frost (Evocation)
Level: 7 Sphere: Combat, Elemental (Cold) Range: 0 Duration: Instant Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 18-ft. cone with 90-deg. arc Saving Throw: 1/2
The chosen of Auril speak of this spell as legend, a power that the Ice Maiden bestows only upon her most favored, and is a closely guarded secret. It is said this spell conjures forth the very breath of Auril herself. Cold as the hearts of Auril's followers may be, there are beings far, far more cruel than they in the realms, and it is rumored that one such being, known as "The Shattered One", caputured a high priestess of Auril and performed torturous experiments on her to "extract" this magic for his own use. Unfortunately for the mage, he was unable to channel the divine energies required for the spell to work properly. However, the damage was done and the secrets of this magic were shared across the realms, much to Auril's displeasure. This spell brings forth a gale of icy, frozen wind from the caster's hands, feezing all in it's path with 1d5+1 of cold damage per level, up to a maximum of 20d5+20. Those afflicted by the penetrating cold are frozen in their tracks, hindering their ability to fight unless a saving throw is made. Those who roll a successful Save vs. Spell will shrug off a portion of the cold, taking half damage and avoid freezing in place. All saving throws must be made at -2. The use of this spell by non-aurilites angers the Ice Maiden greatly and there is a small chance that an enraged golem of ice is formed from the gale and will attack the party.
Faerie Fire (Alteration)
Level: 1 Sphere: Weather Range: Sight Duration: 4 rounds/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius Saving Throw: None
This spell outlines one or more creatures with a pale violet glow, making positions and movements easily visible. Outlined creatures are easier to strike, giving them an Armor Class penalty of -2.
Shadow Bolt (Invocation)
Level: 5 Sphere: Shadow Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Instant Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5-ft. radius Saving Throw: Special
This spell conjures forth shadowy orbs of dark energy from the shadow plane that bolt forward from the caster's hand to strike <PRO_HISHER> target with unerring accuracy. The priest creates one bolt at 9th level and an additional bolt at every third level after 9th—in other words, two bolts at 12th level, three at 15th, four at 18th, to a maximum of five bolts at 21st level. Each bolt inflicts 1d5 points of cold damage and 1d5 points of magic damage to the target and then bursts in a 5-ft. radius concussive blast that inflicts 6 points of cold damage and 6 points of magic damage, increasing by two points each per every 3 levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 14 per each at level 21. Addtionally, creatures caught in the dark energy blast suffer a 20% chance of being blinded for one turn or being drained of one level permanently. Creatures can attempt a Save vs. Spell at -4 to negate the concussion damage and effects, but the impact of the bolts themselves allow no Saving Throw. Undead creatures are immune to the effects of this spell. Priests of good alignment may not cast this spell.
Caustic Quagmire (Conjuration)
Level: 4 Sphere: Summoning Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, acrid pools of thick, corrosive slime rise from the earth and cover the ground. Any creatures entering the area or caught in it when the spell is cast are mired in the sticky substance, which severly hinders their movement while corroding their flesh and armor, doing 1d4 damage(acid) per round, and reducing their physical resistances by 5%, making them more susceptible to melee and ranged attacks. For every three levels of the caster, damage is increased by one point, and physical resistance is reduced by an additional percentage point, up to a maximum of 1d4+5 and 10%, respectively. A successful Save vs. Spell at -2 negates the slowed movement and reduced defenses, while halving damage for that round.~
Grasping Shadows (Conjuration)
Level: 4 Sphere: Combat, Shadow Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 5 rounds Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 12-ft. radius Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell conjures forth shadowy tendrils from the ground that grasp, claw, and pierce the flesh of any creature caught within the area of effect. Creatures affected suffer 1d4 piercing and 1d4 cold damage per round, increasing by 1 point each for every three levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 1d4+2 cold and 1d4+2 piercing. Affected creatures must roll a Save vs. Paralyze at -4 or be paralyzed for one and a half rounds. Creatures that make a saving throw avoid being paralyzed and reduce their damage taken by one half. Undead creatures are immune to the effects of this spell. This spell cannot be cast by priests of good alignment.
Penetrating Cold (Alteration, Enchantment)
Level: 7 Sphere: Elemental (Ice) Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 12 rounds Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 8-ft. radius Saving Throw: Special
When cast, this spell calls forth incredibly sharp, icy stalagmites from deep within the earth to erupt from the ground violently. Any creature entering the area takes 1d6 Hit Points of piercing and cold damage per round, increasing by one point each per level up to a maximum of 1d6+4 at level 18. There is a 15% chance per round that affected creatures will be frozen solid and unable to move for three rounds, while being frozen from the inside out. At the end of three rounds, the ice shatters violently, doing an additional 1d6 Hit Points of piercing and cold to the affected creature and other creatures within a 5-foot radius, increasing by one point each per level up to a maximum of 1d6+4 at level 18. There is no save for this spell or it's effects.~
Shar's Embrace (Conjuration)
Sphere: Shadow Level: 6 Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
Upon casting of this spell, the cleric is enshrouded by a mass of swirling darkness conjured from the shadow plane, which acts as a protective barrier against incoming attacks. The shadows absorb energy from attacks, both physical and magical, that are directed at the caster. The barrier reduces damage from all attacks by 10%, increasing by an additional percentage point every two levels to a maximum of 15% at level 21. Additionally, creatures who successfully hit the caster through the shadowy barrier within melee range suffer 1d5 points of magic damage and 1d5 points of cold damage, with a 20% change of being drained of one level as well. There is no Saving Throw allowed for these effects, though undead creatures are immune. This spell may not be cast by clerics of good alignment.~
Ent Summoning (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 5 Sphere: Plant, Summoning Range: 120 ft. Duration: 4 turns Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
When the words of this spell are spoken, the caster conjures forth a Dark Treant to serve <PRO_HIMHER> in battle. The strength of the summoned treant will increase with the caster as <PRO_HESHE> gains more levels of experience.
1st – 10th: a 9 HD dark treant. There is a 50% chance that two dark treants will be summoned instead.
11th – 13th: a 10 HD dark treant. There is a 50% chance that two dark treants will be summoned instead.
14th and up: an 11 HD dark treant. There is a 50% chance that two dark treants will be summoned instead.
The summoned treants will obey the casters commands and remain in <PRO_HISHER> thrall until they are destroyed or the spell's duration expires.~
Crushing Earth (Invocation)
Level: 6 Sphere: Elemental Earth Range: 100 ft. Duration: Instant Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
By way of this spell, the caster summons forth a large boulder 6-ft. in diameter that is then hurled in the direction of <PRO_HISHER> choosing. Once launched, this unstoppable force of earth plows over and through any creatures in it's path, causing 10d10 Hit Points of crushing damage, with a 15% chance of outright crushing them to death. Creatures struck by the boulder can roll a Save vs. Spell to sidestep or jump out of the way at the last moment to halve the damage, there is no Saving Throw allowed to avoid the chance of being crushed to death. Giant-sized creatures are less affected by the boulder and take 5d10 Hit Points of crushing damage, with a successful Save vs. Spell for half. Giant-sized creatures cannot be instantly killed by the boulder.~
Sundering Vitriol (Evocation)
Level: 3 Sphere: Elemental Earth, Combat Range: 100 ft. Duration: Instant Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the druid draws forth a globule of viscous, caustic slime, which is then hurled towards a creature of the druid's choosing. When struck by the slime, creatures suffer 1d3+2 Hit Points of acid damage, and their resistance to all forms of physical damage is lowered by 3 percent for one round. For every 3 levels of experience of the caster, an additional globule is added to the volley, up to a maximum of 7 at level 24. There is no Saving Throw allowed for the effects of this spell.
