This project is the React SPA for searching movies. Users can search movies by title or genre using the corresponding widgets. If the search was successful users will see results with short information about each film. Users can get detailed information about every film by clicking on card results with such the film. If the search was unsuccessful users will get the corresponding error message.
Results of the project were:
- implemented React SPA using HTML, CSS, SASS, JS, React, JSX, TypeScript, redux, react-router, redux-thunk, AJAX, node.js, Express.js, that helps to search movies
- implemented requests to the API, using AJAX and redux-thunk to receive detailed information about movies.
- implemented widget to change search filter(title or genre)
- implemented widget to sort results(by year or rating)
- implemented routing with react-router
- implemented tests with Jest and Enzyme
- implemented state management using Redux
- implemented server-side rendering
VSCode, GIT, NPM, Webpack, ESlint, Chrome, React and Redux DevTools
HTML, CSS, SASS, JS, Node.js, React, JSX, TypeScript, redux, react-router, react-thunk, AJAX, node.js, Express.js, Jest, Enzyme
npm install
npm run dev