Hello, my name is Filipe, and I am from Brazil. My main web development project that I'm currentry working on is the web app https://bureauandradebarbosa.com.br/. There, I've started learning PHP, MySQL, Laravel and React js. I started programming when I was about 15 years old, by learning how hacking works, with the book "Hacking: the art of exploitation" By Jhon Erickson, then, I've had to learn the C programming language, and a little of C++ and Assembly, just to understand how buffer overflow occurs.
I'd like to collaborate to C# related projects, since I am just about to get a .Net Core job, on all going well. Reach me if you need some help with C exercises, C programming is still a thing in the college.
📫 My contacts:
🔹Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/filipe-sim%C3%B5es-421a5a15a/
🔹E-mail: [email protected]
🔹Twitter: _filipe_sim_