Devouring Darkness (Conjuration, Shadow)
Level: 7 Sphere: Combat Range: 40 ft. Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 10-ft. radius Saving Throw: None
When the priest chants this spell, a swirling misama of living shadow blankets an area of the caster's choosing. Creatures caught in the maw of this hungering mass suffer 2d4 Hit Points of cold and 2d4 Hit Points of magic damage per round while they are in the area of effect, their level of fatigue increased by one, and must make a Saving Throw or also be held for one round and drained of two levels permanently. The Saving throw against being held must be made at a penatly of -8, and -2 for being drained. The caster and undead creatures are immune to the effects of this spell. This spell may not be cast by clerics of good alignment.~
Conjure Shadow Elemental (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 6 Sphere: Elemental (Shadow), Summoning Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Upon casting a Conjure Shadow Elemental spell, the caster opens a special gate to the Plane of Shadow, and a shadow elemental is summoned in the vicinity of the caster. There is a 60% chance that a 12-Hit-Dice elemental appears; a 35% chance that a 16-Hit-Dice elemental appears; and a 5% chance that a 24-Hit-Dice elemental appears. The elemental will do the bidding of the caster until it is slain or the duration of the spell runs out. All the commands given to the elemental are done telepathically, so there is no time lost due to miscommunication and no need to know the language of the summoned creature. Unlike Mages, priests do not have to engage in a battle of the minds to control their elemental. This spell may not be cast by clerics of good alignment.~
Shining Bolt (Invocation/Evocation)
Level: 1 Range: 60 ft. Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This ability allows Anomen to hurl a bolt of divine energy at an enemy once per day, dealing them 5d6 points of magic damage. Undead creatures and fiends are particularly susceptible to the bolt's effects, suffering double damage when they are struck. The target's Magic Resistance, if any, does not affect this ability.
These are all-new items that can be obtained via cromwell/cespenar or other methods within the game
Tongue of Acid +4
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to confusion and all psionic attacks
Combat abilities: – 15% chance per hit of slowing the target for 3 rounds (Save vs. Spell negates)
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d8+4, 1d3+1 (acid) Damage Type: Slashing Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Tongue of Acid +5
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to confusion and all psionic attacks
Charge Abilities: – Caustic Shell once per day Special: Any opponent within 6 ft. that successfully hits the caster suffers 1d8+1 of acid damage and loses one point of dexterity, constitution, or strength for one round. (Save vs. Spell at -2 halves damage, negates ability score loss) Acid Resistance: +50% Area of Effect: Caster Duration: 1 turn
Combat abilities: – 20% chance per hit of slowing the target for 3 rounds (Save vs. Spell negates)
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5, 1d6+1 (acid) Damage Type: Slashing Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 2
The Suncatcher +3
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +3 – 30% chance that anyone attacking the wielder in melee takes 1d6+1 points per level of fire damage and becomes blinded for 3 rounds. Undead take an additional 1 point per level of fire damage. (Save vs. Spell halves damage and negates blindness) – No protection against missile attacks
Charge abilities: – Sunfire once per day
Requires: 4 Strength
Weight: 2
Quicksilver Sabatons
Equipped abilities: – Move Silently: +50% – Non-detectable by magical means such as Detect Invisibility and scrying – Immunity to all effects that impair movement – Movement rate increased by 1
Charge abilities: – Shadowstep once per day Move for seven seconds while others are frozen in time, may not attack or cast spells while in the Shadow Plane
Weight: 1
Crown of Lies +1
Equipped abilities: – Can memorize 2 extra 4th-level, 1 extra 5th-level, and 2 extra 6th-level wizard spells – Lore: -60 – Constitution: +1 – Intelligence: +1 – Armor Class: +1 – Save vs. Death: +4 – Magic Resistance: 5%
Weight: 1
Horned Helm of Dumathoin
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class +1 – Physical Damage Resistance: +10% – Constitution: +2 – Protects against critical hits
Weight: 1
Archer's Eagle Eyes
Equipped abilities: – Chance to score a critical hit: +10% (ranged attacks only) – Dexterity: +1 (+2 for Archers)
Charge abilities: – Wizard Eye twice per day Special: Creates an invisible eye that can see with normal vision in brightly lit areas, user is subject to gaze attacks Range: 60 ft.
Weight: 1
Belt of the Blademaster
Equipped abilities: – Slashing Damage: +20% bonus – THAC0: +2 bonus with the off hand (Fighters, Rangers, Paladins, Swashbucklers, and Blades only)
Weight: 2
Biter +3
Combat abilities: – 15% chance per hit of penalizing the target's Armor Class by 1 for 1 turn (Save vs. Breath negates) – Returns to the wielder's hand when thrown
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d3+3 (missile), +2 acid Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dart Type: One-handed
Weight: 0
Vampiric Voidsword +5
Equipped abilities: – Strength: -1
Combat abilities: – The target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates) – Does no damage to the undead – Bonuses to hit and damage based on strength do not apply to this weapon – 30% chance on hit of 2d3 damage (magic) and -1 to Strength for 5 rounds to enemies in 15' radius(No Save), weilder is healed for amount of damage done.
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5 (magic) Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 2
Vampiric Voidhammer +5
Equipped abilities: – Strength: -1
Combat abilities: – The target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates) – Does no damage to the undead – Bonuses to hit and damage based on strength do not apply to this weapon – 30% chance on hit of 2d3 damage (magic) and -1 to Strength for 5 rounds to enemies in 15' radius(No Save), weilder is healed for amount of damage done.
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5 (magic) Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 9 Strength
Weight: 4
Melodious Bard Hat
Equipped abilities:
– Intelligence: +1 – Armor Class: +1 – Saving Throws: +1 – Immunity to silence and deafness – Bard song effects linger on for 2 additional rounds after the bard stops singing
Weight: 0
Robe of Roaring Flames
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: 5 – Magic Resistance: 10% – Improves casting speed by 3 – Fire Resistance: +30% – All fire damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 10%
Weight: 4
Mirrored Buckler of the Fist +2
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +3 – No protection against missile and piercing attacks – Immunity to Hold Person – Immunity to Gaze attacks – Reflects missiles back at their user
Requires: 4 Strength
Weight: 1
Sundermaul +5
Equipped abilities – Immunity to fear
Charge Abilities: – Cataclysm once per day First tremor: 3d6(crushing) + 3d6(fire) damage in area of effect, victims fall to ground, panic, or go berserk for 4 rounds (Save vs. Spell at -6 negates, halves damage) Second tremor: 1d9(crushing) + 1d9(fire) damage in area of effect (Save vs. Spell at -2 halves damage) Third tremor: 1d6(crushing) + 1d6(fire) damage in area of effect (Save vs. Spell halves damage) 2% chance that an earth or fire elemental will appear and attack Range: 40 ft. Area of Effect: 30 ft. radius
Combat abilities: – 20% chance per hit of inflicting a -1 penalty to Armor Class for 1 turn (Save vs. Spell negates)
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d4+6 (crushing) +1d3 (crushing) Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: War Hammer Type: One-handed Requires: 9 Strength
Weight: 4
The Scorched Earth +3
Combat abilities: – 10% chance per hit of immolating the target in flames, causing 1d6 fire damage per round (Save vs Spell at -2 to avoid). Creatures within 5 ft. of immolated target take 1d4 fire damage, and can be immolated by the damage. (Save vs. Spell negates)
THAC0: +3, +4 vs. cold-using, and regenerating creatures, +5 vs. undead Damage: 1d8+3, 1d3+1 fire damage, +4 vs. cold-using and regenerating creatures, +5 vs. undead Damage type: Slashing Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 4
Star-Strewn Boots of Antimagic
Equipped abilities: – Magic Resistance: +10%, +20% (Wizard Slayers)
Charge Abilities: – Minor Antimagic Shell Dispels all magical effects on user and prevents further spells from affecting user for 5 rounds. Disables Wizard and Priest spells for the duration of the effect.
