diff --git a/doxygen/Cabana__VerletList_8hpp_source.html b/doxygen/Cabana__VerletList_8hpp_source.html
index 72323e1fd..f89f3c752 100644
--- a/doxygen/Cabana__VerletList_8hpp_source.html
+++ b/doxygen/Cabana__VerletList_8hpp_source.html
@@ -210,734 +210,898 @@
- 126template <
class DeviceType,
class PositionType,
class RandomAccessPositionType,
+ 126template <
class DeviceType,
class RandomAccessPositionType,
class RadiusType,
127 class AlgorithmTag,
class LayoutTag,
class BuildOpTag>
128struct VerletListBuilder
131 using device = DeviceType;
- 132 using PositionValueType =
typename PositionType::value_type;
+ 132 using PositionValueType =
typename RandomAccessPositionType::value_type;
133 using memory_space =
typename device::memory_space;
134 using execution_space =
typename device::execution_space;
137 VerletListData<memory_space, LayoutTag> _data;
- 140 PositionValueType rsqr;
- 143 RandomAccessPositionType _position;
- 144 std::size_t pid_begin, pid_end;
- 147 BinningData<memory_space> bin_data_1d;
- 148 LinkedCellList<memory_space, PositionValueType> linked_cell_list;
- 158 VerletListBuilder( PositionType positions,
const std::size_t begin,
- 159 const std::size_t end,
- 160 const PositionValueType neighborhood_radius,
- 161 const PositionValueType cell_size_ratio,
- 162 const PositionValueType grid_min[3],
- 163 const PositionValueType grid_max[3],
- 164 const std::size_t max_neigh )
- 167 , alloc_n( max_neigh )
- 173 _data.counts = Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space>(
- 177 initCounts( LayoutTag() );
- 180 _position = positions;
- 186 double grid_size = cell_size_ratio * neighborhood_radius;
- 187 PositionValueType grid_delta[3] = { grid_size, grid_size, grid_size };
- 188 linked_cell_list = createLinkedCellList<memory_space>(
- 189 _position, grid_delta, grid_min, grid_max, neighborhood_radius,
- 191 bin_data_1d = linked_cell_list.binningData();
- 194 rsqr = neighborhood_radius * neighborhood_radius;
+ 139 PositionValueType rsqr;
+ 144 RandomAccessPositionType _position;
+ 145 std::size_t pid_begin, pid_end;
+ 148 BinningData<memory_space> bin_data_1d;
+ 149 LinkedCellList<memory_space, PositionValueType> linked_cell_list;
+ 159 template <
class PositionType>
+ 160 VerletListBuilder( PositionType positions,
const std::size_t begin,
+ 161 const std::size_t end,
+ 162 const RadiusType neighborhood_radius,
+ 163 const PositionValueType cell_size_ratio,
+ 164 const PositionValueType grid_min[3],
+ 165 const PositionValueType grid_max[3],
+ 166 const std::size_t max_neigh )
+ 169 , alloc_n( max_neigh )
+ 171 init( positions, neighborhood_radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min,
+ 175 radius = neighborhood_radius;
+ 180 template <
class PositionType>
+ 181 VerletListBuilder( PositionType positions,
const std::size_t begin,
+ 182 const std::size_t end,
+ 183 const PositionValueType background_radius,
+ 184 const RadiusType neighborhood_radius,
+ 185 const PositionValueType cell_size_ratio,
+ 186 const PositionValueType grid_min[3],
+ 187 const PositionValueType grid_max[3],
+ 188 const std::size_t max_neigh )
+ 191 , alloc_n( max_neigh )
+ 193 assert( positions.size() == neighborhood_radius.size() );
+ 194 init( positions, background_radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min,
- 198 struct CountNeighborsTag
- 201 using CountNeighborsPolicy =
- 202 Kokkos::TeamPolicy<execution_space, CountNeighborsTag,
- 203 Kokkos::IndexType<int>,
- 204 Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Dynamic>>;
- 208 operator()(
const CountNeighborsTag&,
- 209 const typename CountNeighborsPolicy::member_type& team )
- 213 int cell = team.league_rank();
- 216 int imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax;
- 217 linked_cell_list.getStencilCells( cell, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin,
+ 200 radius = neighborhood_radius;
+ 203 template <
class PositionType>
+ 204 void init( PositionType positions,
+ 205 const PositionValueType neighborhood_radius,
+ 206 const PositionValueType cell_size_ratio,
+ 207 const PositionValueType grid_min[3],
+ 208 const PositionValueType grid_max[3] )
+ 214 _data.counts = Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space>(
+ 218 initCounts( LayoutTag() );
- 221 std::size_t b_offset = bin_data_1d.binOffset( cell );
- 222 Kokkos::parallel_for(
- 223 Kokkos::TeamThreadRange( team, 0, bin_data_1d.binSize( cell ) ),
- 228 std::size_t pid = linked_cell_list.permutation( bi + b_offset );
- 230 if ( ( pid >= pid_begin ) && ( pid < pid_end ) )
- 233 double x_p = _position( pid, 0 );
- 234 double y_p = _position( pid, 1 );
- 235 double z_p = _position( pid, 2 );
- 238 int stencil_count = 0;
- 239 for ( int i = imin; i < imax; ++i )
- 240 for ( int j = jmin; j < jmax; ++j )
- 241 for ( int k = kmin; k < kmax; ++k )
- 245 if ( linked_cell_list.cellStencil()
- 246 .grid.minDistanceToPoint(
- 247 x_p, y_p, z_p, i, j, k ) <= rsqr )
- 249 std::size_t n_offset =
- 250 linked_cell_list.binOffset( i, j, k );
- 252 linked_cell_list.binSize( i, j, k );
- 258 neighbor_reduce( team, pid, x_p, y_p, z_p,
- 260 cell_count, BuildOpTag() );
- 261 stencil_count += cell_count;
- 264 Kokkos::single( Kokkos::PerThread( team ), [&]()
- 265 { _data.counts( pid ) = stencil_count; } );
- 272 neighbor_reduce(
const typename CountNeighborsPolicy::member_type& team,
- 273 const std::size_t pid,
const double x_p,
const double y_p,
- 274 const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
const int num_n,
- 275 int& cell_count, TeamVectorOpTag )
- 277 Kokkos::parallel_reduce(
- 278 Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange( team, num_n ),
- 279 [&](
const int n,
int& local_count ) {
- 280 neighbor_kernel( pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, n_offset, n, local_count );
