diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index fcfd6f3e..56862a49 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
+    "--doctest-glob='*.rst | *.py'",
   filterwarnings = [
@@ -208,6 +209,7 @@
     "missing-function-docstring", # TODO: resolve
     "no-member",                  # handled by mypy
+    "no-value-for-parameter",     # pylint doesn't understand multiple dispatch
     "not-a-mapping",              # pylint doesn't understand dataclass fields
     "protected-access",           # handled by ruff
     "redefined-builtin",          # handled by ruff
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_base_dif.py b/src/coordinax/_base_dif.py
index 78547341..7a1ef099 100644
--- a/src/coordinax/_base_dif.py
+++ b/src/coordinax/_base_dif.py
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ def integral_cls(cls) -> type["AbstractVectorDifferential"]:
         >>> from coordinax import RadialDifferential, SphericalDifferential
-        >>> RadialDifferential.integral_cls
-        <class 'coordinax._d1.builtin.RadialVector'>
+        >>> RadialDifferential.integral_cls.__name__
+        'RadialVector'
-        >>> SphericalDifferential.integral_cls
-        <class 'coordinax._d3.builtin.SphericalVector'>
+        >>> SphericalDifferential.integral_cls.__name__
+        'SphericalVector'
         raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_base_vec.py b/src/coordinax/_base_vec.py
index d650d7cc..7f8bb10b 100644
--- a/src/coordinax/_base_vec.py
+++ b/src/coordinax/_base_vec.py
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ def differential_cls(cls) -> type["AbstractVectorDifferential"]:
         >>> from coordinax import RadialVector, SphericalVector
-        >>> RadialVector.differential_cls
-        <class 'coordinax._d1.builtin.RadialDifferential'>
+        >>> RadialVector.differential_cls.__name__
+        'RadialDifferential'
-        >>> SphericalVector.differential_cls
-        <class 'coordinax._d3.builtin.SphericalDifferential'>
+        >>> SphericalVector.differential_cls.__name__
+        'SphericalDifferential'
         raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_d2/transform.py b/src/coordinax/_d2/transform.py
index 414efd89..faa2e19a 100644
--- a/src/coordinax/_d2/transform.py
+++ b/src/coordinax/_d2/transform.py
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ def represent_as(
     (Cartesian2DVector, type[Cartesian2DVector]),
     (PolarVector, type[PolarVector]),
-    # (LnPolarVector, type[LnPolarVector]),
-    # (Log10PolarVector, type[Log10PolarVector]),
 def represent_as(
     current: Abstract2DVector, target: type[Abstract2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
@@ -57,20 +55,6 @@ def represent_as(
     return current
-# @dispatch.multi(
-#     (Cartesian2DVector, type[LnPolarVector]),
-#     (Cartesian2DVector, type[Log10PolarVector]),
-#     (LnPolarVector, type[Cartesian2DVector]),
-#     (Log10PolarVector, type[Cartesian2DVector]),
-# )
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: Abstract2DVector, target: type[Abstract2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> Abstract2DVector:
-#     """Abstract2DVector -> PolarVector -> Abstract2DVector."""
-#     polar = represent_as(current, PolarVector)
-#     return represent_as(polar, target)
 # =============================================================================
 # Cartesian2DVector
@@ -107,65 +91,3 @@ def represent_as(
     x = current.r * xp.cos(current.phi)
     y = current.r * xp.sin(current.phi)
     return target(x=x, y=y)
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: PolarVector, target: type[LnPolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> LnPolarVector:
-#     """PolarVector -> LnPolarVector."""
-#     return target(lnr=xp.log(current.r), phi=current.phi)
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: PolarVector, target: type[Log10PolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> Log10PolarVector:
-#     """PolarVector -> Log10PolarVector."""
-#     return target(log10r=xp.log10(current.r), phi=current.phi)
-# # =============================================================================
-# # LnPolarVector
-# # -----------------------------------------------
-# # 2D
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: LnPolarVector, target: type[PolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> PolarVector:
-#     """LnPolarVector -> PolarVector."""
-#     return target(r=xp.exp(current.lnr), phi=current.phi)
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: LnPolarVector, target: type[Log10PolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> Log10PolarVector:
-#     """LnPolarVector -> Log10PolarVector."""
-#     return target(log10r=current.lnr / xp.log(10), phi=current.phi)
-# # =============================================================================
-# # Log10PolarVector
-# # -----------------------------------------------
-# # 2D
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: Log10PolarVector, target: type[PolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> PolarVector:
-#     """Log10PolarVector -> PolarVector."""
-#     return target(r=xp.pow(10, current.log10r), phi=current.phi)
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: Log10PolarVector, target: type[LnPolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> LnPolarVector:
-#     """Log10PolarVector -> LnPolarVector."""
-#     return target(lnr=current.log10r * xp.log(10), phi=current.phi)
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_d3/__init__.py b/src/coordinax/_d3/__init__.py
index f90673bc..438db47d 100644
--- a/src/coordinax/_d3/__init__.py
+++ b/src/coordinax/_d3/__init__.py
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
 # pylint: disable=duplicate-code
 """3-dimensional representations."""
-from . import base, builtin, compat, operate, transform
+from . import base, builtin, compat, operate, sphere, transform
 from .base import *
 from .builtin import *
 from .compat import *
 from .operate import *
+from .sphere import *
 from .transform import *
 __all__: list[str] = []
 __all__ += base.__all__
 __all__ += builtin.__all__
+__all__ += sphere.__all__
 __all__ += transform.__all__
 __all__ += operate.__all__
 __all__ += compat.__all__
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_d3/builtin.py b/src/coordinax/_d3/builtin.py
index 52df7094..a39fe6c8 100644
--- a/src/coordinax/_d3/builtin.py
+++ b/src/coordinax/_d3/builtin.py
@@ -3,11 +3,9 @@
 __all__ = [
     # Position
-    "SphericalVector",
     # Differential
-    "SphericalDifferential",
@@ -19,12 +17,12 @@
 import jax
 import quaxed.array_api as xp
-from unxt import Distance, Quantity
+from unxt import Quantity
 import coordinax._typing as ct
 from .base import Abstract3DVector, Abstract3DVectorDifferential
 from coordinax._base_vec import AbstractVector
-from coordinax._checks import check_phi_range, check_r_non_negative, check_theta_range
+from coordinax._checks import check_phi_range, check_r_non_negative
 from coordinax._converters import converter_phi_to_range
 from coordinax._utils import classproperty
@@ -134,55 +132,6 @@ def norm(self) -> ct.BatchableLength:
         return xp.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2)
-class SphericalVector(Abstract3DVector):
-    """Spherical vector representation."""
-    r: ct.BatchableDistance = eqx.field(
-        converter=partial(Distance.constructor, dtype=float)
-    )
-    r"""Radial distance :math:`r \in [0,+\infty)`."""
-    phi: ct.BatchableAngle = eqx.field(
-        converter=lambda x: converter_phi_to_range(
-            Quantity["angle"].constructor(x, dtype=float)  # pylint: disable=E1120
-        )
-    )
-    r"""Azimuthal angle :math:`\phi \in [0,360)`."""
-    theta: ct.BatchableAngle = eqx.field(
-        converter=partial(Quantity["angle"].constructor, dtype=float)
-    )
-    r"""Inclination angle :math:`\phi \in [0,180]`."""
-    def __check_init__(self) -> None:
-        """Check the validity of the initialisation."""
-        check_r_non_negative(self.r)
-        check_theta_range(self.theta)
-        check_phi_range(self.phi)
-    @classproperty
-    @classmethod
-    def differential_cls(cls) -> type["SphericalDifferential"]:
-        return SphericalDifferential
-    @partial(jax.jit)
-    def norm(self) -> ct.BatchableLength:
-        """Return the norm of the vector.
-        Examples
-        --------
-        >>> from unxt import Quantity
-        >>> from coordinax import SphericalVector
-        >>> s = SphericalVector(r=Quantity(3, "kpc"), theta=Quantity(90, "deg"),
-        ...                     phi=Quantity(0, "deg"))
-        >>> s.norm()
-        Distance(Array(3., dtype=float32), unit='kpc')
-        """
-        return self.r
 class CylindricalVector(Abstract3DVector):
     """Cylindrical vector representation."""
@@ -277,31 +226,6 @@ def norm(self, _: Abstract3DVector | None = None, /) -> ct.BatchableSpeed:
         return xp.sqrt(self.d_x**2 + self.d_y**2 + self.d_z**2)
-class SphericalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferential):
-    """Spherical differential representation."""
-    d_r: ct.BatchableSpeed = eqx.field(
-        converter=partial(Quantity["speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
-    )
-    r"""Radial speed :math:`dr/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
-    d_theta: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
-        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
-    )
-    r"""Inclination speed :math:`d\theta/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
-    d_phi: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
-        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
-    )
-    r"""Azimuthal speed :math:`d\phi/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
-    @classproperty
-    @classmethod
-    def integral_cls(cls) -> type[SphericalVector]:
-        return SphericalVector
 class CylindricalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferential):
     """Cylindrical differential representation."""
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_d3/compat.py b/src/coordinax/_d3/compat.py
index 16ae923c..af92c5b3 100644
--- a/src/coordinax/_d3/compat.py
+++ b/src/coordinax/_d3/compat.py
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
+from .sphere import (
+    LonCosLatSphericalDifferential,
+    LonLatSphericalDifferential,
+    LonLatSphericalVector,
@@ -34,11 +39,11 @@ def constructor(
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
     >>> from astropy.coordinates import CartesianRepresentation
-    >>> from coordinax import Cartesian3DVector
     >>> cart = CartesianRepresentation(1, 2, 3, unit="kpc")
-    >>> vec = Cartesian3DVector.constructor(cart)
+    >>> vec = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(cart)
     >>> vec.x
     Quantity['length'](Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='kpc')
@@ -47,6 +52,29 @@ def constructor(
     return cls(x=obj.x, y=obj.y, z=obj.z)
+@CylindricalVector.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
+def constructor(
+    cls: type[CylindricalVector], obj: apyc.BaseRepresentation
+) -> CylindricalVector:
+    """Construct from a :class:`astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation`.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import astropy.units as u
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> from astropy.coordinates import CylindricalRepresentation
+    >>> cyl = CylindricalRepresentation(rho=1 * u.kpc, phi=2 * u.deg,
+    ...                                 z=30 * u.pc)
+    >>> vec = cx.CylindricalVector.constructor(cyl)
+    >>> vec.rho
+    Quantity['length'](Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='kpc')
+    """
+    obj = obj.represent_as(apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
+    return cls(rho=obj.rho, phi=obj.phi, z=obj.z)
 @SphericalVector.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
 def constructor(
     cls: type[SphericalVector], obj: apyc.BaseRepresentation
@@ -56,12 +84,12 @@ def constructor(
     >>> import astropy.units as u
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
     >>> from astropy.coordinates import PhysicsSphericalRepresentation
-    >>> from coordinax import SphericalVector
     >>> sph = PhysicsSphericalRepresentation(r=1 * u.kpc, theta=2 * u.deg,
     ...                                      phi=3 * u.deg)
-    >>> vec = SphericalVector.constructor(sph)
+    >>> vec = cx.SphericalVector.constructor(sph)
     >>> vec.r
     Distance(Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='kpc')
@@ -70,27 +98,27 @@ def constructor(
     return cls(r=obj.r, phi=obj.phi, theta=obj.theta)
-@CylindricalVector.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
+@LonLatSphericalVector.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
 def constructor(
-    cls: type[CylindricalVector], obj: apyc.BaseRepresentation
-) -> CylindricalVector:
+    cls: type[LonLatSphericalVector], obj: apyc.BaseRepresentation
+) -> LonLatSphericalVector:
     """Construct from a :class:`astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation`.
     >>> import astropy.units as u
-    >>> from astropy.coordinates import CylindricalRepresentation
-    >>> from coordinax import CylindricalVector
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> from astropy.coordinates import SphericalRepresentation
-    >>> cyl = CylindricalRepresentation(rho=1 * u.kpc, phi=2 * u.deg,
-    ...                                 z=30 * u.pc)
-    >>> vec = CylindricalVector.constructor(cyl)
-    >>> vec.rho
-    Quantity['length'](Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='kpc')
+    >>> sph = SphericalRepresentation(lon=3 * u.deg, lat=2 * u.deg,
+    ...                               distance=1 * u.kpc)
+    >>> vec = cx.LonLatSphericalVector.constructor(sph)
+    >>> vec.distance
+    Distance(Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='kpc')
-    obj = obj.represent_as(apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
-    return cls(rho=obj.rho, phi=obj.phi, z=obj.z)
+    obj = obj.represent_as(apyc.SphericalRepresentation)
+    return cls(distance=obj.distance, lon=obj.lon, lat=obj.lat)
 @CartesianDifferential3D.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
@@ -102,11 +130,11 @@ def constructor(
     >>> import astropy.units as u
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
     >>> from astropy.coordinates import CartesianDifferential
-    >>> from coordinax import CartesianDifferential3D
     >>> dcart = CartesianDifferential(1, 2, 3, unit="km/s")
-    >>> dif = CartesianDifferential3D.constructor(dcart)
+    >>> dif = cx.CartesianDifferential3D.constructor(dcart)
     >>> dif.d_x
     Quantity['speed'](Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='km / s')
@@ -114,6 +142,28 @@ def constructor(
     return cls(d_x=obj.d_x, d_y=obj.d_y, d_z=obj.d_z)
+@CylindricalDifferential.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
+def constructor(
+    cls: type[CylindricalDifferential], obj: apyc.CylindricalDifferential
+) -> CylindricalDifferential:
+    """Construct from a :class:`astropy.coordinates.CylindricalDifferential`.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import astropy.units as u
+    >>> import astropy.coordinates as apyc
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> dcyl = apyc.CylindricalDifferential(d_rho=1 * u.km / u.s, d_phi=2 * u.mas/u.yr,
+    ...                                     d_z=2 * u.km / u.s)
+    >>> dif = cx.CylindricalDifferential.constructor(dcyl)
+    >>> dif.d_rho
+    Quantity['speed'](Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='km / s')
+    """
+    return cls(d_rho=obj.d_rho, d_phi=obj.d_phi, d_z=obj.d_z)
 @SphericalDifferential.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
 def constructor(
     cls: type[SphericalDifferential], obj: apyc.PhysicsSphericalDifferential
@@ -123,12 +173,12 @@ def constructor(
     >>> import astropy.units as u
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
     >>> from astropy.coordinates import PhysicsSphericalDifferential
-    >>> from coordinax import SphericalDifferential
     >>> dsph = PhysicsSphericalDifferential(d_r=1 * u.km / u.s, d_theta=2 * u.mas/u.yr,
     ...                                     d_phi=3 * u.mas/u.yr)
-    >>> dif = SphericalDifferential.constructor(dsph)
+    >>> dif = cx.SphericalDifferential.constructor(dsph)
     >>> dif.d_r
     Quantity['speed'](Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='km / s')
@@ -136,26 +186,58 @@ def constructor(
     return cls(d_r=obj.d_r, d_phi=obj.d_phi, d_theta=obj.d_theta)
-@CylindricalDifferential.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
+@LonLatSphericalDifferential.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
 def constructor(
-    cls: type[CylindricalDifferential], obj: apyc.CylindricalDifferential
-) -> CylindricalDifferential:
-    """Construct from a :class:`astropy.coordinates.CylindricalDifferential`.
+    cls: type[LonLatSphericalDifferential], obj: apyc.SphericalDifferential
+) -> LonLatSphericalDifferential:
+    """Construct from a :class:`astropy.coordinates.SphericalDifferential`.
