The SMILE SALES Order Microservice is a critical component of the SMILE SALES e-commerce, which is dedicated to handling order and payment processes. It provides robust functionalities for managing orders from creation to completion, including payment processing, order tracking, and returns.
- Checkout: Facilitates the creation of new orders.
- Cancellation: Allows users to cancel orders before shipment.
- Returns: Enables customers to initiate returns for purchased items.
- Tracking: Provides real-time order tracking information.
- Archiving/Unarchiving: Enables the management of order history.
- Filtering: Offers advanced filtering options based on dates and order status.
- PayPal Integration: Supports secure payments via PayPal.
- Refund Management: Handles and processes refund requests according to approval status.
git clone
on Windows (PowerShell), run:
New-Item -Path ".env" -ItemType "File"
on Unix or MacOS, run:
touch .env
SUPER_USER_PWD=some_pwd # Password of the Postgres user
SECRET_KEY=124555asdadas # Django's secret key
JWT_SIGNING_KEY=some_key # Signing key for JWT Tokens (Use the same value as in User microservice)
DEBUG=0_or_1 # Determines whether the debug mode turned on (1 - on, 0 - off)
ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost,,[::1] # Your allowed hosts
FRONTEND_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 # Base URL of the main frontend webserver
SQL_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql # DB Engine
SQL_DATABASE=smile_sales_orders # Database Name
SQL_USER=smile_sales_orders_usr # Database Owner
SQL_PASSWORD=xxxx4444 # DB user's password
SQL_HOST=db # Database host
SQL_PORT=5432 # Database Port
SQL_CONN_MAX_AGE=60 # Maximum Connection's age
AMPQ_CONNECTION_URL=url_rabbit_mq # Message broker URL
PRODUCT_CRUD_EXCHANGE_TOPIC_NAME=product_replication # Just copy that
USERS_DATA_CRUD_EXCHANGE_TOPIC_NAME=users_data_replication # Just copy that
ORDER_PROCESSING_EXCHANGE_TOPIC_NAME=order_processing_replication # Just copy that
PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID=afdfd2324323 # Client ID of PayPal account
PAYPAL_SECRET=aasfdsf53123123121 # Secret key for PayPal API
DRAMATIQ_BROKER_URL=# Redis url for dramatiq broker
CHECK_ABANDONED_ORDERS_EVERY_MINUTES=5 # How often to check for abandoned orders and delete them (In minutes) # SMTP Host for sending email
[email protected] # the email from which you want to send emails
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=some_pwd # The password of the Gmail (Or other provider) app
If you want to run this app you have two options:
- Run it using
- Run it using
1.1 Add permission to execute the
file inside the docker-compose's Postgres service:
chmod +x
docker compose up -d --build
If you want to do that, you need to use the file docker-compose-prod.yml
and the of the file with env variables should be
This option assumes that you have already run db in AWS or any other providers.
Also you need to use different command to run the app:
docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d
Now, you can go to localhost or and use the API.
Note: If you want to run this API using Kubernetes, you need to start and expose Postgres and Redis servers manually
kubectl create namespace smile-sales-users
kubectl create secret generic web-secrets --from-env-file=.env
cd k8s
kubectl apply -f config-maps/
kubectl apply -f persistent-volumes/
kubectl apply -f persistent-volume-claims/
kubectl apply -f jobs/
kubectl get jobs
kubectl apply -f services/
kubectl apply -f deployments/
Caution: make sure you're in the default directory
To run tests you need to complete 3 steps:
- Run the test app with another
docker compose -f docker-compose-test-env.yaml up -d
- Run the command below:
docker compose exec web python test -v 2
- Shutdown
docker compose -f docker-compose-test-env.yaml down