- 287 void neighbor_reduce(
const typename CountNeighborsPolicy::member_type,
- 288 const std::size_t pid,
const double x_p,
- 289 const double y_p,
const double z_p,
- 290 const int n_offset,
const int num_n,
int& cell_count,
- 293 for (
int n = 0; n < num_n; n++ )
- 294 neighbor_kernel( pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, n_offset, n, cell_count );
- 299 void neighbor_kernel(
const int pid,
const double x_p,
const double y_p,
- 300 const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
const int n,
- 301 int& local_count )
- 304 std::size_t nid = linked_cell_list.permutation( n_offset + n );
- 307 double x_n = _position( nid, 0 );
- 308 double y_n = _position( nid, 1 );
- 309 double z_n = _position( nid, 2 );
- 312 if ( NeighborDiscriminator<AlgorithmTag>::isValid(
- 313 pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, nid, x_n, y_n, z_n ) )
- 317 PositionValueType dx = x_p - x_n;
- 318 PositionValueType dy = y_p - y_n;
- 319 PositionValueType dz = z_p - z_n;
- 320 PositionValueType dist_sqr = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
- 323 if ( dist_sqr <= rsqr )
- 330 template <
class KokkosMemorySpace>
- 333 using kokkos_mem_space = KokkosMemorySpace;
- 334 Kokkos::View<int*, kokkos_mem_space> counts;
- 335 Kokkos::View<int*, kokkos_mem_space> offsets;
- 337 void operator()(
const int i,
int& update,
const bool final_pass )
- 345 void initCounts( VerletLayoutCSR ) {}
- 347 void initCounts( VerletLayout2D )
- 353 _data.neighbors = Kokkos::View<int**, memory_space>(
- 354 Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing(
"neighbors" ),
- 355 _data.counts.size(), alloc_n );
+ 221 _position = positions;
+ 227 double grid_size = cell_size_ratio * neighborhood_radius;
+ 228 PositionValueType grid_delta[3] = { grid_size, grid_size, grid_size };
+ 229 linked_cell_list = createLinkedCellList<memory_space>(
+ 230 _position, grid_delta, grid_min, grid_max, neighborhood_radius,
+ 232 bin_data_1d = linked_cell_list.binningData();
+ 235 rsqr = neighborhood_radius * neighborhood_radius;
auto cutoff( [[maybe_unused]]
const int p )
+ 242 if constexpr ( is_slice<RadiusType>::value ||
+ 243 Kokkos::is_view<RadiusType>::value )
+ 244 return radius( p ) * radius( p );
+ 251 struct CountNeighborsTag
+ 254 using CountNeighborsPolicy =
+ 255 Kokkos::TeamPolicy<execution_space, CountNeighborsTag,
+ 256 Kokkos::IndexType<int>,
+ 257 Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Dynamic>>;
+ 261 operator()(
const CountNeighborsTag&,
+ 262 const typename CountNeighborsPolicy::member_type& team )
+ 266 int cell = team.league_rank();
+ 269 int imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax;
+ 270 linked_cell_list.getStencilCells( cell, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin,
+ 274 std::size_t b_offset = bin_data_1d.binOffset( cell );
+ 275 Kokkos::parallel_for(
+ 276 Kokkos::TeamThreadRange( team, 0, bin_data_1d.binSize( cell ) ),
+ 281 std::size_t pid = linked_cell_list.permutation( bi + b_offset );
+ 283 if ( ( pid >= pid_begin ) && ( pid < pid_end ) )
+ 286 double x_p = _position( pid, 0 );
+ 287 double y_p = _position( pid, 1 );
+ 288 double z_p = _position( pid, 2 );
+ 291 int stencil_count = 0;
+ 292 for ( int i = imin; i < imax; ++i )
+ 293 for ( int j = jmin; j < jmax; ++j )
+ 294 for ( int k = kmin; k < kmax; ++k )
+ 298 if ( linked_cell_list.cellStencil()
+ 299 .grid.minDistanceToPoint(
+ 300 x_p, y_p, z_p, i, j, k ) <= rsqr )
+ 302 std::size_t n_offset =
+ 303 linked_cell_list.binOffset( i, j, k );
+ 305 linked_cell_list.binSize( i, j, k );
+ 311 neighbor_reduce( team, pid, x_p, y_p, z_p,
+ 313 cell_count, BuildOpTag() );
+ 314 stencil_count += cell_count;
+ 317 Kokkos::single( Kokkos::PerThread( team ), [&]()
+ 318 { _data.counts( pid ) = stencil_count; } );
+ 325 neighbor_reduce(
const typename CountNeighborsPolicy::member_type& team,
+ 326 const std::size_t pid,
const double x_p,
const double y_p,
+ 327 const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
const int num_n,
+ 328 int& cell_count, TeamVectorOpTag )
+ 330 Kokkos::parallel_reduce(
+ 331 Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange( team, num_n ),
+ 332 [&](
const int n,
int& local_count ) {
+ 333 neighbor_kernel( pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, n_offset, n, local_count );
+ 340 void neighbor_reduce(
const typename CountNeighborsPolicy::member_type,
+ 341 const std::size_t pid,
const double x_p,
+ 342 const double y_p,
const double z_p,
+ 343 const int n_offset,
const int num_n,
int& cell_count,
+ 346 for (
int n = 0; n < num_n; n++ )
+ 347 neighbor_kernel( pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, n_offset, n, cell_count );
+ 352 void neighbor_kernel(
const int pid,
const double x_p,
const double y_p,
+ 353 const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
const int n,
+ 354 int& local_count )
+ 357 std::size_t nid = linked_cell_list.permutation( n_offset + n );
- 359 void processCounts( VerletLayoutCSR )
- 362 _data.offsets = Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space>(
- 363 Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing(
"neighbor_offsets" ),
- 364 _data.counts.size() );
- 367 OffsetScanOp<memory_space> offset_op;
- 368 offset_op.counts = _data.counts;
- 369 offset_op.offsets = _data.offsets;
- 370 int total_num_neighbor;
- 371 Kokkos::RangePolicy<execution_space> range_policy(
- 372 0, _data.counts.extent( 0 ) );
- 373 Kokkos::parallel_scan(
- 374 range_policy, offset_op, total_num_neighbor );
- 378 _data.neighbors = Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space>(
- 379 Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing(
"neighbors" ),
- 380 total_num_neighbor );
- 383 Kokkos::deep_copy( _data.counts, 0 );
