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X Experiments
Exp Name | Period | Tag/Version | Storage | Strategy | Blurb |
x0016 | Summer 2015; Winter 2015-16 | GEOSadas-5_13_1_p2 | N/A | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0027_ctl | Winter 2016-17 | EnADAS-5_17_0p5 | /archive/u/mfuente2/ | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0027A | Winter 2016-17 | EnADAS-5_17_0p5 | /archive/u/rtodling/ | Full ADAS | Hyb-4DEnVar |
x0035_Ana | Winter 2017-18; Summer 2018 | GEOSadas-5_22_0 | /archive/u/dao_it | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0039_p5 | Winter 2019-20 | rt-GEOSadas-5_25_1p5 | /archive/u/dao_it | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0039_p6 | Summer 2019 | rt-GEOSadas-5_25_1p6 | /archive/u/dao_it | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0041 | Summer 2019; Winter 2019-20 | GEOSadas-5_26_0_p3 | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0042 | Summer 2019; Winter 2019-20 | GEOSadas-5_27_1 | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0042c2 | Summer 2019; Winter 2019-20 | GEOSadas-5_27_1 | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | COSMIC-2 |
x0043 | Summer 2019; Winter 2019-20 | GEOSadas-5_27_1 | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
--- | -------- | HERE ON: ALL GIT TAGS | -------- | -------- | -------- |
x0044 | Summer 2019; Winter 2019-20; Winter 2020-21 | rt-GEOSadas-5_27_1_p3 | PRJ/dadev/rtodling/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0045 | Winter 2021 | rt-GEOSadas-5_28_0_p3 | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0045z | Winter 2021 | rt-GEOSadas-5_28_0_p5z | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | Test |
x0045a | Winter 2021 | rt-GEOSadas-5_28_0_p5 | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0046 | Winter 2021 | rt-GEOSadas-5_29_1 | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0046aRPY | Winter 2021 | rt-GEOSadas-5_29_2 | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0046a | S2019 W2021 W2022 | rt-GEOSadas-5_29_3_p2(*) | PRJ/dadev/dao_it/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0046c | W2022 | GEOSadas- | PRJ/dadev/rtodling/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0046d | W2022 | GEOSadas- | PRJ/dadev/rtodling/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0046d | S2022 | GEOSadas-5.29.5-p1 | PRJ/dadev/rtodling/archive | Full ADAS | Baseline |
x0047RPY | S2022 | rt-GEOSadas-5.30.0-x0047 | PRJ/dadev/rtodling/archive | Replay ADAS | Baseline |
- PRJ stands for /discover/nobackup/projects/gmao
- Removed refers to experiments removed from archive and no longer available
FP | Tag/Version | date | X-Exp Baseline | Main Feature |
e513_fp | GEOSadas-5_13_1_p2 | ?? | x0016 | Hybrid 3DEnVar |
f516_fp | GEOSadas-5_16_0_p5 | 01 Nov 2016 | xxx | 12.5 km system |
f517_fp | GEOSadas-5_17_0_p5 | 24 Jan 2017 | x0027A | Hybrid 4DEnVar |
f521_fp | GEOSadas-5_21_2 | 11 Jul 2018 | x0034 | see |
f522_fp | GEOSadas-5_22_0_p9 | 13 Mar 2019 | x0035_Ana | see |
f525_fp | GEOSadas-5_25_1_p6 | 30 Jan 2020 | x0039(p5/p6) | see |
f5271_fp | GEOSadas-5_27_1_p2 | 25 Feb 2021 | x0044 | see, TM |
f5293_fpp | rt-GEOSadas-5_29_3_p2 | 1 Nov 2021 | x0046a | see, TM |
f5293_fpp | GEOSadas-5_29_4 | 3 Feb 2022 | x0046a | see, TM |
f5294_fp | GEOSadas-5_29_4 | 1 Mar 2022 | x0046a | see, TM |
f5295_fpp | GEOSadas-5.29.5-p2 | Mar 2022 | x0046d | see, TM |
Note: Additional information on GEOS Forward Processing (FP) updates and other GEOS Atmospheric Assimilation Products is available by following this link.
