diff --git a/compiler/rustc_resolve/src/rustdoc.rs b/compiler/rustc_resolve/src/rustdoc.rs
index b8853c1744c92..0e40f794f1860 100644
--- a/compiler/rustc_resolve/src/rustdoc.rs
+++ b/compiler/rustc_resolve/src/rustdoc.rs
@@ -26,11 +26,13 @@ pub enum DocFragmentKind {
 #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
 pub struct DocFragment {
     pub span: Span,
-    /// The module this doc-comment came from.
-    ///
-    /// This allows distinguishing between the original documentation and a pub re-export.
-    /// If it is `None`, the item was not re-exported.
-    pub parent_module: Option<DefId>,
+    /// The item this doc-comment came from.
+    /// Used to determine the scope in which doc links in this fragment are resolved.
+    /// Typically filled for reexport docs when they are merged into the docs of the
+    /// original reexported item.
+    /// If the id is not filled, which happens for the original reexported item, then
+    /// it has to be taken from somewhere else during doc link resolution.
+    pub item_id: Option<DefId>,
     pub doc: Symbol,
     pub kind: DocFragmentKind,
     pub indent: usize,
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ pub fn attrs_to_doc_fragments<'a>(
 ) -> (Vec<DocFragment>, ast::AttrVec) {
     let mut doc_fragments = Vec::new();
     let mut other_attrs = ast::AttrVec::new();
-    for (attr, parent_module) in attrs {
+    for (attr, item_id) in attrs {
         if let Some((doc_str, comment_kind)) = attr.doc_str_and_comment_kind() {
             let doc = beautify_doc_string(doc_str, comment_kind);
             let kind = if attr.is_doc_comment() {
@@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ pub fn attrs_to_doc_fragments<'a>(
             } else {
-            let fragment = DocFragment { span: attr.span, doc, kind, parent_module, indent: 0 };
+            let fragment = DocFragment { span: attr.span, doc, kind, item_id, indent: 0 };
         } else if !doc_only {
@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ pub fn prepare_to_doc_link_resolution(
 ) -> FxHashMap<Option<DefId>, String> {
     let mut res = FxHashMap::default();
     for fragment in doc_fragments {
-        let out_str = res.entry(fragment.parent_module).or_default();
+        let out_str = res.entry(fragment.item_id).or_default();
         add_doc_fragment(out_str, fragment);
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/clean/inline.rs b/src/librustdoc/clean/inline.rs
index 148243683cbbf..768f8bb7bc899 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/clean/inline.rs
+++ b/src/librustdoc/clean/inline.rs
@@ -36,15 +36,11 @@ use crate::formats::item_type::ItemType;
 /// The returned value is `None` if the definition could not be inlined,
 /// and `Some` of a vector of items if it was successfully expanded.
-/// `parent_module` refers to the parent of the *re-export*, not the original item.
 pub(crate) fn try_inline(
     cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
-    parent_module: DefId,
-    import_def_id: Option<DefId>,
     res: Res,
     name: Symbol,
-    attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>,
+    attrs: Option<(&[ast::Attribute], Option<DefId>)>,
     visited: &mut DefIdSet,
 ) -> Option<Vec<clean::Item>> {
     let did = res.opt_def_id()?;
@@ -55,38 +51,17 @@ pub(crate) fn try_inline(
     debug!("attrs={:?}", attrs);
-    let attrs_without_docs = attrs.map(|attrs| {
-        attrs.into_iter().filter(|a| a.doc_str().is_none()).cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>()
+    let attrs_without_docs = attrs.map(|(attrs, def_id)| {
+        (attrs.into_iter().filter(|a| a.doc_str().is_none()).cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>(), def_id)
-    // We need this ugly code because:
-    //
-    // ```
-    // attrs_without_docs.map(|a| a.as_slice())
-    // ```
-    //
-    // will fail because it returns a temporary slice and:
-    //
-    // ```
-    // attrs_without_docs.map(|s| {
-    //     vec = s.as_slice();
-    //     vec
-    // })
-    // ```
-    //
-    // will fail because we're moving an uninitialized variable into a closure.
