This repository contains the source code for the paper "Image Generation for Efficient Neural Network Training in Autonomous Drone Racing" accepted at the WCCI 2020 congress.
The nodes that can be ran onboard are located in the following packages:
: which runs the camera driver, the Vicon bridge and the safety cageimg_center_alignment
: which is the state machine and PID controllerperception
: which runs the two CNNs (bounding box detection + distance estimation)
To build those, simply place them in your catkin workspace and run catkin build
(or catkin_cmake
if using the legacy build system). The Catkin
Command Line Tools build
system is recommended.
The three launch files are controllers control_inteldrone.launch
perception detector.launch
, and img_center_alignment controller.launch
It is required to launch them in that specific order. Note that it is also
recommended to launch the perception node on a stationary computer, since the
inference is quite demanding.
In order to run the perception node, it is best to use the default Python2.7 provided with ROS Kinetic along with a virtualenv environment.
A virtual environment can be created with the given requirements.txt
dependency list, as such:
virtualenv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use the hybrid-dataset-factory project, which can be found at The mesh files used to generate the dataset in this paper can be found in the meshes/ folder.
The complete CNN model and code is provided in the perception package.
However, if one desires to study the code in detail, the repository is
available at
in the custom_dataset
For the distance estimation, only the saved model is given in the perception package. The source code is available at It is still a work-in-progress but feel free to contribute.