     >>> import astropy.units as u
-    >>> import astropy.coordinates as apyc
-    >>> from coordinax import CylindricalDifferential
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> from astropy.coordinates import SphericalDifferential
-    >>> dcyl = apyc.CylindricalDifferential(d_rho=1 * u.km / u.s, d_phi=2 * u.mas/u.yr,
-    ...                                     d_z=2 * u.km / u.s)
-    >>> dif = CylindricalDifferential.constructor(dcyl)
-    >>> dif.d_rho
+    >>> dsph = SphericalDifferential(d_distance=1 * u.km / u.s,
+    ...                              d_lon=2 * u.mas/u.yr,
+    ...                              d_lat=3 * u.mas/u.yr)
+    >>> dif = cx.LonLatSphericalDifferential.constructor(dsph)
+    >>> dif.d_distance
     Quantity['speed'](Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='km / s')
-    return cls(d_rho=obj.d_rho, d_phi=obj.d_phi, d_z=obj.d_z)
+    return cls(d_distance=obj.d_distance, d_lon=obj.d_lon, d_lat=obj.d_lat)
+@LonCosLatSphericalDifferential.constructor._f.register  # noqa: SLF001
+def constructor(
+    cls: type[LonCosLatSphericalDifferential], obj: apyc.SphericalCosLatDifferential
+) -> LonCosLatSphericalDifferential:
+    """Construct from a :class:`astropy.coordinates.SphericalCosLatDifferential`.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import astropy.units as u
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> from astropy.coordinates import SphericalCosLatDifferential
+    >>> dsph = SphericalCosLatDifferential(d_distance=1 * u.km / u.s,
+    ...                                    d_lon_coslat=2 * u.mas/u.yr,
+    ...                                    d_lat=3 * u.mas/u.yr)
+    >>> dif = cx.LonCosLatSphericalDifferential.constructor(dsph)
+    >>> dif
+    LonCosLatSphericalDifferential(
+      d_distance=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
+      d_lon_coslat=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") ),
+      d_lat=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") )
+    )
+    >>> dif.d_distance
+    Quantity['speed'](Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='km / s')
+    """
+    return cls(
+        d_distance=obj.d_distance, d_lon_coslat=obj.d_lon_coslat, d_lat=obj.d_lat
+    )
@@ -277,6 +359,66 @@ def apycart3_to_cart3(obj: apyc.CartesianRepresentation, /) -> Cartesian3DVector
     return Cartesian3DVector.constructor(obj)
+# =====================================
+# CylindricalVector
+# @conversion_method(CylindricalVector, apyc.BaseRepresentation)
+# @conversion_method(CylindricalVector, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
+def cyl_to_apycyl(obj: CylindricalVector, /) -> apyc.CylindricalRepresentation:
+    """`coordinax.CylindricalVector` -> `astropy.CylindricalRepresentation`.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1, unit="kpc"),
+    ...                            phi=Quantity(2, unit="deg"),
+    ...                            z=Quantity(3, unit="pc"))
+    >>> convert(vec, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
+    <CylindricalRepresentation (rho, phi, z) in (kpc, deg, pc)
+        (1., 2., 3.)>
+    >>> convert(vec, apyc.BaseRepresentation)
+    <CylindricalRepresentation (rho, phi, z) in (kpc, deg, pc)
+        (1., 2., 3.)>
+    """
+    return apyc.CylindricalRepresentation(
+        rho=convert(obj.rho, apyu.Quantity),
+        phi=convert(obj.phi, apyu.Quantity),
+        z=convert(obj.z, apyu.Quantity),
+    )
+# TODO: use decorator when https://github.com/beartype/plum/pull/135
+add_conversion_method(CylindricalVector, apyc.BaseRepresentation, cyl_to_apycyl)
+add_conversion_method(CylindricalVector, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation, cyl_to_apycyl)
+@conversion_method(apyc.CylindricalRepresentation, CylindricalVector)  # type: ignore[misc]
+def apycyl_to_cyl(obj: apyc.CylindricalRepresentation, /) -> CylindricalVector:
+    """`astropy.CylindricalRepresentation` -> `coordinax.CylindricalVector`.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import astropy.units as u
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> from astropy.coordinates import CylindricalRepresentation
+    >>> cyl = CylindricalRepresentation(rho=1 * u.kpc, phi=2 * u.deg, z=30 * u.pc)
+    >>> convert(cyl, cx.CylindricalVector)
+    CylindricalVector(
+        rho=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("kpc")),
+        phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")),
+        z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("pc"))
+    )
+    """
+    return CylindricalVector.constructor(obj)
 # =====================================
 # SphericalVector
@@ -339,63 +481,66 @@ def apysph_to_sph(obj: apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation, /) -> SphericalVecto
 # =====================================
-# CylindricalVector
+# LonLatSphericalVector
-# @conversion_method(CylindricalVector, apyc.BaseRepresentation)
-# @conversion_method(CylindricalVector, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
-def cyl_to_apycyl(obj: CylindricalVector, /) -> apyc.CylindricalRepresentation:
-    """`coordinax.CylindricalVector` -> `astropy.CylindricalRepresentation`.
+# @conversion_method(LonLatSphericalVector, apyc.BaseRepresentation)
+# @conversion_method(
+#     LonLatSphericalVector, apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation
+# )
+def lonlatsph_to_apysph(obj: LonLatSphericalVector, /) -> apyc.SphericalRepresentation:
+    """`coordinax.LonLatSphericalVector` -> `astropy.SphericalRepresentation`.
     >>> from unxt import Quantity
     >>> import coordinax as cx
-    >>> vec = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1, unit="kpc"),
-    ...                            phi=Quantity(2, unit="deg"),
-    ...                            z=Quantity(3, unit="pc"))
-    >>> convert(vec, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
-    <CylindricalRepresentation (rho, phi, z) in (kpc, deg, pc)
-        (1., 2., 3.)>
-    >>> convert(vec, apyc.BaseRepresentation)
-    <CylindricalRepresentation (rho, phi, z) in (kpc, deg, pc)
-        (1., 2., 3.)>
+    >>> vec = cx.LonLatSphericalVector(lon=Quantity(2, unit="deg"),
+    ...                                lat=Quantity(3, unit="deg"),
+    ...                                distance=Quantity(1, unit="kpc"))
+    >>> convert(vec, apyc.SphericalRepresentation)
+    <SphericalRepresentation (lon, lat, distance) in (deg, deg, kpc)
+        (2., 3., 1.)>
-    return apyc.CylindricalRepresentation(
-        rho=convert(obj.rho, apyu.Quantity),
-        phi=convert(obj.phi, apyu.Quantity),
-        z=convert(obj.z, apyu.Quantity),
+    return apyc.SphericalRepresentation(
+        lon=convert(obj.lon, apyu.Quantity),
+        lat=convert(obj.lat, apyu.Quantity),
+        distance=convert(obj.distance, apyu.Quantity),
 # TODO: use decorator when https://github.com/beartype/plum/pull/135
-add_conversion_method(CylindricalVector, apyc.BaseRepresentation, cyl_to_apycyl)
-add_conversion_method(CylindricalVector, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation, cyl_to_apycyl)
+    LonLatSphericalVector, apyc.BaseRepresentation, lonlatsph_to_apysph
+    LonLatSphericalVector, apyc.SphericalRepresentation, lonlatsph_to_apysph
-@conversion_method(apyc.CylindricalRepresentation, CylindricalVector)  # type: ignore[misc]
-def apycyl_to_cyl(obj: apyc.CylindricalRepresentation, /) -> CylindricalVector:
-    """`astropy.CylindricalRepresentation` -> `coordinax.CylindricalVector`.
+@conversion_method(apyc.SphericalRepresentation, LonLatSphericalVector)  # type: ignore[misc]
+def apysph_to_lonlatsph(obj: apyc.SphericalRepresentation, /) -> LonLatSphericalVector:
+    """`astropy.SphericalRepresentation` -> `coordinax.LonLatSphericalVector`.
     >>> import astropy.units as u
     >>> import coordinax as cx
-    >>> from astropy.coordinates import CylindricalRepresentation
-    >>> cyl = CylindricalRepresentation(rho=1 * u.kpc, phi=2 * u.deg, z=30 * u.pc)
-    >>> convert(cyl, cx.CylindricalVector)
-    CylindricalVector(
-        rho=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("kpc")),
-        phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")),
-        z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("pc"))
+    >>> from astropy.coordinates import SphericalRepresentation
+    >>> sph = SphericalRepresentation(lon=2 * u.deg, lat=3 * u.deg,
+    ...                               distance=1 * u.kpc)
+    >>> convert(sph, cx.LonLatSphericalVector)
+    LonLatSphericalVector(
+      distance=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("kpc")),
+      lon=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")),
+      lat=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg"))
-    return CylindricalVector.constructor(obj)
+    return LonLatSphericalVector.constructor(obj)
 # =====================================
@@ -464,6 +609,74 @@ def apycart3_to_diffcart3(
     return CartesianDifferential3D.constructor(obj)
+# =====================================
+# CylindricalDifferential
+# @conversion_method(CylindricalDifferential, apyc.BaseDifferential)
+# @conversion_method(
+#     CylindricalDifferential, apyc.CylindricalDifferential
+# )
+def diffcyl_to_apycyl(obj: CylindricalDifferential, /) -> apyc.CylindricalDifferential:
+    """`coordinax.CylindricalDifferential` -> `astropy.CylindricalDifferential`.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> import astropy.coordinates as apyc
+    >>> dif = cx.CylindricalDifferential(d_rho=Quantity(1, unit="km/s"),
+    ...                                  d_phi=Quantity(2, unit="mas/yr"),
+    ...                                  d_z=Quantity(3, unit="km/s"))
+    >>> convert(dif, apyc.CylindricalDifferential)
+    <CylindricalDifferential (d_rho, d_phi, d_z) in (km / s, mas / yr, km / s)
+        (1., 2., 3.)>
+    >>> convert(dif, apyc.BaseDifferential)
+    <CylindricalDifferential (d_rho, d_phi, d_z) in (km / s, mas / yr, km / s)
+        (1., 2., 3.)>
+    """
+    return apyc.CylindricalDifferential(
+        d_rho=convert(obj.d_rho, apyu.Quantity),
+        d_phi=convert(obj.d_phi, apyu.Quantity),
+        d_z=convert(obj.d_z, apyu.Quantity),
+    )
+# TODO: use decorator when https://github.com/beartype/plum/pull/135
+add_conversion_method(CylindricalDifferential, apyc.BaseDifferential, diffcyl_to_apycyl)
+    CylindricalDifferential, apyc.CylindricalDifferential, diffcyl_to_apycyl
+@conversion_method(  # type: ignore[misc]
+    apyc.CylindricalDifferential, CylindricalDifferential
+def apycyl_to_diffcyl(obj: apyc.CylindricalDifferential, /) -> CylindricalDifferential:
+    """`astropy.CylindricalDifferential` -> `coordinax.CylindricalDifferential`.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import astropy.units as u
+    >>> import astropy.coordinates as apyc
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> dcyl = apyc.CylindricalDifferential(d_rho=1 * u.km / u.s, d_phi=2 * u.mas/u.yr,
+    ...                                     d_z=2 * u.km / u.s)
+    >>> convert(dcyl, cx.CylindricalDifferential)
+    CylindricalDifferential(
+      d_rho=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
+      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") ),
+      d_z=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") )
+    )
+    """
+    return CylindricalDifferential.constructor(obj)
 # =====================================
 # SphericalDifferential
@@ -527,8 +740,8 @@ def apysph_to_diffsph(
     >>> convert(dif, cx.SphericalDifferential)
       d_r=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
-      d_theta=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") ),
-      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") )
+      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") ),
+      d_theta=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") )
@@ -536,71 +749,149 @@ def apysph_to_diffsph(
 # =====================================
-# CylindricalDifferential
+# LonLatSphericalDifferential
-# @conversion_method(CylindricalDifferential, apyc.BaseDifferential)
+# @conversion_method(LonLatSphericalDifferential, apyc.BaseDifferential)
 # @conversion_method(
-#     CylindricalDifferential, apyc.CylindricalDifferential
+#     LonLatSphericalDifferential, apyc.SphericalDifferential
 # )
-def diffcyl_to_apycyl(obj: CylindricalDifferential, /) -> apyc.CylindricalDifferential:
-    """`coordinax.CylindricalDifferential` -> `astropy.CylindricalDifferential`.
+def difflonlatsph_to_apysph(
+    obj: LonLatSphericalDifferential, /
+) -> apyc.SphericalDifferential:
+    """LonLatSphericalDifferential -> `astropy.SphericalDifferential`.
     >>> from unxt import Quantity
     >>> import coordinax as cx
-    >>> import astropy.coordinates as apyc
-    >>> dif = cx.CylindricalDifferential(d_rho=Quantity(1, unit="km/s"),
-    ...                                  d_phi=Quantity(2, unit="mas/yr"),
-    ...                                  d_z=Quantity(3, unit="km/s"))
-    >>> convert(dif, apyc.CylindricalDifferential)
-    <CylindricalDifferential (d_rho, d_phi, d_z) in (km / s, mas / yr, km / s)
-        (1., 2., 3.)>
+    >>> dif = cx.LonLatSphericalDifferential(d_distance=Quantity(1, unit="km/s"),
+    ...                                      d_lat=Quantity(2, unit="mas/yr"),
+    ...                                      d_lon=Quantity(3, unit="mas/yr"))
+    >>> convert(dif, apyc.SphericalDifferential)
+    <SphericalDifferential (d_lon, d_lat, d_distance) in (mas / yr, mas / yr, km / s)
+        (3., 2., 1.)>
     >>> convert(dif, apyc.BaseDifferential)
-    <CylindricalDifferential (d_rho, d_phi, d_z) in (km / s, mas / yr, km / s)
-        (1., 2., 3.)>
+    <SphericalDifferential (d_lon, d_lat, d_distance) in (mas / yr, mas / yr, km / s)
+        (3., 2., 1.)>
-    return apyc.CylindricalDifferential(
-        d_rho=convert(obj.d_rho, apyu.Quantity),
-        d_phi=convert(obj.d_phi, apyu.Quantity),
-        d_z=convert(obj.d_z, apyu.Quantity),
+    return apyc.SphericalDifferential(
+        d_distance=convert(obj.d_distance, apyu.Quantity),
+        d_lon=convert(obj.d_lon, apyu.Quantity),
+        d_lat=convert(obj.d_lat, apyu.Quantity),
 # TODO: use decorator when https://github.com/beartype/plum/pull/135
-add_conversion_method(CylindricalDifferential, apyc.BaseDifferential, diffcyl_to_apycyl)
-    CylindricalDifferential, apyc.CylindricalDifferential, diffcyl_to_apycyl
+    LonLatSphericalDifferential, apyc.BaseDifferential, difflonlatsph_to_apysph
+    LonLatSphericalDifferential, apyc.SphericalDifferential, difflonlatsph_to_apysph
 @conversion_method(  # type: ignore[misc]
-    apyc.CylindricalDifferential, CylindricalDifferential
+    apyc.SphericalDifferential, LonLatSphericalDifferential
-def apycyl_to_diffcyl(obj: apyc.CylindricalDifferential, /) -> CylindricalDifferential:
-    """`astropy.CylindricalDifferential` -> `coordinax.CylindricalDifferential`.
+def apysph_to_difflonlatsph(
+    obj: apyc.SphericalDifferential, /
+) -> LonLatSphericalDifferential:
+    """`astropy.SphericalDifferential` -> LonLatSphericalDifferential.
     >>> import astropy.units as u
-    >>> import astropy.coordinates as apyc
     >>> import coordinax as cx
-    >>> dcyl = apyc.CylindricalDifferential(d_rho=1 * u.km / u.s, d_phi=2 * u.mas/u.yr,
-    ...                                     d_z=2 * u.km / u.s)
-    >>> convert(dcyl, cx.CylindricalDifferential)
-    CylindricalDifferential(
-      d_rho=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
-      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") ),
-      d_z=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") )
+    >>> from astropy.coordinates import SphericalDifferential
+    >>> dif = SphericalDifferential(d_distance=1 * u.km / u.s, d_lat=2 * u.mas/u.yr,
+    ...                             d_lon=3 * u.mas/u.yr)
+    >>> convert(dif, cx.LonLatSphericalDifferential)
+    LonLatSphericalDifferential(
+      d_distance=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
+      d_lon=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") ),
+      d_lat=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") )
-    return CylindricalDifferential.constructor(obj)
+    return LonLatSphericalDifferential.constructor(obj)
+# =====================================
+# LonCosLatSphericalDifferential
+# @conversion_method(LonCosLatSphericalDifferential, apyc.BaseDifferential)
+# @conversion_method(
+#     LonCosLatSphericalDifferential, apyc.SphericalCosLatDifferential
+# )
+def diffloncoslatsph_to_apysph(
+    obj: LonCosLatSphericalDifferential, /
+) -> apyc.SphericalCosLatDifferential:
+    """LonCosLatSphericalDifferential -> `astropy.SphericalCosLatDifferential`.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> dif = cx.LonCosLatSphericalDifferential(d_distance=Quantity(1, unit="km/s"),
+    ...                                         d_lat=Quantity(2, unit="mas/yr"),
+    ...                                         d_lon_coslat=Quantity(3, unit="mas/yr"))
+    >>> convert(dif, apyc.SphericalCosLatDifferential)
+    <SphericalCosLatDifferential (d_lon_coslat, d_lat, d_distance) in (mas / yr, mas / yr, km / s)
+        (3., 2., 1.)>
+    >>> convert(dif, apyc.BaseDifferential)
+    <SphericalCosLatDifferential (d_lon_coslat, d_lat, d_distance) in (mas / yr, mas / yr, km / s)
+        (3., 2., 1.)>
+    """  # noqa: E501
+    return apyc.SphericalCosLatDifferential(
+        d_distance=convert(obj.d_distance, apyu.Quantity),
+        d_lon_coslat=convert(obj.d_lon_coslat, apyu.Quantity),
+        d_lat=convert(obj.d_lat, apyu.Quantity),
+    )
+# TODO: use decorator when https://github.com/beartype/plum/pull/135
+    LonCosLatSphericalDifferential, apyc.BaseDifferential, diffloncoslatsph_to_apysph
+    LonCosLatSphericalDifferential,
+    apyc.SphericalCosLatDifferential,
+    diffloncoslatsph_to_apysph,
+@conversion_method(  # type: ignore[misc]
+    apyc.SphericalCosLatDifferential, LonCosLatSphericalDifferential
+def apysph_to_diffloncoslatsph(
+    obj: apyc.SphericalCosLatDifferential, /
+) -> LonCosLatSphericalDifferential:
+    """`astropy.SphericalCosLatDifferential` -> LonCosLatSphericalDifferential.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import astropy.units as u
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> from astropy.coordinates import SphericalCosLatDifferential
+    >>> dif = SphericalCosLatDifferential(d_distance=1 * u.km / u.s,
+    ...                                   d_lat=2 * u.mas/u.yr,
+    ...                                   d_lon_coslat=3 * u.mas/u.yr)
+    >>> convert(dif, cx.LonCosLatSphericalDifferential)
+    LonCosLatSphericalDifferential(
+      d_distance=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
+      d_lon_coslat=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") ),
+      d_lat=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") )
+    )
+    """
+    return LonCosLatSphericalDifferential.constructor(obj)
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_d3/sphere.py b/src/coordinax/_d3/sphere.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37d1f7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coordinax/_d3/sphere.py
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+"""Built-in vector classes."""
