usage: [-h] [--input INPUT] [--id_type {hgnc_symbol,ensembl_gene_id,entrezgene_id}]
[--sep SEP] [--gene_column GENE_COLUMN]
[--fdr_column FDR_COLUMN] [--wc_top WC_TOP]
[--output_path OUTPUT_PATH]
finding surprising DEG
show this help message and exit.
[Required Arguments] Input file of the DEG list with FDR columns.
[Required Arguments] gene name / ID type to convert ID and merge files. Choose from;{hgnc_symbol, ensembl_gene_id, entrezgene_id}.
A delimiter of input. Default is ,
Gene name/ID column name in the input file. If this is not specified, Clover will recognize the first column as the gene name/ID.
FDR column name in input. If this is not specified, Clover will recognize the second column as the FDR.
Rank top N gene to plot word cloud. Default is 30.
A output_directory of downloaded reference files and output. Default is current directory.
Manage the download, caching, access, modification of resource files.
After runing ResourceManager.download_all()
, reference folder will created.
Components (files) in reference folder is as below:
└── data
├── DEPrior_gini_g2p.txt
└── resources
├── DE_Prior.txt
├── gene2pubmed
├── gene2pubmed.gz
├── gene2pubmed_human_count.txt
├── rna_tissue_gtex_gini_norm.tsv
├── rna_tissue_gtex.tsv
- thread: A thread number to run
parallel. - base_folder: A base_folder name of downloaded reference files
This function will plot the wordcloud plot based on the ranking and the score.
plot_wordcloud(df, score, output_path, figsize=(10, 3), colormap=plt.get_cmap("viridis"))
- df: score matrix culculated by Clover
- score: Score name which is column of the df
- output_path: output path name
- figsize: Figure size. Default is (10, 3).
- colormap: colormap of the font color. Default is plt.get_cmap("viridis").