- 388 void processCounts( VerletLayout2D )
- 391 auto counts = _data.counts;
- 393 Kokkos::Max<int> max_reduce( max );
- 394 Kokkos::parallel_reduce(
- 395 "Cabana::VerletListBuilder::reduce_max",
- 396 Kokkos::RangePolicy<execution_space>( 0, _data.counts.size() ),
const int i,
int& value ) {
- 398 if ( counts( i ) > value )
- 403 _data.max_n =
>( max );
- 406 if ( count or _data.max_n > _data.neighbors.extent( 1 ) )
- 409 Kokkos::deep_copy( _data.counts, 0 );
- 410 _data.neighbors = Kokkos::View<int**, memory_space>(
- 411 Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing(
"neighbors" ),
- 412 _data.counts.size(), _data.max_n );
- 417 struct FillNeighborsTag
- 420 using FillNeighborsPolicy =
- 421 Kokkos::TeamPolicy<execution_space, FillNeighborsTag,
- 422 Kokkos::IndexType<int>,
- 423 Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Dynamic>>;
- 426 operator()(
const FillNeighborsTag&,
- 427 const typename FillNeighborsPolicy::member_type& team )
- 431 int cell = team.league_rank();
- 434 int imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax;
- 435 linked_cell_list.getStencilCells( cell, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin,
- 439 std::size_t b_offset = bin_data_1d.binOffset( cell );
- 440 Kokkos::parallel_for(
- 441 Kokkos::TeamThreadRange( team, 0, bin_data_1d.binSize( cell ) ),
- 446 std::size_t pid = linked_cell_list.permutation( bi + b_offset );
- 448 if ( ( pid >= pid_begin ) && ( pid < pid_end ) )
- 451 double x_p = _position( pid, 0 );
- 452 double y_p = _position( pid, 1 );
- 453 double z_p = _position( pid, 2 );
- 456 for ( int i = imin; i < imax; ++i )
- 457 for ( int j = jmin; j < jmax; ++j )
- 458 for ( int k = kmin; k < kmax; ++k )
- 462 if ( linked_cell_list.cellStencil()
- 463 .grid.minDistanceToPoint(
- 464 x_p, y_p, z_p, i, j, k ) <= rsqr )
- 468 std::size_t n_offset =
- 469 linked_cell_list.binOffset( i, j, k );
- 471 linked_cell_list.binSize( i, j, k );
- 472 neighbor_for( team, pid, x_p, y_p, z_p,
- 483 neighbor_for(
const typename FillNeighborsPolicy::member_type& team,
- 484 const std::size_t pid,
const double x_p,
const double y_p,
- 485 const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
const int num_n,
- 486 TeamVectorOpTag )
- 488 Kokkos::parallel_for(
- 489 Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange( team, num_n ), [&](
const int n )
- 490 { neighbor_kernel( pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, n_offset, n ); } );
- 495 void neighbor_for(
const typename FillNeighborsPolicy::member_type team,
- 496 const std::size_t pid,
const double x_p,
- 497 const double y_p,
const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
- 498 const int num_n, TeamOpTag )
- 500 for (
int n = 0; n < num_n; n++ )
- 502 Kokkos::PerThread( team ),
- 503 [&]() { neighbor_kernel( pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, n_offset, n ); } );
- 508 void neighbor_kernel(
const int pid,
const double x_p,
const double y_p,
- 509 const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
- 513 std::size_t nid = linked_cell_list.permutation( n_offset + n );
- 516 double x_n = _position( nid, 0 );
- 517 double y_n = _position( nid, 1 );
- 518 double z_n = _position( nid, 2 );
- 521 if ( NeighborDiscriminator<AlgorithmTag>::isValid(
- 522 pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, nid, x_n, y_n, z_n ) )
- 526 PositionValueType dx = x_p - x_n;
- 527 PositionValueType dy = y_p - y_n;
- 528 PositionValueType dz = z_p - z_n;
- 529 PositionValueType dist_sqr = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
- 533 if ( dist_sqr <= rsqr )
- 535 _data.addNeighbor( pid, nid );
- 543template <
class DeviceType,
class PositionType,
class AlgorithmTag,
- 544 class LayoutTag,
class BuildOpTag>
- 545auto createVerletListBuilder(
- 546 PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
- 547 const typename PositionType::value_type radius,
- 548 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
- 549 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
- 550 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
- 551 const std::size_t max_neigh,
- 552 typename std::enable_if<( is_slice<PositionType>::value ),
int>::type* = 0 )
- 554 using RandomAccessPositionType =
typename PositionType::random_access_slice;
- 555 return VerletListBuilder<DeviceType, PositionType, RandomAccessPositionType,
- 556 AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildOpTag>(
- 557 x, begin, end, radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min, grid_max, max_neigh );
- 560template <
class DeviceType,
class PositionType,
class AlgorithmTag,
- 561 class LayoutTag,
class BuildOpTag>
- 562auto createVerletListBuilder(
- 563 PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
- 564 const typename PositionType::value_type radius,
- 565 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
- 566 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
- 567 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
- 568 const std::size_t max_neigh,
- 569 typename std::enable_if<( Kokkos::is_view<PositionType>::value ),
- 572 using RandomAccessPositionType =
- 573 Kokkos::View<
typename PositionType::value_type**, DeviceType,
- 574 Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::RandomAccess>>;
- 575 return VerletListBuilder<DeviceType, PositionType, RandomAccessPositionType,
- 576 AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildOpTag>(
- 577 x, begin, end, radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min, grid_max, max_neigh );
- 603template <
class MemorySpace,
class AlgorithmTag,
class LayoutTag,
- 604 class BuildTag = TeamVectorOpTag>
360 double x_n = _position( nid, 0 );
361 double y_n = _position( nid, 1 );
362 double z_n = _position( nid, 2 );
365 if ( NeighborDiscriminator<AlgorithmTag>::isValid(
