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pizza-store - project for a test assignment

This project has:

  • Registration
  • Authorization
  • Orders history
  • Home page with menu
  • Product cart
  • Currency switcher


  • php 7.2.2+ with following extensions (mysqli, pdo, pdo_mysql, zip, bcmath, pcntl, sockets, gd, xml) and composer
  • a webserver (you can use php artisan serve)
  • nodejs 10+, npm 6.5+
  • mysql 5.6+


  1. Make sure the required services are up and running;
  2. Clone this repository and checkout needed branch;
  3. Create database;
  4. Install required dependencies: composer install for a development environment or composer install --no-dev;
  5. Configure webserver to pass all requests to the public/index.php. In dev environment you can just run Laravel's webserver via php artisan serve console command;
  6. Build frontend: npm install and npm run dev (or npm run prod in production). Re-run npm run dev after making changes to frontend to reflect them in your local webserver or run npm run watch;
  7. Create environment file cp .env.example .env and update variables inside.
  8. Generate application key php artisan key:generate.
  9. Run migrations php artisan migrate (you may run the php artisan db:seed to seed your database).
  10. Check if everything's up by visiting your page in the web browser, and you are done!




  1. Clone this repository and checkout needed branch;

You may need to replace DB_* variables in your .env file


DB_HOST=db # We are replacing actual ip with a service alias `db`


  1. Run docker-compose up -d to setup a services cluster in the background, if you would like to see logs output then start it with docker-compose up.
  2. Wait until all services aren't started (!!!)
  3. Run docker-compose exec php-fpm php artisan migrate (you may run the docker-compose exec php-fpm php artisan db:seed too)
  4. To build frontend part run docker-compose exec php-fpm npm install and docker-compose exec php-fpm npm run dev
  5. Check panel with docker-machine ip (
  6. For checking logs type docker-compose logs in your repository folder, also you can see available containers with docker-compose ps, to check logs of specific container run sudo docker logs container_name where container_name is one of available containers or docker-compose logs service_name where service_name is one of the available services which are described in docker-compose.yml
  7. To stop services if they are running in foreground mode type ctrl+c or docker-compose down for background mode