A class for UserSpice PHP framework 4.3 and 4.4. Makes it easier to handle HTML forms.
- Datetimepicker for Bootstrap 3 by eonasdan
- transition.js by smnh
- collapse.js
- moment.js by Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors
- bootstrap-combobox.js by Daniel Farrell
- Copy folders uploaded_images, users and userc to your UserSpice installation folder
Examples installation:
- Copy php files to your UserSpice installation folder
- Run query from the "gf_example_tables.sql"
- In the Admin Dashboard add permissions for 1-12.php example files
- Example scripts are compatible with UserSpice 4.4. For other versions you'll have to edit header and footer includes
- Instructions on how to use the Generated_Form class you'll find in these examples
- updated "moment.js" from 2.24.0 to 2.29.2
- added file: "pl.js"
- added property "DivInline" to modify attributes for extra div wrap for inlined controls
- added property "Text" for static controls to separate what is displayed from the "value" attribute
- if "Label" is empty then "TableColumn" is used as a validation display name (instead of being empty)
- fixed bug with parsing datetime when milliseconds were present
- lowercase html
- add_imagefile() bugfix - "label" was being used as "tablecolumn"
- add_text(), add_select(), add_imagefile(), add_button(), add_datetime() - changed order of arguments: "tablecolumn" is now first, "label" is now second and optional
- add_datetime() - now handles localization; changed "close" icon in datepicker
- add_emptyspan() - added optional argument $group
- add_imagefile() - added argument $tablecolumn
- add_select() - now handles "optgroup"
- feedback() - removed macros; instead added optional argument for calling a custom function
- upload_image() - can upload paa image file
- validate() - added optional arugment for a custom failure message
- added function add_js_var()
- added files: "bootstrap-combobox.js", "ru.js
- updated "moment.js" from 2.18.1 to 2.24.0
- bugfix - checking if array keys exist before using them
- fixed typo in code for displaying radios
- added "CheckboxInline" property for placing checkbox and radios inline
- added "Addons" property for placing add-ons in text inputs
- added optional $property argument to add_text()
- add_select() can now create radios
- text type can be changed by adding passing "type='email'" as $property argument in add_text()
- optional CSS classes can be added by modifying "Class" and "GroupClass" property with change_control()
- added static control type
- fixed incorrect date validation code when displaying datetime control
- class Validate - function passed() would return incorrect value - fixed
- optionally add_validation_rules() argument can be a string instead of an array with strings
- datetime conversion to moment.js format is done in display() rather than in add_datetime()
- button type can be changed by adding passing "type='button'" as $property argument in add_button()
- square brackets are automatically added to select multiple names in display()
- reverted class Validate display_errors() change from previous version
- removed methods "add_timezone" and "add_checkboxes", instead you use "add_select" where $size is "datalist" or "checkbox"
- checkboxes now have HTML ID property so they can be marked red in validation
- method "add_select" - adds ID property to the array which is "TableColumn" name without square brackets
- method "add_datetime" - added "display" and "store" optional arguments for a custom date & time format
- methods "save_input" and "display" automatically convert date time
- class Validate removes "[]" from ID when adding error message so JS can be used
- class Validate - is_datetime - true value is equal to timestamp
- methods that add controls return proper item key
- method change_control() - fixed numeric key handling
- changed ID for TimeZone control
- First release