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Hub-Spoke Network

This is an opinionated Terraform module written by Ensono for use with Ensono Stacks

The aim of this module is to provide private networking for applications. The main use case is for the Ensono Stacks Azure Data. That project stands up all the necsssary components to run data pipelines in Azure Databricks.

As is most often the case, it is preferential to have all of the data components on a private network or subnet. If it is the case that these resources do not already exist, then this module can perform that work.

NOTE: It is not a requirement to have private networking in order to use Ensono Stacks Data.


No requirements.


Name Version
azurerm n/a


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_firewall.azfw resource
azurerm_nat_gateway.nat_databricks resource
azurerm_nat_gateway.nat_gw resource
azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip_association.example resource
azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip_association.nat_databricks_association resource
azurerm_network_security_group.nsg resource
azurerm_network_security_group.nsg_databricks resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.nsg_databricks_aad_rule resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.nsg_databricks_adf_rule resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.nsg_databricks_azfrontdoor_rule resource
azurerm_network_security_rule.ssh resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone.example resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.hub-privatelink-dns resource
azurerm_public_ip.azfw_pip resource
azurerm_public_ip.nat_databricks_pip resource
azurerm_public_ip.nat_public_ip resource
azurerm_resource_group.rg resource
azurerm_subnet.az_fw_subnet resource
azurerm_subnet.subnets resource
azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association.nat_subnet resource
azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association.private_subnet_association resource
azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association.public_subnet_association resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.nsg_subnet_assoc resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.private resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.public resource
azurerm_virtual_network.vnet resource
azurerm_virtual_network_peering.hub-spoke resource
azurerm_virtual_network_peering.spoke-hub resource
azurerm_subnet.private_subnet data source
azurerm_subnet.public_subnet data source


Name Description Type Default Required
create_databricks_nat weather to create a NAT gateway for databricks bool true no
create_fw_public_ip weather to create a public IP for Azure firewall in hub network bool false no
create_hub_fw weather to create a Azure fierwall in hub network bool false no
create_private_dns_zone set value wether to create a private_dns_zone or not bool true no
debug_enabled If debug enabled then SSH will be enabled inbound on the NSG bool false no
dns_zone_name The name of the Private DNS Zone. Must be a valid domain name. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. list(string)
existing_resource_group_name Resource Group Name string null no
fw_public_allocation_method Defines the allocation method for this IP address. Possible values are Static or Dynamic string "Static" no
fw_public_ip_sku The SKU of the Public IP. Accepted values are Basic and Standard. Defaults to Standard. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "Standard" no
label label to apply to resources that are deployed string n/a yes
link_dns_network weather link DNS with vnets bool false no
nat_idle_timeout Idle timeout period in minutes. number 10 no
network_details n/a
name = string
environment = string
address_space = list(string)
dns_servers = list(string)
resource_group_name = string
is_hub = bool
is_adf_network = bool # not sure that this is required
link_to_private_dns = bool # not sure that this is required
subnet_details = list(object({
sub_name = string
sub_address_prefix = list(string)
private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled = bool
private_link_service_network_policies_enabled = bool
service_endpoints = list(string)
is_pe_subnet = bool
is_prod = bool
is_adf_private_subnet = bool
is_adf_public_subnet = bool

"address_space": [
"dns_servers": [
"environment": "dev",
"is_adf_network": false,
"is_hub": true,
"link_to_private_dns": true,
"name": "network1",
"resource_group_name": "hub-rg",
"subnet_details": [
"is_adf_private_subnet": false,
"is_adf_public_subnet": false,
"is_pe_subnet": false,
"is_prod": false,
"private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled": true,
"private_link_service_network_policies_enabled": true,
"service_endpoints": [],
"sub_address_prefix": [
"sub_name": "subnet3"
"address_space": [
"dns_servers": [
"environment": "dev",
"is_adf_network": false,
"is_hub": false,
"link_to_private_dns": true,
"name": "network2",
"resource_group_name": "spoke1-rg",
"subnet_details": [
"is_adf_private_subnet": false,
"is_adf_public_subnet": false,
"is_pe_subnet": false,
"is_prod": false,
"private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled": true,
"private_link_service_network_policies_enabled": true,
"service_endpoints": [],
"sub_address_prefix": [
"sub_name": "subnet1"
"is_adf_private_subnet": false,
"is_adf_public_subnet": false,
"is_pe_subnet": false,
"is_prod": true,
"private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled": true,
"private_link_service_network_policies_enabled": true,
"service_endpoints": [],
"sub_address_prefix": [
"sub_name": "subnet2"
"address_space": [
"dns_servers": [
"environment": "dev",
"is_adf_network": true,
"is_hub": false,
"link_to_private_dns": true,
"name": "network3",
"resource_group_name": "spoke2-rg",
"subnet_details": [
"is_adf_private_subnet": false,
"is_adf_public_subnet": false,
"is_pe_subnet": true,
"is_prod": false,
"private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled": true,
"private_link_service_network_policies_enabled": true,
"service_endpoints": [],
"sub_address_prefix": [
"sub_name": "subnet5"
"is_adf_private_subnet": false,
"is_adf_public_subnet": false,
"is_pe_subnet": true,
"is_prod": true,
"private_endpoint_network_policies_enabled": true,
"private_link_service_network_policies_enabled": true,
"service_endpoints": [],
"sub_address_prefix": [
"sub_name": "subnet6"
registration_enabled Is auto-registration of virtual machine records in the virtual network in the Private DNS zone enabled? Defaults to false. bool false no
resource_group_location Location of the resource group string "uksouth" no
resource_group_name he Name which should be used for this Resource Group. Changing this forces a new Resource Group to be created. string "network-test" no
sku_az_fw SKU name of the Firewall. Possible values are AZFW_Hub and AZFW_VNet. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "AZFW_VNet" no
sku_tier_az_fw SKU tier of the Firewall. Possible values are Premium, Standard and Basic. string "Standard" no
tags Map of tags to be applied to all resources created as part of this module map(string) {} no


Name Description
adf_subnets n/a
hub_firewall_id n/a
hub_net_id n/a
hub_net_name n/a
hub_pub_ip n/a
nat_gateway_ids n/a
nat_public_ip_ids n/a
nat_subnet_associations n/a
nsg_subnet_associations n/a
private_dns_zone_ids n/a
private_endpoint_subnets n/a
subnet_ids n/a
subnet_names n/a
subnets n/a
vnets n/a