-    let vec;
-    let attrs_without_docs = match attrs_without_docs {
-        Some(s) => {
-            vec = s;
-            Some(vec.as_slice())
-        }
-        None => None,
-    };
+    let attrs_without_docs =
+        attrs_without_docs.as_ref().map(|(attrs, def_id)| (&attrs[..], *def_id));
+    let import_def_id = attrs.and_then(|(_, def_id)| def_id);
     let kind = match res {
         Res::Def(DefKind::Trait, did) => {
             record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::Trait);
-            build_impls(cx, Some(parent_module), did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
+            build_impls(cx, did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
             clean::TraitItem(Box::new(build_external_trait(cx, did)))
         Res::Def(DefKind::Fn, did) => {
@@ -95,27 +70,27 @@ pub(crate) fn try_inline(
         Res::Def(DefKind::Struct, did) => {
             record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::Struct);
-            build_impls(cx, Some(parent_module), did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
+            build_impls(cx, did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
             clean::StructItem(build_struct(cx, did))
         Res::Def(DefKind::Union, did) => {
             record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::Union);
-            build_impls(cx, Some(parent_module), did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
+            build_impls(cx, did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
             clean::UnionItem(build_union(cx, did))
         Res::Def(DefKind::TyAlias, did) => {
             record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::Typedef);
-            build_impls(cx, Some(parent_module), did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
+            build_impls(cx, did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
             clean::TypedefItem(build_type_alias(cx, did))
         Res::Def(DefKind::Enum, did) => {
             record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::Enum);
-            build_impls(cx, Some(parent_module), did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
+            build_impls(cx, did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
             clean::EnumItem(build_enum(cx, did))
         Res::Def(DefKind::ForeignTy, did) => {
             record_extern_fqn(cx, did, ItemType::ForeignType);
-            build_impls(cx, Some(parent_module), did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
+            build_impls(cx, did, attrs_without_docs, &mut ret);
         // Never inline enum variants but leave them shown as re-exports.
@@ -149,7 +124,7 @@ pub(crate) fn try_inline(
         _ => return None,
-    let (attrs, cfg) = merge_attrs(cx, Some(parent_module), load_attrs(cx, did), attrs);
+    let (attrs, cfg) = merge_attrs(cx, load_attrs(cx, did), attrs);
     let mut item =
         clean::Item::from_def_id_and_attrs_and_parts(did, Some(name), kind, Box::new(attrs), cfg);
@@ -316,9 +291,8 @@ fn build_type_alias(cx: &mut DocContext<'_>, did: DefId) -> Box<clean::Typedef>
 /// Builds all inherent implementations of an ADT (struct/union/enum) or Trait item/path/reexport.
 pub(crate) fn build_impls(
     cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
-    parent_module: Option<DefId>,
     did: DefId,
-    attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>,
+    attrs: Option<(&[ast::Attribute], Option<DefId>)>,
     ret: &mut Vec<clean::Item>,
 ) {
     let _prof_timer = cx.tcx.sess.prof.generic_activity("build_inherent_impls");
@@ -326,7 +300,7 @@ pub(crate) fn build_impls(
     // for each implementation of an item represented by `did`, build the clean::Item for that impl
     for &did in tcx.inherent_impls(did).iter() {
-        build_impl(cx, parent_module, did, attrs, ret);
+        build_impl(cx, did, attrs, ret);
     // This pretty much exists expressly for `dyn Error` traits that exist in the `alloc` crate.
@@ -340,28 +314,26 @@ pub(crate) fn build_impls(
         let type_ =
             if tcx.is_trait(did) { TraitSimplifiedType(did) } else { AdtSimplifiedType(did) };
         for &did in tcx.incoherent_impls(type_) {
-            build_impl(cx, parent_module, did, attrs, ret);
+            build_impl(cx, did, attrs, ret);
-/// `parent_module` refers to the parent of the re-export, not the original item
 pub(crate) fn merge_attrs(
     cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
-    parent_module: Option<DefId>,
     old_attrs: &[ast::Attribute],
-    new_attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>,
+    new_attrs: Option<(&[ast::Attribute], Option<DefId>)>,
 ) -> (clean::Attributes, Option<Arc<clean::cfg::Cfg>>) {
     // NOTE: If we have additional attributes (from a re-export),
     // always insert them first. This ensure that re-export
     // doc comments show up before the original doc comments
     // when we render them.