Weight: 4
Verdant Crimson Dragonscale Armor +4
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50%
Charge abilities: – Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Verdant Shadow Dragonscale Armor +4
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Acid Resistance +20% – Magic Damage Resistance +20%
– Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Verdant Crimson Dragon Plate +3
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50%
Charge abilities: – Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Verdant Shadow Dragon Plate +3
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Acid Resistance +25% – Magic Damage Resistance +25%
Charge abilities: – Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Scarlet Viridescent Dragonscale Armor +4
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +75% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Dread Flame once per day Damage: 8d6 fire to all creatures in area of effect, 1d6 fire damage per round (Save vs Spell at -2 to avoid). Creatures within 5 ft. of immolated target take 1d4 fire damage, and can be immolated by the damage. (Save vs. Spell negates) Area of Effect: 30-ft. cone with 140-deg. arc
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Scarlet Viridescent Dragon Plate +3
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +75% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Dread Flame once per day Damage: 8d6 fire to all creatures in area of effect, 1d6 fire damage per round (Save vs Spell at -2 to avoid). Creatures within 5 ft. of immolated target take 1d4 fire damage, and can be immolated by the damage. (Save vs. Spell negates) Area of Effect: 30-ft. cone with 140-deg. arc
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Umbral Viridescent Dragonscale Armor +4
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Magic Damage Resistance +75% – Physical Damage Resistance +5%
Charge abilities: – Devouring Darkness once per day Damage: 2d4(cold), 2d4(magic) to all creatures in area of effect once per round Special: Creatures in are of effect are held for one round, drained of one level, and fatigued by one point (Save vs. Spell at -8 negates hold, Save vs. Spell at -2 negates drain) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 10 ft. Duration: 1 turn
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Umbral Viridescent Dragon Plate +3
Equipped abilities: – Magic Damage Resistance +75% – Immunity to poison – Crushing Damage Resistance: +10% – Piercing Damage Resistance: +10%
Charge abilities: – Devouring Darkness once per day Damage: 2d4(cold), 2d4(magic) to all creatures in area of effect once per round Special: Creatures in are of effect are held for one round, drained of one level, and fatigued by one point (Save vs. Spell at -8 negates hold, Save vs. Spell at -2 negates drain) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 10 ft. Duration: 1 turn
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Shadow Dragonscale Armor +4 (Red Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Fire Resistance +50% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
– Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Shadow Dragonscale Armor +4 (Blue Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Electrical Resistance +90% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Thunder Thrust once per day Damage: 12d8 electrical (Save vs. Spell for half), 4d8 electrical ( 5ft. radius Save vs. Spell for half) Special: knocks target back and unconscious for one round Range: 80 ft.
– Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Shadow Dragonscale Armor +5 (White Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Cold Resistance +50% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Ko'Dezza's Frozen Death once per day Damage: 7d10(cold) + 7d10(magic) (No Save) Special: 3% Chance creatures in area of effect are instantly slain and replaced by a 16HD Shadow Elemental (No Save) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: -1 (-3 vs. slashing, -2 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Shadow Dragonscale Armor +4 (Silver Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Magic Damage Resistance: +50% – Magic Resistance: +10% – Charisma: -2
Charge abilities: – Ko'Dezza's Frozen Death once per day Damage: 7d10(cold) + 7d10(magic) (No Save) Special: 3% Chance creatures in area of effect are instantly slain and replaced by a 16HD Shadow Elemental (No Save) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Combat abilities: – Heals wearer 2 Hit Points each time damage is taken
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Shadow Dragonscale Armor +4 (Black Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Acid Resistance +50% – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Piercing Damage Resistance: +10% – Crushing Damage Resistance: +10%
Charge abilities: – Caustic Quagmire once per day Damage: 1d4+2 acid per round (Save vs. Spell at -2 for half) Special: Physical resistance -7% for one round (Save vs. Spell at -2 negates) Range: 60 ft. Radius: 10 ft.
– Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Crimson Dragonscale Armor +4 (Blue Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50% – Electrical Resistance +90% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Thunder Thrust once per day Damage: 12d8 electrical (Save vs. Spell for half), 4d8 electrical ( 5ft. radius Save vs. Spell for half) Special: knocks target back and unconscious for one round Range: 80 ft.
– Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Crimson Dragonscale Armor +5 (White Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50% – Cold Resistance +50% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge Abilities: – Antipode twice per day Damage: 6d6 fire + 6d6 cold (Save vs. Spell for half) Range: 90 ft. Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
Armor Class: -1 (-3 vs. slashing, -2 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Crimson Dragonscale Armor +4 (Silver Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50% – Magic Resistance: +10% – Charisma: -2
Charge Abilities: – Antipode twice per day Damage: 6d6 fire + 6d6 cold (Save vs. Spell for half) Range: 90 ft. Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
Combat abilities: – Heals wearer 2 Hit Points each time damage is taken
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Crimson Dragonscale Armor +4 (Black Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Acid Resistance +50% – Fire Resistance +50% – Piercing Damage Resistance: +10% – Crushing Damage Resistance: +10%
Charge abilities: – Caustic Quagmire once per day Damage: 1d4+2 acid per round (Save vs. Spell at -2 for half) Special: Physical resistance -7% for one round (Save vs. Spell at -2 negates) Range: 60 ft. Radius: 10 ft.
– Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Crimson Dragonscale Armor +4 (Shadow Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50% – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Crushing Damage Resistance: +10% – Piercing Damage Resistance: +10%
– Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
– Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Chromatic Crimson Dragon Plate +3 (Shadow Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50% – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
– Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Crimson Dragon Plate +3 (Blue Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50% – Electrical Resistance +90% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Thunder Thrust once per day Damage: 12d8 electrical (Save vs. Spell for half), 4d8 electrical ( 5ft. radius Save vs. Spell for half) Special: knocks target back and unconscious for one round Range: 80 ft.
– Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Crimson Dragon Plate +4 (White Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50% – Cold Resistance +90% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge Abilities: – Antipode twice per day Damage: 6d6 fire + 6d6 cold (Save vs. Spell for half) Range: 90 ft. Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
Armor Class: -3 (-6 vs. slashing, -4 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Crimson Dragon Plate +3 (Silver Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance: +50% – Magic Resistance: +10% – Charisma: -2
Charge Abilities: – Antipode twice per day Damage: 6d6 fire + 6d6 cold (Save vs. Spell for half) Range: 90 ft. Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
Combat abilities: – Heals wearer 2 Hit Points each time damage is taken
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Crimson Dragon Plate +3 (Black Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50% – Acid Resistance +50% – Missile Damage Resistance: +10% – Slashing Damage Resistance: +10%
Charge abilities: – Caustic Quagmire once per day Damage: 1d4+2 acid per round (Save vs. Spell at -2 for half) Special: Physical resistance -7% for one round (Save vs. Spell at -2 negates) Range: 60 ft. Radius: 10 ft.
– Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Shadow Dragon Plate + 3 (Red Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Fire Resistance +50% – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Ko'Dezza's Multi-Fireball once per day Damage: 7d6 fire per fireball to all creatures in area of effect Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
– Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Shadow Dragon Plate +3 (Blue Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Electrical Resistance +90% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Thunder Thrust once per day Damage: 12d8 electrical (Save vs. Spell for half), 4d8 electrical ( 5ft. radius Save vs. Spell for half) Special: knocks target back and unconscious for one round Range: 80 ft.
– Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Shadow Dragon Plate +4 (White Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Cold Resistance +50% – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Ko'Dezza's Frozen Death once per day Damage: 7d10(cold) + 7d10(magic) (No Save) Special: 3% Chance creatures in area of effect are instantly slain and replaced by a 16HD Shadow Elemental (No Save) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Shadow Dragon Plate +3 (Silver Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Magic Damage Resistance: +50% – Magic Resistance: +10% – Charisma: -2
Charge abilities: – Ko'Dezza's Frozen Death once per day Damage: 7d10(cold) + 7d10(magic) (No Save) Special: 3% Chance creatures in area of effect are instantly slain and replaced by a 16HD Shadow Elemental (No Save) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Combat abilities: – Heals wearer 2 Hit Points each time damage is taken
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Chromatic Shadow Dragon Plate +3 (Black Scales)
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison – Acid Resistance +50% – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Missile Damage Resistance: +10% – Slashing Damage Resistance: +10%
Charge abilities: – Grasping Shadows once per day Damage: 1d4(cold), 1d4(piercing) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (Save vs. Spell at -4 for half) Special: Creatures in area of effect are paralyzed for one and a half rounds (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
– Caustic Quagmire once per day Damage: 1d4+2 acid per round (Save vs. Spell at -2 for half) Special: Physical resistance -7% for one round (Save vs. Spell at -2 negates) Range: 60 ft. Radius: 10 ft.
