A sample project to demonstrate the slowness of the grid fully rendered compared to being generated in a defered run by changing DataProvider.
Vaadin framework 8 issue #11683 on GitHub: - Vaadin 8 grid rendering time slower than rendering it twice (empty, then full) switching DataProvider
Run the application, run "mvn jetty:run" and open http://localhost:8080/ for manual tests.
click the "clear UI" button and compare rendering times between:
clicking "build full Grid" button just loads the full grid with 200 rows by updating the empty DataProvider with a full one
clicking "build empty Grid deferred to full Grid" button just loads an empty grid first and then defers the loading of the full grid with the 200 rows DataProvider shortly using polling
clicking "build empty Grid" button for comparison just loads an empty grid
clicking "build full Grid with slow provider" does the same as "build full Grid" but tries to mimic a slow database connection
clicking "build empty Grid deferred to full Grid with slow provider" does the same as "build empty Grid deferred to full Grid" but tries to mimic a slow database connection
To compile the entire project, run "mvn install" using Maven > 3.
To run the application, run "mvn jetty:run" and open http://localhost:8080/
- then change the columns, hidden columns and rows to your liking and generate the grid after hiding it
To produce a deployable production mode WAR:
- change productionMode to true in the servlet class configuration (nested in the UI class)
- run "mvn clean package"
- test the war file with "mvn jetty:run-war"