diff --git a/schemes/thermo_water_update/thermo_water_update.F90 b/schemes/thermo_water_update/thermo_water_update.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2623d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schemes/thermo_water_update/thermo_water_update.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+! This is a non-portable wrapper subroutine for cam_thermo_water_update
+! in the cam_thermo module.
+module thermo_water_update
+ use ccpp_kinds, only: kind_phys
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: thermo_water_update_run
+ ! Update water dependent properties
+!> \section arg_table_thermo_water_update_run Argument Table
+!! \htmlinclude arg_table_thermo_water_update_run.html
+ subroutine thermo_water_update_run( &
+ mmr, &
+ ncol, pver, &
+ energy_formula_dycore, &
+ pdel, pdeldry, &
+ cp_or_cv_dycore)
+ ! This scheme is non-portable due to dependencies on cam_thermo
+ ! for the actual logic of cam_thermo_water_update, which depends on air_composition
+ ! and a series of other subroutines/module properties
+ use cam_thermo, only: cam_thermo_water_update
+ ! Input arguments
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: mmr(:,:,:) ! constituent mass mixing ratios [kg kg-1]
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of atmospheric columns
+ integer, intent(in) :: pver ! number of vertical layers
+ integer, intent(in) :: energy_formula_dycore ! total energy formulation used by dycore
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: pdel(:,:) ! layer thickness [Pa]
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: pdeldry(:,:) ! dry layer thickness [Pa]
+ ! Output arguments
+ real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: cp_or_cv_dycore(:,:) ! enthalpy or heat capacity, dycore dependent [J K-1 kg-1]
+ call cam_thermo_water_update( &
+ mmr = mmr, & ! mmr*factor is a dry mixing ratio
+ ncol = ncol, &
+ pver = pver, &
+ energy_formula = energy_formula_dycore, &
+ cp_or_cv_dycore = cp_or_cv_dycore(:ncol,:), &
+ to_dry_factor = pdel(:ncol,:)/pdeldry(:ncol,:) & ! factor to convert to dry
+ )
+ end subroutine thermo_water_update_run
+end module thermo_water_update
diff --git a/schemes/thermo_water_update/thermo_water_update.meta b/schemes/thermo_water_update/thermo_water_update.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..395b8ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/schemes/thermo_water_update/thermo_water_update.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ name = thermo_water_update
+ type = scheme
+ dependencies = ../../../../data/cam_thermo.F90
+ name = thermo_water_update_run
+ type = scheme
+[ mmr ]
+ standard_name = ccpp_constituents
+ units = none
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension, number_of_ccpp_constituents)
+ intent = in
+[ ncol ]
+ standard_name = horizontal_loop_extent
+ units = count
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ pver ]
+ standard_name = vertical_layer_dimension
+ units = count
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ energy_formula_dycore ]
+ standard_name = total_energy_formula_for_dycore
+ units = 1
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+ intent = in
+[ pdel ]
+ standard_name = air_pressure_thickness
+ units = Pa
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = in
+[ pdeldry ]
+ standard_name = air_pressure_thickness_of_dry_air
+ units = Pa
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = in
+[ cp_or_cv_dycore ]
+ standard_name = specific_heat_of_air_used_in_dycore
+ units = J kg-1 K-1
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, vertical_layer_dimension)
+ intent = out
diff --git a/suites/suite_cam7.xml b/suites/suite_cam7.xml
index ae0daa42..b949654e 100644
--- a/suites/suite_cam7.xml
+++ b/suites/suite_cam7.xml
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@
+ thermo_water_update
diff --git a/suites/suite_kessler.xml b/suites/suite_kessler.xml
index 792c6ee3..787e543d 100644
--- a/suites/suite_kessler.xml
+++ b/suites/suite_kessler.xml
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
+ thermo_water_update
+ thermo_water_update