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This directory contains everthing to create a single autoscaled cluster or HA cluster with worker node on vSphere infrastructure using kubeadm or k3s.


Ensure that you have sudo right

You must also install

Linux MacOS
kubectl kubectl
govc govc
cfssl cfssl
jq jq
yq yq

For MacOS it's recommanded to install homebrew and install Prerequistes from homebrew

Create the masterkube

First step is to fill a file named govc.defs in the bin directory with the values needed by govc tool

export GOVC_HOST=
export GOVC_INSECURE="1"
export GOVC_URL=
export GOVC_VIM_VERSION="6.0"

# If you use cert-manager with a public domain
export CERT_EMAIL=

# If your public domain is hosted on route53 for cert-manager

The simply way to create the masterkube is to run

Some needed file are located in:

Name Description
bin Essentials scripts to build the master kubernetes node
etc/ssl Your CERT for https. Autosigned will be generated if empty
template Templates files to deploy pod & service

The first thing done by this script is to create a VM Template Ubuntu-20.04 image containing kubernetes binaries and a container runtime of you choice (docker/containerd/cri-o) with cni plugin (calico/flannel/weave/...). The VM template will be named by default focal-kubernetes-cni-(cni plugin)-(kuberneres version)-(container runtime)-(architecture)

as example: focal-kubernetes-cni-flannel-v1.23.1-containerd-amd64

Next step will be to launch a cloned VM and create a master node. It will also deploy a dashboard at the URL https://masterkube-vmware-dashboard.@your-domain@/

To connect to the dashboard, copy paste the token from file cluster/vmware-ca-k8s/dashboard-token

Next step is to deploy a replicaset helloworld. This replicaset use hostnetwork:true to enforce one pod per node.

During the process the script will create many files located in

Name Description
cluster/vmware-ca-k8s Essentials file to connect to kubernetes with kubeadm join
config/vmware-ca-k8s Configuration file generated during the build process

The cluster kubernetes will use metallb as load balancer for services declared LoadBalancer.

