This microservice is designed for product listing and management.
It provides features to manage categories, facets (Product attributes),
variation themes (Allows to determine what's the difference between two product-siblings),
products, search terms, events, deals (Technically, it's predefined set of filters).
git clone
on Windows (PowerShell), run:
New-Item -Path ".env" -ItemType "File"
on Unix or MacOS, run:
touch .env
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=fdfldfd4121331231_test # Create AWS access token and Secret access key so you can have access to the s3 bucket
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=fdfdfsf_re_test # Create AWS access token and Secret access key so you can have access to the s3 bucket
S3_BUCKET_NAME=your-bucket-name # S3 Bucket Name
CDN_HOST_NAME= # Your CloudFront distribution host name (It should provide images from your s3 bucket)
ATLAS_SEARCH_INDEX_NAME_PRODUCTS=some_index_name # The name of the search index for product search in your MongoDB cluster
ATLAS_SEARCH_INDEX_NAME_SEARCH_TERMS=search_terms_index # The name of the search index for search terms autocomplete in your MongoDB cluster
EVENT_CHECK_INTERVAL_MINUTES=1 # How often Celery workers must check for events to apply discounts?
PRODUCT_CRUD_EXCHANGE_TOPIC_NAME=product_replication # Just copy that
ORDER_PROCESSING_EXCHANGE_TOPIC_NAME=order_processing_replication # just copy that
JWT_SIGNING_KEY=django-insecure-^@py4_6vvea64q!eowg8^f3d7)u71qm+l+h#wfrwylx1#$k9-@ # JWT TOKENS SIGNING KEYS (Not working right now)
USER_MICROSERVICE_BASE_URL= # Base url of the user microservice (You can just leave it, because functionality related to this value is not working)
USER_MICROSERVICE_KEY=Lf43434243 # just leave it, because functionality related to this value is not working
VERIFY_USERS_REQUESTS=0 # just leave it
ALLOWED_ORIGINS=http://localhost:3001 # Your CORS Allowed Origins
"_id": {
"$oid": "64dbb95b8eb99a0fa0bb4090"
"name": "String",
"value": "string"
"_id": {
"$oid": "64dbb9a18eb99a0fa0bb4091"
"name": "Decimal",
"value": "decimal"
"_id": {
"$oid": "64dbba578eb99a0fa0bb4093"
"name": "List",
"value": "list"
"_id": {
"$oid": "64dbbab58eb99a0fa0bb4094"
"name": "Bivariate",
"value": "bivariate"
"_id": {
"$oid": "64dfa72b2788641292311abd"
"name": "Integer",
"value": "integer"
"_id": {
"$oid": "651081e68a9f3c3e2f89862e"
"name": "Trivariate",
"value": "trivariate"
docker compose up -d
docker compose down