-    if let Some(inner) = new_attrs {
+    if let Some((inner, item_id)) = new_attrs {
         let mut both = inner.to_vec();
-            if let Some(new_id) = parent_module {
-                Attributes::from_ast_with_additional(old_attrs, (inner, new_id))
+            if let Some(item_id) = item_id {
+                Attributes::from_ast_with_additional(old_attrs, (inner, item_id))
             } else {
@@ -375,9 +347,8 @@ pub(crate) fn merge_attrs(
 /// Inline an `impl`, inherent or of a trait. The `did` must be for an `impl`.
 pub(crate) fn build_impl(
     cx: &mut DocContext<'_>,
-    parent_module: Option<DefId>,
     did: DefId,
-    attrs: Option<&[ast::Attribute]>,
+    attrs: Option<(&[ast::Attribute], Option<DefId>)>,
     ret: &mut Vec<clean::Item>,
 ) {
     if !cx.inlined.insert(did.into()) {
@@ -539,7 +510,7 @@ pub(crate) fn build_impl(
         record_extern_trait(cx, did);
-    let (merged_attrs, cfg) = merge_attrs(cx, parent_module, load_attrs(cx, did), attrs);
+    let (merged_attrs, cfg) = merge_attrs(cx, load_attrs(cx, did), attrs);
     trace!("merged_attrs={:?}", merged_attrs);
@@ -635,7 +606,7 @@ fn build_module_items(
                     cfg: None,
                     inline_stmt_id: None,
-            } else if let Some(i) = try_inline(cx, did, None, res, item.ident.name, None, visited) {
+            } else if let Some(i) = try_inline(cx, res, item.ident.name, None, visited) {
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/clean/mod.rs b/src/librustdoc/clean/mod.rs
index e3e5454ef5443..2e1f456f50e2f 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/clean/mod.rs
+++ b/src/librustdoc/clean/mod.rs
@@ -2388,12 +2388,12 @@ fn clean_maybe_renamed_item<'tcx>(
             target_attrs.extend_from_slice(inline::load_attrs(cx, def_id));
-        let import_parent = import_id.map(|import_id| cx.tcx.local_parent(import_id).to_def_id());
-        let (attrs, cfg) =  merge_attrs(cx, import_parent, &target_attrs, Some(&import_attrs));
+        let import_id = import_id.map(|def_id| def_id.to_def_id());
+        let (attrs, cfg) =  merge_attrs(cx, &target_attrs, Some((&import_attrs, import_id)));
         let mut item =
             Item::from_def_id_and_attrs_and_parts(def_id, Some(name), kind, Box::new(attrs), cfg);
-        item.inline_stmt_id = import_id.map(|def_id| def_id.to_def_id());
+        item.inline_stmt_id = import_id;
@@ -2478,18 +2478,12 @@ fn clean_extern_crate<'tcx>(
     let krate_owner_def_id = krate.owner_id.to_def_id();
     if please_inline {
-        let mut visited = DefIdSet::default();
-        let res = Res::Def(DefKind::Mod, crate_def_id);
         if let Some(items) = inline::try_inline(
-            cx.tcx.parent_module(krate.hir_id()).to_def_id(),
-            Some(krate_owner_def_id),
-            res,
+            Res::Def(DefKind::Mod, crate_def_id),
-            Some(attrs),
-            &mut visited,
+            Some((attrs, Some(krate_owner_def_id))),
+            &mut Default::default(),
         ) {
             return items;
@@ -2613,17 +2607,13 @@ fn clean_use_statement_inner<'tcx>(
             denied = true;
         if !denied {
-            let mut visited = DefIdSet::default();
             let import_def_id = import.owner_id.to_def_id();
             if let Some(mut items) = inline::try_inline(
-                cx.tcx.parent_module(import.hir_id()).to_def_id(),
-                Some(import_def_id),
-                Some(attrs),
-                &mut visited,
+                Some((attrs, Some(import_def_id))),
+                &mut Default::default(),
             ) {
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/clean/types/tests.rs b/src/librustdoc/clean/types/tests.rs