+__all__ = [
+    "AbstractSphericalVector",
+    "AbstractSphericalDifferential",
+    # Physics conventions
+    "SphericalVector",
+    "SphericalDifferential",
+    # Mathematics conventions
+    "MathSphericalVector",
+    "MathSphericalDifferential",
+    # Geographic / Astronomical conventions
+    "LonLatSphericalVector",
+    "LonLatSphericalDifferential",
+    "LonCosLatSphericalDifferential",
+from abc import abstractmethod
+from functools import partial
+from typing import final
+import equinox as eqx
+import jax
+from unxt import Distance, Quantity
+import coordinax._typing as ct
+from .base import Abstract3DVector, Abstract3DVectorDifferential
+from coordinax._checks import check_phi_range, check_r_non_negative, check_theta_range
+from coordinax._converters import converter_phi_to_range
+from coordinax._utils import classproperty
+# Position
+class AbstractSphericalVector(Abstract3DVector):
+    """Abstract spherical vector representation."""
+    @classproperty
+    @classmethod
+    @abstractmethod
+    def differential_cls(cls) -> type["AbstractSphericalDifferential"]: ...
+class SphericalVector(AbstractSphericalVector):
+    """Spherical vector representation.
+    .. note::
+        This class follows the Physics conventions (ISO 80000-2:2019).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    r : Distance
+        Radial distance r (slant distance to origin),
+    phi : Quantity['angle']
+        Azimuthal angle [0, 360) [deg] where 0 is the x-axis.
+    theta : Quantity['angle']
+        Polar angle [0, 180] [deg] where 0 is the z-axis.
+    """
+    r: ct.BatchableDistance = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Distance.constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Radial distance :math:`r \in [0,+\infty)`."""
+    phi: ct.BatchableAngle = eqx.field(
+        converter=lambda x: converter_phi_to_range(
+            Quantity["angle"].constructor(x, dtype=float)  # pylint: disable=E1120
+        )
+    )
+    r"""Azimuthal angle :math:`\phi \in [0,360)`."""
+    theta: ct.BatchableAngle = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angle"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Inclination angle :math:`\phi \in [0,180]`."""
+    def __check_init__(self) -> None:
+        """Check the validity of the initialization."""
+        check_r_non_negative(self.r)
+        check_theta_range(self.theta)
+        check_phi_range(self.phi)
+    @classproperty
+    @classmethod
+    def differential_cls(cls) -> type["SphericalDifferential"]:
+        return SphericalDifferential
+    @partial(jax.jit)
+    def norm(self) -> ct.BatchableDistance:
+        """Return the norm of the vector.
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> from unxt import Quantity
+        >>> from coordinax import SphericalVector
+        >>> s = SphericalVector(r=Quantity(3, "kpc"), phi=Quantity(0, "deg"),
+        ...                     theta=Quantity(90, "deg"))
+        >>> s.norm()
+        Distance(Array(3., dtype=float32), unit='kpc')
+        """
+        return self.r
+class MathSphericalVector(AbstractSphericalVector):
+    """Spherical vector representation.
+    .. note::
+        This class follows the Mathematics conventions.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    r : Distance
+        Radial distance r (slant distance to origin),
+    theta : Quantity['angle']
+        Azimuthal angle [0, 360) [deg] where 0 is the x-axis.
+    phi : Quantity['angle']
+        Polar angle [0, 180] [deg] where 0 is the z-axis.
+    """
+    r: ct.BatchableDistance = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Distance.constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Radial distance :math:`r \in [0,+\infty)`."""
+    theta: ct.BatchableAngle = eqx.field(
+        converter=lambda x: converter_phi_to_range(
+            Quantity["angle"].constructor(x, dtype=float)  # pylint: disable=E1120
+        )
+    )
+    r"""Azimuthal angle :math:`\phi \in [0,360)`."""
+    phi: ct.BatchableAngle = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angle"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Inclination angle :math:`\phi \in [0,180]`."""
+    def __check_init__(self) -> None:
+        """Check the validity of the initialization."""
+        check_r_non_negative(self.r)
+        check_theta_range(self.phi)
+        check_phi_range(self.theta)
+    @classproperty
+    @classmethod
+    def differential_cls(cls) -> type["MathSphericalDifferential"]:
+        return MathSphericalDifferential
+    @partial(jax.jit)
+    def norm(self) -> ct.BatchableDistance:
+        """Return the norm of the vector.
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> from unxt import Quantity
+        >>> from coordinax import MathSphericalVector
+        >>> s = MathSphericalVector(r=Quantity(3, "kpc"), theta=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+        ...                         phi=Quantity(0, "deg"))
+        >>> s.norm()
+        Distance(Array(3., dtype=float32), unit='kpc')
+        """
+        return self.r
+class LonLatSphericalVector(AbstractSphericalVector):
+    """Spherical vector representation.
+    .. note::
+        This class follows the Geographic / Astronomical convention.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    distance : Distance
+        Radial distance r (slant distance to origin),
+    lon : Quantity['angle']
+        The longitude (azimuthal) angle [0, 360) [deg] where 0 is the x-axis.
+    lat : Quantity['angle']
+        The latitude (polar angle) [-90, 90] [deg] where 90 is the z-axis.
+    """
+    distance: ct.BatchableDistance = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Distance.constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Radial distance :math:`r \in [0,+\infty)`."""
+    lon: ct.BatchableAngle = eqx.field(
+        converter=lambda x: converter_phi_to_range(
+            Quantity["angle"].constructor(x, dtype=float)  # pylint: disable=E1120
+        )
+    )
+    r"""Longitude angle :math:`\phi \in [0,360)`."""
+    lat: ct.BatchableAngle = eqx.field(
+        converter=lambda x: Quantity["angle"].constructor(x, dtype=float)  # pylint: disable=E1120
+    )
+    r"""Latitude angle :math:`\phi \in [-90,90]`."""
+    def __check_init__(self) -> None:
+        """Check the validity of the initialization."""
+        check_r_non_negative(self.distance)
+        check_phi_range(self.lon)
+        check_theta_range(self.lat)
+    @classproperty
+    @classmethod
+    def differential_cls(cls) -> type["LonLatSphericalDifferential"]:
+        return LonLatSphericalDifferential
+    @partial(jax.jit)
+    def norm(self) -> ct.BatchableDistance:
+        """Return the norm of the vector.
+        Examples
+        --------
+        >>> from unxt import Quantity
+        >>> from coordinax import LonLatSphericalVector
+        >>> s = LonLatSphericalVector(lon=Quantity(0, "deg"), lat=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+        ...                           distance=Quantity(3, "kpc"))
+        >>> s.norm()
+        Distance(Array(3., dtype=float32), unit='kpc')
+        """
+        return self.distance
+class AbstractSphericalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferential):
+    """Spherical differential representation."""
+    @classproperty
+    @classmethod
+    @abstractmethod
+    def integral_cls(cls) -> type[SphericalVector]: ...
+class SphericalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferential):
+    """Spherical differential representation."""
+    d_r: ct.BatchableSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Radial speed :math:`dr/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    d_phi: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Azimuthal speed :math:`d\phi/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    d_theta: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Inclination speed :math:`d\theta/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    @classproperty
+    @classmethod
+    def integral_cls(cls) -> type[SphericalVector]:
+        return SphericalVector
+class MathSphericalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferential):
+    """Spherical differential representation."""
+    d_r: ct.BatchableSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Radial speed :math:`dr/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    d_theta: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Azimuthal speed :math:`d\theta/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    d_phi: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Inclination speed :math:`d\phi/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    @classproperty
+    @classmethod
+    def integral_cls(cls) -> type[MathSphericalVector]:
+        return MathSphericalVector
+class LonLatSphericalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferential):
+    """Spherical differential representation."""
+    d_distance: ct.BatchableSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Radial speed :math:`dr/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    d_lon: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Longitude speed :math:`d\theta/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    d_lat: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Latitude speed :math:`d\phi/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    @classproperty
+    @classmethod
+    def integral_cls(cls) -> type[LonLatSphericalVector]:
+        return LonLatSphericalVector
+class LonCosLatSphericalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferential):
+    """Spherical differential representation."""
+    d_distance: ct.BatchableSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Radial speed :math:`dr/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    d_lon_coslat: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Longitude * cos(Latitude) speed :math:`d\theta/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    d_lat: ct.BatchableAngularSpeed = eqx.field(
+        converter=partial(Quantity["angular speed"].constructor, dtype=float)
+    )
+    r"""Latitude speed :math:`d\phi/dt \in [-\infty, \infty]."""
+    @classproperty
+    @classmethod
+    def integral_cls(cls) -> type[LonLatSphericalVector]:
+        return LonLatSphericalVector
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_d3/transform.py b/src/coordinax/_d3/transform.py
index 86f17674..5e8255bb 100644
--- a/src/coordinax/_d3/transform.py
+++ b/src/coordinax/_d3/transform.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 from plum import dispatch
 import quaxed.array_api as xp
+from unxt import Quantity
 from .base import Abstract3DVector, Abstract3DVectorDifferential
 from .builtin import (
@@ -14,6 +15,14 @@
+from .sphere import (
+    AbstractSphericalVector,
+    LonCosLatSphericalDifferential,
+    LonLatSphericalDifferential,
+    LonLatSphericalVector,
+    MathSphericalDifferential,
+    MathSphericalVector,
@@ -33,8 +42,10 @@ def represent_as(
     (Cartesian3DVector, type[Cartesian3DVector]),
-    (SphericalVector, type[SphericalVector]),
     (CylindricalVector, type[CylindricalVector]),
+    (SphericalVector, type[SphericalVector]),
+    (LonLatSphericalVector, type[LonLatSphericalVector]),
+    (MathSphericalVector, type[MathSphericalVector]),
 def represent_as(
     current: Abstract3DVector, target: type[Abstract3DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
@@ -52,6 +63,13 @@ def represent_as(
     >>> cx.represent_as(vec, cx.Cartesian3DVector) is vec
+    Cylindrical to Cylindrical:
+    >>> vec = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1, "kpc"), phi=Quantity(2, "deg"),
+    ...                            z=Quantity(3, "kpc"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(vec, cx.CylindricalVector) is vec
+    True
     Spherical to Spherical:
     >>> vec = cx.SphericalVector(r=Quantity(1, "kpc"), theta=Quantity(2, "deg"),
@@ -59,11 +77,18 @@ def represent_as(
     >>> cx.represent_as(vec, cx.SphericalVector) is vec
-    Cylindrical to Cylindrical:
+    LonLatSpherical to LonLatSpherical:
-    >>> vec = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1, "kpc"), phi=Quantity(2, "deg"),
-    ...                            z=Quantity(3, "kpc"))
-    >>> cx.represent_as(vec, cx.CylindricalVector) is vec
+    >>> vec = cx.LonLatSphericalVector(lon=Quantity(1, "deg"), lat=Quantity(2, "deg"),
+    ...                                distance=Quantity(3, "kpc"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(vec, cx.LonLatSphericalVector) is vec
+    True
+    MathSpherical to MathSpherical:
+    >>> vec = cx.MathSphericalVector(r=Quantity(1, "kpc"), phi=Quantity(2, "deg"),
+    ...                              theta=Quantity(3, "deg"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(vec, cx.MathSphericalVector) is vec
@@ -72,8 +97,15 @@ def represent_as(
     (CartesianDifferential3D, type[CartesianDifferential3D], AbstractVector),
-    (SphericalDifferential, type[SphericalDifferential], AbstractVector),
     (CylindricalDifferential, type[CylindricalDifferential], AbstractVector),
+    (SphericalDifferential, type[SphericalDifferential], AbstractVector),
+    (LonLatSphericalDifferential, type[LonLatSphericalDifferential], AbstractVector),
+    (
+        LonCosLatSphericalDifferential,
+        type[LonCosLatSphericalDifferential],
+        AbstractVector,
+    ),
+    (MathSphericalDifferential, type[MathSphericalDifferential], AbstractVector),
 def represent_as(
     current: Abstract3DVectorDifferential,
@@ -94,17 +126,13 @@ def represent_as(
     >>> vec = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(Quantity([1, 2, 3], "kpc"))
-    Cartesian to Cartesian Differential:
+    Cartesian to Cartesian differential:
     >>> dif = cx.CartesianDifferential3D.constructor(Quantity([1, 2, 3], "km/s"))
     >>> cx.represent_as(dif, cx.CartesianDifferential3D, vec) is dif
-    >>> dif = cx.SphericalDifferential(d_r=Quantity(1, "km/s"),
-    ...                                d_theta=Quantity(2, "mas/yr"),
-    ...                                d_phi=Quantity(3, "mas/yr"))
-    >>> cx.represent_as(dif, cx.SphericalDifferential, vec) is dif
-    True
+    Cylindrical to Cylindrical differential:
     >>> dif = cx.CylindricalDifferential(d_rho=Quantity(1, "km/s"),
     ...                                  d_phi=Quantity(2, "mas/yr"),
@@ -112,6 +140,38 @@ def represent_as(
     >>> cx.represent_as(dif, cx.CylindricalDifferential, vec) is dif
+    Spherical to Spherical differential:
+    >>> dif = cx.SphericalDifferential(d_r=Quantity(1, "km/s"),
+    ...                                d_phi=Quantity(2, "mas/yr"),
+    ...                                d_theta=Quantity(3, "mas/yr"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(dif, cx.SphericalDifferential, vec) is dif
+    True
+    LonLatSpherical to LonLatSpherical differential:
+    >>> dif = cx.LonLatSphericalDifferential(d_lon=Quantity(1, "mas/yr"),
+    ...                                      d_lat=Quantity(2, "mas/yr"),
+    ...                                      d_distance=Quantity(3, "km/s"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(dif, cx.LonLatSphericalDifferential, vec) is dif
+    True
+    LonCosLatSpherical to LonCosLatSpherical differential:
+    >>> dif = cx.LonCosLatSphericalDifferential(d_lon_coslat=Quantity(1, "mas/yr"),
+    ...                                         d_lat=Quantity(2, "mas/yr"),
+    ...                                         d_distance=Quantity(3, "km/s"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(dif, cx.LonCosLatSphericalDifferential, vec) is dif
+    True
+    MathSpherical to MathSpherical differential:
+    >>> dif = cx.MathSphericalDifferential(d_r=Quantity(1, "km/s"),
+    ...                                    d_theta=Quantity(2, "mas/yr"),
+    ...                                    d_phi=Quantity(3, "mas/yr"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(dif, cx.MathSphericalDifferential, vec) is dif
+    True
     return current
@@ -120,6 +180,28 @@ def represent_as(
 # Cartesian3DVector
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[CylindricalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> CylindricalVector:
+    """Cartesian3DVector -> CylindricalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(Quantity([1, 2, 3], "km"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.CylindricalVector))
+    <CylindricalVector (rho[km], phi[rad], z[km])
+        [2.236 1.107 3.   ]>
+    """
+    rho = xp.sqrt(current.x**2 + current.y**2)
+    phi = xp.atan2(current.y, current.x)
+    return target(rho=rho, phi=phi, z=current.z)
 def represent_as(
     current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[SphericalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
@@ -138,16 +220,19 @@ def represent_as(
     r = xp.sqrt(current.x**2 + current.y**2 + current.z**2)
-    theta = xp.acos(current.z / r)
     phi = xp.atan2(current.y, current.x)
-    return target(r=r, theta=theta, phi=phi)
+    theta = xp.acos(current.z / r)
+    return target(r=r, phi=phi, theta=theta)
+    (Cartesian3DVector, type[LonLatSphericalVector]),
+    (Cartesian3DVector, type[MathSphericalVector]),
 def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[CylindricalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> CylindricalVector:
-    """Cartesian3DVector -> CylindricalVector.
+    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[AbstractSphericalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> AbstractSphericalVector:
+    """Cartesian3DVector -> AbstractSphericalVector.
@@ -155,14 +240,98 @@ def represent_as(
     >>> import coordinax as cx
     >>> vec = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(Quantity([1, 2, 3], "km"))
-    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.CylindricalVector))
-    <CylindricalVector (rho[km], phi[rad], z[km])
-        [2.236 1.107 3.   ]>
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.LonLatSphericalVector))
+    <LonLatSphericalVector (distance[km], lon[rad], lat[deg])
+        [ 3.742  1.107 53.301]>
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.MathSphericalVector))
+    <MathSphericalVector (r[km], theta[rad], phi[rad])
+        [3.742 1.107 0.641]>
-    rho = xp.sqrt(current.x**2 + current.y**2)
-    phi = xp.atan2(current.y, current.x)
-    return target(rho=rho, phi=phi, z=current.z)
+    return represent_as(represent_as(current, SphericalVector), target)
+# =============================================================================
+# CylindricalVector
+def represent_as(
+    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[Cartesian3DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian3DVector:
+    """CylindricalVector -> Cartesian3DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1., "kpc"), phi=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+    ...                            z=Quantity(1, "kpc"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.Cartesian3DVector))
+    <Cartesian3DVector (x[kpc], y[kpc], z[kpc])
+        [-4.371e-08  1.000e+00  1.000e+00]>
+    """
+    x = current.rho * xp.cos(current.phi)
+    y = current.rho * xp.sin(current.phi)
+    z = current.z
+    return target(x=x, y=y, z=z)
+def represent_as(
+    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[SphericalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> SphericalVector:
+    """CylindricalVector -> SphericalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1., "kpc"), phi=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+    ...                            z=Quantity(1, "kpc"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.SphericalVector))
+    <SphericalVector (r[kpc], phi[deg], theta[rad])
+        [ 1.414 90.     0.785]>
+    """
+    r = xp.sqrt(current.rho**2 + current.z**2)
+    theta = xp.acos(current.z / r)
+    phi = current.phi
+    return target(r=r, phi=phi, theta=theta)
+    (CylindricalVector, type[LonLatSphericalVector]),
+    (CylindricalVector, type[MathSphericalVector]),
+def represent_as(
+    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[AbstractSphericalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> AbstractSphericalVector:
+    """CylindricalVector -> AbstractSphericalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1., "kpc"), phi=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+    ...                            z=Quantity(1, "kpc"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.LonLatSphericalVector))
+    <LonLatSphericalVector (distance[kpc], lon[deg], lat[deg])
+        [ 1.414 90.    45.   ]>
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.MathSphericalVector))
+    <MathSphericalVector (r[kpc], theta[deg], phi[rad])
+        [ 1.414 90.     0.785]>
+    """
+    return represent_as(represent_as(current, SphericalVector), target)
 # =============================================================================
@@ -217,27 +386,275 @@ def represent_as(
     return target(rho=rho, phi=phi, z=z)
+def represent_as(
+    current: SphericalVector, target: type[LonLatSphericalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> LonLatSphericalVector:
+    """SphericalVector -> LonLatSphericalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.SphericalVector(r=Quantity(1., "kpc"), phi=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+    ...                          theta=Quantity(90, "deg"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.LonLatSphericalVector))
+    <LonLatSphericalVector (distance[kpc], lon[deg], lat[deg])
+        [ 1. 90.  0.]>
+    """
+    return target(
+        distance=current.r,
+        lon=current.phi,
+        lat=Quantity(90, "deg") - current.theta,
+    )
+def represent_as(
+    current: SphericalVector, target: type[MathSphericalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> MathSphericalVector:
+    """SphericalVector -> MathSphericalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.SphericalVector(r=Quantity(1., "kpc"), phi=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+    ...                          theta=Quantity(90, "deg"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.MathSphericalVector))
+    <MathSphericalVector (r[kpc], theta[deg], phi[deg])
+        [ 1. 90. 90.]>
+    """
+    return target(r=current.r, theta=current.phi, phi=current.theta)
 # =============================================================================
-# CylindricalVector
+# LonLatSphericalVector
 def represent_as(
-    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[Cartesian3DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+    current: LonLatSphericalVector, target: type[Cartesian3DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
 ) -> Cartesian3DVector:
-    """CylindricalVector -> Cartesian3DVector."""