GCM Jason + CrIS (FSR) and ATMS NOAA-20, retune the polar AMV’s, NEXRAD winds off, OMPS ozone mapper on, and AIRS and IASI correlated errors.
Mainly changes to AGCM: see the GEOSgcm_App ChangeLog file for GCM updates for Jason-3_3 & Jason-3_4
- RRTMG updates for version 4.10 from Eli
- Correction to GF diagnostics.
- Updates to produce stratospheric forecast statistics
- Correction to gcm_run.j & gcm_forecast.tmpl related to REPLAY with GAAS aod files
- Updated Aerosol Tuning and Transport with GF.
- Implement new regrid.pl for proper use with LAND (fixes long-standing errors with regridding)
- many others; see ChangeLog
- Correction to RRTMG Shortwave to remove/significantly_reduce stratospheric cold bias.
- Merge with NCEP
- All-sky MHS, AMSR-2
- Aircraft bias correction
- MetOp-C radiances (no IASI)
- Ozone-sensitive hyper-IR radiances
- Fix for passive thinning
- Update to Atmos-Ocean Skin Layer (though same formulation as in x0041)
- Revise GNSSRO foward operator (code change to reduce bias)
- As x0042 plus COSMIC-2 GPSRO
- Replay to x0042 ensemble, with Deterministic ADAS removing the Dry Mass Constraint
- Variational bias correction of aircraft observations
- Modified observation operator for GNSS RO
- All-sky MHS and AMSR-2 radiances
- Add Metop-C: AMSU-A and MHS radiances, as well as GRAS GNSS RO
- Revised CrIS radiance assimilation: (i) CrIS-FSR for SNPP; (ii) revised FSR channels for both SNPP and NOAA-20; (iii) account for inter-channel observation error correlations
As x0043 but:
- Ozone-sensitive radiances for all hyperspectral IR
- CrIS-FSR over ocean waters only
- x0044 is also a skip-ahead experiment that moves the baseline to Winter 2020/21
Looks at the consequences of:
- Additional sources of RO observations (#28): PAZ (kx=44), KOMPSAT(kx=825)
- Additional commercial RO observations (#28): GeoOptics(kx=265) & Spire (kx=269)
Note period of availability: 20201218_00z-20210114_18z - Additional IASI from Metop-C (kx=877; treated as IASI on Metop-A and -B)
- Replace version of CRTM to CRTM-2.3.0
- Correction for high-latitude buoy handling (#23)
Note 1: An error was found in the settings of this exp that cause RO data to be exactly doubled at read. As it turns out, given how GSI handles superob/RO weighting this turns out to be minor, but the experiment is being re-run (see x0045a).
Note 2: A series of independently-run OSE's has identified assimilation of SatWind observations to degrade ADAS results. Further and closer investigation identifies the issue to be with how GOES-R is not being thinned and it is having its errors cut down to half, causing the fits to be overwhelmingly force toward GOES-R at the detriment of fits to other data.
As in x0044 and:
- CRTM update to CRTM-2.3.0
- Correction for high-latitude buoy handling (#23)
- Revised handling of GOES-R: thinning applied to kx=245 and 246, and ob-error as in prep-error-table.
As in x0045, and:
- Additional sources of RO observations (#28): PAZ (kx=44), KOMPSAT(kx=825)
- Additional commercial RO observations (#28): GeoOptics(kx=265) & Spire (kx=269)
Note period of availability: 20201218_00z-20210114_18z - Additional IASI from Metop-C (kx=877; treated as IASI on Metop-A and -B)
- Replace version of CRTM to CRTM-2.3.0
- Correction for high-latitude buoy handling (#23)
but unlike x0045 this now includes:
- Correction for double RO data error in original x0045, and
- Revised handling of GOES-R: thinning applied to kx=245 and 246, and ob-error as in prep-error-table (bypass halving of ob error wired by NCEP).