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Viridescent Shadow Dragonscale Armor +4
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison, disease, blindness, deafness – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Slashing Damage Resistance: +10% – Crushing Damage Resistance: +10%
– Deleterious Nimbus once per day Damage: 1d12+1 poison per round (No Save) Special: 2 poison damage per second for two rounds (Save vs. Death at -8 negates) Special: Slays creatures of 8 Hit Dice of less, 9-10 Hit Dice creatures must Save vs. Death at -8 or be slain Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Viridescent Carmine Dragonscale Armor +4
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison, disease, blindness, deafness – Fire Resistance +50% – Slashing Damage Resistance: +10% – Crushing Damage Resistance: +10%
Charge abilities: – Deleterious Nimbus once per day Damage: 1d12+1 poison per round (No Save) Special: 2 poison damage per second for two rounds (Save vs. Death at -8 negates) Special: Slays creatures of 8 Hit Dice of less, 9-10 Hit Dice creatures must Save vs. Death at -8 or be slain Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Viridescent Carmine Dragon Plate +3
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to poison, disease, blindness, deafness – Fire Resistance +50% – Missile Damage Resistance: +10% – Piercing Damage Resistance: +10%
– Deleterious Nimbus once per day Damage: 1d12+1 poison per round (No Save) Special: 2 poison damage per second for two rounds (Save vs. Death at -8 negates) Special: Slays creatures of 8 Hit Dice of less, 9-10 Hit Dice creatures must Save vs. Death at -8 or be slain Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Viridescent Shadow Dragon Plate +3
Equipped abilities: – Magic Damage Resistance +50% – Immunity to poison, disease, blindness, deafness – Missile Damage Resistance: +10% – Piercing Damage Resistance: +10%
Charge abilities: – Deleterious Nimbus once per day Damage: 1d12+1 poison per round (No Save) Special: 2 poison damage per second for two rounds (Save vs. Death at -8 negates) Special: Slays creatures of 8 Hit Dice of less, 9-10 Hit Dice creatures must Save vs. Death at -8 or be slain Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Stalker's Gauntlets of Blinding Strike
Equipped abilities: – Extra 1/2 attack per round (Thieves, rangers only) – Dexterity: +1 – Hide in Shadows: +30%
– Backstab Multiplier: +1 (Stalkers, thieves only)Weight: 2
The Scorched Earth +5
Combat abilities: – 25% chance per hit of immolating the target in flames, causing 1d6 fire damage per round (Save vs Spell at -2 to avoid). Creatures within 5 ft. of immolated target take 1d4 fire damage, and can be immolated by the damage. (Save vs. Spell negates)
THAC0: +5, +6 vs. cold-using, regenerating creatures, and vs. undead Damage: 1d8+5, 1d6+1 fire damage, +6 vs. cold-using, regenerating creatures, and vs. undead Damage type: Slashing Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 4
Tymora's Cinch
Equipped abilities: – Luck
Charge abilities: – Luck once per day on all party members. Duration: 2 turns
Weight: 2
The Uncursed Staff of Antipode
Equipped abilities: – Strength: 18
Charge Abilities: – Antipode Damage: 6d6 fire + 6d6 cold (Save vs. Spell for half) Range: 90 ft. Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
THAC0: -2 Damage: 1d6-2 (crushing), +2d3 (fire) or +2d3 (cold) Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff Type: Two-handed Requires: 5 Strength
Weight: 4
Nasty Backwhacker +4
Combat abilities: – Renders the target unconscious for 2 rounds when a backstab is performed (Save vs. Death negates)
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d6+4 (crushing), slivers add 2 points piercing damage each round for 4 rounds, +5 poison (Save vs. Poison negates) Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Club Type: One-handed Requires: 5 Strength
Weight: 3
Bow of the Wailing Banshee +4
Combat abilities: – 20% chance per hit of releasing a banshee's scream on impact, dealing 4d4 magic damage and deafening affected enemies in a 15ft. radius (Save vs. Spell negates deafness and halves damage)
THAC0: +5 Damage: +4 Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Longbow Type: Two-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 3
Adventurer's Nimble Gloves of Guarding
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: 3 – THAC0 +2 with missile weapons – Dexterity: +2 – Pick Pockets: +45% – Set Traps: +25%
Weight: 2
Quiver of Void-Tipped Arrows +3
Equipped abilities: – Unlimited Void-Tipped Arrows +3
Combat abilities: – The target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates) – Does no damage to undead
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d6+3 (magic) Launcher: Bow
Weight: 0
Bag of Darkness +3
Equipped abilities: – Unlimited Bullets of Darkness +3
Combat abilities: – The target suffers -1 to Strength for 5 rounds per hit (minimum 1 Strength; Save vs. Spell negates). – Does no damage to the undead
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d4+4 (magic) Launcher: Sling
Weight: 0
Illusory Cloak of Arcana
Equipped abilities:
– Can memorize two extra 2nd-level wizard spells, and one extra 4th-level wizard spell – Caster Level: +2 (Mages, Sorcerers, and Bards) – Lore: +20 – Armor Class: +4 vs. missile attacks – Save vs. Death: +2 – Save vs. Breath: +2 – Save vs. Wand: +2
Weight: 3
Element's Fury +3
Combat abilities: – Returns to the weilder's hand when thrown – Deals an extra 1d4 cold damage to fire elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 fire damage to water elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 acid damage to earth elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 electrical damage to air elementals
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d4+3, +1 fire, cold, electrical, or acid damage (random) Damage type: Piercing Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: One-handed Requires: 3 Strength
Weight: 1
Element's Fury +4 (Frost)
Combat abilities: – Returns to the weilder's hand when thrown – Deals an extra 1d4 cold damage to fire elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 fire damage to water elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 acid damage to earth elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 electrical damage to air elementals – 10% chance of Snilloc's Snowball Swarm centered on target Damage: 4d3 cold (Save vs. Spell for half) Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d4+4, +1d3 fire, cold, electrical, or acid damage (random) Damage type: Piercing Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: One-handed Requires: 3 Strength
Weight: 1
Element's Fury +4 (Flame)
Combat abilities: – Returns to the weilder's hand when thrown – Deals an extra 1d4 cold damage to fire elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 fire damage to water elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 acid damage to earth elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 electrical damage to air elementals – 10% chance of Produce Fire centered on target Damage: 4d4 fire (Save vs. Spell for half) Area of Effect: 5-ft. radius
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d4+4, +1d3 fire, cold, electrical, or acid damage (random) Damage type: Piercing Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: One-handed Requires: 3 Strength
Weight: 1
Element's Fury +4 (Ichor)
Combat abilities: – Returns to the weilder's hand when thrown – Deals an extra 1d4 cold damage to fire elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 fire damage to water elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 acid damage to earth elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 electrical damage to air elementals – 10% chance of Vitiolic Burst centered on target Damage: 4d4 acid (Save vs. Spell for half) Area of Effect: 5-ft. radius
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d4+4, +1d3 fire, cold, electrical, or acid damage (random) Damage type: Piercing Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: One-handed Requires: 3 Strength
Weight: 1
Element's Fury +4 (Wind)
Combat abilities: – Returns to the weilder's hand when thrown – Deals an extra 1d4 cold damage to fire elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 fire damage to water elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 acid damage to earth elementals – Deals an extra 1d4 electrical damage to air elementals – 10% chance of Electrical Discharge centered on target Damage: 3d4 electrical (Save vs. Spell for half) Area of Effect: 6-ft. radius
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d4+4, +1d3 fire, cold, electrical, or acid damage (random) Damage type: Piercing Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: One-handed Requires: 3 Strength
Weight: 1
Maelstrom Axe +3
Combat abilities: – Returns to weilder's hand when thrown – 15% chance per hit of stunning the target for 1 round (Save vs. Spell negates) – Slays fire elementals, efreet, and salamanders
