Name | Type | Description | Notes |
oldKey | String | The public key you would like to replace. This should be sent as a Base58 string in IdPub format. | |
newKey | String | The public key that you would like to activate. This should be sent as a Base58 string in IdPub format. | |
signerKey | String | The key you are using to authorize the replacement. Must be equal to or higher level than the key you want to replace. This should be sent as a Base58 string in IdPub format. | |
signature | String | A signature that proves ownership of the `signer_key`. This signature should use the Ed25519 specification. The signed message should be the Identity Chain ID, the Old Key, and the New Key in that order. The message should be a single string with no whitespace or separators between the three parts. | |
callbackUrl | String | The URL where you would like to receive the callback from Connect. If this is not specified, callbacks will not activate. | [optional] |
callbackStages | List<String> | The stages that you would like to trigger a callback from Connect. This list can include any or all of the three stages: `replicated`, `factom`, and `anchored`. If callbacks are activated and this field is not sent, it will default to `factom` and `anchored` | [optional] |