index 20627c2cfc164..8f2331785f50d 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/clean/types/tests.rs
+++ b/src/librustdoc/clean/types/tests.rs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use rustc_span::symbol::Symbol;
 fn create_doc_fragment(s: &str) -> Vec<DocFragment> {
     vec![DocFragment {
         span: DUMMY_SP,
-        parent_module: None,
+        item_id: None,
         doc: Symbol::intern(s),
         kind: DocFragmentKind::SugaredDoc,
         indent: 0,
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/clean/utils.rs b/src/librustdoc/clean/utils.rs
index cafb00df51ed2..cca50df0db213 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/clean/utils.rs
+++ b/src/librustdoc/clean/utils.rs
@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ pub(crate) fn build_deref_target_impls(
         if let Some(prim) = target.primitive_type() {
             let _prof_timer = cx.tcx.sess.prof.generic_activity("build_primitive_inherent_impls");
             for did in prim.impls(tcx).filter(|did| !did.is_local()) {
-                inline::build_impl(cx, None, did, None, ret);
+                inline::build_impl(cx, did, None, ret);
         } else if let Type::Path { path } = target {
             let did = path.def_id();
             if !did.is_local() {
-                inline::build_impls(cx, None, did, None, ret);
+                inline::build_impls(cx, did, None, ret);
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/passes/collect_intra_doc_links.rs b/src/librustdoc/passes/collect_intra_doc_links.rs
index 6ed7b98999977..789523c561e57 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/passes/collect_intra_doc_links.rs
+++ b/src/librustdoc/passes/collect_intra_doc_links.rs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use std::mem;
 use std::ops::Range;
 use crate::clean::{self, utils::find_nearest_parent_module};
-use crate::clean::{Crate, Item, ItemId, ItemLink, PrimitiveType};
+use crate::clean::{Crate, Item, ItemLink, PrimitiveType};
 use crate::core::DocContext;
 use crate::html::markdown::{markdown_links, MarkdownLink};
@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ pub(crate) const COLLECT_INTRA_DOC_LINKS: Pass = Pass {
 fn collect_intra_doc_links(krate: Crate, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) -> Crate {
-    let mut collector =
-        LinkCollector { cx, mod_ids: Vec::new(), visited_links: FxHashMap::default() };
+    let mut collector = LinkCollector { cx, visited_links: FxHashMap::default() };
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ impl TryFrom<ResolveRes> for Res {
 struct UnresolvedPath<'a> {
     /// Item on which the link is resolved, used for resolving `Self`.
-    item_id: ItemId,
+    item_id: DefId,
     /// The scope the link was resolved in.
     module_id: DefId,
     /// If part of the link resolved, this has the `Res`.
@@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ impl UrlFragment {
 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
 struct ResolutionInfo {
-    item_id: ItemId,
+    item_id: DefId,
     module_id: DefId,
     dis: Option<Disambiguator>,
     path_str: Box<str>,
@@ -242,11 +241,6 @@ struct DiagnosticInfo<'a> {
 struct LinkCollector<'a, 'tcx> {
     cx: &'a mut DocContext<'tcx>,
-    /// A stack of modules used to decide what scope to resolve in.
-    ///
-    /// The last module will be used if the parent scope of the current item is
-    /// unknown.
-    mod_ids: Vec<DefId>,
     /// Cache the resolved links so we can avoid resolving (and emitting errors for) the same link.
     /// The link will be `None` if it could not be resolved (i.e. the error was cached).