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d6+3, +1d3 (electrical) or +1d3 (cold) Damage type (melee): Slashing Damage type (thrown): Missile Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: Two-handed Requires: 4 Strength
Weight: 2
Maelstrom Axe +4
Combat abilities: – Returns to weilder's hand when thrown – 15% chance per hit of stunning the target for 1 round (Save vs. Spell negates) – Slays fire elementals, efreet, and salamanders – 10% chance per hit of smashing wave (melee only) 2d10 crushing damage, 25% chance of stun, 5% chance of being knocked unconcious (Save vs. Breath for half, avoids stun and sleep)
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d6+4, 1d3+1 (electrical) or 1d3+1 (cold) Damage type (melee): Slashing or Crushing, whichever is better Damage type (thrown): Slashing or Crushing, whichever is better Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: Two-handed Requires: 4 Strength
Weight: 6
Maelstrom Axe +5
Combat abilities: – Returns to weilder's hand when thrown – 15% chance per hit of stunning the target for 1 round (Save vs. Spell negates) – Slays fire elementals, efreet, and salamanders – 10% chance per hit of smashing wave (melee only) 2d10 crushing damage, 25% chance of stun, 5% chance of being knocked unconcious (Save vs. Breath for half, avoids stun and sleep)
Charge abilities: – Maelstrom once per day Damage: 3d3(slashing) + 50% chance of 4d6(electrical) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (No Save) Special: Creatures in area of effect have their movement rate set to 1 per round while in the area (No Save) Special: Creatures in the area of effect have a 20% chance of being pulled toward the center of the storm or knocked unconscious for one round (No Save, does not affect giant creatures) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 17 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d6+5, 1d3+1 (electrical) or 1d3+1 (cold) Damage type (melee): Slashing or Crushing, whichever is better Damage type (thrown): Slashing or Crushing, whichever is better Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: Two-handed Requires: 4 Strength
Weight: 6
Maelstrom Pike +4
Combat abilities: – 15% chance per hit of stunning the target for 1 round (Save vs. Spell negates) – Slays fire elementals, efreet, and salamanders
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d10+4 (slashing or piercing, whichever is better), +1d4 (cold) or +1d4 (electrical) Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Halberd Type: Two-handed Requires: 11 Strength
Weight: 12
Maelstrom Pike +5
Combat abilities: – 15% chance per hit of stunning the target for 1 round (Save vs. Spell negates) – Slays fire elementals, efreet, and salamanders – 10% chance per hit of smashing wave 2d10 crushing damage, 25% chance of stun, 5% chance of being knocked unconcious (Save vs. Breath for half, avoids stun and sleep)
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d10+5 (crushing or piercing, whichever is better), +1d8 (cold) or +1d8 (electrical) Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Halberd Type: Two-handed Requires: 11 Strength
Weight: 12
Maelstrom Pike +6
Combat abilities: – 15% chance per hit of stunning the target for 1 round (Save vs. Spell negates) – Slays fire elementals, efreet, and salamanders – 10% chance per hit of smashing wave 2d10 crushing damage, 25% chance of stun, 5% chance of being knocked unconcious (Save vs. Breath for half, avoids stun and sleep)
Charge abilities: – Maelstrom once per day Damage: 3d3(slashing) + 50% chance of 4d6(electrical) to all creatures in area of effect once per round (No Save) Special: Creatures in area of effect have their movement rate set to 1 per round while in the area (No Save) Special: Creatures in the area of effect have a 20% chance of being pulled toward the center of the storm or knocked unconscious for one round (No Save, does not affect giant creatures) Range: 40 ft. Radius: 17 ft. Duration: 5 rounds
THAC0: +6 Damage: 1d10+6 (crushing or piercing, whichever is better), +1d8 (cold) or +1d8 (electrical) Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Halberd Type: Two-handed Requires: 11 Strength
Weight: 12
Trollkiller's Ioun Stone
Equipped abilities: – Protects against all forms of panic and boosts morale – THAC0: +2 – +2 damage vs. trolls – Hit Points +10% – Regenerate 1 Hit Point per round
Charge Abilities: – Aura of Minor Trollish Regeneration once per day Special: Regenerate 1 Hit Point per round Duration: 2 turns Area of Effect: Party
Weight: 0
Trollkiller's Vigorous Ioun Stone
Equipped abilities: – Protects against all forms of panic and boosts morale – THAC0: +2, +4 vs. trolls – +2 damage vs. trolls – Hit Points +20% – Regenerate 2 Hit Points per round
Charge Abilities: – Aura of Trollish Regeneration once per day Special: Regenerate 2 Hit Points per round Duration: 3 turns Area of Effect: Party
Weight: 0
Bulwark of Egons +3
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +4, +5 vs. missile attacks – Magical Resistance: 10% – Turn Undead Level: +2 – Negative plane protection
Requires: 12 Strength
Weight: 6
Vexation +5
Combat abilities: – Inflicts 4 points of bleeding damage per hit (two points per round) – 20% chance of insect swarm on target 3 points of piercing damage per round for 7 rounds, -2 THAC0, -2 AC, 50% chance of spell failure (Save vs. Breath at -4 negates) – Drains 2 points of Strength from the target and transfers them to the wielder for 5 rounds when a successful backstab is performed (non-cumulative) – Blinds target on successful backstab (no save)
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d6+5 (piercing) Speed Factor: 1 Proficiency Type: Short Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 4 Strength
Weight: 2
Bulwark of Egons +4
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +5, +6 vs. missile attacks – Magical Resistance: 10% – Turn Undead Level: +3 – Negative plane protection – Permanent Minor Boon of Lathander: +1 to hit and damage, +1 to saving throws, extra 1/2 attack per round
Requires: 12 Strength
Weight: 6
Astral Crossbow +4
Combat abilities: – On a critical hit, +4d4 damage (magic), target is knocked back and unconscious for 2 rounds (no save)
THAC0: +4, +6 vs. evil creatures Damage: +4 (missile), +6 vs. evil creatures Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Crossbow Type: Two-handed Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 5
Shadowed Spear of the Tempest +4
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +2
Combat abilities: – 20% chance per hit to teleport to a random enemy and receive a +4 THAC0 bonus for 1 round – 5% chance per hit to teleport to a random enemy and become ethereal for 1 round
Charge abilities: – Etherealness Special: Wearer is immune to normal weapons. Spells may still be cast, and weapons may still be used. Duration: 1 round – Wind Slash Damage: 1d6+4 (slashing, strength bonus to hit and damage does not apply) Range: 20ft.
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d6+4 (piercing) Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Spear Type: Two-handed Requires: 5 Strength
Weight: 3
Shadowed Spear of the Tempest +6
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +2
Combat abilities:
– 20% chance per hit to teleport to a random enemy and receive a +4 THAC0 bonus for 1 round
– 5% chance per hit to teleport to a random enemy and become ethereal for 1 round
– Whirlwind on critical hit
Damage: 1d8 (slashing), 1d8 (crushing), stunned for 2 rounds (Save vs. Breath negates), creatures of 2 or fewer hit dice are instantly slain, elementals and huge creatures unaffected
Range: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Charge abilities:
– Etherealness
Special: Wearer is immune to normal weapons. Spells may still be cast, and weapons may still be used.
Duration: 1 round
– Wind Slash
Damage: 1d6+6 (slashing, strength bonus to hit and damage does not apply)
Range: 20ft.
THAC0: +6
Damage: 1d6+6 (piercing)
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Two-handed
5 Strength
Weight: 3
Green Dragonscale Armor +4
Equipped abilities: – Fire Resistance +20% – Immunity to poison, disease, blindness, deafness – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Deleterious Nimbus once per day Damage: 1d12+1 poison per round (No Save) Special: 2 poison damage per second for two rounds (Save vs. Death at -8 negates) Special: Slays creatures of 8 Hit Dice of less, 9-10 Hit Dice creatures must Save vs. Death at -8 or be slain Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 7
Green Dragon Plate +3
Equipped abilities: – Fire Resistance +25% – Immunity to poison, disease, blindness, deafness – Physical Damage Resistance: +5%
Charge abilities: – Deleterious Nimbus once per day Damage: 1d12+1 poison per round (No Save) Special: 2 poison damage per second for two rounds (Save vs. Death at -8 negates) Special: Slays creatures of 8 Hit Dice of less, 9-10 Hit Dice creatures must Save vs. Death at -8 or be slain Range: 40 ft. Radius: 15 ft.