-    x = current.rho * xp.cos(current.phi)
-    y = current.rho * xp.sin(current.phi)
-    z = current.z
+    """LonLatSphericalVector -> Cartesian3DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.LonLatSphericalVector(lon=Quantity(90, "deg"), lat=Quantity(0, "deg"),
+    ...                                distance=Quantity(1., "kpc"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.Cartesian3DVector))
+    <Cartesian3DVector (x[kpc], y[kpc], z[kpc])
+        [-4.371e-08  1.000e+00 -4.371e-08]>
+    """
+    return represent_as(represent_as(current, SphericalVector), Cartesian3DVector)
+def represent_as(
+    current: LonLatSphericalVector, target: type[CylindricalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> CylindricalVector:
+    """LonLatSphericalVector -> CylindricalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.LonLatSphericalVector(lon=Quantity(90, "deg"), lat=Quantity(0, "deg"),
+    ...                                distance=Quantity(1., "kpc"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.CylindricalVector))
+    <CylindricalVector (rho[kpc], phi[deg], z[kpc])
+        [ 1.000e+00  9.000e+01 -4.371e-08]>
+    """
+    return represent_as(represent_as(current, SphericalVector), target)
+def represent_as(
+    current: LonLatSphericalVector, target: type[SphericalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> SphericalVector:
+    """LonLatSphericalVector -> SphericalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.LonLatSphericalVector(lon=Quantity(90, "deg"), lat=Quantity(0, "deg"),
+    ...                                distance=Quantity(1., "kpc"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.SphericalVector))
+    <SphericalVector (r[kpc], phi[deg], theta[deg])
+        [ 1. 90. 90.]>
+    """
+    return target(
+        r=current.distance, phi=current.lon, theta=Quantity(90, "deg") - current.lat
+    )
+# =============================================================================
+# MathSphericalVector
+def represent_as(
+    current: MathSphericalVector, target: type[Cartesian3DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian3DVector:
+    """MathSphericalVector -> Cartesian3DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.MathSphericalVector(r=Quantity(1., "kpc"), theta=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+    ...                              phi=Quantity(90, "deg"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.Cartesian3DVector))
+    <Cartesian3DVector (x[kpc], y[kpc], z[kpc])
+        [-4.371e-08  1.000e+00 -4.371e-08]>
+    """
+    x = current.r * xp.sin(current.phi) * xp.cos(current.theta)
+    y = current.r * xp.sin(current.phi) * xp.sin(current.theta)
+    z = current.r * xp.cos(current.phi)
     return target(x=x, y=y, z=z)
 def represent_as(
-    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[SphericalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+    current: MathSphericalVector, target: type[CylindricalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> CylindricalVector:
+    """MathSphericalVector -> CylindricalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.MathSphericalVector(r=Quantity(1., "kpc"), theta=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+    ...                              phi=Quantity(90, "deg"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.CylindricalVector))
+    <CylindricalVector (rho[kpc], phi[deg], z[kpc])
+        [ 1.000e+00  9.000e+01 -4.371e-08]>
+    """
+    rho = xp.abs(current.r * xp.sin(current.phi))
+    phi = current.theta
+    z = current.r * xp.cos(current.phi)
+    return target(rho=rho, phi=phi, z=z)
+def represent_as(
+    current: MathSphericalVector, target: type[SphericalVector], /, **kwargs: Any
 ) -> SphericalVector:
-    """CylindricalVector -> SphericalVector."""
-    r = xp.sqrt(current.rho**2 + current.z**2)
-    theta = xp.acos(current.z / r)
-    phi = current.phi
-    return target(r=r, theta=theta, phi=phi)
+    """MathSphericalVector -> SphericalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.MathSphericalVector(r=Quantity(1., "kpc"), theta=Quantity(90, "deg"),
+    ...                              phi=Quantity(90, "deg"))
+    >>> print(cx.represent_as(vec, cx.SphericalVector))
+    <SphericalVector (r[kpc], phi[deg], theta[deg])
+        [ 1. 90. 90.]>
+    """
+    return target(r=current.r, theta=current.phi, phi=current.theta)
+# =============================================================================
+# LonLatSphericalDifferential
+def represent_as(
+    current: Abstract3DVectorDifferential,
+    target: type[LonCosLatSphericalDifferential],
+    position: AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
+    /,
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> LonCosLatSphericalDifferential:
+    """Abstract3DVectorDifferential -> LonCosLatSphericalDifferential.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import quaxed.array_api as xp
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> vec = cx.LonLatSphericalVector(lon=Quantity(15, "deg"), lat=Quantity(10, "deg"),
+    ...                                distance=Quantity(1.5, "kpc"))
+    >>> dif = cx.LonLatSphericalDifferential(d_lon=Quantity(7, "mas/yr"),
+    ...                                      d_lat=Quantity(0, "deg/Gyr"),
+    ...                                      d_distance=Quantity(-5, "km/s"))
+    >>> newdif = cx.represent_as(dif, cx.LonCosLatSphericalDifferential, vec)
+    >>> newdif
+    LonCosLatSphericalDifferential(
+        d_distance=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
+        d_lon_coslat=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("mas / yr") ),
+        d_lat=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg / Gyr") ) )
+    >>> newdif.d_lon_coslat / xp.cos(vec.lat)  # float32 imprecision
+    Quantity['angular frequency'](Array(6.9999995, dtype=float32), unit='mas / yr')
+    """
+    # Parse the position to an AbstractVector
+    if isinstance(position, AbstractVector):
+        posvec = position
+    else:  # Q -> Cart<X>D
+        posvec = current.integral_cls._cartesian_cls.constructor(  # noqa: SLF001
+            position
+        )
+    # Transform the differential to LonLatSphericalDifferential
+    current = represent_as(current, LonLatSphericalDifferential, posvec)
+    # Transform the position to the required type
+    posvec = represent_as(posvec, current.integral_cls)
+    # Calculate the differential in the new system
+    return target(
+        d_lon_coslat=current.d_lon * xp.cos(posvec.lat),
+        d_lat=current.d_lat,
+        d_distance=current.d_distance,
+    )
+def represent_as(
+    current: LonCosLatSphericalDifferential,
+    target: type[LonLatSphericalDifferential],
+    position: AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
+    /,
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> LonLatSphericalDifferential:
+    """LonCosLatSphericalDifferential -> LonLatSphericalDifferential."""
+    # Parse the position to an AbstractVector
+    if isinstance(position, AbstractVector):
+        posvec = position
+    else:  # Q -> Cart<X>D
+        posvec = current.integral_cls._cartesian_cls.constructor(  # noqa: SLF001
+            position
+        )
+    # Transform the position to the required type
+    posvec = represent_as(posvec, current.integral_cls)
+    # Calculate the differential in the new system
+    return target(
+        d_lon=current.d_lon_coslat / xp.cos(posvec.lat),
+        d_lat=current.d_lat,
+        d_distance=current.d_distance,
+    )
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_transform.py b/src/coordinax/_transform.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d8fcbd4..00000000
--- a/src/coordinax/_transform.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-"""Transformations between representations."""
-__all__ = ["represent_as"]
-from math import prod
-from typing import Any
-from warnings import warn
-import astropy.units as u
-import jax
-from plum import dispatch
-import quaxed.array_api as xp
-from unxt import Quantity
-from ._base_dif import AbstractVectorDifferential
-from ._base_vec import AbstractVector
-from ._d1.base import Abstract1DVectorDifferential
-from ._d1.builtin import Cartesian1DVector, RadialVector
-from ._d2.base import Abstract2DVector, Abstract2DVectorDifferential
-from ._d2.builtin import Cartesian2DVector, PolarVector
-from ._d3.base import Abstract3DVector, Abstract3DVectorDifferential
-from ._d3.builtin import Cartesian3DVector, CylindricalVector, SphericalVector
-from ._exceptions import IrreversibleDimensionChange
-from ._utils import dataclass_items
-# TODO: implement for cross-representations
-@dispatch.multi(  # type: ignore[misc]
-    # N-D -> N-D
-    (
-        Abstract1DVectorDifferential,
-        type[Abstract1DVectorDifferential],  # type: ignore[misc]
-        AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
-    ),
-    (
-        Abstract2DVectorDifferential,
-        type[Abstract2DVectorDifferential],  # type: ignore[misc]
-        AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
-    ),
-    (
-        Abstract3DVectorDifferential,
-        type[Abstract3DVectorDifferential],  # type: ignore[misc]
-        AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
-    ),
-def represent_as(
-    current: AbstractVectorDifferential,
-    target: type[AbstractVectorDifferential],
-    position: AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
-    /,
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> AbstractVectorDifferential:
-    """AbstractVectorDifferential -> Cartesian -> AbstractVectorDifferential.
-    This is the base case for the transformation of vector differentials.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    current : AbstractVectorDifferential
-        The vector differential to transform.
-    target : type[AbstractVectorDifferential]
-        The target type of the vector differential.
-    position : AbstractVector
-        The position vector used to transform the differential.
-    **kwargs : Any
-        Additional keyword arguments.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    >>> import coordinax as cx
-    >>> from unxt import Quantity
-    Let's start in 1D:
-    >>> q = cx.Cartesian1DVector(x=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
-    >>> p = cx.CartesianDifferential1D(d_x=Quantity(1.0, "km/s"))
-    >>> cx.represent_as(p, cx.RadialDifferential, q)
-    RadialDifferential( d_r=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ) )
-    Now in 2D:
-    >>> q = cx.Cartesian2DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0], "km"))
-    >>> p = cx.CartesianDifferential2D.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0], "km/s"))
-    >>> cx.represent_as(p, cx.PolarDifferential, q)
-    PolarDifferential(
-      d_r=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
-      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") )
-    )
-    And in 3D:
-    >>> q = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km"))
-    >>> p = cx.CartesianDifferential3D.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km/s"))
-    >>> cx.represent_as(p, cx.SphericalDifferential, q)
-    SphericalDifferential(
-      d_r=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
-      d_theta=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") ),
-      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") )
-    )
-    If given a position as a Quantity, it will be converted to the appropriate
-    Cartesian vector:
-    >>> p = cx.CartesianDifferential3D.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km/s"))
-    >>> cx.represent_as(p, cx.SphericalDifferential, Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km"))
-    SphericalDifferential(
-      d_r=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
-      d_theta=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") ),
-      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") )
-    )
-    """
-    # TODO: not require the shape munging / support more shapes
-    shape = current.shape
-    flat_shape = prod(shape)
-    # Parse the position to an AbstractVector
-    if isinstance(position, AbstractVector):
-        posvec = position
-    else:  # Q -> Cart<X>D
-        posvec = current.integral_cls._cartesian_cls.constructor(  # noqa: SLF001
-            position
-        )
-    posvec = posvec.reshape(flat_shape)  # flattened
-    # Start by transforming the position to the type required by the
-    # differential to construct the Jacobian.
-    current_pos = represent_as(posvec, current.integral_cls, **kwargs)
-    # Takes the Jacobian through the representation transformation function.  This
-    # returns a representation of the target type, where the value of each field the
-    # corresponding row of the Jacobian. The value of the field is a Quantity with
-    # the correct numerator unit (of the Jacobian row). The value is a Vector of the
-    # original type, with fields that are the columns of that row, but with only the
-    # denomicator's units.
-    jac_nested_vecs = jac_rep_as(current_pos, target.integral_cls)
-    # This changes the Jacobian to be a dictionary of each row, with the value
-    # being that row's column as a dictionary, now with the correct units for
-    # each element:  {row_i: {col_j: Quantity(value, row.unit / column.unit)}}
-    jac_rows = {
-        f"d_{k}": {
-            kk: Quantity(vv.value, unit=v.unit / vv.unit)
-            for kk, vv in dataclass_items(v.value)
-        }
-        for k, v in dataclass_items(jac_nested_vecs)
-    }
-    # Now we can use the Jacobian to transform the differential.
-    flat_current = current.reshape(flat_shape)
-    return target(
-        **{  # Each field is the dot product of the row of the J and the diff column.
-            k: xp.sum(  # Doing the dot product.
-                xp.stack(
-                    tuple(
-                        j_c * getattr(flat_current, f"d_{kk}")
-                        for kk, j_c in j_r.items()
-                    )
-                ),
-                axis=0,
-            )
-            for k, j_r in jac_rows.items()
-        }
-    ).reshape(shape)
-# TODO: situate this better to show how represent_as is used
-jac_rep_as = jax.jit(
-    jax.vmap(jax.jacfwd(represent_as), in_axes=(0, None)), static_argnums=(1,)
-# 1D
-# @dispatch.multi(
-#     (RadialVector, type[LnPolarVector]),
-#     (RadialVector, type[Log10PolarVector]),
-# )
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: Abstract1DVector,
-#     target: type[Abstract2DVector],
-#     /,
-#     phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-#     **kwargs: Any,
-# ) -> Abstract2DVector:
-#     """Abstract1DVector -> PolarVector -> Abstract2DVector."""
-#     polar = represent_as(current, PolarVector, phi=phi)
-#     return represent_as(polar, target)
-# =============================================================================
-# Cartesian1DVector
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 2D
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian1DVector,
-    target: type[Cartesian2DVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    y: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> Cartesian2DVector:
-    """Cartesian1DVector -> Cartesian2DVector.
-    The `x` coordinate is converted to the `x` coordinate of the 2D system.
-    The `y` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
-    """
-    return target(x=current.x, y=y)
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian1DVector,
-    target: type[PolarVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> PolarVector:
-    """Cartesian1DVector -> PolarVector.
-    The `x` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
-    The `phi` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
-    """
-    return target(r=current.x, phi=phi)
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: Cartesian1DVector,
-#     target: type[LnPolarVector],
-#     /,
-#     *,
-#     phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-#     **kwargs: Any,
-# ) -> LnPolarVector:
-#     """Cartesian1DVector -> LnPolarVector.
-#     The `x` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `lnr`.
-#     The `phi` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
-#     """
-#     return target(lnr=xp.log(current.x), phi=phi)
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: Cartesian1DVector,
-#     target: type[Log10PolarVector],
-#     /,
-#     *,
-#     phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-#     **kwargs: Any,
-# ) -> Log10PolarVector:
-#     """Cartesian1DVector -> Log10PolarVector.
-#     The `x` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `log10r`.
-#     The `phi` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
-#     """
-#     return target(log10r=xp.log10(current.x), phi=phi)
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 3D
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian1DVector,
-    target: type[Cartesian3DVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    y: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> Cartesian3DVector:
-    """Cartesian1DVector -> Cartesian3DVector.
-    The `x` coordinate is converted to the `x` coordinate of the 3D system.
-    The `y` and `z` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
-    """
-    return target(x=current.x, y=y, z=z)
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian1DVector,
-    target: type[SphericalVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    theta: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> SphericalVector:
-    """Cartesian1DVector -> SphericalVector.
-    The `x` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
-    The `theta` and `phi` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
-    """
-    return target(r=current.x, theta=theta, phi=phi)
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian1DVector,
-    target: type[CylindricalVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> CylindricalVector:
-    """Cartesian1DVector -> CylindricalVector.
-    The `x` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `rho`.
-    The `phi` and `z` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
-    """
-    return target(rho=current.x, phi=phi, z=z)
-# =============================================================================
-# RadialVector
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 2D
-def represent_as(
-    current: RadialVector,
-    target: type[Cartesian2DVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    y: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> Cartesian2DVector:
-    """RadialVector -> Cartesian2DVector.
-    The `r` coordinate is converted to the cartesian coordinate `x`.
-    The `y` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
-    """
-    return target(x=current.r, y=y)
-def represent_as(
-    current: RadialVector,
-    target: type[PolarVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> PolarVector:
-    """RadialVector -> PolarVector.