     visited_links: FxHashMap<ResolutionInfo, Option<(Res, Option<UrlFragment>)>>,
@@ -262,7 +256,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> LinkCollector<'a, 'tcx> {
     fn variant_field<'path>(
         path_str: &'path str,
-        item_id: ItemId,
+        item_id: DefId,
         module_id: DefId,
     ) -> Result<(Res, DefId), UnresolvedPath<'path>> {
         let tcx = self.cx.tcx;
@@ -333,35 +327,33 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> LinkCollector<'a, 'tcx> {
-    fn resolve_self_ty(&self, path_str: &str, ns: Namespace, item_id: ItemId) -> Option<Res> {
+    fn resolve_self_ty(&self, path_str: &str, ns: Namespace, item_id: DefId) -> Option<Res> {
         if ns != TypeNS || path_str != "Self" {
             return None;
         let tcx = self.cx.tcx;
-        item_id
-            .as_def_id()
-            .map(|def_id| match tcx.def_kind(def_id) {
-                def_kind @ (DefKind::AssocFn
-                | DefKind::AssocConst
-                | DefKind::AssocTy
-                | DefKind::Variant
-                | DefKind::Field) => {
-                    let parent_def_id = tcx.parent(def_id);
-                    if def_kind == DefKind::Field && tcx.def_kind(parent_def_id) == DefKind::Variant
-                    {
-                        tcx.parent(parent_def_id)
-                    } else {
-                        parent_def_id
-                    }
+        let self_id = match tcx.def_kind(item_id) {
+            def_kind @ (DefKind::AssocFn
+            | DefKind::AssocConst
+            | DefKind::AssocTy
+            | DefKind::Variant
+            | DefKind::Field) => {
+                let parent_def_id = tcx.parent(item_id);
+                if def_kind == DefKind::Field && tcx.def_kind(parent_def_id) == DefKind::Variant {
+                    tcx.parent(parent_def_id)
+                } else {
+                    parent_def_id
-                _ => def_id,
-            })
-            .and_then(|self_id| match tcx.def_kind(self_id) {
-                DefKind::Impl { .. } => self.def_id_to_res(self_id),
-                DefKind::Use => None,
-                def_kind => Some(Res::Def(def_kind, self_id)),
-            })
+            }
+            _ => item_id,
+        };
+        match tcx.def_kind(self_id) {
+            DefKind::Impl { .. } => self.def_id_to_res(self_id),
+            DefKind::Use => None,
+            def_kind => Some(Res::Def(def_kind, self_id)),
+        }
     /// Convenience wrapper around `doc_link_resolutions`.
@@ -373,7 +365,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> LinkCollector<'a, 'tcx> {
         path_str: &str,
         ns: Namespace,
-        item_id: ItemId,
+        item_id: DefId,
         module_id: DefId,
     ) -> Option<Res> {
         if let res @ Some(..) = self.resolve_self_ty(path_str, ns, item_id) {
@@ -400,7 +392,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> LinkCollector<'a, 'tcx> {
         &mut self,
         path_str: &'path str,
         ns: Namespace,
-        item_id: ItemId,
+        item_id: DefId,
         module_id: DefId,
     ) -> Result<(Res, Option<DefId>), UnresolvedPath<'path>> {
         if let Some(res) = self.resolve_path(path_str, ns, item_id, module_id) {
@@ -779,48 +771,8 @@ fn is_derive_trait_collision<T>(ns: &PerNS<Result<(Res, T), ResolutionFailure<'_
 impl<'a, 'tcx> DocVisitor for LinkCollector<'a, 'tcx> {
     fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &Item) {
-        let parent_node =
-            item.item_id.as_def_id().and_then(|did| find_nearest_parent_module(self.cx.tcx, did));
-        if parent_node.is_some() {
-            trace!("got parent node for {:?} {:?}, id {:?}", item.type_(), item.name, item.item_id);
-        }
-        let inner_docs = item.inner_docs(self.cx.tcx);
-        if item.is_mod() && inner_docs {
-            self.mod_ids.push(item.item_id.expect_def_id());
-        }
-        // We want to resolve in the lexical scope of the documentation.
-        // In the presence of re-exports, this is not the same as the module of the item.
-        // Rather than merging all documentation into one, resolve it one attribute at a time
-        // so we know which module it came from.
-        for (parent_module, doc) in prepare_to_doc_link_resolution(&item.attrs.doc_strings) {
-            if !may_have_doc_links(&doc) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            debug!("combined_docs={}", doc);
-            // NOTE: if there are links that start in one crate and end in another, this will not resolve them.
-            // This is a degenerate case and it's not supported by rustdoc.
