Due to the University Of Marylands Computer Science departments school policy I am not allowed to publicly share these projects from my course work. To solve this problem (with permission of the school) I have made them private repositories and can grant access if requested from pontential employers (specific projects or all projects). Please feel free to reach out to me by any means.
Email: [email protected] and Phone: 240-731-7788
My personal favorite projects are italicized.
Object Orientated Design II (CMSC132)
Blackjack -> Java
ClearCellGame -> Java
WebPageGen -> Java
LinkedLists -> Java
OnlineTest -> Java
PolymorphicBST -> Java
OrdersProcessor -> Java
Graphs -> Java
Introduction to Computer Systems (CMSC216)
GradesCalculator -> C
UserInterfaceDocumentManager -> C
Calendar -> C
BasicAssembly -> MIPS Assembly
SimpleShell -> C
Organization of Programming Languages (CMSC330)
Wordnet -> Ruby
RegularExpressionEngine -> OCaml
SmallC-ParserAndInterpreter -> OCaml