-    The `r` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
-    The `phi` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
-    """
-    return target(r=current.r, phi=phi)
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 3D
-def represent_as(
-    current: RadialVector,
-    target: type[Cartesian3DVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    y: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> Cartesian3DVector:
-    """RadialVector -> Cartesian3DVector.
-    The `r` coordinate is converted to the `x` coordinate of the 3D system.
-    The `y` and `z` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
-    """
-    return target(x=current.r, y=y, z=z)
-def represent_as(
-    current: RadialVector,
-    target: type[SphericalVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    theta: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> SphericalVector:
-    """RadialVector -> SphericalVector.
-    The `r` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
-    The `theta` and `phi` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
-    """
-    return target(r=current.r, theta=theta, phi=phi)
-def represent_as(
-    current: RadialVector,
-    target: type[CylindricalVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
-    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> CylindricalVector:
-    """RadialVector -> CylindricalVector.
-    The `r` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `rho`.
-    The `phi` and `z` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
-    """
-    return target(rho=current.r, phi=phi, z=z)
-# 2D
-    (Cartesian2DVector, type[SphericalVector]),
-    (Cartesian2DVector, type[CylindricalVector]),
-def represent_as(
-    current: Abstract2DVector,
-    target: type[Abstract3DVector],
-    /,
-    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> Abstract3DVector:
-    """Abstract2DVector -> Cartesian2D -> Cartesian3D -> Abstract3DVector.
-    The 2D vector is in the xy plane. The `z` coordinate is a keyword argument and
-    defaults to 0.
-    """
-    cart2 = represent_as(current, Cartesian2DVector)
-    cart3 = represent_as(cart2, Cartesian3DVector, z=z)
-    return represent_as(cart3, target)
-    (PolarVector, type[Cartesian3DVector]),
-    # (LnPolarVector, type[Cartesian3DVector]),
-    # (LnPolarVector, type[CylindricalVector]),
-    # (LnPolarVector, type[SphericalVector]),
-    # (Log10PolarVector, type[Cartesian3DVector]),
-    # (Log10PolarVector, type[CylindricalVector]),
-    # (Log10PolarVector, type[SphericalVector]),
-def represent_as(
-    current: Abstract2DVector,
-    target: type[Abstract3DVector],
-    /,
-    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> Abstract3DVector:
-    """Abstract2DVector -> PolarVector -> Cylindrical -> Abstract3DVector.
-    The 2D vector is in the xy plane. The `z` coordinate is a keyword argument and
-    defaults to 0.
-    """
-    polar = represent_as(current, PolarVector)
-    cyl = represent_as(polar, CylindricalVector, z=z)
-    return represent_as(cyl, target)
-# =============================================================================
-# Cartesian2DVector
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 1D
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian2DVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> Cartesian1DVector:
-    """Cartesian2DVector -> Cartesian1DVector.
-    The `y` coordinate is dropped.
-    """
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(x=current.x)
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian2DVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> RadialVector:
-    """Cartesian2DVector -> RadialVector.
-    The `x` and `y` coordinates are converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
-    """
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(r=xp.sqrt(current.x**2 + current.y**2))
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 3D
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian2DVector,
-    target: type[Cartesian3DVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> Cartesian3DVector:
-    """Cartesian2DVector -> Cartesian3DVector.
-    The `x` and `y` coordinates are converted to the `x` and `y` coordinates of
-    the 3D system.  The `z` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
-    """
-    return target(x=current.x, y=current.y, z=z)
-# =============================================================================
-# PolarVector
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 1D
-def represent_as(
-    current: PolarVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> Cartesian1DVector:
-    """PolarVector -> Cartesian1DVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(x=current.r * xp.cos(current.phi))
-def represent_as(
-    current: PolarVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> RadialVector:
-    """PolarVector -> RadialVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(r=current.r)
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 3D
-def represent_as(
-    current: PolarVector,
-    target: type[SphericalVector],
-    /,
-    theta: Quantity["angle"] = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),  # type: ignore[name-defined]
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> SphericalVector:
-    """PolarVector -> SphericalVector."""
-    return target(r=current.r, theta=theta, phi=current.phi)
-def represent_as(
-    current: PolarVector,
-    target: type[CylindricalVector],
-    /,
-    *,
-    z: Quantity["length"] = Quantity(0.0, u.m),  # type: ignore[name-defined]
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> CylindricalVector:
-    """PolarVector -> CylindricalVector."""
-    return target(rho=current.r, phi=current.phi, z=z)
-# # =============================================================================
-# # LnPolarVector
-# # -----------------------------------------------
-# # 1D
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: LnPolarVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> Cartesian1DVector:
-#     """LnPolarVector -> Cartesian1DVector."""
-#     polar = represent_as(current, PolarVector)
-#     return represent_as(polar, target)
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: LnPolarVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> RadialVector:
-#     """LnPolarVector -> RadialVector."""
-#     warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-#     return target(r=xp.exp(current.lnr))
-# # =============================================================================
-# # Log10PolarVector
-# # -----------------------------------------------
-# # 1D
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: Log10PolarVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> Cartesian1DVector:
-#     """Log10PolarVector -> Cartesian1DVector."""
-#     # warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange,
-#     # stacklevel=2)
-#     polar = represent_as(current, PolarVector)
-#     return represent_as(polar, target)
-# @dispatch
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: Log10PolarVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> RadialVector:
-#     """Log10PolarVector -> RadialVector."""
-#     warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-#     return target(r=xp.pow(10, current.log10r))
-# 3D
-# @dispatch.multi(
-#     (CylindricalVector, type[LnPolarVector]),
-#     (CylindricalVector, type[Log10PolarVector]),
-#     (SphericalVector, type[LnPolarVector]),
-#     (SphericalVector, type[Log10PolarVector]),
-# )
-# def represent_as(
-#     current: Abstract3DVector, target: type[Abstract2DVector], **kwargs: Any
-# ) -> Abstract2DVector:
-#     """Abstract3DVector -> Cylindrical -> PolarVector -> Abstract2DVector."""
-#     warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-#     cyl = represent_as(current, CylindricalVector)
-#     polar = represent_as(cyl, PolarVector)
-#     return represent_as(polar, target)
-# =============================================================================
-# Cartesian3DVector
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 1D
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> Cartesian1DVector:
-    """Cartesian3DVector -> Cartesian1DVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(x=current.x)
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> RadialVector:
-    """Cartesian3DVector -> RadialVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(r=xp.sqrt(current.x**2 + current.y**2 + current.z**2))
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 2D
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[Cartesian2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> Cartesian2DVector:
-    """Cartesian3DVector -> Cartesian2DVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(x=current.x, y=current.y)
-    (Cartesian3DVector, type[PolarVector]),
-    # (Cartesian3DVector, type[LnPolarVector]),
-    # (Cartesian3DVector, type[Log10PolarVector]),
-def represent_as(
-    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[Abstract2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> Abstract2DVector:
-    """Cartesian3DVector -> Cartesian2D -> Abstract2DVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    cart2 = represent_as(current, Cartesian2DVector)
-    return represent_as(cart2, target)
-# =============================================================================
-# SphericalVector
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 1D
-def represent_as(
-    current: SphericalVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> Cartesian1DVector:
-    """SphericalVector -> Cartesian1DVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(x=current.r * xp.sin(current.theta) * xp.cos(current.phi))
-def represent_as(
-    current: SphericalVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> RadialVector:
-    """SphericalVector -> RadialVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(r=current.r)
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 2D
-def represent_as(
-    current: SphericalVector, target: type[Cartesian2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> Cartesian2DVector:
-    """SphericalVector -> Cartesian2DVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    x = current.r * xp.sin(current.theta) * xp.cos(current.phi)
-    y = current.r * xp.sin(current.theta) * xp.sin(current.phi)
-    return target(x=x, y=y)
-def represent_as(
-    current: SphericalVector, target: type[PolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> PolarVector:
-    """SphericalVector -> PolarVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(r=current.r * xp.sin(current.theta), phi=current.phi)
-# =============================================================================
-# CylindricalVector
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 1D
-def represent_as(
-    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> Cartesian1DVector:
-    """CylindricalVector -> Cartesian1DVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(x=current.rho * xp.cos(current.phi))
-def represent_as(
-    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> RadialVector:
-    """CylindricalVector -> RadialVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(r=current.rho)
-# -----------------------------------------------
-# 2D
-def represent_as(
-    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[Cartesian2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> Cartesian2DVector:
-    """CylindricalVector -> Cartesian2DVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    x = current.rho * xp.cos(current.phi)
-    y = current.rho * xp.sin(current.phi)
-    return target(x=x, y=y)
-def represent_as(
-    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[PolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
-) -> PolarVector:
-    """CylindricalVector -> PolarVector."""
-    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
-    return target(r=current.rho, phi=current.phi)
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_transform/__init__.py b/src/coordinax/_transform/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bab1c198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coordinax/_transform/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+"""Transformations for Vectors."""
+__all__ = ["represent_as"]  # noqa: F405
+from .d1 import *
+from .d2 import *
+from .d3 import *
+from .differentials import *
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_transform/d1.py b/src/coordinax/_transform/d1.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d936d3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coordinax/_transform/d1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+"""Transformations from 1D."""
+__all__ = ["represent_as"]
+from typing import Any
+import astropy.units as u
+from plum import dispatch
+from unxt import Quantity
+from coordinax._d1.builtin import Cartesian1DVector, RadialVector
+from coordinax._d2.builtin import Cartesian2DVector, PolarVector
+from coordinax._d3.builtin import Cartesian3DVector, CylindricalVector
+from coordinax._d3.sphere import MathSphericalVector, SphericalVector
+# =============================================================================
+# Cartesian1DVector
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# to 2D
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian1DVector,
+    target: type[Cartesian2DVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    y: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> Cartesian2DVector:
+    """Cartesian1DVector -> Cartesian2DVector.
+    The `x` coordinate is converted to the `x` coordinate of the 2D system.
+    The `y` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian1DVector(x=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian2DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian2DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("m")) )
+    >>> x2.y
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian3DVector, y=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x3.y
+    Quantity['length'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    return target(x=current.x, y=y)
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian1DVector,
+    target: type[PolarVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> PolarVector:
+    """Cartesian1DVector -> PolarVector.
+    The `x` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
+    The `phi` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian1DVector(x=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.PolarVector)
+    >>> x2
+    PolarVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                 phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")) )
+    >>> x2.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.PolarVector, phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x3.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    """
+    return target(r=current.x, phi=phi)
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# to 3D
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian1DVector,
+    target: type[Cartesian3DVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    y: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> Cartesian3DVector:
+    """Cartesian1DVector -> Cartesian3DVector.
+    The `x` coordinate is converted to the `x` coordinate of the 3D system.
+    The `y` and `z` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian1DVector(x=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian3DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian3DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("m")),
+                       z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("m")) )
+    >>> x2.y
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    >>> x2.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian3DVector, y=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x3.y
+    Quantity['length'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    >>> x3.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    """
+    return target(x=current.x, y=y, z=z)
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian1DVector,
+    target: type[SphericalVector] | type[MathSphericalVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    theta: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
+    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> SphericalVector | MathSphericalVector:
+    """Cartesian1DVector -> SphericalVector | MathSphericalVector.
+    The `x` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
+    The `theta` and `phi` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    SphericalVector:
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian1DVector(x=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.SphericalVector)
+    >>> x2
+    SphericalVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                     phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")),
+                     theta=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")) )
+    >>> x2.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x2.theta
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.SphericalVector, phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x3.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    >>> x2.theta
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    MathSphericalVector:
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.MathSphericalVector)
+    >>> x2
+    MathSphericalVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                         theta=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")),
+                         phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")) )
+    >>> x2.theta
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x2.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.MathSphericalVector, phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x3.theta
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x3.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    """
+    return target(r=current.x, theta=theta, phi=phi)
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian1DVector,
+    target: type[CylindricalVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
+    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> CylindricalVector:
+    """Cartesian1DVector -> CylindricalVector.
+    The `x` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `rho`.
+    The `phi` and `z` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian1DVector(x=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.CylindricalVector)
+    >>> x2
+    CylindricalVector( rho=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")),
+                       z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("m")) )
+    >>> x2.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x2.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.CylindricalVector, phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x3.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    >>> x3.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    """
+    return target(rho=current.x, phi=phi, z=z)
+# =============================================================================
+# RadialVector
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 2D
+def represent_as(
+    current: RadialVector,
+    target: type[Cartesian2DVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    y: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> Cartesian2DVector:
+    """RadialVector -> Cartesian2DVector.
+    The `r` coordinate is converted to the cartesian coordinate `x`.
+    The `y` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.RadialVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian2DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian2DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("m")) )
+    >>> x2.y
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian2DVector, y=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x3.y
+    Quantity['length'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    return target(x=current.r, y=y)
+def represent_as(
+    current: RadialVector,
+    target: type[PolarVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> PolarVector:
+    """RadialVector -> PolarVector.
+    The `r` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
+    The `phi` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.RadialVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.PolarVector)
+    >>> x2
+    PolarVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                 phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")) )
+    >>> x2.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.PolarVector, phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x3.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    """
+    return target(r=current.r, phi=phi)
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 3D
+def represent_as(
+    current: RadialVector,
+    target: type[Cartesian3DVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    y: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> Cartesian3DVector:
+    """RadialVector -> Cartesian3DVector.
+    The `r` coordinate is converted to the `x` coordinate of the 3D system.
+    The `y` and `z` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.RadialVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian3DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian3DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("m")),
+                       z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("m")) )
+    >>> x2.y
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    >>> x2.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian3DVector, y=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x3.y
+    Quantity['length'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    >>> x3.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    """
+    return target(x=current.r, y=y, z=z)
+def represent_as(
+    current: RadialVector,
+    target: type[SphericalVector] | type[MathSphericalVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    theta: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
+    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> SphericalVector | MathSphericalVector:
+    """RadialVector -> SphericalVector | MathSphericalVector.
+    The `r` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
+    The `theta` and `phi` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.RadialVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    SphericalVector:
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.SphericalVector)
+    >>> x2
+    SphericalVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                     phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")),
+                     theta=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")) )
+    >>> x2.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x2.theta
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.SphericalVector, phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x3.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    >>> x3.theta
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    MathSphericalVector:
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.MathSphericalVector)
+    >>> x2
+    MathSphericalVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                         theta=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")),
+                         phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")) )
+    >>> x2.theta
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x2.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.MathSphericalVector, phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x3.theta
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x3.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    """
+    return target(r=current.r, theta=theta, phi=phi)
+def represent_as(
+    current: RadialVector,
+    target: type[CylindricalVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    phi: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),
+    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> CylindricalVector:
+    """RadialVector -> CylindricalVector.
+    The `r` coordinate is converted to the radial coordinate `rho`.
+    The `phi` and `z` coordinates are keyword arguments and default to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.RadialVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.CylindricalVector)
+    >>> x2
+    CylindricalVector( rho=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")),
+                       z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("m")) )
+    >>> x2.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='rad')
+    >>> x2.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.CylindricalVector, phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x3.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    >>> x3.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0., dtype=float32), unit='m')
+    """
+    return target(rho=current.r, phi=phi, z=z)
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_transform/d2.py b/src/coordinax/_transform/d2.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7bd7817d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coordinax/_transform/d2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+"""Transformations between representations."""
+__all__ = ["represent_as"]
+from typing import Any
+from warnings import warn
+import astropy.units as u
+from plum import dispatch
+import quaxed.array_api as xp
+from unxt import Quantity
+from coordinax._d1.builtin import Cartesian1DVector, RadialVector
+from coordinax._d2.base import Abstract2DVector
+from coordinax._d2.builtin import Cartesian2DVector, PolarVector
+from coordinax._d3.base import Abstract3DVector
+from coordinax._d3.builtin import Cartesian3DVector, CylindricalVector
+from coordinax._d3.sphere import MathSphericalVector, SphericalVector
+from coordinax._exceptions import IrreversibleDimensionChange
+    (Cartesian2DVector, type[CylindricalVector]),
+    (Cartesian2DVector, type[SphericalVector]),
+    (Cartesian2DVector, type[MathSphericalVector]),
+def represent_as(
+    current: Abstract2DVector,
+    target: type[Abstract3DVector],
+    /,
+    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> Abstract3DVector:
+    """Abstract2DVector -> Cartesian2D -> Cartesian3D -> Abstract3DVector.
+    The 2D vector is in the xy plane. The `z` coordinate is a keyword argument and
+    defaults to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian2DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0], "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.CylindricalVector, z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x2
+    CylindricalVector( rho=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")),
+                       z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    >>> x2.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.SphericalVector, z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x3
+    SphericalVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                     phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")),
+                     theta=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")) )
+    >>> x3.r
+    Distance(Array(14.177447, dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    >>> x3 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.MathSphericalVector, z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x3
+    MathSphericalVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                         theta=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")),
+                         phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")) )
+    >>> x3.r
+    Distance(Array(14.177447, dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    cart2 = represent_as(current, Cartesian2DVector)
+    cart3 = represent_as(cart2, Cartesian3DVector, z=z)
+    return represent_as(cart3, target)
+    (PolarVector, type[Cartesian3DVector]),
+def represent_as(
+    current: Abstract2DVector,
+    target: type[Abstract3DVector],
+    /,
+    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> Abstract3DVector:
+    """Abstract2DVector -> PolarVector -> Cylindrical -> Abstract3DVector.