-            let parent_node = parent_module.or(parent_node);
-            for md_link in preprocessed_markdown_links(&doc) {
-                let link = self.resolve_link(item, &doc, parent_node, &md_link);
-                if let Some(link) = link {
-                    self.cx.cache.intra_doc_links.entry(item.item_id).or_default().push(link);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if item.is_mod() {
-            if !inner_docs {
-                self.mod_ids.push(item.item_id.expect_def_id());
-            }
-            self.visit_item_recur(item);
-            self.mod_ids.pop();
-        } else {
-            self.visit_item_recur(item)
-        }
+        self.resolve_links(item);
+        self.visit_item_recur(item)
@@ -946,14 +898,41 @@ fn preprocessed_markdown_links(s: &str) -> Vec<PreprocessedMarkdownLink> {
 impl LinkCollector<'_, '_> {
+    fn resolve_links(&mut self, item: &Item) {
+        // We want to resolve in the lexical scope of the documentation.
+        // In the presence of re-exports, this is not the same as the module of the item.
+        // Rather than merging all documentation into one, resolve it one attribute at a time
+        // so we know which module it came from.
+        for (item_id, doc) in prepare_to_doc_link_resolution(&item.attrs.doc_strings) {
+            if !may_have_doc_links(&doc) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            debug!("combined_docs={}", doc);
+            // NOTE: if there are links that start in one crate and end in another, this will not resolve them.
+            // This is a degenerate case and it's not supported by rustdoc.
+            let item_id = item_id.unwrap_or_else(|| item.item_id.expect_def_id());
+            let module_id = match self.cx.tcx.def_kind(item_id) {
+                DefKind::Mod if item.inner_docs(self.cx.tcx) => item_id,
+                _ => find_nearest_parent_module(self.cx.tcx, item_id).unwrap(),
+            };
+            for md_link in preprocessed_markdown_links(&doc) {
+                let link = self.resolve_link(item, item_id, module_id, &doc, &md_link);
+                if let Some(link) = link {
+                    self.cx.cache.intra_doc_links.entry(item.item_id).or_default().push(link);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
     /// This is the entry point for resolving an intra-doc link.
     /// FIXME(jynelson): this is way too many arguments
     fn resolve_link(
         &mut self,
         item: &Item,
+        item_id: DefId,
+        module_id: DefId,
         dox: &str,
-        parent_node: Option<DefId>,
         link: &PreprocessedMarkdownLink,
     ) -> Option<ItemLink> {
         let PreprocessedMarkdownLink(pp_link, ori_link) = link;
@@ -970,25 +949,9 @@ impl LinkCollector<'_, '_> {
             pp_link.as_ref().map_err(|err| err.report(self.cx, diag_info.clone())).ok()?;
         let disambiguator = *disambiguator;
-        // In order to correctly resolve intra-doc links we need to
-        // pick a base AST node to work from.  If the documentation for
-        // this module came from an inner comment (//!) then we anchor
-        // our name resolution *inside* the module.  If, on the other
-        // hand it was an outer comment (///) then we anchor the name
-        // resolution in the parent module on the basis that the names
-        // used are more likely to be intended to be parent names.  For
-        // this, we set base_node to None for inner comments since
-        // we've already pushed this node onto the resolution stack but
-        // for outer comments we explicitly try and resolve against the
-        // parent_node first.
-        let inner_docs = item.inner_docs(self.cx.tcx);
-        let base_node =
-            if item.is_mod() && inner_docs { self.mod_ids.last().copied() } else { parent_node };
-        let module_id = base_node.expect("doc link without parent module");
         let (mut res, fragment) = self.resolve_with_disambiguator_cached(
             ResolutionInfo {
-                item_id: item.item_id,
+                item_id,
                 dis: disambiguator,
                 path_str: path_str.clone(),
@@ -1229,11 +1192,11 @@ impl LinkCollector<'_, '_> {
         let disambiguator = key.dis;
         let path_str = &key.path_str;
         let item_id = key.item_id;
-        let base_node = key.module_id;
+        let module_id = key.module_id;
         match disambiguator.map(Disambiguator::ns) {
             Some(expected_ns) => {
-                match self.resolve(path_str, expected_ns, item_id, base_node) {
+                match self.resolve(path_str, expected_ns, item_id, module_id) {
                     Ok(res) => Some(res),
                     Err(err) => {
                         // We only looked in one namespace. Try to give a better error if possible.