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -3 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Green Dragon Helm
Equipped abilities: – Protects against critical hits – Armor Class: +1 – Saving Throws: +4
Weight: 2
Green Dragonscale Shield +4
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +5 – Immunity to poison
– Venemous Breath once per day Damage: 6d10 poison (Save vs. Breath at -6 halves) Special: -6 penalty to Save vs. Death for one turn (Save vs. Breath at -6 negates) Special: -20% poison resistance for one turn (Save vs. Breath at -6 negates) Area of Effect: 30-ft. cone with 45-deg. arc
Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 5
Silver Dragon Blade +4
Equipped abilities: – Slashing Damage: +10% bonus – Chance to score a critical hit: +10% (this weapon only) – While enraged, the chance to score a critical hit is increased by 10% (Berserkers, Barbarians and Rashemi warriors only)
Combat abilities: – Deals an extra 2d4 points of cold damage and slows the target for 1 round (no save) on a critical hit
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d10+4, +1d3 cold Damage Type: Slashing Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword Type: Two-handed Requires: 14 Strength
Weight: 9
Silver Dragon Blade +5
Equipped abilities: – Slashing Damage: +10% bonus – Chance to score a critical hit: +15% (this weapon only) – While enraged, the chance to score a critical hit is increased by 10% (Berserkers, Barbarians and Rashemi warriors only)
Combat abilities: – On critical hit, deals an extra 5d6 points of cold damage (Save vs. Spell for half) and stuns target for 1 round (no save) – On critical hit, 1d8 cold damage and slows creatures for 1 round in 7ft. radius (Save vs. Spell for half, negates slow)
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d10+5, +2d3 cold Damage Type: Slashing Speed Factor: 7 Proficiency Type: Two-handed Sword Type: Two-handed Requires: 14 Strength
Weight: 9
The Night's Embrace +7
Equipped abilities: – If the wearer is rendered helpless (e.g. by a Hold Person spell), <PRO_HESHE> becomes invisible for 1 turn – When the wearer receives damage from any source, there is a 25% chance of mirror image on the wearer – Hide In Shadows: +40% – Save vs. Death: +2 – Save vs. Breath: +2 – Save vs. Wand: +2 – While hidden or invisible, the wearer is non-detectable by magical means such as Detect Invisibility and scrying
Armor Class: 1 (0 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 3 Strength
Weight: 5
Wicked Jester's Bracers
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: 2 – Charisma: -4 (+4 for Jesters) – Wearer is forced to tell corny jokes – May only be removed with a Remove Curse spell
Charge abilities: – Cacophony of Chaos twice per day Special: All enemies within the area of effect must make a Saving Throw vs. Spell at -4 every round that they remain in the area of effect. If the Saving Throw is failed, one of the following random effects occurs: – target is polymorphed into a squirrel – target is confused – target is paralyzed – target is deafened – target is blinded – target is panicked – target is rendered unconscious – target is silenced Range: 40 ft. Duration: 1 turn Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
– Knife Trick twice per day Special: The wearer tosses a torrent of daggers and darts outward in a 90-degree arc. Creatures struck by the blades must Save vs. Death at -4 or be affected by: –3d7 damage (piercing) (No Save) –target is intoxicated for one turn –target is blinded for one turn –target is poisoned for one damage per second for 24 seconds Range: 30 ft. Area of Effect: 90-degree arc
Weight: 2
Holy Ring of Purity
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +2 vs. evil creatures – Magic Resistance: +10% – Hit Points: +20 – Chant
Charge abilities: – Mass Exaltation once per day Special: removes fear, sleep, feeblemind, unconsciousness, intoxication, and protects against these effects for 1 turn. – Mass Cure once per day Heals 1d8+20 Hit Points of all party members within a 15-ft. radius of the caster.
Weight: 0
Dervish Crescent of Speed +3
Equipped abilities: – Movement Speed: +1
Combat abilities: – 15% chance per kill that the wielder will be affected by Fireshield (Red) – 1 extra attack per round
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d8+3, +1d3 fire Damage Type: Slashing Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō Type: One-handed Requires: 10 Strength
Weight: 3
Varscona +3
Equipped abilities: – Protection from Blindness – THAC0: +1 at night
Charge abilities: – Shadow Bolt three times per day Damage: 1d5(magic) + 1d5(cold) per bolt (No Save), +6 damage(magic) +6 damage(cold) to all creatures in 5-ft. radius of impact (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Special: 20% chance of blindness for one turn or drained of one level permanently (Save vs. Spell at -4 to avoid) Range: 100 ft. Area of Effect: Special
Combat abilities: – 20% chance of blinding creatures struck for 1 turn. (Save vs. Spell at -2 negates)
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d8+3, +1(cold), +1(magic) Damage type: Slashing Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 3
Varscona +4
Equipped abilities: – Negative Plane Protection – Protection from Blindness – THAC0: +1 at night – Damage: +1 at night
Charge abilities: – Shadow Bolt three times per day Damage: 1d5(magic) + 1d5(cold) per bolt (No Save), +8 damage(magic) +8 damage(cold) to all creatures in 5-ft. radius of impact (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Special: 20% chance of blindness for one turn or drained of one level permanently (Save vs. Spell at -4 to avoid) Range: 100 ft. Area of Effect: Special
Combat abilities: – 20% chance of blinding creatures struck for 1 turn, or draining them of 1 level permanently. (Save vs. Spell at -2 negates)
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d8+4, +1d2(cold), +1d2(magic) Damage type: Slashing Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 3
Stonefire +5
Equipped abilities: – Cold Resistance +40%
Combat abilities: – 15% Chance on hit of Magma Burst Damage: 3d4 Fire per round (Save vs. Spell at -2 halves) Special: Puts target into a panic state Duration: 6 rounds (Save vs. Spell at -2 each round negates ongoing effects and damage) Area of Effect: 5-ft. radius
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5, +2d3 fire damage Damage type: Slashing Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: One-handed Requires: 10 Strength
Weight: 7
Sourceror's Cap
Equipped abilities: – Hit Points: +10 – Casting Speed: +2 – Spell memorization reduced by 1 for levels 1-4 – May memorize two extra level 5 and level 6 spells
Weight: 0
Sourceror's Chapeau
Equipped abilities: – Hit Points: +10 – Casting Speed: +2 – Spell memorization reduced by 1 for levels 1-4 – May memorize two extra level 5 and level 6 spells – May memorize one extra level 7 and level 8 spell
Weight: 0
Raiment of the Lich
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: 3 – Improves casting speed by 2 – Magic Resistance: +15% – All magic and cold damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 15% – Charisma: -4
Combat abilities: – Lich's Grasp: Any opponent within 6 ft. that successfully hits the wearer suffers 3d2 magic damage, healing the wearer for the amount done (No Save), attacker must also Save vs. Death or be paralyzed for one round.
Weight: 5
Raiment of the Demilich
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: 3 – Improves casting speed by 3 – Magic Resistance: +15% – All magic and cold damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 20% – Saving Throws: +1 – Charisma: -4
Combat abilities: – Lich's Grasp: Any opponent within 6 ft. that successfully hits the wearer suffers 3d2 magic damage, healing the wearer for the amount done (No Save), attacker must also Save vs. Death or be paralyzed for one round.
Weight: 5
Water's Edge +5
Combat abilities: – Slays fire elementals, efreet, and salamanders – 15% chance per hit of smashing wave 2d10 crushing damage, 25% chance of stun, 5% chance of being knocked unconcious (Save vs. Breath for half, avoids stun and sleep)
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5 (slashing) Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō Type: One-handed Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 3
Dervish Crescent of Speed +5
Equipped abilities: – Movement Speed: +1
Combat abilities: – 15% chance per kill that the wielder will be affected by Fireshield (Red) – 1 extra attack per round
Charge Abilities: – Flame Vortice once per day Damage: 8d8 fire(Save vs. Breath at -6 for half), 10% chance of being instantly burned to death Range: Special Area of Effect: Special
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5, +1d5 fire Damage Type: Slashing Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninjatō Type: One-handed Requires: 10 Strength
Weight: 3
Aster's Edge +4
Equipped abilities: – Magic Resistance: +30% – Magic Damage Resistance: +30%
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d8+4, +3 extra vs. fiends and undead Damage type: Slashing Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 5 Strength
Weight: 2
Crimson Dawn +3
Equipped abilities: – Critical Hit Chance: +5% (with this weapon only)
Combat abilities: – 15% chance per kill of hasting the wielder for 3 rounds
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d10+3 (slashing) +1d3 (fire) Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Katana Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 4
Severance +3
Equipped abilities: – Hit Points: +10 – Extra 1/2 attack per round
Combat abilities: – 20% chance per hit of draining 1d4 Hit Points from the target and transferring them to the wielder. This will not heal beyond the wielder's maximum.