+    The 2D vector is in the xy plane. The `z` coordinate is a keyword argument and
+    defaults to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.PolarVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian3DVector, z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian3DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    >>> x2.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    polar = represent_as(current, PolarVector)
+    cyl = represent_as(polar, CylindricalVector, z=z)
+    return represent_as(cyl, target)
+# =============================================================================
+# Cartesian2DVector
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 1D
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian2DVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian1DVector:
+    """Cartesian2DVector -> Cartesian1DVector.
+    The `y` coordinate is dropped.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian2DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0], "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian1DVector, z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian1DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    >>> x2.x
+    Quantity['length'](Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(x=current.x)
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian2DVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> RadialVector:
+    """Cartesian2DVector -> RadialVector.
+    The `x` and `y` coordinates are converted to the radial coordinate `r`.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian2DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0], "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.RadialVector, z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x2
+    RadialVector(r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")))
+    >>> x2.r
+    Distance(Array(2.236068, dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(r=xp.sqrt(current.x**2 + current.y**2))
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 3D
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian2DVector,
+    target: type[Cartesian3DVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    z: Quantity = Quantity(0.0, u.m),
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> Cartesian3DVector:
+    """Cartesian2DVector -> Cartesian3DVector.
+    The `x` and `y` coordinates are converted to the `x` and `y` coordinates of
+    the 3D system.  The `z` coordinate is a keyword argument and defaults to 0.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian2DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0], "km"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian3DVector, z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian3DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    >>> x2.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    return target(x=current.x, y=current.y, z=z)
+# =============================================================================
+# PolarVector
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 1D
+def represent_as(
+    current: PolarVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian1DVector:
+    """PolarVector -> Cartesian1DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.PolarVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian1DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian1DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    >>> x2.x
+    Quantity['length'](Array(0.9848077, dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(x=current.r * xp.cos(current.phi))
+def represent_as(
+    current: PolarVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> RadialVector:
+    """PolarVector -> RadialVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.PolarVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.RadialVector)
+    >>> x2
+    RadialVector(r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")))
+    >>> x2.r
+    Distance(Array(1., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(r=current.r)
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 3D
+def represent_as(
+    current: PolarVector,
+    target: type[SphericalVector],
+    /,
+    theta: Quantity["angle"] = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),  # type: ignore[name-defined]
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> SphericalVector:
+    """PolarVector -> SphericalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.PolarVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.SphericalVector, theta=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x2
+    SphericalVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                     phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")),
+                     theta=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")) )
+    >>> x2.theta
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    """
+    return target(r=current.r, theta=theta, phi=current.phi)
+def represent_as(
+    current: PolarVector,
+    target: type[MathSphericalVector],
+    /,
+    phi: Quantity["angle"] = Quantity(0.0, u.radian),  # type: ignore[name-defined]
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> MathSphericalVector:
+    """PolarVector -> MathSphericalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.PolarVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.MathSphericalVector, phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> x2
+    MathSphericalVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                         theta=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")),
+                         phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")) )
+    >>> x2.phi
+    Quantity['angle'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='deg')
+    """
+    return target(r=current.r, phi=phi, theta=current.phi)
+def represent_as(
+    current: PolarVector,
+    target: type[CylindricalVector],
+    /,
+    *,
+    z: Quantity["length"] = Quantity(0.0, u.m),  # type: ignore[name-defined]
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> CylindricalVector:
+    """PolarVector -> CylindricalVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.PolarVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"))
+    >>> x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.CylindricalVector, z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> x2
+    CylindricalVector( rho=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")),
+                       z=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    >>> x2.z
+    Quantity['length'](Array(14., dtype=float32), unit='km')
+    """
+    return target(rho=current.r, phi=current.phi, z=z)
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_transform/d3.py b/src/coordinax/_transform/d3.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fcfeae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coordinax/_transform/d3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+"""Transformations between representations."""
+__all__ = ["represent_as"]
+from typing import Any
+from warnings import warn
+from plum import dispatch
+import quaxed.array_api as xp
+from coordinax._d1.builtin import Cartesian1DVector, RadialVector
+from coordinax._d2.base import Abstract2DVector
+from coordinax._d2.builtin import Cartesian2DVector, PolarVector
+from coordinax._d3.builtin import Cartesian3DVector, CylindricalVector
+from coordinax._d3.sphere import MathSphericalVector, SphericalVector
+from coordinax._exceptions import IrreversibleDimensionChange
+# =============================================================================
+# Cartesian3DVector
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 1D
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian1DVector:
+    """Cartesian3DVector -> Cartesian1DVector.
+    The `y` and `z` coordinates are dropped.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian1DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian1DVector(
+      x=Quantity[PhysicalType('length')](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km"))
+    )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(x=current.x)
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> RadialVector:
+    """Cartesian3DVector -> RadialVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.RadialVector)
+    >>> x2
+    RadialVector(r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")))
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(r=xp.sqrt(current.x**2 + current.y**2 + current.z**2))
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 2D
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[Cartesian2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian2DVector:
+    """Cartesian3DVector -> Cartesian2DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian2DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian2DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(x=current.x, y=current.y)
+    (Cartesian3DVector, type[PolarVector]),
+def represent_as(
+    current: Cartesian3DVector, target: type[Abstract2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Abstract2DVector:
+    """Cartesian3DVector -> Cartesian2D -> Abstract2DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.PolarVector)
+    >>> x2
+    PolarVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                 phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    cart2 = represent_as(current, Cartesian2DVector)
+    return represent_as(cart2, target)
+# =============================================================================
+# CylindricalVector
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 1D
+def represent_as(
+    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian1DVector:
+    """CylindricalVector -> Cartesian1DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                          z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian1DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian1DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(x=current.rho * xp.cos(current.phi))
+def represent_as(
+    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> RadialVector:
+    """CylindricalVector -> RadialVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                          z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.RadialVector)
+    >>> x2
+    RadialVector(r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")))
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(r=current.rho)
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 2D
+def represent_as(
+    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[Cartesian2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian2DVector:
+    """CylindricalVector -> Cartesian2DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                          z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian2DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian2DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    x = current.rho * xp.cos(current.phi)
+    y = current.rho * xp.sin(current.phi)
+    return target(x=x, y=y)
+def represent_as(
+    current: CylindricalVector, target: type[PolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> PolarVector:
+    """CylindricalVector -> PolarVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.CylindricalVector(rho=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                          z=Quantity(14, "km"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.PolarVector)
+    >>> x2
+    PolarVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                 phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(r=current.rho, phi=current.phi)
+# =============================================================================
+# SphericalVector
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 1D
+def represent_as(
+    current: SphericalVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian1DVector:
+    """SphericalVector -> Cartesian1DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.SphericalVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                        theta=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian1DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian1DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(x=current.r * xp.sin(current.theta) * xp.cos(current.phi))
+def represent_as(
+    current: SphericalVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> RadialVector:
+    """SphericalVector -> RadialVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.SphericalVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                        theta=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.RadialVector)
+    >>> x2
+    RadialVector(r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")))
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(r=current.r)
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 2D
+def represent_as(
+    current: SphericalVector, target: type[Cartesian2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian2DVector:
+    """SphericalVector -> Cartesian2DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.SphericalVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                        theta=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian2DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian2DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    x = current.r * xp.sin(current.theta) * xp.cos(current.phi)
+    y = current.r * xp.sin(current.theta) * xp.sin(current.phi)
+    return target(x=x, y=y)
+def represent_as(
+    current: SphericalVector, target: type[PolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> PolarVector:
+    """SphericalVector -> PolarVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.SphericalVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), phi=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                        theta=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.PolarVector)
+    >>> x2
+    PolarVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                 phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(r=current.r * xp.sin(current.theta), phi=current.phi)
+# =============================================================================
+# MathSphericalVector
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 1D
+def represent_as(
+    current: MathSphericalVector, target: type[Cartesian1DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian1DVector:
+    """MathSphericalVector -> Cartesian1DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.MathSphericalVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), theta=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                            phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian1DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian1DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(x=current.r * xp.sin(current.phi) * xp.cos(current.theta))
+def represent_as(
+    current: MathSphericalVector, target: type[RadialVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> RadialVector:
+    """MathSphericalVector -> RadialVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.MathSphericalVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), theta=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                            phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.RadialVector)
+    >>> x2
+    RadialVector(r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")))
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(r=current.r)
+# -----------------------------------------------
+# 2D
+def represent_as(
+    current: MathSphericalVector, target: type[Cartesian2DVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Cartesian2DVector:
+    """MathSphericalVector -> Cartesian2DVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.MathSphericalVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), theta=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                            phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.Cartesian2DVector)
+    >>> x2
+    Cartesian2DVector( x=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                       y=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    x = current.r * xp.sin(current.phi) * xp.cos(current.theta)
+    y = current.r * xp.sin(current.phi) * xp.sin(current.theta)
+    return target(x=x, y=y)
+def represent_as(
+    current: MathSphericalVector, target: type[PolarVector], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> PolarVector:
+    """MathSphericalVector -> PolarVector.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import warnings
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> x = cx.MathSphericalVector(r=Quantity(1.0, "km"), theta=Quantity(10.0, "deg"),
+    ...                            phi=Quantity(14, "deg"))
+    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
+    ...     warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+    ...     x2 = cx.represent_as(x, cx.PolarVector)
+    >>> x2
+    PolarVector( r=Distance(value=f32[], unit=Unit("km")),
+                 phi=Quantity[...](value=f32[], unit=Unit("deg")) )
+    """
+    warn("irreversible dimension change", IrreversibleDimensionChange, stacklevel=2)
+    return target(r=current.r * xp.sin(current.phi), phi=current.theta)
diff --git a/src/coordinax/_transform/differentials.py b/src/coordinax/_transform/differentials.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aee99c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/coordinax/_transform/differentials.py
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+"""Transformations between representations."""
+__all__ = ["represent_as"]
+from math import prod
+from typing import Any
+import jax
+from plum import dispatch
+import quaxed.array_api as xp
+from unxt import Quantity
+from coordinax._base_dif import AbstractVectorDifferential
+from coordinax._base_vec import AbstractVector
+from coordinax._d1.base import Abstract1DVectorDifferential
+from coordinax._d2.base import Abstract2DVectorDifferential
+from coordinax._d3.base import Abstract3DVectorDifferential
+from coordinax._utils import dataclass_items
+# TODO: implement for cross-representations
+@dispatch.multi(  # type: ignore[misc]
+    # N-D -> N-D
+    (
+        Abstract1DVectorDifferential,
+        type[Abstract1DVectorDifferential],  # type: ignore[misc]
+        AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
+    ),
+    (
+        Abstract2DVectorDifferential,
+        type[Abstract2DVectorDifferential],  # type: ignore[misc]
+        AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
+    ),
+    (
+        Abstract3DVectorDifferential,
+        type[Abstract3DVectorDifferential],  # type: ignore[misc]
+        AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
+    ),
+def represent_as(
+    current: AbstractVectorDifferential,
+    target: type[AbstractVectorDifferential],
+    position: AbstractVector | Quantity["length"],
+    /,
+    **kwargs: Any,
+) -> AbstractVectorDifferential:
+    """AbstractVectorDifferential -> Cartesian -> AbstractVectorDifferential.
+    This is the base case for the transformation of vector differentials.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    current : AbstractVectorDifferential
+        The vector differential to transform.
+    target : type[AbstractVectorDifferential]
+        The target type of the vector differential.
+    position : AbstractVector
+        The position vector used to transform the differential.
+    **kwargs : Any
+        Additional keyword arguments.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import coordinax as cx
+    >>> from unxt import Quantity
+    Let's start in 1D:
+    >>> q = cx.Cartesian1DVector(x=Quantity(1.0, "km"))
+    >>> p = cx.CartesianDifferential1D(d_x=Quantity(1.0, "km/s"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(p, cx.RadialDifferential, q)
+    RadialDifferential( d_r=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ) )
+    Now in 2D:
+    >>> q = cx.Cartesian2DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0], "km"))
+    >>> p = cx.CartesianDifferential2D.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0], "km/s"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(p, cx.PolarDifferential, q)
+    PolarDifferential(
+      d_r=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
+      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") )
+    )
+    And in 3D:
+    >>> q = cx.Cartesian3DVector.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km"))
+    >>> p = cx.CartesianDifferential3D.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km/s"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(p, cx.SphericalDifferential, q)
+    SphericalDifferential(
+      d_r=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
+      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") ),
+      d_theta=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") )
+    )
+    If given a position as a Quantity, it will be converted to the appropriate
+    Cartesian vector:
+    >>> p = cx.CartesianDifferential3D.constructor(Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km/s"))
+    >>> cx.represent_as(p, cx.SphericalDifferential, Quantity([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], "km"))
+    SphericalDifferential(
+      d_r=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("km / s") ),
+      d_phi=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") ),
+      d_theta=Quantity[...]( value=f32[], unit=Unit("rad / s") )
+    )
+    """
+    # TODO: not require the shape munging / support more shapes
+    shape = current.shape
+    flat_shape = prod(shape)
+    # Parse the position to an AbstractVector
+    if isinstance(position, AbstractVector):
+        posvec = position
+    else:  # Q -> Cart<X>D
+        posvec = current.integral_cls._cartesian_cls.constructor(  # noqa: SLF001
+            position
+        )
+    posvec = posvec.reshape(flat_shape)  # flattened
+    # Start by transforming the position to the type required by the
+    # differential to construct the Jacobian.
+    current_pos = represent_as(posvec, current.integral_cls, **kwargs)
+    # Takes the Jacobian through the representation transformation function.  This
+    # returns a representation of the target type, where the value of each field the
+    # corresponding row of the Jacobian. The value of the field is a Quantity with
+    # the correct numerator unit (of the Jacobian row). The value is a Vector of the
+    # original type, with fields that are the columns of that row, but with only the
+    # denomicator's units.
+    jac_nested_vecs = jac_rep_as(current_pos, target.integral_cls)
+    # This changes the Jacobian to be a dictionary of each row, with the value
+    # being that row's column as a dictionary, now with the correct units for
+    # each element:  {row_i: {col_j: Quantity(value, row.unit / column.unit)}}
+    jac_rows = {
+        f"d_{k}": {
+            kk: Quantity(vv.value, unit=v.unit / vv.unit)
+            for kk, vv in dataclass_items(v.value)
+        }
+        for k, v in dataclass_items(jac_nested_vecs)
+    }
+    # Now we can use the Jacobian to transform the differential.
+    flat_current = current.reshape(flat_shape)
+    return target(
+        **{  # Each field is the dot product of the row of the J and the diff column.
+            k: xp.sum(  # Doing the dot product.
+                xp.stack(
+                    tuple(
+                        j_c * getattr(flat_current, f"d_{kk}")
+                        for kk, j_c in j_r.items()
+                    )
+                ),
+                axis=0,
+            )
+            for k, j_r in jac_rows.items()
+        }
+    ).reshape(shape)
+# TODO: situate this better to show how represent_as is used
+jac_rep_as = jax.jit(
+    jax.vmap(jax.jacfwd(represent_as), in_axes=(0, None)), static_argnums=(1,)
diff --git a/tests/test_base.py b/tests/test_base.py
index 5438d948..48d3ee01 100644
--- a/tests/test_base.py
+++ b/tests/test_base.py
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
     # 2D
-    # LnPolarVector,
-    # Log10PolarVector,
     # 3D
diff --git a/tests/test_d1.py b/tests/test_d1.py
index deec458a..5a49ec2e 100644
--- a/tests/test_d1.py
+++ b/tests/test_d1.py
@@ -61,22 +61,6 @@ def test_cartesian1d_to_polar(self, vector):
         assert qnp.array_equal(polar.r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
         assert qnp.array_equal(polar.phi, Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
-    # def test_cartesian1d_to_lnpolar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(LnPolarVector)``."""
-    #     lnpolar = vector.to_lnpolar(phi=Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
-    #     assert isinstance(lnpolar, LnPolarVector)
-    #     assert lnpolar.lnr == xp.log(Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
-    #     assert qnp.array_equal(lnpolar.phi, Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
-    # def test_cartesian1d_to_log10polar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Log10PolarVector)``."""
-    #     log10polar = vector.to_log10polar(phi=Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
-    #     assert isinstance(log10polar, Log10PolarVector)
-    #     assert log10polar.log10r == xp.log10(Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
-    #     assert qnp.array_equal(log10polar.phi, Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
     def test_cartesian1d_to_cartesian3d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian3DVector)``."""
         cart3d = vector.represent_as(
@@ -163,14 +147,6 @@ def test_radial_to_polar(self, vector):
         assert qnp.array_equal(polar.r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
         assert qnp.array_equal(polar.phi, Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
-    # def test_radial_to_lnpolar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(LnPolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
-    # def test_radial_to_log10polar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Log10PolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
     def test_radial_to_cartesian3d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian3DVector)``."""
         cart3d = vector.represent_as(
diff --git a/tests/test_d2.py b/tests/test_d2.py
index db90775f..75bcfd83 100644
--- a/tests/test_d2.py
+++ b/tests/test_d2.py
@@ -70,14 +70,6 @@ def test_cartesian2d_to_polar(self, vector):
             atol=Quantity(1e-8, "deg"),
-    # def test_cartesian2d_to_lnpolar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(LnPolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
-    # def test_cartesian2d_to_log10polar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Log10PolarVector)``."""
