diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 65858af5..184a8988 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -89,16 +89,66 @@ npm install
- You'll need the data from Consumet and Aniwatch API to get things to work, so go to these repos and host your own instance:
- Consumet API
- Aniwatch API
- - About Login with Anilist (OAuth):
+ - **Anilist Login** (OAuth):
- You need to first login on your account on Anilist.
- Then go to Developer Page on the Settings and click "Create New Client".
- Now you need to add the name of your forked project/website and the URL to redirect when user accept the login, then hit "Save".
- Store the Client ID and Secret on your ".env.local".
- TIP: Create 2 of these, one for the dev env and other to production.
- - On Firebase, to use Google, Email and Anonymous Login and their Database:
- - Create a project for this fork/clone you did on Firebase.
- - All the Firebase info needed on `.env.local` can be found when you create a new project.
- - IMPORTANT: Make Sure to ALLOW your Hosted Website Domain on Firebase Authentication!
+ - **Firebase** (to use Google, Email and Anonymous Login and the Firestore Database):
+ - Create a project for this fork/clone you did on Firebase.
+ - All the Firebase info needed on `.env.local` **can be found when you create a new project**.
+ - **IMPORTANT**: Make Sure to ALLOW your Hosted Website Domain on Firebase Authentication!
+ - **IMPORTANT**: You'll need to **change the Rules** on **Firestore Database**. There is 2 options depending of what login methods you will use:
+ - With **ALL** Login Methods available:
+ ```javascript
+ rules_version = '2';
+ service cloud.firestore {
+ match /databases/{database}/documents {
+ match /{document=**} {
+ // will allow any write and read operation. No conditions due to Anilist OAuth Login.
+ allow read, write: if true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ - With **ONLY** Firebase Login Methods (no Anilist Login):
+ ```javascript
+ rules_version = '2';
+ service cloud.firestore {
+ match /databases/{database}/documents {
+ match /users/{document=**} {
+ // allows only requests if a userUID is available.
+ allow read, write: request.auth.uid != null;
+ }
+ match /comments/{document=**} {
+ // allows only write request if a userUID is available.
+ allow read: if true;
+ allow write: request.auth.uid != null;
+ }
+ match /notifications/{document=**} {
+ // allows only write request if a userUID is available.
+ allow read: if true;
+ allow write: request.auth.uid != null;
+ }
+ match /{document=**} {
+ // will allow any other write and read operation. No conditions.
+ allow read, write: if true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
- OPTIONAL: This project uses a JSON file (47 mb) filled with Animes and Mangas data as a offline Database. This repository already has this file, but it might be outdated, so you decide if you want to ignore this step.
- Go to anime-offline-database and download the JSON file that will be used on only `Search Page` (or you can make some changes and use some API to fetch the data).
- With the file downloaded, put it in the `/app/api/animes-database` directory, replacing the previous one.