Command line arguments

Parameter Description Default
-h|--help Help
-v|--verbose Verbose mode
-x|--trace Trace execution
-r|--resume Allow to resume interrupted creation of cluster kubernetes
--delete Delete cluster and exit
--distribution=<value> Ubuntu distribution to use ${DISTRO}
--create-image-only Create image only and exit
--upgrade Upgrade existing cluster to upper version of kubernetes
Flags to set some location informations
--configuration-location=<path> Specify where configuration will be stored current directory
--ssl-location=<path> Specify where the etc/ssl dir is stored ./etc/ssl
--govc-defs=<path> Override the GOVC definitions bin/govc.defs
Design domain
--public-domain=<value> Specify the public domain to use
--dashboard-hostname=<value> Specify the hostname for kubernetes dashboard masterkube-vmware-dashboard
CERT manager
--cert-email=<value> Specify the mail for lets encrypt
--use-zerossl Specify cert-manager to use zerossl. YES
--dont-use-zerossl Specify cert-manager to use letsencrypt.
--zerossl-eab-kid=<value> Specify zerossl eab kid.
--zerossl-eab-hmac-secret=<value> Specify zerossl eab hmac secret.
--godaddy-key=<value> Specify godaddy api key.
--godaddy-secret=<value> Specify godaddy api secret.
--route53-zone-id=<value> Specify the route53 zone id.
--route53-access-key=<value> Specify the route53 aws access key.
--route53-secret-key=<value> Specify the route53 aws secret key.
Flag to design the kubernetes cluster
--k8s-distribution=[kubeadm, k3s, rke2] Which kubernetes distribution to use: kubeadm,k3s,rke2 kubeadm
-c|--ha-cluster Allow to create an HA cluster with 3 control planes NO
--worker-nodes=<value> Specify the number of worker node created in the cluster. 3
--container-runtime=<value> Specify which OCI runtime to use. [docker|containerd|cri-o] containerd
--max-pods=<value> Specify the max pods per created VM. 110
-d|--default-machine=<value> Override machine type used for auto scaling medium
-k|--ssh-private-key=<value> Alternate ssh key file ~/.ssh/id_rsa
-t|--transport=<value> Override the transport to be used between autoscaler and vmware-autoscaler [tcp|linux] linux
--node-group=<value> Override the node group name vmware-ca-k8s
--cni-plugin=<value> Override CNI plugin [calico|flannel|weave|romana] flannel
-n|--cni-version=<value> Override CNI plugin version v1.1.1
-k|--kubernetes-version=<value> Which version of kubernetes to use latest
Flags in ha mode only
-e|--create-external-etcd Allow to create and use an external HA etcd cluster NO
-u|--use-keepalived Allow to use keepalived as load balancer else NGINX is used NGINX
Flags to set the template vm
--target-image=<value> The VM name created for cloning with kubernetes focal-kubernetes
--seed-image=<value> The VM name used to created the targer image focal-server-cloudimg-seed
--seed-user=<value> The cloud-init user name ubuntu
-p|--password=<value> Define the kubernetes user password randomized
Flags to set the template vm
--public-address=<value> The public address to expose kubernetes endpoint [DHCP|] DHCP
--no-dhcp-autoscaled-node=<value> Autoscaled node don't use DHCP DHCP
--vm-private-network=<value> Override the name of the private network in vsphere 'Private Network'
--vm-public-network=<value> Override the name of the public network in vsphere 'Public Network'
--net-address=<value> Override the IP of the kubernetes control plane node
--net-gateway=<value> The public IP gateway
--net-dns=<value> The public IP dns
--net-domain=<value> The local domain name
--metallb-ip-range=<value> Override the metalb ip range
--dont-use-dhcp-routes-private Tell if we don't use DHCP routes in private network
--dont-use-dhcp-routes-public Tell if we don't use DHCP routes in public network
--add-route-private=<value> Add route to private network syntax is --add-route-private=to=X.X.X.X/YY,via=X.X.X.X,metric=100 --add-route-private=to=Y.Y.Y.Y/ZZ,via=X.X.X.X,metric=100
--add-route-public=<value> Add route to public network syntax is --add-route-public=to=X.X.X.X/YY,via=X.X.X.X,metric=100 --add-route-public=to=Y.Y.Y.Y/ZZ,via=X.X.X.X,metric=100
Flags for autoscaler
--cloudprovider=<value> autoscaler flag <grpc externalgrpc>.
--max-nodes-total=<value> Maximum number of nodes in all node groups. Cluster autoscaler will not grow the cluster beyond this number. 9
--cores-total=<value> Minimum and maximum number of cores in cluster, in the format < min >:< max >. Cluster autoscaler will not scale the cluster beyond these numbers. 0:16
--memory-total=<value> Minimum and maximum number of gigabytes of memory in cluster, in the format < min >:< max >. Cluster autoscaler will not scale the cluster beyond these numbers. 0:48
--max-autoprovisioned-node-group-count=<value> The maximum number of autoprovisioned groups in the cluster 1
--scale-down-enabled=<value> Should CA scale down the cluster true
--scale-down-delay-after-add=<value> How long after scale up that scale down evaluation resumes 1 minutes
--scale-down-delay-after-delete=<value> How long after node deletion that scale down evaluation resumes, defaults to scan-interval 1 minutes
--scale-down-delay-after-failure=<value> How long after scale down failure that scale down evaluation resumes 1 minutes
--scale-down-unneeded-time=<value> How long a node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down 1 minutes
--scale-down-unready-time=<value> How long an unready node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down 1 minutes
--unremovable-node-recheck-timeout=<value> The timeout before we check again a node that couldn't be removed before 1 minutes \
    --verbose \
    --ha-cluster \
    --nodegroup=<My Group Name> \
    --target-image=<My VM template Name> \
    --seed-image=<My custom VM Template> \
    --seed-user=<My custom user> \
    --vm-private-network=<My private network> \
    --vm-public-network=<My public network> \
    --net-address="" \
    --net-gateway="" \
    --net-dns="" \

Raise autoscaling

To scale up or down the cluster, just play with kubectl scale

To scale fresh masterkube kubectl scale --replicas=2 deploy/helloworld -n kube-public

Delete master kube and worker nodes

To delete the master kube and associated worker nodes, just run the command If the create process fail for any reason, you can use flag --force

Upgrade existing cluster

To upgrade cluster with an upper version of kubernetes, just run --upgrade --kubernetes-version=<upper version>