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Building KTX

KTX uses the the CMake build system. Depending on your platform and how you configure it, it will create project/build files (e.g. an Xcode project, a Visual Studio solution or Make files) that allow you to build the software and more (See CMake generators).

KTX consist of the following parts

  • The libktx main library
  • Command line tools (for Linux / macOS / Windows)
  • Load test applications (for OpenGL® 3, OpenGLES® or Vulkan®)
  • Documentation

Supported platforms (please to through their specific requirements first)

Note: Android builds will follow

The minimal way to a build is to clone this repository and run the following in a terminal

# Navigate to the root of your KTX-Software clone (replace with
# your actual path)
cd /path/to/KTX-Software

# This generates build/project files in the sub-folder `build`
cmake . -B build

# Compile the project
cmake --build build

This creates the libktx library and the command line tools. To create the complete project generate the project like this:


If you need the library to be static, enable the KTX_FEATURE_STATIC_LIBRARY setting (always enabled on iOS and Emscripten).



You need to install the following

Additional requirements for the load tests applications

  • SDL2 development library
  • assimp development library
  • OpenGL development libraries
  • Vulkan development libraries
  • Vulkan SDK

On Ubuntu and Debian these can be installed via

sudo apt install build-essential cmake libzstd-dev ninja-build doxygen libsdl2-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dev libvulkan1 libvulkan-dev libassimp-dev

KTX requires glslc, which comes with Vulkan SDK (in sub- folder x86_64/bin/glslc). Make sure the complete path to the tool is in in your environment's PATH variable. If you've followed Vulkan SDK install instructions for your platform this should already be set up. You can test it by running

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/vulkansdk/x86_64/bin
# Should not fail and output version numbers
glslc --version

You should be able then to build like this

# First either configure a debug build of libktx and the tools
cmake . -G Ninja -Bbuild
# ...or alternatively a release build including all targets

# Compile the project
cmake --build build

iOS and macOS

You need to install the following

  • CMake
  • Xcode
  • Doxygen (only if generating documentation)

For the load tests applications you need to install the Vulkan SDK.

Other dependencies (like zstd, SDL2 or the assimp library are included in this repository or come with Xcode).

To build:

# This creates an Xcode project at `build/KTX-Software.xcodeproj` containting the libktx and tools targets.
cmake -GXcode -Bbuild

# If you want to build the load test apps as well, you have to set the `KTX_FEATURE_LOADTEST_APPS` parameter and pass the location where you installed the Vulkan SDK as parameter `VULKAN_INSTALL_DIR`:

# Compile the project
cmake --build build

TODO: code signing / provisioning profile


Install Emscripten and follow the install instructions closely. After you've set up your emscripten environment in a terminal, run the following:


# Configure
emcmake cmake -Bbuild-web-debug . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

# Build
cmake --build build-web-debug --config Debug


# Configure
emcmake cmake -Bbuild-web .

# Build
cmake --build build-web

For web there are two additional targets:

  • ktx_js, (libktx javascript wrapper)
  • msc_basis_transcoder_js (transcoder wrapper)

Note: The libktx wrapper does not use the transcoder wrapper. It directly uses the underlying c++ transcoder.


CMake can create solutions for Microsoft Visual Studio (2015/2017/2019 are supported by KTX).

Note: Visual Studio 2019 v16.5 & v16.6 get an internal compiler error when compiling. v16.4 is okay.

zlib and zstd are needed for building libktx. The KTX repo has a Windows binary of libzstd.

The NSIS compiler is needed if you intend to build packages.

CMake can include OpenGL ES versions of the KTX loader tests in the generated solution. To build and run these you need to install an OpenGL ES emulator. See below.

The KTX loader tests use libSDL 2.0.12+. You do not need SDL if you only wish to build the library or tools.

The KTX vulkan loader tests require a Vulkan SDK and the Open Asset Import Library libassimp. You must install the former. The KTX Git repo has binaries of the latter for iOS and Windows but you must install it on GNU/Linux and macOS.

OpenGL ES Emulator for Windows

The es1loadtests and es3loadtests targets on Windows require an OpenGL ES emulator. Imagination Technologies PowerVR. emulator is recommended. Any of the other major emulators listed below could also be used:

If you want to run the es1loadtests you will need to use Imagination Technologies' PowerVR emulator as that alone supports OpenGL ES 1.1. You must set the CMake configuration variable OPENGL_ES_EMULATOR to the directory containing the .lib files of your chosen emulator.

*You will need to build ANGLE yourself and copy the libs and dlls to the appropriate directories under other_lib/win. Note that ANGLE's OpenGL ES 3 support is not yet complete.



Builds of SDL are provided in the KTX Git repo. These binaries were built from a post 2.0.12 changeset given below. However Standard SDL 2.0.12 works fine everywhere so you can download binaries from, if you prefer.

macOS Notes

If you wish to use the provided version of SDL in other applications on your system, you can install the framework. Open a shell and enter the following command

cp -R other_lib/mac/<configuration>/SDL2.framework /Library/Frameworks

replacing <configuration> with your choice of Debug or Release.

Building SDL from source

As noted above, KTX uses a post SDL 2.0.12 changeset, no. 13845 in the canonical Mercurial repo at or the automated GitHub mirror at Clone the repo, checkout changeset 13845 and follow the SDL build instructions.

Copy the results of your build to the appropriate place under the other_lib directory.

Vulkan SDK

Download Vulkan SDK from Lunar G.

For Ubuntu (Xenial and Bionic) install packages are available. See Getting Started - Ubuntu for detailed instructions.

For other GNU/Linux distributions a .tar.gz file is available. See Getting Started - Tarball for detailed instructions.

For Windows install the Vulkan SDK via the installer.

For iOS and macOS, install the Vulkan SDK by copying the content of the mounted .dmg to some location of choice. You need version or later. This SDK contains MoltenVK (Vulkan Portability on Metal) for both iOS and macOS.


You need this if you want to generate the libktx and ktxtools documentation. You need a minimum of version 1.8.14 to generate the documentation correctly. You can download binaries and also find instructions for building it from source at Doxygen downloads. Make sure the directory containing the doxygen executable is in your $PATH.

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