Based on the work of Open Green Energy. Authors of the base code: Keith Hungerford and Debasish Dutta - Excellent work, gentlemen!
Major changes:
- simplified, restructured code (used Adafruit libraries for BME280 instead, sorry for this Keith)
- added relative pressure, dewpoint, dewpoint spread and heatindex calculations
- allow Blynk, ThingSpeak and MQTT data transmission
- redesigned box (simplified printing, less plastic usage, full snap-in)
Changes in V2.3
- included famous Zambretti forecaster (see Blynk example)
- added translation table for Zambretti forecast
- added English language
- added German language
Changes in V2.31
- added Dewpoint Spread
- fixed some minor things
Changes in V2.31 (MQTT version)
- allows to publish data to MQTT broker (alternative .ino file)
3KUdelte V2.31 MQTT - Forked by Frank Ulbrich and added some more sensors: 18.07.2019
WeMOS D1 mini PRO 160MHz / 16MB
BMP 280 (Temperatur/Barometer/Feuchte)auf IIC 0x76
BME 280 (Temperatur/Barometer) auf IIC 0x76
DHT22 (Temperatur/Feuchte) auf D7
CCS811 (CO Gas) auf IIC 0x5A - bridge WAK-GND - I2C port
VELM6070 UV Light Sensor IIC - risk level
Data exported to INFLUX DB
Added User/Password to export to MQTT