@@ -1243,7 +1206,7 @@ impl LinkCollector<'_, '_> {
                         for other_ns in [TypeNS, ValueNS, MacroNS] {
                             if other_ns != expected_ns {
                                 if let Ok(res) =
-                                    self.resolve(path_str, other_ns, item_id, base_node)
+                                    self.resolve(path_str, other_ns, item_id, module_id)
                                     err = ResolutionFailure::WrongNamespace {
                                         res: full_res(self.cx.tcx, res),
@@ -1260,7 +1223,7 @@ impl LinkCollector<'_, '_> {
             None => {
                 // Try everything!
                 let mut candidate = |ns| {
-                    self.resolve(path_str, ns, item_id, base_node)
+                    self.resolve(path_str, ns, item_id, module_id)
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/passes/collect_trait_impls.rs b/src/librustdoc/passes/collect_trait_impls.rs
index d32e8185d3f96..8d204ddb79e39 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/passes/collect_trait_impls.rs
+++ b/src/librustdoc/passes/collect_trait_impls.rs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ pub(crate) fn collect_trait_impls(mut krate: Crate, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) ->
         let _prof_timer = cx.tcx.sess.prof.generic_activity("build_extern_trait_impls");
         for &cnum in cx.tcx.crates(()) {
             for &impl_def_id in cx.tcx.trait_impls_in_crate(cnum) {
-                inline::build_impl(cx, None, impl_def_id, None, &mut new_items_external);
+                inline::build_impl(cx, impl_def_id, None, &mut new_items_external);
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ pub(crate) fn collect_trait_impls(mut krate: Crate, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) ->
                 parent = cx.tcx.opt_parent(did);
-            inline::build_impl(cx, None, impl_def_id, Some(&attr_buf), &mut new_items_local);
+            inline::build_impl(cx, impl_def_id, Some((&attr_buf, None)), &mut new_items_local);
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ pub(crate) fn collect_trait_impls(mut krate: Crate, cx: &mut DocContext<'_>) ->
         for def_id in PrimitiveType::all_impls(cx.tcx) {
             // Try to inline primitive impls from other crates.
             if !def_id.is_local() {
-                inline::build_impl(cx, None, def_id, None, &mut new_items_external);
+                inline::build_impl(cx, def_id, None, &mut new_items_external);
         for (prim, did) in PrimitiveType::primitive_locations(cx.tcx) {
diff --git a/src/librustdoc/passes/propagate_doc_cfg.rs b/src/librustdoc/passes/propagate_doc_cfg.rs
index f35643af63738..8a33e51b3beb1 100644
--- a/src/librustdoc/passes/propagate_doc_cfg.rs
+++ b/src/librustdoc/passes/propagate_doc_cfg.rs
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> CfgPropagator<'a, 'tcx> {
             next_def_id = parent_def_id;
-        let (_, cfg) = merge_attrs(self.cx, None, item.attrs.other_attrs.as_slice(), Some(&attrs));
+        let (_, cfg) =
+            merge_attrs(self.cx, item.attrs.other_attrs.as_slice(), Some((&attrs, None)));
         item.cfg = cfg;
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-ui/intra-doc/auxiliary/inner-crate-doc.rs b/tests/rustdoc-ui/intra-doc/auxiliary/inner-crate-doc.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..15bf51e6f8e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-ui/intra-doc/auxiliary/inner-crate-doc.rs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+//! Inner doc comment
diff --git a/tests/rustdoc-ui/intra-doc/import-inline-merge-module.rs b/tests/rustdoc-ui/intra-doc/import-inline-merge-module.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4d6a325664578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rustdoc-ui/intra-doc/import-inline-merge-module.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Test for issue #108501.
+// Module parent scope doesn't hijack import's parent scope for the import's doc links.
+// check-pass
+// aux-build: inner-crate-doc.rs
+// compile-flags: --extern inner_crate_doc --edition 2018
+/// Import doc comment [inner_crate_doc]
+pub use inner_crate_doc;