What is newLISP and what can I do with it?
newLISP is a LISP-like scripting language for doing things you typically do with scripting languages: programming for the internet, system administration, text processing, gluing other programs together, etc. newLISP is a scripting LISP for people who are fascinated by LISP's beauty and power of expression, but who need it stripped down to easy-to-learn essentials.
What makes newLISP so special, why 'new'?
LISP is an old language born, grown, and standardized in times very different from today, times when programming was for highly educated people who engineered programs. newLISP is LISP reborn as a scripting language: pragmatic and casual, simple to learn without requiring you to know advanced computer science concepts. Like any good scripting language, newLISP is quick to get into and gets the job done without fuss.
newLISP has a very fast startup time, is small on resources like disk space and memory and has a deep, practical API with functions for networking, statistics, machine learning, regular expressions, multiprocessing and distributed computing built right into it, not added as a second thought in external modules.
See also the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
NOTE: This repository is unofficial mirror.
This is a newLISP experimental repository. All source files are fetched from SourceForge. Mainly available for easy browsing of the source code, to view development history, create a patch, etc.
: mirror of original newlisp sourcesdevelop
files andREADME.md
plus miscellaneous patches (default branch)feature/xxx
: (reserved)
- Source Archives
- Travis CI : Continuous Integration
- AppVeyor : Continuous Integration (for Windows)
- Codecov : Code Coverage
- Gitter : Chat about this repo
Issue and pull requests about this repository are welcome.
For code contributions, bug fixes, reports and comments, please contact Lutz Mueller (see README) or post to the Forum.
- newLISP http://www.newlisp.org/
- newLISP Forum http://www.newlispfanclub.alh.net/
newLISP and Nuevatec are trademarks of Lutz Mueller. All files are distribute by GPLv3. For more details, see doc/COPYING and doc/License.html.
newLISP(tm) is LISP like scripting language for general programming artificial intelligence and statistics.
For more details about newLISP see the Users Manual and Reference in the distribution file: 'doc/newlisp_manual.html'
Code contributions, bug fixes, reports and comments are welcome. New versions are available at:
See the file doc/CHANGES in the source distribtion for changes over previous versions or
New versions in development are available at:
Please contact me via email at: [email protected].
Some of the information in this file is expanded in file newlisp-x.x.x/doc/INSTALL.
Normally the correct makefile_xxxxx will be picked automatically just typing:
to discover the current platform and make for Linux, MacOSX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris/SunOS and Win32 (MinGW on MSYS). Sometimes the makefile_xxxxx must be specified explicitely, e.g. when compiling for the RaspberryPi runnning a sub-flavor of Linux and cross-compiled on a desktop system:
make -f makefile_raspberrypi
Any other makefile_xxxxx can be picked the same way, but always read the makefile_xxxxx first, sometimes it contains special instructions!
To test the compiled newlisp executable do:
make check
or showing only success or failure:
make testall
From a user account if the sudo command and admin password is available:
sudo make install
If root permissions are not available:
make install_home
home_install does not install the newLISP-GS Java based IDE, but installs the supportig documentation.
see all flavors and platforms available for install:
make help
will list all available platforms and flavors, newLISP can also be made as a shared, dhynamic library: newlisp.so, newlisp.dylib or newlisp.dll
To discover the platform in an extra step do:
this discovers the platform and generates a makefile_build which is used subsequently by make. As an alternative use:
this does a more elaborate analysys of options supported on a specific platform and custom makes a makefile_build.
See the files doc/INSTALL, doc/LOCALIZATION and doc/FILES for more detailed information.
Note that for a minumum install only the executable newlisp or newlisp.exe in Win32 is necessary.
On Mac OS X or other UNIX copy newlisp to /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin or ~/bin and give it executable permissions.
newLISP and Nuevatec are trademarks of Lutz Mueller. Files in the newLISP distribution are protected by the "GNU General Public License Version 3, June 2007". For the full text of this license see the accompanying file COPYING in the doc directory, or the appendix in the file newlisp_manual.html. Documentation files are protected by the "GNU Free Doumentation License Version 1.2, November 2002". A copy of this license is also included in the file COPYING.
This and information about lcensing from other contributors to newLISP is contained in the file COPYING in the source distribution.
See in the doc/ directory of the source distribution