366 pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, nid, x_n, y_n, z_n ) )
370 PositionValueType dx = x_p - x_n;
371 PositionValueType dy = y_p - y_n;
372 PositionValueType dz = z_p - z_n;
373 PositionValueType dist_sqr = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
376 if ( dist_sqr <= cutoff( pid ) )
383 template <
class KokkosMemorySpace>
386 using kokkos_mem_space = KokkosMemorySpace;
387 Kokkos::View<int*, kokkos_mem_space> counts;
388 Kokkos::View<int*, kokkos_mem_space> offsets;
390 void operator()(
const int i,
int& update,
const bool final_pass )
398 void initCounts( VerletLayoutCSR ) {}
400 void initCounts( VerletLayout2D )
406 _data.neighbors = Kokkos::View<int**, memory_space>(
407 Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing(
"neighbors" ),
408 _data.counts.size(), alloc_n );
412 void processCounts( VerletLayoutCSR )
415 _data.offsets = Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space>(
416 Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing(
"neighbor_offsets" ),
417 _data.counts.size() );
420 OffsetScanOp<memory_space> offset_op;
421 offset_op.counts = _data.counts;
422 offset_op.offsets = _data.offsets;
423 int total_num_neighbor;
424 Kokkos::RangePolicy<execution_space> range_policy(
425 0, _data.counts.extent( 0 ) );
426 Kokkos::parallel_scan(
427 range_policy, offset_op, total_num_neighbor );
431 _data.neighbors = Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space>(
432 Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing(
"neighbors" ),
433 total_num_neighbor );
436 Kokkos::deep_copy( _data.counts, 0 );
441 void processCounts( VerletLayout2D )
444 auto counts = _data.counts;
446 Kokkos::Max<int> max_reduce( max );
447 Kokkos::parallel_reduce(
448 "Cabana::VerletListBuilder::reduce_max",
449 Kokkos::RangePolicy<execution_space>( 0, _data.counts.size() ),
const int i,
int& value ) {
451 if ( counts( i ) > value )
456 _data.max_n =
>( max );
459 if ( count or _data.max_n > _data.neighbors.extent( 1 ) )
462 Kokkos::deep_copy( _data.counts, 0 );
463 _data.neighbors = Kokkos::View<int**, memory_space>(
464 Kokkos::ViewAllocateWithoutInitializing(
"neighbors" ),
465 _data.counts.size(), _data.max_n );
470 struct FillNeighborsTag
473 using FillNeighborsPolicy =
474 Kokkos::TeamPolicy<execution_space, FillNeighborsTag,
475 Kokkos::IndexType<int>,
476 Kokkos::Schedule<Kokkos::Dynamic>>;
479 operator()(
const FillNeighborsTag&,
480 const typename FillNeighborsPolicy::member_type& team )
484 int cell = team.league_rank();
487 int imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax;
488 linked_cell_list.getStencilCells( cell, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin,
492 std::size_t b_offset = bin_data_1d.binOffset( cell );
493 Kokkos::parallel_for(
494 Kokkos::TeamThreadRange( team, 0, bin_data_1d.binSize( cell ) ),
499 std::size_t pid = linked_cell_list.permutation( bi + b_offset );
501 if ( ( pid >= pid_begin ) && ( pid < pid_end ) )
504 double x_p = _position( pid, 0 );
505 double y_p = _position( pid, 1 );
506 double z_p = _position( pid, 2 );
509 for ( int i = imin; i < imax; ++i )
510 for ( int j = jmin; j < jmax; ++j )
511 for ( int k = kmin; k < kmax; ++k )
515 if ( linked_cell_list.cellStencil()
516 .grid.minDistanceToPoint(
517 x_p, y_p, z_p, i, j, k ) <= rsqr )
521 std::size_t n_offset =
522 linked_cell_list.binOffset( i, j, k );
524 linked_cell_list.binSize( i, j, k );
525 neighbor_for( team, pid, x_p, y_p, z_p,
536 neighbor_for(
const typename FillNeighborsPolicy::member_type& team,
537 const std::size_t pid,
const double x_p,
const double y_p,
538 const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
const int num_n,
539 TeamVectorOpTag )
541 Kokkos::parallel_for(
542 Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange( team, num_n ), [&](
const int n )
543 { neighbor_kernel( pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, n_offset, n ); } );
548 void neighbor_for(
const typename FillNeighborsPolicy::member_type team,
549 const std::size_t pid,
const double x_p,
550 const double y_p,
const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
551 const int num_n, TeamOpTag )
553 for (
int n = 0; n < num_n; n++ )
555 Kokkos::PerThread( team ),
556 [&]() { neighbor_kernel( pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, n_offset, n ); } );
561 void neighbor_kernel(
const int pid,
const double x_p,
const double y_p,
562 const double z_p,
const int n_offset,
566 std::size_t nid = linked_cell_list.permutation( n_offset + n );
569 double x_n = _position( nid, 0 );
570 double y_n = _position( nid, 1 );
571 double z_n = _position( nid, 2 );
574 if ( NeighborDiscriminator<AlgorithmTag>::isValid(
575 pid, x_p, y_p, z_p, nid, x_n, y_n, z_n ) )
579 PositionValueType dx = x_p - x_n;
580 PositionValueType dy = y_p - y_n;
581 PositionValueType dz = z_p - z_n;
582 PositionValueType dist_sqr = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
586 if ( dist_sqr <= cutoff( pid ) )
588 _data.addNeighbor( pid, nid );
596template <
class DeviceType,
class AlgorithmTag,
class LayoutTag,
597 class BuildOpTag,
class PositionType>
598auto createVerletListBuilder(
599 PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
600 const typename PositionType::value_type radius,
601 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
602 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
603 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
604 const std::size_t max_neigh,
605 typename std::enable_if<( is_slice<PositionType>::value ),
int>::type* = 0 )
608 static_assert( Kokkos::is_memory_space<MemorySpace>::value,
"" );
658 template <
class PositionType>
660 PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
661 const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius,
