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Model Quantization


I. Why Quantization

Quantization converts the main operators (Convolution, Pooling, Binary, etc.) in the network from the original floating-point precision to the int8 precision, reducing the model size and improving performance. PS:

  1. For the KL quantization method, you can refer to:

II. Compile

1. Build

cd <path_to_tnn>/platforms/linux/
./ -c

2. Output

Binary of the quantization tool: <path_to_tnn>/platforms/linux/build/quantization_cmd  

III. Usage

1. Command

./quantization_cmd [-h] [-p] <proto file> [-m] <model file> [-i] <input folder> [-b] <val> [-w] <val> [-n] <val> [-s] <val> [-t] <val> [-o] <output_name>

2. Parameter Description

option mandatory with value description
-h, --help Output command prompt.
-p, --proto Specify tnnproto model description file.
-m, --model Specify the tnnmodel model parameter file.
-i, --input_path Specify the path of the quantitative input folder. The currently supported formats are:
• Text file (the file suffix is ​​.txt)
• Common picture format files (file suffix is ​​.jpg .jpeg .png .bmp)
All files under this directory will be used as input.
-b, --blob_method Specify the feature map quantization method:
• 0 Min-Max method (default)
• 2 KL method
-w, --weight_method Specify the quantification method of weights:
• 0 Min-Max method (default)
• 1 ADMM method
-n, --mean Pre-processing, mean operation on each channel of input data, parameter format: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
-s, --scale Pre-processing, scale the input data channels, the parameter format is: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
-r, --reverse_channel Pre-processing, valid for picture format files:
• 0 use RGB order (default)
• 1 use BGR order
-t, --merge_type Whether use per-tensor or per-channel method when quantifying:
• 0 per-channel method (default)
• 1 mix method, weights: per-channel, blob: per-tensor.
• 2 per-tensor method
-o, --output Specify the output name

3. Quantization Input

3.1 Select input data

The input needs to include specific input data, otherwise it will affect the accuracy of the output result, and keep the number of pictures at least 50.

3.2 Input preprocess

The input data is preprocessed mainly through mean and scale parameters. The formula is:
input_pre = (input - mean) * scale

4. Quantization Output

Two files will be generated in the current directory where the command is executed:

  • model_quantized.tnnproto -- Quantified model description file;
  • model_quantized.tnnmodel -- Quantified model parameter file;

5. Note

(1)-n and -s parameter only works when the input is a picture;
(2)When the input is a picture,it will be converted to RGB format for processing internally; (3) When the input is txt, the input data storage method is NCHW, and of type float. The storage format stores one data in one line, in total of NCH*W lines. E.g,


(4) scale and mean need to be the value after calculation. For example, 1.0/128.0 is invalid and 0.0078125 is ok.

6. Test Data

Some tests have be done for squeezenet1.1-7.onnx (downloads: in ImageNet(ILSVRC2012) (downloads:

The Top-1 accuracy of FP32 is 55.71%.

63 pictures are chosen from data set to be the inputs of quantization. And the result is as follows:

blob_method weight_method merge_type Top-1 Accuracy
2-(KL) 1-(ADMM) 0-(Per-Channel) 51.58%
2-(KL) 1-(ADMM) 2-(Per-Tensor) 50.23%
2-(KL) 1-(ADMM) 1-(Mix) 55.37%
0-(Min-Max) 0-(Min-Max) 0-(Per-Channel) 54.82%

Different configurations can be tried to get the best performance.