(maybe) An elegant HTML template engine & basic framework
ef.js is a static template framework for browsers, which you can write your UI without concerning about the logic, or writing logic without concerning about the UI.
ef.js also provides a simple template-engine which helps you create component modules with data binding at ease, but you can also use your favourite template-engine if it can be parsed into ef.js's AST.
- TodoMVC - repo
- dbmon - repo
- The official website is also written with ef.js
Related projects:
- ef-core - Core of ef.js (without parser)
- Neonclear - An ef.js based progressive UI framework (WIP)
- bPlayer-ef - The ef.js based web audio player
- eft-parser - Parser for eft templates
- rollup-plugin-eft - Import .ef and .eft templates directly from your code, taking the advantage of ef.js into your project with zero configuration.
- SublimeEFMLHighlighter - EFML syntax highlighter for SublimeText3
- VSCodeEFMLHighlighter - EFML syntax highlighter for VSCode
- AtomEFMLHighlighter - EFML syntax highlighter for Atom
- PrismEFMLSyntax - EFML syntax for Prism
Community project(s):
- EFML.vim by deluxghost - EFML (*.ef, *.eft) syntax highlighting for Vim
With unpkg:
https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/ef.dev.js
import { create, onNextRender, inform, exec, bundle, setParser, parseEft, t, version } from 'ef.js'
// or you can use import * as ef from 'ef.js'
version // Version string of ef.js
setParser(someparser) // Change the default parser for ef.js so you can use a different type of template
parseEft('Your awesome template') // Get ef.js ast using default parser
const templateString = 'Your awesome template'
const ast = [/* AST which supported by ef */]
const data = {
$data: {/* Binding data */},
$methods: {/* Binding methods */}
const template1 = create(template)
const template2 = create(ast)
const template3 = t`Your awesome template`
const component1 = new template1() // Create a component without data
const component2 = new template2(data) // Create a component and then updates it's data
onNextRender(callback) // Cache operations to execute on next render
inform() // Tell ef to cache operations **USE WITH CARE**
exec() // Tell ef to execute all cached operations **USE WITH CARE**
exec(true) // Force execute cached operations **USE WITH CARE**
bundle(callback) // Wrapper for inform() and exec()
component1.$element // The DOM element of component1
component2.$element // The DOM element of component2
component1.$data.something = 'something new' // Update the binding data 'something'
component2.$methods.someMethod = ({e, value, state}) => {
state.$data.something = 'something new'
console.log('Event target', e.target)
console.log('Value passed', value)
} // Update binding method
const logData = val => console.log('Subscribed data updated:', val)
component1.$subscribe('info.data', logData) // Observe a value
component1.$unsubscribe('info.data', logData) // Stop observing a value
component1.$update(data) // Update the whole component state
component2.$parent // Get where the component is mounted
component1.$refs // Get all referenced nodes
component1.mountingPoint = component2 // Mount component2 to 'mountingPoint' on component1
component1.mountingPoint = null // Detach the mounted component
component1.listMP.push(componet2) // Mount component2 to list 'listMP' mounting point on component1
component1.$mount(...) // Mount method called by ef when trying to mount
compinent1.$umount() // Unmount from parent
component1.$destroy() // Destroy the component when not needed for more memory
EFML is a completely logic-free template language. Just like HTML, there you can do nothing about logic, but EFML provides a easy starting point for data binding and events handling.
Also EFML is the first language that can be parsed into the AST which ef supports.
Note: EFML is very strict to indents. Wrong indents could lead to a parsing error.
Here is an example.
Tree structure
Lines not started with >#%@.+- are considered as comments
The escape character of eft is '&', for prevention of the conflict with js escapes.
Except for the change of the character, all the usage should be the same.
this is a comment
'>' stands for tag name
'#' stands for attributes
Mustaches stands for binding data
content inside mustaches after '=' stands for the default value for this binding
content without mustaches stands for a static data
which means that you cannot modify them using ef.js
#class = {{class = some class name}}
#style = {{attr.style = background: #ECECEC}}
#id = testdiv
#some-attr = some text
'%' stands for properties
%title = Welcome, {{name}}
%anotherProperty = text
'@' stands for events
contents after ':' are considered as value passed to the handler
@click = updateInfo:{{binding.value}} and static value
modify keys now can be bind easily
@mousedown.shift.alt.ctrl.meta = select
bind to keys is also easy
@keypress.13 = submit
use '.prevent' to preventDefault, '.stop' to stopPropagation, '.stopImmediate' to stopImmediatePropagation
@keydown.8.prevent.stop = stopbackspace
use '.capture' to capture an event
@submit.capture.stopImmediate = submit
'.' stands for text nodes
.Name: {{name}}&nJob: {{job}}
'-' stands for standard mounting point
'.' after a tag name stands for class names for this tag
'#' at the end of a tag name stands for the reference name of the node
Mustaches after a dot will bind to 'class' automatically
>span.{{emergency = emergency}}#notice_box
.Notice: {{notice}}
.some text
'+' stands for list mounting point
For standalone eft parser see eft-parser.
$ git clone https://github.com/ClassicOldSong/ef.js.git
$ cd ef.js
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Then you can test it out in the opening browser window.
$ git clone https://github.com/ClassicOldSong/ef.js.git
$ cd ef.js
$ npm install
$ npm run build && npm run prod
Then you can get the fresh-built ef.min.js
in the dist
Note: All debugging messages are disabled in the production version.