662 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
663 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
664 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
665 const std::size_t max_neigh = 0,
667 Kokkos::is_view<PositionType>::value ),
670 build( x, begin, end, neighborhood_radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min,
671 grid_max, max_neigh );
678 template <
class PositionType>
680 build( PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
681 const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius,
682 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
683 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
684 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
685 const std::size_t max_neigh = 0,
687 Kokkos::is_view<PositionType>::value ),
692 cell_size_ratio, grid_min, grid_max, max_neigh );
698 template <
class PositionType,
class ExecutionSpace>
700 build( ExecutionSpace, PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
701 const std::size_t end,
702 const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius,
703 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
704 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
705 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
706 const std::size_t max_neigh = 0,
708 Kokkos::is_view<PositionType>::value ),
711 Kokkos::Profiling::ScopedRegion region(
"Cabana::VerletList::build" );
607 using RandomAccessPositionType =
typename PositionType::random_access_slice;
608 return VerletListBuilder<DeviceType, RandomAccessPositionType,
609 typename PositionType::value_type, AlgorithmTag,
610 LayoutTag, BuildOpTag>(
611 x, begin, end, radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min, grid_max, max_neigh );
614template <
class DeviceType,
class AlgorithmTag,
class LayoutTag,
615 class BuildOpTag,
class PositionType>
616auto createVerletListBuilder(
617 PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
618 const typename PositionType::value_type radius,
619 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
620 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
621 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
622 const std::size_t max_neigh,
623 typename std::enable_if<( Kokkos::is_view<PositionType>::value ),
626 using RandomAccessPositionType =
627 Kokkos::View<
typename PositionType::value_type**, DeviceType,
628 Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::RandomAccess>>;
629 return VerletListBuilder<DeviceType, RandomAccessPositionType,
630 typename PositionType::value_type, AlgorithmTag,
631 LayoutTag, BuildOpTag>(
632 x, begin, end, radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min, grid_max, max_neigh );
635template <
class DeviceType,
class AlgorithmTag,
class LayoutTag,
636 class BuildOpTag,
class PositionType,
class RadiusType>
637auto createVerletListBuilder(
638 PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
639 const typename PositionType::value_type background_radius,
640 const RadiusType radius,
641 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
642 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
643 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
644 const std::size_t max_neigh,
645 typename std::enable_if<( is_slice<PositionType>::value ),
int>::type* = 0 )
647 using RandomAccessPositionType =
typename PositionType::random_access_slice;
648 return VerletListBuilder<DeviceType, RandomAccessPositionType, RadiusType,
649 AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildOpTag>(
650 x, begin, end, background_radius, radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min,
651 grid_max, max_neigh );
654template <
class DeviceType,
class AlgorithmTag,
class LayoutTag,
655 class BuildOpTag,
class PositionType,
class RadiusType>
656auto createVerletListBuilder(
657 PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
658 const typename PositionType::value_type background_radius,
659 const RadiusType radius,
660 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
661 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
662 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
663 const std::size_t max_neigh,
664 typename std::enable_if<( Kokkos::is_view<PositionType>::value ),
667 using RandomAccessPositionType =
668 Kokkos::View<
typename PositionType::value_type**, DeviceType,
669 Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::RandomAccess>>;
670 return VerletListBuilder<DeviceType, RandomAccessPositionType, RadiusType,
671 AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildOpTag>(
672 x, begin, end, background_radius, radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min,
673 grid_max, max_neigh );
699template <
class MemorySpace,
class AlgorithmTag,
class LayoutTag,
700 class BuildTag = TeamVectorOpTag>
704 static_assert( Kokkos::is_memory_space<MemorySpace>::value,
"" );
715 assert( end >= begin );
716 assert( end <=
size( x ) );
718 using device_type = Kokkos::Device<ExecutionSpace, memory_space>;
722 Impl::createVerletListBuilder<device_type, PositionType,
723 AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag>(
724 x, begin, end, neighborhood_radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min,
725 grid_max, max_neigh );
734 typename decltype( builder )::FillNeighborsPolicy fill_policy(
735 builder.bin_data_1d.numBin(), Kokkos::AUTO, 4 );
738 typename decltype( builder )::CountNeighborsPolicy count_policy(
739 builder.bin_data_1d.numBin(), Kokkos::AUTO, 4 );
740 Kokkos::parallel_for(
741 count_policy, builder );
745 builder.processCounts( LayoutTag() );
746 Kokkos::parallel_for(
747 fill_policy, builder );
753 builder.processCounts( LayoutTag() );
757 if ( builder.count or builder.refill )
759 Kokkos::parallel_for(