-    #    assert False
     def test_cartesian2d_to_cartesian3d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian3DVector)``."""
         cart3d = vector.represent_as(
@@ -185,14 +177,6 @@ def test_polar_to_polar(self, vector):
         newvec = cx.represent_as(vector, cx.PolarVector)
         assert newvec is vector
-    # def test_polar_to_lnpolar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(LnPolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
-    # def test_polar_to_log10polar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Log10PolarVector)
-    #     assert False
     def test_polar_to_cartesian3d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian3DVector)``."""
         cart3d = vector.represent_as(
diff --git a/tests/test_d3.py b/tests/test_d3.py
index af84de20..a6f84803 100644
--- a/tests/test_d3.py
+++ b/tests/test_d3.py
@@ -115,16 +115,6 @@ def test_cartesian3d_to_polar(self, vector):
             polar.phi, Quantity([1.3734008, 1.2490457, 1.1659045, 1.1071488], "rad")
-    # @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    # def test_cartesian3d_to_lnpolar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(LnPolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
-    # @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    # def test_cartesian3d_to_log10polar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Log10PolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
     def test_cartesian3d_to_cartesian3d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian3DVector)``."""
         # Jit can copy
@@ -191,40 +181,40 @@ def test_cartesian3d_to_cylindrical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
         assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.phi, APYQuantity), apycyl.phi)
-class TestSphericalVector(Abstract3DVectorTest):
-    """Test :class:`coordinax.SphericalVector`."""
+class TestCylindricalVector(Abstract3DVectorTest):
+    """Test :class:`coordinax.CylindricalVector`."""
-    def vector(self) -> cx.SphericalVector:
+    def vector(self) -> cx.AbstractVector:
         """Return a vector."""
-        return cx.SphericalVector(
-            r=Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"),
-            phi=Quantity([0, 65, 135, 270], "deg"),
-            theta=Quantity([0, 36, 142, 180], "deg"),
+        return cx.CylindricalVector(
+            rho=Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"),
+            phi=Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"),
+            z=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "m"),
     def apyvector(self, vector: cx.AbstractVector):
         """Return an Astropy vector."""
-        return convert(vector, apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation)
+        return convert(vector, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
     # ==========================================================================
     # represent_as
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    def test_spherical_to_cartesian1d(self, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian1d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian1DVector)``."""
         cart1d = vector.represent_as(cx.Cartesian1DVector)
         assert isinstance(cart1d, cx.Cartesian1DVector)
         assert qnp.allclose(
-            Quantity([0, 0.49681753, -1.3060151, -4.1700245e-15], "kpc"),
+            Quantity([1.0, 1.0806047, -1.2484405, -3.95997], "kpc"),
             atol=Quantity(1e-8, "kpc"),
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    def test_spherical_to_radial(self, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_radial(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(RadialVector)``."""
         radial = vector.represent_as(cx.RadialVector)
@@ -232,59 +222,41 @@ def test_spherical_to_radial(self, vector):
         assert qnp.array_equal(radial.r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    def test_spherical_to_cartesian2d(self, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian2d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian2DVector)``."""
-        cart2d = vector.represent_as(
-            cx.Cartesian2DVector, y=Quantity([5, 6, 7, 8], "km")
-        )
+        cart2d = vector.represent_as(cx.Cartesian2DVector)
         assert isinstance(cart2d, cx.Cartesian2DVector)
         assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart2d.x,
-            Quantity([0, 0.49681753, -1.3060151, -4.1700245e-15], "kpc"),
+            cart2d.x, Quantity([1.0, 1.0806046, -1.2484405, -3.95997], "kpc")
         assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart2d.y, Quantity([0.0, 1.0654287, 1.3060151, 3.4969111e-07], "kpc")
+            cart2d.y, Quantity([0.0, 1.6829419, 2.7278922, 0.56448], "kpc")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    def test_spherical_to_polar(self, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_polar(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(PolarVector)``."""
-        polar = vector.represent_as(cx.PolarVector, phi=Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
+        polar = vector.represent_as(cx.PolarVector)
         assert isinstance(polar, cx.PolarVector)
-        assert qnp.array_equal(
-            polar.r,
-            Quantity([0.0, 1.1755705, 1.8469844, -3.4969111e-07], "kpc"),
-        )
-        assert qnp.array_equal(polar.phi, Quantity([0.0, 65.0, 135.0, 270.0], "deg"))
-    # @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    # def test_spherical_to_lnpolar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(LnPolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
-    # @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    # def test_spherical_to_log10polar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Log10PolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
+        assert qnp.array_equal(polar.r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
+        assert qnp.array_equal(polar.phi, Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
-    def test_spherical_to_cartesian3d(self, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian3d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian3DVector)``."""
         cart3d = vector.represent_as(cx.Cartesian3DVector)
         assert isinstance(cart3d, cx.Cartesian3DVector)
         assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart3d.x, Quantity([0, 0.49681753, -1.3060151, -4.1700245e-15], "kpc")
-        )
-        assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart3d.y, Quantity([0.0, 1.0654287, 1.3060151, 3.4969111e-07], "kpc")
+            cart3d.x, Quantity([1.0, 1.0806046, -1.2484405, -3.95997], "kpc")
         assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart3d.z, Quantity([1.0, 1.618034, -2.3640323, -4.0], "kpc")
+            cart3d.y, Quantity([0.0, 1.6829419, 2.7278922, 0.56448], "kpc")
+        assert qnp.array_equal(cart3d.z, vector.z)
-    def test_spherical_to_cartesian3d_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian3d_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
         """Test Astropy equivalence."""
         cart3d = vector.represent_as(cx.Cartesian3DVector)
@@ -293,94 +265,77 @@ def test_spherical_to_cartesian3d_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.y, APYQuantity), apycart3.y)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.z, APYQuantity), apycart3.z)
-    def test_spherical_to_spherical(self, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_spherical(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(SphericalVector)``."""
-        # Jit can copy
-        newvec = vector.represent_as(cx.SphericalVector)
-        assert newvec == vector
+        spherical = vector.represent_as(cx.SphericalVector)
-        # The normal `represent_as` method should return the same object
-        newvec = cx.represent_as(vector, cx.SphericalVector)
-        assert newvec is vector
+        assert isinstance(spherical, cx.SphericalVector)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(spherical.r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
+        assert qnp.array_equal(spherical.phi, Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
+        assert qnp.array_equal(spherical.theta, Quantity(xp.full(4, xp.pi / 2), "rad"))
-    def test_spherical_to_spherical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_spherical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
         """Test Astropy equivalence."""
         sph = vector.represent_as(cx.SphericalVector)
         apysph = apyvector.represent_as(apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation)
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.r, APYQuantity), apysph.r)
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.theta, APYQuantity), apysph.theta)
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.phi, APYQuantity), apysph.phi)
-    def test_spherical_to_cylindrical(self, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cylindrical(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(CylindricalVector)``."""
-        cylindrical = vector.represent_as(
-            cx.CylindricalVector, z=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "m")
-        )
+        # Jit can copy
+        newvec = vector.represent_as(cx.CylindricalVector)
+        assert newvec == vector
-        assert isinstance(cylindrical, cx.CylindricalVector)
-        assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cylindrical.rho,
-            Quantity([0.0, 1.1755705, 1.8469844, 3.4969111e-07], "kpc"),
-        )
-        assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cylindrical.phi, Quantity([0.0, 65.0, 135.0, 270.0], "deg")
-        )
-        assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cylindrical.z, Quantity([1.0, 1.618034, -2.3640323, -4.0], "kpc")
-        )
+        # The normal `represent_as` method should return the same object
+        newvec = cx.represent_as(vector, cx.CylindricalVector)
+        assert newvec is vector
-    def test_spherical_to_cylindrical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
-        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(CylindricalVector)``."""
-        cyl = vector.represent_as(
-            cx.CylindricalVector, z=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "m")
-        )
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cylindrical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
+        """Test Astropy equivalence."""
+        cyl = vector.represent_as(cx.CylindricalVector)
         apycyl = apyvector.represent_as(apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.rho, APYQuantity), apycyl.rho)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.z, APYQuantity), apycyl.z)
-        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.phi[:-1], APYQuantity), apycyl.phi[:-1])
-        # There's a 'bug' in Astropy where at the origin phi is always 90, or at
-        # least doesn't keep its value.
-        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):  # TODO: Fix this
-            assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.phi[-1], APYQuantity), apycyl.phi[-1])
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.phi, APYQuantity), apycyl.phi)
-class TestCylindricalVector(Abstract3DVectorTest):
-    """Test :class:`coordinax.CylindricalVector`."""
+class TestSphericalVector(Abstract3DVectorTest):
+    """Test :class:`coordinax.SphericalVector`."""
-    def vector(self) -> cx.AbstractVector:
+    def vector(self) -> cx.SphericalVector:
         """Return a vector."""
-        return cx.CylindricalVector(
-            rho=Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"),
-            phi=Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"),
-            z=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "m"),
+        return cx.SphericalVector(
+            r=Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"),
+            phi=Quantity([0, 65, 135, 270], "deg"),
+            theta=Quantity([0, 36, 142, 180], "deg"),
     def apyvector(self, vector: cx.AbstractVector):
         """Return an Astropy vector."""
-        return convert(vector, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
+        return convert(vector, apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation)
     # ==========================================================================
     # represent_as
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian1d(self, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_cartesian1d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian1DVector)``."""
         cart1d = vector.represent_as(cx.Cartesian1DVector)
         assert isinstance(cart1d, cx.Cartesian1DVector)
         assert qnp.allclose(
-            Quantity([1.0, 1.0806047, -1.2484405, -3.95997], "kpc"),
+            Quantity([0, 0.49681753, -1.3060151, -4.1700245e-15], "kpc"),
             atol=Quantity(1e-8, "kpc"),
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    def test_cylindrical_to_radial(self, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_radial(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(RadialVector)``."""
         radial = vector.represent_as(cx.RadialVector)
@@ -388,51 +343,49 @@ def test_cylindrical_to_radial(self, vector):
         assert qnp.array_equal(radial.r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian2d(self, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_cartesian2d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian2DVector)``."""
-        cart2d = vector.represent_as(cx.Cartesian2DVector)
+        cart2d = vector.represent_as(
+            cx.Cartesian2DVector, y=Quantity([5, 6, 7, 8], "km")
+        )
         assert isinstance(cart2d, cx.Cartesian2DVector)
         assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart2d.x, Quantity([1.0, 1.0806046, -1.2484405, -3.95997], "kpc")
+            cart2d.x,
+            Quantity([0, 0.49681753, -1.3060151, -4.1700245e-15], "kpc"),
         assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart2d.y, Quantity([0.0, 1.6829419, 2.7278922, 0.56448], "kpc")
+            cart2d.y, Quantity([0.0, 1.0654287, 1.3060151, 3.4969111e-07], "kpc")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    def test_cylindrical_to_polar(self, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_polar(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(PolarVector)``."""
-        polar = vector.represent_as(cx.PolarVector)
+        polar = vector.represent_as(cx.PolarVector, phi=Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
         assert isinstance(polar, cx.PolarVector)
-        assert qnp.array_equal(polar.r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
-        assert qnp.array_equal(polar.phi, Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
-    # @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    # def test_cylindrical_to_lnpolar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(LnPolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
-    # @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Irreversible dimension change")
-    # def test_cylindrical_to_log10polar(self, vector):
-    #     """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Log10PolarVector)``."""
-    #     assert False
+        assert qnp.array_equal(
+            polar.r,
+            Quantity([0.0, 1.1755705, 1.8469844, -3.4969111e-07], "kpc"),
+        )
+        assert qnp.array_equal(polar.phi, Quantity([0.0, 65.0, 135.0, 270.0], "deg"))
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian3d(self, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_cartesian3d(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian3DVector)``."""
         cart3d = vector.represent_as(cx.Cartesian3DVector)
         assert isinstance(cart3d, cx.Cartesian3DVector)
         assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart3d.x, Quantity([1.0, 1.0806046, -1.2484405, -3.95997], "kpc")
+            cart3d.x, Quantity([0, 0.49681753, -1.3060151, -4.1700245e-15], "kpc")
         assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart3d.y, Quantity([0.0, 1.6829419, 2.7278922, 0.56448], "kpc")
+            cart3d.y, Quantity([0.0, 1.0654287, 1.3060151, 3.4969111e-07], "kpc")
+        )
+        assert qnp.array_equal(
+            cart3d.z, Quantity([1.0, 1.618034, -2.3640323, -4.0], "kpc")
-        assert qnp.array_equal(cart3d.z, vector.z)
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian3d_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
+    def test_spherical_to_cartesian3d_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
         """Test Astropy equivalence."""
         cart3d = vector.represent_as(cx.Cartesian3DVector)
@@ -441,41 +394,83 @@ def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian3d_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.y, APYQuantity), apycart3.y)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.z, APYQuantity), apycart3.z)
-    def test_cylindrical_to_spherical(self, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_cylindrical(self, vector):
+        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(CylindricalVector)``."""
+        cyl = vector.represent_as(
+            cx.CylindricalVector, z=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "m")
+        )
+        assert isinstance(cyl, cx.CylindricalVector)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(
+            cyl.rho,
+            Quantity([0.0, 1.1755705, 1.8469844, 3.4969111e-07], "kpc"),
+        )
+        assert qnp.array_equal(cyl.phi, Quantity([0.0, 65.0, 135.0, 270.0], "deg"))
+        assert qnp.array_equal(
+            cyl.z, Quantity([1.0, 1.618034, -2.3640323, -4.0], "kpc")
+        )
+    def test_spherical_to_cylindrical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
+        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(CylindricalVector)``."""
+        cyl = vector.represent_as(
+            cx.CylindricalVector, z=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "m")
+        )
+        apycyl = apyvector.represent_as(apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.rho, APYQuantity), apycyl.rho)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.z, APYQuantity), apycyl.z)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.phi[:-1], APYQuantity), apycyl.phi[:-1])
+        # There's a 'bug' in Astropy where at the origin phi is always 90, or at
+        # least doesn't keep its value.
+        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):  # TODO: Fix this
+            assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.phi[-1], APYQuantity), apycyl.phi[-1])
+    def test_spherical_to_spherical(self, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(SphericalVector)``."""
-        spherical = vector.represent_as(cx.SphericalVector)
+        # Jit can copy
+        newvec = vector.represent_as(cx.SphericalVector)
+        assert newvec == vector
-        assert isinstance(spherical, cx.SphericalVector)
-        assert qnp.array_equal(spherical.r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"))
-        assert qnp.array_equal(spherical.phi, Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"))
-        assert qnp.array_equal(spherical.theta, Quantity(xp.full(4, xp.pi / 2), "rad"))
+        # The normal `represent_as` method should return the same object
+        newvec = cx.represent_as(vector, cx.SphericalVector)
+        assert newvec is vector
-    def test_cylindrical_to_spherical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
+    def test_spherical_to_spherical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
         """Test Astropy equivalence."""
         sph = vector.represent_as(cx.SphericalVector)
         apysph = apyvector.represent_as(apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation)
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.r, APYQuantity), apysph.r)
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.theta, APYQuantity), apysph.theta)
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.phi, APYQuantity), apysph.phi)
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cylindrical(self, vector):
-        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(CylindricalVector)``."""
-        # Jit can copy
-        newvec = vector.represent_as(cx.CylindricalVector)
-        assert newvec == vector
+    def test_spherical_to_mathspherical(self, vector):
+        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(MathSphericalVector)``."""
+        newvec = cx.represent_as(vector, cx.MathSphericalVector)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(newvec.r, vector.r)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(newvec.phi, vector.theta)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(newvec.theta, vector.phi)
-        # The normal `represent_as` method should return the same object
-        newvec = cx.represent_as(vector, cx.CylindricalVector)
-        assert newvec is vector
+    def test_spherical_to_lonlatspherical(self, vector):
+        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(LonLatSphericalVector)``."""
+        llsph = vector.represent_as(
+            cx.LonLatSphericalVector, z=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "m")
+        )
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cylindrical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
+        assert isinstance(llsph, cx.LonLatSphericalVector)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(llsph.distance, vector.r)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(llsph.lon, vector.phi)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(llsph.lat, Quantity(90, "deg") - vector.theta)
+    def test_spherical_to_lonlatspherical_astropy(self, vector, apyvector):
         """Test Astropy equivalence."""
-        cyl = vector.represent_as(cx.CylindricalVector)
+        llsph = vector.represent_as(cx.LonLatSphericalVector)
-        apycyl = apyvector.represent_as(apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
-        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.rho, APYQuantity), apycyl.rho)
-        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.z, APYQuantity), apycyl.z)
-        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.phi, APYQuantity), apycyl.phi)
+        apycart3 = apyvector.represent_as(apyc.SphericalRepresentation)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(llsph.distance, APYQuantity), apycart3.distance)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(llsph.lon, APYQuantity), apycart3.lon)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(llsph.lat, APYQuantity), apycart3.lat)
 class Abstract3DVectorDifferentialTest(AbstractVectorDifferentialTest):
@@ -650,46 +645,42 @@ def test_cartesian3d_to_cylindrical_astropy(
         assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.d_phi, APYQuantity), apycyl.d_phi)
-class TestSphericalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferentialTest):
-    """Test :class:`coordinax.SphericalDifferential`."""
+class TestCylindricalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferentialTest):
+    """Test :class:`coordinax.CylindricalDifferential`."""
-    def difntl(self) -> cx.SphericalDifferential:
+    def difntl(self) -> cx.CylindricalDifferential:
         """Return a differential."""
-        return cx.SphericalDifferential(
-            d_r=Quantity([5, 6, 7, 8], "km/s"),
+        return cx.CylindricalDifferential(
+            d_rho=Quantity([5, 6, 7, 8], "km/s"),
             d_phi=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "mas/yr"),
-            d_theta=Quantity([13, 14, 15, 16], "mas/yr"),
+            d_z=Quantity([13, 14, 15, 16], "km/s"),
-    def vector(self) -> cx.SphericalVector:
+    def vector(self) -> cx.CylindricalVector:
         """Return a vector."""
