Our Approach:
- We jointly train the supervised task on labeled data with a self-supervised pretext task of predicting image rotations on unlabeled data for semi-supervised learning.
- We use a standard training protocol: vanilla ResNet-50 backbone, conventional data augmentation (random cropping, gamma correction, horizontal flipping, mean-variance normalization), Nesterov SGD optimization, and simple polynomial learning rate decay with warm-up.
- No tricks, no advanced techniques, no pretrained weights; we simply add unlabeled data for improved accuracy performance with self-supervised regularization.
- We don't excessively tune hyper-parameters on a per-dataset or per-experiment basis beyond the traditional set for training CNNs, namely just learning rate.
Our Results:
In practical semi-supervised applications, one would use all available examples (training, validation, and even test) as unlabeled data. When trained with the validation set included as unlabeled examples using ResNet-50, we report the following results on the FastAI leaderboard for the Imagewang dataset as produced by our model at the final epoch of training.
- 78.41% ± 0.39 for 80 epochs over five runs
- 79.27% ± 0.20 for 200 epochs over three runs
We also report slightly lower accuracy performance without including the validation set as part of unlabeled data examples:
- 77.61% ± 0.34 for 80 epochs over five runs
- 77.79% ± 0.38 for 200 epochs over three runs
- Download the full size Imagewang dataset and extract it to a directory of your choice
- In the
directory of Imagewang, remove all sub-directories except for those also found in theval
directory. In other words, we keep 10 sub-directories found in bothtrain
, namely:n02086240
- Modify and run the following command to reproduce our results (as of commit
) on the FastAI leaderboard for the Imagewang dataset in the 256 size category:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -u open_sesemi.py \
--data-dir </path/to/imagewang/> \
--unlabeled-dir </path/to/imagewang/unsup/> \
--lr 0.1 --optimizer sgd --batch-size 32 \
--epochs <80,200> --warmup-lr 0.001 --warmup-epochs 10 \
--backbone resnet50 --run-id imagewang_run01
- The above run configuration requires two GPUs with 12GB of video memory each and takes between 6 and 18 hours to complete. Ideas to reduce training time while maintaining comparable accuracy performance are welcome!
- Train with additional unlabeled data from Imagenette
- Does a better backbone help improve performance? What about advanced optimizers, robust data augmentation techniques, and other tricks of the trade?
- What about another self-supervised learning algorithm?