760 fill_policy, builder );
765 _data = builder._data;
771 const std::size_t neighbor_index,
772 const int new_index )
774 _data.setNeighbor( particle_index, neighbor_index, new_index );
782template <
class MemorySpace,
class AlgorithmTag,
class BuildTag>
798 return list.
_data.neighbors.extent( 0 );
805 std::size_t num_p = list.
806 return Impl::maxNeighbor( list, num_p );
812 const std::size_t particle_index )
814 return list.
_data.counts( particle_index );
821 const std::size_t particle_index,
822 const std::size_t neighbor_index )
824 return list.
_data.neighbors( list.
_data.offsets( particle_index ) +
831template <
class MemorySpace,
class AlgorithmTag,
class BuildTag>
846 std::size_t num_p = list.
847 return Impl::totalNeighbor( list, num_p );
855 return list.
861 const std::size_t particle_index )
863 return list.
_data.counts( particle_index );
870 const std::size_t particle_index,
871 const std::size_t neighbor_index )
873 return list.
_data.neighbors( particle_index, neighbor_index );
754 template <
class PositionType>
756 PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
757 const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius,
758 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
759 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
760 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
761 const std::size_t max_neigh = 0,
763 Kokkos::is_view<PositionType>::value ),
766 build( x, begin, end, neighborhood_radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min,
767 grid_max, max_neigh );
806 template <
class PositionSlice,
class RadiusSlice>
807 VerletList( PositionSlice x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
808 const typename PositionSlice::value_type background_radius,
809 RadiusSlice neighborhood_radius,
810 const typename PositionSlice::value_type cell_size_ratio,
811 const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_min[3],
812 const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_max[3],
813 const std::size_t max_neigh = 0,
817 build( x, begin, end, background_radius, neighborhood_radius,
818 cell_size_ratio, grid_min, grid_max, max_neigh );
825 template <
class PositionType>
827 build( PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
828 const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius,
829 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
830 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
831 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
832 const std::size_t max_neigh = 0,
834 Kokkos::is_view<PositionType>::value ),
839 cell_size_ratio, grid_min, grid_max, max_neigh );
845 template <
class PositionType,
class ExecutionSpace>
847 build( ExecutionSpace, PositionType x,
const std::size_t begin,
848 const std::size_t end,
849 const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius,
850 const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio,
851 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3],
852 const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3],
853 const std::size_t max_neigh = 0,
855 Kokkos::is_view<PositionType>::value ),
858 Kokkos::Profiling::ScopedRegion region(
"Cabana::VerletList::build" );
862 assert( end >= begin );
863 assert( end <=
size( x ) );
865 using device_type = Kokkos::Device<ExecutionSpace, memory_space>;
867 auto builder = Impl::createVerletListBuilder<device_type, AlgorithmTag,
868 LayoutTag, BuildTag>(
869 x, begin, end, neighborhood_radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min,
870 grid_max, max_neigh );
871 buildImpl( builder );
878 template <
class PositionSlice,
class RadiusSlice>
879 void build( PositionSlice x,
const std::size_t begin,
const std::size_t end,
880 const typename PositionSlice::value_type background_radius,
881 RadiusSlice neighborhood_radius,
882 const typename PositionSlice::value_type cell_size_ratio,
883 const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_min[3],
884 const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_max[3],
885 const std::size_t max_neigh = 0 )
889 neighborhood_radius, cell_size_ratio, grid_min, grid_max,
896 template <
class PositionSlice,
class RadiusSlice,
class ExecutionSpace>
897 void build( ExecutionSpace, PositionSlice x,
const std::size_t begin,
898 const std::size_t end,
899 const typename PositionSlice::value_type background_radius,
900 RadiusSlice neighborhood_radius,
901 const typename PositionSlice::value_type cell_size_ratio,
902 const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_min[3],
903 const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_max[3],
904 const std::size_t max_neigh = 0 )
906 Kokkos::Profiling::ScopedRegion region(
"Cabana::VerletList::build" );
910 assert( end >= begin );
911 assert( end <= x.size() );
914 using device_type = Kokkos::Device<ExecutionSpace, memory_space>;
915 auto builder = Impl::createVerletListBuilder<device_type, AlgorithmTag,
916 LayoutTag, BuildTag>(
917 x, begin, end, background_radius, neighborhood_radius,
918 cell_size_ratio, grid_min, grid_max, max_neigh );
919 buildImpl( builder );
923 template <
class BuilderType>
924 void buildImpl( BuilderType builder )
934 typename BuilderType::FillNeighborsPolicy fill_policy(
935 builder.bin_data_1d.numBin(), Kokkos::AUTO, 4 );
938 typename BuilderType::CountNeighborsPolicy count_policy(
939 builder.bin_data_1d.numBin(), Kokkos::AUTO, 4 );
940 Kokkos::parallel_for(
941 count_policy, builder );
945 builder.processCounts( LayoutTag() );
946 Kokkos::parallel_for(
947 fill_policy, builder );
953 builder.processCounts( LayoutTag() );
957 if ( builder.count or builder.refill )
959 Kokkos::parallel_for(
960 fill_policy, builder );
965 _data = builder._data;
972 const std::size_t neighbor_index,
973 const int new_index )
