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Debugging Tools

Rolf Reichle edited this page Feb 3, 2021 · 9 revisions

Steps to debug GEOSldas using applications such as Totalview or DDT :

  1. Compile GEOSldas for debugging: parallel_build.csh -debug. This will build GEOSldas in ./build-Debug/ and install into ./install-Debug/.

  2. Follow the instructions to set up and run the experiment except for the final step (sbatch lenkf.j). Instead, execute lenkf.j -debug, which will complete some preprocessing and then stop at the point where GEOSldas.x would normally be run.

  3. Launch the debugging tool with the GEOSldas.x executable from ./install-Debug, e.g., totalview [PATH]/GEOSldas.x.

NCCS Users:

For an overview of available debugging tools and how to use them, follow this link. Make sure to use module av to verify the latest versions of the tools.

To use debugging tools at NCCS, you need to be on an interactive compute node, which can be obtained with the following command:

xalloc --ntasks=28 --time=01:00:00 --account=[NCCS_COMPUTATIONAL_PROJECT_NUMBER]

Configure the debugging run following the instructions for MPI. GEOSldas uses "OpenMPI".

Note: Debuggers may run out of licenses if too many processors are used; 28 processors are recommended.