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FE8 Skill System

Main discussion on Fire Emblem Universe

What is this?

This is a fully-functional system for implementing modern FE skills into Fire Emblem 8.

This repository is intended to be installed via Event Assembler. Other methods of installation, such as FEBuilderGBA, are not officially supported.


  1. Get the latest version of Event Assembler (v11.0.1 as of this release) and put it in the extracted folder.
  2. Get a clean FE8U ROM, name it "FE8_clean.gba" and put it in the extracted folder.
  3. Run MAKE HACK_full when you make text or table changes. If you aren't inserting new text or tables, you can use MAKE HACK_quick instead.

Basic Usage Notes

  • Only 254 skills can be used at a time. To configure which skills are in use, use Engine Hacks\Skill System\skill_definitions.event. This also doubles as a list of all skills and their effects.
  • Several optional toggles for other assembly hacks (such as the STR/MAG split, save expansion, etc) as well as the configuration of the effects of various skills can be found in Engine Hacks\Config.event.
  • To customize skill learnsets (what skills learned, at what level), see Engine Hacks\Skill System\Skill_lists.event.
  • To customize things like personal skills, class skills, and other miscellaneous things, see the CSVs in Tables\FE8 Nightmare modules.

I found a bug! What can I do about it?

Check out our issue tracker on Github.


See for a more detailed list.

Special thanks go to:

  • Circleseverywhere, for creating and releasing the original system.
  • Crazycolorz5, for debuffs, freeze and Dragon's Veins.
  • Primefusion, for the test map.
  • Kirb, for implementing the Str/Mag split into FE8 based off Tequila's original FE7 version.