975 _data.setNeighbor( particle_index, neighbor_index, new_index );
+ 983template <
class MemorySpace,
class AlgorithmTag,
class BuildTag>
999 return list.
_data.neighbors.extent( 0 );
1006 std::size_t num_p = list.
1007 return Impl::maxNeighbor( list, num_p );
1013 const std::size_t particle_index )
1015 return list.
_data.counts( particle_index );
1022 const std::size_t particle_index,
1023 const std::size_t neighbor_index )
1025 return list.
_data.neighbors( list.
_data.offsets( particle_index ) +
+ 1032template <
class MemorySpace,
class AlgorithmTag,
class BuildTag>
1047 std::size_t num_p = list.
1048 return Impl::totalNeighbor( list, num_p );
1056 return list.
1062 const std::size_t particle_index )
1064 return list.
_data.counts( particle_index );
1071 const std::size_t particle_index,
1072 const std::size_t neighbor_index )
1074 return list.
_data.neighbors( particle_index, neighbor_index );
std::enable_if_t< 3==Array_t::num_space_dim, void > update(Array_t &a, const typename Array_t::value_type alpha, const Array_t &b, const typename Array_t::value_type beta, DecompositionTag tag)
Update two vectors such that a = alpha * a + beta * b. 3D specialization.
Definition Cabana_Grid_Array.hpp:595
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::enable_if_t< 3==SplineDataType::num_space_dim, void > value(const ViewType &view, const SplineDataType &sd, PointDataType &result, typename std::enable_if<(std::rank< PointDataType >::value==0), void * >::type=0)
Interpolate a scalar value to a point. 3D specialization.
Definition Cabana_Grid_Interpolation.hpp:56
Linked cell list binning (spatial sorting) and neighbor iteration.
SIMD and neighbor extension of Kokkos parallel iteration.
-static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t getNeighbor(const list_type &list, const std::size_t particle_index, const std::size_t neighbor_index)
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:869
-MemorySpace memory_space
Kokkos memory space.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:837
-static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t numNeighbor(const list_type &list, const std::size_t particle_index)
Get the number of neighbors for a given particle index.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:860
-static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t totalNeighbor(const list_type &list)
Get the total number of neighbors across all particles.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:844
-static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t maxNeighbor(const list_type &list)
Get the maximum number of neighbors per particle.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:852
-static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t numNeighbor(const list_type &list, const std::size_t particle_index)
Get the number of neighbors for a given particle index.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:811
-static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t maxNeighbor(const list_type &list)
Get the maximum number of neighbors across all particles.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:803
-static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t totalNeighbor(const list_type &list)
Get the total number of neighbors across all particles.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:795
-static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t getNeighbor(const list_type &list, const std::size_t particle_index, const std::size_t neighbor_index)
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:820
-MemorySpace memory_space
Kokkos memory space.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:788
+static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t getNeighbor(const list_type &list, const std::size_t particle_index, const std::size_t neighbor_index)
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:1070
+MemorySpace memory_space
Kokkos memory space.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:1038
+static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t numNeighbor(const list_type &list, const std::size_t particle_index)
Get the number of neighbors for a given particle index.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:1061
+static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t totalNeighbor(const list_type &list)
Get the total number of neighbors across all particles.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:1045
+static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t maxNeighbor(const list_type &list)
Get the maximum number of neighbors per particle.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:1053
+static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t numNeighbor(const list_type &list, const std::size_t particle_index)
Get the number of neighbors for a given particle index.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:1012
+static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t maxNeighbor(const list_type &list)
Get the maximum number of neighbors across all particles.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:1004
+static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t totalNeighbor(const list_type &list)
Get the total number of neighbors across all particles.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:996
+static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION std::size_t getNeighbor(const list_type &list, const std::size_t particle_index, const std::size_t neighbor_index)
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:1021
+MemorySpace memory_space
Kokkos memory space.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:989
Neighbor list interface. Provides an interface callable at the functor level that gives access to nei...