From the analysis perspective the following has been changed:
- Removal of GeoOptics & Spire
- Mild revision to RO operator (see Revision from Lidia )
- Also includes Jing changes to support trace gas analysis (zero-diff for meteorology see)
- Windowed-out AIRS data for 1 Dec 2020; data is corrupt in its default location (see obsys.rc)
- Removal of GeoOptics & Spire
Updates MAPL to MAPL-2 and incorporates version v1.12.3 of the model (this having been shown to give largely neutral results as compared viz. z0044 vs x0044).
Tag for this experiment has not been versionized (but it will be to form a release for FPP)
REMARK: This run failed: CO2 from model was found to have a problem (it was being removed by deposition and affecting the radiance assimilation in an undesirable fashion). See x0046aRPY and x0046a for replacement.
- This is identical to x0046, expect:
- CO2 bug is now fixed (no deposition of carbon species)
- Replay ensemble to x0045a: this is for a "quick" check to see that all is well with the fix (see x0046a for full run)
This is nearly identical to x0046aRPY, expect that:
- Turns off ASCAT from Metop-A (leaving that from Metop-B on) see full explanation
- Runs full ADAS (on Skylake nodes)
- Adds capability to run on Skylake and Cascade
Summer case actually uses: GEOSadas-5_29_3_p3; relevant changes from tag rt-GEOSadas-5_29_3_p2 used for Winter case are:
- Trim of aircraft bias correction file (to have reproducibility in Winter case, use ``setenv CLEANUP_BIAS 0'').
- Version 5 (as opposed to V4) MLS-T data; these data are presently only used passively for verification; so results are not really affected; reversal to v4 is possible by simply editing obsys.rc.
- Fix to auto-launch of monthly means script (zero diff).
- Fix for (SLURM) constraint in script controlling ASENS jobs (zero-diff).
- There also numerous other changes but those related to procedures not involved in x-exps or FP-like applications.
Second Winter covering Nov 2021 to Jan 2022 uses: FP tag GEOSadas-5_29_4
- Incorporates all changes in both Winter and Summer above.
- Moves control period ahead in time (see x0046b).
- Additional sources of RO observations (#28): PAZ (kx=44), KOMPSAT(kx=825)
- Additional IASI from Metop-C (kx=877; treated as IASI on Metop-A and -B)
- Upgrade version of CRTM to CRTM-2.3.0
- Correction for high-latitude buoy handling (#23)
- Revised handling of GOES-R: thinning applied to kx=245 and 246, and ob-error as in prep-error-table
Mild revision to RO operator (see Revision from Lidia ) - Changes to support trace gas analysis (zero-diff for meteorology see)
- MAPL-2.8.0 - patched
- Integrated RadMon
- On the model side:
(i) no deposition of carbon species;
(ii) revised Henry's Law constant for NH3 following https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-17-12911-2017 - Running on Skylake
- And a host of minor changes/fixes/expanded scripting workflow capabilities
- As in x0046a, but running over Dec 2021 and Jan 2022 testing addition of Spire RO: commgpstop=45.,spiregpserrinf=2.
- The follow parameters associated with RO have been adjusted:
The justification for the top adjustment is to follow recommendation above others (Rick Anthes & U.K. Met Office) in thinking that RO above 55 km has error that are not properly handled in our current systems.
- Winter 2021-22: Spire RO test in the configuration of NCEP's operations; also lower top of RO use to 55km.
- Summer 2022: Similar RO configuration as from Winter case.
- Winter and Summer based on mildly different tags (see table above); the difference being the model solar parameters.
- Tag: GEOSadas-5.29.5-p2 (same as GEOSadas-5.29.4-p3 - the GEOS-IT tag)
- GEOS-IT ready
- Add Spire RO (NOAA/NCEP operational version)
- Lower RO top from 60km to 55km
- Update model solar parameters
- Revise MAPL regrid options in HISTORY (not for background fields, so zero-diff in this sense)
- Introduce convinfo database as a means to control in/out data considered conventional (zero-diff)
- Summer 2022: Similar x0046d, but updating model to v10.23.0 (including MAPL and related repos).
- The main addition here is GOCART-2G.
- This exp replays the ensemble to that from x0046d (its control).