THAC0: +3 Damage: 2d4+3 (slashing) Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 11 Strength
Weight: 7
Crimson Dawn +5
Equipped abilities: – Critical Hit Chance: +10% (with this weapon only)
Combat abilities: – 20% chance per kill of hasting the wielder for 3 rounds
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d10+5 (slashing) 1d4+1 (fire) Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Katana Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 4
Severance +5
Equipped abilities: – Hit Points: +15 – 1 extra attack per round
Combat abilities: – 25% chance per hit of draining 1d4 Hit Points from the target and transferring them to the wielder. This will not heal beyond the wielder's maximum.
THAC0: +5 Damage: 2d4+5 (slashing) Speed Factor: 6 Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 11 Strength
Weight: 7
Black Dragon Plate +3
Equipped abilities: – Fire Resistance +25% – Acid Resistance +25% – Physical Damage Resistance: +10%
Combat abilities: – Caustic Scales: Any opponent within 6 ft. that successfully hits the wearer suffers 1d3 points of acid damage.
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing, -5 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Black Dragonscale Armor +4
Equipped abilities: – Fire Resistance +20% – Acid Resistance +20% – Physical Damage Resistance: +10%
Combat abilities: – Caustic Scales: Any opponent within 6 ft. that successfully hits the wearer suffers 1d3 points of acid damage.
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 7
Black Dragon Helm
Equipped abilities: – Protects against critical hits – Acid Resistance: +20% – Fire Resistance: +20% – Physical Damage Resistance: +4%
Weight: 2
Black Dragonscale Shield +3
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +4 – Fire Resistance +15% – Acid Resistance +15% – Physical Damage Resistance: +10%
Charge abilities: – Caustic Breath once per day Damage: 6d10 acid (Save vs. Breath at -6 halves) Special: -20% acid resistance for one turn (Save vs. Breath at -6 negates) Area of Effect: 30-ft. cone with 45-deg. arc
Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 5
Martyr's Morningstar +3
Equipped abilities: – Hit Points: -15 – Chance to score a critical hit: +5% (this weapon only)
Combat abilities: – On a critical hit, target loses 15% of their maximum Hit Points – On a critical hit, 50% chance target is stunned for 1 round (No Save)
THAC0: +3 Damage: 2d4+3 (crushing) Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star Type: One-handed Requires: 11 Strength
Weight: 9
Martyr's Morningstar +5
Equipped abilities: – Hit Points: -20 – Chance to score a critical hit: +10% (this weapon only)
Combat abilities: – On a critical hit, target loses 15% of their maximum Hit Points – On a critical hit, target is stunned for 1 round (No Save)
THAC0: +5 Damage: 2d4+5 (crushing) Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star Type: One-handed Requires: 11 Strength
Weight: 9
Heartwood Ring of Fire
Equipped abilities: – Can memorize two extra 3rd–level, one extra 5th–level and one extra 7th-level Druid spells – Fire Resistance +20% – Improves casting speed by 2 – All fire damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 15%
Weight: 1
Heartwood Ring of Wind
Equipped abilities: – Can memorize two extra 3rd–level, one extra 5th–level and one extra 7th-level Druid spells – Electricity Resistance +20% – Improves casting speed by 2 – All electrial damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 15%
Weight: 1
Heartwood Ring of Earth
Equipped abilities: – Can memorize two extra 3rd–level, one extra 5th–level and one extra 7th-level Druid spells – Acid Resistance +20% – Improves casting speed by 2 – All acid damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 15%
Weight: 1
Heartwood Ring of Frost
Equipped abilities: – Can memorize two extra 3rd–level, one extra 5th–level and one extra 7th-level Druid spells – Cold Resistance +20% – Improves casting speed by 2 – All cold damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 15%
Weight: 1
Heartwood Ring of Water
Equipped abilities: – Can memorize two extra 3rd–level, one extra 5th–level and one extra 7th-level Druid spells – Magic Damage Resistance +20% – Improves casting speed by 2 – All magic damage inflicted by the wearer is increased by 15%
Weight: 1
Bolt of Frostfire +2
THAC0: +2 Damage: 1d8+2, +1d3 (fire), +1d3 (cold) Damage Type: Missile Launcher: Crossbow
Weight: 0
Restored Gift of the Demon +3
Equipped abilities: – Critical Hit Chance: +5% (with this weapon only)
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d8+3 (slashing) Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Infernal Gift of the Demon +4
Equipped abilities: – Critical Hit Chance: +5% (with this weapon only) – Immune to Charm, Dire Charm, and Domination
Charge abilities: – Fell Rage once per day Special: +10 to maximum Hit Points, +1 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +1d2 damage(acid) to physical attacks, 30% fire resistance, 5% physical damage resistance, +2 to move rate, and immune to charm, sleep, fear, hold, stun, confusion effects. Hit Points are masked and target is in a berserk state, attacking the nearest creature.
Area of Effect: Caster Duration: 2 turnsTHAC0: +4 Damage: 1d8+4 (slashing), +1d3 (acid) Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 2
Infernal Gift of the Demon +5
Equipped abilities: – Critical Hit Chance: +5% (with this weapon only) – Immune to Charm, Dire Charm, and Domination
Charge abilities: – Fell Rage once per day Special: +10 to maximum Hit Points, +1 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +1d2 damage(acid) to physical attacks, 30% fire resistance, 5% physical damage resistance, +2 to move rate, and immune to charm, sleep, fear, hold, stun, confusion effects.
Area of Effect: Caster Duration: 2 turnsTHAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5 (slashing), 1d4+1 (acid) Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 2
Varscona +5
Equipped abilities: – Negative Plane Protection – Protection from Blindness – THAC0: +2 at night – Damage: +1 at night
Charge abilities: – Shadow Bolt three times per day Damage: 1d5(magic) + 1d5(cold) per bolt (No Save), +10 damage(magic) +10 damage(cold) to all creatures in 5-ft. radius of impact (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Special: 20% chance of blindness for one turn or drained of one level permanently (Save vs. Spell at -4 to avoid) Range: 100 ft. Area of Effect: Special
Combat abilities: – 20% chance of blinding creatures struck for 1 turn, or draining them of 1 level permanently. (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) – On critical hit, a shadow monster is summoned to fight alongside the weilder for 1 turn. (with this weapon only)
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5, 1d2+1(cold), 1d2+1(magic) Damage type: Slashing Speed Factor: 3 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 3
Aster's Edge +5
Equipped abilities: – Magic Resistance: +40% – Magic Damage Resistance: +40%
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5, +4 extra vs. fiends and undead Damage type: Slashing Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: Long Sword Type: One-handed Requires: 5 Strength
Weight: 2
Wisened Circlet of the Cynosure
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to fear, charm, and paralysis – Protects against critical hits – Wisdom: +3 – Caster Level: +1 (Clerics, Druids, Shamans, Paladins, and Rangers)
Weight: 1
Warded Solar Aegis +3
Equipped abilities: – Constitution: +1 – Armor Class: +4 – Fire Resistance: +40% – Regenerate 1 Hit Point every 5 rounds
Charge Abilities: – Spirit Ward once per day +3 Save vs Spell bonus against spells from enchantment school Spirits, fey creatures, spectral undead, and elementals suffer -2 to hit against warded creature Range: 40 ft. Area of Effect: 1 creature Duration: 3 turns
Requires: 12 Strength
Weight: 3
Plate Mail of the Hallowed Hero +5
Equipped abilities: – Protection From Evil – Immunity to poison and disease
Combat Abilities: – 20% chance of Armor of Faith cast on wearer when damage is taken
Armor Class: -2 (-5 vs. slashing) Requires: 11 Strength
Weight: 15
- Spider Silk Gi
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +2 – Saving Throws: +1
Weight: 2
Blazing Glory +5
