diff --git a/docs/environments.md b/docs/environments.md
index 0ab9b158..6c726bf4 100644
--- a/docs/environments.md
+++ b/docs/environments.md
@@ -144,6 +144,43 @@ Registered configurations:
There are multiple colored boxes of random sizes in one large room. In order
to get a reward, the agent must put the red box next to the yellow box.
+# Sign
+Registered configurations:
+- `MiniWorld-Sign-v0`
+There are 6 objects of color (red, green blue) and shape (key, box) in a
+U-shaped maze. The agent starts on one side of the barrier in the U-shaped
+maze, and on the other side of the barrier is a sign that says "blue,"
+"green," or "red." The sign is highlighted above in yellow. Additionally, the
+state includes a goal that specifies either key or box. In order to get
+reward, the agent must read the sign and go to the object with shape specified
+by the goal and color specified by the sign. Going to any other object yields
+-1 reward.
+Note that the state structure differs from the standard MiniWorld state. In
+particular, the state is a dict where `state["obs"]` is the standard
+observation, and `state["goal"]` is an additional int specifying key or box.
+This environment is from the paper [Decoupling Exploration and Exploitation
+for Meta-Reinforcement Learning without Sacrifices](https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.02790).
+If you use this environment, please cite this paper:
+ title={Decoupling Exploration and Exploitation for Meta-Reinforcement Learning without Sacrifices},
+ author={Liu, Evan Z and Raghunathan, Aditi and Liang, Percy and Finn, Chelsea},
+ booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},
+ pages={6925--6935},
+ year={2021},
+ organization={PMLR}
# RemoteBot
Registered configurations:
diff --git a/gym_miniworld/envs/__init__.py b/gym_miniworld/envs/__init__.py
index 0e5a1c2f..dab69fa2 100644
--- a/gym_miniworld/envs/__init__.py
+++ b/gym_miniworld/envs/__init__.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
from .collecthealth import *
from .simtorealgoto import *
from .simtorealpush import *
+from .sign import *
# Registered environment ids
env_ids = []
diff --git a/gym_miniworld/envs/sign.py b/gym_miniworld/envs/sign.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ede04c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gym_miniworld/envs/sign.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+import math
+import gym
+from ..params import DEFAULT_PARAMS
+from ..entity import Box, COLOR_NAMES, Key, MeshEnt, TextFrame
+from ..miniworld import MiniWorldEnv
+class BigKey(Key):
+ """A key with a bigger size for better visibility."""
+ def __init__(self, color, size=0.6):
+ assert color in COLOR_NAMES
+ MeshEnt.__init__(
+ self,
+ mesh_name='key_{}'.format(color),
+ height=size,
+ static=False
+ )
+class Sign(MiniWorldEnv):
+ """Sign environment from https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.02790.
+ If you use this environment, please cite the above paper (Liu et al., 2020).
+ Small U-shaped maze with 6 objects: (blue, red, green) x (key, box).
+ A sign on the wall says "blue", "green", or "red."
+ In addition to the normal state, accessible under state["obs"], the state also
+ includes a goal under state["goal"] that specifies box or key.
+ The episode ends when any object is touched.
+ Touching the object where the color matches the sign and the shape matches the
+ goal yields +1 reward.
+ Touching any other object yields -1 reward.
+ The sign and goal can be configured via the color_index and goal arguments to
+ the constructor respectively.
+ Includes an action to end the episode.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, size=10, max_episode_steps=20, color_index=0, goal=0):
+ """Constructs.
+ Args:
+ size (int): size of the square room.
+ max_episode_steps (int): number of steps before the episode ends.
+ color_index (int): specifies whether the sign says blue (0), green (1), or
+ red (2).
+ goal (int): specifies box (0) or key (1).
+ """
+ if color_index not in [0, 1, 2]:
+ raise ValueError("Only supported values for color_index are 0, 1, 2.")
+ if goal not in [0, 1]:
+ raise ValueError("Only supported values for goal are 0, 1.")
+ params = DEFAULT_PARAMS.no_random()
+ params.set('forward_step', 0.7) # larger steps
+ params.set('turn_step', 45) # 45 degree rotation
+ self._size = size
+ self._goal = goal
+ self._color_index = color_index
+ super().__init__(
+ params=params, max_episode_steps=max_episode_steps, domain_rand=False)
+ # Allow for left / right / forward + custom end episode
+ self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.actions.move_forward + 2)
+ def set_color_index(self, color_index):
+ self._color_index = color_index
+ def _gen_world(self):
+ gap_size = 0.25
+ top_room = self.add_rect_room(
+ min_x=0, max_x=self._size, min_z=0, max_z=self._size * 0.65)
+ left_room = self.add_rect_room(
+ min_x=0, max_x=self._size * 3 / 5, min_z=self._size * 0.65 + gap_size,
+ max_z=self._size * 1.3)
+ right_room = self.add_rect_room(
+ min_x=self._size * 3 / 5, max_x=self._size,
+ min_z=self._size * 0.65 + gap_size, max_z=self._size * 1.3)
+ self.connect_rooms(top_room, left_room, min_x=0, max_x=self._size * 3 / 5)
+ self.connect_rooms(
+ left_room, right_room, min_z=self._size * 0.65 + gap_size,
+ max_z=self._size * 1.3)
+ self._objects = [
+ # Boxes
+ (self.place_entity(Box(color="blue"), pos=(1, 0, 1)),
+ self.place_entity(Box(color="red"), pos=(9, 0, 1)),
+ self.place_entity(Box(color="green"), pos=(9, 0, 5)),
+ ),
+ # Keys
+ (self.place_entity(BigKey(color="blue"), pos=(5, 0, 1)),
+ self.place_entity(BigKey(color="red"), pos=(1, 0, 5)),
+ self.place_entity(BigKey(color="green"), pos=(1, 0, 9))),
+ ]
+ text = ["BLUE", "RED", "GREEN"][self._color_index]
+ sign = TextFrame(
+ pos=[self._size, 1.35, self._size + gap_size],
+ dir=math.pi,
+ str=text,
+ height=1,
+ )
+ self.entities.append(sign)
+ self.place_agent(min_x=4, max_x=5, min_z=4, max_z=6)
+ def step(self, action):
+ obs, reward, done, info = super().step(action)
+ if action == self.actions.move_forward + 1: # custom end episode action
+ done = True
+ for obj_index, object_pair in enumerate(self._objects):
+ for color_index, obj in enumerate(object_pair):
+ if self.near(obj):
+ done = True
+ reward = float(color_index == self._color_index and
+ obj_index == self._goal) * 2 - 1
+ state = {"obs": obs, "goal": self._goal}
+ return state, reward, done, info
+ def reset(self):
+ obs = super().reset()
+ return {"obs": obs, "goal": self._goal}
diff --git a/images/sign.jpg b/images/sign.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b424d2b
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/sign.jpg differ