-        return cx.SphericalVector(
-            r=Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"),
-            phi=Quantity([0, 42, 160, 270], "deg"),
-            theta=Quantity([3, 63, 90, 179.5], "deg"),
+        return cx.CylindricalVector(
+            rho=Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"),
+            phi=Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"),
+            z=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "kpc"),
-    def apydifntl(
-        self, difntl: cx.SphericalDifferential
-    ) -> apyc.PhysicsSphericalDifferential:
+    def apydifntl(self, difntl: cx.CylindricalDifferential):
         """Return an Astropy differential."""
-        return convert(difntl, apyc.PhysicsSphericalDifferential)
+        return convert(difntl, apyc.CylindricalDifferential)
-    def apyvector(
-        self, vector: cx.SphericalVector
-    ) -> apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation:
+    def apyvector(self, vector: cx.CylindricalVector) -> apyc.CylindricalRepresentation:
         """Return an Astropy vector."""
-        return convert(vector, apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation)
+        return convert(vector, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
     # ==========================================================================
     @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not implemented")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Explicitly requested dtype")
-    def test_spherical_to_cartesian1d(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian1d(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian1DVector)``."""
         cart1d = difntl.represent_as(cx.CartesianDifferential1D, vector)
@@ -698,7 +689,7 @@ def test_spherical_to_cartesian1d(self, difntl, vector):
     @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not implemented")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Explicitly requested dtype")
-    def test_spherical_to_radial(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_radial(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(RadialVector)``."""
         radial = difntl.represent_as(cx.RadialVector, vector)
@@ -707,7 +698,7 @@ def test_spherical_to_radial(self, difntl, vector):
     @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not implemented")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Explicitly requested dtype")
-    def test_spherical_to_cartesian2d(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian2d(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian2DVector)``."""
         cart2d = difntl.represent_as(cx.CartesianDifferential2D, vector)
@@ -717,7 +708,7 @@ def test_spherical_to_cartesian2d(self, difntl, vector):
     @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not implemented")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Explicitly requested dtype")
-    def test_spherical_to_polar(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_polar(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(PolarVector)``."""
         polar = difntl.represent_as(cx.PolarVector, vector)
@@ -725,49 +716,49 @@ def test_spherical_to_polar(self, difntl, vector):
         assert qnp.array_equal(polar.d_r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "km/s"))
         assert qnp.array_equal(polar.d_phi, Quantity([5, 6, 7, 8], "mas/yr"))
-    def test_spherical_to_cartesian3d(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian3d(self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian3DVector)``."""
         cart3d = difntl.represent_as(cx.CartesianDifferential3D, vector)
         assert isinstance(cart3d, cx.CartesianDifferential3D)
-        assert qnp.allclose(
-            cart3d.d_x,
-            Quantity([61.803337, -7.770853, -60.081947, 1.985678], "km/s"),
-            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
+        assert qnp.array_equal(
+            cart3d.d_x, Quantity([5.0, -76.537544, -145.15944, -40.03075], "km/s")
-        assert qnp.allclose(
+        assert qnp.array_equal(
-            Quantity([2.2328734, 106.6765, -144.60716, 303.30875], "km/s"),
-            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
-        )
-        assert qnp.allclose(
-            cart3d.d_z,
-            Quantity([1.7678856, -115.542175, -213.32118, -10.647271], "km/s"),
-            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
+            Quantity([42.664234, 56.274563, -58.73506, -224.13647], "km/s"),
-    def test_spherical_to_cartesian3d_astropy(
-        self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector
-    ):
-        """Test Astropy equivalence."""
-        cart3d = difntl.represent_as(cx.CartesianDifferential3D, vector)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(cart3d.d_z, Quantity([13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0], "km/s"))
         apycart3 = apydifntl.represent_as(apyc.CartesianDifferential, apyvector)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.d_x, APYQuantity), apycart3.d_x)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.d_y, APYQuantity), apycart3.d_y)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.d_z, APYQuantity), apycart3.d_z)
-    def test_spherical_to_spherical(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_spherical(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(SphericalDifferential)``."""
-        # Jit can copy
-        newvec = difntl.represent_as(cx.SphericalDifferential, vector)
-        assert newvec == difntl
+        dsph = difntl.represent_as(cx.SphericalDifferential, vector)
-        # The normal `represent_as` method should return the same object
-        newvec = cx.represent_as(difntl, cx.SphericalDifferential, vector)
-        assert newvec is difntl
+        assert isinstance(dsph, cx.SphericalDifferential)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(
+            dsph.d_r,
+            Quantity([13.472646, 14.904826, 16.313278, 17.708754], "km/s"),
+        )
+        assert qnp.array_equal(
+            dsph.d_phi,
+            Quantity([42.664234, 47.404705, 52.145176, 56.885643], "km rad / (kpc s)"),
+        )
+        assert qnp.allclose(
+            dsph.d_theta,
+            Quantity(
+                [0.3902412, 0.30769292, 0.24615361, 0.19999981], "km rad / (kpc s)"
+            ),
+            atol=Quantity(5e-7, "km rad / (kpc s)"),
+        )
-    def test_spherical_to_spherical_astropy(self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_spherical_astropy(
+        self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector
+    ):
         """Test Astropy equivalence."""
         sph = difntl.represent_as(cx.SphericalDifferential, vector)
         apysph = apydifntl.represent_as(apyc.PhysicsSphericalDifferential, apyvector)
@@ -775,30 +766,17 @@ def test_spherical_to_spherical_astropy(self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvect
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.d_theta, APYQuantity), apysph.d_theta)
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.d_phi, APYQuantity), apysph.d_phi)
-    def test_spherical_to_cylindrical(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cylindrical(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(CylindricalDifferential)``."""
-        cylindrical = difntl.represent_as(cx.CylindricalDifferential, vector)
+        # Jit can copy
+        newvec = difntl.represent_as(cx.CylindricalDifferential, vector)
+        assert newvec == difntl
-        assert isinstance(cylindrical, cx.CylindricalDifferential)
-        assert qnp.allclose(
-            cylindrical.d_rho,
-            Quantity([61.803337, 65.60564, 6.9999905, -303.30875], "km/s"),
-            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
-        )
-        assert qnp.allclose(
-            cylindrical.d_phi,
-            Quantity([2444.4805, 2716.0894, 2987.6985, 3259.3074], "deg km / (kpc s)"),
-            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "mas/yr"),
-        )
-        assert qnp.allclose(
-            cylindrical.d_z,
-            Quantity([1.7678856, -115.542175, -213.32118, -10.647271], "km/s"),
-            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
-        )
+        # The normal `represent_as` method should return the same object
+        newvec = cx.represent_as(difntl, cx.CylindricalDifferential, vector)
+        assert newvec is difntl
-    def test_spherical_to_cylindrical_astropy(
-        self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector
-    ):
+    def test_cylindrical_to_cylindrical(self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector):
         """Test Astropy equivalence."""
         cyl = difntl.represent_as(cx.CylindricalDifferential, vector)
         apycyl = apydifntl.represent_as(apyc.CylindricalDifferential, apyvector)
@@ -807,42 +785,46 @@ def test_spherical_to_cylindrical_astropy(
         assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.d_phi, APYQuantity), apycyl.d_phi)
-class TestCylindricalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferentialTest):
-    """Test :class:`coordinax.CylindricalDifferential`."""
+class TestSphericalDifferential(Abstract3DVectorDifferentialTest):
+    """Test :class:`coordinax.SphericalDifferential`."""
-    def difntl(self) -> cx.CylindricalDifferential:
+    def difntl(self) -> cx.SphericalDifferential:
         """Return a differential."""
-        return cx.CylindricalDifferential(
-            d_rho=Quantity([5, 6, 7, 8], "km/s"),
+        return cx.SphericalDifferential(
+            d_r=Quantity([5, 6, 7, 8], "km/s"),
             d_phi=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "mas/yr"),
-            d_z=Quantity([13, 14, 15, 16], "km/s"),
+            d_theta=Quantity([13, 14, 15, 16], "mas/yr"),
-    def vector(self) -> cx.CylindricalVector:
+    def vector(self) -> cx.SphericalVector:
         """Return a vector."""
-        return cx.CylindricalVector(
-            rho=Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"),
-            phi=Quantity([0, 1, 2, 3], "rad"),
-            z=Quantity([9, 10, 11, 12], "kpc"),
+        return cx.SphericalVector(
+            r=Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "kpc"),
+            phi=Quantity([0, 42, 160, 270], "deg"),
+            theta=Quantity([3, 63, 90, 179.5], "deg"),
-    def apydifntl(self, difntl: cx.CylindricalDifferential):
+    def apydifntl(
+        self, difntl: cx.SphericalDifferential
+    ) -> apyc.PhysicsSphericalDifferential:
         """Return an Astropy differential."""
-        return convert(difntl, apyc.CylindricalDifferential)
+        return convert(difntl, apyc.PhysicsSphericalDifferential)
-    def apyvector(self, vector: cx.CylindricalVector) -> apyc.CylindricalRepresentation:
+    def apyvector(
+        self, vector: cx.SphericalVector
+    ) -> apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation:
         """Return an Astropy vector."""
-        return convert(vector, apyc.CylindricalRepresentation)
+        return convert(vector, apyc.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation)
     # ==========================================================================
     @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not implemented")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Explicitly requested dtype")
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian1d(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_cartesian1d(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian1DVector)``."""
         cart1d = difntl.represent_as(cx.CartesianDifferential1D, vector)
@@ -851,7 +833,7 @@ def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian1d(self, difntl, vector):
     @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not implemented")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Explicitly requested dtype")
-    def test_cylindrical_to_radial(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_radial(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(RadialVector)``."""
         radial = difntl.represent_as(cx.RadialVector, vector)
@@ -860,7 +842,7 @@ def test_cylindrical_to_radial(self, difntl, vector):
     @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not implemented")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Explicitly requested dtype")
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian2d(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_cartesian2d(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian2DVector)``."""
         cart2d = difntl.represent_as(cx.CartesianDifferential2D, vector)
@@ -870,7 +852,7 @@ def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian2d(self, difntl, vector):
     @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Not implemented")
     @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Explicitly requested dtype")
-    def test_cylindrical_to_polar(self, difntl, vector):
+    def test_spherical_to_polar(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(PolarVector)``."""
         polar = difntl.represent_as(cx.PolarVector, vector)
@@ -878,49 +860,80 @@ def test_cylindrical_to_polar(self, difntl, vector):
         assert qnp.array_equal(polar.d_r, Quantity([1, 2, 3, 4], "km/s"))
         assert qnp.array_equal(polar.d_phi, Quantity([5, 6, 7, 8], "mas/yr"))
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cartesian3d(self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector):
+    def test_spherical_to_cartesian3d(self, difntl, vector):
         """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(Cartesian3DVector)``."""
         cart3d = difntl.represent_as(cx.CartesianDifferential3D, vector)
         assert isinstance(cart3d, cx.CartesianDifferential3D)
-        assert qnp.array_equal(
-            cart3d.d_x, Quantity([5.0, -76.537544, -145.15944, -40.03075], "km/s")
+        assert qnp.allclose(
+            cart3d.d_x,
+            Quantity([61.803337, -7.770853, -60.081947, 1.985678], "km/s"),
+            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
-        assert qnp.array_equal(
+        assert qnp.allclose(
-            Quantity([42.664234, 56.274563, -58.73506, -224.13647], "km/s"),
+            Quantity([2.2328734, 106.6765, -144.60716, 303.30875], "km/s"),
+            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
-        assert qnp.array_equal(cart3d.d_z, Quantity([13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0], "km/s"))
+        assert qnp.allclose(
+            cart3d.d_z,
+            Quantity([1.7678856, -115.542175, -213.32118, -10.647271], "km/s"),
+            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
+        )
+    def test_spherical_to_cartesian3d_astropy(
+        self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector
+    ):
+        """Test Astropy equivalence."""
+        cart3d = difntl.represent_as(cx.CartesianDifferential3D, vector)
         apycart3 = apydifntl.represent_as(apyc.CartesianDifferential, apyvector)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.d_x, APYQuantity), apycart3.d_x)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.d_y, APYQuantity), apycart3.d_y)
         assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.d_z, APYQuantity), apycart3.d_z)
-    def test_cylindrical_to_spherical(self, difntl, vector):
-        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(SphericalDifferential)``."""
-        dsph = difntl.represent_as(cx.SphericalDifferential, vector)
+    def test_spherical_to_cylindrical(self, difntl, vector):
+        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(CylindricalDifferential)``."""
+        cylindrical = difntl.represent_as(cx.CylindricalDifferential, vector)
-        assert isinstance(dsph, cx.SphericalDifferential)
-        assert qnp.array_equal(
-            dsph.d_r,
-            Quantity([13.472646, 14.904826, 16.313278, 17.708754], "km/s"),
+        assert isinstance(cylindrical, cx.CylindricalDifferential)
+        assert qnp.allclose(
+            cylindrical.d_rho,
+            Quantity([61.803337, 65.60564, 6.9999905, -303.30875], "km/s"),
+            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
-        assert qnp.array_equal(
-            dsph.d_phi,
-            Quantity([42.664234, 47.404705, 52.145176, 56.885643], "km rad / (kpc s)"),
+        assert qnp.allclose(
+            cylindrical.d_phi,
+            Quantity([2444.4805, 2716.0894, 2987.6985, 3259.3074], "deg km / (kpc s)"),
+            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "mas/yr"),
         assert qnp.allclose(
-            dsph.d_theta,
-            Quantity(
-                [0.3902412, 0.30769292, 0.24615361, 0.19999981], "km rad / (kpc s)"
-            ),
-            atol=Quantity(5e-7, "km rad / (kpc s)"),
+            cylindrical.d_z,
+            Quantity([1.7678856, -115.542175, -213.32118, -10.647271], "km/s"),
+            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "km/s"),
-    def test_cylindrical_to_spherical_astropy(
+    def test_spherical_to_cylindrical_astropy(
         self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector
+        """Test Astropy equivalence."""
+        cyl = difntl.represent_as(cx.CylindricalDifferential, vector)
+        apycyl = apydifntl.represent_as(apyc.CylindricalDifferential, apyvector)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.d_rho, APYQuantity), apycyl.d_rho)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.d_z, APYQuantity), apycyl.d_z)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.d_phi, APYQuantity), apycyl.d_phi)
+    def test_spherical_to_spherical(self, difntl, vector):
+        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(SphericalDifferential)``."""
+        # Jit can copy
+        newvec = difntl.represent_as(cx.SphericalDifferential, vector)
+        assert newvec == difntl
+        # The normal `represent_as` method should return the same object
+        newvec = cx.represent_as(difntl, cx.SphericalDifferential, vector)
+        assert newvec is difntl
+    def test_spherical_to_spherical_astropy(self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector):
         """Test Astropy equivalence."""
         sph = difntl.represent_as(cx.SphericalDifferential, vector)
         apysph = apydifntl.represent_as(apyc.PhysicsSphericalDifferential, apyvector)
@@ -928,20 +941,35 @@ def test_cylindrical_to_spherical_astropy(
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.d_theta, APYQuantity), apysph.d_theta)
         assert np.allclose(convert(sph.d_phi, APYQuantity), apysph.d_phi)
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cylindrical(self, difntl, vector):
-        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(CylindricalDifferential)``."""
-        # Jit can copy
-        newvec = difntl.represent_as(cx.CylindricalDifferential, vector)
-        assert newvec == difntl
+    def test_spherical_to_lonlatspherical(self, difntl, vector):
+        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(LonLatSphericalDifferential)``."""
+        llsph = difntl.represent_as(cx.LonLatSphericalDifferential, vector)
-        # The normal `represent_as` method should return the same object
-        newvec = cx.represent_as(difntl, cx.CylindricalDifferential, vector)
-        assert newvec is difntl
+        assert isinstance(llsph, cx.LonLatSphericalDifferential)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(llsph.d_distance, difntl.d_r)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(llsph.d_lon, difntl.d_phi)
+        assert qnp.allclose(
+            llsph.d_lat,
+            Quantity([-13.0, -14.0, -15.0, -16.0], "mas/yr"),
+            atol=Quantity(1e-8, "mas/yr"),
+        )
-    def test_cylindrical_to_cylindrical(self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector):
+    def test_spherical_to_lonlatspherical_astropy(
+        self, difntl, vector, apydifntl, apyvector
+    ):
         """Test Astropy equivalence."""
-        cyl = difntl.represent_as(cx.CylindricalDifferential, vector)
-        apycyl = apydifntl.represent_as(apyc.CylindricalDifferential, apyvector)
-        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.d_rho, APYQuantity), apycyl.d_rho)
-        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.d_z, APYQuantity), apycyl.d_z)
-        assert np.allclose(convert(cyl.d_phi, APYQuantity), apycyl.d_phi)
+        cart3d = difntl.represent_as(cx.LonLatSphericalDifferential, vector)
+        apycart3 = apydifntl.represent_as(apyc.SphericalDifferential, apyvector)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.d_distance, APYQuantity), apycart3.d_distance)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.d_lon, APYQuantity), apycart3.d_lon)
+        assert np.allclose(convert(cart3d.d_lat, APYQuantity), apycart3.d_lat)
+    def test_spherical_to_mathspherical(self, difntl, vector):
+        """Test ``coordinax.represent_as(MathSpherical)``."""
+        llsph = difntl.represent_as(cx.MathSphericalDifferential, vector)
+        assert isinstance(llsph, cx.MathSphericalDifferential)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(llsph.d_r, difntl.d_r)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(llsph.d_theta, difntl.d_phi)
+        assert qnp.array_equal(llsph.d_phi, difntl.d_theta)