Equipped abilities: – Immunity to fatigue
Combat abilities: – 10% chance of casting Chant centered on the wielder on each hit – 10% chance of Flame Strike on target when hit Damage: 9d8 fire (Save vs. Spell halves) Area of Effect: 1 creature
THAC0: +5 Damage: 2d4+5 (crushing) 1d3+1 (fire) Speed Factor: 4 Proficiency Type: Flail/Morning Star Type: One-handed Requires: 11 Strength
Weight: 8
Dread Hammer +3
Equipped abilities: – On a critical miss, the wielder takes 1d4 points of cold damage
Charge abilities: – Knock three times per day
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d4+4, +2d4 cold Damage Type: Crushing Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: War Hammer Type: One-handed Requires: 9 Strength
Weight: 5
Silver Dragon Helm
Equipped abilities: – Protects against critical hits – Extra 1/2 attack per round – Weapon Speed Factor: +2 – Magic Resistance: +5% – Magic Damage Resistance: +10% – Charisma: -2
Weight: 2
Silver Dragonscale Armor +4
Equipped Abilities: – Charisma: -2 – Magic Resistance: +15% – Movement rate increased by 3
Combat abilities: – Heals wearer 2 Hit Points each time damage is taken
Armor Class: 0 (-2 vs. slashing, -1 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Silver Dragonscale Shield +3
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +4 – Magic Resistance +10% – Magic Damage Resistance +20% – Charisma: -2
Charge abilities: – Shimmering Breath once per day Damage: 3d10 cold, 3d10 magic (Save vs. Breath at -6 halves) Special: -10% magic resistance for one turn (Save vs. Breath at -6 negates) Special: -20% magic damage resistance for one turn (Save vs. Breath at -6 negates) Area of Effect: 30-ft. cone with 45-deg. arc
Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 5
White Dragon Plate +2
Equipped abilities: – Cold Resistance: +90%
Charge abilities: – Cone of Cold three times per day Damage: 10d4+10 cold (Save vs. Spell for half) Range: 8 ft. Area of Effect: 18-ft. cone with 90-deg. arc
Armor Class: -1 (-5 vs. slashing, -4 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 15 Strength
Weight: 20
White Dragon Helm
Equipped abilities: – Protects against critical hits – Armor Class: +2 – Cold Resistance: +25% – Vocalize
Weight: 2
White Dragonscale Shield +4
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +5 – Cold Resistance +50%
Charge abilities: – Arctic Breath once per day Damage: 6d10 cold (Save vs. Breath at -6 halves) Special: -20% cold resistance for one turn (Save vs. Breath at -6 negates) Area of Effect: 30-ft. cone with 45-deg. arc
Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 5
Blue Dragonscale Armor +6
Equipped abilities: – Electrical Resistance: +50%
Armor Class: -2 (-3 vs. slashing and missile, -4 vs. piercing) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Blue Dragon Helm
Equipped abilities: – Protects against critical hits – Electrical Resistance: +25% – Chance to score a critical hit: +10% (all attacks and spells)
Weight: 2
Blue Dragonscale Shield +4
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +5 – Electrical Resistance +50%
Charge abilities: – Shocking Breath once per day Damage: 6d10 electrical (Save vs. Breath at -6 halves) Special: -20% electrical resistance for one turn (Save vs. Breath at -6 negates) Area of Effect: 30-ft. cone with 45-deg. arc
Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 5
Red Dragon Helm
Equipped abilities: – Protects against critical hits – THACO: +1 – Damage: +1 – Fire Resistance: +25%
Weight: 2
Red Dragonscale Armor +3
Equipped abilities: – Fire Resistance: +40%
Armor Class: 1 (-1 vs. slashing, 0 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 6 Strength
Weight: 10
Red Dragonscale Shield +3
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +4 – Fire Resistance +40%
Charge abilities: – Scorching Breath once per day Damage: 6d10 fire (Save vs. Breath at -6 halves) Special: -20% fire resistance for one turn (Save vs. Breath at -6 negates) Area of Effect: 30-ft. cone with 45-deg. arc
Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 5
Shadow Dragon Plate +2
Equipped abilities: – Acid Resistance: +25% – Magic Damage Resistance: +25%
Armor Class: -1 (-4 vs. slashing, -2 vs. piercing and missile) Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 30
Shadow Dragon Helm
Equipped abilities: – Protects against critical hits – Acid Resistance: +10% – Magic Damage Resistance: +10% – Armor Class: +1 – Caster Level: +2 (All)
Weight: 2
Shadow Dragonscale Shield +3
Equipped abilities: – Armor Class: +4 – Acid Resistance +20% – Magic Damage Resistance +20%
Charge abilities: – Shadow Breath once per day Damage: 3d10 cold, 3d10 magic (Save vs. Breath at -6 halves) Special: -4 penalty to all Saving Throws for one turn (Save vs. Breath at -6 negates) Area of Effect: 30-ft. cone with 45-deg. arc
Requires: 8 Strength
Weight: 5
Coalesced Shadow Ioun Stone
Equipped abilities: – Negative Plane Protection – Protection from Blindness – THAC0: +1 at night
Charge Abilities: – Darkness 15' Radius once per day Special: Blinds all creatures within area of effect (No Save) Duration: 1 turn Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius
Weight: 0
Imbued Shadow Gem
Charge abilities: – Shadow Bolt Damage: 1d5(magic) + 1d5(cold) per bolt (No Save), +6 damage(magic) +6 damage(cold) to all creatures in 5-ft. radius of impact (Save vs. Spell at -4 negates) Range: 100 ft.
– Demi-Shadow Monsters Summons a Shadow Fiend Range: 20 ft. Duration: 1 turn
– Energy Drain Drains two levels from 1 creature Range: Touch Duration: Permanent
Weight: 0
Demon Lord's Blood
Special: – Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity raised by 1 point permanently – Maximum Hit Points raised by 5 permanently – Magic Damage Resistance raised by 5% permanently – Fire Resistance raised by 5% permanently – Alignment changed to Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Evil permanently
Weight: 1
Blizzard Axe +4
Equipped abilities: – Strength: +1
Combat abilities: – 4% chance per hit that the weilder will become berserk, losing control of <PRO_HISHER> actions for 3 rounds
THAC0: +4 Damage: 1d8+4, 1d2 (cold), 1d2 (acid) Damage Type: Slashing Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: One-handed Requires: 10 Strength
Weight: 5
Blizzard Axe +5
Equipped abilities: – Strength: +1
Combat abilities: – 6% chance per hit that the weilder will become berserk, losing control of <PRO_HISHER> actions for 3 rounds
Charge abilities: – Penetrating Cold once per day Damage: 1d6 (cold), 1d6 (piercing) per round (No Save) Special: 15% chance per round of being frozen for 3 rounds beforee shattering, causing additional 1d6 cold and piercing damage in 5-ft. radius Range: 40 ft. Radius: 8 ft. Duration: 12 rounds
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d8+5, 1d2+1 (cold), 1d2+1 (acid) Damage Type: Slashing Speed Factor: 5 Proficiency Type: Axe Type: One-handed Requires: 10 Strength
Weight: 5
Acid-Etched Boomerang Dagger +3
Combat abilities: – 15% chance per hit that the target takes 1 extra point of acid damage per round during the next 3 rounds
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d4+3, +1 (acid) Damage Type: Piercing Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: One-handed Requires: 3 Strength
Weight: 1
Acid-Etched boomerang Dagger +5
Combat abilities: – 25% chance per hit that the target takes 1 extra point of acid damage per round during the next 3 rounds – 10% chance of Vitriolic Burst centered on target Damage: 4d4 acid (Save vs. Spell for half) Area of Effect: 5-ft. radius
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d4+5, 1d2+1 (acid) Damage Type: Piercing Speed Factor: 0 Proficiency Type: Dagger Type: One-handed Requires: 3 Strength
Weight: 1
Ashideena +3
Charge abilities: – Minor Lightning Bolt Damage: 1d8 (electrical, strength bonus to hit and damage does not apply) Range: 60ft.
THAC0: +3 Damage: 1d4+4, +1d3 electrical damage Damage type: Crushing Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: War Hammer Type: One-handed Requires: 9 Strength
Weight: 5
Ashideena +5
Charge abilities: – Minor Chain Lightning Damage: 1d8 (electrical, strength bonus to hit and damage does not apply) Range: 60ft.
THAC0: +5 Damage: 1d4+6, 1d3+1 electrical damage Damage type: Crushing Speed Factor: 2 Proficiency Type: War Hammer Type: One-handed Requires: 9 Strength
Weight: 5