Definition Cabana_NeighborList.hpp:114
-Neighbor list implementation based on binning particles on a 3d Cartesian grid with cells of the same...
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:606
-VerletListData< memory_space, LayoutTag > _data
Verlet list data.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:617
-VerletList(PositionType x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionType >::value||Kokkos::is_view< PositionType >::value), int >::type *=0)
VerletList constructor. Given a list of particle positions and a neighborhood radius calculate the ne...
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:659
-KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void setNeighbor(const std::size_t particle_index, const std::size_t neighbor_index, const int new_index) const
Modify a neighbor in the list; for example, mark it as a broken bond.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:770
-typename memory_space::execution_space execution_space
Kokkos default execution space for this memory space.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:614
-void build(ExecutionSpace, PositionType x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionType >::value||Kokkos::is_view< PositionType >::value), int >::type *=0)
Given a list of particle positions and a neighborhood radius calculate the neighbor list.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:700
-MemorySpace memory_space
Kokkos memory space in which the neighbor list data resides.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:611
Default constructor.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:622
-void build(PositionType x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionType >::value||Kokkos::is_view< PositionType >::value), int >::type *=0)
Given a list of particle positions and a neighborhood radius calculate the neighbor list.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:680
+Neighbor list implementation based on binning particles on a 3d Cartesian grid with cells of the same...
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:702
+void build(PositionSlice x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionSlice::value_type background_radius, RadiusSlice neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionSlice::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0)
Given a list of particle positions and a neighborhood radius calculate the neighbor list.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:879
+VerletListData< memory_space, LayoutTag > _data
Verlet list data.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:713
+VerletList(PositionType x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionType >::value||Kokkos::is_view< PositionType >::value), int >::type *=0)
VerletList constructor. Given a list of particle positions and a neighborhood radius calculate the ne...
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:755
+KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void setNeighbor(const std::size_t particle_index, const std::size_t neighbor_index, const int new_index) const
Modify a neighbor in the list; for example, mark it as a broken bond.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:971
+typename memory_space::execution_space execution_space
Kokkos default execution space for this memory space.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:710
+void build(ExecutionSpace, PositionType x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionType >::value||Kokkos::is_view< PositionType >::value), int >::type *=0)
Given a list of particle positions and a neighborhood radius calculate the neighbor list.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:847
+MemorySpace memory_space
Kokkos memory space in which the neighbor list data resides.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:707
Default constructor.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:718
+void build(ExecutionSpace, PositionSlice x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionSlice::value_type background_radius, RadiusSlice neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionSlice::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0)
Given a list of particle positions and a neighborhood radius calculate the neighbor list.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:897
+VerletList(PositionSlice x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionSlice::value_type background_radius, RadiusSlice neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionSlice::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionSlice >::value), int >::type *=0)
VerletList constructor. Given a list of particle positions and a neighborhood radius calculate the ne...
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:807
+void build(PositionType x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionType >::value||Kokkos::is_view< PositionType >::value), int >::type *=0)
Given a list of particle positions and a neighborhood radius calculate the neighbor list.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:827
Core: particle data structures and algorithms.
Definition Cabana_AoSoA.hpp:36
auto size(SliceType slice, typename std::enable_if< is_slice< SliceType >::value, int >::type *=0)
Check slice size (differs from Kokkos View).
Definition Cabana_Slice.hpp:1012
2D array neighbor list layout.
Definition Cabana_VerletList.hpp:40
diff --git a/doxygen/classCabana_1_1VerletList-members.html b/doxygen/classCabana_1_1VerletList-members.html
index 30769bd19..25c27314c 100644
--- a/doxygen/classCabana_1_1VerletList-members.html
+++ b/doxygen/classCabana_1_1VerletList-members.html
@@ -97,11 +97,14 @@
_data | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | |
build(PositionType x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionType >::value||Kokkos::is_view< PositionType >::value), int >::type *=0) | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | inline |
build(ExecutionSpace, PositionType x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionType >::value||Kokkos::is_view< PositionType >::value), int >::type *=0) | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | inline |
+ build(PositionSlice x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionSlice::value_type background_radius, RadiusSlice neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionSlice::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0) | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | inline |
+ build(ExecutionSpace, PositionSlice x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionSlice::value_type background_radius, RadiusSlice neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionSlice::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0) | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | inline |
execution_space typedef | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | |
memory_space typedef | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | |
setNeighbor(const std::size_t particle_index, const std::size_t neighbor_index, const int new_index) const | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | inline |
VerletList() | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | inline |
VerletList(PositionType x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionType::value_type neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionType::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionType::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionType::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionType >::value||Kokkos::is_view< PositionType >::value), int >::type *=0) | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | inline |
+ VerletList(PositionSlice x, const std::size_t begin, const std::size_t end, const typename PositionSlice::value_type background_radius, RadiusSlice neighborhood_radius, const typename PositionSlice::value_type cell_size_ratio, const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_min[3], const typename PositionSlice::value_type grid_max[3], const std::size_t max_neigh=0, typename std::enable_if<(is_slice< PositionSlice >::value), int >::type *=0) | Cabana::VerletList< MemorySpace, AlgorithmTag, LayoutTag, BuildTag > | inline |