Faucet for FairyRing testnet.
node -v
- clone code:
git clone https://github.com/Fairblock/faucet.git
- setup configs, you have to change everything you need in
port: 8668, // http port
db: {
path: "./db/faucet.db" // save request states
project: {
name: "FairyRing",
logo: "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1674527932956409860/ja7Woiz6_400x400.jpg",
deployer: `<a href="https://fairblock.network" target="_blank">Fairblock</a>`
blockchain: {
name: "fairytest-3",
endpoint: {
// make sure that CORS is enabled in rpc section in config.toml
// cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]
rpc_endpoint: "",
sender: {
mnemonic: "wise rule method circle general over tool exhibit over group nuclear meat inform rival before short inner bind short enact team dinner swift ritual",
option: {
hdPaths: [stringToPath("m/44'/118'/0'/0/0")],
prefix: "fairy"
tx: [
amount: {
denom: "stake",
amount: "100000000000"
fee: {
amount: [],
gas: "200000"
amount: {
denom: "ufairy",
amount: "300000"
fee: {
amount: [],
gas: "200000"
limit: {
// how many times each wallet address is allowed in a window(24h)
address: 1,
// how many times each ip is allowed in a window(24h),
// if you use proxy, double check if the req.ip is return client's ip.
ip: 1
- Run faucet
node --es-module-specifier-resolution=node faucet.js
visit http://localhost:8668
8668 is default, you can edit it in the config.json